#she told me ‘i don’t think i talked that much about HER when she was BORN’
alotofpockets · 2 days
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Co-captains | Leah Williamson x Lionesses!Reader
Where your teammates try to get you with someone at the World Cup to make Leah jealous
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.7k
While representing your country was always an honour, especially at the World Cup, it felt different this time around. Ever since you were thirteen you had represented England with your best friend Leah, but this year she wouldn’t be there with you.
Leah had done her ACL a few months before the World Cup, everyone was devastated for her. The injury in itself was horrible, but to have it happen right before a big tournament like the World Cup made it even worse. 
Besides being best friends, you had also been co-captains for your country the past couple of years. Doing this tournament without her felt wrong, but you knew you had to step up and make her proud.
The team had definitely noticed your mood during your training sessions in Australia. You were very grateful to be a part of the team, but not having Leah there to do it with you kept playing over and over in your head. 
“Missing Leah?” Keira asked as she sat down next to you in the hotel lobby. “Yeah, I wish she was here with us.” A playful smirk formed on Keira’s face. “What?” You asked with your brows furrowed. “Oh nothing, but if I were you I’d turn around.” You had no idea what was going on, but you turned around like she said.
“Lee!” You quickly stood up when you saw your best friend walk through the doors. “You’re here!” With a couple steps you had reached her and wrapped your arms around her. “I’m here.” She whispered. 
“I can’t believe you’re really here.” You hadn’t smiled this much since you had gotten to Australia. “You didn’t think I was gonna sit this one out completely, did you?” 
You let Leah greet the rest of the girls, and hugged her brother Jacob who had been filming the whole thing. “Jakey, I saw you a few days ago, how could you not have told me?” The first day you had landed in Australia, you had gone to visit Leah’s brother. The two of you had talked about the World Cup, and Leah’s wellbeing, and yet he hadn’t said a word about this surprise. He playfully shrugs his shoulders. “What would have been the fun in ruining the surprise?”
The rest of the day was filled with laughter and excitement. Leah joined you at training, while she wasn’t playing, she was a captain at heart and had plenty to say to prepare her team for the upcoming games.
After training you all gathered in the common room of the hotel, you sat down between Ella and Jordan. The room filled with a mix of conversations about everything and nothing. Leah was sitting across the room from you, and every now and again your eyes would fall on her. A small smile playing at your lips when she would look your way as well.
“Look at them,” Alessia said softly enough for only Ella to hear. “They’re such idiots.” Ella followed her best friend’s eyes between you and Leah, “Completely clueless.” Alessia nodded in agreement, “We’ve really got to do something about that.”
An idea formed in Ella’s mind and a smirk grew on her face. “I’ve got an idea.” She turned back towards you. She spoke loud enough for all of the team to hear this time. “So, y/n, it’s been ages since you’ve been on a date, hasn’t it?”
The question took you off guard, seemingly coming out of nowhere. “Eh, I guess so. What does that have to do with anything?” You felt watched by everyone on the team and suddenly you grew nervous.
“Oh, I was just thinking that we could help you out. There are so many good looking players at this tournament, there must be one that has caught your eye, right?” Your cheeks flushed as the intensity of the eyes on you grew stronger. “Oh, eh, I don’t know. I’ve just been focussed on football.”
Your eyes darted to Leah, silently asking for help. She was sitting back in her chair, looking nonchalantly, but for a second you thought you saw a flicker of sadness in her eyes. Before you could think about it further Jordan chimed in on the conversation. 
“Oh come on, there must be someone. Name one player you think is fit.” You felt put on the spot, so you named the first player that came to mind. “Oh eh, maybe Alexia Putellas, she’s a very talented player.”
The team erupted in laughter at how you were still choosing to look at this through football lenses. Only one person wasn’t laughing, and that was Leah. Her jaw was clenched as she looked at you, but it went unnoticed by you. 
“I can definitely set you up with Alexia. In fact, I can call her right now!” Keira joined in on the fun. “No! Please don’t do that.” You didn’t like the turn this was taking. “Oh I won’t then, someone else maybe?”
Everyone on the team joined in on calling out names. Raso? Rölfo? Kaneryd? Bonmatí? Kennedy? Sonnet? Fleming? 
Leah sat watching the scene unfold unamused. Her arms were crossed and her expression had turned into a frown. Everyone was enjoying getting a reaction out of you by listing every player they could think of, so they hadn’t noticed the change in her demeanour, until she stood up abruptly. Her chair loudly clattering against the floor.
The room went fully silent. No more names being thrown around, and no more laughter. “I eh, I’m gonna go check on her.” You stood up and followed in the direction Leah took off in. 
“Lee, what’s wrong?” You say as you reach her about to open her hotel room. She huffed and walked into the room, just before the door closed behind her, you managed to slip through. 
“Nothing, go meet up with any one of those people the girls mention. Go out, have fun.” Your brow furrowed, “Lee, I don’t know what’s going on. But-” She cut you off before you could continue telling her that you never said you wanted to meet up with those people, that it was just coming from your teammates. 
“I can’t deal with listening to you potentially being with any one of those people. I don’t wanna hear who you think is good looking or fit. I don’t want to hear it because… because I want you to think of me that way.” The last part of her sentence was barely above a whisper.
You stood there, too stunned to get out any words. Leah figured she had put it on the table now, so she might as well continue what she just started. "I like you. I like you more than just my best friend. More than I ever thought I would. I didn’t realise it until I heard you talk about other girls that way.” She looked up at you nervously. 
“Well, I was going to say that I didn’t talk about any of the people that way, and that it was only the girls doing so. And honestly the reason for that is because I only have eyes for you Leah. I like you too, I have for a long time.”
“You do?” Your smile grew, “Yes, you dummy. I’ve been a total grump without you here. You are the only person that I want. I don’t care about any other players going into this competition, it’s always been you.”
Leah stood up quickly and moved towards you. “I am so happy to hear you say that.” She said with her face mere inches away from yours. One look at her lips and then quickly diverting your eyes back to hers, was enough for Leah to lean in and connect your lips. 
The kiss was short and sweet. It was everything you had hoped it would be and more. “Will you be my girlfriend?” Leah asked as soon as you pulled away from the kiss. “Definitely.” You said with a big smile.
“Can we go back down and show the girls everything is alright?” You asked shyly, not wanting to make Leah feel bad for walking out on everyone the way that she did. “Only if we can tell them that they can stop trying to match you up with someone.” You chuckled at her request. “Deal.” 
As you wanted back to the girls, Leah took ahold of your hand and gave it a soft squeeze. You couldn’t believe that she was your girlfriend, but you knew that with Leah by your side everything was going to be great.
The atmosphere in the common room shifted the second the both of you walked in. The team had been quietly speculating about what had happened, and if they had taken things too far. 
As soon as they looked at your intertwined hands, the speculation started back up again, this time in the direction of did this actually work? 
“Everything alright?” Keira asked with a knowing smile. Leah glanced at you and squeezed your hand once more. “Yeah, everything is more than alright.” She pulled you a little closer. “You can stop matchmaking, I’m taking her out tomorrow morning.” 
The room filled with cheers and laughter. A few of the girls high fived each other. “Finally, I thought we were going to have to lift every player in the tournament before the two of you finally got together.” Ella says dramatically, earning a laugh from the whole group, including you and Leah.
The teasing of the girls didn’t stop, but this time around it felt different. Leah’s arm was wrapped around your shoulder, with her thumb lightly caressing your arm. 
You still had the tournament ahead of you, but tonight had given you a bit of extra encouragement to perform better than you had ever done before. You felt ready to take on the world and make Leah proud.
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The Jersey 👕⚽️
Ona Batlle x reader
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warning : fluffy 💭💗
summary :
Because of Ona constant travels -due to football matches- you were used to being long distance for weeks at a time. During these weeks of absence, you had for habit to wear Ona jersey to sleep. During a late night face time, Ona realised that instead of her jersey, you were wearing a Real Madrid one.
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It had been weeks since you last saw Ona in person, the constant travelling for matches keeping her away. You had grown used to the long-distance routine—late-night texts, early-morning calls, and, of course, FaceTime sessions whenever you could catch her in between her busy schedule. But one thing that had become a habit during these stretches apart was wearing her jersey to bed. It made you feel close to her, even when she was halfway across the world.
Tonight, though, you decided to switch things up, feeling a little mischievous. Instead of her usual red jersey, you pulled on a Real Madrid one. You knew it would get a reaction out of her, and it was all in good fun.
When the FaceTime call connected, you were greeted by the sight of Ona sitting in her hotel room, looking tired but smiling. Her hair was still a little damp from her post-match shower, and her eyes lit up when she saw you.
“Hola, cariño,” she said softly, her voice warm despite the distance.
“Hey, babe,” you replied, settling back against your pillows. Everything felt normal, the conversation flowing easily as you caught up about her game and the latest news from home.
But then her eyes narrowed a bit as she looked closer at you. Her gaze drifted from your face to the shirt you were wearing, and her expression quickly shifted. She blinked, then leaned in closer to the screen, her brows furrowing.
“Are you…seriously wearing a Real Madrid jersey?” she asked, her voice calm but with an edge of disbelief.
You couldn’t help but smirk, leaning back on the bed, enjoying how riled up she was getting. “What? I thought I’d change things up tonight,” you teased, tugging at the fabric.
Ona's expression shifted from surprise to something more serious. “Cariño, if you don’t take that off, I swear I won’t talk to you for the rest of the night.”
You blinked, unsure if she was joking or not, but the look on her face told you she wasn’t messing around. “Wait, what? You can’t be serious.”
“I’m completely serious,” she said, crossing her arms, her lips pressing into a thin line. “Of all the teams you could pick, them ?”
The amusement you had felt earlier quickly melted into something closer to mild panic. Ona was the playful type, but football rivalries? Those were sacred, and clearly, this crossed a line you hadn’t fully anticipated.
“I was just messing with you,” you said quickly, tugging at the collar of the jersey as if that might soften her glare. “I didn’t think you’d take it this seriously!”
Ona didn’t budge, her face still set in that stern expression, though there was a glint of something playful in her eyes—like she knew she was overreacting but wasn’t about to let you off the hook that easily. “You know I love you,” she began, her tone softening just a little, “but this? This is betrayal.”
“Betrayal?” you echoed, half-laughing, but the guilt was starting to creep in. “Okay, okay, I’ll take it off. Just don’t stop talking to me.”
She leaned closer to the screen, arching an eyebrow. “I mean it, cariño. Off. Now.”
You couldn’t help but laugh nervously as you reached for the hem of the jersey, pulling it over your head. “Happy now?” you asked, tossing it off to the side.
The second the jersey was out of view, Ona’s face softened, her lips curling into a satisfied smile. “Much better,” she said, visibly relaxing. “Now you look like my partner again.”
You rolled your eyes, chuckling. “I can’t believe you were really about to give me the silent treatment over a football jersey.”
“Football’s serious business,” she said with a playful shrug. “And I’d much rather see you in red.”
“Well, lesson learned,” you said, holding your hands up in defeat. “No more Real Madrid jerseys. Only Barca colors from now on.”
Ona nodded, her expression smug. “Good. Because next time I see you in one of those…” she trailed off, the threat clear, but the playful glint in her eyes told you she was back to her usual self.
“Noted,” you replied, leaning into the camera. “Now, can we go back to talking? I missed you, you know.”
Ona smiled softly, her serious act officially dropped. “I missed you too, cariño. But seriously—never again.”
You grinned, nodding. “Never again. Promise.”
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natalievoncatte · 2 days
4. Garden
Kara waited as long as she could. Taking to the air, she lifted herself to cloud-height, ignoring the bite of the upper-atmospheric chill as the high winds snapped at her cape. Hovering in the air, she took a moment to unbind her senses, expanding her awareness to let in the cacophony of sounds she usually suppressed through years of focused willpower and concentration.
She rocked in the air, shocked by the sensitivity of her own ears. Jeremiah and then Eliza had taught her this, made the world in its vastness small enough that she could live in it.
Clark had taught her to reach out, to hear, as well as see and smell and taste and feel, beyond. Sol’s gentle kiss did more than expand her awareness and multiply her strength, it activated pathways in her brain itself, giving her a control over her senses that she could never match under a red star.
