#she’s my gf in case you didn’t know
betweendyingstars · 1 year
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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chizuchan was right. childhood friend romances are the b e s t
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multicohn · 23 days
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summary: fans have been asking for lando’s gf to appear on stream with him and she finally gives in
warnings: none
pairing: fem! reader x lando norris
genre: fluff
face claim: no one
author note: y/n is bad at video games in this, sorry if you’re good at them
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
lando had never been more excited to start streaming and it definitely showed as he greeted fans with such excitement they’ve only seen from him after a good race. meanwhile, y/n sat beside him ( out of shot ) and nervously fiddled with her fingers.
“today-“ he clapped his hand together and y/n jumped which made him look over and laugh a little, “-sorry, so, i got a special guest with me and gave her a bit of a fright” lando then pulled y/n chair into view which made the stream chat explode
y/n smiled and waved to the camera while lando loaded up the game. he discussed that she would be playing a few games by herself and that he’s just here for moral support, y/n leaned into him before reading some comments out loud as they waited for the game to load.
“how did we meet?” lando coughed and looked away embarrassingly as y/n smiled
“he needed a jump start and i was the only one with cables, he said he’ll buy me a coffee as a thank you and had the employee write his number on the bottom of my cup-“ y/n started laughing, “-i didn’t even know and threw the cup away, but we met again and this time i needed a jump start. he asked why i hadn’t called and i was like ‘i don’t have your number’, ‘i had the café guy write my number on the bottom of your cup’, ‘oh, i didn’t even know and threw it away’ then he made sure that i had his number in my phone”
“i mean, seriously, why didn’t you check?”
“why would i?”
“…well, you just should’ve” y/n rolled her eyes before pressing start
it was chaos.
y/n sunk down into the chair as the words ‘GAME OVER’ popped up onto the screen.
‘this is why i didn’t want to do this” she sulked while lando switched over to a different game
“can i just quit?”
“chat, can she quit?”
lando gave his girlfriend a smug smile and it took everything in her to not whack it off his face.
y/n has never been very good at video games, preferring to play easy ones like the sims or even roblox. lando didn’t care much about it, finding her asking questions about the games he plays comforting, especially when he’s stressed. lando would also let her take control when he had a simple task to do or ask for help when having to pick a hard decision. it’s nice just having y/n by his side — even if she wasn’t paying attention to what he was playing.
“lando, i swear if this is a horror game”
“nah, it’s not”
• • •
despite y/n making a fool of herself, fans absolutely loved it; lando bursting out into laughter every few seconds while she yelled at him for help, y/n leaning away in case of a jump scare, her trying to leave and lando pulling her back, them both laughing after y/n died and her trying to tell lando off while laughing herself.
“it’s okay, baby. we’ll be losers together” y/n pouted as he hugged her, the screen showing the words “YOU DIED” again
“let’s end it here, i don’t think my mentality can take anymore” lando smiled and kissed her cheek before letting her go
“okay, chat. for the sake of y/n’s mental health, we’ll be ending it here. thank you joining and she will be back-“
“-she will! don’t worry guys!”
“bye, chat!”
“you little-“
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kimarii-00 · 3 months
Honey would please write something like when Armando left his gf she is a hacker and a weapon specialist without saying anything turned out that's not the only person he left behind. ( Tiny a baby girl who like to hold a wooden spoon ) They meet again when they going to the ammo squad in bad boys for . Her Kelly are besties . Very very angst.
(I accidentally deleted the ask, but I wrote it down before I did so above is the prompt for this, asked by anonymous)
Regrets and Punishments
❥Summary: Armando knows he made a mistake. He knew when he decided that his mother was more important than his girlfriend. But he planned to return to her, he did. He never could’ve anticipated being gone for as long as he was. Seeing her face again was like getting shot: You get that adrenaline rush, yet the pain ends up biting you in the ass later on. Especially when he discovers what, or dare I say, who he also left behind all that time ago.
❥Warnings: Slow burn, kidnapping, language
❥Word Count: 2.7k
❥Part 1/2
AN: I’m ngl I’m not sure if you meant that you wanted them to have a kid or not, but I wrote it just in case, let me know if that's not what you wanted and I’ll rewrite it! (I also gave the kid a name)
I think I’m going to make this a two parter because I kinda took this prompt and ran with it lol
He never thought he’d see you again. As much as he didn’t want to, he accepted the fact that he’d fucked up your relationship when he decided to leave you in favor of helping his mothers’ dirty work. He didn’t even give you so much as a call after he’d left to let you know that he was even alive. He only hoped that you were doing fine on your own.
Nonchalantly, Armando walked through the door to the house of the people Mike and Marcus knew, not giving a damn about the warning to stay outside like Mike had told him to. No wonder a gun was drawn and pointed at him as soon as he stepped foot in the home.
“Woah, woah! Kelly-” Mike began his attempt to mediate the situation, “I asked you to wait outside for a second… Alright, Kelly, he’s with us.” Standing in between the gun and his son.
“He can’t be here.” Kelly retorted, keeping her gaze on the wanted criminal standing before her.
“This is my son, Armando.”
“I know who he is and that’s why he can’t be here,” The gun never faltered as she spoke with a solid, demanding voice, “I trust you with my life, but I sure as shit don’t trust him.”
“I trust him,” Mike confirmed.
“Then take him to your house.”
Dorn cleared his throat, trying to release some of the tension that had built in the room. Armando said nothing as Dorn came over to try to calm his girlfriend, and Mike took his son to the opposite side of the room.
Marcus sat down on the couch in the middle of the room and snatched up a bag of chips, “This is some dysfunctional shit.” He said, looking back and forth between the two duos.
They came back together after a minute or two. “She’s fine,” Dorn said.
“She don’t look fine…” Marcus expressed, taking in the obvious irritation and discomfort on her face.
“I’m fine.”
“Yes, you are.” Everyone turned in the direction of Armando, where he only opened the fridge to grab a drink.
“It’s the language barrier,” Marcus explained to Dorn.
“It was English!”
“It was definitely English.”
“I have to call someone. I’ll be back,” Kelly said, picking up her phone and already beginning to dial, “If I’m going to do this I’m gonna need another girl here. She’ll be able to help with the tech stuff too.”
“Is it–�� Dorn began, but cut himself off when Kelly nodded, “Tell her to leave Demi at home, we don’t know what kind of shit we’re getting into.”
When you got the call from Kelly, you weren’t entirely sure what to make of it. She told you she needed you to come over, but when you asked her why, she only said something about “emotional support”. You’d tried to press her for more details but she only mentioned having some people over and needing your tech skills. After a while, you just decided you’d go, but not before you handled your own business.
“Demi, come here please!” You called out while folding another shirt, making a nice crease and adding it to your pile of similar neatly folded shirts.
The aggressive pitter-patter of small feet hitting your hardwood floors alerted you that the person you’d called for was on their way.
“Mama!” You felt the bed on which you were folding clothes dip a bit as a weight threw itself into the soft mattress. You smile when you set your eyes on the girl who is smiling to herself contently—your daughter.
“Mimi, mama has to leave soon,” You said as you picked her up and set her on your hip so you could continue to fold while holding your toddler, “Tiara should be here soon to look after you, okay?” You say, referring to your babysitter that you should probably be paying more considering how many times you’ve called her in the past week or so.
“Mama leaving… again?” Your heart dropped when you watched the smile fade from your daughter's face when she realized you were going to be gone and she was going to be left with the babysitter for what felt like the hundredth time. You always felt bad when things like this came up but… you couldn’t just blow Kelly off. Not after all she’s done for you.
“Yes… Mama’s leaving, I’m sorry baby but I promise I’ll be back as soon as I can okay?” You tried to cheer her up by giving her stomach a few tickles but your daughter was as stubborn as they come, her pout seemingly permanently stuck to her face.
The doorbell stole your attention and you gently set your daughter down. She followed you to the front door, and when you opened it her permanent pout was replaced with nothing but… confusion. You joined her in sporting this facial expression when you both looked at the stranger at your doorstep.
“Can I.. help you?” You ask the woman. She had a soft smile on her face, but for some reason, it didn’t seem welcoming.
“I’m your babysitter.” The woman replied.
“Um… I’m sorry there must be some mistake. My usual babysitter’s name is Tiara, I called her a while ago-”
“Tiara asked me to come here in her stead, she isn’t feeling too well, unfortunately. I’m a coworker of hers.” The woman explained, but you weren’t convinced. Tiara hadn’t mentioned any of this to you when you called her-
Just then, as you were about to make up your mind about whether or not you wanted to slam the door on the lady, you received a message from… Tiara.
3:34 Tiara (Babysitter): Hey, so sorry for the inconvenience but I’m not feeling good today, I sent over my coworker because I know you needed a sitter ASAP! Her name is Sara.
“What was your name again?” You asked, slowly taking your eyes off of your phone and to the lady, still wearing that smile on her face.
You look her up and down once more before stepping to the side to let the woman inside. Your daughter hid behind and clung to your leg, only peeking out when she was sure the strange woman was not looking at her.
“Um… This is Demi,” You gesture to the girl who has glued herself to your right leg. You try to get her to say hello but she refuses. Sara stoops down to your daughter's level and tries to wave at her but Demi only scooches further out of sight. “The fridge is fully stocked, there are only a few weres, really: Don’t invite anyone else over, no drinking, oh and her bedtime is 8:30.”
“Please do not worry, I’m sure me and Demi will have a great time together.” Sara expresses, that damn smile still plastered on her face. There’s something about this lady that you just don’t like, but if Tiara sent her then it’s probably just you overreacting, right?
“Right… Could I get your phone number, just in case?” You say. She recites her number to you and you quickly enter it into your phone and save the contact, just in case of an emergency. You then turn around and kneel to look your daughter in the face.
“Be good, okay Mimi? I promise I’ll be back soon,” You say, giving her a quick peck on the forehead and a hug. She looks extremely hesitant and to be honest, so are you, but you’re already running late… “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Demi says meekly.
You smile and turn to leave.
If Tiara sent her, there shouldn’t be a problem, right?
You parked in front of the house that your best friend and her boyfriend lived in. You had no guesses as to why she called you here, but if your technology skills could be useful to her, you’d want to help in any way you can.
You knock on the door and after a while, Kelly answers but stops you before you can go inside. “We kind of got ourselves in some shit, we’ll fill you in.”
She grabs your wrist, pulls you inside, and closes the door shut. The first thing that you lay your eyes on is the monitors that Dorn was sifting through. Pulling up various pictures of people and files that look confidential.
Should I even be here right now…?
“What's the situation?” You ask as you move towards Dorn.
“Remember when we told you all that stuff about Captain Conrad–”
You pause when you hear your name. The voice sounds so familiar you're almost scared to turn around and see who it was that called you. You think you know who it was that called, which is probably another reason as to why it takes you so very long to fully turn and face the man that has broken your heart time and time again.
It’s like the world stopped. All of a sudden, everyone in that room except for the man in front of you was irrelevant. There were so many things you wanted to say, yet no words left your mouth.
What is he doing here?
Why is he here?
All of the emotions flowing through you quickly became too much. Without a word, your feet guided you to the nearest room in which you could be alone.
“Do yall know each other?” Mike asked, but received no answer when his son went after the girl, “Do they know each other?” He asked in a more general way, but was met with nothing. The tension silenced everyone.
You ripped your arm out of the hand that had caught it when you reached the empty room. “Get the fuck off of me! What the hell are you doing here?” You exclaimed angrily. All of a sudden, all of those feelings you felt were entirely replaced by rage. Anger, directed at the man who’d left you without a second thought.
“I–” Armando began, but was cut off.
“Y’know what, I don’t care! Get the hell out of my face!”
“(Name), wait– stop,” He said, grabbing hold of your bicep when you tried to turn away from him again.
“You have some fucking nerve!” You growled, entirely in shock of the fact that he thinks he’ll just have a nice chat with you, “I haven’t seen your ass in years! Not a fucking call, or even a damn text! Nothing!”
“I know, I know, I didn’t plan on it being like that,” he pointed out. In actuality, he had no clue or reason as to why he followed you here. He knew he fucked up their relationship and a few words wasn’t going to change that fact. So why was he so desperate to get you to hear him out? He was never like this. It’s been years, why do you still have this weird affect on him?
“Yeah? Well I never planned on being abandoned by you, but look where we fuckin’ are now. Get the hell away from me,” You seethed. He had no clue how hard you were trying not to cry, “I said get the hell off of me!”
You snatch your arm from his grip. Deep down, underneath all of the anger that had boiled up to the surface, you’d missed Armando. You really did. Dealing with the pain of losing him, and never hearing from him until, well now. Taking care of Demi–
Does he even know about Demi? Does he know he’s a…
“Guys, so sorry to interrupt but we have a problem,” Kelly announced from around a corner. You hold eye contact with Armando for a few more seconds, trying to read his face but ultimately giving up. You didn’t want anything to do with him anymore. You stomp out of the room, and he lags behind you.
Upon entering the room where everyone was gathering around Dorn and his monitors, you see he is tapped into someone's security feed, which you quickly find out is Marcus’ and Mikes’ homes where their families were. Dorn was notifying the police to send backup and you realize that there are people attempting to break into the homes. Does this have something to do with their investigation with Captain Conrad?
Mike and Marcus grab their phones and quickly make calls, telling their people to hide, and leave their houses. You watch the cameras and watch as the masked men make their way into the two guys’ respective houses.
“Fuck, fuck!” Marcus says when he watches someone from his house grab a gun from a safe and hide the rest of the family in a closet. You can only home that whoever Marcus decided to trust with his family’s safety was skilled.
Everyone watches and commentates on the man's performance in the security feed, taking down the trespassers one by one until he is able to safely transport the rest of the family out of the house, but not before saluting to the security camera for us onlookers to see.
Mike is not so lucky, as he is not able to reach his wife in time to warn her and the girl who was with her at the time. We all have to watch when she’s easily overpowered and tied up. Mike is still on the phone with her, able to hear everything that’s going on.
A sudden devious voice sounds through the phone, one that was definitely not his wife, “Mr. Lowrey.”
“Who am I speaking to?” Mike lowers his voice and says in a serious tone.
“I think you know who you’re speaking to,” the voice says ominously, “I need your boy, and whatever evidence your beloved Captain has foiled away.” You eye Armando whose eyes were flicking back and forth from the phone to Mike, “And for that, you can have your wife. I’ll call you back with instructions.”
“Ah, shit…” Mike grumbles, but the man on the other side of the phone has not yet hung up.
“Ms. (Name), I know you’re there as well.” Your heart drops to your toes. What could this man want with you? “I’d go ahead and check the security systems for your house as well.” A beep was heard as the man hung up and your eyes widened. No…
He wouldn't, right? You had nothing to do with this operation.
Nevertheless, you pushed Dorn out of the way and pulled up your homes’ cameras, and scanned for anything out of the ordinary. You spotted Demi playing with dolls in her room. The only thing was that you couldn’t spot the babysitter, but you figured she must’ve been in the bathroom.
You let out the breath you didn’t realize you were holding in.
“Who’s kid is that?” Armando spoke up. You looked over but didn’t fully turn around, fearing he’d already figured it out, and just wanted clarification. You were afraid. You were afraid that if he found out, he’d come back into your life. Demi’s life. You didn’t want to get hurt again. You don’t think you could handle him leaving you again, so you stayed silent. You left the question to hang in the air.
