#she will probably agree
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mynameisbillandimaheadcase · 11 months ago
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lafaiette · 5 months ago
When Solas says
"I was trying to determine some way to show you what you mean to me."
"For now, the best gift I can offer is the truth."
it makes me cry SO MUCH because that "for now" really implies he was planning ahead, that he was hoping Lavellan would accept his full identity, and they would stay together.
That "for now" means he already had more gifts in mind, more ways to show her what she meant to him. In that moment, in that glade, under those circumstances, he could only give her the truth she deserved - so words, knowledge, love and respect in the form of a spoken revelation -, but what about later? What was his next gift to her going to be? Something tangible, like a love memento, something precious to wear and show everyone? More knowledge and wisdom to share with her? Memories and scenes from his old life?
Weekes said Solas was ready to tell her the truth, forget about his duty, and lose himself in Lavellan, but chickened out at the last second. So I'm really curious to know what kind of future he envisioned in those blissful last moments before he lost his courage - what other presents and displays of love he was ready to give to her.
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equill · 1 year ago
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I never seen this man in my life
Extra: (you did this to yourself.)
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vigilskeep · 3 months ago
came to the realisation that i simply don’t personally believe in a successful cure to the calling pre-veilguard, meaning my warden, if alive, is imo probably looking pretty close to it and visibly deterioriating right now. even if whatever the hell happened to the blight at the end of veilguard then changed things at all
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bixels · 5 months ago
I've been seeing some discussion about Overwatch's new characters and Kiriko on Twitter following the MHA crossover event and, as someone who's not totally in the loop of OW lore anymore, what does Kiriko... do. Like, what does she contribute to the story of Overwatch and Talon and the Omnic Crisis, how is she involved. I know she trained with the Shimada brothers when she was a wee embryo, but what's her connection to... Overwatch. Girl, what are you doing here.
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wardensantoineandevka · 4 months ago
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this is their entire dynamic in a screenshot
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savanir · 6 months ago
DP x DC prompt [19]
A couple days ago, or maybe it’s been a week now, there had been a horrid storm.
It had been bad enough on the surface but underwater it had caused extremely powerful currents that have dragged a very young Garth away and into the unknown.
He really should have listened to Atlan and stayed put…
Lost and alone, a Little Garth has found himself a lot closer to the surface than usual, the sea currents are still churning pretty bad and he simply can’t navigate his way back to anything remotely familiar.
At this point he’s quite hungry and tired, and he’s found that catching something is somewhat easier nearer to the surface.
However, now something entirely different has caught his attention.
still safely tucked away under the waves. Garth is watching two surface dwellers. judging by size they should be even younger than Garth is, which probably means their caretaker(s) are nearby.
Garth is about to leave them to it and go his own way when he catches on to the erratic kicking movements of the smallest one.
oh, he’s pretty sure surface dwellers aren’t supposed to stay underwater that long, that is if Atlan’s stories are correct.
And even though he’s somewhat terrified, he finds he can’t just… though he probably should…
Well, he ends up saving Danny from drowning.
Jazz and Danny’s parents are busy with a supposed haunted shipwreck and not paying attention.
But by saving Danny Garth found by Maddie and Jack. Who are worried that Garth is there all alone which is like... kinda hypocritical but whatever.
No ghost, but they got a sea boy!
and that quickly has them reassessing their disappointing conclusion that the wreck isn’t haunted, clearly the ghosts are somewhere underwater! After all, the ship was lost at sea and simply washed ashore.
Garth can’t really communicate that great with the Fenton’s. He doesn’t know english, and they do not have telepathy, the only thing he can catch from them is impressions of their emotions, which does make figuring out “yes” and “no” a bit easier.
At first he decides to accept their offer of shelter and food simply because he’s tired and hungry, and they seem like good people even if they are from the surface.
Then Garth makes the mistake of getting attached. All of a sudden he’s put in a eldest brother role. Jazz is determined to teach him english with her kid books and Danny has been attached to him like a barnacle ever since Garth got him out of the water.
And Garth’s needs aren’t even remotely treated as some sort of annoyance, they make note of his need for lots of water and adapt easily.
Everything is extremely overwhelming but thankfully for Garth they don't make the offer to take him with them to Amity Park right away.
They are on a family trip so they stick to the sea for another week and a half or so. After that they ask if he wants to just come with, Danny basically begs him, having an older brother seems like the best thing ever to him.
And Garth ends up taking the offer cause the last week was better than most of his lonely life so far, even if everything is weird and difficult and he can't communicate right.
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jasperthejester · 6 months ago
me: finally accepting theres a good chance im autistic and starting to work up the courage to ask my parents to see if i could get a diagnoses but being scared to
my mom: do you ever think you have adhd? if you want to do a screening for add next time your at the doctors you can
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hallowshumour · 8 months ago
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Doodle of my edgy ass rainbow dash kinsona, Storm Chase. 🌈🌩💥🎠
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sapphiretanto · 25 days ago
More Post Season 5 2012 Leo Having No Filter
*At Murakami’s Restaurant*
Donnie: *grumbling and turns to Leo* Ugh. You know later, we’re going to have to take one of those forced happiness family photos that come in the restaurant’s tacky frame?
Leo: *scowling* Why are you so fucking negative all the time?
Karai and Raph: *snorting as they try to hide their smiles by looking down at their food*
Mikey: *outright laughing*
Donnie: *taken aback* I, uh— I don’t kn— uh, what?
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yazzy-khan · 2 months ago
if twelveclara and thasmin had met I know clara would’ve seen the way yaz was being treated by thirteen, gently taken yaz’s hands in her own, and said “I think it’s time you level the playing field and traumatise her back.”
