#she's a Spore Druid/Barbarian multiclass
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zenjestrr · 1 year ago
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Zenuuja - Half-Orc Dark Urge
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celebrationsage · 11 months ago
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All my dragons based on DnD 5e characters! (The spirals are twin tiefling pyromancers)
Names, pronouns, races and classes from top left to bottom right:
Capella: She/Her, Tiefling, Oath of Watchers Paladin
Morel: They/Them, Reborn Half-elf, Circle of Spores Druid
Kauri: She/Her, Tiefling, Circle of Wildfire Druid
Kai: He/Him, Tiefling, Red Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer
Thistle: She/They, Fairy, Paladin/Barbarian/Bard Multiclass
Verity: They/Them, High Elf, Arcane Trickster Rogue
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saltbind · 7 months ago
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my beautiful terrifying durge <3 her name is farran and she's based on a pc i had a few campaigns back who was a cultist of myrkul.
in the og campaign she rebelled against her cult and got buried alive :) while she was taking her dirt nap she became a circle of spores druid. later on she got infected by a wild magic fucked up creature and multiclassed into wild magic barbarian. while we were on our avernus campaign her infection progressed to encompass her arm and shoulder (visual, we flavoured it as looking like an oil slick had taken over her skin) and she gained a set of claw weapons that she named rip and tear :)
she is a feral woman and i love her
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blackjackkent · 1 year ago
Quick pause for some respeccing adventures.
I have been in consultation with @zenjestrr who has many Build Opinions and knows a lot more about this game than I do, and he suggested that since we're slotting Shadowheart out of the party in favor of Minsc, it might be worth respeccing Jaheira into a Spore Druid/Cleric multiclass to have her cover healing duties.
I haven't really multiclassed any of the companions up to this point, but I actually do like this on a character level as well, purely because it allows me to continue indulging in my Jaheira/Rasaad post-BG2 ship that I am making everyone's problem. XD The idea being that she has some low-level knowledge of Selunite magic from her time with him.
Minsc is also getting a multiclass respec because he arrives as a level 1 Ranger, which is all well and good, but this boy needs some barbarian rage or it just ain't Minsc. :D
So time to fiddle around with that.
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moorishflower · 2 years ago
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@cantripcat So I have a couple different 'favorite' characters! I think the one that I put the most heart and soul into was Breccia, my half-orc rogue/fighter.
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I played her for a long time, and would have kept playing her for longer if the friend group I was in hadn't fallen apart in a very messy and unnecessary way. Breccia was 16, but in Pathfinder and 5E lore, Orcs and Half-orcs tend to have shorter lifespans and mature faster, so she was basically considered an 'adult,' but she was raised by a human so she still had a lot of like, teenage tendencies. She was really socially awkward, she preferred to sleep in small and easily-defended spaces, she was better with animals than she was with people. She tamed an aurumvorax kitten after the party killed the mother (we didn't realize there was a baby, and also the mother was uh killing and eating travelers) and she called it Sunny. She was born with a full set of baby teeth and every time she lost a tooth it tended to grow back more fucked up than before. She might've been descended from a demon -- she had acid resistance, but the game dissolved before we could explore that in depth. I miss her a lot, and I miss the friend group before it got fucked up and weird.
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The favorite character to PLAY is definitely Bittersweet, my Firbolg barbarian/druid. Bear totem barbarian/Moon druid is a FANTASTIC multiclass combo which essentially gives you a massive pool of HP you can use to tank with, and tanking is one of my favorite things, whether through armor or an HP pool. Bittersweet didn't do a lot of damage, but they could make themselves big enough that they could shield anybody else. They were nonbinary and when they were a teenager they paid a traveling wizard to take their breasts away with magic (they are not sure what the wizard did with them after and the wizard didn't offer). They were VERY literal, and tended to not understand stuff like complex metaphors, and they had a very slow, methodical way of talking. One time they connected emotionally with a sort of giant Awakened cow that acted as a transport for the party.
Runner up goes to my Spore druid, Apollonia, who was definitely the most COMPLEX character I played. She was Lawful Evil, very much in the vein of Vetenari from Discworld, where she had a specific idea of how the country was supposed to be run to its best potential and she was going to see that through no matter what, up to and including hiring assassins and aiding coups to overthrow would-be rulers opposing the crown princess (who she supported).
