#she’s a I Can Fix Him queen and I can respect it
My favorite thing about Jemrauth, last king of Arateph, is that he is so devoted to his wife and the concept of marital fidelity that it reshapes the politics of an entire planet. Unfortunately, he keeps falling out of any stories I try to tell in this setting, and even if I do manage to get him to show up, there's no way I'll be able to fit in any of this backstory. Which is an excellent reason to talk about it here.
Jemrauth's grandfather, King Evris, had no interest in ruling a planet and preferred to focus on his interest in landscaping, botany, zoology, etc. Which meant that by the end of his reign, the royal palaces had amazing gardens, but the planetary government was in shambles (because the ruling Houses had been able to run rampant without oversight).
Jemrauth's father, Hilath, (who basically started running the planet as soon as he was old enough to hold adult conversations), thus decided to value his duty to Arateph over any personal preferences. This included marrying a politically ideal woman that he didn't care two straws for.
Hilath thought the pursuit of virtue was irrelevant to ruling Arateph, and this philosophy spilled over into his private life. Once the succession was secure, he saw no reason to remain faithful to his wife, and openly filled his needs for companionship with an array of mistresses he housed in the palace.
Unfortunately, Jemrauth's mother did care for Hilath, and her husband's behavior broke her heart. (Especially since he'd string her along just enough to make her think he still cared for her and maybe they could fix things.)
(Also, it wasn't like she could have her own set of lovers, because while the king can do what he wants, cheating on the ruler of the entire known universe comes with extreme political, social and sometimes legal consequences).
After she gave her husband his heir and spare (Jemrauth's older brother and sister), Jemrauth's mother decided that this third child (conceived unexpectedly during one of those stringing-along periods) was hers. She took an active role in raising Jemrauth and was very close to him. Jemrauth was thus very aware of how much his father's behavior hurt his mother, and learned to view infidelity as one of the most heinous sins.
Jemrauth became his father's unfavorite--how could Hilath respect someone raised by his wife, who always took her side? It wasn't like Jemrauth was necessary anyway.
Except, um, surprise! Hilath lost his heir and spare to a plague in Jemrauth's late teenage years, which left Jemrauth as the only heir, despite not being raised for the role.
When it came to choosing a wife, Jemrauth knew he needed to marry a woman who he loved and respected and who he would always remain faithful to.
Not long after meeting Marastel, Jemrauth knew that she was the perfect complement to his personality and would make an ideal wife and queen, and he fell head-over-heels.
Hilath was outraged when he found out. Jemrauth had chosen possibly the most unsuitable woman on the entire planet. She was part of House Kepha, which was historically distrusted by the crown and the other houses because of a history of rebellion--and worse, she was on the lowest rungs of it. If he'd fallen in love with a commoner, it would have been better than this, because then at least she wouldn't come with the political baggage. As it was, her low-but-not-low enough rank was just enough to enrage people from every House, and Hilath forbid the relationship.
Jemrauth believed that the relationship had gone too far for him to honorably release Marastel--and besides, he didn't want to. He couldn't marry Marastel, but he refused to marry anyone else. This went on for years, with Jemrauth and Marastel remaining faithful to each other.
Finally, Jemrauth reached the age of ascension and took the throne. His father wasn't worried about the marriage question; an elder king still held a lot of political power, so even as king Jemrauth couldn't marry without his father's consent.
Except, tradition held that the king takes a virtue name upon coronation to define the virtue he holds most important to his reign. Jemrauth took a name that meant loyalty. Caring about people more than the power of the throne--openly declaring he was going to be the opposite of his father. Even worse, the name also had a layer of meaning that stated Jemrauth would remain loyal to Marastel specifically.
At the time of Jemrauth's coronation, renewed societal interest in virtue had Hilath under political scrutiny for his lack of it. He couldn't keep his son from living up to his virtue name. Hilath was enraged, but had no choice but to relent.
Hilath died a short time after Jemrauth took the throne, so Jemrauth was able to rule without his father's interference (or his help, which actually would have been valuable).
As king, Jemrauth wasn't great at keeping his personal feelings separate from his need to cooperate with someone politically. If he found out that someone was unfaithful to their spouse, he immediately classed them as "absolute scum unworthy of respect" and would not work well with them.
The nobility quickly learned that if you want to get anywhere with the king, you either have to be faithful to your spouse or (more often) work really hard to keep the king from hearing about your philandering. This caused upheavals in the Great Houses as lords cast aside or tried to hide mistresses and illegitimate children.
When Marastel was struggling with miscarriage after miscarriage and Jemrauth refused to divorce her, some of the lords tried to set up Othello situations--since the king found infidelity horrendous, they tried to convince him that Marastel was unfaithful so he'd cast her off and marry someone more suitable. They didn't count on the fact that these two loved and trusted and communicated with each other, so none of the manufactured evidence had any ring of truth to it.
The nobility (and some later historians) tried to convince themselves that Jemrauth wasn't really faithful to that wife of his--he was just trapped by his virtue name. They tried to read a lot into Jemrauth's interactions with other women--sometimes the king attended social events while his wife was at home recovering from miscarriages/related depression--but though Jemrauth may have been a bit too sociable (especially when trying to distract himself from his own depression after the deaths of his children), he was never unfaithful and always madly in love with his wife. 1000% chose the right queen. Zero regrets.
This is my way-too-long no-one-read-all-of-this way of saying that I love that this guy's most enduring trait is how much he loves his wife and is dedicated to the concept of true--as in, faithful--love. And I think about it all the time.
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usuallydyinginside · 1 month
TLDR: Francesca Bridgerton is Autistic. Fight me.
Okay so I did not go into Season 3 of Bridgerton expecting to have any feelings about Francesca Bridgerton. We have seen her only in glimpses in the show and I have not read the books, so I knew basically nothing about her before binging the first four episodes.
But guys. GUYS. I will die for this autistic queen.
Okay, so starting with first impressions. We know that on her big day, Francesca went out of her way to avoid her nosy, loud family by having a very early, quiet breakfast by herself and then calming down via playing the piano (clearly a special interest of hers).
In her first balls, we see Francesca light up any time she talks about music (clearly her current or forever special interest) but as soon as men try to take it to a flirting place she IMMEDIATELY shuts down. It's clear that even as she states very matter-of-factly that she plans to marry this season, she also is baffled and uncomfortable any time someone tries to actually, ya know, court her.
At one of her first shindigs, she got attention and then went up to her brother and (while making almost no eye contact) told him (rather than asked him) that she needed a sec.
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She then sat by herself in the side of the ballroom.
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Later on, she left a ball in search of quiet and solitude to fix her sensory overload, so she went outside this time. (A thing that we know from pervious seasons is a HUGE no-no, particularly unchaperoned. But she was very respectfully near the door so maybe that's fine?) The point is that she cares very much about staying respectable so she can get this marriage thing over with and get people to stop perceiving her, yet she risks some scandal by going outside just so she can be somewhere quiet alone.
Enter: this absolute (also autistic) Prince Charming.
He says hello (so she knows he's not like trying to sneak up on her in the dark like a creep) and then just stands there. 10/10, no notes, best way to flirt I have ever seen in my life.
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Seriously just look at this. I'm in love. Never before has there been a greater sign of love at first sight than in this "standing politely five feet apart in total silence in the middle of a ball and enjoying each other's company."
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I need to go watch these first four episodes about a hundred more times, but I THINK this might be the first sincere smile we see from Francesca??!? I at least got the impression immediately that this is the first time she's felt genuinely comfortable and happy while not entirely alone this season.
Like, these nerds did not even exchange names. They barely exchanged a word. Yet you can see them falling head over heels in love right there in that moment. I don't even LIKE love at first sight tropes and they have my whole heart. They are the only exception.
Then, of course, you have this second absolutely iconic Scene of Silence where the entire Bridgerton family stares in neurotypical confusion a these two amazing weirdos. The way these two do not know each other but they DO know each other. The way they are both so happy and so comfortable but also still playing the whole society game the way they were told they had to?? I just don't have words right now.
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Look how happy this tiny, silent moment is making her. How she understands immediately what he's doing and is absolutely delighted to participate too even knowing her entire family is hardcore judging them from not that far away.
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And then you get this smug little look from him and it's like you can see his autistic ass thinking, "Yes. I calculated correctly. This was the correct romance option. Gold star to me." (Okay, maybe that's just how my brain works but shhhhh)
Which, of course, brings us to this absolutely hilariously awkward ND attempt at flirting. We start off with some fairly normal "whoops, I'm flustered cause you make me nervous" sort of moments, but notice how little eye contact she makes. How she only looks in his eyes very briefly and it seems like she almost has to remind herself to do so when she's doing the "polite" answers (OR later when she's genuinely interested in a topic).
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So as soon as Francesca is like "oh shit, I ruined it. I forgot how to neurotypical. It's over" then she loses patience with the practiced social niceties.
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I spent like 30 minutes trying to find a GIF and I should already be asleep so I'm not going to go learn how to make one BUT I needed to look up exactly what happens next cause it's basically the most autistic thing I've ever seen.
WHICH IS that in response to the second awkward silence after Francesca shares all of this, John's response is, "That is helpful. If you'll excuse me."
Like it would be awkward anyway but now Francesca thinks she misread a social cue so she's feeling sad, and meanwhile this absolute king is over here on a romantic mission no one asked him to do because he is that set on showing her he's listening and cares.
The man shows up at the ball and as soon as he had a paper we were all screaming "he wrote her a song!!!"
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Again, notice the eye contact (or lack thereof). I think with period dramas and women, it's easy to just go "oh she's just shy" or "she's just being demure like she's supposed to" but like NO. This girl does not want to meet anyone's eyes.
