#she needs her UVB!!
lynxgriffin · 3 days
Mr lynx
Can we see susie basking like a crocodile during the summer
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Regardless of what kind of reptile Susie is (if she even is a reptile) I still hope that she does some reptile things like basking!
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kirstielol · 1 year
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okay like to clarify she has a vitamin D deficiency currently, and the cheapest UVB lamp is uuuuuh a reptile lamp. Like we have a light lamp, but we don't have a UVB lamp.
I'm gonna get a UVB lamp and clamp it up on our laundry rack behind her so she starts producing vitamin D.
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Can we get Riddler's reaction to SO coming home with an injured animal, maybe with a side of 'no, we are not keeping it' but they end up keeping it anyway?
"We are not keeping the damn thing-" Riddler Party x S/O
Oh this is something I'm very familiar with LMAO. I tried to include a variety of animals here.
Not to be lame or a square or w/e but as a general reminder, if you ever find injured wildlife, please contact your local shelters or animal control. These are fantasy scenarios and in most cases- wildlife is either better left alone, you will need strict temporary guidance or they need to be taken care of by professionals. In many places, you need a license to care and keep undomesticated animals.
TW: animal harm and abuse, mentions of dog fighting, medical procedures
It all happens so quickly one day when the pair are driving in Gotham. His S/O notices what looks like a small brown bundle in the middle of the road and panics for Edward to stop. Before he can really get an explanation, they're shouting over their shoulder about a turtle, taking off their jacket. Then he's the one panicking as he watches them stop traffic to scoop up the animal.
The painted turtle has a huge crack in it's shell and a hurt leg. Not knowing what to do, they take it to a vet to see if anything can be done. Surgery, a fiberglass covering... A free sexing to determine the turtle is otherwise a healthy girl. Edward is already devouring the informational packet given to him in the waiting room. A lot he already knew but, well, it pays to learn more!
He's probably one of the few riddlers that doesn't actually say "no we can't keep it." There might be a brief moment where he questions his S/O if they even want a turtle- for the most part it's kind of... fascinating? They keep visiting the turtle in the hospital before she's released and he asks so very many questions about care and what they've been doing for her-
Before it's even been officially decided she's coming home and not being released back out, he's getting a tank ready. Heat lamps, a UVA/UVB light, pond, a dock for basking. A very strange amount of decorations related to questions marks and his special interests that you might not expect decor for.
This turtle won the lottery. She gets a very fancy omnivore diet with vitamin and mineral supplements. He even ends up cultivating species appropriate plants in the tank for her to enjoy and snack on occasionally. She's never bothered much other than the routine tank cleanings. Edward just likes watching her and watching his S/O gush over how pretty she is.
If anyone asks to pick her up, he will give a speech on how actually, human contact stresses them out so if you could never ask again, he'd appreciate it. He intends on her making it many more decades despite not having any clue how old she is now.
Penguin is going to hear so many fun facts about turtles now. Oswald might consider trying to murder him... again.
A baby bird that fell from it's nest. He watched as his S/O tried and failed to reintroduce the bird back to it's mother. He even helped them weave a fake nest and put it up in the tree to see if their parents would take the babe back. To no avail. He was prepared to comfort his love if the little thing passed on.
Yet he watched his S/O roll up their sleeves and start making a nest of their own. A heat lamp that was originally used for one of Edward's plots, now for the chick. He insisted they could probably find someone to take care of it. He's certain he could light a cigarette in a public place and get Batman's attention if they wanted a more heroic figure for the job. With a sidekick named Robin, surely he has a thing for lost little birds.
Birds aren't really his thing, you see. Not part of the gimmick. He has nothing against them, love, but... perhaps Penguin? Still no, huh? The determination of his S/O is rather inspiring, even if it goes against his own wishes. Feedings every few hours, changing papers and blankets. Checking the crop. He noticed the collection of bird care books from Gotham Library.
He starts feeling more affection for the thing once it grows fluff. As his S/O gently holds his hand out to teach the bird to step up. There's something endearing about all of it. How passionate they are. How could he truly say no? It's when the feathers appear and the soft cries begin that they confirm they have a little mourning dove.
In devotion to his partner and their new animal child, he sets up a bird cage and perches himself. Reads the same care books, albeit in half the time. Once the time is right, he even builds an outdoor cage to allow the bird fresh air and stimulation that is safe from predators.
While he doesn't appreciate the mess the bird leaves, he doesn't mind the shoulder buddy. It does, however, make him slightly less intimidating towards Batman, as if he needed anything to help with that.
Zero Year
His S/O had a habit of bringing home animals. They had some... special certification, he wasn't paying terribly much attention to what- What it meant was that after they moved in together, there would occasionally be a small furred or feathered creature in the spare room off his workshop that needed to be bottle fed. He wasn't sure how he felt about the habit. It was something he almost admired. Wanting to care for something small and weak. Yet it was a vulnerability he could see being taken advantage of.
Good thing he's such a pleasant and non-needy personality that doesn't need all his S/O's attention! He lived with it. Perhaps he was better for it. Personal growth... even if at moments he felt jealous and despised it. He supposed they needed a hobby of their own considering how his "hobby" was so all-consuming.
Then they brought home the red fox. A fur-farm rescue. Nowhere else to go, they said. Edward tried to put his foot down. How would they even care for it? A fox... Ridiculous! He also knows it can't be tossed back out into the wild. It would die. His stubbornness holds even as he watches his partner cut their hands open on wire fencing to make an enclosure.
It isn't until they ask him, truly ask him, if he hates that they save animals. Seeing the pain in their eyes and sensing the possibility that they might even leave- he makes a decision. No amount of avoiding annoyances is worth losing the one person he truly trusts in this life. He builds an outdoor enclosure with catch doors and even sits down with the thing.
Winning him over was as simple as the vixen stealing his screwdriver and laughing at him as she played keep away. He was irritated with her, at first, yet as he caught her and all she wanted was pets and affection... He supposed it was also cute the way she would hoard boiled eggs out of his hand. Alright, maybe, just maybe- Maybe she could stay. Only out of his good will.
He gets to a point where she'll sit in his lap while he trims her nails and brushes her fur. His S/O can do the yucky medical stuff she hates, this is his time.