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thehousepatron · 4 months ago
Bg3 oc ships and plans:
Tam’lin Baenre x nobody (szarkai drow gloomstalker, his heart belongs to Kar’niss)
Minthara x Nathurra (durge drow blood sorcerer, embrace?)
Halsin x Fenelzi’ir (Githgagran forceblade/venomancer)
The Emperor x Malhounnet Do’Urden (Drow Circle of Spores Druid) (although she’d get it on with Sovereign Spaw too, she’s a monsterfucker)
Gale x Angh’wyn (Shadar-Kai elf warlock/void reaver)
Shadowheart x Vesz (x Nere) (Resist Durge Drow Monk/Barbarian)
Wyll x Yazdaer Mizzrym (Drow Hexblade/Nightingale)
Karlach x Mevenom (T4T (tiefling 4 tiefling)? Big stupid bard and succubine sorcerer multiclass?)
Astarion x Iorveth (formerly Aelgoth) (crypt-stalker ranger? Another elf? Wood elf maybe?)
Lae’zel x Awyrynos (Circle of Stars Druid? Dragonborn?)
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trebuchet151 · 6 months ago
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Art spam part 2. Another old dnd char
Art from mid 2022
This is Heidi. Shes a dwarf and a fun multiclass between ancestral guardian barbarian and circle of spores druid.
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criffyzou · 10 months ago
More random D&D transposition because overthinking things is my favorite hobby. All 3 of my Thedas girls conveniently fit into my fav d&d class, ranger.
Tini Brosca (legionnaire scout/assassin): Hill dwarf Monster Slayer Ranger I love tanky, warrior-like rogues; legionnaire scout is my fav for that reason. Monster slayer does not exactly scream tanky rogue, but it has the magic defense and wardenish vibes.
Emmanuelle Hawke (shadow/assassin): Human Gloom Stalker Ranger Hawke has the shadow spec because Isabela already had duelist; I usually don't like playing stealthy rogues. At least it gets her my favorite ranger subclass.
Sheana Lavellan (assassin): Wood elf Horizon Walker Ranger Sharing a specialization with companions was my least favorite part of DA:I, but assassin was alright. Horizon Walker has good Inquisitor vibes, with portals instead of rifts.
And now all companions with no explanation whatsoever:
Leliana (bard/shadow): Human College of Whispers Bard
Alistair (templar/guardian): Human Oath of the Watchers Paladin
Morrigan (shapeshifter/blood mage): Human Circle of the Spores Druid
Zevran (assassin/duelist): Wood elf Assassin Rogue
Sten (reaver): Goliath Path of the Zealot Barbarian
Wynne (spirit healer): Human Divine Soul Sorcerer
Shale (no spec): Warforged Rune Knight Fighter
Oghren (berserker/champion): Hill dwarf Battle Master Fighter
Velanna (keeper/arcane warrior): Wood elf Circle of the Land Druid
Sigrun (legionnaire scout/shadow): Hill dwarf Phantom Rogue
Nathaniel (assassin/ranger): Human Hunter Ranger
Justice (spirit warrior/guardian): Scourge aasimar Oath of Vengeance Paladin
Anders (spirit healer/battlemage): Human Celestial Warlock
Fenris (spirit warrior): Drow Way of the Astral Self Monk
Isabela (duelist): Human Swashbuckler Rogue
Aveline (guardian): Human Oath of the Crown Paladin
Merrill (blood mage/keeper): Wood elf Archfey Warlock
Bethany (force mage): Human Graviturgy School Wizard
Sebastian (shadow?): Human War Domain Cleric
Varric (artificer): Hill dwarf College of Eloquence Bard
Dorian (necromancer): Human Necromancy School Wizard
Sera (tempest): Wood elf Swarmkeeper Ranger
Solas (force rift mage): High elf Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
Iron Bull (reaver): Goliath Path of the Berserker Barbarian
Vivienne (knight enchanter): Human War Magic Wizard
Cassandra (templar): Human Order Domain Cleric
Blackwall (champion): Human Banneret Fighter
Cole (assassin): Changeling Way of the Shadow Monk
Origins DLCs Bonus round !
