#she sulks so much in shed
saetoru · 2 years
tee tee tee i wanna share rich boy gojo thoughts that have been on my mind. imagine him pouting in the corner as you gossip and laugh with his mom in the living room while she shows you his baby pictures!!! i feel like he would be the cutest (and more embarrassing) child ever lollll it would be a good opportunity to tease him a bit
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satoru is pouting—which, truthfully, you don’t think there are all that many moments where he’s not pouting—but he seems to be pouting a little extra right now. maybe you should feel bad, and maybe you should feel a little guilty that he’s sulking because of you…but then his mother flips the page of the baby album in her hands, and you suddenly don’t care as much about your petulant boyfriend anymore. 
“this is satoru after he scraped his knee for the first time,” she giggles, pointing to tiny, red and teary-faced satoru staring up at the camera, making you snort as you lean closer for a better look. 
“he looks ridiculous,” you laugh, and distantly, you can hear satoru gasp at the comment, crossing his arms and sending you a glare from across the living room. 
“i was in pain,” he huffs, “extremely excruciating pain! and my mother stopped to photograph my misfortune. who does that?”
to his dismay, you don’t even spare him a glance, pointing to the next picture of the album and giggling away with his mother, whispering what he’s sure is yet another mean and rude comment making fun of him. what kid doesn’t fall and scrape their knee? and what kid doesn’t cry when they fall and scrape their knee? normal children shed tears in the face of extreme pain, and gojo satoru is not an exception to this fact—in fact, he likes to think he was one of the braver children.
“satoru, you were such a crybaby growing up,” his mother shakes her head, amusement lacing her tone as you chuckle and shoot him a sly grin. 
“so nothing’s changed,” you hum, “he’s still a crybaby now too.”
“am not!” he gasps, “take that back, you liar—”
“—and this is satoru on his first day of school,” his mother hums, cutting him off and pointing to a picture of a young satoru waving at the camera, missing what you’re sure is his entire front row of teeth. you grin, letting out a small chuckle as your eyes soften at the image. 
usually, gojo satoru is a handful. he’s loud and annoying and he talks far too much for his own good. he makes your life increasingly difficult with the stubbornness he wears like a second skin, and he makes you want to crawl into a hole half the time you’re in public for all the scenes he seems to always cause. but sometimes…sometimes gojo satoru is also very cute—like in this photo for example, with chubby cheeks and a bright grin on his face as he stands in his school uniform. 
“aw,” you coo, making him perk up a little at the sound, “how cute.”
“i was a cute kid, wasn’t i?” he grins, and almost as though he was never pouting in the first place, his mood switches at the slightest bit of praise. you roll your eyes, giving him a flat look as you eye him while he walks over to you, flopping onto the space beside you and looking voer your shoulder. 
“you were,” you nod, making a point to eye him up and down and raise a brow, “i wonder what happened.”
he gasps, and the pout from earlier returns once more—and you can’t say you’re surprised. “rude! i’m still super cute,” he grumbles, and because he’s gojo satoru, the most annoying man you’ve ever had the pleasure of encountering on the face of the planet, he pokes your shoulder repeatedly. “admit it, you find me cute,” he whines, “you literally called me cute this morning.”
“that’s cause you were sleeping,” you shrug, “you’re really cute when you shut up.”
“yes, my favorite satoru was always a napping satoru growing up,” his mother adds from the side. 
“wha—mom!” he protests, watching as you and his mother snicker together. satoru wonders how the both of you can claim to love him when you treat him like this—wounding his pride with every insult thrown his way. he crosses his arms, angling his body away from you as you giggle and wrap yourself around him. 
“we’re just kidding, toru,” you grin, reaching to pinch his cheek, chuckling when he swats your hand away with a grunt, “you’re really the cutest. promise!”
“you’re a liar,” he mumbles, shooting you a glare as you fight back an amused smile, “you said you loved me, but clearly you lied to me.”
“i do love you,” you insist, “and i love your baby pictures too.”
usually, satoru feels his heart soften when he watches you and his mother get along—he thinks he falls in love with you just a little harder every time he watches your eyes light up when you see the women who raised him. but sometimes (like right now), he wishes he never introduced you to his mother—he’s not so sure he’s your favorite gojo anymore, and the idea wounds his pride more than a little. he’s also almost certain you prefer spending time with his mother over him, and he’s even more certain his mother wishes you were the one she raised instead. he almost feels like the third wheel half the time he brings you over and his mother’s home—and he can’t help but wonder…who do you even love more, him or his mother? 
he thinks he has his answer though when you lean in and press a gentle kiss to his jaw. no matter how often you two giggle at his expense, you do not kiss his mother on the jaw, and satoru can’t help but shoot a smirk her way as she rolls her eyes and stands.  
“there are more i have to dig up sometime,” mrs. gojo hums, making satoru groan as you nod eagerly, “i’ll leave you two alone for a while.”
“i’m starting to think you come over for my mom instead of me,” satoru huffs as his mother leaves the room, making you roll your eyes as you lean into his side. he wraps an arm around you, pulling you flush against his body, relaxing as your hand finds his chest and rubs slow circles. 
“only you would be jealous of your own mother,” you snort.
“i’m not jealous,” he protests, “i’m simply concerned that you ignore your boyfriend for hours to make fun of him with his mother.” 
if there’s one thing you’ve learned after flipping through page after page of crying baby pictures, it’s that gojo satoru has been dramatic since the day he was born—this fact doesn’t change even in his adult years. but if there’s one other thing you’ve learned—it’s that he’s endearing, just a little too cute for his own good, just a little too dangerously charming whether it’s the camera he’s pouting at or you. you can’t help but shuffle closer, hugging him tightly as you smile softly into his shirt. 
“c’mon,” you hum, pressing a kiss to his chest, “you know you’re my favorite. i do wish i had a baby satoru to cuddle, though.”
“you have me,” he glares, “i’m satoru and i’m your baby and you can cuddle me.”
“it’s not the same,” you tease, “you talk too much.”
“i’ll have you know i got in trouble quite a lot as a child for talking too much. adult satoru is a lot better.” somehow, you’re not surprised—and a small part of you is almost grateful you didn’t know satoru in his young, obnoxious days as a child. an even bigger part of you feels bad for his mother and the strength she must’ve needed to raise the handful of a boyfriend in your arms. “and besides,” he smirks, leaning down to pull you into a brief kiss, “if you want a baby gojo, i can easily give you one—”
“satoru,” you hiss, swatting his shoulder and making him pout as he rubs over the spot you’ve hit, “one of you is more than enough. we don’t need another.”
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Taoba (Aemond Targaryen x Reader x Daemon Targaryen)
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Summary: Daemon and Aemond settle their pending score.
Warnings: Aemond being a BRAT. Daemon being a sugar daddy (I guess?) Violence. Targaryen way of conflict resolution. 
A/N: Final part of the Muña series. This is very unhealthy, but I needed to give it a satisfactory conclusion that felt in character to me, so it stopped using my brain space. 
THERE IS NO Sept in Pentos. At least, not in the part of the city where the manse is located. You do not dare go exploring further than a few timid excursions to the surrounding markets. 
Being out in the open makes you antsy. Your departure from Westeros is still too fresh, you have not yet settled into a life where you are not at war. Searching for a Sept in which to pray properly seems too trivial. 
You still light your candles, one for each person you have lost, plus another one. For yourself. 
Aemond is as unsettled as you are. To him, the loss is greater. He has had to shed his identity, cut his chair and remove the characteristic eye patch and leather clothes for more simple ones. He is now a dragonseed, brought along as a paramour to a happily married couple. 
“What can I say?” Daemon had laughed, when questioned about it by a magister. “I love my wife, and she does love her toys.” 
It had prompted a roar of laughter from his friends. You weren’t too sure you liked being known as a sexual deviant, but you had little choice in the matter. Everyone had to make sacrifices, after all. 
Even Vhagar. She is now known as The Cannibal. The Essoi know so little about dragons that an intimidating name to match the intimidating reptile in their city satisfies them. 
Daemon, in contrast, settles in as if he had never been at war. He has already been in one before, and has lost little. He still has his name, his money, and his marriage. He even has his old pentoshi friends. They had greeted him warmly, clapped him in the back, and it was as if he had never left. 
While Aemond continues to share your bed, Daemon is content to haunt the place. You worry despite yourself when you realize he is not out whoring or drinking as usual. But you are too busy with your inner turmoil to try to fix him too. 
Having run away from the only home you knew leaves you unsure about whom you really are. When the war started, you were different. You would have done anything to protect your people. Now, you were a coward who ran with her tail between her legs at the first hint of trouble. 
It was difficult to feel such a passionate love for them when they had started resisting your orders. As soon as the Blacks gained a bit of terrain, they started questioning your leadership. By the end of it, they were cursing your name.
Running was easier, after that. Playing Daemon’s wife again wasn’t. 
It all comes to a head one evening when you are asked to sweep into that role again. Daemon has insisted on hosting a dinner for some of his friends, and so, you have little choice but to squeeze yourself into a fine gown he commissioned for you. It seems fair that if he is housing you and your lover, you do something for him. 
You plan the night to perfection. It is what you have been raised to do, and you thrive on it. There is such an innate sense of control that comes with choosing a menu, the seating arrangements, the entertainment. You enjoy the task so much, you wish you had put it into practice more in your other life. 
Aemond sulks in a corner the whole evening, even when Daemon has gotten him a matching doublet. He seems to dislike the implication of being a bastard too much to enjoy himself in a company that cares little for his origins. 
“I hate this dress.” He complains, once you have ushered out the last of Daemon’s friends. Aemond toys with the laces on the back of it, making you frown. “Makes you look washed out. Ugly.” 
You flinch. You have never liked discussing your appearance, not after many years of mocking. During a good week, a remark about your looks can set your budding self-esteem back a moon. Hearing Aemond say so during a bad one guts you. 
Aemond was supposed to understand you. To see you. 
“I happen to like it.” You say, picking up the last goblets of wine and setting them into a tray to be taken down to the kitchen. Your household is sparsely staffed, Daemon’s savings not enough to keep it running at full capacity.  You find you don’t really mind. The lack of resources during the war had made you go through much worse, and you find you enjoy the privacy. “I enjoy the fullness of the skirts.” 
You are careful to keep your back turned to the men, but you cannot hide the tenseness of your shoulders, the stiffness of your spine. Perhaps the insult stings more because you do like the dress.  Despite how tight it was, you had felt pretty after putting it on. The seamstress had complimented you, even. 
The style was more form - fitting than what you usually wore, a bit more risky. It had been inspired by what the women here wore, and you knew Daemon wouldn’t let you embarrass him. That fact had prompted your confidence to wear it in the first place. But now, you just feel old and fat. 
A hand presses to your back, warm and gentle. You stiffen more, thinking it’s Aemond’s. 
“You look beautiful in it.” Daemon compliments, softly. And because he cannot resist it, he throws in a dig at Aemond too. “The boy is just bitter because he can’t pay for anything half as fine.” 
“That is not true. I could become a…” Aemond starts, and you groan, pressing your hands to your eyes. You have heard the tale of the sellsword plenty. He is a good swordsman, perhaps good enough to take up that sort of life. But he is out of practice. Most of his battles have been from the dragon, not the horse. Unlike cavalry, dragonback doesn’t provide such experience. 
“If you become a sellsword, you will die. And all I did would be in vain.” Daemon sits down, placing his boots on the table. You shove him. It’s not as if any of them do any cleaning, but Aemond is far neater. You do not clean either, but as the person in charge of the servants, you prefer not to be embarrassed by how piggish they can be.
Daemon has gone through great pains to secure you a home and safety. You try not to feel too indebted to him, considering the horrible years of marriage and shame, but cannot help it. He is finally behaving like you were taught a husband is supposed to behave, and it pleases your stupid brain. 
He provides for you. Pays for your home, dresses, lets you run a household. He protects you. Keeps you safe from the outcome of the war, rescued you from the likely revolt from your tenants. He makes you happy. Daemon pays to keep Aemond safe and healthy, too. 
It messes with your head. You shouldn’t feel grateful, you shouldn’t like him and yet…
Siege mentality. That must be it. Your current situation makes you believe it’s Daemon, Aemond and you against the world. 
Aemond doesn’t seem to share the sentiment. He has been behaving oddly ever since you got here. The first week, he had been on edge, wary Daemon was going to murder him in his sleep. The second one, he had not left your bed. And then he had settled into an odd sort of depression that involved making everyone around him as miserable as possible. 
Aemond was a man born and bred for war. It wasn't unusual that he was struggling with peace. 
“Apologize, Taoba.” Daemon orders. While this is not the first time Aemond lashes out, it is the first time Daemon bothers with demanding an apology. It is also the first time Aemond’s temper has been directed at you. 
“I refuse to apologize for my opinion.” Aemond smirks. He toys with his goblet, before leaning in. You know the look in his face. It’s the one he wears when he plans to deliver the killing blow. “The dress makes you look ugly.” 
You suppose it is better than being outright called ugly. The thought isn’t as comforting as you thought. 
“An opinion no one asked for.” Daemon’s tone is icy. You look at him, begging him to let it go. But Daemon has never listened to you, not in all the years you have been married. He won’t start now. “And a false one. I can’t just voice the opinion that the sky is red. Now, apologize or…”  
“Or?” Aemond challenges. This time, you turn your pleading eyes to him. Out of the two of them, he is slower to enact his revenge ploys, while Daemon chooses to take immediate and decisive action. You hope that means he can be persuaded to postpone the confrontation. 
“Aemond, why don’t we go to bed?” You ask, voice soft and meek. But Aemond’s gaze is fixed on Daemon. 
The older man smirks. He leans back on his chair, forcing it to balance precariously on its hind legs. 
“I’ll make you.” 
It happens faster than you can react. One second they are glaring at each other, the next Aemond has lunged over the table, sending the goblets clattering. He punches Daemon, making him fall off the chair. But before Aemond can get any other punch in, Daemon grabs him by the hair and slams him against the table. You scream. 
“My goblets! The tablecloth!” You realize you sound insane, but you feel it too. Your hands tremble. One would think war has desensitized you to violence, but it is one thing to know a battle is being fought and another to see the man you love get beaten by your husband. 
You make an aborted motion towards them, unsure if trying to get between them is a good idea. You settle for clenching your hands into fists, powerless to stop the situation around you. 
Daemon jerks Aemond upright, holding his hands between his back. 
“Aōla gēlȳni iēnkā, taobus!” You can tell Daemon is mocking him. Familiar as you are with his methods, you step forward, hovering. 
Were Daemon mocking you, this would be the part where you would defend yourself. Aemond, instead, simply smirks. 
“Sa Tida, Kepus.” 
Daemon’s face turns into an expression of absolute, murderous rage. His grip on Aemond tightens. He turns to you, almost in… Disbelief? You aren’t sure. You do not know what they are saying, but it can’t be good. 
Aemond blushes with pleasure. He smiles a cocky grin, and his chest puffs up with arrogant satisfaction. 
It is only at that display that color returns to Daemon’s face. 
“I must admit, you had me fooled.” He releases Aemond, and gives him a shove. “But your games will not unnerve me tonight. Not again. We will settle this.” 
“As much as it pains me, he is right.” Aemond sneers. “There is a debt to be paid, Muña. Do not interfere.” 
He gives you a warning glance, before bowing his head. It’s the last time he looks at you. 
His attention is now focused on Daemon. He looks up at him, body taut with fear. If you didn’t know Aemond that well, you would miss it. But to your well-trained eyes, it’s obvious. He is terrified. 
Aemond ends up lowering his eye again. Daemon’s fierce stare seems to have him unbalanced, unable to hide his emotions as well as he usually does. Knowing Daemon, he must be delighted his intimidation tactics are making him squirm. 
Daemon thrives on fear and humiliation. He has perfected his methods through the years, his reputation as a rogue only aiding him in his task. His eyes are like daggers. Instinctually, you know that is better to stay silent for now. 
Aemond seems to share your thoughts. He averts his eyes, face red with embarrassment. You wonder what has Daemon said to him that he is so out of sorts. 
“You should be kneeling.” Daemon finally says, his eyes on you. For a second, you think the instruction is actually meant for you, but before you can do anything about it, Daemon has turned back to Aemond. He towers over him, somehow, despite being the same height. “You're such a pathetic creature.”  
Daemon steps towards him. Aemond takes a step back, and Daemon smirks. He can probably sense the weakness in the same manner wolves sense fear. 
“Insulting your woman after claiming to be better than I. Hypocrite. But what more could you ask from a Hightower.”  His face tight with anger, Daemon unsheathes his dagger and grabs Aemond's chin, tilting it up. 
Never in a million lives you thought you would see Daemon defending your honor. How life surprises us all. 
You pity Aemond. His skin is turning red where Daemon is grabbing him, and he is breathing hard, eye closed. He seems to be expecting pain, and it fills you with the urge to comfort him. 
Aemond shouldn’t be having to brace himself. This is a storm of your own making. But he has asked you not to interfere, and you do not wish to wound his pride. You stay quiet. 
The dagger Daemon holds is now pressed to Aemond’s throat and this time, it is too much.  You advance on them. 
“Stop it.” 
Daemon ignores you. He leans in, close enough that he could kiss Aemond. His hair tickles Aemond’s face. 
“And you still fucked my wife without my permission.” He snarls. “Open your mouth,”
Aemond swallows. He seems cowed, for the first time in his life. 
“Stop this. Right this second.” You repeat, but neither heed you. Much to your dismay, Aemond makes eye contact with you before opening his mouth. Daemon’s dagger brushes against his lips. He shakes like a frightened bunny, but he still doesn’t attempt to defend himself.
“Open wider.”
Aemond has no choice but to obey.  You are struck by how young he looks, how young he truly is. At least ten years your junior, twenty or so than Daemon. He has been a man for such little time, and yet, has done much more horrible things than most people twice his age. 
The lesser of those sins is bedding a married woman. 
Daemon’s voice is harsh. 
“I said wider!” Aemond opens his mouth wider, obediently. “Now, stick out your tongue.”  
“… Why don’t we all calm down..?” You feel your hands shaking. Daemon is capable of cutting his tongue. You know it. Aemond knows it. And still, he sticks out his tongue like an obedient dog. 
“Your tongue would make a fine gift to my wife. An apology, for all the insults I sent her way.” Daemon smirks. “And a penance, for how you dared treat her, petulant child that you are.” 
Your eyes sting. Something like a sob surges on your chest, but it doesn’t get out, caged between your ribs. It takes residence there, caught. 
It’s unbelievable. Once, you had prided yourself on knowing Daemon. You had been so finely tuned to his moods, out of an urge for survival, that you could tell with just a glance what he was thinking. His anger had always been transparent to you. 
This time, you aren’t sure if he is serious about cutting Aemond’s tongue for the slight, or if it is about the infidelity. 
“I do not want his tongue. Daemon. Stop it.” You beg, stumbling back into your chair. You hold your head between your hands, realizing this is punishment for you too. For daring to be an adulterous wife. 
Aemond’s face is pale. He is trembling slightly, and his tongue is caught between Daemon’s finger. It makes him drool. He attempts to pull back. 
Daemon's eyes flash with anger.  There is a dark satisfaction in his face. 
“Don't move.” Daemon's voice is low and sinister. “Keep it there. Less my pulse falters, and I leave you without a tongue before deciding.” 
“Don't!” You plead. 
Aemond doesn't move, the blade still pressed to his tongue, his mouth open. 
Daemon softens at the obedience. Perhaps because he has always liked control a bit too much. 
“Good boy.” He grins. Aemond sends him a look made of pure hatred, but keeps still. His eye is glued to Daemon’s, set on not backing down. 
If someone doesn’t intervene, something bad is about to happen. And there is no one else here, but you.
You stand up, furious. 
“That is enough! I happen to like his tongue where it is, inside his mouth and unharmed.” 
“You're nothing but a sniveling coward.” Daemon presses the dagger harder into Aemond's tongue, taunting him. “What's the matter? Do you like the taste of the dagger on your tongue? The feel of the metal against your flesh? Sick little boy.”
Daemon laughs. Aemond closes his eye, but both you and Daemon see it. A single tear falls down his face, mouth still wide open, dagger pressed inside. The sight is hauntingly beautiful, like one of the tapestries Daemon used to hang around showcasing Targaryen deviance. 
