#she ra role reversal
starscream1998 · 1 year
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I really love Future Adora's design. Seeing her trade in her usual formal and pragmatic Horde uniform for something airy and light combined with the lack of the ponytail gives the impression of an Adora who has finally mastered how to actually relax. She's allowed to be soft and vulnerable without the literal weight of a world on her back. Meanwhile Catra seems to have taken after Adora's old look slightly down to the ponytail and the boots which I love the symmetry of. She looks like a lady of action spearheading Etheria's future.
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igotanidea · 3 months
New rules: Damian Wayne x reader
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part 4 of "Family rules" series.
A/N: bit of a filler, cause it's been 3 months(!!!!), but promise next part will be more eventful :D
„What is this?!” her father yelled, almost throwing the Gotham newspaper in her face.
“Let me tell you what this is! This is you kissing Damian Wayne! And your face is all over the newspapers’ front pages!”
“Stop screaming at me!” she spat back feeling her self-control slipping.
“You better tread carefully young lady. Last time I checked you were still living in my house.”
The nightmare began the second she got back from school, still reeling from everything that happened in the principal’s office. Y/N could barely step over the threshold when a tight grip on her shoulders yanked her back, pushing her into the chair in the living room, with a very angered Mr. Y/L/N hovering above her. Felt like a freaking interrogation because she dared to behave like a teenage girl falling in love for the first time in her life.
If her mother was still alive, she would understand. She would sit down with her, ask a lot of questions, let Y/N blush and be supportive as a mother could.
Instead the young girl had to deal with her father, who clearly forgot that part of the role, focusing only on acting as a CEO, whose daughter was fraternizing with the enemy.
And it made her feel guilty.
Guilty for her own feelings, as if falling in love was something shameful. As if he had to pick the right person to whom her heart should start beating. Or not. Not that she could have experienced that, yet¸ but judging by the screams and rage she could say that in the future her father might try to marry her off out of reason.  
“Dad, please listen, I –” her pleading tone was supposed to make the man realize that she wasn’t just a bargaining chip in his business’ development.
“I understand.” The response was cold, emotionless, almost ruthless, leaving no space for arguing.  
“No you don’t understand! You don’t understand! How could you possibly understand love when even mom was nothing more than a trophy wife for you-!“
Her outburst was immediately cut off by a slap and sharp stinging on the cheek followed by the reddened skin and pulsing blood.
“This is what your mother’s upbringing caused.” Her father hissed “ungrateful, stupid, snouted brat. But let me tell you something. This ends here. And if you want to keep living on my expense, you will do as I tell you!”
“I’m 17! I’m underage, you can’t just cast me out!”
“Unless you want to find out what I’m capable of, I advise you to listen to the plan you’re just a pawn in.”
“What is it, Damian?” Bruce asked his youngest son when he came back from school. If there was any anger or disappointment in him, he did a great job hiding it.
“It’s nothing.” Said youngest muttered bellicosely.
It obviously had to come to this stupid awkward conversation with his father but Damian was not going to admit anything easily. And the fact that the boy only just realized that he might be slightly in love with Y/N Y/L/N was causing him to act even more coldly and aloofly than usually.
“I said it’s nothing!”
“So you kissing that girl was just you having fun? Or maybe you were trying to humiliate her?”
“What? No!”
“Look, you are a boy. It's okay if you want to blow off steam. It’s understandable.” Bruce smirked, clearly setting a trap for Damian with the reverse psychology trick.
“You understand? Because you had so much blowing off steam when you were younger?" Obviously the boy raised by Thalia Al-Ghul and Ra’s Al-Ghul was smarter than to fall for something so childish. “Besides, it’s such a humiliating experience. I have no interest in primitive youthful pleasures and amorous activities, father.”
“You sure about it?”
“Positive.” Damian crossed arms over his chest, having his face expression under perfect control.
“Good. Get ready for patrol then. We’ll be leaving soon.”
Damian nodded and with stern look and pursed lips left the room, allowing Bruce to finally let out a sigh of worry. His son may have been a skilled vigilante trained in restraint of emotions, but he could not trick Batman himself. It was impossible to notice how Damian’s eyes were focused on that little Y/L/N during all of last night’s gala. Showing much more than just resentment. And then the dance, which Bruce didn’t even have to force him into. And the way his boy was holding that girl. It was almost obvious that Damian had in fact an interest in amorous activities.
And unlike Y/n’s father, Bruce was not mad about it. In fact, he was quite relieved. As long as possible the relationship would not detriment Damian’s Robin duties of course. But seriously, as a father of a 17 year old, Bruce knew that it was only a matter of time when dilemmas and problems related to love and adolescence would come forward.
And unlike Y/N;s father Bruce was going to watch it carefully, intervening when needed, giving a push here and there, but without obvious control.
She was crying a waterfall, holding onto the bruised cheek wondering how to best cover it up so no one at school would ask silly questions.
Locked in the room on the first floor, making the most stern resolution to avoid Damian Wayne for dear life. Even if that was the last thing she would do in her life, she wouldn’t get closer than three rows of desks in the classroom.
For what Y/N cared, Damian Wayne was now officially dead to her.
He was sitting on the branch of a giant tree next to her house, dressed in Robin costume, observing how the girl walked into her room with a hand on her cheek, though the distance didn’t allow him to uncover why. Was she sick? Would she be at school tomorrow? Maybe the press got to her and she hurt herself running away from the paparazzi?
AH! He almost fell to the ground.
“Yes, father?”
“What are you doing?”
“The target.”
“What now?”
“Unless the target changed age, gender and appearance—”
“Our criminal is currently running down 34th street.” Damian cut his father off abruptly and roughly “his tires are about to burst in about 100 meters due to the explosive I planted there. The explosion will give us enough momentum to jump into action and catch him with the stolen goods in his trunk. That is if we get into action in 3…2…1…” he swiftly shot into the air without paying attention to his companion and even less to his words.
As if Batman was trying to suggest Damian might have been watching her.
Huh! Ridiculous!
“Hey Y/n, what happened to your face?” The same girl that used to laugh her out about ending up on the pages kissing Damian, guffawed the next day seeing the poorly covered bruise on Y/N’s face.
“None of your fuckin business -“
“Oh, such bad words coming out of the little princess' mouth, isn’t it?”
“Get lost Lisa!” Y/N shut the locker and tried to walk past her bully.
“You will not ignore me!” Lisa hissed and yanked the other girl’s hair back.
“GIRL FIGHT!” someone yelled and in a blink of an eye the corridor was filled with students cheering on one or the other girl as they started to circle around each other waiting for the moment to strike. Before teachers arrived Y/N was on the floor, blocking the hits that Lisa, who was sitting atop her kept on throwing.
“Wait… what?” Y/N stuttered and the moment of confusion ended up in the perfectly aimed nose punch and a quite decent bleeding. Followed by Lisa’s vindictive smile.
“Now your nose matches your cheek.”
“ny-noze….”  tears pricked from Y/N’s eyes from the combined pain and shock. It was not just about the fight, but everything that happened in the last couple days. Her father’s abuse because of falling in love and now Lisa’s torment because of pretty much the same followed by a girl’s jealousy.
“What is happening here?” Fuck, why were the teachers always appearing  after the drama happened.
“She attacked me!” Lisa exclaimed, putting on an innocent face. “So aggressive, I suppose it’s because she was raised only by one parent.”
For a second the principal and the tutor were looking between untouched Lisa and beaten up, bleeding Y/N. It was clear who was the casualty, nonetheless it was Lisa’s family who’s been giving generous donations to school.
“Get up from the floor Y/N.” she was finally instructed and on shaky legs and with dizziness she clumsily stood up still clutching her nose. “This is your second stunt this week. You’re coming to my office and this time, I won’t go lightly on you.”
“It was not her fault.” Someone from the crowd of the students dared to speak up and the people parted, revealing the fuming….
Damian Wayne.
“it was Lisa—”
“Oh, I don’t feel well!” Lisa exclaimed accidentally falling right into Damian’s arms “I feel like I’m going to faint—”
“Mr. Wayne, take Mrs Thomas to the nurse’s office so she can be tended to.”
“What-?” Damian swiftly avoided Lisa’s fall and the girl almost ended up on the floor. “No.”
“No. Y/N was the one who was attacked. And for crying out loud, she’s the one bleeding and needing medical attention. So no, I’m not taking her—” he threw a glance at Lisa “anywhere when there’s someone else in need.”
“U-uh…” the principal still had in mind the humiliation he was subjected to last time when he had Damian and Y/N talk to him. “Fine! Fine, you take her to the nurse, though it’s completely unnecessary and –” half a sentence and two of them were already halfway away “Fuck. I mean, you all go back to your classes! There’s nothing to see here! Now go, before I put you all in detention!”
So her resolve to avoid Damian was broken on the first day. 
And it was about to get even harder from now on. 
part 5: Cracking
@6000-fandoms @beyond-your-stars @mikyapixie
@heartz4miz @crookedmakerfury @mariam12344 @celestair
@faimmm @hornyslasher @urdarlingali
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nyaskitten · 5 months
This is such an insanely good scene To Me and we genuinely do not talk about it as often as we should even though it makes me so autistic... So I'm just gonna analyze it, looking mainly at Ras' manipulation tactics.
First, you have Ras, pissed off in an alley, angrily complaining about his woes, when suddenly Beatrix approaches him with an offer. (This scene will later be paralleled in the finale, but Jordana takes the initial role of Ras, and Ras takes the role of both Beatrix and himself, the Approacherrr and the Manipulatorrr.)
Ras stops, because he hears Beatrix's footsteps before her shadow appears on-screen, and based on the lighting the shadows appear to be pretty long, this scene occurs either early in the morning or late in the afternoon. We're gonna go with early in the morning, as a reverse parallel to Jordana's scene, which is pretty late at night, so already you got an additional parallel.
Ras turns around to see Beatrix approach, he gets her name right the first time, but then proceeds to ask if she could be Zeatrix instead in a slightly fake tone. She reacts angrily, of course, and Ras feigns surprise at getting it wrong, and bows respectfully, as a means of apology. This was the immediate start to his manipulation, in "confusing" their names, he was feeding into Beatrix's anger, which he continues to do in this scene, and then later on with Jordana, both in the s1 finale and in season 2!
When Beatrix says she's interested in Ras' offer of unlimited power, he seems like he may be genuinely shocked at her willingness to join him, however given the tone he takes on, this may be another tactic to further play into her anger, asking her why she'd do it so she could explain, and just get even angrier.
When Beatrix vents about how Zeatrix's birth robbed her of elemental power and Levo's father, Ras says elemental power is a cheat, and someone who may not deserve it gets it anyway, this time wearing his manipulation on his face with a smirk, he Wants her angry, he wants her rage.
Ras then fakes a scoff and waves his hand around, asking a question he likely already knew the answer to, about Zeatrix being the future Empress of Imperium, and getting Beatrix even Madder as she explains she will be left with nothing, while Zeatrix gets everything.
Ras smirks yet again, and claims it to be a waste of her "true potential." Now, I have made a post about this specific line before (which I can no longer find) but basically, I think him putting emphasis on the "true potential" is Also meant ot anger her. Why?
Aside from real-world usage, in Ninjago, ones True Potential is, as we all know, them unlocking their element properly, so in saying it's a "waste of her True Potential," it's like Ras wants to rub in the fact that she lacks powers, that she can never Have that moment like her sister, where she finally figures out what holds her back, and unlocks her powers, because she's powerless.
Beatrix asks Ras to help her in seizing the throne, offering him the resources he needs to capture a Source Dragon, and in response, Ras bows to her, as he did earlier, and he goes "As you wish, Empress Beatrix," and he smiles yet again, he's succeeded, he's manipulated Beatrix, he's gotten her angry enough that she's willing to trust him, and murder her father to seize control.
Everything Ras did in this scene was to feed into her anger, hell, the way he glances at her at the end of the cold open, part of me thinks he Knew she was gonna follow, maybe he was anticipating it, hence, the glance. Ras was angry only until he needed to manipulate, in which case he became this instigating force, there to listen to Beatrix's rage, and make her even worse.
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ilovewriting06 · 4 months
Mischief and Angel- Part 14
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"Oh my goodness! Look at her! Dad look!"
I chuckle from where I'm curled against Stiles on the couch as Noah sighs, "I'm watching Stiles."
I snort as Lola glares at Noah when Stiles pouts, "Da, sad!"
I smile as Noah looks at Lola in exasperation, "He isn't sad, he's just being dramatic."
Lola flashes her eyes before toddling her way over to Stiles and lifting her arms, "Da, up."
Stiles lifts her up to sit on his lap before Lola wiggles to face him and grabs his cheeks, "Da, 'mile."
I bite my lip to hold in a laugh as Lola uses a hand to push up the corner of Stiles' mouth in an attempt to make him smile. I can see Stiles trying to resist a smile but he cracks and lets out a happy chuckle that causes him to smile.
Lola grins in victory before turning to look at me from where my head is resting on Stiles' shoulder, "Mama, Da happy."
I squeeze Stiles' arm as I answer Lola, "Of course he is, he has you!"
I poke her in the stomach lightly when I say 'you' which causes her to squeal in laughter and wiggle in Stiles' hold. One thing we've learned over the last week since I've woken from my 'coma' and Lola has started to walk and talk is that she is extremely ticklish
We've also learned that she is extremely protective and she occasionally growls at people when they make Stiles and I sad or upset, even if we're actually just messing around.
I snap back to the present when Lola gets her feet back on the ground and she takes off like a bullet to the backdoor that just closed as someone entered the house. I can't help but smile at what comes next, "Un'tle Scoot!"
I bury my face in Stiles' neck as my body shakes in laughter. Lola absolutely loves Scott but she cannot for the life of her say Scott. We assume she took to him so quickly because he's technically her alpha now, although she would take Stiles and I's side over his any day.
Stiles squeezes my thigh where his hand is resting as Scott appears in the doorway with Lola on his hip, "Hey guys! Mom said she'll be over later but she'll need a ride since I took the car."
I perk up at this before unwrapping myself from Stiles and jumping to my feet, "I'll do it! I want to talk with her anyways."
Before I can get too far Stiles reaches out to grab my hand. I stop and look at him to see his wide eyes as he whispers, "Y/n, it's okay."
I scowl before shaking my head, "No, it isn't and you know it."
He goes to protest before I cut him off, "Look at it this way, if the roles would have been reversed and it was me instead of you and Noah instead of Mom, would you let it go without talking to him?"
Stiles sighs in defeat before releasing my hand. I give him a reassuring smile before turning around to see a grimacing Scott, "Just, don't be too harsh."
I raise an eyebrow in question before crossing my arms, "I just want to have a conversation with her, how well it goes depends on her."
Scott nods before turning to Lola, "What do you say, Lola, want to go play with Kira outside?"
Lola perks up before nodding, "RA-RA!"
Scott laughs before heading back towards the door before stopping and turning to Stiles, "You should come outside dude, we can hang out while the girls play with Lola."
Stiles nods and waves his hand, "Yeah, I'll be out in a second!"
Scott nods before heading back out the door. Stiles stands from the couch and wraps an arm around my waist as he kisses my cheek, "Love you, be careful."
I smile and turn to give him a quick kiss and frown when he tilts his head causing my lips to hit his cheek before I nod, "Always am Mischief."
I take a deep breath before climbing out of the car and closing the door a little harder than necessary. This talk has been coming for about a week and it's only waited this long because I wanted some time to cool down and think about what to say before I tried to have an adult conversation.
When I walk through the door I yell, "Hey Mom!"
