#she’s up to 73% seems like they’re mostly good!!!
lordgolden · 1 year
*clenching fists* *refreshing wot s2 rotten tomatoes*
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Tbhk gardening Headcannons pt 1.
Part 1 of most likely 2
Nene Yashiro, Aoi Akane (Girl), Aoi Akane (Boy), Teru Minamoto, Kou Minamoto, Mitsuba Souske
Part 2
Nene Yashiro
* it’s cannon that she’s good with plants as she’s in the gardening club
* Also that she’s better with veggies and food type of gardening compared to flower type
* She definitely has tried to raise flowers at home but just couldn’t so now she raises lots of green type plants that she feeds to her hamster!
* Well, one plant she can grow that has a flower is the cactus, and somehow it has a multitude of flowers
* Why? No one knows but her green thumb is definitely not in the flower type of gardening
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Aoi Akane (Girl)
* it’s also canon for her to be a good gardener like Nene as she’s also in the gardening club
* Complete opposite of Nene, can’t grow food stuff to save her life
* But her flowers are the prettiest
* Also cant raise any ferns or green plants
* Can raise Cacti though
* The thing she and Nene bonds over
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Akane Aoi (Boy)
* Aoi loves gardening so of course he picked up on it too and is very good at it
* Can do both flowers and food type plants
* Doesn’t do gardening though so Aoi won’t have a break down
* Actually is really fucking good at gardening though, like insanely good like he is with everything
* Instead of store bought flowers he uses the flowers he got from his garden to gift to Aoi
* She doesn’t know this though as the flowers are beautiful and extravagant
* Raises Aoi’s favorite flower the most though that isn’t his own favorite flower
* Raises multiple cacti and they’re all so big and flowery and pretty
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Teru Minamoto
* It’s funny that this guy thinks he can manage plants
* The only thing this guy can do is be pretty, exorcise spirits/demons, and be smart
* Does not have a green thumb at all
* Even easy to care for plants die in his care sadly
* Waters fake plants cause at least he can’t kill those!
* Only for 73% of the time something happens to the fake plant either destroying it or the plant get nearly destroyed
* I feel like he got cursed by a plant or garden spirit when he exorcised them
* But because of all the girls around him he’s decently knowledgeable on how to garden
* Can direct someone in how to do gardening but can’t do it himself for shit
* Does not pass the cacti test, man is hopeless with gardening
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Kou Minamoto
* Like usual, Kou can do all the stuff Teru can’t
* Isn’t a top notch gardener but has the potential to be
* I mean like he could be close to Akane’s level if he tried
* Mostly grows food type plants for his cooking
* Very waste free and such, so most food scraps go into the compost bin for more plants in the future
* Helps maintain two small patches of flowers, one for his parents and the other that tiara wanted to plant
* Actually starts taking care of more flowery plants after his interactions with Nene, planting a lot of her favorite flowers and what flower he think she’s like
* He uses gardening as his time to relax and de-stress
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Mitsuba Souske
* He can garden
* But not amazingly though, only simple flowers and potted plants
* Loves to take pictures of them and brag his head off about the plants
* His mother started gardening too because of him so he also has a lot of photos of his mom gardening with the pretty flowers or her sitting among them posing
* Refuses to grow food type of plants
* Says it’s not for someone as cute and pretty as him to do
* Oh if only he had planted some potatoes-
* After his death he’s still really into plant pictures as they remind him of his life before he died
* And after being remade again with no memories he still has a love for plants and flowers
* Says it adds to his charm
* Even with that phrase he feels some sort of pull between him and flowers especially the ones his mother used to plant often (not that he’d know)
* Gardens because it just seems like he knows how to
* And because apparently it adds to his charm
* Passes the cacti test
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nerdygaymormon · 3 years
my friend has a habit of going by the horror stories of things rather than most peoples experiences, and right now she’s doing that with mormonism and it’s hurting me a lot more than i thought it would. she says that we’re crazy and that we have polygamy and sexism so bad people will say that girls shouldn’t go to school, and that mormons don’t even trust doctors for little things. she says all this crazy stuff and sometimes she’ll ask me questions, but mostly she’ll assume or get her answers from this book called “educated” by tara west over (i haven’t read it but i guess it has a mormon horror story) and it’s really been annoying our friends because we have 3 other mormon friends who are both super on the conservative side even if they are gay, and kind of wanting to back out of religion (not sure how they do it but they’re good at it??) and one ex mormon friend, and me who’s still really mormon AND really queer.
sorry for the rant but it’s stressing me out that she thinks all these crazy things about us and that this book is confirming her thoughts, and idk how to tell her it’s not like that without hurting her feelings, and i can’t even take her to church because she lives far away. what do i do?
It sounds like what your friend is doing is thinking of the worst possible outcome and then reacting to it as if it is the likely outcome, when it is not.
If you want to speak to your friend, you can point out that several of the group are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The outlandish claims she is making are not representative of church members. Does she think her LDS friends seem like the type that are anti-women rights? Or who don't believe in people getting educated? Her friends probably don't know anyone who is a polygamist.
It's not fair to keep bringing up such outlandish claims that make her Mormon friends look bad and suggest that they are horrible people. Is that really what she thinks of y'all?
If she wants to respectfully ask questions, you're happy to let her know about Mormon support for education and that the president of our church was a heart surgeon who is encouraging all members to be vaccinated against COVID-19. We are not anti-education or anti-medicine. Tara Westover's family had extremist views which aren't consistent with the church.
I looked up Tara Westover and her book "Educated." It's about her life in Idaho, her dad & mom didn't want their children going to school or to the doctor. They are clearly an outlier, that is not the norm for Mormons, nor is it the norm in Idaho. That's what makes her book interesting is that experience is so different from what other people experience.
I noted that Tara Westover graduated from Brigham Young University, which is one the largest private universities and is heavily subsidized by the Mormon church. Education clearly is important to Mormons because they spend much money to support BYU, and they send tens of thousands of students to that university every year.
A few years ago, PEW Research did a survey of U.S. religions and released a ranking from most to least educated. 73% of American Mormons have gone to college! 1/3 of American Mormons have a college degree. That's a lot different than Tara's book about 1 family who didn't believe in education.
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I hope my suggestion helps. Even if you don't pull your friend aside to speak to her privately, you still can bring up some of these facts to counter her inaccurate stereotypes and accusations. Then you can add that you don't think it's fair to speak so negatively about the religion of several people at the table, how are they supposed to feel comfortable if she keeps making hostile accusations?
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elareine · 4 years
73 + A or B or both? From the prompt list for jaytim?
Why not both? And the quote  (“I hate that your smug attitude is turning me on”) isn’t directly incorporated, but it’s definitely there in spirit xD
Tim has a rival. 
“We’re in college, not a soap opera,” Steph snorts. “Calm the fuck down, bro.” 
“Shut up, or I’ll…uh… not help you with stats anymore.” 
Steph just laughs at him. 
It’s an empty threat. They both know she’s the one pulling him along, forcing him to actually attend classes and hand in his shit instead of getting distracted. The only reason she lives on the floor above him because of outdated gender separation rules. They tried to use ‘we gay af’ as an argument for living together, but the university administration had proved surprisingly obstinate. Jokes on them, because they’re piled on top of each other in Tim’s bed all the time, anyway. Too bad they don’t have the same classes, but Tim would die of boredom in her English classes, and Steph threatens to murder his fellow poli-sci students regularly. 
Which brings him right back to the smug prick in Tim’s ‘Contemporary Issues in World Politics’ class. 
Okay, at first, Tim was a little excited when he heard the name ‘Jason.’ Then he reminded himself that soulmates don’t mean shit and that 0.2% of American babies are named Jason. There are so many Jasons; they’re never ‘Jason Peter Todd.’
And this one is smug as fuck when he raises his hand and tears Tim’s argument to pieces, so he’s definitely not Tim’s soulmate. 
(Okay. It’s kinda hot. Tim’s never been able to resist an attitude, especially when it’s paired with smarts. Doesn’t mean it pisses him off any less.) 
Their arguments continue, turning out to be the high points of this particular class, much to the other students’ entertainment. Tim’s already looking forward to the end of term when he won’t have to deal with Jason ever again. It’s not like they ever see each other outside of class. 
…until he walks right into Jason at their residence. 
“Tim.” Jason raises an eyebrow at him even as he shoves his left hand into his pocket. He seems to be doing that a lot, Tim has noted. Why he doesn’t just wear a glove to cover up his name like Tim is beyond him. 
“You’re in third year,” Tim points out. “What are you doing here? Are you some kind of pervert?” 
Jason’s expression is the physical manifestation of ‘????’. “How the fuck would fucking someone two years younger than me make me a pervert?” 
“That’s not answering my question.” 
“Tim.” Jason slowly—very slowly—points to the door he’s standing next to. It’s the one to the RA’s room, Tim vaguely remembers. He hasn’t actually met the dude, mostly cause he caught a cold and slept through orientation, and it seemed awkward to attend gatherings after. The RA seems pretty chill, though; his e-mails are a thing of beauty. Tim laughed particularly hard at one that just said, ‘I can hear you fucking. - J.’ 
“You’re my RA?” 
“Wait.” Jason points an accusing finger at him. “You’re the little shit who never shows up to any of the community events!” 
Behind Tim, Steph is basically crying with laughter. 
“Well, maybe I would if I wasn’t so busy recovering from the shock of being exposed to your terrible grasp of statistics.” 
Okay, that doesn’t make any sense, but who cares.
“Your numbers don’t mean shit if they don’t reflect the lived experience of the people,” Jason shoots back. “What if your interview technique is flawed? You ask the wrong questions, your answers are meaningless.” 
“Man,” Steph muses, “do you think it’s too late to sign up for your class? ’Cause this is more entertaining than Psych 101 and tells me just as much about the psyche of idiots.” 
Jason scoffs, but Tim thinks he sees the back of his neck flush. “Whatever, have a good day, kids.” 
Tim is fully aware he called Jason an old pervert not five minutes ago, but the epithet still stings. “You, too, old man.” 
Jason walks off, and Tim turns away. He fully intends to go on with his day as if nothing happened and maybe move residences at the earliest opportunity. 
“Hey, Tim,” Steph says, “maybe you should check out the sign at his door.” 
Tim frowns and steps closer. “Why should I—“ 
Jason Peter Todd. 
(I’m taking prompts until the end of the year.) 
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scatterpatter · 3 years
Corren - 1 through 100 - You did this to yourself.
1. What do they smell like?
Bad. Do you think their party is able to regularly take showers? I thinketh the fuck not. ... Pine and old books when he can self care tho.
2. What is their voice like?
Listen I know Corren, being taller, would be more likely to have a deeper register but you'll tear "tenor Corren" out of my cold dead hands
3. What is their biggest motivator?
4. What is their most embarrassing memory?
When he first met his BFF Alondra, he was so antisocial and good at ignoring people that she actually got the impression he might have been hard of hearing. She never let him live that down. (one day I'll finish this fic i promise)
5. How do they deal with/react to pain?
"I will keep all of my pain in here, and one day I'll die." ... Okay but listen he's squishy so he takes like one hit and is bloodied up. Someone get him a healer. Pls.
6. What do they like to wear?
He likes his cloak. Its weighty and soft(well. WAS soft. got a bit of wear and tear these days.) and like. Who doesnt love cloaks.
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
Ohhhhh fuuuccck this one's tough. I might have to go with Torvid honestly. While the entire party has had a positive impact on him(and trust me I was this close to picking Alistair), Torvid's been more of the one to call him out on his bullshit and to, oh I don't know, talk about your emotions? Ever??? Yknow BEFORE they become too much to handle and he absolutely breaks down???
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten?
Alistair's cooking.
9. Describe the way that they sleep.
Good luck finding him NOT cuddled up with at least one dog. Tbh he just enjoys cuddles in general.
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food?
11. What do they feel most insecure about?
As tempted as I am to say "His cooking", it's actually his singing.
12. How do they like to dress?
"Comfort over flashiness tbh. I gotta go ADVENTURING in whatever I wear after all."
"... Also don't you DARE perceive me as cishet."
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt?
Call him a genie because he will BOTTLE THAT SHIT UP.
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal?
Denial :D
15. What is their greatest achievement?
Shrike: Killing his dad
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep?
Somehow more of a dick than usual. Snappy and cranky and just. Mrehhh.
17. What are they like when they’re drunk?
Doesn't get drunk often, but when he does I imagine he's actually giggly and a little clingy. It's cute :)
18. What kind of music do they enjoy?
*Opens my Corren playlist* Oh yeah. It's either full edgy alt rock or indie alt "depressed millenial" tracks.
19. Are they right or left handed?
FFFuuhhhhck uhhhh well
Looking over my old art I can't seem to pick a dominant hand(I've even drawn him handling his sniper with either hand???????????) so like oops guess he's ambidextrous.
20. Fears?
The dark, the ocean, dying alone and forgotten, his friends losing their trust of him
21. Favorite kind of weather?
Rain!!!! Especially cool rain like what people often get in fall months.
22. Favorite color?
23. Do they collect anything?
Books :3
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more?
Cold weather by far.
25. What is their eye color?
Electric blue!
26. What is their race/ethnicity?
Well his race is a homebrew race known as Marelienth. Uhhh ethnicity? Idk he's from a mountain town way up north *shrugs*
In human aus I imagine him as half-Mongolian half-Norwegian so ayee
27. Hair color?
28. Are they happy where they are currently?
No :D He loves adventuring with his party don't get me wrong but he still has a lot of trauma to unpack. ... Also he was just possibly broken up with soooo. :/
29. Are they a morning person?
30. Sunrise or sunset?
*motions to above question* Sunset.
31. Are they more messy or more organized?
More organized, actually!
32. Pet peeves?
*unravels a list. It's all shit the party has done. Mostly Alistair.*
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance?
His amethyst pendant used to belong to his brother, Julian, and he gave it to Corren right before they were separated so you BET it's sentimental as shit and he wears it daily.
34. Least favorite food?
Mecha's usually a great cook but one time trolled him with some absurdly spicy curry he couldn't handle and he's never forgiven them.
35. Least favorite color?
Hmmm. Maybe... yellow?
36. Least favorite smell?
He spent a year with his party in a damp cave and no showers, so uh. I'll give you a guess.
37. When was the last time they cried?
Literally last night in our game's timeline :D Full breakdown and everything!
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried?
Torvid :D He was there to comfort
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured?