“Do you like that?” Daemon leans in closer, his lips brushing the shell of his ear. You know through first-hand experience how devastating that feels. Somehow, seeing them together, Daemon holding Aemond almost in a lover’s embrace, makes you throb with shameful arousal. “Being completely helpless and humiliated? It should hurt. It shows you your place. On the ground, at my mercy.” 
Aemond tries to close his mouth, but Daemon's hands keep his face pushed back as he presses the tip of the blade into his tongue. Aemond's face tightens, a look of pain flashing across his eyes, but he can't say anything. The only sound out of his mouth is a painful groan. 
Daemon's expression is cold and hard. 
“It feels good, doesn't it? Just like kissing the cunt of a married woman?"
“Daemon! Enough!” And this time, you finally gather the courage to do what needs to be done. You get between the two of them and shove Daemon out of the way. “That’s enough.” 
Daemon licks his lips. Aemond swallows, a hint of blood in the edge of his mouth. You wonder if he is tasting copper. 
“What a pathetic display of weakness. I've seen a thousand pigs slaughtered with more bravery than you.” Daemon sheathes the dagger. Aemond’s face turns frighteningly angry. Torching the Riverlands kind of angry. 
His breathing is deep and labored, like a hurt animal. You rush to his side and hug him. 
“You are bold to speak of weakness…” Aemond says, with great effort. His body shudders against yours, and it is a testament to how shaken he must be that he doesn’t jerk out of your grip. “When it was your own what led your wife to my bed. Make no mistake, Muña. An old dog cannot learn new tricks.” He then spits blood at Daemon’s face.
Daemon wipes his face with his sleeve, horrifyingly calm. He then looks at both of you, and bursts into genuine laughter. 
“I was wrong, boy. You have balls.” He gives him a hand, helping him to a chair. “We might make a man out of you yet.” 
Aemond accepts his help without fear. You stare. 
“Both of you are unhinged.” 
Daemon turns to you. 
“Oh? Then what would you do in my situation?” 
“Apologize? Agree to move on and let go of the past?” You offer, weakly. 
Daemon scoffs at the suggestion. “Apologize? Apologize! You think that will solve everything?” But he does look over at Aemond, who has now relaxed in his chair, exhausted.  “I suppose I should try to be diplomatic, if only for your sake. Fine. I apologize for calling you terrible things, trying to murder you and to cut out your tongue. How does that sound, Taoba?”
Aemond swallows again. He seems unsure if he should be trusting Daemon’s words. He gives you a look. You shrug. If they want to try normal conflict resolution, you won’t stop them. 
“Thank you. I apologize for fucking her without your permission.” 
Daemon gives him a small smile. Aemond meets his eyes. A strange mixture of emotions seems to pass between them. Daemon looks as if he is seeing Aemond for the first time. There is a new interest in his eyes, one you do not like at all. 
Or perhaps, you like it too much. You can’t decide. 
“Is that all, then? Or do you have more to say, nephew?” He purrs. 
Aemond scratches his nape, embarrassed. He doesn’t seem to know how to react to being flirted with. Because this is what this is. Daemon is looking at him with utter hunger. 
Daemon looks him over, inspecting Aemond like a predator sizing up his prey. 
“Is that so?”
Daemon studies him for a moment, not looking convinced.
“Someone looks guilty.” He is like a shark, smelling blood in the water. Aemond looks painfully awkward, nothing like the cocky young man that seduced you moons ago. Deciding to put him out of his misery, you attempt to shift Daemon’s attention to you. 
“I apologize for bedding him.” You offer, in your meekest tone. 
Daemon doesn't acknowledge your apology, his eyes still fixed on Aemond, filled with curiosity. 
“I accept your apology.” Then his eyes harden, his face turns serious. “Now, come here. Both of you.”
Aemond’s eye widens, but obediently gets up and creeps closer.  Daemon reaches a hand towards you. You go easily. 
“That wasn't so hard, was it?” Daemon teases, his eyes never leaving Aemond's face, searching for some hint of weakness.
Aemond nods silently, too intimidated to speak. Daemon grabs him by the back of his neck, firmly. He presses his forehead to his. 
“Aōha ēdruta vāedas. Vezof jin azantys, vestri sȳz. Se ābra dracarys jēdo nūm.” 
Aemond nods, solemnly. As if he were accepting a vow. Then, they both turn towards you. 
“Consider this my repentance.” Daemon says, with a smirk. Aemond looks properly chided. Contrite, even. 
“I apologize for being rude. The dress makes your cleavage look phenomenal. I was just… Jealous, I suppose. I used to protect you and now…” He offers, sounding much like a child who has gotten caught with his hands on the cookie jar. 
“Now you find yourself in the unusual situation of having me as the protector. I have been shielding you from Daemon and Daemon has been…” You realize it as you speak it. Aemond had come to rescue from your solitude, and your evil, up to no good husband. You had been his damsel in distress, until you had stepped into the role of the protector and Daemon into…
“Providing.” The man himself barks out a laugh. “Seven Hells, am I a stand-in for Viserys? I thought I had issues.” 
Aemond blushes. 
“It isn’t like that.” 
But Daemon insists. He takes a lock of your hair and twists it between his fingers.
“Fuck, I married Alicent. Fucking Alicunt.” 
“I am not her!” You protest. 
“You do look like my mother a bit. In the right light.” Aemond concedes, and you don’t know if to laugh or cry. “I… I want to do better. And I…” 
“I want in. In what you two have.” Daemon’s smirk turns more devious, gently tucking the strand of hair he was still holding behind your ear. “Normally, I would threaten you with kicking you out, or hurting your lover over here. But I have been told it is in bad taste to try to force myself into your bed.” 
So he had learned his lesson from the last time. You fight off the pleased smile. 
“So. The choice is yours. My nephew and I reached an agreement already, one that will be void without your consent. Otherwise, we can go as we are.” Daemon finishes his offer, placing his hands behind his back. 
You look between Aemond and him. Aemond seems encouraging. 
“Will you be content to pay for your wife and her lover the rest of our lives? How selfless.” You arch an eyebrow, doubtful. It sounds too unlike him. 
Daemon shrugs.
“What can I say? You inspire selfless devotion.” 
“He is right. You do.” Aemond says, hugging you from behind. You feel him bury his face on your hair, quietly grounding himself. He has had a taxing evening, for sure. 
“What do you think of this?” You ask him, voice low. 
“If he is involved, I would feel more settled. Like it is not charity.” Aemond says, kissing your temple. 
“I see you have learned from whores, haven’t you?” Daemon mocks, creeping closer. “Being my kept man and my kept woman. How lucky it is to be a prince.” 
“Cunt.” You say, giving him a shove. 
“Your cunt.” Daemon smirks. He leers at you. “And what a delicious one you seem to have…” 
You slap a hand over his mouth, embarrassed. Aemond fights with a smile, and it is that which convinces you.
“Fine. You win. And we actually prefer trophy wife and boy toy.”
“Talk for yourself.” Aemond tugs at your hair, and you laugh. 
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cottoncandyswisherz · 3 months
birthday gyal
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dom!matt x fwb!reader
warnings: unprotected sex, swearing, choking, love confession
the only thing worse than having your 21st birthday during the spring semester, was having your 21st birthday be on a wednesday during the spring semester.
as of may 8th 2024, y/n was officially of legal drinking age and she couldn't even go get shit-faced because she had a lecture the next morning. so instead of partying with her besties, she was at home in her robe, reading 'the mastery of love', while drinking her first legal acholic beverage, twisted tea. 
obviously it wasn't what she wanted to be doing, but she knew that waiting until friday to go out was her best option because she knew she would need 2 days to recover from all the debauchery she intended to partake in. 
so there she was, sulking, reading, sipping. whichever one you prefer honestly. 
that didn't last long though. 
matt <3
happy birthday sweetheart
thanks matt
come get your gifts
what kind of friend would i be if i didnt get you a birthday gift?
youre insane.
and this is why y/n loved matt. he gave her girlfriend treatment without forcing her to be his girlfriend. 
they were basically dating. they took each other out, they only fucked each each other, the slept at the others house often. 
but the title. the title of girlfriend and boyfriend is what fucked them up. it came with so much pressure. and these two fools hated pressure as much as republicans hate the BLM movement. so they did things the way they wanted. 
according to y/n and matt, they were friends. who fucked on a consistent basis.
it's not weird unless you make it weird. 
slipping on her black bralette, sweats, shoes and jewelry y/n made her way out of her apartment and into her car. on her way to the triplets house, she wondered what matt had in store for her. 
she got her answer as soon as she opened the door to his house.
in no way, shape, or form was matt a grand gestures type of guy. but when he did do something extensive, he believed the glory was in the little things so he made it a point to remember y/n current song obsessions, forming a playlist that played lightly through the house. there was purple rose petals sprinkled in a trail from the front door to matts bedroom door.
when she opened said door, her eyes fluttered shut at the sight before her. matt stood with in front of his bed with a bottle of tequila blanco. (AND THAT DAMN DON JULIO MAKE ME A FOOL FOR YEEEWWW) behind him, on his bed was an assortment of gift bags and amazon packages. 
"happy birthday y/n." matt said, walking up to her and wrapping her in a comforting hug. 
y/n shed a few thug tears as she hugged him back and planted a fat smooch on his lips. "thank you so much MWAH" she planted another kiss on his lips and began to open her gifts. 
jewelry with her sun, moon and rising signs. a melanie tee and a lana poster for her room
by the time y/n was done opening her gifts, she was just one giant smile. all her toofs were on display and she wasn't even embarrassed because she was utterly happy.
she pounced on matt and gave him a hug with all the strength her body could muster. she kissed all over his face and thanked him like he'd just bought her dream car rather than a few birthday gifts.
"okay okay okay! i love you too but i need air to breathe!" he said in attempt to get her to calm down.
y/n reluctantly released the boy and hopped off the bed to grab the bottle and pour the two of them a shot. they toasted to her birthday and downed the shot.
sitting back down, y/n leaned her head on the headboard and placed her feet on matts lap because he was across from her on the mattress.
"do i get a birthday lap dance now?" y/n asked, cackling at the look on matts face.
after letting out a few dry laughs, matt answered her question. "no, but i do have one more gift for you." he pulled her closer to him by her ankles, causing her head to hit the pillows.
y/n's pant magically disappear along with her panties.
matt moves one to beside her head and leans down to trap her mouth with his. as she leans forward, the tip of his cock pushes against he entrance.
with his other hand, he circles the front of her neck. "i'll never hurt you, y/n." he kisses her cheek. "but i'll choke you a little. if that's what you want."
y/n's eyes widen and her lips part. matt feels her not before she does. and then he squeezes, knowing exactly where to press. y/n's eyes flutter shut.
her body shifts under him. her hips try to lift to take him inside him. but he doesn't let her. he just squeezes a little harder. her eyes open and her hands reach up to grab at his arm, not to push him away but to cling to him.
she looks up at him with those beautiful eyes and her body twitches. once.
matts leaking all over her slit. so fucking ready to bust. but he needs her with him. he needs her to feel as feral as he does.
but when her fingers dig into his arm and she twitches a second time, he releases his hold on her neck and slams his entire length inside her.
y/n's orgasm is instant. an implosion. her arms wrap around matt, clutching him.
and he's lost. he's surrounded by her heat, and he's fucking lost in it. he ruts her into the mattress, slamming his hips into hers as she whines and whimpers beneath him. feeling her pussy grip to keep him inside her each time he moves. feeling her breath on his neck with each thrust forward.
to him, she's everything.
he pulls free from her body, grabbing her by her hips. he flips her into her stomach.
he doesn't give her time to catch her breath. he rips her bralette, yanks her hips up, and shoves into her from behind.
her orgasm is still trembling through her body, but it's not enough.
reaching forward, he grips the front of her neck again and pulls her until she's upright on he knees before him.
her tits bounce every time his hips slam against her ass and its the best fucking thing he's ever seen.
he tightens his hold on her neck again, a little tighter than last time. because this time, he's closer.
he's so much closer to filling her with his seed, and he needs her to milk it out of him.
he places his mouth at her ear and slides his other hand down to belly to her slick clit.
"i'n gonna cum inside you, y/n. i'm gonna cum so deep inside you it'll be dripping out of you for fucking days." he rubs his fingers in circles around her bundle of nerves. "but i need you to cum first. so grab those titties for me. show me that you love it."
y/n doesn't even hesitate. her hands fly up to her chest and her fingers pinch and pull at her nipples.
her pussy starts to clench around matt, who tries to control his movements.
in. out. in. out.
but then her eyes start to roll back and he presses harder against her clit. and she cums.
he releases her throat and the sound of her ragged inhale is the last push he needs before his balls squeeze and he's unloading inside her.
he groans her name as he fills her with his release. "i love you. so fucking much. i fucking love you."
for the final pulse of his cock, he shoves himself as deep as he can get, the thrust tipping them forward.
he rolls off her and they lie there, silent. the only sounds heard, were the sounds of their heavy breathing.
he said he loves her. he knows he did. she knows he did.
did he mean it? or was that a post nut confession that he didn't mean to say?
but y/n came to the conclusion that whether he meant it or not, she loved him. and she wasn't scared to say it.
so she reaches over to where matt was laying with his hand behind his head and grabbed his face so he was looking at her.
"i love you."
and just like that, matt's world stopped.
he grabbed her hand and held it in his. "be my girlfriend." he spoke out. "i wanna tell everyone that breathes in my direction that y/n y/l/n is my girlfriend. i want everyone to know i'm yours. because i am. yours. so be mine."
she let out a laugh and leaned over, kissing his jaw. "matt. i was yours the first time we kissed."
niyah speaks this is for lilly bae.
remember that if no one loves you, mommy loves you (and by mommy i mean me)
taglist: @mattslolita @muwapsturniolo @mattssluttygf @zniyadgaf
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yutxsgf · 1 year
Kirishima fucks up and Bakugou and Kaminari are there to sweep up the mess and fix you out of your feels.
Cw; fluff, Café worker au, light hurt/comfort.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺
You and Kirishima had been friends throughout middle school, and it stayed that way. The light and happy feeling of being with your best friend. The soft smiles and the silly laughs, it felt great. Heavenly even. That was how it was.
Until you introduced them.
"Hey, I'm Mina Ashido! I've seen you around before, haven't I?" She said with a bright smile before sticking her hand out to the blank spikey haired boy.
Kirishima froze before clearing his throat and rubbing the back of his neck with a smile, "O–Oh, yeah! Nice to meet you, I'm Eijiro Kirishima." He replied with a sheepish grin.
You watched silently at the greeting, smiling at the smooth greeting, it seemed pretty nice. You were somewhat excited, you were thinking of being the awesome trio at Mustafa Private Middle School.
But that wasn't the case. Not at all. You never expected to be the one left out on hangouts let alone left behind. You never thought you'd be the one to feel that prickling pang of jealousy and pain as you watched your bestfriend and your other friend laugh and share a popcorn bucket at the movies. You were stuck on the end side as both of them sat by eachother, laughing and giggling at the movie loud enough for several people to give them dirty looks.
It wasn't as fun when you were on the butt end of it, was it?
This went on and on, and each time, you felt little bits and pieces of your enjoyment that was there before, shatter and fly away. It hurt, so bad, more than anyone could imagine. And it didn't help that you liked your bestfriend too.
You sighed before getting up off of the round, metal Café chair and grabbing your belongings. You had been mulling and thinking too much. People had offered you several little snacks when they caught you shedding a couple tears, which made you feign a smile. But the thankfulness and prick of gratefulness didn't last forever, which is why you decided it was better to just sulk at home and not embarass yourself.
You were about to ditch the Café before you heard someone yell. You whipped your head back at the voice, which was apparently the Café counter.
"Hey, you." A blonde guy called out with both palms on the counter as he looked at you. You glanced around before pointing at yourself and slightly tilting your head.
The worker nodded and grinned, "Yeah, you, c'mere." He motioned for you to come closer before dipping behind the small glass panel that slightly hid the drink he pulled out from behind it.
You slowly walked closer, clearly confused on why you were called out. Maybe it was because you stayed too long. You really didn't hope so, you were definitely in no mood to get an earful.
"On the house, hate seein' pretty people like you sob in here." The blonde said before sliding a [Favorite drink] to you with thin caramel lining that made up a small happy face.
You stared at him for a brief minute before pursing your lips, trying to decide if this was worth your smile right now or not. If you could even muster up one.
But, after a couple seconds, your body decided for your as a warm smile tugged at your lips causing an instant reaction from the blonde boy as his grin got wider.
"I– T.. Thank you." You said softly, taking the drink and pulling it closer before taking a sip and immediately feeling a tad better than you had before.
He tipped his little worker visor before flashing his amber eyes down at you with a soft smirk. "The names Kaminari. Denki Kaminari." He said softly.
You chuckled quietly, "[L/N], [F/N] [L/N]." Kaminari perked up before snatching an order paper and grabbing a pen from the table and writing down his number.
He slid it against the table towards you with a soft grin, "Use it however you please." He mumbled softly before making soft eye contact with you.
"Dunce face, God damn it! You better not be flirting with another customer again." A voice boomed from the back before a loud slam was heard. Everyone, including you and Kaminari whipped their heads over to whatever made that noise.
Another worker came from behind the wall before his eyes instinctively met the front of the counter, soon finding their way up to your slightly flushed, puffy face and just as puffy eyes.
He sucked his teeth before dipping back behind the wall and coming out with a duck themed sugar cookie and sliding it across the counter before stopping right in front of you.
"Damn Bakugou, didn't expect you to be the–" The darker blonde was quickly cut off with a cough as the other worker shoved an elbow into his abdomen, effectively shutting him up.
"Don't be goin' to a Café just to mope around n' not buy anything. That's just bs." The ash-blonde mumbled the last part before going back behind the wall with his hands shoved in his Café designed apron.
Your eyes followed him until he was no longer in sight, you were clearly slightly baffled with the mixed signals. Your attention was quickly snagged away from the ash-blonde to the Darker blonde that was clutching onto his stomach.
"Don't mind him, he's always like that." He wheezed out, giving his best attempt at a grin as he stared at you for a moment.
You chuckled for a moment before clearing your throat and straightening up as your expression took one of worry and concern, "Are– Are you.. alright?"
"Don't worry, 'm fine– He always does this." He spoke before coughing and straightening up. He cleared his throat before smiling warmly. "What I think Bakugou over there was tryna say is, don't be upset, everything's gonna turn out fine. Well, whatever youre goin' through will be." He shrugged with a hum sounding like the words 'I don't know.'
You smiled softly before nodding, "If that's the case, send him my thanks." You gave a farewell nod before turning around and making your way towards the Café doors.
"Will do." Was the last thing you heard before the small bell at the top of the double glass doors rang. You felt lighter than before, a little out of the dumps. You glanced down at the drink and little snack with a soft smile before taking a sip.
Maybe today wasn't going to be as bad.
And from that day on, you became a regular, always going back to that same Café to see those very blondes. At one point, they began to memorize your favorite drinks almost by heart just by simple glance at your expression.
You'd always pick the table closest to the counter so they'd always have the chance to start up small talk at times, and Kaminari took all the chances he could get.
Bakugou on the other hand, acted as if he didn't want you there which would normally hurt– if he didn't occasionally sneak you a couple cookies and small cups of whip cream.
"So how is our lovely regular doing today?" Kaminari asked with a soft grin as his chin resting in the palm of his hand for support atop the soft beige marble counter.
"I'm doing okay." You replied, making your way to the blonde as your other favorite blonde walked around behind Kaminari while making drinks for the other stray customers.
"Glad to hear." He beamed you a closed eye grin before spinning on his heel and making his way over to the drink station. Presumably to make your drink.
"Whaddya think you're doing, idiot. Go talk to them, I'm making the damn drink already." A harsh whisper was heard from Bakugou as his hands quickly worked at what looked to be a latte.
Kaminari silently mocked him before rolling his eyes and walking back to you. His expression shifted to one of softness as he saw you glancing up at their temporary sanrio menu.
"Thinkin' of buying one of those chibbi thingies from our menu today?" He asked, placing both of his palms on the edges of the counter as he leaned forward ever so slightly.
You pursed your lips in thoughts before smiling softly and nodding, "Yeah, can I get a... [Favorite sanrio character] themed bubble tea? Along with a [F/S/C] sugar cookie?"
"Coming right up beautiful." He responded with a wink before dipping in slightly behind the wall and shouting your order to Bakugou. Whom responded with a very vocal, "Don't yell at me, damn extra!"
You chuckled before glancing behind you at the sound of the little bell ringing as people entered. You were always a nosey one.