Until she does. Because in moments where she's talking about music or enjoying quiet, it's worth it to purposefully meet his eyes and see how he's feeling too. To make sure he can see she's happy.
ANYWAY, it was so much better than him writing a song for her.
Because he didn't just give her any ol' music. He sought out the music they'd specifically heard in the street, and he took her exact specifications on what was "wrong" with the music, and he FIXED IT. He then put the whole thing on sheet music and handed her a copy with no further explanation than this.
Our autistic lass was so excited she basically sprinted out of that ball so she could find a piano. (Which, the fact that she does this rather than try to stay and flirt/dance with the man who just gave her this incredible gift ALSO says a lot, just saying. Daphne could never.)
So our girl finds a piano and GUYS. LOOK AT HOW HAPPY SHE IS.
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I'm pretty sure this woman would accept a proposal right this second. Maybe make one herself. She is so head over heels in love with this man that it's absurd. We have watched her mask in these first four episodes, but the last two where she's interacting with John are the first times she seems genuinely happy and like the real her is shining through.
Like, does she enjoy her family? Sure. But it's obvious (and she even tells us) that she finds them overwhelming and generally to be A Lot. But these scenes? This gesture?
You can just get how seen she feels. How weird and wild and amazing it is to her that this man can see who she actually is and wants to join her there instead of making her play some part of the perfect Bridgerton who likes to be the center of attention.
(And even here - the EYE CONTACT. She glances at people when she's talking to them, but the way she looks at the sheet music is so much more intense and intimate and personal than anytime she's looking at the average person in the show. She still even in places she's most comfortable, such as sitting at the piano, makes very little eye contact and only at very specific moments.)
Anyway I'm going to sleep now but I'm sure I'll add more thoughts as they come to me. Feel free to add your own case for why Francesca is autistic and/or otherwise neurodivergent. I want to hear allllllll the thoughts.
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ripmydenim · 1 year
Thoughts on the Voice
I have never watched the US voice, I watched this season becos of Niall and I swear he did so good also the show was so entertaining? Definitely in Niall's wheelhouse of cheesy jokes, feel good artist supporting artist energy and such wholesome funny
I love how the Voice emphasizes the Voice duh and I think it feels so much more drama free than xfactor (granted I only watched one season and I do not have much experience with music talent shows)
But it's so wholesome it's not Abt the sob stories it's such a unique marketing tactic to use coaches who are already very established and great entertainers to sell the show and give it the fun and watchability
The skits are Soo cheesy but it's such good fun
Im so happy that u really didn't need much sob story or personal story at least in my opinion frm the clips it really emphasized the rehearsals and technical aspects of performance much more
Love Kelly Clarkson, Blake and Chance so much they are so funny and brilliant coaches. The banter between all four of them is top notch they are all so witty and personable
Gina my girl I'm so proud and definitely gonna watch out for ur music ur wicked game performance I have rewatched so so so many times. Pay attention to dynamics so that u can really highlight ur voice and range
I love Kala 💕 her voice is incredible and I love the duet Skinny Love with Gina and her blind performance both sides now so much I am definitely watching out for her in the future guys go sub to her YouTube channel.
Ryley Tate is so cutee and his voice is so unique and high u are a classic unique singer I believe u will go far I mean he have quite an intense fan base already. I love his cover of Billie Ellish I have also rewatched that so so many timess
Michael B was the dark horse but ur duet of heartbreak aniversary the runs were Soo goodd I love that duet. His voice is so theatrical and powerful. I loved seeing him prove to everyone his powerful voice also he reminds me of Evan Hansen and Harry Potter (lol in the Shawn Mendes cover)
Laura Littleton is so cute and energeticc in her blinds Sign of the Times and terrific song choice and making it ur own. I wish her Battles was more suited to her I can understand why she was assigned to the song and the battle but I wish she did more with it
Not to be all about Niall's contestants but tbh I only watched theirs but I saw Cait's performance of Whitney dude was so good and so powerful she really popped! Also the blinds for Holly Brand Im not a country person but dude that control was so impressive what a big voice. Also Mariah Kalia's blinds mad impressive tone and strong voice I respect ur decision to go with Chance girl for that hip hop stuff.
Banter wise so many iconic moments with Blake Kelly and Chance lol the I have glasses pitch and the chair turning and the dad-son dynamic and the duet with Kelly they look like they have so much fun on set such great coaches this season. Wish we could have gotten more of Blake Niall next season but let see how its gonna go
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sm-baby · 2 months
Most exciting part of the trailer for the next TADC episode for you?
More so an Analysis rather than things I'm excited about X3
I watched the sneak peek on loop I can process everything! Waahh!! I'm so excited for episode 2 💞 only a few weeks away! 💕
I wanna get this out of the way, I love Lizzie Freeman and Alex Rochon's Improv work on this promo 😭 they were really put in a booth together, were told to say things to promote episode two, and came up with that 😭 Genius.
The environment work is GORGEOUS! I love the look of everything, the world-building, the colors! It looks like a full-fledged movie guys! Absolutely beautiful and WONDEROUS work from the Glitch team-- it's so beautiful for half a year of work??? God damn!!
Haha! As an in-universe creation, Despite his little gags, Caine is genuinely such a good AI to make something so cool!
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You'll also notice that Ragatha is taking charge of talking with the princess! That would make sense for such fellow beautiful well-mannered women!
More on them later at the end! :3
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Dream sequence theory
Also, we all agree that these ones are all part of a dream right? Pomni is panicked, the strange sort of "slow woozy wobbly" animation exactly like a dream... even the dolly zoom!
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Then she is sent to the cellar with a an abstracted arm, but that shouldn't be the case since Caine could easily fix an abstracted arm with a snap of a finger.
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And then she wakes up, freaked out!!
Wahaha! Shout out to the Showtime server for pointing this out while we were discussing!
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This is either and "end of episode prize" from Caine, or he jumps in mid-episode to hand them a helpful item, ooorr he's telling them that that's their objective for the adventure :3
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also!! people have pointed out that Zooble isn't with the carriage with the others! Either this means that Zooble was given a surprise roll in the adventure, or she's off to have a fun solo adventure with Caine! Ohh! How exciting!
Zooble is a favorite character of Goose's, so to learn more about him and why Goose loves them so much would be so exciting!!
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Whats up with Jax?
hunched down, writing in the sand, hugging his knees, this topped with Goose's two-word description of the next episode to be "I"m nothing"... Oh Jax is gonna have a MOMENT...
We all know that no one likes the dude and he's going to get worse. I'm unsure if this will make me like the guy, but I'm optimistic!
I'm open to understanding and seeing another side of him that would make me like him! I already quite like how this scene is framed, how lonely he looks, the acting in these few seconds already tells me what kind of guy he is.
...despite one of the gummis being tied up in the corner
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If i had to hypothesize, this probably stemmed with Jax acting out, you know, the usual "being a nuisance" to make everyone miserable,
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Then It escalates
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This gets on Ragatha's nerves, first starting out as a silly "haha cute interaction" between them and it escalates while the episode goes on where Ragatha genuinely gets mad at him and tells him to stay put while they do the work.
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Speaking of Ragatha, She seems to be quite fond of the Princess! There is a part of me that wonders if she wants to sort of-- "prove" herself in a way, as a leader or otherwise. Ragatha does give me the "smart yet nice kid in class that everyone copies off of" energy... TwT This poor woman.
I don't know, just the way The Princess bends down and holds her hand, it's sort of sweetly mentorly or motherly in a way. I'm not saying this to infantilize Ragatha, I respect her so much as a mature 30-year-old adult, I say it as a testament to The Princesses' character. Princesses, Queens, and any sort of royalty have been characterized as the sort of "mother/father of all" sort of character type, which is sweet! And would be quite interesting!
I know that people are quick to do the shipping with these two, but I kind of like the idea of Ragatha wanting approval and validation.
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lewisvinga · 10 months
need someone older | fernando alonso x fem! reader
summary; despite the age gap and the hundred of haters on social media, y/n and fernando still show off their relationship
warnings; age gap ( duh )
faveclaim; danna paola
notes; that song on tiktok has been stuck in my head and i’m so happy it’s finally released 😫
masterlist !
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liked by yourusername, lance_stroll, and 1,029,245 others!
fernandoalo_official: is this what the young folks call a photo dump?
tagged; yourusername, lance_stroll
yourusername: LMFAO yes mi viejo [my old man]
fernandoalo_official: hey, watch it
yourusername: when bae buys u a bouquet ❤️‍🔥
fernandoalo_official: ❤️
username: this is so cute
username: lance and fernando😍😍
lance_stroll: i’m tired of being the third wheel😕
fernandoalo_official: i don’t hear you complaining when i take you and y/n to get ice cream
yourusername: you wouldn’t get it !!
username: y/n and fernando’s age gap is so weird
username: i get her tho
username: y/n is sooo prettyyyyy
username: ‘young folks’ he’s so😭😭
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liked by fernandoalo_official, bsfusername, and 1,004,927 others!
yourusername: date night con mi amor 🧡
tagged; fernandoalo_official
fernandoalo_official: siempre tan bella, mi reina [always so beautiful, my queen]
yourusername: y usted siempre tan guapo [and you’re always handsome]
username: thats motheerrr
username: the picture of fernando fixing her shoes omgggg
landonorris: orange is soooo your color 🤗🤗
fernandoalo_official: watch it, it’s green
username: she’s so young compared to fernando it’s weird
username: her bf is old enough to be her father???