It was a kitten that set his life upside down. His partner, his darling beloved, found it abandoned and hypothermic in a box after a storm. No indication of mother or another human coming to find it. His eyes weren't even open. A little tuxedo that mewled for any kind of nourishment and warmth. Edward was ready to call Selina to come pick it up- until he remembered she was currently incarcerated by Batman for a diamond heist.
It wasn't his bathroom being overtaken as a quarantine zone that made him upset. It wasn't even the alarm that went off every two hours for feedings, even in the middle of the night. No, it was how exhausted and emotionally tired his S/O looked after two days of taking care of him. When he said they were not, could not keep the cat, his partner insisted on doing everything themselves.
He was regretting it, to say the least. At 3am, while he was working, he could hear the alarm going... and his S/O snoring through it. With a sigh, he turned it off and began to prepare the formula. He went through the steps in his mind as he had seen his partner do for the past week and a half. Feed, burp, stimulate for the bathroom, make sure he's warm. Then he got in there and found a creature shouting and demanding to be fed and loved now.
Putting the kitten on his chest, watching his ears wiggle and feeling the tiniest muffins being made on his chest... that was the moment he fell in love. In that instant, he understood. This little sootball that looked like lint that exploded in the dryer- he was worth the hardship.
After that, Edward took on the nightshift for his partner. A few more weeks and their schedules could get back to normal. Ish. And their fancy well dressed man could be released into the rest of the house to cause chaos galore. Kitten energy is a bit too much for Edward, but he adjusts.
When his S/O had stumbled into his workplace, bloodied and holding a blanket close to their chest, he feared the worst. He was prepared to dismember whoever had done this to his partner- and then they mentioned it wasn't their blood. Irritating, yet relief flooded his system.
He cleared a nearby table and watched as his S/O unraveled a bleeding, wounded dog. Struggling to breathe. Whining. A prong collar embedded into its neck. In the haze of panic, he extrapolates that his partner found it thrown away like trash in an alley. Even in this state he could make out the bite marks of other dogs on her body. Dog fighting.
Yet the mottled colored mutt seemed disinterested in attacking, even in this vulnerable state. Had she already given up? He was prepared to euthanize her himself until his partner looked at him with wet eyes asking if there was anything he could do. A tired sigh.
He knew some people with the proper equipment. Yet even as he contacted them, he insisted the two of them were not keeping the dog. He would help take care of the dog. Then they would figure out where she could go.
This lasted until one night in the lab as he sat at his desk, he felt a heavy head lay on his leg. As he looked down, there she was, staring up at him- tail wagging. Even after everything they'd put her through... she was putting all her trust and affection in a human. He would never admit it, but it reminded him of himself in some small way towards his S/O. Finding that love after pain atop of pain.
He stopped mentioning getting rid of the dog. Insists no one else will want a former fighting dog, so she might as well stay. It has nothing to do with how she cuddles between her "parents" on the couch. That she'll fetch things for her master with a dopey pleased look. And of course not because she gets accustomed to waking Eddie when he's experiencing night terrors associated with his past. Lowkey she's his emotional support dog and he's her emotional support human and his S/O gets to watch that relationship bloom.
Despite Edward's lack of care towards the many strays in Gotham, his S/O seemed rather enamored with them. He comments that they should leave feeding the mangy things to Selina. Yet, he doesn't stop them. Then there was one cat in the neighborhood that wouldn't escape either of their notice. A mean feral that wouldn't let anyone near it. He'd wait for everyone else to eat food before picking off scraps.
He thought it was sort of charming how his S/O asked him for a trap to catch the beast. He asked them why they'd bother. It would appear the creature had gotten an eye injury, likely from fighting. He'd never expected them to actually catch the beast, no matter how genius his craftsmanship on the trap. And yet...
One eye enucleation and spay surgery later, his next question was when they were going to release the cat back out. Or call catwoman to deal with it. As his S/O told him neither would be happening, he began to try to put his foot down. No, never. You will not be keeping him. If they'd really wanted a pet, he could make one! Not this... possible mixed breed of a wild cat with a domestic one.
Fortunately they had a small spare room they could clear out for a kennel to allow the cat some comfort while he healed. Edward would listen as his partner going into the room and cooing. Followed by hissing and "no... No, c'mon-" and more bargaining. He shook his head. What were they expecting? You can't just bring a creature like that back with that kind of hate.
It isn't until one night when he's working that he hears... a meowing. It's strained and croaking. He goes to inspect the room and seen the one eyed cat staring up at him. A soft meow. Then a head bonk on the cage bars. Yet as he knelt down, the cat reared back and hissed.
Over the next week, he would visit the cat with his S/O. He noticed this scraggly, scarred cat looking up at them. Hissing less and less. Hesitantly approaching until his S/O was able to touch his head. Then they heard it for the first time: his purr. It was then Edward knew he was not going to be able to get rid of this ugly as sin cat.
The cat absolutely chose his S/O as his person, but that doesn't leave out Edward. The cat likes sleeping on some of his machinery when it's warm. Jumping on his shoulders when he falls asleep at his desk. Edward finds himself petting deep into his now-soft fur when he's stressed.
Selina will give him so much shit about this cat. Forever.
Batman 2022/Nashton
His S/O found the little creature after a dog had gotten hold it. A possum joey without a mother anywhere in sight. A few calls later, a wildlife shelter visit and lots of stress and worrying, they were told the possum was going to live... But not in the wild. There was enough damage to its body that even after healing, he might not be able to defend himself properly.
Edward tried to reason why it should stay with someone else. They'd have better care. They'd become an education ambassador, maybe! He... It's so tiny and fragile, and that makes him so nervous.
Edward is projecting a lot of feelings onto this little thing that mostly wants to hiss and cling to his sweatshirt. He'll just fuck it up, you know. The problem that arises is too many rehabbers in the area are full up. There might not be any space for the little guy- Faced with the possibility of euthanasia, Edward's S/O looks at him with dewy eyes.
How can he say no to that face? And the face of, he supposes, their newest companion. After faking some paperwork and certifications, they are bringing home a small possum.
Over time, he ends up relating a lot to the possum considering their reputation. They're just scavengers! They can't even get rabies! Yet everyone just seems to hate them for being born. He knows what that's like...