And then, your heart dropped.
You watched in slight horror and both Kirishima and Mina walked inside the Café arm in arm with cheerful smiles. You practically froze in place as you slowly turned your head towards the counter, praying to every deity there was that they wouldn't recognize the back of your head.
"Woah, what's wrong with you?" Kaminari questioned, cocking a brow as he stared at you with your sugar cookie in hand. His expression started to lace with concern as you remained silent and frozen.
"[L/N]–" You quickly shut him up before he could finish calling out your name by sending him a death glare that could send a small shiver down Bakugou's spine.
Kaminari quickly stayed silent before hesitantly glancing behind you to welcome the new customers before he too, froze in place.
He laughed nervously before pursing his lips, "Oh– Uh, hey! Your shift started 5 minutes ago [False name], come on." He ushered you over to the little gate stiffly, and you quickly complied.
You quickly, yet semi cautiously made your way over to the gate before pushing your body into it as it allowed you inside. You booked it behind the wall that always hid the rest of the small storage area only to be met face first into a thick pole.
"What the hell?! The fuck're you doin' back here? And watch where you're going!"
You glanced up at said pole that had two drinks up in the air as he beamed you a confused scowl. You quickly backed up before placing a hand over his mouth and glancing behind you where Kaminari stiffly took the pair's order.
Bakugou stayed still for a moment before placing both drinks on a nearby counter and grabbing your wrist. "What the fuck is going on." He said in a harsh whisper.
"The– Youknowthosepeopleitoldyouaboutthatleftmeforeachotherafteriintroducedthem?yeahwelltheyrehereandkaminarihel–"
"God damn it– Slow down idiot!" Bakugou said as he covered your mouth with his hand. He sucked his teeth before slowly retracting his hand from your mouth.
You remained silent for a moment before taking a calming breath and looking up at him, "Remember when I came in here crying?"
"Yeah, you looked like a fuckin' pimple with all that puffiness." He teased with a grin before clearing his throat and allowing you to continue.
You gave him a sharp look before huffing and continuing, "Well that reason why I was crying is here and talking to Kaminari."
Bakugou thought for a moment before pursing his lips in hesitancy. His expression of thought quickly turned into a narrow one as he shoved you out of the way and left from behind the wall.
You watched in terror as Kaminari tried to hold Bakugou back from blowing the whole counter along with Kirishima and Mina away. If this was a clean show, all you'd be hearing was that annoying beep.
"Bakugou– C'mon bro, fuck! Calm down!" Kaminari shouted, holding Bakugou by his the crooks of his neck as the ash-blonde's hands started sparking and popping. All you could hear was loud, violent I'll kill yous and Bastards along with streams of something that sounded like it could come out of Satan's mouth himself.
"Bakugou.." You said under your breath, walking slightly towards the chaos behind the counter. Both blonde's heads whipped towards your direction and froze.
What you didn't know, was that you walked a bit too far and you were now in view for both Mina and Kirishima to spot you and also freeze.
By now, all customers either began recording or scrambled away as far as they could from the very lively Café. But that was the least of your worries the moment you heard his voice.
Your head whipped towards the voice with an expression that could break a man's pride. And well, it did. Throughout all Bakugou's stream of curses, all you could hear was Kirishima's small curses about how crazy your blondes were.
You stared at him as if he were crazy, insane, an outcast, like he didn't belong, like you didn't know who he was, like you disgusted by him, like you hated him. At this point, you could care less about the terrified Mina behind him, the only thing that went through your mind was the betrayal and the fact Bakugou lashed out on someone on his shift. For you.
"Get out."
"Get out."
"Get. OUT."
All eyes and phone cameras were on you now, your shout having gained the attention from everyone. You pointed towards the double glass doors and sent him a glare of despair and hatred.
Kirishima recoiled at your sudden volume before Mina stepped in front of him and looked at you with confusion and sorrow. "[Nickname], what's going on with you..?"
You ground your teeth within your mouth briefly before turning away from her and walking behind the wall again. All you could hear afterwards was Kirishima beginning to call your name before getting stopped by a loud slam on the counter and a loud "Get the fuck out."
You sat quietly on a chair in the corner as you stared blankly at the wall infront of you. You counted atleast 104 cracks in the wall and about 3 faded ash marks on that very same chunk of wall.
You flinched at the sound of your name before instantly calming down at the sight of Kaminari and Bakugou standing by you.
"Are you– Are you okay?" Kaminari said softly, coming closer to you and placing a warm hand on your shoulder as his eyebrows furrowed with concern.
Bakugou came closer before shoving his hands in his pocket and leaning against the wall in front of you with a soft scowl. "If you're worried about those bastards, I scared 'em off 5 minutes ago. Damn extras are so damn persistent."
You chuckled softly for a second at his last remark before clearing your throat and glancing up at both Kaminari and Bakugou. You slowly nodded before sighing, "Yeah.. Yeah, I'm okay. But, I just– I just wanna thank you both for what you did back there.. Helping me and stuff.. Just– Thank you. I really appreciated it."
"Don't be getting all sappy on me now, [Name]." Kaminari teased before ruffling your hair and grinning softly at you. "Plus, it was the least we could do for our favorite customer. Don't tell Amari I said that, she always tips me an extra five bucks whenever she comes here."
You laughed for a moment before smiling softly at both of them, "Noted." You let out another content sigh, feeling lighter than you did during the scenes of drama.
"Tch. Whatever, they deserved it. Wasn't like I was doin' it for you anyway, I got a lotta pent up rage dealing with those damn complaintent customers." Bakugou scoffed before turning his head away to look off to the side. "N' don't worry bout the Café cause I know damn well you will. Our manager will deal with the shit that comes with our mishap."
You couldn't help your smile as it widened at Bakugou's choice of words. After becoming a regular and always speaking with the two, you've come to learn what Bakugou truly means with his words. And this one meant, you're welcome and it's okay.
You stood up slowly before turning towards Kaminari and standing in front of him, just keeping eye contact before wrapping him up in a tight hug.
He grunted quietly in shock before grinning and instantly wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer. "God, I thought I'd never be able to do this." He whispered.
After a couple moments of content, you slowly pulled away and grinned at Bakugou, who was scowling harder than he was earlier.
You laughed before leaping forward and wrapping your arms around Bakugou's neck in a warm, happy hug. Bakugou grunted as well, a little louder than Kaminari before scoffing and hugging you back tighter with his arms around your waist.
"You're welcome nerd." He whispered in your ear as he leaned his head towards the crook in your neck.
Kaminari stood there with his hands on his hips, giving Bakugou an I-know-you-feel-it-too look before straightening up and clearing his throat as Bakugou glared at him.
You and Bakugou had a little bit of a longer moment as you both hugged in silence before you pulled away. He took the chance to ruffle your hair before shoving his hands in his pocket and leaning back against the wall.
"So.. whose up for a festival night?" You ask with a soft grin.
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An Americano, Please? Part 3
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Word count: 1.3K A/N: Just an FYI, I don't usually upload twice a day, I just felt particularly inspired today. As always, italics in quotation marks signify the speaking is using romanian dialect.
Y/N's POV:
I gotta admit. It hurt when Jenna didn't send me a text immediately. It's been two days, and still nothing.
Maybe it was a meaningless banter. Oh well. I guess I just really thought something could come out of it.
"What are you sulking about?" Nessa asks me one day after our shift. 
"I'm not sulking, I'm just a little sad because I didn't get a text from someone," I explain, "It's not like she owed me a text or anything, but I don't have to be ecstatic over the fact that she hasn't done so."
"Oh my god, you're into the American one," Nessa exclaims, "I knew it! I mean, she's gorgeous. Like if I were into girls I would definitely be into her." I take a sip of my cortado (half espresso, half milk) as I listen.
"Well in any case, she's probably not interested."
"Stop sulking, Y/N," Nessa scolds me, "Let's do something fun. Gotta get your mind off of this girl."
Since our shift just ended, and we have a whole afternoon ahead of us, Nessa and I take her car to Predeal, the closest thing to a modern city we have around here.
It's about seven miles, so about twenty minute drive. The town's mostly filled with ski resorts, but there's a few fun places to shop.
A great deal of the afternoon is spent sitting outside a store judging the tourists. 
"Oh my god she's probably saying something stupid like, 'I know it's winter but my husband will love this hawaiian T-shirt I bought in Romania,'" Nessa mimics the normal thought process of the typical tourist.
"This guy's even worse though,"  I stifle a laugh, mocking his actions.
After a thorough mockery of all of the Predeal tourists, we head back to our town, content with our afternoon.
I still haven't stopped thinking about Jenna, though. I wish I could have gotten to know her better. It's so nice to finally have someone I can talk to in English.
All I can do is hope that she comes back to the shop. Even then though, she probably won't want much to do with me.
Nessa drops me off at my apartment, waving goodbye. Almost instantly, I shed my winter coat, relieved by the warmth of the building.
The first thing I do is turn on the TV and open Netflix. A new baking show just dropped, and I'm not the type to turn down new entertainment.
The show turns out to be a combination of baking and engineering. It seems cool, but it's hard to tell from the first episode.
My phone lights up with a bright reminder Remember to feed Cupid!
Sighing, I get up from the couch and grab my fish flakes.
Cupid is my purple betta fish. She's about a year old and as of yet hasn't had too many health issues, which is super lucky for both of us. She's at the point where she recognizes my face. So when I go up to the tank, fish feed in hand, she eagerly swims up to the glass.
"Hey Cupid," I laugh, sprinkling some food into the tank.
After feeding her, I head back to the couch, where I continue watching my cooking show. Before I know it, I'm five episodes in and the sun is starting to set. I look out of the window, trying to gauge the temperature and weather condition.
It's a fairly clear twilight right now. There's a good chance I'll get to see stars tonight. Actually, I've decided I will see stars tonight.
I don my winter coat and make my way down the apartment complex stairs. One of the perks of not living in a huge city is that I can see the night sky beautifully.
One of my favorite places in town is on the outer edges of it. At this point, all of the buildings are housing, be it apartments or actual houses. The long stretches of pavement are perfect for strolling down while admiring the night. 
Not a lot of people choose to come out here late at night, which is honestly their loss. I wouldn't necessarily say I'm super into nature and the great outdoors, but when I am outside, I can find an appreciation for my surroundings.
So that's how I found myself strolling the streets of Bușteni Romania, not looking at the cement in front of me.
BAM! I find myself crashing into another person, almost knocking both of us over.
"Fuck, I am so sorry," I find myself defaulting to english, "I- I mean, I'm so sorry, are you okay?"
"Y/N?" A familiar voice asks.
"Jenna?" It may be dark, but I can just barely see the details of her face. God I hope she's not mad.
"Yep, it's me," I hear her faintly laugh.
"Are you okay? I almost knocked you over."
"I'm okay, just a little rattled."
"Sorry for that again," I apologize, "I should have been watching where I was going." 
"You could make it up to me by walking me to my apartment?" she offers.
"I'd like nothing more," I laugh, linking my arm with hers and we start to walk.
"So, Y/N, tell me about yourself," she starts the conversation.
"Well, my name's Y/N L/N, I work at a coffee shop. I speak English and Romanian, which is useful for when people like you come to the shop."
"I know that stuff," she interrupts me, "what do you like to do outside of work?"
"You know, the normal things, be around the people I care about, watch shows, I read sometimes, listen to music, that kind of stuff. What about you?"
"Well for starters, I'm Jenna Ortega, I also love to read and listen to music," she tells me, "I also like to write though, I have like, twenty scripts and stories sitting in my FinalDraft™ folder."
"Damn, you must really like writing," I respond, "that's pretty awesome."
"I guess so," she shrugs.
"Have you ever considered publishing your work?" I ask.
"Yeah, I actually published a book called It's All Love," she answers proudly.
"That's like, the coolest thing anyone's said to me all day," I tell her.
"I guess I'm just a cool person," she jokes, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding, only an arrogant person would say that."
"No, you have reason to say, it. You're a published author, the lead in a TV show, and fun to talk to. Don't discredit your own awesome-ness." 
She laughs, "thanks for saying that."
"Sure thing." 
"So, does your offer to take me around town sometime still stand?" she changes the subject.
"I'm a woman of my word, Jenna, if you still want a tour, you have my number," I remind her, trying to sound kind and cool at the same time. Which is kind of challenging.
"Oh my god, I forgot to text you, didn't I," she gasps, "I'm so so sorry, Y/N. I've just had so much going on." She starts to talk herself into a panic, "I have work for like, eight hours a day, plus cello lessons, plus german and fencing, it's just so much." If I had known how busy she was I never would have felt so hurt. That must be so overwhelming.
"Hey, it's okay, I'm not mad about it." Which is true. 
"That's such a relief," she exhales, "again, I'm so sorry."
"Hey, Jenna, it's okay. How about the next time you have a day off, we get in touch and I take you around town."
"Well, conveniently enough, my next day off is tomorrow, so how about I see you then?" she offers.
"I wouldn't be opposed to that," I smile, doing my best to hide how excited I am for this.
"Well this is my place," she announces, "thank you for walking me home." 
"Anytime," I reply, sad to know the night is ending. She heads through the door to her apartment, leaving me to walk the short five minutes to my apartment alone.
As soon as I get home, I dash to my bedroom, putting on pyjamas and getting ready for bed. I'm tired from the day. At at the same time, I'm so happy I got to see Jenna. I'm so excited that she wants to see me again, maybe tomorrow! I can't wait to get to know her better.
My phone lights up with a text from a new number
                       +1 ***-***-****
Does 11 AM tomorrow work for you?
I smile, quickly texting back 
                               Sure thing, see ya then :)
I can hardly wait.
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packing up to go
pairing: steve harrington x fem byers!reader
summary: the moving boxes are being filled and tears are being shed.
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October 7, 1985
She kept saying, “Fresh starts will be good for everyone” “This is good for us.” Any variation that came to mind, Joyce Byers said it aloud to make everyone feel better. It never worked though, all four of you, plus your friends hated the idea of your family moving to the other side of the country.
California was thousands of miles away from everything you grew up loving and hating. Everyone was now a phone call, letter, or five-hour plane ride away. It sucked. So you sulked and held back tears as you packed the last of your room into cardboard boxes.
“I’ll miss you, Mr. Teddy. Nice and soft.” Steve’s voice bounced off your bare walls while hugging a stuffed animal from your childhood.
You sighed dramatically, “Guess that means you’ll mourn his loss more than mine. I get it, bears before girls.” Tapping off your box of clothes.
“Well, me and Mr. Teddy have a history. You wouldn’t understand.” Lovingly petting the plushies head.
You scoffed, “What history? You’ve ‘met’ him two years ago. My grandma gave me him for Hanukkah. When I was four.”
You walked over to Steve, who stared into the doll's cold black eyes, and you felt a pang of jealousy towards the doll. You can leave the bear with Steve and he’ll get to hug it to sleep every night, it’s cotton-filled ears won’t short-circuit whenever Steve says I love you. A stuffed bear will be able to stay with Steve when you can’t and it makes you sad.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” Steve set Mr. Teddy atop your box so his hands could reach out to cup your cheeks. You didn’t realize you had tears falling until Steve was getting blurry and he was knuckling away the waterdrops.
“Baby, what’s wrong?”
“I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to be separated from you.” A blubbering mess as you wrapped your arms tight around Steve's middle, trying to burrow into his yellow sweater.
“It's gonna be okay, baby. We’ll still talk on the phone and I’ll start sending letters and pictures so you aren’t missing out. And I’m gonna save money so I can visit you during the holidays.” 
You sniffled your tears as Steve pressed a deep lingering kiss to your hairline. “I love you too much to lose you. 
So you're stuck with me one way or another.” And he squeezed you tighter.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
taglist: heartyhope / @preciousbabypeter / @dessxoxsworld / piper3113 / @animiacorn / @burn1ngw00d / @drxwstxrkxy / @m-rae23 / @noisyeggsmoneystatesman / yournan69 / @thats-s0-ravenn / @ameliabs-world / @mayonesavegana / @gracella0709 / @gengen64 / @alecmores / choclate32 / @stvrdustalexx / @redheadedfangirl / @agustdeeyaa / @yappydoo / @liberhoe / hehehehannahthings / @ladybug0095 / @sweeter-innocence-fics / j-6o / @voteforevilthoughts s / @harrysflowercrownrry / @ilovereadingfanfics / @sorrow-has-a-place-here / @80strashbag / @sunsumonner / sweet1peach / @cierrajhill / we-out- here-simping / nix-rose-a / @x-theolivia / @stylesyourmine / @starkeylover / @ihatepeanutss / @yeehawbrothers / @parkershoco / @scorpiolystoned /
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glassofapplejuicee · 2 months
ok ok so the idea of a camp au has been floating around in my head forever and at this point i just need to put pen to paper! now i’ve never been to camp so keep that in mind. and god only knows if this will become an actual fleshed out fic or a WIP that will collect dust in my drive forever-
anyways, it's called Camp Spruce Trails (get it, Spruce Trails, ST?) and I'm imagining this au is still set in the mid 80s, but none of the upside down stuff happens ya know? or maybe upside down stuff happens while they're at camp? but i'm kind of leaning towards letting these guys have a normal childhood-
the camp itself is your classic 6 week sleepaway camp, there’s canoeing, arts and crafts, knot tying, competitions, campfires, etc. going to camp is a borderline religious tradition for The Party and they will do everything in their power to make sure they attend. one of their favorite parts of camp, is the staff:
Argyle Franco: 17, Kitchen, he isn’t huge with the kids but Jonathan convinced him to apply for the job, fridays are always pizza nights, he keeps to himself usually but cheers on his favorite campers during their games
Robin Buckley: 18, Blue Cabin Counselor, frazzled 24/7 but trying her best, wears the handmade jewelry from her campers like it’s made of gold, knows all the camp songs by heart, cries when camp ends, no longer allowed in the kitchen after the incident of ‘84
Nancy Wheeler: 18, Yellow Cabin Counselor, by the books and her campers know that, but they still have fun, always excels in the art competitions (much to Billy’s dismay), she's the most strict counselor however she takes great pride in her ability to get all the campers in bed by lights out
Jonathan Byers: 18, Groundskeeper(?), no one really knows his exact job title, he just sort of shows up every summer and nobody says anything, he fixes leaky pipes, kitchen appliances, pulls weeds, whatever needs done, he helps out a lot in the art cabin though
Steve Harrington: 19, Green Cabin Counselor, mostly stable but the coffee rings stained into his clipboard are telling, tries to be the "cool counselor", and if you stay on his good side you’ll be fine, however he will not hesitate to drag your ass to the office and call your parents if you step out of line
Billy Hargrove: 19, Red Cabin Counselor, parents hate him, but his campers are loyal, they demolish every single athletic competition, stole Eddie’s whistle (now annoys everyone with it), also no longer allowed in the kitchen after the incident of '84
Eddie Munson: 20, Lifeguard, but he sort of pokes his head in wherever he pleases, was deemed unfit to be a camp counselor so they stuck him as lifeguard, plays guitar around the campfire at night, multiple writes up for smoking on the job
if i were to flesh this out more into a full au fic (or more realistically, a series of ficlets??) you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be a giant love hexagon thing that will be going on as a subplot to the camp activities. i'm not even a huge multi-shipper or anything but picture it: Nancy asks Robin to watch her campers for a minute so she can go flirt with Jonathan? yeah sure why not. Nancy gets back and finds Robin sulking cause she's jealous? i'm sure Nancy would be happy to cheer Robin up with a kiss! Eddie and Argyle bump into each other smoking behind the shed? oh whoops my finger slipped and now they're shot gunning a joint. Steve find's Billy and Eddie chilling at Skull Rock? well shit now all three of 'em are making out a la Challengers.
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asahicore · 1 year
iced matcha latte - sjh
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part 2 of the coffee mini-series // prompt 70 of the 100 kisses list, an accidental kiss that confuses you both, but only a moment passes before you crash your lips back against each other’s
pairing. coworker!junghwan x fem!reader synopsis. Neither you nor Junghwan have said anything since he confessed to liking you at the end of January. You like the way things are slowly progressing, and anyways, you both know that the other likes you - or at least, that's what you think. Even though he's staying quiet about it, Junghwan might not be as reassured in your feelings for him as you think. genre. spring au, coffee shop au, just lots of fluff, they go on a date and are in love basically, also noona!reader word count. 4.5k a/n. hello lovelies sorry i took a thousand years to upload this second part but hope you guys like it <33 @zreamy cried beta reading so hopefully that means it's good 😣 as always lmk ur thoughts!! will try not to take three months to write the next parts next time lol
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Flowers in bloom. A slight rise in temperatures. That weird in-between season where winter fruit isn’t good anymore but summer fruit isn’t quite ripe yet. Going to school or work when the sun’s already up, and heading back home before it’s gone down. The first rays of bright, warm sun making everyone shed their winter coats and wear lighter jackets instead. Turning down the heating a few notches. Maybe even having a picnic outside.
