#she picked up some pieces that were left from her previous self
binah-beloved · 5 months
when Binah looks at herself in the mirror at Lobotomy Corporation, she doesn't see herself. she looks like herself. she sounds like herself. even the way she stands is exactly the same. but she sees a stranger in the mirror staring back, a stranger with the same two-toned hair and beauty mark and cold eyes. an Arbiter reduced to a mere Sephirah of a facility she came to destroy.
that's not me.
in the Library, Binah catches a glimpse of herself in a mirror again. she looks different now, with longer hair and altered attire, her signature earring replaced with two smaller ones. she looks even less like "herself" than ever before. but her fingers lace with yours as you glance up at her and ask if she's alright, concern weaving through your voice, and Binah merely gives you a subtle smile and nods.
that's me in there. perfectly intact.
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The Layers of Thomas Shelby - Frozen Fear (one-shot)
Synopsis: Fear was an emotion Tommy elicited in others. He never thought he'd feel it himself. Not like that. Never like that... 
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x fem!Reader
Genre: angst, slight fluff
Warnings: graphic descriptions of blood, injuries, kidnapping, swearing, death not sticking to canon whatsoever :)
Word count: 3028
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Fear was something Thomas Shelby was intimately acquainted with. He elicited it and made others tremble to their very core with just a glance or a whisper of his name from someone else’s lips. Fear was as much a shadow in his life, as his daughter who followed him around wherever she could.
But fear was also what he felt in that exact moment as he stared at the bloodied napkin on his table, the silver locket he’d gifted Y/N when their child had turned one inside it, a simple note of “For Angel” attached to it.
Sadie was tight asleep on his chest when he’d received the damned box. Y/N had taken her to Ada’s so she could have the day to herself, get her body pampered, do up her hair and maybe spend a bit of money on some new shoes or a winter coat as a birthday present from him. If she’d asked, Tommy would’ve bought her the Eifel tower, and she’d bloody well deserve it. Valentine's was coming up, after all.
He was so proud of her. Despite the certain things that’d happened, he wouldn’t want anyone else to share a life with. She’d picked up the broken pieces Grace had left his heart in and mended it with gold. But gold didn’t matter at that moment when he didn’t know where she was. Where her body was.
When Frances had brought in the box that’d been left by the doorstep, Sadie had been softly snoring on his shoulder for the better part of an hour while he ran tired blue eyes over the logs of the previous week.
He thanked her, his voice a whisper to not stir his toddler, before cautiously examining the square. When he opened it, Tommy swore his heart stopped beating. Or he wished it did. Because it wasn’t like that time when Grace’s boyfriend had taken Y/N, or like that time she’d gotten mugged behind a shop. No. This time, he knew she was dead, and he wished he was too.
It took all of his self-control to ring up his brothers and tell them to get to Arrow House right that second. It took all of his restraint not to shout or scream, the only thing tethering him to earth and sanity his pride and joy asleep in his arms.
When Arthur and John got to his home office, Tommy simply threw them the note, his eyes trained on the small oval locket, thumb tracing the inscription upon it, smearing blood more and more over his own hands.
“Find her.” Those were the only words he uttered.
For a brief second, he’d glanced up and saw terror rush through the eyes of his brothers; he knew how much the two loved his wife, they loved her like they loved Ada and Polly, so without a second to spare, they ran back out, no doubt to gather every Blinder and search every nook and cranny while he clutched the brown-haired girl to his chest, the silver locket clutched in his other palm.
He wasn’t a religious man, didn’t even necessarily believe what his gipsy ancestors did or even his aunt Pol, but at that moment he turned his head to the ceiling and prayed to whoever might listen, old gods and new, Norse and Greek and Slavic – anyone that would hear his pleas.
Tommy thought back to every time Y/N had smiled at him, had laughed and filled his world with light. He even thought back to all those insane moments where he felt like his jaw would snap with how hard he’d been clenching it because of some stupid thing she’d done. He wished he’d appreciated those moments more because when two hours later Arthur came back to the house, the coat his wife had been wearing that morning in his hands, soaked and dripping freezing water onto the Turkish carpet, Tommy knew she was gone.
Her whole world consisted of cold, nothing else. It was the only thing she could feel, taste and sense. Was there anything to sense? Y/N didn’t know. She didn’t even fully believe her legs were still attached to her body, but somehow she was making her way across the field.
Time had become a concept she couldn’t comprehend, and the only thing that showed it had passed was the ever-changing position of the moon - her only companion through the long journey.
She had stopped shaking a while back, which it didn’t take her being a genius to know meant trouble if she didn’t find a way to get warm, but even that didn’t matter. Nothing but getting home did. If she had to die, she wanted to do it there, not somewhere in a ditch let alone beneath the frozen surface of the lake where Luka Changretta had dumped her.
He thought she’d been dead. He’d slit her throat, but not before ripping off the beautiful little necklace Tommy had gifted her.
“So he has something to remember you by,” the Italian mobster had given her a mocking smile before taking a knife from his side and slicing it across her neck.
The pain had been blinding, knocking all sense of reality out of her mind. She knew it would be the end. When her body lifted above the chair she’d been tied to, when her back greeted plush leather seats, her blood staining them forever. She knew she would die sooner or later. Then sweet blackness greeted her.
But death was a lot more painful than what it’d been described to be like in all the books she'd read and edited, especially the wound in her throat. Her breaths were white-hot knives dragging down her oesophagus and her lungs were on fire with each shallow take of air.
Through a haze, Y/N heard Italian being spoken before two rough hands grabbed her by the ankles and dragged her out of the car.
Her body hit the frozen ground with a thud, and it took every bit of remaining brainpower not to whimper from the pain. The winter air stung every piece of her body inside and out, caressing her with icy nails.
Slowly her mind was coming to, the cold sobering her up, but when someone took her wrists and another took her by the ankles, setting her flying, it was the frozen surface of the lake she cracked through that awoke her completely.
Y/E/C eyes flew open, murky depths of the water greeting her while every nerve and cell in her got shocked. Instinct told her to swim up, get a breath, and get out of the water before it pulled her under, but with the mightiness of a Norse goddess, Y/N suppressed all that and allowed the lake to gently pull her down, and her mind finally started to understand what’d happened.
They thought she was dead and decided to throw her body in some lake, probably hoping it would freeze over before she floated to the top and would remain that way until the very spring, prolonging the pain for her family.
The thought of her family grieving her was the only thing keeping Y/N from not trashing below the still surface. Instead, she slowly slipped her arms out from the coat and let it move to the top, while she sunk lower and lower.
Soon enough her feet touched the slimy earth below, which is when she once more opened her eyes and glanced up. There wasn’t really anything to see, apart from the light of the moon streaming in through the broken place where her body had been thrown and two retreating headlights.
Y/N waited two more seconds her whole being in shock and begging to get out and away from the cold when she pushed upwards and broke the surface. She gulped the air down in greedy takes, not caring about her split neck or the trembling of her body - at that moment all she cared for was air.
Her teeth were chattering so hard she pressed her tongue to the roof of her mouth, afraid it might get caught between them and she’d bite it off. Swishing her head around, she looked if the ice had broken anywhere else. Out. She needed to get out. And to whatever god had taken pity on her after everything, underneath a small makeshift pier where kids would come and fish, the ice had cracked right to the very edge.
She knew every second spent in the water was a second closer to hypothermia, so as quick as her frozen limbs would allow, she swam to the land. It was a hand’s stretch away when another pair of headlights came into view. Y/N cursed and instead of getting out of the lake, she ducked underneath the wooden planks, pressing a palm to her mouth, so whoever it was wouldn’t notice the air steaming up in the air from her mouth.
Her ears were ringing, so Y/N couldn’t hear whatever the men were talking about, only see how they fished out her coat and took it with them. They left another minute later, and she swore at whoever it was for costing it to her. Home. She needed to get home and fast, but she couldn’t be seen, couldn’t let Changretta know he’d half-assed her murder and she’d survived. He wouldn’t do so again, so Y/N waited another bone-chilling minute, checking if any car passed by again.
And then she got out, her dress clinging to her body, hair against her face, matted with seaweeds and blood, one heel of her boot snapped off – a wraith come to life and ready to haunt.
The first step was agonising, and Y/N collapsed underneath her weight, needles piercing her feet. Her knees bruised and scraped raw against the stony earth as did her hands, but she welcomed the pain, let it ground her, and used it to remind herself – pain meant she was alive. No pain would be the real problem.
Y/N wrapped her hands around her body, digging her nails into her biceps, each step an arduous labour. Small pebbles cut the soles of her feet; she’d lost her shoes somewhere along the way; her bones ached from the very inside and each breath was a task, the wound in her neck, although scabbed over, split with every small movement, small streams of blood trickling down and staining her white dress.
Lights were visible in the distance, even as her vision blurred more and more, the small bright dots becoming stretched-out beams before everything tilted and she was staring up at the sky.
The stars were magnificent, she thought. You couldn’t really see them shine like that in the city. Even with Arrow House being further away from the centre, the beauty of it didn’t compare to that of the open field.
Her mind went back to Tommy, to how they met, how they used to bicker about every single thing and to that first morning she’d woken up beside him and instead of finding his pillow cold, a strong arm had been wrapped around the middle, his nose hidden in her hair.
Neither mentioned it a few hours later at breakfast, but it’d been the day things slowly had started to shift. Then she’d gotten shot, and the switch had completely been flipped. All those glances they’d shared, the soft smiles and tiny touches were no longer hidden, but out on full display. His hand now always gravitated to touch any part of her, they fell asleep facing one another, most times Y/N using Tommy’s chest as a pillow. And then someone else came along and used his chest as a pillow, his heartbeat as a lullaby and his eyes as the ocean to pull them in and never let go.
She’d been scared to become a mom, but even with that, she’d never seen Tommy so absolutely terrified. When Y/N had gone into labour, she thought he would pass out, but he swallowed the fear and stayed with her. Despite Ada being adamantly against a man being present during “women’s business”, she’d threatened to break her neck if she so much as looked at Tommy, Polly snorting beside her.
“He put me in this position, and by God, he will be here,” Y/N had sneered at her sister-in-law before a contraption rippled through her body and she almost crushed her husband’s hand.
But then the pain went away and a small wriggling person was placed on her chest. She’d never seen Tommy fully break down before that.
“Huh,” Ada had shrugged. “So he does have a heart.”
She’d promptly received a smack from Polly and Y/N for that comment, but Tommy had chuckled.
“No, I don’t.” He’d leaned in and pressed a kiss to his wife’s temple. “These two stole it a long time ago.”
After that day, it wasn’t uncommon to find Tommy either in his office or even in their bed with Sadie sound asleep on his chest. She just about melted each time.
But now all that stared back at her was the cloudless winter sky. Y/N wanted to sob at the thought she’d never see Tommy’s blue eyes anymore or fix the way Sadie’s curls framed her face, but every little movement was agonising, so she just laid there, staring at the cosmos and waiting for that black void to get her.
When Y/N came to she was confused as to why there was so much yelling when being dead, why her head was pounding and her body was racked by violent shivers.
“You undressed my fucking wife!” A deep voice boomed from somewhere very far away it seemed while at the same time, the noise echoed in her skull, rattling her brain.
“Oh, would you have liked me to have left her in that frozen fucking dress?” A deep, gruff one replied. “She was already hypothermic, but by all means, you’d rather no one saw her in her knickers than be alive.”
“Shut your fucking mouth, Solomons!”
That name being said snapped her eyes open, which was a big fucking mistake, as even the warm light from a candle by the bed and from the fireplace was enough to make Y/N feel like she was looking directly at the sun and burning her retinas.
Another horrible shiver went through her frame, her teeth chattering nonstop. Pins and needles were running all over her skin and Y/N curled up in a ball as if trying to not let any of the heat she’d managed to get back escape, but that only made her feel more pain, a groan escaping her mouth. That small noise was enough though for the door to be busted open and for two men – one lean and tall, the other a burly, beard-covered menace to rush inside.
Tommy was by her in an instant, a careful palm placed on her cheek.
“Don’t try to talk,” his own voice was that of a whisper. “The wound’s pretty rough.”
If it didn’t feel like it’d hurt like hell, Y/N would’ve just rolled her eyes, but all she could do was squeeze them shut as shivers went through her body. When Tommy saw that, he was instantly on his feet, going for the fireplace and adding more logs to the dwindling flames.
When he turned around, Y/N had slid her shaking hand from underneath the duvet and extended it to him, a silent plea for him to come back.
It didn’t take much more than that for Tommy to take off his jacket and suit, not caring about the company in the room, his trousers following until he was in his breeches, sliding into the bed, wrapping her frozen body with his own warmth.
A groan escaped her mouth, as she clung to him, Tommy releasing a string of expletives when sensing just how cold Y/N actually was.
“Bloody hell, woman,” he muttered, pressing a kiss to her forehead and tucking her face into the crook of his neck.
Gently, he intertwined her legs with his, and his fingers went to card through her matted strands, the motion more so calming him down, than her.
He’d put their daughter in bed after calling for Polly to come, with the thought Y/N was dead, his whole being a numb void. He’d thought the only time he’d ever get to see her again was after her body was found, that was if it’d be in a recognisable condition, so he’d take her frozen feet against his calves, her cold lips against his chest and stiff fingers digging painfully in his sides, as long as it meant she was alive.
At some point, after Alfie and Tommy exchanged words, Solomons left, and they spent the whole night and early morning like that, tangled in one another until Y/N was no longer cold or more appropriately would snap her tongue off if she so much as opened her mouth. She still couldn’t speak despite how Alfie had cleaned and stitched the wound in her neck, but she could write.
Alfie had brought a pen and paper upon Tommy’s request so they could communicate and the first and only word she scribbled was “home”.
“We’ll go home soon,” Tommy promised. “Arthur’s just… taking care of a few things.”
To that Y/N just nodded; she didn’t need any more explanations.
She took the pencil again and flipped to a new page. “Alfie has shitty sheets.”
Tommy chuckled, tightening the grip he had around Y/N’s waist. “He does, doesn’t he? You’d think the fucker could afford silk by now. Did he even change them before he put you in the bed?”
She just smiled and nuzzled closer to Tommy pressing her no longer cold nose to his chest and breathing in his scent, as he cradled her nape.
Y/N could hear the rapid thuds of his heart. When he'd first joined her in the bed, it'd been racing like one of his horses, stuttering and trying to find a beat, but now it was a steady song, matching her own.
No longer were they afraid.
Tags (crossed out wouldn’t take): 
Everything tags: @palaiasaurus64​ @supernaturalbaesduh @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561​ @staryeyedgirl​ @deathbyarabbit​ @m-a-t-91​ @maladaptive-ninja-returns​ @averyrogers83​ @in-the-end-im-still-trash @gallifreyansass​ @dewy-biitch​ @avxgers​ @unlikelygalaxygiver​ @magicwithaknife​ @ollyoxenfrees​ @bnhvrdy​ @tvwhoresblog​ @thatkindofgurl​ @sj-thefan​ @lestersglitterglue​ @im-squished​ @strangersstranger​
Thomas Shelby tags: @datewithgianni​ @captivatedbycillianmurphy​ @screemqueen​ @mrsmalfoyshelby​ @theamuz​ @lyarr24​
A/N: sooo, it's been a while, hasn't it? Just wanted to drop something for the upcoming Valentines :)
P.S. hope you liked this :)
P.S.S. please don’t plagiarise my work and repost it/ translate it on other platforms (wattpad etc). re-blogs are very welcome
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banamine-bananime · 1 month
meets an encouraging, patient, fatherly commanding officer that chooses tucker specifically for an assignment and takes him under his wing. he’s actually a secret operative for a sinister military project recruiting tucker as a target practice guinea pig orchestrating the next couple years of his life to be a lie.
meets an alien that tells tucker he’ll help him fulfill the quest he’s the legendary hero of. he chestbursts him and steals a getaway vehicle given upon the “end” of the quest.
meets some weird computer program programmed by the culture the prophecy came from, pretty much the only remaining source of information about this “quest” that’s upended his life. it’s actually the ai of the freelancer trying to kill him and kidnap and use his kid to end the great war… uh, with slavery of the alien species
meets one of his best friends, an acquired taste and kind of an ass, but they give each other as good as they get and they’re a team. she leaves them to make the plan to capture junior and use him to enslave his species succeed. and tucker feels like can’t even be mad about it without feeling guilty because in her mind she was sacrificing herself and junior to save humankind from a losing war for survival, and immediately after he thinks she fucking dies and takes his kid with her!! they were friends and then for a few minutes they were almost enemies because she did the worst thing for the best reasons and then that’s it!!! how do you even grieve and process that. apparently tucker opted for watching reservoir dogs instead of therapy and i can’t blame him. that’s not the sort of grief you can find a self-help book for. HELLO I’VE BEEN SCREAMING FOR YEARS. never over it they make me insane.
meet some humans on the desert dig-team, charismatic down-to-earth soldier guys. breath of fresh air after he’s been stuck for months in complicated political situations with a species that has just recently decided to perhaps not kill all humans, as a reluctant religious figurehead in diplomatic corps that i’m sure just loved his way with words and women. bet he made a lot of friends there. the dig team kills them all except him and he proceeds to spend the next months in a psychological thriller slash survival horror.
meet church again. church leaves again (and then again) and tucker’s left furiously picking up the pieces of blue team with caboose and some blond guy they rescued from the pound. we needn’t talk about that blond guy and whether tucker knows he both set up and hit the Original Church Killswitch lest tucker doesn’t know and hears us because i think he doesn’t need that extra complication in his life tbqh.
meets a charismatic mercenary with a rough exterior, but a heart of gold, right when tucker and caboose have lost all of blue team’s charismatic mercenaries and/or assholes with a rough exterior but a heart of gold. he. well. he stabs him in the back, guys. you know. i can’t get more on-the-nose than that.
meets church again. he seems like maybe he kind of gets that he was an ass and won’t go off killing himself this time. immediately after reconciling he sees the siren call of martyrdom and kills himself instantly after simulating several ways it could go very, very extremely badly for tucker, not even counting the previous evidence from how this went for some blond guy (sorry i’m committed to just calling him some blond guy in this post now for no reason except that i think it’s a mildly funny bit).
meets church someone else who’s been fucked over by project freelancer. he’s been manipulating them to get close enough to freezermurder their friends and implicate them in terrorism charges.
meets yet another young stray asshole with Issues and a heart of gold who needs some guidance, maybe someone he can be the kind of a leader he wishes he could have been to green team. she also stabs him again.
at some point we have to let tucker just start stabbing people. like a lot of people. i don’t think he’d enjoy a villain arc once he realizes that’s what’s happening but he deserves the sheer free joy and clarity of just solving problems with pure simple stabbing before he comes to that realization.
