#she says alluding to the fact that there’s an ask waiting
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Entry 15 – The One Where I Try to Convince You of Just About Anything
“Don’t compromise yourself. Wait for the right person because you’re worth it.”
These were Nicola’s words the night of the London premiere when she was asked what dating advice she had for viewers. This quote has always stuck with me. Not because it’s actually great advice or emits wisdom well beyond Nicola’s years but because I can still remember the odd sense of foreboding that I felt as I listened to her words. They were just as poignant, if not more so, than the words that first invited me aboard this ship (Luke’s comments in Australia about friends-to-lovers).
And, although Luke “agree[d] with all of the above,” Nicola’s comment always struck me as making Luke uncomfortable. That interaction seemed off somehow. Awkward and strange in a way I wasn’t used to after two months of watching a rom-com style World Tour. In hindsight, and in a rather ominous way, the discomfort I felt alluded to what would happen later that evening – Luke “hard launching” Antonia.
As I was scribbling out today’s post and, honestly, struggling with how I wanted to structure it, I realized that it was not necessarily post-Papsmear (a/k/a Hot Boy Summer) people had an issue with. Instead, it seemed many people were having a hard time understanding – and accepting – Antonia’s existence in the Lukola-verse. This confusion, of course, led many to their own internal battlefield of trying to rationalize Luke’s behavior during that relatively short seven-week period. The reality is no one wants Luke to be the “Bad Guy;” therefore, people struggle to look at Hot Boy Summer with neutrality.
Don’t worry, I’m guilty, too.
I mean, Papsmear went down like a guillotine on a French – uh, well, nevermind that part. Let’s just say it did not go over well with the fandom. After months of “Romancing Mr. Bridgerton,” Luke was photographed walking into a hotel with Antonia snapping at his heels, sending the Lukola fandom into convulsions. What made it worse was that this was the night of the London premiere, the last leg of the World Tour. So long, motherfucking London!
The dark side of the fandom painted Luke as a monster – a man who, in less than three minutes, pissed on the Season 3 World Tour and broke Lukola hearts all over the world by seemingly choosing Antonia over Nicola. And, not only choosing Antonia, but flaunting her. People felt betrayed, shadowed by the possibility that Luke and Nicola had hoodwinked them with a fake PR romance and dumbfounded that Mr. I’m-Publicly-Single had a “girlfriend” (yes, that word is always up for speculation in this fandom). But, as with every dismal situation, you had the light bringers – the true-to-heart Lukolas – firing up on all cylinders and calling, “Foul!” in the direction of Antonia. A few of the less classy ones even picked up bits of old salad they’d found in a dumpster and tossed it in her direction (heehee, did you get my Dad Joke?).
And so Hot Boy Summer began…as did the confusion surrounding it.
In the beginning, I absolutely wanted Antonia to be the villain. But I’ve found that the more I write, the more indifferent I have become on the subject. Of course, that didn’t stop me from theorizing with friends. In fact, at one point, I had so many thoughts on the matter, if I had mapped them out on paper, they’d have resembled a spider’s web, with the hub being Papsmear. However, what I’ve discovered is that each of those theories, regardless of how simple or convoluted they were, took root in one of three central ideas.
That’s what I want to discuss today – those three central ideas from which every one of your sub-theories likely takes root (unless, of course, you’re the conspiracy theorist that believes Antonia is AI generated…). I want to lay out why I believe these theories are plausible (yes, prepare yourself to read some shit you almost certainly won’t find entertaining) countered by why I believe they may be out in left field. Maybe, just maybe, they will shed some light on Hot Boy Summer. But, also, maybe they won’t.
Okay, our three central theories are:
A) Luke and Nicola were simply PR-ing the fuck out of Polin.
B) Luke and Nicola were legit in their feels and Antonia became the jilted girlfriend.
C) Antonia was a PR girlfriend because [feel free to insert any reason you please].
We’re going to get the one nobody wants to consider out of the way first.
THEORY A: Nicola and Luke had a PR card up their sleeve the entire time.
I don’t like this theory any more than you do – the idea that Luke and Nicola were merely playing the part of two infatuated costars during the World Tour. However, this theory does exist, so there is no point in pretending that it doesn’t.
The backbone of this theory is that Luke and Nicola came to some kind of agreement to behave in a certain flirtatious manner during the World Tour to promote viewership of the show. As annoying as this theory is to the Lukolas, it is not unrealistic. For example, Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney recently admitted to using the dating rumors that began while they were filming to build buzz around their movie, “Anyone But You.” Regardless of how reckless I find this behavior to be, I don’t doubt that we will start seeing it utilized more and more because it does help build interest in a project. That said, and although she admittedly leaned into the Powell romance rumors, Sweeney had an easy out once their press tour ended – she was (and still is) engaged to her long-time partner.
Now, let’s apply this PR romance to Luke and Nicola. It is entirely possible that these two simply played into their natural chemistry and allowed the romance rumors to fuel Polin. We could even go as far as to suggest that Netflix & Co. supported this PR romance because more viewers equaled more money. This, to some degree, also fits with the narrative that Luke seemingly kept Antonia out of the spotlight during the World Tour and, although it was terrible timing, launched her at the London premiere because he was tired of the fake PR. We could also make a convincing argument that this theory aligns with Luke and Nicola never addressing the status of their relationship (i.e., by never openly admitting they were “just friends,” they leave room for speculation and shipping).
To be honest, this would be a nice and tidy answer for how the World Tour went down, with Luke stepping in an elephant-sized pile of dog shit on his way out of the London afterparty and Nicola swooping into to play PR Hero by promoting Season 3 throughout the summer. Meaning, Hot Boy Summer was simply what it appeared to be at surface level – Luke running off with his girlfriend while Nicola continued promoting Season 3 on her own. Sure, this theory would leave us all feeling like we had just been kicked in the teeth, but we could absolutely package it up quite nicely and tie it with a little pink bow. However – nothing is ever that simple, is it?
There are some things that make me question the plausibility of this Luke-and-Nicola-PR-Romance theory, namely, (a) Luke and Nicola’s World Tour behavior, (b) comments made by interviewers, (c) the Claddagh ring, (d) the side trip to Galway, and (e) Chaos Week.
Regarding Luke and Nicola’s behavior towards each other during the World Tour, I don’t believe I need to go into too much detail here. Again, we all watched the same World Tour, and we all had the same reaction to their chemistry. Hell, the Jakolas started out on this side of the fandom because they also saw something between Luke and Nicola. However, to play Devil’s advocate, I will suggest that Luke and Nicola could absolutely be the next Daniel Day Lewis and Meryl Streep, method acting their way through the World Tour. But, in my honest opinion, they’re not. They’re both lovely actors but they don’t compare to the two I just named (sorry, but also not sorry).
I honestly debated with myself as to whether I wanted to include interviewer comments under this section. I finally relented and decided to do so because, for me, it was one of those things that made me question the plausibility of Luke and Nicola being strictly PR during the World Tour – because, yes, I did consider that back in May. For example, in response to Luke drinking from Nicola’s tea cup in Australia, when asked about it, the interviewer, Rachael Evren, responded, “They’re in[ ]love it’s fine.” Also in Australia, we listened to the back and forth between podcasters, Laura Brodnik and Em Vernem, debate Luke and Nicola’s real-life relationship:
Em: “I can’t believe you got her to say such juicy things about their chemistry.”
Laura: “They’re best friends and stuff, yeah, people think they’re together. They’re not, they’re just best friends.”
Em: “No, but they are.”
Laura: “Oh, don’t start that rumor. I want it on the record I’m not saying that.”
Em: “Well, I feel like after you watch Bridgerton Season 3 you would be like, ‘Oh yeah, they’re definitely dating.’”
By the time Luke and Nicola reached Canada, you had interviewers being quite obviously taken with their chemistry. For example, The Morning Show in Canada – have you ever watched Carolyn Mackenzie’s face when Luke and Nicola get into that Ryan Gosling discussion? Or, have you listened to the surprise in Karen Koster’s voice (“it’s like the carriage scene”) after witnessing Nicola touch Luke’s forehead on Ireland AM? Then you had Meredith Shaw from BT Canada and Ciara Kelly from Newstalk boldly asking Luke and Nicola about their real-life relationship, and Ben Shepherd from This Morning calling them out about the Carriage Scene (“you’re blaming the soundproof carriage, not the fact you got lost in the moment”).
And, then we had the written print:
On May 16, 2024, Shondaland’s Valentina Valentini wrote: “But throughout the past three seasons, it’s been a slow-burn anticipation for Newton and Coughlan, who have genuinely become real-life best friends in that span of time. Parallel to that, their on-screen characters have given us such a perfect crescendo of what it’s like to fall in love over decades that I’m not entirely convinced that the real-life people sitting in front of me are not actually in love. ‘Yeah! We’ve kept that one really secret!’ Coughlan jests when I hint at the possibility.”
And, in her June 14, 2024 publication, Fashion’s Annika Lautens wrote: “Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton can’t stop looking at each other. I mean, they really can’t. As I enter their suite in the Four Seasons Hotel Toronto to interview the Bridgerton stars, all I can hear is laughter. Coughlan is leaning over to show Newton something on her phone. He throws his head back, giggling. It feels extremely intimate but, as the world has seen through countless clips on TikTok and on the third season of Bridgerton…this is just your average Tuesday for the two co-stars.”
These third-party reactions alone – in my opinion – debunk the Luke-and-Nicola-PR-Romance theory, but we will keep moving along.
I am not going to reexamine the Claddagh ring or Chaos Week in this entry as I have already gone into extensive detail of both in my blog Entries 6 and 14, respectively. If you’re behind on the significance of the Claddagh ring or Chaos Week, please take a moment and read those for more context. However, I will briefly discuss that special trip to Galway.
I’ve never quite followed why Nicola and Luke took that side trip to Galway. There was no special visit to Brighton – or wherever Luke’s family lives – so why Galway? I often find myself straddling the line between logic and delulu when I put my thoughts about Lukola on paper. I mean, from a logical standpoint, they were in Dublin so visiting Nicola’s hometown while they were on the island isn’t that farfetched. But to film it? Okay, yeah sure, Nicola is Shonda’s alleged favorite child, so I suppose it’s possible Shonda granted Nicola’s wish to flaunt Bridgerton in her hometown. I can honestly see this fitting into the Luke-and-Nicola-PR-Romance narrative. But –
It also doesn’t fit.
Sending Luke and Nicola to Galway was too close to home. It crossed the line between what could be excused as PR and what was clearly personal.
Not only did we have Nicola wearing her Claddagh ring in Galway in a manner that suggested she was in a relationship, but we also had her introducing Luke to her mother for the first time in what appeared to be an emotional moment. I have tried to convince myself this Mother-Meets-Luke thing was perfectly normal costar behavior. I have tried to convince myself that her sister-in-law’s reaction to Mother-Meets-Luke didn’t make me side-eye the entire situation. I have tried to convince myself that the Irish folks I’ve spoken with are exaggerating the significance of the Mother-Meets-Luke moment. I have also tried to convince myself there isn’t additional footage out there of this Galway Gathering just waiting to surface.
But, ugh, I just cannot convince myself that Luke and Nicola were strictly PR. This theory is as confusing as Sanrio telling us that Hello Kitty is really a human girl.
Verdict: NOT GUILTY.
Yes, we are marking this one as debunked.
THEORY B: Antonia became Luke’s jilted ex-girlfriend.
Hey, hey, USS Lutonia! I’ve got your flank.
No, actually I don’t. If the USS Lutonia was ever afloat, it sank somewhere off the coast of Italy. Sorry, but not really because I didn’t mourn you even a teensy bit.
I will preface this section by asserting my opinion that Luke and Antonia are not currently in a romantic relationship. Outside of “insinuation” posts made by Antonia, there is no evidence directly linking Luke to Antonia after July 30. Feel free to try to convince me otherwise but, when you do, make sure to include at least one photograph of Luke and Antonia in the same place at the same time with convincing evidence that it is current and that they are a couple (and, no, I will not accept blurry or Photoshopped images or metadata pulled from Instagram as evidence). That said, I will not argue with the idea that Luke and Antonia could have dated at one time. In fact, for this theory to play out, we have to agree that Luke and Antonia dated at some point.