He does so much research on dietary needs since possums require such a variety of care. Protein, proper phosphorous levels, fruits and veggies. He really likes feeding him cooked chicken hearts out of his hand. Since they walk so much in the night, he makes an exercise wheel for the little guy to use. Builds climbing walls and poles for him to hang from if he wants. His S/O gets to help hammer nails in!
Sometimes Edward's S/O is looking for the possum and asks Edward... only to see a little black and white head poke out from his hoodie. The two of them know they won't have the possum for long (in the wild, they only live around three years!), but he's kind of used to shorter lifespans with his rats.
He's going to make sure the years they have, though, are going to be enriching and full of happiness.
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Hi! I'm working on bettering my ball pythons enclosure and was wondering if you had any advice!!
this is Toast the knowing, or just Toastino for short!
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She's been having trouble shedding for a while and i realized her humidity was the problem, but she wasn't using her humidity hide anymore. But when we got Mozar, our newest addition, his new enclosure came with some free coconut coir we didn't use for him so i added that! it's only been an hour but i wanted to check if there was anything else I should do?
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I know it definitely needs more hides and coverage, along with a temp and humidity gauge that isn't garbage, and she's right next to a window that is open 24/7. I know the dangers of indigestion and plan to feed her in a safe environment aswell
besides cover and humidity, is there anything else you'd recommend?
Hello hello - Toastino is such a cutie!
I've got a couple recommendations for you. You're right that hides and clutter are the big things here, and I'd recommend looking into some more enclosed-feeling hides as well. When picking out great snake hides, my recommendation is always to look for ones that are fully enclosed on three sides and have relatively small entrance doors. Snakes are so timid, and very secure hiding places help! They're not very aesthetically pleasing, but you can make great hides out of black food storage containers by cutting small doors in them.
My next big tip is to ditch your red light! They're a very sub-optimal heat source - snakes can still see the light, and a lot of them will find them far too bright and annoying. If you want to provide visible light, UVB and a halogen are better options. If you don't want visible light, a ceramic heat emitter is miles better! Colored bulbs are honestly a bit of a scam, and there are always better heat sources!
I really like how deep your substrate is! The good news is that, if your husbandry is appropriate, issues from swallowing substrate while eating are virtually unheard of (impaction from swallowing substrate is a common myth for healthy snakes). If you're nervous about that, though, a piece of cardboard can be a good plate to feed your snake on.
Finally, think about adding more vertical climbing space! Tall branches to climb on and even hammocks can add some great vertical space so she'll be able to climb and explore every inch of her enclosure. All my ball pythons love hanging out on their tall branches!
All the best to you and little Toastino! She's precious.
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bootyyy-shaker9000 · 2 years
random TMNT headcanons that I conjured up while on sick-brain
notes and contents: for any/all iterations, non specific. a lot of self indulgence (Gender-Neutral! Reader), relationship is intended to be platonic, but it's pretty much up to interpretation. physical affection. mentions of turtle biology.
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• Being friends with the turtles consists of sending them a message while you're up late at night asking if they wanna grab some food, drive around aimlessly or somewhere specific that sounds unheard of at such a late hour, and them saying "aw hells yeah" and meeting up with you as soon as possible.
• It's more often than not that his mattress breaks and tears from the blunt edges of his shell digging into the material. Or if he lays on his back more, there'll be sagging depending on where he lays the most that will be bigger than the average butt dip. Basically, sleeping in his bed means you'll get the occasional spring jabbing into your ribs or end up rolling into a dip whenever he moves. It isn't exactly easy for him to get a top notch mattress in the first place so good luck with that.
• If you're a manga/anime geek looking for which guys to geek out to then Leo and Mikey are your guys. They have a handful of volumes from different manga that they found from rummaging up top, but none that are from the same series so they have a lot of mismatched knowledge on them. Casey is the one that indulges them in all the anime that he loves and it isn't uncommon to find the three gushing about the respective shows they're watching together. If you're into that, they'll let you get in on the action! But you're only gonna be watching it in sub. None of them will budge for dub, soz bro (unless you have an impairment that requires otherwise, then they'll make the exception for you obvs).
• Heavens hope that you're a human radiator because these guys Need That. He will be clinging to you the majority of the time if you give him the permission to. He'll even do the cricket thing and rub his legs and feet against yours to build up some of that cozy-cozy heat. And if you're not naturally warm-bodied? Then expect to be bombarded by plenty layers of blankets if you're hoping to cuddle with him man, you're going to have to make up for the loss of heat somehow. He might get a little petty about it, might not. I mean, you humans ARE supposed to be warm-blooded but whatever 🙄
• He's almost always cold to the touch (tends to be worse during colder months), but if you've had physical contact with him for long enough, e.g. you had a hand resting on his thigh or face pressed to his plastron, the spot warms up under your touch easily and lingers for a while after pulling away. So if you've been cuddling with him for long enough under a bundle of covers, you're eventually gonna have a toasty turtle (fat chance of you getting up for whatever reason now pal, rip to your bladder).
• The guys don't get the proper amount of exposure to light as they should do for turtles, as they require appropriate levels of vitamin D to allow the absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract. Calcium is the most important mineral in a reptile’s body and Donnie knows this, has done for ages. One day he confided in April about it and now, to this day, April buys them all vitamin supplement gummies that she's adamant about them keeping up with. Fuck knows how they managed to make it this far without them man.
↳ Eventually, April invested in getting them an appropriate basking lamp fitting for the four of them because she was seriously concerned over them never having one in the first place. (Fact: UVB (Ultraviolet B) is crucially essential for turtles because the lack there of can disrupt proper shell and bone growth, as well as making them ill and die long, slow, painful deaths from metabolic bone disease. Seriously I DON'T KNOW HOW THEY MANAGED SO LONG WITHOUT IT). After being educated by Donnie and doing her own research on testudine biology, she became greatly paranoid over their health for the long-term and still is to be honest. She just really wants her boys to be okay and properly looked after :/
• Hugs are really appreciated amongst the four. They're nice, loving and Warm. Whether it's a quick side hug or a long embrace, he's ecstatic enough just to have his cheek nuzzled against your warm one and you encased in his arms.
• With nerves in their shells that lead back to their nervous system, the guys can feel their carapace and plastron being stroked, scratched, tapped, or otherwise touched, and let me tell you each and every one of them would be oh so grateful if you gently did as such. It's less likely you'll have him asking for it, but he definitely wouldn't complain if you casually start stroking over the scutes in his carapace. Scritch scritch a little bit too, that'll definitely hit the spot. Get a body scrubber and some skin-sensitive soap, scrubbadubdub on that shell and you'll get a happy (and partially clean!) turtle.