"In the kitchen!"
I walk into the kitchen to see Mom putting the dishes away before I lean against the island, "When you're done can we talk?"
She hums as she glances over her shoulder, "Mhmm, Lola doing okay?"
I run a hand through my hair before taking a deep breath, "Uh, yeah, yeah Lola's good, great even. Becoming quite the little motormouth and I swear she's channeling the Flash every now and then. Damn near sprints through the house."
Mom chuckles as she closes the cabinet and hangs the dish towel, "Sounds like she takes after her parents, and her uncle for that matter. You know, when you and Scott were that age it took everything in me to get you to stay in clothes and be quite and to keep Scott from running out the door every five minutes. For your sake I hope you never have twin werewolves, or werefoxes, or whatever else they could be."
I sigh before shrugging, "I'd have Stiles if that happened, we'd manage just fine."
Mom raises an eyebrow and leans against the counter so that she's facing me, "Everything okay, Honey?"
I lick my bottom lip before looking into her eyes, "No. Everything is not okay."
Her eyebrows furrow in concern as she asks, "What's wrong? Are you and Stiles okay? Did you have a fight?"
My jaw twitches before I shake my head, "No, Stiles and I are fine...I think. The real question is are me and you okay?"
She straightens with wide eyes, "What?"
I close my eyes and take a breath to reel in my growing anger before looking back at Mom, "Stiles, Mom. What you said to him. How you made him feel."
She frowns and shakes her head, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't lie to me Mom, he told me what happened and what you said to him. God! Mom what made you say those things?!"
Her eyes dart around before stubbornness takes over her features, "He told you?!"
I narrow my eyes, "Yeah, well when I wake up and he looks absolutely gutted because he blames himself for something he had absolutely nothing to do with, I tend to get a little concerned! But I had to pry it out of him, he was holding onto what you said like he was Fort Knox because he didn't want me to be mad at you."
She brushes a stray hair out of her face as she sighs, "Look, I was scared and angry, it just slipped out. I didn't mean any of it."
"Yeah, well it made enough of an impact to make him cry. He cried as he begged me to forgive him. Forgive him! Mom, whatever you said to him impacted him enough that he still feels guilty. It's been a week and every now and then I can still feel his guilt eating away at him when he looks at me. He looks at me and he's bubbling over in guilt and self despair. Do you know how much that hurts? Not just him but me too! He hesitates to kiss me! Sure, he holds me closer than ever before but whenever I kiss him, he hesitates. I've kissed him a total of three times since I woke up, and he's freaked out each time and looked terrified. Like the simplest touch is going to send me running and screaming. Never, not once since I've met him has he looked at me like this!"
"Like what?"
My eyes flash as a small growl rumbles in his chest, "Like I'm going to break his heart! Like I'm going to change my mind and blame him for every single damn thing that has ever happened to me. It's killing me Mom, because it's killing him. It hurts, to see him like this."
Mom steps forward to stand on the opposite end of the island, "What do you want me to do about it?"
I stare at her opening and closing my mouth before hissing, "What can you do? WHAT CAN YOU DO?! FUCKING APOLOGIZE!"
Her frown deepens as she points at me, "Watch your mouth young lady!"
I raise an eyebrow as Lily bares her teeth, "Do. Not. I am asking you as your daughter to just apologize to him."
She sighs, "I already did Y/n."
I flick my tongue over the tip of my fangs before letting them recede into my gums, "Then do it again! And mean it this time!"
She leans across the counter before laying a hand across my hand, "Okay, if it really means that much to you, I will."
I shake my head in sadness, "You just don't get it do you?"
She raises an eyebrow and I frown before pulling my hand away from under hers, "Mom, he's my mate, my fiancé, my soon to be husband, your son, Momma, he's my world. Lola is too, she means the world to me too but Stiles, I can't...I can't live without him!"
She frowns, "The mate bond won't let him leave."
"Really? That's what you got from this? Jesus, forget it, just fucking forget it."
I go to storm out of the kitchen before turning around, "You know what, no! He can't physically leave, but mentally? Emotionally? He can check the fuck out right there whenever he fucking wants."
Mom has the decency to cringe slightly, "He won't, he loves you far too much for that to happen."
A small smile tugs at my lips before it drops down into a frown again, "That's not how guilt works Mom, he loves me, I know he does, but he won't touch me because he loves me."
"You just said he held you all the time."
She looks confused and I rub the bridge of my nose in disbelief that I have to talk about this with my mother, "No Mom, he won't touch me. Which means no more grandchildren for you."
Her eyes widen in recognition when she figures out what I'm talking about, "Oh, well how does me apologizing fix...that?"
I groan in exasperation, "Because he won't treat my like an unstable nuclear bomb that is going to explode if he believes that no one thinks he's at fault for me being hurt."
Mom nods before realization finally flows through her, "Oh my God. Oh my God! I-what I said made him think that?"
I give her a deadpan look remembering where Scott got his denseness from before sighing, "Yes, mother, what you said. You are the one that put all this guilt and doubt in his head and I think you're the only one that can dissipate it too."
She shakes her head in disbelief before clearing her throat, "Okay, let's go. I need to apologize. I never realized it would affect him that bad. I was just angry and, and he was there. I'm sorry Y/n/n."
I shake off the rest of my anger before nodding, "It's okay."
Before we get in the car I stop and turn to Mom, "Oh, and Mom?"
She nods expectantly so I continue, "If you ever, and I mean ever, disrespect my mate again, you'll regret it. I don't care if you're my mother, I love you, I do, but Stiles and Lola are my first priorities so when you disrespect one of them, Lily comes out to play...and she plays dirty."
Mom lets out a nervous chuckle before opening the passenger door, "Yeah, got it, don't piss of Lily."
When we walk into the house I pause and tune my ears into Stiles' heartbeat. I point towards the back door before glancing at Mom, "He's outback with everyone else."
"The house is empty? Even Amelia and her pack?"
I nod with a small hum, "Yeah, Amelia and a few of her pack are out looking at houses and land and stuff so they can move out. They're wanting to stay close since we've become allies and offer more protection for the kids."
Mom nods before walking to the backdoor with me following close behind. Once we're standing on the porch I clear my throat and look at Stiles before speaking, "Mischief!"
He looks up and turns to look at me before raising an eyebrow, "Yeah?"
I throw a thumb over my shoulder pointing to the door behind us, "Can you come inside real quick?"
I feel the nerves and anxiety flood Stiles which Lola must feel to because she stops playing with Kira and looks at Stiles with a scowl. I hold back a smile as Stiles makes his way onto the porch as the boys yell, "SOMEONE'S IN TROUBLE NOW!"
I roll my eyes before leading Mom and Stiles into the house and into the living room. When we're all sitting I turn to Stiles, "I can step outside if you want?"
He grabs my hand and squeezes before shaking his head, "No, stay."
I nod before settling onto the couch and rubbing soothing circles on the back of Stiles' hand. Mom is sitting in the chair across from the couch as she looks at Stiles, "Stiles, I'm so sorry for what I said to you when Y/n was missing. I didn't mean any of it and I took out all my emotions on you which wasn't fair to you."
Stiles nods, "Yeah, yeah I know, it's okay Mel."
Mom's frown deepens as she scooches to the edge of the chair and shakes her head, "Stiles, no it isn't. I hurt you, I hurt my son and that isn't okay."
Stiles makes a small wounded sound which has Mom looking teary eyed, "Sweetie, you may not be my biological son but I knew within a week of Scott being your friend that you weren't going anywhere, ever. I was so happy when you finally asked Y/n out because I couldn't think of anyone better for her and now you're almost officially my son-in-law, but even without the title you're my son. I love you as much as I love Scott and I would do anything to make sure you stay safe and the fact that I hurt you is tearing me up inside."
I look up at Stiles to see him teary eyed and sad. I scooch even closer before Mom continues, "Stiles, what happened to Y/n is not your fault. Nothing you could have done would have stopped it and you found her within hours and you saved her life. You did more than any of us did and I truly believe that without you, she would be dead, so Stiles if anything, you're the reason she isn't laying somewhere lifeless."
I feel the guilt within Stiles start to melt away and I find that most of my stress goes with it. Stiles takes a shuddery breath before he's standing and being engulfed in a hug by Mom. She rocks him side to side as she kisses his cheek, "I love you sweetheart and next time I say something that hurts you, just know that I don't mean it...and then have Y/n come smack me because I sure as hell deserved it this time."
Stiles chuckles into her hair before pulling away, "You got it Mel."
She finally smiles and pats his shoulder, "Well then, I'm going to go find my granddaughter and steal some baby cuddles."
Once she's outside I turn to Stiles, "Mischi-."
"Thank you."
I look at Stiles with wide eyes, "What?"
He pulls me off the couch before cupping my cheek, "Thank you for making her apologize."
I lean into his warm touch before sighing, "I didn't make her do anything, she wanted to once she realized how much she had hurt you. Do you believe me now that it wasn't your fault?"
He quirks a small smile and nods, "Mostly, a part of me will always think there was something else I could have done but your mom was right, you're alive, and that's all that matters."
I don't get a chance to reply because I'm being pulled into a kiss that I've been craving for the last week.
A/n- I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! There was some drama with my baby daddy and his family🙄 Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the update and let me know what you think!
Tag List: @ah-blossom @gabby988 @zanypaintermoon
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the-arkhamwolf · 11 months
Current lay out for my random reverse robins Au
-Damian getting dropped off at Bruces's step and forcing Bruce to take him on as a sidekick; Something-Wing (yeah that's the best I got)
-Bruce becomes a more lighthearted Batman for Damian's sake. After all the kid's been through.
-Wally and Damian meet and eventually become friends (They most likely will have a friendship similar to my Falling in Reverse AU)
-Bruce and Damian grow pretty close until a bad fight over the Joker, which causes Damian to move out
-One day he walking home he sees a woman being attacked. He saves her but ends up getting shot by the Joker (All this happens while he's a civilian)
-Bruce finds his son lying unconscious in the middle of the street bleeding heavily
-Damian wakes up in the hospital unable to move his legs
-Damian becomes bitter toward Bruce and the two have an even bigger falling out
-Bruce becomes a harsher Batman
-Tim appears on Bruce's doorstep with his Batman Needs a Robin propaganda
-Tim comes in to stop Bruce and somehow gets pushed into taking Damian's mantel
-For a good while, he spends most of his time trying to get Bruce and Damian to talk to each other
-Damian treats Tim harshly believing he hates Tim for taking his place
-Damian really hates himself because he thinks he's broken and sees what he could have been in Tim
-Tim eventually does break through to him and Damian comes back taking up an oracle-type role
-Damian starts to see Tim as a little brother and enjoys having him around
-Tim meets Stephine one night on patrol and through a series of events gets her to join the bats
-Tim works on a secret project called Titan that only Steph and Damian know about
-he plans to leave Gotham to work on Titan so He trains Steph to take his place
-Angst coming up
-Tim gets shot in a scene kind of similar to Batman Beyond; he goes to save a woman only for the woman to shoot him in the stomach. Tim gets away but he's bleeding heavily.
-Damian's on the comms trying to help him
-Everyone is to far away
-Tim stumbles through the street before sliding down against a pole
-Damian is on the comms the entire time helpless as his little brother dies
-Steph and Bruce fight/She leaves
-Jason steals tires and Bruce adopts him because no one said he couldn't
-Jason trains
-Damian disapproves but comes around for Jason's sake, not Bruce
-Steph hates Jason but they become friends later
-Ras brings Tim back and Tim Scares the heck out of him and then destroys his league (This is going to be a what the heck moment as it is revealed Tim was playing Ra's the whole time and I am so excited for it)
-Tim saves Cass from her father and then trains her
-Tim has trouble sleeping due to nightmares. He also has the episode called freeze outs (Yeah I suck at names) where the pit takes over making him very cold and withdrawn and dangerous to everyone.
-Barbra becomes Cassandra's little shadow and Cass has no idea how to deal with a child (Which just leads to a lot of adorable Cass moments)
-Tim's living room is always cluttered with projects he and Roy are working on
-Rose is like Casse's big sister
-Damian gets conned into taking Jason to the fair and ends up coming home with an extra kid
-another pairing Wally and Jinx (not really a big part of the story but may be of use )
-Dick is a little monster who will disappear every chance he gets
I know this makes no sense but I love it
So either Wally will be there for Damian when Tim dies or Damian will push him away for two years (around when Tim comes back) then the two will reconnect and Damian will be shocked because Wally has a kid.
Reasons I want the second one
1- I love the angst of Damian feeling guilty as he realizes his best friend has a Daughter and he never knew about it
2-I love the fluff of Damian getting to be like an uncle and interacting with a baby
but also I don't want Damian to push away everyone because that is a lot of angst since Steph leaves for a while Idk
Original Post
any thoughts? also what should I name this Au?
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autisticrosewilson · 2 months
Thinking about a Reverse Wilson Kid au where Rose is the protective oldest (23), Joey is an eternal middle child (17), and Grant is the bratty baby of the family (14).
Slade and Lili have Rose when they're young but Slade only finds out about her when he's already married to Addie. Adeline agrees to take her in and even ends up taking Rose in the divorce, although by that point she's old enough to live on her own anyway.
She's in college but she still sticks around to take care of her brothers, and her other assortment of siblings when Slade's baby fever gets the best of him. She becomes Ravager to avenge her mother and all of her family that died in the massacre. I haven't decided if the Batkids are also age reversed but if they're not I think she joins The Outlaws which replace the Titans (I think it's fun if Jason is the oldest and Dick is the younger one, you can have fun with the rest of the Batfams ages).
Joey doesn't initially want to be a cape of any kind, but after the incident with the Jackal causes his powers to activate he has to learn to control them as well as learn to defend himself. He's friends with Dick and the tiny Titans tend to pull him into their attempts to follow in their big siblings footsteps. They're often thwarted, because Jason and Rose are very adamant that their siblings stay OUT of vigilante work. Joey is fine with this, Dick is significantly less fine.
Grant grows up knowing Slade is Deathstroke but because he grew up with his mom he was always very sheltered from that life, so he always kind of idolized Slade and is determined to follow in his footsteps. No one is happy about this, but Grant is constantly sneaking around trying to make a name for himself.
Respawn is technically the oldest, but they find out about him last. I...hate his canon origin, Ra's would NOT do that and Talia would NOT allow that, so even though he's a clone of Grant in my usual canon I think he's a government experiment in this au. He was kind of a failsafe if Slade didn't pull through, but they kept him to train and study when Slade went rogue. He really resents Slade and the other kids, and he'd have an antagonistic role.
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seradae · 1 year
I block ageless blogs on sight. No warnings. "18+" is not enough.
(Putting it at the top so hopefully more people see it 😾)
About me:
I'm 36 years old
I'm someone's mommy but not yours
I write erotica for the gays and theys
95% domme, 5% sub, 100% top
My DMs are open for chatting, but if you make things sexual or RP-y without enthusiastic consent, I will block instantly
I'm married to @sleepydelights and poly but not looking
If you DM me, include "ghost" in your first message or I'll likely ignore it
If you're a minor: do not follow me, do not like my posts, do not pass go, do not collect $200. I will block you and tell your goddamn mom.
DNI: minors, TERFs/transphobes, racists, fascists, detrans fetishists, sissies, zoophiles (sigh, I hate that this even needs to be said. IF YOU FUCK SOMETHING OR SOMEONE THAT CANNOT OR DOES NOT CONSENT, IT IS RAPE AND IT IS WRONG), anti-SW or "don't pay for content"
I block ageless blogs on sight. No warnings. "18+" is not enough.
