#she would adore syl
moonziies · 5 months
Sylvia's singing at the start please 😭💕 She is so funny <3
Me and Mr. Best Friend getting out of here, WHOA!! 😧
I love this version of her so much. It would have been cool seeing how Sylvia gained self-confidence throughout the seasons. But I also do adore the current sassy Syl so I'll take both <3
Also, the way CPeeps rolling in and out the screen gets me
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comfortless · 7 months
syl you can not casually mention blacksmith König and leave it at that!
sighing… ok, yes, i will talk about blacksmith! König more..! ^^
content/warnings: 18+. minors do not interact. violence, physical/emotional abuse, descriptions of injury, death, angst, marriage on the gallows au.
Before König, there was his father, his father’s father and so on. Hardened men who were left to rot on the outskirts of the little village: sharpen blades, birth something from slabs of iron and silver. The work was tedious, but never dull. Scrape, burn, turn and roll- over and over until the smoke rose from the pit to sting at his eyes. Birth by fire wasn’t only in myths of dragons and phoenixes; he witnessed it each time he held pure malice in his hands as his hammer struck. Nothing became something, deadly and cruel. Day and night his life and lungs were filled to brimming with hellfire.
Accidents happen, naturally. No matter how careful he’s been, there’s nothing to keep the flame from entirely taking back after giving so much.
König’s father lost a finger while mentoring him.
His blue eyes were fixed on the man’s callused hand as the freshly smithed blade sliced through the digit like it was little more than a dollop of honey, no blood. There had been nothing but the crack of bone carved cleanly through, then the wet sizzle of meat cooking as it fell into the pit.
His father had screeched like a starved demon then, a barrage of insults tossed his son’s way like little more than passing pleasantries: oaf, useless cur, bitch.
König hadn’t been concerned, he sat on the stone bench looking up at his father and told him so, that he was fine: it had been cauterized, cleansed by the fire.
König lost the same finger that day.
His mother had fallen ill sometime last winter. The last memory he had of her was the look of frailty on her face, how her skin felt so cold and yet she lie dampened with sweat.
The dogs and buzzards had gotten to her grave, but it wasn’t them he felt any of the fire’s malice for.
Just his father.
The villagers didn’t know what became of the blacksmith, but König could recall it every night; how even with his dying breath he had only thought to curse his only son.
So, he wears the hood of the last executioner now, and the people shy away. They don’t like the look of death unless they can participate in it as a divined audience.
The dogs are never hungry, there’s illness all throughout the valley, and sometimes it only shines through in shimmering eyes while the villagers stare and giggle at the next withering soul led to the gallows.
König knows he should be there; like mother and father, his bones should be shared between panting mouths and blood-stained beaks. Sometimes the boars come sniffing too, and he’s always hated them, maybe even more than the birds. They’re ugly and sturdy, squealing and snarling like his father.
The villagers looked at the boars, though, because they were useful. Their eyes were hungry and happy each night the men set out on a hunt, unaware that their sons and daughters lurked in the bellies of the very beasts they starved for.
It’s cold even during the summer months in his shack.
There are blankets, a kitchen, a hearth, but it’s empty. The winter makes its wastelands each coming year, envious of how he can accomplish such with fire instead of ice. He doesn’t need to clean. The ash blackens the wood, cleanses all. One day, maybe, it would scrub him too.
The fire is a womb, but it’s never birthed anything truly alive. Not until her. A wildfire swept the field where travelers had gathered. With their supplies reduced to the very cinders König had come to adore, the surviving members sweep right into this cursed place like it’s a holy temple.
And the fire gave her to him.
König doesn’t know where this woman came to settle from; she isn’t like the other villagers, not even the travelers with their items and skills for selling. There’s still life in her eyes. He watches her as she wanders down the street with a smile on her face, one that speaks of a kindness that not a single one of these people deserves.
She introduces herself to them too, without a title to her name, and all at once any interest fades as the ghosts wander away from her.
His mother used to force him into the church when she was still alive.
She would take him by the hand as he lumbered after her, sticking out amongst the crowd of parishioners who would sing their hymns and stare at him with contempt behind their eyes. He hated going, but he did it for his mother; father was much too busy to spend his time with her and her fantasies. But König learned of angels there, fragile feathered things, all eyes and wings that wouldn’t stand a chance against a blade.
He didn’t think delicate things could be holy until her sweet, gentle smile is cast upon him.
This lady walks right up to him, doesn’t bat an eye at his hood when her lips curl up as she introduces herself. She doesn’t mind the sack of weapons thrown over his shoulder to take to the marketplace— the swords, the daggers, none of it. Her eyes don’t even glance their way; she looks only to him.
Women like this don’t want their homes and beds covered in ash, cinder in place of incense, fire instead of honey. But still she smiles while he says nothing.
König isn’t the only man who’s heart she steals, either.
The village is all gray, smoke and rot except where she walks. Flowers spring up for the coming spring, the deer and foxes are calling out for mates, and it’s all because of her— everyone must know it.
The farmer’s son brings her fresh fruit and whispers into her ear while they pass by his shack on a stroll. The man’s arm curls around her waist so naturally that König can only be reminded of the way that dagger sank between his fathers fingers, tore off a bit of him to feed back to hungry flame. If there were any god above he knew right then that it wouldn’t want him to allow that to happen to her. Not to an angel.
When the rest of the men, dogs and seraphim sleep, König tears the farmer’s boy in two— split down chest to abdomen and left as food for the pigs, right there in the middle of the field.
He doesn’t pray, he hasn’t since the last time he knelt by his mother’s sickbed, but he closes his eyes and breathes out a wish when he leaves that bloodied dagger at her doorstep.
He doesn’t pray, but he weeps when he rallies the villagers to apprehend her. She cries and fusses, face puffy from sleep and hair a mess. There isn’t a speck of blood on her, but the vultures take her anyway. König didn’t want to see her hurt; when her eyes find his, he turns away.
The day of her execution arrives like a festival ceremony. It’s been some time since the last, the scavengers are hungry, so famished he thinks he can almost hear them lick their teeth. There would be no death today, it’s already been decided. In distant places, a single act of devotion is all it takes to save a life, one that the beasts didn’t have the right to take.
The hunger wasn’t always just for death, but for something… a turn and change like steel in fire.
When the angel is taken to her death, rope dangling from her neck like a lead meant for cattle, he steps forward, parting the crowd with an ease. He’s practiced this a time or two in the smoke already, a lonesome and loathing god in the fog. The others scurry from him, looking up at him with pinched brows and bared teeth as if to goad he take her life instead.
Instead, he only catches her eye, smiles and lowers himself on one knee.
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kaladinsspear · 12 days
Self indulgent fluffy modern Shakadolin AU. Because I love them.
* Kaladin is ex army. One of those people who was special forces and therefore “officially” sat on his butt and did nothing for all 6 years of his service. He didn’t of course, but his entire file is redacted so he gets nothing. No disability (how could he have ptsd? He was “never deployed”) no VA support, no GI bill, nothing.
* He is now working for Amazon as a delivery driver while he goes to school. He started premed, but ended up switching to psychology. He’s especially interested in the body/mind connection. Not necessarily medication (though, he does support its use when needed) but more things like diet, sleep, exercise, and how your physical health affects your mental/emotional health.
* He volunteers at the local animal shelter where he takes dogs on hikes each week. This is how he met Syl.
* Syl is a Veterinarian. She volunteers at the local animal shelter as well, and the two quickly became close friends. They currently share an apartment.
* They tried dating for about a week (heteronormativity ya know?) but decided that it wasn’t for them. They love each other deeply and would consider each other life partners, but they don’t love each other romantically.