Let’s pretend for a moment that Luke and Antonia dated before, during, and for a period after the World Tour. In this theory, the chemistry between Luke and Nicola was real (seriously, I think we’ve debunked that PR theory). The Claddagh ring and the side trip to Galway both suggested a romantic relationship between Luke and Nicola. Regardless of how real things were between Luke and Nicola, Luke still had Antonia lurking in the background. Perhaps Luke didn’t know how to break things off with her; maybe his friends and/or family made it difficult; maybe Antonia made things difficult. Everything came to a head at the London premiere, with Luke stepping on a landmine with Papsmear. But, because they can’t help but gravitate towards each other, Luke and Nicola found themselves back together – either immediately after Papsmear or, at the latest, by early August – and have continued their affair since. Oh, and Luke finally got around to breaking things off with Antonia on or after July 30.
This would – in a scorned woman kind of way – explain the “trolling” behavior Antonia was accused of during and after the World Tour. Those random posts that insinuated she was “with Luke,” even though the only evidence that directly linked her to Luke were (1) leaked and/or since-deleted pictures and videos from sources other than Luke, or (2) pictures of Luke’s friend group, which included Antonia, that, from time-to-time, alluded to Luke’s presence. Speaking of the friend group, the fact that Antonia appeared to be part of that group would support the idea that it was difficult for Luke to completely shake Antonia. This theory would also support the cat-and-mouse game played out on social media between Antonia and Nicola, which seemed heightened during and after Hot Boy Summer. Surely, you noticed that pattern by now. At the end of July, Luke’s friend group suffered some kind of catastrophic blow and Luke abandoned ship, officially breaking things off with Antonia as he went. This would explain the continued trolling for which Antonia has been accused; she hates Luke and is jealous of Nicola. Yeah, I can see this theory working. In fact, this is my preferred theory because it is the simplest. However –
For this theory to work, you must accept that Luke and Nicola are not perfect. That the two of them started an affair behind Antonia’s back. That “Nice Guy” Luke isn’t quite as sweet and kind as you have been led to believe; perhaps he’s even a bit of a fool. That “Good Girl” Nicola intervened in someone else’s relationship, making her the “other woman” and a tad disingenuous. Does this make Luke and Nicola horrible people? No, it makes them two people who found themselves in a situation they didn’t know how to handle properly.
That said, this theory has its flaws.
For starters, it does not explain Luke’s apathy towards Antonia during and after the World Tour. I am not going to deep dive into my thoughts on this as I have already outlined them in “Entry 1: The One About That Weird Ass Cressida Post” and “Entry 13: The One Where the Ashes Blew Towards Us with the Salt Wind from the Sea.” But, I will reiterate that, to date, Luke has never acknowledged a relationship with Antonia, and he has never made an effort to rescue her from the fandom’s jaws of death. The only consistent link between the two of them was the friend group (that seems to have disbanded) and “insinuation” posts made by Antonia. I am sure there are people out there who will disagree with my next statement, but I don’t consider a New Year’s Eve kiss or a date to a tennis match a “relationship.” That would be like saying “I love you” on your first date (I know, I’ve offended at least one person with this remark – I apologize but I’m still leaving it in). It’s the lack of interaction between Luke and Antonia that makes me question whether they were ever in a real relationship; and therefore, I must question the validity of this theory.
And, because I know some of you will bring up those goddamn Instagram likes, the only comment I have is, “Get the fuck over it.” For real, it is far more fun to sit back and laugh at the “obligatory likes” than it is to freak out about them. Those likes are the only visible interaction between Luke and Antonia, and it’s becoming less and less frequent. The sad reality is, when Luke stops throwing a like in Antonia’s direction or unfollows her, she may lose the followers she gained after being linked to him. But, honestly, at this point – almost half a year later! – Antonia losing followers is her problem. And as much as I hate to admit it – this whole “like business” suggests some sort of arrangement was put in place post-breakup.
Verdict: HUNG JURY.
It’s a plausible theory – if I could be convinced Luke and Antonia were ever in a real relationship.
THEORY C: Antonia was the Real PR this whole time.
I hope you’ve read “Entry 1: The One About That Weird Ass Cressida Post” and, at a minimum, the “Mrs. Danvers” section of “Entry 13: The One Where the Ashes Blew Towards Us with the Salt Wind from the Sea” because they both detail my blubbering bullshit thoughts on Luke and Antonia’s “relationship.” I’m not going to rehash them here because I’m confident most of you also find this “relationship” suspicious for the exact same reasons I do.
For the longest time, I believed the absurdly popular “Antonia was the Real PR” [conspiracy] theory to be the fandom’s excuse for not wanting to believe Luke could ever be in a real relationship with Antonia, and that (gasp!) he could have chosen Antonia over Nicola (I mean, what a prick!). In truth, I refused to give this theory much weight until my dad – yes, that guy – said to me, “Sounds like PR,” during one of our fireside Lukola chats. My father has a whole sub-theory on this, actually, and yes, I will explain it momentarily.
Honestly, I hate this theory because it’s complicated. And, damn straight, I’m going to throw some Benjamin Franklin at you and say, “Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead.” This theory takes things beyond two celebrities playing into romance rumors to boost interest in their project, and brings in a third wheel, Antonia, to – fuck, I have no idea – blur the lines a bit?!
Alright, time for Dad’s theory…
Per my father, this was not just any PR deal; it was an arrangement struck with a “friend of a friend.” No need for an actual third wheel; just someone who was already part of the friend group that could provide the illusion that Luke might have a girlfriend. All they had to do was plant the seed and let the rumor grow, all while never outwardly confirming or denying it; that way the PR relationship could disappear as easily as it was planted.
I allowed my dad to carry on with his theory because, as he pointed out, Antonia being part of the friend group explained why (1) Luke didn’t mind her being around over the summer (it wasn’t personal, it was business), and (2) Luke had no romantic interest in Antonia (she was simply a “friend of a friend”). The fact that my father picked up on this “fandom dilemma” intrigued me.
After listening to my dad’s theory (there’s more, I promise), I spent an afternoon researching “PR relationships” and whether they existed or not. Turns out, they do. Well, they do, if we trust Mr. Google’s search results. It’s a bit of a quid pro quo thing. For example, one, usually more famous person, strikes up a “relationship” with a lesser-known person. The lesser-known person receives exposure while the more famous person receives [fill in the blank]; both gain some kind of benefit from the arrangement.
Now, the question of why Luke would need a PR relationship is – seriously – “fill in the blank” material. Some people have suggested it was to keep Luke and Nicola’s real-life relationship private; some have suggested it was Netflix stepping in to protect Polin if Lukola went south; others have suggested it was to bolster Luke’s image. I find the latter reason offensive because it assumes that having Nicola by his side wouldn’t help his image. But the other two sub-theories are reasonable to me (but also don’t really matter in the scheme of things).
The problem with the Luke-and-Antonia-PR-Romance is that it seems to have gone terribly wrong. What very possibly started out as an “illusion” became “real” with Papsmear. What I find interesting is, like the New York City premiere, Antonia was only seen in the background of the London premiere. Even as Luke was leaving the London afterparty, she went to the car while he met with fans. It wasn’t until they were papped at the hotel, that Antonia was suddenly “next to” Luke grabbing at his hand, thus “launching their relationship.”
My dad’s theory goes on to assume that – after Papsmear – whatever “deal” Antonia was given (for example, Luke’s online support of her Instagram page or invitations to attend certain events over the summer) would be carried out as agreed. However, during that time, Antonia would return to her place in the shadows. I will confess that this is what seemed to happen – Luke never acknowledged a relationship with Antonia and evidence of their relationship seemed virtually non-existent. To the general audience, Antonia was simply a “woman in the background,” unrecognizable by most.
Assuming this PR theory is true, I’d like to believe Antonia was simply doing what she had agreed to do – feed into the illusion of a relationship with “insinuation” posts, for which she could later claim plausible deniability. However, I find this hard to believe when leaked photographs and videos started to surface in July and they were always preceded by DeuxMoi (see, I’m starting to support this theory).
At this point in his theory, my dad quoted a line by Paul McCartney, “You took your lucky break and broke it in two.” What he was saying was Antonia was given an opportunity and, due to her own actions, she mucked it up. She became fame hungry and the insinuations of her being in a relationship with Luke became harder to dispel when they were being leaked online by third party sources. However, as I reminded my father, we cannot prove Antonia was involved with any of the pap pictures. We can speculate, sure, but please keep in mind we cannot prove it.
Did I warn you my dad deep dived into this? Because, haha, he sure did.
By mid-July, per my father’s theory, Nicola was fully aware of the game Antonia was playing and recruited (not the right word, but we’ll go with it) JVN to fire subtle insults into Antonia’s camp with the intent of discrediting her.
The game ended after the Italy pap pictures were published, with Luke seemingly cutting ties with his entire friend group, which included Antonia. However, the game didn’t actually end there, at least not for Antonia. Due to whatever agreement Luke and Antonia had in place before Italy, Luke was still obligated to fulfill his part of the deal. We’re just going to speculate here that part of that included those “obligatory likes” of Antonia’s Instagram posts.
Thank you, Dear Dad, for that rather practical theory.
My issue with this is that Antonia’s antics repeatedly bring hate to Luke’s doorstep. Every time Antonia posts something on Instagram and Luke likes the post, the fandom – namely, the Sincerely Ignorant – get riled up and start slinging hate missiles at Luke (at this point, Luke can’t have nice things). And Antonia slipping things in like that balcony from the Spanish resort doesn’t help to dissuade the fandom from believing her to be a petty bitch.
My initial reaction to this theory was, no way, because at this point Antonia would have breached her contract and Luke wouldn’t still be bound by it. But then I realized, in order to breach it, one had to prove Antonia violated it. Okay, fine. But why not negotiate terminating the agreement early? Oh, well, yes, I suppose it is possible that the cost to do that outweighed the benefit. And, since those “obligatory likes” still seem to be in place – even when they bring Luke hate – I’m going to make a wild guess the agreement remains. For now.
In closing, and since I mentioned that Spanish resort nonsense, the fact that Antonia only ever posts things that insinuate she may have been in the same location as Luke supports the idea that Antonia is simply doing what she agreed to do – create an illusion. So, before anyone starts bashing Antonia, recognize she may simply be complying with her end of the arrangement. She may be just as ready to get out of that agreement as we imagine Luke to be. You know what I’d love to see? Antonia unfollow Luke and be like, “I’m out, bitches!” Honestly, I’d probably give her an “atta girl,” if she did that.
I hate to admit it, but I think this is a plausible theory. Not full proof, but strangely (and annoyingly) credible.
Alright, so there you have it. The three central theories that act as the spider web’s hub to all your sub-theories – because I’m certain you have them. You’re welcome to spin off in whatever direction you please, and no, you don’t need to loop me in – because, in truth, I don’t care that much anymore. And that’s not in any way meant to be negative.
For the longest time, trying to rationalize how Hot Boy Summer played out was the missing piece of my Lukola puzzle. I mean, I needed the answer. I needed it so badly; I practically presented an entire Lukola documentary to the wisest person I know – my dad – so he could solve it for me.
Dad: “Why does this matter?”
Me: “I don’t know, it just does. I just want to know what happened.”
Dad: “Will it change your opinion about whether Luke and Nicola are together?”
Me: “No.”
Dad: “Then why does it matter?”
Me: “I don’t know. It just does.”
Dad: “But you’re never going to know, are you?”
Goddammit, no, I’m never going to fucking know.
And, that is the reality of this situation. No matter how many hypotheticals we present, no matter how many sub-theories we create, we will never know what happened over Hot Boy Summer. We will never be able to justify Luke’s behavior during that time. We will never be able to explain with certainty Antonia’s role in this whole shebang.
You may not like that answer. In fact, the theories I presented today may have fueled your ambition to continue trying to solve Hot Boy Summer on your own, or with your friends. I admire that determination. But I also admire those who can let go and accept that it is what it is.
And what it is – and what it will almost certainly always be – is unknown.