The breath you let out was sucked back in when you saw your front door open slightly, then all the way and three masked intruders walked in. “Fuck!” You exclaimed, snatching up your phone and dialing the phone number you’d received from the new babysitter before. She answered after one ring, which you were entirely grateful for, “Sara, grab Demi and get the hell out of there, now. Please!” You frantically spew out. You’d be surprised if she caught any of that.
There was no response on the other end until Sara spoke, “There’s people in the house?” She asked, too calm for your liking.
“Yes, so grab Demi and get the fuck out of there. Take the window if you have to, they’re searching the living room right now,” You say, watching the men search the living room and kitchen, slowly making their way down the hallway which they would find your daughter.
Again, no response. That is, until the chilling words made their way into your ears. “Finally, I was wondering when they’d arrive.” And she hung up.
Your eyes were blown wide enough to where you were sure you were going to start hearing colors and seeing sounds. You were speechless and your heart was racing a mile a minute as you watched the ‘babysitter’ pick your daughter up and… deliver her to the intruders.
You could only watch, helpless as your daughter was kidnapped.
What the hell just happened?
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luveline · 4 months
I would love to see Derek with a super confident sunshine gf but May be she gets super shy and flustered when he compliments her or makes a dirty joke and just like the first time it happens and Derek is so taken aback by her shyness bc he's used to her being chatty and confident
“Hi, Dr. Reid.” 
Derek knows it’s gonna be a good day when you come in already flirting. 
“Hi,” Spencer says. “Want a bagel?” 
“Thanks, handsome, but I already had breakfast.” Derek leans back in his chair to watch you, and you see his moving, turning your attention to him with an equally brilliant smile. “Hi, Agent Morgan.” 
“You can call me Derek, baby.” 
“No, I don’t think so,” you say lightly. You pull your pea coat tighter against yourself and give a breath. “Is it cold in here today, or is it just me?” 
“There’s a problem with the radiators,” Spencer says. “They sent out an email this morning to dress warmly. It’ll be fixed by tomorrow, apparently.” 
“Oh. I didn’t see. I don’t think I’m dressed for the cold,” you say, looking down at your short heels. “I would’ve worn sneakers like you, Spence.” 
“I brought some extra socks?” Spencer says. 
“Well, keep me a pair in case I need them?” you ask. 
“Sweetheart, if it’s warming up you need, you come straight to me,” Derek says, his tone warm as his promise, “I’ll find a way to keep you comfortable, that’s on my life, don’t waste your time with anybody else.” 
He doesn’t mean it to sound so heavily sexual, but he absolutely did mean for it to be an innuendo. Regardless, he isn’t expecting this —you look straight to Spencer like you want to check he’s heard it, and you fluster hard, fisting the strap of your purse where it’s snug over your shoulder, a small smile playing on your lips. 
“Okay,” you say shyly, nodding, looking at the space to the left of Derek’s shoulder. “Won’t waste my time.”
He doesn’t know what to say. You’ve always been sweet like that, your sunny disposition drew him to you like a moth to a flame, and yet Derek can’t recall ever having made you fluster so quickly, and so visibly. 
Derek suspects he’d find neck hot under his hand with a flush if he touched it. laughs loudly, pen in his hands wagging up and down as he fights the urge to say anything else and prolong your agony.  
You give a soft laugh, flustered, embarrassed and breathless, tapping his ankle with your shoe. “That was a bit mean.” 
“Sweetheart,” he says, sorry Spencer has to be here to see it, “I was kidding.” 
“I know!” You also give Spencer a sorry look.
Spencer, while sometimes slow to pick up subtle social cues, thankfully gets the idea and stands up from his chair. Derek follows suit, though he doesn’t scarper for the kitchen. 
“That caught me off guard,” you say, laughing again as he offers his arms to you. 
“What happened?” He tugs you forward. You tuck your arms behind his neck to kiss his jaw, the morning hello.
“You said it like you were bossing me around!” you defend yourself.
“And you liked that?” 
“Stop, stop,” you laugh. “I wasn’t expecting it. You never boss me around. You’re nicer than anybody gives you credit for.” 
“You think so?” he asks, still teasing, but also vaguely smug. To get to hug you in the office, arms on your waist, prettiest face ever made, Derek can’t help himself. “I really will keep you warm. I’ll get you a heater.” 
“You’re my heater.” 
“I’m hot-blooded.” 
You part ways with mutual reluctance. “You’re something, Derek.” 
He enjoys making you laugh, and the shy tilt of your head as you’d recovered, but he’s much happier when you’re bundled up at your desk with a hot cup of coffee and his promised space heater plugged in at your feet, chatting across the way to him about what you want to do this weekend if he doesn’t get called away. 
“Maybe we can buy a couple of DVD’s and you can warm me up all weekend,” you suggest, an attempt to pretend you aren’t bothered by his comment anymore, that it had been a momentary lapse in judgement. 
Derek’s content to give you anything you ask for. “Sure, sweetheart. Whatever you want.” 
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reidsdimples · 2 months
Boyfriend Boy Genius
Spencer Reid x BAU!Fem!Gf!Reader
Just fluff 🧸
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“Spence!” You giggle and lace your fingers behind his neck.
He lifts you up under your butt and swings you around.
“I missed you, angel,” he leans in and nuzzles your nose with an Eskimo kiss which just makes you giggle harder.
“I missed you more,” you smile when he places you down.
“How’d the consult go on the Washington case?” He asks you.
“Good, I heard Seattle got messy,” you frown as you lean against his desk.
“Yeah but we got him. Streets are 3.89% safer now,” he smiles.
“That can’t be accurate,” you roll your eyes.
“Actually it is, I based it on the population, the known crime trends for the past decade, as well as known active serial killers in the Pacific Northwest. The Uptown Stabber’s body count and time between kills earned him a significant percentage of the cities crime rate this year and…” he drops into his seat. “I’m rambling…”
“Go on,” you smirk and nudge his converse with the white tip of your own.
“I got you something,” he clutches his shoulder bag nervously.
You tug on it but he holds it in place, his chair sliding a little closer.
“Hands off,” Hotch says somewhere behind you. Both of you instinctively back up.
The team knew about you two, obviously. It just couldn’t be flaunted it work. It had to stay professional.
“What is ittttt?” You whine and pout your lip at your boyfriend.
He whips out a 8x10 print in a sleeve which you’re unsure of at first. Then he turns it to show you.
“No you didn’t!” You gasp.
He had gotten a signed mini poster from the last Twilight movie with all of the main casts signatures. It even had a certificate of authenticity.
“Made the special trip! The lady had it signed by the cast when she worked as an extra,” he beamed.
“I could kiss you right now! You know that?” You stamp your feet and hug the picture to your chest.
“I know you lost a bid on one and she put this up for auction at one of the little shops in Forks,” he pulls off his shoulder bag and finally gets comfortable in his chair.
“You’re the best baby,” you lean down to kiss him.
“Uh, ew,” Morgan mocks and stops you two before your lips meet. “Don’t make me get Hotch.”
“I dare you, what’s up?” You laugh.
“I need the file on Rayburn,” he informs.
“One sec,” you return to your desk.
“Twilight? Really?” Morgan tsks.
“Oh shut up!” You shove him his folder.
“Dinner,” you assert.
“Just dinner,” he echoes. He kisses you again and you lead him to your front door.
Spencer is nearly drunk on your presence, on your scent. He half stumbles as he walks too fast for your short strides. He trips over his two feet and accidentally kicks the back of your shoe.
“Maybe sleep too?” He asks.
“Yes baby, I know you had a long flight today. What are you in the mood for? Pizza? I’m not cooking.”
“Pizzas good,” he sits on your couch and picks up the book you’re reading.
“Uh!” You snatch it. “Not for you.”
“Angel?” He stands. “Are you reading smut to keep yourself occupied while I’m away?” He takes your face between his hands and kisses you sweetly.
“You wish,” you slap his chest and turn from him.
He gathers you by your hips and wrestles you under him onto the couch. You’re giggling so hard that tears well up in your eyes. His messy hair falls over his forehead and he’s giddy at the sound of your laughter.
When you stop he buries his face in your neck to kiss you before tickling you once you’re lured into a false sense of security.
“Spencer!” You shout and thrash beneath him.
“Say my name again,” he pauses tickling you.
“No,” you turn your head from him and pout.
“I love it though,” he tickles you again until you snort.
You’re snorts spurn on more laughter between the two of you and everything is perfect because he’s back.
“Fine fine! Spencer,” you laugh uncontrollably. He stops tickling you and kisses you. “Spencer,” you whisper.
He nuzzles into your neck and sighs.
“Spencer, Spencer, Spencer,” you whisper and rub his back gently. He hums against your neck, enjoying the sensation.
You could stay like this with him forever- entangled in each other, the sound of his breathing mixed with yours, your fingers in his soft hair and rubbing his back. It’s perfect.
“Hopefully Hotch lets us go on the next case together,” you muse longingly.
He adjusts his hips between your legs and kisses you softly with a moan that matches your own.
“Hopefully,” he smirks and kisses your nose as his hands grip your hips.
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 3 months
Have Faith In Me - GF!Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader - Part 1
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I said I'd never let you go, and I never did. I said I'd never let you fall, and I always meant it.
This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: After leaving Woodsboro for a fresh start, you’re shaken up when Ghostface resurfaces. Little did you know, the person you were in love with is a part of it.
Contains: Oral - f receiving, p in v, unprotected sex(pulling out thooo), angst at the end💁🏼‍♀️
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: I NEEDED to write another Ghostface Ethan fic. And then I realized I don’t have a series yet where he’s the bad guy, so here ya go💕Also, still working on Creep part 2 even though its been a while(I think I made it a little too much lmao).
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You were never supposed to know that Ethan had a part in why people were being murdered, at least not yet. He was disappointed in himself for being so careless, so stupid. His thoughts were racing as he tried to think of anything he could say to you to make you want to keep quiet. He knew his dad and sister would be furious if their plan was destroyed because of Ethan’s negligence, but he was more worried about your safety, which he’d already begged his family for.
It started off as a normal day. Well, not really. After two students and a professor were killed close to campus, your morning classes had been cancelled for the day. With the recent killings, you didn’t want to be alone. You called Ethan, your boyfriend’s groggy voice making you smile once he answered.
“Were you still sleeping?” you asked, as he yawned.
“Classes are cancelled. What else am I supposed to do?” he asked, as you giggled. “Wait, what are you doing today? Are you by yourself?”
“Yeah, I was going to call Tara, but I know she’s probably exhausted from being questioned all night,” you said, as he dramatically scoffed at your words.
“So I was the second person you wanted to call,” he said, the fake annoyance in his voice making you roll your eyes. “You should come to my dorm. We can cuddle, watch movies, and Chad’s not here so we can do some other stuff, too.”
“I can’t believe you’re suggesting sex when there’s someone out here killing people. That’s one of the first rules, don’t have sex,” you said, as Ethan started to chuckle.
“Okay, Mindy,” he teased, “You sounded just like her for a second.”
“Hey, I want to live, and I want you to live, too,” you said, as you slid your shoes on your feet. “I’m leaving now, I’ll be at your dorm soon.”
Your dorm was only one building away from Ethan’s, so the walk was very short, and the sun was shining, but you were still nervous as you walked a little faster to get to his dorm, just in case. You’d had previous encounters with Ghostface in Woodsboro, and after Judy was killed right in front of her house in the middle of the day, you felt like you could never be too careful.
When you made it to Ethan’s dorm, you knocked before the door opened, a sleepy smile on his face as he stepped to the side to let you come in. He was shirtless, his flannel pajamas hanging lowly on his hips. You bit your lip for a second as you checked him out, before he cleared his throat.
Your eyes snapped from his abs to his face, his lips twisted into a smirk as you felt your blush spread across your cheeks.
"You checking me out?" he teased as he walked over to you, his hand going underneath your chin to tilt your head up before he leaned down to kiss you.
"Mhm," you mumbled into the kiss. He stood there, his lips on yours for a minute before he pulled away.
He sat on his bed, making grabby hands at you as you sat down beside him. When he laid back to relax his head on the pillows, you moved with him, your head resting on his chest as your legs tangled with his.
"Do you want to talk about what's going on? With the Ghostface stuff?" he asked after a few minutes of silence. "I know this must be scarier for you than it is for me."
You sighed as his hand ran over your hip, thinking about how terrifying everything was in Woodsboro the year before. You were trying so hard to not think too much into it, because you were sure you survived last time out of pure luck, and the odds of you making it out unscathed again wasn't very likely.
You didn't even know your eyes were watering until the tears trickled, running over your cheekbone before they made it to Ethan's bare chest.
"Hey, are you okay?" Ethan asked, as you sat up and placed your face in your hands. He sat up, too, pulling your hands away so he could see you. Guilt for what he and his family had done and everything they still had to do punched him in the chest once he saw your panicked, red eyes, and your bottom lip quivering. "I won't let anything happen to you, baby."
"I just can't believe this is happening. We thought leaving Woodsboro meant we would never have to deal with this again," you said, your voice shaking as Ethan offered a sympathetic smile. "When I tried to sleep last night, all I could see behind my eyelids was Sam's psycho boyfriend running at me with his knife."
Ethan shook his head, trying to remain calm. He knew Richie tried to kill you that night before he met you, because he read all the police reports and files his dad got after everything happened. At first, you were supposed to be just another body that was going to drop before the Kirsch family fled the country. At least, that was the plan before Ethan fell in love with you.
"I promise you, you're going to be okay. I won't let anything happen to you," he said, a small sob slipping past your lips.
"You can't promise that nothing will happen to me, Ethan," you said, wiping the tears off your cheeks. "Just like I can't promise that nothing will happen to you."
Ethan pulled you close to him before he kissed the top of your head.
"I don't want you to be alone. If you aren't with me, I want you with someone at all times, okay?" he said, as you nodded. "Are you going to Tara's when I have to leave for Econ later?"
"Yeah, will you walk me there before you go to class tonight?"
"Of course, baby."
You still had a few hours before he had to leave for class, so you cuddled up with him and decided to watch something funny to lighten the somber mood. As you and Ethan laughed, the terrifying reality that was your life wasn't weighing as heavy on your mind, because you really did feel safe with him. You knew he'd protect you if it came down to it.
You kept stealing glances at your boyfriend's still-shirtless body, paying extra attention to the way his arms flexed whenever he shifted beside you. It didn't take long for Ethan to notice, and once he realized that you had stopped watching the movie and was more interested in watching him, he leaned over to shut his laptop.
"Do you not want to watch the movie anymore?" you asked, as you quickly looked up to look at his face, the same smirk from earlier back on his lips.
"It didn't seem like you did," he teased, as he leaned in to kiss you. "Do you think oral counts in the whole 'Don't have sex' thing?"
"Is this your way of asking me to suck your dick?" you said, laughing a little as he bit his bottom lip.
"No, this is me asking to eat you out," he said, your eyes growing wide at his words, your breath hitching in your throat. "If you want me to."
"I don't think oral counts," you said, your smirk matching his before he pushed you back and hovered over you, connecting his lips to yours. "We do have to leave soon-ish, though, if you're going to walk me to Tara's before class."
"I have plenty of time to make you cum," he mumbled against your lips, before he pulled away to sit up.