It took only moments to sift out the quiet sounds of Lena’s pulse and her gentle, hissing breaths as she fought back sobs.
Air folded around her as she shatters the sound barrier, flying high enough that the boom that followed her would be a mere puff to the ground. Another trick she picked up from Clark, using the earth’s rotation to speed her flight.
Kara touched down at a familiar but foreboding place: the Luthor estate.
All that had been the property of her family was hers now, a gift and a curse. Lena had talked about making it an orphanage or a long-term care hospital or a new children’s medical campus, but the building itself had held her back. What malevolent secrets had Lex left behind? Booby traps? Sentinel robots hiding in the walls? Caches of weapons or Lexosuits?
A Kryptonite bomb, to spit death at her for hate’s sake?
Kara hesitated, but Lena was here and upset. She went inside.
It was immediately obvious where Lex had reinforced walls and lined rooms with lead. Kara listened for Lena, finding that the trail of sound led her outside.
She had to use her x-ray vision.
Lena was kneeling in an hidden place, a walled off section of the formal gardens. Kara found the entrance cleverly disguised, a section of wall where one slipped through a gap and turned left then right and came out in a tiny, overgrown courtyard.
Kneeling, Lena was surrounded by pruning shears and garden implements, dressed to work outside. She looked so out of place it was almost a little silly to see, but there she was.
Kara could see that Lena had already been working on cleaning and clearing. She knelt before a small plumeria plant, resting in a well kept pot.
“Lex let it all die,” said Lena. “He knew it was here. He could have kept it for me, but he didn’t. I suppose I’m lucky that Lillian didn’t rip it up and install a septic tank.”
Kara walked over, standing next to her.
“My father built this. It’s a replica of my mother’s garden. We had a little walled garden next to the cottage where I lived with her before I came to live with the Luthors.”
Kara said nothing, instead brushing a lock of Lena’s now-curly hair back from her shoulder.
“He never showed it to me.”
“My parentage was his dirtiest secret. Lillian didn’t even tell me until she thought she could use it.”
“Do you think he loved her?”
“I have no idea. He loved me, I think. He loved Lex but in a different way. I don’t think he even liked Lillian.”
“You’ve never told me about him.”
“It wasn’t easy being his child. He drank too much, neglected the company, and drank more when things went badly for us. The family was actually in trouble until Lex turned it around. He started managing things when I was in grade school. By the end, he’d spend all day in his study and I’d spend half the night sitting with him while he talked and told me stories. Lillian hated him for it.”
“You miss him.”
“I miss them both. I miss Lex. I miss him so much. I mourn him every day.”
“I know,” said Kara.
“My mom died, my father died, my brother went insane.”
“Is it me?”
“It’s not, you know it’s not.”
“Is it my witch blood? Am I cursed?”
Kara knelt beside her, pulling her cape across Lena’s shoulders to fight the autumn chill. Lena leaned into her.
“What if it is a curse? What if it gets our little one too?”
Kara put her hand on Lena’s belly, spreading her fingers. There was no bump yet. Kara listened intently, eagerly awaiting a moment she would never forget, when a second heartbeat joined Lena’s. It hadn’t come yet but it would.
“Nothing is going to get our baby,” said Kara. “Their moms are Supergirl and Lena Luthor. We can do anything.”
“It’s going to be a children’s hospital,” said Lena. “The house. A lot of the grounds are going to be torn out, but I’m keeping this garden. I’m going to give my mom a memorial. I think I might put one in for my dad, too.”
“I love you,” Kara murmured. “I love you so much.”
Lena leaned into her and Kara sat down to pull her in.
They sat for a long time, and listened to the wind that shook the leaves.
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writeriguess · 18 hours
I’d love to see your take on a Katsuki Bakugo x Reader story where reader has the same powers as the Scarlet Witch and tries to downplay her abilities because she doesn’t want any attention, but Katsuki sees through her facade? He hypes her up or reassures her about it or whatever you think! Love your writings!!
The heavy silence of the training grounds weighs on your shoulders as you walk off to the side, away from the others, trying to blend into the background. Your classmates, sweating and panting from sparring sessions, haven't noticed your absence yet. That's the way you like it—disappearing into the crowd, keeping a low profile. It’s safer that way, for them and for you.
Your abilities—the swirling, chaotic energy that pulses just beneath the surface of your skin—have always been too much. Too unpredictable. Too dangerous, or so you’ve been told. You’ve gotten good at hiding them, though, playing the part of someone with basic powers, someone who wouldn’t attract any attention. Just enough to get by.
But Katsuki Bakugo isn’t one to miss anything.
You feel his eyes on you before you even hear his voice. Sharp and intense, as if he can see past the careful mask you've built around yourself. The weight of it makes you uncomfortable, but you refuse to look up, hoping that if you keep your head down, he’ll just lose interest.
"Hey, what the hell do you think you’re doing?"
Bakugo’s voice is like a crack of thunder, cutting through the noise of your thoughts. It’s commanding, demanding, and it draws every pair of eyes in the training ground toward you. Your heart rate spikes. The last thing you want is attention, and now Bakugo’s gone and put you right in the center of it.
You wince, not at his words, but at the wave of dread that crashes over you. You straighten your posture, trying to make yourself smaller, even though you know that’s useless around someone like Bakugo.
“I’m not doing anything,” you mutter, keeping your voice low. “Just… tired.”
“Tired?” Bakugo scoffs, his heavy boots stomping over as he closes the distance between you. “You don’t look tired. You look like you’re hiding.”
The statement hits too close to home, but you maintain your calm expression, hoping to dismiss him. You’ve done this before—brushed people off, convinced them there was nothing special about you. But Bakugo's not just anyone. He doesn’t leave things alone, especially when he smells bullshit.
“I’m fine. Just leave me be, Bakugo.” Your words come out sharp, defensive, but he doesn’t flinch. Instead, he steps even closer, standing in front of you with his arms crossed over his chest, eyes narrowing like he’s challenging you to keep lying.
“Cut the crap. I’ve seen you fight before. I’ve seen what you can really do.”
Your breath catches in your throat. A spike of panic flashes through you, but you quickly bury it. You don’t know how he could’ve seen anything. You’ve kept everything under control—always pulled back before things got out of hand.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you say, but your voice is a little too quiet, a little too shaky. He notices.
“Tch, you think you’re slick, huh?” Bakugo leans in slightly, his intense gaze locking with yours. “You’re not fooling anyone. That stunt you pulled during the last battle? You think nobody saw that?”
You swallow hard. He’s referring to that moment, isn’t he? When you lost control for just a second. The power surged out of you like a tidal wave, wild and uncontrollable, but you managed to pull it back before it got worse. You thought no one had noticed, that you’d hidden it well enough.
Apparently not.
“It was nothing. Just a mistake,” you mumble, glancing away, wishing the ground would swallow you whole.
Bakugo’s hands clench into fists at his sides. He’s getting frustrated, but it’s not the kind of frustration you’re used to. It’s different—like he’s angry at you for not seeing something he does.
“Bullshit,” he growls. “You’re holding back. You don’t wanna show what you can really do ‘cause you’re scared of what people will think.”
That hits a nerve. You glare at him, your pulse racing, but you don’t deny it. How could you? He’s right. You are scared—scared of hurting people, scared of losing control, scared of the power that pulses through your veins.
“You don’t get it,” you snap, anger bubbling to the surface. “It’s not that simple. You think I want to hold back? I have to. It’s not safe.”
“Not safe for who? Them?” Bakugo jerks his thumb toward your classmates. “Or for you?”
His words hang in the air, heavy and accusatory. You feel the weight of them settle into your chest, a knot of anxiety twisting tighter and tighter. He doesn’t understand. He’s never had to be afraid of his own power—never had to hide who he was. Bakugo is loud, brash, and unapologetic. He thrives in the spotlight, while you shrink from it.
“It’s not that easy,” you whisper, voice trembling. “I could hurt people, Bakugo. I could hurt you.”
He scoffs, stepping closer, and this time there’s no malice in his expression—just something fierce and determined. “You really think I’m scared of you? That I’d back down ‘cause you’ve got some crazy-ass power? Get real.”
You blink, stunned by his words. He’s staring at you with an intensity that makes your heart skip a beat, like he’s seeing something in you that you’ve never allowed yourself to see.
“Listen,” he says, his voice lowering a little, almost soft—but still rough around the edges, because he’s Bakugo. “You’re strong. I know it. You know it. So why the hell are you holding yourself back? You think that makes you weak?”
Your throat tightens as his words dig into you, but you don’t say anything. You don’t know how to respond. He’s right, but admitting it feels like giving up control, like acknowledging that all the years you’ve spent hiding were for nothing.
“I…” You hesitate, the words catching in your throat. “It’s not about being weak. It’s about… I don’t want to lose control.”
Bakugo narrows his eyes, stepping even closer until he’s right in front of you, his presence overwhelming. “Then learn to control it. Stop running from it. You’re never gonna get better if you keep pretending you’re something you’re not.”
His words are harsh, but there’s an undercurrent of something else—encouragement, maybe. Or belief. As if he’s telling you that he knows you’re capable of more, that you just need to stop doubting yourself.
You can feel the energy thrumming beneath your skin again, more intensely than before. The chaotic, powerful force that you’ve always been so afraid of. It stirs, like it’s waiting for you to finally let it out, to stop hiding from it.
“What if I can’t?” you ask, voice barely above a whisper. “What if I lose control?”
“Then I’ll be there to kick your ass back into shape,” Bakugo smirks, but there’s a softness in his eyes that you’ve rarely seen. “You’re not doing this alone, dumbass. You’ve got people who’ve got your back. You’ve got me.”
Those words hit harder than anything else. You’ve always kept your distance, pushed people away so they wouldn’t see the real you. But here’s Bakugo, standing in front of you, refusing to let you hide.
And maybe… maybe he’s right. Maybe you’ve been holding back for too long.
Taking a deep breath, you look up at him. “Okay,” you whisper. “I’ll try.”
He grins, fierce and full of pride. “That’s what I like to hear.”
For the first time in a long time, you feel like you don’t have to hide anymore.
Requests are open. Send as many as you like at once.
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vinylmango · 1 day
On our own terms
Nicholas Alexander Chavez x black!famous!reader
Description: After going official, some time has passed in Nicholas’ and (y/n)’s relationship and a continuation of part three.
Warnings: none
quick note: it’s been like a year since they went official.
Parts: one two three FOUR (i might add onto this in the future)
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tagged: nicholasalexanderchavez
Liked by nicholasalexanderchavez, vogue, and 2,789,218 others
(Y/n) i can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us. Four years down and forever to go 🤍
sofcruz yay! My favorite couple! 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
user1 you were dating secretly for THREE YEARS?!
> (y/n) 🤭
sofcruz if there are no more (y/n) and Nick shippers Cooper and I are dead
> liked by cooperkoch, nicholasalexanderchavez, and (y/n)
> cooperkoch SO TRUE
> (y/n) ILY both
nickand(y/n) OMG HUSBAND?! I would secure that bag immediately too
(y/n)ismother HUSBAND? I apologize Mr. Chavez, I was unfamiliar with your game 🤭😏
nicholasalexanderchavez GUYS MY WIFE IS UNREAL 🗣️🥵😍🔥
nicholasalexanderchavez how is she so perfect?!
nicholasalexanderchavez literally in awe of you, love of my life
chavezsightings AHHH you mean now I get an excuse to officially officially merge my two pages?! SAY LESS
nicchavezismine ewww he’ll wake up one day and realize he’s settled
> nicholasalexanderchavez definitely not 😐😒 hope this helps
> user1 LMAOOO love a sassy man from infinity to infinity
> goddess(y/n) somebody check on her 💀💀💀
user2 sometimes I still think about them having fan pages for each other 🥺
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Tagged: (y/n)
Liked by (y/n), zendaya, cooperkoch, and 2,113,213 others
nicholasalexanderchavez I don’t know if there are enough words to fully be able to tell you how much I love you, my beautiful wife. 🤍
(Y/n)ismother i love love 🥹
cooperkoch (y/n) you are now my favorite Chavez. Love you! 💗
> nicholasalexanderchavez RUDE
> cooperkoch you know it’s true
> (y/n) awww Coop 🥺 that’s so sweet love you
User1 this couple is single-handedly making my little cynical heart believe in love again
no1nacsupporter congrats! The way you love each other should be written into history 🥺 they’re so cute
zendaya congrats (y/n/n) and Nick! I don’t think I’ve ever seen you both happier
> (y/n) thank you Z 🫶🏽✨
user2 getting married on your dating anniversary is so cute
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tagged: nicholasalexanderchavez & (y/n)
Liked by (y/n), nicholasalexanderchavez, goddess(y/n) and 500 others
chavezsightings they’re so cute together. 🥺💗
These pics were sent in by a couple of fans that saw them yesterday. They went on their honeymoon a couple of days ago. The fans wrote and I quote:
“They’re literally so sweet. We didn’t want to interrupt them but they waved at us and started talking to us so we took a pic together and then left them alone. I’m not going to post the pic bc I look like trash but I love them together <3“
“My friend and I honestly couldn’t believe it when we saw them at the same restaurant we were at. They were so nice and it was amazing to talk to them and congratulate them on their marriage and newest projects. They’re so supportive of each other and the way they look at each other is literally out of a romcom. They’re definitely soulmates.”