Where you lived, these were all signs that spring had arrived. They were all punctuated by a general sense of relief that the harsh coldness of winter was over and of anticipation for the even warmer days of summer. But for you and everyone else that worked at the café, as well as your regulars, spring made itself known through yet another sign.
“Six separate people have ordered iced matcha lattes. Six. We opened two hours ago.”
This was how your manager had greeted you as you came in for your shift, a look of worn-out exasperation on his face that you chuckled at. Yeonjun had turned his dislike of iced drinks not only into a personality trait of his but into a feature of the café as well - from early October to late March, no iced drink may be sold in his shop. Every spring, he acted like pouring hot drinks over ice cubes was costing him his life, even though those drinks made up most of the profit of the café during the spring and summer months. People particularly loved your iced matcha lattes. 
“It’s a nice drink, Yeonjun. Refreshing,” you shrug, heading to the back to drop your stuff there and put your apron on. 
Yeonjun’s still sulking when you come back out. “Milk shouldn’t be consumed with ice,” he almost hisses. You’re thankful for the customer that comes in then and unknowingly puts a stop to this conversation that you’ve had a thousand times before.
You give them an apologetic smile when Yeonjun lets out an audible groan upon hearing their order - an iced matcha latte.
What can he do? It’s spring, after all.
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“Y/N, it’s been two months since the guy told you he likes you. How much longer are you gonna make him wait?”
If your manager complains about iced drinks every chance he gets, this is how Jayoon decides to fill the silence as soon as there are no customers during the shifts you share. 
“Have you been counting the days, or something?” you say, trying to get her off the subject. You have to fight back a smile, though - the simple mention of Junghwan makes your heart skip a beat. 
She’s right, though. It has been two months since Junghwan’s quick confession as he got on the bus, and neither of you have really mentioned it since. But the air between the two of you has changed - if before, you forced yourself to think of him as a friend because you didn’t think he saw you as anything other than that, now, you let all the eye contact and every discreet touch linger and let yourself bask in them. 
With the way you react to every little thing he does, you don’t think there’s any way Junghwan doesn’t know you like him back. You’re not even doing it on purpose, you just can’t help but laugh at all of his jokes, funny or not, ruffle his hair (which is very, very soft) when he does something cute (which is often), or keep casting glances his way when you work a shift together.
You like that he’s not pressuring you to give him an answer. Of course, you want to date him, and you have no intention of leading him on, but you just want to cherish those heart-fluttering, innocent moments before things get more serious. You like how it all feels new, how his good morning and good night texts still surprise you twice a day and how your heart still skips a beat when he beams at you. Although, you have a feeling that even if you do get used to it, you won’t get bored of it.
Jayoon rolls her eyes impatiently at you. “Whether I have or not is not the issue here,” she says in a way that makes you think she has. “I have to admit I just don’t really get it. You know he likes you.  You like him. He probably knows you like him. Why don’t you guys just date already?”
The volume of her voice increases as she speaks, garnering amused looks from customers in the café, and her frustration at someone else’s love life gets a chuckle out of you too. “You know that two of our regulars have straight up asked me if you guys were together? That means that plenty other people have thought the same, just didn’t ask.”
This fact makes your cheeks heat up. Were you and Junghwan really being that obvious? You couldn’t tell Jayoon that you’d also been asked about Junghwan by regulars that had noticed your recent chumminess - she’d only use it as another argument against you.
“I like the way things are right now, Yoon. It’s nice. We text everyday and hang out or study together when we’re not on the same shift. We’re just… progressing from colleagues to friends, if you will. That takes time,” you explain with a sigh. A customer comes in, and because they’re paying more attention to their phone than to you, Jayoon continues grilling you as you prepare their oat latte.
“But you like each other!” she whisper-yells. “Why can’t you progress from colleagues directly into boyfriend and girlfriend? You already act like it anyway. The guy walks you home, texts you cute shit, and I saw those heart-shaped cookies you gave him for his birthday. How come I never got heart-shaped cookies? Or any shape cookies, for that matter?”
You ignore your friend for a short moment as the customer pays for their drink. When they’ve walked away, you turn to her with another sigh and feign a concerned expression. “Is that what this is about, Yoon? Do you want me to make you cookies?”
“Of course I do, but I’m not letting you change the subject.”
“I swear this is at least the fifth time we’ve had this conversation. I’m telling you, it’ll happen naturally. I don’t want to force anything.” 
“But aren’t you scared your spark will fizzle out?” she asks with a pout.
You think for a second. Every time you see Junghwan, your feelings for him grow. He manages to make you feel all giddy inside but wipe all your worries away at once. So, no, you don’t think your spark will fizzle out - you think it will grow slowly but steadily until it becomes warm and welcoming like a fireplace fire, the kind you want to bundle up in front of and feel the flames of on your face during cold winter nights.  
As the pleasant thought crosses your mind, Junghwan enters the café, big brown eyes finding you immediately and lips coming up in that boyish grin of his you love so much. You return his smile, then look back at Jayoon. “No, I’m not,” you reply, smiling at her too. She shrugs, and you hope this was the last time she branched the topic. 
You turn back to Junghwan as he crosses his arms over the counter, bending down on his forearms so that he’s the one looking up at you. The two of you probably look like idiots, smiling at each other like you’ve just shared amazing news, when all you’re happy about is simply seeing the other. “Your usual?” you ask, and he nods.
You get to work on his latte - two shots of espresso and one pump of vanilla syrup - then ask him what he’s doing here, since he’s not working today. 
“I didn’t want to go to the library to study. I’m so tired, I’m probably just going to stare at my computer screen for a couple hours then call it a day. Being around people who are hell-bent on getting their essays done will just stress me out,” he explains with a sigh.
You chuckle. “Yeah, I get that. Students working to make a deadline are some of the scariest people I’ve ever seen. You don’t need that kind of bad energy.”
As you start on your latte art (he likes it when you make a bear, so you’ve perfected your bear-shaped milk foam drawing over the past weeks), another smile tugs at the corner of his lips. “Plus, I wanted to see you.”
Junghwan always says things like this, and yet, it manages to make your brain stop working every single time. Your hand freezes and the hot milk continues pouring into the cup, effectively ruining the bear’s face. 
Jayoon’s loud groan snaps you out of your daze. She then says something about not needing your kind of bad energy and heads to the back storage. You laugh at your friend’s dramatic antics, but when you lock eyes with Junghwan, you grow shy again, finding sudden interest in the marble countertop. You vaguely notice Junghwan’s smile only getting bigger at your reaction. 
“You look really pretty today, noona,” he says, voice dropping in volume so that only you can hear him. You purse your lips together, making it obvious that you’re trying to suppress a smile, but you can’t help letting out a small giggle at the compliment anyway.
“Go study,” you say, handing him his drink then shooing him off with a smile and a tilt of your head. Three teenage girls have come in, and you don’t want Junghwan’s presence messing with your concentration. They look like the type who won’t say anything even if you completely mess up their order, but you’d still rather get it right. 
“Yes, ma’am,” Junghwan replies, standing up straight and picking up his drink. Your eyes follow his movements, and you’d be lying if you said his height and the inches he has over you didn’t make your heart flutter. 
It’s a slow afternoon, and Jayoon takes over for you once you’re done with the girls’ drinks (two vanilla fraps and one iced matcha latte - Yeonjun would throw a fit if he was there), so that you can go sit with Junghwan until the usual five p.m. rush. He complains that you’re distracting him, but even when you stop talking and busy yourself with your phone, he’s the one who breaks the silence or tries to get your attention again. You feign exasperation but he’s too adorable for you to pretend for long - all it takes is a smile from him and you simply melt.
“Noona?” he calls out suddenly after ten minutes of studying. You look up and hum, waiting for him to go on. His smile makes its way back to his lips before he speaks again, and you mirror it almost unconsciously. “Do you wanna do something together when your shift is over?”
Your grin widens, and you rest your forearms on the table, leaning in closer to him in a conspiratory-like manner. “What do you have in mind?” you whisper.
He imitates your position, and even though the sudden proximity takes you aback, you try not to let it show on your face. The way his smile turns into a slight smirk when he notices your eyes quickly darting to his lips doesn’t help you in the slightest. “Get take-out somewhere and eat at a park? The weather’s nice enough.”
Your face lights up even more at the idea. “Sound good?” Junghwan asks, seemingly relieved at your excitement.
“Sounds perfect,” you reply with a giggle, leaning in close enough to bump your forehead against his before sitting back in your seat. The small action takes the both of you by surprise, but if Junghwan’s growing blush is anything to go by, it’s a good kind of surprise. 
Then, Jayoon calls you for help, so you send Junghwan an apologetic smile, to which he responds with an understanding nod of his head. For the better part of an hour, the constant stream of customers keeps you occupied, but the last quiet minutes until the end of your shift seem to drag on and on. As soon as the clock strikes six p.m., you hurry to the backroom and take off your apron, looking at yourself in the mirror to fix your hair before coming back out. 
Usually, you’d stay an extra hour to keep Jayoon company and help her close the store. For once, you’re glad that your friend is such a fervent supporter of your and Junghwan’s relationship, so she lets you go easily - actually, she’d been telling you to just go for the past ten minutes.
Junghwan is already waiting for you outside when you leave the café. The sunlight of the late afternoon turns his dark eyes a golden color and reflects against his hair. You make sure to commit the sight of him like this, beaming as he holds out his hand for you to take, to memory. You gladly take his hand, heart swelling at the feeling of your fingers interlacing for the first time, and yet so naturally. He leads the way and tells you about the different spots you can pick up food at. You decide on a fried chicken place nearby that’s only a two-minute walk away from a nice park. Both of your stomachs are growling, so something you can eat quickly is the best. 
Ever the gentleman, Junghwan insists on paying for your food. Once at the park, you find one of the last unoccupied patches of sunny grass and set camp there. Junghwan lays a blanket down, and with a small blush, admits to having thought of this before getting to the café. “I was just hoping you’d say yes.”
You tease him for about a minute, until his bright red face and the hunger in your stomach make you relent. You both dig in, letting out satisfied hums at the crunchiness of the chicken. He seems to go for all the pieces with bones, and although you like those too, the sight of him happily eating them is enough for you to gladly accept all the boneless ones. 
Usually, people are quiet when they eat, and start talking afterwards; but for some reason, you and Junghwan are the opposite. You talk so much as you eat that it takes you over an hour to finish your food, and by the time you’re done, the sun has started making its slow descent in the sky. 
These are your favorite moments with him - laughing as you share silly childhood stories and tell each other about the many stupid things your friends have done, or getting to know the other better as you listen to what’s been weighing on their mind lately. You just love hearing his voice and talking to him, no matter the topic. You also like pretending to be mad at him when he steals some of your fries, even though he has a lot of his left - if you pout hard enough, he’ll feed you to make up for his theft. 
Either a food coma hits the both of you at the same time, or you’ve both decided to admire the sunset peacefully, but a comfortable silence falls over you. 
His legs had been stretched out in front of him, upper body resting on his palms, but after some time, he decides to lie down completely, hands coming up behind his head in a makeshift pillow. You stay in your cross-legged position and try not to pay him too much attention, but the thought of snuggling up to him and using his body warmth to protect yourself from the growing cold is pervasive in your head. For a minute, you’re so caught up in the idea of being close to him, of being able to touch his hair and bury your head in the crook of his neck, that when he touches your hand, you jump back in surprise. This makes him laugh, but you feel too much like you’ve been caught red-handed to smile too - you barely even register as he intertwines your hands together and brings them to his chest, right atop his heart.
“What were you thinking about?” he asks. As if intent on betraying your thoughts, your eyes swipe over his upper body before you can stop them. You look away, hoping he doesn’t notice the flustered look on your face, the slight crease of your eyebrows.
“Nothing,” you huff in reply.
“Are you sure?” he insists, giving your hand a slight tug, and another one when you don’t react. “Wanna know what I’m thinking about then?”
When you look back at him, a playful smile is dancing on his lips. “What?” you ask, trying to keep a disinterested tone, even though you’re hoping he’ll have the same thing on his mind as you.
His smile widens. “Come here,” he whispers, releasing your hand to reach out to you. A sort of relief washes over your body as you let yourself lie down against him, head resting on his bicep and hand circling his middle. He’s kept one of his hands under his head to hold it up, but the other one rests on your shoulder, fingers sometimes trailing up and down your arm. You hope that he assumes the shivers that rake through your body aren’t due to his actions but to the chilliness in the early evening air.
Indeed, after some time, he sits up for a second to get his jacket out of his bag. “You must be cold,” he says with what sounds like genuine worry in his voice as he places the denim over your body like a blanket before returning to his lying position. He brings you closer to him, and your head shifts from resting on his arm to his shoulder. You just need to turn your head to brush your nose against his neck and breathe in the warm scent of his skin. Instead, you lift your head slightly to admire his face in the orange glow of the last minutes of sunset.
His eyes are closed and he has a peaceful smile on his lips. You’re suddenly overcome with affection for him - all you can think is that you want to keep seeing his smile, and you want to keep being the reason behind it, for as long as possible. You’re also grateful for all the moments spent together, for all the times he’s made you laugh or done something in the hopes it’ll make you happy, for his patience and his understanding. 
You’re not thinking much, more letting your body do what it’s been longing to do when you bend down to press your lips against his cheek.
“You know-”
Whatever he was about to say is stopped by your lips against his, and you both lean back immediately with wide eyes. You’re not crazy, right? You had been aiming for his cheek, but the gods of bad (or perfect) timing had decided he should turn his head to look at you and speak just at that moment.
After the initial shock has subsided, you both burst into giggles. Even though embarrassment makes heat rise to your cheeks, you’re glad that Junghwan doesn’t seem to mind the incident, just lightly pinches your shoulder and continues laughing. You bury your head in his shoulder to hide your face from him.
“Well, that wasn’t how I was expecting our first kiss to go, but I’ll take it, too.”
The playfulness in his tone tugs at something in you, and your insides twist at the thought of him thinking of kissing you, much like you had over the past couple of months. You force your shyness away and look back up at him, a similar smile to his playing on your lips.
“Oh yeah? How did you think it would go?”
His eyebrows raise at your uncharacteristic forwardness, but you can tell that he likes it. His eyes drift down to your lips and stay there as he speaks, and his voice is so low, you almost don’t hear it. It makes you feel like it’s really just you and Junghwan in the whole park. “Should I just show you?”
“I think you should,” you reply, voice just as low as his.
So he does. He lifts his head to find your lips with his, on purpose, this time. The kiss is slow and tentative as you focus on finding your rhythm together, but it’s perfect. It makes you feel all fuzzy at the edges, makes you feel like your fingers are filled with electricity. As your lips move against each other, settling into a nice, comfortable pace, you can’t help but smile. Now more than ever, you’re glad the two of you hadn’t rushed into anything, because every single moment that has led up to this has been worth it and makes this moment even better. Your noses bump into each other, and you’re not sure where to place your hands, and you’re both so nervous you sometimes have to stop to let some giggles out, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Everything is just right. The last warm sun rays and the slight breeze picking up, the soft blanket underneath you, the chatter in the park, the boy who has stopped kissing you only to leave quick pecks all over your cheeks, nose and forehead as he hugs you close to him. He finds your lips once more, pecks them once, then a second time before kissing you properly again. You’re not in his head, but it’s like he’d tried to control himself when you started kissing, but now the nerves and excitement and giddiness have caught up to him and he can’t help but shower you with affection. You remember your hands and bring them up under his head so that you can rake your fingers through the soft locks of his hair. That seems to calm him down instantly - he hums against your lips and you fall back into your previous, slower rhythm. You can’t help but laugh at this, pulling away slightly to look at him. His eyes are filled with adoration, and his expression is nothing but bliss.
You peck his lips one last time before laying back down next to him to take a breather. He whines at the loss of your warmth and presses a kiss to your forehead, then to the top of your head, nuzzling his face against your hair. After a few quiet moments, you remember he’d try to say something before your happy accident, so you ask him about it.
“Oh, that…” he starts, but says nothing more. You look back up at him, even more curious now.
“That?” you echo. His eyes dart all over your face as if trying to commit every millimeter of it to memory and a smile grows on his face.
“Yeah… I was gonna ask if you, um, if you remembered what I said that day at the bus stop.”
How could you have forgotten? “You mean, as you got into the bus and gave me zero time to say anything in return?”
His cheeks flush slightly but he keeps on grinning. “Yeah, that. I didn’t wanna say anything, but you also haven’t mentioned it, so I was getting a bit worried…”
Even though he’s smiling, his words alarm you. Had Jayoon been right? Maybe, all along, you were sure you were being clear, but Junghwan had no idea what you were thinking. 
“I’m sorry, Hwan. I was sure I was making it obvious.”
“Making what obvious?”
How did he not know? “That I like you, too.”
His eyes light up at your words. He shoots up, almost knocking his head against yours in the process, but is too excited to notice it. You sit up too, his jacket falling off of your shoulders as you do. He looks at you like a kid whose parents just told him they were going to Disneyland. “You do?!”
You giggle, pushing away some hair that had fallen in his eyes. “Of course I do.”
He pulls into a hug so tight, you can barely breathe. This boy really needs to learn to assess his own strength. “This is the best day of my life,” he says, making you laugh again. You wrap your arms around his middle, bunching up some of the fabric of his t-shirt in your hands. 
“Did you really not know?” you ask.
“Well, I thought you might. Or at least, I really hoped so. But I wasn’t a hundred percent sure…”
“I’m sorry,” you repeat, but he stops you quickly.
“Don’t be.”
“But I am.” You pull back to look at him but keep your hands where they are. “I just… I really liked the way things were going.” You’d never been in a serious relationship before, never found someone that you really wanted to take that step further with. But now that you had that someone, you realized you had no idea how to take things from here.
His smile softens. “Nothing has to change. I like the way things are going, too.” He takes a breath here, as if trying to steady himself before saying what he wants to say next. “I just want to be able to call you my girlfriend at the same time.”
It takes you a second to process his words, but when you do, you smile so hard, your cheeks start to hurt. Was it that easy this entire time? Just say, hey, let’s be boyfriend and girlfriend now, and everything could go on as it had been before?
“Your girlfriend?” you echo, half to make sure and half to tease him.
He nods fervently. “Mh-hm.”
You press a chaste peck to his lips. When you pull back, he’s kept his eyes closed, as if savoring the moment. “I’d love that, Hwan.”
He opens his eyes as his smile gets impossibly wider, and engulfs you in a tight hug once more. He holds your face in his hands as he kisses your cheek, then the top of your head. You think you hear him mumble “my girl” against your hair, but the sound of your giggles is louder than his muffled voice.
The two of you stay at the park until almost everyone has left, chased away by the cold, chatting and holding onto each other for warmth. As always, Junghwan walks you home, but this time, he doesn’t let you walk through your door before getting one last kiss or two. You only break away when the upstairs neighbor has to awkwardly clear his throat to be let through. 
Junghwan texts you not even a minute after you’ve exchanged goodbyes to thank you for the amazing afternoon. You reply immediately, and the two of you text the night away, until your phone screen starts to hurt your eyes in the darkness of your room and you really need to start sleeping. 
Tomorrow, you’re doing the closing shift together - you already know that it’ll feel like an eternity, waiting most of the day until you see him again. But you know you will, and that’s all that matters. So you fall asleep with your phone on your heart and a smile on your face.
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permanent taglist: @zreamy @sunghoonmybeloved @lalalalawon @sd211 @w3bqrl @raikea10 @wntrnghts @moonlighthoon @4imhry @rikisly @loves0ft @iamliacamila @theboingsuckerasseater9000 (ask to be removed/added!)
series taglist: @ineedsomezzz
treasure taglist: @mosviqu
© asahicore on Tumblr, 2023. please do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works. feedback and reblogs always appreciated!
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vibingandsimping · 1 year
Hello hi- I humbly request male human x karlach, be it hcs or a story, I just want some hot buff teifling on the brain 👉👈
(This anon sent another request highlighting some details they forgot.)
