#she wasnt serious about killing them but now that he mentions it
bear-remn · 5 months
— ⋆✮ Deadly Eyes ✮⋆
n/t: finally!! i hae delivered this fic so much better and with a (what i think it is) good narrative, i hope you enjoy and support this fic, i appreciatte every interaction with my page. and btw, i'm chaging the tone of my fic to make it a little more serious and deep, but im keeping the storyline.
tw: this chapter is mention and use of drugs.
sinopsis: second day od school at the academy of kirari and mako, dealing with the sakamakis.
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⋆༺ chapter two ༻⋆
mako was taking notes in her room, from the past day when she skiped classes to discover that ayato was a vampire, she barely sleep since, too scared one of them came into her bedroom and suck her blood while she's asleep, thats why she locks every door she past, her bedroom and bathroom too. she´s lucky one of her classmates let her borrow their notes, she was´nt the best when it comes to grades and really wants to be a good student, kinda hard when you live with six vampires that can kill you anytime.
a knock on her door interrup her hand writing "yes? who is it?" mako ask, but panic invade her instantly, the idea of ayato coming again and suck her blood, play with her like she was nothing, it make's her sick "its me, reiji" mako get up and walked to the door, her hand doubt a little before open it, wondering why did reiji, a vampire, would come to her room at this hour, but she didnt wanted to belive they were all like ayato.
"hey, whats going on?" she ask when she opened the door, looking at the dark haired man, thinking of his elegant way of dressing is, so different from ayato´s, why did she even think of him? reiji looked her up and down and then give her a cold glanze "may i come in? i have an important item to give you" even if he asked for permission, it sounded like an order. mako didnt move but somehow, her body moved aside, but she didnt do it, it was like the air moved her. reiji come into her room and the door closed by itself, mako felt chills.
"i am well inform of the scene ayato made in school, and the reason why you skipped class so no need to treat me like an equal anymore, you should know your position by now" mako was silent for his words, there was something so inhuman about his way of speaking, the way he treated her... so cruel.
"a good master take care of his food, but you´re not just food, you´re a bride so your blood is whorty of keeping it" reiji leave on mako´s desk a juice box of berries "since we all will be drinking from you, i have to assure your blood does not lose its quality, and dont get sick, it´ll be a problem, do you undertand?".
mako was speechless by his words, a bittersweet moment.
"dont make that face, doesnt look good on you" mako wasnt sure what ace reiji was talking about, she was just standing in silence "do you understand? i ask".
"yes... i understand" mako said, remembering that they, as vampires, can kill her at any time.
"dont stay up so late, sleep well miss mako" on a blink, reiji dissapear from mako´s view.
she walked towards her desk and take the box juice, opening it and drinking it, the flavor was sweet and cold, refreshing, but the situation made her nauseous.
she just cotinued taking notes while drinking the box juice.
the next day mako show up at kirari´s room early, she was already dress with the school uniform, her backpack on one shoulder. she knock two times before but she didnt have any replies so she knock again but stronger while asking "kirari-chan? are you up?" no answer until she heard footsteps approaching the door, where finally kirari opens up still in pijamas.
"oh, hey..." kirari looked confused while she rub her eye, like if she just got up "sorry... what time is it?" mako thought kirari was cute, confused all the time "there's still an hour left before classes start so... just wanted to come and hang out a little" kirari smiled instantly and step a side to let mako come in "come here... you" the door close behind mako.
"why you're up so early? we still can nap you know.." kirari ask and sit on the edge of the bed "i dont like sleeping too much" mako responded as she sits on kirari´s desk chair.
"why not? its better sleeping than being with those weirdo´s is innit?" kirari put her hair on a bun and start making her bed and closing some drawers she left opend yesterday.
"you right on that" mako wasnt sure i kirari knew about the sakamaki's being vampires, but she did'nt wanted to tell her yet, at least, she wanted her to discover it by herself.
"anyway..." kirari trow herself on the bed and smiled at mako "you smoke?".
the question surprise mako.
"no..?" mako hesitated wrinkling her nose "i have never tried before, but im not interested".
"damn.. respect" kirari take out some cigarettes under her pillow and take one "do you mind if i smoke here?"
"no, its ok"
while kirari smoke, mako wonder i that was the thing that gave her that unusual smell that reiji always talk about.
"since when you smoke?"
"i dont really remember... probably at the beginning of my adolescence"
as kirari smoked, she was thinkign of some topic to talk about to not get mako bored, kirari is an akward person, she knew it but mako was her only option to have a friend in this house.
"in school, wanna hang out too? people there doesnt talk to me for some reason and... they like... avoid me for some reason?" kirari give mako a weird look, for her, mako looked like a little lamb, lost and cute, she didnt have a bitch resting face, instead she have a nice expression all the time, just as her personality.
"really? i think your company is very pleasant" mako smiled at her comment.
"yeah.. were you able to talk to someone tho?"
"i think so..?" she tried to remember someone, but she didnt talk to them, they talk to her but not on a way people wanted to be friends with her "actually, something really weird happend to me, some girl stop me in the hallway and said some things.."
"what kind of things..?"
"something about me and reiji being together, even when i said that we werent in a relationship she insisted"
"what?" mako was intriged.
"yeah... and some boy wanted to snitch on me for smoking in school"
"did you smoke in school? you could get in trouble"
"oh, dont worry, im very careful" kirari appreciate her concern "but the boy was pretty"
"the one who wanted to snitch on you?"
"if you saw him, you would get it" mako felt curious of kirari´s taste when it comes to a romance.
"what did he look like?".
kirari got up and walked towards the window, smoking there while trying to remember him, but her memory wasnt good when it comes to people.
"he was like... tall and with brown hair" mako make a face to kirari in sign for her to continue talking "i dont remember much, but his voice was good"
"your taste is awfully simple" kirari left out a little laugh.
"ouch, what about you? whats your taste?" mako think about it before answer that question.
"i´d say i like... pretty men"
"what ya mean pretty man? whats pretty for you?" kirari put out the cigarette and throw it out the window to walk towards her wardrobe.
"um.." she tried to find an example of her taste, but the only person that come to her mind was "kanato perhaps" kirari turns to her with the uniform in her hands.
"you know, kanato"
they both looked at each other in silence for a few seconds.
"again, who?"
"kanato sakamaki"
"what?! you like one of these weirdo's? even worst, one of the weirdo's we live with?" kirari mouth was wide open for the surprise.
"nononono i dont like him" she responded fast while turning around so kirari could get dress "i just think he is very pretty physically but i have never talked to him yet"
"damn girl, you like them femenine"
kirari dressed fully and put on a brown sweeter, the weather was geting a little too cold for her.
"im done" she announced to mako so she can turn around again and keep talking.
"dont you think one of these boys we live with are... idk.. cute or something?" kirari keep silent while she put some stuff in her bag.
kirari doesnt really have a type, she only liked one perosn before and it wasnt a boy... so she could'nt tell if the sakamkis were her taste or not, she just liked people for other reason more than just a physical appeal.
"idk, i mean-" a knock on the door interrumped her sentence and follow by it the door opened showing reiji, well dressed and impecable as always.
"good evening, we'll be waiting for you both in the entrance" reiji looked at them up and down, analizing every part of their uniforms, looking for something to fix "your hair looks better up, keep it like that" he said to kirari who just give him a thump up "we be leaving in five minutes, hurry" and with that said he dissapear from their sight.
they just looked at each other, shrugging their shoulders.
already on their way to school, kirari and mako sat together, chatting and making some jokes about a serie both liked.
"i hate ross, he is the actual villain if you pay close atention to it"
"i dont like him either, he is just... so egothistical, rachel deserved better"
"rachel deserved joey, no one can change my mind and its a universal feeling bc i say so" mako put her hand together in front of her, like if she was praying.
"amen" kirari laugh at this but she got shushed instantly.
"shup up, i can't sleep with this much noise" the girls looked at shu, who was with his earphones on and some music can be heard if your're silent for a moment, which made them confused, how can he hear them if he was listening to music?
"we all can hear your stupid conversation over here, talking as if you both were fucking alone" subaru's voice sounded angry, really pissed, his eyes were closed and his arms and legs crossed.
"ok...sorry we'll keep it down" mako apologized no wanting to make any kind of argument, after all, they were the ones in charge and could, literally, kill them out of anger o just because they wanted. kirari just rolled her eyes, she was so done with them.
they are brothers but they dont talk to each other like normal brothers do, they keep silent and just mind their bussiness ignoring the rest, it was so off putting for kirari and mako.
"before we arrive, drink these now" reiji give stawberry juice boxes to mako and kirari. they both took it, mako directly begin to drink it while kirari just put it on her pocket, reiji notice this and glare at her in disbelief "i asked you to drink it before we arrive the academy"
kirari glare back at him.
"why tho?" reiji's glare became dark and scary, he hated being challenged in any kind of way, and worst, if he was challenged by a human.
"everybody like that juice, even your kind" kirari wasnt sure what he meant by that but she didnt like his tone. so dismissive and unfriendly, she felt like a little girl being ordered around.
"what ya mean my kind?"
"just drink it like i said, it'll keep your mind focus on class" mako was quiet, she knew why he gave them the juices.
"its really good actually" she said to kirari, wanting to evade a posible argument between them. reiji appreciated the support.
"I'm not thirsty"
"i know you dont eat before coming to school and I haven't seen you eat at the academy, so I know you won't eat anything until you get home. drink the juice so you don't pass out in the middle of a class, that would be a problem for you and me, and even worst it may affect you academy record" kirari felt a little intimidated, not only because of his words, she felt a strange sensation because of the way he looked at her, his eyes were deep and a little hypnotizing, as if just with his look he convinced her to do what he asked.
"ok.. dont make a big deal about it" she start drinking her juice box in silence until they arrive school.
the classes were calm for both girls, they met each break and explored some areas of the academy they didn't know and studied together in the library to kill time during a long break. when they separated for their last class, kirari went to the bathroom to take opioids so she can relaz for the rest time in the academy.
but she freaked out a little to see nothing on her little silver box, she was pretty sure she left some for today but maybe she was wrong, or someone took it, it was probably the first explanation. quickly she take her phone of her bag and called her dear dealer so they can meet right after classes.
"hello? who is it?" her dealer anwser her call.