* Shallan works at one of those “paint with me” art studios. She has a degree in….drawing? (Sorry! I don’t know what the specializations are in art school!) and takes commissions for technical illustrations on the side.
* She loves the Wheel of Time series and has a thriving fan art instagram and tumblr.
* She met Jasna when she was in school. Jasna was her history professor and quickly became her mentor. Somewhere between a mother and older sister with a little bit of a crush thrown in. Not that Shallan would ever actually want to be in a romantic relationship with Jasna, but she so pretty, and smart, and opinionated, and bold, and…… ya know?
* Jasna is the one who introduced her to Adolin, and he and Shallan hit it off right away.
* They dated for about 3 years before getting married. They are sickeningly adorable.
* Adolin served in the military as well because it was family tradition, but didn’t make the career out of it that was expected of him.
* Adolin was a Marine, and his service is on record. He gets a nice GI bill which he is using to study physical therapy.
* Turns out, Adolin and Kaladin go to the same school.
* At first they are kind of indifferent to each other, but soon bond over shared military experience and an interest in whole body health.
* Adolin introduces Kaladin to Shallan and the two hit it off super well.
* Fortunately, they are all adults who know how to talk to each other and Shallan and Adolin have discussed polyamory before, all be it in hypothetical terms.
* Adolin is actually the one to bring it up to Kaladin, just to make sure Kaladin doesn’t feel pressured or sneaky. All 3 of them have a conversation about what a relationship might look like, and they decide to try it out.
* Turns out, it works great for them. Kaladin and Adolin have a delightful bromance thing going on. They probably wouldn’t have gotten together without Shallan, but they love each other deeply and enjoy their relationship.
* Shallan and Syl are super close as well, and they enjoy drawing together and discussing the Wheel of Time.
* Syl and Adolin get super into cosplay and make fantastic creations together.
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MY THOUGHTS on Episode Three
Ooooh Victorian era Lokius?
…I really have to pee, but I can’t pause this
Fuck it I’m going to pee
Oooh old timey marvel theme
I really want those Loki trading cards I saw at Target today…
I hate her but I love her
what is Miss Minutes up to?
Minutes is kinda funny
Timely was a… candlemaker?
why the ominous music? Mid season interesting stuff?
Baby it’s alright you’re doing great you’re so smart I’m so proud of you
I’m so happy that he’s important
Haha memories
Loki and a horse
Oh no
Mobius is so excited about the World’s Fair it’s adorable
Why is the ghost clock haunting the midway what the hell is happening
I would’ve been happier if Loki had enjoyed the Cracker Jack
Uh oh Norse stuff
Loki do you miss your family
Is it just me or did Ravonna look that lady up and down
You just wanna drink with Loki, Mobius. 
Loki looks so anxious
is that the loom?
Why is Timely so awkward
Loki looks so scared…
Uh oh
Does this mean that Ouroboros created the loom and Timely stole it?
Timely is so much like me tbh
He’s neurodivergent I can tell
Oh god he’s actually awesome 
I wanna put him in my pocket 
why did they touch Ravonna 
This is a scam
He’s got a stutter… that’s lovely :)
He’s gonna bolt with the money isn’t he
You don’t wanna do that big man
Uh oh he just poofed him away
This is awkward
Oh he’s chasing him
I’m actually rooting for timely ngl
Why does this feel like an old silent film… 
You can call people on the tempads?!
yeah Loki tell her
Is Ravonna a Lokius hater?
yeah listen to Loki
But Renslayer didn’t work with the TVA there
Sylvie you poor thing
This is going nowhere just throw someone off the Ferris wheel
Oh this feels like the first finale
yeah Syl 
is it weird that I kinda ship Renslayer and Timely?
Smooch you idiots!
is Miss minutes jealous?
that’s not-
I wanna keep Victor in my pocket 
*saxaphone music*
this makes very little sense but I’m ok with it.
I don’t like this version of miss minutes
Miss minutes sounds weird right now. I don’t like the look of it. The sound of it. 
That tone of voice 
Does Miss Minutes think she’s HWR’s lover?
Ravonna please she was being manipulative
Mobius sweetie
Loki is about to lose his shit on Ravonna for being mean to his boyfriend
Loki don’t you dare be in love 
Sylvie stab me instead
Sylvie listen to Victor please
Victor babyboy 
Sylvie stop it
oh two hot women battling it out in going to 
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timelessstardust99 · 2 months
home ✷ sylvie l. x fem! reader
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pairing: Sylvie & Reader (romantic)
summary: with the help of Brad, Loki and Mobius successfully found Sylvie, who worked at a McDonald's with the woman she couldn't imagine life without.
Literally just finished Loki season 2, and my love for Sylvie returned, so here is a little one shot of Sylvie on the timeline with the only person she truly trusts. I also don't own Loki, the characters, nor do I own the gif used in this.
Sylvie worked meticulously behind the counter as y/n worked alongside her up front, humming to a song that was stuck in her head. The blonde near her couldn't help but send the woman a small gentle smile, which y/n caught and grinned at her with adoration in her eyes. Sylvie really couldn't get enough of the love this midgaurdian would give her. "Hey, can either of you refill the straw dispenser when one of you gets a sec?" Jack spoke to the two women, Sylvie went past y/n and leaned on the counter in front of the cash register.
"already done it." Sylvie smiled at him.
"she's always on the top of things, Jack, you need to remember that." y/n laughed, bringing an order up towards the front. Jack shook his head at them. "Bill, order's up." y/n called out. She handed the tray to the man.
"Thanks, y/n" she smiled. The younger woman felt Sylvie tense beside her, the smile fading from the blonde's lips. y/n looked to her friend and gently touched her arm. "Syl?" The Asgardian didn't move or acknowledge her, her focus was on her male variant. y/n followed her gaze towards the door, to see a man with raven locks. Him and Sylvie looked so similar yet different it kind of creeped her out. He moved towards them, he glanced at y/n beside Sylvie, who tilted her head in confusion.
"hi." The man said, looking back at Sylvie, who was a little skeptical of her male counterpart.
"hi." Sylvie said a bit forcefully, taking y/n's hand and pulling it from her shoulder gently. y/n let it fall to her side as she watched them, curious. "Listen, I haven't got all day. You're gonna order something? Or, what?" She asked, agitated. Oh, y/n hates when she's agitated.
"can we talk?" He glanced at y/n, "privately." She raised a brow. She wasn't sure he noticed her anymore, considering the way he seemed to have his eyes set on Sylvie. The blonde sighed, putting a hand on the other woman's shoulder.
"you actually acknowledged me, and all this time I thought you were ignoring me cause you have the hots for my roommate?" She crossed her arms.
"charmed." The man couldn't help but say.
"my breaks in five minutes." Sylvie said, shoving away from the counter, her back turned to them. he looked back at y/n who stuck her tongue at him, turning away to help Sylvie. He stood there for a moment, processing what had happened, before leaving.
"so, Syl, who was tall, dark, and broody?" She pointed towards the retreating figure. Sylvie sighed.
"remember what I told you a few months back?" Sylvie asked. y/n hummed.
"yeah, about the TVA, and how you were a wanted Variant, and you ran into you -- oh. Oh!" Sylvie chuckled. "Wait, so that's your Male Variant?" She whispered to Sylvie.
"yup. Honestly, I have nothing to do with him or the TVA anymore. All I need right now is you and this timeline." y/n shied away and continued to work, a dorky smile on her lips. y/n's heart sored high into the skies at the declaration Sylvie did. This blonde woman didn't know what she did to the Midgaurdian.
"I'm glad you feel that way Syl, and I'm definitely glad I'm on your good side." She laughed, Sylvie chuckled, nudging her. "Hey, my breaks before yours, only a few minutes, but I could come and be your emotional support." y/n suggested. Sylvie smiled.