But, yes, Karlach is such a sweet gal and deserves all the love in the world.
Karlach x M!Reader
Forewarnings: Angst/Comfort and some smut ahead…
The battle you faced that afternoon was gruesome. One companion needing reviving after being chopped in the gut… quite the sight. You weren’t much better off and sustained a good handful of wounds. The scratches healed with little effort but there would be some that needed stitches and rounds of magic. Halsin and Shadowheart, sadly, were spent after tending to who they could. You were left to your own device’s as you ran the needle through a gash on your thigh. Teeth clenching as you bite back a wail. The muscles in your body tensed and only increased the ache in them. You tried to ignore the way the moonlight reflected you onto the water. You needn’t a reminder to how grotesque you were surely becoming. It was already hard enough to recognize yourself in mirrors as you aged.
Karlach, who had been your lover for a couple fortnite’s now, noticed your disappearance. She searched for a little while until she found you a little ways from camp near a pond. You were bloodied and bruised- heart aching at the prospect she couldn’t help you in battle better. She barely got out there herself. She placed her warm hands on your shoulders and you instinctively stiffened. Only for a moment til recognition slipped in and you relaxed as the shaking of your hands steadied. You never realized the effect she had on you. Her lips planted on the top of your head with a hum and you finished the last few pierces of your needle before tying it off and snapping the thread.
The silence between you two was deafening as she watched the way your body sulked as you looked in your reflection through the body of water. You were shirtless and pant-less; save for your undergarments and anything that didn’t heavily restrict access to the flesh. “Soldier,” she spoke as you gave her a sulking look, “what’s on your mind?” You shrugged and attempted to brush it off. Telling her it’s nothing and you were just exhausted from the battle. She knew you well enough- she served in the war for too long to not know distinction between the physical and mental. She dug her thumbs into the blades of your shoulders a couple times before sitting beside you. You finally give in at her puppy-gaze. Tears nearly brimmed in your eyes as you detailed your insecurities in your flesh. The fear of being inferior and having to come to terms with scars and change. Her expression was soft-understanding.
“Have you never noticed my right arm?” She almost whispered as she lulled you from the depths of your thoughts. Cold thoughts- truthfully. You furrowed your brows before inspecting it more thoroughly as she shed the clothing that concealed it. It didn’t really cross your mind but it was almost all scar tissue… along with literal holes in the flesh to pump the heat and exhaustion from her mechanical chest. For a minute, you almost felt silly for being insecure in something that now felt minuscule. “We all have scars. Small or large. It just proves our journey in life and as a warrior. It makes you strong.” She boasted with a flex of her scarred arm before returning to her softer demeanor. You smiled at her and she drew you into a kiss. “Besides, I like them.”
After she said that her lips trailed to a scar on your bicep. Down to your chest… following each and everyone she could find as your breath hitched. Her lips were impossibly hot despite her engine being fixed and cooled off. The blaze of her passion and being so intense. Her hands settled on your thighs as she lingered on a particularly dark scar. Karlach drew back up and reconnected with your lips. Intense and hungry as she drew your hair into her fingers. You planted your hands on her hips and tugged her forward. The tiefling worked your body like a wonder and you could feel the front of your pants growing tighter. You’d almost feel shameful if it weren’t for the fact she seemed so thrilled by it. Her groin grinding against yours with a soft moan. You breathed in through your nose against her lips with the friction. One hand moving down her pants and towards her wanting sex. She lost herself in the teasing for only a moment before she grabbed your wrist and pulled it away. “Not yet,” she whispered, “I crave it so dearly, I do.” She got onto her knees and pressed her head against your thigh. “But for now… I want to show you how handsome I think you are. Inside and out.”
Her fingers made quick work of the material shielding your erection. If she hadn’t been so pent up for ten years perhaps she’d be more keen on proper foreplay. For her, she’s ready to jump just about anybody’s bones, especially yours. You drew a hiss in at the crisp air kissing the warm and sensitive flesh of your cock. The woman drew in a pleased breath at the sight as she leaned in and licked a strip up the base to tip. Once reaching the head, she took it all in with one fell swoop. Pressing against the back of her throat as you stared down in awe at the mess of horns and hair at your pelvis. Her throat was warm and almost painfully hot. God, everything about her was hot so who the hell were you to complain? You wrapped a hand around her remaining horn and started bobbing her on your length. Her tongue worked avidly along the underneath while she sucked what she could as you took the reigns. This was a pattern for several minutes with occasional rough moans leaving her throat. She was surely soaking as you could tell she was taking pleasure in it. Whether it was simply the act of the sex or you taking dominance- you weren’t sure. What you did know is that you wanted to plant her on the ground and fill her up so beautifully after. Hear her moans ring through the air clearly as you helped her reach heights she so deserved.
Yes, you’d do exactly that, you decided as everything began to reach a fever pitch. Your thighs shaking as your air caught in your throat. Hand gripping her horn tighter but the motion going slack as you focused on the building pleasure. The tiefling was acute to your condition and worked desperately to help you reach that high. Reach it you did. Head knocking back and a groan escaping your lips while you filled hers in exchange. She drank everything you gave her enthusiastically, tail swaying behind her in satisfaction. Once you spent your first load she lifted off you and wiped her lips of her drool and your mess. You never thought she looked more attractive than she did now. Lips swollen, pupils blown wide and so needy. You had much in store for her- so much you wanted to show and give her. Thanking her for her support and ensuring that she’d stay with you.
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kourabiedes · 5 months
Carmine and Kieran Roleswap AU: Teal Mask Edition
Sweet Arceus do I have a long AU for ya, because I am Very Normal about the Kitakami siblings and definitely don't go out of my way to find new ways to mess with their heads. Long AU summary under the cut! Beware all ye who enter here, for there are Ogres afoot.
There is now an Indigo Disk continuation to this!
So the most important thing to understand before we start is that Carmine and Kieran still retain aspects of their normal personalities.  A 1:1 swap would be kinda boring (specifically, boring for me). However, their life experiences have changed here and that does give us some new juicy tidbits to explore.
Sketches provided by @funakounasoul... except for the Ogerpon sketch. I made that.
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Kieran is the older sibling in this scenario.  He's still shorter than his sister, but he's now older than the player character and probably has some devilish good looks.  He's generally goodnatured, and being the older sibling and having to look out for a younger sister has balanced his personality a little bit.  He's more mentally stable and mature than his standard self.  He still has a pretty huge fondness for the ogre in the old legend, admiring its independence and strength.  The major change to his personality here is that he's not as insanely shy, since he hasn't had a big scary savage sister to hide behind all his life.
Younger sister Carmine is shy of strangers and still wary of outsiders.  Her posture visually in the Teal Mask is probably kind of stooped, like she's trying to hide how crazy tall she is.  She has a bratty, slightly spoiled attitude in this scenario, because big brother Kieran is always hovering nearby to keep her out of trouble.  She appears to be the player character's age or maybe a touch younger.  Despite the initial shyness though, she's all aggression when she feels she or her family or really any of Kitakami as she sees it is threatened.  She still dismisses Kieran's ogre obsession, but chalks it up to boys liking scary things.  (You know, cuz girls never go for that kinda thing </massive sarcasm>)
The PC would meet them both for the first time in Mossui and Kieran is welcoming while Carmine glowers at you from somewhere behind him.  Kieran's all about helping your classmate get safely to the community center and probably runs off to help, or perhaps to get the caretaker.  Maybe you battle Carmine then because she's definitely not enjoying having these tourists in her fucking town.  Whatever the scenario, Kieran and the caretaker get the rest of the Random Paldean Students safely to the community center and you get settled in.
Now, for a while, things don't change much in this scenario, except for Kieran not being super emotionally unstable.  The next day, you're being introduced to the Blueberry kids properly and Kieran immediately suggests you and he pair up.  Carmine isn't thrilled but as he points out, it's not like they can pair up together based on Briar's directions to make interschool pairs.  She sulks off to find a Paldean student to deal with.  Your character and Kieran have a friendly battle and he admires your skills.  You go find the first two signboards and follow him up to the Dreaded Den more or less the same way as in Teal Mask.  Then he invites you to the Festival of Masks and you go back to the family home.  Carmine is not overly pleased to see you still hanging around, but she's unbending a little bit since you and Kieran obviously get on so well.  They only find the two masks in the shed, Kieran tries to offer you his ogre mask, Carmine stops him, you get to the festival and do some balloon popping and maybe even beat Carmine's score.
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It's Ogerpon's appearance that changes the story dramatically.  At first, you are the only one that sees her, but then Kieran comes looking for you after pacifying Carmine.  Ogerpon spooks, drops her mask, and you both have a moment of shock as you realize this is not a child, this is the damn ogre.  Then Ogerpon bolts, leaving you with the Teal Mask.  Kieran is stunned  --  the ogre was so smol!  And seemed so nonaggressive!  And holy shit this mask is beautiful, except there's a chip in the big crystal!  He's excited as hell to have one of his childhood dreams materialize before him.  He wants to go after Ogerpon, but Carmine turns up at that moment.  She has deeply internalized the ancient Kitakami legend of the Loyal Three, and when Kieran excitedly tells her you just saw the ogre, she insists it can't have been, because you and he are both not fucking dead.  She and Kieran argue for a minute, long enough that once it's over, Kieran has to reluctantly admit you'll never catch up to the ogre in the dark.  He tells you to hold onto the mask and you two can go ask his grandpa about it in the morning.  You do, and it's Kieran who is with you when you hear the story of Ogerpon.  Carmine appears at one point and is shooed off by Kieran, but overhears the majority of the story herself.  Unlike Kieran, she can't believe it  --  the heroic Loyal Three, actually villains??  Impossible!  She realizes that if Kieran believes this story, he's likely to go chasing the ogre again, and probably get himself killed, a prospect that chills her to the bone.  She ambushes you both as you leave the family home and demands that Kieran (and just Kieran, she doesn't care what YOU do) not go chasing monsters, making no effort to pretend she didn't overhear the whole damn thing.  Kieran tries to correct her, but she insists you both go have a look at the final signboard, the one that reminds everyone that the ogre murders anyone it comes across without a mask on.  You go, but discuss with Kieran how the story doesn't make any sense compared to the ogre you both saw and the story Kieran's grandpa told you.  You go back mutually determined to get Ogerpon's mask back to her after gramps fixes it. 
You go off to the community center and Kieran goes home.  Something he says at home will alert Carmine to your resolve, and that kicks off the next event.  Carmine demands you meet her at Loyalty Plaza, where she makes an impassioned plea to her brother not to be fooled into getting himself murderated.  He tries to explain that she's still got the wrong impression and she blows up on him, refusing to listen to reason (he almost certainly points out that Gramps has no reason to lie to his own grandkids, for example).  Truth is, she's afraid, afraid for his life, and that's making her act irrationally.
And then a thought occurs to her, a thought that marks a huge turning point in this scenario.  It's you.  You are making her brother act this way.  You are the reason he's doing these insane things.  She accuses you directly of manipulating her family.  Kieran protests, but she's convinced.
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Now, in canon, I am convinced that the venom in Kieran's thoughts is what somehow channeled Pecharunt's energy (or some variant thereof) into the Lousy Three's grave and brought them back to life.  In this scenario, imagine the same, only it's the poison of fear which is rapidly spreading through Carmine.  Her fear is being expressed as anger, but it's still fear, and it's consuming her rapidly.  Before either sibling can argue further, the grave splits open, and the Three emerge.  No one knows quite what is happening, so no one can really react effectively as they take off to Kitakami Hall.  It's only as they're already receding into the distance that Carmine realizes they must be the Three.
You and the siblings rush to the Hall to hear the news of the Three's arrival and retrieving of the other masks before going up the mountain.  Kieran starts to rush after them, but suddenly Carmine blocks the way.  She is going to save him from himself if it's the last thing she does.  You battle her and defeat her, and the idea that you are the cause of all this etches itself that much deeper.  She has no choice but to step aside, but you can feel her furious eyes on your back as you run to save Ogerpon.
Poor little ogre is getting the shit kicked out of her and you save her, driving off the Three.  She is nervous around Kieran because he smells like a local and therefore Dangerous, but while a little hurt, he is not crushed by this.  You take her back to the town (she refuses to enter of course) and consult with Kieran's grandpa.  He promises to fix the Teal Mask for Ogerpon if you and Kieran go get a crystal from the Crystal Pool to replace the chipped one, and suggests you and Kieran go pound the shit out of the Three to get Ogerpon's other masks back.  Carmine is sulking at home and overhears the conversation.  You and Kieran go to the Pool with Ogerpon shadowing you, but Carmine blocks your way at the top, angry at Kieran too now for bringing an outsider to this sacred place.  The standoff is broken by Briar also appearing at the summit, distracting Carmine.  Kieran slips past her and you stop her from following with a battle.  Ogerpon stays near you, and her presence only serves to enrage Carmine more.  Kieran retrieves a crystal cluster during the battle and you both bolt back down the mountain to give it to Gramps, leaving Carmine fuming.  He begins to work on the mask and you turn your attention to finding the Three.
You find the Three with Kieran's help and return the shit kicking they gave Ogerpon threefold, retrieving her masks.  Ogerpon becomes more comfortable around Kieran as you go.  You return to the town only to discover Carmine stole the Teal Mask after Gramps fixed it and left Kieran a message telling him to come to the Dreaded Den.  Gramps notes that she spoke with him about the story of Ogerpon before she left and seems to be disturbed by how the ogre has acted since the whole mess began  --  Kieran guesses her good sense is starting to win out over her fear.  You go back to the Den with Kieran and Ogerpon and find Carmine there.  Kieran confronts her, finally convincing her that the story of the Loyal Three was indeed wrong, and she's been wrong about Ogerpon the whole time (probably aided by Ogerpon with her sweet lil face staring like a sad puppy at her). 
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Carmine finally accepts the truth of the matter, and apologizes to him and Ogerpon.
But there's one thing she hasn't let go of.  She hasn't forgiven you.  And Kieran doesn't realize that she's still hung up on that part because, while he's a lot more emotionally stable in this scenario, he's still pretty oblivious to subtle emotional cues from other people.  When Carmine walks away from the Den, it's with a venom-filled look in your direction.  Insert Heart's If Looks Could Kill here.
Inevitably, Ogerpon wants you as her human, because you're the damn hero.  This version of Kieran is disappointed, but not shattered by this.  He's spent a lot of time over the last couple days with you and the little cutie, and he's had time to get used to the idea.  It's Ogerpon's decision where she wants to go, and he lets go of the long cherished dream with regret, but nothing worse.  He does ask to have a battle with you and her in the morning, after which Briar calls to tell you to get your asses to the community center to finish the actual school trip thingy you'd probably forgotten all about.  Kieran also tells you that Carmine has holed up in her room and won't talk to anyone.
You know more or less how this ends, with Briar yoinking the Kitakami sibs back to Unova to prepare for some globetrotting and the antagonistic sibling swearing to get stronger so they can kick your ass.  In this case it's Carmine, and boy does she hate you right now.  In the end, Kieran came to no harm, and Ogerpon was not a monster, but it doesn't really matter, because rationality went out the window for her where you're concerned a while ago.  She's going to get stronger, and she's going to hand you your ass for humiliating her so often, and she's got a great idea for making that happen...
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tuxedo-lef · 28 days
fabinelli headcanons
strangers to friends to lovers is their main trope but obviously it would be fun to play around with other ones
90% of the time Gabi is very sweet and kind with Fabio but 10% of the time he will be a menace (lowkey sadistic) and fluster Fabio by teasing him or like being mean in the bedroom...
They like to watch anime and other tv shows together (yes, this is based off that dragon ball fusion celebration).
They're also Disney adults.
Fabio is always very supportive of Gabi and so is Gabi of Fabio. The difference is that Gabi HATES when Fabio sells himself short (see video where Gabi tells' Fabio not to say that his goal was due to luck and explained to the press that Fabio had practiced that shot many times in training)
Gabi is a scaredy cat and likes it when Fabio stays over to sleep.
Fabio is a bit insecure about his English. Frankly, he prefers speaking Portuguese (he even said Portuguese was his favourite school subject!). Gabi is much more of a sponge and picks up the language easily so Fabio often makes Gabi speak for both of them when they're out and about in London.
Gabi is terrible in the kitchen. Fabio does most of the cooking.
Fabio would be the one to find a stray cat and bring it home but Gabi would be the one to fall in love with a puppy at a shelter and adopt it on the spot.
Fabio has the worst sleep schedule but Gabi is the most difficult when it comes to waking up early.
They both hate the UK weather and complain about the cold all the time. But they also love to cuddle and warm each other up after a rainy practice.
Gabi is the only one who can tease Fabio about his Portugal Portuguese. The other Brazilian Portuguese speakers on the team know not to make jokes about it anymore after Gabi stole their phone for half a day because of it.
Fabio is more likely to get horny during practice when watching Gabi mover around the pitch, but Gabi is more likely to get horny at home when Fabio is doing the most mundane tasks around the house.
Fabio buys a lot of plants to make the house feel more like a home but Gabi is the only one who remembers to water them.
They are both quite neat and rarely argue about practical things.
BUT! Gabi does get in trouble whenever he brings Win the dog back home because she sheds a lot on their white furniture.
Although Fabio isn't a bad driver, Gabi is usually the one who drives. Fabio likes to do the DJ in the car and is the type to sing along (as long as the song is in Portuguese).
Fabio is the one who confesses first but Gabi would be the one who proposes.
Before they start dating, there's definitely a moment where everyone around them teases them for being together all the time (everyone thinks they're dating but they're not trope). Both of them start to consciously make an effort to spend more time with other players (or they'll do stuff like forcing Wilo to sit between them during team meetings). They get all sad about this new distance between them Gabi breaks first and sulks hard and long enough to make Fabio cave in.
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evanspresso · 2 years
Reader starts to compare herself to other girls online, but evan is there to make sure she knows how perfect she is 🥹
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surrender my thoughts to you
listen to this
It’s not like she meant to scroll through their Instagram and purposefully feel bad about herself, she meant to look for a purse that the model had posted and wanted to confirm the exact style.
It’s not like she meant to scroll through their Instagram and purposefully feel bad about herself, she meant to look for a purse that the model had posted and wanted to confirm the exact style.
It’s not like she meant to scroll through their Instagram and purposefully feel bad about herself, she meant to look for a purse that the model had posted and wanted to confirm the exact style.
Of course y/n found the purse and took a screenshot of the Dior saddle bag but her fingers were naughty and she kept scrolling.
searching for nothing in particular as she sank deeper and deeper into the cozy couch her boyfriend owned.
Evan was out getting takeout from their favorite taco shack. He was only gone for about twenty minutes before she decided she’d go on the hunt for her dream bag. Y/n never meant to fall into the endless pit of comparison as she scrolled through the pictures.
It’s just not fair.
She stood up, shaking her head as she tried to shed off this horrendous feeling that started to pull her down towards the depth of self consciousness.
She stood up, shaking her head as she tried to shed off this horrendous feeling that started to pull her down towards the depth of self consciousness.
Y/n slowly makes her way to the kitchen to start setting up plates and napkins but her hands started to shake and her eyes started to water making her suck in her breath. She shook her head at herself and made her way towards the bedroom to go change into one of her boyfriends hoodies and sulk.
He held the door open for himself with his foo making his way inside, the takeout bag heavy in his arms. He hummed to the song he had stuck in his head as he made his way towards the kitchen to set down the food.
Evan furrowed his brows when he noticed that y/n was nowhere in sight. The plates and napkins weren’t set up in the counter either. Only sign of her in the apartment was her phone on the floor and the tv playing in the background.
“Hey, babe?” He called out, no response.
He frowned as he made his way around the warm apartment but he didn’t see her anywhere until he stopped dead in his tracks when he heard her sniffles from the bedroom.
Evan pushed open the door to reveal his girlfriend sitting on the window seat, knees up to her best as she looked out into the city streets. He cleared his throat making her jump ever so slightly before she turned her head to look at him.
Y/n’s bambi eyes that he loves so much were red and her beautiful, soft cheeks were swollen and tear stained which made his chest give in and his feet bring him to her side immediately.
“What’s wrong?” He panicked, slipping next to her on the cushion. “What is it? What’s wrong?” He pressed more forcefully after she looked away from him.
He stroked her hair and cradled her chin in his large palm causing her to shudder against his touch as she brought herself to look him in the eye. “It’s nothing. I’m being stupid.”