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kiiwiigii · 1 year
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The Red-Eyed Boy pt. iii
Pt. One | Two | Outtake
Alec x Swan!Fem!Reader
Summary: Alec returns and shows you how sorry he is. *wink, wink*
Smidge of angst
Smidge of bondage
Straight up smut
Word Count: 3,130
A/N: Today I learned that suck at writing smut, but please enjoy anyways. As with all my Alec fics, he is aged up. Also, I am fucking obsessed with this gif.
Tags: @rosedpetal, @lack-lust-3r, @badass-daisy-22
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Alice and Bella eyed me warily from their spot on the kitchen table as I padded around the kitchen. It was my turn for dinner tonight and I was working on a new recipe.  
"Please stop looking at me like that. I'm not about to keel over dead and I'm definitely not about to poison Bella right before she gets married." 
I grinned when Bella scrunched up her nose in annoyance. 
"You're not gonna die because you're tied to Edward through a piece of paper, Bells." 
"Says you." She grumbled. 
"Have you heard from him?" Alice asked softly. 
"No." I pursed my lips. 
It had been nearly two weeks, and I hadn't heard a damn thing from Alec. I had called and texted only to be ignored and left on read. I knew he'd be mad, but for the love of God, he was taking this too far. I just wanted to strangle him. I had spent the first week moping before trying to shake myself out of it. I refused to let myself fall into the state that Bella had after Edward left. 
Although it was really hard not to. I still had my moments, usually in the evenings when I was alone. 
I paused in the middle of chopping an onion, looking over my shoulder at Alice. Her visions were the only thing I could really count on right now, unless I had a vision of my own. Unfortunately, sleep had been avoiding me, and when I did sleep nothing came to me. 
She shook her head sadly, indicating that she hadn't seen anything. Yet. However, she also hadn't seen anything different from her previous visions, so nothing had really changed, and that gave me hope. 
"So, Y/N, we have your first dress fitting tomorrow." Alice, thankfully, changed the subject.  
"Ooh yay! Do I get to see Bella's dress?" 
Bella groaned before plonking her head onto the table. She was so easy to tease. 
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you didn't want to marry me." Edward entered the kitchen, shrugging off his jacket. 
I smiled watching them all together, happy to watch the little scene from afar. Eventually I had to turn back around, doing my best to hum a tune in my head, both to distract myself from the situation with Alec and so Edward wouldn't pick up on my depressing thoughts. This should be a happy time. 
Somehow, I don't think I was fooling anyone. 
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It was official. I hated weddings and anything to do with them. I was almost positive that had I not been in a house full of vampires, Rosalie would have stuck a few pins in me on purpose.  
It was dark by the time I finally arrived home, and all I really wanted to do was shower and pass out on my bed. Keeping up a relatively happy façade almost 24/7 was exhausting. 
The house was dark, and I suddenly remembered that dad was out on one of his camping trips with a friend. Well, at least I would have the house to myself, and I could be as depressed as I wanted. 
I went straight to my room to gather some pajamas and a towel. I almost felt too tired to even shower, but I'll be damned if I'm not going to make sure I do some basic self-care. Throwing my bag onto the bed, I began to strip. 
"You should keep your window locked." 
I jumped and let out a scream, quickly covering myself, dress already hanging half off. 
It was Alec, propped up on my bed, another book in hand. How had I not seen him?? I even threw my bag in his direction. 
"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I wheezed at him, trying my best to get my racing heart back under control. 
"Not particularly." His eyes roamed over me, from head to toe, his eyes lingering on my neck, where my pomegranate seed necklace hung. And then the dangling straps of my dress. "You look beautiful, tesoro." 
I blinked rapidly, trying my best to figure out what the hell was happening. I hadn't heard from Alec in nearly a month and here he was, just sitting here. In my room. On my bed. As if nothing had ever happened.  
"Where have you been? Why have you been ignoring me?"  
He simply eyed me before closing the book with a thump.  
"I was extremely… angry. There was a while where I did not really have control of myself. I even scared Jane." He admitted. "I didn't want to take it out on you. Or for you to see that side of me." 
I glared at him. 
"So, you just disappear without a word? Didn't bother telling me that you were okay and that you just needed space? You're aware that I've had visions of you since I was like, six years old, right? I've seen you angry." 
"Not like this, you haven't." He said quietly. 
"Do you know what I thought? I thought you had left me. Despite whatever Alice's visions tell her, I know that they can change at the drop of a hat. I was just sitting here waiting, praying that you wouldn't change your mind." 
Fuck, here come the tears. 
He was next to me in a heartbeat, hands cupping my face. I tried to back away, but he kept his grip firm. 
"I would never leave you, Y/N." He said softly, wiping the tears away. "Ever. I have never been good at relationships. I have always kept myself at arm's length, but you, you are different. And when I saw you on that field, after the battle, I had never been so scared and angry in my life." 
He paused for a minute, searching. "Had I lost you, I would have burned the world down." 
My breath hitched in surprise, and I could feel my heart skip a beat. He kissed me then, and I allowed it, wrapping my arms around his neck as he reached for my waist. His kiss was soft and controlled, while mine was bordering on desperation. 
"Don't you ever do that to me again." He whispered against my lips, a warning. 
Why did that turn me on and piss me off at the same time? 
"I'm sorry, what was that? Because it sure didn't sound like an apology, Alec." 
He pulled me flush against him, nipping at my collarbone in reproach. I hissed in pain, but he quickly soothed it over with his tongue. 
"Then let me show you how sorry I am." He whispered. 
He pulled me in for a heated kiss and I couldn't help but gasp. Alec took the opportunity to dip his tongue into my mouth again, and the moan that worked its way up my throat had him growling possessively. 
I could already feel my nipples tightening and the wet heat between my legs. 
I grabbed him by the collar to pull him closer. He gladly obliged and before long, he had me pressed into the bed, right underneath him, his lips giving slow languid kisses anywhere he could reach. 
"Alec." My voice was caught in my throat. 
Goddammit. He hadn't even gotten me out of my clothes before he had me begging. Hell, he had barely even touched me.  
And I was supposed to be mad at him, dammit! 
He paused, lips at the swell of my breast. Finally, he lifted himself up so he could look me in the eye, searching my face. 
"Do you trust me?" 
I nodded my head furiously. 
"I need to hear you say it, Y/N." 
"I trust you." 
I was practically panting. 
Alec produced a long strip of gauzy fabric and slowly tied my hands together, gauging my reaction, before putting them above my head. 
"Did you come prepared with that?" I gaped at him. 
"No. I took it from your bag." He smirked. 
My bag? Since when did he have the time to go through my bag? I looked at my tied wrists again, trying to wrack my brain as to why I had a long ass strip of- 
'Oh my god.' 
It was the sash to my bridesmaid's dress. I know I hadn't put it in there. The last time I had seen it- Alice. She fucking knew. She had to. She had a vision and didn't even tell me. Granted, if this was a part of her vision, I would be highly embarrassed to hear her explain exactly what she saw. 
"Now." Alec put my hands above my head again, and then trailed his own hands down my arms to my collarbone, thumbing over the mark he had placed on it earlier. "Your hands stay put above your head until I say otherwise. If they do not, I stop. No matter what I am in the middle of." He warned, pausing to make sure that I understood. "Are you okay with this? If not, we can stop." 
I shook my head back and forth frantically. 
"Y/N, I need you need to say it out loud." 
"Yes." I breathed. 
"Good. If you become uncomfortable at any point you are to tell me." 
"Yes sir." It was out of my mouth before I even realized it and I blushed furiously. 
"Are you sure you're a virgin?" He teased. 
"Why don't you find out for yourself?" I teased back, a little breathless. 
Alec's brows raised before he smirked, leaning in closer, mouth right next to my cheek. 
"I think I am going to enjoy this very much." His hands began to make their way past my collar bone to cup my breasts through the fabric of my dress, his thumbs flicking slowly back and forth over my nipples.  
My back arched in a gasp, and he let out a hum, pleased with my reaction. Soon I felt more and more skin being exposed to the cool night air, his cold lips and tongue following right behind it, licking and nipping his way until, aside from my bra, I was fully exposed from the waist up. I blushed as he sat back, admiring the view. 
"You are truly beautiful, mio cara." He breathed.  
His cold hands caressed every inch of exposed skin, purposely avoiding the spots that I wanted him to touch the most. I pouted up at him and he swiped a thumb across my lip. 
"I must admit Y/N, I like seeing you like this. And I think you like it too." 
Slowly, I gave his thumb a long lick before sucking it into mouth. His eyes darkened even further, and I could practically feel the rumble of possessiveness in his chest. 
"Careful, amore." His voice was now husky and strained. 
I released his thumb, edging my teeth along the sides and cocked an eyebrow at him. "I thought you were supposed to be apologizing." 
His eyes were now pitch black. 
"I think you forget who's in control here." 
I let out a squeak as he moved aside and ripped my dress the rest of the way down, leaving me in just my bra and panties. He settled himself between my legs, to nip and kiss his way along the inside of my thighs. 
I sucked in a sharp breath when he placed a kiss right over my covered mound, and then nuzzled into it. My hands jerked and he looked up at me, remaining still. 
"Hands, amore." He chided. 
I immediately put them back in place, wriggling my hips in anticipation. Finally, he slid my panties down, revealing my inner most self, glistening and wet just for him. 
It was the only thing I heard before his mouth was on me and my back arched off the bed yet again.  
Keeping perfect eye contact with me, he gave me long slow licks, delving into me with his tongue. And then he found my clit. I couldn't help it, I cried out, my hands immediately coming down to lace themselves through his hair. 
This wasn't an apology; this was fucking torture.  
He paused with a growl. 
"Hands, amore." 
"But- but-" 
He lifted himself up slightly, a warning look in his dark eyes. "Hands." 
"Alec." I whined, wriggling my hips again and trying push him back down. "Please." 
"You know the rules, principessa." 
"Did you just call me princess?" 
He just smirked. "You're learning. Now, hands. If I have to tell you again, I will tie you to the bed." 
'You just may have to do that.' I thought. 
He watched me for a moment more before slowly lowering himself back down, wrapping his arms around my thighs to keep my hips level. He began his slow assault on me yet again and I did my absolute best to keep my arms above my head. It was working so far... barely. 
Before long I could feel a warm heat beginning to build low in my stomach.  
"Oh god, please don't stop." I chanted. "Don't stop. Don't stop. Don't stop." 
I wasn't entirely sure what was happening, all I knew what that it felt good, and he absolutely had to keep going. Otherwise, I was sure I was going to die right then and there. 
And then the bastard stopped. 
"Alec." I let out a low whine. 
He crawled back up to me, placing a kiss on my lips and I groaned at the taste of my arousal on him.  
"No cumming just yet, amore." He swept his tongue along my lips. "The only cumming you will be doing is on my cock." 
I almost choked. "Have- have you always been this dirty?" 
"You have no idea." He bit my earlobe and I squirmed at his words. “And this is only just the beginning.” 
"Well, it looks like won't be doing much of anything, since you're still dressed." 
"That can easily be remedied." 
My eyes widened as he slipped off his shirt. I had always known he was muscular but there was a big difference between feeling it and seeing it. Next came his pants and underwear, and I’m pretty sure my brain stopped working. 
How was that going to fit?? 
"Like what you see?” 
I simply nodded my head, my mind still trying to process the situation I was in... and the fact that his cock was rather... large. 
He leaned over and began untying my hands. I raised a brow at him. 
"I want you clinging to me when you cum." 
Oh fuck. 
My hands immediately went to explore his naked chest when he caught my hand and kissed my fingertips. 
"Are you still okay?"  
"Alec, I swear to God if you don't fuck me-" 
He cut me off, crushing his lips to mine and I suddenly felt him nudging at my entrance. He sat back briefly, rubbing himself in my juices, preparing. 
"Eyes on me, amore." 
I swiftly looked back up at him. I don't think I could have taken my eyes off him in that moment. 
Finally, finally, I felt him enter me ever so slowly. I let out a hiss of pain, my hands clutching desperately at the sheets, and he stopped, letting me adjust for a minute, all the while never breaking eye contact. This, this was something else. I had never felt so full.  
"Fuck, you're tight." 
I let out a whimper. 
"It's okay, mio cara." He kissed away the tears from my face, I hadn't even realized that I was crying. "I'm going to move now." 
And boy did he move. It took a few thrusts before the pain subsided and then I felt as if I was flying. He kept his thrusts steady and deep, his hands roaming my sides before cupping my breasts and placing gently kisses along the edges. And then proceeded to close his mouth on one of my nipples through the lace.  
He didn't reply, deciding to suck harder and scrape against the sensitive buds with his teeth instead. If he kept this up, I wasn't going to last long, and I think he knew it. He sat up again, but this time he angled my hips up and I was suddenly seeing stars. He was hitting my sweet spot now and I couldn't contain my moans any longer. I could feel it building, and building, and building.  
"Don't you dare stop." I panted. 
"Eyes on me, darling." He ordered, grabbing my face, and making me look him in the eyes. "I want to see the look in your eyes when I make you come on my cock." 
Oh, God. He was speaking to me in Italian, and I didn't have the slightest clue as to what he was saying, but it was hot. 
"Alec, please. Make me cum. I want to come." 
"Fuck, so tight for me." He thrust harder and I could feel the walls of my pussy starting to tighten up. "I want to see you come undone around me." 
He forced me to look up at him again as I came hard, legs wrapping around his waist as he nearly collapsed on top of me. If I was seeing stars before, now I was suddenly seeing a whole fucking galaxy. 
"Fuck." He kissed me deeply as I felt him spasming inside me, cool liquid coating the walls of my pussy. 
He hovered like that for a long moment, his kisses turning into soft, languid ones, his hands roaming in even softer caresses. Finally, he pulled out of me, and let his eyes wonder over me. I'm sure I looked a mess, but he seemed to like what he saw, judging by the smirk on his face. 
"Come, amore. Let's get you cleaned up." 
"I don't think I can walk." I closed my eyes, doing my best to breathe and not die from great sex. 
"I can definitely help you there." 
I nearly yelped as he lifted me from the bed bridal style. 
"Is this your way of saying you want shower sex?" I wriggled my eyebrows at him. 
"I had not really thought of it, but if you insist." 
I laughed and snuggled into his chest. 
He paused a moment, really looking me over now. "I am truly sorry, Y/N. For everything." 
I placed a hand on his cheek. "Apology accepted." 
NEXT - (Outtake)
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Translation (Done via Google): Tesoro: Darling/Treasure  Mio Cara: My darling.  Principessa: Princess 
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peoplesgraves · 1 year
Yandere Himbo X Disaster Reader X Yandere GirlBoss Headcanons (Including NSFW)
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•Himbo definitely notices you first. Your stumbling around the convenience store obviously frazzled and exhausted and he just wants to wrap you in his arms and carry you home with him so you can rest.
•He barely keeps his composure when you trip into him and immediately melt into his warmth. Poor thing couldn’t even keep them self upright. He asks if you’d like him to help you and from the way you only mumble a response and snore a bit he assumes it’s a yes.
•Himbo happily carries you home. He doesn’t quite know how to explain it to girlboss when she gets home but hopefully she’ll be just as in love with you as he is.
•She 100% is as in love with you as him if not more. How easily you nuzzle into her hand when she goes to brush your hair from your face.
•Girlboss absolutley insists on being the first one you see when you wake up. Himbo will just get too excited and ruin it all.
•Once you wake up girlboss is there holding aspirin and a glass of water to your mouth. She explains the situation before you can even ask. Assured you there’s nothing to be afraid of. They were just worried you’d be taken advantage of if they left you all alone in your previous state.
•With the calculated manipulation of girlboss and not so calculated manipulation from Himbo they manage to convince you to stay to rest some more. Himbo cooks you breakfast and gives you one of his shirts to wear. It dwarfs you and both yanderes love the way you look in it.
•Girlboss has her assistant dig into your life while she talks to you face to face. Willy breaking down your walls until you tell her exactly what had you pushing yourself so hard. Once she finds out then it’s all over for you.
•Suddenly your crappy job fires you and all your applications are rejected. You get evicted and your stuff is left on the curb.
•Luckily Himbo and girlboss are there to help you pick up the piece of your life. They offer to let you move in with them and assure you that you won’t need a job. Girlboss makes more than enough to take care of all of you.
•Left with no other real options you agree. The two try to take it slow and follow your lead but it’s just so hard.