His hands went to your leggings, hooking his fingers under the waistband before he slid them down your thighs. After they were off, his hand went straight to your pussy, teasing you as he rubbed you over the material that was getting wetter by the second in between your legs.
You relaxed under his touch, your legs spreading wider for him as he added a little more pressure. One of Ethan's favorite things in bed was teasing you, because he loved how whiny your voice sounded when you couldn't take it anymore, but as he thought more about the time he didn't have, he quickly pulled your panties down, leaving the lower half of your body exposed to him.
He scooted further down the bed, and once he was settled between your thighs, his eyes connected with your needy ones. He watched you as his tongue connected with your pussy, your mouth parting as you took a deep breath.
One of your hands lazily rested in his curls as he placed gentle licks to your clit, every thought running through your mind fading as you focused on how he was making you feel. The anticipation for him to do more had your skin tingling, but before you had the chance to say anything, his mouth moved lower, his tongue dipping inside your dripping pussy.
He was alternating between swirling his tongue inside of you and licking from your entrance to your clit, your hips squirming at the feeling as he tried to keep you still.
"Fuck," you moaned, your hand tangled tightly in his hair as you looked down at him. His mouth moved even faster, eating your pussy like he was craving it. He sucked your clit into his mouth, the delicious pressure making your back arch off the bed. "Oh my god," you whimpered, his teeth gently grazing it before he sucked a little harder.
Ethan knew that feeling was starting to build as he watched you, your brows furrowing, your whimpers slipping out through the corners of your mouth as your teeth tightly held your bottom lip. You felt his fingers prodding at your entrance before he slid his middle and ring ringer into you with ease, and he wasted no time to curve them, making sure to hit that spot.
"So close," you whimpered, as he chuckled with your clit in his mouth and kept going.
Your hand in his hair was shaking, your toes were curling against his sheets, your breathing was so heavy. Ethan loved seeing you like this, so close to the edge, and knowing he was the one that was making you feel that pleasure made his cock throb even harder than it already was.
He pressed his fingers a little harder, the feeling making your eyes roll back as you whined out, the hot feeling spreading across your body as your thighs clenched around his head. You were a whimpering mess as your body rocked from the waves of pleasure running through it.
As you came down from your high, your body relaxing against his bed as he pulled away, he watched you in awe as you caught your breath. He always thought you were beautiful, but your post-orgasm glow was his favorite. You lazily opened your eyes to see him staring at you, a smile playing on your lips.
"I know it's against the rules, but I need to have you inside of me," you said, as he laughed and slid his pajamas and boxers down in one swift motion.
"Condom or no condom?" he asked, waiting for your answer before he crawled on top of you.
"Just pull out," you said, a smirk playing on your lips as he quickly got settled between your legs.
"We have to be quick," he said, glancing over at the Star Wars clock on his night stand. "Is that okay?"
"Mhm," you said, as he slid inside of you.
He gave you a minute, his thrusts slow as your pussy adjusted to his size, before he sped up. You clung to his biceps as his hands were pressed flatly against his bed on either side of you, the tip of his cock slamming into your g-spot with every snap of his hips.
"Shit," you whimpered through your clenched teeth, your legs wrapping around his waist so he could go even deeper.
It didn't take long for your eyes to start rolling back again, the words you were trying to say coming out as babbles that Ethan couldn't understand.
"Look at you, so drunk off my cock," he teased, as you quickly nodded your head, your moans getting louder as he slid in and out of you. "Taking it so fucking well."
He grunted once he felt your nails dig into his arm, the stinging sensation turning him on even more. He went faster, and before you had the chance to process that you were about to cum, your body started to jolt, a loud cry flying out of your mouth as your pussy clenched him.
"Fuck, gonna cum," he moaned, before he pulled out.
As soon as he did, the realization that you were still wearing your shirt hit him as he covered it in his cum. You were too caught up in coming down from your own orgasm that you didn't notice, until Ethan started laughing to himself.
"What?" you asked, your breathing still labored as he shook his head and ran his hand through his curls.
"Uh...you wanna borrow a shirt before we leave?" he asked, as you glanced down to look at your shirt before you started laughing.
"Please," you said, as he leaned down to place a kiss to your lips.
He helped you get off his bed before he grabbed the clothes he wanted to wear out of the laundry basket full of stuff he hadn't folded yet, as you walked over to his dresser to search for your favorite shirt of his.
His back was turned towards you, but once he heard the drawer open, his head snapped in your direction, his heart pounding in his chest as you placed your hand over your mouth.
You saw the knife with the dried blood on it resting on top of his folded shirts, your eyes growing wide as your stomach felt queasy. You hesitantly turned your head to him, your eyes watering as he stepped closer.
"Baby," he said softly, as you took a step back. "This isn't what it looks like."
"So that's not a fucking bloody knife in your dresser?" you snapped, as he darted towards you, wincing at the loudness of your voice before his hand covered over your mouth.
"Shut the fuck up," he whispered, his eyes wide as he backed you towards the wall.
In that moment, you knew the person you were in love with was a psycho, fear coursing through your veins as his dark eyes looked into yours.
"I can't explain everything right now," he said, his face softening as his hand was still pressed against you. "But nothing's going to happen to you. You can't say anything, baby. You need to keep quiet, it's the only way I can keep you safe."
You hesitantly nodded, the tears running down your face pooling against the side of his hand. You were trying so hard to choke back your sobs as he groaned.
"I'm so fucking stupid," he said, as he took a deep breath. "If I let go of your mouth, will you be quiet?"
You nodded again, as he slowly pulled his hand away. You glanced at the floor as he stood in front of you, your chin quivering as he sighed.
"Baby, I'm sorry," he said, as he placed his hand under your chin and lifted your head to face him. You were still refusing to make eye contact. "I'm serious about you not saying anything. I'd never hurt you, but who I'm working with would. You know how long it took for me to convince them that you didn't need to die?"
You took a shaky breath as you looked at the person you thought you knew really well a few minutes ago, the realization hitting you that you don't know him at all.
"Can I trust you to not say anything?" he asked, a few more tears slipping past your lash line as you nodded. "I'll tell you everything later, okay?"
"Okay," you whispered, as he walked over to grab a shirt out of the drawer that was still open, and handed it to you.
"You need to get dressed, baby. I'm going to be late for class."
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fictionalwh0ree · 1 year
I wanted to make a Billie request please, with reader being either her gf or fwb and she starts pushing Billie away since she feels insecure since Billis constantly hanging with exes and flirting with other girls online? Thank you so much 🤗
jealousy- billie eilish
summary: even though you're strictly friends with benefits, that doesn't stop you from feeling jealous when billie talks to other girls.
word count: 1.6k
warnings: smut; fingering, use of vibrator
billie eilish masterlist | main masterlist
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“you’re so pretty”
the words flowed effortlessly from her mouth, no thought behind them. the words seemed so foreign to you, words you’d gone from hearing multiple times a day to once a week. you couldn’t help the jealousy you felt. your eye twitched slightly, but you fought the urge to look up at billie, at her live. you trained your eyes on your own phone. you tried to tune it out. you’d gotten used to it.
billie would go on live a couple times a week, and when she would share it with others. her fans, overjoyed that they would get the chance to speak with their idol, would blush and scream as she complimented them, flirting back and forth with some of them. but what bothered you most was that she would do it in front of you. the fans didn’t know, as you were hidden off-screen.
you were over at her house multiple times a week, your hookups becoming an almost daily occasion. you would lie next to her in bed, in only one of her t-shirts, your panties and other clothes discarded on the floor somewhere, and watch her as she was on her phone. you watched as she texted other girls, liked their stories and pictures, all while your arm was pushed up against hers. you told yourself it didn’t matter. she didn’t owe anything to you, you weren’t together, just friends with benefits. but if that was the case, why did you feel so worthless? every text she sent would punch a hole through your heart and you couldn’t do anything about it, because at the end of the day, you’d rather have her for a little bit than not have her at all.
now, you laid next to her, out of the camera’s view. you listened as she laughed, trying to ground yourself by taking deep breaths. you looked up at her phone, seeing a notification pop up.
i’m in la
you waited for the next one.
we can finally meet up
you read the username and recognized her as a popular instagram model.
my hotel room’s soundproof 😉
your eyes began to sting as you tried to blink back tears.
i’m only here for one night
u in?
she clicked on the notification, pausing her live, but before she could respond, you made your move. you got out of her bed and collected your clothes, swiftly putting your underwear and pants on.
“y/n, where are you going?” billie asked as you took her shirt off and tossed it at her face, making sure not to look at her.
“i have to go,” you mumbled, throwing on your own shirt.
“why?” she asked.
“i have plans,” you said bluntly.
“y/n” she laughed, “no, you don’t. it’s 4 o’clock on a tuesday. if you had something, you wouldn’t be here right now.”
“yeah, you’re right billie,” you said bitterly, turning to face her, “i don’t have plans. but you’d better start getting ready for your next hookup, because one person a day just isn’t enough, right?”
“y/n,” she said apologetically.
“where’s my phone?” you asked, searching the room.
“y/n,” she said, this time more firm.
“goddamnit, where is it?” you said, the frustration causing the tears you’d been fighting off to start spilling.
“y/n,” she said seriously.
“what.” you said angrily, running your hands through your hair.
“i’m sorry, but-” she began.
“but we’re just friends with benefits,” you finished her sentence, “i know, that’s why i’m leaving, so you have enough time to wash my scent off you for the next one. but i’m done. this is it. now you’ll have space for as many bitches as you want.”
“i wasn’t gonna go,” she said softly, getting up from the bed.
“what?” she said as she approached you.
“i wasn’t gonna go. i’m with you, why would i go?” she asked.
“me being around has never stopped you from flirting with other girls,” you argued.
“those girls mean nothing to me,” she said.
“i don’t mean anything to you either. that’s why we’re strictly friends with benefits,” you said.
“you know that’s not true, don’t you?” she said, a smirk playing at her lips as she got closer to you, meaning you were against the wall.
“no,” you mumbled.
“no? we see each other almost every day. would that happen if you didn’t mean anything to me? no other girl spends as much time with me as you. most girls don’t spend any time with me,” she said, her hand now resting on your waist, caressing it gently.
“meanwhile, you’re wearing my shirts, cooking in my kitchen, dancing in the living room with me,” she said, her voice now just above a whisper as she was only a couple inches from your face, “you have to know you mean a lot to me.”
“how would i have known that?” you said, getting angry again.
“how could i have possibly known that when you were flirting with the most gorgeous girls i’ve ever seen?” you said, laughing sadly.
“no one compares to you. i promise you that,” she whispered.
“you’re the only one for me,” she said, her eyes silently pleading for forgiveness.
you turned your head away from her, not wanting to meet her eyes. she took the opportunity to latch onto your neck, sucking and nibbling gently.
“billie,” you said reluctantly.
“you’re telling me you don’t want this?” she asked.
“i-,” you began.
“i do. but no more girls,” you said firmly.
“only you, mama,” she confirmed, her eyes falling to your lips before leaning in.
she kissed you gently, but it began to get more heated, as it usually did. she turned you around, pushing you backwards until your legs hit the back of her bed. you let yourself fall back onto it and scooted until your head hit the headboard as billie held herself above you. her hands moved to pull your pants down and once they were low enough you kicked them off. she then pulled your panties off with an undeniable urgency. she moved down, parting your legs with one swift motion. she began to trail kisses up and down your inner thighs.
“billie,” you moaned pleadingly.
she stopped, looked up at you, and smirked, before attaching herself to your clit, sucking it gently before bringing her fingers up to trace your folds. she teased your entrance before pushing her fingers in. she pumped them in and out, curling them to hit your g-spot which she knew so well. moans fell from your lips and soon you felt that familiar knot in your stomach.
“i’m so close,” you said as you threw your head back.
but, out of nowhere, she stopped completely. you looked down at her, confusion clear on your face.
“not yet,” she smirked mischievously.
“pick up my phone,” she commanded, and you did as told.
“open it,” she said, watching you.
“unpause the live,” your eyebrows shot up, but you followed her instructions.
“good girl,” she whispered, “now talk.”
“hi guys!” you greeted after clearing your throat.
the comments flooded with people greeting you. they weren’t surprised to see you, as besides being an established celebrity, your friendship with billie was not new. you began to answer some of their questions when something entered you suddenly. you yelped, looking down at billie. she gave you a cocky smirk before holding her finger up to her lips and pursing them. you put all your focus into the live, not wanting them to catch on, but it was getting increasingly harder as she toyed with the settings of a pink vibrator. she pushed it in and out, turned the setting up and down, all while using her free hand to play with your already swollen clit.
your breathing was getting laboured as you felt yourself getting closer to your climax. you threw your head back, sealing your eyes shut. the comments expressed their concern, asking if you were okay.
“i’m just tired,” you explained, “long day. why don’t i let some of you guys on?”
the knot was building more and you knew you were a mere seconds away from cumming. you rushed through the requests, picking a random fan with you as their profile picture. as her side of the video came up, she started yelling out of excitement. she was sobbing and screaming with no break, and as billie rubbed your clit a bit harder, you released. you felt as billie licked and lapped up everything, relief overcoming you.
‘oh my god,’ you mouthed off camera.
“i love you so much y/n” the girl said through sobs.
“aw, i love you too!” you responded before the girls internet cut out, causing her to lose her spot in the live.
billie moved from her spot and came into the view, smiling into the camera happily. she looked at you and you saw a hint of mischief in her eyes.
“hi guys! this is my g-” she started to say, but you ended the live.
“-irl,” she finished offline.
“not yet,” you laughed, kissing her on the lips as she laughed softly.
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jade-jini · 7 months
“Why are you here?”
G!PHuh Yunjin x Reader
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A continuation of My Ex's Best Friend. Read that first bro.
Prompt: After the events of "meeting" your friend's new gf (who turned out to be your ex) and her incredibly hot (and super kind) best friend, it still seems like you both can't stay away from each other. Even when your dates are in the same club with you.
Genre: Smut. Angst? lek it deesn't make me sad
TW: Cheating, friend betrayal. Public sex. Breeding kink.
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Why. Just why. Why did she have to be there? Why did you have to be there?!
“Oh! There they are, let’s go!” Chaewon excitedly said while pulling you by the hand to a table in the club. Oh. That’s why.
After such a fun time with Chaewon on the night of that basically unofficial double date with Yunjin and NingNing, you guys started spending a lot of time together. You would hang out from time to time, but 95% of the time you were with each other was spent naked, either in your bed, hers, your car, etc.
Whenever you hang out with NingNing, she would refer to Chaewon as your “girlfriend”, even though you clarify that you guys were not a couple at all. You talked about it with Wonie, and she was more than ok with just being fwb, since it was obvious (specially in you) that you guys just weren’t planning on starting another relationship. Still, NingNing would tease you about it. And after learning who you were to Yunjin, she’d refer to her only by “my girl”. You didn’t wanna think your friend was jealous of you, but she wasn’t helping her case. NingNing was as transparent as they come. You knew how she felt, you were just grateful it didn’t seem to be such a big deal yet.
“Hi there!” Your best friend said to you and chaewon once you were in her range of vision. “oh my goddd I’m so glad we are doing this.” She said while softly shaking your arm and exchange a kiss on the cheek with your date.