(y/n)andnick would it be weird to say that I can’t wait to see their kids?
> user1 yes and no? Kinda? Idk but i get it girl
goddess(y/n) It’s so nice seeing them together. They look so happy.
sofcruz they’re so cute it’s actually sickening
> user4 OMG HI SOF
> sofcruz lol I told you i was their biggest shipper
> cooperkoch 🧍‍♂️
> sofcruz …one of their biggest shippers
> cooperkoch better
user5 i want to meet them 🥹
nicchavezismine he’d look better with me instead of that ugly bimbo
> user6 lol you’re still around after he checked you on his own page?
> user7 seek help loser
> user8 deactivate quickly 💗
> user9 he’s literally married…to a supermodel. I can assure you that you have no chance.
no1nacsupporter omg the first pic was from me! They were so sweet. He’s so protective and supportive of her 🥺 so excited for their married era!
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@hockeyboysarehot @jukeboxsweethearttt
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decidedlygorgeous · 2 days
My brother doesn’t understand why a woman would cut her hair short when a creepy man told her he liked her long hair
My brother thinks it’s cringy when women repost the “we are the daughters of the witches you tried to burn”
My brother thinks I’m so cringy and lame for liking Taylor swift and enjoying Disneyland. He doesn’t understand that even though I get she’s a billionaire with different problems than me and she’s not perfect, her lyrics still speak to me. And I feel safe at Disneyland because it reminds me of my grandma who taught me to believe in magic and of my dad who loves hearing about the behind the scenes stuff and the stories of the cast members.
My brother is so forward in his thinking about other stuff that I struggle with him when I try to tell him that in a group of his friends I get cut off and ignored when I say something, and someone will repeat what I just said. He doesn’t believe me because he didn’t hear me, proving my point.
My brother, who does not know what happened to me, doesn’t understand why women would choose a bear over a man because HE would rather live. I would much rather die.
My brother scoffs at booktok and what “trash” women consume with written and audio smut when I know he watches porn.
My brother doesn’t understand why I was upset with the older man at the concert who wasn’t listening and kept talking over me, telling me I should move to the open spot so I could see better, when I was saying I was purposely standing right behind my dad so the lights wouldn’t hit me straight in the eyes and I didn’t really care about seeing the band anyways.
My brother is such a smart person and is so caring about a lot of stuff. He does copious amounts of research to back himself up so he knows what he’s talking about. But sometimes I fear that he gets so caught up in the facts that he forgets that people have feeling and they sometimes do matter in discussions.
He forgets that only he can tell when he’s joking and so when I ask him if he’s serious and he says yes, I’ll believe him because he’s my brother, and I’m supposed to trust him. Sometimes he forgets that jokes are also supposed to be funny to the person you’re telling them to and gaslighting is not a funny joke. And it makes me believe and trust him less.
My brother forgets that he was not the only person slighted by our mother and so when he’s ranting and telling me what happened and I say “I’m sorry, I understand how you feel” he scoffs and tells me to shut up and I’m the Favorite child who gets everything. I’m not and I don’t, that’s our second oldest brother. But me being the only girl I see why he would think that.
My brother is NOT a villain and he’s certainly not my villain. He’s a complicated person I love that sometimes hurts me. And I have no doubt that I’ve hurt him, I am no victim after all.
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v4mp-reads · 2 days
Good Day or Evening. Can you do a request of a Jealous Rhea Ripley X Fem Reader Where reader is apart of Judgement Day but is also Married to Rhea but due to storyline is dating Damian Priest and During a Promo Damian and Reader are being all cuddly and sweet to eachother making Rhea jealous so she ends up confronting Damian backstage so Reader takes her to the locker and reassuring her with sweet words Hugs and kisses. Thank you.
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The shadow of fear
Rhea Ripley x fem! reader
Song fic using " I love you " by Billie eilish
I think this ended up way more sad than the requester wanted. oh well! (A good amount of this story will be told from rheas pov)
As i stand in the back with the judgment day, I know that todays storyline involved a lot on me and Damien, im not to happy about it, but it gets a raise out of the fans, so i just deal with it. Rhea has been a bit distant lately, i don’t really know why, but I’ll try to talk to her.
“Rhea, my love! Hi!” I said in my normal upbeat tone, “Hey y/n” she said, she never really calls me y/n so it caught me off guard. “ are you okay?” I asked as i plopped next to her on the couch, “I’m fine, love. Are you ready for tonight?” She asked I could tell that something was bothering her but I didn’t want to push her before her matches tonight and i know this promo is going to piss her off even more, I’ve talked to the GM about changing the storyline, but they continue to say “its just a storyline and the fans love you two” and I can’t fight with them, wrestling is my passion, and its how i pay our bills.
**small time skip**
I stand backstage with Damien standing in front of me, all i can think about is “ I don’t even know if that’s pg” as his hands snake around my waist.
“Ya’know y/n, people talk..about us” Damian said his face close to mine, it almost makes me want to cringe, it was horrible in everyway, but, for the screen.
I lean closer putting my hands on his chest and looking up at him, “ let them talk,” i take a small pause “ because..we know what’s real and what’s not” I say with a small smirk, as i continue to let my hands Rome his body. “You enjoy playing with fire, dont you y/n.” He said pulling me softly against the wall. I feel the eyes burining into my back and i know who they belong to, but I can’t do anything about it, and I worry’s me, i know this isn’t easy for her to watch at all. I move my hands up to his chin slowly “ Maybe i do, maybe i want to burned” I say, i know the part that is next is going to be the worst, as i watch him lean closer to me, i know what im going to have to do , i soft,y close my eyes as he lays a soft kiss on my lips, its nothing like rheas, not comforting, not gentle, not wanted.
**rheas pov**
I had to sit and watch that whole promo..i had to watch my best friend on and off screen kiss my girlfriend and the rage running through my body. I make my way to the locker room, and from there i guess things start to clearly get worse. I see y/n and Damian giggling about the dumb promo, his hand on her shoulder, normally this would be fine, lighthearted actions, but i knew better than that, “hey..” i let out a small huff, “Hi, how are you? “ Damien said moving away from y/n “im good, tired, but good” i lied, and i know y/n noticed, but I didn’t really have time to deal with her drama.,
But that all changed when she looked at me, this look wasn’t nor,al.. loveless, i dont know.. and as soon as Damian walked out the door, it was like a rush of emotion fell over me.
“Are you enjoying it?:” i yelled slightly. Her head turned quickly. “What..? Rhea why would you say that?” She looked at me a hurt expression on her face, she sat on the arm of the couch.
“Tell me I’ve been lied to?” I said softly, i feel the tears fall from my eyes, “rhea… baby, my love its all part of the show, i swear.. i promise” She said as she moved closer to me, tho i just kinda pushed myself away from her, how does someone show so much emotion, so much..lust, when they are just faking it? I put my head in my hands. “ rhea! I’m being honest with you. I dont know why you’re thinking this!?” Y/n yelled at me, she never yells, this just makes the frustration overcome the sadness for a minute “Maybe wont you take it back?” I yelled back. “ say you where trying to make me ‘laugh’” my voice cracked a bit “Do you know what its like watching the love of you life with someone else, do you know what its like to see you two interact with eachother, how your constantly touching eachother, constantly kissing eachother!” I ramble out trying to push down the pain “Rhea, its just an act..” she said, she reached out for my hand but I quickly pulls away..”I can’t help i feel this way..it eats every part of me..”
as this argument clearly goes nowhere, its getting more heated, we are both at the point of standing and almost yelling.. this causes the anger to slowly melt into sadness.
“I love you.., and i dont want to” I said, and her face whent pale, i felt so bad i knew i needed to explain to her. the tears instantly start falling, messing up my makeup im sure. “ I love you y/n so much, so so much, but this dumb being with my best friend on screen shit is breaking my heart.i can’t stand it anymore y/n, I Hate that im like this y/n i hate that im jealous, i hate that im so upset, im sorry that I love you so much” i say as tears pour from my eyes
*y/ns pov*
“I’m sorry that i love you so much” she said.. that i love you so much.. this hurt, i needed her to know, “My love..” i say as i stepped closer to her, she once more tried to step away from me, but I wouldn’t allow that’s not this time, i grabbed her hands “Rhea, hey, listen to me my love, please..” she stopped trying to get away from me, but wouldn’t look me in my eyes, “my love, can you look at me as well?” She looked up making eye contact with me, her eyes all red and puffy, it pained me to see her like this, “ my love. I can’t escape the way, I love you.” I spoke softy, “ i honestly hate the promos, I’ve talked to the GM 100 times, and they wont listen to me, i couldn’t leave you, i could never love anyone more than I love you.” I softly smile at her. The look on her face tells me she needs a bit more reassurance “ no matter what dumb script i have to follow, or what i do infrount of that camera, i only want you” i told her, her grip tightened around me.
I pulled her into a hug, softly running my hands through her hair, “i love you, and i dont want this to come between us," I spoke softly. "I can't help the way I love you" she said with a small smile dang hugged me tighter "I'm sorry I let this get to me"
THANK you for reading
Xoxo. V.4mp.
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isagrimorie · 2 days
[initial reactions] Agatha All Along 1x04 - If I Can’t Reach You / Let My Song Teach You
Tumblr ate my last long rambling post, let’s do this again.
Series Spoilers referenced
There’s so many crunchy things in this episode. And how, in the end, the whole episode is permeated with love.
Lorna Wu’s love for her daughter, repurposing the spell for the Road to protect Alice. She made it so that at any point in time someone is singing her song to protect Alice.
First things that piqued my interest.
I’m currently out so I can’t pull up the captions: Did Agatha say, “I didn’t know you had it in you.” or “I knew you didn’t have it in you.”
Agatha gave Sharon a minute’s mourning and done. Agatha’s been around death so much she’s learned to compartmentalize it.
And then Lorna dying “on the road”, on tour is clever word play and shows how word of mouth stories can be distorted.
I feel like this is part of the theme being weaved. Agatha is a terrible person but most of the hate for her within the community I wager are rumors and some encouraged by her.
Jac Schaeffer has said Agatha lies. Their main thrust as writers is then to find Agatha’s truth.
Agatha wears a mask every time, she presents as someone more social and talkative than she is.
Agatha is, because of what happened to her, a solitary person. And when she’s really angry she fumes and doesn’t talk at all. The only one she almost is truthful with is with Rio, and not even always with her.
So I have a theory Lilia’s random outbursts is actually from Sharon Davis' ghost reaching out from the future to the present. Sharon might be dead but she’s not out. Also the cadence sounds like Sharon more than Lilia.
Jen is also so delightful in that she is also kind of the worst too, not as much as Agatha but right up there. Also I love her instinct for self-preservation.
I think we’re still going to get more about Jen in the coming episodes.
And Alice! Oh Alice, I love that she finally got to face the demon curse that’s haunted her family, and when she can see it, she knew she could kill it. I love the concept that her mother enveloped her in the best protection spell she could think of.