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chat part two
words: 700
warnings: 18+ only, cockwarming, p in v, very fluffy compared to part one i just wanted an excuse to write cockwarming sorry!, established relationship, streamer!rafe, gamer!rafe
part one / part two
“no, don't go.” you whine, gripping onto rafes hand, trying to pull him back down on the bed.
“im supposed to stream soon, baby.” rafe says, leaning back down to press a kiss against your lips.
you usually don't mind when he has to go stream, but you're feeling incredibly clingy today as you tug at his hand again when he doesn't lay back down, doesn't continue the cuddle session.
“why don't you come with me?” he offers. “you can sit on my lap while i play?”
that has you perking up, nodding rapidly. “can you carry me to your stream room though?”
your legs work perfectly fine, but that doesn't stop you from wanting rafe to carry you around everywhere, loving the way your bodies can stay pressed together.
rafe smiles softly, reaching down to scoop you into his arms. “you're lucky you're so damn cute.”
“love you.” you coo, pressing your lips to his neck as he carries you out of the bedroom and down the hallway. you don't hide the fact that your kisses quickly turn to sucks as you leave a hickey for everyone to see, yet again claiming your territory, not that rafe let's anyone even get close enough to try anything.
rafe sits down in his gamer chair and you quickly adjust to straddle him, your chests pressed together as he begins clicking buttons, setting up his stream.
“remember that time i sucked you off on live?” you ask with a small giggle.
“yeah, i remember how much shit i got from twitch.” rafe chuckles, dropping one hand to squeeze your ass. “totally worth it.”
“maybe… maybe i could sit on it?” you don't form the actual words, just alluding to what you're really asking for.
rafe hums, thinking it over briefly. he almost got his twitch partnership revoked, it even went as far as to threaten a ban despite nothing actually being seen.
“you gotta actually sit still though.” he says. having your tight cunt wrapped around him will be well worth the possibility of a ban. plenty other streaming services would jump at the chance to have him exclusively anyways.
“promise.” you kiss rafes jaw as you slide your shorts and underwear off. rafe adjusts the camera, zooming it in more and changing the angle so there's no possible chance for your ass to be on screen as you pull his cock out of his pants.
“gonna start the stream now. get me hard then get on my cock.” rafe says, waiting for you to nod before clicking the button to start the live.
your body hides his privates as well, the camera just seeing rafe from the chest up as well as the back of your head.
“babygirl is feeling clingy today so she's joining me.” rafe says as the viewers start to roll in. “isn't she just the cutest?”
you smile, turning your head slightly to grin at the camera before focusing back on what you really want.
you wrap your hand around rafes cock, stroking him subtly until he's hard enough for you to raise your hips, hovering against his tip before slowly sinking down.
you let out a soft moan, remembering to press your mouth against his shirt to muffle the noise.
it's hard to stay still, but your eyes drift close and eventually as rafe streams, the gnawing need to get fucked or move decreases, and you find yourself enjoying the stillness.
“love you so much bun.” rafe whispers, kissing the side of your head as you're slumped against him.
“couple more games and ill be done, yeah?”
“um…” you glance at the time, blinking away the bit of sleep. rafe is always down to end a stream whenever you want, but you also don't want to force him to stop early. “im actually okay. you can keep going.”
“really?” he laughs as a new game begins. “not desperate to start bouncing?”
you shake your head no. “i actually kinda like just this.” you admit softly, laying your head back down.
rafe keeps streaming, his cock inside of you, warm and secured, your bodies secretly connected while you sleep on his shoulder, chat going crazy about how cute you are sleeping against him, wishing they were in your position.
rafe smirks seeing the comments. if only they knew.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @sourkittie @rafeyslove @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @akirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @vogueprincess @auryyz @raysmayhem-72 @thestarlithideout @marvelfanfics1recs @rafesgiirl @ditzyzombiesblog @chiaraanatra @tobiaslut @drewsephrry @1aarii1 @edszn @theoraekenslover
#rafe smut#rafe cameron smut#obx smut#outer banks smut#rafe fic#rafe fanfic#rafe fanfiction#rafe cameron fic#rafe cameron fanfic#rafe cameron fanfiction#rafe x you#rafe x y/n#rafe x oc#rafe x reader#rafe cameron x you#rafe cameron x y/n#rafe cameron x oc#rafe cameron x reader#rafe drabble#rafe blurb#rafe imagine#rafe one shot#rafe cameron drabble#rafe cameron blurb#rafe cameron one shot#rafe cameron imagine
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JASPERSPRITE: I think you should tell him that you like him you might not get the chance if you dont. […] AC: :33 < i know, but its just not that simple. i could make someone else jealous i think, and what if he doesnt f33l the same way, and, urrgh, its so complickated
I totally understand Nepeta’s perspective here. She’s always been hyper-aware of the meteor’s relationship dynamics, and would naturally be overwhelmed by the interpersonal implications of pursuing Karkat.
That said, I think this was a misstep on her part. I don’t think that Terezi – the rival I assume she’s alluding to – would actually mind sharing Karkat with Nepeta. The latter is clearly looking for a redrom, and Terezi always seemed to have red and black feelings for Karkat. Having Nepeta fill his hearts quadrant would help Terezi settle into spades, thus stabilizing their relationship.
JASPERSPRITE: I have another story that might give you hope even though it should be noted again that im only a cat. […] JASPERSPRITE: Yes one time i was with rose and i was sitting there dressed up in my suit with her as happy as can be. JASPERSPRITE: But then she disappeared! JASPERSPRITE: The whole place disappeared and i was in another place. […]
Ooh, now this is one of the oldest mysteries remaining in the comic.
Come to think of it, it’s odd that Rose never asked Jaspersprite about this event before. Sure, she asked him why he meowed as he was spirited away, but she never asked him where he was spirited away to.
JASPERSPRITE: […] There was no rose there was someone else. JASPERSPRITE: I guess i loved her too in time but never as much as rose it just wasnt the same.
A woman or girl, then. My original theory was that Jaspers was snatched by either Rose or Mom - but since Jaspers clearly didn't recognize his new owner, I'm going to have to reassess things.
...I suppose it still could have been Rose or Mom, but they'd have to look very different from the Lalondes we know, so that Jaspers would no longer recognize them. Perhaps an older version of Rose, from much later in the comic - but then again, wouldn't a cat still recognize Rose by smell? Jaspers seems to be telling us, quite clearly, that his new owner was not a Lalonde.
Well, what are the other possibilities, then? I'm assuming his owner was a human, because if Jaspers was stolen by an alien, he'd probably comment on the fact. Plus, the only troll with any interest in Jaspers is Nepeta - and Nepeta won't be doing very much of anything very soon.
I guess he could have been swiped by some version of Jade, such as the future incarnation who serves as the Pen-Pal's 'grandmother'. I have no idea what she'd want with Jaspers, or why she'd return him - but we still don't know anything about Future Jade's activities, so that's just par for the course with her.
JASPERSPRITE: I kept waiting to see rose again but never did and finally i lost hope that i would and then i died. JASPERSPRITE: But then i became alive again and i got to see her and i was so happy! Purr purr purr purr purr. JASPERSPRITE: Thats my story and thats why i think theres always hope even if you die. AC: :33 < so, youre saying that maybe i will have to die to get to be with him? JASPERSPRITE: Yes maybe. :3
I certainly hope not. Not because I want Nepeta’s ghost to be lonely, of course – I just don’t want Karkat to be entering the afterlife any time soon!
#homestuck liveblog#full liveblog#act 5.2#s160#3894#bonus theory: the popular trans john headcanon becomes real and SHE swiped jaspers. hussie's ultimate trick
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There was this one art a little while ago about the family stuck in a situation where they're forced to play ISAT in some post game scenerio. I keep having many thoughts, but here's some about them figuring out who Loop is:
1) They all BAFFLED by how Loop usually talks. They all thought Loop was this shy little star person. Immediately, they get hit with "have you tried not dying~~~~" into "I think you deserve help" and do not know what to think.
2) Odile is in charge of the controller. Mainly bc no one else wants to control Siffrin and they all have equal amount of video game experience aka none, so Odile is being practical about it. This has the side effect that Odile gets to be all investigative. Odile makes it her MISSION to find stuff out about Loop.
3) Siffrin has complicated feelings about them finding out about Loop??? Like okay they HATE their family has to see all this, ESPECIALLY THAT THEY CAN SEE HIS THOUGHTS!!!! But. Loop. Siffrin hasn't told his family the truth. It's not his story to tell. But. If they figure it out...? In a way that proves Loop wrong, right? That they can recognize them. Maybe it takes a bit because Loop looks different is and actively trying to be different from Siffrin. But. Maybe...? Either way they encourage Odile to talk to Loop. If this is a simulation... if this is real in some way even... yeah he wants to talk to Loop.
Anyway here's a list on how they find out one by one:
Odile: She catches the little stuff. She notes the royal We, the fact that Loop alludes to having an old body by accident, the casual familiarity in some places. All of that. She is also the first to note their eyes being different shades. However, Odile doesn't make the connection 100%, not until Isabeau. Well.
Isabeau: He gets some of the weird stuff Loop says but not as many as Odile. HE finds Loops side comments weirder. He sees Loop's reactions and they're a bit. Uncanny.... and then he has another realization, Loop and Siffrin have the same eyes. When Isabeau notes this, it all clicks for Odile.
Mirabelle: Okay, so. You cannot tell me that Mirabelle has not read fantasy stories with weird guide characters. She has to have!!!! So at first, she's not even looking for who Loop is. And tbh? She has the best read on Loop's personality otherwise. Sassy, but clearly caring. A bit of a shit, but serious when needed. And mainly, she appreciates Loop Being There when the rest of them couldn't. That being said, the moment where the "have you wondered who I am" happens. And suddenly Mirabelle Is Thinking Of the Possibilties. And then the ME option pops up!!!! Odile was already about to pick it but Mirabelle YELLS to pick that one!!!!! Uh. Shortly after that they all have a conversation about how yeah, Loop is VERY likely Siffrin. Mirabelle justifies herself with tropes. Of course!!! Of course they're Siffrin!!! If they're anyone they have to be Siffrin. Siffrin got transformed and became the guide they needed!!!! It Just Makes Sense.
Bonnie: ....Tbh doesn't really figure it out on their own? But also. Loop. Feels like Frin. Not exactly like Frin. But they're Frin enough to be trusted so who cares. It takes awhile for them to really get it too because... it's weird. Also they're the one to really ask why there would be two Frins??? Duh??? And why would Frin become Loop???
Anyway, basically, after picking "Me?" They pretty much are all on the same page. They got that it was wishcraft. They got Loop is Siffrin somehow. I think Odile might figure out that "hey, uh if Loop is the guide then what happens when Loop doesn't have a guide" and Mirabelle probably says "wait Siffrin didn't you say to me once that without Loop you wouldn't have made it?"
Meanwhile Siffrin is a mix of sad and very emotionally touched. Because. Yeah. Even when trying to actively hide, their family recognized them.
Notably, Siffrin gets them to twohats (Siffrin remembers that they understood Loop most after showing them the coin. So yes, the family does get to see Siffrin's "I will forget everything I love" moment. Goes as well as you expect. Lots of hugs and the reassurance that they will bug Siffrin until the end of their days so he can't forget him so HA!)
But yeah. Siffrin really wants to make sure they can get little simulation Siffrin to realize Loop is Siffrin as well. Because if there is any chance of this being real and that they're guiding a Siffrin in another reality, then they want to make sure they can get Loop to know just how much they did. How much they helped and changed Siffrin's fate for the better.
To note: I'd imagine in this scenario, Odile wouldn't go do any of the side stuff. At least not too much of it. There wouldn't be as much exploration either. Siffrin likely would be very underleveled as a result.
So perhaps in this scenario? Imagine if you will that while the Siffrin watching definitely defeated Loop, the simulation Siffrin loses.
And Siffrin finds out that... no. No! Of course Loop couldn't kill him. Of course they wouldn't. There is a catharsis to that realization.
(After they finish the game, either a) prologue playthrough time or b) they're freed and the group IMMEDIATELY try to figure out a way to find Loop bc uh??? Even if they weren't Siffrin, they want to find them. But like. Two Frins. Two Frins they know are different but who cares, no matter who Loop chooses to be, Loop Is Family Too).