Ariane (champion): Wood elf College of Valor Bard
Finn (spirit healer): Human Knowledge Domain Cleric
Jerrik (duelist/ranger): Hill dwarf Beast Master Ranger
Brogan (reaver/berserker): Hill dwarf Path of the Battlerager Barbarian
Rules were: max 3 characters of the same class (not counting my 3 ranger gals), every class has to be there at least once, and it has to be thematically coherent with my own lore builds. I didn't do multiclass as it is more fun to me to integrate the different themes of a build into one (1) subclass but, mechanically, some should put levels elsewhere. I will not be taking criticism at this time for my decision to make the reavers barbarians instead of the berserkers. I know I am right.
Now I know I said no explanation but I can't resist rambling about characters sharing a main spec in Dragon Age but not a D&D class:
Force mage: Bethany & Solas Rift mage is just reflavored force mage, but in Solas' case I wanted to imply that something sinister was afoot, even if some force mage essence was lost in the process. It does tie back to force mages using their mind as a weapon though.
Assassin rogue: Zevran, Nathaniel & Cole This one is very straightforward in the ways they differ: Zevran is the only trained assassin, Cole hides in the shadows, and Nathaniel is a darkspawn killer.
Spirit Healer mage: Wynne, Finn & Anders Despite Wynne technically being possessed, her spirit is not a presence she feels, more like an abstract protection; Finn is a book nerd; Anders is in a committed relationship.
Champion warrior: Blackwall & Ariane Champion is a team player spec and both fighter/bard subclasses match the support vibe, but Blackwall was trained to be in an army, and Ariane is recovering her people's history.
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prynnehesters · 1 year ago
evil durge bg3 playthru let's go
i feel really bad doing this one tbh. i've made some...decisions
i tried to make my pc look like taylor swift the best i could. dream guardian is travis kelce
i walked around the grove, then left, didn't bother recruiting wyll
my party i have rn is me (spore druid), astarion (duh, gloomstalker ranger), lae'zel (berserker barbarian), and shadowheart (tempest cleric). i made gale a necromancer and im hoping to get minthara later.
im also playing as dark urge and ive kicked a squirrel and i killed alfira after she taught me how to play music :((((
i also have a butler who gave me an invisibility cloak (nice)
this 100% feels like im playing harry dubois in bg3 (lol)
im thinking about my next playthru now...which will 100% be my final one where i be ultra good and try to save everyone
i might multiclass some characters in that one
omg this game is gonna make me feel so so bad about myself after i did the goody goody playthru...im gonna have to fix this next time
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mothfinite · 1 year ago
sonic bg3 crossover but only my f/os GO!!!!
infinites a warlock OBVIOUSLY points at sonic forces speed battle specifically fiend warlock. i feel like hed be a tiefling or a half wood elf
mimic is an assassin rogue 100%, maybe a drow or a deep gnome
finitevus 100% high elf warlock/sorcerer multiclass
mephiles is absolutely a tiefling, but hear me out: valour bard/tempest domain cleric
fang is a hunter ranger , maybe a halfling???
breezie high elf arcane trickster rouge/lore bard idk how to elaborate she just gives me those vibes
for gits and shiggles:
exe is a tiefling circle of spores druid
coldsteel is a half-drow or githyanki barbarian/fighter multiclass
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gidianthe · 1 year ago
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jaz - first ever tav & finished the game with her. my cinnamon apple. oath of ancients paladin married to shadowheart
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nav - wild magic barbarian i made for a multiplayer game with gwen that we havent gone back to in like a month. whoops. she and laezel are girl yaoing it up in heaven
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sav - assassin rogue/gloomstalker durge who murder kills so good like is so fucking good at it but also hates the perverted joy they get whenever they spill blood so theyre hanging onto that "resist the urge" journal entry with their fingernails. romancing shaddy
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dawn - selunite cleric / oath of devotion paladin. romancing shadowheart obviously. literally just a good boy and faerun's most princely handsome butch and thats her entire job and shes doing it great. she's ken
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taz - frenzy barbarian literally been running on adrenaline nonstop since the nautiloid crashed she's just smashing her way through everything including that gith pu-*the sniper*
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genuinely cannot remember her name rn and bg3 keeps crashing when i try to launch it again - fighter dark urge. going to be evil-leaning but more in an uncaring self preserving practicality way of siding with the more powerful in any situation. enjoying the violence sure but its more abount keeping herself alive so that she can find out what happened to her and tear apart the person who fucked her over. hence her helping minthara. thats definitely the only reason