That was so smart.
And there is Rio summoned by the spell, the spell tagging Rio in immediately because she was nearby as a Green witch.
Agatha specifically asked the green witch it takes should not be annoying but the first thing Rio did was annoy the hell out of her. Agatha’s storming off was magnificent and I want her coat.
It’s so fun that even when Agatha revealed Rio’s intentions to the coven, Rio wasn’t annoyed, she was more amused than angry. Rio knows Agatha and her tricks.
Agatha caring for Teen was so great to see, seeing Teen hurt shook Agatha, and then Agatha’s “Don’t” to Rio was so loaded and begging.
Even though I didn’t know the series spoilers, I have actually suspected what Rio was before. But this would have confirmed it for me.
And it’s clear now Agatha’s hoping/suspecting Teen was her son, Nicholas.
It’s also clear to me now that my theory about how the rift formed seems to be true. Rio had to ferry Nicholas away from Agatha because it was her job. And Agatha never forgave Rio for it.
Agatha was clearly willing to forgive Rio because Rio spared Teen but Rio has revealed that Agatha is her scar and that also meant… whatever reconciliation that was going to happen Rio didn’t want it out of a lie.
So despite how much Rio wanted to kiss and hold Agatha for longer she told Agatha the truth. Teen isn’t hers. (Teen isn’t Nicholas.)
Rio can’t bear to reconcile based on a lie.
And that stopped Agatha cold, because there is still that chasm between them, her son. And what Rio had to do.
Talk about star crossed lovers.
I just want to give credit again to Jac Schaeffer and Mary Livanos (showrunner and executive producer) for making this happen. Because Disney wouldn’t have let this happen on their own, but Wandavision must have earned Schaeffer a big cachet in Disney to let this happen.
Especially in the era of Bob Iger part 2– under his watch Willow was taken off Disney+.
Eternals is the one with the clearest, textual queer characters in MCU. Runaways, is unfortunately, not included in the MCU because of Kevin Feige and Ike Perlmutter’s feud.
The sigil talk btw is interesting so my theory: It was Wanda, somehow, protecting Teen.
My second theory? It was Agatha All Along! How? I bet it’s timey wimey.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 day
Can I request headcanons for Vox Machina reacting to gn crush telling him/her that they had been told by their crushes that they're not good-looking and interesting please?
Vax thinks that’s an utter bollocks statement to make, especially since it was coming from someone you had feelings towards.
This absolute sweetheart would sit by you under a blanket of stars and keep you company until he thought you were ready to get back on your feet and show the fucker what they were missing out on.
‘They speak the universal language of bullshit.’ He’d say, which made you laugh in how he worded it. ‘I’m being serious! They don’t fucking know what they’ve missed out on, so don’t be too sad because they knew you were out of their reach and didn’t want to admit it out of their own pride.’ He adds as he allowed you to toy with his dagger
‘Still hurts though.’ You murmured as you tossed the dagger into the air and catching it by the handle as it comes down again. Vax frowns before nudging you in the side playfully.
‘Hey, it may suck now but sooner or later we’re going to look back on this and laugh at how much of a loser they were and how much better off you were without them to tie you down.’ He says and you look at him deeply before smiling. ‘Yeah they were a bit bland featured to be honest.’ You shyly admitted as vax laughed.
‘They’re bland as fuck and you are not, they’re a cunt and your far better then to let that twat have any ounce of power over you in any aspect, oh we can go see if I can pickpocket the bastard for everything their worth? Would that cheer you up?’ Vax asked as you mulled over the idea in your head, but it didn’t take long for you to want to see chaos ensue and you were quick to agree.
You and vax then ran off into the night like two giggling idiots, feeling a thousand times better then you were before.
‘Oh sweetheart that isn’t true, far from it.’ She’d say as she holds your face, wiping away your tears from your cheeks.
‘Then why would they say it.’ You said as you looked to her for answers within her eyes and Vex couldn’t help but feel her heart crack for you.
‘They’re not worth your tears, none at all if this is how they’re going to make you feel all the time.’ Vex told you as her bear companion huffed and cuddled into your side, sensing your sadness and distress and you were quick to run your hand through their fur in silent thanks.
‘I guess I shouldn’t have expected so much from them to begin with. After all nothing is set in stone.’ You murmured under your breath. ‘But it still hurts regardless.’
‘And it will my dear, it will hurt but sometimes it can motivate us into going the path we were meant to all along.’ Vex replied as watched you and trinket interact with hope in her heart that you’ll be okay, that you’ll be alright in due time.
‘Thanks vex, I really needed to hear that today.’ You tell her, only for trinket to huff as you laugh and ruffle their fur, ‘and yes thank you too trinket, thank you for the emotional support.’
Trinket huffed again but this time in triumph.
Percy wouldn’t know how to comfort you at first but would find it easier to just let you air out your grievances instead.
‘They said I’m bland and unappealing! Only to then call me childish when I showed that I wasn’t happy being called such, claiming I can’t handle the truth.’ You groaned as you fell in to the empty chair that awaited you. ‘What a fucking joke.’ You murmured.
‘What they said is uncalled for and rude on all accounts,’ Percy said calmly, ‘they claim it’s true but from the stories you’ve told me about them, they’re the most boring and unpleasant person to ever engage in a conversation with without feeling the need to bring up your topic of the weather.’ He adds and you snorted at his sarcastic tone.
‘Yeah, they do tend to find the most boring things and talk about them for hours, how I thought that was attractive I’ll never know, blinded I guess.’ You shrugged as you both began to shit talk about your former crush and nitpick at their every aspect with scrutinising detail.
‘They cannot tie a cravat properly to save his life.’ Percy quipped.
‘They avoid taverns because they don’t like the liveliness of them, nor the rowdiness.’ You add.
Percy scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. ‘Pretentious prick.’
You jolted forward in your seat towards him as though you were going to tell him a secret. ‘He’s not even from a well known enough family for that Percy’s they just wanna act like they are.’ You swore you saw Percy smile before he hid it behind his hand.
‘How embarrassing.’ He mumbles.
‘I know right?!’ You exclaimed as throughout the night you and Percy spend most of it together and shit talking the rejection away.
Keyleth would immediately try to disprove this by taking you out to her garden and showing you all the flowers.
‘Why am I here keyleth? To show how unappealing I am in comparison to pretty flowers?’ You asked.
‘No! I brought you here to show that every flower within my garden is no less loved than the other, all of them are watered and properly cared for regardless of how they look or what they smell like.’ Keyleth replied as she made you look at the daises, lavenders, chrysanthemums, water lilies, thistle, roses, Lilly of the valley and many more as thought they were a kaleidoscope of beauty in all its forms.
‘They are indeed all beautiful in their own unique way.’ You mumbled as you brushed one of the petals of a rose. Keyleth smiled as she put her hands on your shoulders and giving them a squeeze.
‘All flowers are loved by someone and you will find someone who will love you just as much as a Gardner loves their flowers.’ She reassured you in a sweet yet calming voice. ‘For you are worthy of love just like these flowers and you’ll find them, it just takes a little time and patience to happen. So hold on tight because someone is out there looking for the prettiest flower; you.’ She finished and you smiled back at her, resting your hands on top of hers, feeling reassured.
‘Thanks keyleth, I really needed it.’ You replied.
‘Well they’re stupid.’ He’d say in response.
‘but what if they’re right?’ You asked, defeated. ‘What if I am boring and unappealing?’
Grog huffs. ‘Bullshit. You’re far from either boring or unappealing, they’re just weak shit and cowardly because they know they can’t handle someone like you.’
You’d lean into his side and smiling softly. ‘Thanks for cheering me up Grog, I really needed it.’
‘No problem buddy.’ He smiles as he pats your head as a moment of silence passed between you two. ‘So…do you wanna fuck up some bad guys to relive the stress?’ He then asks and you smiled at him.
‘You don’t even have to ask.’ You tell him as you both set off to kick some ass.
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If You're Reading This
Pairing: Joel Miller x nb!reader
Word Count: 4.5k
Rating: PG-13, there's no spice. It's all angst bay-beeeeeee
Summary: You met Joel while out on a 'hunting run', you startle him and in return he almost shoots you. After everything settles the two of you get to talking and decide to stay in contact one of the only ways, via letters. Over the time writing each other, you grow feelings for him, and learn things about yourself that you don't know how he'll handle. Telling him, he goes silent, but you refuse to give up hope. Will your hope be enough to keep you going?
Author: Mod Crow (Got a new job so life has been ahhhhh)
Author's Note: The reader says their age. This was for @burntheedges' Roll-A-Trope! I was very back and forth on how I wanted this to play out, in the end I'm pretty happy with it.
Warnings: Language, mentions of suicide, and mentions of raiders and guns.
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Dear Joel,
Thanks for not shooting me today, I wasn’t even in my best attire to die. I’m kidding. Not about the not shooting me thing. 
It was nice really meeting someone who didn’t want to kill me or rob me. It was also nice having the help dragging a deer all the way back to this place. I only hope my butchering and fileting skills aren’t getting rusty. But hey, if they are, you said something about you showing me “the way it’s done in the big beauty of Texas” or however you worded it. I know you aren’t here, but I need you to know that I’m currently laughing. I made myself laugh. Gods, I’m losing it aren’t I?
 Anyways, I should probably start cooking myself something to eat before the sun goes down. If you ever head this way and stop at this place, you should leave me a little letter or something. Obviously, I left this one for you in an obvious spot -and that’s what you should do as well- then after that we can start putting them in more well-hidden places, we can’t have someone finding them before we have a chance to. But that’s for the next letter.
P.S. Y.F. means your favorite, I know what I am, you don’t have to tell me.
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Hey Smartass,
Now that I like the sound of. Oh, and drop the formality, I’m not your pen pal or some shit like that. Ellie wanted me to tell you that “if you try to replace her as my favorite, she will stab you”. I don’t pick favorites. Just so you know. I haven’t had a favorite person in a while now…
God let’s stop talking about the sad shit anymore. I saw a baby squirrel on the porch as I was walking up. I thought maybe he had lost his mama or daddy; I’m thinking that’s what he also thought because when one of his -what I can only assume- parents came back they had scared that poor little thing so bad that he damn near jumped three feet high. I was kind of wishing you could have seen it, I remember you telling me how much you loved nature and all that stuff. Don’t read into that.
Anyways, I don’t know what it’s like heading up from the southwest, but Ellie and I ran into more raiders than we normally do. I don’t know why there’s more, but I’m not liking how things are looking.  
I left you some ammo and rations hidden in the fireplace. Ellie left you something, she wouldn’t tell me, besides that it was hidden in the bathroom. That’s all she told me, so I’m guessing that means good luck. 
I’m not calling you my favorite, I don’t have a favorite between you two nuisances 
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Dear party-pooper,
Yes, that’s what I’m calling you from now on, you fucking party-pooper. ANYWAYS, I found your stash, thanks. The ammo was a life saver…literally…the rations could have at least been a good one. You left me some beef jerky (the only good thing in that damn ration), some stale ass cracker, and some unidentifiable fruit-like substance. 
The raiders though, they’ve actually been better. Based on my guess, I think they might have migrated up your way. If you think it’s getting too bad for a bit, I get that, don’t feel pressured to write me back whenever you’re here next. 
On a lighter note, Ellie hid a book that she’d think I’d like. So far, her shot in the dark has struck bull’s-eye. Tell her I said thank you. As for where she hid it -you’re gonna love this- she pulled the medicine cabinet off the upstairs bathroom’s wall, knocked out a small bit of drywall, and hid it in the wall before replacing the cabinet. It took me far longer than it should have, but who the fuck would look behind the cabinet on the wall? The cabinet, mind you, looked like it had never been pulled off the wall. Fuck, I really gotta give her credit for how creative she is with hiding places. You should take notes. Your hiding spots in the past have been…kinda in plain sight. Love you old man, but you suck at hiding. Expect, I give you credit to this last drop, up the chimney fluke. Maybe you still have it in you after all, old man.