Anyway, family plays isat featuring the Loop Saga.
#isat#isat spoilers#loop isat#the family plays isat au#may talk more about it or write it one day but I REALLY wanted to put those thoughts down#this post doesnt even get into Siffrin reactions to seeing all their thoughts laid out for everyone to see#or the concept of everyone kinda hyped to see 'siffrin vision'#and mirabelle being touched that the first thing siffrin did when finding out he may be in a time loop was to try to make her happy#just in general: all the adults get very charmed by siffrin interacting with the world in act 1/2#also possible catharsis of the family being able to see how it 'should' have gone#anyway I have many thoughts but Ill end them there for now
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from the start, i’ve mainly been praising the show and have spoken against the minor nitpicks but i think some constructive criticism won’t go amiss. i’m always going to advocate for praise + critique but since literally all my posts praise the show (character-work, writing, directing, cinematography, literally all aspects) i’ll focus on the main issues i have with it for this one.
i’m only saying this because i do think there is merit to the conversation: yes, i agree with many other people saying the show has a very real lack of tension. the stakes are established, potential horrific consequences are alluded to, but the instances in which the action needs to take place falls short. i wanted to see percy and annabeth and grover SHOWING their inexperience through stumbling on traps (which would automically raise the tension in both medusa’s lair and the lotus casino), i wanted them to make mistakes and quick-think their way out of it. sure, there’s something to be said about conveying annabeth’s intelligence but aunty em was a great way of highlighting percy & annabeth’s dyslexia by having them be unable to read the signs. the statues could have been removed from the yard–a move that would show medusa’s intelligence instead. similarly, the fun of the lotus casino was about the creepiness that slowly and steadily builds on the backdrop of this harmless kid carival like setting. percy, annabeth and grover’s intelligence and knowledge has already been built in other obstacles so seeing them actually fall for well-set traps seems to me like a much more nuanced portrayal of the kids, their capabilities but also their weaknesses. speaking of, i was waiting for one moment of annabeth making some mistake, showing some flaw. i think it would have been cool if she was the one to lose her drachma given that she was undoubtedly jostled hard while clinging to the cerberus. grover already felt like he messed up after the lotus casino and having percy reassure annabeth after her drachma screwup would really nail in that yeah she’s intelligent and wise but she is also just 12 and she can be a bit reckless too.
honestly, i’m a sucker for flaws. i love my emotional percabeth bits to death but would i have rejoiced just as much had both of them been a little more unempathetic towards each other and been at each other’s throats for a few more episodes? yes.
i love show grover and his earnestness and savagery in manipulating a god but do i love my little coward goat boy who slowly but surely proves himself to be capable and brave? who keeps asking for food at the most inopportune moments but really has percy’s back at the end of the day? who is severely unconfident but slowly learns to trust himself more? yes! i just feel like the grover we have now was my imagining of grover in book 2-3. we never got to see his major flaws so i’m just wondering what kind of upward arc will he have and will it be as impressive as the books.
i really really appreciated that percy’s impertinence was actually something he paid a price for. it will make his continued rebellion against the gods that much more intentional. that said, i would have liked percy’s relative ignorance of the mythic world to still remain. having sally make him so prepared that he sometimes manages to know obscure greek stories sort of blends their roles in the trio. yes, each one of them is layered and there is no one super rigid position they must adhere to but this is storytelling on television at the end of the day, the characters should have unique traits to distinguish themselves. for me, percy’s intelligence was about his presence of mind and deductive reasoning which the lotus casino scene in the book beautifully portrays. similarly, his knowledge was less about facts he knew and more about the street smarts he had acquired. in some way, annabeth and percy have a weird overlap in characteristics (show annabeth feels as sassy as show percy which is not the book dynamic imo).
i don’t see these as minor nitpicks btw – i think show portrayals have changed these characters through small changes and while that is okay, it also leaves room for improvement before it is too late. there are many considerations to be made–percy’s grief, annabeth’s tackling of complex feelings about the gods, grover’s guilt, ofc. but it’s, i think, a valid critique of the show that the main trio’s dialogue and actions could be made more faithful to the books.
also, i think the direction can be more dynamic, especially in exposition-heavy scenes. there are ways to make info-dumping fun and i’m sure the directors are more than capable of exploring these options moving forward.
there are many more smaller things i would point out but i don’t want to make this longer that it already is. many people handwave alot of the critique saying that the show is for children to which i say: children’s media doesn’t mean lesser quality media–the books were literally made for children yet on tv, many scenes are sanitised, very little left not on-the-nose. i have myself mentioned how certain scenes could be impossible to film with 12 yr olds (medusa beheading) without harming them mentally in some way so i appreciate the clever sanitization there. but the action sequences do need much more edge and that’s okay to acknowledge. the show we have now is great but it is absolutely not without flaws and normalising discussion about the flaws is only going to benefit the show moving forward.
and lastly, rick might be the author of the books but there is no rule that once you like an author’s work, you will have to like all of that author’s writing. just because rick made some final decisions does not take away the fandom’s rights to question those decisions and critique the screenwriting. there is seriously no use putting him on a pedestal–and i say this as someone who adores his writing in pjo.
let’s let the fandom breathe a little. let the mild, politely conveyed critique become commonplace as much as the ardent praise because i think that’s the balance we need to ensure that season two delivers on all the fronts that season one was unable to.
that’s all. thanks for reading lol. have a nice day. :))
#pjo#pjo fandom#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#pjo series#pjo tv show#percy pjo#pjo tv adaptation#pjo tv series#walker scobell#annabeth chase#grover underwood#pjo tv spoilers#pjo tv crit
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ANGST… chris x reader
part 2 *:・゚✧*:・゚
angst, chris is still a dick, profanity, no happy ending, lowercase intended, not proofread,,, wc: 1,241 pt. 1 here
“i could give you my skin, and you would still ask for my bones.”
Spaghetti Carbonara, Part 2 *:・゚✧*:・゚
y/n floated around her house, trying to finish getting ready before he arrived. she smiled at the message lighting up her phone. “i’ll be there in 20,” it said. her heart beat thumped calmly in her chest as she thought about him. she observes herself in the mirror before applying a coat of pink lip gloss.
she clasped on a silver charm bracelet, one which held a lot of sentimental value. half of the charms were gifted to her by chris. she allows herself to think about him, to miss him for a fleeting moment before she returns to getting ready. it had been a few weeks, and she was happier now.
she smooths out her dress and makes some final adjustments to her hair before feeling satisfied. she checked the time and walked into her living room, holding her shoes. she sits on the couch and waits. he will be here any minute. she fiddles with her bracelet while she sits there, her gaze fixed on the door.
soon, a soft knock sounds on the door. she smiles and gets up, quickly making her way over. she takes a deep breath before opening it. “drew, hi,” she starts, but quickly stops talking when she sees him at her door; chris. his hair is messy and his eyes are tired. she soaks him in before clearing her throat. “you need to leave,” she finally mutters, looking away. he takes a step inside.
“y/n, please. it’ll only take a minute,” he says, wringing his hands together. she turns away and starts to occupy herself with trivial tasks so she won’t have to look at him. “i don’t have a minute, chris. you have to go.”
he follows her around her home, watching as she reapplies her lipgloss and adjusts the straps of her dress in the mirror. “y/n, you can’t ignore me forever,” he speaks. she scoffs. “and you can’t come here and expect me to give you my undivided attention, anymore. i told you, you need to leave.”
he stands there, still for a moment before crossing his arms over his chest. “why,” he asks, stubbornly. she doesn’t look away from her reflection as she smooths out the deep blue silk of her dress. “because, chris. i did so much for you before and you were always ungrateful. i’m done with that, now.”
he looks bewildered, as if he isn’t quite sure what she’s alluding to. she shakes her head, finally turning towards him. “the whole reason i live in this state is for you, chris. i have given you everything. hospitality, my time, my attention… and you repeatedly stuck your nose up. you keep asking for more, but i’ve already given you everything i have. it’s not fair,” she says, confidence in her voice for the first time all night. “i could give you my skin and you’d still ask for my bones.”
chris stands there for a while, letting her words settle in. he doesn’t speak, doesn’t look at her. he can’t. he lets his gaze linger on the ground. she takes a deep breath before clearing her throat. “if you want, you can hang out here until i get back. we can talk after,” she mumbles. he doesn’t look up, but he nods slowly.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
a pit forms in y/n’s stomach as drew’s invitation settles in her mind. after dinner, he had held her hand, and quietly suggested they go back to his apartment for a movie and maybe some wine. it wasn’t that she didn’t want to. she did. in fact, she really, really liked drew. the only thing getting in the way was her own stupidity. the empty words she had spoken to chris in an attempt to get him off her back.
she looks back at drew, who is waiting for her to get inside from his car. she struggles with her keys for a moment longer before unlocking the door. she turns and waves before shutting it and resting her back against it for a moment longer. the cool wood stings her back as she looks around her home. she sighs and slowly slips off her heals and walks towards the stairs, wanting nothing more than to change out of the dress.
she hadn’t realized that chris was nowhere downstairs until she walked past the guest room, the door slightly cracked and the light on. her heart starts beating faster as she quickly goes into her room, shutting the door. she silently curses herself as she changes into her pajamas, worried about having to actually sit and talk to him.
her stomach churns as she slowly pads towards the guest room. her hand shakily reaches out to push it open. “chris, hey,” she mumbles, finally stepping in. he looks up from his phone, his eyes softening when he sees her. “hi, y/n. how was your… thing,” he asks. she looks down.
“that’s not what you’re here to talk about,” she starts. he exhales. she slowly walks over and sits beside him on the edge of the bed, keeping a good distance between them. “look, chris. i appreciate you trying to apologize, but i just don’t think,” she starts. he looks away from y/n, his stomach fluttering with nervousness about what words will be coming next. “i don’t think you should have shown up. i’m not sure there’s anything we can really do at this point,” she says, noticing the way he starts picking at the skin on his fingers.
“y/n, please,” he breathes out, tears pricking at his eyes. her shoulders tense, but she subconsciously shifts slightly closer, leaning her head on his shoulder. “i hate that i liked you the way i did. i regret it, i ruined things,” she confesses, still tense, but gently resting her weight on him.
“you liked me,” he sputters. she slowly nods. he turns and looks at her, his expression laced with confusion. “yeah, i did. and i did so much for you because of it, but you disregarded me,” she states simply. he pulls away from her.
“i never disregarded you, y/n,” he says, growing slightly angry at her words. she scoffs. “chris, are you serious? you, fuck, you need to leave,” she says, standing up. she stops, trying to calm herself, but the words spill out before she can hold them back. “all you’ve ever done is pretend like i do nothing for you. i’ve always been here. everything i do i’ve done for you. this is why i said-“
her words are cut off by chris grabbing her face, kissing her. she freezes, her eyes wide. her hands instinctively move to his biceps. she pushes him slightly, but settles, her eyes slowly closing. her hands trace up and down his arms for a few seconds before she fully realizes what she’s doing. she shoves him away and wipes off her lips. “fuck, chris,” she sighs, her brows furrowed. “please, you have to go home. i can’t, fuck,” she mutters.
“y/n, i’m sorry,” he mumbles. she looks at the ground. he excuses himself, slowly walking towards the door. he looks at her for a minute, feeling her slip away. he shudders, turning fully and walking down the stairs. he goes to the door. he takes in the familiar scene of her apartment for the last time before opening the door and walking away. leaving forever.
thank you @watercolorskyy for requesting a part two :3 thank you for reading ! <3
#x reader#sturniolo triplets#girlblogging#girlhood#hell is a teenage girl#matt sturniolo#sturniolo fanfic#chris sturniolo#nick sturniolo#chris sturiolo fanfic#christoper sturniolo#chris sturniolo x reader#angst#i cant take it anymore#no happy ending
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Hello! I was wondering what you make of Seward's phrase "is it possible that love is all subjective or all objective?" I've seen people allude to different meanings on the phrase but I can't quite figure out what it means
I wanted to wait until after 11 October to answer this ask, just so I didn't have to spoiler for the context of my reply. Which is that... my instinct is to oppose Jonathan and Seward's loves for this one. Specifically, in their reactions to the women they love becoming vampires. (I'm choosing Jack specifically to talk about because we get in his head more than we do for the other suitors, though by actions one could argue they fall more on the same side as he does.)