Yes. Her and chaewon planned this now official double date. In their minds, the four of you agreed on it. But Yunjin and you knew this was the last thing you guys wanted. That’s why you simply smiled at each other as a hello. I mean, you guys were exes, why would you want to be in the same space as the other? But now that you’re seeing her this night, with that beautiful dress that was letting her legs and shoulders show, with a color that contrasted perfectly with her skin. You couldn’t help let your eyes travel up and down her body.
“Hey, did you hear me?” You felt Chaewon shaking your shoulder and bringing you back to reality. You shook your head slightly. Your attention was supposed to be in the girl next to you, not a girl from your past. Let alone your best friend’s partner. You looked at Chaewon and you could tell she noticed your distracted eyes, so you smiled at her and silently asked her to repeat, while holding her hand trying to act like nothing happened. She seemed to buy it. “I’m gonna go get a drink, what do you want me to get you?”
“Just get me the same you get, I’m sure it’ll be good.” You answered, shortly caressing her chin. You could see the little blush in her face as you did that. Chaewon was such a cutie, it shouldn’t be wasn’t hard to stay focused on her. You saw her and Yunjin get up to get the drinks, leaving you and your best friend alone. And for the first time in a long time, it felt awkward.
“She looks great doesn’t she?” She suddenly said. You looked at your friend and nodded. “Yunjin I mean.”
“I know” you thought, but stopped yourself from speaking. You knew what NingNing was doing, trying to get some type of “evidence” that you were still into “her” girl. It was a trap. And you were an idiot but still weren’t gonna fall for it.
“Oh I was talking about Chaewon, bro. But yeah, your girl looks nice too” you answered nonchalantly. “And so do you, got me wishing you were single” you jokingly added with a wink and a kiss sent her way, trying to smooth the atmosphere a little bit. Luckily, it got a little giggle out of her. And just in time as the other two girls came back to the table. You saw how Yunjin made herself comfortable on NingNing’s lap and your mood changed again, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the sight. However, Chaewon quickly distracted you by giving you your drink with a smile and whispering a “hey” with those sparkly eyes that could melt anybody. You smiled and said hi back, hugging her by her shoulders and making sure she was comfortable while she started a conversation with NingNing. Good. That was good.
But fuck. At the moment your eyes went back to the front, you could catch Yunjin’s dark eyes looking at both of you and how her demeanor didn’t look as friendly as a minute ago. “Was she jealous?” You thought. Nah. It didn’t make sense. 1. She was the one who broke up with you. And 2. She was there with her girlfriend so how could that be. She had that extra sexy and serious that surrounded her when jealous so… god but she has been looking so hot all night.
Maybe you were starting to understand why NingNing felt jealous about you. Maybe your feelings weren’t exactly there anymore (right?) , but how could anybody stop the attraction towards the goddess in front of you? You were just a human. However, you needed to at least pretend the way your eyes and body were acting was only because of the girl next to you. So for most of the night you tried to focus on Chaewon and Chaewon only.
And it worked… for most of the night.
More drinks came and started to make effect. Sitting down was not fun anymore so the four of you decided to move to the dance floor. The songs were getting more sensual, the atmosphere was hot. Feeling Chaewon’s back against your front while she danced and lost herself in the rhythm, she could feel your breath against her neck while your hands were softly guiding her hips. You were having a good time, seriously considering taking her hand and dragging her to the nearest and emptiest room you could find in the club, until you made the mistake of looking at the couple in front of you. Why.
Right there was your best friend basically rubbing her ass slowly against your ex’s crotch while the latter was smiling at her and biting her lip, moving with her. what the fuck?? That wasn’t even dancing at this point! You didn’t want to process it, but you felt upset. Uncomfortable. Jealous. No. Yes. Fuck.
Fuck. Not jealous. Not of her. God why. You thought while you turned Chaewon around.
“Hey I’m gonna go to the bathroom and then I’ll go outside to smoke for a minute ok?” You let her know, ready to make your way out of the dance floor, just needing to be away from those two, knowing that the alcohol wouldn’t let you act nor think straight. Chaewon looked at you a little confused and asked “are you ok?”.
“Yes yes don’t worry, I’ll be back soon. Just have fun.” You told her and kissed her forehead before leaving, being unsurprisingly sweet. Sometimes you two did cute little acts like this to each other, looking like a couple. It was cute and you knew it. But right now you were so upset ‘cause of your jealousy that you couldn’t give a fuck about that.
Since her eyes were stuck on you, Yunjin clearly noticed you leaving, and followed you until she saw where did you go.
“Baby I’m gonna go pee ok? I’ll be back soon” she whispered in NingNing’s ear, who was far too drunk to care so she simply nodded and grabbed chaewon to continue dancing with her. Yunjin smiled, knowing that at least they’ll distract each other enough for her to properly talk to you now. She needed to know why Tf you wouldn’t even look her in the eye during the whole night. What was going on?
You were upset, yes. But mostly at yourself. Why. Why was she here. Why were you here and why were you so jealous?! Yes she is your ex but you guys broke up a long time ago. You were over her! Right…?
Yes! Yes you were. You had to be. Plus, she was your best friend’s girlfriend. You had to respect that. NingNing didn’t know who she was to you before getting with her. She didn’t break any friendship code. And you couldn’t do it neither.
“Y/n?” you heard a familiar voice outside your stall. The last voice you wanted to hear at the moment.
“I’ll be out in a minute.” You told Yunjin, while splashing some water in your face in hope you’ll look less stressed once you went out.
“Are you ok?” She asked, concern in her voice.
“I said I’ll be out in a minute, Yunjin.” You said with a tone more aggressive than expected but you just weren’t in the mood to deal with, well, nothing. You finally made your way out of the stall and faced her.
“Jeez ok I’m sorry! I was just asking...” She said once you opened the door. “… are you sure you’re ok tho?”
“Oh my god.” You sighed as you rolled your eyes, not caring to answer. You were walking out of the bathroom when you felt a hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you a little too close to her body “what the fuck, Jen?! Why are you here?”
“Why are you so angry at me? What did I do now?” She asked, tired of your attitude. You sighed again, too tired to even fight her.
“You didn’t do anything. I’m just not in the best mood right now ok?” You tried giving her a decent explanation that wasn’t completely a lie.
“Why? What’s wrong?” But this is Yunjin we’re talking about. She cares and a lot, and she always insists, a lot.
“No reason, just because. I think I’ll tell Wonie I wanna go home…” you didn’t wanna ruin the girl’s night but your own head killed the vibe and you were tired in more than one way. Plus it was 12:05 already, it wasn’t that early neither right? Right?
“But why…”
“Yunjin, I just told you-”
“Y/n, you can talk to me. We were friends before, why can’t we be friends again-”
“We can never be friends, Yunjin!” You almost yelled at her. You could see the sadness hitting her face after the surprise of your loud voice. But cmon, she knew this already. “You know it’s true. There’s just too much” you pointed at her and you back and forth “in here. And we’ve always been very bad at stopping or ignoring it. The only time we were ever able to do it was once we were as far away from each other as possible. And now…”
“And now what?” She asked, and you couldn’t tell if what you heard in her voice was some type of hope.
“And now you’re way too close and I’m way too jealous and my mind is not exactly here and if you don’t walk away right now I don’t know what I’m gonna do.” You confessed and got even angrier at yourself. Why Tf did you sound desperate. What was going on.
“What if I want to find out what you’re gonna do if I don’t walk away?” She whispered basically on top of your lips.
“Yunjin…” you silently begged her, but you weren’t sure what you were begging for. Maybe you were begging for her not to push you to probably ruin your friendship with Ning. Maybe you were begging her to finally let you. Or maybe you were begging her to never do it again.
“What, y/n?” She whispered, looking at your eyes and then back at your lips. She looked hungry and you were sure you looked even worse.
“God I fucking hate you.” You said before pushing her inside the stall and closing the door. The moment the door was closed you pushed her against it and kissed her like she was oxygen. Once your lips connected you couldn’t help but moan in each other’s mouths. It felt so fucking good. Her lips tasted so fucking good.
“Oh my god…” she sighed once your lips went to her neck. You weren’t trying to leave a mark, you just wanted to enjoy the taste of her skin again. The feeling of it. The feeling of her hands in your hair keeping you close. Of her- wow. Oh yeah. Totally the feeling of that.
“So hard already?” You teased her while giggling, feeling her little big friend against your thigh. You heard her whimper, probably a little embarrassed.
“It’s too easy when it’s you, you know that. Plus you’ve been looking so good all night, can’t blame me.” She defended herself and pouted. God you really deserved a star for containing yourself all this time ‘cause how the fvck did you stop yourself from kissing her. Luckily right now you were able to do it as much as you wanted to. And so you did, while grabbing her cock over her dress, swallowing the moan that escaped her lips.
You felt too hyped. Too turned on. You wanted Yunjin and everything about her and you wanted it now, so you didn’t waste time in moving her dress and pulling down her underwear, masturbating her member. The girl in front of you rested her head against the door, biting her lip and enjoying the feeling of your hand.
“Did you grow or am I insane?” You asked her genuinely, eyeing her cock ‘cause last time you checked she was a little shorter than now, and that was already a lot back then. “Hey, I asked you a question.”
“ I- I don’t know.. god don’t stop doing that please…” Yunjin begged, fighting to keep her eyes opened.
“I’ll do something better, check this” you said while gettin on your knees. Yunjin could barely process what you were about to do when she felt your tongue licking her length from the base to the tip, and wrapping around the tip.
“Holy fuck, yes y/n!” She moaned a little too loud getting her hands on your hair. You quickly got on your feet and put your hand on her mouth.
“Jesus Yunjin shut the fuck up!” You whispered-screamed at her. But almost regretted it when she gave you those scolded puppy eyes.
“I- I’m sorry, it just felt too good I couldn’t help it…” she defended herself and how could you be angry at her. How could you ever be angry at her for any reason?
“I know puppy, I’m sorry. Just be careful with your volume ok?” You told her in a rather softly tone now, the nickname tasting so natural in your mouth and you could see the spark in her eyes when she heard it and the sweet voice. If there was something she missed like crazy was that. She nodded and left a kiss on your lips. “How are you so hot and cute at the same time?! What’s with that?!” you asked with a frown making her giggle. But quickly that stopped when you went back to your knees to keep giving her cock some attention. This time, she tried her best to stay as quiet as possible.
“God I missed your mouth so much. Your tongue feels so good…” she whispered while caressing your hair, looking at you and rolling her eyes when you got almost all her length inside your mouth “oh my god…”
“I swear this thing got bigger…” you said, sounding almost upset that you were struggling taking it all when you’ve done it before multiple times. For some reason, Yunjin found this funny. “What you laughing at?”
“Nothing nothing” she said smiling and suddenly she got an idea that made her bite her lip. Such a sexy view. “What if we measure that somewhere else though…”
Oh. Oh you were so down for that.
“Come here.” You said getting up and kissing her deep. You felt the tall girl grab your legs and carrying you, making you sit on the edge of the sink. She got in between your legs while her kisses started going down. Yunjin moved your panties to the side, while making her way down between your legs. Before her mouth touched your so needy zone, she was staring at it and you could swear she was drooling.
“You look like a dog right now, you know?” You teased her. It was true though, she looked desperate. “Fucking taste it already if you want it that bad.” Yunjin rolled her eyes at you.
“Oh shut up. Like you c-”
“Oh my god, Shut up already.” You interrupted her, forcing her face to your cunt. You could feel her moaning against it , the vibrations just adding to the pleasure her mouth was giving you. God, you could die right there knowing nothing could compare to Yunjin’s tongue all over your pussy. “Hmm that’s it. That’s a good girl. Make me come like this and maybe I’ll let you put that big cock inside me, yes puppy?” You said to her while stroking her hair, her eyes never leaving you and you knew how much she needed that ‘cause she started putting her mouth to work even better than before if that was possible. “Oh my God… you’re such a slut for this pussy aren’t you? Just the idea of being inside it m-making you work hard for it huh?”
You saw her nod as her tongue went up and down your folds, at the same time that you felt the tip of two of her fingers teasing your entrance. She did this for a few more seconds until she felt you ready to get those long fingers inside you. She started a fast rhythm rather soon though, and you were ok with it, knowing what was coming couldn’t even compare. You could see Yunjin practically fighting against the impulse of humping the air. She needed to be inside you. But if she gets to make you come in her mouth first, then she wasn’t gonna miss that chance. What a horny puppy, you thought. She better made you come fast otherwise you were just gonna give her the satisfaction of not waiting and fucking you in that exact second.
“Hmmm you taste so fucking good…” she whispered before going back to sucking and licking on your clit. You wanted to moan so loud, feeling your climax close, but knowing there was the chance of somebody else being in that bathroom at that exact moment, you decided to take Yunjin’s wrist and bring the fingers that were inside you to your mouth. “God, you are so hot.” She moaned and stopped to look at you, getting fixated on the way you were sucking on her fingers, wishing it was her dick instead.
“Be quiet. Show me that tongue, I wanna fuck your pretty mouth.” You almost ordered her, your voice getting deeper and getting her so excited you could see her imaginary tail moving side to side. She didn’t waste no time and did as she was told. And it was such a perfect image; Yunjin on her knees for you, with her mouth open waiting for you to use it. You grabbed her hair just tight enough to keep her in place, and started rubbing your cunt against her tongue. “Fuck yeah baby, your mouth is so good.” You moaned with your eyes closed. Yunjin was glad you did, ‘cause while you focus on that she started touching herself. Enough to stimulate her but not too much that she was gonna come. Fuck no, she was saving all that for when she was inside you.
“Fuck, Yunjin…” you started to move faster. Yunjin took her hands off her dick and started playing with your nipples, knowing how sensitive they were and that that would help you reach your high faster. “I’m gonna come.. oh my god yes..” you stopped yourself from making any loud noise and bit your hand hard, coming in the girl’s mouth so much she would never forget the taste of your cunt (not like she ever could before tonight). “Holy fuck… that was so good…” you said out of breath. Yunjin got on her feet, just looking at you and begging not only for your praise but also to finally have her own relief. You looked at her and her cock’s head was so red you almost felt bad for making her wait. Almost.
“such a good puppy. Come here” you called her. You didn’t have to tell her twice, she got so close her cock was rubbing against your pussy, making both of you moan. You started rubbing it with your hand as well. “You did so good, it’s only fair we make you come just as good right?” You asked and without waiting for an answer you put the head of her cock inside you, seeing how the girl bit her lip and closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling. Yunjin started to slowly get more inside, and you felt every single inch almost touching your soul. God, you missed it too much.
Once she was completely inside you, she put her hand on your mouth, then put half of her cock out just to thrust inside you hard. Fucking bitch. It hurt, but it hurt so good you couldn’t not love it, specially when she was sucking on your tits at the same time, making you wonder why did she take so long to put those in her mouth. Yunjin started a not so slow rhythm, loving the way your wet pussy tightens around her cock. She fitted so perfectly inside you. She reached every spot, and god she sounded and looked so hot while getting lost in her own pleasure.
“Fuck, I missed this fucking pussy so much.” She groaned in your ear, your hands traveling to her back so your nails could leave some light decoration there. “You missed me too, didn’t you, baby? Missed being fucked this good, huh? B-being able to squeeze this cock so good inside? Fuck…Ahh…y/n..~” her words were doing things to you, making you tighter around her, almost begging she’d never get out of you.
