#she said to her it’s just like a bunch of theater kids fucking around doing improv. which yeah that’s actually literally what it is
transdavyjones · 2 years
I showed my friend a few episodes of the monkees (it was their idea ok they saw me drawing gwen and were like we’re watching this right now) and like. Oh my god it is literally one of the most awkward interests to share with someone who doesn’t know what to expect from it
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icarusredwings · 9 days
Finding home Au things that are canon (because I said so, and it's MY au so I can do whatever I want. Send me headcanons, and I'll approve them)
Gambit just got back from the void so he's just now meeting everyone. He looks a little different from how they remember since their gambit really was never a full team mate and rather then just some guy that helped Logan a couple of times. This being said hes meeting Rouge as a 35 year old linguistics teacher for a bunch of brats, flirting with her in the halls, trying to impress her all the time, etc. He wanted to have a cool class like how to use a Bo staff or tutor energy weilding kids but instead got stuck with sex ed. Because of this, he now makes a ton of jokes to Rouge about it (she's across the hall) but actually is really excited to start his cooking elective class this coming fall when he's considered a real team member.
Ororos heals click in the hall like they did when you were a kid and you could tell the principal is coming. She's almost always with a tea or a coffee, walkie talkie and keys jingling. She's very sweet but kids shit their pants if sent to Mrs. Munroes office, meanwhile Mr. Summers office is a nothing, just a lecture and a slap on the wrist. Aint no one actually scared of lasik because they know thw worst theyll get is community work for a couple of weeks but they ligit cry the second theyre sent to munroe's (especially if they know theyre guilty of a big prank or something)
The school gives out free hygiene products and depending on what you need you can special request it.
If students get too angry they are sent to Piotr's art room for art therapy. He surprisingly is very artistic and chill.
Forges shop class is working on a car with no weight limit and that can handle their heavy hitters (Colossus and Wolverine) both in the same car (most bust) as well as a car made from plastic recycling. They're working on it. Its only blown up once!!
Gambit makes breakfast for the staff and some students of they beg enough. He keeps bringing Rouge the first cup of coffee from the pot and has made her pancakes shaped like hearts multiple times. Watching her stab them and smother them make him... giggle helplessly.
Gambit🤝Watching their love intrests viscously stab and rip apart their meals with a boner wishing it was them🤝Wade
He's very respectful towards her, though and sometimes is a bit (COUGH a lot COUGH) of a kiss ass.
Hank's students have blown up the lab at least 4 times by now. One of those times was Wades fault for touching stuff he wasn't supposed to.
Kurt is very glad that Wade has taken over his Duel weaponry/swordsman class, so now he has time to start working out a pitch for a world's religion class+ sunday school. He still runs a fencing club, though.
Peter (quicksilver) has tried so many different positions, including music teacher of all different instruments. Now he just kinda lounges around in the game room and speed cleans the mansion after each day in like 2 minutes flat. Imagine being paid a full salary just for 2 minutes of work? And you get to live somewhere for free and play games all day? Fuck yeah.
Positions I've been thinking about:
Beast (Dr. Henry "Hank" McCoy) is the Vice-Principal, so he does orientation. He has multiple science classes, including biophysics, and has electives in philosophy and poetry.
Colossus (Piotr Rasputin) is an art teacher and handles art therapy
Gambit (Remy LeBeau) runs a sex-ed class and is hoping to soon get approved to run a cooking class next semester.
Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) has a fencing elective as well as a religion class, sunday school, and sometimes helps Morph with drama/theater. (Ex duel weaponry instructor)
Rogue (Anna Marie) is a Linguistics teacher who drabbles in social science. “Diction and Linguistics, with Professor Rogue” She can teach just about any language, but russian/german/ french/ spanish and Japanese are her main ones. She's who you go to if you dont understand English and need help. Almost all foreign students have her.
Cyclops (Scott Summers) is the headmaster. He has classes in Geometry, has an elective for leadership and communications (PFFT) as well as being the schools mobility/disability specialist. He, of course, specializes more with children who have trouble with their eyesight.
Storm (Ororo Munroe) is the Headmistress. She has an Environmental Science and Political Science class as well as a multi cultural elective.
Shadowcat (Katherine "Kitty" Pryde) has a comp-sci class and runs an ethics class.
“Ethics 101: Forgetting Everything You Ever Learned From Emma Frost, with Professor Pryde.”
Wolverine (Logan Howlett) is a(n occasional hand to hand combat/ martial arts) PE instructor. (Ex History teacher)
Jubilee is the schools event organizer, event coordinator, event manager, and more broadly, event professional, the ‘hip’ school counselor. "Activities Director & Counselor"
Morph is the director of drama acting and disguises (duh)
Laura is a graduating student In training under the Wolverine (Gabby is a student and is too young to be an understudy)
Yukio graduating student In training Under Storm or Rouge (I can't decide)
Negasonic teenage warhead (Ellie) graduating student In training under Jean Grey.
Mr. Wade Wilson (Deadpool) Is in training under Colossus. Duel weaponry/ swordsman tactics class instructor (plus whatever Logan's doing, he's very nosey and WILL cause issues if bored)
Jean Grey is an english teacher, has a class on psychology, and drabbles in physics.
Ice man (Bobby) is the school financal advisor/accountant and runs a business elective class.
Forge is a Shop teacher.
Quicksilver (Peter maximoff) Janitor, housekeeping, music teacher, replaced original Logan as PE teacher for a while, target practice, teaches fast kids how to avoid running into walls, always in the game room, stock/ errand boy, gets bored super quickly, sports instructor, Read almost all the books in the library, likes swimming, mainly just lays around waiting for something fun to do, his father causes trouble sometimes which he thinks is entertaining but also hella embaressing.
I'm unfortunately left without a history teacher, so shoot me any ideas :)
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cryptidghostgirl · 2 years
Omg <3
Well I’d be obsessed with a fluffy Tyler x reader fic where they both are in jericho’s theater, and they both get the lead roles in a romance play. Through a bunch of rehearsals and stuff they eventually catch feelings 🥰 the play can be whatever you want btw, just preferably a show with a cute romance lol <3
I love this prompt. We're doing and musical of Anastasia.
Once Upon a December (soft!Tyler x Reader)
Pairing: Tyler Galpin x Reader
Warnings: high school au. everybody is in school together. dont worry about it.
Word Count: 1794
Status: Unedited
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Tyler hadn't wanted to audition but, part of the punishment for his acting out meant that he had to start participating in extra curriculars and being an extra in some musical didn't seem so bad. Everything was going to plan, he had auditioned, sang the little song, massively fucked up the dance on purpose, and then, somehow, everything had gone to shit and he had gotten the male lead: Dimitri. Tyler had no idea how it'd happened but now here he was, at the first reading.
The school wasn't a very big one so even if you weren't friends with someone, you still knew who they were. For example, Tyler had never said a word to the girl but when she entered the room and sat in the seat next to him which bore the name tag 'Anastasia' during the first read through of the script, he still knew her name was Y/n L/n.
Tyler had always viewed Y/n as someone a lot more on the reserved side. She was a music kid, always hanging around with the other tortured teenage artists like Xavier Thorpe and Wednesday Addams. However, after only a few rehearsals, Tyler had begun to think that she was perfectly cast.
Anastasia as a character was headstrong, a little snotty, rude at times, and above all a know it all. So was Y/n. She always had to be right, correcting him when he forgot his blocking, whispering notes to him, even going so far as to grab his script right out of his hands and write things in it, muttering about how irritating he was all the while.
Tyler couldn't help but notice that he was the only one she acted this way towards. Sure, he was new to the mostly rotating group of theater kids the school was home to but he couldn't help himself wishing he was welcome to sit with Xavier, Bianca, and Y/n when they were given breaks or that he could even ask Y/n to go over lines with him.
The first time he'd performed his character Dimitri's solo song My Petersburg for the rest of the cast, he could feel her eyes drilling into him. Y/n, the perfectionist, even got yelled at when they were learning their duet In a Crowd of Thousands for not being able to get into character.
"You're supposed to be in love!" the music director had said, frustration evident in his every word, "act like it!"
After their first full run through of the whole show without scripts, the cast had held a party. It had been a Friday so of course there was loud music and too many drinks and even some drugs. Tyler was surprised he'd been invited at all, even more surprised still when Bianca who played the Countess Lily, dragged him off the front porch of whoever's house they were at and forced him to join a circle for truth or dare.
Everyone was drunk, doing stupid things and making too much noise. Ajax who was apparently part of the stage crew, was forced to drink a whole bottle of ketchup. Devina, the Dowager Empress, revealed she had a crush on one of the schools many football players. Xavier had to streak across the backyard. When Tyler got picked, he chose truth and had to admit why he even auditioned in the first place.
Now that it was his turn to ask questions, he turned his hazy gaze directly on Y/n who sat across from him, cheeks flushed and a mostly empty bottle in her hand.
"Y/n." he began, "Truth or dare?"
She turned away from Xavier who she'd been speaking to and looked lazily across at him.
"Truth." she stated after a moment, crossing her arms on the table and leaning forward, "ask me anything Galpin."
"Why do you hate me?" the words had slipped from his mouth before he could stop them.
Y/n looked incredibly taken aback and stayed silent for a moment before hiding her face in her arms.
"it's embarrassing!" she whined and Xavier patted her back as the rest of the cast and crew cheered her on.
"You gotta answer." Bianca laughed, elbowing Y/n who sat back up.
Her cheeks were somehow even redder then they had been before as she made eye contact with Tyler once more.
"I..." she looked away, "The truth is, I didn't audition for Anastasia. I wanted to play Dimitri. I auditioned for him and I didn’t get him but somehow you, who had never been in a single show before and were apparently being forced to be here, you who were trying to sabotage yourself and get ensemble, you Tyler got him. And I got Anastasia. I mean, I’m grateful, I love her character and I grew up watching the movie so it’s definitely cool to get to play her but….”
“why did you want to play Dimitri so badly?” Tyler asked and Y/n looked up at him.
“I answered your truth already Galpin.” she teased, her whole demeanor flipping in a matter of seconds, “my turn now.”
After that night, the pair seemed to have a little more space for one another. There were some kinder words shared and when they had to learn to do their kiss scenes, something the director had saved until the end, they even found a way to laugh about it.
Tyler thought they were just becoming friends at least, until they were all fitted for costumes.
Xavier and he were running lines while Y/n, Bianca, and Devina we’re getting fitted when they heard a shriek.
“do you think everything is okay?” asked Tyler, turning towards the direction the noise had come from.
“It’s just Y/n.” Xavier responded with a chuckle, “She loves getting costumes.”
There was the sound of rushed footsteps and fabric and suddenly, Y/n burst out from backstage. She was wearing a dress of sorts but Tyler couldn’t quite see it due to the way she was holding it up to run.
“guys!!” she squealed before dropping the skirt and spinning, “look what costuming did for me!! it’s an exact replica of her gold dress from the movie!! I don’t know how they swung this but like,, ahhh!! it’s so amazing!!”
It was then that Tyler realized he has never seen Y/n outside of her baggy jeans and tee shirts. He had never been to a show she was in, never seen her in a dress or something tight fitting before, never seen her so happy.
Xavier wolf whistled and Y/n laughed, walking over to them.
“you look great.” Tyler said and he meant it.
He’d never noticed how pretty she was before but here, eyes shining as she fawned over and explained all the detail in her dress, she was gorgeous.
At last it was their opening night. Tyler saw Y/n mouthing the lyrics to My Petersburg from off stage as he sang it. People applauded at the end of every scene. Before he even knew it, they were at their duet.
“I didn’t tell you that.” Tyler said as Dimitri and when Y/n turned to him to say her line:
“You didn’t have to, I remember!”
Tyler saw genuine joy behind her eyes. This was what she loved and having such a passion for something, Tyler realized, was an amazing thing, wasn’t it.
Everyone’s favorite scene and song had been quartet at the ballet.
Tyler had never really thought about the lyrics to that song before but as he sang them that night, something in them resonated with him.
someone holds her safe and warm
someone rescues her from the storm
simple things but ones things clear
it’s fate that brought us here
He and Xavier sang together and Tyler was glad for the stage directions saying he should be looking at Anastasia because he couldn’t take his eyes off Y/n.
They broke off into the four way harmony at the end and he could feel the power radiating off of Y/n as they all came together at the end for the songs final
find a way Anastasia
Tyler couldn’t seem to help it. As the play continued on, he couldn’t help but wish all of it was real. Y/n and he had become friends but that was only friends. Tyler was beginning to realize that maybe he wanted to be more than that.
i didn’t know she matter to me but now i can see she does
conman and princess get their wish and fairytale comes true
He sang, wishing the show to never end because somewhere in his head he knew the truth of it. Tyler knew the way she blushed on stage was just an act, the way she held him, the nervous glances. The kisses even, it was all an act and he knew that.
Three nights later and their final show was almost over. For a high school production of a broadway musical, they had done incredibly.
amazing set, wonderful costuming, stellar performances.
Y/n stood on stage, singing the shows third to final song with a passion Tyler had never heard from her before. It was amazing how much voice she could fit inside her body.
I should be glad I’m where I should be
but nothing is what it was
I didn’t know he mattered to me
but now I can see he does
As she sang, she made eye contact with Tyler from off stage. He thought he was imagining it but, maybe, just maybe, a little part of his brain though, maybe she was feeling the same things he was.
before he knew it Xavier was on stage and Y/n tore her gaze away from Tyler, fear taking over her frame and reminding Tyler once more that it was nothing but a show. He had to admit, she was an incredible actor.
After their final bows and the curtains fall, Tyler was surprised to find Y/n waiting for him backstage.
“hi.” she said nervously.
“hey, you did really well tonight.” Tyler responded.
“I was just wondering…” Y/n seemed so nervous.
Tyler had never seen her nervous before.
“Do you wanna go to the after party. With me I mean?” Tyler asked suddenly and Y/n looked up annoyed.
“Thats what I was gonna ask!” she whined, crossing her arms and looking away.
Tyler smiled.
“why don’t we get changed and head over then.” He said lightly.
“Fine,” Y/n groaned, “just one thing first.”
And she kissed him. It wasn’t for the audience, for rehearsal, for anything except herself and in that moment, Tyler knew: he was in big trouble.
A/N ngl I was really drunk when I wrote this, I am sorry. I will go back in and edit.
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rachel-of-autumnbow · 10 months
Day 10 of @fanovember: Online Dating
Vax is surprising his online girlfriend by watching her performance (and her) for the first time irl.
Vaxleth. Fucking cute i almost died writing this shit. Soft Vax. Feat Korring being the best dad. Probably grammar mistakes. Enjoy.
10. Online Dating
Vax put his phone back in his inside pocket and straightened the jacket lapels for the millionth time. He hated formal robes in general, but suits were a special kind of hatred for him. He had a comfortable set of clothes back in the motorbike chest. “Only a couple of hours,” he thought. “Then back to moving freely.” He waited until the theater doors opened and tried to sneak inside. It would have been easy, if it wasn’t for the flowers he was holding.