Firstly, let's take a brief moment to talk about the specific words used. Subjective generally means dictated by personal taste, and objective would be based on fact or truth. So, a love that is all one or the other could be very different depending on what the person you love is like. For example, an objective love would appreciate someone's virtues, while a subjective one might find things to love even in their flaws. Or on a larger scale, and much more relevant to how the phrase is used in the book... what would happen when the person you love is becoming a vampire, a creature that is factually and objectively evil and wrong? How would you react, how would you feel?
It depends on your type of love.
Jonathan's love is all subjective. Even though he absolutely hates and despises vampires, once he knows Mina is at risk of becoming one he resolves to join her if need be. He sees her rejected by God when the communion wafer burns her forehead, and he says 'actually no, I think the holiest kind of love is the one that would lead me to join her in her unholy state'. Even when Mina outright appeals to him to kill her if she is too far gone - an appeal to his objective understanding, for him to express his love in a way that confronts the truth of what she would become - Jonathan remains silent and in doing so refuses to make that promise. It's implied that he would be willing to fight the other men in order to protect her, even though they are his allies and friends. His beliefs warp around the shape of his love. He will destroy himself and others for the sake of his love, even if he knows through painful experience how objectively evil vampires are.
Jack's love meanwhile is all objective. Even though he didn't fully understand what a vampire was, he began to lose his love for Lucy as soon as he saw her acting in that way. In fact every time she was acting out of character to be more vampiric before her death, he seemed to notice and be a little put off by it, even though he didn't really seem to realize so much at the time. He outright says this quote when he is watching vampire!Lucy and realizing that he doesn't feel as horrible about mutilating the body of the woman he loved as he would have expected. When he learns Lucy has become a monster, he begins to feel repulsed by her - a process completed when he sees her up close and outright says his love for her is gone: "At that moment the remnant of my love passed into hate and loathing; had she then to be killed, I could have done it with savage delight." His determination to destroy the Thing she now is completely separates her in his mind from her living self. His love gives way to the objective facts. He will help to kill her, and gladly, because what she has become disgusts him... because what she has become is objectively evil.
Obviously, their experiences are different, and perhaps it's not quite such a true binary. Mina's gradual transformation, combined with Jonathan's pre-existing knowledge, is quite different from Jack's abrupt introduction to Lucy's vastly changed self and to the idea of the supernatural at all. But for the purposes of examining this quote, I think it works quite well to set them up at opposite ends of that scale.
It's also kind of curious because it calls back to another great line of Seward's: "(Mem., under what circumstances would I not avoid the pit of hell?)" The context of that line is Seward struggling to resist his dark impulses with regards to his treatment of Renfield. And he says this after having noticed himself actively doing something he says he'd normally avoid like the pit of hell, so that means he was approaching it until he caught himself. This is a struggle he repeatedly faces with Renfield, finding himself longing for a cause that he would consider it worthwhile abandoning his morals for, so that he could just give in to these urges.
But while Jack Seward is the person most drawn to the darkness, as we get introduced to the vampires are representatives of the ultimate darkness he backs firmly away. It's only in isolation that he feels so attracted to amoral experimentation; when together with his friends he pulls himself back to be more firmly opposed. His treatment of Renfield is a mess the entire time, don't get me wrong. He never really does right by him. But he doesn't seem to feel that same urge to push him in such a cruel way merely for his own interest/satisfaction. It becomes in the service of a greater goal, the objectively good idea of fighting Dracula. (Again, not saying his methods are good, but his motivation shifts.) He's always been conscious of an idea of what is right to do and he actively tries to follow that, with much greater success when not left to his own devices.
Meanwhile Jonathan has never felt such an intense draw to the darkness. He survived months alone surrounded by evil influences, and it only increased his determination to remain himself/human. He hates the vampires and he feels no true allure to the idea of being like them (outside the allure everyone feels when being hypnotized by them, etc.). He wanted nothing more than a normal happy life, he never longed for a cause that would be worth throwing his morals away. And yet, when Mina begins to turn we see Jonathan decide that this is the circumstance under which he will not avoid the pit of hell. This is the cause he can dedicate himself to as fully as any madman. Jonathan never felt the need to philosophize about trying to avoid such things before he was exposed to them by others, because he has no inherent urge to seek them out. But he also lacks that restrictive hold when a reason does come along.
(To visualize: if there's a pit, then Jack is the person who keeps wandering closer, desperately wanting to lean over the edge and see what's inside. Knowing this about himself, he's tied a rope around his waist to ensure he doesn't slip too far. Jonathan never even went near until he abruptly decides to sprint up and swan-dive straight into it when he thinks Mina's fallen in.)
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Any thoughts on what Oscar’s semblance will end up being? Since Oscar’s magic has come from Ozma and is more in line with “destruction” as a contrast to Ruby’s eyes which are tied to “creation”, I’ve often thought that it would make sense for Oscar’s semblance, as a means of self-affirmation to be something that also represents creation/preservation, which would make him more like Ruby and also find his own sense of who he is as a person. After all, if Oscar/Ozma are supposed to achieve a balance by the end then he should possess elements of both, no?
That said, the most common headcanon/theory I see for Oscar’s semblance has been for him to create barriers for defense… but not only can he already do that with Ozpin’s magic, I feel as though Jaune is actually the character who is more set up to have a defensive evolution for his semblance. There was the flash of light in V1 and his “it’s like a forcefield!” line, Vine’s comment about extending his aura, the shield grenades he used in V8, and just his general tendency to leap in front of people using his shield or body to protect people.
So, to me, this would be a bit of an odd choice for Oscar’s semblance and just make the existing overlap between Jaune and Oscar’s progression as characters more confused. Do you think I have the right idea with the theming of Oscar’s semblance? Or do you think it’ll come from a different place altogether?
It is very difficult to say, cause there could really be many things that fit Oscar.
I agree about both Ruby and Oscar ending up having elements of both creation and destruction, as they are two philosophical children.
When it comes to Oscar's semblance, I think it will be worth the wait, since:
It will appear toward the end and there won't be time to slowly develop it, like Blake, Weiss or Ruby's
Ruby kind of told us so tbh, as she said when Oscar gets a semblance "everyone will be jealous" ;)
I think most semblances tie with the characters' allusions too:
Ruby is super fast cause she is Little Red Riding Hood, so she rides
Weiss's glyphs allude to the Snow Queen fairy tail, but progressively become more Snowhite-like (her summons are characters in Snow-White)
Blake's shadow is symbolic of the beast, as in jungian terms the shadow is also called inner beast
Yang's power has her become too hot, with her hair catching fire, like Goldilock
Jaune gives his aura (his spirit) to others to heal them (he makes miracles), which ties with his Jeanne d'Arc allusion (I agree with the fact he will become a barrier warrior to an extent btw)
And so on...
So, tbh the majority of ideas for Oscar's semblance seem to tie into this theme:
Some theory think his power will tie with time, as time is a recurring motif for him and Ozpin
Other theories (I think this one is @misstrashchan ) instead think he will get the ability to make an astral projection of himself, in a tie in to the Little Prince (the little prince dies, so he leaves his body behind). This could also be used to separate his own soul from Ozpin's
These are my two preferred theories, but again it is impossible to say for sure. I don't think there is much foreshadowing as to what Oscar's semblance will be, differently from Jaune's.
Thank you for the ask!
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Left to Face This Alone - 2
pairing: rhea ripley x reader
warnings: dark rhea, alludes to drugging, noncon, nonconsensual fingering.
summary: You’re an interviewer and unfortunately for you, Rhea takes a liking to you.
You made your way to the locker room, rushing to get away from Rhea. She seemed to be following you, but you weren’t too sure. You hadn’t seen her in three days, unsure of what she wanted from you—or why she was even at the performance center. You were there for a few interviews, getting ready for Wrestlemania. Once you were in the locker room, you made it seem that you were on the phone, just in case she was in fact following you. Your gut feeling was right—she was following you. Tapping you on the shoulder, Rhea crossed her arms. You stuck up your finger to signal ‘one moment’ as you faked a conversation. She rolled her eyes but sat down on the bench behind you.
After three minutes, you pretended to hang up before turning to the Australian. You hoped that what she was going to say was nothing like the last time.
“I was wondering if you’d like to come out with me and the others?" she asked.
You bit your lip, trying to come up with a quick excuse. Rhea raised an eyebrow, waiting for your answer.
“I, uh, I have plans.” You lied. By the way Rhea rolled her eyes, you knew she knew that that was a lie.
“Oh, come on, it’ll be fun. Both Dom and Damian are going to cover our tab tonight.” Rhea said, trying her best to convince you.
You sighed, giving up. “Okay, fine. I can stay for a few drinks. I have to be up early in the morning for some more interviews.”
Rhea smiled, “Good, I’ll drive since we’re at the same hotel.”
You thought it was a little weird; she knew that, but you pushed your thoughts away. A part of you wanted to give her a chance, but you were still put off by the fact that she knew that the two of you were at the same hotel. You made a mental note to ask her how she knew that later.
“I have two more interviews, and then I’ll be off. I can just meet you there if you want to give me the address." You suggested, but Rhea shook her head.
“No, no. I can drive us there; it’s really no problem at all.” Rhea pushed, and you found yourself giving up once more. “I’ll wait for you until you’re off, and we can head to the bar right after.”
You put your phone back into the locker, heading out of the locker room and to your next interview.
All throughout it, you couldn’t help but think about Rhea. Why was she so interested in you suddenly? The two of you hadn’t talked in years, and now she wanted to talk to you? All these questions ran through your mind, but you needed to focus on what Liv was saying. After her interview, Rhea walked down to the hall, making her way to you. Glaring at Liv as she passed her but smiling at you when her gaze left Liv and met yours.
“Who’s your last interview?” Rhea asked as you turned your computer off.
“Charlotte. It’s in five minutes, so I won’t be too long.” You answered.
“Good. I don’t want you interviewing her anymore after this.” Rhea laughed, playing it off as if she were joking.
You gave her an odd look. “Excuse me? Whether or not your joking, you’re not my boss, and I’ll interview whoever my actual bosses tell me to.” You snapped.
Rhea gave you a menacing smile. “I’m only kidding. Calm down.”
You bit your lip, holding back what you really wanted to say. You knew how Rhea was, so why were you making a big deal out of things? You tried to push the thoughts away, but you began to overthink. If Rhea said she was joking, then you should believe her.
“I’m-“ you began to apologize, but Charlotte cut you off. You hadn’t noticed her where she was standing, and you really hope she didn’t hear anything that Rhea and you were talking about.
“Don’t be apologizing to Rhea,” Charlotte snapped, causing Rhea to storm off.
The interview went smoothly, and as soon as it was over, Charlotte spoke up, “Hey, don’t let Rhea push you around. Let me know if you ever need anything.”
You nodded, “Will do. Thank you.”
You walked away, rushing towards the locker room in hopes of beating Rhea to it. You thought that if you could beat her there, you could grab all of your stuff and go back to your hotel room. You always hated that you had a hard time saying no to people. As you reached the locker room, you rushed to grab your things and leave. Putting your stuff into your bag as fast as you could. Only to jump when someone tapped you on your shoulder.
“What’re you in such a rush for, (Your Name)? I told you that I’m driving.” Rhea stated, grabbing your bag for you.
You followed Rhea out of the locker room and out of the building. You wished that she didn’t take your bag—a part of you was unsure of how to ask for it back. You knew you were just going to outright ask for it.
“Rhea, I need my bag; please give it back.” You said as the two of you reached her rental.
Opening the back door, Rhea tossed your bag into the back seat. You cringed a little, hoping that your laptop was okay. Rhea opened the passenger door for you, not giving you any time to ask why she disregarded your bag like she didn’t see that you had put your laptop inside of it. When you got into the car, you shut the door as she walked around the car to the driver’s side. Getting in, she didn’t say anything as she turned on the car and drove out of the parking lot. The car ride was too quiet for your liking, silently hoping that Rhea would turn the radio on.