Feel free to send me asks! Requesting stories is encouraged. Requests with the most detail (specific kinks, genders, scenarios, etc) always get priority
Please check my list of kinks and limits!
If a story of mine helps you cum, I will always appreciate hearing that 👉👈 (you don't need to share details, I just have a praise kink and want to do good)
All of my stories:
I wrote a book about lesbians in space!
Strapped In [TF/NB] [bondage]
Relaxation [TF] [drugs] [breeding] [mdlg] [somno]
Soft Touches [FF] [soft] [mdlg]
Remote Touch [F/NB] [long distance] [somno]
Hide And Seek [FF] [TF] [primal] [breeding] [puppy play]
"You Can't Beat Me" Always Works [FF] [breeding] [CNC] [She-Ra/Catra]
Attitude Adjustment [FF] [brat taming] [edging] [overstim]
Wait For It [omorashi] [watersports] [FF] [TF]
The Club [MF] [slavery] [ddlg] [kidnapping] [human auction] [rape]
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Bunnie Tales [MF] [kidnapping] [NONCONSENSUAL!] [ddlg] Part 1 Part 2
Blanket Fort [DDLG] [somno] [CNC] [breeding]
Shopping Date [FF] [CNC] [breeding] [MDLG]
I Told You What Would Happen [FF] [TF] [public] [breeding]
Control [MF] [breeding] [bondage] [total power exchange]
Guided masturbation for femmes
Breakfast In Bed [FF] [somno]
Role Reversal [F TF] [somnophilia] [bondage] [breeding]
Slumber [TF/NB] [somno] [breeding]
Risky [FF] [TF] [breeding]
Roulette [FM] [TF] [TM/NB] [breeding] [CNC-ish]
Entry [FF] [TF] [intox] [breeding] [somno]
Take Your Medicine [FF] [TF] [mdlg] [breeding] [somno] [intox] [manipulation]
Comfort [MF] [ddlg] [soft romance] [loving]
A New Life, Part 1 [NB/TF] [kidnapping]
A New Life, Part 2 [NB/TF] [kidnapping] [medical fetish]
A New Life, Part 3 [NB/TF] [kidnapping] [bondage] [medical fetish] [overstim] [breeding]
Shell Time [bondage] [puppyplay] [D/s] [non-sexual]
Entwined Hearts [TF/NB/NB] [medical fetish] [overstimulation] [bondage]
Prescription [TF/NB] [puppyplay] [D/s] [non-sexual]
A Day At The Park [TF/NB] [puppyplay] [breeding]
Ice To See You [TF/NB] [puppyplay] [piss] [ice] [sensation play] [bondage]
Housebreaking [FM] [femdom] [omo] [piss] [puppyplay]
Virtue: Patients [FF] [bondage] [medical fetish]
Sleepy Little Princess [FF] [TF] [mdlg] [breeding] [somno] [intox]
Keys to the Castle [FF] [TF] [kidnapping] [bondage] [intox] [somno] [breeding]
Sleepy Cuttles [FF] [TF] [soft] [mdlg] [intox] [breeding] [somno]
Sleep Study [FF] [TF] [MDLG] [intox] [medfet] [somno] [breeding] [sensory deprivation]
Need [FF] [TF] [mdlg] [breeding]
A Room With A View (Part 1) [FF] [TF] [petplay] [bunnyplay] [breeding] [mdlg]
Tethered To You (FINISHED) [F/NB/TF] [bondage] [space lesbians] [lesbian breeding] [overstim]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Trust [FF] [vampirism] [blood]
My Queen [FF] [monsterfucking] [naga] [alcohol mention]
Werewolf Bait [FF] [TF] [monsterfucking] [breeding]
In My Arms [two people (gender is dead)] [tentacles] [puppyplay]
Breaking Dawn [TF/TF] [edging] [breeding]
Goo Listener [NB/unknowable? F?] [goo] [breeding??] [monsterfucking] [alcohol mention]
Distraction [TF/NB] [puppyplay] [breeding]
Eggcelent [TF/NB] [puppyplay] [breeding] [bondage] [goo] [sensation play]
Patch Tuesday [TF/agender] [robotics] [hacking] [sex mention but no sex]
Moving On [F/TM] [romance] [D/s] [breeding] [The Spire]
Stress Relief [TF/NB] [puppyplay] [impact play] [D/s] [mild degradation]
Jump Around [F/NB] [SFW] [cute date] [The Spire]
Transplant [TF/agender] [TF/TF?] [robotics] [trans feels] [robofucking] [The Spire]
Taken Puppy [TF/NB] [CNC] [!!ROUGH!!] [puppyplay] [negotiation and aftercare] [breeding]
New Toys [TF/TF] [robofucking] [tentacles] [soft domination] [The Spire]
Birth of the Unintended [sci-fi] [AI] [technological body horror?]
Umbilical [FF] [sci-fi] [Spire universe] [SFW] [thriller]
Needs [FF] [breeding] [My Dragon Girlfriend] [Callie/Olive] [witch/vampire]
The Drift [sci-fi] [SFW]
You Said You Missed Vines [TF/NB] [breeding] [sensory deprivation] [werewolves] [virtual reality] [monster fucking] [primal]
You May Feel Some Pressure [TF/NB] [breeding] [technophilia] [total power exchange] [medical fetish]
I Heart You [TF/NB] [blood] [primal] [knife]
Fallen Angel [F/agender] [angel torture] [extreme sadism] [immortal] [knives] [blood]
Hour of the Hunt [NB/NB] [cult] [ritual] [breeding] [cryptid] [cryptid impreg] [primal]
Lunar Patrol [NB/TF] [werewolf] [breeding] [bondage]
Not Teasing, Preparation [TF/NB] [true story] [somno] [breeding] [overstim]
Witch Way [TF/NB] [werewolf/witch] [breeding] [(C)NC?] [primal]
Dream Of Me [TF/NB] [somno] [intox] [LDR?] [medfet]
Good Girl [NB/TF] [intox] [teasing] [breeding] [D/s] [slapping]
Triangle Challenge [TF/NB/F] [edging] [overstim] [bondage] [polyamory] [breeding] [cucking?]
Restraint [F/NB/TF] [SFW] [poly romance] [soft] [drug mention]
Pacing [TF/NB]
Robopup [TF/NB/more] [group] [robot? mecha?] [puppyplay] [breeding] [free use]
Hostile Takeover
Chapter 1
Virtually Mine [F/NB] [technophilia] [VR] [hypno] [bondage?] [sensory deprivation]
Toymaker [NB/TF] [breeding] [anonymity] [hypno]
The Summoning [no genders] [demon teasing]
The Mask [TF/NB] [puppyplay] [intox] [breeding] [breathplay/oxygen deprivation]
98 notes · View notes
rosanna-writer · 10 months
Rosé Flowing with your Chosen Family
Summary: Role-Reversal AU. After accepting the mating bond, there's only one thing left on Rhysand Cursebreaker's agenda: introducing his human brothers to his mate, Feyre Archeron, High Lady of the Night Court. When Cassian and Azriel meet Feyre's Inner Circle, it might just be the longest family dinner of Rhys's life. Warnings: None Pairings: Background Feysand, Nessian if you squint Word Count: ~3.6k
Based on this prompt from @sjmkinkmeme: "Just good'ol family fluff. In which Rhysand Cursebreaker brings his brothers, Cassian and Azriel, to meet his mate, Feyre Archeron, High Lady of the Night Court, friends and family in the City of Velaris. Hilarity and shenanigans ensue."
Since it's almost Thanksgiving, I figured I'd finally get this awkward family dinner one-shot out of my drafts! You can find it below or here on AO3.
Rhysand picked up the second half of the Book of Breathings, the final result of so many months of scheming and a plan that had gone off without a hitch. Feyre would be delighted—not that Rhys would ever fail a task she assigned him as her emissary to the mortal lands.
Maybe she'd even show her appreciation in bed when he got back.
He tore this thoughts from Feyre and looked up at his brothers watching him with interest. They didn't say anything because they didn't have to; Rhys knew they were wondering what was next now that he had the book.
"You heard the queens," he said, "so it's your choice, whether you want to stay here or come with me."
"Come with you to Prythian?" Azriel said, as if he couldn't quite believe it.
"I understand if you'd rather stay here, but I think you'll be safer in the Night Court. My home is your home, and there are people there I'd like you to meet," Rhys said.
For Rhys, the Night Court had felt like the home he was always looking for, but that might not be the same for Cassian and Azriel. When he tried to think about his first days in Prythian, tried to put himself in their shoes, it felt like a lifetime away to Rhys. He'd been another person—Cauldron, another species—when he'd gone Under the Mountain.
"Like who?" Cassian said.
Rhys smiled in that way that always preceded one of those dramatic reveals he was so partial to. "For starters, I'd like you to meet my mate."
Rhys only got a glimpse of Cassian's grin before he was folded into another one of his brother's bear hugs. "You bastard, why didn't you tell us you had a mate?" Cassian said.
"I only just accepted the bond. Things have been…up in the air," Rhys said.
It was a bit of an understatement, and he planned to tell his brothers everything eventually. The bond had snapped for Feyre on the balcony just after they were freed from Under the Mountain—she'd grabbed him and winnowed him straight to Night. Rhys had hated her then. But so much had changed in the months since, and he'd just accepted the bond the other day.
Cassian let him go, and Azriel clapped him on the back next. "Who is she?" Az said.
Rhys's grin only got wider. "Feyre Archeron, the High Lady of the Night Court," he said, her name like a prayer on his lips.
Azriel cocked his head as if he hadn't heard correctly. "I thought she was your boss?" he said.
Rhys had been coming to the mortal lands not just to see his brothers, but also as Feyre's emissary. He'd asked her to allow him to handle this himself, and she'd given him all the space he asked for, no matter how much it worried her when being on opposite sides of the Wall dimmed their bond. His brothers hadn't met Feyre yet. The Night Court might be Rhys's home, but to them, the Queen of Night was still the wicked female parents told their children would eat them if they misbehaved, a demon and a nightmare.
Hardly the sort of person you'd want as a sister-in-law.
"I'm still her emissary," Rhys said. And since accepting the bond, everything had been such a whirlwind that he and Feyre hadn't discussed what being mated would mean for his place in the Night Court.
Azriel just raised an eyebrow at that.
"Well congratulations anyway," Cassian said, a little unsure.
"Thank you," Rhys said quietly, unsure how to express his relief that his brothers seemed more concerned about a potential power differential than the way a mating bond was just more evidence that he was no longer human like them. It meant everything that nothing had changed between them, even after he'd died and come back to life as High Fae. "Are you coming or not? If so, I can tell you more as you pack."
Cassian and Azriel looked at each other, a silent understanding passing between them, before they both nodded. Rhys relaxed. If his brothers had wanted to stay here, Feyre's soldiers would have kept them safe. But he'd breathe easier with both of them behind Velaris's wards.
And beyond that, he'd missed them.
Once their bags were packed, Rhys winnowed his brothers directly to the living room of the townhouse. The instant they arrived, Feyre's voice floated down the stairs. "Rhys!" she called, too relieved that she sensed his arrival to use her daemati abilities. "Did you get the Book?"
She appeared at the top of the stairs, dressed in one of Rhys's sweaters and a pair of paint-stained leggings. Her braided hair hung over one shoulder. The effect was decidedly un-High-Lady-like.
At the sight of two men flanking Rhys, she froze halfway down the stairs, eyes wide. "Are these your brothers?" she added, more quietly.
She should have known that Rhys might want them to come to Velaris after all the business with the mortal queens. But still, she'd thought he'd at least have warned her. Rhys spoke of his brothers with nothing but love and admiration, and she desperately wanted them to like her. Feyre might not admit it until the end of her immortal life, but she was nervous. She didn't want Rhys's family to look at her like she was a monster, just like everyone else did.
The one with the longer hair—Cassian, if she remembered correctly—just winked at her and said, "Come on, Feyre. We don't bite. Unless you ask us to."
Rhys slid his hands into his pockets, the way he did when he was nervous, too. "The last I heard, Cassian, no one has ever taken you up on that offer," he said. The other one, Azriel, just snorted at that.
Despite having been in the Night Court less than a minute, they were obviously comfortable. It gave Feyre the confidence to say, "I'm glad an appreciation for affirmative consent is a family value."
That actually coaxed a rare smile from Azriel, but Feyre didn't notice as she descended the rest of the stairs. Her attention was all on Rhys.
Perhaps it was the mating bond still being fresh, but after having him gone for just a few hours, the urge to launch herself into his arms was strong. Instead, she forced herself to focus and added, "But you did get the Book, right?"
Rhys smirked. "Of course I got the Book. Have you ever known me not to deliver?" he said.
In truth, she hadn't. But before Feyre could say anything, Rhys was kissing her, probably pressing a bit closer and dragging it out a bit longer than he should in front of family she'd just met.
When they broke apart, Feyre refused to look embarrassed. It took every last scrap of grace she could muster—and as a High Lady, that was quite a lot—not to blush furiously. "It's nice to meet you both," she said, then turned to Rhys and added, "I can take the Book to Amren while you show them around."
"Only if you promise to hurry back," Rhys murmured, fingers brushing hers as he handed her the Book.
Feyre's voice dropped lower. "Hurry back to you? Always."
Cassian's cough sounded mysteriously like the word "gross." Azriel chuckled. Normally, Rhys stayed out of his brother's minds, but he pushed past their shields and said, Behave.
Based on their expressions, Feyre could tell that Rhys had said something to his brothers mind-to-mind, but she decided she didn't want to know what it was. She pulled on a coat and tucked the Book securely under it. With her hand on the doorknob, she turned back to Rhys and added, a note of command in her voice, "We're having a family dinner tonight at the House of Wind. I expect all three of you there."
A family dinner meant everyone would be there. "Then let the games begin, Feyre darling," Rhys purred.
Once the door shut behind her, Cassian mussed Rhys's hair. "Look at you, Rhysie. A mated male," he said, as Rhys batted his hand away and attempted to smooth his hair back down.
"It is good to see you happy, though," Azriel said quietly.
"More importantly," Cassian said, draping an arm around Rhys's shoulder, "has she got a sister?"
His brothers would be in the same room as the Archeron sisters within a few hours—Mother save them all.
Rhys ducked out from under Cassian's arm and indicated the guest rooms up the stairs with a jerk of his head. "Two, plus a cousin who might as well be a sister, too," he said.
When Mor's family caught her with another girl and cast her out of the Hewn City, the Archerons opened their home to their cousin. Mor had told Rhys her story during his first week here, when Feyre had declared she was calling in their bargain, and it had helped him stop being terrified out of his mind of the Night Court. Mor was like him—Rhys had gone Under the Mountain for the love of another male.
After showing his brothers to their rooms, Rhys told them about it, as well as everything else. Feyre had winnowed him here after everything Under the Mountain, so overcome that she'd just blurted out that they were mates. By the end of that first week, they weren't friends, but he hadn't hated her anymore. Then his relationship with Tamlin had broken down in the aftermath of it all, and Feyre had offered him a soft place to land. Working as her emissary, preparing to fight Hybern—it had given him a purpose when he'd been adrift.
Determined to give him all the space and time he needed, she hadn't mentioned the bond since that first day. And yet she'd still breathed life back into him when his time Under the Mountain had left him a half-dead shell of a male. It was only a matter of time before he'd accepted the the bond. During his trips back to the mortal lands, his brothers had heard pieces of the story. But now they knew all of it.