Evan narrowed his eyes at her, pulling her onto his lap causing her to sigh in response because she knew he wasn’t going to let this go. He never does.
Y/n knows how he is, and she hates it and it and loves it about him. His rule is to always speak yo our mind, and never go to bed upset. She likes that rule, but sometimes she wishes he’d just let her sulk for just one night.
“Do you really have to know?” She whispered.
Evan gave her a small smile, his eyes gleaming from the lights down below making her close her eyes. She rested her head against his chest and bit her lip as she heard him let out a low sigh, his hands caressed her small back.
“I feel shitty about myself, okay?” She sniffed. “Some days are just hard and today is a bad day. I know I shouldn’t be so hard on myself but I can’t help i- it when I see all of these beautiful and p- perfect people all over my timeline.” Tears run down her cheeks as she looked over at the window, too timid to look him in the eyes as she speaks.
He was quiet at first, letting her spill out her not so nice thoughts out in front if him. He soaked it all up for her and wiped her em tears as she cried silently as she could.
He knew she was embarrassed and he hated that she felt that way, he wanted to take all of her worry’s and negative thoughts and pluck every single one of them away.
He nodded, and frowned, and let her cry into his chest as he held her strongly against him. He wanted to be her rock and he was trying his best to comfort her in the way he knew how.
He hated the fact that she kept saying she was sorry and that she was stupid, “shh, it’s okay. I know. It’s okay.” He kept repeating as she clung into his now soaked sweater.
“You probably think I’m a crazy person.” She giggled dryly at herself making him hold her tighter.
“No.” He said quickly. “Why do you keep talking down to yourself like that?” He questioned.
“I-“ her voice broke.
“I don’t like when you talk about yourself like that, you’re degrading yourself like it’s our job. Y/n, the way you speak to yourself matters and if you keep being negative all of the time you won’t have room to even remember what it’s like to be kind to yourself.” He said sternly.
“I can’t help it if that’s all I think of when I look at myself. It’s not like-"
“You’re talking about my girlfriend here.” He said making her crack a small smile. “She’s perfect in my eyes. I cant breath when I think about her and I’m always so shocked when I see her come home to me.” He let out a breathless chuckle like he was in disbelief.
“The girl of my dreams is actually mine and she loves me? I’m the luckiest man alive.” He said. “Baby, you are poetry, roses, and galaxies and don't even know it.” He said earnestly.
Y/n stared at him and sucked in her breath trying to hold back her tears as he spoke. She froze, she felt all fuzzy and her head was spinning she didn’t even know how to respond to him.
“You’re everything.” He whispered.
Y/n blinked up at him and he let his head fall to the side as he squeezed her little hands. “I don’t know what to say.” She whispered.
“You don’t have to say anything.” He mused. “It’s all true and I want you to think highly of yourself because you… you are magnificent and I love you.”
“I love you too.” She hummed, tracing her fingers along his bicep as he pressed his lips into her temple.
They both hummed against one another, taking in each others scents and the comfort of one another’s touch.
“Thank you.” She said looking up at him through her long lashes causing him to bite his lip and nod.
“You’re everything.” She added, “Sometimes I look at you when you’re sleeping or when doing something random and my heart feels like it’s going to burst because I love you so much. I feel like I’m not good enough for someone like you.”
“Someone like me?” He chuckled.
“You’re such a good man. I am so- so enthralled with you and I am so in love. You make me feel like a handful of marshmallows with a drizzle of chocolate ribbons on top.” She gushed making him laugh.
They both giggle against each other’s lips as he holds her face against his, her cheeks burning against his touch.
She looks at him like he’s molten sex appeal in a soft sugar cone, right there, right in front of her.
Y/n leans in and presses her forehead against his and she grips onto his sweater, rubbing her nose against his and they smile at each other lovingly.
“I think the food is going to get cold.” She whispers making him laugh loudly.
“Er..probably. You hungry?” He asks.
“I’m starving!” She giggles.
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blushedarmybunny · 2 years
Butterfly Effect: part 2 || Jeon Jungkook x fem Reader
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♡ Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x fem reader
♡ Word count: 10.5k
♡ Genre: Angst (m), different timelines travel, smut.
♡ summary:
There is Yn who thought that she had her shit together until there’s a dead body in her boyfriend’s basement.
Everything crumbled in a second, but wait…ummm Why she is back when she met Jungkook a year before this happened? Is time travel a real thing?
Oh so we are changing strategies now: let’s be a total b.i.t.c.h, that way Jungkook the serial killer would be as far as possible from yn, right?
Or maybe is this her chance to save the victim before Jungkook can commit that terrible crime?
Yn did not expect to drag herself into the infinite possible timelines that the fabric of the universe has, in between her adventure she might change more lives than her own.
♡ TW: homophobia, violence, mature contents.
♡ part 1 here
♡ a/n: i'm working on part 3, for now i hope you like this 💜
You were throwed back and forth, your consciousness fighting to recover. And as soon as you could make up what was happening, you realized that you were revisiting your memory.
Everything seemed, smelled, felt so real that you couldn’t doubt your senses.
Suddenly you were 8 years old again in that park. Jungkook shaking hand holding tight to yours.
The summer breeze blowing your hair, the squeals of the children just like the last time.
But now Yn is fully aware what is going on, she is here to mend that fatal mistake.
She turns around desperately looking for Jungkook’s mom hiding site, she spots her a few seconds later.
Then with her other hand she takes her mother’s hand and runs as fast as her feet allow her.
Taking both her mom and Jungkook’s by surprise. The woman doesn’t scape she is shedding a few tears but doesn’t panic when you arrive right Infront of her. You took Jungkook and with the little strength that you had you push him towards her. The woman holds to Jungkook immediately and he does the same.
She and your mom exchange a few words while you look at Jungkook, he still looks frightened but at the same time he seems thankful.
Before you go you wave goodbye at him and he does the same, then his mother picked him up and disappear at a fast pace.
An incredibly hard force pulled you again.
You had no control. No say.
Your consciousness wondered feeling the most absolute energy flow.
You were sulking again in another new reality and the welcoming was quite intense.
You were laying on your back feeling all sorts of pleasuring sensations. Your body going back and forth. Your hips moving in motions.
From your mouth grasping moans that echoed the entire room.
A very muscular body on top of yours, affirming his power.
The force of his motion was ruthless, going so deep and intense that made you loose your breath and it was difficult to focus more than the instinctive pleasure that you were feeling at that instant.
Then you came to realize in the middle of the enjoyable confusion that you were fucking.
You could not stop yourself, going crazy at the sensual skills of the man on top of you.
His hand grabbed the back of your head and pull you closer to him for a kiss. Both your hot sticky tongues exploring and twisting inside your mouths. You moaned louder.
Opening your eyes slightly you detailed this man’s face.
His hair dark and long, his features in this focused expression, his pierced lips slightly opened. Soon enough you recognized Jungkook’s face.
You could not think much of it, you could not think at all.
“You are so fucking close, are you?” he exclaimed breathing heavily. “You are so tight around my cock”
You could not respond, instead you closed your eyes tightly when you felt that sharp wave of pleasure in your lower stomach.
“You are good for me, huh?” he asked you closing his eyes “mmm” he mumbled.
Soon enough both of you accelerated the pace seeking the last drop of extasy that came harder that you expected.
The sweat was wetting your bodies and made them sticky, you both tiredly lied beside each other breathing loudly trying to calm down.
Jungkook pulled her body closer him and kissed her shoulder.
“Mmm baby girl, did I told you that I love you already?” he said to you with a sweet smile.
“I love you, too” you responded, what else could you say? That was the natural response after making love with your lover.
You looked at him and you had to resist the urge to drop your jaw.
Yes it was Jungkook, just that is a very different Jungkook.
His body is full of tattoos and more bulked up. His face had piercings and his hair was a little longer.
You were on his room, in his house, sharing his bed with this completely new version of him.
What the fuck is going on?
The notification alert made you come back from your mind. It was coming from, you assumed your phone, since Jungkook did not picked it up and seemed a little annoyed.
You reach for the device but Jungkook stopped you.
“Honey you can stay tonight” Jungkook said softly.
“My mom is visiting my grandma so you can stay here tonight” he added looking at you with his big dark eyes.
“Umm…” before you could reply another notification ringed, you gave him an apologetic look before grabbing your phone and clicking the message.
Hajoon: Hey you probably are with that thug which is lame
Hajoon: but let’s have some drinks
Hajoon: andddd you can’t refuse this time
Hajoon: you owe me one, remember?
You were friends with Hajoon? The last time you saw her she was slapping the shit out of you.
You suddenly came again to your senses and felt incredibly disoriented.
It has happened again.
In what fucking quantic loop have you fallen into?
What kind of simulation are you participating?
But more immediate answers would be in handy, like for example: why does Jungkook look like a completely different person?
If Hajoon was your friend, she surely knows what’s up with your life, you needed info.
There’s also the fact that you just had sex with Jungkook, very hard and raw type of sex.
One intense experience after another in the polar opposites kind of way made your head spin with all the mixed emotions.
Space that’s what you needed right now to figure all this shit out.
You texted Hajoon a quick reply.
Turning back to Jungkook, he hasn’t stopped staring at you.
“I’m sorry, I got plans” you said to him putting some strands of his hair behind his ear, then he took your hand and places a kiss on it.
“Tell them that you are not going” Jungkook instructed.
“Can’t do that, I promised” you said with pleading eyes, he seems annoyed at your response.
“I’m sorry, but I got to go now” you stoop up quickly, the weakness of your legs made you almost to sit down in the bed, Jungkook smiled.
“I fucked you real good that you can’t even stand up” he stated proudly, you didn’t responded while you stoop up again looking for your clothes and hurrying up to the bathroom to get yourself ready.
You arrived to the bar, looking for Hajoon among the people there. She look vastly different but her face remained the same, when you approached her you notice that she wasn’t alone, another girl was sitting next to her. You wondered if you supposed to know each other or she is just Hajoon’s friend. The girl had her eyes on you since you arrived.
“Hi” you said to both girls before taking a seat.
“Babe this is my friend, Yn” Hajoon introduced you “and Yn, this is my girlfriend, Suyeon”
You did feel a little surprised by the news but tried your best to not show it while shaking Suyeon’s hand, a strange warm sensation when your hands connected took you back a little bit.
“My pleasure” you said to her and Suyeon nodded.
“it is mine, too” she replied.
“So you finally know each other, yay!” said Hajoon with excitement
“I hope you don’t mind, but Hajoonie always tells me all your drama and I was kinda curious to meet you” Suyeon said with a shy smile.
“Oh did she?” you look at Hajoon “Like what?”
Perfect opportunity to get some background.
“Oh c’mon you know all the juicy stuff you tell me is about Jungkook” Hajoon said serving three shots of soju.
“I hope she hasn’t told you something too juicy” you said with a raspy voice after drinking the shot.
“For a couple that is almost three years together you have very exciting stories” Hajoon added.
Three fucking years
You had to act like it was nothing. Like it was not big news that now you encountered yourself travelling to the past and future, like now you apparently have this mystic ability, a gift, a superpower.
How this shit was possible.
The news was like an iced water bucket unannounced.
But you played your part like a bloody Oscar awarded actress.
“What can I tell you, he has been so good to me lately” you said like nothing.
“Really? So, he apologized?” Hajoon asked serving some more liquor. What Jungkook did to you? You wondered.
“We talked things out” you said quickly without having any idea of the context.
“I don’t understand straights” Suyeon commented making Hajoon laugh.
“You know I sometimes wonder why did you picked him, he can be a little tough and takes too much liberties in the way that he talks to you, but girl beating up Chanyeol like that!? He could get you expelled!” Hajoon added “I’m just saying watch out”
“Yeah, be careful” Suyeon added while she opened another bottle and serve you another round.
You started drinking and talking about anything, trying to catch up and also having a good time with Hajoon and her girlfriend, they turned out to be witty, funny and just incredible people.
At some point into the night with enough alcohol in your system to make you bubbly and happy your phone screen lighted up with notifications, Jungkook’s messages arrived one after another.
Babe: babyyyy
Babe: miss you lotss
Babe: Yoongi’s party is so boring rn
Babe: I want u
Babe: babyyy I like your boobs so much
Babe: send pic plzz
You smiled as you are drunk as well, and started typing.
You: you r really cute
You: but I will not send u anything
You: I have a boyfriend
You closed the chat and started looking thru your phone, you went to the photo gallery and it displayed a variety of photos, yourself of course but mostly you and Jungkook.
You looked in love in fact.
There were tons of photos of you on a date, intimate photos, only Jungkook, him sleeping, him eating, him smiling.
There were photos with his mom, with your mom, photos of you traveling to beach destinations. It seemed pretty solid your relationship.
But still the sense of uncertainty was bigger that any amazement at what your personal life has become in this apparent timeline.
Ultimately it felt like you didn’t really belong in your own life, which was a bitter realization.
Chugging some more alcohol and feeling intoxicated enough, you leave the bar in the company of Hajoon and Suyeon.
The three girls stumbled through the streets of Seoul happily chatting and singing whatever song comes to mind. Suyeon suggested eating some fried chicken and everyone agreed unanimously.
When the girls were passing by this particular street, a man saw them at corner of his eye.
As intoxicated as they were, he walked on them, his appearance was not looking good.
If unemployment was a person, it would look like him.
Clearly in his 50s, a cigarette between his fingers.
“So you do that gay shit?” he slurred to Hajoon and Suyeon that were holding hands, they looked like a deer in the headlights, they uncomfortably let go of their hands.
“Why don’t you get in your business?” you scoffed at him rolling your eyes.
“You goddamn foreigner bitch, better shut the fuck up!” The man screamed out of nowhere making the three girls flinch.
“Yn we better just…”Hajoon started speaking but the man screamed again.
“You better answer when your elder ask you a question” the man said referring to Hajoon “who is the one that fuck and who is the bitch?” the man smiled his teeth not in good conditions, you felt repulsed by his whole presence clearly your friends felt the same.
“Shut up, old fuck!” you screamed at him having enough of his disgusting behavior.
“You fucking foreigner bring that gay shit to this country, the only thing you are good for is sucking dick” the man said to you opening his eyes making you flinch again because you actually recognize him.
A little older and more fucked up but if the memory doesn’t fail you, that was Jungkook’s father.
“Let’s go” Suyeon said serious, so you slowly start to walk away from that creep.
Big mistake.
You did not react quickly enough when the man out of nowhere pushed Hajoon making her fall to the grown, then he goes for you this time you hit with force a wall behind you, then with the bottle he was previously drinking he threw it just a few centimeters away from your face, the shattered glass exploding everywhere. You ear started hearing a beeping sound, you closed your eyes tightly then again that strange feeling as your consciousness slipping away starts occurring, you can’t focus or think.
The same warmth you felt before makes you conscious again.
 you come back to the here and now.
“Yn are you okay?” Suyeon asked you with a worried tone, her hands resting on your shoulder, you nodded and she helped you stand up.
The police quickly came and arrested the creep, someone passing by called the cops on him.
 They ended up in ER, Hajoon had badly scratched her knees and you had some small cuts on your face and fragments of glass in your arm.
A cold sensation travel down your spine when you remembered Jungkook’s father expression and demeanor, he shared a lot of features with his son.
The wickedness in his eyes was the same of Jungkook in that past life.
When the nurse was finished, Yn looked out for her friends, they were talking to the cops.
“I think that would be all, I’ll leave you my number to formalize the press of charges, okay?” the girls nodded “take care” the cop left.
In that moment your phone started ringing, it was Jungkook so you pick up the call.
“Where are you, baby?” Jungkook’s voice did not sound drunk at all, you overheard some other voices in the background, he seemed to be chewing something.
“i…umm.. I’m on the hospital” you confessed embarrassed at your situation.
“What?!” Jungkook’s tone was loud enough to make you put the phone away from your ear.
“Some drunk man was causing trouble, nothing serious really” you said resting importance.
“Yn, what the fuck, I’m trying to find my shit as fast as I can” you heard some moving and more noise “where are you?”
“nonono you don’t need to come, it’s nothing really” you tried to convince him.
“as if” he mocked “I made a question” you heard an engine turning on.
“I’ll text you the details”
“kay’ bye” he hanged up the call
You told the girls that Jungkook would pick you up and then said goodbye to them, 20 minutes later you received a text from Jungkook to wait outside. A motorcycle raced in the front of the hospital, Jungkook got down and took off his helmet.
He immediately grabbed your face and saw the little cuts with a worried expression that turned to anger.
“That fucking bastard is dead” he said completely serious
“Just leave it, I’m okay” you said to him afraid of what he could do.
“When I found out who he is I’m gonna…”
“Jungkook let’s just go” you looked at him tired, he gently grabbed your face and kissed you short and sweet.
Virtually it was your first ride on a motorcycle, so it was a whole experience, feeling the speed, the wind in your face, Jungkook’s hard body against yours, it was really stimulating ride to Jungkook’s house.
“I know it’s late but I really want to bath with you” Jungkook said softly to you smiling. Well, it wasn’t a bad idea at all.
“I can’t resist that proposition” you smiled back to him.
He run a bath for the both of you, Jungkook undressed himself without an ounce of shame, although you were more shy you followed his lead, then he entered the bathtub helping you get on top of him.
The warm water and the bubbles relaxed you which was exactly what you needed.
Jungkook’s hands travel through your back making you squirm.
“You are so sexy” Jungkook said looking at your body with those big dark eyes.
You started to detail his body, his tattoos, his muscles.
What does it mean?
“Yn, kiss me now “Jungkook ordered and without hesitation you did as he told.
You kissed him passionately, with urge.
And he reciprocated like a hungry predator, soon enough his erection pressed the back of your ass.
“Mmm honey I need you” Jungkook slurred while he kissed you, you moaned when you felt his finger entering your pussy preparing you for his cock.
While you both kissed the motion of his fingers was doing enough to send you.
You whined when he stopped fingering you, but then he proceeded to put the tip of his cock on your entrance. You slowly sat making Jungkook’s dick enter deeper into you, you felt so full. He took your hips and began to rock back and forth, you moaned louder.
“Yes, honey, take it” he said heavily breathing, then when you hit a certain spot he soft moaned, making you melt.
“Jungkook” you slurred his name
“I fucking love you so much” he said to you before kissing you again, you came soon after that.
Later when you both went to bed, you found yourself cuddling with Jungkook as if your life depended on it, you found comfort in his arms, even if was only for the night, that was more than enough.
Jungkook cooked her breakfast the next morning, something very simple but she appreciated the gesture. He was shirtless, so you got a good look of his bulky figure and his tattoos scattered across his whole body. Jungkook looked very hot but it simply was too different of what he used to be in other timelines.
“Honey, I invited the boys over” he said to you munching his toast
“ah really? Do you think I should stay or…?”
“Yeah like it’s not a business reunion or anything, we just going to be chilling” Jungkook added you nodded in response.
“Then I better get ready” you said standing up the table, Jungkook gaze on your body remembering the night before.
“Boys are coming over, dress accordingly” he sentenced while you went away from the kitchen. You did not like the tone that he used in his last sentence.
You took a quick shower and looked around for some clothes to wear in the drawers in Jungkook’s room, there were no much of your items, trying in another drawer you opened your eyes in surprise when you found a gun and some good sum of money in cash. You closed the drawer immediately in shock.
The old Jungkook, the new Jungkook they were all the same, always involved in some shady shit.
The questions started to accumulate in your head once again, but you shut them down and simply got ready for whatever was going to happen today.
A few hours later Jungkook called you downstairs. You were not ready to encounter the scene before your eyes.
Jungkook friends all tattoed head to toe, looking intimidating as hell, drinking some beer and discussing some matters but without really looking relaxed. Of course, there also women present, some tattoed some don’t, they looked a lot less intimidating, they even seemed more approachable than the guys.
They all turned around as you entered the living room and quickly parted the view a few seconds later.
You spotted Jungkook in one of the sofas you took a seat beside him, he pulled you closer and offered you a beer which you accepted. Then he came back talking with his friends, you stay quiet trying to gain some insight.
“there’s some motherfuckers in Itaewon that haven’t pay the total amount yet” commented one tall guy in serious tone, your questions were forming once again.
“I guess that Jungkookie and I have some plans for tomorrow then” added other guy smiling ironically, he had a big smile and his hair was bleached blonde. Jungkook nodded like he knew what he was referring to.