"hey, its me kirari" she could perfectly hear him get excited, she knew he had a crush on her for some reason.
"heeey watcha doing gorgeous?" kirari smiled for his change in his tone, even if she wasnt interested, it was nice to have someone that treat her like that in a respectfull way, he didnt crossed the line and make their relation unconfrotable, she appreciated that "just wanted to say hi" kirari heard a loud laugh, making her laugh as well "you are terrible at lying sweetheart, c'mon, tell papa what you need and i'll make it happen for you" kirari smile wide.
"i need some opioides, or something new it would really help me"
"everything for you, tell me when and i'll go" she tought for a moment, she didnt wanted the sakamaki's to see her buying drugs, so maybe the enter of the school or the mansion wasnt her best option.
"what about the south exit of the city? I leave school in two hours and I think I can get there in 30 minutes if I get a car"
"i can send you a car, you know i'll do anything to give you some good shit"
"thaks buddy, you are the best"
"i know baby, see ya later then"
"yeah, see ya"
kirari sigh and headed to her last class, anxious for the class to end.
and when it came the moment, kirari had many excuses to say if reiji asked why she wasnt going with them to the house, even if he didnt belive her, she didnt wanted him or them to know. and while all of the brothers including mako got into the car, she stayed out, waithin for them to go without noticing her. but no.
"c'mon, dont make us wait for you" reiji spoke, making her nervous.
"i'll stay, i have some stuff to do, im waiting for a classmate" reiji looked at her, as if he was reading her mind or her soul, either way she was creep out.
"i can tell when you're lying, why would you?" she tensed up for his comment, why he was so good making people nervous? or was he just hot?
"ok sorry... im waiting for an old friend, i'll go to the house later so dont wait for me" reiji remaind silent, thinking his next words, kirari hated this kind of silence, so tense and so weird.
"alright, go, but shu will acompany you, he is in the academy and didnt listen to me when i told him we were goin home, make him go with you, i'll expect you two at the manor" kirari was spechless, why that guy of all of them? she couldnt remember his face. "take care" she didnt have the opportunity of saying something and the car just go.
"fuck, which one is shu?"
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eternalera · 8 months
Some problems i had with the finale in hazbin hotel
now before i start i just wanna say that i absolutely love and adore this show with all of my heart but with that being said i can still recognize its flaws and god does it have some
lets get one of the most obvious things out of the way first. charlie did literally nothing. she hit adam once or twice and he beat the shti out of her which was just a dumb excuse to have lucifer show up nad beat the shit out of him.
but more on that later. charlie is the main character and she only gets the motivation to go full 'god mode' when sir pentious dies? even then she didnt do anything. dazzle ends up dying but oh well its fine (or razzle i cant remember). she stabs adam once and even then he beats her up more than anything. hes powerful yes but charlie couldve put up more of a fight
she even has a song in episode 7 about taking charge but honestly... she doesnt really do that. actually sir pentious had a better arc than her and we hardly see him throughout the entire show
sir pentious' death was fine we see him gearing up and it was kinda leading onto the big scene where he would take on adam but...
bro got obliterated in less than like a second and then adam made a joke off of it. tbh at this moment i started laughing so hard because goddamn was it hilarious but then you have charlie and the hotel mourning it like not even five seconds after- like half a second after the joke.
the tonal whiplash of that scene was just... ugh-
like i didnt care about it being serious because guess what? im already laughing at the joke like everything that i cared for about him just thrown into the gutter because guess what? haha funny :)
but for that to be what makes charlie go into her full form still makes me mad- ugh
adams death was fine. he was killed by nifty so like- okay i guess. honestly i didnt really care for it. it was funny but then ONCE AGAIN you have lute cry over him and actually i cared more for that than nifty-
but its just like- nifty?
dont get me wrong its funny asf but... nifty? they treated both of what was meant to be serious deaths in this show as a goddamn joke and expect me to not call them out on it? like okay nifty shes a funny character but her killing adam just made me go though 3 different stages in the span of like- five seconds
bro just got stabbed wait what-
omg its nifty thats kinda funny
actually i dont really care for nifty so wtf-
like huh?
the death just kinda felt like... nothing to me. like i get thats its funny misogynistic asshole gets stabbed by crazy straight small bug woman. but i didnt really care for it. nfitys fine but i dont care about her enough for me to laugh out loud at this moment
lucifer's entrance was horrible. bro can open portals, he knew what they were doing, he knew what was coming yet he comes in like- halfway through the fight only when charlie's getting hurt
all im sayin is that if he was in it at the start the final episode wouldve been like half the amount of time it actually was...
oh yeah and pentious would be alive, but no they needed him to die to show that the hotel works so why not just hold him off.
im sorry but lucifer stole all of charlies glamour in this scene like charlie was getting choked after hitting adam once and then boom. daddy to the rescue ig
like are you kidding me? at least make it fucking vaggie or smth. not lucifer and why was he late? we've pretty much established that man doesnt do shit so like-
its fucking pointless it a quick and pretty damn cheesy ending. if he wasnt there at the start we dont need him at the end. or at least have him arrive earlier not at a convenient ass time
going back to the fact that NOT A SINGLE DEATH WAS TAKEN SERIOUSLY.
i know that sir pentious was coming back so its fine to make it a joke but like adam? bro thats your main villain right there. a show is only as good as its villain and honestly his death just wasnt satisfying (as i mentioned before)
like seriously wtf?
this all being said though i really enjoyed this show with my whole heart and i do love it and some of the things that it did. the fact that this show even got out is a goddamn miracle <3
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale's Thoughts: Derision
So the new Episode dropped a bombshell. It revealed just how much Marinette's past impacted her.
And before I write out everything
I will be talking the Good and the Bad
Spoilers obviously
So to make this as simple as possible.
Chloé bullied Marinette for years. While most of the school students were terrified of Chloé. Even the teachers and Principal were afraid to do ANYTHING regarding Chloé. Considering how much influence her father as Mayor had.
Socqueline was like an older protective sister to Marinette. During this time, Marinette developed a crush on Kim, his Himbo butt. Chloé found out about that and used it as an opportunity. Using Kim's inability to tell when something is too far, goes along with Chloé's idea for a prank.
This results in Marinette thinking Kim was serious about a relationship only to be offered a box full of bugs and causing her to fall into a pool as Chloé mocked her. Thus explaining Marinette's MASSIVE trauma on trust and why she plans out everything, why she distrusts any friend of Chloé and why she must know everything about someone before she can let herself confess.
Now this is sort of crucial as it explains why Marinette is how she is. As well as why even though things are going great with Adrien she cant fully embrace it.
Lets start with
This allows us to explain a lot of Marinette's insecurity and mistrust. Marinette wanting to NEVER let herself be caught off guard also explains why she is so gunho about planning everything. It also give support on why she was so HARSH to Adrien in Origins. He embodies nearly everything she swore to be against falling for. Mysterious boy, Friend of Chloé, and hiding things. Adrien was Marinette's antithesis as a person to fall for... YET SHE DOES ANYWAY. Showing how good of a person Adrien is, and how Marinette's heart can feel that truth within her. It also explains why Marinette was so obsessive in learning EVERY single thing she could about adrien. It wasnt because she was obsessive or hyperfocusing, she was so traumatized from the pool incident she never wants to be caught in such a position again.
This also goes to show how Socqueline was more of an impactful person to Marinette. But does make me question why she would not even be MENTIONED in season 1 (aside from the obvious that this was tacked on this season). But also explains why Marinette keeps her hair like that, as a sign of respect to Socqueline.
This also shows how great Adrien and Marinette are together. Adrien is ready to defend Marinette, and he is willing to go to great lengths to protect her. (Even kill). It was great to see Adrien be so understanding and wanting to make sure she is comfortable every step of the way. And it just adds so much to Origins.
The Bad:
It really just makes almost everyone else involved seem really awful.
Chloé and Sabrina being such awful people to her that you would think Marinette would NEVER let them touch a miraculous, even if she was desperate. Kim too but... she never initially chose Kim and/or likely repressed that trauma filled moment as a mental defense mechanism. But definitely doesnt explain Chloé and Sabrina.
Damocles, Mendeleiev and even Sabine dont come off that good. Sabine only getting a few points by having Socqueline step in to watch over Marinette. Now I heard its hard to change schools in paris, but I think after 3 F***ING years Sabine and Tom would havve done something. So it really doesnt seem good here.
It also really lampoons all of season 2 and 3 for chloé's development. All those appeals of genuine emotion. Nope, always evil and vile. The fact Marinette and the rest of the class even TOLERATED Chloé is straight CAP.
Kim also just loses a ton of likability here. I dont care how oblivious you are, WHY would you think Marinette would enjoy a prank at HER expense, especially when suggested by someone like Chloé? Did Kim really not get Chloé was evil?
This episode also makes episodes such as Animaestro so much worse. Marinette KNEW Chloé's type of pranks and still went along with it. Like even if you repress that traumatic event, the 3+ years of bullying. Marinette's reason for NOT choosing her in Loveater suddenly feels WAY more justified and NOT a mistake. Girl has trauma.
Marinette's empathetic nature towards Chloé now seems completely foolish. Anyone that knew Chloé should be convinced she is a hell spawn.
The fact Lila is friends with Chloé should put everyone on red alert.
This really makes me wonder how Marinette can even be remotely understanding of Chloé. It also makes Maledikator SO MUCH WORSE. Everyone was completely valid in Partying. Like damn.
Though ignoring Chloé, I guess the main thing is that this flashback brings up things that clash so hard with previous seasons and episodes. In origins, it made it seem like marinette had no friends. But in truth, Marinette did have a friend, even if she wasnt in the same year. I know not everyone knows of the prank going too far thanks to Socqueline, but Kim seemed more than happy to talk about the prank. You dont think word spread through his dumbass mouth?
Overall the episode brings up a lot of interesting tidbits about Marinette's character and is a net gain for the Adrinette relationship. But at the cost of previous canon and brings forth more problems than it solves.
I wish this was actually a two part episode where we could have gotten more to flesh things out. Maybe explain that Marinette feels guilty over Socqueline being suspended and stopped talking to her for a while. Or maybe that after the big prank. Socqueline showed up to Chloé's place and told her to back off since now there was NOTHING holding her back from an ass beating. There is more I feel like could have been done.