It was a while before Feyre returned, far longer than it should have taken her just to winnow to Amren's apartment and back. Rhys supposed she must have been corralling her Inner Circle and that maybe she'd wanted to give him some time alone with his brothers.
"I'll need to fly you to the House of Wind," she said when she returned and found the three of them in the living room. "We should leave now since it'll be two trips."
"Fly?" Cass and Az said in unison.
Feyre smiled and let her wings shoot out from her back. The twin looks of surprise she got in response made her wonder if Rhys hadn't told his brothers that he could form wings of his own. He hadn't gotten around to learning to use them yet.
"What are you going to do, carry me up there?" Cassian said.
Feyre shrugged. "No one else is going to do it."
"Are you sure you can—"
Before Cassian could finish that sentence, Feyre hooked one arm around his legs and the other around his back and scooped him off the floor. "Is this alright, or would you rather I sling you over my shoulders?"
"Shit Feyre, what the hell do you eat in the Night Court?"
According to the rumors, younglings, but it didn't seem like the time to mention that. Feyre thought she might have frightened him, but Cassian seemed positively delighted that she could carry a man as large as him with so little effort.
"You'll find out in a few minutes," she said.
Feyre carried Cassian the last few steps to the door, then shot into the air once they were outside. To Cassian's credit, he didn't even squeeze his eyes shut during takeoff.
Now that it was just the two of them with no one else in earshot, Feyre said, "If you're considering giving me a speech about how you'll kill me if I ever upset Rhys, you don't have to bother. I already know."
Cassian snorted. "Rhysie might be a little scrawny, but he can handle himself."
If Cassian thought Rhys looked scrawny now, he should have seen his brother when he'd left the Spring Court for good. Now he looked the healthiest Feyre had ever seen him.
"Good. Anyone who marries into my family needs to be able to."
"What makes you say that?"
As if on cue, they reached the balcony to the House of Wind. "You'll know why by the end of dinner."
Her sisters were already waiting there. Elain had chosen a soft blue gown and kept her wings hidden; ever the gracious hostess, she'd probably been careful to look as unassuming as possible when meeting Rhys's human family for the first time. Nesta, however, was still in her fighting leathers, wings out as always.
As she set Cassian down, Feyre gave them a look clearly telling them to be nice. She didn't bother using her daemati powers—she and her sisters could communicate plenty with just a single glance.
And with that, she turned back to retrieve Azriel next. Rhys had told her that Az was the only member of his family with manners, and Feyre could see why. Azriel made polite conversation about Velaris and even started to thank her for flying him when they reached the House of Wind.
But they both went silent at the sight of Nesta and Cassian grappling on the balcony.
Feyre set Azriel down with a sigh. This could mean one of two things: either Cassian had immediately said something that set Nesta off (certainly possible) or the two of them were getting along swimmingly (equally likely).
Down the bond, Feyre said to Rhys, I know I said I'd fly you here, but we have a situation. You should winnow.
"Nesta!" Feyre said, shaking her head. Elain gave her a sympathetic look, and Feyre could've sworn she heard Mor and Amren snickering together in the corner. "Must you?"
Both Cassian and Nesta froze mid-grapple at the sound of Feyre's voice and turned to look at her. Nesta used the moment of distraction to roll over and pin Cassian to the stone floor.
Just then, Rhys winnowed above the balcony and dropped smoothly into place next to Feyre. "I suppose this is the situation you mentioned?" he said.
Nesta stood up, moving with her usual grace. "There is no situation," she said coolly. "I think I've proven my point."
She held out a hand to help Cassian up, so Feyre concluded this was a sign her sister had decided she liked him. Based on the pulse of relief down the bond, Rhys had come to the same conclusion.
Which was fortunate—with the way Cassian looked at Nesta as he took her hand, his eyes might as well have been replaced by hearts.
Rhys and Feyre locked eyes as a simultaneous Oh no crossed both sides of the bond. There would be more sparring from Cassian and Nesta in the future, and they'd all be lucky if they left the House of Wind standing at the end of it.
"Anyway, these are my sisters Nesta and Elain, my cousin Morrigan, and my second-in-command Amren. And this is Rhys's brother Azriel," Feyre said.
Elain stepped forward, extending her hand. "It's so good to finally meet you," she said with genuine warmth. "Rhys talks about you often."
"Talks about me positively, I hope," Az said with a wry smile, taking Elain's hand. "It's nice to meet you, too."
Elain being her usual charming self set Feyre's mind at ease—Mother bless her spymaster of a sister, who could drag secrets out of anyone with just a few smiles. Maybe they could actually get through this dinner without sending Rhys's brothers running away in fear.
"Is there a reason we can't continue this conversation over dinner? I'm starving," Mor said.
"As if I'd ever get between you and food," Feyre said. Mor stuck her tongue out, and Feyre hissed at her cousin.
As they walked towards the dining room, Rhys and Feyre reached for each other's hands at the same time. With the mating bond still so fresh, the urge to touch each other at all times was still strong. The only thing that had cleared Rhys's head enough to leave for the mortal lands without Feyre had been sparring with—or if he was being honest, getting a sound thrashing from—Nesta that morning.
The eight of them took their seats, a few significant glances between Feyre, Rhys, and Elain communicating their agreement to make sure Cassian and Nesta were seated as far from each other as possible. Mor caught sight of it and smirked into her wineglass.
The food was relatively plain—Feyre hadn't wanted to ask the cooks to put something elaborate together at the last minute. And yet Cassian was blatantly sniffing at his forkful of chicken. Azriel kicked him under the table.
Rhys gave his brother a sympathetic look. "It was hard for me to trust the food when I first came to Prythian, but I assure you it will be the best you've ever tasted," he said.
Feyre pushed her own food around on her plate uncomfortably. She'd forgotten the human superstitions about eating fae food, even though Rhys had told her all about how hesitant he'd been to touch it during those first days in the Spring Court. Cauldron, she'd just gone and invited them to dinner.
Rhys squeezed her hand under the table. It's fine, he said down the bond, giving her another one of those smiles that made her heart flip.
"I never thought we'd find someone whose table manners were worse than Amren's," Nesta said from the other side of the table.
Cassian grinned, holding her gaze the entire time he bit into the slice of chicken, chewed, and swallowed. Nesta's lips curled back into a snarl.
Mor quietly filled a glass of wine and slid it to Feyre.
"Criticizing my table manners? That's bold coming from an Illyrian," Amren drawled.
Feyre stilled, instinctively looking to Rhys. His brothers had already been brave just to come to Prythian and eat their food, and she did not want to explain exactly why Amren wouldn't touch her plate, at least not on Cassian and Azriel's first night here. It had been difficult enough to get Amren to forgo the blood just this once.
"Might I remind you that I'm also Illyrian?" Elain said, a little tartly. It had always been a point of contention with her—she might not have been a natural-born warrior like her sisters, but her mother hadn't allowed her to get out of training to fight.
"Elain's right," Mor said. "It's not Illyrians who are the uncivilized ones, it's the males. We had five centuries of peace until Rhys came along."
"And just had to drag two more with him," Nesta muttered darkly.
Feyre shot Nesta another warning look, ready to remind her sister that Rhys had brought his brothers to the Night Court for their own protection. Nesta just shrugged as if to say "I have a point, don't I?"
Yet again proving he was the only one of Rhys's brothers with manners, Azriel steered the conversation to safer ground, saying, "Your top advisors are all female? That would be unheard of in the mortal lands."
The wave of pride that Rhys sent down the bond was so strong that Feyre blushed and ducked her head, a little overwhelmed. "Far too many courts have no female advisors at all. I dreamed of something better, and when I became High Lady, I made sure things changed," she said.
So had her sisters, who were dreamers just like her. After taking command of her armies, Nesta had ensured female Illyrians received ample opportunities to train as warriors, and it had been Elain who turned the library in the House of Wind into a place of refuge run by priestesses in need of it.
"It's not exactly what I expected when I first arrived here, either," Rhys said.
Nesta started to say something, but Elain cut her off with a glare and said, sweet but pointed, "I'm glad we were able to change your mind."
"Speak for yourself," Nesta muttered.
Cassian's eyes gleamed, bright with interest, as if he were sizing up an opponent. Nesta stared back without blinking.
Before she had a chance to start growling, Azriel said, "Have you always been able to fly?"
It was all the opening Elain needed to direct the conversation to an anecdote about Feyre crashing face-first into a tree when she'd been learning to fly as a child. And in turn, Cassian seemed to get into Nesta's good graces by telling a story about hitting Rhys in the face with a snowball several times in quick succession.
At the sound of her family's laughter, Feyre found herself relaxing. By the end of the meal, it seemed they'd actually managed not to scare off the humans or offend them, and they'd even dodged any awkward questions about exactly why Amren hadn't touched her food. Perhaps…this dinner might not have been anything close to the disaster that she feared.
Or at least, it seemed that way until their plates were clear, and as they all stood to go, Mor grinned and said, "Why don't we take Cassian and Azriel to Rita's?"
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Into The She-Ra-Verse
Into The She-Ra-Verse (3272 words) by TheStarGayzingEtherian Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Adora/Catra (She-Ra), Bow/Glimmer (She-Ra) Characters: Adora (She-Ra), Catra (She-Ra), Glimmer (She-Ra), Bow (She-Ra) Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Canon, Post-She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) Season 5, Fluff, Multiverse, Alternate Universes, Mentioned Angella (She-Ra), Minor Adora/Catra/Glimmer (She-Ra), Despara (He-Man), Alternate Universe - Adora Remains with the Horde (She-Ra), Alternate Universe - Catra is She-Ra, Horde Glimmer (She-Ra), Evil Glimmer (She-Ra), Magicats (She-Ra), Halfmoon (She-Ra), Princess Catra (She-Ra), Princess Adora (She-Ra), Future, Episode: s05e13 Heart Part 2, Role Reversal, Horde Adora (She-Ra), Horde Lord Adora (She-Ra), Horde Lord Catra (She-Ra), References to He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Best Friend Squad (She-Ra), Married Adora/Catra (She-Ra), Married Bow/Glimmer (She-Ra), Married Adora/Catra/Glimmer (She-Ra) Summary: After the rescue of Queen Angella, Adora has picked up a rather… interesting new hobby. And now, she’s finally ready to share it with Catra. (Catradora, Canon, Fluff)
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
Role Reversal AU
Basically, the heroes are villains and the villains are heroes or civilians.
There's a lot of information that I packed into this post.
Beings that aren't included in the swap are: Captain Marvel/Shazam/Champion Teth/Black Adam Captain N*zi (because fuck no is any n*zi going to be anything but evil. No Marvel mistakes with this au.) The Seven Deadly Enemies of Man Literally all of the villains trapped on/in the Rock of Eternity Orange Lantern The Blue Lanterns The Indigo Lanterns White and Black Lanterns Demons maybe Constantine? what do you guys think? Darkseid (good darkseid could be interesting tho) Doomsday Hfuhruhurr (aka Word-Bringer; an alien that collects brains from all over the universe to create an immortal hive mind called "The Union") Mongul 5th dimensional beings (they just like annoying people in general) Pariah Dark probably more
Some Heroes: Amity Park - Plasmius, Technus, Skulker, GIW, Maddie & Jack Gotham - Joker, Two-Face, Bane, Killer Croc, Poison Ivy, Ra's Al Ghul (the LOA is more like a secret watcher's society but more infighting in a friendly way) Metropolis - Lex Luthor, Cyborg Superman, Metallo, Parasite London - Cheetah, Giganta, Circe(part-time) Justice League (leaders) - Talia Al Ghul, Lex, Professor Zoom, Cheetah, Star Sapphire (Carol Ferris), Black Manta, Cyborgirl Justice League (general) - Poison Ivy, Gorilla Grodd, Captain Marvel, Red Lantern(Guy Gardner), etc.
Most villains who don't commit any violent crime are simply civilians in this au. (ex: Catwoman, Box Ghost, or Kite Man) Some villains - like Sivanna - become civilians while their family members become villains.
Some background info:
Danny dies and it pisses him off that his parents don't notice. Sam and Tucker agree and they become menaces to Amity Park. Maddie and Jack notice and decide that someone needs to reign in the troublemakers, which makes things worse. Then, the ghosts start noticing and they start sending a ghost to take care of the rogue ghost. Eventually, they find that Skulker and Technus are best suited to deal with the trio. Wolf and Cujo join the trio. Plasmius joins Skulker and Technus and they start trying to clone Danny to try to create an equal to fight against him. The clones are mostly viable because of the help of Technus and the Fentons. Team Phantom kill the clones except for Dani, who joins them. Jazz, while not evil, isn't good either. She just wants to prevent her brother from killing their parents. Because all the good guys are much less concerned with keeping civilians safe, there are a few casualties, which includes Jazz. Jazz notices that Team Phantom might be right about her parents, so she leaves Amity and eventually teams up with Zatanna. TLDR; Danny's mad at his parents and makes Team Phantom to cause chaos around Amity Park. Jazz leaves after she dies and joins Zatanna.
Zatanna (and her father) were low level thieves that were performing as stage magicians before Nabu's helmet turned Giovanni into Dr Fate. Zatanna became enraged at how he wouldn't give her father back and started murdering and stealing other magic user's powers and tomes in hopes of one day returning her father to her. After she found Jazz, who offered to help remove the helmet, she stopped murdering as many people. The two often help Klarion get in the way of Nabu's plans to get rid of anything he perceives as chaotic. While they happen to befriend Klarion, they never stop stealing.
Bruce becomes Owlman and is in charge of the Court of Owls. Tim, Dick, and Jason become Talons. Alfred is known as the Executioner. Barbara is a jewel thief until she loses the ability to walk thanks to falling off a roof while being chased by Joker. After, she becomes a cyber security threat that constantly steals, releases criminals from jail, and hacks into whatever tech the heroes use. Kate becomes a mob boss. Signal starts out stealing, but accidentally turns into a small time mob boss that works on the opposite side of the city. Commissioner Gordon is a corrupt cop who is firmly in Bruce's pocket. He sometimes fills in for Bruce during CoO meetings when Lucius can't. Cass is an assassin called Orphan that inspires more fear than (canon) Deathstroke. Steph got annoyed by how often her dad (cluemaster) was out of the house and became Spoiler - a villain similar to (canon) Riddler. Selena, while she's a civilian, also happens to be Bruce's street level informant.
Clark, while still having been raised by Martha and John Kent and becoming Superman, decides that being a hero is rather boring. While ruling the world sounds intriguing, he's seen many other villains that are just as competent as he is that want to rule. So he decides that he wants to be a complete (rather dark) nuisance. He ruins buildings by tagging them with his heat vision, freezes major water sources, cloned Lex and himself (technically it's a test tube baby but whatever) once, finds ways to steal everyone's stashes of kryptonite, and sometimes murders people. Kon or Conner lives with Lex part time and has two loving parents, both of which don't understand why he enjoys randomly jumping into their battles and fighting them both (causing as much property damage as possible). Lois helps keep criminal activity out of the papers and clocks Clark as Superman right away. She regularly publishes smear campaigns against the heroes and paints Superman in good light. Kara and her clone - Powergirl - regularly fight against Parasite and Cyborg Superman who constantly thwart their plans to take over the world (they're taking Lex's route).