Anyways…I left some things for you in the door of the fridge. It’s not much this time, things have been rough at this place. We let in this new couple, and they’ve been super suspicious. The first night they were here, the woman -Gabrielle- was found snooping around in the owner of the farm’s wife’s dresser. Gabrielle couldn’t give us a straight answer as to why she was snooping. That wasn’t even the weirdest bit, that same night the man -Kenneth- was snooping around in ALL of our shit. I woke up at gods only know, probably 3 or 4 in the morning. I didn’t think he got any of shit. I didn’t look though, and that’s on me. He got away with most of the things I was going to give you, what he didn’t take is hidden for you. I left Ellie some magazines I found about alternative bands from before the pandemic. I don’t even know if she knows what alternative music is, gods you probably don’t know what alternative music is. I’ll explain that to you in person one of these days. 
-Your favorite nuisance 
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You fucking child, 
You and Ellie act like the exact same person sometimes I swear. Sometimes I feel like it’s just Ellie leaving me these notes. 
Forget all that, you said that the ammo I stashed for you came in handy? What happened? Are you okay? Were you injured? What happened to the other guy? That’s something I would have paid to see. If half of what the shit you’ve said in the past were true, then you’re a pretty good aim. 
What you left me enough, the granola was honestly a god sent. You have no idea how boring coffee was getting. Ellie also said -and I quote- “Hell yeah these bitches look sick.” I have no idea where she’s heard that, because it sure as hell wasn’t me. 
Backtracking -kind of- I know we’ve talked raiders, how have those fucking clickers been? I think because of that “migration” or whatever the hell you called it, they’ve been out there killing those fuckers while they snuck through the shadows. Our raider problem went up, but the clicker problem. It’s been too quiet recently. But following that thought, your raider problem went down, so that means your clicker problem got worse. Didn’t it? Fuck… You’re a pain in my ass, but I like this banter I get to have. You should come with Ellie and I back to our little place. It isn’t much, but Ellie’s been complaining that where we are isn’t “comfortable”. I swear she says what she says just to test my patience. But, yeah, Ellie would love it. She’d never shut up and it wouldn’t be me for once. Just give us the when and we’ll meet you here.
-Joel M.
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Hey grumpy,
I think I like this nickname the best so far. I do swear one thing to you grumps, I am 100% NOT Ellie. I’m your…something. I’ve been kinda held up in my room at the farm this past week. I’ve been thinking about some things after the raiders. That’s not something I lied about; I am a pretty good shot. So was the leader of the little gang. He was 100% aiming for my head, I’m only alive because I got lucky. He drew his gun quicker than I did, he aimed quicker than I could, and he pulled that fucking trigger before I could…His gun jammed. It took me a minute to even register that I was still alive. When I realized though, gods, was I ready. Almost dying makes you really think about how you want to be remembered by people. 
I don’t even know if what I’m thinking would make sense to you. Ellie might, but all she’s ever known is…well whatever it is she grew up knowing. These are things that I haven’t thought about since…fuck, well before the outbreak. Bare with me as I try to figure out to explain this in writing that isn’t going to be a fucking novel. 
Actually, before I do that, I want to get this out there first. if you aren’t sure you want to be a part of this emotional blah, I got lucky. Ken left his bag open in Gabrielle’s room right next to her bag in her room! What’s even better? Neither of them were anywhere near the bags, Gabrielle was helping with dinner and Ken was helping with fence repair. I left you just under half of the ammo they had -hey, gotta keep myself safe- and Ken’s utility hatchet like thing (you’ll see what I mean). I also snatched you some more granola. I have no idea how this old couple is doing it, but they have so many oats. They also have a fucking bee house! You know what that means? Fresh honey! And just for you grumps, I snatched a mason jar for the two of you. Honey’s also good for a sore throat. I know it’s getting cold out there. I’ve actually been knitting (I know, I must be lying about my age. I’m not, I swear. I learned how to knit because of my grandma. When I was probably six or seven, I made a huge deal out of wanting to learn to do what my grandma was doing. So, she taught me. After the outbreak, I needed something to do with my hands, otherwise things…things would be incredibly different right now. Gods, sorry about the ramble.) some scarves for the two of you. You have no idea how much yarn got left behind in the stores. If after you read this, you decide you still want me to go with you I will. We can do it the weekend after next. Next week is my birthday and Marieann and George (the old couple of the farm) told me that it was “my day to relax and rest up after the hard year.” Who am I to go against what a sweet old lady tells me to do? That being said, I don’t like not knowing what’s going on and how the two of you are doing. At this point, what’s even the point of keeping track of birthdays anymore? Like, “Yay I lived another horrid year on this dying hunk of space rock, can’t wait to suffer through another one! Anyways, I'm sneaking out past curfew to leave you a note if the plan has changed. Anywho…I found more magazines for Ellie. I’ve hid them in the pantry. She’s smart. Your is hidden in the basement behind that dresser, it’s the same idea as what the kid did in the upstairs bathroom cabinet.
Back to the emotional blah…If anything I write doesn’t make sense, you can try asking Ellie. She may know. Gods, I thought it would be easier to write this out, not having to see your weathered (ignore that) expression change. To what? I don’t know. Anything? Fuck it…Joel when we meet, I thought I had figured myself out. When I met you, I was sure I was a woman. I don’t think that I am…I’m not a man either though. I’m neither? I don’t know how to explain this. Okay, so I was she/her when we met, you were -and still are- he/him. Well, if I’m neither of them I have to have a way to refer to myself, right? I do, instead of she or he, I’m…them. Or they! Well, it’s more like both, they/them. Gods I’m shaking so bad right now haha, I’m just really scared of losing you two…You two have been the first good thing since this shitstorm started. I know I can’t make you write me back, but I can ask you to at least leave me something saying you’ll either come back and write a new note or some kind of…I don’t know sign? That doesn’t feel like the right word, but note isn’t the word I want to use…I don’t know Joel, just please leave something. I don’t care how long it takes; I’ll keep coming back till I get another note from you. Even if that means I die doing this because you chose to leave, and I wouldn’t hate you for it. 
That’s all I’ve to say. I really do…like you Joel, when thinking, remember I am the person from all of those letters and the few times we met.
-Your Raven no    Magpie also no Crow now that’s one I like
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Hey, I came back this weekend, I’m 26 now! Yay! I’m not going to lie; I’m terrified right now. The clickers are getting worse around the farm, they aren’t too bad on the way here yet, but I know they will be.
I checked to see if you took the stuff, and you did. I saw that Ellie left me a comic book and a band shirt from one of those mags I gave her. I can’t believe she was able to find one, let alone one in my size. I also saw that you left me some ammo and another ration. I know it isn’t much, but it’s something. It gives me hope, and that’s all most of us have nowadays. Along with that hope, I also hope that you'll come back again. If that’s the case, I’ve left you both some things, same places as last. 
Joel, for you, more granola (enough for the both of you), a scarf for you, some peach preserves (Marieann opened up some preserves she had made to be opened about this time), and some bread I baked. I warn the bread isn’t pretty, but with the chill, it should last a bit longer.
For Ellie, her scarf, a couple of mangas I found (this will be fun to hear how that goes), a Swiss army knife I found on a dead raider (I know it’s gruesome, but it’s the world we live in now), and a slightly used deck of cards. I felt like she could find a way to entertain herself why you do whatever it is you do when you want to be alone.
-Your hope filled Crow
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Hey again,
You took the things again, and you left some more for me. It’s still something. No matter how little. It just hit me, these letters are going to be getting shorter and shorter until I hear from you huh?
Should I even keep writing to you? Maybe don’t answer that. Or do. You take all the time you need. I’m leaving you guys some more things, the same place as before.
-Your Crow
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I’m sorry about how long it took, I’ll be honest, I didn’t understand at all, and it freaked me out a bit. I asked Ellie if she they understood it and they did. They also came to realize that about themselves too. No, I don't fully understand it, but I’m willing to learn.
Thanks for the scarves, they’ve really helped with the chill at night. Ellie was so intrigued by that one that I’m guessing was the manga. I have no idea if they figured it out, but they’re having a blast trying. 
The clickers have been a bit more active around us too. I wonder where they’re all coming from though. 
Ellie and I are ready to head out, just tell us when. We’ve gathered all we could, the rest of the stuff we’re leaving is replaceable. Thanks to your scarf we’ve managed to carry a bit more stuff, not the way you meant for them to be used but they’re multifaceted. 
I don’t know if Ellie has anything to leave, but I’m assuming it’s in the bathroom. I don’t have much to leave, I found some yarn. I just happened upon it when looting some cars on the main road. I also found a broken bow. I don’t know if you can fix it, but maybe that old man, George(?) could fix it, or maybe someone else in the house. They’re in the basement, it’s the only place they’d fit. 
I want to help you keep that hope alive. I have one of my own, I hope we can get somewhere warm and safe together.
Joel, with…
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Holy fuck,
Joel, you came back?! Thank you fuck…thank you. If you could see me, I am a mess right now. Gods you’d get a kick. 
I wasn’t able to fix the bow, but George was! I guess he used to bow hunt back in the day. He said it may take him a bit; he has to dig out his tools. I’ll leave a letter the night before with an update. If you find a letter then there’s kink in the plans, if you don’t find a letter then it’s because I was there waiting, or I died. Or some other third thing, I like being dramatic sometimes. 
With this plan may be happening, I’m not leaving much. This time it’s a kindle of firewood. Dry firewood hidden in the sugar in a mason jar. I remember you saying you drank coffee, and you were growing tired of the taste. So have some sugar, make it sweeter. Maybe add honey too. 
-Your Crow
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Dear Joel,
I know you hate the formality of these kinds of letters, but for once, just let it be. See the thing is I’m writing this as a “worst case scenario” kinda thing… I started writing about an hour ago for me, gods only know how long it’s been for you. To put in perspective the time difference, I’m writing this the same day I read your letter you had left, the letter about the plans about me coming with the two of you to find somewhere else. 
I don’t know what has happened to me to force my hand in leaving this letter, but if I had to take a shot in the dark, I’ve probably been shot by other survivors. I’ve been bitten. If I remember, I’ll try to come back and write what really happened. Anyways, I know we had a plan, I also know that you’re a strong man. You don’t need me; I would have just slowed you down. So now you have to promise me you’ll keep that kid safe. Oh, and if you happen to find yourself in Omaha -I know we’re several hundred miles away, but you never know- stop by 1004 Cicada drive. It’s where I was living when all of the shit hit the fan. Now, I won’t be there to give you the tour, so you better not go tracking mud or anything inside. 
Look, there are some things in that house that I think could be beneficial to you, I know you’ll find what you need. I have some things out in the garage, there’s some other things in the attic, and then there’s some things down in the basement’s crawl space. Now, it’s going to be dusty and dirty down there, but back before all of this, it was a beautiful basement. I had just finished painting it that beautiful blue color that has since been destroyed by some fucking raiders. Fuck, look at me gushing over my old basement. I must really sound like some weird fucker, huh? 
Anyways, if I’m dead and that’s why you’re reading this, I just wanted to tell you some things…Where do I even start? I guess I’ll start light, that’s what you do right? I don’t know why I keep asking questions, I don’t know your answers to them. Gods do I wish I did know your answers, writing this with the unknown has been killing me. If you could see me right now, you’d have a pretty good laugh, I’m shaking like the last fall leaf in a big dying tree in the middle of a tornado. Fuck, I’m rambling…Look I’m really happy we ran into each other when we did, that day you almost shot me in the forest -behind this decrepit house- I lied to you. You asked me why I was out there, I told you I was looking for some animals to catch. I wasn’t…I couldn’t take any more of this bullshit. So, I was gonna beat the zombies to my death, and I wasn’t giving them the satisfaction of bringing me back to be some brainless creature monster. I was going to paint a bit of the forest with gray matter. When you insisted on helping me because you also needed food, I was honestly kinda pissed. But now? Now I’m happy you stuck around. Joel, I don’t wanna make you feel any type of way but…You are the only reason I’m still here on this shithole of a planet. Also…you sticking around had affected me in ways I wasn’t expecting…Joel thanks to you Joel, spending all of that time with you, getting to actually know you, exchanging stories, all of that shit. All of that meant means far more than you could understand, and in that time, I grew to fell in love with you Joel. 