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musubiki · 1 year
If Lime is on more equal terms with Mochi being in the m34th what would a battle between the two of them be like? Or would they have like a “battle” cause one of Lime’s missions was to get a read on the cat witch or something of the sort. Or angst battle that’s always steamy👀
I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT THIS THE OTHER DAY!!!!!!!!! a fight between them would just be itching with banter and sexual tension so ofc i would love to see it heheheeh
many things to consider though on that fight.. aside from the fact that theyre in love and could never seriously hurt each other, in an actual serious fight assuming that wasnt an issue, im gonna use this as an excuse to ramble about general strengths and weaknesses (can also be applied to most witches and members of the m34th):
mochi is obviously the cat witch, extremely powerful magic. GREAT magic attacks and environmental control (ie using magic as the means but the end attack isnt actual "magic", like using magic to grab a tree and smashing them with it). she also has essentially unlimited resources in the idea that magic can do or summon anything she needs.
magic attacks alone unfortunately dont mean much against a black canvas. environmental control is still a plus (high res doesnt mean you can survive a boulder to the face), but another thing to consider is that as a witch, she cant kill anyone, and so cant fight with lethal force & has to hold back on all her attacks. another thing to consider is that the magic is limited, so she can always be worn down to exhaustion.
magic is okay (at best) for deflecting/shielding against the m34ths technology weapons (the idea is that the tech is advanced enough to be on par with magic weapons), and shes also okay (at best) at any hand-to-hand fighting (shes not amazing at it since most of her stock goes into magic, and lime is also taller/stronger so she would lose that fight). also dont forget shes very weak to water so if lime could factor that in, thats also something to consider
NOW FOR LIME, the obvious strength is the magic res. magic attacks like mochis magic swords/weapons/blasts dont do much to him. he has the tech weapons to break any magic shields she can use. as already mentioned hes taller (longer reach) and stronger so hand-to-hand is a no brainer, and more importantly hes not a witch so he can fight with the intent to kill (doesnt necessarily apply to them since theyre not trying to kill each other, but applies for a general fight between a witch and an m34th member). another thing to consider is limes running theme of being amazing at everything he does, so hes no run of the mill m34th guy, hes a cut above in terms of strength/strategy/smarts/skill
lime in particular though is cocky by nature, and a bit impatient. hes FAR more likely to do risky attacks and take chances if it MIGHT end the fight quicker, rather than taking a bit more time for a guaranteed success (kinda like in a pokemon battle when you know one more hit from the enemy will down your buddy, but you choose to attack anyway on the off-chance you land a crit and end the fight rather than using the turn to heal). also as mentioned earlier, high res doesnt mean high def so if the witch is smart enough she can still beat you by things like summoning a boat and smashing you with it. the m34th spends so much time fighting magic that they forget they can still be killed by normal things which is hilarious to me
ALL IN ALL THOUGH in a fight between mochi and lime i think lime would win. just from the fact that neither of them would be fighting full strength/trying to kill each other, and it would most likely come down to hand-to-hand since mochi wouldnt drop a building on him, lime would win.
(but in the scenario i was thinking, it was mochis grandma having them spar so she can evaluate mochis skill against an m34th member. mochis grandma is known to be hard on her, so lime held back a little more and let her win so she wouldnt have her family being like "shame...what kinda cat witch loses...."
she realizes this after the fact and when she asks him about it, he tells her something like "I know you were holding back a lot cuz you didn't want to hurt me, and I'm a lot better than a lot of people in the m34th. I'm telling you this right now: you would win against them in an actual fight. You don't need your grandma breathing down your neck for the next 4 months trying to drill more training into you." and thats why she loves him)
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dragynkeep · 2 years
thoughts on the argument that yang being the one to show up and get injured after adam says he will destroy everything she loves ( which includes friends and family) is evidence for bb for its foreshadowing going why wouldnt sun be there if he was planned to be blakes endgame ( to me there wasnt any reason for sun to get injured while there was reason for yang to get injured it caused yang to undergo character development and fix her fighting style not to mention it separated her from the rest of the team
to quote someone else
What reason would Sun have to lose a limb for Blake in V3E11? None. What reason would Yang have to lose a limb for Blake in V3E11? A lot. She realized that she can’t always rely on her Semblance and that she can’t jump into a battle with no fucks given like she did against Adam. Plus, this prevented her from following her teammates (most likely Ruby), thus inevitably dividing the team and allowing her to go through some serious character development while at home with Tai.
I’m gonna preface this with that I agree that putting Sun in Yang’s place really doesn’t change much and I agree that I don’t want Sun losing a limb for Blake in Yang’s place. Yang losing her arm is a great stepping point for an arc surrounding someone who really got the short end of the stick in terms of characterisation in her team. 
But she shouldn’t have lost it to Adam. 
She shouldn’t have been put in this storyline period. Adam shouldn’t have been Yang’s personal antagonist along with Blake, he should’ve been Blake and Weiss’. The two who have the most in the White fang storyline, rather than someone who’s there simply because she’s being pushed as one of Blake’s LIs. Yang, as someone who’s already established to struggle with abandonment issues, would still have been hurt by Blake leaving without saying anything, especially since she would still be recovering from losing her arm. 
And you can easily establish it as Grimm. Yang never treated Grimm as the threat they should be, just like she didn’t think before jumping in to fight Adam. Establish them as a very real threat, put an obstacle in Yang’s goal of becoming a Huntress by putting that fear in the creatures she can’t just kill off, and leave Blake and Adam’s fight to be about the White Fang and ideologies rather than “You hurt my maybe gf and now we’re gonna stop you!”
Ignoring how tone deaf Yang’s inclusion in the story was, especially towards the end where she acted like she knew who Adam was as a person. 
So yeah, agree that Sun shouldn’t be put in Yang’s place, but it wasn’t Yang’s place in the first place. 
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girlfictions · 1 year
hari need to know your thoughts on the succession finale once you finish it 🙏
i’ve genuinely been in a state of shock since i finished the ep so i’m probably going to ramble terribly bc my brain will explode otherwise.... thoughts under the cut!!! and massive spoiler warning obviously 💪
OKAAYYY in no particular order:
greg getting whacked was beautiful i wish he'd been stomped into a pulp honestly sorry for not being able to separate the art from the artist but nicholas braun is a weasel and i hope he gets hit by a car
that being said tom and greg's interactions this ep were top tier i'm not a tomgreg enthusiast like That but i think every scene of theirs was hilarious as it was twisted
tom this whole episode... phenomenal. matthew is just a cut above in terms of acting he embodied tom's hunger and desperation and patheticisms so perfectly i really felt more and more unsettled by him every appearance
i do wish we had more stewy screentime but i also wish that for every single episode arian moayed is so freaking talented and charismatic and amazing and he ate up every second he was on screen
speaking of stewy. "you kiss guys on molly" <- BITCH.....? i actually don't know if i've mentioned this on tumblr but i'm a kenstewinator for life and frankly this was confirmation that they explored each other's bodies at college idgaf what anyone has to say about it
ohhhh my god the fucking "meal fit for a king" scene. i can't even find the words for it. seeing them all so happy and having so much fun with each other in that moment was just so heartbreaking bc i KNEW it wasn't going to last 😭 like my mum and i literally checked how much time was left in the episode after that scene and looked at each other like Wellll something terrible is going to happen isn't it.
kendall My beautiful baby boy kendall IM SORRY I WASNT YOUR MOTHERRRRRRRR . i could honestly write an essay about kendall in this episode alone i have never seen such a tragic crumbling of the self maybe ever. him sitting at logan's desk thinking he's finally won... his reaction to shiv betraying their deal... him attacking roman like i was seriously breathless my god that entire sequence was fucking crazy
and to be quite honest if i was kendall in that situation well i would have killed myself in that damn board room and changed the trajectory of all those old hags lives forever . like "i'm a cog built for one machine" And now he has nothing no father no siblings no wife no kids no company my fucking goddddddd 🤦‍♀️
i started chanting "please please please dont kill yourself" out loud in the final scene and i'm dead serious the kendall water motif HAUNTS ME and i was so freaking scared . but that final frame is honestly equally awful like kendall alone with colin in the background him basically becoming logan with none of the power this is seriously the worst possible ending for him.....
shiv doomed to repeat the pattern of being under a man's thumb is genuinely so deeply demented jesse armstrong sleep with one eye open. and i hate it so much because it makes so much SENSE like yeah she's lady macbeth she's caroline she's the wife she's the mother and she will never be anything else okay OKAYY.
like that scene w her and tom in the car where he waits for her to hold his hand was so fucking spine chilling also the ambiguity of us not knowing whether tom knows that shiv was the deciding vote in his favour is crazy <- i do think it makes sense that he would know but just shiv having that as a bargaining chip so they can sting each other over and over again like its all about the cycles i fear
roman being so resigned to it all by the end was sick like ok that comment about kendall's kids was evil but i still felt for him howeverr i do think out of the trio he will be objectively the most okay in the future... like he's free from it all in a way shiv obviously isn't and kendall literally can't be
honestly i'm struggling to articulate anything more i'm still so overwhelmed by how it came to a close.. never have i watched a show that left me so heartbroken and hollow but also absolutely satisfied narratively like succession is going down in the history books FR 😭
also they're def going to sweep the emmys and it will be so deserved i seriously think they need to invent a new rule to allow for a tie because i cannot imagine how they're going to decide between kieran and jeremy for best lead... <- i do lean a little towards jeremy bc i'm a biased kendall girl but kieran's performance esp in the first half of this season was just jawdropping so who knows
this got really long i'm so sorry but i feel like a crazed woman what a fucking show what a fucking ending i will never be the same after this SUCCESSION YOU WILL ALWAYS BE SO FAMOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!
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acaciapines · 10 months
What's your favorite relationship in the au? Or if that's too broad, top five relationships?
he he im taking top five lol. these are. somewhat in An Order but also not really dont think about it.
Luz and Mari: like, come on. i have to do luz and her daemon!! when i first sat down to start writing this fic and figured out what exactly was going to be the driving relationship at the core of the fic...it was the two of them. the owl house itself is so much about luz and coming to terms with who she is and how she GOOD and amazing even if what she wants and does isnt like, society-typical, and being able to externalize that between these two has been so so so fun.