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ash - bhaal's prettiest princess is having the worst fucking time of her life. tiefling druid of spores so she's getting bullied from both sides in act 1. everywhere she goes its like i can hear her just saying "this sucks i hate this". shes already so sick and tired of this adventure but the thing keeping her going is sneaking glances at karlach outta the corner of her eye every 5 seconds
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don - this guy is a remake of a previous durge guy that i made bc the previous durge guy i suddenly realized looked far too much like the american biblical jesus christ from the bible and i had to get rid of him. he's gonna romance astarion bc ive heard so much about durge/astarion that i gotta. oh and an oathbreaker paladin
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sora - dark urge monk. honestly half my reason for this is my friend mentioned a dragonborn monk tav he has and i in my head was like fuck now i wanna do one. ive been wanting to start a monk playthrough for a while now anyway and now i have her :l laezel gets to kiss a red dragon now <3
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ta'lia - draconic sorcerer gith cause fucking of course you gotta do one. idk where im even going with her other than kissing laezel
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jinx - ex-angsty bard/fighter multiclass. based off a dnd oc i had 3 years ago but specifically my post-scene-era version of jinx. prolly gonna romance karlach cause god knows she loves a tough woman
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jace - i dont have much to say abt this guy. he's starting as a sorcerer but he's gonna be my attempt at a jack of all trades character. might make him romance gale just for the sorcerer wizard dynamic and also theyre both disaster human guys
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[name unknown] - this little fucker is a rogue bhaalist military asset and a danger to public safety. gortash hsd deployed reaper drones equipped with missiles to take her out. this pink tiefling bard has zero regard for human life and in fact takes extremely unnecessary pleasure in gutting ripping tearing bloody murder. she's so fucking nasty and evil in a silly way
im gonna get a screenshot of all my tavs and durges in one post
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utilitycaster · 3 years ago
You mentioned in an earlier post that Emily Axford's weird multiclasses work because she keeps party composition in mind. Would you mind expanding on that?
Not at all! So the full thing I said was that Emily thinks about party composition and the character. Basically: even though a lot of her multiclasses are, on some level, "hell yeah hexblade is dope", she puts thought into why this person would have become a hexblade within the story, as well as why this is not just fun for her but helpful for the party.
A lot of her subclasses are mechanically good in a vacuum, for whatever that's worth, but even the ones that aren't quite as optimal work because they take into consideration what the party needs and what her character would be doing.
So, by character:
Fig multiclasses into warlock from bard, getting closer to her birth father. This is also a great way to give bards some offensive capability. Given that Kristen is a highly capable healer and Adaine an equally strong utility caster as a wizard, Fig doesn't need to play pure support; eldritch blast and a recharging spell slot and some better weapon capabilities are a good call.
Sofia runs into a cool bodega cat and they become her patron. This also gives her a little magic, notably ranged damage abilities, which monks tend to lack (they're fast enough for this not to matter too much, but can get in trouble against flying opponents). The original Dream Team mostly had support casters (bard, cleric, druid, plus a paladin) so a little more offensive arcane damage to supplement Pete doesn't hurt. She also took enough levels to get invocations, which add additional utility.
Jet ultimately fully swapped classes, but notably multiclassing a more fragile rogue into a fighter in a low-healing setting was an excellent call.
Saccharina was perhaps the best example of her D20 characters: the way she was able to escape was her inherent sorcery abilities. It was able to help us understand how this character was able to come up from nothing in this kind of setting. Sorcerer/cleric is an excellent multiclass, allowing for some incredible quickened spell moments. It also gave the party both offensive spells and healing, in a low-magic setting, while tying it into that setting. It was really a masterful character build and I think it's incredible.
On the NADDPod side:
Moonshine's single level of barbarian mostly granted her weapon proficiency and extra HP, but in a three-person party versatility and durability is absolutely vital. The rage stacked with her fungal form so she could attack and use spores in combat if her HP was getting low, particularly since Beverly only had touch heals. It's not an optimal build, but for her specific druid subclass it worked and it could keep her up in a melee-heavy party.
Fia was a multiclass from the start; Cleric/Wizard is a great multiclass anyway and it allowed her to be a wizard while also having access to healing spells and armor - a pure wizard build in a 3 person party can be tough. (I do it. It's tough.) She chose it for character reasons as well, reasoning that cleric/wizard achieved the mysticism and powers of a witch more than a straight build in either of those classes. War priest also helped at low levels.