I should have told you in person not through a piece of paper. I know there isn’t much I can say now…. but I am sorry. I wish I could have told you in person, I really do, I wish I could have heard your lips say it back. I can only imagine how your raspy, yet honeysuckle sweet voice would say those three words “I. Love. You.” Gods the thought of it…
Anyways, if I keep going, I might accidently write you a book. For whatever reason it is that made me tell you where to find this, I’m happy I got to meet you when I did. Make sure to tell Ellie I said hi. You make sure you keep that girl safe or so Gods help you, Joel Miller. 
-Your Crow, with love
P.S. Joel I don’t know how much longer I have till I turn, but I just wanted to say before I die, I love you Joel, tell Ellie I love her too. I left you my remaining ammo and handgun. I left Ellie my lucky bullet casing -we both know she’ll love it- and my bracelet, the one with that little metal rabbit foot charm. You have no idea how excited I was to leave that lonely farm. I would finally be with people I cared about and who cared about me. Like who actually cared about me. 
I had a weird feeling that this is how things would go, so I planned. I know I’m leaving you my handgun and ammo. The handgun only has one bullet right now. You can fill it the rest of the way and leave, or you can do what I was too scared to do in the end…Kill me. Right now, I’m in the kitchen writing this. I don’t feel good, I feel like someone beat me with a lead pipe. My head is throbbing, and I can’t tell if I’m sweating because I’m hot with a fever, or if because of a cold chill. 
I thought I’d have a bit of time, you know, write you some more, pour my heart out on paper for you, but I don’t. It wasn’t a deep bite, but it was a bite, nonetheless. I tried to sneak past this clicker, I was doing so well until I lost my balance and stumbled, twisting my ankle. I didn’t try to fight it, I thought I’d have better luck running back here. I didn’t…  
I love you Joel, I really really ….
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*Joel’s POV*
Your writing at the end was practically ineligible, trailed off almost. Joel wasn’t quite sure, what he was sure of, was the feeling of his heart break. An all too familiar break, one he hadn’t felt since Sarah’s mom…
Joel quickly and silently tore his path through the house, he was certain that you were playing some kind of sick cruel joke. 
“Joel. Joel! Come on man,” Joel could hear Ellie, but for some reason his legs wouldn’t stop. He had to prove Ellie wrong, that’s why. Yeah, that makes sense. “Joel, Jesus fucking Christ. STOP!” Hearing Ellie’s loud voice had pulled him to a halt. 
“Joel, I know you loved them man, I did too. I don’t know what hell-bent path you’re on, but you aren’t going to find them okay. I know,” Joel looked to Ellie, his unfocused eyes taking a moment. When his eyes finally focused, he could see it, he could see the tears that were pouring from Ellie’s face. That’s when he realized he too was crying. “I looked for them after I found their rabbit’s foot bracelet. I think they’re in the basement, the door is locked or jammed. I can’t get it open.” Joel swallowed the pained howls that wanted to rip through his tired body. Clearing his throat, Joel quickly wiped his face on his jacket sleeve. 
“You stay up here; I’ll get it figured out. No matter what, I don’t care if you're curious or something else, don’t under any circumstances come down there am I clear?” Joel clenched his jaw, he needed something to focus on something, so why not something he can do. 
Ellie never responded verbally, but Joel saw the stiff nod. Turning from Ellie Joel tried to make quick work of finding the things you left. It took him far less time than he expected. Joel also found a key; one he could only assume you left. It wasn’t particularly noteworthy or showy, but if he had to guess, it would unlock that basement door. Was that even something he wanted to do? Kill you? Or rather, kill the already dead you? 
Heading back to the dining room, Joel looked at the things he had found in the house. The one catching his attention first? Your handgun. The one with only one bullet loaded in it. Picking up the gun, Joel examined it in his hand, the handle was worn, faint groves noticeable to the touch. The metal on it had definitely seen better days, days when the metal was clean and before it was used in all of this shit. 
Swallowing the lump in his throat down, Joel took the key -along with the gun- to the basement door. Standing there, Joel simply stared at the handle. God only knows how long he stood there, but hearing Ellie walk into the dining room, pulled him back to the doorknob in hand. Gripping the gun tighter, Joel carefully put the key into the knob. Giving it a trying twist, Joel felt it resist for a second, before a soft ‘click’ could be heard. Gripping the knob, Joel twisted it slowly and carefully pulled the door open. There wasn’t a single sound coming from the basement, maybe you had found a way to do this. Something he was now dreading. Readying the gun, Joel carefully made his way down the stairs, trying to be as light as possible on his feet. 
Once his feet hit the basement floor, Joel clicked on his flashlight. The basement wasn’t huge by any means, but it did have a smaller room off the back wall. Walking towards the doorway, Joel practically held his breath to listen for the all too well known cl-
The sound of clicking slowly filling the air as he grew closer. The sound put him to a stop. Can he really do this? Yes, because you shouldn’t have to be one of them. Clenching his jaw Joel continued on. 
In the doorway, Joel could barely make out the shadow of you, or at least what used to be you. It was kind of hard to tell for certain where the bite was for certain, but it seemed as if it was your shoulder. As he stood there, Joel was silent, he wanted to remember what you were like, this wasn’t you and he knew that. You were gone by now, long gone and he knew that. Raising the gun, Joel closed his eyes for a moment. Opening his eyes, Joel cocked the handgun, the click of the hammer grabbing your attention. Staring at what used to be your face, Joel could feel the tears run down his face. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t quicker my Crow.” His last word punched through the silence, with the loud echo of a spent shell.
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ameliathornromance · 2 days
Are you the Final Girl?
Slasher!Orc X Reader
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Chapter 2
Masterlist <--- Check for TWs
The rest of the day went without incident, despite the bubbling anger in your stomach.
You didn’t speak to Jennifer, Jack or Sydney for the rest of the day and turned your phone off the moment more of those horrible texts started coming in from your Instagram. You never read them anymore, they were all along the similar lines of ‘you’re awful, why don’t you just die.’
Classes passed by quickly and before you knew it, they were over. As you left the lecture hall, you turned on your phone. As soon as it had loaded in, your phone was a buzz with texts from your acquaintances. They were mostly from Jennifer.
She was begging for you to talk, to arrange a time to call so she could explain herself. A part of you was inclined to tell her no, that she needed to sort her own shit out before she spoke to you again.
But, your long history together is what made you believe you should text her back.
So, you did. There had to be some kind of explanation for this, right? Malike was a quiet kind guy, he’d never so much as hurt a fly. Maybe there was some other reason that Jennifer had taken such a strong dislike to him. You had never heard her talk badly about other creatures on Campus before, let alone Orcs.
You called Jennifer the moment you got back to your dorm room.
“Hey.” You said, as Jennifer picked up the phone.
“Hey.” She said back. Her voice held a resigned tone, as if she was a scolded child. “Listen, I… just wanted to say sorry about what I said earlier.”
You fought the urge to tell her that it isn’t you she should be apologising to. But Malike, who most likely overheard her in the park.
“...I never told you this before,” She continued as you set your bags down beside your desk. “But I grew up in the same town as Malike. Everyone knew him.”
“Really?” This surprised you. But when you thought about it, it did make sense. You met Malike and Jennifer at the same time, since they were standing beside each other and talking to each other in quiet toned voices.
“Hmhm… I knew he was a nice guy and everything, but there were… rumours back home.” Jennifer’s voice became hushed, as if she was worried she may be overheard. “That Malike liked to pull apart bugs as a kid. Like spiders and things like that… but he was a child, and kids do weird things like that right?”
“Of course,” you agreed.
“Well, according to some people I knew at home, when he was a teenager, apparently Malike had strangled a squirrel with his barehands… and that he’d had a smile on his face the whole time. His mum caught him doing it.”
Your eyes widened. “Are you serious Jen?”
“Yeah. That’s why I was a freaked out when you rejected him. I knew it had been a long time since any of that stuff happened, but I didn’t know what he was going to do. If he’d happily kill a squirrel… then who knows what he’d do to another person.”
“Why were you hanging out with him on the first day if you knew this?” You asked.
“Well, I didn’t want to believe any of the rumours, so I thought I’d get to know him. But… I don’t know, when you told me he asked you out, all that gossip I heard came flooding back to me and I felt like I had to get him away from you.” Jennifer explained.
You looked over your shoulder, as if there was a presence standing behind you. “Does anyone else know about this?” You thought of Jack’s harsh words about Orcs too.
“No. Just me and him, most likely.”
“I… I didn’t realise he did any of that stuff.” You admitted, lamely. “But, you can’t just brandish all Orcs with the same brush like that.”
“I’m sorry about that too. I had no idea what I was thinking when I said that. Malike’s mum’s an Orc and she’s so nice. She used to do charity bake sales and everything when we were younger. I don’t know how Malike turned out to be so creepy.” Jennifer’s voice shuddered through the phone.
“Well, thank you for the explaining.” You said, truthfully. “I had no idea about that stuff Malike did as a kid. That’s psychopathic behaviour.”
“Definitely. So, you’ll stay away from him from now on, right?”
You hesitated. Jennifer sounded like she was telling the truth and, you really didn’t want to believe that she would lie about something so serious as animal cruelty just to get you to believe her.
And if she wasn’t lying about what Malike did as a kid, then you could get yourself into a lot of trouble if he ends up approaching you again. Perhaps it is best to stay away from him.
“Yeah, I will. Thanks for telling me Jen.”
“Okay, good.” A sigh of relief breathed down the phone. “I’ve got to get going to my night class now. They want us to go to a runway show to see how the make up gets done on models in a rush, so I’ll probably be sleeping in late tomorrow okay?”
“Alright. Have fun Jen.”
“Will do, sleep well (Y/N), goodnight.”
And with that, you hung up the phone. You bit your lip.
Malike didn’t have any other hidden tenancies like that… did he?
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daryltwdixon · 3 days
The Ruins of Us: Chapter 19
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Summary: You have a sweet moment with Daryl before tempers rise at shooting practice. Meanwhile, a childhood memory resurfaces, reminding you of a simpler time when an awkward, innocent moment with Daryl left you both embarrassed yet connected.
warnings: emoshie hehe, no other warnings. Shane is an ass!
notes: bit of a longer chapter than usual, sorry that the chapter mood board is off I'm too lazy tonight
You wake in the morning to the soft light of dawn filtering into the RV, the bed beneath you far more comfortable than you expected. Dale had insisted you take one of the back beds, figuring you’d had enough for the day. He didn’t think a tent or couch in the Greene house would do you much good after what you’d been through. Stretching, memories of the previous day come back in flashes, tugging at the edges of your mind.
You weren’t sure how to confront Shane. You weren’t one to shy away from confrontation, but Shane had become dangerous, more foreboding as time went on. The way he’d so easily laid hands on you, getting in your face with that temper flaring—it had you on edge. You’d have to be strategic when you spoke to him, preferably with people nearby or at least within earshot. Last night, you left Daryl in the late evening once his soft snoring filled the room, and after a few minutes by the fire pit, Dale had offered you the RV bed, bless him.
Thoughts of worst-case scenarios cloud your head as you shake yourself awake and rise from the bed. You can’t help but run through how you’re going to handle talking to Shane, how scary he’s become. It makes your chest tighten, but you push it aside for now.
As you make your way into the Greene house, the kitchen is already bustling with activity. Maggie spots you first, her green eyes lighting up as she gives you a wide smile. “Mornin’,” she says softly.
You glance around the kitchen, spotting Hershel, Patricia, and Jimmy moving about, chopping, stirring, and getting breakfast ready. A girl you haven’t met before, with long, wavy white-blonde hair, stands at the stove. She turns at Maggie’s greeting, and her big blue eyes meet yours. You offer her a quiet smile and ask, “Can I help with anything?”
“Just help yourself,” Maggie calls over when Beth stays quiet, turning back to her cooking. It hits you how strange it must be for them to have their quiet farm overrun by strangers. You’ve hardly been much help yourself, what with Hershel patching everyone up and doing all the heavy lifting.
“Hershel,” you say quietly, grabbing a slice of homemade toast and slathering it with jelly. He looks up at you with his usual kind expression. “Is there anything I can help with? Put me to work. I can handle manual labor,” you insist.