King and The Collector: i wasnt supposed to love them so much help. but...man, i have fallen in LOVE with the relationship between these two, and how absolutely messy and complicated it is. they care about each other so much. the collector doesnt know how to show that. king doesnt know how he can after everything the collector has done. they are both so good and important to me
Luz and Hunter: okay. look. of course they were going to end up on here. what is there even to say about them? they go through so much together and come out the other side and dont really know who they are anymore, just that if they didnt have the other, they would, 100%, be dead. and thats...certainly a thing to hold.
The Collector and Firefly: firefly sees a sad child and says is anybody going to adopt that. and doesnt even wait for an answer. but being serious its so much fun to write firefly and the collector and their attempts to understand each other--firefly understands the collector in a way king cant because shes gone through something similar, and she very much sees a kindred spirit in the collector even if they dont know what that is yet.
Luz and Eda: thats her mom...thats her daughter...writing all the fumbles as eda attempts to be a good parent for luz and has to stumble through learning about humans, and luzmari trying to be a good daughter when theyre scared it means replacing camila, even though family doesnt work like that...oh its so GOOD its so FUN i LOVE THEM.
and of course, some of the many honorable mentions:
luz and amity! (teaching each other to be happy and live and be themselves and luz is only able to be herself bc of amity and amity is only able to be herself bc of luz and they were each the thing that allowed the other to finally stop repressing Their Respective Issues....girlfriends of all time....)
willow and gus and amity! (the layers to their friendships is everything okay. the messy broken friendship of willow and amity. gus befriending amity with none of that baggage and willow feeling hurt still but not wanting to ruin gus's friendships and amity not knowing how to make things better so she just pretends it never happened ITS SO FUN WHEN I FOCUS ON THEM--)
eda and firefly! (learning to co-parent with your owl curse is actually the funniest thing in the world)
amity, edric, and emira! (they are in no way a huge focus but i LOVE amity being a bitey baby sibling okay. no holds barred she WILL beat her siblings at literally anything. she will go for the kill w no prompting and its DELIGHTFUL)
firefly and raine! (firefly is SO salty that raine broke up with eda okay. shes so so offended on eda's behalf. but its okay they work it out and now raine has. two girlfriends? and one is an owl. this is fine)
katya, amber, and derwin! (the bats are so so silly and so so stupid and giving them a pov was the best choice i ever made actually)
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hatakefamily · 2 years
This is stupid, this was so fucking stupid but Jun would get himself killed of they didnt do something about it.
Maya and Kai knew for a while that their teammate was doing some shady shit lately, but this was damn near crazy. With Jun's landlord raising the price on rent he started to sell weapons to people that really, really shouldnt be having them. The teens knew money was needed to live in their world, but there had to be something better than that, especially something that wasnt gonna get their buddy arrested let alone lose his job.
Amaya was looking at her shoes, she knew this was the responsible thing to do, but she hated being a snitch--what happened to having eachother's backs no matter what? She took a glance at her level headed friend, "You sure we should do this, I mean I dont know if you have but I've certainly done my share of unethical shit for cash."
"Yeah, but first off you legitimately had no other option with your unemployed ass and secondly I remember you having to go to court multiple times for stealing," Kaito was biting his nails, he didnt really know why he was nervous. The kid trusted Kakashi, it wasnt like he'd throw the kid in a cell on sight, but still this was bad. Not to mention the guilt swallowing him for not calling this bullshit out when he found out a month ago.
They both knew it was pointless to try and talk since into their comrade now, the teen was too stubborn for his own good. Knowing Junpei he probably had been doing this for awhile now (considering that his landlord raised the rent almost four months ago) and was getting an adrenaline rush by not getting caught yet. But gods damn this could lead to serious trouble, with the law and rougher 'customers.'
Kaito wanted to go to Anko-sensei about it first, yet Maya brought up a good point; what would she be able to do? Don't get them wrong, they wouldnt trade their sensei for the world but when it came to legal strings she had little to none, at best she could maybe talk Jun down to taking a break from pushing illegal weapons.
The kids lost the chance for consideration when they saw a familiar silver haired man.
Kakashi was a busy man. There were a lot of things for him to do in a day and rarely did he find the opportunity to linger around and chat with old friends.
Yet, as he rounded the corner and laid eyes upon Kaito and Maya standing in the hallway just outside of his office, he couldn't help but feel like this was one of that moments he had to make time.
Perhaps it was the glum looks on their faces or the overbearing weight that seemed to hover in the small space. Maybe it was simply because he hated seeing the two of them look at him as if they were afraid to speak.
Afraid to tell him whatever it was that plagued his mind.
Coming to a stop in front of the pair he looked between them. An attempt to assess the situation before he broached the subject of their presence.
Judging by the way Kaito refused to meet his eyes, he guessed that it was bad.
Very bad.
"And to what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked in a poor attempt to lighten the mood even just a little.
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pyjamaart · 2 years
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"sometimes i forget that youre a robot."
"whaddya mean?"
"every time we talk and you mention things like 'gears' or 'metal', the realization hits me that youre not actually made of flesh and blood. im just not used to this. before i met you, the only exposure i had to robots were science fiction movies."
"i get that a lot actually. dont know what to make of that tho. is it a good or a bad thing?"
"im not sure. but if i didnt know you were a robot, i never would have guessed. i remember when honoka and the others first met you and she thought you were just a guy dressed in a mascot costume, hehe…"
"mascot for what? greenpeace? a manifestation of the dying forest? a guy posing as a tree whos actually made of metal and wires? reminds me of the mother 3 logo actually lol."
"whaaat? haha, no. i thought of something like a super market or a football team. i could picture you holding up a sign for a sale in the produce section, hihihi…"
"now that you mention football, reminds me of the time our dad forced us to play football against the light bots. shit was wild."
"i wonder, what were you originally build to do? before we all met."
"uuuhhh… destroying megaman. dont laugh, but im actually a killing machine."
"you- what? are you serious?"
"yeah dude. im dangerous."
"do i have to remind you of the time you tried to fight me back when we were still enemies?"
"it wasnt that bad."
"you lost an arm when you tried to land a punch on me. i didnt even have to do anything. you quite literally destroyed yourself right in front of me."
"i was just going easy on you dude. smh."
"of course you did."
"even tho, to be honest, when my arm went flying i was actually concerned for a second. i hate looking at my insides. seeing all those wires and tubes makes me feel like my thoughts dont belong to my body. like theyre too human to belong to a machine. idk man its kind of hard to explain."
"like your thoughts dont belong to your body?"
"yknow, i used to look different. since all of this shit with the channel went down, i sometimes feel like ive become an entirely different person. or robot, rather. i still have the memories from when i was built, when i fought megaman, the time i spent with my brothers… but all of it feels kind of disconnected from me, as if they were actually someone elses memories, not mine."
"maybe this has something to do with all the dimension traveling youve been doing?"
"maybe. hell if i know man. i remember back when i was still working with the voice, he once told me to my face that my existence was an accident. back then i just didnt care about it. i just said 'nice', like i usually do and moved on with my life. but the more i think about it now, the more sense it makes. am i even who i claim to be? or am i just some fucked up glitch that stole some poor robots identity and memories? i feel like i dont belong when im with my bros, like im just an imposter who acts like their real brother. lol yknow like the game."
"woah woah woah! youre getting a little too existential there for my taste! of course youre the real you, who else would you be? youre talking to me right now, arent you? your not 'some fucked up glitch' and youre definitely not an accident either. youre my friend. and i cant believe he said something like that to you…"
"thanks. i guess i really needed to hear that right now."
"of course. thats what friends are for, arent they? grounding you when you start to question your own existence."
"i guess. lol."
"that reminds me, you keep mentioning your brothers. are they at all similar to you?"
"heh. no, theyre nothing like me. theyre all fucking lunatics. but the lovable kind. they dont even know what i get up to behind their backs. feels bad lying to them this much all the time."
"they dont know?"
"dude what do you expect me to tell them? 'yeah listen im actually a dimension traveller, i manage a music channel in my free time and also all of you are actually fictional characters from some video game lol' i think you and me having existential dread over that fact is enough. no reason to make them worry about that stuff for no reason. that wouldnt be nice at all."
"well, youre right about that. i… try not to think about it. its kind of a scary thought. being the product of someones imagination."
"yeah, not thinking about it might be for the best."
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pinkseas · 1 year
[parasocial bestie] NAWT ME TRYING TO GO BACK MY OWN TAG AND LIKE. REMEMBER WHICH TF RESPONSE I HAVE NOT RESPONDED its compulsory i must answer to Everything or i will die so Anyway im throwing everything in one ask HAHA
THE POST WITH THE LYRICS,... XIAOCORE,..... "When you said that I was killing myself / I've killed everything but my shame" indicating xiao wasnt regretting all the hurt he's done to himself be it from his duty or the repercussions bc he knows he Deserves it and takes it without caring any dignity like YOU JUST CANT
and adnd and!! GOWSH IT MAY BE A SHORTER SCENE OBV NOT MAIN FOCUS OR WHATEVER u gonna add in the next xiaolumi fic but i am just. gosh they mean saur much 2 me,..... he's concussed. zhongli frets like a mother. he's concussed what did he do to reach that point how serious it is to get zhongli fret like a mother. i am jUSTTTTTTT
and u. the. the xiao's mom you really went there you madmanwomangirlgnc. i read it all and i am crying sobbing at 4am that time. i am not okay i jsutcant believe this i cannot believe. the traits that she used to have that unconsciously influences xiao and at some point used in an unhealthy way than she intended for him to learn. "she sees no use dwelling in the past", he sees every. single mistake of it, of what he did even if it's out of his will. but also disregarding how he used to be, of that suffering if others know, and with the goodest of intentions- to point out what he's been through makes him deserving of care. my guy twists the morals so he can have his existence barely known so he can continue that quest of redemption he never had to do, or has long been redeemed.
"(she names him alatus, gives him wings the only way she can. may he never be trapped as she was for so long. may he always find a way to fly.) / (funny, really, how that works out.)" I AM LITERALLYYYYY NOT OKAYYYY I AM SO!!!!!! OK BUT I JUST,SF.FSFLDF THINK ABOUT HIS WINGS THE MOMENT U MENTIONED IT like. yeah bird adeptus yes absolutely its always canon but the thing about his wings. like how do you hc he lost it. ppl would go for amputation, or its still salvageable but it's been rendered so bad it doesnt have the strength for him to take flight. id pick one but i cant cuS MAN BOTH HAVE THEIR OWN UNIQUE PROGRESS OF GRIEF FOR HIM,..... to lose flight entirely is to lose part of himself and that's been like that for millenia it gets even harder once he knows lumine had wings before that HAS a chance to be obtained again,..... but for now they share that loss of wings, to feel the wind in your face as you fly higher and higher into the clouds.......