↳ Linking back to the cuddling, he definitely wouldn't mind being a little spoon. The warmth of your body seeping through his carapace is the quickest way to getting him settled, cozy and maintaining his general body temperature. 
• Occasionally, if they're feeling too cramped in their shells, they'll exhale air out of their lungs which makes a noticeable hissing sound. It'll happen at any time, any place. Don't be too spooked when you witness this for the first time, you'll get used to it. Eventually.
• Kind of expected, but Leo will make brews for everyone often if you're all hanging out together in the lair. He'll only make tea, and if you wanna keep your cards right - and be a nice enough friend - you'll accept it every time. He'll jazz it up with different flavours that they've got in store so it isn't the same drink every time, but if you're in the mood for something more caffinated, you're looking at the wrong guy to make it. He just doesn't think coffee's all that great and subtly tries to urge those around him to avoid it because he cares :) don't take it personally :)
• They have a massive intrigue towards hair - because they don't have any! Yeah sure, dad has fur, but there's something different about their human friends having hair long enough to play with. Dude, if you have hair and are comfortable with others touching it, the turtles'll play with it all the time. Just sit yourself in front of him on the floor while he's on the settee and just let his fingers roam the surface area of your head. Got a buzz cut? He'll run his palm across it over and over again 'cause Woah it tickles. With hair that's any longer, he'll card his fingers through it, tussle it, lift it up just to let it run over his hand and/or braid it if he's been doing it for long enough to learn how. He'll honestly have a blast with it and so will you. Trust me on this, I'm doing you a favour here (they've already been doing this with April and Casey for years, it won't take them long to rope you into it too).
• Cuddle piles?? Hello??? Dude, huddling together during a movie night with the gang just to finish it off with falling asleep holding onto one another because you're all close enough and shameless towards being that affectionate with each other?? Catch me joining in on that shit.
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i-m-snek · 1 year
Welcome new followers!
I legit got 1k new followers from that ‘how to cook a snake’ post, so allow me to introduce myself! My name is Laura, Cis woman I go by she/her. Herpetologist and advocate for forward thinking when it comes to keeping reptiles. I’ve been keeping reptiles for 10 years now, and I regularly update my knowledge based on recent research. I specialize in ball pythons but have a fair amount of knowledge on other species as well. My entire life is based around giving my pets the best care I possibly can, and educating people on reptiles. I currently work as a tech in an oil and tire bay as my day job, but I make D&D dice on the side.  Now, for what y’all followed for! Allow me to introduce my babies, along with showing off their setups. 
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This is Dante! He’s the first snake I’ve ever owned, got him 10 years ago and had him since he was only a few inches long. He is a Motley morph Corn snake, incredibly sweet and docile, and very curious. I have him in a bioactive enclosure, I’m still trying to find plants that he won’t destroy though lol. Ignore the dirty water bowl, I gave it a wash after I took the picture
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Next up is Thresh! He’s a pinstripe morph Ball Python, hovering around 10 years old, I’ve had him since he was a baby as well. He’s generally slow moving, curious, and incredibly sweet. He is in a basic enclosure, but I plan on swapping him to bioactive in the next few months. 
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Here’s Leliana! My gorgeous and amazingly sweet Blue Eyed Leucistic ball python (from a lesser/mojave pair). The absolute sweetest snake, she is curious and friendly, one of my best ambassadors! I’ve had her for about ten years, and she remains as my top favorite snake. She is currently in a basic set up, I am unsure if I’m going to put her on bioactive since she doesn’t have any melanin to protect her from light. I may just use gentle plant lights if I do
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This is Navi! My high red Brazillian Rainbow boa. She can be a little bit grouchy so I try to keep her handling to a minimum, as to not stress her out too much. When she is out though she is very fast, and wants to explore every nook and cranny she can find. As she’s aged her colors have dulled a bit, which can randomly happen to rainbow boas sometime. She’s been checked at the vet just to be safe and is still perfectly healthy. She is currently in a home made enclosure that is set up to be bioactive
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This is Zevran! He’s a bi-colored crested gecko. I swear he has a single braincell that just pingpongs back and forth all day LOL. He is an adorable little goof, very sweet and curious. He fires down the nice light orangish pink you see in the photo, and fires up a nice bright orange color. He’s in a semi-bioactive enclosure, meaning there’s no plants and no UVB tube. I may upgrade him to full bioactive soon.
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This is Kitana, my rescue bearded dragon. She is incredibly mild mannered and sweet, and very smart! She will glass surf to tell me when she needs to poop so I’ll take her outside to do her business. She is leash trained and loves outdoor time, and cuddle time. She does the cutest little shimmy to get cozy when I have her on my lap. She is currently in a home built enclosure with a tile base. I don’t know if I’ll swap her to bioactive or not, still on the fence about it. (She does have a water bowl, its just hiding behind the wood in the photo)
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This is Aerith, my orange dream fire pinstripe ball python. She’s always hungry, poised and ready to eat any time I enter the room, she’s a little easier to stress out so she’s in her enclosure most the time, but every once and a while she is calm enough to come out and chill on the couch with me. She’s in a basic setup, but as with everyone else I’m gonna try and upgrade her to bioactive.
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This is Asriel! My disco/fire (possibly enchi, possibly yellowbelly, which we are trying to prove out this year). I hatched him myself and raised him from the baby, he is incredibly sweet, very curious and super confident. I adore him so much honestly. He’s currently in a bioactive setup!
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This is Aurelion Sol! He is a mexican black kingsnake, I think he’s around 12 or 13 years old? I got him when he was already an adult and around 9 years old or so, he’s from the same breeder I got Dante from. When I got Dante, the breeder also showed me baby mexican black kingsnakes that were from this guy and Cassiopeia (who has sadly passed away.) Aurelion is -always- hungry, and will try to catch and eat anything that moves. This photo is a rare occasion where he isn’t trying to eat me. He is currently in a basic set up, not sure if I’m going to swap him to bioactive or not. (he’s on the top shelf so it’s hard to get a pic of his enclosure)
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This beautiful girl is Crunchwrap Supreme, a Suma (possible yellowbelly) ball python! My most recently acquired baby, and I already adore her so much. She is a little shy, but so so sweet. Once she is comfortable she is incredibly curious! She’s a fantastic eater, and I can’t wait to watch her grow. She is currently still in her quarantine enclosure, but as soon as she’s out I’ll likely get her set up in a bioactive!