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matchalovertrait · 5 months ago
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Noemí really did try to like Dulce's boyfriend. The truth is that she already had a bad impression of him as soon as she laid eyes on him, but she was determined to stay positive throughout the night. Then, her patience ran out and she learned that Erick and Ángel agreed with her. Noemí's always had a difficult time standing up for herself, but she refuses to let anyone hurt her children! Caruso is not the one for Dulce. He will only hold her back. On the other hand, Dulce believes Noemí is being her usual old-fashioned self. Her mom doesn't understand and she is being totally unfair. Like, get with the times! Take some risks, woman. And honestly? It feels odd trying to be parented this late in life, especially since Ángel was the one who mostly took care of her. However, she loves her family and wants to show them what a good guy Caruso is. He is the way to move forward.
dang that's crazzzzyyyyy:
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Start from the beginning (Gen 2)
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Dulce: Where’s the fish?
Ángel: Girl... there’s no fish.
Dulce: Oh.
Noemí: Mija, are you serious? Why did you bring that idiot to my house? Where’s the respect for your parents?
Dulce: Oh, I see what’s happening. Yeah, it also took time for me to warm up to him, but you’ll end up liking him too! He’s a fun guy.
Erick: [Laughs nervously] I think what we’re more concerned about is... well, he’s not your boyfriend boyfriend, right?
Noemí: He doesn’t seem like the kind of person you should spend a lot of time with. If you’re only using him for funsies, just tell us that. We don’t mind. Don’t let him infiltrate your personal life.
Noemí: Not to mention that he’s an awful influence! He made you get a tattoo.
Ángel: Well that’s a bit dramatic...
Erick: ...I don’t think that’s related whatsoever...
Dulce: [Laughs] Mami! You’re blowing everything out of proportion. It’s just ink, and I chose to get the tattoo. It’s cute.
Dulce: Look, he is my boyfriend boyfriend. He makes me happy and I think we make a good team, just like you and Dad.
Noemí: Is that so?
Dulce: Yeah! I know we can make things right with you guys. I’ll talk to him.
Noemí: Fine. One more chance. That’s all he gets.
Dulce: I understand.
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treatsformeeko · 6 days ago
This dialogue has always baffled me. It is locked behind a 30 cunning check, which I think may be impossible to reach without cheats at this early stage in the game (?) but its implications are INSANE. Entirely too long tirade below the cut:
How could the darkspawn possibly know the plan? Does it have anything to do with darkspawn showing greater signs of intelligence (re: the Architect, the Messenger)? Awakening was being written before DAO came out — was this meant to tie into that?
Many people online have discussed that it may be a remnant of abandoned plot threads that paint loghain as more of a mustache-twirling villain, working with the darkspawn (either willingly or perhaps under their influence?) to make sure the signal fire doesn’t get lit. David Gaider explained at length that the Ostagar plotline and the Cailan/Loghain conflict were subject to numerous rewrites. And while it is true that there is no further dialogue to suggest that Loghain was working with the darkspawn as this dialogue implies, my next question is what were his men doing in the tunnels underneath the Tower of Ishal?
Even before I had seen this exact line, in my first playthrough I operated under the assumption that Loghain had purposefully sabotaged the Tower in order to place blame on the Grey Wardens (an already easy scapegoat given their very recent return from exile) once he inevitably quit the field. I never once thought that his decision to retreat from Ostagar was made in the heat of the moment — after all, why would Howe already be making moves on Highever if he thought that Cailan would be alive after the battle to punish him for it? And if it were the case that Loghain planned for Cailan to die at Ostagar, why would he allow the signal fire to be lit on time and still quit the field knowing that some of his men would see this as betraying the King, regardless of how good he was at being a leader? Was it just a very happy accident that the darkspawn overwhelming the Tower and delaying made him look less villainous to his own army? Why would he leave this up to chance when so much of his plan before this seems to be so carefully crafted?
Frankly speaking, much of the deeper DAO lore seems to be happy accidents — constant rewrites and abandoned plot threads coming together to create a genuinely interesting story where the truth is not easily identified. And honestly, I think it benefited greatly from this! The truth is messy, especially when there are this many players vying for power in some way or another.
Personally, I’m of the mind that dev-lore comes secondary to what actually makes it into the game, even when the devs had better ideas than what we got. Which is why it is so fascinating that this line still exists in game and yet is nearly impossible to obtain! Why does it still exist? Why is it so hard to obtain? What implications does it have on the greater plot?
I don’t necessarily have an interesting conclusion beyond the fact that I am still in awe at the reactivity of this game that is objectively pretty clunky and ugly by today’s standards. I love Loghain as a villain in part because he is so human, and as much as I enjoy the sequels I really think that he is one of the best antagonists of the entire series. I find it really interesting that his reputation is not entirely shredded to pieces by Inquisition, as some Ostagar vets still sing his praises, which just further drives home the point that he has the capacity for good AND evil! I mean hell, the whole game is about making sacrifices for the greater good. Couldn’t you still argue that that was what Loghain was doing (or at least thought he was doing)?
All of this being an entirely too-long wind up to say: fuck you Quartermaster Threnn. I know what I saw.
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optimistic-autistic · 16 days ago
nothing so aggravating as seeing people claim what Hades did was just a misunderstanding because he ''loved Persephone too much''. like i don't know about you, but it's pretty hard for that to turn into building a town based on slavery and later getting a girl and assaulting her (even if it's just implied, he still at least had to pretend to do something like it, because his goal was to make Persephone mad).
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arcanewonder · 26 days ago
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the hunger, it calls to me.
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nyctoheart · 16 days ago
i need to stop seeing that recent "do kh characters swear" post bc I disagree with so much of it hdkdhjff
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