"it isn’t her fault or negligence or neglect that leads to him being taken. it’s the cruelty of the world and bad luck, plain and simple. he remembers missing her. he remembers missing her so much it ached." everytghing that comes after thsis. everything. i just,. im so,... sogdgfg im SO
"he makes her a grave. it takes a very long time. there’s no name and a marker only he would recognize. it’s nothing special. he thinks, distantly, that she deserved more than this. but it’s all he has, and that will have to be enough. and then he does what she always did, what she always taught him to do: he moves forward." dead on the floor
"you cant stop turning to talk to them only to realize you’re facing an empty space. paimon helps. paimon really, truly helps. but she’s her own person, a friend, not a sibling or a twin. not a replacement. not even close." WITH THE WAY I HOLD PAIMON FOR DEAR LIFE, THIS IS A REALITY I HAVE TO FACE AS MUCH AS HER!!!!! SHE IS NO REPLACEMENT!!! so i had to dig one of my other brainrot drafts where paimon had been a lil guilty for not contributing anything to the chasm, snapping at lumine for trying to reason her. pasting that sht here cus it still gets me despite im not exactly a Writer (and i like to put a lil sad quirk that paimon can go off third person in her speech if she's serious on it)
Her outburst was over with a harsh sob, and the pixie looked even smaller than physically possible. Paimon wiped her eyes roughly with a puffy sleeve, and Lumine wondered how contradictive her companion is when it comes to self expression. “... I wanted to do something.” “Not just talking, not just… being like this.” The pixie kicked the air weakly, fiddling with the folds of her shirt. “But it’s why I talk most of the time, so you don’t have to. Maybe then I’ll get to know Teyvat better, and how to get out of things faster. The Chasm was… scary.” 
"Getting trapped there is different than when you were almost split in half most of the time." Paimon rubbed her eyes again, a sniffle too quiet to be heard.  "'Cause your brother won't find you that way, and it means I broke my promise to you."
SO. YEA. paimon my emotional support flying nugget
"it def influenced my own thoughts on the travelers and their powers and how strong they were Before teyvat and how its changed them after" "i keep lumi and aether in that space between mortal and god / theres so much wiggle room and them as gods outside of very specific portrayals doesnt feel right to me / but theyre definitely VERY powerful and very inhuman imo"
PERSONALLY i looooooooove the different interpretations of the twins being primordial gods,.. or like as you said, that space between mortal and god, though to me i dont have a strong enough picture when it comes to defining what exactly they are in nature but def in that little space. cus i like to characterize lumine AND aether as human as they can and are, probably bc im projecting probably bc im a bitchass on a god's ego and personifying that. i revolve the story of the twins' journey regarding humanity, but more on them leaning to feeling human and mortal than a god, bc they HAD been gods before. or at least something equivalent.
and actually? my first impression of the twins to push the hc isnt through these typa fics, its from the theory that tied the twins with hyv's other game honkai impact 3rd; that theyre sort of 'scouts' that travels throughout space for a habitable world while honkai is close to its own cataclysm by Advanced Development being a threat to gods; just like khaenriah. so like. its a mess of a theory i saw long ago but ye kno!! its been stuck in my head since, and it solidifies my thought to lumine acting like a human bc she is, or was, with whatever happened in between turning her and her brother into who they are now. in that little space between.
so like!! for these twins. aether is more empathetic, he understood far more than lumine ever does, bc he doesnt focus on the duty more than the ppl he meets. lumine being the more calculative and speculative twin, doing strategies and being first in the offense- altho aether is the one ready to back her up and in the frontline, her tank and shield. hes more carefree, more kind, what nara varuna had been to the aranara is what he had been still. to cry for the forest people, to cry for those even if he thought; lumine would tell me to think this again, to not rely too much whats in his heart. now without him in the picture, she asks herself her own question. she looks back at how ae would do, would act and think thats not as far as she does. that lumine thinks through logic, and aether thinks through compassion. and then to the present where he's gone and she'd slowly fill the space he had been into her own personality, learning how he had been bc the aether she saw now was not there anymore. like gooooshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh IDKKKKKKKKKK
"indicating xiao wasnt regretting all the hurt he's done to himself be it from his duty or the repercussions bc he knows he Deserves it and takes it without caring any dignity" exactly <3333333333333 no bc like. he doesnt Care he doesnt care about how much it hurts him hes so convinced that he DOES deserve it, its just part of his life part of his duty nothing more and nothing less. but that doesnt stop the shame that comes with anything he perceives as failure (which is definitely A Lot Of Things) or shit like being too injured to continue fighting im so. fmgnfgmnfmngmf
it may not be the Main focus but zhongli and xiao's relationship in this fic is basically the second biggest focus beyond xiao himself/the xiaolumi of it all tbh, even before we started talking before The Brainrot Festivals i knew i really wanted to highlight their relationship and dynamic and the way i was portraying them, zhongli will definitely be a very important part of it !! as for. what led to xiao being concussed and zhongli fretting that much. well. smile. im a fan personally although i DO really need to polish up the scene i did it so long ago its such a mess...... god thats ognna be SO fun i should try to do that today
"you madmanwomangirlgnc" GIGGLING SM HELP
"the traits that she used to have that unconsciously influences xiao and at some point used in an unhealthy way than she intended for him to learn." yeah <3333 "my guy twists the morals so he can have his existence barely known so he can continue that quest of redemption he never had to do, or has long been redeemed." NO BECAUSE LITERALLYYYYYYYYYYY its so fucked up i am going to Squeeze Him i am going to pour so much love into him that it overflows and turns into self love on god.
"but the thing about his wings. like how do you hc he lost it. ppl would go for amputation, or its still salvageable but it's been rendered so bad it doesnt have the strength for him to take flight. id pick one but i cant cuS MAN BOTH HAVE THEIR OWN UNIQUE PROGRESS OF GRIEF FOR HIM" w. well you see. the problem is. i have basically Never Thought About This. ive considered him with wings and thought about the Having but not the losing. so here are some thoughts off the top of my head, not all viable in canon but yknow
he still has them, but has rendered himself incapable of true flight. got rid of the flight feathers after rex lapis freed him, quite literally grounded himself in liyue. devotion and punishment all in one. i dont actually like this one too much but it was one of my first thoughts just in terms of wanting him to still have them but flight being out of reach
the god who enslaved him injured them beyond repair very very early on when xiao was doing his best to fight back against it, caging him in more ways than one. a show of control and power over him, a way to further force xiao to bend to his will. with proper care and healing they may have recovered, even as horrifically mangled as they were, but naturally that never happened
he still had his wings serving that god, but those victims who fought back against xiao when he came for them eventually damaged them beyond flight and/or beyond repair in an attempt to ground him and make him less dangerous/take him down
^^^^^ in either of those two above scenarios i like to imagine that the remains still cling to him when he's freed, and either zhongli or the other yakshas eventually help him fully remove them. they're a mess, they're dead weight, and they're never going to heal- he'd rather them gone completely than dragging on him like this, a constant reminder of what he'd (rightfully, in his own mind) lost
zhongli and/or some of the other adepti end up fighting xiao himself before the god who he serves is killed, and it isnt until then that his wings are damaged truly beyond repair and taken from him. he kneels and they're mangled, bloodied and broken, hanging limply from his back, and all he wants now is to die free. he doesnt deserve to live, not after what he's done. but death would be too kind, too, and so he accepts it when his life is spared, swears himself to morax instead. whoever it was who fucked his wings up like that feels awful about it, they approach him eventually to apologize. xiao doesn't know how to tell them how relieved he was to be rid of them in that moment, to have the ties to his past self fully cut. it's easier like this, if he's made anew, made to serve a new purpose, if he can abandon any semblance of love or naivety or innocence he once carried. it hurts something deep inside of him to imagine that that child survived. easier to see him buried, easier to separate himself from it all.
okay i think that's all ive really got id have to take some more time to think abt it ummmm. i think i like the last one the most? combined with the idea that it's zhongli or the yakshas who finally get rid of them? something about someone else being there, xiao not so much as flinching as an entire limb is severed from his body, the literal and emotional weight that vanishes with them. the scars are clean and smooth. xiao neither regrets their loss nor blames the one who ruined them. the wish to have them back goes hand in hand with the wish to have the rest of him back, to be who he used to be, and there's no use in thoughts like that. not anymore.
"it gets even harder once he knows lumine had wings before that HAS a chance to be obtained again,..... but for now they share that loss of wings, to feel the wind in your face as you fly higher and higher into the clouds......." o(-( crying shaking sobbing on the floor YEAH............ that shared loss. god. both of them mourning the freedom it granted them, both of them holding anemo so close to their hearts because it's not the same but it's enough.
"'Cause your brother won't find you that way, and it means I broke my promise to you." this broke me. this Broke Me. SHE DOESNT WANT TO BREAK HER PROMISE SHE WANTS THEM TO BE REUNITED....... EUEUEUUEUEUEUUEU
"i revolve the story of the twins' journey regarding humanity, but more on them leaning to feeling human and mortal than a god, bc they HAD been gods before. or at least something equivalent." this FUCKS this is such a good way to look at it and direct it holy shit ??? learning to feel human learning to live as mortal people do learning the values of life itself learning how to love the little things....... man. Man.
"that theyre sort of 'scouts' that travels throughout space for a habitable world while honkai is close to its own cataclysm" i dont know SHIT about honkai but god that sounds so fucking cool and also huge rip to them oh my god... going out to scout a new world On A Time Limit and suddenly its 500+ fucking years later giggling sm
"with whatever happened in between turning her and her brother into who they are now. in that little space between." THIS IS SO GOOD them having been human once and eventually reaching the point where they are now......... g o d
"he doesnt focus on the duty more than the ppl he meets. lumine being the more calculative and speculative twin, doing strategies and being first in the offense" YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH this is something that can be so <3333 and her looking back and thinking about what aether would do THE AETHER SHE'S SEEN NOW ISN'T THERE ANYMORE.... GODDDDDDDDD im so. the mourning that comes with losing a twin, not knowing if they're dead or alive or where or how to find them, the mourning of your other half of always being known of living spent together. and the desperate hope of seeing them again only for that to come crashing down because this isnt who you knew, isnt who you remember, not at all. you are standing in front of a stranger. they still act like they know you, but you dont know them. not anymore. not at all. and that's its own unique kind of grief, to have someone who used to be your everything right there and to know nothing about them.