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This is Raina! My vanilla fire enchi yellowbelly ball python. I got her from a friend, who got her from @tailsandco​ (Hi Shelby! Been a while). I had adored Raina since the first time I saw her on Shelby’s blog, and some things happened and she ended up in my care (I am still so grateful like LOOK AT HER SHE’S GORGEOUS AND SWEET). Raina is so, sosososo sweet. She’s Asriels mama, and she’s a little small compared to my other females but that’s just a genetic thing. She eats well, and loves to take naps on the couch while I watch youtube. She’s in a regular setup currently but I want to put her on a bioactive as well!
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This is Rhea, he’s a disco/fire ball python. He’s the father of Asriel, and has such a goofy personality. When he’s exploring he regularly goes underneath his own body and then just. Sits there like he’s stuck even when he’s not. He is incredibly sweet and loves to periscope! He’s currently in a basic setup, but as with everyone else, I plan on converting him to bioactive. 
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This is Tali! She’s a merauke locality scrub python. This species is actually well known for being incredibly bitey (as most arboreal species are), however there are always exceptions to the rule. I picked her out from her clutch mates because in the photos, she was the only one not poised to strike at the camera. That indicated the potential to be a calm, relaxed animal. I worked with her since she was a baby to make her comfortable with me, and trust me. If she turned out to be bitey I wouldn’t have minded, I knew what I was getting into. But the patience and trust paid off, she is the absolute sweetest! I still get her out of her enclosure with a snake hook for safety reasons, but once she’s out I handle her with my hands. She is so, so sweet and I am forever grateful for how much she trusts me. Her, Leliana, and now Crunchwrap are all competing for my number 1 top favorite snake I own. She is currently in a huge bioactive setup! I plan on getting more of the Dracaena 'Marginata' (the tiny palm tree looking thing) soon. This is just the left corner of the enclosure too!
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This is Undyne! She’s a Merauke locality Blue Tongue Skink :) She is incredibly smart, not quite on the level of a tegu but pretty close. I’ve been doing choice based handling with her and it’s improved our levels of trust by a ton. She loves crunching on ice, and exploring the livingroom in her play pen. She’s currently in an 8 foot long basic enclosure. Again, I really wanna put her on bioactive but I gotta figure out what plants are safe to be in there in case she wants to munch them. Lol
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This is Pharoh! He’s my rescue cat that I found in my front yard when he was a kitten. I found him during the beginning of COVID so we were home together every day for 3 months. He is incredibly sweet, cuddly, and also playful. He’s a mama’s boy, he follows me around the house 24/7 and if I’m sitting, you can bet he’s in my lap. He gets special meals where I put him in the back room so I can safely have my reptiles out, and he doesn’t see it as a bad thing because he gets a big special meal. He even has a giant running wheel to help keep him entertained while I’m at work. He’s such a good little man 
I also have a couple spiders, but I don’t want to tag this big post with it so I’ll leave them out and possibly do a post on just them later on.  But yeah that’s the family! I pride myself in taking the best possible care of my pets that I can :)
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purpleprincessonfyre · 4 months
I've missed talking about my partner in Crime Solving on here so I'm gonna share the story of the one time @finlayholmes and I went on vacation and it turned out very badly. It is a long one but here's Part One for now. Enjoy!
Felton & Holmes: Murder in Paradise
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"I can't believe you agreed to this!"
"I can't believe I said 'yes'."
Muttered Finlay Holmes, already regretting everything. After being very gently told they should take a break by Francis the butler, Liane had taken it upon herself to plan a vacation for her and Fin. No cases, no trouble, no worries. Except for the fact he was taking Liane with him, there was really nothing to worry about. Which only narrowed it down minutely. As they stepped off the plane in LAX, Liane squealed, lowering her sunglasses, almost knocking Fin over with her large sunhat.
"Could you perhaps not be a walking road obstacle to your fellow passengers?"
"Hey you were the one who wanted to fly commercial instead of calling My-"
"Let me remind you that we do not need Mycroft to get around. We got here perfectly fine on our own."
"Alright. Now cmon, we gotta grab a cab so we can get to our hotel!"
"Why didn't we bring Francis?"
"Because he needs a vacation too. Now relax! I can tell you're kinda nervous and whatever but I've been to LA tons of times, there is nothing to fear. A little sun won't kill you!"
Fin glared at her for that. He had spent the whole flight lecturing her about skin cancer and the dangers of UVA and UVB. He lowered his own sunglasses to emphasise his point. Liane rolled her eyes.
"Stop that. Okay so it could kill you but like if you're protected and yknow you don't just wallow in it then it can do you good! Vitamin D, freckles, and it helps keep acne at bay."
"Which magazine told you that?"
"Finny! We just got here, just trust me for once." She said, holding out her hand to him, inviting him to join her. Reluctantly, he took her hand in his and a grin spread across her face and she pulled him through the airport excitedly, heading for the luggage carousel and picked up their bags. Liane's luggage came off the conveyor, all in white and gold with embossed lettering on the side. Meanwhile Fin pulled a dark duffel bag off the conveyor and tightened the straps of his rucksack as they headed for the taxi rank.
"Why did you bring so much stuff?"
"My luggage, my choice. There better be smart clothes in there if we go for dinner."
"There's A smart outfit in there."
"Good enough for me. TAXI!" Liane yelled, waving down a large cab as Fin clenched his ears.
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Liane flopped down on her bed, sighing happily. She'd finally dragged Fin to the sunshine state. It felt good to win. She waited patiently for him to emerge from the washroom as she'd instructed him to change out of his usual attire in favour of actually feeling the sun on his skin.
Liane had arrived dressed for the weather, wearing a soft cotton playsuit in lavender purple paired with gold strappy sandals, a white lace cover up over the top paired with her enormous sunhat and her signature pink heart-shaped sunglasses, her large beach bag slung over her shoulder stuffed with sunscreen, drinks, money, snacks, makeup and her selfie stick.