"yeah, I'd like that. To hell what he said," Sylvie laughed. y/n smiled.
The two women walked out from the back, rounding the corner to where Loki had been standing, waiting for Sylvie. His brows raised when he saw y/n. "I thought I said alone?"
"you said privately. That's very different." y/n smiled towards him, her hands occupied with her launch.
"it's a short break, so talk fast." Sylvie chimed in, drinking some of her soda. She went to her truck and unlatched the tailgate, as y/n climbed onto it, sitting down as she drank some of her own soda. Sylvie sat down next to her.
"with her here?" He asked.
"with me here buddy boy," y/n was starting to get onto his nerves and she could tell. There was a long silence until he decided to break it.
"uh, I know I'm the last person you want to see." Loki started.
"correct." Sylvie said. He sighed.
"I, uh... I haven't come here to make trouble." He said, trying to calm her down. It didn't work of course.
"then why are you here?" She asked.
"uh... This is gonna sound strange. Stranger to her I'm certain," he pointed to y/n who was munching on her food. "But... There's been a problem. It's complicated." He looked at her then to y/n, "does she really need to be here."
"it's nothing I haven't heard before. TVA related I believe?" y/n smirked. It came naturally to her after spending so much time with Sylvie. The blonde tried to stifle her laughter.
"you told her?" He was completely astounded that Sylvie would trust a normal Midgaurdian with that sort of information. Sylvie shrugged.
"don't worry, space boy, I haven't told anyone. Plus, I'd be called crazy anyways," y/n shrugged, leaning slightly on Sylvie as she drank more of her drink. Loki shook his head, being sidetracked wasn't on his schedule.
"I've been pulled through time. Between the past and the present. I was in the past..." Loki trailed off, the word "space boy" echoing in his head as a memory he saw of Sylvie and y/n. He didn't know that this was her until she called him that.
He watched the elevator doors be pried open, two figures inside, both women. Sylvie and her companion y/n, who helped keep the doors opened with the pruning stick she had. "There you are, space boy. Was beginning to worry you got lost." He had watched her, tears stinging in his eyes as he saw the two women. He had been so scared, and was also mildly surprised to see a human with his female counterpart. Then he was pruned. His memory was hazy after being pruned, so he couldn't remember who the human was until now.
"oh, just get to the point, Loki." Sylvie said, adjusting a bit so y/n was comfortably leaning against her shoulder. Her hair brushing against the Blonde's cheek.
"Sylvie, I was in the future and I saw you. I saw you both." y/n sat up, her ears peeking at the mention of her being there to. Sylvie shifted uncomfortably. She wouldn't believe it. "The TVA is in danger. And you were there. She was also there. I need to know why." Now Sylvie knows she'd never let her best friend into the TVA. She'd never do it.
"so you see the future now? Cool." Sylvie said, sipping on her soda.
"it's not something I chose." Loki said.
"look, as much as I'd love to see the TVA burnt to the ground, I have no intention of going back there. My life's here now, with y/n, and I'm not running. I'm happy." Sylvie said. y/n gave Loki a smug look. "And no way in hell is she going there, ever." She put an emphasis on "ever" as she glared at her counterpart.
"explain what I saw, then." He said.
"I don't know. I don't care." She told him.
"it's the future. It's going to happen." He told the duo.
"is it? Really? Because that sounds a lot like the futures already been written. And we both know that it hasn't. Not anymore. I made sure of that." Sylvie was smug, and had momentarily forgotten her human companion who was now confused. What did Sylvie mean by that?
"enchant me. You can see what I saw." Loki said. Enchant?
"I don't want to see. I want nothing to do with this. I have no answer." She said. She was irritated and angry.
"if we don't work together, I can't guarantee how long this will be here. Or how long she'll be here." He pointed to y/n.
"you have some nerve coming here." She sneered.
"nerve? This is bigger than the TVA. This is about everything. You like it here? You like this place? You've made a home? You like her company? If what He Who Remains said is true, the TVA is the only defense. And if what I saw of you both is true, then there's nothing that stands between this world and utter destruction. Without THE TVA, all of this, everything... Is gone." y/n looked worried. Was her world going to unravel just like that? She knew her life was already altered when she met Sylvie, but would she end up like nothing with no home or timeline to go back to?
Sylvie hopped off the tailgate, helping y/n down as she put the gate up. "We've got to get back to work." She walked away, y/n following after as she gripped her wrist, trying to slow her down.
"Syl, slow down," Sylvie ignored her.
"you'll give everyone free will and walk away?" She turned to him, her fingers intertwining with y/n quickly. The Midgaurdian was surprised by the sudden hand holding. Loki's eyes locked onto their joined hand, also slightly surprised.
"that's the way it works. You're welcome." She said, gripping the other woman's hand.
"he shows up again, his Variants, what are you gonna do?" He asked.
"kill 'em." y/n looked at her with wide eyes. Kill them?
"sorry to interrupt. I think Brad's got something that he might want to get off his chest." The older man Loki came here and spoke, the duo turned to him, still hand in hand.
"Zaniac's getting a sequel. And you three are invited." Brad said. He wore the TVA jumpsuit.
"hey, we can wait all day." The older man said. She could only assume this was Mobius.
"no, we can't. We need to talk about this back at the TVA." Brad said as Loki came towards them.
"no. We can talk here. Now." Mobius said, grabbing his shoulder.
"now." Loki said. y/n grabbed onto Sylvie's arm, a little nervous. Sylvie grabbed her other hand and squeezed it lightly.
"fine. If we stay here, we're all gonna die. They're gonna die. Orange shirt, she's gonna die. Her little companion, dead. Most importantly, we are all gonna die. This is gone! Unless we..." Sylvie let her friend go and went to the man and used her powers to see what he saw. She let go.
"they're gonna bomb every branch." Sylvie said.
"yeah, including this one." Brad said.
"where do we go?" Loki asked.
"I'll show you." Sylvie said, she touched the pad on her wrist and changed her clothes.
y/n didn't care, all she cared about right now was to help save her home. Her family was her, and her friends. Everything she loved was here, and the woman she loved was gonna save their home, and she was gonna help.
After Mobius dropped Brad off to the TVA, y/n followed them through a Time Portal, all four ducked behind boxes. It seemed Sylvie noticed her friend next to her. "No, what are you doing?"
"you forget Syl, wherever you go, I go." y/n spoke. Sylvie groaned. She hated when y/n did that.
"what are they doing with the Time Doors?" Mobius asked.
"looks like they're connected to the Tempad's." Sylvie said, her dagger resting in her grip.
"maybe that's why Brad's was modified." Mobius said.
"they're killing everyone. Innocent people," y/n felt a tear slip down her cheek. The two Loki's and Mobius looked to the regular Variant human, all sympathetic towards her.
"minutemen are carrying reset charges." Mobius said, getting the attention from y/n.
"that's how they're bombing all the timelines at once. Connected to the control panel." Sylvie said, switching which hand holds her dagger as she rubs her friends back. She definitely owed y/n some ice cream and a movie night.
"that's our target." Mobius said, looking at an older woman behind a panel.
"I'll distract them." Loki said, which they agreed on. Loki got up and ran at a Minuteman and slammed him to the ground, whereas Sylvie used her magic to throw a ball of green at one of the Tempad pillars.
"our mission is compromised." The older woman said, as y/n ducked underneath an arm and kicked his legs out from underneath him, knocking him out in the process as she grabbed his Pruning stick. "Set off what you can!" She pruned one of the minutemen that came after her. All this time with Sylvie and she may have picked up a few things. She kicked another who came too close to her as he crashed into one of the pillars, breaking it.