“What’s your favorite color?” she asked, keeping her eyes glued to the road.
“Such a random question,” you laughed. “But I like (your favorite color). What’s yours?”
You caught the smile on her face.
“Black and purple.” She answered, turning into the turning lane.
You looked out your window, watching the cars you were passing by. Finally, after what felt like hours, the two of you reached the bar.
“Dom and Damian are already here, but... I don’t see Finn’s car.” She said, looking around as she slowed down to find a parking spot.
As soon as she found a spot, you bit your lip, hoping the night would go by fast. Once she was parked and the car was off, Rhea turned to you, placing her hand on your thigh and making her way up your leg. You tensed up, and she took her hand off you quickly.
You unbuckled your seatbelt, getting out of the car in hopes of having a little moment without Rhea close to you. Unfortunately, Rhea was close behind you. Wasting no time in catching up to you. She opened the door for you, and as soon as the two of you were inside the bar, Dom shouted, “Hey, Mami. Over here!”
The bar was crowded, but you were thankful that it wasn’t overbearing. Rhea grabbed your arm roughly, leading you to the table that they were already sitting at.
“Go sit with them, (Your Name); I’ll go order us some drinks.” She said, and you did just that. Sitting across from Dom and Damian, you gave them a small smile. You felt a little awkward, considering that you barely knew any of them.
When Rhea came back with both of your drinks, you hadn’t noticed that she only got herself water. You took a sip of the drink—it was delicious.
Rhea smiled, “Taste good, yeah?”
“Very good. What did you get?” you asked, and Dom gave Rhea an odd look.
“Vodka.” She lied.
You cringed, “All by itself? No chaser, nothing?”
“Yeah, I know it’s a little weird, but I like it.” Rhea laughed, taking a sip of the water.
“And with no type of reaction too? God.” You laughed, shaking your head.
As soon as you finished your drink, Rhea chugged the rest of her own drink. Getting up, she went to go get another set of drinks for the two of you. Once she left the table, Dom opened his mouth to say something, but he was quick to close it when Damian shot him a look.
Four drinks in, you asked Rhea for some water. She rushed to get you some and suddenly began to feel a little tired. When she returned with the water, you drank it quickly.
“Are you okay, (Your Name)?” Dom asked, this time earning a glare from Rhea.
You looked around the table, unsure of when Finn arrived. You tried to focus on your empty glass of water, but soon you found yourself being pulled away from the table. “M’need more water,” you groaned, moving throughout the bar. You tried your best to stay at Rhea’s pace, but it was becoming harder for you to walk.
As soon as the two of you reached the bathroom, Rhea pushed you into the nearest stall. Pushing her lips onto yours and kissing you roughly, you pushed her off of you when she slipped her tongue into your mouth.
“Rhea, what the actual fuck? Stop.” You said, trying your best to stand your ground. You grew weaker and weaker and you weren’t sure why. You only had four drinks; usually you’d be fine with that amount.
She leaned in to kiss you again, but you slapped her across the face. Grabbing you by the throat, she held you against the stall wall. “You think you can just tease me? Tease me and think I won’t go out of my way to invite you to hang out with my friends? You’ve been teasing me for months with your glances whenever we’d pass by each other. Are you that much of a fuckin’ whore?” she whispered, grabbing your clothed chest. You tried your best to wiggle away from her, but her grip on your neck was too strong. Releasing your neck for a moment, Rhea covered your mouth with her hand. Using her free hand, Rhea slipped it into your pants. Rubbing your clothed clit frantic and hard, Rhea kept her eyes locked on yours. You began to cry, flinching when Rhea leaned closer to you and licked your tears.
“Don’t act like you don’t like this; I can feel the mess your making on your underwear.” She chuckled, eyes filled with lust. You squeezed your eyes shut as she pushed your underwear to the side. Shoving two fingers into you, you gasped against her hand.
You tried to shake your head to get her hand off your mouth, but it wasn’t working. She continued to fuck you with her fingers, rubbing the pad of her thumb against your clit causing you to cry harder. You wanted it to be over—feeling your body betraying you as you came around her fingers.
She moved her hand off your mouth, kissing you softly before moving so her mouth was next to your ear. “You’re mine now.” Pulling her hand out of your pants, she shoved her fingers into your mouth. “You liked it, (Your Name). You came around my fingers; you liked it, and if you tell anyone about this, you won’t like what I’ll do to you. Understood?”
Taking her fingers out of your mouth so you could talk, you whispered, “I understand.”
Rhea smiled, opening the stall door and helping you walk out of the bathroom. “Let’s get you to your hotel room.”
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Ghoaptober #2
Prompt: Bullet
Words: 1500~
TW: None (sfw)
This version of Ghoaptober was created by @spadesandshovels
I'm once again not playing by the letter of the law, but I really couldn't think of anything to write about bullets :(, so I found a work around.
“Hello and welcome to Alpetsha's Arctic Expeditions! My name is Chrissy, I'll be your guide. Up there is Duncan, he's our lovely captain, give him a wave,” Chrissy smiled at all the frantic waving from the kids and the few half-automatic waves from the adults, “Awesome! Today we are focusing on Homotritus, or as it's more commonly called, we're going mer-spotting!”
Chrissy paused to allow for the cheers that announcement always brought, “Glad to see we're all excited! Duncan is taking us up to the edge of a territory that's home to a very unusual mer-pod. When we get there I'm going to ask that no one shouts, screams, or throws anything into the water. That includes yourselves or your fellow passengers,” she ends with a laugh to lighten the tone of her warning, smiling at the small ripple of laughter that washed through the boat in reply.
She felt the engines cut and the boat coast to a stop, a glance up to Duncan showed him giving her a thumbs up and she plastered an even bigger smile onto her face.
“Okay! Looks like we're here folks, I'll give you some fun facts while we wait for our neighbors to get curious. We're visiting a territory that's been established by a pod of four mers, we'll most likely be seeing Babble and Bullet come up for a visit. Babble is a minke-whale morph that-”
“What's a morph.” A little girl interrupts from her perch in her father's arms. Chrissy could barely make out her eyes, she was so well bundled against the cold.
“A fantastic question! A mer's morph is how we refer to the species that the mer looks like. It's not actually known why mers resemble certain species of sea creatures. Some claim its convergent evolution, others say its just aesthetic mimicry, but nothing is known for certain.” Chrissy throws a wink to the little girl, delighting in the way she giggles and hides her face, “As I was saying, Babble is a very curious minke-whale morph that will probably pop up to check us out sometime soon. Following him will be Bullet, an orca morph." The word orca sends excited titters through the crowd, everyone knows what an orca is, not so much for minke-whales.
"I will have to ask that no one screams if they spot them." Chrissy tried to make her voice serious, but not domineering. She didn't need anyone getting uppity about a woman bossing them around, "Bullet and Babble are some of the rare mers that wear rudimentary coverings and accessories and they can be somewhat alarming at first glance. Please remember that they will not harm you.”
“What's so alarming about them?” The gruff question is called forward from the back of the group, so Chrissy can't spot the exact asker.
“Another excellent question! Bullet has fashioned what looks to be a juvenile true-orca's upper jaws into a kind of headpiece, and Babble wears what we can only assume is the matching lower jaws.” Startled exclamations from the port side of the boat saves Chrissy from having to take a stab at explaining why mers do anything, and she moves over to the commotion as quickly as she can. Spotting curious blue eyes poking above the waterline as Babble spy-hops to get a look at them.
“And here’s Babble! You're right on time!” Chrissy pitches her voice to carry across the water, feeling the tension fall out of her muscles when the mer seems to recognize her or the boat she’s standing on and pops further up out of the water. Showing off the skeletal jaw of sharp teeth that was aligned and fastened to his own. Chrissy was happy to let the guests live in the ignorant bliss of assuming that she’s just trying to look fun by talking at the mer, every employee had been banned from even alluding to the fact that this particular mer-pod was notorious for sinking any boat that they didn’t like, along with almost every ship that dared poke its nose over their territory lines. Alpetsha Arctic Expeditions didn't make it a company policy to stay out of their territory just to be polite.
The minke-whale mer looked them over for a while longer then dove back under the water, sounding off with a flood of ratcheting clicks, pitching whines, and popping chirps the whole time.
“And that’s why we call him Babble. Now that he’s come up to say hi, we can expect to see Bullet soon enou-” the yelp of a bitten off scream echoing from the boat’s starboard side heralds Bullet’s arrival and Chrissy hustles over before people started getting smart ideas.
Bullet slowly circled them, his left pectoral fin breaching out of the water as he swam on his side to better eye the boat and its contents, or perhaps it was to keep the height of his distinctive dorsal fin under the water, so as to not give himself away too soon.
Bullet was a bastard like that.
“And here’s Bullet! If he turns over you’ll get to see how he got his name,” Chrissy said this with the bouncing tone of tour-guides everywhere, but eyed Bullet with much more caution than she'd given Babble.
Bullet’s upper face was completely obscured by the jaws he had broken and molded and mended to fit onto his head. The bone was covered in nicks, discolourations, and what a more generous soul might call carvings.
A shadow barreled up from the depths to sideswipe Bullet. Babble arcing out of the water and crashing back into it with a cheerful trill, narrowly missing coming down directly on top of Bullet. The waves Babble displaced rocked the boat and the guests gave a cheer for his antics. Bullet turned to chase Babble clockwise around the boat and the guests able to see him over the sides gasped at the newly exposed carnage.
Bullet’s right pectoral fin was ragged, missing its fore-edge and pockmarked with holes. The holes traveled diagonally up to his side, where their path was continued by a series of puncture scars. His back was serrated by lines of propeller scars, the front edge of his dorsal fin cut free from the rest of the structure, with the top third of its length missing entirely. He had another set of propeller scars marking his right collarbone, going over his shoulder, continuing down his upper back and Chrissy was willing to bet that under his mask he had a matching set across his face. Innumerous less distinctive scars tore up and down Bullet’s hide as well, teeth-rakes, old bite marks, rub lines, but the one that always got to Chrissy was the thick scarring that cuffed his tail above his flukes. Like someone had hauled him up and dangled him out of the water, their prized catch of the day.
“You said this is a four mer pod?” The shy question came from the very pretty young woman who had been unfailingly polite on every expedition Chrissy'd had her on. Chrissy was almost certain her name was Lizbeth.
“I did indeed! Good listening,” Chrissy praised, half to set a good example and half to see that cute blush creep up Lizbeth’s cheeks, “the other members of this pod are a very rare spot, as they like to hang out on the ice floes that are deeper into their territory. There’s a walrus morph we call Hoss and leopard-seal morph that earned the name Houdini. I’m seeing a few raised eyebrows from the more nautically inclined of us. Yes, the Arctic is not the natural habitat of the leopard-seal, but please keep in mind that this is a mer, not a true-leopard-seal. Mers are usually known to favour the natural habitats of their morphs, but they can and do move around as they like.” Chrissy watched the guests give understanding nods and gave another smile. Movement from above caught her eye and she glanced up to see Duncan giving her the ‘wrap it up’ signal.
“Alright folks, we’re gonna have to start packing it in, does anyone have any last questions?” Chrissy moved back over to her speaking platform. The speaking platform was really just a few pallets secured to the deck with anti-slip tape conquering its every flat surface, but it worked just fine.
“They’re all guys?” The question was half a sneer, from a young man that had been largely and loudly unimpressed with every activity Chrissy had seen him deign to attend.
“Yep,” Chrissy chirped, giving her biggest smile yet, “They’re what’s known as a bachelor pod, though not much is actually known about distinguishing the sex of mers. From what we can see and guess from how their morph presents, they’re all male.”
“They’re gay?” The same man barked, offended.
“Maybe!” Chrissy cheered, “Nothing is known about mer courting rituals or mating practices, so it’s equally likely that they are or they aren’t, but they do make a cute couple!”
Chrissy gestured over the starboard side of the boat, where Babble could be seen hanging off Bullet’s dorsal fin, making the orca morph tow him around. Bullet was darting about and doing tight barrel rolls, to the seeming delight of Babble. Chrissy wasn’t sure if Bullet was doing it to indulge Babble or to shake him off.