"Cmon, show me! I wanna go to the beach!"
"Promise you won't laugh?"
"Alright." Fin stepped out of the washroom dressed in black denim cut offs turned into long shorts, a faded ACDC tshirt, sneakers and had a grey bucket hat on his head. Liane squealed and hugged him tight, making him instantly regret everything and everyone. This was a common occurance for Fin, most often felt whilst with Liane, his trusty detective partner.
"You look great!"
"I don't love the hat."
"The hat stops your black-like-your-soul hair from burning. You. Are welcome."
"So, beach?"
"Beach! Venice beach to be precise."
"Can I bring a book?"
"Sure. But you are going in the sea at least once."
Fin grabbed a book from his book and also noticed Liane slipping a fantasy novel into her bag as well which made him smile. They left the hotel and headed towards the beach and set down towels on the sand to mark their territory. The sand was soft and golden meanwhile the skies were a bright blue, the skyline almost matching the sea as they approached the bay. Liane smiled, gazing around happily. Fin squinted in the sun and quickly set himself down on the sand by the rocks, leaning on the stone as he pulled out his book.
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Liane didn't hesitate she tugged off her outerwear, revealing a white bathing suit and ran into the sea to let the waves lap over her before taking a swim. Fin watched her for a while before starting to read his book, glad to see her enjoying herself before settling on the sand to read. He had to admit it was rather pretty here, a little noisy but he could easily tune that out.
After having swam in the sea for a while Liane came running back, her blonde hair in wet curls on her shoulders as she approached Fin.
"Finny! It's so good in there, it's warm but it's also refreshing? Just one dip, I promise I won't splash you."
"Promise. Cmon just get your feet wet! You won't melt."
Once again she was holding out her hand invitingly. There was something about that gesture that Fin just couldn't refuse. He sighed, putting down his book and followed her out to the sea, dipping his toes into the water. It was nice like she said but he wasn't going to admit that. She was smiling and that's all that mattered. As he waded in deeper he realised he was actually enjoying himself.
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"I told you!"
"Don't give me that, you like it! I knew it!"
"Alright fine. Yes I do."
"Yeeeee! This is amazing! I've finally got you to have fun my way!"
"Don't push it Felton, any splashing and I am out of here."
"I heard you the first time."
After they'd spent time in the water and Liane had resisted splashing Fin, they made their way back onto the sand laughing and having fun. Fin rarely let his guard down but now it was just him and Liane having fun together with no Sherlock, Watson or Mycroft he didn't feel that pressure to be serious and unfeeling.
As the sun started to lower in the sky and the tide was coming in, they packed up their things and headed back along the road towards the hotel, getting ice cream on the way. Fin offered to pay and bought them both soft serve in a cone to enjoy on the way back to the hotel, the sound of sirens coming from the distance.
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But as they got closer the sounds of sirens got louder and they saw the police cruisers parked outside the hotel. Fin dropped Liane's hand and started towards the hotel a bit faster, his crime sense tingling. Or at that's what Liane called it. Liane called after him, chasing him in her strappy sandals as they approached the front entrance and saw what all the fuss was about.
Fin saw a body splayed out in the lobby, a pool of blood around their head as they lay there limply. Liane finally caught up and Fin held out his arm to keep her back as she approached the crime scene. He was deep in thought. Liane gasped, covering her mouth as fellow guests gathered, muttering and gasping in shock as they saw the body.
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A woman cried out, running down the stairs to the body but was held back by police. Liane lowered her sunglasses, seeing the look in Fin's eyes. She could already see the gears turning in his mind as he examined the body. She had not planned for this scenario. But if you aren't the killer then you never really plan for a murder, do you?
"Looks like you got your wish after all, Holmes."
Thanks for reading!
Note: Finlay Holmes is an original character based on the BBC Sherlock series, the character belongs to @gcthvile. Liane Felton is also an original character that belongs to this blog and the creator @missstrawbs2001 who runs this blog. Do not steal these works or use their likenesses without permission.
Tagging: @jackiequick @gcthvile @cherrysft @blueboirick @meiramel @askstevella @ask-missparker @ask-starrk @therealdaydreamstark @thechoooooosenone @wizzzardofoz @finlayholmes @missstrawbs2001
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fbwzoo · 1 month
On to the mammals! Small ones first.
Honestly, I'm not planning much for the hamster - she's at least 2 and possibly older at this point, she's just getting a quiet retirement and whatever food she'll eat. Maybe for a future hamster, I'd kind of like to explore a more naturalistic set up, but we'll see. I need to do some more reading on that before I go nuts with it.
Likewise, not much planned for Clover other than her continued anti-human life. She's been enjoying getting some bugs more often with the other two bug eaters, though she usually ignores whatever other fresh treats I offer. I added a couple live plants to her viv recently, they're hanging in there so far.
Spoon....I still have plans for him! I did some of what I wanted already - changed his substrate, added clean up crew, and added a couple plants. I would like to increase the substrate depth, maybe add some burrow-type hides, and add more plants and branches. I also want to add a basking spot for him (especially by next winter), and a UVB light as well.
The rats already have their mansion, they're not getting any more space. 😂 We may have a few new babies coming home this summer, depending on where we fall on the breeders wait list. I mostly just want to step up enrichment for them again - have fun making toys for them out of the reject materials from my store, and stuffing boxes for them more often again. I'm also considering getting some small planter boxes that can hang on the outside of the cage to plant some herbs and stuff for them to nibble on.
Also, I'm thinking again about wanting to switch the rats to bioactive substrate as well, but I need to think about that more, and maybe wait until later this year after things calm down so I have the brain spoons to troubleshoot if needed. Our rats also aren't litter trained, so I need to see how much of a deal breaker that is. So that's still very much tentative!
Edit: I forgot the biggest thing for the rats, which is better bedding boxes!
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pigeon-behavior · 1 year
Recently in female pigeons there's been a concerning health pattern - egg binding. However, everything we (a small group of breeders and other pigeon keepers/lovers invested in their care) know from talking with regular, non-companion lofts that this is supposed to be insanely rare. Could this be a reporting issue? Simply not knowing what has happened to a bird when you have more of them? Maybe! But, looking at the birds who have suffered from this trend in our community, I would bet not.