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liked by fernandoalo_official, lilymhe, and 1,034,928 others!
yourusername: hating on twitter meanwhile we’re in ibiza
tagged; fernandoalo_official
fernandoalo_official: que hermosura 😍😍 [what a beauty]
yourusername: for you💚
username: gotta admit, she got y’all
lilymhe: can fernando fight bc i want u🤤
alex_albon: i suggest u avoid him
fernandoalo_official: i suggest you listen to alex
yourusername: luv u😝💗💗
username: she dgaf and i respect her for it 😭
username: she’s a GROWN woman who is 100% aware of her actions, leave her and fernando alone😭😭😭
liked by yourusername and fernandoalo_official
username: 4+4=??
username: the last picture, me and who😫😫
username: still think this relationship is weird
username: we don’t care !!!
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liked by yourusername, lance_stroll, and 1,203,927 others!
fernandoalo_official: mi reina. [my queen]
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: te quiero, mi rey [my king]
feenandoalo_official: te quiero siempre [i love you always]
yourusername: mi viejo😁 [my old man]
fernandoalo_official: hey!🤨
username: they’re actually goals
username: lmfao not them joking abt their age gap 😭😭
lance_stroll: where r my photo creds
fernandoalo_official: not here
yourusername: sorryyyyy😁
username: need a fernando in my life
username: they ate icl
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liked by fernandoalo_official, lilymhe, and 1,094,739 others!
yourusername: think i need someone older.
tagged; fernandoalo_official
fernandoalo_official: te quiero hasta el final, mi reina [i love you until the end, my queen]
yourusername: hasta el final 🤍 te quiero para siempre 🤍 [i love you forever]
username: gagged her haters
username: isabel larosa referenceee
username: don’t think i can ever get over this relationship tbh
lilymhe: knew ur type since you showed me that becky g song
yourusername: exactly 😌
username: mamá y papá
username: i want them both tbh
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lgwifey · 4 months
Constant Complications
fem!reader x caius volturi
Summary : a short lil conversation <3
Warning : a few words of Google translated Italian
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"Can you believe him !"
Y/n had to force herself to not let out a small laugh as she watched as her husband pace up and down the length of their bedroom, poision lacing his words as he ranted about Aro's decicions of that day's court.
"No darling, i can't."
“I mean, the Cullens have broke our main law, and he just lets them get away with it."
The blonde king paused his pacing, turning to watch Y/n calmly removing her makeup before reapplying it so it would be fresh for the next court opening in a few hours. She sat on her vanity stool, now applying mascara as he waited for her attention to be on him. It did remind her slightly of looking after a toddler.
Y/n placed the wand back in its tube and into the makeup bag before turning to him, waiting for his impacient self to start the questioning.
"Yes ?"
"You agree with me, right ? Even if you were at one time a Cullen, you agree with me ?"
“Of course I do Caius. You do well to remember that my loyalties lie with you and the Volturi, not my brother and his new covern."
His eyes softened as she pulled him closer, leaving a small kiss on his frowning features.
“They broke our laws and they should have been treated accordingly, but if Isabella is Edward's mate then she'll become one of our kind soon. We must maintain power by showing we do not kill irrationally."
"Of course." Caius stood, fixing his suit before moving to the other side of the room, Y/n furrowing her brows at his random leaving before carrying on with her makeup, finalising her look by fixing the ruby necklace which hung between her collarbones.
“Caius ?"
The blonde spun around immediately, placing his rings back into their box and giving his full attention to the woman facing him.
"Carlisle didn't know they were here, i'll be informing him next time we meet, he'll deal with them how he sees fit but i'll make sure it's proper."
"And when will that be ?"
A sour look filled the raging vampires expression, he wasn't a fan of his mate’s brother, after he left the Volteri in pursuit of his own covern, Caius lost what little respect he had for the doctor. If it wasn't for Y/n, the entire Olympic Covern would have been wiped out before it started.
"I'm not sure... but it should be soon, i haven't seen him for just over two decades, twenty three years. "
"That isn't that long."
She just rolled her eyes, pulling her cloak over her dress and giving him a small hug seeing how they needed to leave to the throne room.
"Maybe not for you old man, but i'm only three hundred and fifty eight."
"I'm not old, Cullen."
The use of her maiden name as an insult left them both holding back laughter.
A few months had past since the incident with her brother's covern and to say Y/n was shocked when a letter arrive in their post for her would be a lie.
"Oh what a surprise. A letter, from Forks."
The queen threw door between the chamber entry and her bedroom open, closing it just as quickly.
She found her husband to be layed down on their king sized bed, stareing up at the ceiling and probably deep in thought on new ways to hurt court arrivals. Her voice was heavily dosed in sarcasm which only intrigued Caius, popping his head up from the pillow. He was holding back his smile at the upcoming lecture about how ungrateful her older brother could be.
“What are the chances that it’s a thank you for saving his creations lives ?”
“Non Sunt.”
Her words came out like a growl, adding in the dramatic eye roll, the blonde could tell that his wife’s upcoming rant was going to be spectacular.
Y/n gave a roll of her eyes before dragging one of her long stiletto nails through the envolope top, acting like a knife.
Her eyes flicked over the inked words in less than a second, taking them all in before growling at the paper and throwing it at her husband.
“Fantastic (!)"
Caius took more than a second to read the page, pausing for a moment before looking up in a confused fashion. He flicked his eyes over it again, at least three times.
“I've never come across that language before. What does this say? How can you read that? "
"It's English Darling, doctor's handwriting. I've just become accustom to reading Carlisle's letters every so often."
She placed a kiss onto his forehead before laying him down again so she could lean on his chest, her brother tiring her out with just the letter. Oh if she could sleep so would’ve blacked out from exhaustion.
"Apparently someone is creating a newborn army in order to kill the Isabella girl, since their covern killed this woman, Victoria's, mate the other year to protect Edward's mate. A lot of mortals are becoming suspicious of the deaths and Carlisle asks if we can do anything about it."
The king let out a sound of complaint before muttering an annoyed "can't we just let them kill her ?"
She tried her hardest to push back the slime growing on her lips from his conclusion, lightly shoved his shoulder, a grin meeting her in reply. Y/n adjusting her head so she could look him in the eyes. They were turning black, reminding her that they both needed some food soon before they both ended up starving.
Caius slammed his head back into his pillow.
“I know Darling, but we have to maintain the first law."
She moved so she could run her nails through his hair, knowing he didn't want to be the one to have to go to his brothers to explain the current Seattle situation.
“I'll go inform Marcus of the news, should I ask him to send Jane and Alec ?"
Caius’ tired out eyes opened up from a slow blink, leaning closer to the comforting circles being threaded and swirled into his hair. His voice came out soft, a tone reserved for Y/n and Y/n alone.
“Felix and Demetri would be a better pair to go."
Caius mumbled before squashing his face under a pillow, hiding from his responcibilities.
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insomniakisses · 6 months
An eye for an eye | One
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Characters: Aemond x sister reader (platonic), Rhaenyra x sister reader (platonic), Alicent x step daughter reader (Platonic) (hotd characters)
Reader type: Female
Warnings / Notes: tw viserys, tw otto, tw daemon, events of driftmark, absent and shitty father viserys, metions of torturous, dragons, graphic violent scenes. I think thats it. Possable targcest in the future.
Part 2 (coming soon)
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You couldn’t help the giggles that escaped your lips as you ran around the gardens, aemond chasing after you soft giggles falling from him two. The younger boy declaring he was going to catch you but he was at a disadvantage you were 4 years older than him, though even at the age of 10 he was gaining height and strength.
You begin to slow as tiredness kicks in and he smirks, using the last of his energy to surge forward catching up with ease as he wraps his arms around you and pushes you both to the floor. Laughter escaping you both on impact. Though its short lived when rhaenyra comes bolting over pulling you off the ground a hard glare fixed on her face.
“That is most un-lady like sister,” she hisses before her gaze fixes on your brother, “Aemond do you not know how to properly behave around a lady?” She scolds and you roll your eyes seeing jace and luke laughing behind her.
“I- we were playing! Only playing! Shes not hurt i promise-“ the young prince stutters clearly afraid of the much older royals wraith knowing just how protective of you your sister can be.
“Really?” She draws out with a scoff bringing ur arm into view and he sees the smallest of scrapes along your forearm his eyes widening.
“Rhaenyra!” You call shaking off her grip and moving to stand by Aemond, “its barely an injury, it doesn’t even hurt. You needn’t worry yourself!” You exclaim hand clasping Aemond’s as you continue. “He will take me to the maesters to get it checked out now, won’t you Aem?”
The boy nods with a small smile when you squeeze his hand in reassurance making sure he knows your not in the slightest mad at him and that everything is okay.
Spending the rest of the day inside the two of you resigned to the library reading up on family histories and practicing your High Valyrian. Save the brief interruption from Alicent, the queen asking to check your injury having been informed by Rhaenyra that her “undisciplined” son had caused you harm.
Though as soon as she saw you two laughing and joking around she knew in her heart that there was no way he would have hurt you. Especially not intentionally.
You simply smile at the queen greeting her by her title and allowing her to gently lift your arm inspecting the wound before she left you be leaving a soft kiss to both of your heads as she bid her goodbyes. On her way to the king no doubt.
— one year later —
The whole family was being taken to Driftmark, apparently for the funeral of Laena Velarion. Though the two of you had only spoken once, having accidentally ran into her and Rhaenyra, she seemed nice enough and you were sad that she had died so early into her life. Your half-sibling however didn’t seem to care. Aegon was ceaselessly complaining as usual, Helaena of in her own world like always and Aemond, well he was respectful enough to understand why you were going but he clearly wasn’t saddened by the news.