Hershel smiles softly, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel. “Thank you, miss, but we don’t need you strainin’ those wounds just yet.”
“Please, it’s the least I could do,” you push, then add, “What about the horses? I can muck stalls or put out some hay.”
Hershel chuckles and nods. “If you’re so keen, Beth would probably appreciate someone taking over her chores for the morning. Go right ahead.”
You smile, grabbing your plate of eggs and toast and balancing a mug of coffee in the other hand. You make your way back to the downstairs bedroom, half-expecting Daryl to still be in bed, but your heart skips a beat when you find it empty. You peer out the window, chewing the last bit of toast. The sun is climbing higher, and you see the group emerging from their tents. Andrea is walking toward the tent farthest from the house, one nestled under a large tree. You don’t need to be told whose tent it is—you already know.
Out the front door and into the yard, you take long strides, careful not to trip or spill coffee as you make your way to the towering tree past the yard. You hear Glenn and Carol call good mornings to you, in which you nod your head to them, unable to wave at the moment. As you approach, Andrea is coming out with a small smile, and stops when she sees you. 
“Hey,” she says softly. You stop in front of her now, waiting. You can tell she’s working out something to say, so you stand patiently with her. 
“I’m really sorry about yesterday,” she says to you, “I can’t believe I shot Daryl,”
You swallow the remaining bite of toast that you were holding onto with your teeth, “it’s okay, he’s alive, that’s all that matters,” you try to smile, but your wall is still up with her after she so easily dismissed you yesterday by the RV. She nods, looking away, and walks off. 
Stepping into the tent, you see Daryl laying on his back on top of a small cot, a book in hand. His shirt is open, and you can help when your eyes trail down his chest and stomach, to where his jeans sit on his waist.
“What, no picture book?” you tease him, handing him the plate of food, “where’d you go? How come you weren’t inside?”
He takes it with a small “thanks,” and you sip your coffee, sharing with him. He sits up as he shoves the toast in his mouth.
Daryl shifts on the cot, swallowing the large bite, “Got tired of bein’ in there, all these people around. Needed to get away,” he mutters, casting a glance at the opening of the tent as if he’s half-expected someone to walk in. “Can’t stand most of these people.”
You sip your coffee and lean against the post of the tent. “How’d you end up with these guys anyway? Especially Shane,” you ask, taking a slice of toast from the plate. You see Daryl tense at the mention of him.
His chewing slows, eyes flicking to yours before he looks away again. “Didn’t know he was with ‘em when we found the camp. Me and Merle…” he trails off, his face hardening slightly, “we were gonna take their food. Maybe a couple guns. Day before I found you.”
You nod slowly. It wasn’t shocking that Daryl and Merle had been planning something like that.
“But then Shane came back from the woods with that lady, Lori,” Daryl adds, quieter this time. His jaw clenches as he took another bite, his eyes narrow slightly as if recalling that moment. “Didn’t sit right. Shane always had that look on his face, like he’s in charge, like he can get away with anythin’.”
“Then why’d you stay?” you ask, trying to understand why Daryl, who disliked most people and was particularly wary of Shane, and especially from what you’d uncovered about what went down before the apocalypse. You’re surprised he hadn’t just walked away once he knew who was in the group.
He glances up at you, his expression guarded but flickering with something softer for a split second. “Figured it was better to stick around. See what kinda group they were. Especially when Merle went on the run with em’ the next day. Then I found you, and couldn’t leave you behind with… with that asshole runnin’ things,” he says, his voice quieter, “Couldn’t let him...not again…”
His words –said and unsaid–hang in the air for a moment. You aren’t sure how to respond, so you just watch as Daryl goes back to finishing his breakfast. The tension between him and Shane was palpable, and you can’t help but feel the weight of everything that is unspoken. You stare at him for a moment, letting the silence settle between you. Daryl rarely talked this much, especially about anything deeper than the surface. After what he shared last night, it felt like you were seeing a side of him that most people probably never got to. Something you hadn’t seen in a long time either. 
Daryl shifts on the cot, laying and twiddling with an arrow from his crossbow as he glances away. “If it weren’t for that girl missin’, I’d be gone…out lookin’ for Merle,” he mutters, his tone a bit more distant now, like his mind had wandered to his brother.
Your heart sinks a little at his words. It wasn’t that you don’t understand—Merle was his brother, after all, and almost like your own—but the thought of Daryl leaving, of him disappearing again like he had before, leaves an uncomfortable ache in your chest.
“You’d leave us behind, huh?” you ask quietly, trying to keep your voice light, though you can’t hide the edge of sadness that crept in. You manage a small teasing smile. “Guess it’d be karma if I had to get used to you takin’ off and leaving me behind this time.”
Daryl scoffs, shooting you a look that makes it clear he thinks you are being ridiculous. “Don’t be stupid,” he grumbles, shifting in his seat to face you. “You’re not leavin’ my side anymore.”
Your eyes widen a little at the sudden firmness in his voice, but before you can respond, he adds, “Tired of one of us gettin’ shot when we ain’t together. Shit never woulda happened if you were with me. You woulda never let me do half the stupid shit I did out there on the ridge neither.”
There’s a rawness in his words, a frustration that you hadn’t quite heard from him before. It’s like he’s carrying the weight of both of your injuries—the bullet wounds, the close calls—and blaming himself for every second you weren’t by his side.
You swallow hard, trying to push back the lump forming in your throat. “Daryl, we couldn’t have known—”
“Doesn’t matter,” he cuts you off, his voice rougher now, like he’s angry with himself more than anything. “Shoulda been there. Shoulda kept you safe. Ain’t happenin’ again.”
The intensity of his gaze makes your breath catch for a moment, but instead of backing away, you reach over and lightly touch his cheek, just below the graze of the bullet yesterday, “You always have my back, Dare. And I’ll have yours.”
Daryl glances down at your body being so close now, the hand against his face. His expression softening just a little before he gives a small nod. He doesn’t say anything more, but the look in his eyes says enough.
“I didn’t think I’d ever belong anywhere,” you admit, your own voice wavering slightly, surprising yourself with the admission, “not until I met you.”
Daryl’s gaze softens, and for the first time in what felt like ages, he doesn’t look away. There was something between you that didn’t need saying—a shared understanding, a bond that had been there long before the world went to hell.
After a long silence, Daryl finally nods, his expression hardening slightly like he was trying to protect himself again. “Don’t go makin’ it sound like I’m some kinda hero,” he mutters, but there was no bite to his words.
You smile softly, knowing he was deflecting, but also knowing that deep down, he was grateful. “Wouldn’t dream of it,” you tease gently, letting your hand slip from his face.
After mucking the couple of stalls in the barn for Hershel, you’re left sweaty but satisfied with the feeling of hard work. The sun is rising higher in the sky, casting a warm glow across the farm, and you wipe the back of your hand across your forehead as you make your way toward the house. As you walk, your eyes land on Rick, Shane, and Glenn gathered around the blue truck, deep in conversation.
Shane spots you first, his sharp gaze locking onto you as you get closer. The easy banter he was sharing with Rick dies off, and his eyes follow your movements, lingering just a little too long, always staring. 
“Y/N, comin’ to target practice?” he calls. You peer around and see Beth and Patricia by the truck too, figuring they must be joining. He has his arms crossed over his chest, eyes locked on you with that smug look he always wore. 
You hesitate for a second, stomach twisting in anger and wariness. Every fiber of your being tells you to ignore him, to walk the other way and not give him the satisfaction. But if you’re being honest, part of you wants to show him you could handle yourself, that you weren’t afraid. A couple more people are accumulating as well, making the idea of joining them a little more convincing.
Reluctantly, you walk over, keeping your face neutral as you approach the group. Shane’s eyes follow you the whole way, but you don’t flinch. You won’t give him that.
“Figured you could use the practice,” he says, his tone casual but dripping with that same condescension you expect from him.
You swallow down the immediate retort that came to mind and give him a curt nod. “I’ll give it a shot,” you mutter, walking up to the car and sitting in the front passenger seat. 
You cross your arms over your chest. When you look back over at the tent, Daryl is watching, but instead of the usual glaring he did at whatever Shane was up to when it came to you, he has a smirk playing on his lips. It’s all it takes to ease your tension, your shoulders sagging in relief, and almost smiling to yourself. You’re a good shot. The best hunter you knew taught you how to shoot, for god’s sake. This would be easy, and maybe…maybe even fun.
The sound of glass bottles shattering and pinging rings through the air as people are shooting them from the fence posts. You smile over at Carl, who Shane is talking to about holding a gun correctly. You remember Shane telling you about his gun classes, and you had to admit when he wasn’t being intimidating, he was sweet with the kids. 
He stands fully then, letting Carl take a shot, and the kid hits just off the side of the bottle, making it clang but not fall.
“Keep workin’ on that aim little man,” he pats his shoulder, then looks over at you. Your smile falters when his dark eyes find yours.
“How’s that practice comin’ along?,” he says to you, sauntering over.
You roll your eyes and lift up the handgun you’d been given without another word.
Shane watches you closely, but you ignore it. The others are eyeing you curiously but keep quiet. You take your stance, line up your shot, and with steady hands, squeeze the trigger. The bullet hits dead center of the glass, causing a blast and falling to the ground. You can feel Shane’s eyes narrowing behind you.
“Nice shot,” T-Dog comments from the side, giving you a nod of approval.
You reload and fire again, another dead center hit. But before you can take a breath, Shane steps closer, standing just behind you, his voice low and almost too close for comfort. “Didn’t think you’d come over. Thought you’d been avoidin’ me,” he says, voice dripping with fake friendliness.
Your jaw clenches, but you don’t take your eyes off the target. “Been busy,” you reply coolly, taking a shot again and hitting another glass bottle. The tension between you is palpable, the air thick with unspoken words.
“Yeah? Busy with what?” Shane presses, his tone harder now, the underlying challenge unmistakable.
You lower the gun for a moment and turn your head just slightly to look at him, your eyes meeting his with a steely glare. “Don’t push it, Shane,” you say quietly, your voice firm but controlled. You know better than to provoke him now, but the edge in your tone is clear.
Shane’s lips curl into that same infuriating smirk. “Just sayin’, you’re missin’ out,” he mutters, but it’s clear the tension between you isn’t lost on anyone.
Just as Shane’s presence becomes almost suffocating, you hear footsteps to the side of you. Daryl strolls up casually, a smirk playing on his lips as he takes in the scene. His crossbow slung over his shoulder, he looks relaxed—too relaxed, considering the tension. He stops just short of the range, leaning against a post as if he’s watching the whole thing for his own amusement. You hadn’t seen him join the group of cars heading out, but you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding when you notice him.
“Teachin’ or just standin’ too close for fun?” Daryl quips, his eyes flicking between you and Shane.
Shane’s jaw tightens, and he steps back slightly, annoyance flashing in his eyes. “Just makin’ sure she knows what she’s doin’,” Shane mutters, though the edge in his voice is clear.
Daryl gives a half-smile, clearly enjoying the fact that his presence has knocked Shane off balance. “Looks like she knows better than most of y’all,” he says, nodding toward the empty fence where your shots have burst the glass bottles, “taught her well, didn’t I?”
You can’t help but smirk a little yourself, feeling some of the tension ease off as Daryl’s eyes meet yours, still amused, but maybe proud?. He isn’t going to step in directly—he rarely does when it comes to you handling yourself—but just his presence is enough to shift the dynamic.
Shane, on the other hand, isn’t done. “You oughta watch yourself,” he mutters, still close enough for only you to hear. “Ain’t smart to go thinkin’ you can handle everything on your own.”
You feel a flash of anger rise up, but you refuse to let it show. Instead, you calmly turn, locking eyes with Daryl. His expression remains neutral, but you catch that subtle twinkle in his eye—the kind that says he has no doubt you’ll handle this. He doesn’t need to step in. He knows you can stand your ground.
Without a word, you calmly hand the gun to Shane, the weight of the weapon hitting his palm harder than expected, and you give him a small, dismissive smile. "Funny thing is, I don’t need to handle everything by myself. I just don’t need your help."