There seems to be a very clear delineating factor between hens that have started to run into egg trouble and those that haven't, and it's environment-based. The egg-bindings have been happening to indoor birds. No outdoor loft birds have been affected by this so far.
So, what does this mean? Can we prevent this? We think we have a decent guess at a solution.
Get your hen some UVB light. Whether from an avian light bulb (these only produce for 6 months and then must be replaced, heads up) or from sunlight, get your hen some light so she can make her own Vitamin D3. It's a vitamin that is within several enriched grits but it doesn't seem to be enough - and we have to remember that these products were intended for people with outdoor lofts, not our indoor situations. Avian bulbs can be a bit of money, but its better than vet bills or losing your bird.
I just wanted to get this PSA out there - but let your hen be the natural solar panel she is built to be. I don't want to see more of this pattern. Drag your cage outside for a few hours a week if you need to! Remember that UVB is almost completely neutralized by solids (aka windows)! Just help me help you keep your ladies healthy ❤️
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uhh.. any advice for a beardie who won't eat her veggies? she takes bugs just fine ( including flies that got into her enclosure ) and she gets lots of heat and UV.. she also doesn't really leave her hide without me taking her out either. i tried every trick in the book, and nothing really works aside from using my tongs to get her to aim for a bug and move it last second so she maybe picks up her greens. any and all advice would help ATM, she's only a yearling so i'm rather worried.
So unfortunately any experience with beardies either of us have had was around 10 years ago so we're not really able to offer advice ourselves, however I know we're bound to have some amazing followers who may be able to help you out!
The only thing I can say is that we've seen some people put a mix of veggies and sometimes blueberries in a bowl and will put some dubias or wormies on top of or mixed into the salad and then let the beardie. So that could be something to try out? I'll be honest that we've mostly seen that being done with skinks but I think we've seen it with beardies on occasion too!
I'd also double check that your heat and type of uvb are correct since beardies are more complex at times with it. If you're ever unsure I'm pretty positive there's an Advancing Husbandry Facebook group specific to beardies, and there's also Advancing Herpetological Husbandry too - they could be worth checking out for tips and tricks with convincing beardies that they need their veggies too
I hope this helps or that someone else can comment with more specific help! ❤️
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nightlist · 2 years
Big Pozt Of my zaved nozleep ztoriez
warning i havent reread theze and dont remember all of them and conzidering my tazte itz zafe to azzume they are all very fucked up
Cackling Grackles
The Artist
The Pancake Family
Gurgles & Bugman
Has anyone heard of the Left/Right Game?
Ellie Bakerfield disappeared thirty years ago
My next-door neighbor was really loud
Deck the halls... if you dare
I've done terrible things to my son
It all started when I realized my iPhone was self-lubricating.
I was a boogeyman for 12 years. Yesterday the kid I was supposed to haunt finally saved me
When I was a little girl I had a phantom arm -- along with two real ones.
The Bell in the Woods
I'm the Only Woman at My IT Job and Now I Know Why
I killed all of my colleagues, and I'll never get caught. This is my confession.
I Was Dead for Six Minutes and Saw Heaven. I Would Rather Go To Hell. Part 1
Come to Daddy
Jogging in the Park is My Excuse to Look At All The Little Girls (thiz one iz not abt being a pedophile /g)
An old friend's been emailing me about a strange, secret website
The Broken Man
The Sun's Not Coming Up
For nearly 10 years my Secret Santa remained anonymous, but now I know the truth. - December 17
The Sisters of House Omega
I have an unusual job. The pay is good, but I really hate the moaning sounds that go with it.
Because You Are My Baby
My daughter was a monster
The Puppet in the Tree
I work security at Disney World... well, I mean I did.
Matchsticks and Cigarettes
The same hitchhiker was waiting at every stop for the last 100 miles
My House Smells Like Shit And Brimestone. Thanks, Roomba.
My four year old never wants to sleep anymore. I need advice
I Bought The House I Died In As A Child
The Last Bus
Oh Sweetheart
I knew a woman who never took off her wedding dress
Maria on the Moon
Someone keeps leaving gifts at my doorstep, and the names of people they want dead
She's a Keeper
The Walls Sweat
I was adopted into a rich family and my new mother is a doll
I just graduated from medical school, and my new hospital has some very strange rules
This is not a suicide note!
Mommy Sleeps in The Basement
There's Something Beyond VantaBlack
Project Entryway
Feed the Pig
There's Something Wrong With Dad
Room 733
Rocking Horse Creek
The Pocket Watch
The Disappearance of Ashley Morgan
The Lost Town of Deepwood, Pennsylvania
July 10th, 1982
Aiden's Spot
Here comes the child bride
The local children think I'm a witch
Life’s tough when your best friend is a serial killer.
Down in the Library Basement
The Farm for Bad Animals
The Judge
Every Halloween, I have a story to tell...
Hell's Mortician
Ghost Repellent
My Best Friend Was a Mermaid
I'm the "Administrator" of the Numbers Station UVB-76 a.k.a "The Buzzer"
Have you ever met a boy named Tan?
The Crone's Wood
I Met a Demon on the Tokyo Subway
The Hello Game
If You See Particularly Clear Water at the Beach in Florida, Do Not Go Swimming.
The Last Time I Picked Up My Son
Ever See An Amber Alert You Were Responsible For?
Arranged Marriage
Everybody has a Demon
There's a Monster Under My Bed
There's a Man Outside My Window
I remember the first time I helped kill my sister.
How to survive camping
The Salt Witch
The worst part about caring for my grandfather with dementia can be hearing the things he confesses to
Down the Drain
The world ended on January 1st, 2022
Dad shut himself inside his bunker at the start of the pandemic. Three months ago, we lost contact with him.
The Swan
if one of theze zoundz interezting but you have triggerz youd want to be warned for firzt feel free to zend me a dm or azk im happy to check ztuff (anon azkz are on)
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ncteby · 2 years
₍ ⌨ ᶻᶻᶻ [NCTEBY] is typing ... ₎
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꒰📂꒱ ALTERNATE NCT UNIVERSE ♡꙼̈ ࿐ ࿔  ┍━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┑
➦ P A S S W O R D : 04/09/2016
➦ A C C E S S : C O N F I R M E D
➦ C O N T I N U E ?