Kiki: im so nervous i think im gonna puke 🤮
Vax: itll be fine, its not the first time you do this
Kiki: it’s not the same today, my dad came
Vax: im sure he’ll be very proud of you
Kiki: i hope i don’t mess this up
Vax: you wont you’re a great actress
Kiki: you never saw me on stage
Kiki: or ever
Vax: yet
Kiki: anyway, i should get ready
Vax: go break a leg
Kiki: thanks babe 💚
“Hey, you, I will need your ticket, please.”
“Oh, sorry.” Vax pretended to look for his entrance ticket he didn’t have in his pockets. “I must have left it at home.”
“Sorry, sir, no entrance, no show.”
Vax nodded. “Alright, at least could you make sure to give this to Keyleth by the end of the play? Please.”
The doorman sighed. “Fine, but get out.” Vax turned around and pouted as he examined the hall for a different way to get in.
“Excuse me, young man.”
Vax looked at the man behind him, “yes, sir, I was about to leave…”
“Oh, no, it’s not that. I couldn’t help but hear you’re an admirer of my daughter?”
Vax blinked. His mind quickly showed him the pictures he had seen him in. Pictures that Keyleth had sent him or posted. “Yes, that can be said.” The man smiled in the same way Keyleth did in their facetimes. ‘I can’t believe I’ve met my girlfriend’s father in real life before even seeing her’.
“May I know your name?”
“Vax’ildan, sir.” The man stared at him for a second as they shook hands and he ended up laughing.
“Oh, so you’re that Vax! It’s a pleasure to meet you. Keyleth talks a lot about you, and now I can see why.” Vax cleared his throat and felt a hand on his shoulder. “Does she know you’re here?”
“No, sir. I had a surprise planned.”
“And you left your ticket at home.”
“Actually… The gas and the flowers took all my savings. I was going to, well…”
“Sneak in?” Vax sighed and nodded. He never felt sorry or ashamed of the things he had to do due to his lack of money, but at that moment, he would rather Kiki’s dad not know any of it. “Then consider this your lucky day, come with me.”
“Sir?” The man didn’t say anything, just went to the doorman and gave him a ticket, pointing at Vax. The guy nodded and let them both in with a gesture. Vax followed Keyleth’s father through a corridor, then up a bunch of stairs and a door that led to a box, right in front of the stage. Probably the best seats in the theater.
The man invited him to sit in one of the front seats. “I always get two tickets for Keyleth’s performances, just in case me and my wife happen to be in town to come. I could make it this time, but she didn’t.”
“Thank you, sir.” Vax sat by his side. He had never been in a box before. He could see people under him moving like a sea of heads, slowly finding their place.
Keyleth’s father, Korrin, as it happened to be his name, talked to him while they waited for the play to start. They talked about their families, friends, and how he had met Keyleth. His pocket buzzed.
Kiki: i thought they were kidding about the sold out but they werent!
“Is that her?” Korrin asked.
Vax nodded. “Yes, she’s quite anxious about today.” He was tempted to say something like ‘yeah, i can see that’, but  he didn’t want to spoil the surprise.
In that moment, the lights faded as the off voice started saying the welcoming. The play was fun, all of the actors were indeed amazing. Vax knew some of them, he had made friends with Keyleth’s circle during their relationship. He was aware, although he didn’t really care, of how dumb faced he looked when Keyleth made her first appearance.
Vax: that means there are so many people that want to see your brilliance.
Kiki: most of these are Scanlan admirers.
Vax: i refuse to believe none of them came for you
Vax: its mathematically impossible
Kiki: i thought you hated math
Vax: thats not the point
Kiki: i know 😁
Kiki: i wish you were here 😞
Vax: be careful what you wish for, it could come true
He had seen her in pictures, he had heard her in voice notes and calls, but none of that did justice to her. He imagined himself jumping out that box, running to the stage and kissing her right that moment, but he didn’t want to mess the show. He stood there, mouth half open and heart pining and longing.
Vax didn’t part eyes from the stage until the end, when the doorman entered the scene during the final bows with his bouquet. He handed it to Keyleth, who read the note and started scanning the crowd. Vax stood up and thanked Korrin for everything before heading out.
He waited in the hall for quite some time, he saw everyone go out and half an hour later, even Korrin waved at him when he was heading out. “I didn’t tell her a word. She’ll be out soon.”
Vax smiled, although he has a bundle of nerves. “Thanks.”
Ten more minutes passed and he heard steps in the hall. "Vax?" He turned around and he felt his heart splutter.
"Hey, Kiki." He could only catch her and spin around in a hug. Her hair smelled like freshly cut grass and her laughter was probably the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard.
"I can't believe you're here." Keyleth pulled away to look at him.
Vax put a lock of her hair behind her ear. "I told you to be careful what you wish for."
Keyleth's smile became even brighter. "Did you watch the show too?"
Vax stroked her face, unable to believe he was actually doing what he had been dreaming of for so long. "Yeah, you're amazing, you know?"
"I-I mean… you came all the way to see me."
"Yeah… I also came to do something else."
"Really? Wha—"
Vax didn't hold the kiss anymore.
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charmixpower · 1 year
You said you were happy to give more ,so I'm back for the sweet sweet child Valtor HC's (any plans for writing a fanfic? ). You've opened pandoras box and you can't close it now.
Muah! I'm so glad you're enjoying this little crack au that I got WAYYY to attached too and am now taking seriously XD
I could do like a one shot fic or something but my main concern rn is surviving s6-8 and wow
Anyways here's some SWEET headcanons
Not all of them are nice bc I cannot be dragged away from the angst but most of them are!!
Valtor is legally a ward of Light Rock and will be until he turns 18 and competes in his rehabilitation. I imagine that Light Rock is actually a nice place, the Trix just did not jive with it or the concept of becoming better people. He does therapy at the compound, and his favorite type is art therapy. Valtor really likes it there with his 76 well trained older brothers who are also technically guards
He picks up a bunch of different hobbies at Light Rock. He loves all the activities. They introduce him to theater and it goes exactly like you expect. He LOVES it, and invites the winx et al to all of his shows. He loves the costumes and dramatics about it, and eventually he's listening to Stella talk about types of stitches so he can make his own clothes too
You know those magic limiters the Trix wore on their foreheads at Light Rock? Valtor wears one but he can break it and take it off whenever they want. They're still trying to find a way to actually limit his magic, at some point Valtor got involved in the process
People were first really worried that Valtor could take off the magic limiter whenever he wanted but it slowly became clear that he's perfectly content to stay put so eventually no one cares. The Light Council even gives permission for Valtor to use his magic eventually, despite the fact he's supposed to be limited
Valtor was the one who told Bloom how to get to Obsidian. Like he was there when that happened and he spent all his time after the Ancestrals got trapped trying to get them out so he can just tell the Winx
He obviously doesn't go with them, just because he has the ability to use free will and the obedience built into his essence is now gone doesn't make him immune to mind control spells and he'd rather not. He also REALLY never wants to be face to face with Belladonna ever again, Icy was bad enough tbh
When Bloom puts her hacks powers back where they belong (in Domino) and becomes a normal ass (still stupid powerful, shes related to Daphne AND part of fire mixed with her magic at this point) fairy, she has to learn how to fight like a normal person instead of abusing the fact she doesn't get magic exhaustion. She spars with/around Valtor, primarily because as the Wizard of Magic he can tell her when she's getting exhausted bc she doesn't notice
When the Winx practice group combat they usually spar with Valtor too, who is ecstatic to spend time with the Winx AND use his magic, and they're all there like "if you didn't pull your punches for most the year and have an obvious exploit in your design (aka if you were a nomral born person) we would of never won."
Valtor is technically transformed 24/7 and can straight up die from magical exhaustion. Unlike other magic users who would just detransform, collapse, and pass out, he's far too sustained by his magic to survive without it. This is one of the said design flaws that could be used to defeat him, please note how both this and ripping his elemental components apart would both kill him
He's a kid but he's the WIZARD OF MAGIC, literally anything that's magic is under his domain and he absolutely treated their fights as games bc he COULD curve stomp anything. Belladonna wasn't fucking around when she created him
He still considers Bloom his sister after she gives up her HAXXS that makes her magic feel like his. Bloom thinks this is adorable and takes him out for family time. Valtor looks forward to whenever anyone comes to visit him, especially when he gets to leave the compound (it's nice there but he's used to having access to a lot more space) but especially when Bloom does it
Magic attaches to symbols easily, and Valtor made his mark to make really complicated magic (like Witch magic mind control and Fairy magic power boosting) easier on himself. He made the symbol at like 4ish and has been using it since. Sometimes he makes the symbol from his hands when he just shoots magic at the problem bc he thinks it looks cool
Eventually Helia takes over administration over RF from Saladin Valtor likes to hang around the place and he gets to help out with combatting magic lessons! Exciting for Valtor, terrifying for literally all the students. Riven and Diaspro tend to be around™ bc Helia harasses them into being around and they do not help the situation. The staff at RF uses Valtor to haze the freshmen. Valtor eventually notices this and is stuck between intentionally freaking them out and not wanting people to be afraid of him
Bby Valtor is Belladonna's biological son, no father. He's made from a combination of all the elements instead of just fire and his true form is more uncanny and otherworldly instead of chthonic looking. A very strong "I shouldn't be looking at this" energy, his appearance sets off the flight or fight response but it's not incomprehensible or anything. He's still humanoid it's just when you're a creature closest in make-up as all 5 of the gods of your world you end up looking weird. Still dragon looking tho
Nabu comes around often to just chat with Valtor about his magic. As a scholar Nabu is thriving asking questions about Valtor and Valtor loves the attention, everyone else is a little concerned if Nabu should be getting child that nearly took over the dimension thinking about how to use his magic more efficiently but it's fine. Valtor is a good kid now
Btw if the planet of Espero (where dimension wide government buildings are hosted, including Light Rock) was ever attacked....no it wouldn't be <3 Valtor would put an end to that shit so quickly it wouldn't even be a fight
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booktomoviebrawl · 11 months
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We are not judging how bad the movie is, we are judging which adapted the book the worst. There are good movies that are bad adaptions.
Propaganda below the cut (spoilers may apply)
The Seeker: The Dark is Rising:
Painfully generic-dumbed-down-fantasy-action trying to channel better film franchises instead of the atmospheric, mythopoetic and lyrical children’s book it is technically based on. Bonus points for the open contempt people involved had for the source material, both in how they treated it and what they said about it.
BAD. Bad bad bad!! They completely changed Will's character. In the books he does get frustrated sometimes, but is mostly kind and patient and really makes you believe that he is both an ancient being and an 11 year old boy and in the movie they changed it so he's like really mad and angsty and just the total opposite of his actual character!! Absolute butchery. And they cut the Wild Hunt! And changed a bunch of other plot stuff and it overall just sucked.
where do I even begin. they made the main character American for no reason (this is perhaps the most egregious change), aged him up to 14, and added a straight romance subplot. they were so indecisive during production that they CUT AN ENTIRE MAIN CHARACTER in the time between the trailer and the actual film release. they completely fucked up all of Will’s family stuff. in pursuit of “relatability” they got rid of everything that makes the book good and put in THE most generic, poorly written, poorly acted (except Christopher Eccleston, who did okay), and poorly produced garbage. it was in theaters for like…less than a week; we were supposed to see it for my birthday but it was already gone. it doesn’t even have, like, half-decent special effects. it is an insult.
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children:
While Miss Peregrine was one of my favorite books as a kid and incredibly unique in the way the story is written (The author basically took a box of weird antique photographs and created an underlying story behind a handful of them) the movie is incredibly boring. Like seriously I can't remember a single goddamn thing about the movie besides my extreme disappointment with it after leaving the theatres. It's probably because the original is a trilogy but they didn't want to make it a trilogy for the movie so they just scrapped the ending of the first book and rewrote a shitty climax where they threw snowballs at the nightmare child eating creatures or something. I remember THAT scene perfectly because it was so, so dumb. It was so stupid oh my God- ALSO, thank God I have a copy of the book from before the film came out because new copies don't have one of the photographs that the actual book uses as a base anymore and instead have the shitty movie poster! We truly do live in a society.
Changed way too much so it doesn't feel like the same thing. The main characters are these kids with different abilities (called peculiarities) and the movie switches around their powers and changes almost everyone's age. Emma and Olive switch powers so that Emma now floats (they also added that she can kind of control air to some extent) when she's supposed to have fire powers to match her fiery personality. Olive can make fire now and she's also aged up from an eight year old to a teenager and put her in this weird romance with Enoch. Enoch is also aged up from a grumpy thirteen year old to around the same age as Olive. Bronwyn, one of the older kids in the book and sort of a motherly figure to the younger kids, is now one of the youngest kids. Hugh and Fiona are aged down and basically have no interaction at all in the movie, even when their book counterparts had such a good relationship. The only one they didn't really change was Horace and Jacob. They also added these gorgon twins that do like two things. The antagonist in the movie is Mr. Barron who honestly isn't super memorable and isn't in the books whatsoever. The ending of the movie is weird too because they manage to turn back time somehow so Jacob's grandfather isn't dead and then he hops through loops so he can be with Emma and the other peculiars. I guess the problem of wights and hollowgasts is magically eliminated and we do not have to deal with the consequences. It took six books to fix everything. I appreciate that the movie engaged me enough to read the series but once I did, I could not believe they did my kids that dirty.
Yikes where to start. The 3 girl characters are all mixed up. There are 2 teens, one who's super strong and has a brother (I'll get back to him) and one who controls fire and is the love interest named Emma. The third girl is a child called Olive who floats. She's lighter than air.
In the movie, strong girl is the child, olive is now the fire girl and is for some reason super introverted, and Emma the love interest floats and gets given a super breath??? Power?? Like she rises a sunken ship by blowing in and keeps a man blown against a wall by blowing air at him. He makes a remark that she'll run out of breath eventually, which happens here because plot convenience, but not when she's blowing in the sunken ship.
The enemies in the book are terrifying Hollows. Creatures who have lost themselves and devour souls of those with powers... The movie decides they eat eyes now. And turn human again. And get busted up in a fair for the final act of the movie. Ugh.
The movie also decides randomly that time travelling through the loops is a thing; a loop being a pocket of time that replays the same day over and over. But apparently this means Main Character can travel back in time and stop his grandfather dying??? What?? His grandfathers death is the whole start of the movie and motivation for the character.
The movie undermines many of things that made the book amazing and even decides it's not a trilogy anymore!! Fuck the other 2 books, right?!
Tldr; it is terribly hollywood-ised and t tim Burton ruined a franchise by trying too hard to make it quirky and fun when the books already had a brilliant sombre and interesting tone to them.
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whatyourusherthinks · 6 months
Imaginary Review
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I'm starting to get suspicious of movies we don't get any marketing for. Imaginary, say it with me now, got absolutely no trailers or posters before it came to theaters. When I saw it on the coming soon whiteboard at work I thought someone had misremembered the title of IF, the John Krasinski movie that is also about imaginary friends, but nope. This is a horror movie from Blumhouse. (IF comes out in May.) All I knew going in is that it has been getting trashed by reviews. But the premise seems interesting, maybe I'll like it despite what other say?