One time they were in combat and Corren took a few hits and was down to about 2hp or so. He had a temporary level thanks to Kieran, which boosted his HP a little bit. When he teleported them to a safe town, though, well... Torvid was waiting for them so that's cool. But uh. Yeah that temporary level wore off then and there, dropping Corn Cob to exactly 0hp and he just- flopped down face first in the snow and started dying then and there KJNDKLFNSLKN
40. Do they have any scars?
Do you want to talk about the scar over his eye from a fight he got in with his dad or like. The scars on his limbs from the time he was literally experimented on.
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues?
Undiagnosed+Untreated Anxiety, Depression, DPDR, PTSD, just to name a few
42. Do they have any bad habits?
Running away from his problems, definitely.
43. Why might someone dislike them?
He's a pretentious nerd. He can be a dick if he doesn't care about you.
44. Why might someone love them?
He's an adorable nerd! He's a hopeless romantic and oddly enough an optimist. He's passionate and driven too!
45. Do they believe in ghosts?
Well ghosts are like- a canon proven thing in his world sooo. Yeah.
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives?
His party. Well- most in his party.
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone?
Nethyl :)
48. Are they dating/married to anyone?
He's dating Nethyl and they're in a happy and healthy relationship :) *politely ignores canon*
49. Do they like surprises?
NO >:(
50. When is their birthday?
Heroya 5th! I think. I don't wanna check, assume it's this.
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday?
"You guys celebrate your watchdays?"
Jokes aside, he mainly just treats himself to a nice dinner and a new book or something :)
52. Do they have any family?
Two older siblings: Julian and Mila. His parents are Andreas and Fanya!
53. Are they close to their family?
... *Coughs*. He was close with his siblings, but Mila died and he hasn't seen Julian in 30 years. Was close with his dad but last time they saw each other, they fought and Corren might have killed him so. ... Yeah. :/
54. What is their MBTI type?
FUCK uh. I... N... T... J? INTJ. Sure.
55. What is their zodiac sign?
In Sekrezia: The eagle
In our world: Uhhh. Idk. Capricorn????
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in?
Uhhh. Ravenclaw??? I know almost nothing about HP :/
57. What D&D alignment are they?
THIS ONE'S EASY- lawful neutral!
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about?
Used to have typical nightmares, nothing special. Nowadays though he often dreams of being underwater. Not drowning, though. It's... weird. He doesn't like those.
59. What are their views on death?
He's a necromancer lol.
Death is inevitable, though. It's a necessary part of life. Death is not an entire loss, though. One lives on in the memories others carry of them, in the love they hold in their hearts. Death is complicated, but that's okay.
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at?
Alistair :)
61. When bored, how do they pass time?
Dog time :)
62. Do they enjoy being outside?
... Ehhhhhh?
63. Do they have an accent?
Technically??? It's an accent from where he's from but like. I just barely tweak my own voice when I rp him so? Damn Corren I'm sorry you've been cursed with east coast dialect.
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction?
"Damn who's the rich bastard here?" (cake is kinda a delicacy in their world- not like elites only but not NEARLY as common as it is here)
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say?
Reassurance mode to whomever he's with. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm okay. Remember what I told you, death is a natural part of life, yeah? I don't have any regrets, I'm okay... Just. Thanks. For giving me a chance. Thank you. Thank you."
66. How do they feel about sex?
I SWEAR he's allosexual. I'm just bad at writing allosexuals.
67. What is their sexuality?
He doesn't really know how to pin it down, so he just calls himself "queer". Definitely not straight, that's all he knows.
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood?
AHAHA no. He's hella desensitized
69. Is there anything that they find really gross?
Skulking cyst. Look it up at your own volition. It's. NO.
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them?
It's 12:21 in the morning and I'm NOT about to scroll through a bunch of tv tropes just. just. NERD stereotype.
71. Do they enjoy helping people?
Yyyyes? Only really if it's the people he cares about.
72. Are they allergic to anything?
73. Do they have a pet?
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper?
Oh yeah he's all bark and no bite. He usually just throws a little fit and/or yells.
75. How patient are they?
More than he should be :/
76. Are they good at cooking?
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often?
Oh yes he insults the others all the time. No particular favorite, he likes so spice it up.
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy?
Stim. Stim. Stim. His eyes get all sparkly and he. He.
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears?
He will do everything in his power to assure they won't ever have to deal with their fears alone- You afraid of spiders? It's his job to get the spiders from now on so you won't have to deal with them.
80. Are they trustworthy?
Oh yeah. He's like Rapunzel- doesn't break promises.
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it?
Oh yes he tries to hide it. And yes, he's awful at it.
82. Do they exercise regularly?
Yes and no? No like- exercise regimen, but the amount of travelling and fighting they do is just- a workout in and of itself
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look?
Yeah! He's cute and he knows it baybie!!!
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people?
He,,, he likes someone who's physically stong,,, Muscles are,,, aaaaa >///>
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive?
Someone he can nerd out with :)
86. Do they like sweet foods?
Impartial to it. He won't turn sweets away but he's not crazy about them either.
87. What is their age?
43, the equivalent of- I think someone in their mid 30s?
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between?
He's 6'8" :) Which is actually normal for his race
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts?
Sometimes! I like to think he has reading glasses or something like that.
90. Do they consider themselves attractive?
91. What is their sense of humor like?
Julian tainted his sense of humor and now he finds the most dumb shit hilarious. Think very millenial/GenZ humor like "I wish I was Jared, 19"
92. What mood are they most often in?
"I don't get paid enough for this" or Fear.jpg
93. What kinds of things anger them?
People who don't keep their FUCKING WORD. Oh and like. Yknow. Half the shit his party does.
94. Outlook on life?
Again he's??? Oddly an optimist? In the "Things will get better and that is a fucking THREAT" way, but still optimist!
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed?
Talk about his family :) Or the fact that his boyfriend might want him dead :)
96. What is their greatest weakness?
He's squishy as fuck. He goes down easy.
97. What is their greatest strength?
He's extremely intelligent and great with magic and his sniper!
98. Something that they regret?
Not doing more to stop his brother when he tried to resurrect their sister
99. Biggest accomplishment?
Either convincing an entire town his name is Torren or accidentally convincing some very OP people that he's secretly a dragon.
100. Create your own!
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xiyao-feels · 3 years
contemplating the sexism of MDZS' society, got to wondering about the number of female clan leaders
I mean this isn't a comprehensive review, mostly I used my memory + looked up references from the wiki, but:
Wen: Wen Mao is a man (ch 72, it's not actually mentioned the first few times he's mentioned), WRH is a man, rest I couldn't find. The third clan leader is mentioned as having built a wall around the Burial Mounds (ch 67) but I couldn't find a gender.
Nie: NMJ, NHS, and their father are all men; the sixth, fifth and fourth sect leaders were all men (ch 26). The founder is mentioned as a butcher but I couldn't find a gender. Rest I couldn't find.
Jin: JGS, JGY, and JL are all men; rest I couldn't find.
Jiang: JFM and JC are men; I think the text suggests that it was JFM's father (or rather, not JFM's mother, which I guess doesn't rule out more complicated inheritance scenarios), more on which later. The founder, Jiang Chi, is given a name but I couldn't find a gender (ch 56). The rest I couldn't find.
Lan: we're explicitly told than Lan Yi, the third Lan clan leader, was the only female clan leader (ch 55). We know of at least four others: Lan An, the second clan clearer, QHJ, and LXC. We also have a bit of a sense for how much time passed between now and then—we're told that if BSSR was indeed alive in the generation of Lan An and Wen Mao she must be a "few hundred" (Taming Wangxian) or "hundreds" of (Exiled Rebels) years old (chapter 29). We're also told that WM legendarily killed a divine beast "hundreds" of years ago (ER, ch 72). So however many Lan clan leaders there were in that time, Lan Yi was the only one.
Looking at more minor sects: Ouyang-zongzhu is a man (ch 84); Yao-zongzhu is a man (ch 110); Qin Canghe is a man (ch 86); He Su (of the Tingshan He) is a man (ch 118); Moling Su is led by SMS; the Yueyang Chang were led by Chang Ping and his father Chang Ci'an before him, both men (ch 30). I can't find anything for Yingchuan Wang.
And there's Baoshan Sanren, of course, although she's not exactly a clan leader.
The Meishan Yu are interesting. Certainly they produced Madam Yu, and presumably Madam Jin who grew up with her, and Madam Yu's impressive servants, Jinzhu and Yinzhu. The wiki argues that Meishan Yu are likely led by a woman around the time of Sunshot, given that JFM tells JC to find his grandmother at Meishan ("try to go to Meishan as soon as possible to find your sister and your grandmother") ch 58). On the other hand I'll observe that Madam Yu gives him similar instructions earlier in the chapter but /doesn't/ mention JC's grandmother ("Go to Meishan straight away and find your sister!"), and also—as far as I can tell the Chinese is for paternal grandmother? I could easily be misunderstanding something here but in the text as I find it it's 江枫眠道:“我回去,你们两个离开。不要调转方向,不要回莲花坞。上岸之后立刻想办法去眉山找你姐姐和祖母。” And 祖母 is paternal grandmother I think?? I tried rereading some of the past-timeline chapters and couldn't find any other references to JFM's mother, but I could easily have missed them. If this is so, though, it does suggest that JFM's mother was not clan leader before him.
ETA: ah, just wanted to note that I was rereading the studying in CR chapters and although Madam Jin did grow up with Madam Yu, she's not from Meishan Yu (ch 18):
The only reason why Jiang YanLi was able to enter an engagement with Jin ZiXuan was because her mother was from the MeishanYu Sect, and the MeishanYu Sect was quite friendly with the sect of which Jin ZiXuan’s mother was from. The two madams grew up together, and they had a close relationship.
Oh, I'll mention for completion's sake—apparently people read this passage from ch 60 as meaning that people wanted WQ to take over the Wen? That isn't my reading at all, but I'll put it here so people can judge for themselves:
Wen Qing cut him off, “What the Wen Sect does doesn’t represent what we do. We don’t need to be responsible for the Wen Sect’s wrongdoing. Wei Ying, there’s no need to look at me like that. There’s a beginning to all debts. I’m the office leader of Yiling, but I was ordered to take the position. I’m a medic, an apothecary, I’ve never killed anyone, much less touched the blood of the Jiang Sect.”
It was true. Nobody had heard of any lives lost by Wen Qing’s hands. There were always many cases that people wanted her to take over. It was because Wen Qing was one of the Wen Sect’s people whose way of doing things was actually normal. At times she could even put in a few good words for people in front of Wen RuoHan. Her reputation had always been good.
Anyway. Eeesh. What a ratio. WWX doesn't say that Lan Yi was the only female clan leader ever, so presumably there have been others, but....eesh. It's a very sexist society!
I mean it's not just the clan leaders, you kind of see it all over the place. The Lan are strictly gender-segregated (ch 114), although at least they do have female cultivators in sufficient number that they can go on their own night-hunts (ch 114). Madam Jin and Madam Yu are very powerful, but their husbands are still in charge. The terms in which Yao-zongzhu chides JL for crying in ch 110. The reactions to Mianmian's defense of WWX in ch 73. Madam Jin disapproves of WWX and JYL, "a young man and a young woman," being alone together (ER, ch 70). WC's beliefs about the purpose and role of women (ch 59), his treatment of the few female cultivators during the Wen indoctrination and the fact that there are so few female cultivators to begin with (ch 52), and also that he doesn't spend more than half a year on any given woman max (ch 61). And I know there's lots more, this is really just off the top of my head!!
I think I'd agree that the society CQL presents is less sexist (albeit still very sexist). But MDZS....man. It really is very sexist! In general I feel like I don't see cultivation society presented as nearly this sexist in fandom, although usual caveats for personal experience not being universal and I suspect a lot of people the time they're drawing more from CQL. Still, from a perspective of understanding people's actions and/or characters in MDZS, it does seem worth noting.
...also if anyone else has anything on female clan leaders I would be very curious!!! It's not like I reread the whole text for this, I was mostly just tracking down references, so if anyone does remember anything I'd love to hear about it!!
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20th Anniversary MA Event - Fourth Week Activity From November 23 to November 30 Wednesday - Let’s talk about ships
Hello everyone!
Today we cover a topic everyone loves and everyone’s also very passionate about. We all have our OTPs, but what I would like to share is a list of pairings that have been included in the canon one way or another. I did my best to think about all the possibilities but I’m probably forgetting some of them, so I invite you to add more pairings or talk about your favorite ones!
See the list and comments under the cut.
YuurixWolf (Novels 1-17) Officially engaged. Starts with a one sided love from Wolfram towards Yuuri. They soon form a family alongside Greta and their bond kept growing stronger and stronger, by the latest volumes and special chapters there’s a lot of mentions about them acting/living as a married couple. Yuuri and Wolfram are mentioned many times in main volumes, specials and Drama CDs as each other’s husband or wife. They share their royal suit and other characters recognize them and respect their space. Wolfram’s a popular choice in the canon’s poll of who His Majesty will end with.
ConrartxJulia (Novels 1-4, Gaiden 1) Confirmed being one sided Conrart towards Julia. During the first volumes there’s a lot of development that leads us to think there’s a big love story between these two characters, but later we get more information about Julia’s secret relationship with Adalbert and their mutual love that uncovers that their engagement was not only political, but involved feelings as well.
ConrartxYuuri (Novels 1-17) Strongly implied during the first volumes until Conrart disappears, it becomes complicated after that when he’s back as a traitor and loses his place as the confidant and bodyguard of Yuuri being replaced by Wolfram and Jozak. It can be considered one sided love from Conrart towards Yuuri (he’s been rejected a couple of times directly or indirectly by Yuuri, for example in Misepan Part 2 mini novel) but there are scenes of tension and also romantic scenes between them. Conrart seems very conflicted since Yuuri’s Julia’s reincarnation, even so he supports his brother’s engagement since the first novels and has even encouraged Yuuri during personal chats about the topic. Conrart’s a popular choice in the canon’s poll of who His Majesty will end with. 
ConrartxJozak (Novels 1-17) Mostly Jozak joking around and Conrart going along with it when he feels like it. They don’t seem to have actual feelings involved at all. They know each other since they’re very young so there’s some closeness and also they don’t have the pressure of a noble status and social barriers. But we can notice in some specials and extras that Conrart is not as friendly with Jozak as he is with him, and their relationship gets pretty bad after Conrart is revealed as a traitor. Sadly there’s not that much developtment after that because Conrart is not yet back to Shin Makoku in the novels. In Drama CDs that can be considered around the latest or future timeline, it seems their relationship is fixed in a similar way as with Yuuri and Conrart, you can’t erase the past but forgive and keep going, they remain friends.