┆○ NO ● YES
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ HER BAG! ࿐ྂ︵↷ :
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While researching for a waterproof bag, she found this website and was hooked, so she bought it immediately. Although born into wealth, she likes to spend on cheap stuff.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ EBY━🌻
⇢ ˗ˏˋ BAG CONTENTS! ࿐ྂ︵↷ :
She has the royal black wallet bundle from Ridge.com (it came with a coin tray), which she carries around in her bag to ensure she has her licenses, credit card, debit card, her black card, library card, and metro card at all times because you never know what will happen and if you need certain things.
She always has her car keys on hand because she has two licenses, one from New York and one from South Korea and whenever she travels she uses rental cars.
Since she travels a lot for tours, promotions, breaks, and more, she always has to keep with her at all times. Surprisingly she has never lost it either.
Since she is always on the go and busy, she has to remember to bring her business and personal phone because she keeps in constant contact with her family and business emails she has to answer from her entertainment companies and her own business.
She uses an Ami Colé treatment lip oil in the shade reflection, which has Baobab oil, Camellia seed oil, and Passionfruit seed oil.
She also carries her clear lip glosses for red carpets and the times she is on camera for promotions with her members or cast mates for the movies and shows. She has four Pat McGrath lip gloss shades in color Aliengelic and Astral Moon Flower, Blitz Gold, and Earth Angel, two Tower 28 shades in Chill and Magic, and three Anastasia Beverly Hills ones in the shade Honey Diamond, Glass, and Moon Jelly. She has a few other ones from brands such as Black Radiance perfect-tone lip gloss, and The Lip Bar in the shade Minimalist.
She makes sure to wear sunscreen whenever she has to go outside or in the house. On non-makeup days, she uses the Coola Classic Face Sunscreen Lotion and for the face, she uses the Coola Clear Sunscreen Spray which has SPF 50, gives her 98% protection from the sun, is broad-spectrum (protection from UVB and UVA rays), and has a PA rating of ++++. She reapplies this every two hours and sets a timer to reapply. It’s her primary sunscreens.
When she has to wear makeup daily on photoshoots, movie sets, music video sets, music show sets, live performances, concerts, and promotions, she reapplies using the Colorescience® sunforgettable total protection brush for darker skin tones with SPF 50, which is also broad spectrum and has a PA rating of PA++++. She starts the day with the two sunscreens; she reapplies the powder sunscreen every two hours and sets a timer to reapply.
She carries around her two laptops because, as I said, she is a busy woman and needs to be constantly aware of things, which she plans on upgrading in 2024-2025. I’ll add them to a chapter later.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ EBY━🌻
2024 update: I hope you are all doing well!!
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mxalmighty · 1 month
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Since Leo came home;
I've panicked fully once already about potential shell rot. She was just shedding. Normally. =-=
I have poured literal hours into perfecting her basking spot, she was caught basking on it on her own for the first time today. Turns out the water was juuuuuust slightly warmer than the rocks I placed. A higher wattage heating bulb fixed it, though I had to swap the lamps and now I've got the uvb bulb in a normal light fixture which, feels, wrong.
This is after I had her out in the sun yesterday for fear she'd get behind on her health. Got some good pictures of her chillin' in the grass anyway.
Probably more handling than she cares for but I'd like her to be used to it for easier shell checks and relocations when needed.
Added a second filter bc the one I had wasn't cutting it with her shed.
Water change, water change, water change. The microbiome of the tank must be in shambles, even if the water levels test well despite.
Had to add more height to the tank walls. It's not pretty but at least she won't even try to climb out anymore.
There are still some fish in the tank. She's tried to eat all of them at least once. They swim circles around her in cruel mockery. The pleco continues to be unbothered by anything.
EAT. YOUR. GREENS. GDI. Like a child refusing broccoli, Leo continues to refuse leafy greens of any kind. She also thinks carrots LOOK tasty but taste awful, but she can be tricked with shaved carrots amongst a crushed pellet. Will be trying red leafy veggies next time I shop, will continue to try greens, thankfully she likes everything else so far- mealies are a vibe and blueberries are life itself. Must ration these carefully.
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Are there any monitors you consider to be relatively safe to keep as a pet? Not interested in one for myself, but would love to hear your thoughts on the subject
All large monitors are absolutely unsafe and unethical pets, but I think a small handful of the smallest monitors can make safe and ethical pets in the right hands.
No monitor is ever going to be a good beginner pet, but there are a few that are small enough to ethically house in captivity and pose little danger to their human keepers. Ackie monitors, pygmy mulga monitors, emerald tree monitors, and timor monitors are examples of small monitors that can do well in captivity and make ethical pets for the right people. They're still not going to be ethical pets for most people, though, and they all require a huge amount of time, money, and space. They're smart lizards and need lots of enrichment - a bored monitor is a bitey monitor.
I think the best pet monitors are Ackies. They're awful first lizards, but they're good first monitors. They stay around 2 feet long and have pretty sweet and docile temperaments. To give you an idea of just how difficult monitor lizards are, though, I'll tell you a bit about how I take care of my own pet Ackie, Dinah. Her care isn't easy right out of the gate - she needs an extremely intense basking spot, around 160 degrees Fahrenheit, intense UVB, and also needs moderate humidity levels (which can be tough to maintain with a hotspot that high!). She needs space to dig, so I keep her substrate about two feet deep. That doesn't sound awful, but her enclosure is six feet long - lots of substrate! She also has an attached play pen with lots of toys to keep her mind busy. She eats a lot of insects, and also needs occasional raw prey as treats to keep her happy and healthy. Even though she's one of the best pet monitors and I love her to death, Dinah isn't easy to take care of. I wouldn't recommend getting any monitor unless you have a spare half of a bedroom at least you can devote entirely to that animal.
Smaller monitors can be good pets for the right people, but you still need to give them a lot of time and money, and you have to keep them entertained. Small monitors won't hurt you too badly if they do bite you, and they'll be less likely to bite, but they're still animals to handle with care and respect.
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aussievriska · 2 months
ykw, i can't help but see the cherub twins as aussie or perhaps texan bc:
-they kinda look like green tree pythons if you think about it
-stated to eat sunlight(/UVB) and would thus need to bask a lot. like lizards
-skaianet, if you must (free my girl calamity she and her comically large horse didn't deserve to be trapped in there)
This is interesting indeed but the Calliope british accent is so ingrained for me. Maybe Caliborn though
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