What's The Movie About?
Jessica is a children's book author who moves her new family into her childhood home. When her stepdaughter makes an imaginary friend, the family deals with some spooky shenanigans while trying to navigate past trauma and moving forward together.
What I Like.
I really like Jessica and the little girl Alice. I think making the main character of a movie about imaginary friends a children's book author is genius. And Alice is very cute and never got cloying. He's not in it much, but the dad in the movie was also pretty nice and sensible, which was a good change of pace. When eventually we get to see some creature designs, I thought they looked pretty freaky and the effects were good. There's a land of imagination that I also liked the look of. The monster also had a power where it could project the collective imaginations of all children through its eyes, and adult brains can't handle the strain of looking into them. That's really fucking cool idea. It's like unrestrained children's imagination is a Lovecraftian entity. The plot as a whole I rather enjoyed. There is themes of parenthood and protecting the innocent even if that means sacrificing yourself, and the moments when they touch on darker topics like self-mutilation are pretty unsettling. I also really like that Jess is the kids' stepmother and she actually loves them and is willing to put her life on the line for them, even though they don't always appreciate her efforts. I've heard this movie described as cliched, and while that is true, I also feel like they do some interesting twists on those cliches and I enjoyed it. There also quite a few plot twists that did take me a minute to fully appreciate, but I came around on them. The few moments of humor I thought were pretty good too. I liked the worldbuilding and how the imaginary friend operates, but admittedly that may be because it reminded me of two TTRPGs I think are cool. (Monsters and Other Childish Things and Little Fears, if you are interested in checking them out.)
What I Didn't Like.
I only have two substantive issues with the movie. One, while I liked the designs of the monster and the imaginary world, it felt constrained. Like if I told you a form the monster takes is of a spider-humanoid, the first thing you think of is probably exactly what it looks like. There's nothing too crazy in terms of the supernatural aspect of the movie, brain-melting imagination projection aside. (And that being said they don't really show any of the brain-melting stuff. It's just the monster projecting swirly lights from its eyes.) Two, I really fucking hate Taylor. She is the elder step-daughter and basically the secondary main character, but she a rude bitch to Jess the entire movie, causes a bunch of problems, and even when eventually getting on the same page as everyone else she's still sarcastic and barely helpful. At least the douchebag boy next door she flirts with ended up being so pathetic it was funny.
Final Summation.
I did like Imaginary despite the poor reviews! Maybe it's just something that appeals to me personally (I like kids and monsters together for some reason), but I was ruminating on why I liked it when no one else seemed to. I have two theories.
One, while I think Imaginary is a good movie, I don't think it's a good horror movie. It's not that scary. Shocking, I know, the movie with a stuffed teddy bear as the main antagonist is not the horror masterpiece we were all expecting. It wasn't as scare-less as Night Swim, but it's definitely not gonna be keeping me up at night. I can totally understand why someone walking into a Blumhouse would be annoyed that they aren't getting nightmares from it.
Two, I think maybe people misinterpreted what the movie was trying to be. Imaginary is not a serious movie. It does touch on some darker subject matter, but it still airs a bit on the fairytale storytelling method. The main villain, besides angry imaginary friends, is not trusting the adult. It isn't the most complex moral situation in the world but I don't think it was trying to be. I also think some of the goofier parts were intentional. The only death in the movie made me laugh, but it could have used one more comedy beat to make it completely clear I was supposed to be laughing. Honestly, maybe that's the best direction for a PG-13 horror movie to go. If you're already limiting how dark you can be by not allowing certain imagery, it might be best to just shoot for a lighter tone all together. I didn't watch it, but that what it seems like the Five Nights At Freddy's movie did. (Interestingly, the other movie title dropped on the poster is M3GAN, and the only thing I know about that movie is that the robot danced in a silly way. Maybe the filmmakers were trying tell everyone what kind of movie they were making and no one paid attention.)
In conclusion, give Imaginary a chance. Maybe you won't set your world on fire, but I had a good time.
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itsdappleagain · 2 years
Hi, if you're still doing the CS character ask game, Dr. Bellum, Maelstrom or Roundabout? (I really like the Vile faculty haha, sorry if this random)
Hello new mutual!! Nice to meet ya! I sure am thank you for the ask :O Dr. Bellum
How I feel about this character: SHE'S SO....,,,,she has nuclear launch code and missile information pulled up at the same time a cat videos and pie and she' so silly and she'd orchestrated some of the most deadly capers in the series and she's married to a woman All the people I ship romantically with this character: cleo <333 My non-romantic OTP for this character: sorry her and maelstrom is so funny he's just like doctor fucking bellum please vote on shit im going to fucking kill you My unpopular opinion about this character: ahhh i don't know if i have any unpopular ones i like her sm she's so silly. like she's literally got carmen strapped onto a table gagged and struggling and she's just like "dw this wont hurt :)))))))))))))))) btw we aren't changing u back to ur deadname ok?" One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: she kind of got her out-and-about caper in the himalayas but i think it would have been fun to see her out and about MORE. she could do such THINGS unsupervised.......
How I feel about this character: so unnecessary i love him. he's like if a theater kid watched silence of the lambs too much All the people I ship romantically with this character: mmmm no one really actively. i wont turn down a good interfaculty ship with him or whatever if it pops up but ehhh My non-romantic OTP for this character: him with any of the faculty is SOO FUNNY he's just constantly like ohhh my fucking god im goig fjbf to fucking kill these people dr bellum please vote coach brunt its literally our vile logo its not a lion cub licking its balls coach brunt im going to leave you to drown coach brunt My unpopular opinion about this character: idk if this is unpopular but maybe just little known. duane said he wanted to have a scene where mael got captured and julia came in to interrogate him but he ended up psychologically manipulating her and more interrogating her than she did him....ogh can you imagine One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that scene i just mentioned, really. also i think it was cool that he got to have his pale skinny jeansed ass in the wild for s4 so im good with him
How I feel about this character: fail loser (affectionate). no but he was set up to be SUCH a cool character. he was shadow-san's replacement that had been built up to for the whole season, he'd been foreshadowed since S1 EPISODE 3, he was the reason VILE could remain hidden and impervious, he had a sword in his cane, he GOT CARMEN ARRESTED. ARRESTED ARRESTED. and then he himself just got tricked with like no episodes otherwise and was like aaughh nooo dont mindwipe me look neal the eel neal the eel and then rotted in a cell for another whole season. what a letdown All the people I ship romantically with this character: same thing as i put for mael....no one but i enjoy a good interfaculty ship when it comes around My non-romantic OTP for this character: idk he's just funny with a bunch of people. "i took fencing" and then shadowsan is like "yeah? i used to be in the japanese mafia, you bitch" My unpopular opinion about this character: again not sure if its unpopular but if you couldnt guess already i think he's such a letdown. i think they should have let him win instead of carmen just girlbossing her way through everything immediately. i think he should have been like. idk AN ACTUAL THREAT One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i guess ive already stated most of everything above
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Debut Part One Dreaming
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Media IRL
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating Flirty
Series Debut
I sat looking out my little window as I sat on my built-in sofa inside my little tailer. Watching the rain fall. Honestly, that felt like an analogy for this whole situation I found myself in.  When I think of LA, and of Hollywood. You think of blue skies as far as the eye can see, The sun looming in the sky heating up the dark pavement so much it could burn your feet through your flip-flops, Of models sunbathing on the beaches, shows filming in the streets, movie premier in every theater every night,  of beautiful people in beautiful cars all with houses worth a fortune. Everyone is a movie producer, actor or camera man all with a part just perfect for anyone fresh off the bus. But, real life isn't like that, the sky is grey, and rain batters the trailer park and everything around it creating thick dark mud with the LA dust and dirt every so often thunder and lightning cracking open the sky. The sounds around me of kids screaming, dogs barking and a woman screaming at her kids. This place felt like a film set to me, like this world of glitter and glamor did exist but it was only one street that stopped dead where it would be out of shot, like it was all wood and cardboard with nothing behind it but a bunch of people all wishing it was real. 
 I gave up and turned back inside to my little trailer, It wasn't much but it's home and it's all I could afford. 
I packed up my old life a year ago and moved out to LA with dreams of stardom, redundant to say I had failed so far. It's not like I hadn't been trying every open casting call I could find I attended for everything and anything, commercials, movies, tv shows even voice work. But nothing more than a few roles as an extra or 'girl in a coffee shop' with zero lines. So to pay the bills I took whatever work I could most of my jobs never lasting long as I would always drop my shifts to bolt off to a nearby casting call so... I ended up at the bottom of the barrel. At the Pretty Kitty Club. I came here with the dreams of being a movie star, and I'm a stripper Guess that's just reality slapping you in the ass. I bought my trailer so I could go wherever I needed to even if I'd been hooked up here a good six months as it was close to work, I did need to clean up but I didn't feel like it. Bringing my cigarette to my lips for the last few inhales. I heard my phone ringing so I bolted up across the trailer to my phone putting it to my ear "Hello?" 
"Hi Y/n" I heard Lilly smile down the phone 
"Ohh, hi Lilly" I smiled continuing my cigarette "what's up?"
"I uhhh I just wanted to ask if maybe" she giggled
"You want me to cover your shift?"
"Yes please!" she giggled
"You know I can't keep doing this."
"Please just today I promise I'll be in for my shift Tuesday."
"You always say that"
"I know, but Mitchel's taking me to a party tonight. He says the Producer for the octobattle movies is going to be their"
"You hate the octobattle movies you said literally last week their B movie swill with no effect's budget." 
"I know I know but foot in the door right" she smiled "Please! I'll give him your Number" 
"Fine. But you owe me"
"Thank you!" 
I sighed and hung up the phone "Ughhh! fuck" I sighed grabbing my towel and jumping in the shower so I could get to work and cover her shift.
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raviposting · 2 years
what things would you change about glee? (i poked around your page and found your list of fandoms, glee seems like an interesting one for this lol)
Oh god what wouldn't I change about this show. I'm gonna make this s1-3 bc that's basically what I got up to with this show, and I'm going to ignore the very obvious "this actor wouldn't be in this show" things asdfjkl
Instead of adding a bunch more of characters, I'd put more focus on characters who were often ignored in the show - like Mike and tina for example. People outside of Rachel existed lmao and were useful to the Glee club and I would have loved them being actually included and given the appreciation they deserved
SO much of the Quinn has PPD storyline, alongside Shelby in general. Will yelling at her and calling her selfish or spoiled or whatever, and then the entire thing with Shelby/Puck was so.........................bad lmao. Shelby was awful and hit up a romance with a teenager??? Which is bad and gross enough but her daughter's age at that? IDK every single thing about Shelby was awful lmao. She decides her daughter and her aren't clicking, hears about her daughter's classmate having a baby, talks about how much she regrets giving up Rachel and then uses it to adopt Beth from Quinn right after Quinn gave birth? And then gets into a relationship with Puck, a teenager? Like what a fucking freak lmao. People were so shitty towards Quinn while Shelby simultaneously got away with so much creepy and weird behavior
Blaine should have stayed at Dalton lmao. I loved Klaine in s2 SO much. Blaine was def older and I think keeping him at a separate school away from McKinley would have been fantastic rather than making him younger and transferring him to McKinley lmao
Speaking of mike & tina they should have been endgame :( I lied when I said I was gonna do s1-3 only I hate that they're not endgame
A lot of the characters so rapidly devolved and became caricatures of themselves so quickly. Not that the show wasn't about them being caricatures but like...idk, we started with a group of people who seemed to be stereotypes (the cheerleader, the jock, the theater kid, etc) and then we saw more depth to them - the stereotypes and caricature-ness was on purpose and we saw there were layers to them, but then as the seasons progressed we saw that kind of disappear, and they just kind of leaned into the caricature more, and that was disappointing lmao
Send me a fandom and I'll say the top 5 things I'd change about it!
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the-invisible-queer · 2 years
My dream took place on my college campus. EXCEPT it wasn't the actual college campus IRL it was something my brain made up.
And all us theater kids were st the new theater getting ready to do a dress rehearsal for our production of Moulin Rouge and weirdly there was a bunch of random celebrities sprinkled around backstage and Megan Fox just gravitated to my friend group - or she just gravitated towards me which is a welcomed theory.
The news was constantly on and apparently 2 girls from our college had gone missing. So our director/professor had us do attendance every 45min. No one was allowed to leave the theater until the night was over.
As the night progressed everyone else in my friend group was openly talking to Megan. But I was quiet and awkward because that's just how I am with new people. One of the missing girls was found alive so the director was more lax letting us out for a food break.
I wasn't hungry so I just sat outside the theater on the grass and Megan joined me. I'm still awkward as fuck so I was just pointing out pretty flowers to her around us.
Then she said "I like your necklace" and I didn't realize I was wearing a necklace so I pulled it out a bit to look at it. It had 3 rings. Weirdly enough the first ring was the ring Emily had from Ian Doyle in Criminal Minds. Which is an odd choice. Second ring I'd never seen before but I guess the lore in the dream is I got it from Colson Baker (aka Machine Gun Kelly) or it was related to him in some way. I'm not clear on that. But it led me to plan to ask her how she was doing.
Because IRL there are rumors Colson's dumbass cheated on her and she's not wearing her engagement ring anymore.
Don't ask me what the 3rd ring was. Idk.
BEFORE I could respond other than a "thanks, its-" a breaking news thing grabbed everyone's attention. The second missing girl had been kidnapped and the perp was on the other side of the theater just carrying her body. She was assumed dead.
Me and a few of my friends are like we gotta stop this fucker. But by the time we get to the other side of the theater, the dude looks like roadkill.
No explanation on how it happened. Just truly the goriest shit.
Then I woke up to find that 2 women were kidnapped (and maybe murdered) at a college that I almost attended.