“You’re r-right, y/n. We can never be friends. Not when I love being inside you this much.” She said, now slower but deeply getting in and out of you, making you moan against her hand and not daring to look away from her eyes. “Not when it feels like we were made for each other.”
“Like you were made to fill me up this good?” You whispered after taking her hand and lowering it.
“Fuck yeah…” she moaned almost out of breath, her voice showing how your words affect her. You could feel her hard cock twitching inside you. “I wanna come so bad inside you right now, please let me…”
And God, who were you to say no when she was asking like that. You always loved how she would ask for permission to come, and how she’d beg you to let her do it inside. You didn’t know who loved it more; if her or you.
“Fuck. Please do it. Fuck me faster and fill me up” you whispered in her hear, knowing how much she liked when you talk her through it.
“God, keep talking..” she said while grabbing the back of your thighs and suddenly fucking you fast against the wall. You bit her shoulder to avoid screaming, and she could feel the little tears of pleasure against the side of her face, which just turned her on even more. “You like this don’t you? My cock fucking you so deep and hard…”
“So fucking hard…” you could barely make any sense, feeling your second orgasm close. “Fuck fuck fuck, yes! Fuck Yunjin…”
“I’m gonna come. Gonna put a fucking baby inside you, yeah?” You could tell she was out of her mind at the moment too. But whatever was coming out of her mouth was pushing you closer and closer to your climax. “Would you like that, huh? Me coming inside you so much ‘till I get you fucking pregnant? Filling this pussy so much like nobody else… Fuck..! oh shit…oh y/n!” and that’s when you guys couldn’t hold it any longer.
“Holy fuck, Yunjin…!” You came intensely, moaning her name again and again in her ear, holding her so close to you. Your own orgasm making her dick feel more sensitive if that was possible, making the taller girl reach her own climax.
You could feel Yunjin coming so much inside you, her erratic movements while she fucked her cum deeper inside your cunt. God she missed that feeling. Nothing felt better than your pussy. Yunjin felt tears of pleasure and joy in the corner of her eyes. You could only watch her, her mouth open, her frowned expression. All while her cock was still spilling cum inside you that if it weren’t ‘cause of how big Yunjin was, you know it’d be going down your thighs until it ruined the floor of that bathroom. “God you feel so good, you feel so fucking good…” she sobbed with a shaky voice on your shoulder while slowly putting you down. Her moves slowing down, still head in the clouds ‘cause of her orgasm. You stroked her hair, helping her calm down. She was such a sensitive one, and you loved that. You always have.
“Shh it’s ok baby, you did so good. You were so so good.” You whispered while leaving kisses on her sweaty forehead, and you could feel her arms around your waist as she cuddled against your shoulder even more. For a moment you both forgot where you were, the things that happened, and who you were supposed to be with right now. It was her and you and you didn’t give a single fuck about the outside world.
But that wasn’t gonna last. It’s a fucking bathroom in a club. And that’s your “best friend”’s girlfriend. Who was probably looking for her girlfriend right now so you better get the fuck outta that place.
“Um..” you started, not wanting to but slightly pushing her away from you just enough to both have a little bit of space. She looked at you confused. “I think we should get out now.”
“What?” She asked, like she was still trapped in your little bubble.
“NingNing and Chaewon are probably wondering where are we, that’s if NingNing didn’t go out to buy a gun to kill me already” you tried to joke, but your giggle came out so bitter and you could tell Yunjin was reading your true feelings in your eyes. Still, what were you both supposed to do?
“Right. Yeah…” she said, trying to smile too, as if it was a way of agreeing with you that you were choosing to ignore the things that happened a minute ago, and the feelings that wanted to go crazy on your skin. Once both of you looked a little more presentable, you decided that you’d leave first and go outside to pretend you were smoking, while she would pretend she was at the bathroom in the second floor.
You went outside and got close to a zone where a few girls were chatting and smoking, hoping the smell would stick to your clothes enough that the group you came with would believe it. Once you made your way back to the inside of the club, you could see Yunjin once again sitting on NingNing’s lap, hugging her by the shoulder while the couple were happily talking with your date. Chaewon saw you first, and her smile became wider. You walked to the table and did your best to look as relaxed as you would after a cigarette. Wonie continued with what she was saying as she made herself comfortable on your shoulder. You sighed and rested your head against hers ‘cause honestly you were tired. You tried smiling so none of them would be able to read you but you knew there was one person in that table whose smile was saying just the same as yours. You could always read those eyes and that smile and at least tell when there was something that wasn’t happiness in there. You read them again and again during the last days of your relationship. How you wish you could’ve changed t- no no no. No.
She was your best friend’s girlfriend now. And NingNing was a great girl. And so was chaewon (who wasn’t your official girlfriend but didn’t exactly deserve her date fucking her best friend). And what you did was entirely wrong. But you couldn’t change it, just how you couldn’t change your past with Yunjin and the things that went wrong and lead you to this situation.
Oh god. it’s the post nut clarity.
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pupyuj · 3 months
now... walk w me here.... per say if jst IF Liz was an obsessive gf...? give me ur thoughts if it gets smutty, g!p preferably
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AHA thank you for putting this in my head bff 😵‍💫😵‍💫
people love to call jiwon a crazy girlfriend but she gets rlly confused about it!! bcs wdym people aren’t just automatically obsessed with their gf?? shouldn’t that be a given?? plus you were just so perfect in her eyes—everything was completely innocent to her but to others… well no! 😭 people should be happy that she’s not a toxic kind of obsessed at least! sure she can be really gross with her physical affection… like groping your ass in public, kissing your neck while you’re literally both around with your friends talking, hand on your thigh when sitting (so fucking close to your pussy too!), and even very discreetly grinds against your ass when she’s backhugging you??? jiwonie very much enjoys how she can get away with that last part by just looking innocent and sweet to others 🤭
and the obsession only gets stronger when you’re apart! jiwon hates that you live in separate houses! she just wants to cling to you all the time! she feels very anxious when she can’t just extend an arm and touch you 😔 but at least you’re always there to text or call her immediately when she gets home! 💕 little did you know that your sweet girlfriend secretly strokes her cock to the sound of your voice while you’re in a call with her.. she’s very good at suppressing her sounds! 🫢 casually fucking her own hand, imagining it was yours, while you tell her about the kind of work day that you had… she absolutely loves how she can hear the passion you have for your job and her climax literally builds up by how you get excited and laugh at some funny anecdotes… and ofc she ends up cumming all over her hand! making such a mess that she blames you for bcs you were just so cute! 😤😤
jiwon definitely stacks up on dick pics and masturbating videos just in case she’s in the mood to send you some! 😋 and in every single one of those videos she’s whining and moaning your beautiful name while she spills hot sticky cum on her hand and on her sheets! it’s always everywhere and there would be so much in her hand all the time, if only you were there to clean it up for her 😣 she doesn’t have toys around bcs there’s literally nothing better to stick her cock into other than your pussy so she just ends up grinding on and dry humping her pillows when she’s sooo horny she can’t help it 😳 then she would impulsively text you.. telling you that she needs your help.. that she doesn’t wanna waste any more of her cum to her stupid sheets and pillow covers and that it all belongs inside you!! 😵‍💫
and ofc you immediately come over to her house bcs you would be insane to say no to your girlfriend‼️ entering her room, seeing jiwon sitting on her bed not even covering up the wet spot in her pants as well as her massive tent… and being her good, perfect girlfriend you don’t waste any time and got to work… taking your clothes and her undergarments off before you climbed on her lap and slid her thick cock inside you… insertion smooth as always bcs you were such a fucking whore for her dick! best believe you wouldn’t even have to put much effort into riding her bcs jiwon is the one that’s controlling everything! gripping your hips with an iron grip and pulling you up then pushing you down in an insane pace… both of your moans bouncing off the walls and probably being heard by the surrounding units… just how jiwon likes it 😋😋
almost literally has heart eyes as you creamed around her cock bcs you just looked so pretty throwing your head back and screaming her name 🥺 it’s too bad you didn’t have much of a stamina… but thankfully jiwon has that covered 🤭 she’s immediately laying you down and fucking you herself! intently watches as her cock disappears inside you.. so in awe of how you can take her so well while being so tight… feels your walls clench and her eyes roll back bcs it feels so good… between your moans, the way you dug your nails in her arms, locked your legs around her hips while she fucked you.. well, it didn’t take jiwon very long to finally dump all of her cum inside you 🫣
like i said, hella stamina plus she’s so fucking obsessed… you’re definitely waking up sore 🥰🥰
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halfwayhearted · 15 days
season 2 Gf!Emily Prentiss blurb where she and reader are having a cuddling together after emily’s first case with the team and reader is just comforting her and its like a cute domestic moment and they have a cat that insists on sitting with them!
Sailor Song — Emily Prentiss.
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Pairing: Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader
Summary: After one of her first cases with the Behavioral Analysis Unit, Emily wants nothing more than to be by your side. Your cat, Bambi, seems to feel the same.
Word Count: 595+
Disclaimer/s — Just comfort and fluff!
A/N: So! I actually didn’t follow this request through for the first part and only noticed when I reread… hey… I also need this woman so bad, it’s actually becoming concerning.
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Late. It was so, so very late.
It was the middle of the night when your phone rang. Groggily, you fumbled around in the dark. Your fingers finally closed around your phone, and you squinted at the screen, ready to decline the call until you saw who it was – your girlfriend.
Quickly, you answer, “Hi, are you okay?”
Sounds of shuffling are heard on the other end before she replies, “Yeah. Hey—I’m sorry, I’m fine. I just wanted to call and let you know that I was on my way home. Did I… did I wake you?”
Yes. “No, no, no,” you told her, “I’ll be waiting.”
With that, you exchange small ‘I love you’s and hang up. Rubbing your eyes, you sit up and move to grab one of her sweaters – her brown one, to be exact. It was comfortable and, well, her. Once it was on, you made your way into the living room.
After about twenty minutes, you heard the door unlocking and swinging open, and in walked the woman you loved and hadn’t seen for the last couple of days. You smile, “Hey, Em.”
She says your name in return, sounding so tired. You knew the lack of sleep she’d be getting from now on would be inevitable, but it still didn’t stop the pang of hurt from going through you.
Sliding off her shoes, she drops her bag onto the side table and moves to lock the door. That’s when you got up and walked toward her, wasting no time in sliding your arms around her neck. “Missed you so much,” you mumbled.
Emily lets out a deep breath, her hands sliding around your torso and pulling you closer. Burying her face into the crook of your neck, her warm breath tickles your skin. That was a reply in itself.
‘I missed you too.’
A couple of long seconds of silence pass when you reluctantly pull away and grab her hand, guiding the both of you to the couch. You plop down and look up at her with expectation. With a huff of laughter, she settles down beside you.
Gently regrasping her hand in yours, you trace the palm of her hand. “So, how was it?”
“It was… stressful, to say the least.” She sighed, “Very, very stressful. How were you? Good?”
You frowned at that, “Stressful, huh? I’ve been okay, worried about you, of course. How was everybody? Did they treat you well?”
“I don’t know, I think it’ll take them a while. But, they were professional. They were fine.”
Humming softly, you watch how she moves to rest her head on your shoulder, brings her knees up to her chest, and closes her eyes.
“You’re strong, you know that, right?” It was something you had always told her. She was so strong, and you just hoped she knew that at the end of the day. You were very proud of her.
She smiles against your shoulder, “I know.”
Just as you’re about to get comfortable, your cat, Bambi, meows from beside you, making you sigh. “It looks like Bambi thinks so too.”
“Of course she does,” the raven-haired woman chuckled, extending her arms and gently lifting your precious cat onto her lap, admiring how she nestled in between the two of you. “Look!”
Your eyes shone with affection, and you knew this moment would stay with you for days. You pressed a kiss to Bambi’s fur, then placed a tender kiss on your girlfriend’s temple, continuing what you had intended before the brief but welcome interruption, your eyes fluttering shut.
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Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated ^_^.
DT(s) — @pedrilcvr ! ౨ৎ (I love you, my beautiful…)
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vanesycho · 20 days
I've read all of your nct fics and i looooove your works 🤍 especially the jealous jisung one. You're so talented 🤍🤍
Will it be okay if i request a mark fic, where he's so busy working and his gf point it out because she's feeling lonely in this relationship lately? Angst and smut??
thank you so so much for your nice comment and request you are so sweet ilyy😔🤍🤍🤍
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Warning:Smut, a little angst(happy ending), p in v
"Heyy baby? I was worried about you, you didn't call me all day." You didn’t want to bother Mark in the middle of his work, but he had said he would definitely call you today and it was already late. All you wanted was to at least hear his voice before going to bed because you couldn't even do that these days. "Oh my love...I'm so so sorry, it completely slipped my mind, can you forgive-" You heard another member call Mark from behind, after they talked something he turned his attention back to you on the phone. "I have to go now, I'll call you tomorrow okay? Love you."
"Love you to-" You stared blankly at your phone as the sound of 'beep' hit you in the face like a painful reality. You laid down on your bed, breathing heavily as you realized that the side of your bed would be empty tonight too. You turned onto your side and hugged the pillow Mark used, trying to fall asleep.
As the time approached noon, you looked at your phone again, your notification sound was on but you still checked in case you hadn't heard it, but the result was the same. No texts, no calls, nothing from Mark. You went to the living room and sat down and tried to distract yourself by watching a movie. Considering that you were lost in thought and thought about Mark every now and then, it didn't seem to work.
When you heard the door opening, you didn't even pay attention, your eyes were still on the movie. "Baby?" Mark's call echoed throughout the house, and when he didn't get an answer, he involuntarily frowned. As he was about to pass by the hall, he noticed a figure in the corner of his eye and stopped in his place. When he looked inside, he saw you sitting on the couch and entered with a smile.
"So you were here. I thought you were still asleep." He spoke, raising his arms up for a hug, but you only hummed in return. It didn't take long for him to realize something was wrong, he sat down next to you and held your hands."I know my work took longer than i thought and I couldn't even get home properly. But it's over and now we can be together as much as you want, hm? Please don't be so quiet Y/n, it makes me even sadder." you took your hands off of him and he looked at his free hands, saw you tilt your head and grabbed your chin, making you look at him. When he noticed your eyes fill with tears he pulled you by your shoulders and hugged you to his chest. "No no no, please don't, I'm so sorry baby."
His hug made you cry harder, you hadn't felt his warmth for a long time. The feeling you missed made your feelings grow even more. You wrapped your arms around his waist, Mark's one hand was caressing your back with slow movements while the other was caressing your hair, not forgetting to kiss your head in between. "I'm such an idiot, I can't believe I upset you this much, I'm so sorry, please forgive me." You pulled back, lifted your head, and met his eyes. He wiped the tears on your cheeks and placed a small smile on his lips, kissing the flowing tears and stopping them one by one. You tried to speak between your sobs, your voice coming out hoarse than it was.
"It's just...I expected at least a text from you, I waited all day for you when you said you'd call me. I knew you were busy, but when you made such promises and got no results, I was worried and upset." He bit his lip nervously, knowing that you were absolutely right.You looked back at him as he tilted his head slightly to catch your gaze. "You're right, baby, all the way. I promise this won't happen again, I promise that even if I can't talk to you I will send you messages so that after a while you will get tired of me." You chuckled at his words “I’ll never get tired of you.”