JozakxYuuri (Novels 1-17 and specials) All teasing and jokes because Jozak is like thatm, but they also have some very emotional chapters after Seisakoku’s arc that are not actually romantic but add to their deep relationship. Jozak’s a choice in the canon’s poll of who His Majesty will end with.
JozazxGwen/Ani (Novels 1-17, mostly side stories and Drama CD 73) Unrequited feelings from Jozak towards Gwendal and Anissina. She was his first interest as soon as he met her, she confuses him with Gwendal because he was tall and hugs him from behind, making him fall for the pretty short lady. He changes his mind very fast due to her personality, but he comments again about some interest later in different moments. His interest in Gwendal seems steadier and mixed with a lot of respect and admiration, plus their complications due their boss/employee relationship. Jozak is very close to Gwendal and tends to break the line of social status pretty often to get more friendlier with him. 
JozakxMurata (Hints mostly in Drama CDs 71 and 73) This looks like something pretty new, mostly developed by the manga and later included in the newest Drama CDs with some hints here and there. Jozak and Murata develop a kind of dramatic relationship during the Seisakoku arc, later mutating into a relationship that resembles the one of Yuuri and Conrart during the first volumes of the series. It seems Jozak is the designated bodyguard for Murata in the latest part of the story, but we are not able to see much about this yet due to the hiatus. During their first encounter Murata and Jozak do say some flirty lines about each other, extended by the adaptation in the Drama CD with extra canon bits written by T-sensei. So, in the end it seems it’s new but not that new.
GwendalxYuuri (Novels 1-17) Big misunderstanding from Nicola’s side during the first novels that carries out as a strong rumor during the series, and a comedic gag. Yuuri was intimidated by Gwendal at first so this is shocking for him, but later they develop a very good relationship and friendship so it’s still a misunderstanding Yuuri doesn’t want to hear about, but less shocking at least. Still, Wolfram is very concerned about his dear brother stealing his fiancé. Gwendal’s a popular choice in the canon’s poll of who His Majesty will end with.
GünterxYuuri/Murata (Novels 1-17)He’s insanely in love with soukokus. His one sided love does not border obsession, is just plain obsessive. Even if Günter is dependable, a great teacher and the best fighter of the whole country, he ends up degraded to this comedic relief version of himself as soon as Yuuri sets foot in the other world. He gets some revindication in Seisakoku’s arc, but he mostly fits that position in this story. As soon as Murata enters the picture he has melt down about having two soukokus instead of one. Even if he often shows his strong feelings without containing himself, he’s also shown consideration towards Yuuri’s engagement with Wolfram more than once. Günter’s a choice in the canon’s poll of who His Majesty will end with. 
GegenhuberxNicola (Novels 1-17) Canon married couple with a baby. We all know about this one xD They resemble Yuuri and Gwendal physically so this keeps adding to the misunderstanding about that pairing haha.
DacascosxAmblin (Novels 1-17) Married couple with a daughter, they were close to divorce more than once, if not divorced for a period of time already and remarried or something along these lines (at the bare minimum she left him for a while). The ups and downs of this couple are mentioned casually in the story.
AdalbertxJulia (Novels 1-17, more evident after novel 4) First presented as a political engagement with no feelings involved with strong hints of Conrart being the true love of Julia. Later it’s revealed it was not a one sided love from Adalbert towards Julia, they have known each other since a young age when they met secretly and developed feelings for each other. They were aware of these feelings and happy with their engagement, but they had a tragic ending.
AdalbertxYuuri (Novels 10-17) After the Dai Shimaron tournament when Conrart reveals to Adalbert that Yuuri has Julia’s soul he starts trying to approach him and shows conflicted feelings. Later in Seisakoku’s arc Adalbert develops into an ally, and after an opportunity to know Yuuri better he seems to recognize Yuuri’s very different from Julia and set his feelings. 
AdalbertxMaxine (Novels 10-17, mostly Seisakoku’s arc)  Also known as “MachoPony” (from Cropped Pony, Maxine’s nickname) as specified by T-sensei, mentioned in a doujinshi, she supports this pairing. Adalbert knows Maxine since he had a young age and since he’s human it was pretty natural he saw him grow fast. They have a strange friendly relationship and keep walking into each other here and there, even working together as mercenaries. By the end of the Seisakoku arc Adalbert seems to remain living with him and Jason and Freddy, the two shinzoku girls they take care of. This pretty much looks like the establishment of a new family for Adalbert and also a new chapter in his life. 
GiselaxJulia (Novels 1-17) One sided love from Gisela towards Julia. She had very strong feelings for her and it seems she still remains pretty much in love only with Julia at the present time. 
GiselaxConrart (Novels 5-6) Misunderstanding caused by Wolfram. He gets the impression Gisela is in love with his brother when he travels with her in search for Yuuri, but it’s pretty much rebutted at the same moment he speaks about it with her. She sneakily kind of tells him the one she loved in the past was Julia and not Conrart but Wolfram is unable to understand because he lacks a lot of information about that romantic mess of the past.
GwendalxAnissina (Novels 1-17 + Drama CDs) The most canon pairing we have. They know each other since they’re kids and even with the ups and downs they’re clearly inseparable. They have their own chapter as Romeo and Juliet parody, alongside many other scenes that give us details about them being together, including some very explicit sexual details in some Drama CDs. Other characters recognize them, but since most of them are too scared of Anissina they tend not to comment much about it. Cäcilie and Densham, Anissina’s brother, support a marriage between them.
CheriexFanfan (Novels 1-17) Current official lover of the ex-queen Cäcilie. Fanfan is a human weapon merchant who helps Yuuri and company many times along the series. Her three sons are not really fond of discussing this relationship out loud and usually look the other way if the topic arises. 
CheriexChevallier (Novels 1-17) Confirmed one sided love from Chevallier towards Cäcilie in the latest novels, Prison arc. He tells his story about loving her since the first time he saw her when she was very young, and he’s been pretty much stalking her / remaining at her side since then. She’s not aware but she has a good relationship with him as her servant. Gwendal seems to approve of this man. 
MurataxYuuri (Seen mostly in doujinshis) There’s hints in the main novels, especially during Seisakoku’s arc. Murata’s one sided feelings for him tend to be on the obsessive side of trying to find him and protect him. We can see more clearly his romantic interest in the official doujinhis. He recognized Wolfram as Yuuri’s partner as soon as he appears and it’s stated they’re officially engaged, later showing respect for the royal suit as being owned by both of them and being courteous with Wolfram in that regard.
SaraleguixYuuri (Novels 10-17) There’s some tension but this is clearly not even one sided but a trickery from Saralegui. He shows himself flirty most of the time, but he’s always hiding bad intentions in his acting and Yuuri’s very aware of it so it’s like walking over glass while he tries to counter the advances. There’s a lot of mentions by Yuuri about the beauty of Saralgui and his night clothes, and some of these comments remind us of Wolfram but they’re done in a very different way. Also, Saralegui literally wants Yuuri as an exotic pet for his collection, he’s not even human in his eyes. This pairing is usually a comedic gag during specials.
ConrartxKing Berard IV… blame the manga, oh God, blame the manga XD He’s the reason the manga ends with Cornart not going back to Shin Makoku.
I just wanted to end with a laugh when I remembered this one hahaha
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Episode 70 Poll Results (for Anime Only Watchers)
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The poll closed with 76 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Manga Readers’ poll, click here.
Anime only watchers, beware of spoilers if you venture over to the manga readers’ poll results.
RATE THE EPISODE 74 responses
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Although the response to this week’s episode was still overwhelmingly positive, with 95.9% of responses giving the episode 3 or higher, it was a bit lower in comparison to the previous one. 
Very amazing a 💯/10✊
I loved it, as always
Gabi episode? NO BUENO.
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Gabi and Falco’s escapades took up the vast majority of the episode, so we wanted to know which one of them was your favorite. An equal amount of respondents (28.4%) seemed to prefer either the moment wherein Gabi came under attack from that perfidious horse or Kaya remembering Sasha and how she saved her life years ago. Closely behind those (25.7%) are the folks preferring the argument between Gabi and Kaya. Another semi-popular option was the scene wherein Kaya showed Gabi and Falco her former village.
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We also had a fair bit of scenes focused on characters besides Gabi and Falco. For this question, there was a rather noted diversity in opinions. 24.7% seemed privy to seeing a recurrence of Mikasa’s headache and the flashback to Eren’s killing of the traffickers. 15.1% were most interested in seeing Hange remember Sannes’ warning about the cycle. An equal number of responses (13.7%) were most interested in either seeing the discussion between Magath and the rest of the Warriors on their further actions or seeing Hange confront Floch and the rest of the recruits about their recent actions in regards to Eren. Finally, 11% said that their favorite moment was either seeing the conversation between Mikasa and Louise or the conversation between the warriors and shirtless Reiner. A few folks also indicated their enjoyment of the scene wherein Hange was heckled by the civilians or the conversation between Pixis and Yelena.
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We’ve had a few small flashbacks in this episode and it seems like the definitive majority (58.9%) enjoyed the flashback about Kaya getting saved by Sasha. 26% were most privy to seeing Mikasa remember Eren killing the kidnappers many years ago and 13.7% enjoyed seeing Hange remember Sannes’ warning. One person liked catching the sight of Mikasa’s actions in Trost.
RATE JEAN’S OUTFIT 73 responses
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Jean decided to try out a new style, courtesy of Coco Chanel, the Paradis Collection. Not too many were impressed, however, with only 34.8% giving Jean’s fit a 4 or a 5. 24.7% gave it a 3, the rest gave it a lower score.
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It looks like Eren won this round when it comes to the showdown of AoT’s rare fan service scenes with 75%. 
AOT men are immaculate
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Yelena looks to be a rather popular girl, with 53.4% of respondents noting that they would totally appreciate an opportunity to talk to her. 23.3% aren’t sure and 11% really wouldn’t, in contrast. 12.3% simply don’t care.
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For this question, we got a rather colorful pie chart. 26.4% of respondents stated that the existence of a flying boat fueled by iceburst stones is the most interesting detail. That was followed by, in order from more interesting to less interesting according to the poll takers, Blouse family’s involvement with Historia’s orphanage, Yelena making contact with Eren beforehand, the girl Sasha saved in Episode 2 of S2 being Kaya’s identity, the confirmation that Louise was the girl Mikasa saved back in Trost and fact that Floch and his co-minded folks leaked information about Eren to the press and the existence of Eren’s “home”.
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Gabi shouted out a lot of questionable things in this episode, at various points. We’ve asked how the respondents felt about it. The plurality, 37.5% simply saw it as a rather sad state for her. In contrast, 27.8% were actually annoyed with her for that. 16.7% thought that it might have been, perhaps, a result of her attempting to fool herself. We also received a lot of write-ins.
Gabi's IQ is a bit low or she has been brainwashed harder than others
I think it’s just hard for her to see it any other way because she is so young. She was starting to be shaped like reigner, Annie bertholdt. 
I understand why she acts like that. Doesn't make it any less annoying tho
I feel so bad for her. Marleyan propaganda and indoctrination is one hell of a drug
Gabi sucks and she just is a trash character
She's just a kid trying to deal with a lot of trauma and new contradicting information whilst also having a winning attitude. Her negative feelings toward Eldians is familiar and so constant hatred is just a coping mechanism.
It only makes sense for her to act this way. Falco and Colt had to join the warriors unit to redeem their uncle’s crimes as part of the restorationists. Gabi has been praised and fed false propaganda her whole life, so yes she would have a harder time rejecting her race’s past history. Children are easier to manipulate/brainwash than adults.
I think she’s clinging to what she knew because she had based her whole identity and goals in life off of these facts. Admitting that these things might not be true would be like denying who she is?? Y’know 
Immovable object (my hatred for Gabi because I find her annoying and she killed Sasha) vs unstoppable force (me recognizing she is a child in a traumatic situation who has been brainwashed and raised to believe she must atone for things she is not actually responsible for)
A bit annoying, but I'm hopeful that she will slowly change her mind. Maybe due to realizing Sasha was actually a good person through Kaya/seeing she's no different from them?
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An interesting what-if comes about when thinking about Gabi possibly meeting Eren instead of Falco all those weeks ago and how that would have impacted her personal beliefs. A slight majority (50.7%) believe it wouldn’t have changed much, if at all as a result of that possible meeting. 20.5% think that Gabi would have taken somewhat of a middle-ground position when taking her current and Falco’s current beliefs into account. 17.8% can’t really say for sure and 8.2% don’t seem to care. Only a few believe that Gabi would have started to feeling differently back then.
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It doesn’t appear that Gabi has garnered that much sympathy for her near breakdown, with 49.3% noting that they really didn’t feel much, if any, sympathy for Gabi. In contrast, 50.6% said that they felt some noted degree of sympathy, mostly on a moderate scale. 
It makes me sick to my stomach seeing Sasha's family just treating Gabi so nicely. I know they don't know she's Sasha's killer but I'd really like to see them go horror-flick on her ass and kill her when they learn the truth
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Floch states that Eren ensured Paradis a path to survival via the ability to initiate the rumbling, while Hange shows skepticism that the rumbling is even a probable solution to their problems, feeling they should secure their freedom in other ways. 52.8% seem to feel the same way that Hange does, while only 27.8% would take Floch’s side in this differing of views. 12.5% think neither of them are wholly correct and feel there are other options. 
Both should co-operate 
Fuck ever agreeing with Floch. Who is he to even question their authority. Sit back buddy, relax, have a breather. You only became a main character this season, nothing bads gonna happen if wittle baby ewen is in jail for COMMITING WARCRIMES and forcing his superiors to cater to him. That's lit-rally how the army works. 
I want to say I side with floch, but I don’t trust eren. 
I don’t know for sure
I think they're both right in their own way. 
dont like floch lol
Wish Gabi would've shot Floch instead of Sasha :/
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Nearly 55% of respondents feel that Eren absolutely deserved to be jailed for his actions in Marley, regardless of how they answered the previous question. Only 35.6% feel that he was wrongfully locked up.
Jailing him is just tradition at this point 
Yeah. You fuck up and you do the time. If you want to make decisions and live 'freely', don't become a soldier. Simple???