"we're too late. Finish it!" y/n pruned another one, before roundhouse kicking another as she flipped her hair out of her face. She ran over towards Mobius and the two Loki's, swinging her Pruning stick with a smug smile as Sylvie held a hand out for Loki, her magic glowing in her palm.
"don't over think it." She said as Loki gripped her hand, before a sudden shock wave of magic knocked the rest out.
"holy shit!" y/n exclaimed. Sylvie and Loki smiled at her exclamation, glad someone liked their magic.
After some time, all of Dox's team and herself were captured by the TVA, with one of the minutemen coming towards Mobius. "Is this all of Dox's loyalists?" The man asked.
"everyone who did escape." He said. He turned to Loki and the two women, who sat side by side. "Loki, we need to go." Mobius said, going through a Time Door. Loki followed, glancing at the duo before entering.
Sylvie went after them along with y/n, who still held the stick tightly in her hands. The door closing on them as Loki looked at the two. y/n looked at the screen in front of them, knowing that those were branches. Those were people. People they could've saved. And now they're dead. What if her and Sylvie's home was dead too? "Those are people. Those are lives." A woman in the front said. Then beeping could be heard in the front.
"uh, guys, I got a hit on Renslayer's Tempad." One of the other people said, the other gathering around him as Loki looked towards the two women. Sylvie crossed her arms as she watched Loki come to them.
"Sylvie..." He started.
"is this the best you can do?" She asked, anger in her voice as y/n gripped the pruning stick in her hand. She was angry too. She could've saved them. They would've still been alive if that Bradley character didn't stall them.
"there was nothing we could do." Loki said.
"bullshit." y/n snarled, glaring at him. "We could've saved them, at least some of them." Her voice wavered. Loki looked at y/n and understood why Sylvie was so fond of her. She was carrying, even for people she has never met. She was a pure heart.
"some defense. The TVA is the problem. It's broken, it's rotten." Sylvie said, taking her Tempad and opening a door, "we're going home... If it's still there." She said, grabbing y/n and dragging her through.
"please, don't. It's harder..." The door closed, leaving him there. y/n and Sylvie didn't need this, any of it really. And they were one of the lucky survivors, because their timeline had been spared. They were home, finally, and they could forget about the TVA and all of its dramas. At least, one of them could.
I don't think I've seen anyone make a Sylvie x reader where the reader is on the same timeline as Sylvie, and I really wanted to make one. So here it is ^^ would y'all like this to be a series? Like chapters or keep it to a one shot?
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cantsayidont · 11 months
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April 1950. Years before Betty Kane or Barbara Gordon, the Robin solo strip in STAR SPANGLED COMICS #103 briefly floated the idea of giving Robin a female counterpart: Roberta the Girl Wonder. The story begins at Dick Grayson's high school, where the girls are discussing their hopeless crush on Robin. One of them, redheaded Mary Wills, then has a brainstorm:
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Mary is adorable in this story, although the assertion that Dick Grayson's peers are enamored with Robin (something that was repeated on and off into his college days in the 1970s) doesn't withstand close analysis. Even by the standards of the late '40s and early '50s, Robin is only a little less of a nerd than the young Clark Kent in the Superboy strip (who quickly established himself as the epitome of squaredom), and Dick Grayson at least as bad. However, Mary is determined:
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A crime-compact! Obviously, Mary has already grasped the merchandising potential of being a Bat-adjacent crimefighter, but where did this teenage girl get smoke, gas, and explosive capsules? (Is that what we're supposed to assume she was making in panel 2 above?) Troubling …
As "Roberta the Girl Wonder," Mary quickly manages to introduce herself to Robin, even sneaking into the Batcave by hiding in the trunk of the Batmobile. However, to her dismay, Robin responds to her with irritation and disdain.
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She asks a pretty reasonable question, honestly. Upon meeting her, Robin's immediate reaction is that "this is too dangerous a game for a girl" (but totally fine for a boy who doesn't even have any pants, apparently), and he subsequently becomes very critical of her ability to cover her tracks to protect her secret identity (much of which criticism seems unmerited or at least overblown), but even if you consider those reasonable arguments, his almost total disinterest in her (the above splash page not withstanding) does end up coming across as kind of gay. The comics were a little vague about how old Robin was supposed to be, but the beginning of this story indicates that he and Mary go to the same high school, so he's probably 15 or 16. That he reacts to a pretty girl his own age expressing obvious interest in him as if she were trying to sell him aluminum siding is thus a little odd unless, as Mary suggests, he just doesn't like girls.
To underscore the point, Robin deliberately sabotages her, arranging to douse her with chemicals (with which he's surreptitiously dosed the perfume shown below) to make her mask fall off in public:
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Poor Mary.
Mary Wills is more than a little reminiscent of another STAR SPANGLED COMICS character: Merry, the Girl of a Thousand Gimmicks. First seen in STAR SPANGLED COMICS #81 in June 1948 (although she didn't adopt her costumed identity until the following issue), she was Merry Pemberton, adoptive sister of Sylvester Pemberton, the Star-Spangled Kid. Syl tried to discourage her from getting involved in crimefighting, but not only did she not listen to him, she soon took over his strip.
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The above panels are from a story in STAR SPANGLED COMICS #86, which is still identified with the Star-Spangled Kid logo on the splash page even though Syl himself is nowhere in sight. With the following issue, the strip officially became Merry's in name as well as fact. However, with reader interest in superheroes fading rapidly, the strip lasted only through #90, in March 1949.
Roberta the GIrl Wonder may have originated an attempt to create a similar heroine for the Robin strip, but given how hard the ending of her story shuts down the possibility of her reappearing, one assumes editor Whitney Ellsworth decided that particular ship had sailed. National-DC was not very likely to replace Robin with a girl the way Merry had replaced her brother and Black Canary had superseded Johnny Thunder, and in any event, it had already become clear that it wasn't going to arrest the sales decline. Even Robin would soon lose the STAR SPANGLED cover slot to Tomahawk, and in 1952, the book became STAR-SPANGLED WAR STORIES.
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dangermousie · 5 months
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I know Fan Xian x Lin Wan'er is a controversial ship - though controversial is not the right word - but it's a ship where a lot of people like it but a lot would like him to be with someone else.
It is perhaps not surprising - in costume narratives, especially ones that are not slice of life ones - gentle, traditional women fair as badly as gentle, nonalpha men in terms of what a lot of fans go rabid for or what type of OTP they want (think of ZLH's character in MJTY, LHR’s character in Eagle Flag or Deng Wei's in LYF, or Ka Dan in EB.)
And I totally get that, however, as someone who likes all the gentle characters I put in parentheses and the ships, no surprise I love the Fan Xian x Lin Waner ship. Canonically it is shown very well why it's her for him and vice versa but also I am just vvvvv fond of "she is his peace" set ups for ships, which once again, would probably explain why I am a fan of MJTY and LYF ships (in EB, I adore SYL x Ka Dan but it's a somewhat different dynamic since it's not fucked up x peace but two traditional honorable people together.)
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the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
The Stormlight Archive Volume 1: The Way of Kings’ Review: Chapters 5-8
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link to contents page - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/hey-hey/96xd9ohihrzs
Right, well, you know how I said in my previous post that my COVID test was negative? Yeah so I was swiftly clowned and I am now SICK right on essay season. I have dug out crusty dusty old HP Pavilion to do work but I’m essentially only using it for Tumblr so. My partner is officially in another country now (I know you’re going to read this so pls come back I am dying) so I cant even be babied 24/7 due to the time difference. On season 4 of Criminal Minds already tho so ....
In terms of reading, I am officially back and LOVING it. I am limiting myself to 4 chapters in one setting because that’s how much I want my review sections to cover and writing this takes longer than I thought it would tbh. Lets get to it! 