The king and Alicent were set to arrive by boat accompanied by the four of you, but Aegon having recently mounted Sunfyre for a real flight insisted he go by dragon back the king uncaringly agreeing and shooing of Alicent’s protests. Her visible worry evident the whole way as she picked and chewed at her fingers you and Aemond sharing a concern look before going over to her. Grasping a hand each you held her tightly and she smiled. You couldn’t tell if it was forced or not, but she let out a small exhale as she held you giving away she was more relaxed even if it was only slightly.
Once the ship had docked Alicent all but ran to Aegon though he rolled his eyes and told her to leave him be as he wasn’t a child anymore. He failed to see how she flinched when Sunfyre moved or how she stood still till the dragon moved away. One of her biggest fears dragons were, something you had picked up recently.
You latch back onto her arm when she’s beside you again, having grown rather attached to her in the years of Rhaenyras absence. She had left without warning or a goodbye. You can still remember the nights you laid crying for her hugs or her soft touch when she braided your hair helping you ready yourself in the morning. All of that was Alicent’s job now, not that she minded, she loved you as her own and enjoyed how you curled against her needy for a mother’s touch. She just wishes you wouldn’t call her Alicent, it always hurt her not hearing the word “mother”.
———— That Night ————
The funeral had been somewhat uneventful, Aegon had gotten drunk and was sent to bed early by Otto and Daemon had made a scene laughing during the ceremony. But that was all really, soon you were all sent to bed and you had fallen asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow. Exhausted from the day of traveling no doubt.
However, the sound of whooshing and a dragons deep roar had woken you, slipping on a cloak and your shows you had gone to investigate. By the time you came downstairs there was shouting and a trail of blood into the main hall. Following it you entered seeing Aemond holding his eye and the adults screaming at each other. Jace with bloody hands and Luke with a broken nose yet Rhaenyra, Daemon and Laenor were nowhere in sight. You rushed to Aemond side feeling Alicent pull u into her body your hand grasping her dress as you stares at the bloody sight.
Then in came Rhaenyra and you completely zoned out staying by Aemond’s side and holding his hand throughout the whole ordeal. Crying for your brother when the king seemed not to care and made no move to punish the boys for attacking him.
After all was said and done Aemond was given milk of the poppy and essence of night shade for the pain and to help him sleep. While the rest of you were ushered to your respective chambers though you slept very little worried about Aemond and so saddened at Rhaenyra’s intention of having someone torturing him. Afterall he had just lost an eye.
———— Back in Kings Landing ————
“ALICENT ENOUGH!” the king roared, having had enough of her nagging.
“THEY TOOK HIS EYE, YOUR GRACE, SOMEONE HAS TO PAY!” And he sighs sitting on his throne looking half dead.
“My dear wife,” he starts voice bored and tired. “Lucerys is just a boy. Children fight. Get over it.”
She scoffs at this, fighting the urge to yell again knowing his power out matches hers. “A debt is due your grace, an eye for an eye. He is your son!”
“What would you have me do?” He scoffs, “The boy is at dragon stone and he is my grandchild.”
“I dont care!” The queen protests, “You have to do something! Rhaenyra’s son has taken the eye of my own, a punishment is deserved. Someone must be punished!” If the queen had known her lack of precise words would lead to the events that would unfold that night she would never have been so careless.
“Fetch Y/n” is all he mutters and a guard sets of at once, Alicent so caught up in her thoughts not quiet hearing what he had ordered. Its only when a sleepy and confused you is escorted in that her breath quickens.
You stand there rubbing the sleep from your eyes, blinking away exhaustion as your blanket lays draped over your shoulders giving you a slight waddle when you walk.
“What is she-“ Alicent is cut of by the king. “Bring me her eye, a debt is to be payed and she is like a daughter to Rhaenyra. Lets settle this now”
Your heart fills with fear and dread as does Alicent’s as your grabbed by two guards another forcing his knife into your flesh. Alicent screaming protest as she herself is restrained tears falling down her face at your pained crys and shrieks. Your father simply holding his head in his hand as he feels another migraine coming.
“MOMMA PLEASE! IT HURTS MOM PLEASE MOMMY HELP!” you continue to scream and thrash around the knife in your flesh leaving messy cuts until your eye pulls out with a sickening wet pop and you scream loud.
You both released and alicent runs to you scooping you up and rocking you as you cry, hands balling up her dress as a mumbles mantra of “momma” escapes your lips she holds you as the maesters tend to your wounds and give you all the same teas and treatments Aemond had gotten in drifting mark. The king and guards now long gone.
“Im so sorry baby” is all she keeps saying kissing your head and carrying you to her chambers. You spend the night there, tucked into her embrace as she holds you swearing to protect you from this day swearing that one day the king will get what he deserves. And praying to the gods for all her children to be safe.
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A/n. So this was part one hope u liked it 😁
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egot1stical · 10 months
ramblings about how winter king is not a simon but an ice king from my insta story. no idea how much sense this makes
Not to post a serious analysis of mr oncest bait, but it's kind of... *wrong* to say the winter king is Simon? I think it's more accurate to call him an ice king who THINKS he's Simon. His whole bit is that he removed the madness of the crown from himself, but the ice king isn't just "simon but crazy". The ice king is the result of the wish crown's curse over the span of 1000 years breaking down Simon's psyche and replacing and warping and mixing it with Evergreen (specifically Gunther's warped view of him) and adding more madness and sadness till he basically experiences ego death. We know our Simon (at least at this point) considers he and ice king separate entities. They have pretty different personalities
Winter king is more like ice king than Simon:
* Physical stuff. Obviously. He's taller, has longer straighter hair, and is fucking bright blue+ still has evergreen's nose LOL. But also smaller stuff like the fact he dresses different and has different shaped glasses
* WAYYYYY more outgoing. Even before All That, Simon doesn't seem like the most outgoing guy. He would go on expeditions yes but could you imagine that guy throwing a party? No.
* Way more selfish and self absorbed. Which is in line with ice king, but now he's conventionally attractive so everyone else agrees. This is opposed to the fact Simon want to khs
* No consideration for PB. This is an interesting one, because it's the first departure from both our Simon and IK. Obviously ice king was terrible to PB LOL but like....he liked her.....because she was like betty..... And now Simon really respects her (and feels terrible about it.) while WK straight up does NOT care about her. Different from both, but closer to IK because he is a dickweed
* Deals with emotions differently than Simon. Seems to have completely blocked Betty out (assuming they were still close in this universe). And marceline bro... whatever happened there, ice marcy is the KID version of her. He has her bass, so she at least grew up and they've interacted. Maybe she saw him get "fixed" and was like.
Wow! You're not Simon!
* The name. Fionna's dream has the "ice prince", and that's what she calls Simon upon meeting him for the first time. If this was a True Simon, it would make more sense for him to be called the ice prince in universe, no? But he keeps the King title.
Simon spends a lot of the episode jealous of the winter king because he seems so well adiusted while he has the crown.
Simon has no magic, no nothing, but at least he has his brain back. The crown is very much directly linked to his loss of identity and to see WK be CONSCIOUS and LIKED and seemingly HIMSELF with magic is something he desperately wants especially at a time like this when his mental health is down the shitter while everyone talks about how much more fun he was when he was legitimately insane
The difference is that Simon spent every *conscious* moment FIGHTING the crown. Winter king is NOT fighting that shit. He says that he "conquered" it, but no you did not buddy. He is still dependent on it. He cannot survive without it. He just gave up. He's accepted that he's become one with it instead. So did ice king. Except without the madness of ice king, he can be a semi functional human being. He still gets the high of the crown and all its power, but this doesn't change the fact it Changed Who He IS.
Doesn't fucking matter rn becauee Simon hates himself and wants to be someone else but you get the idea. Winter king is just a version of Ice King LARPing as Simon. He can just do this way more convincingly even to himself because he can actually think now
Like “Betty? OH HAHA THE DEAD ONE” is an ice king ass reply and I swear to god at least part of the reason they didn’t get Tom Kenny to do his voice is because it would just be ice king’s voice again
also in regards to why candy queen is like that-Okay one, this goes with the name thing. Princess bubblegum. Normal. Candy Queen. Insane. Same as winter/ice king and ice prince. We cool?
The Madness manifested in Simon/ice king in regards to Betty as romantic obsession. With the madness gone, CQ is the one feeling the brunt of these feelings- which would explain why Winter king doesn't remember feeling so Strongly about betty. Because Simon's feelings about her are naturally just fucking insane, it's so intertwined with the Madness that when that part is removed, so are any feelings towards Betty.
CQ is probably also obsessed with WK and "being together" because the sane part of her mind recognises that this madness is HIS and this is her fucked uo way of trying to like. Give it back.
That’s all I got
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manias-wordcount · 6 months
Hello! I hope your taking requests
ciel x reader, it’s like an au where ciel is still the Queen’s Guard/Watch Dog except Queen Victoria is replaced with the reader as the Queen. Not like future Queen like she is ruling the country. She is still very young, perhaps one or two years older than ciel with a crown that is too big for her head and heavy making her movements slow. She’s much like the Queen of Hearts from the original Alice in Wonderland. With her being very strict and easy to offend, often leading to the beheading of people. Other than that she is quite calm and likes it when people make her laugh. She’s very well educated and efficient with all the responsibilities that follow behind her even at her age, so she has quite a lot of free time that she spends with ciel.
Queen! Reader HCs (Ciel Phantomhive)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆!