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gb-archived-blog · 7 years
Seriously though fuck those guys - cont. from here with @hcbbyhero​
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      ❝ I mean... that works too, I guess. I feel like we might get in trouble with the Association though, even if we left those losers alive. ❞
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mocharadio · 3 years
Now Playing(Title): Touching Their Boobas! (Headcanons)
Requested By: @polluxminor
Song Artists(Characters): Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, Zhongli, Xiao, and Beidou
Remix(Au): Modern Au! cause why not
Lyrics(Summary): Their reaction to you just randomly squeezing their boobs ?????? gn!reader by the way, but pronouns aren't really mentioned regardless
Explicit?(Warnings): No beta we die like Khaenri'ah, lowercase, suggestive (but nothing more than that!), they/them used for Kaeya, Beidou, and Xiao, slightly ooc but I feel like they'd act differently in a modern setting anyways
A/N: consider this to be crack, also this is under the impression that you are already their s/o (or at least their bestie) and they're fine with you doing this because it would be....very much weird if that wasnt the case!
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he just looks at you for a few seconds and blinks like three times in a row
you swear you can hear the blinking sound effects as he does it too
then they let out their stupid, toothy smirk and start laughing at you
"Damn shawty, you down THAT bad?"
starts squeezing their tiddies himself and talks about how nice they are
can and will defend them with his life. ESPECIALLY if you take it back and call them flat. expect all hell to break loose.
will probably bring up his ass at some point too
"Got tha fattest ass on the block babey"
please shut this guy up.
doesnt even realize whats going on at first
like Kaeya he'll just kinda stare at you for a few seconds before it finally hits him
like a truck, too
"[Name], why are your hands on my chest"
"Man tiddies."
"I see."
he'll never tell you upfront but it flusters him a lot
as soon as you aren't paying attention to him anymore his face gets all red and he has to put a hand over his heart to make sure his HR is stable so he doesn't collapse and die
do it more often! eventually he'll crack and you'll be able to see how embarrassed he gets! its really cute :]
dont. you'll regret it
im serious this man is so extra for no reason
he can and will fake moan out loud. doesnt matter where you guys are.
in the middle of walmart? he'll moan. in your college dorm with the door cracked open and people in the halls? he'll still fake moan! he doesnt care if professor Zhongli or Albedo hears either, it is what it is.
generally speaking though he doesn't really mind, he's flattered actually!
you on the other hand will probably mind very much when it gets you kicked out of Starbucks or extra homework from your professors.
will grab your chest back though (only if you're fine with it)
poor peepaw.
he's so confused he doesn't know why you're just groping him like that
he thinks there's something wrong, like you're silently pleading for help or you wanna kill him.
he grabs you by the shoulders and asks if everything is alright.
yeah???? everything's okay your tits are just fat Zhongli please calm down
after he realizes you just wanted to grope him he sighs out of relief and lets you go to town
unless you don't wanna anymore, then he's cool with that too
run. run as fast and as far away as you fucking can
they will chase your ass across the goddamn country if needed
dropkicks you (playfully)
he genuinely doesnt mind it at all it just caught him off guard and flustered them and they needed to cope somehow
after he's done attacking you like a rabies ridden raccoon though he'll calm down and just snuggle themself into your chest (if you're fine with it)
grumbles some shit like "stop being horny all the time" and "you cant just do that to me"
doesn't really mean it of course
"This is why mom doesn't FUCKING LOVE YOU!"
in all seriousness though I feel like they'd laugh their ass off before (consensually) groping the fuck out of your chest too
she's so nonchalant about it as if you do it every single day
which you probably do, after that
teases you nonstop over it.
one day you accidentally grope them a little to hard and they just gently pick you up and tosses you onto the nearest soft surface
then she jumps onto you
small price to pay for hurting her tatas
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cynettic · 3 years
Hello, can I request a reaction with childe, albedo, xiao and diluc where their SO is pretty clumsy and one day, they (the characters) just snap and say mean things? Please end it with comfort or something nice, my heart isnt strong enough to handle full angst :')
Clumsy S/O x Genshin
Summary - As someone clumsy, the genshin boys often pay special attention to your little accidents and mishaps. One day they snap, comforting ending though ;-;
Pairings - ClumsyReader x Childe / Albedo / Xiao / Diluc
Warnings - A bit of possessive behaviour for Xiao- but otherwise, a tad bit of angst at the beginning of each one.
A/N - After I wrote Albedo’s hc I realized that seeing him angry… would be really hot. Might write up a degradation one after-
“Stop it! It’s not funny anymore!”
It wasn’t surprising that once again, you’d managed to trip on your own feet and now somehow the vase sitting on the stool next to the couch had fallen… and broke.
But it was the first time you’d heard those words come from him.
“What do you mean… stop?”
Childe had never said anything about your clumsy antics, always picking you up and laughing or teasing the situation off. On the occasion that you got hurt, he’d tend to your wounds and make you promise to be more careful. Of course there was always a next time, and next time, and text time…
Until Childe had enough.
“From falling- tripping over your feet and taking down everything with you! No one tumbles around this much… so either you’re just doing this for fun or- or…”
He began to realize after those words that he’d taken it too far. When glancing at your teary eyes and how your figure started to shake he knew he couldn’t take those words back.
He knew it wasn’t your fault, he knew you tried to be as careful as you could.
But it was so frustrating.
You were still laying on the ground from the fall, and he bent down to help you up. You didn’t look him in the eyes, and an empty feeling buried itself in his stomach when you stood up.
“I’m… sorry.”
It was you who spoke these words, shoulders still shaking. You knew it might’ve been frustrating or annoying for Childe.
The two of you are just standing there, Childe feeling ten times guiltier because you apologized, and you feeling terrible because you’d broken another vase and he’d yelled at you for it.
The two of you feel so bad about it- ;-;
It isn’t till Childe acts out and pulls you into a hug that you realize he felt bad for yelling at you. Sure he may have been frustrated, but it was only cause he was worried about your well being, he didnt want you getting hurt.
“Im sorry Y/n… I didn’t mean to act out like that. I know you're trying your best.”
“What happened.”
It was supposed to come out as a question, his eyes trailing over the mess of his lab and the sorry pitiful state it was in.
It didn’t come out sounding like a question.
Seeing Albedo angry of all things was only a myth among the knights of Favonius, a joke to Klee, and a topic never brought up to the citizens of Monstadt.
Albedo? Mad?? Impossible.
Well, you were living proof that it indeed wasnt a myth to see the alchemist angry.
“I fell…” was all you said in response to his glare. “I wasn’t paying attention and I tripped against the table… I’m sorry…”
Of course you were sorry, just waiting for Albedo to get home and maybe scanning the lab and all his experiments while he was away. No bad intentions, but unfortunately your bad habit of tripping over your own feet summoned itself at the worst moments.
Usually, Albedo would catch you with utmost ease. A reflex he’d learned from Klee before she went sprinting out to cause more of a ruckus. If you were to get hurt, he’d usher or carry you back into his house before patching you up. It was always quick and painless, but he made you repeat why you’d fell and how to avoid it.
Albedo wouldn’t be comforting you now.
“You fell?” He simply asked, his tone menacing enough to know that it was something important in that jumble of experiments. “You seem to do that a lot nowadays don’t you?”
You’re at a loss for words, “I’ll help you clean it up… I didn’t mean to-”
Not wanting to mention how the glass shards had cut your hand, you stood up with wobbly knees to start picking up the pieces of glass. You were sure your boyfriend had put a lot of work towards this, and you felt terrible for having ruined it all.
Albedo isn’t a savage tho.
He notices the cut on your palm, and your shaky figure as you begin to clean up the mess you’d made. He knows that cleaning up the lab as soon as possible is important, but you’re still his top priority.
“Come here.”
When you don’t immediately go to him, he walks to you. Taking your wrists and getting a good view of the injury. He tugs you to the doorway to get you fixed up, and realizes that you’re shaking, a little bit too much…
“It… seems I was a bit too harsh earlier.” He fully faces you, expression softening. “I’m sorry, I know you didn’t mean to, none of the items on the table were of any importance if it makes you feel better.”
Please let him wipe any stray tears if you do cry, he didn’t mean to sound so angry, and really doesn’t care too much about what was on that table. Poor man’s just had a tough day at work.
“I worry for you, every single minute of every goddamn day- every moment that my eyes aren't on you! Why don’t you make it easier for me and just sit still?!”
Xiao is protective.
That fact is known, its accepted, you might even find it endearing.
But Xiao has lived a much longer life than you, he’s seen the people he loves crumple and drain away. Watched them fade from his life one at a time, so he’s dedicated to making sure you stick around.
He knows that eternity isn’t an option for you, so he makes sure that the time you both have together is s a f e . Which means yes, he will catch you every single time you fall. Especially if it’s off the Wangshu stairs that you somehow always trip on?
The poor boy worries excessively for you, so much that he will try to hurry up the process of clearing out the normal hilichurls or threats that lie around Liyue Port.
But on the very rare occasion that you somehow end up into trouble without him there…
You don’t yell “Xiao” like he told you to, you know he makes such an effort on making you safe, a bit too much… you don’t want to summon him to every trouble you have. You’re independent, one scrape isn’t going to kill you.
“I’m fine,” you simply say when he comes back to find your whole hand encompassed in bandages. “Just tripped.”
Xiao is not impressed.
He worries too much, far too much, and seeing you brush it off when he tries so hard to make sure you’re never in pain- he wishes you’d just sit still, wait for him and not trip on your own feet when doing such mundane things.
“I worry for you, every single minute of every goddamn day- every moment that my eyes aren't on you! Why don’t you make it easier for me and just sit still?!”
You’re obviously taken aback by the statement, “Xiao?” You offer him a comforting hug, trying to loosen his stiff muscles. “It’s impossible from protecting me from everything y’know… I appreciate your worry but I’m fine.”