Eren did some war crimes, time to sit in the time-out box 
He definitely needs to be observed and perhaps questioned, but not jailed. I thought that wasn't really a great move. 
I don't know
How many times has Eren been in jail now? He's obviously not gonna be staying there for long
Reprimanded a little bit for not trusting his team, but didn't deserve jail
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Hange remembers Sannes’ words about how someone always steps into the role he once played prior to the Uprising Arc. 67.6% feel that Hange, whether intentional or not, is falling into the cycle that Sannes and his comrades perpetuated for years before them. 19.7% feel the opposite, however, and believe that Hange wouldn’t let things get that bad. 
I don’t know why I can’t remember who sannes is rn. 
yes but i feel like she will realize this and try to change 
I can’t say yet
Yes, to a degree but this doesn't mean they've past the point of no return. Everything the previous government did could have started with good intentions similar to Hange now but those intentions eventually morphed and corrupted. 
i dunno
Maybe i'm not sure only time will tell
I think that can't be said for sure until we see how she acts/responds to this realization
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Half of respondents feel that Mikasa’s demeanor toward Louise stems from her feeling as though she can relate to the girl in some way. The remainder of responses were rather mixed, with 15.1% feeling that Mikasa simply feels sorry for her, and at a tie for 11%, either feel that she finds Louise annoying or is just generally indifferent toward her.
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Mikasa’s headaches, while they don’t get much of a focus, tend to happen infrequently throughout the series. Though, her headache in episode 70 appears to be a bit more traumatic for her than ones we have seen in the past. 27.4% feel that these headaches are likely related to her Ackerman biology, while 20.5% think that it can be explained as simply PTSD. 15.1% think that it’s her “Eren sense,” so to speak. Small handfuls feel it’s something more related to Paths/The Coordinate, or a mixture of her Ackerman and Asian biology. 21.9% still aren’t really sure what to make of these. Will Isayama give us answers?!
the wine has to have something to do with it????
It's those damn ~PATHS~
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The horse gets the gold start this week for giving Gabi a little bit of karmic justice. 65.3% appeared to enjoy the little misfortune Gabi had to endure thanks to the horse’s shenanigans. 19.4% agree that this was surely the work of devils! And 15.3% felt genuinely bad for Gabi during this moment. 
Horse !!!!!!
Wish that horse would have bit Garbage's head off xD
Horse got some revenge for Sasha! Here's hoping someone ot something else will finish her off permanently!
*falco voice* GAAAAAABIIIIII
Thank you Horse-kun!
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56.2% of respondents feel confident that Gabi’s views of Paradis will change by the conclusion of her character arc. 12.3% are still adamant that nothing will be able to sway her views. The remainder continue to be uncertain. 
I hope gabi changes her views. But she seems pretty set 
I don't honestly know if Gabi will change her views, but killing Sasha was enough to make me ALWAYS hate her no matter what kind of development she may get
Will Gabi change? I don't know but I don't care. Nothing will undo her killing Sasha.
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Kaya mentions that they will be eating at a Marleyan’s restaurant and believes that said Marleyan (Nicolo) will be able to help Gabi and Falco figure out a way to return home to Marley. Nearly half of the fandom feel that they won’t be successful in getting any help from Nicolo, while only 13.7% think that he will be able to do something for them. 31.5% didn’t want to make a call either way.
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Over half of the fandom (65.3%) doesn’t have much faith in the Warriors to successfully retrieve Gabi and Falco. 20.8% feel the opposite, however, and think that their urgency is warranted. Will they get to Gabi and Falco in time?!
epic laina
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With every AoT episode, we get as many questions as we do answers. This episode is not an exception. Majority of the respondents (53.4%) are interested in getting answers for all of them (What did Yelana talk to Eren about, what is up with Mikasa’s headaches, what is Hange going to investigate and why is Shiganshina being evacuated?). Out of the all of those, the Yelena-Eren convo is the most popular one.
Gabi sucks so hard, she should be much more harshly punished for killing Sasha
The scenery was beautiful!! I'm hoping we get some action soon tho
MAPPA created some beautiful imagery this episode, like the scene with Falco and Gabi at the lake so was gorgeous! Also I wanna honk Reiner's tiddies
babies, my babies. 
Gabi sucks
Doesn't really stand out, but I much preferred the pacing of this episode to the last two. I better see some damn rumbling next ep, we're getting straight edged rn with that ice plane.  I absolutely FUCKED with seeing Louise do the little salute, brought back memories of simpler times.
Gabi is garbage
I loved the episode! Beautiful callbacks to so many previous set-up/storylines. It made me reminisce a bunch. I also hope for a bit of catharsis regarding Sasha's death by the hands of Gabi. Hopefully something will click and Gabi will realize that she may be wrong in her beliefs after realizing the person she killed (Sasha) is savior Kaya had described to her. While I don't hate Gabi, I also wouldn't mind a bit of karma going her way either. 
I think this is definitely one of my favorites so far. There's a lot of interesting new pieces of info, and I'm excited to see how this stuff resolves in the end.
I hate Gabi even more
I hate Gabi SO much
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Thank you again to everyone who participated!
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 16 + 17.12.20 lb
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riddhima having completely opposite reaction to me, on discovering ki iss shakal ke do do bande ghoom rahein hain dharti pe.
hubs praising wifey’s intellect (he has a real low bar huh) in attached note and saying ki yeh birthday kamaaaaaaaal ka hoga.
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meanwhile kabir has come back to investigate the trap door. bhai you keep saying “policewaala hoon, policewaala hoon” but i don’t see you actually going to work. “policewaala hoon” is this show’s “main AAAAADIIIINAAAAAGIN hoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!” to which literally all of us just respond, haan toh???? nahi matlab, sach mein.......... TOH??? hum kya hi karein iss bohut hi obvious yet useless information ke saath?
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A+ hide and seek game going on here.
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lmaooooooo iski shakal dekho, on being interrogated. he’s suchhhhhhhhhhhhh a shady fuck.
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oh boy she said the word that shouldn’t ever be said to tellywood MLs..... “warna”....... it only leads to one thing:
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yup. this fuckery.
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“tumhe har baat kyun jaanni hoti hai??? nahi bataana.” lmao well, when you put it like that......
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some ainvayi ka blah blah meant to deter her but only makes her more determined. coz hubs knows wifey veryyyyyyyyyy well by now.
also he just said that the raaz is “khoobsoorat”. so this has a positive result ultimately i think?
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andddd he dropped a new aag metaphor: “aag dekhne mein khoobsoorat hai lekin usmein haath daalna akalmandi ka kaam nahi hai.” (remember when he told her as vansh wrt the whole ragini thing ki “aag mein haath daalogi toh aag ko kuch nahi hota, lekin tumhare haath jal jaayenge.”)
also lmao kab karti hai riddhima akalmandi ka kaam????? yes MO is literally just “is it questionable and are people telling me RIDDHIMA NOOOOOO? THEN RIDDHIMA YESSSSSSSSS.”
so of course she’s like fuck you i wanna know at alllll costs.
“yeh raaz tumhe ek aisi duniya mein le jayega riddhima jahaan se laut ke aana tumhare liye impossible hai.” ....... so exactly like being stuck in this house/family????? pfttttt, warn her with something she HASN’T been dealing with everyday for the past 6 months.
some more dumb mysterious metaphors and he finally leaves. 
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meanwhile idhar someone badeeeeeee safaai se maarofied the photo. ok you were spying on her from outside and knew that there was a compartment behind the mirror. BUT HOW DID YOU CRACK THE PASSWORD ON FIRST TRY??????????? IDHAR MERE KO APNA HI GMAIL TUMBLR INSTA PASSWORD 3 BAAR ENTER KARNE HOTE HAIN BEFORE IT LETS ME IN.
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“happy birthday, Dollar Biwi!” mmmmhmmm got you all wet under the shower in black, Happy Birthday to all of us, indeed!!!!!
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“i hope tum hamesha aise hi girti raho aur main pakadta rahoon!” snort. vihaan babu, permanantly yahaan ghar basaane ka plan banaa liya hai kya???? not even pretending anymore that he’s not in this mess for saath janam.
lmao she’s like fuck you i just wanna know the secret.
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smarmy fuck is like hmmmmmm, birthday ke din bataaa hi doon kya? fucking tease.
he’s like ok fine, in the evening, at the party you’ll get a gift that’ll be your answer.
she’s like if you break your promise and don’t give me the answer?
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“toh koi aur de dega.” this fuckerrrrrrrrrrr. he playing 3d chess, he fully knows what’s happening outside with the picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she’s like pls no one else knows this secret, i have hidden it verrrrrrrrrrrry safely; and he’s like, if there’s one thing i learnt from vansh, it’s that the walls of VR mansion are neverrrrrrr safe. kabhi bhi kuchhhhhhhh bhi ho sakta hai.
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Chehra Appreciation Break.
she runs out and........... the photo is goneeeeeeeee.
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riddhima constantly wanting to beat up/murder vihaan is such a Mood lmao.
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anyway he beat her with the powers of Logic. and Handsomeness. mostly Logic tho.
so if he didn’t do it................. she concludes ki obviously it was kabir.
ok but what if it was ANGRE, who’s milofied with boss to give bhaabiji an excellent birthday surprise???? he too knows howwwwwww much sis loves to do jasoosi and play these games. MAN JUST GIMME MY V/ANGRE BROTP BACKKKKKKKKKK.
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anyway, birthday surprise has now turned into a headache and hubs like oh nooooooo, this is not what i wanted???? i wanted her to be happpppy and enjoy herselffffff.
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girl back at bappa’s sharan. coz where else to go, really?
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oh shit dadi’s here ranting and raving about knowing the truth. ohhhhhhhhh boy.
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dadi has decided to make herself the birthday candle that riddhima has to blow out.
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man, the matriarch of the house is throwing kerosene all over herself and everyone’s just standing around watching, instead of intervening in any useful way. everyone just want that raisinghania $$$$$$$ huh?
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oh. dream tha. this bloody show and its never-ending dream sequences.
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waise bhi iss set pe roz 4-5 cake aate hi honge, toh unko bas stack kar liya, ho gaya kaam. production mein se extra budget nahi nikaalna pada iske liye.
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V has specialllllllllllll gift for Dollar Biwi. yeh hua na gifttttttt. yisssssss gimme that USD, sonnnnnnn. exchange rate 73 touch kar gaya hai and the way it’s going........ it’s gonna reach even higher soon.
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aslkjdaslkjdlaskjdlkaslksajd riddhima and kabir’s reactions. they’re honestly so fucking done with this asshole.
ishani like since when you have such a sense of humour, bhai????? arre tha hamesha se hi, tum logon ne mauka hi kab diya hai bande ko joke maarne ka? har waqt kuch na kuch kalesh chalta rehta hai iss ghar mein jo bechaare ko sametna hota hai.
kabir adding to anxiety with this birthday will be so special blah blah blah.
and now the cake R cut just exploded with red liquid that ishani injected into it. birthday ke din hi tum sabhi manhooson ko bachchi pe bhadaas nikaalni hai???? ek din toh baksh do bechaari ko.
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sab ka cake khaana khilaana blah blah.
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hubs takes a moment to actually wish her sincerely with mushy eyes and soft voice. sweet.
ouff one moreeeeee surprise. aaj shaam birthday party. organized by kabir. greaaaaaat. 
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riddhima’s face = mine when i too am forced into social events that i have less than zero interest in attending.
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lmaooooooooooooo kabir called him “vansh bhai” and the slowwwwww turn V did to look at him like ‘bitch what you say??????’
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snark snark snark.
kabir rolling out some tray and......... the episode ends. god this is so fucking boring so much buildup to a bloody partyyyyyyyyyyy.  just get it the fuck over with my god!!!!!!!
K’s presented her with a buncha envelopes to choose the theme of the party or some such shit and riddhima’s like the fucker had put the photo in one of these for sureeeeeee.
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Chehra(s) Appreciation Break
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anyway she picked one envelope and there’s a letter from K saying i have the secret you were hiding, it’ll be out in the party, blah blah.
interesting thing is that this letter is written in hindi. the letter from vansh was hindi transliterated in english. hmmmmmm. i mean, lol, this has no larger bearing on the plot, just an observation i’m making and wondering about the show’s choices.
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lmao he did this lil eyebrow thing that just neeeeeeded to be giffed. i love this face so much!
hubs is sensing something is realllllllllll wrong and taking charge of the conversation and declares party ka theme colour is gold, and that riddhima is gonna look hot in black and gold. uh....... ok?
everyone disperses and V is warning K ki if you fuck this party up in anyyyyyyyyy way that makes the birthday girl upset..............
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vishal is making sooooooooo many amazing gif-worthy faces today. about time i make a set on him.
riddhima turning K’s room uthal-puthal to find the photo and obviously failsssss.
and he’s here with a bouquet of balloons and OMG BURSTING THEM ONE BY ONE LIKE THIS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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lotsaaaaaaaa threatening blah blah and riddhima is trying to reason with him and............ god i’m so bored.
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“tum na riddhima bohut hi ajeeb type ki ladki ho. jis kaam ke liye mana kiya jaata hai tum EXACTLY wohi karti ho!!!!” hahahahahaha both her boytoys should meet up over a drink about this very special characteristic of her’s. they’ll find they have more in common than they think.
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lmao literally noone else can make a party horn and the birthday song seem this hilariously threatening. i love him so muchhhhh.
behen is now crying in front of vansh’s photu. you know, to spice things up a lil.
saw some random photo frame sitting there, and just opened it and happened to find a bank transfer reciept from vansh to vihaan. for 5 crore. and on the 8th of december, 2017. ok but my question is what about the frame said ki open this and find exactly what you’re looking for behind the picture???????
storming off to find V and............
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lo ji aaj ke girrne ka karyakram shuru.
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lmao the contrast in reactions.
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“kismat tumhe har pal, har kadam mere aur kareeb laa rahi hai, riddhima.”
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he’s being very cute in this scene. he genuinely does want her to have a good birthday, it seems.