Tarragon and Billie were also multiclasses from the start. Tarragon was highly necessary - an all monk party, even with way of mercy, needs a stronger healer. Cleric, for Tarragon and for Fia, also helped everyone engage more with the deity lore of the world, which was absolutely central to the story. In a way, multiclassing wasn't just party comp - it was also including the DM in a really cool way. Cleric - and her monk subclass - also allowed Tarragon to do more damage than simply weapon damage. Meanwhile, Billie combined the infiltration/story elements of a rogue (as did all the Endoterran characters) with artificer. It allowed her to help the party with more utility than she'd have as a rogue while still having many rogue abilities; it also took the pressure off Zirk as he would have otherwise been the only caster or healer. Billie also happened to have high charisma which filled another gap given that neither Zirk nor Henry excelled in that particular field.
(If anyone is interested in thinking about mechanics and party comp, incidentally, and also having a great time, NADDPod is perhaps the best actual play show for this. Three-person parties really push people to be creative because every character needs to cover a lot of ground, and because Murph is, and I mean this as a compliment, a hardass, all of the players have had to get incredibly good at mechanics.)
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that-spider-witch · 3 years ago
Random character concepts I want to play one day, but no idea when that will be:
Wild Magic Barbarian Hexblood who was raised her whole life by a coven of Hags and was actually happy with that life until she found out her beloved “Aunties” weren’t actually her birth family (Shocker, I know), so now she’s on a personal quest of self-descovery and whatnot to find her biological family. Very, very hag-like, with her Barbarian class and big muscles coming from her Annis Hag side.
Trickster Cleric of Vhaeraun. No, actually a Vengeance Paladin of Vhaeraun. Actually, nevermind, class is secondary here, just a Drow who worships Vhaeraun becuase Vhaeraun rules and WotC did my boy dirty okay?
On that same note: Orc or Half-Orc girl who fiercely worships Luthic and will never miss the chance to infodump everyone and anyone about the Cave Mother and her greatness if given the opportunity to do so.
Drakewarden Ranger Githyanki. After a raid went horribly wrong, she had to watch as her raiding party left her to die and her beloved dragon companion sacrificed his own life to save her. Now stuck on this Material Plane, she has since then become accustomed to surviving on the wilds that are now her home, alongside the unexpected aid of her Drake Companion: The spirit of her late Red Dragon mount, coming back from the dead to fight alongside her once more.
Circle of Spores Druid/Pact of the Fiend Warlock multiclass Goblin who seem to believe herself to be some kind of Cleric: Ever since she was a child, she has been having visions of a being she refers to as “the Mushroom Lady”, whom she has come to believe to be a goddess and worships her as such (Kind of like how Critical Role’s Jester with The Traveler, except with not actual cleric levels to back it up with). Unbeknownst to her, this seemingly nice fungi lady is no Goddess, but a very evil and very dangerous Demon Lord: Zuggtmoy, the Lady of Rot and Decay.
A Gnome Artificer. Still thinking of what subclass to give her, but basically just your average Gnome artificer… Or is she? She acts like a normal gnome, feels like a nornal gnome and for all intents and purposes she is a normal gnome… except she’s not, as she’s actually a extremely lifelike Autognome, with clockwork mechanisms where her internal organs should be (Basically, a steampunkish homunculus). She would pretend to be a real Rock Gnome and hide her synthetic nature from the party for as long as possible, though probably the secret would be out as soon as the first combat encounter happened, as she wouldn’t have blood to bleed. Either way, it would be fun.
Eldritch Knight Yuan-Ti Pureblood. As with many “purebloods” born into a Yuan-Ti cultist society, he was raised from birth to act as a spy. The  Merrshaulk’s cult he was born into had been nearly erradicated by a rival human village, and so he was sent there while he was still a child, with instructions of infiltrating the royal family. Pretending to be a human orphan, he was adopted by the family, and as he grew up he found himself growing attached to his loving foster father and brother, developing emotions and starting to question his loyalty to a cult that didn’t actually loved him. Then tragedy struck, he ended up confessing what he really was to his human brother and… It’s Kaeya guys, it is basically Kaeya Alberich from Genshin Impact except that he’s a snake person here.
Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer Goliath, kicked from her tribe because Giants and Dragons don’t mix and Goliaths are basically Giant Light™, as well as having self-esteem issues because of how weak she believes herself to be and yadda yadda, you know the deal by now. Probably the most bland and cookie-cutter idea out of these, but I still like her.