Spoiler Free Zone:
The split narrative is like definitely managing my problems with maintaining my attention. I will say that since Kaladin’s story line, although definitely interesting don’t get me wrong, would probably get boring if it was all I was reading. I’m more a magic and lore and pretty women fantasy enjoyer than a grr fight fantasy enjoyer since my like gritty lit enjoyment comes from different genres.
Loving the direction that Shallan’s plot line is going in, I’m glad Brandon doesn’t just give the characters what they want straight away and there is at least the illusion that they’re working for something even though its obvious they’ll achieve it eventually.
Mostly, I’m just loving the characters they’re introducing in Shallan’s story, maybe not so much SOME people (a certain person specifically I dislike is beginning, BEGINNING to grow on me) as they’re just so lovely and cute and nice and ugh we love to see it.
Spoiler Zone:
I’m saying it now, I did initially think Jasnah was just a bitch tbh like I get she’s all important and up her own ass or whatever but she doesn’t appreciate art??? I get Shallan like couldnt just get what she wanted but like .... come on. I was so mad when she just started shouting n shit when Shallan was waiting in the alcove like get a grip pls. However.... turning a boulder to smoke? I had to tab that as cool, like that was just a smart idea to clear it and a cool fckn power to have 
Shallan wanting to steal tho? I love her, a true icon as she should steal from the bitch. I literally just tabbed it love this bc ? Slay like what else could I do. I’d steal it too 
aaaaaaaaand then were back to Kaladin actually just getting fucking shit on at every turn yet again. mf has to carry a bridge?? and then get shot at with arrows?? my goodness give this man a break 
The spren getting a name tho like Syl is acc like carrying Kaladin’s arc for me I want to know what is going on there I am trying so hard not to spoil it for myself
From an arts and humanities student standpoint, I did tab Shallan describing how she views her art and the process of creation as like fleshy and human. Like in both studying and writing poetry I relate to capturing a person or a place or a moment on paper 
And then 2 cuties that I simply had to draw attention to in Brother Kabsal and Yalb. They are iconic and I adore them the end :*
Tab Count:
Cute: 2
Fights: 1
Sad: 1 
Death: 0
Cool: 0 
Wtf wow: 1
Wtf why: 0 
Slay Quotes: 0 
Love this: 2
Hate this: 0
Tab Total:
Cute: 3
Fights: 4
Sad: 1
Death: 2
Cool: 4
Wtf wow: 2
Wtf why: 1
Slay Quotes: 3
Love this: 5
Hate this: 1
PS: If anyone actually reads this far down comment (or post me if you’re feeling generous) your fave tea to drink when you’re sick because I’m going through maybe 10 cups a day and I am swiftly running out....
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noizepushr · 2 months
I have decided my favorite crew/crew relationships in Starstruck Vagabond. Yes/No?
Hole/Magu - Hole makes innuendos after being recruited (the 'polishing any knobs'), Magu makes many, much more overt innuendos. Classic introvert/extrovert. Also they're both recruited the same way, but a coin flip determines if its a distress call for Hole or a derelict for Magu so it's like symmetry or something.
Sarge/Syl - I just genuinely think he would be fascinated by a snake lady and she would be equally fascinated by a human that is built like a solid brick wall. She's bubbly and he's jaded. Can't get any better than that.
Melinda/Kasandra - If you put the two of them together you basically just get Penelope Warden from the McKeown books and baby. You better believe I'm putting those girls together 💙🩵 massive nerd X normie, bitter X upbeat. They're bonding over a shared love of spreadsheets and weird sex.
Honorable mentions are Red/Sarge (classic age-gap yaoi but also interesting in a 'deserter' X 'loyal soldier' way), Burlap/Kas (creecher X researcher), and Hole/Kas (test subject X researcher but Hole would probably be horny about it).
Hehdheheh god I love all of these, my favorite tho is kas/mel- like abdbdndnbd. I mean first of all I like it cause yuri, but also like- it’s just my two favorite characters bouncing off each other and nerd/normie is always adorable.
Also Hole/Kas is just very funny and I like it a good bit just for the scenarios it would create. “Object of research that’s horny about being researched / researcher who could not give less of a shit about it” is very fun
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Falciette Story Chapter 9
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Arriving at the Falciette dorm and asking some students where Daire was one student led you to a Fancy looking ballroom… Rubina was surprisingly also here questioning some students as she waved at you. 
"We meet again, I just… look into certain information… I still want to know why currently so many schools have to deal with overblots… if some students know more about the children of darkness like Gregory and…" 
She looked around, seeming a bit in thought,  letting her head hang. 
"Nevermind for now let me take a break and watch this dance… I heard the Vice leader of this dorm was very good at traditional Ballet." 
As you both sat down as well as some other students, Tesadelle stepped in with Daire by her side helping as her dance partner… you overheard some students gossip on the other side. 
"They would be a way better fit than this arranged Fiance Tesa has." 
"Anyone kind would be a better fit for her… Andrew only wants her status and that is it." 
"It's not that… he does genuinely love her but she doesn't… those high status royals don't have it easy." 
Looking back at the Dance you could notice Tesadelle was smiling far more than she did when you saw her with Andrew… seeming far more Passionate and happy as Daire finished up this dance with her… 
Rubina looked at her a little somber as Daire walked to talk with Syl a little who wanted to talk to him alone, Tesadelle joined your group. 
" *yawn* It's good to see you again… did you need something from me?" 
You shook your head given you were there because of Daire's message yet Rubina spoke up. 
"I… heard about your arranged Marriage and… don't feel responsible to do this for your parents… it will only feel like a golden Cage." 
"If I don't… who will become the rightful Queen of our Kingdom… my sister fought against my parents for her freedom but… I wanna become Queen. I wanna lead people in the future. So his arranged Marriage only makes sense." 
"But are you really happy with the one they chose for you?"
Saying that Tesa let her head hang low…
"Andrew is… a gentleman yet… It's true that I feel uneasy around him. I don't fully trust him. But what else can I do? If I ask my parents to change my suitor they will only worry that I will become like Gabrielle and run away from it… Once I graduate I will be forced to marry Andrew and that is all I can do." 
Rubina stood up and took both of Tesadelle's hands. 
"You have a choice… embrace the time you have in this school… find someone who you truly love… and then tell your parents you want him to be your suitor. I researched about your kingdom and even a commoner should be enough to make you Queen and still make your parents proud. " 
Tesadelle looked at her in shock yet a smile escaped her. 
"That… actually sounds like the first hope I had in a while but… are you sure someone would like someone cursed like me." 
Rubina got up and smiled down at her.
"I am currently in the same situation as you, after graduation my parents want to marry me off… you princess might have better chances than I… many people I see Adore you already. " 
"Miss Rubina… thank you… your words… I will cherish them. And I will hope for the best for you as well." 
Tesadelle bowed to Rubina as the detective woman took her notebook and left the dorm. 
"Right Daire wanted to speak to you, he should be done with his talk with Syl… I leave you alone and practice for now.”
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Daire by @terrovaniadorm​
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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NEW OC FOR PATH TO NOWHERE - Introducing: SYL-V14 (Sylvia) 
Hello gang! This is first of two PtN posts I’ll be throwing out today and this is the new OC I have created specifically for the game, while I could expand Sylvia to other verses, she will primarily stick to Path to Nowhere. 