I HATE when my dreams align with real life 😭
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 301: All My Todorokis
Previously on BnHA: We learned that when a bunch of superpowered villains are suddenly set loose with nobody around to stop them, things get fucked pretty quickly. Old Man Samurai and a bunch of other useless people decided to make “I pretend I do not see it” their new mantra, and resigned. Endeavor had a moment of despair on account of being crushed by the guilt of having ruined the lives of himself, his family, and basically everyone else in the entire world. For various reasons the heretical notion of “person who has done bad things feels sorry for doing them” sent fandom spiraling into a meltdown, so that was fun. The chapter ended with the entire Todoroki clan descending upon Enji’s hospital room to have a dramatic chat about Touya and All That General Fuckery.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “here’s the story of how Baby Touya slowly went insane trying to win his father’s love.” It’s a tale full of subverted expectations and heartbreaking inevitability, and also like twenty panels of the cutest fucking kids who ever existed on planet earth, who are so fucking cute that I can’t stop thinking about their cuteness even with all of the horrifying family tragedy unfolding around them. It is absolutely ridiculous how cute they are. Touya is out here pushing his tiny body past its limits because he inherited the same obsession as his dad and neither of them can put it aside even though it’s destroying them, and yet all I can think about is Baby Shouto’s (。・o・。) face. Anyways what a chapter.
so I have to confess that even though I managed to avoid being caught off-guard by the early leaks, the number of people reblogging my Endeavor posts from earlier this week and using the tag “bnha 301” kind of gave me an inkling that this chapter will include more Tododrama lol. that said, I don’t know anything else about it, so we’re still good spoiler-wise
AHHHHH FLAHSBAKC AHHHH. omg I know I typoed the shit out of that, but I’m just going to leave it lol I think it’s fitting
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holy shit holy fuck. so this is Rei and Enji’s first meeting, then??
yepppp, oh shit
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so wait, I know this is not even the slightest bit important, but are they meeting at Enji’s home or Rei’s? because I always figured that Enji was the one with the super-Japanese aesthetic, but maybe that was Rei’s side of the family all along
(ETA: from what I found during my very brief google search, omiai meetings are often held at fancy hotels or restaurants, so maybe that’s what this is.)
there’s such a period drama feel to this setting. like it’s so outrageously formal fff how can anyone stand this kind of atmosphere though seriously
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I mean they’re still stiff af but at least they’re not rigidly sitting in seiza and staring at each other unblinkingly anymore lol. Enji’s actually got his hands in his pockets now. why is this somehow almost cute
oh damn it’s the flowers
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Rei seems so subdued and it’s so hard to get any idea of what she’s actually thinking. I want to see her side of this dammit
but anyway, so at least from Enji’s perspective it seems like even though the marriage was arranged and he picked her because of her quirk, he still loved his wife and wanted to do right by her. the fact that he was watching her and noticed that she liked the flowers, and remembered that detail for all these years -- there’s a reason why Horikoshi’s showing us this. we know what’s going to happen later on; we know how much fear and violence and breaking of trust is coming up ahead, and while it may seem like this scene is serving to soften Enji’s character further -- which to be fair it is -- it also helps drive home the full impact of his abuse. that it’s so terrible not only because of the trauma of the abuse itself, but also because of the way it retroactively destroys all of the good things as well. this could have potentially been such a sweet scene, but it’s inescapably tainted by the knowledge of what’s to come, at least for me. and that’s just brutal
anyways, shit. is the whole chapter going to be like this?? feel free to toss in something I can actually make a joke about sometime, Horikoshi
oop, back to the present
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omfg lol
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“are you all right” “NO I’M NOT ALL RIGHT WHAT THE FUCK.” “oh, right, because of all the stuff that’s happened with me abusing you and you having a mental breakdown and being hospitalized for ten years and then our son coming back to life and killing thirty people, right, right. I almost forgot.” whoops
omfg you guys I’m loving this new and improved steely-eyed Rei. I’m loving her a lot
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and what do you mean “part one” fkjds how long is this going to be. TOO MUCH DRAMA FOR ONE CHAPTER TO HANDLE
oh, hello
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yeah I’ll say you did. didn’t seem to bother you much at the time, though
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Dabi Is A Noumu intensifies even further. anyways though would you fucking look at this boy lounging on this moth-eaten couch doing his best DRAW ME LIKE YOUR FRENCH GIRLS impression wtf
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Dabi what if you actually had killed him??? what would you feel?? satisfaction?? regret?? anything at all?? tell me your secrets goddammit
who are you talking to buddy
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Fuyumi-chan, Natsu-kun (is it common for brothers to address each other as -kun?? can’t recall seeing that in many other anime, but hey), and “dot dot dot,,,,,, SHOUTO” lol thank you so much for this bountiful heaping of Tododrama Horikoshi we are blessed
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(ETA: and on a more serious note, it’s interesting to see that “look at me”/”watch me” theme being used again though, because we see that same sentiment uttered repeatedly by the younger Touya in the flashback. well kid, you definitely got your wish at last. don’t know what else to say.)
oh my sweet precious lord
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just as cute as we left him. giving us a child this cute when we all know full well what’s going to happen to him is just unspeakably cruel though
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I’m fucking speechless. you broke me, congratulations. what am I even supposed to do with this
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I can’t get over this. moving forward my life will be split into two distinct parts, B.P. (Before the Pout) and A.P. (After the Pout)
and meanwhile there’s ALL THIS BACKGROUND ANGST BUILDING UP, AND I CAN’T EVEN FOCUS ON IT. Touya’s arm and cheek are covered in bandages (I’m guessing this is shortly after that “ouch!” panel we got some chapters back), and Enji is deliberately avoiding training with him because he doesn’t want him to hurt himself further. I can’t fucking get over the irony that all this time everyone thought Touya had died because Enji pushed him too far in his training, and it turns out that it’s the opposite -- the tragedy ultimately happened because he didn’t want to push him. but I’m jumping ahead of myself though I guess
by the way,
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remember this?? just wanted to remind you that it exists just in case you forgot
so now someone is talking and basically saying that Touya is the exact opposite of what Enji was hoping for when he decided to start playing with quirk genetics
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-- okay hold up
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...lol no, never mind. for a second I thought “holy shit he looks kind of familiar WHAT IF IT’S UJIKO OMG” before I remembered that Enji would have recognized him during the hospital capture mission if that was the case. so NEVER MIND, PROCEED
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(ETA: how the fuck did this man go around saving 62 towns in a single day what even is All Might.)
[clicks tongue several times] trouble a’brewin’
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oh my god. oh my god. what is this chapter. WHAT IS IT
so now Touya is all “YOU JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND MY MANLY DESIRE TO BURN MYSELF ALIVE” well you got her there champ
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also are they just home alone lol or what. “hey Touya, you’re what, like six now?? do us a favor and look after your baby sister for a couple hours for us would you? make sure not to set yourself on fire or anything.” WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG!!
now it’s nighttime and Enji and Rei are arguing, presumably about his decision not to train Touya anymore
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whew. okay. so, a couple of things here
1. first of all I think this conclusively shows that Enji really was trying to do the best he could for Touya. he stopped training him as soon as he realized it was hurting him, but Touya was still determined so he tried to make it work anyway, and even visited doctors to try and figure out if there was anything they could do. then, once they were absolutely sure that it wasn’t going to work, he tried multiple times to explain to Touya why they had to stop. he didn’t just abandon him out of the blue, which is really important to note. “no matter how much I tried telling him...”
so yeah, that debunks another common fandom accusation. so by the time he finally makes this decision, which we all know is going to turn out horribly, it’s basically because he’s already tried everything else he could think of. which, by the way, still doesn’t mean he handled this right. but at the very least he was taking Touya’s feelings into account and he was trying, and he didn’t just abruptly toss his son aside (at least not yet)
2. buuuut, then there’s this panel right below all that
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which is the other side of it. if he’d just quit like the doctor person advised him to, that would have been the end of it. Touya would still have been upset, but he would have eventually gotten over it and the family would have moved on and possibly even been happy. but what happens next happens because Enji can’t let go. he still has this maddening urge to surpass All Might, and so he and Rei keep having more children, and then Shouto is born, and Enji finally has a kid he can start projecting all of his hysterical ambitions onto once again, and everything starts spiraling out of control soon after
though p.s. none of that is Shouto’s fault though!! he’s one of the few good things to come out of this whole mess and I’m very happy that he exists. the tragedy is that his dad fucking lost his mind over his quirk and fucked everything up. but that’s on him, not Touya or Shouto
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because children aren’t stupid, after all. he understands that his dad is still looking to surpass All Might. and so he feels like a failure, and feels like his dad is trying to replace him because he wasn’t good enough. and even now, isn’t that what the adult Touya is trying to prove?? that he was good enough after all?? “I’ll show you what happens when you give up on me, dad”?? “I’ll show you what I can do”?? fuck my life fuck everything
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really nice touch here with the panel outlines becoming all shimmery from the heat of Endeavor’s flames (and/or becoming more unstable as the family gets closer and closer to their breaking point). but man, Horikoshi I can’t handle this, please show us more cute kids or something I can’t
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WITTLE BABE. BEEB. BUBS. SMOL. lkj; oh ouch a piece of my heart just detached and latched onto him huh look at that
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crazy how they all just seem to know right off the bat lol. kid doesn’t even have object permanence yet, let alone a quirk. but do they care?? IT’S THE HAIR, RIGHT. WE’RE ALL THINKING IT, I’M JUST GONNA COME OUT AND SAY IT. they knew the minute they looked at him lol
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are those blue flames yet?? they seem pretty close
(ETA: this is one of the few cases where the manga being in black and white is infuriating lol.)
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so it’s not like he was so disinterested that he didn’t notice what was happening, and he was still trying to stop it and get through to him. trying to reassure him that it wasn’t the end of the world and there were other things he could do with his life, but this one particular thing just wasn’t going to happen
fucking hell. it’s agonizing seeing how close they actually were to fixing it. if he’d only said the right words, or if he’d realized at this point how destructive his obsession could be to his kids, and backed off from putting that same pressure on Shouto. we came so close to possibly having a happy ending
AND ALSO THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING BUT PLEASE LOOK AT HOW TOUYA IS LIKE THREE AND A HALF FEET TALL AND HIS DAD IS LIKE NINE AND A HALF FEET. Touya barely comes past his knees flkjlkg. the Todoroki household must have been so filled with like plastic stepstools to reach the bathroom sink and all the little baby toothbrushes, and baby gates to keep the kiddos out of the important grown-up rooms and stuff. and also days-old half-empty cups of water and stale crackers and hot wheels and my little ponies strewn everywhere
“BUT EVERYONE AT SCHOOL SAYS THEY’RE GONNA BE HEROES” a wild Deku parallel appears?? how bout that
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I know this is like a pivotal moment in the Todo Tragedy and all, but fucking look at this lil dumpling
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“sup bro, it’s me, the manifestation of your fears of inadequacy and lack of fatherly affections. a GAAA. ba-baAA-baa [gurgling baby sounds]”
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HE WANTS TO BE LIKE YOU ENJI. good lord somebody please just get this family some therapy
“DAD YOU IGNITED IT IN ME” flkjslkj nope, nope. not ready for this pain here
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baby Shouto, would you like to weigh in on this affair? “DA!! ba-ga-daaa, [pacifier chewing noises]” oh my, you don’t say. so insightful for one so young
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“yo, the fuck kind of family was I fucking born into” oh, son. if you only knew. IF YOU ONLY KNEW!!
(ETA: lmao I got so distracted by the ridiculous cuteness that I glossed over the fact that Baby Touya seems to possibly be aiming at him?? it’s hard to tell because he’s also super out of it from heatstroke and may just be losing control in his attempt to show off his upgrade.)
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
You Came Back (3/3)
Juice Ortiz x Reader
Request from @ateliefloresdaprimavera​​​: Juice has a special place in my heart, so I'm denying his ending on the show😭 I want to foccus on the nurturing,fluffy and romantic side that he deserves😍 maybe something about Opie and Jax childhood friend who comes back to charming( Gemma always thought of her as her own kid) and she's really closed of emotionaly, bit our boy is smitten from the second he has his eyes on her. so romantic Juice overdrive, and she starts to see this side of life that's worth, by his side
Warnings: language, soft confessions and feelings like whoa
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: The conclusion of this little mini-series! Thanks for the request, I hope you enjoyed it! xo
Chapter Index: Part 1, Part 2
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You and Juice became fast friends as the days went by. Jax and Opie would bug you about it when it was just the three of you. They insisted that something more must be going on between the two of you. It was easy to deny it, because it wasn’t true. But you couldn’t deny that Juice did have a little bit of a lost-puppy look whenever he was with you. That boy would follow you anywhere you asked him to.
“You guys have weekly dates now,” Opie said with a laugh, “You’re essentially a couple.”
You shook your head, “They aren’t dates. I don’t know why you guys can’t believe that two people can spend time with each other and not be fucking. That’s a you problem.”
“Fine, whatever,” Jax said with a chuckle, “But he’s definitely a little in love with you.”
You rolled your eyes, “Oh shut up no he is not. He doesn’t even really know me.”
“And whose fault is that?” Opie said before taking a sip of his beer.
It sent a mild jolt of fear through your body when he asked that question. You shook your head, trying to dismiss the topic, “What is this? You guys want me to date him or something?”
“I’d never tell someone to hook up with your crazy ass,” Jax laughed, “But I don’t think he’s interested in taking my advice at this point,” he searched your face, trying to figure out what you were thinking, “You seeing him later?”
You sighed, knowing that answering truthfully was going to invite a bunch of other questions and issues, “Maybe.”
“What’s the big date plan tonight?” Jax’s voice was dripping with sarcasm.
“Not a date,” you shot him a glare, “We’re just hanging out at his house.”
“His house?” Jax raised his eyebrows.
“Sure as hell not inviting him here,” you laughed and shook your head, “You boys done grilling me about it?” you got up and grabbed your purse and your keys, “I have places to be.”
Jax and Opie stayed seated at the counter, laughing as you pulled your shoes on and got ready to storm out of the house. Opie tilted his bear towards you, “Tell Juice we said hello.”
You didn’t respond, instead just turned and walked out, shutting the door behind you a little harder than necessary. Your thoughts flew through your brain at record speeds as you made your way to Juice’s house. For as much time as the two of you spent together, you never really let him in. You hadn’t even talked to Jax and Opie about how you ended up back in Charming, and you’d known them for as long as you could remember. But Juice never brought it up, not since the first time you two really spoke. You wondered why he was so okay with being kept at arms-length.
When you got to Juice’s house, you let yourself in. He was on the couch, deeply entrenched in his current round of Call of Duty. You smiled and shook your head as you toed off your shoes and made your way over to the couch. He looked over at you for a moment and flashed you a smile before retuning his attention to the television. You sat back and watched, laughing at how worked up he and his friends would get over it.
When the match was over, he took off his headset and turned to you, “Sorry about that.”
You chuckled and shook your head, “You’re fine. Sorry you guys didn’t at least get a win.”
He shrugged it off, “It’s whatever. Still up for pizza and movies?”
You nodded, “Of course!”
The two of you had demolished the pizza you had ordered. All that was left was the empty box where you both were starting to accumulate your empty beer bottles. You were both sitting on opposite ends of the couch. Your legs stretched across the cushions while he rested his feet on the end of the coffee table. His eyes were glued to the television despite the fact that he had seen the movie a million times before. You were trying to stay focused, but your mind kept replaying everything that had been happening over the last few weeks.
“Thank you,” you blurted out.
He looked over at you, clearly confused, “For what?”
You felt your face heating up, “For, you know, not being a total dick,” you chuckled.
He laughed, “That’s a low bar that I’m more than happy to meet.”
“Why are you so okay with being friends with someone you know nothing about?”
His expression softened, “I know enough about you to know that you’re someone that I want in my life,” there was a look in his eyes that let you know that he had his own demons to battle, “And opening up is…hard. I get it.”
A small smile crept across your face, “You this sweet to everyone, Juan Carlos?”
He chuckled, “No.”
You both returned your attention to the television but your chest felt a little lighter. He didn’t look over at you but his hand absently crept over and came to rest on your leg. You smiled, fighting the urge to look at him. Neither of you said anything more as you finished the rest of the movie.
When you got to the office at T-M the next day, there was a coffee waiting for you on your desk. You smiled as you looked at the note that was resting on top of it, “Since I know you had a late night. -JC” You took a sip and chuckled to yourself at the fact that he knew your order. Maybe he really did know a thing or two about you.