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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You weren’t expecting to rise to power so quickly and yet here you are
For the most part, your subjects are fine with you…or perhaps it’s that they fear you
Nevertheless, you still do know that deep down inside, you’re still young at heart
So maybe that’s why you like to spend so much time in your guard dog’s manor
Because Ciel is a polite and respectful enough boy to you
And admittedly, you’ve grown to see him as a friend in between the long hideaways in his library and the quiet tea-time sessions you both share in his garden 
You feel that although your relationship started purely transactional, this relationship the two of you have could bloom into something more one day
Or maybe that’s just you coping with the fact that you’re never surrounded by anyone your own age these days
…And maybe all the times Ciel has offered to fix your hair and your crown for you is really starting to mess with your heart (but that’s an issue you and your court can deal with on another day)
That being said, his staff is nice enough too
Sebastian is probably the most efficient butler you’ve ever met, and the other three make you laugh much more than they disappoint you
They’re much better than the boring and stiff members of your staff who always drag down your mood by acting too prim and proper (especially in the moments when you don’t want that!)
 So the Phantomhive Staff make the perfect excuse to visit your guard dog for a bit of relaxation time
And although you’re still his queen and he is still you’re loyal subject
It is truly nice to meet a boy who doesn’t fear your every word and lives in a house full of people who make you laugh every time you come to visit
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Can you do a part to where he does somehow get Taylor to help him propose? I wasn’t going to ask for this originally, but I have to read that put it in my head and I can’t get it out. If not, that’s completely fine.
The First Part
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Maybe the rumours around her relationship with Fernando where what gave him the courage to message the queen, the mother, Taylor Swift.
Well, she didn't respond right away, not until she was confirmed to be dating Matty Healy, and then broken up with Matty Healy, and then dating Travice Kelce (the news loves reporting on the queen and I love reading it).
When she did respond, Daniel had already been trying to find another way to propose. He wouldn't admit he was disappointed as he tried to find the perfect way to pull the ring from his pocket and ask his girlfriend to marry him.
Taylor responded and they set everything up. It didn't matter where Taylors concert was going to be; Daniel was going to fly his girlfriend out there to watch it on the anniversary of their first date.
They made an entire trip of it, of their anniversary. Daniel had several fun things planned before the concert, which he kept a secret. Well, kept a secret until the day of. And the only reason why he told her was so that he could buy her the outfit of her dreams.
The concert started normally. A few people recognised Daniel and asked for pictures, but they were all very respectful of the couple. Everything went as expected, and she didn't expect anything.
But then the lights stopped flashing and Taylor stepped up to the microphone. There was no music playing as she asked the crowd for quiet.
"We've got some special people in the crowd tonight," she said and the crowd cheered. She waited for them to fall silent again before she continued. "I've got a message for Y/N. Do we have Y/N in the crowd?"
Her eyes were wide as she stared at the stage. The Taylor Swift was talking about her. Well, there were probably a thousand Y/N's in the crowd; there was no way Taylor was talking to her.
What she didn't see was her boyfriend beside her, getting onto one knee and pulling out a ring box. The F1 fans that recognised the pair had their phones out, filming the whole thing.
"Your boyfriend wants me to ask you, will you marry him?"
Daniel suddenly tugged on her sleeve. Her eyes were still fixed on the stage when she turned towards him. But then she saw him, saw him on his knees, the ring sparking in the stage lights "Holy fuck, Danny," she whispered, her hands flying to her mouth to mask her shock.
"Will you marry me?" He asked again, but she couldn't hear it over the sound of the crowd.
She nodded her head, shouted her answer, but Daniel couldn't hear it. He took the ring off, placed it on her finger and pulled her into his arms. When his fist pumped the air, everybody cheered, letting the queen herself know that it had been a success.
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nocturne-the-gazer · 5 days
Apology Tour Review
I typed this while I watch the episode. Warning this is screenshot heavy. I still watch the show on YT because I need subtitles sometimes but do not worry, I have ad blocker.
This was my face when the episode ended.
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The tonal whiplash from the end of EP8 to the beginning of EP9 is jarring. I am tired of hearing Stolas and Blitz talk about sex like we get their whole relationship is build off of it but ugh. It is probably my sex-repulsive talking but it just sounds childish. No one talks about sex like this unless they are teens who laugh when they see 'bitch' in the dictionary.
The anti-Blitzo party reminds me of the episode Gone from SpongeBob where everyone left the town because it was National No SpongeBob Day, and they went to build an effigy on SpongeBob and burn it to the ground.
'I do not look down on you' Stolas has called Blitz fetishy pet names since Season 1 and even called him a 'plaything', that does not sound respectful to me.
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Why the fuck did Stolas called Striker Blitz's friend? Does Stolas think all imps know each other? What is next, he thinks all of them look the same too? That is not a racist mindset at all. Blitz not saying 'He is not my friend' at all makes that line even worse. Also, unlike Stolas, Blitz spends time with his daughter and tries treat Loona like how his father treated him.
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Oh, more WLW/Sapphic rep, that is nice. The fan artists are going to have a field day with this. This is a win for the WLW/Sapphics.
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Me when I get a notification on Twitter.
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Me when I am in my Hater mode. She is having the time of her life! You go girl, SLAY!!
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I love me a cute background character and I found one. I love cat themed designs.
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Put Verosika back on screen. Me listening to this song, UGH. These lyrics are awful. YAWN. Fuck Stolas, I cannot feel bad for his bitch ass.
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'I do not even know why you would want to be with me' Blitz is right about this. What does Stolas see about Blitz outside of sex? Stolas only talks about how good Blitz is in bed and that is it.
'I want to know what it is to not be alone' ????? You are not alone; you have a whole ass daughter!
'I want to be someone's someone'. It is probably my asexuality talking about I am not a fan of media saying stuff like this. Being alone is ok. You do not have to in a relationship to be happy. Being in a relationship is not going to fix your problems. You got to love yourself before loving someone else. I wish I was high while watching this show. Sounds like a fun time and I can just turn my brain off and be like 'OHHHH PRETTY COLORS!!!!" /lh
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Damn he fine as hell. Stay away from him Stolas!
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YES, THE QUEEN! Blitz being an awful partner to that many people is crazy minus Stolas because they were not dating.
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STAY AWAY FROM HIM! I am also tried of the damn tongue kissing. THAT SHIT IS NASTY!! People actually do that????? in real life?????
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"Bird stealing"?????????? YA''LL WAS NOT DATING. HAVING SEX WITH SOMEONE IN A CASUAL WAY DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE DATING THEM!!! Stolas needs to spend time with Via, not kissing some random dude at a party.
Damn, this guy is fine as hell too. Anyway, why are trans guys always in the background? That is another post for another day.
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My final thoughts/review:
This episode was not as boring as Full Moon, but I am over Blitz and Stolas as characters. Their relationship is like stale and moldy bread. Even though he was drunk, everything Stolas said to Blitz feels hollow. I said this already in this post, but every time Stolas mentions Blitz it is in a sexual fetishy manner. Their relationship was built off of sex.
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I wish there was more of Verosika. I like the scene with her and Blitz before the stupid 'bird stealing' line. Her revealing that she was vulnerable when dating Blitz is pretty sad and I hope that she never forgives Blitz like Fizz forgave him.
I wonder if Verosika knew the full story of Blitz and Stolas' relationship. Would she still be on Stolas' side because clearly, she only knows one side of the story and clearly do not want to hear Blitz out because how he treated her.
One positive: Shout out to the background character artists. All the designs are cute, creative, and more appealing than the main cast. Shout to these cute in particular, they are super cute. I want more of them not this bland and tasteless yaoi.
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My overall score: 3/10
Needs more Verosika, less Stolas and his pity party.
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wegog · 13 days
Okay, I still think people don't speak enough about how Hades and Persephone's love story is great in Hades game(s).
The way you have to figure it out is like a puzzle. And together with Zagreus you change your opinion about the situation every time. The way Persephone talks about how Hades was always gentle with her and gave her the space she so lacked on Olympus. The fact that after many years, she can still talk about him so dreamily. But at the same time, she is resentful of the way the relationship between Hades and their son turned out. She does not believe that Hades' love could survive all the pain that permeated the last days of their marriage. Although in fact this love is stronger than death. What Hades had always feared was that Persephone had never truly chosen him.
And he always put her needs and desires above the selfishness that often accompanies such strong feelings. Hades was literally the perfect husband who deeply respected his queen and recognized her strength, allowing her to shed the nickname "Kore" forever. And in his desire to do everything as best as possible for his beloved, he only makes things worse, dooming them both (and their son) to suffering. In turn, Persephone leaves Hades not only because she thinks that their son is stillborn, but also because she is afraid of the war that could happen between the gods due to the difficult circumstances under which she ended up in the Underworld (I'm looking at you Zeus).
They are both ready to leave each other so that their loved one is happy, in order to improve things in their kingdom. But it's separation that makes them so wretched, harms their son and the entire Underworld! The fact that the developers decided to make Persephone the Goddess of Verdure and Grain (what means she's kind of the Goddess of what gives mortals food, in fact, the Goddess of the Life), and Hades, the God of the Dead, makes their story so beautifu! Just as many characters in the game cannot imagine them together, it is also obvious to us that they are inseparable from each other, like life and death.
And, of course, small details, like Persephone pored over his portraits even before they met like she was some kind of his fan, what is very funny and breaks the stereotypes.. And how she likes to joke at Hades goodhumouredly, despite the fact that she admires him. And how the Goddess will always point out to him what needs to be done to fix his work or/and his relationship with their son. The way at first Persephone says she and Hades have little in common, but immediately mentions something they share like the same taste in music. Or the fact that they are both insanely smart and seem to be both incredibly good at that boring paperwork (which is doubly funny considering how terrible Zagreus is at it).