Shane’s brow twitches, but before he can respond, you spin on your heel and walk over to Daryl, feeling his eyes on you the whole time. As you reach Daryl, the faintest hint of a proud smile tugs at his lips.
X flashback x
The spring sun had been a welcome beam through the windows for hours, casting golden light across the tiny kitchen. Winter was soon to be over, but the cold still stuck in the air. Daryl was perched on the countertop, legs swinging back and forth as you tried to figure out how to make lunch for yourselves. You had your feet on the floor as he was passing you random cans of food from the cupboard. His dad wasn’t around, and you were thankful for it. Merle had just turned 16 and was off to who knows where, so it was just the two of you in the Dixon trailer. You were both still so young to be on your own, but you had gotten used to it by now. You both welcomed the time spent with just the two of you.
He had found an old can of soup in the cupboard and you were both poking at it with forks, figuring it would do. You plopped it in a small pot on the stove, turning on the gas flames. You weren’t really paying attention to anything but the mess you were making when, out of nowhere, Daryl got quiet.
He’d been stealing glances at you, his brow furrowed like he was thinking way too hard for someone who was supposed to be focused on lunch. You finally noticed the shift and stopped what you were doing, looking up at him.
“What’s your problem?” you asked, trying to sound tough, but you were genuinely curious. He was always a little quiet, but this was different. 
Daryl shifted where he sat, his legs swinging less now as he mumbled, “Nothin’... just thinkin’.”
“Thinkin’ about what?” You poked him In his leg with your finger, making him glance at you nervously. You had no idea what was going through his head, but his cheeks were starting to turn pink. You couldn’t help the toothy smile as you giggled at him for being such a weirdo, but returned to your cooking. 
He shrugged, and then, out of nowhere, leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours—quick, clumsy, and totally unexpected. The kiss lasted no more than a second, and when he pulled back, his face was redder than you’d ever seen it.
Your eyes went wide, and for a second, neither of you said anything. You could feel your own cheeks heating up, and your stomach did a weird flip. You weren’t sure what you were supposed to feel about it. 
Then Daryl started rambling, trying to cover up what he just did. “I saw it in a movie once. I dunno. Just wanted to see... what the big deal was.”
You blinked at him, processing his words, and then burst out laughing. “You’re such a weirdo, Daryl!” you said, still giggling.
Daryl’s freckled nose scrunched up, embarrassed and frustrated. “Ain’t no big deal,” he mumbled, crossing his arms and leaning his back against the upper cabinets like he was mad, but the corners of his mouth were twitching. 
You both waited through the quiet—awkward and unsure—until the silence broke when the soup in the pot started to boil over, hissing and spilling onto the stove. You yelped and he jumped down from the counter, both of you scrambling to save what little lunch you had managed to put together.
“Look what you did!” you teased, trying to scoop the soup back into the pot with a fork, laughing through it all.
Daryl finally broke into a grin, shaking his head. “It’s your fault!” he shot back, playfully shoving your shoulder.
Soon, the awkwardness faded away, and the two of you were back to being the kids you were, chasing each other around the kitchen, laughing like nothing had ever happened.
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alluralater · 3 months
just saw this girl on tinder that i had the most insane rollercoaster thing with in college but she now identifies as a goth dyke and let me tell you… i swiped right so hard but almost didn’t because i wanted to keep looking at her pictures. she looks the same, just different style but it suits her so so well. and as ya’ll know i am a whore for goth/alt aesthetics to my colorful dyke look. the contrast is so giving but it just so happens to be what im usually drawn to. if we even go out to coffee and end up making out over this, it will have been worth the swipe. even if nothing, it was still totally worth it. i cannot lie, she was such a disaster in college though and nearly tanked an entire group project for me but my professor was also a lesbian (shoutout to this professor bc i loved her so much and she really cared about me) and she was like “hey allura,” and proceeded to tell me that this girl was a less experienced gay than i was and was clearly very obsessed with me (cause apparently she had gone to our professor to talk about me and had accidentally dropped a weird amount of concerning info??) and so my professor was going to separate her from me as much as possible (cause at that point she was like causing a crazy ton of issues for my school stuff and in my social life) but i mean… she was/is REALLY hot. her intensity was really sexy and the way she was so shameless was ALSO very sexy. plus i mean, even though she was doing wild shit it wasn’t like she was an awful person. i found her to be super yummy in all respects and was really shook when she flew off the handle and was basically harassing me. now this all sounds really insane i know but… ugh i want her so bad and i really hoped that some years apart would change those toxic obsessive pieces so let’s hope yes and find out
#oh this was longer than i meant it to be#i think i still have screenshots of when she first started flirty texting me#i liked her a LOT okay. it was so devastating when she practically lost her mind and didn’t find it again until we had another class#together with the same professor like a year later. i was still too wary to be/get close to her but she’d smile at me sometimes and i would#smile back very friendly.#but physically yeah this girl and i were VERY into each other so it was hard to be cool about it. she used to do this thing i loved too ugh#like before we started talking. she sat like two rows in front of me but exactly ahead of my eyes and she would do this thing where she#would sweep the hair from her neck and rub it really sensually with her fingers and stretch and i always tried NOT to watch l#but then she told me she was doing it to make me look so i felt REALLY stupid#she was always so funny and sweet and she was really smart too. like i don’t know. we clicked super well and i guess that’s why part of me#kinda held out hope that maybe SOMEDAY things would work out even just as friends. back then i told her i wasn’t ready to be in a#relationship and that’s around the time she started getting really intense in a bad way. i was seeing a few different people and i had#recently gone through a super traumatic breakup and she knew the girl i had broken up with so it got really messy#anywaysssss#she was lovely though. our first little coffee date was so cute ugh. anyways ALRIGHT this is enough rambling#i’m just tired and had so much to say abt this for no real reason lmfao
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thepromisedbride · 5 months
i don’t talk about bridgerton on here but just to clarify. i will not be having ANY eloise hate on this account. i will bite.
#eloise bridgerton they could never make me hate you!!#addressing the normal talking points one by one to get them sorted:#- ​no i don’t care that eloise called pen some names after the discovery. she was devastated and furious.#she can apologise in the future but in the moment of course she said it#- ​yes pen did write about eloise as a way to save her but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t possibly ruined eloise’s life#- similarly: eloise isn’t (just) angry that she was written about. daphne also went through whistledown and it very much terrified her#so have many other women including marina#- eloise is betrayed because she told pen everything and is realising pen told her nothing#(and she’s probably thinking about any secrets she might have said to her best friend that could now be used against the ton and her family)#- as claudio said: being regency gossip girl isnt a moral girlboss thing its deeply harmful tbh#- ​pen did have reasons to become whistledown! that doesn’t mean that she’s innocent or right!#- eloise isnt now friends with cressida to spite pen lmao she’s alone and scared and cressida was the last person who offered her friendship#she has no idea how to manage society by herself#(and she needs someone to improve the reputation of her and her family)#- im also convinced she has other ulterior motives for befriending cressida. like she’s keeping an eye on her or smth#- eloise didn’t just ignore anything pen said and that’s why she only just figured it out. pen deliberately didn’t speak like lw to hide it#the moment she did eloise was like huh that’s weird she doesn’t normally talk like that. and THATS when she figured it out#- eloise just found out her best friend has betrayed her and been hiding this massive secret#but she hasn’t told anyone. not even her own family. im not hearing out any accusations of HER of being disloyal#- also pen clearly wasn’t that upset at writing about eloise bc the moment eloise and colin upset her she went straight back to it lmao#side note but no i don’t think the queen is going to name her the ‘emerald’ or anything because she’s suddenly in the spotlight#eloise is tbh the only debutante she actually consistently recognised (for good or bad)#a new dress is not going to be interesting for charlotte to change her whole tradition#tl;dr i love eloise and i will die on this hill#eloise bridgerton#bridgerton
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This is totally just about my personal life and I can’t necessarily generalize it, but I do feel like I’m encountering a certain sort of insecure standoffish behavior more and more in people my age and it’s really bugging me.
So many people I know approach new acquaintances and social situations with this attitude of “Well, they probably won’t like me anyway, so I won’t even try,” which I find both really juvenile and really unkind. And don’t get me wrong, I do think there’s a time and a place for not caring what people think of you, but when it comes to your attitude and the way you treat other people, you absolutely SHOULD care what they think. You SHOULD want people to like you, or at least not actively hate you, and assuming that everyone you meet is the type of person who won’t is frankly pretty mean. Obviously not everyone is going to like you or want to be your friend, but that doesn’t mean you get to enter every potential relationship like an antisocial ghoul and then be mad that you have no friends? Make this make sense.
It goes hand in hand with this super annoying deal where people throw all their energy into resisting whatever’s popular for the sake of being interesting, failing to realize that not only are they unoriginal but they’re a complete bummer to be around as well. I really assumed we’d all grown out of this, but I’m well into my twenties and encountering people relatively frequently who cannot stand to have anyone think of them as “basic” or “like the rest” or what have you, and I can’t help but wonder if they’re happy with themselves. It’s so corny to say, but the most interesting people are those who like what they like, wear what they want, etc without feeling like they need to justify it to everyone. Nobody is paying close enough attention to you to judge you for half the shit you’re convinced you’re being judged for, I promise.
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wildevenusian · 7 days
i just don’t understand. why say ur ready to talk if you aren’t?
can u believe this post is what got me to reach tag limit
#vaugepostimg on main about an irl don’t mind me#i just. am feeling sad bcus i have been trying to keep my distance and respect the space they said they needed. and then they reached out to#me for their book club and said we should chat and i got excited! i miss my friend of course i got excited#still let them take the lead. i want them to be comfortable. they said they’d lmk what day they were free#and then proceeded to ghost me for like. almost two weeks??#(​it was 10 days but !!! still!!! almost 2 weeks from them suggesting i come to book club which would’ve inherently necessitated an irl talk#and then after all that yesterday said they actually weren’t ready which. hurted#tbf i knew something was up after like 2 days of them not replying so it’s not like i was fully caught off guard it just really hurt#and like i feel weird bcus our social circles are really overlapped and i spent a lot of time with them last winter and i had thought#that would happen again this winter. we would swim together a lot and i consistently went to their house dinners#bcus if i care about you i show up! and i’m understanding ! bcus i am patient and kind person and as a triple taurus i’m not tryna rush ever#especially when it comes to people’s emotions ??? especially if someone has told me i hurt them???? like ik im an autistic lesbian but#despite popular conceptions on that particular identity. im not fucking evil ????? if you ask for space i will give you space !!!!!#and like when it comes to emotions and conflict i’m blunt but i’m caring and it takes a lot for me to be disinfranchised by people#or relationships. so i’m not saying i don’t want to still be her friend#i’m just. noticing behaviors#they did tell me that they were very avoidant in conflict and i told them i’m very much not and like. now that i’m on the receiving end of i#idk what to do!! i’m not gonna chase her down like they’re grown!! and again!!! if you ask for space i’m going to respect that!!!#and like honestly. i’m happy she at least gave me the curtesy of saying they weren’t ready to talk even if it took her mad long to do it#so like. who tf knows when we’ll talk. if ever. probably when she wants the validation of our friendship if it even happens at all#bcus again. she reached out not to reconnect and clear the air but to check if i still wanted to come to her club she was starting#ik in earlier conversations she was worried no one would come but ig she found people. which like good for her tbh but to be honest i feel#discarded?? i’m feeling like i’m failing to not project too much so i gotta stop but idk man i’m just feeling weird about it all#and then i had the thought today of like. is this what i want in a friendship? someone who goes back and forth abt whether or not i’m worth#which again. kinda wasn’t expecting that bcus we spent so much time together last autumn/winter/spring like. many times per week!!!#so the idea of not being her friend all of a sudden?? feels fucjing weird to think about#but like? i don’t want to feel this way this is what i hate about west coast/white people conflict resolution!! there fucking isn’t any!!!#and i can’t deal with that! i can’t spend my life with people who aren’t going to engage with me as a person who cares about them#humans are fallible creatures and were only here on earth for so long so why are we wasting time here? what is the point of all this ???????#but then the guilt and shame say i deserve it all and at that point i just need to stop so. i’m gonna stop now lol
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