He reached out to your lips, gave you a small kiss and whispered "Good, because right now I'm going to give you all the attention you want and make sure you get it every single one." He didn't even give you time to ask what he was talking about, he closed his lips on yours again, wrapped your legs around his waist and picked you up, walked towards your room.
He laid you gently on the bed and glanced at your beautiful face for a moment, slipping his hand under your shirt without breaking eye contact. The feeling of his fingers on your skin made your heart race, you hadn't felt this in a long time, when the feeling you missed came back you couldn't wait for more. "Mark please...I need more now." He started sucking your neck, you felt like your body was on fire, like everywhere he kissed and touched was on fire. He sucked on your earlobe, giggling when he realized you were holding your breath and his breath hit your neck and ear. A tiny whimper escaped your mouth as his breath hitched. "Cute. Now tell me what you want. How does my baby want to get her attention?"
He sucked your neck for a while and left a small bite "Should I please you with my mouth?"
He put his hand inside your shorts and reached your pussy, licking his lips when he realized that you were already wet "Should I fuck you with my fingers?"
When he pulled his hand back, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. He spread your legs and pressed his swollen cock against you through your clothes. Just feeling how big it was was going to drive you crazy, he smiled at your reaction "Should I fuck you with my dick?" You averted your eyes, you couldn't take it anymore, the clothes you were wearing felt like excess. You wanted to feel him fully now. He gently grabbed your chin and made you look into his eyes, pressing himself against you again. “Mark-” Grinned at your reaction.
"Or should I do it all and make you enjoy it all, hm? Can you cum three times for me? Will that make you forgive me?" You thrust your hips into him eagerly, seeing how desperate you were for his touch made him harden even more. "Please, just do it.. I can't wait any longer." He took off your excess clothes and threw them in a corner. You watched as he took off his own clothes, revealing his slightly built body but his swollen cock underneath distracted you.
Without keeping you both waiting, he held his dick at the entrance of your pussy, watched as he gently inserted the tip inside, looked at how nicely you took it in. Seeing this made his dick grow a little more inside you. "Fuck, I missed this." He made you lift your legs and slowly inserted his remaining cock until he felt it completely inside you. As your warm and tight walls wrapped around his cock, he soon began to move.
The juices flowing from your wet pussy were wrapping around Mark's cock, and he started to move his hips at a certain speed. He made sure you take it all in, from start to finish, groaning as every sound that hit your pussy echoed in the room along with your moans. "Ah you feel so warm..So tight." His compliments about how good it felt were endless, praising your beauty, how well your pussy clenched around his cock, the beautiful sound of your moans, every part of you.
"Mark...Fuck, don't stop...I'm so close." His strokes increased and got faster, he felt like he was going to lose his mind as your voice became more and more tearful with each stroke, he started to whimper as he was close to coming, "Yes yes yes fuck, come with me baby." He buried his head in your neck, letting out a tearful moan as he pulled his cock out and came between your legs, some of your juices running down Mark's cock as his quiet moans reached your ears.
You looked up at him with tired eyes, he smiled and kissed you all over your face. Laid down next to you and let you rest your head on his chest."Is there anything you want to do tomorrow?" You closed your eyes as you felt him caress your hair, your voice sounded tired. "I don't know, it doesn't matter as long as you're with me." He grinned to himself 'like' a fool in love at what you said. After a while, when he realized that you were sleeping, he put a blanket on you so that you wouldn't get cold and whispered in your ear, "You are the most beautiful thing life has brought me, good night my angel."
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talktonytome · 27 days
Ok I couldn’t stop thinking about this post and how Eddie’s cultural background impacts his life so I’m adding some of my thoughts:
re: repression and emotions- unfortunately for those who subscribe to the machismo part of our culture, they are taught to repress emotions- boys&men shouldn’t cry, suck it up, showing pain is weak. And we see that with Eddie and his Dad, who ingrained that so much so Eddie resorted to unhealthy outlets (like cage fighting-another macho thing) and he was having panic attacks because his feelings and emotions had no where to go. He was so reluctant and skeptical of therapy (again another machismo/ Mexican thing)
re: being forced to grow up too fast- when he was a BOY, his dad told him he had to be the “man” of the house now and take care of the family, which segues into getting Shannon pregnant in their teens. By his dad’s measure, he was a man right? He was expected to get married and assume the role of husband and provider. And sure, religion plays into it as well. he felt pressured and never had the time to think what do I want to do? And as is the case for so many to escape their situation, he joined the army and boy do you grow up fast there.
re: relationships- he married his first serious girlfriend when they were so young and even though they loved each other, people change so much and they weren’t given the option to consider not being together. Eddie mostly assumed the role of provider because he didn’t know how to deal with everything going on, especially with Christopher. (btw I don’t think it’s fair how harsh some ppl are about Shannon bc she was left alone with a kid and Eddie’s parents who hated her) He wasn’t there to be a husband or a father because, as he said himself, he left first and ofc he felt guilt over that. His only impression of love and their relationship was stagnant and frozen in time. When he reunited with Shannon, he was only maybe just starting to get closure when she died and he fell into that grief and never let himself fully heal from it. After being with Christopher again, he fully took on the role of father and that is all he was. His subsequent relationships did not work because he was really looking for a mom for Christopher and again didn’t ask himself what he wants, he struggled with relationships, and as a result, the women he tried to date suffered.
We know that his aunt constantly tries to set him up with people and oh god if that isn’t relatable. If you’re Latinx, we hear it all the time! “Cuando te vas a casar?” (When are you getting married?) “No tienes novio(a)?” (You don’t have a gf/bf?) “Deja the presento a” (let me introduce you to). There’s this pressure and stigma about being alone and Eddie goes along with these set-ups, women that are not chosen by him so ofc it feels like a performance. (I mean dating already is when you’re just getting to know someone.) and there’s the expectation in our culture that you need a partner and nuclear family to be complete.
In conclusion, I wish more people could see the influence and impact all of this has on Eddie’s life and decisions, and how he’s hispanic man forced to grow up too soon and become a dad-coded. I wish that nuance was considered more often, and my hope for season 8 is that he finally breaks it all down and figures out what he wants and who he wants to be!
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neonovember · 1 year
Hello, uhm, so this MAY be an uncomfortable thing to request I’m not too sure. It’s totally totally okay if it is absolutely feel free to ignore this, but the way you write Carmen is so so comforting. I have this neighbor that lives downstairs from me, I’ve lived in my apartment for two years but the past 4 months with this guy has been hell. I live in the U.K. and the people that own the building and the police don’t view my situation as anything dangerous or serious, despite the fact I have made numerous complaints and even the other neighbors in my building have complained about him. But he targets me the most and bangs on my door at ungodly hours and threatens the most horrible stuff because I’m a woman living alone. I’m honestly terrified but unless he physically does something there’s nothing I can do. I’m sorry for the sob story but usually I always try and just picture Carmy as something comforting to help through this until I can be safe, would it be okay to request something like Carmen finding out about his gf losing sleep and constantly being terrified and deciding to take matters into his own hands, and demanding she moves in with him and helps pack her stuff because he will NOT stand for that shit (again totally 100% okay if you don’t feel comfortable responding)
oh my god anon, I'm so deeply sorry that you have to deal with such a shitty situation, and the fact that you have to wait to be physically attacked before the police can do anything? Fuck the justice system and fuck law enforcement. Don't every feel scared to send a request to make your day or week or fucking month better, it's why I'm here, and the fact that my writing can make you feel even a little better is the greatest gift i could ever ask for. God I just hope you're able to remain safe, call a friend or family to keep them posted in case anything happens, I'm so very sorry honey :(
Broken bones and soup
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carmen berzatto x reader
warnings: misogyny, violence, feral!carmen makes an appearence, angst, horrible neighbours, angst, teeth rotting fluff, carmy feeding you
w/c: 5.3k
a/n: this was hard to write, i really wanted to do it right by you anon, and when have i ever written carmen without him breaking someones face?
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The falling sun encapsulated the cerulean sky, exploding against the horizon in heated shades of orange, crimson and pink. The trail back to your apartment complex wasn’t long, but it gave enough time to bask in the warmth of evenings bathed in sunlight. It also conveniently enabled you to tell yourself you had gotten your sun for the day, rather than having to swallow pills you hated to swallow.
It was muscle memory however, your legs moved with the familiar comfort of the sidewalk, forgetting the stomach turning realisation of what had awaited you back at your apartment. 
It had been a couple months, four maybe 5, you didn’t really want to count the days having a violent neighbour moved in directly down your apartment. The other tenants who you've grown to know collectively bristled with the annoyance of a 30 something year old filling the usual peaceful nights with crashes and yells of broken plates and incoherent obscenities. 
When you had raised the issue to the landlord and even to the police, you had been shut down with a shrug of the shoulders. 
‘We can notice him with a noise complaint, but if he aint hurting anyone we can’t do much’. 
That had made you laugh a little then, before you had been close to bawling your eyes out and ripping out your hair. Sure he was loud, your neighbours from the other side of the apartment complex could attest to that, but it was so much more than loud fucking music, and somehow, you had bared the brunt of his violence. It was targeted, you knew it, and your legs began to shuffle at the thought of coming home to another violent outbursts at your door. 
You hadn't gotten any proper sleep for the past 4 months, waking up to loud banging at your door, and declarations of brutality he whispered through your keyhole. It was all empty threats, those men in clad uniform had told you when you woke up shaking with fear as he screamed taunts of murder from below, you had run out in your pyjamas and bunny slippers and they had told you they couldn't help you. 
There were not empty threats, and this wasn’t the hundreds of true crime shows you had binged, you felt it in your bones, you were a woman living with yourself for god sake, he was going to break down your door one day and hurt you, and you couldn't do anything about it. You felt paralysed by the helplessness of it, forcing yourself to stay up past 12, the burn of your tired eyes forced open by the blue light of your phone, in case he tried breaking in. You had begun to keep a bat near your bed, a knife in the drawer of your bedside, and you felt fucking insane. Noone had made a major problem out of it, and yet you felt like he was one bad day from a murderous rampage.
Carmen could tell something had been wearing on your shoulders, the way your eyes blinked slowly, and the syrup slow movements of your limbs when you had visited the Beef not long ago. You couldn't bear to tell him, your past relationships had taught you enough not to unload all your problems onto another person, but it had gotten bad. You had started getting notices of concern from your boss, asking if you were alright, telling you how your performance had been declining.
You had quickly shut down any looks of concern thrown at you, this was something you had to deal with yourself, you didn’t want anyone, especially another woman to be faced with the brunt of his violence. You guzzled caffeine and energy drinks like it was water, and your limbs jittered with the rush of adrenaline until the peak had dropped and you felt like your stomach was ripping itself apart.
You braced yourself as you turned the corner into your apartment complex, keeping your head down, and going through the carpack to avoid the hallway that was right next to his door. You felt your stomach drop, your keys pressed between your knuckles and you flickered your eyes up to the door of his apartment. You watched it like a hawk, ready to flee at any sign of opening, and when you had finally made it to the elevator, you breathed a sigh of relief like no other. The air suddenly fills your lungs once again.
Your phone buzzed in your jean pocket, and you reached out to grab it, the screen illuminated by Carmen’s text. You felt a tingle of glee shoot through you, biting back a smile at the thought of seeing him today.
“You still coming today for the family dinner?”
The beef had begun a sort of tradition, every last Friday of the month, they would close early and hold a sort of family dinner right out back near the tables and chairs. Everyone of the crew’s family and friends were invited to join, some bringing a plate or a drink or two. It was the highlight of the month, and you hadn't missed a Friday ever since Carmen and you had become something more than close friends.
You typed out a quick reply with a tongue in your cheek, as the elevator doors opened, you didn't look up right away, walking with your head down as you tucked your phone back into your pocket. It was a fault on your end, you should have looked up, at least then you could have braced yourself as your neighbour stood stationed near your door with a cheshire smile stretching ominously across his face. 
You wondered if you could run back into the elevator, but the doors had closed well before and you feared turning your back to him was an even worse fate. You walked towards him, plastering on a smile that didn't look even a little believable.
“Something I can do for you?” You ask, your voice heightened by a mix of fear and false confidence
“Hear you've been complaining about me” The man replies with a smile, his hair slicked back, the shadow of a badly shaven skin spiking up. His shirt reeks of sweat and stains of spilt takeaway and you have to take a tentative step back to escape the stench radiating off of him.
“Yeah, you might not realise it, but you have been a bit- uh loud, and the loud banging on my walls?” You prouch him, and his eyebrows rise in surprise, shaking his head with a laugh that horrified you.
“Am I scaring you?” The man replies 
You swallow as your eyes flicker to his burnt hazel ones, they stare down from above, almost mocking in the way they forced you to answer.
“Uh, uhm- well, a lot of us got work in the morning, and I can’t wake up if you're making a lot of noise during the night”
“Oh, is that right?” The man asks, scratching a hand across his jaw
“Well no one's been the one complaining but you” The man replies
“I don't think so many of us-”
“You saying I’m a liar??” The man suddenly shouts, and you can help yourself stepping back a distance quickly
The man watches the way you distance yourself away from him, his eyes flicker to the keys poking out from between your fingers and he bites back a laugh.
“So you are scared of me, liar.” The man spits out with venom, before stepping towards you, caging you to the wall as he whispers near your ear
“You think fucking keys are going to stop me? A little lady like you living here all by yourself?” The man digs his fingers into your sides, until you howl out and retch yourself away from him, you reach for your right side, holding the skin above your rib cage that had begun to swell and bruise.
“See how easy that was? A fucking pretzel in my hand” The man calls out with a smile, before walking back around the hallway corner with such ease and comfort that told you he knew the police wouldnt do shit.
Your hand shakes as you shove your key into your door, you have to hold your own hand to put it in, before shouldering your way through your door with wince, and dropping your bag and belongings to the floor.
You rush into your bathroom, undressing before your eyes flicker to your mirror, seeing the red rash of irritation and the start of a purple imprint of his claws shoved into the skin below your ribcage. You wince as you try to soothe it, the salty tears breaking down your waterline, you can't stop, the wretched sobs of your helplessness echoing off the bathroom walls.
You climb into the shower, sliding down to the bottom as the tears shake through you, you hug your knees to your chest, letting the warm water combine with your salty tears, so they become one, and you know longer now how terrified you are. You stay in the shower like this for a bit, letting the warmth and steam wiggle your body from its stone encapsulation.
You can hear the familiar jingle of your phone ringing from where you had haphazardly left it, and the memory of today's dinner comes rushing in. You had nearly forgotten, and whilst you were terrified to leave your home and go back into the hallway where it had happened, you couldn't let Carmen down.
So you had gotten up, in the same way you had fallen down, and tried to scrub away the smell of his day-old cigarettes and sweat until your skin burned, poking your head through a clean shirt and a skirt that hid the painful purple splotch that had begun to spread across your side.
Entering your quaint kitchen, you can’t stop your arm as it reaches for the brown liquid stored in that old glass bottle Sugar had told you was a century old. You didn't have a little liquid courage to make it past your goddamn threshold.
You downed it in a gulp, reaching for your bag and a pocket knife, just in case. The reality of that decision broke you a little, when did you start needing to armour yourself?