Wild Magic Sorcerer Drow. Malyk did it. Enough said.
Hobgoblin Wizard who used to be a gifted student at the Academy of Devastation until the day he dropped out after discovering that the Academy was not only corrupt to the core, but that they were not teaching him the Arcane arts to their full potential, since they only cared about magic as a tool for war. Excuse me, but there’s more to magic than just casting Fireball and exploding a bunch of people to smithereens like some scatterbrained terrorist! It is an art, Dad, an ART, and I am an A R T I S T!
Aberrant Mind Sorcerer gnoll, using the Reborn lineage from Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft for it since Gnolls aren’t a playable race as of me writing this because WotC are a bunch of idiots and cowards. Very canon-compliant, only reason this “gnoll” is not a feral fiend is that she was captured by a colony of Mind Flayers, and she has been so experimented on by them it is debatable how much of her is still Gnoll anymore. She was implanted with a mind flayer tadpole, but the ceremorphosis never completed (Aberrant Mind Sorc origin table), and as a side effect of her enhanced psionic mind she’s no longer an eternally hungry beast like all gnolls are supposed to be. But between her brain-eating “creators” that she miraculously escaped and Yeenoghu’s insidious lingering influence at the back of her mind, how much is this free will of hers going to last? Is she the gnoll she sees when she looks herself in the mirror, or is she actually the illithid tadpole still in her brain, controlling a gnoll body? And if she’s the latter, what would happen if she were to ever get too close to an Elder Brain? Who knows… 😈
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everywishway · 3 years ago
M9 Kids/Next Gen AU Headcanons
I made the weirdest, most chaotic version of Mighty Nein kids with all the canon couples (plus ShadoWidoMauk because Molly's alive in this) at midnight last night.
35+ chaotic notes I love & I want others to see:
(more under the cut)
Fjord and Jester were told she was pregnant by Artagan one morning, laying in bed between them going, "Congrats on the triplets you two"
While Jester was pregnant, her and Artagan babyproofed the house by putting bubblewrap on the knife handles and flipped the doors upside-down (but they are rounded at the top and have glass windows so Fjord has on more than one occasion kicked it and broke glass)
They're born on April Fools day (or the Wildemount version of it)
All three of them are warlocks for Artagan with official Fey Wild court titles
For their third birthday he let them choose plushies (the same way parents have their kids pick their HP house) and they later become their Familiars
Each of them multiclass to a different charisma based class though (One is a Glamour Bard, another is a Wild Magic Sorcerer (flavored to be Fey Wild based bc Artagan), and the last one is Oath of the Open Sea Paladin (for the Moonweaver))
They have, like, a twelve year younger brother who's like 6 yrs old, a protégé in sculpting and just a green clone of Jester
He has one level as a Forge Cleric. His Plushie Familiar is a sea turtle to mess with Fjord
This kid actually gets dreams of the Wild Mother and when he first sees the statue in Nicodranas, he goes 'Daddy, that's the woman in my dreams!'
Fjord immediately calls Cad and goes "WE HAVE A WILD MOTHER WORSHIPER!" He is so proud
This kid also has super strength for a six year old and a higher strength stat than Fjord, Veth takes every opportunity to make fun of him
ShadoWidoMauk has two kids
Essek is trans in this AU so him and Caleb have a kid (who becomes a Divination Wizard (with a minor obsession in chronomancy) who uses tarot cards as her spell book)
Has a Bat Familiar who has the full title of Lord Spinkle of Den Nein, named after Jester's Weasel Sprinkle (yes, purposefully spelt like that, Spinkle)
This kid also has a bag full of cards (a playing card set, a marked card set for cheating, tarot cards, Moon Weaver oracle cards, spell cards, a Deck of Illusions and a Deck of Many Things)
We were thinking maybe a couple levels in bard but IDK
Then Molly randomly adopts an Aasimar kid that reminds him of Yasha
Aasimar kid is agender but is also an Eldritch Knight flavored for Dunamancy and uses dual swords like Mollymauk
Used to hide in their parents and older sister's coats, really shy baby
BeauYasha has two kids, TJ and another they adopt
TJ takes a few levels in Artificer but runs the BeaureBar and does side stuff for the Cobalt Soul
In the same vain as #16, Beau finds a Tiefling on a Cobalt Soul Mission and Yasha is like 'Molly and I swapped kids'
This kid is a problem child and Yasha and Beau teach them how to work through their anger (Astral Self Monk who works for the Cobalt Soul the same way kids volunteer at the Library)
Beau and Veth have a competition on who has the most kids so they will fight each other. Veth Wins
Artagan is 100% making sure Veth wins, idk how but he does
Veth has two more kids besides Luc (A Gloomstalker Ranger/Spore Druid and a Barbarian, Path of the Fundamental Chaos (What Ashton is))
Luc, obviously, becomes a Arcane Trickster Rogue like his momma and goes out on his own adventures with Toya, Clarabelle, and Kiri
The Ranger/Druid is born one day after ShadoWidoMauk's wizard kid and will never hear the end of it (does that thing where she go "When I was your age" then proceeds to tell them what she did yesterday)
BeauYasha's Tiefling kid is dating the Barbarian kid and they are both just figuring out their anger problems together
So there will be no war between the Brenattos and the Lionetts
ALL OF THE BRENATTO KIDS ARE OBSESSED WITH UNCLE CADUCEUS. They just are. Mandatory, they all say he's their favorite.