Green Lanterns are like corrupt cops whose mission is to exert their will over others. Hal kills his dad's previous employer while Sinestro tries to stop him. Sinestro creates the Sinestro Corps and is much more like "our and others' fears fuel us and drive us to be able to save people" rather than "fear is true power and should be used as a way to control people". When Parallax takes over Hal, they become the ultimate hero but over time Parallax starts to become corrupted by his willpower and Specter jumps in to keep Parallax from becoming the ultimate evil. After a while Parallax decides that Sinestro is a much better host and both him and Specter leave Hal, who decides to take a long break doing petty crime before breaking the Green Lanterns out of prison. Carol, in the beginning, stops Hal and other Green Lanterns from committing crimes but eventually stops and focuses mostly on taking care of her business and the Star Sapphires. The Green Lantern's main enemies are the Yellow Lanterns, Red Lanterns, and the Manhunters. Blue Lanterns tend to avoid the Green Lanterns and work with the Manhunters.
Barry is super cruel and Eobard Thawne (aka Reverse Flash or Professor Zoom) came from the future to prevent him from destroying everything. Barry's backstory is either he killed his mom and pinned it on his dad, or he ran away from home a few times and his parents died while trying to find him. Thawne is very careful about avoiding Barry while he's a civilian, but is aware that he needs to be close in order to prevent Barry from destroying the timeline or murdering everyone.
Diana has plans on taking over the world of man and eradicating the men while leaving the women in order to create a perfect world for women. Cheetah, Giganta, and (to a lesser extent) Cerce understand that men are needed just as much as women are in order for the world to continue on.
Feel free to add your own ideas or use this for a fic!
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trust-and-jump · 1 year
The reasons to need to write and read Reverse Robins AU
Damian having a place with his long-awaited father. A father who is not neglectful and who still can show he cares. Who can still talk to him. And a father he doesn't have to share with someone, yet. and this.
Bruce having to mature in order to be a parent. And NOT having Dick Grayson as a ward. At least not now. Bruce adapting to the idea of having his own family. Bruce having to actually talk and explain things to the little creature who was raised in a VERY different environment. Bruce getting out of his head a little. Growing up a little before getting a kid. Because Bruce can't have 8-12 y o Damian being 24 y o himself, sorry.
Exploring Tim Drake's potential outside of a very weird comic character who is loved by many people on Ao3 but non-existent on it. Outside of Robin, too. Also: Tim Drake Can Do Wrong. Tim Drake Does Wrong. Letting him be an interesting character.
Letting Jason Todd be a Robin (or Shrike, or whatever Batman's partner called in different RR!AUs) he used to be before DC decided he was just an angry incompetent sidekick Who Didn't Listen and Got Himself Killed. Letting him be good again. And yes, he was good. and I absolutely adore the idea of Damian as a big brother.
Dick getting a big family of very different people who have different opinions - after a terrible loss. Dick growing up healthier than he did. Dick not jumping into vigilante life. Or at least not for long. Or at least not in SUCH YOUNG AGE, BATMAN. Dick getting a whole bunch of people who have no problem with him at all and who start to love him almost immediately. And looking after him better so he doesn't get a chance to run without pants on the Gotham streets.
Very different roles of Barbara Gordon, Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown.
How did Cassandra Cain end up in Gotham? Did No Man's Land happen? WILL it happen? Does she have a name? Who named her if not Barbara Gordon? Did she get ability to speak? Did she die like comic version? Was she a Batgirl?
STEPHANIE BROWN GETTING BETTER TREATMENT, DC!!!!! Did she become a Robin (/whatever you call it) as well? Did she get the same relationship with Damian as canon? Who is she as a young girl without canon!Bruce's and canon!Tim's bullshit? Do she and Cassandra Cain get along? Is she a Batfamily member in the AU or does she have canon-like role outside of it?
Do the Birds of Prey exist?
Exploring how Damian's Robin (/whatever you call it) would look like; and how it would affect the Bat-Clan.
Exploring the relationships between Robins (/whatever you call it) and other young heroes. Exploring the other hero families who most likely are reversed too.
The hero names. Capes. Histories.
Exploring how all of it would affect Gotham and Gotham's criminals. Rogues, too.
What the hell is going on with Duke Thomas???? I honestly have no idea how I would put him into my AU... but he's also part of Rebirth if I'm not mistaken? so I actually don't have too. He is a wonderful character (HE IS SO COOL. SO. COOL.) and my lack of imagination has nothing to do with me loving or hating him.
Talia al Ghul.
Talia al Ghul.
Talia al Ghul.
Changing events without changing what you like about it.
also I don't care about Ra's al Ghul BUT Batman Chronicles #8 make me think about him a lot.
inspired by @msfcatlover's AUs. And some others. And mine, too.
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birindale · 1 year
The time for words is past.
It is time for action.
A time for the taking of vows, the forging of alliances against tyranny... a time for leadership.
For over twenty years, the EVIL HORDE have ruled Etheria with an iron fist and cruel calculation. Their rule has gone largely unchallenged — until now. A band of patriots, brought together by their love of freedom, have pledged their lives and their swords to bring down the dark dictators from another world, willing to tackle impossible odds in their quest for an ideal: Freedom.
Leading this band of patriots is SHE-RA, PRINCESS OF POWER!
Twin sister to HE MAN, daughter to King Randor and Queen Marlena, it is she who will lead the assault on the invaders.
SHE-RA, PRINCESS OF POWER will burst onto television screens in sixty-five daily installments of high fantasy and adventure brought to life in the long-standing tradition of quality associated with Filmation Studios, creators of the number one rated syndicated children's program, HE MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE.
There will be action tempered by gentleness... adventure mixed with compassion... characters that will appeal to young girls as role models, without losing the interest of boys... rich in the currency of non-violent ideals. And other values — loyalty to friends and country, courage, bravery, honesty — will not be merely given lip service, but vividly displayed, and fiercely fought for.
The war is on at last... and they have barely begun to fight.
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The story of SHE-RA, PRINCESS OF POWER will debut with a sweeping five-part saga guest starring HE MAN, during which the viewers will learn the secret that could not be told until now. They will discover Adora, twin sister of Prince Adam, son of King Randor and Queen Marlena, who was stolen from her parents by THE HORDE while still an infant.
Taken to the distant planet Etheria, recently conquered by the Horde, Adora was raised in the dark ways of the Horde. Under the evil spell of SHADOW WEAVER, the Horde's dark enchantress, Adora’s sense of right and wrong was reversed, and in time the beautiful Adora grew to become the enforcer of Horde law on Etheria.
But the Horde's evil act of years ago caught up with them at last, when a strange twist of fate brought He Man to Etheria. When the most powerful man in the universe was brought face to face with the Horde's enforcer, each sensed something special about the other, something deep and buried, reaching out, trying to be reborn.
In that instant, the future history of Etheria was to be irrevocably changed.
Breaking through the years of conditioning, Adora was at last reunited with her brother... and when He Man gave Adora the miraculous sword — very much like his own, entrusted to him by the good Sorceress — Adora instinctively held it high and cried out the words she had never before heard: "For the honor of Grayskull!"
And with a brilliant flash, a surge of unparalleled power, where Adora had stood there now stood She-Ra, Princess of Power!
She-Ra, who has seen first-hand the horrors of the Horde, and who now knows that it must be stopped. She-Ra... who not only possesses awesome strength and agility, but has the power to heal, and who has a mystical empathy with man and beast. She-Ra... who deeply feels an obligation to her adopted planet.
And so, rather than return forever to Eternia, she elects to remain on Etheria, there to become leader of a dedicated band of patriots, fighters for freedom. United by their love of liberty, their loyalty to Etheria and to one another, they free their captured Queen and then set about the long task of reclaiming their birthright, their home... Etheria!
They will fight on, knowing that for as long as the fire of freedom burns within them —  an ideal that many of the younger have never enjoyed, and which is only a dim but wonderous memory in the minds of the older — they will find the strength to strike one more blow, seize one more inch, fight one more battle than the enemy can fight off. Like the drops of water that in time can crack a boulder or split a canyon, they will continue until the Horde is driven once and for all from their beloved homeland.
The story of SHE-RA, PRINCESS OF POWER is at once ground breaking and rich in tradition. It is the story of Robin Hood, of the American Revolution; it is the Force behind Star Wars, for it deals with that rare quality we call freedom.
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Once launched, the series will draw the attention of young girls across the country — for in SHE-RA they will find all of the qualities they hold close. Since the series also will include those factors that have made HE MAN a success, boys will also be attracted to the show. The series will highlight high fantasy and vivid characters, action and comedy, drama and gentleness — something for everyone. The result: a show with tremendous crossover appeal.
But that is not the full extent of the projected impact of SHE-RA, PRINCESS OF POWER. Recognizing its responsibility to its young audience, Filmation Studios will impart to this new series the same emphasis on morality and justice as is currently being done in HE MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE, which has received critical praise from educators and parents for its success in creating worthy role models for the young audience.
SHE-RA, PRINCESS OF POWER will reinforce the fact that one person can make a difference. Man or woman, boy or girl, you have the potential to make the world a better place.
In addition, each episode will conclude with a supplementary message — variations on the themes of loyalty, courage, honesty, and the other values upon which so great a premium is put.
The variety of ways in which the messages will be imparted, and the different types of messages that can arise from such very different circumstances will serve as an excellent counterpoint to HE MAN. And like HE MAN from first concept to finished product, SHE-RA will involve the work of uniquely qualified advisors who will monitor the program and work with it in the best interests of the young audience. In the words of Educational and Psychological Consultant Donald F. Roberts, Professor at Stanford University:
She-Ra has an excellent chance to garner a new audience of females while retaining the large portion of the male audience He Man has already developed. The series will thus have the opportunity of reaching a new segment of the viewing audience with the kinds of pro-social messages you have been developing for the He Man show, while at the same time reinforcing those ideas among current He Man viewers.
The plan to present the pro-social messages in She-Ra in a novel and challenging way can engender a significant increase in learning among those children who view both shows.
He Man has demonstrated that it is possible to engage in worthwhile values training with no sacrifice of entertainment quality. I think She-Ra will continue the tradition.
Now that we have discussed what this series will strive to achieve, let us turn our attention to those we will be meeting each day in the universe of SHE-RA, PRINCESS OF POWER .
Etheria is a vibrant, colorful world rich with enchantment and wonder... a fantasyland of shining rivers, gleaming cities, snow-capped peaks... and surprises waiting behind every tree and hill.
Before the coming of the Horde, it was unspoiled, a place of fantasy and delightful mystery not unlike the world of Middle Earth made so popular in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.
With the Horde came their machines — black engines of destruction that leave ruin in their wake.
The consequence is a contradiction. Side by side there exists the gentle world of Etheria, and the technological monstrosities of the Horde.
One of them will have to go.
Embodying the former is the magnificent, spired Palace of Power, dear to the heart of Etherians everywhere, and for the latter there are the vile swamps of the Horde's dreaded Fright Zone, a sight to strike fear in the heart of any but the most courageous Etherian.
The story of Etheria is a story of two worlds, two societies on a collision course... from which only one may emerge.
SHE-RA and her fellow patriots are determined that the survivor will be Etheria and her people.
And in addition to Adora/She-Ra, among the people of Etheria whom we will be seeing most regularly are these brave crusaders of freedom:
A teenage Princess with limitless enthusiasm, Glimmer was once leader of the Rebellion. Glimmer uses light-based powers — light blasts, light walls, light ropes, etc. She is as brave as they come, though her age tends to make her reckless or gullible at times. Glimmer resides in the Palace of Power with her mother, Queen Angella.
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Twiggets are Munchkin-like little guys and gals who inhabit the Whispering Woods, the site of the rebel camp. Twiggets are rebel allies and a staunch little bunch they are. Twiggets are brimming over with clever tricks which they use to good effect against the Horde nasties. They are very good at blending into forest terrain so as to become virtually invisible. Twiggets love company, and music, and animals. An odd thing about Twiggets is that all their names begin with the letters "SP." Sample Twiggets are Sprig and Sprocket (males,) and Sprinkle (female), but there can be many more as needed.
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Willawand is a handsome beanpole of a man who is a travelling entertainer. He sings, he tells stories, he works stage magic (not the real McCoy, just sleight of hand tricks). His love of freedom prompted him to join the Rebellion and his ebullient, ham actor personality does much to lighten the load. In a battle, he is reckless and cunning, and he and Bow are good comrades.
A master archer who likes nothing more than a good donnybrook with Hordesmen, Bow is handsome, reckless, daring — a hero's hero. Bow rides a swift, black stallion named Streak and has a most curious companion, a butterfly-winged owl named:
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You've heard of the wise old owl. Well, now meet Kowl, the wise-guy owl. This little bird may look cute, but he's got a tongue as sharp as She-Ra's sword. And he uses it constantly. Kowl is always ready to remind Bow and the others of how much he knows and how little they know, and he's got an insufferable habit of being right.
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Queen Angella is the monarch of the Kingdom of Bright Moon, the first kingdom to be freed from Horde clutches by the Rebellion. She is a glamorous, blonde woman, with angel wings that unfold from her back so she can fly. Her magic is very powerful, light-based like her daughter Glimmer's, but she has much more control of it. Queen Angella, despite her youthful appearance, is something of a mother figure to the Rebels. She is very wise, very regal, a true Queen of Etheria.
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Frosta is the Ice Empress, dressed in gorgeous ice blue attire. She is the ruler of the Kingdom of Snows and can "quick freeze" enemies with the mere pointing of her crystalline arm. Frosta is otherwise a normal human female, with one flesh and blood arm and one crystalline arm.
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As her name implies, Castaspella is a worker of magic. Her power comes from a strange, star shaped disk on her back which spins gaily when she weaves one of her magicks. Castaspella can paralyze someone in his or her tracks, create a "window" out of thin air through which faraway places may be viewed, set up a mystic shield which deflects magic bolts and the like, wrap foes in bands of force, and fly through the air like a comet. Castaspella is known as the Wizard Queen and rules the whimiscal Kingdom of Mystacor, a place brimming over with enchantment and magic. She tends to be a bit flighty at times and would rather seek adventure than deal with affairs of state. She is known as Cass or Casta to her friends, Frosta and Queen Angella being her nearest and dearest of these.
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This lovable old crone is the wackiest worker of magic to ever whip up a spell. Madame is so old she's quite forgotten her age. Her spells are quite effective, though she has a small problem — she tends to say the wrong word, making the results not quite what she expected. For instance, while casting a spell to put some foes to sleep, she said "sheep" instead, and wound up with a whole flock of them. Madame also has a bit of trouble with her eyesight and sense of direction, making every one of her flying landings (Madame flies on a broom. More about that in a minute) an adventure in itself. Madame's best friend and, coincidentally, her mode of transportation is:
*NOTE: Since Madame Razz long predates the arrival of the Horde, she has had a lot of personal experience with pre-Horde Etheria — she has seen kings and empires rise and fall, acts of bravery and treachery — plenty of fodder in this for stories of Old Etheria.
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Imagine a dilapidated old broomstick with an old duffer face and voice, walking around on his bristles. This is Broom. Broom is Madame Razz's life-long buddy. They've been together for centuries and are very close. Broom prompts Madame when she messes up a spell (usually when it's too late) and flies her wherever she wants to go.
Unfortunately, Broom is just about as nearsighted as Madame, the reason for their often comically disastrous landings.
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Spirit is Adora's horse, a dappled mare. When Adora becomes She-Ra, Spirit transforms into a flying unicorn named Swiftwind. In this guise Spirit can take She-Ra wherever she wishes to go, and communicate with her telepathically.
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And arrayed against our heroine freedom-fighters are the massed, technological might of THE HORDE, the most colorful villains ever assembled on one planet, in one series. Elements of the confrontation between the two sides will provide opportunity for light comedy, and the villains will be treated in serio-comic fashion. They are...