•Girlboss can’t help bringing back expensive gifts and a personalized credit card for you. Can barely fight back the urge to lay her head on your chest while you card your fingers through her hair and make her forget all about her day.
•Himbo is even worse though. He’s always accidentally forgetting to wash your clothes so that you’ll have to wear his, misplacing your makeup because he thinks you look too cute bare faced. He’s always touching and smiling and looking at you. Glancing when he thinks you’re not looking or letting his finger tips graze your hand.
•Both simply want to worship and take care of you but in different ways.
NSFW Headcanons
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•Girlboss is a dom. Shes all about your pleasure for sure. She would never indulge any harmful/painful kinks even if you asked. She simply can’t imagine hurting you.
•Probably has a mommy kink. If you ever thanked her for taking good care of you and called her mommy at the same time she would literally have to reward you until you couldn’t walk.
•Into overstimulation. Wants to make you feel so good that all you can do is whimper and whine and squeeze her hand for support.
•Himbo is a sub. He wants to do whatever you want to do.
•Loves when you leave marks on him. He’ll proudly show off any bruises or hickeys or scratch marks. He’d even wear a collar if you wanted him too. He’d actually love it because it’d show the whole world that he belongs to you.
•He likes being tied up and completely at your mercy. Literally please use him as nothing but a tool for your pleasure. Like sit on his face for as long as you want, ride him while denying him his own release. All while he writhes against his binds but never once even thinks of asking you to stop.
•Girlboss likes to tie Himbo to a chair and make him watch while she takes care of you. Unable to touch you or even himself all he can do is watch and wish they could swap places. Girlboss teases the both of you the whole time. Him for missing out and you for how you react to Himbos predicament.
These are my first nsfw Headcanons so don’t judge them too harshly <3
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spadesolace · 10 months
the idea of yoo - 1.1. alone with yoo (half-written)
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words: 1.5k
warnings: a bit of homophobia, discussion about religion, implied cheating
the sun shining through a small window, your eyes twitch as the sunlight hits you perfectly. in your line of sight, sight adjusting through the bright yet also dim room. it smells a bit rugged, similar to yeonjun’s perfume he had made you and rei smell before his date, bed is a bit harder than your usual one at home, and you’re still wearing yesterday’s clothes. in the corner of your eye, was the table tennis - you’re at the choi household.
slowly sitting up, looking for your phone that yeonjun had placed on his bedside table, along with some medicine, water, and hangover drink. underneath was a note with messy handwriting.
hey, when you wake up i would be at rehearsals for tomorrow’s dance battle. left some medicine so drink it right away. yeonie
as you hastily drank the medicine and pick up the hangover drink, ready to leave and get some proper meal. the sound of footsteps and chatter was making its way towards your destination. vaguely, you could make up yeonjun’s mom’s voice and yoo jimin.
“yeonjun is at rehearsal, but you can leave that here on his-” his mom sees you by the bed, wearing your coat and getting your stuff, along with hiding some of the letters that you’ve written for yeonjun’s recipe to food critics to try, and letters from jimin.
“yeonjun’s japanese friend, didn’t hear you come in.”
“just dropping off some notes.”
“jimin is also drop-” the faint breaking of glass was heard upstairs, making yeonjun’s mom rush back upstairs.
the last time you were alone with jimin was when you bumped into her in the hallway, the start of it all. it’s a bit awkward, looking like you spent the night - in which you did - but also it seemed like you’re dating yeonjun. deep inside, you’re thinking how pretty jimin is despite it being so early in the morning.
“hi.” she breaks the tension, a small smile plastered on her face.
“hi.” your breath is taken away; standing in front of a girl who you considered could have been sculpted by aphrodite.
“are you and paul-” then you remember, she’s not here for you.
“OH GOSH NO! he is totally 100 percent into you.”
“you know about… us?”
“that’s what the notes and books are for, he wanted to do some extra reading.” jimin seemed amused by it, partially because no one has been that thoughtful to learn more about their interests and hobbies.
the awkward silence slowly crept back, part of you wanted to leave, no longer wishing to take part in this. the girl you developed feelings for is talking to a guy who you helped in writing the letters for, making an image of him in her mind. 
you deceived jimin.
you deceived yeonjun.
they fell in love with the image you had made to deceive both of them.
all you could hear coming out of jimin’s mouth was self-deprecating words regarding her first impression during their first date. nothing made sense anymore, nothing held you back.
“you could never be an idiot. yeonjun wouldn’t think of you that way.” you still held back, not wanting to expose yourself. there is the desire to leave and run away, forget this entire thing happened.
“i should probably get back home.” picking your bag up, noticing jimin was holding onto a piece of paper.
“this- its- its nothing really, something i made during the trip.” still she handed it over to you, lyrics; you assume it to be lyrics of a new song she wrote.
“i like one of the lines from the second verse… lonely yet hopeful.” giving it back to jimin, smiling shyly about to leave her in this man cave that is yeonjun’s room.
“he’ll love it.” i love it.
“i should get going.”
“can i come with?”
you don’t know how it happened, how you’re walking in the middle of an abandoned train track kicking a stone as you pass by the abandoned cart, no longer filled with writings. there’s another one, not that far off that you and rei go to when you need a change in your routine.
“you’re not scared?” stopping in your tracks, slight confusion evident in your face.
“no, i’m used to this route. a change in scenery.” jimin hummed as the stone you were kicking seemed to have merged with the rest of the pebbles.
“you wanna get out of here?”
it feels surreal, you’re in jimin’s car, listening to the radio mostly 90’s music playing, windows down and the wind blowing your hair. months ago, you couldn’t believe that jimin knew who you were, yet here you are.
“where we going?”
“my favorite secret place.”
you stopped in the middle of a forest, a part of you sort of feared where this was going because who would bring someone to a forest if not to kill them? or maybe you’ve been watching too much true crime that rei has been so adamant in you watching it with her. when you saw the clearing, maybe it wouldn’t be that bad to be killed by the girl you like. it’s just a hot spring, and it worried you when jimin started unpacking her duffel bag, only to pull out a small radio. you’re just stuck in this place with her, turning your back at her when she started removing her sundress. you’re not sure if she removed her undergarments but just the idea that she’s probably skinny dipping makes your face heat up.
jimin turns around as your gaze looks everywhere except for her. you looked at her back for a bit, toned, smooth, and her hair despite being wet already it stil remained smooth and silky. so, you stripped, not fully. she only turned back to face you when she heard a bit of water splashing. an embarrassed smile was evident as jimin takes in what you’re wearing.
“oh i almost forgot.” you thought it was from the heat from the hot spring that made you feel this way but confirming that jimin is indeed naked walking around the area and setting up the small radio. you submerged yourself underwater.
“there’s no cell service here, nothing could reach us here.”
“so if you kill me, completely leave me here to decompose and scream, no one would come to rescue me?”
it was a lighthearted joke, one that made jimin laugh as she dipped back into the spring and you still avoided looking at her body. things were going well, talking about interests, family, religion, everything under the sun as you played around in the water.
“i don’t think i’ve hanged out with a girl and not talk about boys before.”
“oh… sorry.”
“no, no… it’s nice, actually.” you nod to her statement, maybe this could be a way to help yeonjun out.
“yeonjun’s nice.” jimin looks at you, pondering. she can’t put a finger on it but she tries to explain her emotions.
“he’s... confusing.” 
”when i’m with him, i feel... safe. he’s a sweet guy, don’t get me wrong. then he writes these things that feel... not so safe.” you tilt your head as you process everything, you wrote those things, the letters, the messages, everything - you wrote it.
“not safe?”
“makes me wonder, think about things - all this time i was set on this idea of marrying jeno but then here comes yeonjun when i asked god for a sign. god doesn’t know either or he’s not telling.”
“i don’t believe in god.”
“that must be so nice.”
“it’s not…” you slowly submerged yourself into the water, jimin still observing you, everything feels weird. “it’s lonely.”
“i wished i knew what i believed in.” you tune everything out, listening to jimin’s rant about jeno already planning their future wedding, her asking a sign to god if that was what love is. simply accept it and be grateful. but the letter appeared the following day, the letter you wrote and what started this whole thing.
“silly, right?” you shake your head as you swim closer to her.
“no, its not.”
“but you know what’s silly?” everything moved so fast that your oversized shirt was removed from you, a triumphant smile but easily replaced by her laughing.
“did you layer?” now, you’re left with your undergarment and a black tank top.
time went by so slowly, you’re talking to her about life, love, religion, while floating on your back next to her listening to a radio playing old songs. the current song playing was your mom’s favorite song, waiting for the best part, the climax as she would say.
“my mom also told us that every song, movie, story has a best part.” patiently waiting, letting it pass and enjoy each other’s presence and the song you heavily associated with your mom. a part of you wants to reach out to jimin and hold her hand as the song continues on. 
“was that it?”
“you asking or stating?”
the best part - is when you actually hold onto jimin’s hand as you float like otters. the song playing in the background as the lyrics perfectly encapsulate what you feel for her. words can’t express your feelings - pain from knowing the girl you like is straight and seeing your only friend but also happiness from getting such a small moment together that you’ll cherish till you leave this little place called kwangya.
you may not believe in god, but if falling in love with yoo jimin is a sin. call me a sinner, then.
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You're waiting for a train...(5)
A Lesson in Planning
Robert Fischer x reader
description - the logistics of the dream begin to come together and get finalised by the group. Y/n's heart yearns for Robert more but she feels absent from those around her.
warnings - non-con touching (because she is not awake! UNCONSCIOUS PEOPLE DON'T WANT TEA!), mentions of surgery, mentions of murder.
word count - 2.2k
a/n - Boy you guys are gonna hate Arthur here! this is an important filler chapter for the plot but the real juicy stuff is still to come!
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“So now in the first layer of the dream, I can impersonate Browning and suggest concepts to Fischer’s conscious mind. When we get a layer deeper his own projection of Browning should-should feed that back to him.” Eames orated to our group as we sat concepting the plan for the mission.
“So he gives himself the idea?” Arthur questioned.
“Precisely.” Eames continued. “That’s the only way it’ll stick. It has to seem self-generated.”
“Eames.” Arthur leant back in his chair and looked to me and I nodded in agreement. “I am impressed.”
Eames chuckled. “Your condescension, as always, is much appreciated, Arthur, thank you.” I laughed at Eames’ quip, but felt I should cover my face to not embarrass Arthur further.
I sat in the workspace with Ariadne as she worked on her totem.
She’d decided upon a chess piece with a partly hollowed out centre that would always fall a specific way. We’d actually had the idea together when we’d been walking in the park and had come across a group of old men who’d formed a chess club. When Ariadne had picked up the queen, it had felt right in her hand.
I glanced to my watch and commented on the lateness of the time but hadn’t noticed Ariadne had actually left our desk. I must have zoned out. That had been happening a lot recently. My mind went to Robert. It wasn’t always thinking back on our interaction, most of the time it was just imagining him beside me. Living in the moment with fantasies of him living it with me.
I perked up when Dad and Ariadne walked back towards me, Ariadne gestured for me to show my Dad the mazes but I hesitated.
“Each level relates to the part of the subjects subconscious that we are trying to access.” Dad walked past our designs, assessing the skill and intricacy. Ariadne and I loomed over her paper built mazes. “So, I’m making the bottom level a hospital so Fischer will bring his father, -- um you know, actually, I have a question about this layout.” Dad immediately retreated as if the sight burned his eyes.
“No, no, no. Don’t – Don’t show me specifics. Only the dreamer should know the layout.” I winced at Dad’s harsh tone.
“Dad, she just wanted some help.” I looked up at him.
“Just – “ He pointed at me in a fierce tone but doubted his words. His tone smoothed out. “Just no specifics.”
“Why is that important?” She questioned, amid our staring contest.
“In case one of us brings our projections in. We don’t want them knowing the details of the maze.” Dad feebly explained.
“You mean in case you bring Mom in?” I spat at him. The room went quiet, the tension was thick. “You can’t keep her out, can you? Right. If you know the maze then she knows it. That’s why you can’t build anymore.” I stalked towards him amidst my lecture.
“Cobb is this getting worse?” I appreciated Ariadne’s concern. She had been whisked in to this operation only to find out the leader’s brain was more fucked up than most. Who wants to share dreams with that. “Because the others need to know if it is?”
“Who said it’s getting worse!” He abruptly ended so we knew the conversation was done. There was a lull. “I need to get her home.” He pointed at me. “That’s all I care about right now. Is her.” He stood up and embraced me. My guilt weighed me down. He’d only ever thought of me, and my thoughts were filled with someone else. How selfish could I be.
“Why can’t you go home?” Ariadne fiercely inquired.
“Because they think I killed her.” Cobb said into my hair whilst we stayed hugging. I squeezed tighter at that answer. Ariadne stayed quiet as Cobb left my arms to walk away. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For not asking whether I did.” He smiled appreciatively.
“I will split up my father’s empire.” The word emblazoned on our whiteboard. “Now, this is obviously an idea that Robert himself would choose to reject which is why we need to plant it deep in his subconscious. The subconscious is motivated by emotion, right? Not reason. We need to find a way to translate this into an emotional concept.” Dad addressed us.
“How do you translate a business strategy into an emotion?” Arthur questioned.
“That’s what were here to figure out. Now, Robert’s relationship with his father is stressed to say the least.”
“Well, can we run with that?” Eames perked up. “We could suggest breaking up his father’s company as a ‘screw you’ to the old man.”
“No.” I commented. “Positive emotion trumps negative emotion every time. We yearn for reconciliation, catharsis. His bond with his dad is broken beyond repair. Maybe if we’re gonna be in there anyway, we could do him a little good.” When I trailed off softly, I felt all eyes on me, confused. I especially felt the hot gaze of my father.
“We need Robert Fischer to have a positive emotional reaction to all this.” Dad agreed whilst eyeing me suspiciously.
“All right, let’s try this.” Eames jumped to my rescue. “My father accepts that I want to create for myself, not follow in his footsteps.”
“That might work.”
“Might?” Arthur argued. “We’re gonna need to do a little better than might.” Eames turned towards him with a cheeky smile.
“Oh, thank you for your contribution, Arthur.” He said sarcastically.
“Forgive me for wanting a little specificity, Eames.”
“Inception’s not about being specific. When we get inside his mind, we’re gonna have to work with what we find.”
Ariadne had already prepped each of the dreamers with the layout of the maze. I was truly impressed, and I spent every minute telling her that. It was so great to have a girl on the team. I often felt I was drowning in testosterone.
We had entered Yusuf’s dream which would act as the first layer. Ariadne had created a metropolitan city with towering skyscrapers. It was perfect. Complex and confusing if you were not familiar yet still had a sense of believability.
“On the top level,” Eames narrated to us all, as we stood in the direct centre of the road. “We open up his relationship with his father, and say ‘I will not follow in my father’s footsteps.”
I walked around in awe of the world around me. I’d been in many dreams and had created a few for myself, but nothing like this. I bumped Ariadne’s shoulder and whispered.
“This is seriously amazing.”
“you’ve told me that like 5 times, y/n.”
“Oh sorry—”
“No, it’s nice.” She threw her arm around me so we ended in a half way hug. I suddenly remembered the boys were talking.
“Then the next level down, we feed him ‘I will create something for myself’. Then by the time we bring out the big guns – “
“My father doesn’t want me to be him.” I finished. After speaking those fateful words I chanced a glance at my own father’s eyes. But I looked away in shame, missing his own longing gaze.
“Three layers down the dreams are gonna collapse.” Arthur admitted. “Even with the slightest disturbance.”
“Sedation.” Yusuf proudly stated. “For sleep stable enough to create three layers of dreaming, we’ll have to combine it with an extremely powerful sedative. The compound we’ll be using to share the dream creates a very clear connection between dreamers whilst actually accelerating brain function.”
“In other words, it gives us more time on each level.” Dad explained for the ones who struggled to understand Yusuf’s chemistry.
“Brain function in the dream will be about 20 times normal. When you enter a dream within that dream, the effect is compounded, it’s 3 dreams – that’s 10 hours times –”
“I’m sorry maths was never my strong subject.” I chuckled at Eames’ confusion. “How much time is that?”
I decided to fill him in.
“It’s a week, the first level down, 6 months the second level down –”
“Its 10 years, the third level.” Ariadne said in a gasp. I nodded sadly towards her. “Who would want to be stuck in a dream for 10 years?”
“Depends on the dream.” Ariadne and I looked unamused towards Yusuf’s attempt at humour.
“So, once we’ve made the plant how do we get out? I’m hoping you have something more elegant in mind than shooting me in the head.” Arthur commented whilst swinging on his chair.
“A kick.”
“What’s a kick?”
“This Ariadne,” Eames gently tapped Arthur’s chair so he panicked and fell forward. “Is a kick.” He smiled innocently towards Arthurs unimpressed face. I giggled watching their little bromance.
“It’s that feeling of falling you get that jolts you awake.”
“Will we even feel a kick with that level of sedation?” I questioned.
“I’ve customised the sedative to leave inner function unimpaired.” I gave a grateful nod. Yusuf was truly a gift to this mission. “Let me demonstrate.”
“Arthur.” “Arthur!” Eames and I said in sync.
Arthur reluctantly rises and sits on the chair Yusuf gestures to. Yusuf puts him into a dream.
“You see the sleeper still feels the falling.” Yusuf tips Arthur and he jolts awake just in time to watch his body hit the ground. Eames and I burst out laughing. I wink at Eames as we both get the same idea.