Last one is Cad, he felt like he was missing out on something the others had by being AroAce
Then Clarabelle knocks on the door with an Air Genasi baby in her arms going 'Yeah, parents are dead' and Cad sees this as a sign to adopt her
The only kid in this AU we have a name for, Cirrus Clay after the clouds
She is a Twilight Domain Cleric who worships every god? Polytheistic, mainly works with WildMom but has worked with all the different gods at least three times
Meditates in water because the feel like they're floating, has nearly drowned before
Honestly, this is Melora's way of making Cad face his fear of water by giving him a beach obsessed kid
IF YOU WANT MORE OF THIS AU PUT IT IN MY ASK BOX, I HAVE SO MANY MORE NOTES BUT NO MORE SPACE. A single ask is enough for me to rant more about this AU
I have notes on M9 as parents, life after (mostly) settling down, and these kids starting their own party & interpersonal relationships, I'm down for anything
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bowsers-keep · 10 months ago
As an avid dnd player these are all very good options and will proceed to provide subclasses for everyone. Mario is a real good one for monk and to pick a subclass for him I'd go either Way of Mercy or Way of the Four elements and just spec in hard to using fire spells.
For Luigi as a Wizard School of Aburation probably. Although there is Artificer which could also give him access to his vaccum from Luigi's mansion. Which for subclass I'd go Artillerist and make his vaccum the eldrith canon from the subclass.
Peach is Circle of the Spores Druid 100% no questions asked, its a bit wack with the undead stuff but it's perfect in terms of theming. Storm sorccer multiclass is a neat idea though and could def work!
Bowser is a hard pick for his Barbarian subclass, Path of the Beast and Path of the Beserker fit PERFECTLY and honestly idk which one is better. Although something I would add is a bard multiclass for at least one level, not enough for a bard subclass but he has gotten alot more musical connections then you'd think so making him a bard as his secondary class would be interesting.
For Daisy I think a Monk and fighter multiclass would be fun. Unlike Bowser's multiclassing however she'd probably balance the two, so picking subclasses for both. For fighter Banneret fits due to also being a princess and stuff while her monk subclass I'd go Way of the Open Hand.
Toad's only going to have like two druid levels and mainly a bard build here so for Subclass Collage of Lore would be cute for the guy.
Rosalina I'd actually make her a Circle of the Stars Druid, they have a cool feature where they can expend a wild shape slot to instead assume one of their starry forms which have cool other beniefs and leans heavily into the constelation aesthetic. Although she could probably take like three paladin levels and become an Oath of the Watchers Paladin since it fits with the vibe you're going fo.
Waluigi and Wario would both be likely Thief subclass not much that really fits their vibes otherwise sadly. Although your added things about dumpstats are HILARIOUS! But also consider at least one of them becoming a warlock because they were just a bit too fucking dumb when grabbing loot.
For Yoshi I propose an Idea, Beastmaster Conclave Ranger for Mario along with his monk levels and his companion is Yoshi.
Kamek I'd say either School of Evocation or School of Transmutation. Transmuation because of the times he's made Baby Bowser beeg in Yoshi's island, Evocations just kinda because it fits well enough for his generic magic stuff.