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unffffffffff. aise na mujhe tum dekho................
lmao she’s like you are the singlemost biggest fucking reason of all my stress, birthday or otherwise. wtf vansh give you 5 crore for????/ he’s like patience lil birdy, the answers are your birthday present. it’ll come in good time.
she’s yelling at him for being so chill when kabir is about to expose them and he’s just putting it all on her saying you’re the one going down for it anyway. and maybe if you’d told me about that mysterious letter earlier, i coulda helped you. SO BLOOOOODY ANNOYING HE IS.
anyway he’s like don’t worry i’ll handle it. but you have to give me apni zindagi ki ek khoobsoorat shaam. which............... gross. didn’t have to frame it like THAT.
she went to slap him but ofc he intercepted. ugh he’s so massive how the fuck is someone to even subdue him????? god i hate men.
anyway she told him he’s disgustaaaaaang and won’t take his help and he’s like yeah but it’s not just about you, there are manyyyyyy lives at stake here.
the signal for the yes to the offer is a........ “flying dance” during the party. which sounds as fucking ridiculous as.......... everything else in this fucking show, i suppose.
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what a fucking simp for his wife. i love it.
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askdjlksjdlkasjdlksajldkjlkdjlkj there’s a watermark on the mumbai stock footage. this show gives nooooooo fucks about quality at all.
party time. and the lights have gone out.
someone messing with the electronic equipment in the worsttttttttttt fucking way, by putting kerosene on the floor and setting a fuse alight??????? like????? just cut all the wires instead of causing a fullll fucking house fire like this?????????
lmao ishani is like lights ko gaye itna time ho gaya, yeh zaroor riddhima ki kismat ka koi ishaara hai. sis you need to chill with the savage. ek din toh chhod do usko.
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ok they’re really hot today. really fucking hot.
lmao she’s smiling but chabaa chabaa ke saying ki i’ll never say yes to your shady idea.
kabir walks up to her, gives her flowers, AND ACTUALLY THREATENED HER RIGHT IN FRONT OF V’S FACE. THE WAY V’S FACE CHANGED IN SECONDS YOU GUYS................
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coldly impassive.....
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.......... to silently giving reassuring look ki he’ll handle this.
that fuse is stillllllllllllll burning. at the fucking speed of paint drying on a rainy day.
speech timeeeeeeeee by kabir. and he has a video too. lorddddd.
V still cheekily offering his services, and she’s like bitch i did my own intezaam already. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. kerosene aur fuse waala stupidass plan iska hi tha. should have guessed from the level of sheeeeeer dumbness that it was her and no one else.
lmao he’s like ok but this was too good an opportunity for me, so i counter-attacked YOUR counter-attack. that wasn’t kerosene. i switched it out for blue paani. OH GOD RIDDHIMA DUMBASS DID YOU NOT EVEN SMELL THE FLUID TO CHECK WHAT IT WAS??????????????
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“kahaani kuch bhi ho, important yeh hai ki uska climax kya hota hai. aur iss kahaani ka climax tumhare saamne hai, riddhima.”
bitch yehi toh dikkat hai, ki abhi tak koiiiiiiiiii climaxes nahi milen hain issko. na vansh se, na vihaan se. what’s the use of all this thopda and ambidexterous haath if there’s no climaxes resulting from them? waste fellow. get working on delivering those climaxes PRONTO, sir.
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smilepal · 3 years
1, 20, 35, 7, 10, 75, 15
Hiro is mine, but Vic belongs to @shinycorvidae :)
1.) How did they first meet? 
Hiro and Vic met through Jackie. Hiro needed a new roommate who wasn’t put off by being mobbed by rival gang-members. Turns out pissing off the lot of them tends to paint a target on your back and Hiro had trouble trying to keep an apartment (or a roomate, or a security deposit) for very long. Luckily Vic didn’t mind all too much (rather she seemed to quite enjoy the excitement) and was just happy to have some company. It was a bit of a rocky start but Hiro reluctantly began trusting/actually enjoyed Vic’s company and she wasn’t deterred by his rather prickly personality. He eventually softened up a bit once he realized he could actually trust her.
7.) What are the dates like?
They’re usually pretty casual/spontaneous. None of them are really into huge, extravagant displays of affection or shows of money so exclusive restaurants or expensive outings are fairly unlikely. Hiro would most likely ask someone if they wanted to go grab a cup of coffee or try a cool new food stand he found, or maybe go for a bike ride/walk somewhere. After dating Vic for a while, the two of them like to go climbing in the badlands and bring picnics with/find somewhere pretty to watch the sunset. They’re all more into spending quality time with their partners, than overall cost. 
10.) Who usually cooks?
Vic is usually the one who cooks. Hiro isn’t a great cook and mostly got by on takeout/Vic and Mama Welles’ cooking before he met her. He starts trying to learn how to cook better later on so she can have a break though, and she’s always so excited to try new foods, so he likes that it makes her happy. He is a really good baker though--he just rarely does so. It’s expensive/and he sees it as pretty frivolous so he doesn’t do it as much as he’d like to. He has a huge sweet-tooth, and tries to indulge it as much as possible (as well as a soft spot for real coffee--that’s an indulgence he does cave to often). 
15.) Who remembers dates, birthdays, and appointments?
Hiro is decent at remembering dates/birthdays/appointments--in general he’s fairly well organized. Johnny is decidedly...less so. Vic is even better at remembering than Hiro.
20.) Who pays for the food the most, when they go out?
They all rotate who pays. Vic used to offer to pay more, especially at first when she was making more money and Hiro wouldn’t let her. He hates feeling like he owes people, even if they don’t expect return payment. Even after, Vic will pass him off as her kid/younger sibling occasionally when it’s her turn to pay for meals. She sees them saving money as worth the inevitable bitching that usually follows. 
35.) Have any pets? (If not: would they get any?)
Yes, they have two cats--Akira(Kira) a sphynx, named after one of Hiro’s favorite movies, and Goro, a black cat that seems to share it’s pepetual look of disapproval with his namesake. Hiro dotes on them like children. No dogs because Vic is terrified of them and the cats would hate it--and just not enough space in the apartment. 
73.)--didn’t see a 75# so closest one? If they would have a threesome, who would their third choice be? 
If their other two partners were off the table, Hiro would definitely not turn down Kerry Eurodyne. He’s more than mildly curious. All things considered, he’d be into the the Peralezes, if they were so inclined. 
Thanks for asking! Always appreciated <3 
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lostsoulaltair · 4 years
OnS Theories (15S). Second Theory - The Importance of Ashera’s Memories
Well, good evening everyone, I hope you’ve been doing well, we’ll start up with the theory season, as for now, let’s talk about something relevant and this is mainly thanks to @saltysourpatch1​ for the concept idea along the depth of it; therefore, let’s begin!
As of late, I believe many might have read the latest chapter, within this chapter, there was something rather curious and unexpected, what do I mean?
Correct. Kiseki-O asked Asuramaru if he regained or recalled who he was:
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Image from Vampire Reign - Chapter 95 
It implies that Kiseki-O’s memories came back in one exact point, but, what does this have to do with Ashera?
If many might recall, Ashera has always been a special demon along the fact that he was favored by the First Progenitor due to the fact he was the First Person that turned into a vampire thanks to Ancient Yu’s blood; he was also the First test subject to give answers to what he longed for centuries:
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Image from Vampire Reign - Chapter 79
More over, it only gives strength to the fact that once the First Progenitor was able to get in touch with Ashera, his main goal wasn’t triviality but instead, he wanted to remember who he was and what he was done to him:
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Image from Vampire Reign - Chapter 73
Despite this, Ashera was unable to recall all his past until Rigr interfered with something special that was used by the Hyakuya Sect; said thing was administrated on Yu which only managed or allowed Ashera to recall his past, or mostly, how he lost his life and became a vampire.
But now, why are Ashera’s memories so relevant?
After regaining his memories, he was able to link with Yu in a deeper way, something that Guren never was able to achieve which was to have both consciousness while being taken over by his demons.
What do I mean?
If many might recall, back in chapter 87, Yu asked for power to Asuramaru, since he wasn’t able to defeat Guren by the difference of power between them, therefore, Asuramaru ended up possessing him entirely but, the process was different since the possession was with total willingness of the wielder, such events only lead Ashera to unleash everything along his presence:
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Image from Vampire Reign - Chapter 87
Now, you might wonder why his presence is relevant along his memories, this is due to the fact that Ashera is a key; all the demons that slumbered within their cursed gears had no recollection of who they were; but despite this, Shikama focused so much on making Ashera remember who he was; he had all the time of the world to make other cursed gears awake their respective memories but once Ashera recovered them, it seemed like the long slumber Ashera went through finally broke.
But then, you might state that their memories were returned thanks to Mikaela after becoming a demon; within this, there’s an issue, the issue is that Mika is a demon with no memories.
While it’s true he’s now the most powerful demon due to the level of desires he once had; he’s a newborn demon, he has no memories of who he was except that he needs to feed in order to have strength; furthermore, Mikaela was born after Ashera recovered his memories and unleashed an act of presence in the world; but now, how can I state this if Urd, Ky Luc and Lest didn’t notice it?
If many might recall, the First Progenitor left the Vampire Council when Urd, Rigr, Krul, Noya and Ashera were around; Lest and Ky weren’t around nor were vampires around that time; furthermore, Urd is a vampire; but then, how was Krul able to detect her brother’s presence?
It could be said that Krul has knowledge of her brother’s scent, presence, and possibly, blood. They’re connected, just like how the Vampire Progenitors were able to detect or perceive the presence of the First, the same mechanic applies to Krul with her brother.
Returning to the main point of the theory. It could be said that Ashera is a key to the recovery of all demon’s memories; so far, with how the First stated “what was done to you” it could refer that before Ashera became a demon, there was certain process that he was submitted to so no demon would be able to recover its memories; but within this, there’s a certain degree of incongruence, what do I mean?
If many might recall, Noya seems to have memories of what the First did; but for that, it could be said this was thanks to Rigr; what do I mean?
In the World Resurrection Light Novels; Rigr used a Sinful Key on Mahiru, but, as we might recall, Mahiru merged with Noya, she devoured Noya so he could be sealed within her; therefore, it could be said thanks to that process, Noya managed to have recollections of his memories.
As for the other demons that were created, they were awaiting for the key to finally be able to remember who they were.
What do you think guys?
Let me know!
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heathneycanon · 4 years
okay so i ranked 113 total drama/ridonculous race ships based on how much i like them with explanations below the cut.. fair warning that i’m a lil mean to some of the ships lower on the list.
also i forgot to include dwayne senior and that one girl’s mom from rr because i literally forgot they existed until now, and i don’t want to manually add them in so i’ll just say that i think they’re cute but not super interesting.
EDIT: this has been updated post-roti-rewatch. i switched around the order of a couple ships, and added a new one. if i ever rewatch rr or pahkitew i’ll probably edit it again, but the likelihood of me rewatching either of those seasons any time soon is... ok i was about to say it was slim but it’s probably not
also i’m not ever adding in dwayne and the mom because i like it being a part f the description lmao. an afterthought. as it should be.
113. stephanie/ryan - i HATE the daters/haters. they’re like a weird, shitty mix of tda gidgette and duncney. like, they’re either annoyingly all over each other, or they’re toxic and fighting. tbh, they’re pretty toxic all the time. they stuck around for way too long imho.
112. jacques/josee - I CHANGED MY MIND IGNORE THIS
111. tom/jen - tom is canonically gay, and i hc jen as a lesbian. so i’m not a fan of this ship.
110. nemma - yeahh, knowing me, this is also a predictably low ranking. i hc noah as gay and emma as a lesbian, so again, i don’t vibe with this one.
109. coderra - i can only deal with this ship in rewrites. i’ve seen super well thought out rewrites of coderra and sierra’s character, but as it stands, i really don’t ship this at all.
108. davesky - dave is an incel lmao. anyway yea this ship initially seemed like bootleg zoke, which was kind of bootleg gwent, but then BOY did davesky get worse. i can’t stand dave and i can’t stand pairing him with sky, either.
107. leonard/sugar - why. i hate both of these characters. no thank u.
106. ella/dave - ok so u know i don’t like dave. i also hc ella as a lesbian, she hasn’t realized it and is dealing with comphet. i don’t like this ship.
105. topher/ella - i hc both of them as gay. they are friends tho.
104. macarthur/brody - in case you’re noticing a trend, i do in fact hc macarthur as a lesbian. i also don’t really care about her at all lmao. anyway, not a fan of this one. i really don’t understand why fresh thought this was a good idea.
103. noah/katie - again, i hc noah as gay, but this ship is more funny to me than anything else because these characters were shipped together so often early on, when they both a) barely had any characterization and b) had never interacted? anyway yea i don’t ship it.
102. cameron/sierra - this one’s weird? literally sierra had a crush on him or whatever because he reminded her of cody even though they’re… nothing alike? dude please get sierra some therapy oh my god
101. heather/justin - i knew someone who really, really shipped them once, which is why i’m including it. anyway i cannot see this ship at all, next.
100. amy/rodney - i guess this existed? i barely remember pahkitew, and i know rodney had a bunch of crushes, but this is the main one i remember so it’s the only one i can be bothered to include. anyway this relationship didn’t seem healthy at all.
99. max/scarlett - i don’t like max and i don’t really care about scarlett, but i also hc both of them as gay, so this is a no from me.
98. gwody - creepy and bad. i don’t trust people who ship this or davesky.
97. dashawn - shawn can do better. that one scene where they look at each other when dave has to kiss the person next to him is kinda funny tho.
96. topher/dave - marginally better than all other dave ships just because topher is there and i like topher. again tho, topher can do much better.
95. malejandro - why does this ship exist.
94. ezekiel/bridgette - not my thing at all. i don’t care about zeke too much, and i have a lot more ships with bridgette that i prefer over this one.
93. cody/beth - i only care about cody in certain contexts, and i practically never care about beth. i wouldn’t click off of a fic if this were a background pairing or whatever, but i definitely wouldn’t seek it out.
92. ezekiel/beth - again, don’t really care about beth or ezekiel that much. but in certain contexts, i can see why this would be cute.
91. courtney/jose - the only way this is cute is alongside aleheather, so that courtney and heather could marry into the same family. but also, why is this a ship that exists?
90. scourtney - i love both scott and courtney, but no thank u. they had absolutely no chemistry, and courtney was using scott both in the competition and as a rebound. not a fan.
89. gwen/cameron - is this a thing that exists? i found a screenshot of gwen kissing cameron on the cheek but is that edited? if it is real, i probably blocked it from my mind.
88. courtney/cameron - now i know this one exists in the weirdest, stupidest way the show could’ve gone about it. barely even qualifies as a ship, and it’s definitely not a good one.
87. duncan/zoey - i kind of see why others would like this one, but at the same time, it doesn’t really appeal to me.
86. alejandro/courtney - i love alejandro and i love courtney. but i can only see them as friends, tho i can see them like. kissing just because they’re bored. or to fuck with people. they did that in the show, right? kind of? i forget the specifics.