Over the course of the next week, almost every morning you came in to something small on your desk. It wasn’t ever anything crazy or extravagant. He’d leave you your favorite candy bar or a snack. One morning you walked in and laughed when you saw that there was a milkshake sitting on your desk. He never mentioned it when he saw you throughout the day, just carrying on a conversation with you as normal.
You walked into the office on Saturday morning and there were two slips of paper waiting for you on your desk. Both had Juice’s handwriting on them. All the first note said was, “Dinner and a movie? -JC” and the second one was a makeshift movie ticket that he had clearly drawn up himself. You couldn’t stop smiling, laughing when you saw that he wrote, “Theater Number: My House”.
You walked over to the shop, knowing that this time you’d have to address what he had left on your desk. For a minute you thought that he was gone doing club business, but then you saw his legs sticking out from underneath a car that he was working on. You smiled as you silently pulled up a stool and sat down to wait for him to finish up whatever he was working on.
The sound of him muttering and cursing drifted out from underneath the car and you accidentally let a laugh slip past your lips. The next sound was a thud, followed by Juice quietly but forcefully saying, “Fuck,” and you had to assume that the thud was the sound of his head smacking against something underneath the vehicle.
He slid out and looked up at you, one hand resting on his forehead, “I didn’t know you were here.”
You chuckled, “I was waiting for you to finish whatever it is you’re doing down there.”
He sat upright, “I should probably take a break anyway.”
Your eyes grew wide when he dropped his hand back down to his side—whatever his head had collided with had put a gash into his forehead, “Jesus Christ, your head.”
“What?” he ran his fingers across and looked at them, sighing when he saw the blood, “Shit.”
You stood up and helped him to do the same before having him sit on the stool, “Wait here. I got some band-aids and stuff in my office.”
You came back to him with your very unofficial and incomplete first-aid kit. You didn’t have much, but you had enough to take care of the cut on his forehead. You gently cleaned it with a damp paper towel before wiping it down with alcohol. He cringed but didn’t say anything.
“You want a regular band-aid or a superhero one?”
He chuckled, “Only if you have Spider-Man in there.”
You dug around the box and pulled one out with a smile, “You’re in luck.”
You were gently smoothing the bandage onto his forehead when you looked down to take in his expression. His eyes were closed and there was a calm smile on his face—you knew he was soaking up the feeling of you taking care of him. Your breath got caught in your throat for a minute and you had to focus on taking a deep breath as you felt your heartbeat pick up speed.
“So,” you cleared your throat, trying to get your composure back, “this doesn’t seem like a hospital-worthy injury. Think you’ll be stable enough for dinner and a movie tonight?”
He opened his eyes and smiled up at you, “You tell me, doc. Think I’ll be alright?”
You chuckled, nodding, “Yea, a night in and plenty of rest might be just the thing you need.”
You let your hand slide down and cup the side of his face for a moment before you caught yourself and nervously took it away. You could tell by the look in Juice’s eye that the gesture wasn’t lost on him. He was right—opening up wasn’t easy, but you felt like you were reaching a point where you had no other choice.
“If Spider-Man doesn’t hold up,” you attempted to redirect the conversation, “come see me. I think I have a Hulk one that will do the trick.”
He smiled at you, “Thanks,” he watched you as you walked back to the office, bringing his hand up to rest where yours had just been.
You didn’t really talk to him for the rest of the day, both of you being wrapped up in your own responsibilities. The closest you came was overhearing the guys making fun of his band-aid. He took the heckling in stride, the way that he always did, and you couldn’t help but to shake your head.
He popped into the office at the end of the day, arms and hands streaked with grease but his head seemed like it hadn’t suffered any more than it did in the morning. “Hey, uh, I gotta head home and shower,” he chuckled, “Because I’m fucking gross right now. But if you want, I can come pick you up later.”
“A chauffer to the movie theater?” you smirked at him from your desk.
He laughed, “Exactly.”
You tapped your pen lightly on the desk a few times, trying to figure out if you were going to say something about all the thoughts that had been racing through your head. You gnawed lightly at the inside of your cheek for a moment before forcing yourself to meet his eyes, “Is this a date?”
His eyes widened for a moment, not expecting the question, “I…um…I mean,” he rested his hand on the back of his neck, “You want it to be?”
“Do you?”
He chuckled, not able to look you in the eyes, “If it was up to me, I would’ve taken you out on a date the first night I met you.”
You felt your heart skip a beat inside your chest, “I got a lot of shit I gotta work through, Juan,” you weren’t expecting your voice to sound so soft.
He smiled at you, his expression always so comforting, “I’m just asking to pick you up for dinner and a movie. That’s all.”
You nodded, feeling a little better, “Right. Yea, okay.”
He nodded and lightly knocked on the doorframe, “I’ll see you later, then,” he flashed you a grin before taking off out the door.
You were sitting on the couch in the living room, trying not to feel too anxious as you waited for Juice to come and pick you up. Your only saving grace was that Jax wasn’t home, so you weren’t going to be bombarded with questions about why Juice was picking you up.
You heard the sound of his bike pulling into the driveway and you practically leapt off the couch. You walked over and out the front door, meeting him on the front steps. He smiled at you, letting out a quiet laugh as you shut and locked the door behind you.
“I’d ask if you’re ready but I feel like I know the answer,” he beamed at you as he handed you his helmet.
The two of you were sat on his couch eating dinner. You had to admit that you were surprised at how well he could cook. You could tell that the air felt a little different, but it was good. It felt like there were so many words resting on the tip of your tongue and you didn’t know where to start.
“What’re you thinking?” Juice asked, a small smile tugging at the edges of his mouth.
You chuckled, not quite knowing where to start, “I really like this,” you gestured between the two of you, “what we’ve been doing. I…I like you a lot. And I know you said not to be sorry about being such a closed fucking book all the time. But I don’t like being like this. I thought I was okay with it but,” you shook your head, “Anyway. I just, fuck. If we’re gonna do this I want you to know what you’re getting into.”
He nodded for you to continue, “So, what am I getting into?”
“I left Charming because I couldn’t stand the thought of being stuck here for the rest of my life. I up and left everything, not that I had much to leave behind,” you shook your head slightly, “But everywhere I went I was still stuck with this shitty feeling of not belonging there. It didn’t matter where I worked, if I made friends, if I was dating someone—I was just haunted by this nagging feeling of being in the wrong place,” you looked at Juice and there was a sadness in his eyes that let you know that he understood exactly where you were coming from, “I ended up getting into some bad shit with the wrong people. It was spiraling out of control fast so…I did what I knew and I packed up my shit and left. I became a new person when I left here and I knew that I could go back to the old me once I got back. Nothing happens in Charming, right?” you let out a dry chuckle as you shook your head.
He waited for you to meet his gaze and he offered up the smallest of smiles, “Well, I wouldn’t say that nothing happens in Charming. You came back, right? I’d say that’s something.”
Your entire body felt warm as you processed what he had said, “I guess.”
“I know the feeling of not being quite right, not being the right person or in the right place. It’s the shittiest feeling,” he took a deep breath, “And it’s a lot to deal with alone. I know you said you got some shit to work through, but that doesn’t mean you have to be alone to do it.”
He reached over and rested his hand on top of yours, “Yea.”
You hadn’t felt the tears gathering in your eyes, but you melted when you felt Juice reach over to lightly brush them off of your cheeks. His hand lingered on your cheek for a moment and your eyes fluttered shut. It’d been a long time since someone touched you with the intent to take care of you.
“I really wanna kiss you,” his voice was quiet.
Your eyes opened at that and a smile crept across your face, “I really want you to.”
He leaned in and softly pressed his lips against yours, like he was still giving you the chance to pull away and change your mind. That was the furthest thing from your mind, though. You leaned into him and gently grabbed his shirt to pull him flush against you. He cupped your face in both his hands and you could feel him smiling as he kissed you.
He finally had to pull away to let you both catch your breath. You leaned back and your entire face felt hot, a nervous giggle escaped from your lips. He smiled at you, hands entwining with yours. There were a few moments of silence as the two of you took in everything that had just happened.
“We didn’t even get to the movie yet,” he chuckled.
You laughed, “Still up for that?”
He nodded, pulling you closer to him so you could rest against his side, “Of course.”
He wrapped his arms around you and you melted into him as he pulled up a movie for the two of you to watch. You smiled to yourself as you felt his heart racing in his chest. You looked up at him with a smile. When he noticed you staring he laughed, and it made your entire body feel warm.
“I’m glad you came back,” he lightly traced his thumb over your knuckles as he turned his attention to the movie.
You smiled as you looked over at the television, “Yea, me too.”
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jj-lynn21 · 3 years
Stellan interview
"Stellan Skarsgard Is Finally Seizing the Spotlight"
With roles in “Dune,” the Star Wars series “Andor,” and “Hope,” the character actor par excellence has never been more popular. He talks to Marlow Stern about his stellar career.
Few if any actors have built a resume as impressive as that of Stellan Skarsgård.
After achieving teen-idol status in his native Sweden—even releasing a pop single—due to the TV series Bombi Bitt, Skarsgård transitioned to film acting. It was in the mid-’90s, with roles as a sadistic oil rig worker in Breaking the Waves, a fiery abolitionist in Amistad, and a haughty mathematician in Good Will Hunting, that the towering, stone-faced Swede would cross over into America, and establish himself as one of the finest character actors alive.
He’s since maintained a healthy diet of what he calls “experimental films,” including a total of six with Danish auteur Lars von Trier, and Hollywood studio fare, such as the Pirates of the Caribbean and Mamma Mia! films, the Thor and Avengers superhero extravaganzas, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and Cinderella. And right now, at the age of 69, Skarsgård is at his most prolific. There was his Golden Globe-winning turn in HBO’s Chernobyl, the upcoming villain in Denis Villeneuve’s Dune, and a main role in the Disney+ Star Wars series Andor, which he’s filming right now in London. Oh, and he’s fathered eight children, including the actors Alexander, Gustaf, Bill, Sam, and Valter.
“There’s no competition, really,” the elder Skarsgård tells me of his talented brood. “There’s some joking competition at the dinner table, but I know they’re better than me, so I’ve given up.”
Skarsgård’s latest is the Norwegian drama Hope. Directed by Maria Sødahl, the wife of his frequent collaborator Hans Petter Moland, it is a heartrending autobiographical film about a long-married couple, Anja (Andrea Bræin Hovig) and her theater-director husband Tomas (Skarsgård), whose atrophying bond is put to the test when Anja develops terminal brain cancer. As they fight for Anja’s survival, the two reevaluate how their relationship went off-course, and why they fell in love in the first place. (The U.S. remake rights were quickly snapped up by Nicole Kidman and Amazon Studios.)
Anne Frank’s Stepsister: How Trump Reminds Me of HitlerNEVER AGAINMarlow Stern
In a wide-ranging conversation, Skarsgård opened up to The Daily Beast about his many great films, the controversy surrounding pal Lars von Trier, being a nudist, and much more.
How have you been passing the time during the pandemic?
In different ways. The first half of the year I was at our summer house on an island outside of Stockholm, and all my kids—who were also actors, most of them, and they weren’t working either—were all out there in two houses eating dinners together, having a good time, and seeing the spring inch-by-inch, everything grew, which you never get time to do otherwise. But this job I’m doing here now [in London], I was supposed to fly back and forth from Stockholm because I’m shooting this Star Wars series called Andor, and it would have been very convenient because it’s only a two-hour flight, but because of the quarantine I’ve been stuck here. For more than a month I’ve been alone in a hotel room staring into the wall.
Speaking of the Skarsgård household, I read a quote from your son Alexander who said that when he was a teenager, “Dad was always walking around [without clothes] with a glass of red wine in his hand.” Was that your vibe during the pandemic?
Not this time! Is it the wine that worries you? [Laughs]
Did the stress of the pandemic make you feel less… free?
No, I’m still taking off my clothes when I get home very often—and my kids also, some of them do. It’s not a big thing. We’re Swedes! And we have no God that says we can’t show our body parts.
What about it do you just find so liberating? I don’t go the full monty but when I go home, I do tend to take off my pants and let loose a little bit, because it is constricting.
If it’s warm enough you don’t need clothes, right? Unless you’re ashamed of your body—or taught to be ashamed of certain body parts. For me, it’s all upbringing. It’s cultural. Some cultures don’t care about what part of the body you show, and some cultures are very precious, and some cultures the women can’t show their faces.  
I’m curious what life was like in the Skarsgård household, because you’ve helped produce so many talented kids. Alexander described it as “bohemian,” similar to what you described during the pandemic, filled with dinner parties and a free-flowing atmosphere.
It’s always been a very open house, and the kids’ friends, it’s been easier to sometimes be in our house than their houses—especially during puberty, when conflicts arise—because we’re very relaxed and non-judgmental in our family. It’s really, truly pleasant. And my kids are more like pals to me. There’s no hierarchical relationship at all. It’s very nice. We just have fun!
It’s a very talented—and frankly, attractive—family. How did this happen?  
How did I make kids that look so good? [Laughs]
Is that something you’re particularly proud of?  
[Laughs] Well, the looks I don’t care so much about, but I’ve had two beautiful wives—and very smart wives—and that’s helped a lot. I’m not going to take much credit for anything. But what I’m proud of is, when I hear from other people in the business about Gustaf or Sam or Bill or Valter or Alexander, I hear that somebody worked with them and they were really nice on the set and totally cool with everybody, and how no matter what menial job anyone had on the set they were nice to them, then I’m proud. If they win awards it’s secondary to that, because that is a lottery anyway. Awards are sort of like reality shows.
They really are a popularity contest. Let’s talk about Hope. It could have very well been called Grief.
I thought it sounded bland to begin with, but in fact the film is about hope—and about love. It’s not a normal cancer film where it’s all about beating the cancer or fighting against it, but it’s about someone who gets a death sentence in a family situation with a lot of kids, like I have, and everything that was petrified in the relationship floats up again. It’s about how they rejuvenate their relationship, and through those horrible circumstances, find love again.
There’s one very powerful scene in the film that really encapsulates many elements and themes that it explores, and it’s the sex scene between you and your wife. It manages to capture the joy of reconnecting as well as the grief you’re experiencing.
I think it’s a great scene, because it starts beautifully—very gently—and it looks like it’s going to be really nice for both of them, and then her anxiety sets in, and things start to bad. And it does go bad pretty fast.
On another level, I’m an American and we don’t see sex very often in movies. And when we do, we don’t see it in the service of such complicated emotions.
With sex in film, it’s difficult, because sex is something that feels fantastic when you do it, and it looks ridiculous when you watch. Those humping movements like a dog? It’s not sexy at all! So, you can’t do a sex scene that looks like it feels, so they always have to be about something else. The sex scenes I had with Emily Watson in Breaking the Waves, it was about her curiosity, because she discovered her first penis, she discovered sexuality, and it was totally about the relationship. The sex was just there. And in this film, the scene is not really about sex but about something else. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sex scene that looks like it feels, and that can convey that beautiful thing that sex can be.