Hordak is leader of the Horde, and a rottener, meaner guy never lived. Hordak is a master schemer and has the power to change parts of his heavily-armored body into new shapes and uses. He can turn his hand into a buzz-saw or a battle-axe or a laser pistol. He can switch his legs into tank treads or become a mini-missile if he so chooses. He's happy with his lot as ruler of Etheria and wants to keep it that way, hence he hates nothing more than She-Ra and her outrageous Rebels. He is aided and abetted in his schemes against our Princess of Power by his evil magician:
Shadow Weaver is the stuff of which nightmares are made. She is a completely mysterious figure, the only thing we ever see of her being a pair of baleful red eyes peering out from the darkness of a cowled cloak. Shadow Weaver glides around through the air in this cloak, never touching ground, and wisps of shadow constantly waft up around her. She works dark magicks that are extremely powerful and is dreaded by all.
As his name implies, Leech is a lizardy creature with sucker discs on his hands and feet and a huge sucker mouth. He can use these discs to climb the sheerest height or attach them to a foe to drain energy. Ooooh, he's scary. And ugly, too .
Speaking of ugly, this lady takes the prize. Attired in scaly armor and possessed of tremendous strength, Scorpia can use her pincer claws to rip out walls, or employ her stinger tail to paralyze an enemy. Fortunately, she's thick as a brick and thus easily foiled by a foe with some intelligence.
This furry, tusked villain is the Horde's main prison keeper. He's a gruff, toadying type, and thoroughly afraid of Hordak. He has more than his share of bludgeoning power, but is more apt to run from a fight than get into one. Unless, of course, Hordak orders him to. Then he will fight like a berserker if only to stave off his master's wrath.
You might call Imp the Horde's comic relief. At roughly six inches in height, he's not about to terrorize anyone. However, he can change his normal floppy-earred, devil-tailed shape into any configuration, so he makes a quite effective spy. He can appear as a goblet on a table, the hilt of a sword, the brooch on a Queen's dress, or any other small item. He is also the only Horde member who actually dares to make jokes about Hordak, though Hordak greets such jests with less than enthusiasm.
When these two forces, the very embodiment of good and evil, confront one another, anything can happen. There may be stories of great bravery, of cunning in the face of superior technology, of personal loyalty. There may be excursions into the world of high fantasy, and into the depths of high-tech menace.
Drawing on the diverse backgrounds of the many characters, the many villages, kingdoms, and states that comprise Etheria, and the need for this group to travel from place to place in order to stay one step ahead of the plans of the Horde, the possibilities for story lines are almost without limit.
The stories will, though, be unified by their emphasis on humor and warmth. There will be some personal stories, stories of romance and comedy, adventures of epic scope, and tales of magic. In many situations, She-Ra will not rely on strength alone to accomplish her missions, demonstrating that might doesn't necessarily make right. So while there will be action aplenty, the emphasis will be on the cleverness and charismatic leadership of She-Ra and her followers.
Because of the emphasis on personal stories growing out of our characters' every day lives, feelings, and histories, our audience will have a far greater opportunity to get to know the characters in this series than on any other.
There will also be crossover shows between SHE-RA, PRINCESS OF POWER and HE MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE, further feeding the popularity of each show, and luring audiences from one show to the other.
Here are just a few examples of the types of stories that will comprise SHE-RA, PRINCESS OF POWER:
A little girl idolizes She-Ra, but when the Princess of Power's healing ability fails to save the little girl's pet from a serious disease, the little girl's love turns to hate. She-Ra must show the girl that while we cannot always live up to the expectations of others, there are times when those expectations themselves are false.
Madame Razz's friend Broom is stolen from her. She does everything in her power to find Broom but cannot, and must enlist the aid of She-Ra and the Rebels. Highlighted in the story is the friendship between Madame and Broom and the cooperation of our various characters as they work to bring Madame and Broom together once more.
The Horde is capturing Etherian animals and using their super science to turn them into dangerous monsters. She-Ra and the Rebels must stop this with the added complication of having to battle innocent creatures made savage by the Horde.
Bow wants to enter a horse race competition that is held each year in the Kingdom of Alver. Bow has won this race the past few years and is reigning champion. However, now that he is a known Rebel, to enter the race would not only put him in jeopardy, but the whole Rebellion as well. On the other hand, if Bow does not ride in the race, he will lose his own self-esteem. She-Ra and friends must figure out a way to allow Bow to ride while at the same time keeping the Horde occupied elsewhere.
The Horde imports a diabolical female named Huntara from their home world whose mission is to hunt down Adora and She-Ra (not knowing that they are one and the same). The catch is that Huntara is an old friend of Adora’s — they trained together as little girls when Adora was still under Horde control. Adora does not want to harm her old friend, but neither can she allow her to endanger the Rebellion. In the end, it is their one-time friendship that turns the tide and causes Huntara to give up service to the Horde.
Because it emphasizes entertainment with responsibility, SHE-RA, PRINCESS OF POWER will be one of the most — perhaps the most — dynamic television series for children currently on the air, rivaled only by the phenomenally successful HE MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE.
It will be a series of magic and fantasy, adventure and courage in the face of overwhelming odds.
It will entertain...
It is a story that reaches deep into our souls, where our hopes for the underdog, for those who stand against the wind and are determined to fight for the rights of those who cannot fight for themselves, are kept and nurtured.
It is, in short, an attempt to teach the children to recognize the face of personal courage...
... and to realize that it's the same face that looks back at them from the mirror.
BASIC CONCEPT: "Shera, Princess of Power" is a light-hearted, action-adventure fantasy designed with strong kid appeal. The key words are light-hearted and fantasy, for while action is a necessity, it's those elements that will make the show fly. Stories should have mounds of humor, sentiment, magic, and just a trace of romance. Steer clear of combat-oriented stories, and when combat does occur, take pains to make our heroine's cleverness and dexterity the winning feature rather than sheer strength. Use magic over sword-slinging, and fill your tales with color and wonder.
Women should play a major role in all stories, not only Shera and her super-powered friends and enemies, but women of all kinds. Don't neglect our male characters. They are important too, just don't surrender to the macho-syndrome of many cartoons in which the females are wispy Princesses always in need of rescue. Strive always for a true equality of characters, thinking of our people as just that, people, regardless of sex differences .
BACKGROUND: "Shera, Princess of Power" is set on a planet known as ETHERIA. As its name implies, Etheria is a beautiful place, very natural, very charming, very enchanted. It is filled with verdant forests, shining rivers, white-capped mountains, gleaming rain forests, ethereal cities, and small, pleasant villages and towns. It has the feel of King Arthur's England melded with a bit of Middle Earth, a touch of Cloud CuckooLand, and a dash of Oz. Its a low-tech world, people don't carry ray guns or flit about in rocket-powered vehicles. Transportation is by horse, by wagon, by sailing ship. If flying transportation is part of a story it will probably consist of some flying beast rather than a high-tech flying ship.
The exception to all of the above is the villains of our show, the collection of slimy nasties known as THE HORDE.
The Horde are the conquerors of Etheria, but are not native to the planet. They came there some twenty-odd years ago from another world (see Character Sketches for more background). The Horde is a high-tech band. They use flyers for travel from place to place and are able to bring to bear such equipment as Destructo Tanks, Bat-Meks (robot planes), Stunner Cannons, Energy Batons (truncheons that fire beams), and anything else you care to create. It is precisely this terrible technology that allowed the Horde to triumph over the kingdoms of Etheria. The Horde controls the planet and their places of operation are always dark and grim and ugly. In essence, think of it as smoking industrial complexes set down in otherwise organic terrain.
In the five part story that introduced Shera and her friends, we saw the Horde's first set-back, the taking of the kingdom of Bright Moon by a group known simply as the Great Rebellion. The seat of power of Bright Moon is a large, gorgeous, enchanted castle known as the PALACE OF POWER. Here dwells Queen Angella and her daughter Glimmer (see Character Sketches). Shera and her brother, He Man, were instrumental in the taking of Bright Moon, but this was only the beginning of our saga. As the show develops, we will see the Great Rebellion spread to the other kingdoms of Etheria even as the Horde tries to stop it once and for all. This back story of the reclaiming of a world is the skeleton of our show, but the flesh that covers this skeleton will take many varied directions. We do not want a heavy hero vs. villain approach in every story, nor do we wish to dwell on the "Horde oppression" in a grim manner. Indeed, many tales may not even deal with the Horde, though they are certainly around when a villain or two is needed.
SOCIAL SET-UP OF ETHERIA: Etheria is divided into numerous small kingdoms, each independent of the other. Bright Moon is one such kingdom, Mystacor (ruled by Castaspella — see Character Sketches) another. Outside of the kingdoms currently part of the Rebellion (Bright Moon, Mystacor, and the Kingdom of Snows), the various kingdoms are nominally under Horde rule. Some have actual Hordesmen governors (e.g. the Kingdom of Woodsedge is ruled by Terrora, a Horde villainess), most are run by native Etherians controlled by the Horde's might. The Horde keeps the kingdoms in line through one major factor, stark fear. As for the Horde itself, its headquarters is a dismal tower located in a dark, brooding region of Etheria known as FRIGHT ZONE. Here Hordak dwells, keeping an eye on his turf.
The various kingdoms do trade with each other and are in the main friendly to each other. Of course it would be against Horde law for a kingdom to have any dealings with the Great Rebellion, so kingdoms won by the rebels are somewhat isolated. Each kingdom would have either a major city or some seat of power, a castle, a tower, etc. They would also have towns and villages.
Etheria is at heart a pastoral world, its major occupations being farming and herding. There are mines as well, all of them controlled by the Horde who are systematically plundering the wealth of Etheria. Fishing is another major occupation, confined, of course, to the seaside kingdoms. There are many islands off the main continent of Etheria that constitute small kingdoms in themselves, or sometimes several islands in a chain will be considered one kingdom. Other occupations include travelling merchants, bards, foresters, jewelers, and of course magicians.
As regards the people of Etheria, consider them a widely varied group made up of many colors and backgrounds. Moreover, since Etheria is a world of faerie, non-human races are certainly possible, e.g. cat-people, insect-people, bear-people, etc. Attire will depend on prevailing terrain and weather (you wouldn't expect to find desert dwellers wearing parkas), but as a general rule people of Etheria will wear very bright, colorful garments made of organic materials. Etherian weapons will be standard medieval melee weapons, swords, spears, maces, bow and arrow, etc., but most Etherians will not carry weapons. Likewise Etherians will seldom go around in any sort of heavy armor, in fact at best chain-mail and shield (usually reserved for guardsmen in the various royal palaces). A light, non-violent look and feel should always be maintained. As there are always exceptions to any rule, there is an exception to the light, non-violent look, namely the Horde. Hordesmen are always bristling with weaponry, usually of the high-tech variety, and always have a dark, foreboding look, whether cloaked in standard Horde Trooper uniforms or in the heavier armor favored by Horde supervillains.
An important factor to keep in mind in the social set-up of Etheria is that the Horde has ruled the planet for a significantly long period of time. What this means in terms of story is that not every Etherian is on the side of the Great Rebellion. Indeed, it's much more logical to assume that rebels make up a small minority at this point in time. In many cases, Etherians may very well support the Horde, either out of fear of reprisal or simply through acceptance of enforced authority. Therefore, in one episode, an Etherian village may welcome rebel forces with open arms, while in another story villagers may actually betray our protagonists. By maintaining this "shades of grey" concept, instead of a black and white approach, we provide our story tellers with more scope.
GEOGRAPHY OF ETHERIA: Etheria is very Earth-like in terms of its geography. In other words, a mixture of mountains, plains, deserts, forests, jungles, ice fields, etc. Stories can be set in any type of terrain, the only exception being outer atmosphere, i.e. space. Though the Horde definitely has interstellar travel capability, stories set exclusively in space should be avoided. This does not mean the Horde could not pose some threat from space, only that the bulk of the story should take place planetside. In dealing with the natural environment of a story, please maintain a respect for the physical laws of nature. Rivers start in mountains and flow to the sea, they don't just crop up where convenient. Swamps do not have cliffs in them, nor do they adjoin steaming deserts. In the LOCALES section of the bible, we will be naming some of the natural sites on Etheria. However, writers are free to contribute new locales to the Etherian map, as needed.
CHARACTERS: There are a large number of characters involved in the show, good guys and bad guys alike. These characters are detailed in the CHARACTER SKETCHES included in this bible. However, keep in mind that not every character need appear in every show. Indeed, shows that follow just a few characters work better. Certainly every story must include Shera (and by logical assumption her alter-ego Adora), but the rest of the cast can and should revolve frequently. You can also feature people in the cast rather heavily, so long as Shera remains involved. This means it's possible to do a story featuring Glimmer, or Bow, or Madame Razz, or any other character, but our heroine must be instrumental in some way. The same applies to our nasty villains. If Catra makes our heroine's life miserable in one show, in another it may be Mantenna or Leech who carries forth the machinations of evil. Our list of "regulars" is certainly extensive enough for writers to choose the character or characters that best fit a story. Writers may create their own characters for the show (at times this will be a necessity, in fact), but we suggest steering clear of coming up with a new supervillain for the Horde or a new superhero for the Rebellion. Let's face it, gang, we’ve got plenty, and until we adequately cover them over the course of a show, there's no reason to haul in another.
LOCALES: Here are some areas of Etheria, useful in planning stories.
THE PALACE OF POWER — This magnificent edifice is the home of Queen Angella and her daughter Glimmer. It is a fantastic bit of real estate, composed of gleaming stone walls with an overriding avian motif. It is a place of powerful magic, good magic. The Palace constitutes the seat of power in the kingdom of Bright Moon. (You might think of the Palace as the capital of Bright Moon.) Its magical force, which only Queen Angella can control to its fullest extent, makes the Palace virtually immune to anything but an all-out Horde attack. The Horde avoids such an attack because of the feeling toward Queen Angella in the other kingdoms of Etheria. Their reasoning is that to attack Angella could urge kingdoms not yet part of the Rebellion to join it, because Angella is popular with other rulers. Therefore, the Horde counts instead on subtle subversion of Angella's realm. Many magical devices and vehicles are housed in the Palace of Power, ready for use by the rebels.
WHISPERING WOODS — The Whispering Woods is a large, enchanted forest in the kingdom of Bright Moon. It is also home to the Great Rebellion. Adora, Madame Razz , Bow, Kowl, the Twiggets, and all the other rebels reside in Whispering Woods. The enchanted nature of the forest makes it impossible for the Horde to locate the rebel camp, for the woods actually twist and turn about anyone entering them who is not a part of the cause of good. The Woods also resist destruction attempts by the Horde (fire bombs, rays, etc.) and the dark, dreadful spells of Horde magic workers like Shadow Weaver. The Whispering Woods is, in fact, the focal point of the lines of magic power which run all over Etheria. Given this fact, it is logical that visitors from other dimensions (such as He Man) will appear either in or very close to the Whispering Woods.
THE VILLAGE OF THAYMOR  — This small, pleasant village is typical of Etherian hamlets. Village social life revolves around the Council Hall and the Laughing Swan Inn. The people of Thaymor are mainly in farm related occupations (farmers, tanners, wheelwrights, etc.). Thaymor is also located in the kingdom of Bright Moon.