No one seems to say it in the game, but despite their outward differences (yes, that frown socially awkward huge God that everyone should be afraid of and that radiant little Goddess with incredible powers of persuasion that everyone adore), in fact, they not just complement each other, but also very similar, but on a deeper level!
P.S. I also see similar dynamics in Zagreus and Thanatos. Like, yes, the God of Blood and Life is together with the personification of Death and so on and so on...
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seawitchkaraoke · 1 year
False has 4 mcc wins now and now there really isn't any way anyone can still say she got carried to those. She is still so underappreciated but like. She is so so so good!
Obviously she's really good at builtmart and rocket spleef rush and quite good at SoT and battle box and such but the main thing she is really good at that doesn't show up in coins much? Is call outs!
If False is on a team that listens to her and/or that she feels comfortable yelling at until they listen to her she is sooo valuable bc she'll stay cool, keep an eye on the bigger picture and make really good calls. That's especially obvious in sky battle. This event her teammates really weren't listening very well to her repeated telling them they needed to move in and bridge and avoid the border so she build the bridge herself and then when the others fled to what she'd build bc of the border gave a snappy little ''you're welcome'' (queenshit). Imagine what that could have been like if they'd have listened to her earlier (not blaming H and the others here, skybattle is very chaotic it happens).
Similar that time she teamed with Illumina and took charge on the last sky battle round after two really bad ones and got them up quite a few places. She keeps a cool head she pays attention to the threats, both other players and the border and she quickly finds ways to adapt and get them in a better situation. She also does this in survival games and in battle box, she realizes when a strategy isn't working and figures out quickly how to fix it.
Of course, bc this is still a gaming tournament, it's full of misogyny so she doesn't always feel comfortable taking charge like this and when she does, isn't always listened to - and even when she is listened to, some fans will then come after her for telling their fave he's wrong (like some of illumina's fans did that time - i'm not blaming him for it but it sucked)
This is why I loved this team, H, Dave and Cub weren't always amazing at listening in the chaos but False clearly felt comfortable with them and wasn't afraid to call them out, especially H and Cub who she knows better of course (and who's fanbases would never say a word against her bc H and Cub make it very clear how much they love and respect her) - she got Cub to give her the bow and take the blocks after the first few rounds of battle box, she called H out for not listening to her border calls on sky battle and she of course absolutely shut all of them up in dodgebolt ''i want to hear a deep breath'' ''no i need to just take slow breaths'' ''don't overthink don't overthink'' ''don't talk to me'' queen shit.
Now False is fairly good at pvp (best hermit for sure) and she is very good with a bow, but honestly I think she'd be even better as a general. The leader doesn't have to be the same in every game and it doesn't always have to be the person with the highest coin average though that's usually how it plays out. I think a lot of the time a team could really benefit from giving the leader role on sky battle (and other games maybe but especially sky battle) to False. The best pvper of the team is probably to busy picking fights to pay attention to the border. False is paying attention to the border. She's already good at callouts but imagine what she could do if she was given explicit permission to boss the others around and the others were more tuned in to listening to her? I just think that could be soooo good
False probably won't ever grab that role herself so one of the actual participants will have to notice this and push her into it but I really hope they do at some point
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damiansgoodgirll · 7 months
Hey Queen, I hope you could make my request ❤️
I would love to read rhea and r talking about how r never came and damian overhearing the conversation, the ending is up to you
i’m not sure i got the request right so i kinda made it up a little, hope you like it!
damian priest x reader
‼️smut but not really, but still…
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i could show you if you give me the chance
“what you mean no man ever made you cum?” rhea asked slightly surprised.
“i mean no man ever made me cum…that’s simple rhea” you laughed and both entered the gym.
“but…how many boyfriends did you have?” she asked.
“but for how long?”
“rhea…my first relationship i think it was one year and the last one probably around three years…we broke up one year ago…” you said fixing your hair.
“so you basically had four years of terrible sexual experiences” she said smirking at you.
you didn’t even remember how the conversation started, you were talking about survivor series and the next few minute you were talking about sex.
“yes, you made the point, can we talk about something else?” you almost begged her.
“but - how did you feel? like, you faked it for four years? and they never realised that?”
“apparently…” you whispered.
“and you never addressed the problem?”
“i did rhea…none of them listened…so i stopped and started pretending that i came…easier than i thought” you said.
“so you only came by yourself?”
“yes…me myself and i, can we please get on with training? i don’t even remember how this conversation started” you laughed.
“what conversation?” you heard a very familiar voice behind you. the man that always made your stomach upside down.
“nothing important” you smiled turning to face damian.
“y/n never had an orgasm” rhea said, not caring about your red and embarrassed face or damian’s look.
“that’s not true…”
“okay, let me rephrase it, y/n never came by a man’s hand…her exes were dickheads and never made her cum” rhea said proudly.
damian’s face was priceless. he was between shocked and amused.
your face was just shocked at rhea’s audacity.
“i think i should go back to training…” he whispered, slightly uncomfortable.
“you can train with us….i mean i need to talk to dom about some things, you could help her” rhea suggested before leaving you alone with damian.
the situation was awkward. he smiled at you but never spoke. you did the same. it was just the two of you glancing a few smiles in and there.
after about ten minutes he decided to break the ice.
“so it’s true?” he asked a little curious.
“about what?”
“a man never made you cum?” he whispered, respecting your privacy.
“yes it’s true…”
“i don’t mean to make you uncomfortable so stop me if i talk to much…but really? like, i get it, maybe not everyone is good in bed but not even with their fingers, or tongue?”
“well…they kinda skipped the first part, and nope, no one ever went down on me, so i really don’t know what to say about that” you were sweating.
damian couldn’t believe of what you were saying. if he had the chance he would spend days and nights between your legs, making them shake and convulse around his head. all he wanted to do was to make you cum so many times that you had to beg him for him to stop.
“their loss…” he smirked helping you with the weights “if you were my girlfriend i would fucking rip you in two…you’ve never been with a real man y/n…those were only boys”
your jaw was slightly open to what he just said. you and damian always had this kind of friendship that was way more than friendship but none of you ever spoke or did something about. it was all in the looks you gave each other.
“i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable” damian whispered when he saw you a little shocked.
“no it’s not that…it’s just, sometimes i wonder what it would feel like you know? i feel like i’m the problem, maybe there something wrong with me” you thought out loud.
“hermosa, nothing is wrong with you…you just didn’t find the person who was really interested in making you feel pleasure too…you know what?” he whispered near your ear, making you shiver “i could show you if you give me the chance” and that was all you needed to hear because one second you were in the gym with damian and co. and the second after you were laying naked in damian’s bed.
everything was new.
the way he cared about you, the way he wanted you to feel good.
the way he was kissing you. it wasn’t forced. it was sweet, slow and sensual, like you’ve been doing this for a while.
the way his hands roamed over your naked body, touching you from your neck to teasing your already sensitive nipples. to his thumb slowly tracing your clit, making you feel euphoric like you’ve never felt before. nothing was rushed, he was taking his time with you. the way his fingers slowly pumped into you, finding in just a few moves the spot that make you go crazy. the way his lips were kissing and biting your thighs, leaving red marks all over your skin. it was all new for you and you couldn’t wish it in any other way. his soft praises, calling you a good girl, taking to you in spanish, along with all the other sensations you were feeling was enough to make you cum. and this time for real.
“be mine?” he asked, gently biting your neck, helping you from your post orgasm. your mascara was all smudged under your eyes as tears were slowly falling “be mine hermosa and i could have you in this state every single night…” he licked the bruises he just left all over your collarbone.
“okay…” you whispered.
he smiled, seeing how tired you were. he proudly smiled at you, showing you that there was nothing wrong with you, you just needed to find someone who appreciated you.
you felt loved and appreciated by a man for the very first time in your life and if that was how you were supposed to feel, you definitely weren’t going to lose damian at all.
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francesminos-tt · 8 days
Late Summer Snow
What is this then, that falls from the skies and shivers my bones?
Notes: A little rearrange of the scenes plus manipulation of the order of things happened, ending up in more or less a character study of the couple. Hope you enjoy!
Jacaerys had not know cold until he visited Winterfell. He was a southerner, born in the temperate climate of King’s Landing and raised in the howling winds of Dragonstone. He was a Targaryen. He was made for the scorching heat of dragons, not the bone-chilling cold of the North, barren, deserted and full of death.
“What lies beyond this?” Jacaerys asked, his eyes fixed on the snow covered land beyond the wall.
“I can’t tell for sure, my prince. The tales passing down by my ancestors is too hard to believe, even for me.” Lord Cregan Stark replied in his heavy northern accent, “What I can tell you is that this wall is the only thing separating life and death.”
“My house rides dragons, Lord Stark.” Jacaerys said with a chuckle, “I don’t think any magical tales can surprise me.”
Cregan fell silent, his dark eyes observing Jacaerys carefully and curiously. Since he arrived in the snowy world of the North, Jacaerys had learned that the Lord of Winterfell was not a man for words. Cregan Stark was usually silent, opting to observe rather than speak, like a direwolf waiting patiently for its prey to show weakness first. Cregan was by no means rude, though. Instead, he was polite and respectful, even chivalrous. He received Jacaerys and gave the prince all the honor and respect a prince deserved. When Jacaerys told him about the coming war, Cregan stayed silent for a long moment before restating the oath his father had taken to Jace’s mother and inviting the prince to stay for a few days. Jacaerys had a feeling that Cregan was testing him somehow, to see if Jacaerys was worth the loyalty of the North. Jacaerys needed to be in his best princely behavior, demonstrating that the oath between their houses was worth carrying on.