Really, in America, we get almost no sex scenes in movies. And it’s 2021.
It’s very strange. It’s not as bad as during the Hays Code, when you couldn’t let the lips meet for more than one second.
You just had a train going into a tunnel.
[Laughs] Yes, that very subtle image. But in America, you have a strong, strong tradition of bigotry or fear of sexuality. Only two years ago, in nine states in America, it was still illegal to have sex outside of marriage, and my American friends have told me that when they were growing up, it was even regulated how they could have sex—you couldn’t have oral sex or anal sex—so it is so ingrained in American culture that people’s sexuality is not a private thing, but something that everybody should interfere with.
Hope is also an exploration of mortality. Is that something you think about often? 
I’ve never been that interested in it. I’ve always been aware of it. It’s the only thing you know in life—you’re gonna fucking die. But already many years ago, I thought I’d had such a fantastic life that it would only be fair that I died, because I’ve already lived more than most people. So, I don’t feel any injustice in death. And I’m not afraid of death because I’m not religious, so I don’t have to worry about whether I’m going to end up in hell or heaven. But I have small children still, my youngest is 8, and I’m no spring chicken anymore, so I think about how I should stick around for at least another ten years until everything is set.
I read that you’d studied a bunch of religions in the wake of 9/11 and reached the conclusion that it was all sort of bunk.
I grew up with total freedom of religion—my parents weren’t religious, though my grandmother was very religious. It was taught to me without judgment, and it was a very tolerant upbringing I had. But I hadn’t read the Bible. And after 9/11, when I saw George W. Bush standing in front of TV cameras and claiming that God had put him there, I thought maybe it was time to read what they actually believed in. So, I read the Quran and I read the Bible. There are some fantastic stories—as fiction, it’s sometimes brilliant and sometimes boring—but the God in both the Quran and the Bible, there’s only one reason to really worship them, and that is fear. It’s a power that says, “If you don’t worship, you’re going to die—and not only die, but burn in eternity.” It’s a bit autocratic and dictatorial, I would say. It’s very hard for me to worship something under threat.
And if God put George W. Bush in the White House, then God has a very cruel sense of humor.
[Laughs] Yeah, he does. And the latest president said the same thing.
But he doesn’t believe in God. He only believes in himself.
Yeah. I think that if he had more appreciation from the liberals in America, he would have just as well gone populist-liberal.
I think so too. You know, I read that your Dogville co-star Nicole Kidman already picked up the remake rights to Hope for Amazon.
She’s picked up the remake rights, yeah.
Both you and your son Alexander have shared some pretty intense scenes with Nicole. There’s that dramatic scene in Big Little Lies where Nicole hits your son in the dick, and it almost seemed to me like payback for what you put her through in Dogville.
[Laughs] Yeah, I’ve done two films with her and Alexander just finished doing The Northman with her. But she’s lovely. I really like her. She’s so cool.
At least it was a prosthetic and not Alexander’s real thing.
Yeah… coward! [Laughs]
I gotta say, between Chernobyl, Hope, Dune, a Star Wars series, and even a Simpsons cameo as yourself, how does it feel to be at your most prolific at 69?
I’m just working! I’m doing my job and having fun doing it. I’ve been lucky and a lot of good projects have emerged. It goes up and down, you know, throughout life. And I don’t think I could have a better life than I’ve had. I don’t have any regrets. And I don’t have to be the star or be in something very successful, I just have to have fun.
Nice. Do you feel you’re underrated? I think you’re someone who’s so consistently great in everything that it can almost be taken for granted how great you are. I know you won a Golden Globe recently, and that was long overdue, even if it’s mostly bullshit.
I don’t know! I can tell you: it’s much better to be underrated than overrated. So, I’m very comfortable if I am underrated. But I’m a Swede with an accent—or most of the time I have an accent—and for being a Swede with an accent, I have been extremely successful internationally, so I can’t complain. When it comes to the big studio movies, and I’ve been in four or five gigantic franchises that have paid a lot of bills for me, their concerns are financial, and I’m not a ticket-seller. I’m a solid fucking actor, and I’d rather be an actor than a star.  
It gives you the mobility.
Exactly. The freedom I have. I can easily do small, experimental films and strange stuff—films that could ruin another actor’s career—so I’m in a good position.
I wanted to ask you about Breaking the Waves, because it’s the 25th anniversary this year and I consider it a masterful film. And it was Emily Watson’s first film, which is just extraordinary. How did you two establish such strong chemistry?
She’s British, which means she comes from a rather prudish society too, and to take on a role with an obscure Danish director—who wasn’t that famous at the time—and to take on a role with such explicit sex and nudity took enormous courage, but she was fantastic. My job was to love her, and that felt easy, but I think that she felt loved, and I think that she felt secure, which is essential for being able to do anything courageous. But she’s such a brilliant, talented, wonderful woman. I finally got to work with her again in Chernobyl. I mean, you just have to look at her and everything comes.
There’s this longstanding debate over whether Breaking the Waves is misogynistic or not, and I personally find it to be a misreading of the film. I’ve always thought of it as a biblical allegory of sorts about a desperate woman navigating a deeply sexist world.
Absolutely. Lars doesn’t have that in him. Those fantastic female roles that he has written, if you want to defend women in film, you’ve really got to take care of him because he writes the best roles for them. Those roles are very much him, and he definitely doesn’t have a negative attitude toward women. He loves them. There’s a plague of labeling people—not for what they’re really saying, but for what they appear to say. He was stamped as a misogynist and then he made a bad joke about Hitler at Cannes, and everyone stamped him as a Nazi, which is the furthest thing from what he is.  
Stellan Skarsgard and Emily Watson in Breaking the Waves
You stamp people as a “racist,” a “fascist,” a “communist,” I mean this fucking stamping is as smart as QAnon. It’s frightening. The fantastic thing about mankind is that we’re not one thing. We’re all capable of the most brutal and horrible crimes and we’re all capable of love. We do good things and we do bad things. There are nuances. The way of seeing people as “good” or “bad” guys is forcing something upon humanity that is really dangerous, because when you say someone is the “bad” guy then you’re saying you are the “good” guy, and it’s forcing you to not look at your own flaws.
I’m a huge fan of Lars’ films but I think one thing that’s really colored people’s opinion of him are the allegations that Bjork made against him on Dancer in the Dark. You didn’t have the biggest role in that film, but is it something you witnessed?
I’ve never seen him do anything like that. It’s not him. And if you talk to any of the other women who have worked with him over and over again, you will not get those kinds of accusations. But the Bjork and Lars conflict was enormous during the shoot, and it had very little to do with #MeToo. Lars, like all directors, in the end is a control freak, and Bjork has controlled everything in her career—from the music, to the costumes, to the way she sounds—and if two control freaks try to make a film, there will be conflicts. I got phone calls from Lars during the shoot where he was in tears. She left the set several times, and it had nothing to do with sexuality. She tore up her clothes. They had a very difficult relationship. But you’ve gotta pick your toxic males. You can’t put a “toxic male” label on everybody, otherwise it will be watered down, that label.
I’m so excited for Dune. What can you tell me about it? Denis Villeneuve said that your Baron Vladimir Harkonnen is different from the comics or the David Lynch film in that he’s not as much of a caricature but a calmer, more sinister presence.
The thing about it, and why I’m looking forward to this film as well, is because it’s Denis Villeneuve. Whatever he does, he creates an atmosphere that is dense, that you can touch, and you’re just sucked into it. You’re never bored—even if he does long, slow takes. The atmosphere builds up, and you’re in his universe. I think it will be the same with this one. He’s lovely to work with, and a beautiful man. I did eight or ten days on the movie, so my character doesn’t show up for too much, but his presence will be felt. He’s such a frightening presence where even if he doesn’t say anything, I think you’ll be afraid of him. And I’m extremely fat. I had eight hours in the makeup chair every day. And in some scenes, I look very tall because I levitate. You’re going to have a lot of fun with it.
The whole HBO Max day-and-date thing is weird, and I hope as many people as possible get to see the film on the big screen.  
Oh, definitely. I think they made a deal with AT&T—which owns Time Warner, which owns HBO, which owns my phone—that they cut a four-week deal where it’ll be just for the theaters, but I’m not sure. That could change.
I also feel culturally obligated to ask you about Andor, the upcoming Star Wars series you’re in. What’s that about, and who do you play in it?
As you know, they’ll shoot me if I say anything! I can’t even get a proper script. It’s printed on red paper so I can’t make any copies of it, it’s ridiculous! Of course I’ve seen all the Star Wars films, because I’ve had children in the ‘80s, and the ‘90s, and the 2000s, and the 2010s. I’ve had children in five decades, which means you’ve seen all the Star Wars films—and seen all the toys as well. But when I saw Rogue One, it had much more atmosphere and seemed a little more mature—and that was Tony Gilroy, who’s the showrunner on this one. So, hopefully this one will be a little more than little plastic people falling over.
Was a part of the motivation to do Andor to look really cool to your kids?
I do think like that sometimes! I’ll go and do a children’s movie for that reason. But also, I’m not the most mature person myself, so who doesn’t want to go and fly a spaceship?
Plus, now you can give your kids action figures of yourself and say, “Play with me.”
Fuck yeah. Go play with dad. Don’t disturb him! Go play with him! [Laughs]    
I’m not the most mature person myself, so who doesn’t want to go and fly a spaceship?
OK, this is kind of a silly question, but do you have a favorite movie death of yours? My favorite has to be in Deep Blue Sea, because in that one you get your arm ripped off by a shark, and then the shark uses your body as a battering ram to destroy this underwater facility.
I would say that is probably, in terms of inventiveness, my favorite one too. It was Renny Harlin. Yeah. I like it! Fortunately, I didn’t have to spend that much time on that stretcher—it was a doll. But it looked really cool! And the sharks weren’t CGI back then. It was mechanical sharks, and they were pretty dangerous. The little boy in me was very excited.
Another movie of yours that I love, for entirely different reasons than some of these other ones we’ve discussed, is Mamma Mia! Is it basically a vacation filming these? I imagine the cast parties are a lot of fun, because it seems like you all are having a ball.
Well, it is. I’m not a singer and I’m not a dancer so I was scared stiff, but the only way to make it work—because it’s not much of a story—is that we had fun doing it, because that joy is contagious to the audience. And we really had fun. It was very relaxed in Greece there on the beaches, and the parties we had there were very good too. It was a nice bunch of people to hang with.
When the cast of Mamma Mia! goes wild in Greece, who is the one that parties the hardest? Who’s the VIP?
It depends what you mean by partying! I usually get pretty drunk. Down there, Colin [Firth] and I were pretty good at it. And at those parties, we also had 50 dancers in their twenties, and they had much more stamina.
I have to ask: Will the gang get back together for a third one?
I don’t know! It took 10 years between number one and number two, so if it takes another ten years, I don’t know. Some of us may just be there in urns, with our ashes!
You released a pop single in the ‘60s, right?
Yes. When I was 16, I became extremely famous in Sweden. We had one TV channel back then and I did this TV series, and it was like being a rock star. But it meant also that all kinds of shady people thought they could make money off me. So, this guy calls me from Stockholm and says, “Stellan, can you sing?” And I said, “No.” And he said, “Well, try it!” And then I hear this guitar on the other end of the line, I go, “Ahh!” and then he goes, “Perfect! Come over to Stockholm.” I went to this very shady studio in the suburbs and we recorded it, and then the guy who was running the project said, “I listened to the tape now, and I think it’s better if I sing and you speak on the record.” So, I don’t sing on the record. But there were very cruel headlines in Sweden. One paper had a headline that read, “Stellan Skarsgård, who we loved on this TV series, we don’t like anymore.”
That’s so mean! In addition to Breaking the Waves, another film that really raised your profile in the United States was Good Will Hunting—which holds up remarkably well. Some of my favorite scenes in that film are the ones where you and Robin Williams are jousting. And I know he’s a wild card, so what was it like shooting those?
He really is a wild card because anything can come out of him, and he can say anything and do anything, and he has this urge to do it because he has these three parallel brains that are constantly working on finding something funny or interesting. Sometimes, even when we would do ten takes and everybody would be happy with them, he’d say, “I have to get something out of my body,” so we would do one extra for that. You didn’t know what you’d experience when the camera would start rolling—you just had to dance with it. And it was fantastic. He was such a lovely man and had no ego. He was just a volcano of creativity and ideas.
Do you ever think about your legacy? You not only have a bunch of talented children but also have amassed such a strong body of work.
The thing is with legacy: you won’t be able to enjoy it, so just forget it. No, I don’t. And it doesn’t matter. If you’re extremely successful, it takes a decade and you’re gone from people’s minds. You can only hope that your children remember you for a couple of years, at least!
Well, they’ll have the Star Wars toys, at least.
They’ll have the toys! That’s right. [Laughs]
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ace-t-fic · 3 years
Riverside Gryff’s
Phone fanifc be warned no grammar (I made the greaser au + plus any complaints about lily’s writing are based heavily off she was written I just added more on having a sister like petunia to it.)
The ear-piercing sound of glass shattering dulled in comparison to the loud chatter and Music, and that filled the room. But the workers heard it with a heavy sigh as one marked down another tally mark. That's the fifth one; it's only three days into the week. These kids brought in good business but Minerva thinks they’ll run her dry with all the replacements she has to order.
“I’m headed out!” Diana rushed tapping Severus on the shoulder. He only bid her half-assed goodbye before he finished tying up his apron. She was an elderly woman that handled the hard coffee crowd in the morning. By the time Severus clocked in half of the morning/afternoon crowd was beginning to rush out. They were replaced by the younger staff who could handle their own crowd— teenagers.
If there's one thing besides the teenagers, they hated about this place; it was working the floor. Sure the girls loved it and reveled in being next to the many teen sleazeballs that frequented it, but Severus did not. Weasley also downright hated it; the Spinner's End kids had no qualms about throwing him the harshest of nicknames. ‘Fire Crotch’ was a favorite of Severus'.
But Severus hated working the floor whenever any of the jocks down from the riverside visited. Especially when A bunch of spoiled jocks who thought they were thugs came in. Riverside Gryff’s etched across their backs on black leather. All they did was change from their letterman jackets on the way over. They never did anything but bully and abuse lesser people than them. On the other hand, Severus knew true thugs that would stab you in the gut for anything.
"Whatcha thinking in that pretty little head there?"
"All the self-defense moves my mother taught me to ward off men like you." He stated boardely before grabbing at his notepad "What will it be, Potter."
"The in-between Sundae."
"The hell is that? Severus said before reaching under the counter to grab a hold of one of the menus. "We don't have that here."
"Sure you do" James started, a sultry smile gracing his lips as he leant halfway over the counter."Just give me a bottle of whipped cream and spread ya legs-"
"You never know when to shut up, give up and move on," Severus hissed. Briefly eyeing the patron over giving them disapproving looks.
"Of course I don't. I've seen you in my leather jacket."He smirked, leaning closer on the bar." and out of it."
"Excuse me!" Snipped a customer causing Severus to jump-start and remember he's at work, hitting customers is not in the business model.