“But Yusuf.” I begin. “He just fell sideways. I think it needs to be demonstrated that it works falling at ALL angles.” Eames and I could barely hold in our laughter as my dad shook his head in disapproval. Arthur was put under 4 more times and shoved off the chair each time. God this was too good. After the final time, he threw his hands up when Yusuf went in for one more IV. He abruptly stood up and walked past me. He slowed down when he reached my shoulder.
“Don’t be so childish.” My smile broke.
“He hasn’t got any surgery scheduled, there’s no dental, nothing.”
“Wasn’t he supposed to have a knee operation?”
“Nothing. Nothing that they’d put him under for anyway.”
We were coming up with the final stage. And the most important element. Time.
“We need a good 10 hours.” My dad offered up the situation to the room.
“Sydney to Los Angeles.” Saito had very much taken up the role of the silent money. Quiet, observing. Merely here to protect his investment. When dad had told me he wanted to go under with us I wasn’t shocked. Inception is hardly a mission which has a physical outcome a buyer can hold. The only way to get proof is to be there with us. I did worry about safety. He was just another parasite the projections could flock to; this put us all at risk. And I had a feeling this sedation meant a simple kill shot wouldn’t suffice.
“One of the longest flights in the world. He makes it every two weeks.”
“He must be flying private then?” Dad questioned.
“Not if there were unexpected maintenance with his plane.” I smirked at this.
“It would have to be a 747.” Arthur jumped in.
“Why’s that?” I asked.
“Because on a 747, the pilot is up top,” I didn’t miss how Arthur directed the answer towards my dad. “and the first class cabin is on the nose, so no one would walkthrough but you’d have to buy out the entire cabin and the first class flight attendant.”
“I bought the airline.” We all flocked our gaze to Saito. “It seemed neater.” Ah of course! Why didn’t we think of that?
“Well then.” We had our stage. “Ariadne?” Dad stopped us as we went to leave. “Terrific work by the way.” I smiled her way but she missed it, taken up in a conversation with Arthur.
My fingers fidgeted on the lock of the case. Itching to try again. Nothing around me was satisfying, I needed some release. The lock flicked up and I hurriedly unpacked the IV. I inserted it and let it do it’s magic. My eyes drooped, my heart slowed yet my excitement bubbled up. My head flopped onto the rough fabric of the deck chair. As my mind floated me away, a presence loomed in my peripheral.
*Arthur’s pov*
I’d stayed behind late, hoping to have a word with y/n. She hadn’t seemed herself recently and I worried for the state of her mind when we begin this task.
I made my way to the door, believing I’d missed her. I noticed one of the deck chairs hadn’t been put away so I went to tidy up. I saw five painted nails loosen their grip on the edge of the chair and collapse to the side. There was an IV exiting the vein, I tracked it back towards the silver case.
I ambled my way towards her sleeping frame. So peaceful, yet so much life danced behind her closed eyes. I found myself stroking her soft cheeks. She was so perfect. My thumb caressed the contours of her face and it began to droop lower, until it met the curve of her lips. What was I doing?
I jumped back as if her skin had burnt me. Suddenly I was possessed by a new found drive. I ripped one of the other IV’s out of the case and dragged a chair up to the table. I inserted the tube and let the sedative consume my body.
My mind crumbled down and was rebuilt into her subconscious.
Oh boyyyyy Arthur has gone into her subconscious! What's he gonna find? What's she hiding??
taglist: @jonsncws @h-l-vlovesvintage @theethy @fashionki11a @felicity1994 @bearchermer @idkyoutellmesmh @mimimarvelingmarvel @butterfly-lies-chase-them-away
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netherese-blorb · 6 months
Blackstaff Ball
(View on ao3)
As a reintroduction back into Waterdhavian society, Gale has secured an invitation to Blackstaff Academy’s Annual Ball. He’s excited to introduce his beloved fiancé, the hero of Baldur’s Gate, to his peers and colleagues. But the idea of once again being among highfalutin academics brings up old insecurities for Cerela herself. Gale promises some... reassurance. - Lightly NSFW (Mature, but not Explicit) CW: mild mentions of bullying, body image issues, classism - There will be a Chapter 2, but this can be read as a cute little standalone piece.
“I’m certain you look wonderful in it, my love.” Gale called out from his sitting position on the bed, thumb tapping rhythmically against the book he had picked up to pass the time. “As I’m equally certain you did in the last three, had I the privilege of seeing them for myself.” 
Exasperation was beginning to soak into the edges of his mind. His fiancé had seemed so elated when he announced that they’d be attending her very first high-society event. Yet now, the selection of custom-made gowns he’d surprised her with was not getting the reception he had hoped for.
And, to be fair, Cerela was elated - for him. In the months since she’d returned with him to Waterdeep, Gale had been working hard to reestablish himself in academic circles in the hopes of securing a professorship at Blackstaff Academy. Receiving an invitation to their annual ball, she knew, was proof that his efforts were paying off. 
She was less enthused about her own attendance, however. Her previous experiences with the formally academic side of wizardry had been… troubled, and seeing the dresses laid out for her this afternoon - the level of finery she was expected to live up to - left her in a state of thinly-veiled panic. 
Growing up in Baldur’s Gate, their local academy was known more as a place for noble families, primarily of well-bred elf and human stock, to send offspring who were too snobbish for knighthood but too ill-mannered for politics. It wasn’t unheard of for some merchant or tradesman to roll the dice at their child being the exception, but few put up with the toxicity for more than a couple of years.
So no one but herself saw it as a failure when Cerela, the dwarf, the fisherman’s daughter, the soft-hearted baby of the family, lasted nearly five. 
It would be easier if the proof of that failure didn’t stare back at her in the mirror every day. She knew there were rules against altering spells, but the hours that immediately followed a particularly brutal round of insults from one's peers are never ideal for rational decision-making. Recreating something like a Disguise Self spell using transmutation magic should have, by her teenage reasoning, created a more permanent appearance-altering effect. She decided to start small; turning the mismatched eyes she got from her father into the bright, symmetrical blue she so desperately envied in her elven classmates. 
To her credit, she did get the blue to permanently cover one eye. But when she tried to bring it across to the other, it began to spread uncontrollably. A cloud of cerulean shadows reached across her face like monstrous two-dimensional tentacles. It extended beyond the boundaries of her body; onto the wall behind her, the bed beneath her, over every surface before spilling out under the door into the rest of her dormitory. It had taken several faculty members to contain the spell’s effect to its source: the swirling marks that, over a decade later, still cover the left side of Cerela’s face and spill into her hair like a stain. She was expelled the next day.
It’s those marks she sees now in the mirror. As she takes in the rest of her reflection, she remembers every word that’s been said about her short stature, the broadness of her chest, the gracelessness of her movements. It all looks so comical when placed up against the sophisticated gown she was fumbling into. Like a street cat that’s been given a lordly name. Even those endeared to it understand that it’s, ultimately, a joke. 
On any other day, she would welcome feeling a little foolish. Embracing the whimsy in her flawed appearance was the only way she’d learned to accept herself. But this would be Gale’s moment. She cannot risk him becoming part of the joke.
As she worked herself into an anxious lather, all she could think was what would happen if she failed at playing her part, and she was sure she would. She imagined fellow attendees sniggering over wines she couldn’t name, gossipping in their oafishly posh accents.
‘Have you seen that odd little thing Dekarios brought? Where in all the realms does one even acquire such a creature?’ 
‘Some tart he picked up in Baldur’s Gate, most like. A clumsy little street magician, judging by that dreadful eye, or else, uneducated enough to fall victim to one. 
‘Yes, she did seem quite simple, poor dear. Unthinkable of our man to keep such rabble among polite company.’ 
‘And says he’s to marry her! His reclusion must have cost him half his wits.’ 
‘Such a pity how far Mystra’s chosen has fallen.
On the other side of the divider, concern was cooling Gale’s impatience as he struggled to make out the frustrated mumblings emerging from behind the screen. “I’d love to help if I can. Did I misremember your measurements? “Or are the styles just not to your liking? I figured I would have procured at least one that suited you.” 
Cerela sighed heavily. Of course he would assume he’s at fault, gods bless him. “It’s not-” a breath,  “They’re all beautiful, Gale. It’s just that I’m- Oh! But what if…!” She trailed off excitedly and Gale heard her rummaging for something. A deep affection rose in his heart, melting away the day’s exasperation. 
It reminded him of her at camp, single-mindedly hunting through drawers and packs for some elusive elixir component. He imagined her doing just that back in his tent, wearing one of the dresses he brought her; the red one with an open neck he knew would frame the slope of her shoulders. In her enthusiasm, she would forget to accommodate for the restrictiveness of the garment. The skirt would quickly become rumpled by her constant movement, as her hair always did. Her bodice would threaten to spill over at every extension of her arms. 
Perhaps he’d let her finish her work and take the opportunity to tell her how brilliant she was, how she was one of the most brilliant, beautiful people he’s ever known. She would grin at him disbelievingly, like it wasn’t the most obvious truth in the universe. She would look at him like he had just given her the entire world.  
Or perhaps his propriety would fail him. One can’t always be a gentleman, after all. Perhaps he’d sweep her up into a heated kiss and place her down on the worktable, knocking aside any the vials or potions that dare be in his way. She would pull away from him flushed and breathless, the heaving of her chest straining at her bodice. It would only take one sharp tug…
“My knight, Could you hand me that hatbox over on the dressing table?”
His thoughts were interrupted when the subject of his daydream had popped her head out from behind the partition. 
He retrieved the box in question. But as he turned to walk it over, he could see just enough of her to tell she was, in fact, wearing the red dress he’d been picturing. He halted in place and, giving her a teasing smile, held the box out in front of him. 
“Dearest, I can’t quite seem to reach you,” he says with a sweet, casual smile. “Why don’t you step out a bit more?” 
She narrows her eyes at him. If they still had the tadpoles to connect them, she would undoubtedly be filling his head with all manner of curses and threats. But without psionic influence, all she had was what little intimidation her half-dressed, 4-and-a-quarter-foot self could muster. Which was to say, none. 
She turns her eyes away from him, looks back, looks away, and takes her first tentative steps out from the partition. When she meets his eyes again, Gale’s smug expression has vanished and he’s looking at her with unabashed awe.
“Gods, look at you.” He put down the hatbox so he could steady himself on the dressing table.
Suddenly feeling very vulnerable, she tugs at the garment. “I’ve already done far too much looking at myself today, but thank you, love,” she responds, barely resisting the urge to argue away his compliment. “Besides, I’m not even in it properly. These damn laces in the back.”
Gale exhales into a laugh, “I assure you, there are no complaints from present company,” He extends a hand to the empty room before giving her a small but gentlemanly bow. “Perhaps the lady may even allow me to offer some assistance?”
Cerela smiles despite herself and does as much of a curtsy as she can manage without losing her hold on the dress. As she crosses the room towards him, he knows his imagination didn’t do her justice. The draping shoulders of the gown created a neckline that perfectly matched the heart shape of her face, while leaving an open expanse to admire the contrast of soft, delicate skin over a strong frame. Deep red silk brought out the blue that swept across the left side of her face and into her hair. Like rivers into a bright, brilliant sea. 
Unlaced, the bodice dipped and hugged in unexpected places as she clung to it. She was always most irresistible when slightly disheveled, he found, like he had caught her in the middle of something. Unposed and perhaps a little scandalized. 
She walks over to stand at the dressing table with her back towards him. As he navigates the tangle of crisscrossing ribbon on her bodice, she removes the bejeweled tricorner from the hatbox and places it strategically over the most eye-catching parts of her hair. 
It was ‘Birthright’, the hat she’d purchased from Rolan at Sorcerous Sundries. Conveniently, she had dyed it a soft tan with red accents, which suited the dress well. It was a favorite accessory of hers as they bluffed and bartered their way through the final days of the Absolute. Whenever she wore it, people seemed to take her more seriously. She didn’t stumble over her words like she usually did. It made her feel almost charming. 
It also didn’t hurt to know it obscured the ‘worst’ of her face. 
A somewhat patronizing chuckle escapes Gale involuntarily and Cerela bristles. “Laugh if you like. I’m going to look ridiculous no matter what. At least the enchantment on this will keep me from sounding ridiculous, too.” She turns to make her retreat, but doesn’t get two steps before strong hands encircle her waist and bring her back against his front.
“I assure you, your eyes are much more enchanting than any imbued trinket.” he lifted the piece from her head and held it out in front of them both for inspection. His movements were gentle and his voice, even gentler. “But even if such powers were necessary, I would recommend against a sorcerer’s cap for an academy event.” 
Cerela’s heart sank. Idiot, she thought to herself. How had she missed such an obvious faux pas? She stared daggers into the ugly, stupid, retched hat as Gale placed it off to the side. 
“Oh. Right. Of course.” she replies, flatly. Though inside, a hellfire of shame and anxiety was screaming white hot in her mind. It was a small thing, she knew. But how many more unintended offenses would he have to save her from? How could she be anything but a complete embarrassment to him?
He walks them backward so he can sit on the edge of the bed, facing them both toward the vanity mirror on the dressing table. Now at eye level and with an unobscured view, he sees the misery written on her face. 
He presses a kiss into her shoulder. “What is ridiculous” his hands set to work again on the lacing, “Is my brilliant, beautiful fiancee thinking she would need any assistance in dazzling a room full of doddering old swotters like me.”  
Cerela fidgets uncomfortably with the sparkling tulle overlay of her skirt. She tries to play along with him, but her words come out more pained than she meant them to.
“If only all the wizards I’d met really were like you, my knight.”
Seizing the opportunity to distract from her ruminations, he uses the laces to pull her against him and melts at the gentle “Oh!” that escapes her as she stumbles. 
“While we could certainly do with fewer of those foul creatures you had the misfortune of encountering,” He says with a kiss to the marked side of her face, “I’m not sure I’d welcome the competition of all wizards.” 
She stifles a laugh and he lowers his lips to her neck, “As it is, I’m already dreading the cavalcade of hapless fools that will be vying for your attention all evening.” He smiles against her skin, “Gods know what I’d do if any of them had my smoldering charm.” 
That does get a full-bodied giggle from her, but as she bends forward, it pulls the laces, sinching the dress sharply. She gasps back upright and he quickly drops the ribbons to allow the bodice to expand back out. Laughter bubbles back up from both of them. As it calms, he slides his newly unoccupied hands around her waist and pulls her even closer against him. 
“Perhaps I might steal you away at some point in the night, if it becomes too much.” He perches his chin on her shoulder so he can see her reaction in the mirror; the reluctant smile and deep blush he’s made it his life’s mission to wring from her as often as possible.  
“Would you like that, my love?” He asks, with that edge of smugness he knows she’s weak to. “For me to sweep you away from the riff-raff so we can have a quiet moment of… mutual reassurance?”
She nods shyly and they each give each other a wide smile. “I look forward to it” he murmurs into her ear and returns his attention to the back of her gown.
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anabdaniels · 8 months
Piece by piece- Chapter 3
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Chapter summary: Jack and Ana finally go to his ranch to spend the weekend.
Word counting: 5.6k
Warnings: Alcohol, slight self-fat-shaming, Jack speaks Spanish (sensible topic I KNOW), the author regrets nothing.
A/N: 11:30 p.m., it's my birthday and I'm posting this while eating japonese food. Just another normal day.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Previous chapter | Playlist
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Jack Daniels smiling openly on a Monday morning was undoubtedly not a common event at Statesman Distillery; he was not the kind of boss who treated his staff as if he was better than them, far from it, but the most probable mood one could find him was being solemn. From everyone surprised by the sight of the smiling cowboy, Ginger for sure was the more shocked one when Jack entered her lab, friendlier than ever.
“Good morning, Elizabeth.” He greeted her with an almost concerning wide smile.
“Did you hit your head on your way here?” She asked raising an eyebrow.
“Why is so strange that I’m happy in this beautiful morning?” Jack questioned laying his hands on his hips.
“Because you’re usually insufferable on Monday mornings, and on Tuesday mornings, and the rest of the mornings on the week.” Ginger had a straight expression on her face while answering; she was telling the truth after all.
“You might be right, but I suppose it’s never too late to change.” Disturbingly to her, he still sympathetically smiling.
“If you say.” She shrugged “Anyway, what do you want?”
“Just came to know if the samples of bourbon from our new fermentation process are ready for the presentation tomorrow.”
“They are.” Ginger confirmed while grabbing two small bottles, and handing them to him “These were left over, in case you want to take ’em to Champ to have a look.”
“You’re the best, Ginger Ale.” Jack answered excitedly, grabbing the bottles “What would we do without you?” He said and started to walk towards the automatic door that was opened while Tequila entered the lab “Good morning, Michael. Ain’t it an amazing morning?” Jack patted Tequila on the back while passing by his friend and walked through the hallway.
“Did you drug him?” Tequila asked with a frown, looking at Ginger.
“Trust me, nothing that I could ever develop for the agency or the distillery would make such an effect.” Ginger said with a slightly confused expression.
“Doesn’t make me any more relieved.” Tequila said shaking his head.
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Ana sat again at her desk, letting the mug of coffee, the second in that morning, on the wooden surface while turning her attention back to her computer. She loved her job, but some parts of it could drain her energy, and registering test grades was one of those parts. Despite these little inconveniences, she hadn’t much to complain about; she worked just three days a week and it was for the pure joy of teaching, Ana could have dedicated herself only to her hobbies a few years ago, but she was too passionate by her profession to retire so early.
She couldn’t say how much time had passed when the sound of the doorbell interrupted her. Ana stood up and walked to the front door, positively surprised to see Lisa on the other side.