This document serves as a general overview for SYL-V14, treat her kindly! (or not, >:D) 
Please be aware that this overview does go into death territory and experiments that may bother some people, don’t read if needles or tube embedment bothers you!  Faceclaim: Camille Ferros (League of Legends) 
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Name: Sylvia (Robot Code: SYL-V14) Age: 56 (At time of death), 30+ (appearance wise for android body) Height: 182cm (6′0″) Place of Origin: EastSide Alias: The Steel Assassin, The Metal Witch Jobs: Founder and Former CEO of Ataraxia Industries, Assassin Weapons: Arm scythes (can be thrown outwards with chains like a kusarigama), these can be electrified as well Sinner Category: Greed Sinner Ability: Magnetic Tempest - Her mechanical body, thanks to the DNA transplant within her robotic form inherits the power of magnetism, allowing Sylvia to control any forms of metal in a radius around her. This can be boosted with her Mania Engine within her back, the source from which she taps into to allow her to use her gifts. While this is powerful, she can no longer consistently use it thanks to her body and instead relies on her powerful body to eliminate her opponents. Magnetic Tempest will hurt Sylvia in exchange for dealing devastating magnetic pulses that can bend, lift, distort metal.  
Lore of the Metal Witch
Miranda Sievert, the founder of a R&D development company in EastSide known as Ataraxia Industries, is a rich and powerful aristocrat with a dark and shady business practice. To the general public and beyond before she ‘disappeared’, she was considered a leading pioneer in anything and everything progressive in technology. She intended to outstretch her aristocratic hand and power across DisCity, with the intention of creating her own monopoly. The public loved her, the shareholders and investors adored her and tried their best to woo her, but away from the glitz and glamour of EastSide’s political elite, like many she held a dark secret.
‘Mania is the lifeblood through which profit flows,’ a saying she had penned within the dark depths of her labs within her company. Sievert like many uses and distributes Mania to aid in her research to truly find the next step of evolution. But more importantly, prevent the looming risk of her demise from coming to fruition. Her dealings with Mania often lead to her stepping foot within Syndicate and the poorer regions of DisCity to conduct deals and kill loose ends, it is within this criminal underground that she is simply known as ‘Sylvia’. 
Her alter-ego was considered ruthless and cruel, inhuman and soulless. Miranda would stop at nothing to achieving her dreams of immortality, one that Mania infusion could not give her and only accelerated her death further thanks to her ability accelerating her aging. It was a race against time, one that her intellect and strength would not surrender to. As she continued to age rapidly, she tactically retreats, installing her niece as the new acting CEO in her absence. This race would almost cost her sanity, as with each passing month she became frailer, becoming more difficult to complete her tasks. But it is thanks to an outside source and investor, one that she thought were mere myths within the criminal underground. They provide her with enough Mania and resources to complete her prototype project. 
Immortality was in her reach, and with the help of her loyal scientists they hook her up to a machine, tubes and the process is gruelling, flatlining multiple times on the cutting board. A concoction of her own blood, plasma and mania, her new DNA structure transferred to the project that she had been working on in the shadows of her company. Once that was done, the last thing left were her memory banks and personality, the most difficult part. Her consciousness needed to be transferred in the robotic android body she would inhabit. With sophisticated tech, prototypes to say the least, Miranda’s life now laid in the hands of rods that were implanted into her body and transferring neurons and more from her brain itself to the vessel’s internal storage. The process would take weeks to complete until at last, a beep would sound signalling the process complete.
The scientists feared the worst as once the process was completed, the body of the CEO flatlines and is pronounced brain dead. It is here that they turn on the new robot and as it whirs to life, the quiet hum of the Mania Engine fills the silent room. They ask the vessel whether it knows where it is, to which it responds with nothing. Shining blue optics scan its surroundings before grabbing the scientist in front of her by the throat. 
An unnatural roar leaves its mouth agape before slamming the scientist down. “DO NOT TOUCH ME, FILTH!” The words released from it takes it by surprise, as the consciousness within the metal vessel slowly begins to take hold. Voice and accent, mannerisms and more begin to take hold. She stares into the mirror, seeing her creation and her new vessel. It worked. She begins chuckling to herself, a victory not only for herself but for humanity. 
To know the rest of the tale of Sylvia requires more time, time that we do not have. Know this however, before being detained she forsook the name Miranda and simply went by her alias from the onwards with reports of her past life dead. She controls her niece now, giving her orders from the safety of her hideaway while continuing to seek upgrades to turn her android body more human. Stare into her eyes, her optics and you will see an illusion. A metal shell, a killer without a soul. And yet one cannot help but feel a pallid tragedy and pity for her, death is something many fear after all... 
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🔫❤🦋 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 [WARNING! 🔞]
[Minors do not interact]
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[YES THE VENTO AUREO CREDITS! Sorry, I couldn't resist 💀💀💀]
[This is in a weekend after her 18 year old birthday. He asked for her permission and talked about it. This isn't Guido's first but he took an extra especial care]
"Gui, I'm... Kinda nervous for this..."
"Because it is your first time?"
"Amore, it's all okay" he said while pressing a gentle kiss on her cheek "If you don't feel comfy and want me to stop, then I'll do it, 'kay?" she nodded "Good... It might hurt a little on you since your himen will be broken. And I've read in one of your biology books it might bleed."
"Wait, you got my biology books?" her eyes shone when he said that.
"I had to ask Fugo about the chemical reactions inside the body so I could ubderstand... And now I know I wouldn't be a good doctor. But at least I know each woman has differents types of himens or none which is normal. And some other things as well."
"Guido, that was so sweet of you!" She gave a few quick kisses on his cheeks. He placed her sat gently on their bed, locked the doors (to make sure no one enters. Especially Narancia. But the others were out on a mission), closed the blinds, got a pack of condoms and lube (if she needed) "It's the first time I ever saw you got that prepared."
"I just want to make sure our first sexual experience together and your very first time will be a good memory" he pressed a gentle kiss on her lips, making her melt in seconds. What once was a slow sweet kiss, became a passionate one. He placed his hands around her waist and pulled her closer to him. It was heaven for him. The place empty, only the two of them.
His hands made the way to undo her bra and it sucessfully did. The small one fell and pulled away the kiss for a moment to take it off upper part. He was impressed with the heavenly sight. Her shoulders were covered in freckles and so was her back as well, mainly on the top of the back, her breast areola was almost pink and the size was around 96 cms (which made her use lots of tapes to make them more firm and not look too big. Despite the back hurt).
"My~ Already getting a striptease show~?"
"W-Was I too precipitated?"
"No, it's okay, love! So was that the tape covering?" He asked gently while holding her hands
"Yeah... It is genetic, I swear. My mom had it. My grandmother had it. And at least I got a tape to hold them and not bounce. It would be uncomfy and sometimes my back hurts."
"They're beautiful just like you~ Can I...?" She nodded shy, gently leading his right hand to the left one and he gently did circles with his thumb on it, stimulating her. Guido slowly captured each reaction of hers to make sure what made her pleased and what didn't. Her rosy lips and flushed cheeks made him slowly more excited and hard "So adorable~"
"G-Gui..." she moaned as his hands made their way to the lower parts. He unbottened her comfy shorts and inserted his fingers under the sun stamped panties. He reached her clit, making the smaller one gasp by surprise "Ah, Gui!"
"Don't worry, love~ Just enjoy and relax~"
After long minutes of stimulation, he inserted one finger on her private area to check. If it could fit at least three fingers, then she was ready to way 'welcome' to his member.
[Nicki's flashback. Days before]
"WHAT SHOULD I DO?! Oh... It will be our first time. I need advices... Abella is busy with her projects, I won't bother her. Bria is too young, she isn't even 18! Angelica and Trish will probably roast me if I ask them anything. Syl is probably busy too... Auntie Diana would probably kill Guido when I tell her that."
She paused for a moment.
"Okay... Deep breaths... Relax...
[Present day]
Mista paused for a moment to remove his crop top, revealing his golden necklace with a cross on it (given by his mama) and his defined (and hairy) chest and he removed his pants, showing off his tiger stamped underpants. Nicki's pupils dilated with the vision of her boyfriend with his natural body.