“I’ll do it if you say so, boss” Jungkook said to the tall guy without hesitation. Boss? What the hell was this? The tall guy nodded without saying a word.
“The next big order is on Saturday, we need to collect the money as soon as possible” commented another guy, he was the least intimidating looking but still tattoed everywhere and dressed in black.
“I gladly remind you that I know the location of JP’s hiding, we just need to get rid of the completion and would love to take charge of that, boss” other guy said, his hair was longer and he was the best dressed, his long fingers were covered in rings.
“No, It’s too soon, I’m trying to not be too risky when a big order is near” the tall guy said “I’m trying to manage my business not initiating a war” he added.
A gang. Jungkook belonged to a gang, which makes sense for all the tattoos across his body and the gun with cash in the drawer.
Jungkook was criminal, Yn thought with an anxious sensation in her chest.
Her cellphone ringed interrupting the conversation after apologizing you took the call.
“Am I here with Yln Yn?”the monotonous tone of a feminine voice asked you.
“Yes, that’s me” you responded.
“It’s the police department, we wanted to inform you that we need you as soon as possible to take your declaration as a victim, for the case you filled against Jeon Jeonsuk”
You looked around to check if Jungkook was listening to you, when you saw him absorbed in the conversation with the others you proceed to answer:
“I don’t know about that, ma’am” you said trying to not raise your voice too much
“It’s crucial for you to collaborate with us, we need you to come the police station as soon as possible” the woman said.
“why don’t you text me the details, I can’t really talk right now-“
“Honey can you show Areum where the bathroom is she’s not looking so good” Jungkook  interrupted you making you exalted for a second while you hanged up the call.
 You turned to look at the girl clearly intoxicated and did not looked in good condition, an irritated Jungkook’s friend was holding her so she didn’t stumbled.
“Sure” you responded, rushing to her side and guiding her to the bathroom. The poor girl emptied her stomach in the toilet while you held back her hair, then you helped her to wash up, asked her if she felt like coming back to the party, she shook her head and said that she was leaving.
“Do you want to wait for your taxi on the living room or…? “You asked her
“Nah, I’m out Yoongi me treats like trash and I’m not here to be his puppygirl” the girl said while quickly putting on her jacket and leaving the house. Even though you didn’t know her you felt proud of her.
When you came back everyone seemed to be pissed off and all the eyes were on you, and the ambience felt very heavy, Jungkook was being held sit down by two of the guys.
“What happened?” you asked trying to hide the nervousness in your tone, the tall guy that the other guys called boss said to you:
“You fucking bitch rat on us” his voice demanding and intimidating you stepped back instinctively.
“Namjoon, I think…”one of the subordinates started to say.
“Shut up, Jimin” Namjoon said and Jimin did not protest “Jungkook you better fucking explain why your bitch snitch on us, right now” he almost screamed. Jungkook had undecipherable expression, his jaw tense and he was not resisting the guys that were holding him down.
“I don’t understand-“
“Quiet bitch” Namjoon said to you “Hoseok bring her here” he instructed. You panicked when Hoseok who was already stood up came by your side and took your arm with great force and pulled you. You were like a rag doll, it was so easy for him to grab you and push you around, that made Jungkook resist the guys holding him down.
“Better fucking watch out, Hoseok” Jungkook said to him, his voice as low and intimidating. “If you left any bruises I will-“
“Answer the fucking question!” Namjoon screamed at him.
“She did not snitch on us, boss” Jungkook answered not looking at Namjoon.
“oh really, so let’s see” Namjoon mocked and then snapped his fingers to one of the guys who was holding Jungkook down, the guy passed Namjoon your cellphone and went back to Jungkook, you felt your blood running cold. “Then what the fuck is this” then he showed you the message that the police left you giving you all the instructions and indications.
“Answer him” Hoseok said to you, his hot breath on the side of your ear. You felt so helpless.
“I can explain” you said almost vomiting the words.
“Yeah, you better” Namjoon responded “it’s not like you have any other option”
“Babe talk” Jungkook said you in a neutral tone.
You tried to form a sentence but the words fail to come out, your anxiety levels where at their highest.
“That’s what you got for committing to a bitch” one of the guys holding him down said to him, Jungkook send a death stare to him.
When you finally could speak the words stumbled and your voice was shaky.
“I-I was attacked on the street yesterday and the police got involved and they want me to…identify the attacker” you trying to sound collected and calm trying to prove your innocence but it come out more a desperate attempt to help your case. A few of the guys scoffed with an arrogant smile.
“And how do I know that’s true? Huh?” Namjoon questioned with a mocking tone.
“Uh?” you replied out of nervousness. He did not liked that, he took a gun out, you could not see where did he kept it, and then before your eyes there was the pistol pointing at you, you felt your soul left your body at that moment.
“Boss!” Jungkook exclaimed more desperate. “Boss!”
“Shut him up” Namjoon demanded and then the two subordinates punch Jungkook on his stomach a few times, you started to cry.
“I asked you a fucking question, didn’t I?” Namjoon said unaffected by your state.
“I swear, please!” you begged “I was in the hospital, Jungkook even picked me up, that’s the truth!” all you could do is beg, Namjoon got closer to you and you felt like your heart skipped a beat when he showed you again the gun but then you felt the relief when he put it away. Your relief did not last long because he then grab your face with force, his rings sinking in your skin, you closed your eyes, you could simply not handle the demonic gaze that Namjoon had.
“If you did not snitch on us why didn’t you run away when the police arrived? You think I’m stupid? you know this shit” he said to you  making you flinch.
“Boss please, that is the truth!” Jungkook begged amidst his pain.
“He broke a glass bottle near me, I was on the ground!” you overcame your anxiety and look at him in the eye, no emotion in him was found, he did not even blink “I swear, please, I’ll never betray Jungkook or you!” you struggled at Hoseok’s grip.
“She has cuts all over her face, boss!” Jungkook added trying to help your case.
Namjoon scoffed and grabbed your face once again examining it, a drop of sweat descended from your temple, he looked at you and you saw how the edges of his lips went up in subtle way, he was enjoying how distressing this was for you.
“Alright, Jungkook you better control your bitch” he warned pointing in his direction “As for you” he looked at you up and down “Call the cops again and we’ll be getting rid of you” he made a sign to Hoseok and he let Yn go.
Yn started to walk away but Namjoon grabs her arm making her to look at him.
“I will not slap your face to teach you a lesson, that would be Jungkook’s job” he whispered to you before letting you go.
Yn looked around heavily breathing then walked to the door grabbing her coat and going out, soon after Jungkook went to her side he turned her to look at him.
“Do you realize the shit that you put us in?!” Jungkook exclaimed “Why the fuck you didn’t just called me, when that shit happened to you? huh?!”  he was talking fast and was also very distressed, you look into his eyes and sobbed, he seemed to soften a little
“I’m sorry, okay!” you exclaimed trying to calm down “I did not intent to cause all of this!”
Jungkook got nearer and in his eyes, there was compassion but also a bit of darkness. He grabbed your now swollen face.
“You are not allowed to call the cops again, understood?” he told you with a serious tone, you nodded with tears in your eyes hating the way that you have to submit to men, this was not you but you didn’t had other option, He cleaned the tears with his fingers and kissed your forehead. “Let’s finish this, already” he said to you and you nodded.
Both went on his bike to the police station, you identified Jungkook’s dad to the cops, sing some paperwork and came back to the backseat of his motorcycle, he turned the engine on and ride away from the station. The whole ride you horrified by how Jungkook and his dad are a reflection of one another. When you had to identify him, it gave you chills, you knew what he was capable of in other timelines, somehow you had to shook the sensation. Jungkook parked the bike in place that you both know too well: the place where you two met.
He took your hand and guide you to the bench just in front the butterfly statue, you both sat in silence for a few minute before Jungkook started to speak.
“So, who was the bastard?” he asked you arching his pierced eyebrow. You parted your lips in hesitation to tell him the truth, It was a very emotionally charge day already, and you were on the edge, but eventually he would find out so it was the best for him to know, nonetheless it was still challenging to reveal the information.
“Jungkook…I- “you cut yourself in the middle of the sentence “he…um” you tried to collect your words but failed, Jungkook was trying to be patient but he also had a long day.
“What?” he tried to pressure you.
“Don’t be mad, please” you said to him, making Jungkook bring his eyebrows together.
“Who is it, Yn?” he asked again, you look into his dark big eyes and then you look in another direction.
“It was your father” you simply said sighting, Jungkook tensed up immediately.
“What did you say?” Jungkook asked with a nervous tone, he heard clearly but still asked again trying to convince himself that you said something completely different.
“Your father was the one that attacked me” you repeated, Jungkook stood up and walked a few steps he exhaled and was clearly affected, all you could do was watch him, he returned to your side.
“This must be a fucking joke, right?” he asked more to himself “When I fucking manage to keep me sane, then he goes and does this” Jungkook scoffed “he is really begging me to be dead” he exclaimed making you turn to him with your eyes really open.
“Jungkook!” you exclaimed he looked at you, you saw the turmoil of emotions fighting inside of him.
“Yn, you know what a piece of shit he is” he told you trying to calm down, he exhaled again “Not only he made my life a living hell when he found out where me and mom where hiding but he also almost kills me when I was 14” he couldn’t look at your face, he played with his fingers and continued “I made a promise to myself, Yn, whenever I saw him again I would kill him so he can’t hurt me or mom ever again” he really mean it, and suddenly it made sense why he was this way.
The muscles, the tattoos, the rough exterior. Jungkook was trying to be tough, he needed to be strong so his father could never put a hand on him. He was in a gang because he was broken inside, so he was accepted and has a place to belong.
You put your hand in his back and start to caress him softly trying to give him support.
“Don’t do it, don’t be like him” you told him with a soft voice, Jungkook turned to look at you.
“I would never be like my dad” he said completely serious. “That’s why I’m getting rid of him”
“That would not make you feel less vulnerable, you know” you told him but he scoffed.
“Why you say that? What the fuck do you how it feels?” he asked ironically “And you say this in this place, the place where you saved me!” Jungkook exclaimed passing his hands thru his hair.
“I don’t care if he is dead, I worry about you getting caught!” you said to him worried, he looks at you and after a few seconds Jungkook leans on to give you a kiss.
“That would never happen, darling” he said with a smile then out of the sudden you were interrupted by someone standing before you, it was Suyeon.
“I hope I’m not interrupting something” she said with a little awkward smile.
“Suyeon!” you exclaimed with a smile and stood up to hug her, she hugged you back, Jungkook’s cellphone ringed and he excused himself.
“Yeah, nice to meet you too!” Suyeon exclaimed and then turned to you “He seems like a nice guy” she joked while you smiled.
“I was not expecting to found you here” you tell her still impressed to see her, she took a seat in the bench, in the previous Jungkook’s spot, you sat again.
“I just had a feeling that you would be here” Suyeon said mysterious “So I came and there you are, magic!” you look at her confused.
“You wanted to see me?” you ask, Suyeon nodded “What’s the matter?”
Jungkook came back from his call, he directed himself at you.
��Babe the boys called me, I have to handle some business” he said to you “Are you are going to stay here or do you want a ride home?” Jungkook asked.
“I’ll stay here with Suyeon” you responded, then you watched him take a few bills out of his wallet and hand then to you. “What’s that for?”
“For the taxi” he said before giving you a quick kiss and walking away.
“He is really a thug, isn’t he?” Suyeon stated more that asked, “Anyways, yes I wanted to talk to you about important issues and I will not beat around the bush and just say it how it is!” she exclaimed convinced.
“Well, go ahead” you said fully intrigued.
“I am a witch!” she just said “a gifted one, a person that knows the occult!” she said that in a funny way, she tried to not laugh at herself “ okay that sounded crazy, but I’m serious, I know some stuff” she ended.
“What?” you could only reply.
“And since I know some stuff, I know that you” she pointed at you “are not in your timeline are you?” she said arching an eyebrow, you just look at her completely surprised, did you heard, right? Does she…?”
“You are a little sneaky traveler, are you?” she questioned again with a smile.
“Oh my god, what is happening?” you asked desperate “I swore I was crazy!”
“I knew it!” Suyeon exclaimed a little too excited.
“Okay, so just to confirm, time travelling is a real thing?” you asked Suyeon, trying to make sense of what happened to you.
“No” she said serious “You really would have fucked up big time if time travel was real”
“Time travel is not a thing, but timeline jumping is as real as you and me” Suyeon made the distinction “That’s what you have been doing, without any real intention if I’m correct” she said to you testing the waters.
“People do this on purpose!?” you exclaimed
“And you are a natural also” she declared “whoah, you know the amount of preparation, of concentration, of energy it requires to do timeline jumping? And you did it accidentally?” Suyeon was really impressed “damn!”
“Multiple times”
“Multiple times?!”
“None of them on purpose, that I can assure you!” you looked at her demanding more explanations, she was smiling ear to ear.
“All that power requires some control, you don’t want to go on a trip again and then not being able to come back, right?” Suyeon look at you and you nodded still having no idea what she is talking about.  “We are energy, okay? Energy is everything, know that you know this, let’s say that you have a lot of it! Like a lot a lot!”
“Is that a good thing?” you asked still loss.
“Well, it can be if you control it!” Suyeon responded, and you opened your mouth to ask more questions but Suyeon hush you “I know that you have like a thousand questions, right know but I’m not really an expert in this topic” she sentenced.
“So cannot help me?” you could not hide your disappointment in your voice.
“I’m not the best to help you, all I know is that your energy that night when the drunk man attacked you, was escaping your physical body so fucking fast I had to stick it again. So that’s when I admitted to myself that I’m not really sure what happened there, but the good news is that I know someone that can have some answers for you” Suyeon said while you listened intrigued.
“Really? Great, I need to meet them asap” you said relieved that you finally found some answers.
“I’ll take you”
You looked at her impressed.
“Right now?” Suyeon nodded.
“He is expecting us” Suyeon revealed.
“Kim Seokjin” Suyeon added “so, are you coming or not?”
The ride on the car was pretty fast as the heartbeats you felt on your chest, soon enough you will know why this is happening to you. When you arrived, Suyeon handed to you a notebook, when you opened it it was empty making you confused.
“it is empty” you told Suyeon
“I know” she simply said like it was the most obvious thing “You’ll need it later, okay?” you did not question anymore and just said goodbye to her while you got off the car.
“I’ll text you” you said while waving at her and watch the car leave, in front of you there was Kim Seokjin’s house, you walked to the entrance and before you could knock on the door it opened automatically, you filched a little bit. You had long day.
“Hello…?” you asked looking at your surroundings, it looked like a completely normal house. Out of nowhere Kim Seokjin itself presented before you taking you by surprise.
“Oh I didn’t meant to scare you” his voice sounded warm and welcoming ”I wanted to open the door for you ” he was holding a device in his hand “but here you are! Yn, right?” he asked you.
“Yes, that’s right, and you are Kim Seokjin?”
“Jin, call me Jin” he told you with a smile “Suyeon told me about your unique situation, so why don’t we go straight to the point” you nodded while he guided you to the sofa, you both took a seat.
“So, what is happening to me?” you asked.
“I assume that something very horrible happened to you” he said looking straight to your eyes, the memories instantly come to your mind and you looked to the ground overwhelmed by them. “Because that´s what happened to me” you raised your eyes again to meet his “I lost my sister in a very…traumatic way” he closed his eyes for a second and then continued “My dad took his own life because of that”
“That’s horrible, I’m very sorry” you said to him trying to imagine the pain he has been through.
“Those events changed me forever because I took some part in them” Jin sighted  “So I’m sure Suyeon told you that the amount of concentration and energy require for Timeline Jumping are extremely high” you nodded again “right, so in my experience there are 2 types of timeline jumping, one in where the ability is trained, and the other when you are just able to do it but since you aren’t trained you can’t quite control it” Jin explained “So in that case, a huge emotional commotion or a physical strong response would be enough to slide through another timeline which your case and mine” Jin proceeded “But here is why it happens, the purpose of timeline jumping is to correct and align past events  more harmonious so to say to the vibration of the universe” Jin smiled briefly and then continued “So you must be throw at some core event in your past to correct your future” Jin observed your reaction and continued “here’s the catch, when we are thrown back to the future we can’t really control how far long is it gonna be”
“We can’t?” you asked shocked Jin shook his head.
“We have to decide if this new life is the one that we want or we have to try again to a new one that might be worse” Jin warned you “But there are ways to know those things”
“Yes, for instance you’ll feel something inside you that will tell you that you’re on the right path” Jin responded “But for the more direct way to know is the records” Jin turned to you “Did you bring a notebook with you, perhaps?” You remembered the notebook that Suyeon gave you, so you look into your stuff and grabbed it.
“Here it is” you said holding the item in your hands.
“Right, the notebook is important because it can show you what you wrote about the timeline you are in, like is the future let’s say, although remember that you can always change. Nothing is written in stone” Jin stated.
“that’s the thing, nothing is written here, it’s just an empty notebook” you pointed out opening the blank pages.
“For now, you see, you need to start to channel those strong memories that brought you here write them down and read them feeling those emotions, if you start getting detach from reality then it worked!, the you of all timelines now knows this information is keeping an active record of all the important events of your life”   Jin explained like it was the most mundane thing.
“I really do not understand how that’s possible” you confessed with a confused look.
“Remember that the past, the present and the future are happening simultaneously” Jin draw a circle with his hands “we are just channeling what your future self is feeling though we cannot actually perceive that because we are trapped in the present moment”
“Alright I’m kinda understanding now” you smiled now knowing how everything worked.
“And also I’d discovered that intoxicating substances help a lot but you must be careful, I recommend you to try the safe way and then we can se the other options” Jin commented, you nodded while standing up.
“I could talk for hours about this, but I really had a very long day and there’s some information I need to digest first so please hand me your phone number” you said to Jin giving him your cellphone he started typing his number “I’ll invite you some dinner and then tell you about it”
“It would be me the one inviting you dinner” The way that Jin looked at you could only be described as flirty, you did not mind it.
“perhaps” you teased “I hope to see you soon” you took your stuff and walk to the door but at your surprise Jin put on his coat.
“Let me take you home, it’s late” Jin told you grabbing the keys of his car, you did not put any protest and let him drive you home.
The ride was quiet but not uncomfortable at all, you had to call Hajoon to ask her where did you live because you didn’t have any idea, when you arrived you thanked Jin and got inside the building.
You entered and look around trying to find any reminiscence of you, then on the living room there was the photos with your mom, some with friends and even one with Jungkook.
You opened the fridge and found your favorite beverages and food, that made it for you. Since you weren’t hungry you went to your room dying to get some good sleep but you almost had a heart attack when you found no other than Chanyeol sleeping in your bed like it was his own.
You covered your mouth to not shout.
What in the actual hell?
Chanyeol lip seamed to had a cut, in his cheek a small bruise. He was sleeping like a baby in your bed. You did not know why he was in your own apartment, if you remembered correctly Hajoon mentioned something about Jungkook beating him up. But you did not ask why Jungkook did such thing. He was in your home, in your room, the implications of that is that you are being unfaithful to Jungkook.
“You finally came” Chanyeol said in a groggy state “I thought that I would be spending the night on my own” he sat on the bed, he was shirtless.
You realized that you had to respond and actually address the situation that is happening in this moment.
“Is there something wrong? It must be really late” Chanyeol spoke again, you had no idea how to handle this.
“Didn’t Jungkook beating teach you a lesson?” you asked him trying to compose yourself, maybe acting tough can make him go away, whatever it is going on needs to end.
Chanyeol stood up, and thank god he was wearing shorts, you backed up.
“Yn you are acting weird” Chanyeol said to you while arching his eyebrow “What happened?”
“Nothing happened, but I need you to leave” you sounded cold, Chanyeol scoffed.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that I was coming, but you told to not contact you for 3 days, what else can I do? You can’t leave me hanging in the air to make up my mind!” Chanyeol did not raised his voice but he was firm and confident.
“Ugh take a hint!” you played along without knowing the context “I know for a fact what Jungkook is capable of, if you care for your own life leave me alone” and that wasn’t a lie, you felt anxious for him.
“What?” Chanyeol exclaimed getting agitated “You told me that you were going to leave him, that you were very scared of him!” You tried to hide your surprise at his statements.
“I had change my mind, so please lea-“
“Yn, no!” Chanyeol interrupted you and took your hand “I can’t let you do that, I don’t care if you don’t want stay with me, but I can’t let you ruin yourself with that criminal” Chanyeol’s grab was gentle and warm, but you had to be firm and rejected his touch.