“I’m sorry for not warning you that I was coming.” Was the first thing Lisa said, knowing that her friend wasn’t a huge fan of surprise visits.
“Don’t worry; you’re among the persons I can forgive for showing up in surprise.” Ana smiled and gave way for her to enter “I’m just surprised you’re not at the zoo.” Ana said while closing the door.
“I’m on my lunch break and probably will get late, but is a life-or-death question and I’d not survive ‘till the end of my shift to come talk to you.” When Lisa mentioned the lunch, Ana looked at her watch, just now realizing that was later than she imagined.
“Well, I’m curious. What can be so urgent?”
“Is there any chance I left that ring that my father gave me here when I came to pick you up on Friday?” When she finished the question, Lisa saw Ana lay a hand on her forehead and it gave her a little hope.
“You did. I found it at the bathroom sink.” Ana said while opening the drawer of the sideboard, grabbing the jewelry, and handing it to Lisa “I was planning to text you yesterday, but I got a little distracted.”
“Thank you for saving my life.” Lisa said putting the ring on her finger “But you’re gonna tell me that now you work on Sundays too?”
“I never said I got distracted with work.” Ana raised her eyebrows with a suggestive expression. Lisa thought for a moment, realizing what Ana meant.
“You were with Jack?” Took Lisa a bit of effort to not freak out when Ana nodded “The good Lady above heard my prayers. I thought I’d die before seeing you saving a couple of horses.”
“I hate you sometimes and I hope you’re aware of that.” Ana rolled her eyes despite her discreet smile “Before you proceed, it wasn’t this kind of date. We just went out for dinner, that’s all.”
“Doesn’t change my euphoria about it.” The excited expression on her face confirmed what she said “So, how was it?”
“Well…” Ana thought for a moment before just letting it all go “It was incredible. He’s an amazing listener, has good taste in music, we agree on a lot of important stuff and he’s an old-school gentleman.”
“So, everything you love in a man.” Lisa wasn’t surprised by their compatibility but was happy with Ana’s excitement.
“And the cherry at the top of the cake was his invitation to spend this next weekend at his ranch with a suite all to myself and a lot of animals to pet.” Ana sounded satisfied while said it.
“I’ll expect a detailed email about this on Monday.” Lisa warned while walking towards the door.
“You’ll be lucky if I send you a text.” Ana raised her eyebrows, opening the door for Lisa.
“As long as I had any clue of how it went, you can send the information in a mail pigeon.”
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Throughout the week, Ana and Jack exchanged a considerable number of messages, combining things like what hour they would leave for the ranch. When Friday finally came, Ana made sure one last time that everything was in place and that she wasn’t forgetting to pack anything.
She combined with Jack that they’d leave at 2 pm, aware of his punctuality, she was already waiting in the living room. When, through the window, she saw the Bronco parking in front of her house, Ana got up and opened the door. The realization that it would be an intense weekend hit her like a truck when she saw him getting out of the car and walking towards her in that all-jeans look; the combo of the black Stetson with aviator sunglasses itself should be considered criminal for making him look that good, but Jack for sure knew what he was doing when he chose to wear a denim jacket with those goddamn tight jeans pants that he seemed to love to use.
Jack was considerably close to her when he took off his sunglasses and left them hanging on his shirt. The politest he was, he couldn’t help but take a look at her; the well-thought-out choice of boots, jeans, and a leather jacket confirmed that Ana was truly familiar with the rural environment. He took off his hat when stood in front of her, smiling openly.
“Good afternoon, darlin’.” He sounded gallant as always.
“Good afternoon, handsome” Ana allowed herself to look better at Jack now that he was close “Seems that I finally got you in the full cowboy mode.”
“I could say the same ‘bout you.” He answered with a smirk, holding one of her hands and planting a kiss on the back of her fingers “So, ready to go?” He asked while slowly letting go of her hand.
“Yes, just give me a second.” She said with an excited smile and went back into the house, grabbing her travel bag and looking around one last time to make sure she didn’t forget anything. Ana walked back to the door and left the bag on the wooden floor of the porch to grab something in the sideboard that Jack couldn’t see what it was while he promptly grabbed her bag. He was for sure confused when she got out and closed the door with one hand, while in the other she was carrying a thermos with a pump and something that looked like a wooden cup that wasn’t familiar to him. They walked to the Bronco, as usual, he opened the door for her and closed it after she got in, he carefully placed her bag on the back of the car and walked around, getting in too. After putting his hat and sunglasses back, Jack started to drive, alternating his attention between the street and Ana, deadly curious about that wooden object that had a kind of metal straw on it and was filled with something that looked like matcha powder.
“What is this?” The curiosity won and he had to ask.
“It’s called mate or chimarrão.” Ana answered after taking a sip of the drink “Traditional drink from southern Brazil.”
“What is it made of?” 
“Just hot water and erva-mate or Ilex Paraguaiensis, if you’re into botanic. And just this was enough to make me addicted to it.”
“So, is a kind of infusion; how in god’s green earth did you get addicted to it?” Jack questioned with a confused smile.
“Well, there is a considerable concentration of caffeine on this, so I think you already have your answer.” She raised her eyebrows slightly, smiling when he chuckled.
“Now you made me curious about this. Can I try it?”
“Course, just don’t blame me if you end up enjoying it and then find out how expensive is one kilogram of erva-mate in this country.” She joked while putting water on the drink, then carefully handed it to him.
“I’ll take the risk.” Jack answered while grabbing the “cup”, taking a first sip and pondering for a moment “It reminds me a little bit of green tea, but tastes better actually.” He said before taking another taste of the mate “By the way, I’d like some explanations ‘bout this cup.”
“It’s a cuia, basically a dried calabash gourd.”
“I’ll already apologize if end up asking too many questions because I’m really curious about the mate and is pleasing to hear you mixing English and Portuguese while you speak.” He admitted raising his eyebrows and took another sip of the drink.
“Considering that you didn’t give up after the first taste of it, I’ll probably keep talking ‘til you get too caught by the subject to be brought to the mate side.” Despite the joking tone, Ana was a bit serious.
“To be honest, I enjoyed this more than I was expecting.” Jack drank the last sip of the mate then handed the cuia back to her “May the erva-mate be with you.” He smiled when she busted into laughter, laying her head on her hand.
“For a second I thought you wouldn’t get my shitty joke.” Ana admitted when she stopped laughing.
“Don’t underestimate my ability to recognize questionable humor. I saw this one coming with no effort, darlin’.” Jack stated with that smug manner that would be insufferable coming from most people, but that man for sure knew the limit to being like that in a fun way, without becoming gross.
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The next hour passed like nothing while they talked about some random topics and cracked a few more dubious jokes. When the car entered the propriety and the ranch became more visible, Jack could see Ana’s face shining with excitement while she looked around, not wanting to miss anything. Once he parked in front of the house and they got out of the car, both of them could hear the crazy barking of the dogs and it didn’t take long till the animals appeared.
“Here come the kids.” Jack said while observing the two dogs running towards them like there was no tomorrow.
“Will be harder than I was expecting not to kidnap them.” Ana admitted already melted by the dogs. As expected, they started to insanely smell Jack while shaking their tails furiously and whimpering. Jack stooped, doing the best he could to give both dogs the attention and rubs they wanted. After a while, they calmed down a little bit, but it was just for a few seconds before they turned their attention to Ana, sniffing her and giving those excited little jumps to catch her attention. She didn’t think twice before squatting to caress them; not surprisingly she ended up falling sitting on the ground when both dogs tried to get closer to her at the same time. At that point, she believed she could collapse with the cuteness of the Australian Cattle and the Bernese Mountain dog that, at this point, were too comfortable asking for belly rubs or head scratches.
“I hope you know that they’ll pursue you.” Jack said observing the scene with a smile.
“And I’ll be delighted with it.” Ana mentioned with a smile while hugging the Bernese seated next to her and felt the dog’s nose bump her neck when she stopped caressing his head “Calm down, baby. I didn’t forget you.” She said caressing one of the dog’s ears and grabbing the small silver plate on his collar “Your name is Gus, little one.” Gus seemed more than happy to hear her calling him by his name, shaking his tail vigorously. The other dog, who was comfortable sat on her lap, laid one paw on Ana’s shoulder, wanting attention too “Okay, okay, I’ll give you some love too.” Ana smiled while rubbing the dog’s neck, paying attention to the plate on her collar “And this beautiful girl is Lola.” A lick on her chin and a happy shaking tail were the answers she got from Lola.
The few times someone visited the ranch, Jack may have gotten a little bit jealous when his dogs turned their attention to them, but this time, he couldn’t be happier. Watch Ana sit on the grass playing with Lola and Gus melted parts of his heart that he didn’t even know were still alive; he was fully aware that he was possibly starting to have a huge crush on her and the fact that she was so pleased and excited just for being there and give the dogs a couple of belly rubs didn’t make things easier for Jack to stop the growing feeling.
A few minutes later, the two dogs finally calmed down and lay on the ground next to Ana.
“Am I finally allowed to leave you guys and go to see the rest of the ranch?” She asked looking at them, smiling at how calm they were after a lot of little jumps “I’ll take this as a yes.” 
“Trust me, they’ll be freaking out again very soon.” Jack said holding out a hand to her.
“Can’t say I don’t like to know this.” Ana admitted, holding his hand and getting up, patting her jeans with her free hand to take off the dust.
“Nothing that I haven’t noticed already.” He smiled, intertwining their fingers as they started to walk. As they got closer to the wood fence, they saw a horse running excitedly, stopping when he went to the fence, walking back and forth while shaking his head.
“Seems that our boy Horace is excited.” Ana said at the moment she recognized the Clydesdale horse, he was all black, except for the white stockings in the four paws and the white blaze on his face.
“I owe him a couple of rides, to be honest, and his energy seems to be always at the highest level possible. I’m surprised he didn’t jump the fence.” Jack mentioned as they got closer to where the horse was. When they got close, Horace already had passed his head over the fence “Put yourself together, boy.” Jack said while caressing Horace’s head making the horse finally calm down.
“I wonder if he’ll forgive me for being the reason why you were in the city last weekend.” Ana joked while observing the scene.
“Give him a carrot and a little bit of attention and he becomes your best friend.”
“Will be easier than I was expecting then.” She said while slowly approaching her hand to the horse; Horace turned his head to her when noticed the approaching and stood still as she touched him and rubbed his neck, making Horace lean slightly towards her hand “I’m starting to doubt about how much what I’ve heard about your behavior was true, Horace.”
“He’s just a good actor.” Jack said with a wide smile, observing their interaction.
“We’ll see about it.” Ana raised her eyebrows slightly, turning her head when she heard another horse approaching them “If I’m not mistaken, you’re Crystal.” She said while approaching the white quarter horse mare, rubbing behind her ear.
“By the way, she’ll be your horse for the weekend.” Jack smiled a little more when Ana turned her look to him with an excited expression “And judging by your amusement, I imagine that you’ll not be offended if we go to a ride now and leave the rest of the tour for tomorrow.”
“You didn’t mention that mindreading was one of your skills.” She said with narrowed eyes and a sideways smile.
“I’m a man of many talents, sweetheart.” He winked at her with a smirk.
They took the horses to the stable; it was safe to say that Horace was already bonded with Ana since he didn’t miss a chance to lay his head on her shoulder while they were waiting for Jack to saddle Crystal. Jack couldn’t be more pleased with all that: his beloved horse becoming friends with the woman who had a high chance of becoming the lady of the house. Fine, now he was starting to think too far, but, at the same time, Jack allowed himself to be a little bit self-indulgent, it had been a while since the last time he enjoyed feminine company in these circumstances; and the fact that she enjoyed those things as much as him just made Jack more pleased. Once both of the horses were saddled, they went outside the stable; despite being too excited, Horace behaved like a gentleman while Jack talked with Ana.
“So, how much do you remember about horse riding?” Jack asked already imagining the answer.
“Well, I remember the very basic, like tapping the horse’s side gently with the heel to make him move, moving the reins across his neck to make him turn to the sides and pull back the rein to make him stop.” She said after thinking for a moment, feeling a little relief when he smiled.
“You know the essential then.” He couldn’t hide his excitement “And tomorrow I’ll teach you how to saddle a horse.”
“I don’t know if it’s safe for Crystal to let me saddle her.” Ana joked with a smile.
“Is easier than it seems.” He assured “So, couple of additional reminders: never approach ‘em from behind. Crystal and Horace are the most peaceful animals in this world, but it may scare them and they can try to kick you. Giving them a snack, always keep your palm flat ‘cause they can confuse your fingers with food and bite you.” Jack explained with a calm voice and the certainty of one who knows what he was talking about; it for sure demanded Ana a bit more attention to register the information, once he looked more gorgeous than ever while spoked with such propriety of the subject. “Another thing. Do you want to try to mount by yourself or want a hand?”
“Well…” Ana knew that she didn’t have practice enough to mount without help. She looked around for a moment and found her solution “I’ll try my luck.” Intrigued, Jack observed while she calmly made Crystal take a few steps to stop next to a tree stump and then used it as her mounting block, getting mounted without any problem.
“You really have been raised in the country.” Jack said with a smirk and mounted on Horace. 
They started the ride at a slow pace and it was more than enough to make Ana look like a child with a new toy; Jack couldn’t take his eyes off her and occasionally gave her one or other advice, especially about the right posture and hand placement. When he noticed that Ana had gained confidence, Jack encouraged her to make Crystal go from walking to canter and, as he expected, she didn’t flinch before did it, smiling openly when Crystal started the canter.
“I don’t wanna be too abused, but we’ll have to negotiate another visit.” Ana said while looking at Jack with a wide smile.
“Darlin’, you’re welcome to come back anytime you want.” Jack answered in a warm tone, smiling at her.
“If I end up stealing your dogs, don’t blame me.” She joked and looked around “Tell me that you didn’t forget to tell me that you have sheep.” Ana said while looking at the little group of animals a little further away.
“Will you forgive me if I tell you that I also forgot to mention that there are a couple of babies?” He asked raising an eyebrow.
“If I can pet them, I forgive you.” 
“Problem solved, then.” When the horses got closer to the field section where the sheep were, they got off the horses and approached the fence. As he was accustomed to do, Jack jumped the fence and when he was about to turn to offer help to Ana, she was already by his side. “I never doubted your country skills, but I can’t deny that I’m having a couple of positive surprises.”
“Don’t expect me to know the difference between an Île-de-France and a Merino sheep, but I have a bit of expertise when it comes to surviving in the country.” Ana looked down when something nudged her leg.
“Have the pleasure to become familiar with an Île-de-France then.” Jack said referring to the sheep standing in front of Ana smelling her.
“Don’t give me so much incentive if you don’t want to stay here for the next three hours.” She said while starting to scratch the sheep’s head. A couple of minutes later, a little lamb appeared and was happy to be rubbed on his face, shaking his little tail very much like a dog would do. Ana couldn’t be more pleased with the whole thing; as if all the adorable and friendly animals weren’t enough to amaze her, the fact that Jack had so much way with animals and seemed so satisfied to be among them just made everything more pleasing. After she had met the rest of the sheep and petted all of them, they finally went back to the horses and only then Ana realized that she had a problem to solve. “I should’ve brought a tree stump with me.” She let out a chuckle despite the little despair growing in the pit of her stomach.
“Don’t worry, assistance to mount is between one of my skills.” Jack said with that convinced smile, standing next to her.
“I don’t doubt.” She was still smiling discreetly despite feeling her heart starting to beat a little faster, hoping he didn’t notice how nervous she was starting to get “But is not a good idea.”
“Why not?” He asked raising one eyebrow with a curious smile.
“C’mon, don’t pretend I’m the only one aware that I’m too heavy for this kinda thing.” Ana laughed quietly, expecting him to join her “joke”, but instead he seemed to be just pondering everything while running his tongue across his lips.
“I’ll vehemently disagree and, after all my nursing services the night we meet, I have the propriety to talk ‘bout it.” Jack said calmly with a soft smile.
“I know but-” Her consideration was interrupted when Jack passed one arm around her waist and the other behind her knees, taking her off the ground with no effort. “Jack!” she couldn’t hold back a laugh and passed her arms around his neck.
“I can go as far as necessary to prove my points.” He said with that cocky smile that suited him so well.
“Fine, I don’t think I can argue with that.” Ana couldn’t help but look at his mouth for a second, just now realizing how close they were, a fact that Jack had already noticed and was doing his best to deal with; if it was true that existed a god above, he knew how much Jack wanted to kiss her, the feeling of having her in his arms and her perfume invading his sense of smell didn’t make things any easier, but he wouldn’t risk screwing it all.
“Very good, ‘cause I don’t lose an argumentation.” Jack finished the sentence with a wink and carefully put her back on the ground “Now, we’re gonna put you on Crystal’s back.”
“I hope you know that I don’t have much practice on this part of the mounting.” Ana admitted frowning slightly.
“Don’t worry, there’s no mystery.” He assured calmly, standing next to her “Just bend your leg.” He said patting her left knee, she did as he said and held the saddle with more strength as she felt his hands on her knee and ankle. “Now you just bounce up and I’ll lift you.”
“If both of us end up in the ground, I will blame you.” She said while holding the reins properly.
“I can deal with that.” Jack answered with a smile before helping her mount, smiling a little more when she got easily mounted.
“Well, I think I’ll owe you this one.” Ana said, observing Jack mount on Horace.
“Don’t worry, I’ll think carefully ‘bout how I’ll charge you.” He joked before they started to ride again.