85. chris/blaineley - while i guess i can see why people ship this, chref is canon and blaineley is a lesbian.
84. katie and/or sadie/justin - why would katie or sadie date justin, when they’re in love?
83. gwuncan - maybe could’ve been good, but literally everything about how they got together and their relationship in canon has tainted my view of this ship. i definitely preferred them as friends in tda anyway. there’s a lotta cute gwuncan fanart out there so i do rb it sometimes tho. i see why people ship this, i get the potential, but for me it’s soured by world tour.
82. laurie/miles - who?
81. mary/ellody - yea ok they’re smart gfs, but also i literally don’t give a shit about either of them.
80. pete/gerry - they’re definitely dating but again i don’t care about them.
79. mike/cameron - not a horrible ship by any means, i just don’t really like cameron that much.
78. alejandro/justin - there are so many superior alejandro ships. and a handful of slightly better justin ships.
77. carrie/devin - wow they didn’t have a storyline that was original in any way! they’re pretty cute tho.
76. sanders/macarthur - would be higher but acab.
75. macarthur/josee - i really like the whole rivals to lovers thing, but again, acab. this is higher than sanders/macarthur because of the rivals to lovers, but mostly it’s because there’s only one bastard cop here rather than two.
74. owen/alejandro - i don’t really mind this one, but i see it as more of a one sided crush on owen’s side.
73. lightning/cameron - i don’t really care about cameron, but the jock/nerd dynamic is kinda good.
72. rockspud - they’re definitely a couple, but as the trend indicates, i really can’t bring myself to care too much about rr ships.
71. lindsay/beth - best beth ship, worst lindsay ship. i like one this better if lindsay is also dating tyler.
70. lindsay/lightning - a crackship i made up when i was eleven. i just think it’s really funny.
69. noco - not a bad ship, it’s just not my thing. i definitely see why other people ship it, i just ship both of them with other people.
68. ella/sugar - i see why people ship this as well, but i just really don’t like sugar. i can bring myself to see past that because this dynamic is genuinely good.
67. sierra/heather - i’ve seen this in au’s and rewrites of sierra’s character, and i see the potential. not bad.
66. bawn - they’re cute i guess? i just never really saw the appeal. they’re not bad by any means, it just seems kind of bland.
65. dakota/zoey - okay so i’m adding this one in as i’m reordering stuff because i rewatched roti. i didn’t have this here initially but their friendship was cute until zoey was all “she’s scary” and voted her off. just saying, if zoey wasn’t written as a hypocrite and was actually written as a COOL character that lived up to the potential of her concept, this would’ve slapped. also i love any combo of dawn, zoey, and dakota, because they’re cute. i’m not including poly ships on here because that’d make things wayy complicated, but i’d be here for a poly ship of these three.
64. scott/zoey - UPDATED. was originally “yea something about this rubs me the wrong way. i feel like if i rewatched roti i would remember what, but i’m not going to do that just for this list. maybe someday.” i ended up rewatching roti for unrelated reasons the next day, and honestly? this one is not that bad. could be cute, potentially.
63. dj/katie - i guess this one’s pretty cute? i don’t really remember them interacting, but i guess i can see why someone would like this.
62. dunhar - i see why people ship this one. i kind of like it? i feel like it would work really well in an au or a rewrite.
61. dott - UPDATED. was originally “i used to kind of like this ship, but now i really don’t. i do love the idea of dawn and scott as best friends who bully each other in the friendly kind of way, though.” but i rewatched roti and... this has potential. i kinda like it. still prefer the bullying friendship tho.
60. scott/mike - again, i see why people would ship it. i’m not sure if people actually do? but it seems like the sort of thing i might have shipped in middle school, so someone probably likes it. but meh, it’s not really my thing anymore.
59. topher/shawn - i don’t remember if these two interacted but i guess this could be cute? maybe?
58. sky/ella - yea it’s cute i guess? i don’t really have an opinion on this one beyond that.
57. dawn/dj - i mean… i get where this comes from. i fully understand. i personally see them becoming close friends, but i also see why people would ship them.
56. dawn/brick - again, i see them much more as friends, but i get why people would ship them.
55. geoff/gwen - this ship kinda interests me because it was originally going to be canon in camp tv, but because of that one gweoff friendship episode in island i see them as unlikely friends.
54. dj/bridgette - maybe you’re sensing a trend here, but i see them as friends. i could probably get on board with shipping them, though.
53. deather - i like them as friends more, but i do think a relationship between them could be fun.
52. ella/dawn - i feel like i’ve seen this ship? it’s not bad! i’m not the biggest fan of ella but this is pretty cute.
51. zoke - i really want to like them, and i wish they were written better. as is, i kind of ship them? there’s nothing wrong with zoke. but both as characters and as a ship, they could’ve been so much better.
50. noah/justin - this one’s interesting! i’ve never actively shipped it, but i can see it for sure. it’s cute!
49. owen/justin - again, not something i’ve actively shipped, but i like it!
48. carrie/kitty - i think they’re both in their late teens? like 18ish? appropriate ages for each other? if so, i like this one. they’d be cute
47. josee/jen - yea i like this. i feel like they would get along pretty well. they’re both successful in their own right. power couple for sure.
46. tom/jacques - again. power couple. i also think they’d go on double dates with jen and josee, which i like a lot. honestly both of these teams are the epitome of mlm/wlw solidarity. i like this one.
45. alecody - i like it! i don’t have much to say about them at all, but i like it.
44. brody/geoff - good ship! putting the romance in bromance. i like this one more when it’s combined with gidgette though.
43. anne maria/vito - originally i put “what is the appeal of this ship? genuinely asking.” as the description, and then an anon sent in this reply: “You wanted the appeal of anne maria and vito? Well here it is; they are both so dumb. Not a brain cell between the two of them. Imagine them trying to do anything domestic like. They could not assemble a bookshelf or make a pot of spaghetti without it turning into a horrible, but memorably fun, mess. They’re soft for eachother but would kick anyone’s ass for so much as looking at the other. Sorry im rambling lmao i just think they are so funny together”. i get the appeal now, so i’m moving this one up.
42. lindsay/courtney - lmao their dynamic is so funny. i don’t know how well a relationship between them would go, but i can see court realizing over time that lindsay is a lot smarter than she initially seems to be. idk courtney’s observant and lindsay is actually pretty smart. i can see it happening.
41. trent/justin - best justin ship, worst trent ship (that i can think of. i’m sure there are more trent ships but i can’t think of them lmao). i can see them getting along pretty well! i bet in universe a bunch of drama brothers fans ship them, because of course they do. i can see the potential here.
40. lindsay/heather - yea this one could be good. i’d like to see a post world tour version of this ship, or an island au where they get together. either way, i like the idea of this one.
39. lindsay/gwen - again, this ship is pretty good. gwen was kind of rude to lindsay at points, but i think after she stood up to heather, gwen gained some respect for her. idk i can see it happening.
38. lightning/scott - is this jock/farmer? jock/asshole? i’m not sure, but i really like it.
37. harzeke - tumblr user harzeke has opened my eyes. their posts are enlightening. the reason i kind of like ezekiel. harzeke is a good ship.
36. sadie/lindsay - remember in phobia factor when they were hyping each other up? yeah. they’d be cute together.
35. dundie - you know, i really didn’t expect them to make this one canon, but total drama dundie came outta nowhere. i wasn’t sure i was going to like them together, but fresh pulled together it’s first coherent plot in years and created a beautiful love story. very well done.
34. chref - chref is canon and u can’t tell me otherwise.
33. katie/sadie - after they got over their comphet, they realized they were in love and they end up having a really cute wedding.
32. ozzy - this ship is cute! they’re both bi and i hc they talk about cute people together because of course they do. also they would be so much fun to be around. i like them.
31. dj/geoff - djeoff? yea i like this. i think they’d both go out of their way to do sweet things for the other, but of course, they’re still geoff and dj. dj would probably bake a lot for geoff, but at least once, he’s gotten nervous and dropped it by accident. and geoff practices pick up lines and jokes before their dates but they’re like. the bad ones. dj loves them. anyway! this ship is good.
30. courtney/trent - i really, REALLY love them as friends, but i like them as a ship too! honestly i just love them getting along in any capacity. i think they’d be cute.
29. dawn/dakota - i made this up five minutes ago and i love it. i have no idea if people actually ship this but they should. just… think about it for a second. think about it and then try to tell me i’m wrong. u can’t.
28. alenoah - noah had a crush on alejandro during world tour, and u can quote me on this. i think they would be a power couple for sure. i like this one.
27. gidgette - season one gidgette is amazing. gidgette in the context of the killer bass five is amazing. season two and three gidgette is kind of meh to me, but not horrible i guess! i like geoff and bridgette and i think they’re cute together.
26. duncan/dj - i like the idea of this one. remember when duncan found dj a bunny? yea. they’d be cute.
25. jock - jock is good. rivals to allies to lovers. that’s the path i see this ship going down. i really like picturing them in any sort of au where they can kick ass together.
24. gwourtney - i used to like this one a lot more, but it’s still very good. i love the idea of them both mistakenly attributing their feelings for each other to duncan and accidentally ruining their friendship in the process. and by love i mean hate but also think is a good interpretation of the love triangle. i can see them together in an au, or after seriously reconciling in the future. or, honestly, in any universe where sundae muddy sundae doesn’t exist.
23. leshawna/gwen - did i hear u say best friends to lovers? no? well you’re getting them anyway. leshawna and gwen would be amazing i’m telling u. it’s a good ship.
22. tyler/alejandro - this is the third time i’ve said someone had a crush on alejandro during world tour, but. tyler had a crush on alejandro during world tour. i think they’d make a cute couple.
21. jashawn - this is a relationship built on respect and trust and i am here for that. they’re both a lil weird but neither of them mind, and they care about each other so much… i’m soft.
20. jasammy - i like this only marginally better than jashawn. honestly, i like all three dating the most. but anyway, jasmine was the first person who saw sammy as more than an extension of her sister… she stuck up for her. she was sammy’s first real friend. can i just reiterate… i’m soft.
19. evzy - they would light your house on fire together just cuz they were in the mood. eva bench presses izzy every morning. do not try to challenge them to any sort of competition, they will win by any means possible. eva picks izzy up at every opportunity. whenever they cook anything, they burn it. is this by accident or on purpose? i’m not sure. izzy likes lighting stuff on fire and eva likes eating burnt food for some reason, so it doesn’t really matter. i love their dynamic so much.
18. jomaria - if u were talking shit about either one of them, they would both get together and beat u up. they’re both legends and i love them.
17. gweather - total trauma comic has truly opened my eyes… i really like them in a future setting where they’re both more mature and can understand how they were both in the wrong at times during total drama, and ended up hurting people and were hurt themselves, and work through that together. so basically… in the setting of the total trauma comic.
16. heather/leshawna - rivals to lovers…. au where leshawna and heather get together during tda… i’m telling u it’s a good ship.
15. nowen - imho, this is both the best noah ship and the best owen ship. they complement each other so well. world tour nowen is just. the peak of their dynamic. i think enough has been said about nowen that you can understand why i would like it, so i’m just gonna move on.
14. trody - this one came outta NOWHERE a while back, i’m telling u. but i love it?? i liked their friendship in island, and i just. i love the idea of cody having a crush on both gwen and trent during island, misunderstanding that and thinking he just has a crush on gwen, and realizing after island at some point that he also liked trent. and then trent developing a crush on cody after the breakup with gwen and just… dijfalsfjla honestly i like them in so many contexts. thank u tumblr user gothcody for bringing the trody hype. anyway they’re a good ship!
13. bridgecourt - my favorite bridgette ship! idk i loved bridgette and courtney’s friendship in island, and i can see them having a best friends to lovers type of deal. i just think they’d be cute together, and their relationship would be really healthy and balanced.
12. gwoey - u can try and tell me there wasn’t a little something between these two in all stars, but u would be wrong. their designs compliment each other really well, they’re cute together… i’m a fan.
11. lesharold - SO valid. harold drinks his respect women juice every morning, except for that one time he rigged the votes in island to vote out courtney because he was mad at duncan smh. anyway this is a relationship built on RESPECT and CARE. they’re very cute together, and i love them.
10. dawn/zoey - the superior doey. listen the only reason these two weren’t friends is because fresh decided that zoey was going to think dawn was “weird”? but what if zoey just said that because she didn’t know how to deal with the fact that she found zoey cute… zoey is the epitome of that “i had a crush on a girl and i didn’t know how to deal with it so i sent her a letter that said ‘get out of my school’” tweet. n e way they would be such a good couple.
9. samkota - dafjlsflkaakf i think about samkota and i freak out i’m telling u. like is there anything. ANYTHING. better than a guy loving and respecting his girlfriend unconditionally? and mutual love and respect? … well i mean there are several more entries on this list, so okay, maybe a couple of things, but this shit is galaxy brain right here.
8. aleduncan - ok so apparently something i like slightly more than partners who are soft and even softer for each other is total assholes who care about each other. like alejandro is a gentleman… but he’s a manipulative jerk too. and duncan’s a fucking asshole and i love him for it. anyway when they teamed up in world tour, especially in that episode where they hunted ezekiel (??? what is total drama??) i really liked their dynamic.
7. lyler - ok back to love and respect. tyler and lindsay are so good!! tyler got so excited when lindsay remembered who he was right? and lindsay never stopped asking ppl if they were tyler ok. like she knew she cared about tyler enough to want to be with him even when she didn’t know who he was?? i feel like we don’t talk about the implications of this enough. honestly… i feel like people overlook how much the period in between tyler’s elimination and slap slap evolution must have sucked for both of them? like it was played for laughs but… that shit’s sad :( ok i’m done being sad they’re cute and they love each other and i love them.
6. gwent - yea u got me i still care about them. tdi gwent was really sweet! there was a lil pining. a lil outside meddling. and a lot of cute. and GOD during the finale when trent ran alongside gwen with that boulder? he cared about her so much!! of course action ruined it with the shitty portrayal of ocd and a healthy portion of not fucking communicating with your partner, but before that it was good.
5. truncan - you got me, i like the idea of trent serenading duncan with his guitar and duncan liking it a lot more than he anticipated. i think they’d have a dynamic that’s a little more turbulent than most other trent ships, but less so than most other duncan ships. they’d be a lot more balanced i think. i’m a fan of that.