“Leave, Chanyeol, this is my life” the tears of overwhelm and overstimulation of all the events that happened this day made you break down, you could not handle all the things that were happening all at once.
“No, no!” He got closer and grabbed your face “I don’t care what happens to me, but I would not leave you alone with him” Chanyeol was trying to make eye contact with you but you looked away, he tried to wipe your tears but you took his hands and got away from his grasp.
“Chanyeol, I’m tired” you said with all honesty.
You are tired of everything.
“Darling let’s rest, let’s go to bed” Chanyeol suggested but you shook your head.
“I need you to leave, can you please do that for me?” You pleaded to him, Chanyeol sighted.
“Alright I’ll leave, because I listen to you unlike him” Chanyeol remarked “But I am serious about this, I will never let you chose him, he is destroying you, Yn, open your eyes” he said worried, he got close again and leaned to kiss you, it was a short peck on the lips, you were too slow to turn around your face.
Then he took his stuff but before he leave he look at your eyes.
“I love you, Yn, and I know that you haven’t admitted this to yourself but you love me too” Chanyeol said before finally leaving, you stared at him the entire time without saying a word.
With too much information to process, you changed your clothes to a more comfortable attire and went straight to sleep.
The next day you woke up way too early for your liking. Your body begging you for a few more hours of sleep but your phone was ringing like crazy, Jungkook was calling you.
You took the call, against your desire to keep sleeping.
“I’m trying to sleep” you sounded so tired that you almost did not recognize your voice.
“I can hear that” Jungkook on the other hand sounded energetic “I’m waiting for you at 5 in my house, my mom is making Jjigae”
You remembered the notebook and the Chanyeol situation, you needed mental peace, at least for today.
“I’m busy” you lied.
“What?” Jungkook said more like giving you a second chance to mend your mistake.
“I’m sorry, next time we can-“
“Yn, cut it off, I said I’ll see you at 5” Jungkook interrupted you, you did not like that tone.
“And I said that I’m not available today” you said rolling in your bed, the sleep already dissipating from your system, Jungkook clicked his tongue.
“I didn’t call you to fight”
“Me neither” you respond cold as ice.
“So why are you being so fucking difficult then?” Jungkook raised his voice a little bit.
“Jungkook yesterday was too much for me, I need a fucking rest, okay!?” you exclaimed frustrated.
“I said we have plans already so, rest after that!” Jungkook sentenced hanging the call, you almost throw your phone away.
You resisted the urge and breathed in and out to calm yourself.
You wondered why Jungkook was so different from the one you used to know, his circumstances are different sure, but he is a complete stranger to you, so far, he was the opposite from what you could accept and settle for a partner. Maybe Chanyeol is right.
Chanyeol was also something that took you by surprise, so you cheated Jungkook, that means that your relationship is not working, which is understandable, after what you had been through. It was very clear that Jungkook had a lot of problems and somehow you are entangled in this complicated situation.
There is no way you stay here, that would imply to break up with a gang member, or at least stay with him until you get your degree and then flee. But there is an instinct kicking inside your chest that insisted that more time that you keep this relationship going the more entangle you become, the more difficult is to leave.
You need to correct whatever the universe is asking you to correct, otherwise the next situation you will encounter could not be better than this one, that’s for sure.
Maybe asking Hajoon about Chanyeol situation, could give you some insight and context of how complicated are the things right now.
You typed her number and after a few seconds she responded with an enthusiastic attitude.
“Hi!” Hajoon greeted.
“Hello, I need your help” you said to her trying to not sound helpless.
“Yes?” Hajoon said with a confused tone.
“I know that I told you this, and is complicated, but can you explain to me what is happening with me and Chanyeol?” you did not mind sounding crazy, it is about knowing what cards are on the table.
Hajoon hesitated but she did not ask any questions and just responded:
“You fought a lot with Jungkook, that made you neglect uni a little bit” Hajoon explained sounding disappointed “You got in trouble with a professor, that’s how you met Chanyeol, then you started to talk a lot to him” Hajoon sighted “and got involved with him, but you weren’t breaking up with Jungkook either, so…”
“But did I told you that I was going to leave him?” you asked her biting your nail.
“You mention being exhausted while having to keep up with Jungkook” Hajoon responded “then I suggested that you should break up with him and you got defensive and left the restaurant early” she told you sighting once again.
“Did I look nervous?”
“You looked anxious, like you had no other option” Hajoon admitted with honesty.
“Okay, then why Jungkook beat up Chanyeol?” you asked her.
“He found you two having some drinks, you tried to cover up but it end up badly” Hajoon said “Chanyeol was lucky that they stopped Jungkook right away before he was seriously injured, I remember you were so mad”
“What did I do?”
“I remember you calling me crying and being so upset” Hajoon said serious “But it seemed like you are still with him so…”
“Oh god, I don’t know what to do” you said completely frustrated.
“Chanyeol was in my apartment yesterday” you confessed.
“Really?” Hajoon sounded surprised “isn’t he afraid of death?” she asked ironically.
“I thought the same, but he doesn’t want to let me go and I can’t deal with that” you told Hajoon.
“Oh Yn…” you heard her with a worried tone “everything is getting out of hand”
“I know, if he does something crazy and Jungkook finds out…” you said with horror, after all you saw with your own eyes with the kind of people he was surrounding himself, you suddenly put also your life in danger which gave you incredible anxiety.
“The one you have to cut ties with is Jungkook, forget about Chanyeol, he is not a threat. Jungkook is the one to worry about, break up with him” Hajoon suggested.
“We just got out of some complicated situation” You said to her remembering the Namjoon confrontation “It would not make sense to do it right now without him being suspicious.”
“It’s true I swear…” you said to Hajoon “But maybe I will have not to deal with that” you said remembering your plans to leave this timeline  “ask Suyeon about it” you said.
“What are you talking about?” she asked confused.
“This is not right place for me, so I will leave soon” you say fast.
“You are leaving the country?” she asked
I’m leaving the reality – you thought.
“No, nothing of the sort, well…kind of, just ask Suyeon about it”
“Well, I need to hang up, okay?” you said to her.
“Right, this is the most confusing conversation I ever had, but I trust you” Hajoon said still not convinced.
“Me too, bye”
“bye” you hanged the call and you checked the time, you still had plenty of time before the dinner with Jungkook, so you stated to look for an outfit while you typed Jin’s number.
He took the call right away.
“Yn-ssi” His voice was warm just as the first time you met.
“I’m very sure that I don’t want to continue in this timeline” you said to him pacing through the room.
“Is that so? “He said with a understanding and supporting tone.
“When can you assist me to leave this reality?” you wanted out as soon as possible.
“You read your records?” Jin asked you.
“No, I haven’t even touched the notebook, I just know this is not the life I want for myself”
“I see “ Jin agreed “But you need your records, we need to simulate your emotions to channel your energy”
“So, I have to sit and write all down?”
“You sound stressed, it would better if you can make a little time to meditate and calm down and write all you’d been bottling up all this time since everything started” Jin’s voice sounded calm and collected.
“Jin I just want to get out of here” you confessed tired.
“You are going to block your way out” Jin severed “ You don’t want to get stuck in here, right? So don’t force it, you need concentration”
“How can I concentrate if my life is a fucking mess?” you raised your voice a little bit without realizing “I’m sorry, you are right, I’m very stressed”
“Yn I’m here to help you” Jin said to you being more understanding “I still owe you that dinner, don’t i? let me treat you so you can relax a little bit.”
“I have something today” you said remembering Jungkook’s plans “but please call me whenever you want, okay? I’ll try to write the records and then we can discuss the next step” you said to him sighting.
“Alright, that’s good” he said.
“Okay, then I’ll see you later” you hanged the call and started to get ready.
You told Jungkook you would take a taxi to his house, he resisted but after your refusal he let you do as you pleased.
You arrived once again to his house, feeling anxious as the last time you were there.
Jungkook’s mom answered the door, it was the first time you saw her after many years.
The last time you saw her she had fear in her eyes and was completely lost, in all sense.
Now looking a bit more mature, she seemed to has lost her spark, but that animalistic fear was gone.
She hugged you, so you did the same, she was very warm.
“Welcome, Yn” She told you with a tired smile, you saw Jungkook just behind her, he looked he just took a shower, his hair completely wet.
“I’m glad to see you again” you meant that fully, she smiled again.
“I hope you are hungry” She told you walking to the kitchen, you closed the door behind you, Jungkook took the opportunity to get close to you and kiss you quickly.
“Jungkook…your mom” you said between kisses, he smiled and then let you go. He smelled really fresh, his breath mint flavor.
“You look cute” Jungkook said to you still smiling. “Very different of how you sounded this morning”
“Jungkook, don’t” you said to him serious.
“I’ll let that pass, but don’t do it again” he took your hand and guided you to the table, his mom brought the food and serve you, you thanked her with a smile.
“So, what’s new, Yn?” Jungkook’s mom asked you while passing you a bowl of rice.
“Not much, I’m afraid” you said feeling shy all of the sudden.
“Last time we talked, you told me you’d be graduating soon” She mentioned.
“Oh I had a little inconvenience with a professor, hopefully I’ll resolve that issue soon enough” you told her, Jungkook looked at you with a confused expression.
“Really? I know that some professors act entitle sometimes”
You took a sip of the stew, it was delicious.
“Well that’s true, I’m mediating the whole thing with a counselor” Jungkook quickly turn from confusion to annoyance.
“That’s good” Jungkook’s mom said. “Well the sooner you graduate the sooner you two get married, right?”
You almost choked on the stew, you tried to hide it, Jungkook was not faced at all at her statement.
“Oh I think is too soon to talk about that” you said to her with an uncomfortable smile.
“Why?” Jungkook and his mom asked at the same time, you wanted to sulk in your seat.
“I don’t want to marry this young, I don’t even sure what I’ll do after the graduation” you said nervous, Jungkook’s mom felt confused.
“You’d been together for a couple of years now, I think marriage is proper” She stated looking at Jungkook.
“Mom we’ll marry, what Yn’s trying to say is that right now she is busy with other things” Jungkook explained to her unbothered.
“We did not talk about that, well, not too seriously” you said to her, Jungkook looked immediately at you raising his eyebrow.
“No? well it’s about time, doesn’t it?” She look at Jungkook “He is even planning to look for a place of his own”
“Well that’s amazing, but as I said, I haven’t set any plan after graduation”
“You need to focus on the things that are important” Jungkook’s mom severed.
“My career is important”
“Yn…” Jungkook warned. “Mom, I need to talk to Yn for a second” He excused himself standing form the table, you did the same and followed him to the living room.
“What hell was that?” Jungkook asked you annoyed.
“I have the same question” you said to him crossing your arms.
“You know my mom is traumatized for her divorce, you can’t say those things in front of her”
“I’m not lying to her either”
“That’s not a lie, at some point in time we will marry” Jungkook stated like it was a fact and the decision was made long ago, you did not like that at all.
“Things can change” you could only say.
“What the fuck does that mean?” Jungkook pressured.
“Jungkook don’t make plans about my future like is decided”
“You are acting like this relationship is some kind inconvenience, and I don’t like that”
You cellphone started to ring, you turned off, Jungkook rolled his eyes.
“Yn, you and I will end up marrying anyways so why you are acting difficult”
“You need to stop interfering with my life, I’ll decide if that happens or not”
Your phone ringed again, you saw it was Chanyeol’s number so you were going to decline the call but Jungkook took away the phone from your hands.
“Who is it?” Jungkook demanded with a serious expression.
“Jungkook, give it back!” you told him trying to grab your phone but Jungkook was taller than you.
“Who are you and why are you calling my girlfriend?” His tone was menacing. His body language was tense, the anger fuming through his eyes.
You swallow saliva feeling your anxiety go up as Jungkook’s expression worsened.
You are in trouble.
End of part 2.
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nuwildcat · 11 months
Hi Nonny!
Soooo for this treat I've got some brainstorming for you from an AU I've been playing with since I stumbled upon a prompt here on tumbles.
Basic idea is that you have the your soulmate's soul animal and when you meet, the animals swap places letting you know that they are your soulmate and also giving you your soul animal.
Anyway, special glimpse into the creative process as I add spice to this fic idea until it's at a place where it's ready to be written. Special shout out to @luckydragon10 on this one cause she's poked a good chunk of this out of my brain.
LMAO the lion sheds like no other so Porsche has adapted with elaborate grooming rituals on the patio to keep it to as much of a minimum as possible (it doesn’t really work) (LOL THREATENING TO SHAVE THE MANE)
The panther on the other hand 100% is getting fur on Kinn’s stuff intentionally
They swap once they meet which results in a lot of sulking and also judgey humans who think they their companions are not being well taken care of
Porsche and the panther butt heads for a good while, same with Kinn and the lion but it’s like why are you so stupid more than Porsche’s which is like I don’t like you on principle cause you yelled at Kinn
Kim’s hawk and the lion are close and they def tease each other
Kinn comes by to confront Porsche cause the debt for some reason (they keep talking about a fucking lion) cannot be collected. Whew talk about a blow up meeting for these two.
Porsche def tells Kinn to fuck on off cause if that's his soulmate he is not interested
TO BE FAIR KINN'S NOT SO INTO PORSCHE EITHER CAUSE gestures to all of Porsche's attitude
So everyone is pretty miserable for a while and they have to meet to navigate the pouting animals cause what the fuck does Kinn do with a Lion that won't fucking listen
porsche pretends the panther isn't as bad of an issue, it totally fucking is
Kinn tries to bring a Twink home to loud protests by the lion
Kinn's rolling into business meetings with a fucking lion now, which means that people know he's got a soulmate right??? AND
Kinn's panther is a distinct animal, Porsche may have flown below the radar as much as he could with a fucking lion but people are making connections whether the boys want them to or not
Wanna join the fun? ---> 🎃
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 4 months
A Perfectly Normal Schoolgirl: pt 3
If you're new to this series, check out part 1 here, and part 2 here! Also, if you like my writing, check out what else I've written! Enjoy :))
Dane sulked the whole way home, eyes downcast, feet dragging. His gelato melted in his hands, long after I had finished mine, and I watched him in awkward silence. It did neither of us any good to push him, I had realised. Dane would open up to me when Dane wished to do so.
His hand engulfed mine, a steady pressure against my palm. “Katherine,” he said finally, whence we approached his family home, “Are we in danger?”
My initial instinct was to laugh at his innocence, but the look on his face stopped me. There was a quiet fear beneath his skin, on his crumpled brows and tense body, a fear that belied his youth. I sighed and rested my head against his arm, stroking him like I would a kitten. “It will be alright,” I told him, in tones softer than I was used to. “Whilst I am around, they won't lay a finger on you.”
Dane bit his lip and unlocked the door. “Come in,” he told me absentmindedly, and I followed him into his home. “It's just…” He looked away, hunched ever so slightly into himself.
“You're frightened,” I finished for him, and smoothed a lock of his hair back. 
“No!” He yanked himself away from me. “I'm not scared, alright? Just- You know-” He stuttered and trailed off again. 
Young men and their insecurity, always needing to seem strong and brave. “Denying your emotions isn't gonna help anyone,” I told him flatly. “And if you weren't scared, you're more of a fool than I'd thought.”
Dane looked away. “There’s so many of them and only two of us,” he whispered, slumping onto the couch. “How can we fight them all?”
I settled next to him, smiling slightly. “We all die someday,” I offered. “And the worst they can do to you is kill you.”
He shot me a glare, and whined, “That's not helpful!”
With a shrug, I threw my hand around his shoulder. He was always so warm, like resting on the stones of the riverbank beneath the sun. “But it is, Dane. Don't fear Death. I’ve met him before, and he's a rather decent lad. Just like you,” I told him, squishing his cheeks. “Besides, I've been telling you about the dangers this whole time. Why fret now?”
“I'd never seen someone… Like that, you know? She wasn't human, and she knew you. Besides, she had those vibes! It was like she was a cryptid or something,” he told me, eyes wide with passion.
“That's because she is,” I replied. “Or something close enough to it. You were lucky she didn't notice you, you know? You're doing a damn good job at keeping up appearances, kiddo.” A better job than me, I thought bitterly. So much for being a perfectly normal schoolgirl.
Dane beamed at the praise. “I was practising every day, just like you told me to!” He paused and tilted his head to the side. “Wait- Does that mean I passed the test?”
I considered it. He'd done well, that was for sure. I'd seen precious few youths who picked up subtlety and discretion quite as fast as him. Nonetheless, he was lacking in all other areas. His discipline faltered at every corner. He was atrocious at fighting. There was not a scrap of wisdom hammered into his brain.
Mrs C.'s ominous grin loomed in the back of my mind. With my and Dane's association, it would only be a matter of time before she picked him as her next target. When that time came, I would hardly be in a position to protect him, without shedding what precious little cover I still maintained.
“It will be difficult,” I warned him. “And it will hurt.”
With all the panache of immaturity, he jerked his head up and down. “I know,” he told me. “And I'll do it! Come on, you said I did well, didn't I?”
Damn that guileless faith on his face. I did not deserve it, did not deserve to hold this boy's fate in my hands, did not deserve his trust and affection. And I could not accept his blood on my skin, were he not ready for the attack that would eventually come. 
“Alright,” I said softly. “Get ready. We do this at midnight.”
(Look at me using my brand new taglist for the first time!!)
Taglist: @coffeeangelinabox, @dorky-pals, @calliecwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @shukei-jiwa
@thewingedbaron, @pluppsauthor, @cowboybrunch, @wylloblr, @possiblyeldritch
@ramitola, @urnumber1star, @fortunatetragedy, @bigwipscholar, @ratedn
@vampirelover890, @possiblylisle, @illarian-rambling (Anyone else who wants to get added can tell me in the comments, pm me, or send me an ask about it!)
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livwritesfics · 1 year
𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞
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A/n: Hey everyone! Thank you for choosing to read this fic. Reader will be a female for this one Warning: death
❃ When y/n gave birth to a beautiful daughter, both parents were overjoyed.
❃ It hadn't been part of their plan to create and raise a child, nonetheless, the child was here... screaming and crying in her father's arms.
❃ "It's a girl y/n-ya!" He announced, shedding tears of joy. This was the happiest moment of his life! He was in love with a beautiful woman and had a daughter with her.
❃ Suddenly y/n became paler and paler. Law knew what was happening. He handed his child off to Bepo and started seeing what was wrong.
❃ "I feel so weak Law." y/n reached for Law's hand. Her voice slowly giving out on her.
❃ "I'm doing the best I can to fix whatever is wrong with you my love. You'll be better before you know it!" Law desperately exclaimed, putting a hand on her face.
❃ "I'm going to die Law, you can't save me." She whispered. "No! No, you can't leave yet! Our daughter needs a mother! I need you and so does she!" Law argued sobbing uncontrollably.
❃ "I know you'll be a great father Law, you'll take care of our daughter. She will be the luckiest, most happiest daughter there is." Law continued sobbing and this. Y/n placed her hand on Law's cheek and he quickly placed his hand over hers. "I love you sweetheart. I will always be with you."
❃ "Goodbye y/n... my love." He placed a final kiss on her forehead.
✲꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏✲꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏✲꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏✲꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏✲꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏✲
❃ Raising a child on his own wasn't easy. Law tried his hardest though.
❃ For the first few days after his girlfriend's death, he's by himself in his room. He hasn't left the bed and hasn't eaten.
❃ The crew has been helping out in his place. They took care of the baby during their captain's absence.
❃ Law was worried sick for his baby, but he knew she was in good hands.
❃ The day he does come out of his room, he's hungry, tired, and stinky. He's been sulking for about a week.
❃ It doesn't matter to him. As soon as he comes out of his room he goes straight to his daughter.
❃ "I'm so sorry I haven't taken care of you lately. But don't worry, I'll be the best father in the world... or at least I'll try." he whispers to her. "I will name you Nadine. Because you bring me hope and courage for the future."
❃ From that day on Law will be there. Always. He's there for her first steps, for her first words, for her first everything.
❃ He secretly keeps a photo album in his desk drawer. This album is his treasure. It has photos of when y/n was pregnant, the ultrasound, them preparing for their little one... up to now, Nadine being almost a year old now.
❃ He misses his girlfriend deeply and will always be crushed by her death. However, he intends to keep the promise he made for her. Being a father to their daughter
A/n: Thank you so much for reading! I hope this is okay!! Should I make this a series? I have a few ideas for Nadine as she is growing up!
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