Your phone buzzed from its position edged between the living room couch, it was Carmen, again, telling you he was outside. Carmen had begun to ceremoniously show up to your apartment as the autumn had begun to bleed into the winter nights, and the sunlight had stretched until darkness hit by 5 in the afternoon. Any other time you would have chastised him till the point where he would stop, but now, with the reality of your neighbour, you felt a relief wash through your body at the thought of being close to him. You also don’t doubt he would have shown up anyway, ignoring your requests in the way he does when he thinks it's his responsibility.
You wouldnt say you had a lot of experience in relationships under your belt, but something spoke to you from within, carmen was something special, this was special, sacred in the way destiny was, and you shooke with the relentless fear of fucking it up. And scaring him away with your problems seemed to be on the very top of that list
You shake the thought from your head as you shut the door quietly, take a brisk pace as you walk but kind of run to the elevator. A neighbour you knew well stood near the doors, his dark auburn hair falling in front of his eyes, he nodded to you with a silent smile. He kept to himself most of the time, and you didn't know much about him, just that he always was tugging a sleeve down his left arm, but he always went out of his way to give you some sort of greeting.
The air between you was silent, as you were waiting for the ping of the elevator to drop to your door, and you heard a shuffling near you, your eyes watching the way he coughed and stared at you from the corner of your peripheral vision.
“Heard something out in the hallway, it wasn’t him again was it?” The man replied, concerned about lacing his features as his eyes seemed to be fixated on the way you leaned on one side of your body a little.
“Uh no, it’s- it’s alright, I guess it was my dues you know? Dealing with a shitty neighbour at least once” You reply with a tight smile, trying to poke fun at the very depressing thought.
The man nodded with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, your neighbours had known that he was loud, knew that you had dealt the worst of it being right above him, but they were clueless to his taunts and threats that he said into your door at night. You think the man next to you had an idea though, the way his eyes scanned anything like he was always assessing, always calculating the world around him. 
It was also because your neighbour was nowhere to be found whenever he was around, you whispered a prayer of thanks that he was taking the elevator down with you, with his sweatpants and top, it was like he knew, a silent nod of protection.
Before you could open your mouth to whisper a thanks, the doors of the elevator had opened, a tired mom and her two energetic kids passed between you both. It was funny, you could see yourself in her, the drag of dark circles and the hunch of her shoulders mirroring your own. 
You knew the very shakily painted on makeup did little to hide the exhaustion on your face and you rushed to enter the elevator to escape the thought. The motion of the elevator moving down nauseated you a little, churning your stomach in the way it always did with motion, but your apartment wasn’t big and soon enough the music of the elevator turned to a halt as the doors opened up to the ground floor.
You could see the headlights of Carmen's car through the automatic doors of your complex, and you gave your neighbour a smile before rushing to jump into the comfort of Carmen and his very, very warm car.
-- -
The car ride to the beef has been silent, just the syrupy beat of jazz from the car speakers and the burn of Carmen’s gaze searing a hole through you, you feared if you caught his eyes and the look in them the entire interaction today would tumble from your tongue.
You couldn’t ruin today, it was tradition, you had just begun to become folded into it. The joy of Tina calling your name for a hug, the talks about the new pastry ideas with Marcus, Sydney’s laughter, it soothes you like a balm, and you were sure the nausea crawling through your stomach would dissipate the second you entered.
But it didn’t, the beautiful lantern lights from outside the Beef glittered against the Chicago moonlight and the smell of Italian meatballs engulfed your senses and you still felt like you were being ripped apart from the inside.
You had said your hellos to everyone, biting back a yelp as Tina’s hand pressed against the bruise on your side, and nodding to Richie’s rambles whilst you felt outside of your own skin.
Your mind kept replaying the scene of him lunging st you, bristling your skin till goosebumps spread through, until your mind was exhausted from fear and well, fucking exhaustion and Carmen had to call your name too many times to rip you from your thoughts.
“Hey, you alright?” Carmen asks with that soft honey tone he keeps for you.
You nod with a smile, and Carmen’s eyes shift towards your plate untouched. It was your favourite, a twist on Osso Buco and yet it laid un moving, Carmen knew it, you did too, and you held back tears as Carmen simply nodded, not sure if he was overstepping his boundaries.
It was the first lick of the start of something, the both of you, the bloom of a companionship Carmen felt was destined, like it was seared into the sand years before you both had even come into existence. And Carmen was new to this, and that opened up a whole can of worms, he didn’t want to fuck it up, he didn’t want to think about fucking it up, but god did he always seem to fuck it up.
You reached across the table to grab the jar of water, your shirt riding up without you noticing. Tina’s eyes widen at the peek of a purple imprint from under your shirt and she has nearly drops her fucking fork
“Baby? What happened to your side?” Tina replies with concern, her voice is quiet but the tables loud boisterous conversations begin to slow down.
You tug your shirt down, and you burn with guilt like you had been caught with this big secret. Carmen immediately looks towards your side, his eyes scanning the way you since a little as your finger brushes against it.
“Nothing, uh um I fell” You don't even believe yourself
“That looks more than something you get tripping over your feet darling, did something happen?”
“What? What’s she saying honey? What did you see Tina?” Tina’s gaze flutters to Carmen, and there’s a pause like she’s assessing whether it was Carmen’s doing before the reality of who he is hits her. It was ingrained in every woman, and Carmen wouldn’t be an exception. Even for a second.
“Looks like someone’s goddam fist imprinted into her skin” 
The restaurant is completely quiet now, and your head falls to your uneaten plate of veal, they look towards you in concern hearing the end of Tina’s words.
Carmen lifts your shirt, and you don’t stop him, the reality of your attack is shown right there in front of him, the imprint of a large hand bruising purple and blue.
Carmen’s eyes burn into the skin, his fists shaking as he remains silent, the rest of the family look on in horror, whispers of “holy fuck?” and eyes seeing the way Carmen practically vibrates, like he’s a second away from exploding.
“..Who did this?”
“It was my fault- I”
“Who did this baby? Who hurt you?” Carmen replies with an exhaled murmur.
“I’m, uh, Uhm- he- oh Carmen” You can’t get the words out, they’re stuck in your throat and you can’t get them out. You feel trapped, your body is sweating like you’re caged, like you're wading through a current and you're losing yourself to the weight of it, your breakdown on display for the whole world to see.
You blink back tears as Carmen tilts your chin to face him, and the look on his face, the look of distraught and fear that blossoms across his features un tetheres the tightly wrapped self control you had formed.
And Carmen scoops you up into his arms so that the entire family doesn’t have to see you break into his shoulder.
His soothing words are like a balm to your distress and he walks you, bridal style to the first aid cabinet, sitting you down on the counter, wiping away your tears as his fingers shake and his throat bobs with a tight swallow. He hastily tugs your shirt, kissing back the howls of pain as he whispers “I know, I know baby girl, I’m so sorry, I’m so so sorry.”
His soft fingers press gently against the bruise as he rubs a heating ointment across it, he wraps a warm compress around it as bandage and his eyes are avoiding your own as he focuses his fingers on your skin.
“Carmen?” You whisper, the hiccups of tears resounding from your throat, Carmen reaches for a painkiller, placing it in your palm with a whisper of affirmation, he gently tips your head back as he pours water into your mouth, and you swallow it quickly, before looking back at him.
“Carmen? Please” You reply, had you done it, had you ruined everything?
“I can’t look at you because I fear I might break, and- and I can’t right now okay darling? I have to find, I have to find who did this, and I need to make it right, hm? I need to make sure your safe because god my heart is outside of my chest and I can’t feel anything but fear” Carmen replies with a tight low voice, his fists shake as he pressed them into the counter beside your thighs, but he looks up to meet your gaze anyway, and he smiles tightly as the tears stream down.
“Oh Carmen, this isn't on you, you couldn't have possibly known” You reply, wiping a hand across his cheeks.
“How can you say that? I am your, I am meant to protect you, and you, you come limping in without me noticing, fucking Tina saw it before I could, and i hate myself for it” Carmen replies, his cerulean blues shining bright against the shine of tears.
“Who did this, someone at work? A guy on the street?” Carmen replies and you flick away from his gaze, hand falling to your lap as your tongue burns with the desire to just say it all.
“You've got to tell me baby girl, you have to know I've got to make it right, I won’t sleep till I do. '' Carmen replies with a pained cry, like his heart is breaking from the thought of letting this go un avenged. And it's the tortured look on his face, it's the shake of his limbs like he wants to destroy and burn the entire world around him till he finds whoever has done this that uncurls your tongue and lets everything out in the open.
“What? This has been going on for months? Why didn’t you tell me?” Carmen replies, his thumb rubbing soft circles across your thigh.
“Didn’t want to scare you away Carmen, i love-i I like you a lot, more than I have anyone and I didn't want to fuck it up and unload all my problems onto you like a dumpster” You reply, and it sounds stupid when you say it out loud, and when Carmen looks up at you in disbelieved confusion.
“Huh? Oh sweet girl, I’m meant to help you bear it all, that’s why I'm here, and the idea of you thinking I'll love you any less, that I won't help you because of something like this haunts me. I’m meant to protect you yeah? That’s my fucking job, and I’ve failed it” Carmen replies with a grunt.
“No one has said anything like that to me” You say, eyes looking up to him, you weren't shocked, but you weren't, were not shocked, never had you experienced this, this burning adoration for another person, this soft warmth that burst through you at the sound of Carmen's voice promising his devotion, promising his unyielding protection. It armoured you more than a pocket knife ever could.
Carmen presses a soft kiss to your head, before shuffling around the kitchen, walking back into the dining tables, hushing out replies of ‘she's okay’ before coming back in with your things under his arm.
“What are you doing?” You reply in question, as he slowly picks you up with an arm, and gently places you back down. His eyes are constantly flickering to your side, like he’s torturing himself with the image of the first time he saw the horrific bruise across your side.
He had never felt true fear until then, the shatter of his heart beneath his breast as he realises you had gotten hurt and he didn't even fucking realise. Nothing had mattered but your safety and he scared himself with how much his body shook with a desire to destroy the person responsible.
“I’m driving back to your apartment, where you're going to grab your necessities, whilst I pay a visit to your little neighbour downstairs. You’re staying with me, for however long,” Carmen replies with a sneer, walking you through the back door, which you were all too thankful for, you couldn't bear to see the look on the crew’s faces if you had to walk back in.
“Carmen you can’t” You reply rushed, as Carmen slid you into the passenger seat, before clicking on your seat belt for you. He cocks his head, before raising his eyebrows
“Oh, I can’t? Honey, the police don’t do their job and my baby get’s fucking hurt. Nah, that doesn't work for me” Carmen replies, before rushing to enter the driver's seat, shifting the gear into drive before speeding down the city streets. 
His focused on the road, his face unblinking and he grips the steering wheel until his knuckles turn white, you can’t stop looking at him, his gorgeous under the moonlight of the skies, his cheeks crimson from his tears, his cerulean blues calling to you like the sea, and the curl of his blonde hair falling like waves.
The view of your apartment complex comes into your vision as Carmen turns into the carpark in one swift move, you can’t stop the shake of your fingers and Carmen wants to slam his first into the steering wheel when he notices.
“You alright?” Carmen replies “You can stay here, I’ll grab whatever you need”
You want to stay, want to remain in the safety of his sleek tinted windows, but you want to face it too, and somehow that need is more important, he doesn’t get to win, no fucking way.
You unclip your seat belt, opening the door as you turn to him “You going to show me how you protect me or what?”
Carmen bites back a smile, god he was so fucking proud. He could tell you were scared shit less, and yet you fought through that fear, and god you mesmerised him. You were stronger than he could ever be, and he wanted to take that burden from you, carry it himself so you didn't have to.
Carmen jogs to the back of the car, reaching into the boot before the clunk of wood on gravel meets your ears. Carmen nods towards you, as he grips a bat under his arm
“He puts a bruise on you and i break all his fucking bones” Carmen replies, and you can’t stop the joy that image brings you
Carmen walks you to your apartment, waiting outside like a hawk, his bat tight against his grip as he watches the hallways, and for the first time in what seemed like forever, you feel infinitly and utterly safe.
You throw your toiletries into a bag, grabbing a few nights of clothes and your work shoes. You eyes flicker around your apartment, it had been home to you for the past 4 years, and yet it felt so foreign to you now, you had grown to attest this place, this place you had filled with so much of yourself, and you hate him so much at that moment, for making you feel this way about a place you had once loved.
You leave your apartment with the door shut closed.
Carmen carries your bag and places them back into the back seat of the car, and as he begins to walk towards the apartment of your neighbour you reach a hand out to stop him.
“Honey, I’ve got to-” Carmen begins before you shut him quickly
“I want to watch” You reply quietly, and Carmen’s eyes flicker, before lacing his fingers into yours, as you both knock on his door.
There's a grumble before the clank of a chain slides open, and his face appears as the door opens to him, you can see the illuminated light of his TV glaring, the floor covered with pizza boxes and beer cans. You see in real time, how his face morphs from anger into fear, his eyes dropping as he sees the way Carmen practically shakes, and the man isn’t able to let out a word, a protest or wail of a plea before the crack of Carmen's wooden bat swings through the air.
-- -
“Are you sure he isn't dead?” You reply, as you dip a washcloth into warm water, wiping away the blood across Carmen’s neck
“He isn’t going to die if I wasn’t the one causing it, besides, if he does, that’s God finishing off the rest of it”. Carmen replies, raising his face so that you cleaned the last of the streaks of blood splattered across his jaw.
Carmen reaches for your hands, pressing a kiss to the top of them as he looks at you in that way like he yearns for you to be closer. 
“You need sleep, but first you need to eat, yeah?” Carmen replies, shushing your protests and he carries you to his room in his arms, after he notices the exhaustion in your limbs. It’s dark, illuminated only by the wall to ceiling windows that look into the busy city streets and light up sky scrapers. 
The sheets are strewn across the bed, haphazard like Carmen had rushed to get them off of him in the early mornings. Carmen slides you into them, tucking you within the soft pillowy blanket, sitting on the edge as he caresses your cheek softly.
He leaves for a moment, rushing to make you something to eat, his skin crawling with a need to feel you against him, nearly tripping over himself as he walks back into his room with a bowl of soup and a bottle of water.
Carmen sits next to you again, pressing spoonfuls of soup into your mouth and wiping the edges ceremoniously as you rest against the headboard half asleep. 
You don’t notice the way he looks at you, like he's trying to memorise every dip and curve of your face, his fingers clutching the spoon tight like he’s going to break if he doesn't hold you against him.
“Honey?” Carmen replies hushed
“Hmh?” You reply, your eyes heavy as the comfort of Carmen's warmth spreads through you.
“Don’t ever scare me like that again, you tell me everything okay? Everything” Carmen replies pained, like the events that transpired somehow still were not resolved, like breaking the man's legs wasn't enough for him.
“Okay” You reply, and Carmen places the dishes onto the bedside table, leaving it to the morning because he can't keep you away from him any longer.
Carmen joins you in the bed, the left side of his bed finally taken by somebody for the first time in a long time. Tugging you against him, Carmen curls your body to lay against his chest, his fingers softly gracing your back, soft circles that had begun to lull you to a sleep you hadn’t felt in months, years even.
The beat of Carmen's heart joins with yours, together and entwined like how it was always meant to be, why had Carmen waited so long? Why had he let time pass without you tucked under him, safe within his arms and away from all the horrors of the world.