When they went back to the ranch the sun was already going down, after taking the horses to the stable, they went to the house. Jack guided Ana upstairs to her bedroom and, after being sure she would be comfortable, he went to take a shower. Finally, alone, Ana took a better look at the ambiance and hadn’t any doubt that she had been accommodated in the master bedroom of the house. At this point was clear to her that, although the rural man spirit, Jack appreciated the fancy side of life; that ranch was for sure more sophisticated than a lot of city houses without losing the country aesthetic; the varnished and well-maintained wooden floor carefully combined with the wooden furniture was on perfect balance with the whole rustic chic décor of the room such as in the rest of the house.
She for sure would look to the details with more attention, but not now, despite being interested in it, Ana was more excited to spend more time with him. She couldn’t help but think that wanting to be around Jack that much could be a treacherous feeling, however, it wasn’t like both of them didn’t know why they were seeing each other; he left no doubts about being interested in her and she didn’t try to disguise that the interest was mutual. Before getting too carried away with her thoughts, Ana walked to the bathroom to take a shower.
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With the sleeves of his plaid shirt rolled up, Jack organized everything he’d need to cook the dinner. Hearing the sound of her coming downstairs, he smiled without even noticing and looked up when Ana entered the kitchen, feeling the genuine happiness that had accompanied him all day went back with full force at the sight of her looking so beautiful in that long floral dress.
“So, my amazing host will also make the dinner? I’m getting too spoiled.” She joked, approaching the kitchen island.
“I want to be sure that you’ll want to come back.” He answered with a smirk while opening a bottle of wine.
“I’m already convinced to come back, but go ahead.” Ana admitted and sat on one of the stools.
“This being the case, we’re at the point where I try to impress you with my domestic abilities.” Jack finished the sentence handing a glass of wine to her.
“The kind of skill I appreciate in a man, especially cooking ‘cause I’ll run away from the kitchen every chance I get.” She admitted before taking the first sip of wine.
“You’re in lucky then, ‘cause my only problem with cooking is the whole pantry-organizing thing.” He said while putting a large skillet on the stove and placing two steaks on it.
“No problem then, because I love to do this kind of organization.” Ana didn’t notice the excitement in her words with the fact that they would work well together on that, even if it was a simple thing, could turn into a problem in daily living.
“I don’t wanna sound hurried, but I’m already imagining how amazing it must be living with you.” Jack admitted with a goofy smile while grabbing a pan with cooked pasta to drain it. 
“We’re tied then because the idea of not having to ever touch a pan again sounds like heaven to me.” She said raising her eyebrows slightly and both of them laughed.
They kept talking while he prepared the food and she got herself too amazed by how effortlessly he managed to speak so eloquently while slicing the cooked steaks or how he kept his full attention on her, even while making the alfredo sauce. When the sliced steaks, the sauce, and the fettuccine were put together, she was surer than ever that Jack was putting effort into impressing her and it was working.
As the gentleman he was, Jack grabbed her by the hand while leading her to the table and pulling out the chair for her to sit. After serving the food for her and refilling her glass of wine, he sat next to her, unable not to smile when Ana didn’t flinch before grabbing the fork and trying the food; took him a second to notice that he felt relieved when she let out a satisfied sigh after close her eyes to savor the food.
“I’m ready to negotiate a deep pantry organization since you just dropped one of the best meals I've eaten in my entire life.” Ana said softly with a tender smile.
“I’ll accept the offer.” He answered after taking a sip of his wine “But in the present circumstances, I’m more in need of information.”
“Fair enough.” She agreed before eating another bite “What do you wanna know?” Ana questioned once she swallowed the food.
“You piqued my curiosity ‘bout your country origins after seeming so at home here.” Jack kept his attention turned to her while he started to eat, more curious than ever for her answer.
“My hometown is the kind of place where you’ll occasionally see horses walking around the streets and tractors are as common as cars, not to mention that most of my relatives worked in the livestock business or rice cultivation, I had no way to escape the rural environment.”
“Now it’s making a lot more sense.” He admitted with a fascinated expression “But I’d like a bit more of geographic clarification.” 
“Is a rural town called Quaraí, located at the frontier with Uruguay, in fact, the only thing that separates the two countries there is a bridge that you cross in a ten-minute walk.” She explained calmly and took a sip of wine.
“No me digas que hablas español también.” Ana had to inhale slowly so as not to choke on the wine at the very moment he said the first word in Spanish. Somehow his voice sounded even more deep and pleasant.
“No es el idioma que más domino, sin duda, pero sí.” She answered calmly as if she wasn’t in a mental debate to figure out if the heat running over her body was caused by the wine or by the satisfied smile of the man in front of her.
“Just when I thought you couldn’t surprise me anymore.” Jack smiled a little more, holding her hand that was lying on the table. 
“I think I have the right to come up with some surprises, considering that I didn’t expect you to be like this.” Ana admitted while intertwining their fingers.
“Like this?” he raised one eyebrow, squinting his eyes slightly.
“You know, even if it may have been rash of me, I wasn’t with the highest hopes about a southern cowboy.” She couldn’t help but laugh quietly “I hate to be the half-full-glass person, but my expectations are really good about this.”
“If it makes you feel better ‘bout it, my expectations are in the sky at this point.” Jack admitted with a smirk “You see, I really hope that this can turn into something serious.”
“Both of us.” She smiled widely “I’m enjoying your company a lot.”
They spent the next couple of hours talking and laughing, getting more enthusiastic as the wine in the bottle dwindled. When they decided to go to bed, they walked upstairs side to side, while talking a little more.
“I didn’t forget that you still owe me a visit to the calves.” Ana said while opening the bedroom door.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take you to see them tomorrow.” He affirmed with his arms crossed.
“You better do it if you don’t want me to steal the good boy Gus.” She raised her eyebrows.
“As if you’d need to make an effort to steal him.” He said with a charming smile and grabbed one of her hands “Have a good night, Ana.” Jack kept his look locked on her eyes while kissing the back of her hand.
“Good night, Jack.” She said with a sideways smile “And thank you for the hospitality.”
“The least I can do having the most amazing guest on my propriety.” He winked at her and kissed her hand once again before letting it go.
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Tagging: @missladym1981 (In case you want to be tagged, lemme know)
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rising-volteccers · 1 year
Hello! English is not my language so there may be some mistake. How have been talking about Roy maybe caught Wattrel, can you write something with Liko going to Friede for help because she found a pokémon egg and she wants to raise him?
Hello there! Your English is good, don't worry about it! This piece ended up being self indulgent with a Pokemon I personally want to see Liko have on her team! Hopefully this is an enjoyable read!
Series: Pokemon Horizons
Characters: Friede, Liko
With the Brave Asagi due for another system update, Murdock suggested that they have a picnic outside to take advantage of the pleasant weather. The last time they had one had been a calm before the storm kind of situation; while things turned up well in the end, it didn't change the fact that Liko's disappearance the day after left a bit of a sour note to that experience. Friede was all for creating new memories to overwrite–or rather, to look back on instead of the awful ones. 
Murdock ensured that they had a pleasant spread like last time, making sure that both Dot and Ludlow could enjoy theirs on the ship too. The difference from before and now was that Dot joined them in picnicking via a video feed, though she kept herself out of frame.
Sandwiches were made–Friede as always getting a little ribbing from his crew about his all carnivore one–and eaten, washed down with homemade juice that was refreshing as the sun got higher. 
While the adults conversed at the table, Liko, Roy and the Pokemon were playing together. Friede quietly kept an eye out from his seat, as was his habit these days whenever they were off the ship. Roy had the tendency to run off after his or some wild Pokemon while Liko…sometimes trouble seemed to follow her. Between the two of them, he certainly had his work cut out for him.
Friede's attention shifted to the current conversation of their flight route and supply stock during the trip. When his eyes darted back to the kids, he saw that Liko had wandered further than he expected from the group. 
"Hey Liko, where are you going?" Friede called out, casting the table in silence. The girl in question paused to look back.
"Oh, something's catching Sprigatito's attention so I'm checking it out!" Liko yelled in response before she dashed after her starter.
A part of Friede wanted to get up and join her. The rest told him to take it easy and trust that Liko's trouble radar was turned off for today. He didn't want to appear like he coddled her, though he quietly worried for her safety. 
"She'll be fine. If anything happens, I'm sure she's smart enough to call for us," Murdock spoke up, as if privy to his thoughts. In actuality, Friede just didn't realize the way his expression became pensive. 
"We don't have any connection issues this time. Besides, what kind of trouble can she get into way out here?" Orla piped up.
"Don't jinx it," Friede muttered but released a small breath, shoulders losing the tension in them. "Yeah, you're right. Guess there's no need to worry."
Their previous conversation picked up before long. Roy remained within sight seeing that he was practicing singing with Fuecoco while Wattrel acted as their audience of one. As time passed, Friede couldn't help but notice that Liko had still yet to return. 
Before his worry really started to kick in, Sprigatito made its return known by meowing loudly. Friede looked up to see Sprigatito and Liko approaching the picnic site with the girl carrying something in her arms.
Was that…a Pokemon Egg?
"I need help!" Liko called out once she was within earshot. Friede swiftly got up to close the distance between them, his body moving before his brain caught up. The moment he heard Liko calling for help, a spark ignited within him to move and get to her side ASAP. 
"What's wrong? Where did you get that Egg?" Friede questioned the slightly frazzled girl.
"Sprigatito and I found it on a bush! I promise I tried to look for its parent but I couldn't find any Pokemon close by that's missing an Egg and it's just cold to the touch and–"
"Woah Liko, calm down! I get what you're saying." He adopted a calmer tone to assure her. His gaze fell upon the Egg in her arms. It looked a little scuffed but it didn't seem like there were any cracks to the shell itself. If Liko found the Egg where the parent wasn't nearby, it could mean that another Pokemon swiped it with the intention of making the Egg its meal. Another reason he could think of was the parent left the nest but got caught by humans, thus leaving the Egg behind.
Regardless of how it was left out in the open for Liko to find, Friede didn't like that the Egg was cold to the touch. It needed to be incubated as quickly as possible. 
"Get it back to the ship. I think we still have an incubator or two stored in the ship to use." 
Friede left the others to clean up while he and Liko rushed back to the ship. Figuring out what he wanted, Mollie texted Friede that he could find an incubator within one of the cabinets inside the infirmary. 
Once they got on the ship, Friede quickly placed the Egg inside the incubator. He knew Liko, the kind hearted soul that she was, worried deeply for it. Had she not found the Egg, nature would have taken its due course.
"Hey, you did good. You found the Egg just in time. We'll have to wait and see but I believe that the little one inside will pull through." Friede placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Cheer up, okay?"
She nodded, gaze falling back to the Egg. Friede resisted the urge to run his fingers through his hair and letting out a huge sigh. He didn’t like seeing her so despondent.
“Hm… do you want to look after the Egg, Liko?” Friede wound up asking after a few minutes of silence. This could either help or harm her, depending on whether or not the Egg pulled through or not. His gut instinct told him that whatever little one within it was a fighter so he placed his bets towards a positive outcome.
“M-Me? Can I…?”
Friede plastered on his most assuring smile. “Sure you can! You’re a smart, responsible girl. I’m certain that the Egg would be in good hands with you. And remember, it’s not like you have to raise it yourself! You’ve got me and Mollie to help you out.”
Liko considered his words, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt before she took a deep, steadying breath as if steeling herself. Her expression spoke of determination, a look he came to like seeing since it usually led to personal growth for her.
“Right! Right, I’ll give it my best.” Liko’s eyes darted to the incubator. “How long does it take for Eggs to hatch?”
“Well, it depends. Its environment, how attentive the parent is keeping the Egg warm and the like.” Friede lightly tapped the top of the incubator. “Putting the Egg in here keeps it warm and safe–providing that you don’t jostle it around of course. As for how long, again it depends. We don’t know for how long this Egg was left out there. It could’ve been recently… came to be or it’s been out there for days. It might take a few weeks, I reckon.”
“I see…” Liko fell quiet once more, absorbing everything he said. Friede thought he did a good job explaining, which was why he got blindsided when she asked in an innocent voice:
“How do Eggs came to be?”
Had he been drinking something, he would’ve choked on his drink. Friede fought hard to keep his expression from twisting, instead flashing her a smile. 
“Hm, I think we can leave the Egg here for the time being and go help the rest pack up don’t you think? The sooner we do that, the sooner we can head off! I think Dot should be done with the system update right about now…” Friede placed his hands on her shoulder to guide her out of the infirmary.
“Eh? But what about…?”
“Oh look, I think Murdock could use some help carrying those baskets!”
“Huh? Oh, you’re right…”
Friede only relaxed after she went ahead to help. Phew, that wasn’t something he was keen on explaining to a preteen anytime soon…
In the following weeks, Liko placed a good amount of her time and attention on the Egg. She carried the incubator around with her whilst on the ship and kept it safe within her room when off of it. Friede certainly took note of all the subtle changes throughout this period.
He noticed that she spent more time reading on her Rotom Phone. Friede later found out that Liko was reading up about caring for newly hatched Pokemon. Pretty sweet of her to be so committed to the little one just waiting to hatch. No doubt that the Pokemon would be well taken care of by the girl.
Roy and Dot too joined in on the Egg hatching bandwagon. Roy offered to look after it during her lessons or if she had other stuff that required her attention. Friede recalled Liko mentioning how Dot was forwarding her all these useful articles for her to read. It warmed his heart to see the kids got along well and sharing the excitement with one another.
He also liked how Liko didn’t shy away from requesting help from the rest of the crew too. Asking food related questions from Murdock, going to him and Mollie for caretaking information, his thoughts proved to be true as he was witnessing her growth over the weeks.
Eventually, it came time for the Egg to hatch. A pleasant day had them docked at a large, empty field on the outskirts of a large city. Half of them were off the ship to do some shopping, leaving him, Liko, Ludlow and Dot left on board. 
Friede had been doing a bit of reading of his own–mostly a small lead about the Ancient Adventurer–when Liko dashed into his room. Before he could ask, his eyes landed onto the Egg she carried. It wiggled within the incubator, hairline cracks starting to form along its shell. 
“I-I think it’s hatching!” Liko spoke, sounding both scared and excited. He can’t blame her given that she was about to witness one of the miracles of life.
“Alright, come have a sit here. Slowly lift the case so there’s room for the baby to hatch,” Friede gently instructed. He stood up from his seat to give it to Liko. The professor positioned himself behind the girl, just out of sight from a (hopefully) small Pokemon that would hatch on her lap. He wanted the little one to imprint on Liko instead of him.
A hushed silence fell between them as larger cracks formed. The first hint of the Pokemon inside came in the form of a white protrusion on top of a light pink head. As the shell gave way, they saw that it was a short, pink humanoid Pokemon with stumpy arms and legs. The little one opened its grey eyes, looked at Liko gazing down at it before promptly crying.
“O-Oh! What do I–?”
“Gently rock the baby. She’s confused and overwhelmed right now.” 
While Liko did so, he quickly rummaged through his closet to pull out a clean blanket. “Use this and gently wrap it around the little one.” 
Friede helped her with that, and eventually the Pokemon settled down once Liko rocked her whilst swaddled in the blanket. She heaved out a relieved sigh. Her eyes spoke of quiet wonder as she gazed down at the bundle in her arms.
“Wow. When I saw it was hatching, I just… it was a little scary,” she spoke quietly.
“Mm, I don’t blame you for feeling that way. Seeing a Pokemon hatch for the first time, it’s scary cause you’re worried about messing up but also wonderful cause you got to see a Pokemon born into this world.” Friede gently placed a hand on her shoulder. “Congratulations on your new Tinkatink Liko. I know you’ll take good care of her.”
“A Tinkatink… I think I’ve seen their evolution before? Um, the one with the huge hammer.”
“That’s a Tinkaton, its final evolution. They make the hammer themselves from… well, let’s just wait until we get there, okay?” The professor sported a soft smile. “Right now you’ll have your hands full raising this little one but don’t worry, you have us to help you.”
She returned his smile with a smaller but no less genuine one of her own. “Yes, thank you!”
Friede had a feeling that their ship would be a little more lively for a few days, though he certainly can’t blame the kids for being excited with this new addition to their small but loving crew.
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kristyglas · 2 years
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Forest of Reflections- Art Process
This forest was incredibly tranquil and silent, with an occasional rustle of the leaves by the wind. The trees were densely packed, except for an obscure little road that twisted between them, left behind by those who passed there before. The ground was covered with interconnected roots like earthy webs that sprawled endlessly into the distance. They appeared to form wide stairs across the rough turf and stones.
The path opened up to a clearing with ancient trees and the silence erupted into a cacophony as the magic crackled mid air. The hero felt as if she was plunged head first into cold waters that instantly cracked into a million mirrors, revealing a new passage leading to higher grounds.
An elusive shadow followed her up the fragile steps, as she climbed ever so carefully as to not crack the thin glass. She couldn't brush off the thoughts of the world just crumbling away beneath her into the abyss.
The reflections changed chaotically, making it difficult to see where she was going. Her mind wandered endlessly, travelling through many places at the same time, some of them she knew from memories, while others she didn't recognize. The realities blurred together, as the sharp edges revealed too many things to see a clear picture. However, she noticed various oddities that she couldn't explain, revealing new things she never noticed before.
I usually strive for balance in my works, in this case it’s the balance between sharp lines and curves, making the painting feel less threatening and more mysterious. I start with a palette I like, usually based on my current mood. In this case I took an older sketch I did for 2021 dailies and I used it as the base for this painting. That's why I love generating lots of quick sketches, so I can pick my favorites later without worrying about the time, but I'm also not afraid to go outside my comfort zone with new colors and ideas. I believe first impression is really important for each painting, as it needs to catch the attention before all of the details can be examined.