God, he really hated life sometimes, more so when he took into account that lily was probably the worst friend he's ever picked up. Realistically she roped him into more trouble than his short run with Lucius. She was his best friend but they all were too fucked in their childhoods in too many ways.
They met in church, and he lived on to see her try as hard as possible to shake the notion that she was square. She wanted to rock and sing blues in midnight clubs. Ask Severus, and he'd tell you he had always thought she was jealous of his sister in that way. Petunia, as much as a devil, still managed to garner her family's love while she was sneaking out from the back porch with a cigarette in her pocket and Vernon waiting in a cab a couple of blocks down. At one point she had roped Lily into being her secret keeper.
Lily always folded under pressure and being a square for the rest of her life crisped the edges. So much so that she got involved with the crowds at the riverside. Severus would've never seen it coming with their separate schools and incomes between them. That was until he started shadowing her in town and movie theaters. They went to a dollar movie that day. Abbott and Costello and Severus stood there awkwardly with three other girls who called em'selves goldies. They got into their seats, and it was fine but it seemed like they were making a fuss over nothing and throwing popcorn around. They kept glancing to the side of them and that was when he had noticed a group of three dudes sitting a couple of seats down and to the side.
It got to the point where it was irking Severus just enough for him to take a glance at what exactly put the girls in a frenzy. Got his answer as an equally irked Potter rolled his head up to glance in their direction. He had remembered him of course, preacher's son and an asshole that spent Sunday school telling Severus that since he was a bastard he'd be going to hell. Now he's a thug that keeps staring even as Severus turns his head coming to terms with not getting to watch the movie.
Even when it had finished and Severus retreated to the bathroom to wash his hands an amused James slid past him with a mumbled apology. It got even worse from there when he got his slug from a neighbor who passed and was the designated driver. Finally, it ended with a bonfire on the lake. Lily had gotten ahead of herself in strip poker and Severus was there with his shirt to save her when she went prancing along the lake. The night ended with both of them soaked and a little worse for wear.
Once the hysteria passed and lights in the lodge filled with the teens, Severus had sat on the pier miserable. James plopped beside him and his jacket heavy on his shoulder now that he was shirtless. The whole thing was weird, the atmosphere changing and stretching uncomfortably whenever they were in the same Vicinity together. Didn't stop Severus from leading him back to his car, though. When Lily had found them a few drunken words and curses later Severus had tried his hardest to drag her home. A moment later they were both found in a tree.
Severus is a little irritated to wake up and find the preacher looming over his hospital bed in prayer with his mother. A letterman jacket sitting on the seat beside him.
"How's Lilly darling," Trelawney asked, fumbling with the register.
"She's good, doing much better in the silent towns. Reckons she'll visit for the summer."
"Oh, sweet girl. Shame that DUI, these gangs they got themselves into, gold ladies and whatnot. In my day I would've been dealt with, with! a wooden spoon. "She chattered grabbing a few bills before jampacking the drawer closed." You be careful with these lot, charming boys aren't passaged to paradise." Before making her way back to the table she was servicing.
"Full of shit, that one." He heard a voice mumble near him. "Untouched and a nail-biter." Severus’s hands clenched to hide his nails before glaring at the curly-haired boy.
"Oh come on, I'm not talking about you."
"Then why make observations pertaining to me." Severus seethed, abruptly reopening the register. "Well, it's adorable when you do it-"
"Piss off," He said before going back down the bar.
His night only got worse as 4 more glasses were broken and a fight broke out. A drink knocked over and a wet shirt later with stains on his jeans had him reeling for a day off. And when clean up was said and done Minerva locked up the gates and he saw Arthur off on the bus he waited under his spotlight.
"Your shirt is a little wet there, need a change?"
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missskzbiased · 4 years
The Hare and The Tortoise (Pt.2)
Genre: Suggestive, Mature/Smut, Oneshot, A little bit of Fluff
Pairing: Changbin x Reader x Han   [Feat. Jeongin but not sexually]
Word Count: ~5,6K
Female lead
TW: Pet name (Love/Princess), Dom!Idol (?), Sub!Reader (?), Exhibitionism, Dirty talking, Humiliation, Orgasm denying/edging, Public Place, Poli relationship
Notes: Well, I wasn’t planing on writing a part 2 but @spearb1108 suggested it and few days later my mind was like SHOOT, so there it is. You don’t need to read the (Pt 1) but it is here anyway haha
    You couldn’t believe your own eyes.
    “I told you so” You looked at your boyfriend, his cocky smirk pissing you off immediately.
    Changbin gave you his knowing look, the kind of expression that pissed you in your daily life and made you want to wipe his bloody smirk off of his pretty face. Of course, you wouldn’t say this out loud but that same look could make your knees give out on spot as soon as he laid his hands on you… Sometimes he didn’t even need his hand, just the look, which, as humiliating as it was, made you beg for too many things inside and outside your bedroom in the past month.
   “Okay, Binnie, We all know I’m a slow bitch” Jisung whined, rolling his eyes as he reached you two “I don’t complain about you being tiny every time now, do I?” He mocked, smirking at his friend. Although Changbin always teased Han for walking behind, the youngest didn’t mind it, claiming that you can only fully enjoy some things in life when you take it slow. Just like the curve of that fine ass here, He liked to say before slapping your fine ass and grasping it, making Changbin roll his eyes every time, even though he knew what was coming.
   Changbin and Han were good friends and teammates, which made both of them quite childish with each other, a bunch of jokes and teasing going around even before the three of you began to date. So now that they weren’t just friends anymore, they were also your boyfriends, they decided to constantly compete with each other to get your attention, even though you gave much more than your attention to both of them repeatedly.
   “Guys, you’re ignoring our problem here” You reminded them, gesturing to the long line just in front of you “We have like… Fifteen minutes to get our tickets, and I don’t know what you think but I think we’re screwed” You sighed, both of them rested their hands on your shoulder, squeezing it gently “I wanted to watch this so much” You pouted, looking devasted to the line, knowing you would never do this on time.
    Or would you?
   “Y/N?” Someone chirped from behind you, making you turn your head. You beamed, mouth agape when you saw Jeongin right in front of you, his foxy features were as cute as you remembered them “I can’t believe it! It’s been so long!” He opened his arms for you, and you ran to him, giving him a tight hug as he spun you around, both of you laughing.
   “Oh my god! It has been ages!” You squealed as he finally let your feet on the ground, his hold firm on your waist “You’re taller now!” You chuckled, noticing your head were on the level of his shoulder when it used to be at his nose, your head tilting back to take a good look at him “Anyway, what are you doing here?! How is college?” He scoffed as you patted his arms and shoulders, like an aunt that didn’t see her nephew for weeks, inspective.
   “Well, College is standing right there, just as the architects and engineers planned” He joked, making you laugh “I’m kidding, It’s been good… I’m almost graduating my ass, thank god! I can’t stand being there anymore, I swear!” He let you go with a smile, a sigh leaving his lips before a mischievous smirk got on it “At least if you were still there with me… I miss my veteran!” You snorted at his whining, the back of his hand going to his forehead in a dramatic motion before he opened one of his eyes, checking your reaction “Anyway, how about you? What are you doing here?” He raised his brows, curious.
   “I think you can guess that alone” You spread your arms open while chuckling, swiveling to gesture to your surroundings, a Movie Theater, until your hand bumped onto someone. You turned around ready to apologize but it was just Changbin and Han, standing straight up behind you, their eyes evaluating your friend “We came here to watch a movie but one of us was too slow” You eyed Han, who didn’t even spare a glance at you, focused on Jeongin “And we will have to watch something else” You wailed.
   “Oh, it’s nice to meet you” He said with a warm smile, extending his hand to shake both of theirs. They were kind enough to shake it back, polite smiles on their faces, no signs of jealousy nor hostility towards the younger one “Are you her friend?” He asked curiously, making you panic.
   You weren’t prepared to let anyone know you had two boyfriends, afraid of the judgment.
   “No, actually we are her b—“ You interrupted Han quickly, your heart thumping on your chest like a drum.
   “No, They’re my best friends!” You laughed awkwardly, getting a laugh from Jeongin too, oblivious to what you had put yourself into.
   You could feel both of them tensing by your side.
   You turned your head around, checking their features, just to see a stern Changbin, eyes cold and sharp, refusing to look at you right now, and a louring Han, hurt painting his eyes as he looked straight into yours, questioningly. You sent them an apologetic smile, your eyes pleading for their understanding but neither of them seemed to buy your apologies, a scoff slipping through their lips at the same time.
   “Well, since I like you and they are your friends… I think I can help you out, what do you think?” Jeongin grinned at you, gesturing to the back door before wiggling his eyebrows. You could only beam, your eyes twinkled as you grabbed his arm, hopeful “I don’t work here for nothing” He snorted, not even waiting for your answer, as your reaction made it pretty clear, heading to the back door while you were telling him which movie you wanted to watch.
   “Let’s go to the last seat, the farthest from the screen” You could almost feel the smugness that gushed from his lips, his eyes buried into yours, mocking you silently, as he let an obnoxious smile find its way to his face “Is that okay, Jeongin?” He sneered, even though the younger one didn’t catch onto it, smiling as he agreed, confessing he liked those seats too.
  The movie had already started when you arrived, so the three of you thanked Jeongin silently, making your way upstairs as you eyed the place, noticing there wasn’t a lot of people to watch it, probably due to the fact it had been in theaters for quite a while now.
   The back seats were completely empty.
   Not a soul to be seen around.
   You were screwed.
   Changbin made his way first, sitting down and lifting his chin to watch you as you sat beside him, Han sitting next to you. You felt trapped. You pretended to be calm, fixing your eyes on the screen and paying attention to the movie, ignoring the glimpse of both of your boyfriends leering at you in your peripheral vision.
  “So… Best friends, hm?” Changbin leaned your way nonchalantly, voice down to a whisper as he looked at you. You did your best to not look back, a shiver running down your spine “Interesting way to call someone that fucks you every day” He spat, and you closed your eyes, breathing deeply.
  There was no way in hell he would let it go.
  “Yeah… Last time I checked, the only name she could call me was Sir” Han added, his tone mimicking Changbin’s, both of them were malicious, scorn dripping like venom from their mouths.
   It turned you on.
   Han let his hand fall to your thigh, hands trailing painfully slowly under your skirt, meeting your clothed core for a brief second before pulling away. You tightened your lips, pressing your thighs together, still refusing to look at them, hopeful that if you didn’t acknowledge your mistake, they would let it go eventually.  
  You were wrong.
  “You’re a brat” Jisung spat, his voice low and husky, it felt like the sound could dig its nail on your nape, your body stiffened “Didn’t I explicitly ordered you to come without it?” His hand trailed to your skirt again, finger hooking your underwear and pulling it upwards, the fabric rubbing against your clit. He held it like this for a while, expecting your answer.
  “W-What? You didn’t ask me this” Your eyes shot to him, dumbfound, body twitching when he pulled it a little harder. You should have known better than to answer like this. Changbin’s hand darted to your chin, holding it firmly as he guided you to look at him, contempt all over his features.
  “You’re right, he didn’t ask, he ordered it” He pulled your face closer, eyes focused on your lips before resuming to your eyes “That mouth of yours… Where are you learning to talk back like this, Love? Aren’t you tired to get punished every single time?” He looked at you disappointed, a sigh leaving his lips as he let go of your chin.
   “She likes to get punished because she’s a whore” Han’s lips hovered over your left ear, his voice raspy and mean, the soft graze on your earlobe enough to make you squirm “I think we’re not fucking her enough, Binnie… She can’t even remember my name” he bit your earlobe softly, pulling it with his teeth briefly before letting it go, tensing your body right away, the need to be touched by them increasing by the second “Or maybe we’re fucking her too much… She can’t even remember my orders” He taunted, his hot breath teasing the helix of your ear “Are you saying I didn’t send you a message about this, Princess?”
   Oh? Was that what he was talking about? Of course, you remembered the message just fine. It was a simple statement of how much he wanted you to get rid of your underwear and go out with him, so he could take you there and then, making you cum in front of everyone and claim you as his. You remembered far too well how you answered with a wink emoji and a silent promise that you both would do it someday.
   A day he didn’t settle yet.
   “We didn’t… We didn’t decide when we…” You babbled, trying to reasoning but he cut you off by pulling your panties harder, moving it side to side so it would flicker your clit. You let out a gasp, surprised by the motion, shutting your eyes, hoping you could control your voice today.
  “Oh no, Love…” Changbin pitied mockingly, leaning closer to your ear, letting his breath fan over there for a second before he let a soft kiss on your temple “You were so excited to watch this movie… Keep your eyes on the screen” His tone was demanding and you opened your eyes right away, focusing them ahead, pressing your thighs together once more, grinding on your panties unwillingly, although the friction hit you deliciously, making you gulp down.
   “Take them off” Jisung ordered, letting go of your underwear, both of them retracted themselves, sitting straight up again. You looked around, just to check if someone was looking, and Changbin glared at you, a silent scold for averting your eyes from the screen. You lifted yourself just enough to take off the piece, letting it to your feet, which didn’t please Han, who took it off completely and rested it beside him “Now spread your legs” He demanded.
   You complied, hoping they would have mercy on you from now on.
   “Now she’s a good girl” Changbin scoffed, shaking his head in disapproval “You should know better, Love” He sighed, his hand caressing your thigh gently, an arousing contrast from his harsh tone “We knew you were a slut… But I never pictured you as a dumb slut like this” He grasped your thigh, watching your lips quivering, your arousal being impossible to hide at this pace.
   Worse than being humiliated by them was craving for it.
   Both Changbin and Jisung knew how you liked when they talked to you like this, when they ordered you around, gripped you, aroused you, teased you… That was the only thing they didn’t argue about. It was like they were set on teasing themselves all day long until they needed to tease you, so they acted like friendly brothers.
   Not a second later, Jisung’s hand slapped your thigh softly, startling you with the sound, your eyes roaming around the place again, just so both of them grasped your thighs as a silent warning you should be watching your movie. You swallowed dryly, eyes down to the screen again.
   Han was the patient one, so you weren’t surprised as he caressed your skin slowly, trailing the path to your heat with an insufferable rhythm that made you want to hold his hand and place it right on your cunt. Changbin on the other hand was impatient, and he used his grip on your leg to pull it to him, spreading you to whoever wanted to see it.
   “You have to take your time” Han tsked, caressing your skin right next to your outer labia, lingering there with a featherlike touch that made you arch your back, the contrasting feeling of the gentleness of his fingers and the roughness of your leg being tugged getting to your head “She likes it slow…” His lips found your neck, a soft kiss after another slowly drawing his path.
  You let your head fall to the side, giving him access to your skin, craving for his contact.
  “No… She likes it rough” Changbin corrected smugly, his hold on your leg tightening as his other hand scratched your inner thighs from your knees to your core, his fingers bristling over there, the brief touch being too much to take. You closed your eyes, drowning in the intoxicating feeling that knotted your stomach, just to have your chin grabbed again “Are you fucking deaf? Keep your eyes on the damn screen, Y/N” He buried his nose on the crook of your neck, rousing you.