"Liked what you're seeing?"
"I-I... Wait. Are those mini tigers? Oh my God, it is so cute!" This was embarassing for him but at least made her become less tense with the situation.
"You're the cute one here" he said all embarassed before attacking her neck with sensual kisses, reaching the most sensible neck areas.
"N-No. I'm not! Ngh~" girl gets stimulated easy.
Without hesitation, the gunslinger attacked her neck with gentle bites and hickeys. It would be a struggle to take care of ot later. Maybe Vagalumes could help later.
And finally, Mista removed his underwear, letting exposed his member. How can I describe it? Thick and veiny. He was packing a lot there, for sure.
'F*ck. How that will fit?! I can see my funeral tomorrow' thought to herself.
While adjusting the condom for safety, he noticed the slight tensed shoulders of his girlfriend. He held her hand as if he was sure of what he was doing and slowly popped her cherry (READERS, USE CONDOMS TO NOT GET ISTD :D).
"Tight... Is everything okay there, amore mio? Did I hurt you?" There was a noticeable worried tone on his voice.
"It... Does hurt a little" she replied as she cleaned up one tear.
"If you want me to remove and stop, it is okay. I won't force you into anything."
"Gui, we both had planned this! It for sure was embarassing but finally being able to open myself on the not literal way and... In the literal way. Like I am doing now. Anyways!"
'Cute' he thought.
"I am comfortable with you because you are my best friend and the guy I love with my heart and soul. I was scared to mess this up for you... Since you... Had a past experience..."
"Actually... I was drunk in my first time. But here is different" he pressed a kiss on her forehead before slowly start moving "I wanna make you feel loved~♡" Mista slowly increases the pace getting in the right point. Not too slow to tease her but also not fast to not be too rough. It was perfect. The freckled one slowly reaches his huge hand and slightly squeezed as if she said 'I'm okay'. He leaned foward for a passionate loving kiss. For sure, Guido felt a huge heatwave all over his body but deep in his heart a strong feeling was saying that she is the one he should protect and the same sensation was happening with Nicole. Both young souls discovering more about each other each day it passed, connected with care and love.
Her moans revealed that she was closer and closert to an orgasm along with her teary eyes "Let's do this together, Nicks~" he squeezed a little bit her hand before kissing her again while both reached their peaks of ecstasy. Soft moans while they kissed, arms hugging the little bit sweaty bodies. Once it has passed, the couple gasped for air.
[Mista's flashback]
"For what? If it is for burrying a corpse, then MAYBE I am in."
"What?! No."
"What is it then?"
"I need advices for my first time with Nicki."
"Awn~ You want me to teach how people kiss~?" The taller man replied mocking "Kiddin', I know what are you talking about. Wait. What about that one time when you slept with two other girls?"
"I lied. It was a guy and a girl. Don't tell the others and I was drunk, OKAY?!"
Leone held his laugh and tried to focus really hard "Okay, okay... Just go easy on her. Syl and I were slow in the beggining as well. Just make sure she is comfortable, use condom and go on."
"Is that it?"
"What you want me to explain else?!" He growled in a low tone "Get a book or something, goddamn."
[Present day]
"It was... Amazing..."
"Did you liked it...?"
"I loved it...! I was with you all the time! Gui, you make me feel safe..." she pressed a kiss on his cheek "I just need to go to the bathroom now... For sure I've sweated—" when she tried to get up from the bed, fell hard on the floor.
"Oh shit."
"I'm okay! J-Just a little bit sore."
"Let me take care of you now."
After a long bath, both went to sleep that night together in a spooning position
"Gui...?" Her weak voice called for his name like a boat was seeking for a light house during a storm.
"I love you, amore..."
Mista smiled and brought her closer "I love you too, my little sunflower~" his eyes softened when he saw the honey blonde getting comfy against his chest. For sure they would get a good night sleep.
In the morning
Mista: *wakes up before her and sees his gf sleeping*
Nicki: *still sleepy*
Mista, thinking: Cutie... *kisses her temple* Maybe I'll do breakfast for her this time. I guess I saw her once doing in our workplace.
(Minutes later)
Nicki: *wakes up but doesn't feel Guido* Gui...? Where are you...? :'(
Mista: *feeding the starving Pistols*
Nicki: *gets up and checks the kitchen. After seeing him, relief came*
Mista: Already wakey? Morning, princess~ Slept well?
Nicki: I thought we'd cuddle more :'(
Mista: Aaawn~ Don't worry~
Number 1: Nice booba!
Number 7: Lookin good, Nickiiiii
Number 5: *covering his eyes*
Nicki: *notices she is naked and covers quickly her body*
Mista: No need to hide it~ I already saw it before~♡
Nicki: 😳!
Mista: Breakfast is ready, btw [🥓🍳🥖 and ☕+🥛]
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evermorehqs · 2 years
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Sylvie Mist is based on Silvermist from Disney Fairies. She is a 25 year old fairy, swimming instructor, and uses she/her pronouns. She has the power of water control and flight. Sylvie is portrayed by Shin Ye-eun and she is open.
Sylvie was never one to take life too seriously. Every day was another chance for fun adventures with her friends, even if there was a lot of work mixed in with that. She loved her job and her ability, experimenting with making new shapes and motions out of water, knowing that if it wasn’t for her and the other water fairies the world would be in danger. She loved her home, her little cabin, how cozy and adorable it was. She loved her friends, her chosen family, all of them basically sisters and brothers to her. While the others would often stress about things, she was as calm as could be, never seeing the point in worrying. She would laugh over her own puns, spread her dewdrops across spider webs, hum silly little songs to herself as she taught tadpoles to blow bubbles, and just wonder from time to time what everyone was so uptight about. She thought that was just who she was, that she was perfectly fine going with the flow. Until the flow changed up on her. None of the others seemed to know what happened either. They all went to bed and woke up the next morning in a new town, one that appeared to be closed off from the rest of the world. She’d been to the Mainland before, but never for an extended stay, and never to interact with or even be seen by clumsies --- or humans, as they called themselves. For the first time in her life, Sylvie was stressed, even more than some of her friends. Rosetta and Fawn seemed to be perfectly happy making new lives here, and she couldn’t deny there were some interesting things in town, but it wasn’t where Syl’s purpose was. While she knew that she could be happy here, she had to get home. It wasn’t a matter of if, but when.
❀ Brynn Utonium: She smart, she’s nice and she’s cool. Sylvie hasn’t known Brynn long, but she thinks that they could be good friends if they get to know each other... until they’re able to go back to their normal lives, anyway. ❀ Tanton Dempsey: He works at the pool some of her lessons take place. He always seems so nervous, but he’s nice. She makes an effort to say hello to him every time he’s there, though she sometimes wonders if that makes him even more anxious. ❀ Tiya Mahajan: A friendly woman, and Sylvie is convinced she’s a fairy, even if a different type. Or at the very least, she’s sure she isn’t a person. She’s far too wise for that.
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top ten Pokémon? your fav games?
So most of my favorite Pokémon are just my favorite because of them being the Pokémon of my ocs, or in one case, my father when I was 9-10. I was. A weird kid.
10: Lugia. My father. Me and a friend ran around the playground yelling lugia’s song but distorted, because shadow Lugia was attacking, and then my friend made shadow Lugia say, in his dying moments, that he was my father. Actually I’m wheezing because I had forgotten that until this moment what on earth.
9: Grovyle. I hate putting him this low, I had a crush on mystery dungeon grovyle- and yes pmd is why grovyle is here. When young me found out about celebi being in love with grovyle… listen he’s a thief but actually a hero and he’s doing it along because aaaaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Gently holds.