“Is that the last of the questions?” The guests looked around amongst themselves, then looked back at her, there was a smattering of shaking heads and shrugs, “Perfect!”
The engine kicked back on under their feet and the boat started pulling away. Chrissy glanced over the side, spotting Bullet and Babble bobbing in the waves, watching them leave.
Letting them leave.
Chrissy shook herself free of that thought and started the closing spiel. Thanking people for visiting, and making sure to mention the countless ways and places that the guests could donate their money to one of Alpetsha’s many wildlife programs.
Thank You For Reading!
I just really wanted to write mer au stuff for cod okay??
As you probably guessed Babble is Soap, Bullet is Ghost, Hoss is Price, and Houdini is Gaz.
Gaz earned the name Houdini by breaking into boxes and stealing stuff of the boats, the more they tried to secure it against him the more determined he was to get into it. He's a smart boy and he uses those smarts for evil and evil alone.
Minke whales are baleen whales and walruses eat like clams and stuff, so I had the idea that Ghost and Gaz will kill big stuff then bring it back and rip it into small pieces for Soap and Price. Price eventually got his hands on a knife to do it for himself, but Soap loves having Ghost do it for him.
I also had the idea that Ghost is blind in his right eye, hence why he's looking at the boat with his left.
PekoeHoneynCream's Masterlist
#ghoaptober#ghoap#simon ghost riley#john soap mactavish#cod#call of duty#ghost call of duty#ghost cod#soapghost#soap call of duty#soap cod#john mactavish#simon riley#mer!ghost#mer!soap#mer!price#mer!gaz#mermaid au#mer au#john bravo six price#john price#kyle gaz garrick#pekoehoneyncream
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Request: Hi I'll need ❤️🩹 for Wednesday. I need it to be angsty as hell but you can make it a happy ending if you'd like. Thank you @mindingmybidness12
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Fem!Reader/OFC
Warnings: angst. reunion. alluded secret relationship. wednesday is very mean :') no hea
Masterlist | Library Blog | AO3
Note: hey are you okay 😧 (sorry i accidentally posted your ask too soon & needed to get creative LOL)
Count: 0.8k
Reminder there's no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
Please do not copy, repost, or translate my work anywhere else.
Destined to be alone—that's what Goody told Wednesday.
"Isn't it so exciting!" Enid squeals loudly at the table, causing Wednesday to wince at the happiness in her roommate's tone. "Oh, there she is!"
Wednesday knows she shouldn't look. She should keep her head straight down—better yet, she should leave.
"Wednesday, where are you going?" Enid asks, but her roommate has already stood up and walked off.
There's a briskness in Wednesday's walk even if she doesn't know where to go.
Her room?
No, it is too likely that Enid will bring you by.
The bee farm—no, there was too much of a chance of you visiting.
Wednesday only briefly considered Xavier's studio, but then she'd have to deal with his incessant questions.
How annoying, Wednesday thought. Everything in this forsaken penitentiary was already a reminder of you when you were gone. She couldn't roam a single hallway without your memory invading her mind.
She freezes in her steps. Even now, you were an unwelcome thought that distracted her from an ambush.
This was why—
"It's been a while," you say hesitantly. "A year in fact."
Wednesday turns around and immediately feels something constrict in her throat. You look mostly the same, but there's a growing maturity to you that's been blooming since the day Wednesday met you. Your eyes lack the dark circles and look lively, and your cheeks fuller.
You look happy, Wednesday realizes, something that you rarely did when you were with her.
Her fists remain clenched at her sides as she remains passive. "I suppose it has. Why have you returned?"
"Ouch," you say, laughing lightly, and the sound makes Wednesday want to bolt. You're pinching the side of your skirt, an obvious sign of your nervousness, and Wednesday wonders why you even bothered to call out to her.
You look around the empty hallway out of habit before looking back at her. "I told my parents I wanted to come back and finish my senior year. I'd like to graduate from Nevermore, and their recommendations to colleges really help."
Wednesday feels the distant memory of you talking about it with her, only for her to give a noncommittal answer. You wanted to know where Wednesday planned to go, if she was even planning to go, just to see if you could follow or at least apply somewhere nearby.
But it looks like you've already decided your next path.
Something bitter builds in the back of Wednesday's throat, but she swallows down the acid. She doesn't have the right and will be damned if you make her a hypocrite.
Wednesday lets out a heavy sigh from her nose. "I see," is all she says before she turns and walks again.
"Wait, Wednesday—"
"What?" Wednesday turns around sharply, her tone callous and impatient.
The hurt that flashes across your face makes Wednesday feel humiliated, but it's all she knows how to do to keep you at a distance. If you stay away, then you can remain how you are now—happy.
"I just—" You swallow. "I just want to know that you're doing okay...that you're happy now."
"I don't feel anything," Wednesday narrows her eyes at you. "Did you come here to confirm something so ridiculous?"
"Yes," you put on a brave face even if you know that Wednesday is purposely being hurtful, "because I still care."
You watch carefully at Wednesday's face. Her eyes, her jaw, her lips—any sort of indication for something.
"Then you're a bigger fool than I thought," Wednesday finally says. "All I've ever been capable of bringing you misery."
"That's not true—"
"Isn't it?" Wednesday says haughtily. "I kept you a secret, made you invisible as you stayed beside me. I brought you along on all my investigations to the point where you were seriously injured."
"It wasn't that bad," you tried to say, but Wednesday scoffed.
"Don't take me for an idiot. I can still see your limp."
You clench your jaw, heat rising in your cheeks, but it's not like you can deny it.
Wednesday looks at you coolly, her expression aloof as she builds walls upon walls with spikes to keep you out. "And because you're so pathetic, you walked around suffering silently all the time but couldn't say it to my face. Even Enid had more guts than you."
There's a sharp breath from you, and Wednesday honestly thinks it's more torturing to see you try to put on a brave face in front of her. It's the same way you've always held back your tears around her.
You were the one thing Wednesday treasured the most, but it was obvious then and now that she was only capable of ruining everything she touched—that's why she was destined to be alone.
"So, as you can see, I'm perfectly fine," Wednesday turns away from you, beginning to walk away. "And if you want to be as well, stay away from me."
#wednesday addams x reader#wednesday x reader#wednesday addams imagine#wednesday addams#jenna ortega x reader#jenna ortega imagine#wednesday addams angst#jenna ortega angst#mm: my fics#mm.drabble.wednesday
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You portray Sirius as this stud muffin that everyone was tripping over. It’s kinda vain as a women. Sirius not being able to recognize that his best friend/brother was in love with Lily Evans? Bruh, please. The whole fucken school knew. Sirius doesn’t have tattoos and he’s pretty much asexual in canon from what we know. Not in your fics because he’s fanon and not canon.
I shouldn't even publish this ask, because people will laugh at your lack of reading comprehension, but you started it and I love talking Sirius so here's a breakdown of your seven deadly sins:
1. You completely failed to understand the assignment. Fanon doesn't mean "written by a fan". Fanon means a prevalent version of a character or event which is not supported by canon. Fanon Sirius is a very specific phenomenon, ranted about by @artemisia-black here and summarized by me here. You have failed to provide any examples from my writing that allude to such a portrayal of Sirius.
2. Instead, you complained about my portrayal of Sirius and called it fanon, providing (a pathetic excuse of) examples that aren't anywhere in the fanon version of Sirius and are in fact much closer to canon Sirius. You might have been trying to call my Sirius OOC, but you're probably like twelve and have yet to learn your fandom terminology.
3. "You portray Sirius as this stud muffin that everyone was tripping over" that's canon actually. JKR goes out of her way to tell us how handsome and attractive he was pre-Azkaban every time it comes up:
His face wasn't sunken and waxy, but handsome, full of laughter. (Prisoner of Azkaban)
Sirius was lounging in his chair at his ease, tilting it back on two legs. He was very good-looking, his dark hair fell into his eyes with a sort of casual elegance neither James's nor Harry's could ever have achieved, and a girl sitting behind him was eyeing him hopefully, though he didn't seem to have noticed. (Order of the Phoenix)
Sirius stared around at the students milling over the grass, looking rather haughty and bored, but very handsomely so. (Order of the Phoenix)
(I'll stop here because I don't have my books with me and digging up the quotes is proving difficult.)
4. "It's kinda vain as a women" Can You Even English, Bro. Are you saying that I describe Sirius as a person who is as vain as a woman? If so you're not only incorrect, but also sexist.
5. "Sirius not being able to recognize that his best friend/brother was in love with Lily Evans?"
We're talking about My Best Friend's Girl, right? Here's the quote you've been searching for:
Sirius had sometimes thought that James might fancy Lily. He had caught him staring at her, he had noticed something particular in his tone of voice when he spoke to her; and yet, every time he had asked him, James had vehemently denied it.
And because I can't shut up about this story, here's another quote from that same scene:
“D’you think she likes you?”
“We’ll find out.” He grabbed another handful of beans out of the packet in his backpack and stuffed them in his mouth, watching James intently. He had returned to his studying, but he looked vexed. “D’you think I shouldn’t?” he asked.
“Who am I to stop you?” James muttered, his eyes still on his book.
Sirius shrugged to himself. If James insisted on taking it all in stride, he wasn’t going to miss his chance with a beautiful girl on a hunch.
Sirius is not stupid. He knows James has a thing for Lily. But it's not his place or his responsibility to do anything about that for a James that won't so much as acknowledge it to his best friend. And he definitely doesn't think that, just because James likes Lily, Lily shouldn't go out with anyone. She's a free girl and she can like a boy if she wants to, including one whose best friend has a crush on her. Bad luck, Prongs.
(I could talk at length about everyone's behaviour in this fic but I'd rather do that in a separate post and not in one addressing a rude anon.)
6. "Sirius doesn't have tattoos" Still waiting for any quote from any of my stories where he has a tattoo.
7. "he's pretty much asexual in canon from what we know" lack of a sexual relationship ≠ asexual. Your interpretation is not the only valid one.
Final grade: L for LURK MOAR.
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Whispers of Seduction
*Authors note~ introducing Larissa Weems to Sinful souls. I wonder what kinks she’ll have ;) also can’t wait to get more into the storyline with the next few instalments smut coming soonnnnn*
Trigger warnings~ more harsh Leonora, shh jealousy is serious persistent Larissa club things overall teasing etc mentions of smut
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Nevermore continued to flourish and naturally the stress of having an Addams present ensured that the blonde shifter needed a break from being principal. Of course anything too close to the grounds of the school was off limits. As much as the woman deserves her own personal life, it seems most of the parents keep close watch on her time off grounds. Would that stop Larissa Weems from relaxing like she would in England? Absolutely not.
Attending Cambridge University taught Larissa many things, one being that despite her ability she too deserves pleasure. Naturally her dominance radiates in every aspect of her life, so that was how she found herself in a club one night, where the drinks were good and well, where she discovered who she is. In actual fact, Sinful souls looks similar to that club, luring her in with its tasteful, elegant style. The perfect location to unwind and be Larissa and not Principal Weems.
Settling into a booth in the back of the club her eyes instantly landed on you. You were manipulating your body up and down this pole with an unmatched elegance and skill. The six inch heels highlighting your gorgeous toned legs as your skimpy top caressed your beautiful pillowy balls of flesh as they spilled over the cups dark emerald cups. Your chosen song being buttons by the pussycat dolls adding to your addicting performance.
“Girl, I'm a freak, you shouldn't say those things” blared as you spam around the pole, practically seducing everyone watching with just one look with your beautiful irises. To say Larissa was drawn to you would’ve been an understatement. Promiscuous happened to be a regular song that clients asked for you to dance to, that’s why it’s okay fitting it’s the first song Larissa had the pleasure to watch. From there on she was hooked, ordering a tall glass of red as she settled In for the night, eagerly awaiting for Delicate Doll to return to the stage.