If we're going for your idea of DK as a Barbarian I'd go with Path of the Anscestral Guardian actually since he does have his own games that he's the protag in. Although I do offer an alternate/subclass option of Oath of Devotion Paladin which in my head fits well on him.
Anyways those are my thoughts on exact multiclasses for the ideas you've proposed of dnd classes on mario characters
Mario DND
Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, life is blah right now
Mario: So obviously you first think fighter, but what about monk? I can’t remember him using any weapons in any of the games, other than the hammer. Of course, there is the problem of sometimes having the fire ability, but that could just be a blessing or something. Maybe a multiclass?
Luigi: so he should obviously have the same class as Mario, but I was thinking, what with his paranormal stuff and tends to be considered the smarter of the two, could he be a spell-caster? It also makes sense logically, as most the time, party members each specialize in something. So I’m gonna go with wizard.
Peach: I can see either storm sorcerer or Druid, because of all her flying and general weather things with her being princess of the mushroom kingdom, as well as typically having healing powers. So the obvious answer is multiclass
Bowser: so he sometimes uses magicy stuff, but he generally gives barbarian
Daisy: so the same logic should apply with Mario, but she feels like more of a fighter honestly
Toad: he’s a bard for the funnies. Really tho, all toads are probably druids
Rosalina: hm, I could see paladin, what with protecting the universe and all, but gonna go with sorcerer. Is there any star themed ones?
Waluigi: rouge who dumped charisma but keeps getting nat 20s lol
Wario: also rouge, but somehow dumped dexterity and charisma and maxed strength
Yoshi: ??? Uh, fighter? No idea lol
Kamek: wizard, duh durr
DK (donkey Kong! Say DK! Donkey Kong!): barbarian for sure
There’s so many Mario characters lol, but if inspiration strikes or someone asks/comments asking for one I’ll return and add more
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metamagic-adept · 3 years ago
thoughts on druids (the class!) :)
thank you jack 💛💕
you know i love giving my thoughts on all things dnd builds
Stars and Spores are my favorite subclasses because they offer alternative uses for Wildshape. (Wildfire does too, but having a wildfire spirit, essentially a familiar who can fight, just isnt super appealing personally. Although having Revivify as a Circle Spell is tempting.) I love wildshaping into animals for utility, but not so muchfor combat. If you want to fight in Wildshape and keep up with your martial classes at higher levels, Circle of the Moon is the best choice. I've seen a Moon Druid/Bear Totem Barbarian absolutely tank in Wildshape, because she's raging and resistant to almost everything.
But back to my faves. Spores is fantastic because in the symbiotic entity you get the HP boost benefit of a Wildshape but can still cast spells, and is good for a melee build bc of that extra d6 necrotic damage on hits, and the halo of spores reaction. (The Unearthed Arcana version is better, and a bit broken, with Halo of Spores being even more damage without a save.) The only "problem" with Circle of Spores is that naddpod's Moonshine Cybin is so iconic in my mind that for a long time I couldnt think of a character concept that felt distinct from her. I finally fixed that with Daffodil Pickle, who is a Spores druid/ monk, but flavored like a Swarmkeeper Ranger. Instead of fungal spores, they are just surrounded by butterflies at all times.
In a combat heavy campaign, Stars is the best/strongest of the subclasses. Getting a guiding bolt, that doesnt even eat up spells slots, is fantastic. The constellations are each useful and having three options make your druid extremely versatile. The chalice makes for a great healer (i would know, Yarrow is the party's only one) and really stretches those healing spells. The archer's artow attack is the equivalent of a decent cantrip as a bonus action. And the dragon. The fucking dragon- not being able to roll below a 10 on concetration means, at minimum, a foe would need to do 20 damage in one hit to make you at risk of losing concentration. If you have a good con and proficiency (Multiclass or reslient feat) or Warcaster then youre looking at maintaining concentration after hits of up to 35 or 40 damage. That is clutch for some high lvl spells. Yarrow hasnt had much chance to use the Dragon yet, but I'll be so excited if we survive to higher levels. If i wasnt already playing Yarrow, I'd make a Stars Druid/Ranger multiclass for another game. I still might tbh, or at least plot it out just for fun.
I also like that all the subclasses have very different flavors. Nature has many different forms and i like the ways that informs backstory, aesthetic, and personality.
I originally wanted to do Circle of Dreams for Daffodil Pickle because it fit the Fey Vibes but it seems fairly underpowered in combat compared to a lot of the other subclasses.
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