“Queen Alyssane visited this very place a long time ago.” Cregan spoke, finally breaking eye contact as he looked out to the snow, “She wanted to see what was there herself, but her dragon refused to fly over the wall.”
Jacaerys suddenly became agitated. He could say the same thing about Vermax. He could tell his dragon did not like the cold weather at all, but Jacaerys couldn’t let this weakness show. Was Cregan implying that the Targaryens were too coward to face whatever roamed in the wilderness beyond the wall?
“Dragons are creatures of fire, my lord. I presume the coldness doesn’t treat them well.” Jacaerys said, carefully choosing his words, “I am glad Queen Alyssane was able to grant more lands to your house even though she did not have the chance to fly over them.”
“Queen Alyssane was very generous, yes.” Cregan nodded, his voice almost carried away by the unforgiving wind, “I wonder if all Targaryen Queens can be like her.”
There. Finally. Jacaerys thought. He had been waiting for Cregan to bring up the deal for days. He was not naive enough to believe the North would send troops to fight for his mother without asking something for return. Jacaerys would do the same thing if he were in Cregan’s shoes. A lord needed to act to the best interest of his house first before carrying out his loyalty to the throne. It was the way of survival, and Jacaerys could understand that.
“The Queen values the oath between our houses, Lord Stark. I, as her delegate, will ensure this honorable bond continues.” Jacaerys said as sincerely as he could manage, “The war is inevitable, my lord. The Queen needs the North’s support to fight against her usurpers.”
“My eyes need to focus on the South as well as the North.” Cregan replied, “Do you think my ancestors built this wall only to fend off wild animals and savages?”
“There will be nothing left to protect if the war is lost.” Jacaerys argued, his breaths turning into a small fog around his face.
“No, the lands will always be there. The throne and its master, however, are subject to change.” Cregan turned his eyes back to Jacaerys, “My house has watched over this wall for thousands of years, long before the conqueror and your dragons.”
Jacaerys was lost for words. He knew this argument was lost as soon as he let his emotion took over. Cregan was right. House Targaryen was nothing but a dynasty ruling over the seven kingdoms now. There had been kings and queens before them, and most likely, there would also be kings and queens after. The usurpation might mean a lot to Jace, but to a lord like Cregan, it could only mean little skirmishes in the South. Jacaerys should have known better than pushing the lord so hard.
“My lord,” Jacaerys tried, but his speech was interrupted by a heavy hand on his shoulder.
“Winter is coming, my prince. I need to stay here to ensure my people get through it.” Cregan said, his voice and expression softening, “But I understand the dire situation you are facing too.”
Jacaerys swallowed; the strong wind almost sweeping him off the ground, but the warm weight of Cregan’s hand served as an anchor to hold him there.
“Walk with me, my prince.” Cregan offered, “There is much for you to see.”
Jacaerys had no choice but to follow. They walked down the creaking path made of wood high up the wall, the heavy snow making it hard to see around. Jacaerys stumbled several times over a misplaced log or a pile of wet snow. He would have fallen unceremoniously to the ground if not for Cregan’s firm grip on his shoulder. Cregan led him to a lone watching point farthest down the path that looked out to the wilderness.
“What is it that you want to show me, Lord Stark?” Jacaerys asked, trying to figure out what the lord was thinking through the raging snow flakes.
“Look down, my prince.” Cregan gently urged Jacaerys to look down at the foot of the wall, where a group of men were walking past the gate to the wilderness beyond.
“Who are they? Are they not walking to their deaths?” Jacaerys asked, surprised, and confused.
“They are men who have seen too many winters. Greybeards, as we call them.” Cregan explained, “They will not see another winter beyond this one by any means, so they decide to leave the chance to others.”
“They are walking to their deaths so others can live?” Jacaerys was shocked to draw this conclusion, but it was clearly what Cregan implied.
“Tis the way of the North, my prince.” Cregan said in cruel indifference, “Resources are limited here. We need to utilize them carefully, which means making sure the young and strong survives. I have 2000 of the those greybeards, all battle hardened men. I can send them south, since they are all considered dead anyway.”
In his teachings to be the heir, Jacaerys had always been taught to be merciful, kind, and generous. Never to be another Maegor. What Cregan had just said was against all Jacaerys had learned so far. However, Cregan didn’t seem to be a tyrant, did he? Jacaerys couldn’t find any evidence that he was. Cregan’s men respected and feared him, in a way that Jacaerys could only dream of. Cregan was the kind of leader that Jacaerys had spent his whole life trying to become.
“So they are old?” Jacaerys joked, in an attempt to lighten the mood. Cregan’s gaze was too intense to handle.
“They can fight. It’s better to die on the battlefields than in the wild woods.” Cregan took a small step towards Jacaerys, their shoulders almost touching, “They fight hard. Like Northerners.”
It took all Jacaerys’s self control not to back down. How could a northern lord like Cregan emit such heat? Jacaerys was almost burned by Cregan’s body heat over layers of clothes even though they weren’t actually touching.
“Then the Queen will have them.” Jacaerys cleared his throat before speaking again, “I appreciate your contribution, Lord Stark. I am sure the Queen will be pleased as well.”
The snow had grown so heavy that Jacaerys’s view was now completely blocked. He could no longer see the people at the foot of the wall, or the crows standing guard along the way they came. No dragon could fly in such bad weather. Without his dragon, Jacaerys had nothing to show his royal blood. He didn’t have silver hair and violet eyes. He only had Vermax.
“Let’s go back.” Cregan’s voice came through the whiteness, “You are shivering, my prince.”
“The snow is too heavy.” Jacaerys said, more like a lame excuse for his show of weakness, “I have never experienced something like this.”
“This is only a late summer snow, my prince.” Cregan put his hand on Jacaerys’s shoulder again to lead the prince back, “The North has seen worse.”
“I have no idea how you survived.” Jacaerys murmured.
“I suggest closing your eyes, my prince, or you could risk losing your eyesight. The snow is blinding.”
Jacaerys closed his eyes obediently. He shouldn’t have, to be honest. He was in foreign territory, led by a stranger who he had met only a few days ago. He would be completely defenseless if Cregan wanted to do him harm. Cregan could push him off the wall if the lord wanted. Jacaerys shouldn’t be so trusting. He really shouldn’t, but why was his instinct saying otherwise?
Cregan led them back to the lift. Jacaerys kept his eyes closed the entire way, but strangely, he didn’t stumble on anything like he had done before. Cregan must have avoided all the misplaced logs and slippery surfaces, so that Jacaerys could walk back safely.
“There is a hot spring near Winterfell that Queen Alyssane once used. Perhaps you should too.” Cregan suggested as they walked in the lift, “It helps to relieve the cold.”
“You are too kind, my lord.” Jacaerys rubbed his face to get rid of the melting snow, “But I can’t stay long. I need to get the message back as soon as possible.”
“It is wise to wait out the storm than deliberately walking into one.” Cregan reached his hand up to wipe off the snow flakes in Jacaerys’s hair, “You and your dragon both need a good rest, Prince Jacaerys.”
The lord’s gesture was too intimate, but Jacaerys found himself unable to protest. On the contrary, he enjoyed Cregan’s proximity, like a shivering man looking for warmth. Jacaerys could only hope he was not blushing right now.
“You are very convincing, Lord Stark.” Jacaerys said as the lift slowly went down.
Cregan laughed good heartedly. He looked more like a man his age than ever before.
“Will my prince give the honor, then?”
“I will, since the Lord of the North insisted.”
“Very well.” Cregan’s laugh slowly turned into a gentle smile as they reached the foot of the wall. He held the lift door for Jacaerys, like a chivalrous knight treating a noble lady.
Cregan Stark was a complicated and curious character indeed, Jacaerys thought.
Jacaerys sighed contentedly as the steaming hot water immersed him. The hot spring was tucked behind a few lush bushes, facing the unforgiving forest northeast of Winterfell. It surprised Jacaerys that the Northern lands were not as barren as he had imagined. There were vegetations covering the snowy terrain, with roots deep into the ground, fearless and enduring. Like the Northerners.
Cregan had showed him warm hospitality so far. Jacaerys was invited to dine in the hall of Winterfell and offered the best and warmest room in the castle. Cregan accompanied him wherever he went, as if protecting him from possible harm. Or perhaps the lord merely wanted to keep an eye on this southern prince with a dragon. They dined together, hunted together, and visited the wall together. Jacaerys had learned more about the North in the past few days than he had ever done in his life. Jacaerys never knew he could be so free without the burden of the throne on his shoulder. He didn’t need to be perfect all the time. Most importantly, no one threw bastard allegations at him up in the north.
“Is this place to your liking, my prince?”
A deep and resonating voice jolted Jacaerys out of his thoughts. His fight or run instinct kicked in immediately as he reached for the pile of clothes he had left on the side for weapons. Shit. How could he let his guard down like that? He was completely naked, and with no weapon, an easy target for assassins.
“No need to panic, my prince. I mean no harm.”
“Lord Stark?” Jacaerys’s eyes widened in surprise as the familiar figure of Cregan Stark emerged from the steam. Cregan was as naked as Jacaerys, the usual black leather jacket and fur cloak gone, revealing his well-built body underneath. Cregan’s shoulders were the broadest Jacaerys had ever seen even without all the layers of fur and leather. There were numerous old scars on Cregan’s body, telling the story of all the hardness the lord had endured. This was a body forged in the cruelest environment one could imagine. Jacaerys suddenly felt self-conscious about his own smooth skin and slender build, humbled by Cregan’s proud show of valor and glory.