It’s only when Carmen notices the shift in your breathing, falling into a soft exhale before he even lets the whispers of sleep grip him within its grasps, his shoulders finally release from its tensed state once he knows you've finally fallen into a sleep that had been kept from you.
“You don’t know how much I love you baby girl, it fucking scares me, but I’ll keep reminding you until infinity if I have to, until you know it deep down like I do” Carmen mumbles out, his eyes falling heavy and you grips you against his chest.
You don’t really know how, but even between the state of sleep and consciousness, you hear him, and you whisper between the space in your bodies, that you already do.
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sl8yter · 3 months
Get It Together - Mühl
Pt 1.
Nikas bestfriend Nahiem is “going through a hard time” and Nika is always there for him. Which causes a lack of presence for her gf.
TW - Angst, mentions of cheating, insecurity, nika being a meanie, and lots of audacity
Im in the mood for angst so sorry yall
Nika Muhl x fem reader
“Baby hello?”
“Huh oh sorry bebo I was texting Nahiem” Nika replies to my endless please in an exasperated tone looking at me standing in the kitchen as I prepare our plates
Dont start and argument please Niks
“Didn’t you guys just hang out last week? You said this week it’d be about us.” I walk towards Nika setting her plate on the table in front of me
“Hes my best friend and hes going through a hard time right now. I cant just ignore him.” She says finally taking her eyes off her phone to look at me
“Yea I know and I understand that but sometimes it feels like you care about him more than you do me.”
“Well I didn’t mean to make you feel that way and im sorry you do”
I sit down frustrated at her statement slightly banging the plate against the table
“Jesus christ, please dont be like that tonight” Nika says playing with her food
“Youre right, Im sorry its just that I love you you know that I do and I wish to spend time with you but its hard to do that when your friend is dragging you off everywhere. It makes me feel ignored.”
Why am I apologizing shes the one with the attitude
“Well Im sorry you feel that way bebo im not trying to ignore you. I want to spend time with you too. But Nahiem needs me too. We’ve been friends forever you know that” Nika says staring at me with a look in her eyes. The same look she gives me whenever she just wants me to agree with her
“I need you too Nika its not fair youve guys have been hanging out too much. I mean imagine if I went to go hang out with one my guy friends every other day.”
“What the fuck are you trying to imply here” Nikas tone changes. Her syllables grow sharper and her accent comes out
Shes mad
She stares at me waiting for my reply as im silent for a moment
“Im not trying to imply anything. I just want you to understand how it looks from my perspective. Which now you clearly do. I dont think you would do that to me but I cant help but wonder sometimes. Youre always texting him and barely even texting me anymore.”
“Im not cheating on you if thats what youre trying to imply. I lost my appetite, im gonna head out.” She adds with quickness, standing up from her chair and grabbing her keys off the counter
“No you always do this. Whenever things dont go your way or I dont immediately agree with you you leave I want to talk more. I want you to understand me more.” I say chasing after her pulling her arm to make her look at me
“Well I try and you make it so difficult”
“You try? You’re kidding me. I barely see you anymore. I wake up and youre gone. I tell you I want to talk its always im busy or later im out with friends. Im trying it feels like im the only one trying anymore.”
“I try so hard you just dont see it.” She grabs my hand and squeezes it giving me a sorrowful face.
That isnt what she looks like when shes sad
“What dont I see Nika please explain to me” I ask knowing shes full of it. She just wants someone to come home to
Her silence makes me snap. I let go of her hand
“Im actually so tired of your bullshit. Im gonna be frank with you since you arent gonna comprehend it any other way. I love you Nika I want to work on our relationship but you have to want that too. At this point ive debated leaving and ive also debated staying in case the sweet girl I knew a year ago wanted to show up again. I think we need couples counsel-”
Im cut off by her grabbing the sides of my face and attempting to kiss me. I retract quickly and try to ask her why she did that but she cuts me off before Ieven start
“Why are you being so difficult right now.” She says giving me a look of disgust. As if a kiss or angry fuck was gonna fix this
“Fuck off Nika. You can leave. Im not the one being difficult. I really dont want to lose you but if youre gonna keep being such a dickhead to me you cant leave. Ive had enough. I try so hard to understand you and I want you to let me im but obviously that isnt gonna happen. I love you but its obvious its not reciprocal.”
“You heard me. Leave. Get your self together then you can come back to me. Its gonna be hard to put whatever emotions you have or had for me into words but when you do and you can explain to me why you wanted to throw all this away for me for some guy who probably wants to hit and dip.” I say in the calmest voice possible holding back from yelling at her. If i yell im gonna cry and if I cry Nikas gonna hug me, then ill fold.
I cant give in this time
“Wait bebo im sorry okay I can see how much this hurts you. Lets talk this out I can stop talking to nahiem. I swear he doesnt mean anything to me. I love you let me prove it.” She says, her long and built arms trying to snake around me
“No Nika , I already tried to talk this out. Go back to your dorm, take a shower, and go to sleep. Then we can talk all you want. I need to be alone tonight” I say pushing myself off her as I walk away heading to my room
“Im sorry baby please don’t do this” She says still standing at the door
At least she respects my space
But she doesn’t respect me
“Go to bed Nika” I say before shutting my door
I hear a soft cry before the muffled sound of the door shutting and locking
I hope she does wanna talk in the morning
Also i dont proofread my writing. I write based off what my angelic soul is telling me so if you see some mistakes or some blank spaces 🦍🦍🦍
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zablife · 7 months
A Night Like Tonight
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Summary: Tommy is spiraling out of control after Polly's death and dragging his gf with him.
Author's Note: Requested by the lovely @runnning-outof-time with the song "On a Night Like Tonight" as inspo. I apologize this came out much darker and angstier than you prob intended.
Warnings: nightmares, mention of drinking, drug use, codependent relationship, blood, suicidal ideation, suicide
The heavy gray clouds sank further in the sky over the fields like a vice tightening their ghostly grip. His boots mired in thick black mud, Tommy found himself trapped just beyond reach of Polly’s outstretched hands. Close enough to stare into her kohl rimmed eyes, he was closer than ever to crossing over to where she stood. Without sign of tremors, his hand raised the pistol to his temple, eyes closing to greet the waiting darkness. The screams reached his ears before the gunshots, a guttural echo which pulsed through his veins like a second heart beat.
Jerking awake to a blacked out room, Tommy found himself twisted in bed covers. His eyes adjusted slowly, but his brain raced to reconcile his whereabouts as he ran a hand through his sweat dampened hair. On a shaky breath, he attempted to pull himself up, trembling fingertips reaching for the cigarette case on his bedside table.
His uncoordinated efforts resulted in a smashed lamp causing him to flinch involuntarily. "Fuck!" he exclaimed sharply, the disturbance irritating his overtired brain. Taking a deep breath, he replaced the curses on his lips with a cigarette, fumbling with his lighter until it flickered to life.
A warm, orange glow illuminated her profile beside him, the concern etched on her face unmistakable. Sinking back into his pillow, he rubbed a thumb across his forehead, the smoke from his cigarette wafting between them like a curtain. "Why were you shouting?" he muttered. She didn’t have to see his eyes to know the turmoil and confusion they held.
"It was you, Tommy,” she noted in a hushed whisper. "You cried out," she explained, drawing her hand to her lips before she mentioned he was calling for his beloved aunt.
The slow, sizzling burn of the cigarette paper was the only sound in the room as she waited and observed. With each exhalation of smoke, Tommy's chest seemed to still a bit more. The vein at his neck too ceased to thrum wildly, the way she'd seen it so often in recent weeks as he wrestled with the visions that brought unimaginable guilt.
“There was nothing you could have done,” she offered in a soft voice, draping her slender hand across his chest protectively.
The silence persisted in the inky blackness and she realized he hadn’t heard a word of her reassurance, his eyes fixed upon the ceiling. Tossing the duvet aside, she swung a leg over his bare torso and leaned in to carefully pluck the cigarette from his lips. She extinguished it on the bedside table before returning to drape herself across his body. Hair falling over him like a blanket, she enveloped him in her warmth, allowing the scent of her perfume to comfort him. Running a hand down his cheek, she confessed “You’re scaring me these days, my love.”
She ducked her head into the safety of his neck, wanting to feel his arm caress her back and tell her everything was going to be fine. It wasn't a surprise when no such promises were made. He hadn't been himself for some time. "Come back," she mumbled against his rough stubble, placing a kiss in hopes he would feel her love reviving him. But his jaw remained clenched, her supple lips meeting bone that felt like cold steel beneath her touch.
Three weeks later...
It was late in the day when the phone trilled harshly in the parlor, disrupting her reading. When she answered Ada was on the line and she heaved a sigh of relief. "Ada, thank God. Do you have the name of the doctor I asked about for Tommy?"
"How dare you ask after what he's done?" Ada seethed, taking her by surprise.
"What's happened? Is it Arthur again or-"
"How can you be so blind? He's kept you captive in that house too long," she professed. She'd begun to weep, bitter tears seeping through the wires and causing static on the line.
"Ada, I don't know what this is all about, but I'm sure if you knew how bad it's got, you'd help. He's losing days at a time now."
"Make all the excuses you like, but I'll never forgive him," Ada vowed, the chill in her voice unmistakable.
"Please, what is this about?"
A shaky sigh echoed down her ear as Ada revealed, "An innocent boy was killed today," she paused for breath before she composed herself enough to continue, "along with with my fiancé."
The phone fell from her ear as she let out a strangled gasp, barely hearing the rest, "because Tommy couldn't keep to his own business. He had to interfere in something big enough to kill us all."
Retrieving the phone she implored, "Then you see how he needs you. He'll listen to you."
Ada hadn't visited Arrow House in months, but it was clear nothing had changed, in fact her brother sounded worse. "No," she stated firmly. "My brother can rot in Hell."
"Ada, please..." she protested, but the line had gone dead and a loud crash had her running to the office moments later.
An incoherent Tommy was surrounded by broken glass, his hands bleeding from the shards lodged in his palms. "Oh, Tommy," she cried, weaving a path to him amongst the pieces to avoid injuring herself.
She cradled his head to her chest as he lost consciousness, sweeping the fringe from his feverish forehead. She wept as she curled in around him, whispering softly, "What am I going to do now?"
The next morning she cleared the breakfast dishes without waiting for Frances and brought the full plates back to the kitchen.
"Is something wrong with the food?" the new chef asked apologetically.
She only shrugged by way of explanation.
"I can make something else," he offered, rushing to gather the delicate china from her arms.
"Don't bother. It's only black coffee and cigarettes for Mr. Shelby in the morning," she explained wearily.
"And for you?" he persisted. "If you don't care for eggs, I'll prepare-"
"M not hungry," she cut him off, before turning to Frances and asking for her to phone the doctor for another vial of morphine.
Frances took a step closer to the young woman, lowering her voice to a hushed whisper as she asked. "Are you sure Mr. Shelby requires this, ma'am? Isaiah brought a bottle yesterday."
"It's not for Mr. Shelby," she replied curtly.
Brow etched with concern, Frances began, "I don't think he would want-"
"You of all people should know that he doesn't notice or care," she shot back, emotion rising in her throat the more she attempted to choke it down. "Let me have a little peace, won't you?" she persisted, searching Frances' face with watery eyes. As silence hung between them she finally swiped at her cheeks angrily as she ordered, "Call the fucking doctor or I'll have you dismissed."
Frances stood mouth agape as she stormed off. Hearing a huff behind her back, she turned to see the kitchen maid, throwing the plates into the sink. "He's killing that girl," the maid spat.
Frances flinched at the sound of china shattering against the porcelain, but she couldn't deny the outrage they all felt. She was right about Tommy's influence over the young woman. A healthy, spirited girl of twenty had arrived two years ago. Now she was barely recognizable.
"We're not paid to pass judgment," Frances reminded the staff as she straightened her uniform.
Tommy gulped the last of his whisky harshly and opened the drawer to his right, rummaging through the contents until he found the small packet he'd stashed in the back. With a deep sigh, he opened it and stared at the contents. He wasn't sure why he'd saved it all this time, other than the promise it held. As he rolled it in his palm he thought of the speech he'd given Barney about a way free of pain and misery. Shoulders slouched forward, he closed his eyes to the odd sense of calm that washed over him now.
The large, glowing moon outside filtered through the thin curtains of Tommy's office, illuminating his slumped body. He'd hardly noticed the presence of another person, especially so late in the evening until she placed her small hand on his shoulder.
"You're awake," Tommy noted with surprise.
"I couldn't sleep without you," she replied, settling herself into his lap in an attempt to have a better view of what he held tightly in his palm.
Raking her fingernails against his scalp she asked, "What've you got?" A casual tone to her query in hopes he would confide in her.
However, the opposite happened when Tommy's paranoia took root. Pushing her from his knee with a harsh shove, he muttered, "This has nothing to do with you, alright?"
Tears welled along her lash line as she muttered, "Fuck off, Tommy. I never ask questions, do I?"
Tommy's body stiffened at her acerbic tone, a wounded look crossing his face as he attempted to explain. "I'm trying to keep you safe."
"Safe?" she scoffed. "What does that mean anymore?," she shrugged futilely.
Tommy held her shoulders firmly in his grasp, the intensity of his blue eyes ceasing her impatient movements. "It means I love you and I don't want you involved."
"You mean you don't want to let me in," she cried, beating on his chest with desperation.
At a loss for words, Tommy dropped his chin to his chest and she took the opportunity to grasp his hand. His nimble fingers momentarily betrayed him and the capsules fell into her palm.
"What are these?" she gasped.
Tommy's face flushed with the discovery, afraid to admit the truth. A harsh gulp followed as he ran a hand down his face, feeling the throb of his pulse within the recesses of his eye sockets. Finally the weak reply tumbled from his lips, "They're cyanide capsules." He grasped her wrist as he thought of words to reassure her.
She turned her head away from him as hot tears streamed down her cheeks. "My love isn't working anymore is it?" she whispered, voice breaking in desperation as she rejected his empty reassurance.
Frozen from the drugs, alcohol and indecision Tommy allowed her to capture his face in her hands. Searching his glazed eyes for something to grab hold to, she found herself floundering. The overwhelming need for him and her love crashing against her sternum in the form of a tenacious heart raging against rejection.
Finally he spoke breaking the unbearable silence, saying, "I never meant to hurt you. I'd understand on a night like tonight if you want to go..."
Her hand clenched involuntarily by her side, the capsules pressing into her skin. Gazing up at him she protested, “Tell me anything you like, except for goodbye. That's the only thing I couldn't bear." The dampness of her tears coated his cheek as she pressed a tender kiss to the corner of his mouth, lingering for a brief moment to savor the salty sweetness clinging to his lips.
Pulling back to gaze at him, a sad smile crossed her lips as she asked, "What do you reckon it's like high up there in heaven?" She brushed the hair from his forehead as she mused, "We might never know, but it was good way down here, wasn't it? At least for awhile...." Eyes glossy and searching for a morsel of hope, she waited for a response Tommy never offered.
Then in one swift movement she shoved the pills into her mouth, crushing the shell of the capsules with her teeth. Tommy's face registered a moment of horrified shock before he pulled her into him, pressing her to his body in a passionate kiss that took the poison from her to share it between them.
In the morning when Frances came to open the drapes, she found their bodies intwined in a lover's embrace. "Peace at last," she noted sorrowfully before withdrawing from the room.
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