4. scuncan - okay so u remember how i said i like to ship two fucking assholes together? scuncan is peak asshole/asshole rights. all stars totally missed their chance to have these two team up by dumbing scott down, whatever they did with duncan, and of course, introducing scourtney, i’m just saying. scott was actually playing the game pretty well in roti, and duncan was a veteran of the series. the two of them could’ve dominated the game. those fuckin assholes.
3. aleheather - okay now this ship was like, the only central ship that started out good and ended good in this entire series, except maybe jashawn but they don’t count because they were literally only in 13 episodes. anyway they did rivals to lovers right here. also, they simultaneously gave heather a great character arc and wrote alejandro super well. so the characters as individuals were great at the time they got together, and the couple was great together, so what i’m trying to say is… aleheather was and still is amazing.
2. duncney - in case u couldn’t tell from how high gwent is on this list, i am a fan of the tdi ships. another thing you might be able to tell from this list- duncan and courtney are two of my favorite characters in the series. so of course duncney gets a high placement on this list. not only that, but they go from disliking each other to really liking each other, which is something else that i really like. tdi duncney is opposites attract in the best way, where they compliment each other each other instead of clash. beyond that… ugh. eughhh. i don’t even want to think about that. but duncney in tdi alone earns itself number two on the list.
1. heathney - yes i love girls. yes this ship is pretty fucking basic. and no, there are no heathney fics on ao3. i will be attempting to remedy that. anyway, i could see them pulling a rivals to friends to lovers as well, which is one of my absolute favorite tropes. i think they’d be a total power couple. and to top it off, i love them both. a lot. so much. thank u for ur time.
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cpw-nyc · 4 years
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The Lost Art of Having a Chat: What Happened When I Stopped Texting and Started Talking
We are more connected than ever, but we rarely seem to really speak to each other. So, I decided to try.
The Guardian  Rebecca Nicholson
‘People are almost always nicer on the phone than on text.’
Like most people I know, my Weekly Screen Report is obscene. Every Sunday, when the notification pops up to tell me the hours I have wasted, mostly texting, I think about all the things I could have done. Finished Middlemarch. Started Middlemarch. But as I have my phone in my hand, I scroll through Instagram instead. I send an article or a joke to a friend, a picture of the dog to the family WhatsApp, catch up on someone else’s night out. Recently, I clocked up – and I’m ashamed as I write this – six hours and 29 minutes of phone usage in a single day. I have had days where I’ve barely been awake that long. Messages is my most used app. I am talking all the time.
Like most people I know, my Weekly Screen Report is obscene. Every Sunday, when the notification pops up to tell me the hours I have wasted, mostly texting, I think about all the things I could have done. Finished Middlemarch. Started Middlemarch. But as I have my phone in my hand, I scroll through Instagram instead. I send an article or a joke to a friend, a picture of the dog to the family WhatsApp, catch up on someone else’s night out. Recently, I clocked up – and I’m ashamed as I write this – six hours and 29 minutes of phone usage in a single day. I have had days where I’ve barely been awake that long. Messages is my most used app. I am talking all the time.
 But I am rarely talking. For the chatterboxes among us, this is a time of upheaval. The long, spontaneous chat on the phone is going the way of the fax. The percentage of households with a landline that’s used to make calls is declining every year, from 83 percent in 2016 to 73 percent in 2019; the number of calls made on house phones plummeted by 17 percent in 2018 alone. We still use our mobiles to talk – in 2018, Ofcom surveyed mobile users for three months and found only 6 percent of them never made a single call – but we are not talking in any great depth. The same study found that over 80 percent of calls were shorter than five minutes, and the majority were under 90 seconds. I looked at my own recent call list: three minutes, two minutes, five minutes at a push. What can you say in that time? You can only make the point you’ve called to make. 
  I know many will welcome this as a kind of freedom. The very idea of talking on the phone invokes horror among those who claim to loathe it. There are thousands of memes explaining the many ways that talking, not texting, is rude, basically criminal. Calling is not time-efficient, ill-suited to the attention economy, where all eyes must be on several screens at once. You can send messages when you’re doing something else – watching The Irishman, or having a bath, or even talking to another person in real life. My dad recently marvelled at me being able to text with two thumbs; I marvel at teenagers being able to text while talking to you and not looking at the screen. Once technology gave us the ability to easily screen calls, we ran with it. We can ignore the relative who phones with a list of recent hometown tragedies, the work call we don’t feel like taking, our chattiest of friends who might not let us go for an hour. But what happens if you are that chatty friend?
Smart phones are smart enough to tell you that you’re using them too much. The dumb phone is making a comeback. I wondered if it was possible to ride this wave of the digital detox and make a deliberate effort to call instead of text. I wanted to see if it would change my relationships, particularly the ones I had grown lazy about maintaining. The plan was to stay off text and DMs for a solid month. I was fed up of paddling in the shallows. I wanted to swim. If I needed to speak to someone, I’d have to call them. 
 When the writer Elizabeth Wurtzel died in January, a piece she wrote in 2013, about her “one-night stand of a life”, began to circulate again, and it contained one paragraph that hit me particularly hard. “Look at how we live,” she wrote. “We communicate in text messages and emails; even those of us old enough to have lived in a world where landline was not a word because it’s all there was have fallen into this lazy substitute for human contact. I have.” 
 Who hasn’t? It should be easier than ever to talk. There are limitless outlets for publishing our thoughts, endless ways to begin a kind of conversation. Voice memos are popular, particularly among young people, but they’re a halfway house, still one-sided. We talk with one eye on efficiency, and it strangles what is so good about it – the spontaneity, the lack of ability to control what happens when two people are rambling on to each other. 
The psychologist Sherry Turkle has been studying the impact of computers on human psychology since the early 1980s, and in 2015 she published Reclaiming Conversation, in which she referred to “the edited life” that we live now. She spoke to teachers who observed that their students seemed to develop empathetic skills at a slower rate than they would be expected to. “Face-to-face conversation is the most human – and humanising – thing we do,” she wrote. “Fully present to one another, we learn to listen. It’s where we develop the capacity for empathy. It’s where we experience the joy of being heard, of being understood.”  
Are we losing that joy of being heard? Most offices are quieter places than they have ever been. The open-plan rooms I have worked in over the last decade or so are filled with people wearing headphones, silently tapping away on Gchat or Slack. Even workplaces that should invite conversation are making it easier to avoid talking at all. If you stay in a budget hotel, you can check yourself in and out. If you scan your onions on the supermarket’s self- service checkout, you don’t need to chat about what you’re planning to do with them. When it was common enough to be considered a problem, making a phone call on public transport used to be frowned upon. In the early 00s, Dom Joly built a TV career out of shouting “Hello!” into an oversized mobile in public places. Train carriages are now full of heads bowed, illuminated by blue light. A few years ago the Daily Mash ran a much-shared satirical news story: “A northern man has left a trail of terror across London by attempting to interact socially with everyone he meets.” And even in the north, screens have begun to dominate. Quiet carriages are becoming redundant. We are making ourselves quiet.
 In 2014, someone set up a family WhatsApp group. Before then, I spoke to my family on the phone all the time. Now, we spend more time in touch with each other than ever before, yet I miss them. It’s a noticeboard, more than a conversation. The person I still speak to most often, and for longest, is my nan, who is 83. She has a mobile, but doesn’t text. The other day I phoned to see how she was, and she told me a long story about how she was never supposed to have the name that she has, but there were 23 pubs in the village she was born in, and her father stopped in at most of them on the way to register her birth. By the time he got to the clerk, he’d forgotten what he’d been told to call her, so he named her after the clerk instead.
Verbal conversations are unpredictable and unwieldy in a way that those written down are not, because when we type or tap, we are in control, of our side, at least. This ruthless chat efficiency has excised the flab but, I realise, I love the flab. It’s where the excitement happens. I wanted to revive those conversations with everyone. So in my month of no texts, the WhatsApp group would be the first thing to go. I went to delete the app, pressed my finger on the screen, let it wobble – and then I stopped. There was a video of my niece dancing in front of the TV that I wanted to show my partner and I thought, I can just look at the photos and videos, every now and then. Can’t I?                    
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Globe, December 7
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Hillary Clinton health crisis 
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Page 2: Up Front & Personal -- Larsa Pippen in a bikini in Fort Lauderdale, Olivia Culpo wrestles with recycling outside her L.A. office, Shia LaBeouf ditches his face covering for a phone call in an L.A. market 
Page 3: Pete Wentz plays tennis, Bachelorette Kaitlyn Bristowe outside the Dancing with the Stars studio, Sean Penn hits the beach in Hawaii 
Page 4: Barbara Walters was sharp as a tack when she grilled the world’s biggest leaders but ravaging dementia has now tragically turned the 91-year-old into a prisoner in her own bed 
Page 5: Pistol-packing Elvis Presley was so gaga over guns that he’d even take a firearm to bed with him 
* Ringo Starr’s childhood bout with appendicitis at age six caused him to fall into a coma and spend a year in the hospital to recover then five years later he contracted tuberculosis and spent two years in a sanitarium where he discovered drums as part of the hospital band 
Page 6: If it’s true that Gentleman Prefer Blondes Marilyn Monroe was the perfect star for the flick because she dyed her carpet platinum to match the drapes -- beauty guru Kenneth Battelle suggested Marilyn change the color of her pubic hair after a jerk spilled champagne over her sheer dress at a party showing everything because she didn’t wear skivvies so the guru ran to the hotel drugstore and got some dye and told Marilyn to go in the bathroom and bleach 
Page 7: Celine Dion has turned into a frightening bag of bones leaving friends worried she’s headed for a catastrophic health crisis -- now down to a gaunt 96 pounds the star is driving herself to the brink of collapse with a diet and exercise plan to prepare for the relaunch of her hit world tour and she starves herself in her drive for perfection and to maintain the stick-thin look that helped turn her into a fashion icon
* Julianne Hough confesses feeling she didn’t deserve the A-list life she enjoyed while dating Ryan Seacrest where she was on private planes and yachts and living in a very well-off house and her life was pretty different from where she grew up -- she left Ryan in 2013 after three years because she wanted to create that for herself because she felt like she didn’t deserve it 
Page 8: Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson is searching for the Fountain of Youth by working out with Pierce Brosnan’s trainer -- the ex-wife of disgraced Prince Andrew is following a grueling exercise regimen in hopes of joining people who are said to be biologically younger than their true age 
Page 9: Disgraced Prince Andrew has been kicked from the royal family and now Prince Charles plans to boot his sister Princess Anne from his inner circle once he becomes king -- while the princess has carried her share of official engagements Charles plans to shrink the monarchy after his mother Queen Elizabeth passes and the phrase slimmed-down royal family constantly keeps coming up and the royal family will evolve with Charles coming to the throne -- Anne will be on the chopping block mostly because of ambitious Duchess Camilla who is Charles’ wife and who has carried out a ruthless dirty plan to be queen for decades and she wants no one else taking the limelight and that includes Charles’ sister
* Prince Harry and wife Meghan Markle dissed his dad Prince Charles with a surprising public snub as the couple failed to publicly wish Charles a happy birthday when he turned 72 -- Queen Elizabeth and Prince William and Duchess Kate all sent birthday wishes to the future king on social media but Harry and Meghan took a pass even though Harry popped up on the British TV show Strictly Come Dancing that night to wish a pal good luck
Page 10: A nuclear-sized catfight has exploded in North Korea where dictator Kim Jong-un’s baby sister and his pop star lover are battling to claw their way to be top gal -- while sister Kim Yo-jong seemed to be running the nation after Kim vanished and was rumored dead he popped back up with old galpal Hyon Song-wol on his arm and his current wife Ri Sol-ju nowhere to be seen 
Page 12: Celebrity Buzz -- Mario Lopez wearing a clear mask (picture), Lauren Simon of The Real Housewives of Cheshire in the U.K. claims to have had sex with an actual ghost, Kaley Cuoco has a theory about shooting those sexy big bangs with ex-boyfriend Johnny Galecki that the pair’s sneaky sitcom boss got a kick putting the real-life former lovers under the covers, Reese Witherspoon lost her beloved dog Pepper to cancer and returned to her ole Southern roots when picking a name for her brand-new puppy: Minnie Pearl, plagued by seemingly endless allegations of being mean and ignoring a toxic workplace Ellen DeGeneres is now plugging a Be Kind subscription box valued at $270
Page 13: Kristen Taekman tops of her gas tank in L.A. (picture), Jeff Goldblum feeding a parking meter in L.A. (picture), Hilary Duff gets primped and primed on the NYC set of Younger (picture) 
Page 14: Reclusive ailing widow Yoko Ono finally loosened the reins and is handing over her $800 million empire to Sean Lennon her only child with Beatles legend John Lennon but John’s eldest son Julian Lennon was left out of the hitmaker’s will but Julian managed to eke out a $25 million settlement okayed by Yoko after he dragged his famous dad’s estate to court, Kelsea Ballerini snapped at a nosy fan for rudely asking if her rounded tummy was a blossoming baby bump
* Fashion Verdict -- Lara Spencer 9/10, Laura Veltz 2/10, Lauren Akins 3/10, Lauren Alaina 4/10 
Page 16: Michael Jackson’s baby mama Debbie Rowe reveals getting pregnant was no thrill because she was artificially impregnated -- Debbie met ex-husband Michael when she was working for his dermatologist and she insists the couple never had sex and a sperm donor fathered the pop star’s two kids she carried in her womb -- son Prince Jackson is rumored to have been fathered by Debbie’s doctor boss Arnold Klein -- British actor Mark Lester claims her could be Paris Jackson’s father -- Debbie is unsure of the paternity of Michael’s youngest son Blanket who now goes by Bigi Jackson
Page 17: Fans gaga for Dr. McDreamy on Grey’s Anatomy got a super thrill on the season 17 premiere when Patrick Dempsey returned to the hit hospital drama after departing the show five years ago -- Dempsey whose character Dr. Derek Shepherd died in a car crash came back in a dream sequence reuniting with star Ellen Pompeo’s Dr. Meredith Grey on a beach -- Dempsey split from the show to spend more time with his family and pursue his auto racing hobby but he’ll return to the show several more times 
Page 19: 10 Things You Don’t Know About Emma Corrin
* Reba McEntire reveals she turned down The Voice gig that went to Blake Shelton and now she regrets it big-time 
* Nip/tuck junkie Dolly Parton says she plans to keep freshening her face by going under the knife and crows she’s gonna look like a cartoon and she’ll look as young as her plastic surgeons will allow her 
Page 20: True Crime 
Page 21: Former soap stud Cody Longo was socked with a domestic abuse charge following a jealous booze-fueled attack on his dancer wife Stephanie Clark -- Cody played Nicholas Alamain on Days of Our Lives from 2011-2012 
Page 23: Meredith Baxter felt booby-trapped by her enormous breasts and confesses she welcomed breast-reduction surgery after getting cancer -- the Family Ties star reveals her former 42-inch bust was the plague of her life
* Weatherman Al Roker has a secret weapon in his stormy battle to recover from prostate cancer surgery which is the love and support of his wife Deborah Roberts who is keeping him happy and positive doting on him day and night plus they talk about everything and make medical decisions together so there’s no fear or anxiety entering their world 
* Jennifer Lopez kicked booty when a federal judge dismissed a $40 million lawsuit brought by a former stripper who claims she inspired the hit movie Hustlers -- Samantha Barbash claims she’s the real-life model for J.Lo’s pole-dancing swindler Ramona Vega and insisted the movie ruined her rep by implying she did drugs around her kids but the judge tossed the case because Barbash’s name or portrait or picture or voice wasn’t used in the film 
Page 24: Cover Story -- Hillary Clinton has tragically packed on nearly 100 pounds since she vanished from the spotlight four years ago and is struggling to breathe and walk and now a medical expert is warning the 73-year-old is facing a health crisis as she tips the scales at 247 pounds -- Hillary has a history of broken bones and shocking collapses 
Page 26: Health Report
Page 30: Country girl Carly Pearce’s divorce from Michael Ray has gone from bad to ugly and he’s now parading his romance with Travis Tritt’s daughter Tyler Reese Tritt -- Carly was all for taking the high road but now she’s taken off the gloves -- they’re bad-mouthing each other far and wide and Carly’s tossed everything that reminds her of Michael 
* Southern Charm belle Madison LeCroy has been flashing a pic of her newest charms which is a set of bigger boobs 
Page 36: Diva Mariah Carey’s demanding ways are driving her boyfriend Bryan Tanaka bonkers and the couple of four years may be headed for Splitsville unless she changes her ways -- Mariah treats Bryan like an assistant instead of a lover and it’s giving him fits and he’s been so patient with Mariah and he loves her but she’s wearing him out with her incessant orders like she has him drawing up her schedule for online greets plus she’s ordering him to do all her holiday shopping for friends and be in charge of everything from decorations to food prep 
* Emma Roberts confesses being pregnant makes her weepy and she’s hit the point where like halfway up the stairs she has to sit down sometimes and maybe tears roll down a couple times a week but despite that Emma says she feels grateful and lucky to be expecting her first child
Page 38: Real Life 
Page 40: Phil Collins’ embarrassing court battle with third ex Orianne Cevey is casting a pall over his daughter Lily Collins’ wedding plans -- Lily is desperate to tie the knot with Charlie MacDowell but the dirty charges flying back may force her to put the happy day on hold and it’s hard for Lily to concentrate on making wedding plans when her father is caught in an ugly public fight -- Orianne is battling over Phil’s $38 million Miami mansion where they lived after reuniting in 2018 
Page 44: Straight Talk -- NXIVM cult is warning to us all 
Page 45: Treasure hunters have launched a frantic search for a $150 million stash of gangster gold hidden by mobster Dutch Schultz in Upstate New York after two sleuths recently discovered coins they believe are linked to the stash -- following a long list of cryptic clues Canadian fortune seekers Steve Zazulyk and Ryan Fazekas uncovered gold coins dated 1903 a few miles from the Prohibition Era beer baron’s hangout in the Catskills town of Phoenicia and their find triggered a race against other prosecutors seeking a two-by-three-foot steel box filled with diamonds and gold coins and $1000 bills and $7 billion in World War I Liberty Bonds and the hoard has an estimated value of $150 million today 
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teaandatale · 5 years
62 and 73 for the mash-up?