There are a few important things I make sure to cover in every painting- the colors/mood, the visual focal point (check greyscale version of the painting), adding something new. Since this project is about adventure and journey, I want to add something new to each piece, but also connect it to the previous work.
Keep in mind I do a lot of various details subconsciously, the only thing that I focus on is what feeling I want to achieve, or the theme of the painting. So, I take the time to follow that goal until the painting feels complete. I take a lot of breaks, usually working on a couple of painting at the same time. I love listening to various music while painting, and it does a lot for setting the mood and it helps me draw for a longer time, otherwise I get restless sitting for long periods of time.
Adventure series is a sort of journal for me, it’s about exploration and self-reflection. I want to keep developing it and as things progress hopefully evolve it. However, I’m careful at not giving any promises since I don’t know what I can achieve but mostly how long it will take, so I do my best. I love to improve my various skills, and it might not be obvious, but it actually takes me a while to write a description for these paintings. Usually, the hardest part is getting started, but once I have a general flow, it’s a lot easier to edit the text until I’m happy with the final. 
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ninjadeathblade · 11 months
Moulin Rouge Discotrain AU (part twenty six)
Summary: (Post-game canon) The Conductor and DJ Grooves agree to finally work on a movie together. They come up with 'Moulin Rouge', a musical drama filled with romance. Over time the two directors grow closer and discover that maybe they don't hate each other as much.
Beginning | Previous | Next
Word count: 736
Warnings: None
Author's notes: They're so in love, I can't. Good job the confession is soon. God I need to write the confession. How do I have the end of the fic written but not the confession? Oh peck. Anyway, take this morsel.
A week had passed and they were back to filming.
Snatcher was still occupied with whatever was going on in Subcon Forest.
Grooves had taken to letting Conductor borrow his jacket.
Conductor had taken to wearing turtlenecks in the cold weather.
Empress returned, bearing pieces of jewellery for Conductor to use as Satine. As well as costume designs for some of Satine's dresses.
"These are gorgeous!" Owlice gushed, looking between the sketches and the shelves of fabric at the side of the room.
"I did nae know you designed clothes," Conductor said.
"You don't know a lot about me." Empress shrugged.
"H- hold on!" Owlice pushed the papers back into Empress' paws, running and picking up a bolt of red fabric.
"This!" Owlice cheered, rolling out a bit and holding it up next to Conductor. "Please sir, let me make that dress design with this fabric! For the Elephant Love Medley! Oh sir, Satine would look brilliant!"
"Go on lass, make the dress. You've already got my measurements from the other costumes," Conductor laughed. "In the meantime, I'll try on the necklaces, rings and bracelets that Empress bought."
Owlice let out a squeal of delight, running over to her desk and putting down the fabric before quickly darting back for the dress designs.
"Want me to help?" Empress offered to the director. "You haven't worn bracelets in a long time."
Conductor looked up at her. "What? How would you know that?"
"Lucky guess. Plus, you seem like the guy who wore bracelets a ton when you were younger," Empress explained as Conductor took off his coat and waistcoat.
"Which should we try first?" Conductor questioned.
"I got a good necklace for when the Duke gives Satine a gift. Want to try that?" Empress suggested.
Empress took out a silver necklace filled with diamonds, undoing the multiple clasps at the back.
The door opened and Conductor looked over as Grooves walked in, the penguin staring at the script in his flipper.
Empress looped the necklace round the front of Conductor's neck, doing it up.
"I just don't get it, why does the Duke have to be so creepy?! Satine never did anything to make him think she loved him. She's a courtesan for-" Grooves broke off as he looked up, beak opening and closing a few times. "-peck's…sake…"
"Hi Mr. Grooves!" Owlice greeted as she ran across the room, holding a small cushion with multiple pins and needles in.
"You, um. Y-you look nice," Grooves stuttered. Conductor's feathers ruffled at the compliment, bushing up around the sides of his face.
"Heh, thanks," Conductor breathed. Empress rolled her eyes, walking over to Owlice's desk and looking at the dress designs with the owl.
Conductor swallowed nervously, self conscious now Grooves was here.
"I came to ask if you wanted coffee," Grooves said suddenly, speaking rapidly. "But you're busy so I'll just get you one and come back later."
Grooves turned to leave.Conductor strode over to the penguin, grabbing the sleeve of his friend's jacket.
"Coffee would be great," he chuckled, smiling up at Grooves.
"Well, how can I ignore the best director I've ever met?" Grooves joked as the two of them left the room.
Conductor's face heated and his talons moved to fidget with the necklace he had on.
"Do I look okay?" Conductor asked, feeling like every owl or penguin they passed was staring.
"You're the sparkling diamond. You look perfect," Grooves assured. "And you're the angel of music. So if people were staring, it would be out of jealousy."
"Shut up," Conductor laughed before shuddering from the cold.
Grooves rolled his eyes behind dark lenses, slipping off his jacket and draping it around Conductor.
"I thought you would have learnt by now."
"I had ta take it off to try on the necklace!" Conductor protested.
"Mhm. Sure darling."
"Let's get coffee already. I cannae be working on our movie if I'm gonna fall asleep."
Grooves laughed, taking ahold of Conductor's hand and spinning him around as they walked down the hall.
Conductor tripped over the edge of the large red coat, slipping out of Grooves' grip and onto the floor.
"Looks like you fell anyway," Grooves teased.
Heat flushed Conductor's face as he scrambled back to his feet.
"Yeah. I guess I did," he mused, staring at the penguin.
Grooves tilted his head to the side with a smile.
"Coffee then?"
"Coffee then."
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haste-waste · 2 months
Zelink Week 2024: The Baker and the Seamstress (Chapter 5)
Sorry for the late updates, folks! I will be posting three chapters here today. Day 5's prompt is "Spellbound" Enjoy! @zelinkcommunity
Read on AO3 or below the cut.
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The baker searched the woods for an hour, but couldn't find her in the encroaching darkness. He wouldn't dare call out her name within the trees, for that was a precious secret he wouldn't share with anyone.
What did he do? What did he say?
The following morning, he replayed the previous day in his mind and over kneaded his dough. She seemed shocked at first, and then, she stared off into space with a happy little smile. It was like something flipped in her thoughts and her old self returned, distrusting and terrified. This wasn't just about her scars. But what? And why did Zelda mention the seamstress? He had never met her in his life. The seamstress didn't know about her. No one knew about her. It was his selfish idea for her to stay, that's all. And look at how well that went.
When dawn arrived, he hoped to see her standing there at the back door. Of course, she was absent. It was so empty in the bakery, even before he opened. She could still turn up, though. If she returned, she should know that she was welcomed.
He brought her stool outside and put it next to the door and returned to work. Minutes later, he stuck a basket with a fresh loaf of bread wrapped in one of her mended towels on top of the stool and finally continued his work. At the end of the day, when he checked the stool, he saw the bread being picked apart by a pair of birds.
He wouldn't give up so easily. Once he closed up shop, he grabbed another loaf of bread (she must be starving at this rate), a torch, strapped his mother's sword to his back, and took the path to the woods and searched the area where they had their picnic. There was nothing. There was only a beautiful, lush, and empty field. She left no footprints behind in the surrounding forest. For two consecutive days he combed the evening woods in silence, hoping for any hint of her presence. The third morning, he brought out the stool, filled the basket with rolls, walked away, and somehow managed to not over knead the morning batch of bread.
There was more unwanted gossip today from the village barmaid; a lone horseman arrived at Fort Hateno. Judging by their heraldry, they were from Akkala, a region far to the north. He didn’t care about that. He needed some sort of clue, anything.
"Have there been any ghost sightings?" He ended up asking when she finally stopped talking.
The barmaid scowled at him, likely at his audacity for speaking aloud. Her eyes trailed over his form. She seemed confused. "You believe in that superstitious bunk? There never was a ghost to begin with." She swiped her bread out of his hands, slapped her rupees on the counter, and strode out the door with an annoyed huff.
He really needed to stop glancing toward the back door. But his thoughts always returned to Zelda, his seamstress, no matter how hard he tried. Was she injured? Was she starving? He remembered her sitting at her stool, with a flower tucked behind her ear. What a beauty. The thought, even now, tied his stomach into a pretzel. Maybe he should make a batch of them to take the edge off of all these feelings.
He had to run to town for some produce after closing the shop. But what if she came while he was gone? He went to his bedroom, scrounged around for a piece of slate and chalk, and scribbled something quickly. If he put too much thought into it he'd stand there all day.
He left three things beside his back door. Her stool, the bread basket, and the piece of slate that read: No one else knows but me. I swear it.
The seamstress hid in the boughs of a giant tree. She should have left two days ago, having cleared out her cave, plotting to escape the country out of Lurelin Village. For some reason, she hadn't. Food was getting hard to come by without being spotted, though, so she should make up her mind soon. She thought she'd never forget the feeling of hunger. She was sorely mistaken, and the pain of it was amplified by her acute longing for him. Her thoughts were twisted up and in disarray since she fled that night. At least she found her way back to her cave after stumbling for hours.
The leaves rustled below her. Someone approached. She hid beneath the foliage, thankful for the natural camouflage. "The baker actually talked this morning!" A feminine voice rang.
Zelda grit her teeth. So that's how he was. Pretending to be silent just to play with her trust? She was no stranger to her trust being broken, even if that trust was superficial, like promises of a meal after a punishment. Her anger agreed with the assessment, but her heart did not. He wasn't the type of person who would do such a thing, was he? He didn’t seem like it. Didn’t he go out of his way to make sure she remained hidden?
So why was she so angry?
"He asked me about seeing a ghost," the woman continued. "Me, of all people! He doesn't speak to anyone, Reginald."
She heard a masculine huff from below, likely Reginald. "You dragged me out here just to gossip about the baker?"
"But why would he ask about that?"
"Hasn't everyone?" the man countered, sounding bored.
The woman growled. "He always looks so shabby. His clothes looked better today. Strange, right? Maybe he finally realized how unkempt he looked. I asked Bettie if she mended them, but she never heard of Link in her life! He must fix them himself. That's pretty talented of him, actually. But honestly, how has he never been to a seamstress?"
Zelda's throat went dry.
"You could use a visit to Bettie," Reginald said. "Your stomach is starting to show."
Zelda heard a giggle and a swatting sound. "And who's fault is that?" The woman teased. "But dear, what if there's a ghost?"
Reginald laughed. "You'd toss it out of the pub just like everyone else. Come along now, it's getting dark." She heard the leaves and sticks crunch under their feet, and after a few minutes, she looked down at the forest floor and confirmed their absence.
Zelda's heart raced in her chest. Was she wrong about him? Things didn't make sense. Maybe a walk could help sort out her thoughts. Mindlessly, her feet took her through the hidden route to town through the old caves that sprawled underneath it. Before she knew it, she appeared from underneath a pile of rocks in the forest behind the baker's house.
Why did she come here again? For information. And maybe…to catch a last glimpse of him from afar.
Carefully, she crept toward the bakery, nestled in the trees. For such an important building, it was a little ways off the beaten path from town. She supposed she could see the main street from the front door, but that was a risk she wasn't willing to take. Even so, the windows were dark and lonely in the back.
A few steps later, she was past the grain shed, and stopped in her tracks. Besides the door was the wooden stool she always sat on. Why was it out here? There was a basket and something flat on top, acting as a lid. Hesitancy disregarded, she went and investigated the contents. The flat shape was a small writing slate. She read the words written in chalk—No one else knows but me. I swear it—the guilt compounded, and within the basket were several perfect bread rolls waiting for her under a towel she mended for him.
Zelda was completely wrong about everything. What he said was genuine. And she ran off without thinking, leaving her only friend in this world behind. He was a friend, absolutely, but their bond felt different now, like a permutation of friendship, but more?
It was love, she realized. She loved him, assumed the worst, and ran off without a goodbye. Goddesses, she was thinking of leaving the country for this?
She heard the squeak of a door shutting, it was him, it had to be, and she fled into the cave entrance before she could think, scraping her knee in the process.
Tomorrow, she vowed, once she made it inside. She'd come at dawn and fix this entire mess. But for now, she'd wait in the woods and attempt to find some food to eat with the moonlight as a guide. And maybe, she'd take a roll, even if she didn't deserve it.
Lord Yuga stopped his entourage just before the ramshackle gate of the rural farming village came into full view. Several of his guards lit torches and held them aloft for him to investigate the enchanted map. The spell was bound to her blood, and it shone brightly on Hateno Village. She was here, irrefutably. Why would she, of all people, flee to a village known for their textiles? It was like she wanted to be found. What a strange, unpredictable woman.
"Leave no stone unturned. Find her and bring her to me, no matter the cost," he ordered. A small platoon of knights on horseback and foot waited obediently for their charge.
"Agahnim," Yuga spoke to the wizard at his side, "Do what you must."
Agahnim nodded, waved his staff, and an ear-splitting screech erupted from the ruby orb at the top. From the woods came three red bokoblins. That should be enough to cause a stir, but not kill the girl outright. The pig-nosed beasts stopped in front of Agahnim's horse. He threw them a piece of meat; they squabbled over it. He whistled and they stilled.
Agahnim removed a piece of fabric from his robes and unfolded it. He plucked out the contents, two golden hairs, and with a wiggle of his fingers, the hair caught fire. He blew the smoke toward the pathetic monsters, and they sniffed the smoke in interest. Then, their eyes glazed over, and an orange fire lit in their eyes. They turned synchronously, and barreled toward the woods beyond the town; they must have caught her scent.
"A trail!" Yuga called. "Leave them for a time."
Time passed as the bokoblins continued their search. One minute became five, and five became twenty. Agahnim could feel the air around Lord Yuga begin to itch from his frustration. "Those useless pigs must have lost track of that useless girl," he muttered, giving Agahnim an annoyed look. "Onward, men!" He called loudly. "Search the village and bring her to me!"
Agahnim clipped his reins, and followed the Lord through the front gates toward his prize.
The baker awoke to loud sounds of commotion: shouts, squealing, clanking metal, and horses. It must be a dream. But as soon as he heard a scream, he knew it wasn't.
He burst out of bed, snatched up his mother's rusty sword, and listened, creeping downstairs on high alert. What was going on? A raid? Raids never happened in Hateno. The last one he had been in was his childhood home, which he never saw again.
He made it downstairs and crouched, scanning his surroundings. A shadow took shape in the window, emphasized by the full moon.
He steadied himself. The door rattled ominously on its hinges.
He readied his sword, and waited in the darkness.
He heard a click, and the door burst open. He lunged toward the intruder, preparing to swing his sword to protect his home. To his absolute bewilderment, he saw the seamstress rush in and slam the door behind her, plastering her back against it in fright. When she saw him, she yelped and dropped a sizable stick covered in something dark, purple, and wet, and shielded herself with her arms.
Goddesses above, she was here! He hastily sheathed his sword and rushed to her, spellbound at the miracle of her standing there by his door. Her eyes widened at the sight of him. "Link!" Her relief didn't last for long. He had never seen the seamstress look so grim when she met him in the center of the kitchen. "You need to run!"
He was immediately on edge. First and foremost…"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" He glanced her over and noticed a gigantic, reddened scrape on her knee. She must have fallen into the dirt at some point. A nasty set of bruises and scratches bloomed on her forearms. She still had the bandage on her finger, too.
Ste stammered, and her fear and frustration was clear to see. "That—that doesn't matter! You need to leave!"
He heard a horses' whinny out of the windows, but it didn't register as much as it should have. He stood there in amazement at her return. He didn't lose her and he wanted to hold her and—"There are monsters!"
"Monsters?" He said, stepping closer to her.
She nodded shakily. "I fought one off, but they're still out there!"
He reeled at the mental image of her fight. She had obviously succeeded, given the state of that stick she dropped, and he felt a burst of pride at her capabilities, but goddesses! She could have been killed!
"The village is in danger! You're in danger!" she cried, flinching away from his approaching hands. It wasn't the first time he'd been in danger. It had been too long without any threats to his life. He took out his torn handkerchief, placed it on one of her arms, and turned.
"Stay there," he ordered, fighting every instinct to stay by her side, and went to the front windows of the bakery. He peered into the night. He saw torches and horsemen in the main streets, villagers running around in fright, but nothing was on the path to his bakery for now… was that Akkalan heraldry being held aloft?
The sight of that coat of arms made him shiver for reasons unknown to him. He raced back to the kitchen. Thankfully, she remained there, and she stood with a bowed head. His handkerchief was stained as she held it fast to her skin.
"I cannot see you again," she said, the words landing on her feet and his heart.
An acute sense of dread built in his chest, even more intense than that day when she fell ill. If he didn't speak now, he'd lose her forever. He just knew. "I swear on my life I told no one about you—"
"I know now," she said penitently. "I shouldn't have doubted you. I'm sorry." When she glanced up at him, her eyes were filled with tears. "But I cannot see you anymore."
She was here. She was more terrified than the morning he first met her. He had to do something, and he had to understand. No more secrets. "Why?"
She didn't answer. Her shoulders hunched, and she wrapped her arms around herself. He couldn't stand it anymore, this awful cycle of fear. He reached; his hand found her cheek, soft and warm, she froze, and he gently tipped her head up to face him.
"Why, Zelda?" He traced his thumb across her cheekbone. Her eyelids fluttered, she sighed into his touch, and the look of grief the movement created broke his heart.
He watched her grit her teeth. He watched her as she panicked, and he watched her choose to be honest. "They're here because of me," she said brokenly.