But that’s a matter that is strained between the two of you, and will continue to be that way until either Xiao somehow lets go of his protective anxious faze, or you just accept it.
Either way, the boy will continue to catch you when you fall. Even if you broke apart from him, left him, you’d still occasionally feel the lightest touch when you trip over your feet and feel yourself steadied.
“Are you doing this on purpose?!”
Just like Xiao, Diluc is fairly protective over you, especially if it concerns your health.
He’s often not quick enough to catch you, but instead picks you up in his arms and sits you on the table to make sure you’re not hurt.
You often get bruises, but nothing more serious. He makes sure to kiss them better- something you jokingly stated once, and he’s actually taken it seriously.
“Kissing it will make it feel better? You’re sure?”
Overall, Diluc was very understanding to your clumsy antics. Maybe even find it endearing on a hard day of work, either way, he’d never yell at you for it.
Until he had enough.
It’s exhausting, to hear something clatter and know that you’d probably tripped. Tripped and harmed yourself in one way or another, the options were infinite, and Diluc’s anxiety could heighten at the slightest crashing noise.
“Are you doing this on purpose?!”
Eventually it became too much and he asked you that exact question, hands tangling through his hair as he stared at you wide eyed, furious. There you were on the floor, just a single chair knocked down as you were beginning to shakily stand back up.
“No… of course not. I wouldn’t do these things for fun-“
It’s not like you enjoyed absentmindedly stumbling into objects, it just… happened. Diluc was usually so patient and understanding… so why?
“I know… it’s just...” he rubbed the temples on either side of his face with his thumbs, frown set in a line. “I keep worrying and worrying- every time I hear a noise like that…”
It doesn’t take long for him to sort this out through a conversation, and then settle that you need to be more mindful and careful, something you have to improve on. He will simply watch on the sidelines, catch you when he can, and coax you when you end up hurt.
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neocrush · 3 years
— the girl groups enhypen’s gfs are in !
genre: fluff (angst on jungwon’s part) + established relationship (eventually lol)
pairings: idol!enhypen x fem!idol!reader
note: idk how to title this pls i thought of it while showering
tagging: @jeminiepabo @strwberrydinosaur
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you just finished performing and your members were in need of water bottles
you just finished performing and your members were in need of water bottles
you just finished performing and your members were in need of water bottles
but fucking mnet didn’t provide any inside of your dressing room??
but fucking mnet didn’t provide any inside of your dressing room??
but fucking mnet didn’t provide any inside of your dressing room??
so yves told you to ask for some from the artist in the dressing room next to yours
you knocked on the door without looking at the sign that showed who was in there
you asked for some water bottles and heeseung went “i’ll go get it!” and ran off to go get get them
jungwon just chuckled and went “hyung’s a really huge fan of your group, he kept on singing star on the way here”
you nodded at the younger one, impressed at the fact that you were popular among idols
the tall boy came back with a whole box full of water bottles
“there’s 12 of you here right now so i figured why not get a whole box” he chuckled nervously
you giggled and smiled at the nervous boy
“thank you heeseung-ssi, i’ll take this to my members” you took the box in your hands but was taken aback on how heavy it was
“don’t worry i’ll carry it for you”
long after that you started hanging out and boom you became his gf
you couldn’t resist the charms of lee heeseung
once it was revealed that you were a couple, orbits and engenes went INSANE (in a good way ofc)
“wait so y/n DOESNT hate men????”
★ jay - aespa
you both met at school after you both debuted
everyone was gossiping around about how you were in the same class with the enhas
so like... monster rookies class
usually idols aren’t seated together but the teacher seated you and jay next to each other
causing a bunch of “oooohhhs” from your classmates
there were times were you and the enhas would leave school early due to practice or schedules
and on the way to the school gate, jay would always spark up a conversation with you
you assumed he was just very friendly
long story short he had a massive crush on you
so a few months into your friendship (which the both of you were very open about with your fans), he confesses
y’all were just really blind lol pls read between the lines
anyways on to ur lovely bf !!
he’s so bold and brave around you but so shy around your members and seniors
we all know how he really respects nct (along with other sm artists) bc he covered the 7th sense with sunghoon on iland
so one day you were like “oh btw i showed taeyong sunbae you and hoon’s t7s cover”
he was like 😟 to 😧 to 😯
got all shy and was like “oh what did he say..”
you don’t know why he was acting as if he didn’t body that whole performance ????
anyway you told him that taeyong said that he and hoon did really well and that he liked how jay did his part
hid his face on the crook of your neck
“baby we should come say hi to them next time you go to sm”
“NO i will make a fool out of myself”
speaks english and japanese with giselle a lot when he isn’t occupied with you
sometimes you’d even have to ask nct’s shotaro to translate
your seniors (especially exo’s kai) adore him so so much pls protect the boy at all costs
★ jake - everglow
he was an active viewer of produce 48 and (like me) was really attached to the yuehua trainees
especially you
so when you got eliminated just before the last episode, he was devastated to say the least
he awaited your debut and when the time came he supported everglow !!!!
does the killing part choreo in his room when no one’s watching lol
dies everytime you do the little “everglow” in songs
right so when he debuted in enha, he looked forward to meeting you as an idol and not a fan
when you shared a dressing room at kcontact, he couldn’t help but introduce himself to you
he mentioned he was a big fan and your heart warmed
cute boy is a fan of you? omg heart go brr brr
your members tease you and you just shake it off
that day when you got back to the dorms, you watched a bunch of enhypen videos bc you were interested in jake
you weren’t aware of how popular you were among people - let alone idols so you were surprised
you fell in love with his personality and started saying hi to him whenever you meet backstage at music shows
not long after, you develop feelings for him
you thought it was just a puppy crush but as you saw him even more, it got serious
you never actually confessed but aisha accidentally spilled the beans when he was passing by
“cmon y/n just tell him you like him because he clearly feels the same !!”
“you like me?”
“that’s my queue to leave”
so she leaves you two to pour your hearts out to each other
you two become a couple and forevergenes (such a cute name omg) LOVE you two
you’re both the puppies of your group so that makes your relationship 103892x cuter
you met his parents and they adore you and even asked for your autograph
“jake used to talk about how great you are after every produce 48 episode”
“okayyyy i think that’s enough embarassing me mom”
his parents love you like their own daughter but does layla love you?
you were so nervous to meet her and was actually scared she might not like you - knowing how important layla is to jake
at first layla ignored you and jake was like “she’ll come around”
you were convinced she just doesn’t like you, until this one time you were cuddling with jake on the couch and layla comes in
you expected her to snuggle up with jake but she came to you :D
now layla is super fond of you and mrs sim would even send you pictures and videos of layla getting excited whenever you were on tv 🥺
★ sunghoon - itzy
you and the girls were at isac
the six of you were just waving at your fans and making heart signs with your hearts
on your left you saw yeji making hearts with ryujin so you wanted to do that with another member too
you felt a presence next to you and assumed it was someone from your group
spoiler alert: it wasn’t
sunghoon and sunoo were waving at engenes who just happened to be seated next to midzys
so you turned to who you thought was an itzy member, making half a heart with your hand
until you realized it wasn’t 💀
you bowed and apologized when you both looked at each other, you were scared you crossed a boundary
you bowed and apologized to the engenes who were there too
sunghoon and sunoo reassured you it was all good
after that, sunghoon couldn’t help but keep his eyes on you the entire event
when the day was coming to an end, he pulled some strings and ended up having some alone time with you ...in stray kids’ dressing room
don’t ask
ofc skz already left so it was just you two there
fast forward, you both hit it off and he became your bf <3
midzys and engenes love you both sm and love bragging about you two to other fandoms
you two were even named the king and queen of 4th gen kpop
oh also
you already know where this is going
brags about how he can do the shoulder dance in wannabe
ofc it’s bc you personally taught him
sends you pics of jyp as reaction pics
so you send pics of bang pdnim to him
every once in a while he reminds you of that video of jay why pee trying to hit a high note
“lmao that’s your boss”
PLS you always get super embarrassed so ofc you bring up that vid of hitman bang
“rAp dAncE-“
★ sunoo - stayc
you were his seatmate at school predebut
you came from the same town, same school, same neighborhood, etc
the two of you were extremely close and both shared the same dream
when highup entertainment accepted you, the both of you were over the moon
he was so happy for you
but sad too bc that meant you had to move to seoul :(
you promised him to do your best and that you hoped to see him again but as an idol
and hopefully when he’s an idol too
well what you hoped for came true !!
although you couldn’t see him much as a trainee - which made you quite sad - you got to follow his journey on i-land
you even asked your fellow trainees to vote for him
anyways now that you both debuted, you became close again and became really open with your fans on how close you were
you recommended his songs to swiths and he did the same to engenes
he even memorized the choreo to so bad and asap and lemme tell you this
he BEGGED you to teach him those choreos
“sunoo you can watch the practice on youtube”
“but i want to learn it from you”
he never really realized his feelings until he saw you getting shipped with his other members
you were both on weekly idol and the hosts really seemed to like how you and jake looked next to each other and they just teased you both the whole episode
that made sunoo feel uneasy and he thought it was only bc he was an overprotective best friend
turns out he had feelings for you (wow shocker)
so one day he asks you to come to hybe
after slightly getting lost, you meet up with him in a practice room
he confesses bc he felt like not telling you about his feelings would put a wall between you two
you appreciate his honesty and tell him you’ve felt the same way every since you were classmates
he scolds himself for not seeing it all those years but you just laugh it off bc you were pretty good at hiding your crush
you both agree to secretly date, until you both announce it on your five month anniversary
fans were really shocked at first... but they support you !!!!