62. Love Confessor (Character A confessing their love for Character B to Character C) & 73. Stranded Due to Inclement Weather
This became a mini fic because I can’t follow directions apparently.
(Side note: I love me some stranded due to weather trope... there may or may not be some of it in a fic I should be trying to write)
Steve is not know for being subtle or discreet when it comes to his interest in Peggy Carter. But there’s a war between them half the time, and it’s not like he’s exactly said anything to anyone. Though he suspects the boys all have their own assumptions. It would be kind of dumb of them if they didn’t given that they see his compass on a daily basis. But then there’s a short reprieve in London, another chance to see Peggy, maybe even to catch a few moments alone with her. He’ll offer help with her paperwork. Or bring her a freshly brewed cup of tea. That’s the plan. Until Howard, who he hasn’t seen in a while, grabs him the moment he steps foot into Headquarters. First it’s a review of his Stark-made gear. Then it’s a fitting. Then he’s strong-armed Steve into coming out to the pub with him and Phillips where some bigwig is meeting with them about some funding. Howard plies him with beers even though he knows well enough Steve can’t get drunk. The talk seems good until Howard elbows Steve hard and gestures to a woman who flutters her eyelashes at him before looking away.
“Go over there,” Howard says, elbowing him again. “That’s practically a siren call.”
“I’m good here thanks.”
But Howard’s too stubborn and too drunk to let him off the hook. Not five minutes later he’s trying to use physical force to drag Steve over to the woman. Again seeming to forget basic facts like how nobody can force him around anymore, literally.
“Howard knock it off. I’m not interested.”
“Whaddya mean you’re not interested. Of course you’re interested. I’m interested. Except I’m all about the new experiment right now. Which makes you the best second option.”
“And again I’m not really interested.”
Howard snorts. “She’s petite, blonde and eyeing you like a giant steak in these days of ration. Make a move!”
Steve likes to think he’s patient, but he doesn’t have any patience about this. Sure the woman is beautiful but he hasn’t had any other though about her.
When Howard grabs him again, Steve’s had enough and knocks his hand away. He’s going to just remind Stark that he knows what he wants and what he doesn’t. Only before his brain and heart can catch up with him, the response is less eloquent and more of a blurted confession.
“Stop. I love Peggy!”
Of course the pub happens to be in an odd moment of quiet which makes the woman avert her gaze and blush. Phillips is cackling. And Steve feels like an idiot. Howard surprisingly says nothing.
“Forget I said anything,” Steve says in a rush, dropping money on the bar for the beers he didn’t drink and high-tails it out of there.
Two days later he and Peggy are in route through Southern France alone, on a Stark-led mission. Something about a recovery but Howard didn’t give much details and Phillips just shrugged when Steve asked for more. It’s barely evening and the day grows dark, clouds obscuring the sun until suddenly they’re in a snowstorm. A blizzard. They walk on another mile before Peggy’s fingers start to freeze and even Steve can’t see far in front of them. Luckily they find a barn. It seems mostly abandoned. They go about setting up the space so that they can try to stay comfortable until the snow passes. Peggy fiddles with the radio until she gets a static filled station with news. His French is improving but he doesn’t know what makes her gasp so loud.
“So?” He asks.
She purses her lips in a way he’s noticed she does a lot when frustrated.
“You didn’t need me as a French translator. Dernier knows this area and language better than anyone on the team.”
“Um?” He’s confused.
Peggy rolls her eyes. “What I mean to say Steve is that we’ve been set up.”
“What? How?”
“You and me handling a mission alone? That alone is unusual. And then to head straight into a blizzard? The radio says the warning for this kind of unseasonable snow fall was forewarned all week. Why would Stark then knowingly send us here in this inclement weather.”
“Because we work well together?”
“Because we’ve been set up Steve,” she says and then after a beat adds, “though admittedly we have a strong professional relationship.”
He hesitates and looks at his shoes. “And our personal relationship?” he mumbles and then regrets it. “I—not… What I mean to say—well…” He can’t form a coherent thought, not when she’s staring at him with a raised eyebrow and a closed off expression. He can’t tell if she’s furious at him or just annoyed. There’s no time to discuss it further because the harsh wind kicks open the barn door and they work the next half hour rigging it shut again. Still with the door sh again, the cold seeps in. Peggy sighs and rubs her hands together.
“This doesn’t look like it’s going to stop anytime soon,” she says. “Which means you’re going to have to share your impressive body heat.” When he doesn’t say anything, only stares at her wide-eyed, she smirks a little before pulling him close to her. “You’re going to have to get used to holding me close.”
He nods, throat thick with the burst of hope. “Yes.”
She smiles. “It will help us further our personal relationship I suspect.”
When she snuggles her head against his chest, and pulls his arm tighter around her he can’t help but squeeze her close. Content and much warmer than just a moment before, he kisses her, as close to her cheek as he can reach in this position. When she hums a little sound of pleasure, he thanks Howard in his head.
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saltlamp · 4 years
i was tagged by @florenepugh and @wintersoeldiers (thank you ashlyn and arya 🥰 sorry this is a couple days late) to answer the following 73 questions!
my answers are under the cut !!
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? honestly about a 5, i’m working on taking better care of myself and doing all my assignments but there’s nothing good going on
describe yourself in a hashtag? #burntout 
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? nobody 
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? one day at a time
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? i’ve never dyed my hair
what’s your wake up ritual? i snooze my alarm until i feel mentally awake, then wash my face and brush my teeth and drink some water, get dressed and make some coffee if i feel like i need it, then get started on whatever i have to do for the day
what’s your go to bed ritual? i wash my face and brush my teeth, then if i really need to sleep i’ll take a melatonin and put lavender into my diffuser
what’s your favorite time of day? midnight
your go to for having a good laugh? john mulaney netflix specials or [fictional characters as] vine compilations
dream country to visit? anywhere in europe, but i really want to go back to peru someday
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? i’m getting a car when i leave for college!!! a new one!!! i still can’t believe it
heels or flats/sneakers? mostly sneakers but sometimes heels make me feel badass. i’m the tallest girl in the room most of the time, so what’s a few more inches?
vintage or new? both
who do you want to write your obituary? leigh bardugo would make me seem a lot cooler than i really am and write my trauma in a beautifully sad way so... i’d love that. 
style icon? ashley from bestdressed on youtube!! (wait ashlyn SAME i’ve been subscribed to her for like three years and my style evolves with hers)
what are three things you cannot live without? my journal, my water bottle, and my airpods
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? ...salt? i don’t cook often
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? i can’t cook so gordon ramsey, guy fieri, and my mom. their reactions would be hilarious in different ways 
what’s your biggest fear in life? abandonment but i should just learn to expect it at this point !! 
window or aisle seat? window
what’s your current tv obsession? i’m between shows at the moment so i’m rewatching she ra
favorite app? minimaList is an app i’ve used since early high school, it’s a to-do list that has a built in pomodoro timer and it’s the best thing in the world.
secret talent? not sleeping for days! that’s a joke i really should work on that... i can also move my ring finger on my right hand in a way that’s hard to describe unless you see it in person. 
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? i’ve hiked all sorts of ~dangerous~ places
how would you define yourself in three words? pensive, quiet, loyal
favorite piece of clothing you own? my mom’s high school track hoodie fits me perfectly and i wear it all the time. i’m wearing it now
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? a denim jacket or white sneakers 
a superpower you would want? weirdly specific but i’d want to read personalities, like myers-briggs types or enneagram, upon meeting a person. 
what’s inspiring you in life right now? due dates
best piece of advice you’ve received? make one good friend and everything else will fall into place
best advice you’d give your teenage self? they’re too occupied with themselves to be thinking about you
a book everyone should read? the harry potter series
what would you like to be remembered for? kindness/loyalty
how do you define beauty? outer beauty is somewhat subjective but confidence and intelligence are two universal marks of beauty for me
what do you love most about your body? i really like my legs!
best way to take a rest/decompress? do something familiar, like journaling or taking a shower or washing dishes
favorite place to view art? museums are some of my favorite places on the planet
if your life was a song, what would the title be? no idea. oh wait, that could actually be one
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? i used to play the piano as a kid and i was seen as some kind of prodigy because of my good ear but now i can barely play it, so i’d want to get back into that
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? behind my ear
dolphins or koalas? koalas
what’s your spirit animal? a cat, 100%
best gift you’ve ever received? this is stupid but my brother got me a talking kylo ren thingy for christmas in 2015, not knowing he was further fueling my future obsession with ben solo. to this day it’s one of my favorite useless possessions
best gift you’ve given? honestly anything i give my littlest brother because every time i give him a gift he acts like it’s the best thing he’s ever seen (he’s 11)
what’s your favorite board game? CLUE!!!
what’s your favorite color? lilac, periwinkle, or red
least favorite color? orange
diamond or pearls? diamonds
drugstore makeup or designer? drugstore makeup
blow-dry or air-dry? air-dry
pilates or yoga? yoga
coffee or tea? i go through phases, so both!
what’s the weirdest word in the english language? milk. just, think about it. milk. what the heck is that. read it some more. milk. milk. milk. 
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? dark 
stairs or elevators? stairs
summer or winter? winter!!!
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? chipotle burrito bowl
a dessert you don’t like? creme brulee
a skill you’re working on mastering? i’m working on getting better at drawing
best thing to happen to you today? i got to facetime my grandparents just a few minutes ago! i was so relieved to hear they’re doing well and nobody has covid in their nursing home :)
worst thing to happen to you today? i can’t move because of period cramps :)))))))))))
best compliment you’ve ever received? the most common compliment i get (and honestly my favorite) is that i’m a calming person to be around and very trustworthy
favorite smell? lavender, dirt (especially after rain), espresso grounds
hugs or kisses? hugs hugs hugs
if you made a documentary, would it be about? personality types, or maybe differences between modern cultures, or maybe medieval castles
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? i recently watched an adam driver interview from 2017 and since i’m on my period and it’s sad ben solo hours, i cried
lipstick or lipgloss? lipgloss
sweet or savory? both
girl crush? zendaya and florence pugh
how do you know you’re in love? i’ve never been in romantic love before, but i can tell i love someone when i feel comfortable enough around them to be myself and talk about my problems
a song you can listen to on repeat? there’s one piece of classical music that i could listen to FOREVER and it WILL be playing at my funeral: albinoni’s adagio in G minor (with organ along with the other strings tho)
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? i wouldn’t switch lives with anyone but if i could be something else for a day i’d be a voice actor or maybe a hermit living in the middle of nowhere centuries ago
what are you most excited for about this time in your life? graduating high school and starting university! i’m more nervously excited but still...
tagging: @omensgood @acrookedsaint @afterglowacoustic @sunstarkov if you guys want!
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