8: blaziken. My first starter was torchic and blaziken is the fully evolved form. His name was Emma. I. Didn’t understand the gender markers.
7: mew. Tiny psychic cat my beloved. I would replay the mew windmill scene over and over again.
6: wyrdeer. My lovely girl, Nilla. She’s one of my character’s main Pokémon even though she wasn’t his starter, and she’s basically his service pokemon.
5: Mewtwo. I feel really bad about putting him this low, considering mewtwo was like, my first oc’s *thing*. She had a mewtwo tail, she had known the clones, had been best friends with Amber before Amber died, she was connected to mewtwo, my old username on everything was crystal(redacted)ketchum2 (redacted because her middle name is a friend’s deadname). But. I don’t like mewtwo as much as I used to?
4: Sneasel. His name is crime. He has a knife. Enough said. (He’s one of Fox’s Pokémon and my favorite to write, ever.)
3: Silvally my friend Silvally. Syl. Bright’s closest partner. What is it with characters of mine having a water type starter and then a partner that’s a second starter that evolves in a weird way?
2: Primarina, Pip, my beloved. Bright’s starter. I chose popplio for sun and moon because everyone hated on it when it was revealed and Trickywi made a song about it. I never regretted it. Primarina is amazing.
1: Oshawott. There is a life sized Oshawott Pokémon plushie and I keep going back to read the reviews. It was my starter in gen five and then I chose it in legends arceus, and I love Oshawott.
Favorite games. Hmm. The first one I played was Ruby. I loved soul silver and my shiny suicune. I probably put the most hours into sun moon ultra sun and ultra moon, if you combine them. And legends arceus is amazing. Plus the mystery dungeon games, and ranger guardian signs. Ukelele pichu my adored
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macksracks · 2 years
Eve grabbed the other’s hand and pulled her out of her room. Nothing about her plans would go wrong. Everything would be fine.
“Are you sure this is going to be alright? Someone might notice we’re gone, Evie,” Sylvia said, watching the other from behind as she is dragged outside.
“Yes, the royals won’t miss us for a bit. They’re too busy glaring heated daggers at each other from across the room anyways.” Eve grimaced, shaking her head as they walked. Honestly. The tension between the two of them was absurd.
Once outside of the castle and into the outer halls along the sides, she let go of her hand and stepped behind her. Raising her hands, she pressed them onto Sylvia’s back and pushed her forward at a faster pace while laughing, “You’re so slow, Come on!” She then paused her words, considering. “You should chase me. It’ll be fun!”
Sylvia leaned back against her hands as she walked, looking over her shoulder to look at Eve. “You want me to chase you? Someone could see u-” She didn’t have time to finish her sentence before her friend shoved her forwards and took off running in front of her. 
Eve laughed as she ran, almost stumbling a little as she checked behind herself to see if Sylvia was following, which she was. In fact, she was full sprinting in at her. Whipping her head back around to watch where she was going, she began sprinting down the hall. 
She ran, hearing very clearly the sounds of someone chasing her. As they played their small game, they were coming up on her secret path to her spot. It would be a hard left, which left room to slip and fall since their shoes offered no traction right then.
There was no choice. Eve had to do it. Hitting the corner sharp, she scrambled a little, but got up quickly and returned to her sprint away from Sylvia. The other girl hit the corner even sharper, but she grabbed onto a limb so she swung around more easily without falling down. Eveline heard her laugh behind her, "You know I'm going to get you, Evie. It's inevitable, my dear." 
"As if!" she called back, being sure to dodge outstanding limbs and roots in her path. Having to focus on the terrain, Eve laughed breathily as the lake came into view down the path. It was the final stretch. She pushed herself harder, to the point where she almost falls a few times as she runs. She can hear her friend behind her running harder as well, and what sounded like getting closer footsteps.
Eve hit the ground hard just as she reached the bank of the lake, being tackled by her companion. She wheezed as she tried to catch her breath again. Sylvia was on top of her back, laughing as she laid there.
After a few minutes of this, Eve finally caught her breath enough to speak again. "Get off of me, you foul ginger demon," she said, moving to push Syl off.
The redhead just laughed more, but relented and rolled off of her into the textured ground of the lakeside pebbles. "You know that I'd get you. Why would you do that?" She questioned, looking over at her partner. 
Eve grinned in response, pushing herself onto the backs of her hands. Looking down at her clothes, they were now very obviously dirtied and with a quick glance at Sylvia's, hers were exactly the same. Dirtied up. "Now we're going to have to change before we go back, Sylvie. Look at what you've done now."
She raised her hands in defense of herself and enunciated her accent more, "I did no such thing. I was provoked, miss. I'm innocent in this matter." As she spoke, she watched Eveline with careful eyes, as if painting her on a little portrait in their mind.
Eve hummed, looking at the other softly. Ginger hair she adored to run her hands through. Freckles every which way on her face that she wants to kiss each individually for days. Softly curved jaw that she loves.
The feelings she felt for her were strong, beating within her own heart. It felt like it might overwhelm her and her senses. It was a torrential downpour of a feeling so strong it could drown her from the inside out.
That wasn't the point though. She couldn't. Not again, anyways. They had already kissed once, when she was very in her right mind while under the influence. Then there was the time when they were both under the influence, but it was obvious both were fine with it.
They were beginning to toe the line in the sand between whatever they were. They were certainly more than friends, however it was even clearer that they weren't officially anything. A thought that bothered Eve quite honestly. *What were they?* She didn't know.
Slowly pushing herself off the ground and back upright on her feet, Eve brushed her hands off on her dirty skirt. She reached down and held her hand out for Sylvia, who took her offer and together they pulled her up. 
Once up, they stared at each other for a few seconds, maybe a minute. Just looking at each other. Eventually, Eve smiled and looked away, over to where her little setup was.
Leading her by the hand once more, she took them over to her spot. Small canvases and paint all lay around in the area. She let go of Syl's hand and sat down on the cloth. After she gestured to a spot next to her, the other sat down gracefully.
"I couldn't find you your normal instrument, but I did find this lyre, which if I remember right you play. I hope you play-" she cuts herself off, as she just holds out the lyre in question to Sylvia.
Syl reached out and took it, looking it over. "This will work perfectly fine, Evie. Do not worry," she smiled at her friend and lightly played a small chord. She nodded, clearly satisfied with the quality of it.
Once Eve was sure that Syl would not mind the lyre, she picked up her own small canvas. Angling herself to face her, she took her brush and slowly began to paint the lake in front of her. Of her dearest plucking notes and chords, creating a wondrous melody at the tips of her fingers.
They remained like this for a while as the sun slowly began its descent below the horizon. Her fiery hair set ablaze in the setting sun’s light. The golden hour made her look like a goddess of the sun, right where she belonged.
Eveline could just reach out and set her painting down, then lean forward as her hand smashes into the painting accidentally as she would have readjusted herself forward with little hesitation. 
Sylvia would look up and smile, setting the lyre to the side of her. Her hands would come up and cup Eve's face, and everything would be alright. Everything would be as it should be.
So she did. She set down the painting and slipped in it a little as she set her hands down. She leaned forward and Sylvia did her part. Set down the lyre and cupped her cheeks in her hand.
They met together a third time.
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shady-if-stories · 4 months
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they’re in love?
I love it, adorable ❤
Ari: Probably the most discreet, they would start looking at their crush more often.
Boris: Also really discreet, he would try spending more time with his crush, either doing some work together or just chilling.
Celene: The most obvious of the bunch, she would play with her hair and blush while thinking about or talking to their crush.
Syl: They would play with their hands and avoid eye contact while talking to their crush.
Toq: Quite noticeable, they would avoid making eye contact while talking, may stutter a little while talking occasionally.
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