engenes will not hesitate to come at anyone who talks bad about you and swiths feels the same way about jungwon
he gushes about you every single time you’re brought up
and you can’t help but love your adorable boyfriend
★ jungwon - iz*one
okay so
he was just an average high schooler when you were introduced on produce 48
his deskmate was watching your audition video and it was the part where you were doing this freestyle
he was SO amazed and he secretly followed your journey on produce 48
always made sure to vote on time and watch the episodes live
once the debut evaluation came around, he asked everyone he knew to vote for you and even bought tickets to see the show live
almost cried when he saw that you were center
ACTUALLY CRIED when you got into the top 13 😭
fast forward to him debuting in enha
he wasn’t able to catch up on you since he was busy with trainee life, then i-land, then debut preparations
but somehow in the middle of promotions he ran into you and BOOM love at first sight
fast forward to you finally dating, he couldn’t believe he was dating the y/n of iz*one
wizones make those “ladies and gentlemen, y/n’s man” edits and engenes make those “ladies and gentlemen, jungwon’s woman” edits
both fandoms love you two so dearly that the only hate you two got were from the delusional ones (who clearly aren’t actual fans)
when your last concert came around, he couldn’t bare seeing you cry when you said “this has been iz*one’s y/n, thank you everyone!”
he got flashbacks from when you cried during the final episode of produce 48 and he’s just.. sobbing bc he couldn’t be there to hold you
so the next day he rushed to your dorms with snacks and emotional support bc you were emotionally exhausted from accepting the fact that your journey with iz*one is finally ending
you felt extremely lucky to be in his arms and he felt extremely lucky too that he’s able to make you feel a little better
★ riki - weeekly
you were both on weekly weeekly idol together
and both you and riki being main dancers, you were asked to do random dance together
a few popular songs played and the both of you did the choreos
until after school started playing and the boy did the chorus’ choreo and you were like “woah???”
bc he was so INTO ITTTT
the song was basically made for him to cover it
and the mcs saw your reaction so they asked him to do it once again but this time with the whole group
after filming, he came up to you and was like “i’m a huge fan of yours” and you’re just like ):&/£]>\**_£]
“woah really???? i rooted for you on i-land”
and his face just lights up bc his huge crush on you developed even more
you became besties since then but he didn’t ask you out until your birthday
he took you out to a puppy café, knowing you were obsessed with dogs
you’d ask him to show you pictures and videos of bisco
“i better meet bisco once we go to japan together”
melted at the thought of traveling to his hometown with you
once you left the café, he kissed you in front of your dorms
and somehow he became your boyfriend <3
riki as a bf isn’t really a very public person
he’s the “this is our relationship, not the public’s” type of person
he doesn’t wanna risk companies wanting to exploit your relationship
although he doesn’t talk about you two much, he loves to brag about you when given the chance
whenever variety show hosts would fawn over you he’d just look them in the eyes dead and go “she’s mine”
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zetamorphosys · 3 years
Guy vs Obito: Kakashi’s True Best Friend ( A Rant )
Obito Kakashi’s Toxic Best friend:
Obito was always jealous of Kakashi and blamed him for not being popular.Like it was Kakashi’s responsibility to make him feel adequate. 
These type of people claim to be your friend and claim to be hurt when they don’t get what they want from you because they think of you as their Friend. And now you have to feel Guilty for that. Like what the fck!! That’s some serious misplaced self righteousness.
Kakashi’s a kid whos lost both his parents in his childhood. He literally saw his father dying inside due to shame and eventually hanging himself to death. Is it not understandable that Kakashi, who’s still a kid may decide to prioritize following rules over every thing else? He might have been wrong but I can’t blame a kid who’s traumatised by his fathers death to make wrong decisions. Can you?
But you know who can..?  Obito Uchiha.... simply bcoz he’s such a good boy.
Without knowing what kakashi went through he calls kakashi a scum. Blames everything on him and now Kakashi is living his entire life with the guilt of not being able to save his best freind. And what best friend i may ask?? Tell me one wholesome moment Obito and Kakashi shared together.
Kakashi had his own life, his own messed up life to understand he’s in no way obliged to be more talkative , outgoing and  less skillfull just so GOOD BOY Obito won’t feel bad.
Obito being kakashi’s bff is only there bcoz the plot required similarity. Like, in every team of 3 ninja there’s a bf trope. Jiraiya-Orochimaru, Sasuke-naruto, etc. But i find it dificult to say the same about Obito and Kakashi. Obito wasnt even there with kakashi for most of his life (i know not his fault but still.)
Guy Kakashi’s True Best Friend.
Guy on the other hand genuinely tried to understand Kakashi before making him do what he thinks is best. He would let Kakashi be alone because he respected his life. But he would also try his best to drag Kakashi out of the Darkness. Unlike Obito, Guy never blamed Kakashi for making bad decisions. Guy and Kakashi had a more mature frindship. They understood theat both of them were different people and respected that difference. 
True friends dont make you feels guilty for being who you are, they accept you with all your flaws. And only confront you when you really are doing something wrong. 
Back to some more bitching about Obito
And then Obito, After killing their sensei, his wife and almost killing their newborn child and not to mention how many Konoha Shinobi’s comes back and the fans are supposed to believe he’s Kakashi’s BF???
And why did he do all these things, just so he could be with his Crush Rin...? Like dude she clearly liked Kakashi and she was being a good friend to you. What kind of messed up thinking is this that just bcoz you are simping really hard for the girl, she has to like you back. She’s not a prize to be won from hardwork and dedication. She’s a human being, what about what she want?? But no Good Boy Obito doesnt understand that. Bcoz he feels Entiteled to everything.
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Not All Family Is Blood
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Gif credit @bodybebangin.
Hope you all enjoy.
If you would like to be tagged in Yellowstone fics, I'll be happy to tag you so you don't miss out.
Warning: Assault. Mentioning of abuse. Custody battle.
"Daddy Rip"! Reilly, your six year old daughter screamed with a giggle running down to the barn where Rip was attending to his horse. You might be wondering why she called him daddy Rip well it's kind of complicated.
"Hey, baby girl". He laughed scooping her up in his arms and hugging her tight.
"Guess what I made in school today"? She asked excitedly.
"What's that"? Rip matched her excitement. Rip isn't her biological father. Her dad is still alive and somewhat in her life. But Rip has been there since the beginning. You two started off as friends and then the love grew more and you two got together when she was two. So all she knew him as was daddy Rip.
"I made a star from fruit loops".
Rip dramatically gasped as he was surprised but he knew what she was doing. He got her the fruit loops that morning and put them in her bookbag. "That's so cool. Did you save me any"?
Reilly giggled. "No daddy Rip. I used them all".
"Ah okay. I'll just eat your ears". Rip evily laughed as he nibbled on her ears. She was in a giggle fit.
"Put me down". She laughed and became serious when she had had enough. Rip put her down with a kiss to the top of her head.
"Hey baby". He pulled you to him and kissed your lips softly.
"Hey". You smile exhausted.
"What's wrong"?
"Nothing". You nodded to Reilly.
"Riels, why dont you go down there and beat up your uncle Jimmy. I give you permission while I talk to mommy". Rip chuckled as she ran off.
"What's going on"?
"Brian. He wants to take me back to count for custody".
"Why's he doing this now? You just came from court a week ago and they gave you full custody".
"He's being a dick. Just to make me mad".
"You know, that wont ever happen? He's not taking Reilly away from you. I'll make sure of that".
"Rip, you cant threaten him. He doesn't care that you will beat him to a pulp. He'll just use it against me in court".
Rip wrapped his arms around you protectively. "I'm not going to threaten him. I'm going to make sure he doesnt ever walk again. He wont take Reilly away. I promise. So dont worry". Rip kissed your head, reassuringly.
"Alright then. Let's go get our little cowgirl and head home".
"You go. I'm to tired to walk down there". You groaned with a giggle.
"Alright". Rip chuckled and went on his way. As you started up to your car you saw a black beat up car pull in and you knew exactly who it was.
"Bitch, where is my daughter"? Brian yelled from his car. He was to lazy to get out.
"What are you doing here? You cant just show up unannounced. This isn't my home".
"Where is Reilly"? Brian asked once again and this time got out of the car.
"She's with Rip".
"You let him take my daughter, alone"? He scoffed.
"I trust him more that I can throw you".
"Listen, you little bitch. If my daughter isn't in front of me in five seconds. I'm going to call the cops and say you're trying to kidnap her. Dont test me, whore". Brian was right up in your face.
"I dont have to do anything you say, Brian". You looked him cold in the eyes.
Brian clicked his tongue and started nodding his head. That's when you knew he was angry.
Before you knew it, his hand collided with your cheek and you felt shooting pain on the right side of your face.
"I'm going to tell you one more time. Get my daughter"! He yelled in your ear.  You jerked your head back to look at him. Your blood was boiling. After taking years of his abuse, you finally wanted to kill him.
"Y/N"? Rip called out as he walked up to the cars. Teeter and Colby followed him.
"Give me my daughter asshole". Brian spoke stepping in front of you. You still held your face.
Rip handed Rielly to Teeter and told her and Colby to take Rielly inside his place. They quickly left.
"You do that to her face"? Rip jogged up to Brian, pointing to you. His cowboy boots scattered dust as he jogged.
"Bitch, needed to learn. She doesn't disobey me". Brian turned his slightly looking at you with a smirk.
"That's funny. I was thinking the same thing about you". Rip reared back and punched Brian in the face. Brian stumbled back but Rip didn't let up. He punched Brian in the face again. Brian fell down and Rip hovered over him, his fist balled up and ready for another punch.
"You ever come near Y/N or Rielly again. I will kill you where you stand. Do you understand, boy"? Rip stood over Brian as Brian whimpered and groan holding his nose.
"Do you"? Rip growled.
Brian nodded.
"Now get the fuck out of here".
Brian hauled ass back to his car. Picking himself up and jumping into his car. He sped away.
"Are you okay"? Rip took your face in his hands gently looking you over.
"I'm fine".
"Fucking asshole". Rip spat on the ground.
"I can't believe you just did that. I'm going to lose Rielly now". You whispered to yourself. Rip turned his head quickly.
"No you're not. I promised you I wont let that happen and I'm keeping to that". Rip took your hand in his.
"I'm just scared. That's all. I've put up with Brian's abuse for years and I dont want that happening to Rielly. That's why I left when she was a baby".
"It's not going to happen. They have to pry her from my cold dead hands before he gets her. And I'm pretty hard to kill". Rip chuckled, making you smile.
"Thank you. For everything. You saved us". You wrapped Rips arm around your waist as you still held his hand and tip toed up and kissed his lips. "I love you".
"I love you too. Now let's get some ice on that cheek and go get something to eat. I've worked up a appetite". Rip and you took off down to his place.
You knew this wasnt going to be the last time you see Brian about custody. But Rip, had something up his sleeve if it ever did occur.
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