Larissa Weems is a stickler for routines which is her reason for returning to Sinful Souls every night after hours of Nevermore Academy, always managing to secure the same seat that provided her the best view of the stage. Of you. You’d had a particularly slow night the first time she tipped you, Slumber Party blaring through the speakers as your audience seemed to be predominantly sapphic allowing you to be a bit more flirtatious in your moves. And when her slender fingers reached up to tuck a twenty into your waist band her cheeks flushed red as you winked at her. You’d noticed her for the past few nights now, always there and always stunningly put together. Alluding dominance and elegance with every sip of the ruby wine.
From there Larissa would always secure private dances with you and only you, always tipping you well above the going rate and always complimenting you and trying to get to know you personally. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t cause your heart to flutter and your stomach to drop at her intense gaze and shy smile whenever she learnt something new about you. She made you feel like the only girl in the room, as if you weren’t a barely clad dancer in her lap, more like you were her lover.
Leonora prided herself on her awareness of the goings on in her club. Therefore, it should’ve been no surprise to you at all that she’d spotted the same blonde with you night after night. You also should have expected her to become colder, more harsh with your training and her comments on such things. See Leonora didn’t know why, but you affected her in this way, and Leonora wouldn’t stand for it. Every beautiful woman that worked their way into her sheets never seemed to compare to you. Often, she’d imagine you instead of them and on the odd occasion she was alone to satisfy her needs, it was your name on her lips, your eyes peering down at her blown pupils as she clenched around the fingers in her pulsing core.
If was you that the raven haired woman wanted on all fours pathetically begging her to make you cum, screaming for her as she tailed you into oblivion with her strap, her hands in your hair as she panted praises in your ear. You giving her the dances in the privacy of her room, for free. Yet, she also craved being the one you wake up next to, the one you smile up at, you being the one attends the club on her arm. Hers. And hers only. Not that pesky blonde woman you are constantly all over. No. You were her doll in her mind. Yet it seemed she now had some competition, and if there’s one thing she’s good at, it’s winning. Little did you know, you were the prize for both women. And little did they know you wanted them both in the most confusing yet beautiful ways.
#anon answered#v3nusxsky answers#fanfic#sinful souls series#v3nusxsky sinful souls#sinful souls#Leonora x Larissa x reader
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a hasty follow-up to my earlier post, where i questioned why sol had told fake-osha that he was ready to come clean to the jedi council about what happened on brendok, and yet switched off his comms and jumped into hyperspace to avoid the incoming jedi team. doesn’t seem like coming clean to me…
few key things here 1) sol made those remarks to somebody he believed to be osha, and now he knows it wasn’t her, his priority has switched to finding her, rather than post-mission exposition on coruscant. 2) we’ve already seen sol’s frustration at the jedi regrouping in meetings instead of pursuing an urgent ongoing situation. sol is likely avoiding asking for permission he knows he won’t receive, so he can find osha and qimir as soon as possible. the fact that he does this by avoiding the jedi altogether, inadvertently placing even MORE suspicion upon himself as a fallen jedi, is….. ouch………
so why restrain mae and monologue to her? i’ve seen posts arguing (very well) that his incoming explanation of brendok will be a self-centred emotional unloading, rather than anything useful for or considerate of mae. i totally agree there’s an element of that at play, but i think there’s something else going on as well, linked to sol’s mission for the rest of the show.
a couple lines stick out to me. “you and i have work to do” is, i think, a fairly obvious statement that mae will be roped into helping sol rescue osha. but the other is hiding in an earlier scene: “you found him”. as i explain in my other theorypost, i think this line is said after sol has realised mae is pretending to be osha. within a double meaning, it could allude to mae’s relationship with the master. she’s found qimir once — why can’t she do it again?
so yeah, i don’t think it’s super out there to say that sol is planning to recruit mae and use her to find qimir, and osha along with him. why the table restraining then? on a purely practical level, he’s keeping her cuffed until he feels in control of the situation and as though he can rely on her allyship. and getting to that allyship? sol’s going to try his damndest in this explanation monologue to convince her onside, and he doesn’t want her struggling or arguing until he’s said that full pitch.
i think all this really speaks to the level of desperation sol is experiencing. he’s just watched the other jedi he cares deeply for get massacred in front of him, and failed to save any of them. and it turns out the one person he thought he’d saved, osha, is still in danger, and that he’s failed his ex-padawan again. no wonder his responsibilities to the council fall by the wayside when sol, a person clearly motivated by love for those close to him, has one final chance to do right by ANYONE in this clusterfuck situation. sol also feels extremely out of control in this series of events, so is grasping for whatever control he can salvage — hence his desperation to do whatever it takes for his mae-saves-osha plan to work and his… questionable methods in accomplishing it.
the implications for sol giving into fear and a need for control like this are certainly juicy. dude is on the struggle bus lately, and this particular struggle bus has a few dark-side-themed stops. also, the irony of sol behaving like this indirectly digging his grave re: the council’s inclination to believe in his dark-sidedness…….. makes me want to lie in a ditch for a while. can’t wait for next week where my theories will probably be proven wrong and also i get to cry on the floor!!!!!!! i <3 the acolyte!!!!!!!
#the acolyte#the acolyte spoilers#the acolyte theories#sol patrol#master sol#sol the acolyte#top ten characters i am currently Normal about <3#midnight meta
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@nekasu liked for a thing:
Despite having known Neka for some time, his powers alluded her. During says time, Angel often found herself wondering if she herself possessed any additional abilities. The only one she knew for a fact would be her elongated lifespan and the boost her vision gave her. But other than that, she never sought out anyone to property help her find any talent she might have.
So one day, while Angel was brushing her tail, she waited for the right moment to ask.

“Neka… do you think I have any abilities outside my vision?”
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orphydice is devestating so here's an essay and also why you should vote for them in the @tragic-ships-tournament
"All I've ever known" is a song about the two love birds on their wedding night.
Eurydice was always alone, out in the cold by herself,. Surviving by herself, no commitment other than to her self. All she's ever known was the world outside, no warmth no compassion. The she found it, all of the stuff she had never experienced in Orpheus. Warmth, compassion, commitment, love, and a home. Eurydice had spent so much time alone, she didn't even know what being lonely was - until she met Orpheus. She had only known how to hold her own, her her self to keep herself warm. Now she holds Orpheus, and Orpheus' hold of her keeps her warm. Being in Orpheus' arms and sunlight makes her forget the trial of living for moments.
Orpheus had experienced the world in opposition to Eurydice, Orpheus knew more comfort than pain. Then he saw Eurydice alone, against the sky, against the world, and all he wanted to do was hold her tight.
"I knew you before we met, and I don't even know you yet. All I know's you're someone I have always known." Orpheus's declaration to Eurydice, they're both soulmates. Cosmic Lovers, as Anaïs Mitchell likes to call them. A relation to how often real life lovers feel as if they've known their love all their life - even though it's only been only a fraction of time. These lyrics are an allude to the fact that their story is a time loop. He feels as if he already knows Eurydice, because he does. He's known her, and he will know her. They're cursed to fall in love with each other for all of eternity. Forever cursed to be soulmates. To be two sides of the same coin, and then for that coin to be melted down. Perpetuity.
"I'm gonna hold you forever. The wind will never change on us. Long as we stay with each other." The vows that Orpheus says to Eurydice at the end of the song. Then they both vow, "Then it will always be like this".
This, as I am certain we are all aware, is true, for the time being. There's a storm coming on and sadly neither can escape it. Eurydice getting the forefront of it. She goes out searching for food while Orpheus works on his miracle song.
During these hunts, Eurydice ends up meeting Hades - the King of the Underworld who is looking for a canary. He sees Eurydice is weak and in suffering so he makes her an offer unbeatable; a warm place to lay, a transaction. In return for her. In return for Eurydice to work in his factory, in Hadestown. She'd never go hungry again, she'd never be tired. Hades let Eurydice rest on this offer, to which, she went back to Orpheus with intent to ask him. Orpheus was too busy working on his song to notice her calls. Orpheus believed he could change the world with his song, and he did, but before that he lost his world.
Upon the surface Eurydice only knew suffering and doubt, down below on the metal sheeves of Hadestown, she only knew suffering and doubt. It's written in the stars for her to never be at true peace, the only time during her time loop she knows peace, is in the arms of Orpheus.
Eurydice takes Hades' job offer, and thus signs her life away. Sleeping was better than being a wake in pain for her.
'Wait for me' is pinnacle, the heart. It's Orpheus plight and fight for Eurydice. He finds out she's dead, she's dead and he never got to say goodbye; because he wasn't listening. Orpheus was full of grief and mixed emotions. Mad at himself for not listening, mad at the world for causing this. Causing the death of Eurydice. Orpheus was so distraught at this loss, that he denied the fact that Eurydice was gone and he was determined to bring her back to him. He begged her to wait for him, promising that he'll get her back. If that isn't love ??? Orpheus trekked through the River Styx, made stones weep and part for him. His love for Eurydice inspired INNANIMATE objects into giving him a chance to battle fate and the stars. All for Eurydice.
'epic iii' tells the story of hades and persephone, and while this post is propaganda for orphydice, it's mandatory to talk about it. epic iii is Orpheus singing about how to opposite (Hades and Persephone) came to be, just like Eurydice and him, to Hades in a plea and act of begging to get Eurydice back. Orpheus' put himself in Hades' shoes in order to ask that Hades step into his and to see Orpheus' devotion for Eurydice. A lot of epic iii uses recycled lines from 'All I've ever known'.
"I know how it was because he was like me, a man in love with a woman", a line where Orpheus' identifies with Hades, in hopes of reaching him. It works.
Hades allows Orpheus and Eurydice to go. But on one condition, a test. In order for both of them to walk out of Hadestown alive, Orpheus must walk in front, and Eurydice in back. If Orpheus looked back to see if Eurydice truly was there, she'd go right back to Hadestown, and Orpheus would reach the surface without the one who travelled so far to bring back.
'Doubt comes in' is quite possible one of, if not the most important orphydice song after wait for me. It's the song where Orpheus truly starts to question everything, question the Gods, question fate, question himself, but most importantly question Eurydice. He's filled with doubt that Eurydice is really there. If she's truly following right behind him. Orpheus wonders if a cruel trick is being played on him via the Gods. Why would Eurydice follow him back, into the cold and dark again, when she could stay in the warmth of a factory. Eurydice calls out to him, but he doesn't hear; too wrapped up in his own thoughts, doubt and fear, again.
"And the darkest hour of the darkest nights, comes right before the spring" - lyrics Eurydice sings to Orpheus, reassurance that they'll leave the cave together, that they'll survive the darkness and walk into light together. Orpheus turns as she repeats this stanza. Orpheus realises she was right behind him all along. Eurydice smiles at him as she fades back into the electric city.
Orpheus walks the surface alone after, struck with grief. His second chance gone. Down below in Hadestown, they all raise cups for him.
bro like imagine being really cold then some oldie in silver invites you into his tavern for warmth and then you find the love of your life there and you guys really get a long and he's a poet who's working on a song which is like magic because flowers start blooming. and then you have to go out and look for food because otherwise you'll starve but it was fruitless in both ways because 1. no food achieved and 2. you fucking die because this silver fox offers you a job in the hottest new factory in town. and then you work there and then suddenly you love your poet shows up to take you home ?? then you not allowed but then poet boy's little ditty works and now you can go home but only if he walks in front of you and you can never look at each other because if you do you die again. then this boy looks whether by accident or not and you and now you're dead again. but boom it turns out you live in a time loop so your forever cursed to live this out, forever cursed to suffer and to love. insane like, imagine. tragic. devestating. calamitous.
Hadestown a story of grief, 'Wait for me' being denial, 'If it's true' being anger, 'Chant (reprise)' and 'epic iii' collectively being bargaining, 'doubt comes in' being depression and finally, 'road to hell (reprise) and 'We raise our cups' being acceptance.
anywayss here's link <3 vote for them please i will give free robux (i will not)
#call me alexander hamilton#anon you have no idea the power that ask did i am writing non stop (ha reference!)#chat does this make sense all letters and existence is merging into one i cant read shit i feel like it's all over#orpheus and eurydice#orpheus#eurydice#hadestown#hadestown the musical#hadestown musical#orphydice#hadestown broadway#hadestown west end#greek mythology#greek retelling#greek mythos#greek myths#theatre#theater#musical theatre#broadway#theater kid#musical theater
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