THE FRIGHT ZONE — a dual term, it refers to both the sinister tower keep where Hordak resides, and the surrounding land area. One thing characterizes the Fright Zone — it's scary! The tower itself is a massive edifice of dark stone with eerie asymmetrical looks. Inside, there are pictures whose eyes follow people down the hall, spiders and snakes scuttling and slithering around the corridors, chains rattling, mysterious screams, ghostly apparitions, fluttering bats — in short, the tower is like a massive haunted mansion. The tower is surrounded by a huge moat in which dwell the most horrid underwater creatures imaginable. The terrain of Fright Zone is swampy, boggy, fully as horrid as the tower itself. Monsters roam freely, there are dire plants and natural perils, it is ugly in the extreme. Most people would think twice before braving the Zone. While Fright Zone in essence is a kingdom unto itself, it is also bordered and buffered by three evil Kingdoms: DARKEDGE, CRIMSON WASTE, and SKULLPATH. These kingdoms are all ruled by evil Etherians who collaborate wholeheartedly with the Horde.
BEAST ISLAND — Beast Island is a semi-tropical isle far out in the Growling Sea. Many monstrous things walk the island and it is perilous. Beast Island houses one of many Horde prisons, prisons in which valuable captives are incarcerated and interrogated. You can consider the island the Horde's equivalent of a state pen.
THE KINGDOM OF SNOWS — This is another Etherian kingdom, located high in the Dreaming Mountains. The Kingdom of Snows is ruled by Frosta, the Ice Empress (see Character Sketches). As its name implies, it is a kingdom of snow and ice, its people living in large, almost igloo-like structures, the most magnificent of which is Frosta’s own Castle Chill.
THE KINGDOM OF MYSTACOR — Mystacor is a magical kingdom presided over by Castaspella the Wizard Queen (see Character Sketches). The laws of reality have little to do with Mystacor, where everything works in a magical fashion. It is the home of many magical types, not all of them on the up and up.
THE VALLEY OF THE LOST — A dread valley in which prehistoric monsters roam and the terrain is either deadly stark or menacingly primordial. It is located far to the east near the lip of the SIZZLING DESERT. It is not a place you would expect anyone to hang around in (good guys or Hordesmen), but is useful as a locale for stories involving ancient ruins and objects of interest from Etheria's dim past.
SINGING RIVER — Singing River is the chief waterway of Etheria. It snakes the length of the entire main continent before emptying into the Southern Sea. Barges or galleys ply its course frequently, and the various towns dotting its banks are usually lively places where people from many different kingdoms meet.
THE GROWLING SEA — Already mentioned as the spot where Beast Island is located. The Growling Sea to the west of Etheria's main continent is the largest Etherian sea and can be quite rough at times (hence its name). Other seas are the Southern Sea, the mysterious Sea of Sighs (an inland sea), and the Cracking Sea.
The heart of any show is its stories, and on "Shera, Princess of Power" this is all the more true. As already stated, though the background of the show is the struggle between the Horde and the Great Rebellion, stories need not fall into a constant pattern of "the Rebels do this, the Horde does that." Also to be avoided are shows based on mere MacGuffins or gimmicks, e.g. if Shera can find the Mystic Kazoo of Wazoo, the Rebellion will be able to defeat the Horde decisively. Such stories are possible, but they must have much, much more than that to go. So what do we want? First and foremost, characterization. Study the characters you have to work with, find their appealing or troubling qualities, and build stories around that.
Examples would be:
Shera is idolized by a young girl who then changes her mind about our heroine when Shera's healing power fails to save the young girl's pet from some disease or accident. Shera must then show the little girl that while we do not always live up to the expectations of others, those expectations themselves can sometimes be false.
Madame Razz loses Broom and must get him back. This story works on several levels, i.e it will show the depth of the relationship between Madame and Broom, allow Shera to use her abilities to find Broom, and present a good bit of comedy interaction.
Bow wants to race his stallion Streak in an upcoming horse race in the Kingdom of AIver. However, as an outlaw, Bow would be putting his neck on the line by making such a public appearance. If Bow goes he could also be putting the whole Rebellion in jeopardy. If he doesn't, he loses some of his own self-esteem. He must also disobey direct orders from the Rebellion leaders to do this thing, a further enhancement of the character value in the story.
When you're thinking of tales for the show, think fantasy, not sword and sorcery or science-fiction. Those elements do exist in the show, but we are not going to emphasize them overmuch. A good fairy tale is a better source of inspiration for this show than an episode of Star Wars. Keep those stories simple, accent action but not violence, and make the characters live and breathe, for us and for yourself .
From time to time, we will be doing crossover stories between "Shera, Princess of Power" and "He Man and the Masters of the Universe." In such stories Shera and one or two of her friends may pop into Eternia, or He Man and some of his cronies may wind up on Etheria. Since the two planets are in different dimensions, this is always accomplished through a magic spell (a dimensional gate, for example) rather than by space travel. However, unless the writer is very conversant with both shows, we don't suggest coming up with crossovers, for obvious reasons.
SHERA — He Man's twin sister. Shera is a beautiful woman with long, wild, golden hair. She is sleeker than He Man (i.e. not as muscular looking), but every bit as powerful. Any stunt He Man could accomplish Shera could do as well. In addition, she has other powers, to wit:
LIMITED HEALING BY TOUCH — Shera can transmit a golden aura that heals. Always works on animals, may work on people.
EMPATHY — she can sense the feelings of people and animals by concentrating. (Note: she cannot "read minds," only pick up sensations of feeling, e.g. this animal is hungry or frightened, that person is sad or angry.)
Shera also has an alter ego...
ADORA — Unlike Prince Adam, Adora is not considered irresponsible or reckless. She is tied strongly to nature, to the trees, the earth, the sky, as indeed Shera is. There is also a strong sympathy and tie with animals.
BOW — Bow is a handsome, dark haired, roguish sort of chap, a little irresponsible (he and Adam would get along fine). He is a crack shot with bow and arrow, but has no super or magical powers. He rides a stallion named STREAK. He is more than a little fond of Shera/Adora. He also has a companion/pet named...
KOWL — Kowl is a butterfly-winged owl who speaks in pompous tones. He is above action and derring do, but he has the ability to sense danger, figure out complex puzzles and in general use his wise old owl wisdom to the Rebellion's benefit (though he makes a quick exit- during a melee). He is almost like a conscience to Bow, always berating him for one irresponsible action or another. Kowl should be a strong comic figure.
SPIRIT/SWIFT WIND — Spirit is Shera's dappled mare, a steed she has ridden since childhood. But when Adora becomes Shera, she transforms Spirit, just as He Man transforms Cringer into Battlecat. When the transformation is complete, Spirit becomes a winged unicorn with gleaming silver horn and hooves, attired in fashionable battle armor. The name of this unicorn is SWIFT WIND, of course. As an added attraction, Swift Wind is able to communicate with Shera telepathically (in a silvery, fluid female voice). Neither Spirit nor Swift Wind actually speaks.
MADAME RAZZ — Madame Razz is the Witch of the Woods . She has forgotten her age, but reckons it at near one thousand or so. She is about three feet tall, with a double pointed, goofy-looking witch's hat on her head and a pair of square granny glasses, thick as coke bottles, over her eyes. She rides a dilapidated broom that talks, but unfortunately is as nearsighted as she is. The trees shudder when Madame takes off on a flight because she is bound to bounce off a few before she reaches her destination. Madame Razz has probably forgotten more spells than she knows, but she can usually come up with some sort of magic to bail Shera out of a situation. At the same time, her magic can be very unpredictable, a situation helped by the fact that she often throws the wrong word into a spell (e.g. she really did intend to put those villains to sleep, but said sheep instead. So she turned them all to sheep. Worked out, if not quite the way she planned). Madame Razz is a cherry old crone, always looking on the br ight side. And when villain threatens Shera and the Rebels, she can be counted on to supply her own wacky brand of Razzle dazzle.
BROOM — Broom is Madame Razz's friend and transportation Broom is a broom (logical, isn't it?), but he's like no broom you've ever used to sweep your floors with. First of all, he speaks. And he flies. And he walks. Broom’s personality is that of a competent old duffer, someone who’s seen and heard a lot over his many years with the wacky Madame. He has a little face located near the top of his handle, and wears tiny spectacles and sports a beard . He walks on his bristles (like the walking brooms in Disney's Sorcerer's Apprentice segment of Fantasia), but prefers levitating along, using his flying power. Madame Razz always "pilots" broom when they fly, and this generally makes for a comic catastrophe since both Madame and Broom are somewhat nearsighted. Broom is not forgetful like Madame, so he often prompts her on spells or information she's not quite sure of. He also spots her mistakes (unfortunately only after they happen) but at least Broom knows why they happened! Madame and Broom are the best of friends, and their relationship is fertile ground for stories .
THE TWIGGETS — Short, plump, comical little folk who inhabit the woods of Etheria. They are good friends of Madame Razz and thoroughly frightened of the Horde and its villains. They are very good at blending into forest terrain to spy on a villain or pull some trick. And Twiggets are brimming over with tricks. There are Twiggets all over Etheria, and any number can appear as needed. Twiggets LOVE company, so they seldom travel alone. They can be shy with strangers, though generally not for long. As friends of Shera and the Rebels, they add a touch of comedy to the story. Twiggets we have met so far are Sprig, Sprockett (male Twiggets), and Sprinkle (female Twigget).
GLIMMER — This brash, impulsive, terminally cheery young lady is one of the deposed Princesses of Etheria, a fact she never lets anyone forget. Glirmer has light-based powers, enabling her to teleport as a beam of light (range about ten miles), throw stunning light blasts, cause flashes of light to disorient her enemies, and create things out of solidified light (ladders, battering rams, etc.). Glimmer's power comes from a magnificent jewel in her palm, an energy source that is not without limits. She must expose it to bright light for three hours every day to keep it charged and can easily run out of enough power if she does too many things in too short a space of time. GIimmer has multi-colored eyes and hair and breath-taking attire. Her recklessness often causes problems and her age and inexperience make her the perfect dupe for scheming villains. She is a fun character, someone who can laugh through the most dire of circumstances and pass on her good cheer to her comrades.
These characters constitute the "regular cast" of Shera, Princess of Power.
As on He Man, Shera has a band of heroines to help her out as needed, popping into and out of shows exactly as Ram Man, Stratos, Mekaneck, etc., do on He Man. Here are a few of them:
ANGELLA — Queen of the Kingdom of Bright Moon. Angella is Glimmer's mother  She is a sorceress-warrior. Her beautiful, glittering costume contains expanding wings which enable her to fly. A little older than the other rebels, she is a character to whom people often turn for guidance and leadership.
FROSTA — The Ice Empress, dressed in gorgeous ice blue attire. She is the ruler of the Kingdom of Snows and can "quick freeze" enemies with the mere pointing of her crystalline arm. Frosta is otherwise a normal human female, with one flesh-and-blood arm and one crystalline arm.
CASTASPELLA — As her name implies, Castaspella is a worker of magic. Her power comes from a strange, star shaped disk on her back which spins gaily when she weaves one of her magicks. Castaspella can paralyze someone in his or her tracks, create a "window" out of thin air through which faraway places may be viewed, set up a mystic shield which deflects magic bolts and the like, enwrap foes in bands of force, and fly through the air like a comet. Castaspella is known as the Wizard Queen and rules the whimsical kingdom of Mystacor, a place brimming over with enchantment and magic. She tends to be a bit flighty at times and would rather seek adventure than deal with affairs of state. She is known as Cass or Casta to her friends, Frosta and Queen Angella being her nearest and dearest of these. She is the perfect character to be involved in stories dealing with magic items or effects or places.
WILLAWAND — This handsome beanpole of a man is a travelling entertainer whose most prized possession is his freedom. It is because of this that Willawand joined the rebellion (not typical, since he isn't a joiner). Willawand is a teller of tales, a songster, and a stage magician (note that he doesn't do real magic, only sleight-of-hand tricks). He tends to ham it up in the most mundane of situations and is positively florid during crises situations. He is a very creative fighter and reckless enough to be a good friend of Bow's, though Kowl and he have an on-the-edge relationship, constantly trying to one-up each other. Typical of Willawand's tricks is the use of flashpowder to “disappear”from enemy hands or the firing of small knock-out darts from his bard's harp. His dress is outrageously flamboyant, multi-colored tunics and breeks, a floppy hat with a huge plume, etc. He is very acrobatic and not likely to carry weapons, though he is probably better with a sword than most of the rebels.
DOUBLE TROUBLE — Double Trouble is Glimmer's cousin. She comes from the Kingdom of Green Glade and functions as the chief spy of the rebellion. Double's forte is disguise, and she can look like almost anyone with a little time. She is very dextrous and can squeeze herself into almost impossibly tiny spaces or climb the sheerest of walls to carry out her missions. She is not much of a fighter, though her agility makes her a good dodger. No disguise is beyond her. She can look like an aged king one moment, or a Horde villainess the next. She can also change her voice to suit her disguise. Double can fast talk her way out of the tightest spots and is very effective against the Horde, whom she adamantly hates. This stems from the fact that she plays Horde supporter in her normal guise, the better to spy on them when the time comes. She is often mistrusted by Etherians not in the know for this very reason.
THE EVIL HORDE is a generic term for a collection of bad guys who have totally overwhelmed the planet of Etheria. The Horde are, in effect, the rulers of Etheria and an iron-handed rule it is. The Evil Horde are not natives of Etheria. They come from a strange world known only as HordeWorld. This world is the hub of a vast conquered empire, of which Etheria is only one component. The mysterious ruler of HordeWorld (his identity will remain a secret throughout the show) keeps tabs on all the planets under Horde control and woe betide the appointed ruler of a planet if Horde interests are not served there. In the five part show, we will concentrate on the "regular" cast of Horde villains without too much attention to the Horde’s background. While the regular Horde council membrs will not be vanquished, keep in mind that the Horde can call upon an infinite number of minions. You may beat five of their worst one day, but you can bet the Horde council will send five more on the following day. And now let's take a quick look at the folks you’ll love to hate:
HORDAK — Encased in heavy black battle armor, HORDAK is the man who rules Etheria in the name of the Evil Horde. As might be expected, he is rotten to the core, thoroughly ruthless, and thoroughly dedicated to keeping Etheria and its residents under his black-gloved thumb. Hordak's philosophy is might makes right, and he takes every opportunity he can to carry this philosophy out. He is a master schemer, cool and calculating, except when his schemes go awry, in which case his temper generally gets the better of him. Hordak is in reality part organic person and part machine. This is emphasized in his modular ability, i.e. he has the power to actually change pieces of his body to any desired configuration. Thus he might turn himself into a mini tank by switching to his tank tread legs and cannon arms, into a flying dreadnaught by attaching a jet pack and glider wings, or he might simply attach various weaponry to himself to succeed in a personal battle. These changes are lightning quick, controlled by Hordak's "on board computer," an integral part of his armor. Hordak totally hates Shera and her friends and constantly seeks to end the threat of the most powerful woman in the universe. Hordak fears nothing, with the single exception of HORDE PRIME, the mysterious figure who rules HordeWorld. Since Hordak is in essence the governor of Etheria, Horde Prime is constantly checking on the job he is doing, via the special monitor in Hordak’s quarters. Thus should Shera destroy a Horde outpost, or prevent a shipment of valuable research material from Etheria to HordeWorld, it is very likely Hordak will be getting a chewing out from his exalted leader.
SHADOW WEAVER — Every Evil Horde needs an evil magician and Shadow Weaver is that. Shadow Weaver is a mysterious cowled figure, a female, whose main feature is a pair of evil red eyes that seem to float in the darkness of her cowl. Shadow Weaver can work rituals that gain the Horde information, and use her magic aggressively, throwing Shadow Blasts, Coils of Shadow (bands of darkness for subduing foes), changing her form into living shadow (like a mist that can move under doors, through cracks, etc.), or becoming the image of some other person. The sight of Shadow Weaver fills most people with a chilling dread. She is very valuable to the Horde since she can sense the workings of magic and to some extent predict the future.