   You didn’t know if you should tilt your head to Han’s side to give Changbin some space to work on you, or if you should stay still, getting off by the gentle sucks Han was giving to your neck.
   “S-Sorry, Master” You said quickly, panting, and you felt his smirk against your collarbone before he bit you. Han perked up to the name, breaking away from you as he looked at you with disappointment all over his face, pulling your leg to his lap, just like Changbin, spreading your legs fully apart.
  “What an ungrateful brat…” He sighed “Here I am being nothing but loving to you and you can’t even thank me… You just obey him, hm?” You tried to look at him but Changbin grip held you in place, so you just darted your eyes to Jisung, guilty.
  “Thank you, Sir” Your throat dried, voice sounding husky and needy, even to your ears. You couldn’t wait for what they were going to do, what they would submit you to. Jisung’s fingers teased your entrance, and it was like all the blood rushed there, your senses enhancing greatly.
   Maybe it was the blood pulsing down there or maybe it was the arousal that made you sensitive to everything but you could feel the cold air that filled the room kissing your folds, the strange sensation sending a shiver up to your neck, feeling like they were blowing softly at your insides, preparing you for what was going to come.
   If they didn’t tune it down it would be you.
   You could come undone at any moment now.  
   And they didn’t even touch you yet.
   “Look at this, she’s dripping” Jisung inserted two fingers at once, not even worried about how you would take it, knowing you could take them far too well. He wasn’t even surprised as his fingers slid easily into you, retracting them to show how they glistened against the weak lightning from the screen, his tongue darted to his lips unconsciously.  
   He scissored his fingers, a thin string of your juices connecting them, hanging in the air until it molded to his fingers again. Changbin let out a groan, eyes fixed on Jisung’s fingers, and you could feel how his grip on your leg was starving, his hand letting go of your chin to grab Han’s wrist, pulling it closer to your mouth, and you stuck out your tongue in unrequested obedience that made both of them grunt.
  “You’re so filthy” Changbin muttered under his breath, letting go of Han’s hand as the younger boy tapped your tongue with his fingers, a silent order that you complied eagerly, licking them hungrily, tongue embracing his digits “I won’t lie, Love… I wanted to taste you right now…” He whispered in your ear, tantalizing “… But you’re so dirty… So damn needy… That only a slut like you would get off from it” You twitched, his hand found its way to your core, fingers smearing all your cunt, spreading the wetness to all the corners he could reach.
   You let out a choked moan, muffled by Jisung’s fingers.
   “Do you want everyone to hear how lewd you are?” Han chuckled, taking his fingers out of your mouth to press them against your clit, staying still right there, waiting for you to buck your hips forward “I should make you earn it, Princess” He cooed, a pout on his lips, his eyes mocking your eagerness, even though you stood still like the good girl you needed them to acknowledge you were at this point “But you’re already so pitiful… Spread like that… Anyone could caught you right now, maybe that little friend of yours… Can you imagine how shocked he would get? Seeing you like the whore you really are? Expecting your best friends to fuck you instead of watching your movie like a good girl?” He punctuated each one of his arguments with an impossibly slow flick on your clit, the friction set you on fire.
    You held on to every string of strength and sanity you could gather inside you, eyes shutting, a vain attempt to regain your focus, to try to hold back as best as you could. Changbin’s raspy voice pulled you back from your bliss, his fingers moving inside you at a merciless pace, thrusting into you over and over again, the soft and lewd sounds of his ministrations getting the best of your mind.
   Their fingers were just like them.
   Jisung’s fingers were slender, beautiful and teasing just like him, also longer than Changbin’s fingers, and way too slower… Han took his time, torturing your senses, each circle he rubbed tightened the coil that was building up on you, ready to snap at any moment. Changbin’s fingers were short but thick, fast workers that liked to edge you relentlessly, abusing you like Han never could do. Still, the mix of their touches, slowness and fastness together, making you unable to distinguish what you felt, ripping your mind apart to the point you couldn’t even care if someone would see you like this, ruined.
   You couldn’t focus on anything else.
   “Open your eyes and watch the movie like a good girl, Love” He demanded “Han and I can’t watch it while taking care of you, can we? It’s the least you can do… Tell us what happened while we did you” His whispers sent shivers down your spine again, shivers that bumped into the pinch of your stomach, enough to trigger the beginning of your orgasm.
  You shot your hands to your mouth, muffling the moan that was bound to come.
   But it never did.
   Their hands stopped on their tracks, departing from you immediately, all the blissful sensations built up on you fading away like they were never there to begin with, just your clenching core, desperately trying to grasp something that wasn’t there anymore, as a reminder of what you had just lost.
   “First, you don’t use your hands to muffle your voice, Princess” Han threatened, lowering his voice to the point that you could come just from hearing it “Second, you want to watch this movie so much… How can we just make you lose it like this? We’re not that mean, are we? We’ll allow you to watch it as you wanted, and only then you’ll get to cum for us, okay?” His instructions were sickeningly sweet, the mockery hidden as sympathy that made you want to beg for it right now.
   You wanted to cum right now.
   You craved for it.
   And that was exactly why you kept your mouth shut.
   “Yes, Sir” You agreed, swallowing down any wishes you wanted to voice out, any remarks you would like to do, like the obviously bulge both of them held, that could fit right in your hands. They were louder than you, and you knew it, the urge to expose them lingered right there in the back of your mind, make them moan your name… And yet, you needed to cum later.
  So you stood there, legs apart, hands down, eyes focused on the screen.
  Wet like a fucking pool.
  “Good girl” Changbin praised, kissing your temple “You’re so good for us that it makes me want to fuck you right now and end your suffering, Love” He confessed, soft kisses trailing down to your neck and then to your collarbone, sucking the exposed skin lightly.
  “So do it” You risked, eyes unwavering ahead, trying to make some sense from the images displayed before you. You ignored the fluttering feeling inside your stomach, satisfied by the attention you were getting, the soft kisses making you melt inside and yearn for more. You ignored their chuckles, amused by your keenness, mocking you. Lastly, you ignored the dignity you wished you have on you, allowing the sudden rush of arousal to take over your body when they sneered at you.
  “That’s what you want? To be fucked here? Do you want poor Jeongin to come in and watch you cumming for us?” He pouted, teasing you with a feigned pity that enraged you. Was that so hard to just give you what you wanted?
  “I don’t give a fuck to Jeongin” You spat.
  “Watch your tone” He warned you, quirking his brow at your sudden snap. You scoffed, not once averting your eyes from the screen, smirking as you caught a glimpse of his uneasy frown, confused by your behavior.
  “I’m watching the movie right now, sorry” You scorned, a smug grimace taking over your features. Changbin laughed at the retort but Jisung didn’t seem to like it, his fingers buried in your thighs, warningly. When you heard him snort, you knew he was up to something. His fingers met your folds again, rubbing circles that quickly brought back your hunger.
  “Looks like someone has an admirer” You darted your eyes to where he pointed with his head, Changbin’s fingers resumed his previous motions, burying inside you immediately when he caught on with Han’s plan. You and Jeongin met eyes for a few seconds, He was standing right in the corner of the exit, several rows of seats blocking your body from his view, a shy wave on your way showed he was there just to see you.
   You kept a straight face.
   “Do you think he will risk it? Come here to talk to you?” Changbin spoke on your ear as if he was a friend gossiping with you. Jeongin certainly believed they were teasing you about his presence, the chuckles both of your boyfriends shared for an entirely different reason must have looked like a hint for him because he made mention to approach you, fully revealing himself from behind the corner “What is it?” He mocked you “She’s soaking, Han… I think our whore wants to be seen”
   You never heard Changbin sounding so damn sexy before.
   As Jeongin trailed his path upstairs, you could only hope they would let go of your legs, let you press them tightly, and act like you weren’t about to come at a public place like… You gulped down at the thought, trying your best not to roll your eyes back as you felt your high approaching quickly, bitting your lips to the point you felt an ironish taste in your mouth. As if God decided to spare you from further humiliation, some coworker of him appeared out the corner, tapping his shoulders and motioning to him, asking for help with something you couldn’t care less.
   Thank god!
   Your happiness faded away with your denied orgasm.
   They retreated their hands, acting all innocent. You felt tears prickling your eyes, frustration washing over you, the urge to finish the job yourself, and send them to hell. You groaned, agitated, the holding on your thighs preventing you from pressing them to get any friction at all. They looked at you delighted by your struggle, smiling when they felt your squirm under their grip.
   The silence and the lack of touches made you grumpy, eyes buried into screen even though you couldn’t pay attention to it anymore. Every now and then they brushed their fingers over your skin, teased you for just a little bit, grasped your flesh but none of it was enough to edge you again. When the female lead started to run under the rain after a bunch of needless issues that could end her relationship and the male lead ran after her, you knew the movie was finally reaching its end, and so did Changbin and Jisung.
   You bit your lips as soon as they touched you again, ready to finally get your deserved release.
   Jisung flickered your clit slowly, giving each one of the strokes a featherlike pressure, making you buck your hips forwards, craving for him, while Changbin abused you without any mercy, his fingers curling to reach places you didn’t even know that needed to be touched, repeatedly hitting your sweet spot over and over again. You let your head fall back just to shot it up again, focusing on the screen, afraid they would retreat no.
   The motion didn’t go unnoticed to Changbin, who chuckled, fastening his ministrations.
   “Such a good girl for me” He praised, voice raspy against your jaw, before sucking your skin “I can’t wait to get home, Love… I want to hear your voice… I want you to call me Master… “ He punctuated every sentence with a new suck, trailing to your ear, a strangled moan leaving your lips, soft enough to go unnoticed “I want you to beg for me” He sucked on your earlobe, and you shut your eyes for a moment, mouth falling agape.
   “P-Please, fuck me, Master” You complied, his thrusts increasing, fingers scissoring you from inside, curling and grinding you “Ruin me, Master” You pleaded, tears finding their way to your eyes, blurring your vision. Changbin groaned next to you, hopefully as frustrated as you were earlier, which made you smile through your shivering, your high approaching at lightning speed.
   “Don’t use your hands, Princess” Han voiced hoarsely next to your ear as soon as he saw your hands raising to muffle your voice, clearly affected by your body quivering “I didn’t think you would handle it so well…” He admitted, kissing your jaw, just like Changbin had “Although you did talk back to me a few times…” When you felt his fingers threatening to leave, your eyes teared again.
    “Please, Sir, Please!” You hissed, the lowest you could be, desperate “Please, forgive me, Sir! I need it… I need to cum” You pleaded, glossy eyes unfocusing, your mind too far gone to care about your dignity anymore “Please, let me cum” You tried again, delighted when his finger pressed against you and flicked your clit eagerly, determined to get you off.
   You felt the coil in your stomach tightening quickly, arching your back as you felt the knot was ready to unravel, the pleasure clouding your mind. It was like steam was oozing out of each pore of your skin, the thin coat of sweat glistening your neck and chest even though the room was cold, which just added to the pot.    
“You’ve earned it, Princess… Cum for us” Jisung demanded, sucking your earlobe and that was it, you came undone.
 You couldn’t point out what it was.
 If it was the cold air blowing you, the husky voice of your boyfriends, the endearing sensation of them sucking lightly onto your earlobe, just like they would do to your clit if they could right now, the vehement thrusts of your boyfriend digits, the passionate stroke your other boyfriend gave to your clit… You didn’t even care.
  Your body jolted forward when your orgasm hit you violently, body shaking vigorously, hands shooting to the seat right in front of you, nails digging in it, trying to hold on for dear life. You pulled yourself forward, both of your boyfriends jolting with you to steady you, preventing you from falling, and buried your teeth in the headrest of the seat, muffling your voice, as their ministrations didn’t slow down by one bit.
  You heard them gasp before Changbin bit your shoulder lovingly and Jisung trailed your back with small kisses.
  You trembled uncontrollably, watching through your glossy eyes as the credits began to roll on the screen, blurred figures popped up from their seats, and you could only hope they didn’t look back, because there was no way you could pretend you weren’t cumming right now. They finally slowed down their motions, helping you ride out from your high, until they finally stopped, letting your mind collect itself.
  “I didn’t use my hands” You joked tiredly, feeling a string of drool leaking from the corner of your mouth. You threw your body back to the seat, sighing relieved, a bright smile making its way to your face, even though you felt like a filthy bastard right now. You panted heavily, trying to recompose yourself, heart blowing into your chest, all the thrilling and risks of being caught finally filling your head “Holy shit, what have we done?” You widened your eyes.
  “That’s a little bit too late for that” Jisung laughed, picking up your underwear and wiping your cunt, making you whimper “Sorry, Princess” He smiled apologetic at you, fixing your skirt.
   “Can you walk?” Changbin asked worried, making you chuckle, as he helped you to get your feet on the ground, wobbling knees showing you that you couldn’t.
  “It’s a little bit too late for that” You teased, the bliss clouding any bad feelings you could have right now “I love you” You blurted out “Both of you” You added, getting as an answer soft kisses on our temple and then on your cheek.
   “We love you too” They said at the same time, resting their heads on your shoulder and holding your hands, rubbing small circles on them, before they brought it to place a gentle kiss on your knuckles. You giggled, amused by how both of them could be so sweet and so filthy at the same time. You three stood there, watching people leaving the room as you recomposed, your legs little by little regaining their strength.
   “I think I’m good now” You stated, holding your palm up for Han “Give me my underwear and let’s go home” You smiled but you got a scoff from him as he got up from his seat and extended his empty hand for you to take. You accepted it, confused, getting up and being followed by Changbin, who smirked at Han knowingly.
  “You won’t need it when we get home” He assured you slyly, making you blush “And I think a certain friend of yours may need it” You widened your eyes as he let the piece back, adorning your sticky seat, “So he can understand that this beautiful and sweet slut over here is taken by two incredible boyfriends there are more than enough to please her” He intertwining your fingers.
  Changbin copied his motions, guiding you through the stairs as your eyes darted back to the seat, completely embarrassed. Jisung followed you from behind, as usual, laughing as he saw Jeongin entering the room smiling, waving at you. You nodded at him, blushing, and averted your eyes, praying for god that you could never meet him ever again. He passed you, stopping in his tracks and turning back, voice unsure.
  “Hm… Do you want to go on a date someday?” You looked at him flabbergasted, mouth opening and closing as you couldn’t find anything to say. Jisung chuckled, giving him pity eyes before sighing.
   “She can’t… She’s dating” He informed, making the youngest shot his brows up, surprised “Sorry, buddy” He shrugged. You closed your eyes as the three of you went downstairs, heart thumping madly as you were afraid of him finding his gift before you could be away. Jisung walked slowly behind you and you could feel him turning once in a while until you and Changbin reached the corner of the exit, relief washing over you.
  “Holy shit” You heard him squeaking, taken aback, and you shrank as you kept walking.
  “I wish I could see his face” Changbin sighed, not embarrassed by one bit while you could only feel the dampness forming again between your thighs, praying it wouldn’t leak out from you before you got to the car.
 “See? You can only fully enjoy some things in life when you take it slow…” He joked, slapping your ass hardly “And if you really wanna know, it was priceless”
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