“Forgive me for my intrusion, my prince.” Cregan said as he walked into the steaming water, but he didn’t sound apologetic at all.
“I didn’t know your hospitality extends to this.” Jacaerys said, moving ever so slightly away from the lord.
“You are an honored guest here, my prince. As the lord of the castle, it is my duty to make sure all your needs are met.” Cregan replied in the calm tone Jacaerys had gotten so familiar with, as if there was nothing abnormal about having a conversation naked in a hot spring, “Alaric Stark did the same thing to Queen Alyssane when her grace visited Winterfell. I am merely following my ancestor’s footsteps.”
“I am sure Lord Alaric didn’t join Queen Alyssane in the hot spring.” Jacaerys rolled his eyes.
Cregan chuckled and let the topic go. He sat down and immersed himself in the steaming water, his stern face softening into a subtle smile. He looked relaxed, too relaxed, as if being naked did not bother him at all.
Jacaerys, however, did not share the lord’s relaxation. He was stiff and self-conscious, like a prey in the face of the predator.
“What is it, my prince? You seem restless.” Cregan asked, brushing his dark hair all back.
“I am not used to being stared at while taking a bath.”
“Are you? I thought you would have dozens of servants helping you bathe.” Cregan’s lips curled up into a teasing smile, “Would it please my prince if I close my eyes?”
If Jacaerys said yes, it only proved Cregan’s implication that he was a spoiled prince. He couldn’t let the northern lord look down upon him, not when he represented his mother’s authority.
“There is no need, my lord.” Jacaerys replied, lowering himself into the hot water as well, “I guess I must respect the Northern customs since I am in the North.”
“There is no customs requiring we share a bath.” Cregan told the prince as he moved closer, their body now only an arm’s length apart, “I only joined you because I wanted to.”
“But you said you are making sure I am okay-“ Jacaerys’s words were cut short by Cregan’s tall figure looming over him, the lord’s shadow was more than enough to hide Jacaerys completely.
Jacaerys swallowed. He could tell something was coming. Cregan didn’t seem to be his normal polite and distant self. His icy cold eyes had come to life now, burning with something so fierce that Jacaerys feared to name. Jacaerys’s instinct told him to run, but his body was paralyzed by Cregan’s intense gaze.
“You won’t get away with killing me here.” Jacaerys said, though he wasn’t as confident as he appeared.
“It is not your life that I want.” Cregan slowly brought his large and calloused palm up to touch Jacaerys’s burning cheek.
“Then what do you want from me?” Jacaerys dared to ask.
Cregan answered his question by running a wet thumb over Jacaerys’s lips. The gesture was intimate and tender, almost loving, a sharp contrast to the stern and serious lord Jacaerys had come to know. Cregan slowly lowered his head, bringing their face closer and closer while maintaining eye contact with Jacaerys, until their lips met in hot steams of the spring.
Jacaerys had kissed someone before. He had sneaked a kiss or two with his betrothed, Baela, in the empty halls of Dragonstone. Jacaerys liked and respected Baela, to the extent that he was prepared to spend the rest of his days with her. Kisses with Baela were loving and tender, never overwhelming like the kiss he was experiencing now. Cregan pressed on Jacaerys’s lips gently but firmly, his unique musky scent invading Jacaerys’s senses. The lord ran his tongue over Jacaerys’s lips again and again, sending a tingling sensation down Jacaerys’s spine. Cregan was scorchingly warm, his lips, his touch, his body, warmer than the steaming water around them. Jacaerys was almost burned by Cregan’s kiss and the lord’s large hand sliding down his side.
“I didn’t expect this when I agreed to use the hot spring.” Jacaerys managed to blurt out when Cregan broke the kiss for them to breathe.
“I did.” Cregan admitted without shame, “I have been expecting this ever since you landed your dragon outside my castle.”
“I never knew Lord of the North likes men.” Jacaerys commented.
“We don’t put names on our feelings here in the North.” Cregan replied, “We follow our heart’s desire.”
“So you desire me?” The kiss and the stifling steam must have messed up Jacaerys’s mind for him to ask so boldly.
“Yes.” Cregan brushed some wet curls from Jacaerys’s face, “You enchanted me, my prince. I’ve never felt so drawn to someone before.”
“You had a wife.” Jacaerys had no idea why he brought this up. He must sound like a jealous lover, but it was too late to retrieve his words now.
“And you have a betrothed.” Cregan raised an eyebrow, “Do not worry, my prince. My duty to my house always comes before my personal interest. That’s why I cannot fight along your side no matter how much I want to do so.”
“So you are saying you don’t plan to fight for my hand?” Somehow, Jacaerys found his nervousness starting to fade away, to the extent that he was able to tell jokes now.
Cregan laughed; Jacaerys could feel the vibration from the lord’s chest with their proximity.
“Better to enjoy what we have now, rather than worrying about what might happen in the future.” Cregan said, his palm cradling Jacaerys’s cheek.
“You sound very wise, my lord.”
Cregan’s lips curled up again as he gently pushed Jacaerys back, until the prince’s back hit the edge of the pool. The rock had been washed over by hot water constantly, making its surface smooth like marble, so it wouldn’t cut Jacaerys’s back. Cregan kissed him again and thrusted his hips forward, crushing their groins together under the water.
Jacaerys felt something hot and hard against his own throbbing cock. He didn’t even realize he was so aroused until now. Perhaps he had been as soon as he saw Cregan’s naked body. Jacaerys was not unfamiliar with men having a go at men. In fact, as far as he knew, his father, Ser Laenor, was among those who preferred the company of men. It seemed an apple never fell far from the tree.
Jacaerys closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Cregan’s neck, bring their body even more closer. Now their chests were pressed tightly against each other, their racing heartbeat forming a symphony of desire and lust.
Cregan pushed his knee between Jacaerys’s legs to part them, his hand sneaking down to grab their throbbing cocks together. Jacaerys let out a muffled moan and rolled his hips, grinding down on Cregan’s hand.
“Harder.” Jacaerys demanded between kisses, his breath hot on Cregan’s skin.
Cregan’s eyes darkened, clouded by waves of lust. He broke the kiss and put both his strong arms under Jacaerys’s knee to lift the prince out of water. Jacaerys wrapped his legs around Cregan’s torso instinctively, hanging desperately to the only thing that kept him from falling.
Cregan kissed Jacaerys’s collar bones before making his way down the prince’s chest, nibbling on the pink buds that had become been standing. He began to pump Jacaerys’s cock with his large and calloused hand, hard, like the prince demanded.
Jacaerys felt a rush of warmth down his lower belly, threatening to set him on fire. Cregan’s hand was raw, rough, merciless, and Jacaerys loved it. He didn’t think he could hold out for long like this.
Cregan sucked hard on Jacaerys’s nipple, taking the small bud between his teeth and teasing it with his talented tongue. He played with Jacaerys’s nipples like an enthusiastic boy playing his favorite toy. He kept pumping Jacaerys’s cock in rhythm with his tongue, pleasuring the prince as best as he could.
“Cregan,” Jacaerys breathed out, his nails digging deep into the lord’s shoulder, “keep going. It feels so good.”
“As you command, my prince.” Cregan licked off beads of sweat from Jacaerys’s chest, his hand pumping harder and faster. He could feel Jacaerys was nearing his climax, the cock in his hand so hard and scorching, like dragon fire. With a long sigh and a desperate rock of his hips, Jacaerys came, spilling his seeds all over Cregan’s chest and stomach. Jacaerys’s seeds felt even hotter than the steaming water of the spring.
Jacaerys panted heavily for a long while before regaining his bearing. Cregan was kind enough to wait for him to calm down, but the lord’s patience could only stretch so far. He flipped Jacaerys over as soon as the prince stopped shaking, his cock pressing on Jacaerys’s tailbone, just above the prince’s butt.
“You look even more beautiful than I imagined.” Cregan covered Jacaerys’s body with his own, wrapping his arms around the prince’s tiny waist as he began to thrust. They didn’t have the luxury of oil lubrications, and Cregan didn’t want to stress the prince with anal intercourse, so he opted for the next best thing. He forced Jacaerys’s legs tightly together and thrusted his cock between them, brushing his length against the smooth skin of Jacaerys’s inner thighs. It almost felt as good as the real thing.
Jacaerys gripped the edge of the hot spring so tight that his knuckles turned white. He had just came down from his climax, his body still shaking and overly sensitive to stimulation. The snow had started falling at some point, the delicate flakes melting away immediately as they touched Jacaerys’s skin. Jacaerys shivered even though he was surround by hot water and Cregan’s equally hot body. He was weak to cold. The gentlest snow was able to chill his bones.
“I wish I could accompany you back, my prince. I’d love to see how the South treats me.” Cregan whispered in Jacaerys’s ear, his hands now kneading the prince’s cute butt.
“You will be pleasantly surprised, my lord.” Jacaerys half turned and brought their lips together, “I wish I could show you the warmest hospitality of the South.”
“I will make sure to attend your mother’s coronation.” Cregan said, “Or maybe yours.”
Jacaerys shivered again, but his smile was genuine and bright, his cheeks pink from the hot spring and Cregan’s cock between his legs.
“That’s a promise then.” Jacaerys whispered, his soft voice carried away by the snow.
“Yes, it is.” Cregan nodded, picking up his pace.
Jacaerys moaned loudly and closed his eyes again, his lips curling up contentedly. For the first time, he allowed himself to forget about his duty as the heir for once, laying himself completely bare in front of Cregan, for he knew the lord would not let harm come to him.
Little did Jacaerys know that Cregan could shield him from the late summer snow, but not the bad news carried by the ominous raven.
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