CATRA — A whole lot of evil in a deceptively petite and pretty package. Catra looks like a normal female most of the time, but when she dons her mask of power she becomes a fierce catwoman, complete with sharp claws. In this guise she has all the stealth, agility, and cunning of a feline, which she uses to good effect on behalf of the Evil Horde. She can also control any feline species to do her bidding, even the mighty Battlecat! Definitely not a lady to fool around with. Catra replaced Adora as Horde Force Captain (see Shera character sketches). She will be a major adversary.
MANTENNA — Truly a bizzare figure, this heavily-armored villain's eyes are mounted on retractable stalks that emerge right from the eye sockets in his head. He can use his eyes to peer over things or around corners, and can fire a variety of beams from them (paralysis beams, stun-beams, balance-distortion beams, etc.). Naturally, he can fire in more than one direction at once. He is a basic enforcer type.
GRIZZLOR — This humanoid boar has two tusks and a large shaggy body. He has the strength and ferocity of a wild boar, but is not the greatest in the smarts department. Grizzlor is the Horde's Prison Keeper, presiding over the terrible dungeons on Beast Island.
LEECH — A hideous creature with suction discs instead of hands and feet. Leech can climb even the slickest of surfaces with ease and can use his suction discs to drain energy from his foes with a single touch.
SCORPIA — Scorpia might almost be good looking if it weren't for her armored tail, her pincer claws and a disposition fully in keeping with the insect from which she takes her name. Scorpia's sting can paralyze a foe in seconds and she has the strength to rip out walls. She is not terribly bright, but she makes up for it in sheer meanness.
IMP — Imp is only about six inches tall, but it's all mischief and deviltry. This character has floppy ears, a devil tail, and snaggly, sharp teeth. His basic talent is infiltration, for he can turn himself into most any object with a thought (however he cannot turn into any object much larger than himself). Thus Imp might disguise himself as a goblet and set himself down on a conference table to overhear a plan or become a sparrow to make an escape. Combat wise, he has no power, though he can provide impish diversion, a smoke screen, a hot foot, a trip wire, etc. He too is played more for comedy.
The Palace of Power is the most magical spot on all Etheria. In the Palace are gathered all the forgotten secrets of the First Ones (the founders of Etheria, equivalent to Eternia's Ancients). The Palace is located at the very top of the gigantic mountain called SkyDancer. This mountain is at the edge of the Kingdom of Bright Moon. The mountain top is constantly wreathed in clouds that obscure it and even when these clouds are pierced, the Palace is not immediately evident. It takes powerful enchantment or the power of Shera's sword to reveal the magnificent avian facade of the Palace and permit entry.
In the episode in which Shera finds the Palace (PP#67022, "The Palace of Power") she also meets DarkHope, the living spirit of the Palace. DarkHope is a very mysterious being. He appears as a pair of baleful red eyes, floating in a corridor of infinite darkness at the bottom of the palace. This coriddor is behind a very magical-looking door which opens to reveal him. DarkHope sees all that transpires on the planet of Etheria, EXCEPT for what occurs in the Fright Zone and the Shadow Kingdoms around it. The evil of these places prevents even DarkHope from seeing what occurs there. DarkHope also tells Shera that the Palace has long awaited her coming. She is the heroine for which the Palace was constructed, the person on whom the fate of the planet rests. For this reason, Shera is told to treat the Palace as her personal Haven. She comes there to meditate, to ask advice of DarkHope, to explore the myriad secrets contained in the Palace or to undertake some quest or another at the behest of DarkHope .
Like Castle Gray skull the actual extent of the Palace is unfathomable. Its corridors and staircases cover miles of unedning space, its chambers are more numerous than anyone could count.
While Shera will make use of the Palace often, it is not an automatic answer to the problems facing her. Shera will only seek the help of DarkHope and the Palace in the most dire of circumstances, never abusing the great power inherent in its walls.
As for DarkHope he looks forward to the day when the last Hordesman leaves Etheria and the world is once again free. At that moment the Palace will manifest itself to all Etherians and DarkHope's true identity will at last be revealed. Until that day only Shera, Princess of Power will share the secret of the Palace.
The Horde's dark Sorceress has her own private sanctuary to which she retires to study her evil spells or merely rest up after a hard day's nasty work. This sanctuary is known as HORROR HALL. Horror Hall is located in the Shadow Kingdom of DARKEDGE, one of the three evil kingdoms surrounding Fright Zone. Horror Hall is set in an active volcano, a mighty belching monster of a mountain. All manner of monster flies, crawls and creeps around this volcano. Entrance to the Hall is through the volcano's crater and this entrance is hidden by the constant flames shooting up from the lava pit and the thick black smoke caused by these flames. There is ALWAYS some sort of guardian monster on the entrance to the Hall and the portal is nothing more than a patch of darkness.
Inside, Horror Hall lives up to its name in grand fashion. Furnishings are eerie, gloomy, bizarre. Dark corridors go in all directions and weird noises abound. The center of the hall is the workshop of ShadowWeaver, a place filled with the trappings of evil magic. There are also dungeon cells, for those unfortunate enough to be the victims of ShadowWeaver's terrible experiments.
Attempting to breach Horror Hall would put even the Princess of Power in dire jeopardy, for it is here that ShadowWeaver is at her most powerful.
Though its not common knowledge, our pincer-clawed villainess also has her very own hideaway for those moments when evil-doing has taken its toll. It is called SCORPION HILL and is located in the blood-red sands of the Shadow Kingdom known as Crimson Waste. Scorpion Hill is a gigantic sand dune at the base of which is a large rock. Scorpia uses her mighty tail to push this rock aside and gain entrance to the underground passages which lead t o her lair beneath the giant dune. The corridors of the hill are patrolled by Scorpia's "pets", monster scorpions the size of St. Bernards. In her lair Scorpia plans and schemes to make trouble for the Rebellion and prove to Hordak that she and not Catra should be Force Captain of the Horde. Invariably such schemes involve not only the forces of the Rebellion but also the downfall or discrediting of Catra as well. Of course Catra is well aware of the scorpion woman's intentions and is usually prepared for her plots.
Possibility: Scorpia might be given a vehicle with which to cross the treacherous sands of the Crimson Waste. This vehicle would be known as the Scorpion Crawler. It would be a heavily-armored, tank-like vehicle with a scorpion motif and treads. Its tail-like appendage is a heavy-duty blaster and its pincer front can chomp through obstacles or capture foes.
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hedgewitchgarden · 3 months
Author: Hazel Loveridge
"Inanna is depicted as embodying both male and female qualities.
'She says, ‘Though I am a woman I am a noble young man.’ Her androgyny is attested to in her cultic personnel, which included eunuchs and transvestites and during her festival young men carried hoops, a feminine symbol, while young women carried swords. The In-nin-sa-gur-ra says, ‘She (Ishtar) [changes] the right side (male) into the left side (female), she [changes] the left side into the right side, she [turns] a man into a woman, she [turns] a woman into a man, she ador[ns] a man as a woman, she ador[ns] a woman as a man.’'
[It is thought that] this merely refers to the changing roles of men and women in cult ceremonies, but given the world-turned-upside-down nature of her cultic festivities an element of gender role reversal does not seem unfeasible . . . Inanna was ‘a deity who incorporated fundamental and irreducible paradoxes;' through her embodiment of these opposing qualities she succeeded in transcending them."'
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
Glimmer teleports off-world to stop Prime from using The Heart AU
It needs a catchier name, I know. But we're posting this for canon divergent.
Short version: Glimmer teleported off-world to stop Prime from using The Heart, is assume dead, and when they find her years later she doesn't remember them... or does she?
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Long version
This AU I came up with right after the finale and I am not entirely sure it makes sense (because of how Prime basically hacks into the Heart of Etheria, the planet no longer needs to be balanced so it wouldn't matter if all the princesses were there or not) but just go with it for a minute.
The idea was, things in space happen differently so we never rescue Glimmer and therefore she never sees that her friends forgive her. When they get back to Etheria, Prime is about to set off the Heart of Etheria and destroy everything so Glimmer, as a way to make amends for trying to set it off in the first place and because she thinks her friends can never forgive her, teleports herself as far away as she possibly can, off the planet entirely, so it's no longer balanced. But she uses up all her power doing and is out of the range of the moonstone, so she can't come back.
It works, buying the rebellion enough time for Adora and Catra to do their thing at the heart, but when Glimmer never returns, everyone assumes she's dead. She's hailed as a hero, her sacrifice memorialized.
(It's occurring to me as I write this that this is a lot like my Bow stays at the library AU but with the roles reversed)
Years later, what remains of the best friend squad is doing their mission to restore magic, visiting planets but Bow is obsessed, keeps coming up with more places he wants them to go. Adora and Catra are ready to stop the space travel and start settling down but they know what he's doing even if he denies it: looking for Glimmer. One more mission, they allow, but then he needs to face that she's gone, start being present in the life he does have (he's seeing someone who is looking for him to make a commitment and he's been using the search for Glimmer as an excuse to not deal with the fact that he isn't really in love with him).
They go to the last planet, She-Ra heals it. They usually stick around for a while, mentor anyone who suddenly has unexpected magic powers. People usually come to them but Bow finds an unexpectedly strong magic signal out in the middle of nowhere so he goes to it and gets attacked by someone, getting knocked unconscious. When he wakes, he's inside a small house and the person tending to his injury is Glimmer! Except she shows no sign of remembering him at all and is very clearly with someone, the woman who attacked him.
Eventually Catra and Adora come to find Bow, also meet Glimmer, and want to bring her home with them but she refuses to go, saying she doesn't remember any of them. Except Bow is increasingly suspecting she is only pretending, afraid to go home because she thinks she still isn't forgiven for what happened with the Heart.
Anyway, long story short, they convince her to come home with them for other reasons (her partner needs something from Etheria) and it becomes harder and harder for her to deny that she remembers and that her friends do forgive her (she just doesn't forgive herself). Her and Bow get closer (she's staying at his place) until one night she accidentally says something that blows her cover. It leads into a fight and then an accidental confession of feelings and them hooking up / cheating on their partners (who aren't even canon characters so f 'em for being in the way of my OTP😤).
Glimmer panics and bails but then it turns out her partner was pulling a shady deal (the details of which I cannot remember and I cannot find my notes for 😂) and ends up going back to stop her. Bow breaks up with his partner bc it isn't fair to them when he's in love with Glimmer even though they think they'll never see Glimmer again... but she saved just enough magic that she teleports back in time for Catra and Adora's wedding where her and Bow dance and decide to try to figure out how to pick up where they left off.
(I originally called this the "No Ship AU" because it had something to do with us never getting Darla but I don't remember why that was important so I left it out.)
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the-arkhamwolf · 11 months
The most random reverse robins Au ever
note: Robin is just a placeholder until I come up with a name
Reverse Batfam Damian is the first Robin. He gets shot by the Joker and is paralyzed. This causes him to have a falling out with Bruce and leave. Bruce becomes more violent, cue his little stalker.
Tim comes in to help Bruce, taking over as Robin. He spends a good amount of time trying to get Bruce and Damian to talk to each other. Damian hates the kid but does eventually listen and comes back. Damian takes on an under an oracle-type role. He and Tim develop a sibling-type relationship.
Stephine trains under Tim to become the next Robin (Stephine and Jason are the same age) as he has plans on leaving the role to create his own team.
Tim gets hurt bad on a patrol trying to help someone. Damians on the headset the entire time talking to him as Tim lays bleeding out. Tim's death shatters Bruce and Damian's relationship.
Steph despises the Robin mantel and refuses to take it becoming her own none bat vigilante. She cuts out everything that has to do with the bats and the Waynes until she sees a ghost running across the rooftops.
Jason gets his normal backstory and becomes Robin. At first, Steph hates him because she sees him as a replacement for Tim. Slowly they do become friends but she still can not stand the robin mantle and is scared it will take Jason just like it took Tim.
Tim comes back via Red Hood arc only Ra's does not get to control him like he did Jason. Instead, Tim plays Ra's, destroys the Lazarus pit, leaves the league in shabbles than starts up his own team with Roy and Rose. The pit messes with his head making him cold and dangerous, he stays away from the bats to protect them.
Cass is sent to kill Tim instead he takes her and trains her. Barbra becomes Casse's little shadow and dick is a nightmare child but I'll get to that later.
Pairings would be Steph&Jason and Tim&Rose
Wally is Damian's best friend
Damian stays Parlized; no plot convenient fix like in the comics
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
Sort of related to the "Tail Discourse" (tm) but you ever notice that pretty much every Faunas with a trait that can be used in combat or isn't just purely for aesthetics is villainous or at least starts as an antagonist? Tyrian, Illa, the two goons that the Fennecs had...Sun is like, the only exception and even then he doesn't really use his tail much.
Yeah, there are definitely examples on both sides, but generally speaking the heroes tend to skew towards cute and/or aesthetically passive, whereas the villains' faunus traits are more overtly connected to their villainy (AKA their combat and how they're using that to attack others). Blake, Velvet, and Fiona all get the cute ears. Sun, Marrow, and Neon get the tails that, while could be used prominently in combat, really aren't. Now compare that to Tyrian's 'scary' tail playing a key role in his fighting style: stopping Nora's hammer in the reveal, poisoning Qrow, getting cut off, etc. Tock's teeth are used to scare Maria. Tifra's webs are used to capture Blake. Yuma's bat wings are meant to aesthetically characterize him as one of the bad guys. Ilia uses her camouflage to attack and betray Blake.
It's by no means a clear cut division. Ilia's camouflage is also used as an indicator of romance, the Albain brothers get cute fox traits, and Lionheart is a villain with a fairly useless tail. But on the whole I'd say RWBY emphasizes 'undesirable' faunus traits in its villains (note that Ilia was redeemed and Lionheart was a former hero), in larger part because they want those 'scary' features to help sell the villainy. This includes Adam whose horns are compounded by the White Fang's desire to look as fearsomely animalistic as possible--more like the grimm. It's by no means a coincidence though that we have this pseudo-division. When RT wants to write a Good main character, they're more likely to give them adorable ears that help sell merch and feed into cultural assumptions about anime girls. When they want to write a Bad main character they're more likely to give them dangerous, threatening traits to emphasize that biased view between morality and aesthetics. People like cats better than scorpions. That's as far as their thought process has gone. But how different might the fight have been received if, somehow, Ruby had cut off Tyrian's cute cat ears instead of his spooky scorpion tail?
Though I'm not surprised by the division, it is disappointing in this day and age. Other shows have done a much better job of pushing back against those assumptions and saying, "If people have animal traits in this world, there's no reason why what we currently consider cute would automatically go to the Good characters. Let's mix it up." One example that immediately comes to mind is She-Ra, which basically gives us a reversal: the cute cat is the main antagonist for most of the series and the buff scorpion girl with tail AND claws becomes one of the main heroes. RT is too concerned with simplistic aesthetic preferences to play with assumptions like that though. So the heroes are mostly cute, harmless animals (cats, sheep, rabbits, monkeys, dogs, deer, chameleons) whereas the villains are mostly scary, dangerous animals (scorpions, bulls, bats, spiders, crocodiles, lions, big, vicious, scary dogs). We've long known that RWBY has this simplistic, moral divide and this is just one more example of how it tends to play out.
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