"What?" His fingers pressed lightly into her skin, a purely instinctive motion.
Zelda kept glancing toward the door, her only means of escape. Then she stared at him, straight on, as direct as he'd ever seen her. "He will stop at nothing to get what he wants."
He? Who was he? The secrecy, her skittishness, her fear, her scars… "Whoever he is, he wants you," he surmised. The dread met a new emotion, anger, and it began to combine dangerously in his heart. He dropped his hand from her face. Whoever did this to her, whoever he was, he'd make them pay.
She wilted at his expression. "I'm so sorry…I dragged you into this and…" She removed the handkerchief and stared at him determinedly. "But I need you to be safe." She grabbed his sleeve. "Promise me that you'll run and be safe!"
Her words were heart shattering. His past and present blurred, and her face was the only thing that grounded him. "Promise me!" Take it and flee, his mother begged. She died soon after. Then, Zelda, asking him essentially the same. He was always running.
"Go! Before it's too late!" Zelda pulled him frantically toward the door while he stood, at a loss.
How many more people would he lose? How many more would die to keep him safe?
"No," he growled. She pulled him harder. The sounds outside his bakery grew louder, a cacophony of textures and pitches, and it all swirled and concentrated into a singularity of resolve.
He grabbed her wrist. "I can't."
She shuddered. "Don't do this to me," she pleaded, and he'd never been this furious in his life as the past and present blended together. "Link, you need to run—"
"I'm not leaving you!" His hands went to her shoulders, keeping her from disappearing. Zelda's eyes filled with shock, she choked, and she stared.
He stared back, and made every effort to memorize the details of her face; the depths of her eyes, the tiny scars across her nose and chin, the slope of her jaw, the color of her lips…Then, he saw fondness stirring in her eyes, followed by sadness, and consolation.
"I thought I lost you," he sighed, and hung his head for a moment, still coming to terms with it all.
He looked at her imploringly. Where there once was fondness came something far more potent. "Link…" Then it turned to despair, and he never wanted to see that expression on her face ever again. He'd move a mountain, he'd swallow the ocean, he'd wish upon the Triforce, a thing of legend and fairy tales, to protect her.
"I can't lose you, either." Her grief seemed to seep past his feet and into the earth. Link's eyes widened at her admission—his hands twitched in their grip on her shoulders. He watched her place her hands on his chest; she swallowed thickly, took a step closer to him, and if she took one more step she'd be in his arms, right where he wanted her.
Horses whinnied and clopped outside, their harnesses jangling outside the bakery. He heard them all the way from the kitchen. "FIND HER!"
"They're here—" she gasped, and everything went wrong. The baker did not have a chance to speak before he heard the sound of splintering wood, his front door breaking down under the weight of an axe.
"Hide!" she hissed. "Flee! He will find me instead! Go!"
"No—!" The baker protested, but he was pushed into the pantry as the front door broke open.
The pantry door remained slightly ajar, leaving a sliver of visibility. That's all he needed to witness his worst nightmare coming to life right before his eyes.
"You," the baker heard from the shop room. It was a masculine voice full of hatred. "There you are…"
The air in the room cracked with the sound of a whip, and was followed by Zelda's blood curdling scream. Something rope-like wrapped around her torso, she hit the floor hard on her knees—he unsheathed his sword, moved to fight, but something scruffed him by the back of his nightshirt and tugged him into a shroud of darkness.
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You Brought Your Worst and I’m Right Here - Chapter Eight: I can't even blink
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Pairing: Gale of Waterdeep x female Tav
Work Summary:
After an explosive falling out between Gale and his academic adviser, Mystra, Tav is left to pick up the pieces.
Modern/College AU.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Epilogue
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1453
Read on AO3.
Taglist: @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye
Taglist info
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The motivational kitten poster had once been held up by staples, but one of the top corners had long since torn, drooping like the dying houseplant on Tav’s windowsill. Even so, the kitten stared back at her with dead eyes. She found it hard to look away.
When the door to the dean’s office finally re-opened, Tav stood up too fast. Her chair hit the wall with a thunk.
Gale’s expression was drawn as he stepped out into the hallway, but when their eyes met, he smiled at her. He shut the door behind himself. The click was far too loud in the quiet of the hallway.
“How did it go?” she asked.
His hands fluttered nervously at his sides. He hesitated for a moment, and then said, “It’s done.”
“Do you want to go get a drink?”
Against their better judgment, they found themselves at the on-campus bar. Of course, there was no chance Professor Mystryl would be caught dead here, so they were safe from running into her, but all of campus still felt like a potential minefield.
But Gale had been tired and wanted to decompress and drinks were cheap here. They got themselves a booth far from the window, just to be certain.
“How are you feeling?” asked Tav as Gale nursed a glass of red wine.
“I feel…” He sighed, putting his elbow on the table and leaning his face on his palm. “I feel like my body won’t relax. Like I’m having heart palpitations. I guess I’m nervous? I’m afraid of what happens next.”
Tav took a deep breath and stretched across the gap between them, laying her hands palm up, inviting him in. He stared at her hands for a moment, and then took them in his own.
“It’s going to be okay,” said Tav, feeling the heat spreading from the base of her neck and up to her cheeks. “Whatever happens, I’m here. And you have friends all around you. We won’t let her hurt you anymore.”
Gale looked up from the table, his eyes finding hers. His gaze was searching, but Tav had no idea what he was looking for. It made her feel naked.
“What?” she asked, self-consciously.
“Nothing, I’m just… re-evaluating some things,” he said, slowly. “Tav, I’ve been a fool. I don’t know-”
“I am sorry to interrupt,” came a voice from beside their table. Neither of them had heard the person approach. Tav pulled her hands out of Gale’s instinctively, leaning back like she’d been burnt.
Standing over them was Jaheira, a biology professor whom they were both peripherally aware of.
“I just wanted to say to you, Gale, that what you’re doing is very courageous,” she said. Gale looked up at her, stunned. “I am ashamed to say that you are not the first student to have been put in this position by that woman, but by doing this, you can ensure that you are the last. I have been trying to get the dean to fire her for misconduct for years, but since I have been unable to provide evidence of wrongdoing, there was nothing to be done. None of her victims have ever been willing to come forward before. She is manipulative. She has this hold over people. So if she or the university make any trouble for you, come find me, alright? I will be happy to provide my testimony.”
“Thank you, professor,” Gale stuttered.
“I will leave you and your…” She regarded Tav for a moment. “…friend to it. Good evening.”
Gale looked back at Tav, eyes wide, as Jaheira walked away. “That was unexpected.”
“It’s good to know you’ve got faculty members in your corner. If Jaheira knew what Mystra was up to, then surely a lot of people must’ve known. That can only help your case.”
Gale frowned. “How did she know I was coming forward about this, though?”
“Maybe the dean told her? She’s been trying to bring this to his attention for years, from the sound of it.”
“I’m just concerned. I didn’t expect it to escape containment so fast. If Jaheira knows, who else does?”
His breathing was speeding up. Tav reached across the table again and grabbed his hands.
“It’s okay,” she murmured soothingly. “Don’t panic. We prepared for this, remember? It’s all going to be okay.”
Gale swallowed and squeezed her hands. “Thank you for being here with me. I don’t think I could do this without you.”
“You’re my best friend. I would never make you go through this alone.”
Their hands kept seeming to find each other after every separation. The two of them were walking home now, enjoined hands lightly swinging between them. It was dark and cold, but thankfully not wet.
“I told Wyll I was going to cook tomorrow night,” said Gale conversationally.
“Oh really?” Before all of this, Gale had cooked most nights, although the others pitched in where they could. He hadn’t cooked since his hospital stay. “What are you going to make?”
“I was going to start simple with a vegetable lasagne.”
“Sounds divine. I’ve missed your cooking.” Tav moved closer to him, leaning into his side for warmth.
“A little.”
He let go of her hand to wrap an arm around her shoulders. “Better?”
She put her arm around his waist. This close, he could smell her deodorant and the fabric softener she used. “Much, thank you.”
They stayed that way until they reached the end of their street. They stopped on the corner, reluctantly pulling apart from their embrace. It was unspoken, but since the movie night, they had been a little more careful about showing physical affection to each other in front of their friends.
Gale wouldn’t have minded, but Astarion’s words to him kept swimming around in his head, never too far from the surface.
Don’t break her heart.
“Before we get back,” he said, stopping her, “I just wanted to say thank you again, Tav. I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for you.” He smiled at her, but her face fell.
“Don’t say that,” she said, her voice breaking. His smile faded immediately. “Don’t say that.”
“I’m sorry, I- Oof.” He was cut off by her burrowing her way into his arms, pressing her face into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her again and, after a moment’s hesitation, dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “I know it’s not a pleasant thought, but it’s true. I was a wreck and you put me back together.”
Tav was crying now. He could feel the way her shoulders were shaking. She rubbed her face into his shirt, dampening the fabric.
“Please don’t cry, Tav. I hate that I’m hurting you like this.”
She shook her head, pulling away so that she could look him in the eyes. She grasped his biceps, locking her elbows.
“Promise me something, Gale?”
“Anything.” It was probably an unwise thing to say, but it was hard to be wise when she was looking up at him with doe eyes and a tearstained face.
“If it ever gets that bad again… If you ever want to end your life, you call me. No matter where you are or where I am. Even if we haven’t spoken to each other in twenty years. You call me. And I’ll come to you. And we can get through it together.” There was a fierceness in her expression that made his heart jump.
The idea of going for twenty years without seeing her sounded preposterous, but he knew that people grew apart. The thought of growing apart from Tav made him impossibly sad.
“Promise me?” she repeated.
“I promise.”
She was still looking up at him. For a brief moment of insanity, he thought about kissing her, just to see what it would feel like. His feelings were muddled and maybe kissing her would clarify things. Or maybe it would make this whole situation ten times messier.
The moment passed. She leant in and squeezed him one more time before pulling away completely.
“Come on,” she said. “I’m cold. Let’s get inside.”
After dinner, Gale decided it would be best to get an early night. It had been a very fraught and emotionally exhausting day.
Tav had hugged him goodnight even though they weren’t alone, which was enough to put a smile on his face. Astarion met his eye over Tav’s shoulder and gave him a warning look.
As Gale settled into bed, freshly showered and bone-tired, his phone starting buzzing. Someone was calling him. He turned it over to see the screen lit up with the last name he wanted to see right now.
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charmsandtealeaves · 2 years
@jilytoberfest | 31 prompts | Prompt 30
Prompt: wearing each others clothes
James woke with a start, panic flushing his brain. He jammed his glasses on his face and stared at his alarm clock which hadn’t gone off and no one had thought to wake him. SHIT! There was exactly 10 minutes to get to potions, he was going to have to sprint for it. James cursed himself as he scrambled to dress and practically flew to potions his feet carried him so fast. Even going so far as to skip some staircases entirely and volting himself over the bannister to the floor beneath, sending out a prayer he didn’t miss his landing as he did so. Panting and out of breath James swung open the door to Slughorn’s classroom just as the lesson was about to start. Hoping Slughorn hadn’t had a chance to notice his absence he slid into his usual seat beside Sirius who was looking at him with a mix of curiosity and mild amusement. 
“You turned my alarm off you wanker” James hissed at Sirius under his breath. 
“I did. There was hair removal cream in my shampoo… don’t act like it wasn’t you,” Sirius chuckled “Trying a new fashion statement are we?”
In his panic to get dressed he hadn’t been able to locate his uniform trousers, so had settled for the first pair of dark jeans he could find. With any luck Sluggy wouldn’t notice and he had a break after potions before herbology in which he could change. It wasn’t until Sirius had mentioned it however that his pants felt a bit tighter than usual. James looked down and realised to his horror he was not in fact wearing his own pants. Instead he made the realisation that in his haste he had donned a pair of his girl friends jeans which had been left under his bed several nights previous. Fucking hell. 
“Don’t.” James said sharply, before Sirius could alert anyone else to his predicament. 
“I’ve heard of people pinching their significant other's hoodies Prongs. I just didn’t realise pants were also exchangeable.” Sirius teased, trying to hide his laughter. 
“He’s done what now?” Peter butted in, leaning over his own table to get a better look at what James was wearing. 
Remus who had already had an eyeful, was trying to disguise his own laughter by pretending to cough into his own elbow. He was turning red in the face trying not to cause a scene but a few curious eyes were turning in Remus’ direction anyway. Peter gave him a strong wallop on the back trying to feign that Remus was choking to save James from his embarrassment. James cursed his idiotic self again. He scribbled a note on a piece of parchment and then charmed it to fly to Lily’s table. She picked up the note and read it quickly, looked at the note blankly for a moment, turned to look at James and then back to the note. She wrote her response and it flew back to James. 
How much do you like that pair of black jeans… how heartbroken would you be if they were transfigured? - J
What’s Black done to my jeans? - L 
Nothing. I’m currently wearing them. - J
Lily looked at him again in disbelief after reading the second note. She mouthed the word ‘why?’ at him. James started scrawling on a second piece of parchment when Slughorn’s voice echoed across the classroom. 
“What have we here then? Miss Evans, you know the rules in my class. If you’re caught writing notes they get read aloud.” 
“Oh Professor please don’t…” Lily started but Slughorn wouldn’t let her finish. She tried to guard James parchment but it was pried from her grasp and James just wished that the ground would swallow him whole. 
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The Things We Build
Twilight Advent 22, Day 2: What human skills/hobbies has Jasper learned since becoming a Cullen? Number of words: 995 Trigger Warning: None Rating: PC
I had struggled when I first joined the Cullen’s, their peaceful way utterly foreign to the wars that I was used to. The quiet was almost too much to bear, my ears used to the clashing of bodies and the metallic sound that rang through the air as they were torn apart. We had moved a lot in the first decade, my slip ups forcing us to abandon many homes, just when we had settled in. It had gotten so bad, that Carlisle had to send me away, the Denali’s had been happy to host me. The isolation had helped some, but I could tell Alice missed the family she had seen for so long. My determination had increased tenfold, I never wanted to rip Alice away from them again. Luckily, we had stayed with them for less than a year.
We had been welcomed home with open arms, it was strange to think of a place as home, the Cullen’s as my family rather than my coven. But they had slowly worked their way to have a place in my heart.
Esme had been one of my biggest supporters, her ability to love endless, when she got over her fear of me at least. It was her, who had asked me what hobbies I wanted to pick up. Something about making use of my time as an immortal and learning to enjoy life again. I had floated between hobbies for many years after that, reading and chess, dominating my time.
A decade had passed before we were moving to a new home, Esme had left early to renovate it and surprisingly had invited me to join her. I hadn’t known what to think of the request at the time, but Alice had pushed me to go, a secret smile on her face. Esme had offered me the job of deconstructing a few walls she wanted gone, but I found no joy in the action, these hands had already caused too much destruction. Emmett had found immense joy in using his strength to knock through walls, making a game out of it. Trying to take the most amount of wall he could in one action.
Yet when Esme had offered to show me how to restore the wood of the porch, I found myself eagerly agreeing, despite having no interest in carpentry. Emmett had left us, after completing his job, having no interest in the rest of the process. Esme slowed down without his infectious energy, moving at a human’s pace. She explained that there was a simple joy in taking your time to create something, that it almost felt like cheating to use our speed and strength to complete the job, when I had asked.
So that’s how I found myself gently sanding the boards of our new wrap around porch, each stroke painfully slow. But somehow in the company of Esme, who quietly sang or hummed to herself, I didn’t mind. The emotional climate I felt coming from her, was a content peacefulness. Something that had been sorely missing from my previous life. I basked in them, greedily soaking myself in it.
It had taken us six months to finish the house, but those quiet days restoring the house with Esme had quickly become some of my favourite memories. Well memories that didn’t contain Alice anyway. The experience had bonded us in a way that I hadn’t really had with the rest of the Cullen’s, except maybe Rosalie. It led to an interest in carpentry, mine and Alice’s room rapidly filling with various statues and ornaments, I had made. My interest quickly expanded into furniture, which with Esme’s approval and guidance, meant that several of my pieces adorned our new home.
Soon I was spending most of my time creating furniture, the local charities in the area, gladly accepting anything I had to offer them. It felt good to be creating and giving back to the community. Slowly but surely, I saw my hands as tools to create not destroy. It was that day that I felt another shackle of my previous life leave me.
My thirst still wasn’t at a level any of us was happy with, but I no longer felt like a monster. I had moments of self-doubt and crippling fear of what I was, but Alice was there for me, every single time. My own personal sun that pushed away any grey clouds that littered my sky. But she was so much more than that, she was my everything, as I was hers. A monster could never deserve Alice nor love as deeply and completely as us. It didn’t erase the monster I was in the past, but I no longer wallowed in self-pity.
I finally understood why Edward played piano, the joy of creating something, was unmatched. Finally seeing a vision come to fruition. Over time, my pieces became more detailed, I spent weeks craving small details. Whether it be in the legs of chairs, the corners of a coffee table or the hair on a statue. I found fun in the minutia, my enhanced eyes allowing me to create detail that could rival the masters.
But nothing was more calming than sitting with a piece of wood, slowly whittling it away to form a shape, then chiselling in the details. I could lose myself in the creative process, switch off until I had decompressed. I would never admit it, but Esme was right about creating at a human pace, it added another layer to the joy. One I wasn’t sure I would ever find the words to describe.
Now every house was littered with Jasper Whitlock originals, proudly on display. But my favourite part of moving, quickly became the time I spent with Esme, before the rest of us moved in. Working away in the summer sun, to restore a home for our family.           
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