#she made/makes duct tape stuff
the-meme-monarch · 2 years
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paper ornaments that i made for my friends @a-literal-fucking-dyke and @frog-time-baby :]
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your-averagewriter · 5 months
"Only for you, darlin'"
Summary: Cooper heads into town in search for some RadAway for you when he stumbles upon a cute gift (Cooper Howard x fem!reader).
Word count: 1.0K
Warnings: needles, kissing (slightly ig)
Stalking through the desert, he heads towards the town in search of some RadAway for you, the radiation reaching too high of a level for Cooper to be comfortable with, especially in his presence.
His boots echo through the makeshift tunnel made of old tubing before sunlight peaks out of the other end, exposing the market on the other side, countless signs decorating the stalls. He pulls his hat down slightly in order to cover his irradiated face more, less because some people find it unsettling and more so people don’t recognise he’s a ghoul.
He walks along the stalls, searching for any RadAway and some other supplies that need topping up. 
Signs stick out to him yet none offer what he needs until he reaches a store with various niche medical supplies as well as bandages and the like. Walking up to the store, he looks over the small bottles and pills decorating the side but doesn't see anything Stimpaks or RadAway.
“Ay,” He gets the attention of the store owner. “You got any RadAway?” He asks, looking up at the man covered in shredded clothes. He shakes his head before looking down at what looks like an old graphic novel. “You sure? I got plenty of caps.”
“How many?” He asks, accent showing he’s not from around here.
“Plenty.” He reinterrates, shaking his bag causing the rattling of the caps and the man puts the graphic novel down, heading further into the shop before returning with a pouch of liquid with a strip of duct tape on, scraggly writing on it.
“I keep it in the back, people nick this stuff the most. 50 caps.” 
Cooper scoffs. “50?” He asks, confusion mixed with annoyance in his voice. “30.”
“45.” He counters. “And I’ll throw in a Stimpak.”
“Fine” Cooper counters and the seller sighs before pushing it towards him whilst Copper pushes the caps on the side. “And you got the good deal there, you should feel lucky I’m willing to pay for this.” He snatches it from the side, rolling his eyes before moving on to finding other items but glad he’s got what he came for.
Strolling through the town, he looks in the store windows, something catching his eye in a junk store. He pushes open the door, a bell ringing making him wonder if it’s a trap but why would there be a trap when someone is trying to sell junk?
“Hey darlin’, feel free to take a look around.” An old woman says, crazy hair covering most of her face making him feel uneasy that he can barely see her eyes. He nods before heading towards the window display, boots hitting the wooden planks underfoot noisily as they creak.
A toy rabbit sits in the window, no more than a foot tall with fluffy ears and a cute nose. He swipes at it, examining it and dusting it off before looking for some sort of price label.
“How much for this?” He turns to face the woman who pushes her glasses up, scrunching her nose as she squints at the item.
“8 caps, but for you 4. Who’s this for?” He pulls out another five caps and drops them on the table before carefully putting the bunny in his bag, making sure it’s tucked in and the clasp is shut properly. He pulls on the latch, checking its security. Secure. 
“My girl, she loves bunnies. Thanks.” He grumbles, walking out the store and off to the base again.
He walks back through the desert, kicking the sand as he goes, mumbling to himself and even whistling slightly. He lifts his hand to keep the sun out of his face as the base appears in his field of vision. Base is a strong word for a couple of broken down buildings just by the trees that are more secure than you would think. It provides cover and hides flames when it gets cold.
He can’t help the edges of his lips quirking up at the sight of the base and his girl.
Under an hour later, he returns to the base, stepping through the ‘door’. “Sweetheart?” He yells through the base.
“Cooper, that you?” You ask, sweet voice ringing through the walls.
“‘Course it’s me.” He grins to himself, following your voice.
“I don’t know why you wouldn’t let me come with you.” You say before being interrupted by a cough. After moments of coughing, Cooper rubs your back and once you start speaking, he reaches into his bag.
“Did you get a Stim-” You start but he passes it to you with a brief kiss to the cheek. “Thanks.” You smile before looking down at the Stimpak wrapped in a cloth. Taking it out, your eyes are immediately on the needle, you take a pause and deep breath before injecting it into your thigh.
Letting out a breath, you drop the used Stimpak and look back to Cooper who wears a smirk, holding back a laugh.
“What are you laughing about?” You cock an eyebrow.
“You ain’t scared of no mutants, no raiders, nothing but needles.” He chuckles, his accent prominent. “It’s cute.” He says before remembering the bunny toy in his bag. “I got you something in town.” He says, rootling through his bag.
“More RadAway?” You ask, knowing his paranoia about you getting too much radiation when being around him. 
“Yeah, but I got you something else too.” He pulls the bunny out of his bag. “Now I know it ain’t much, but I saw it and thought you’d like it…” He presents the bunny, quickly brushing off some of the sand from the journey.
“Aww.” You can help but coo at the cute bunny, taking it off of him and holding it gently, picking up one of the ears and letting it flop back down. “You didn’t spend too much on it, did you?” You look back over to him.
“Y’know it’s rude to ask about someone’s finances, sweetheart.” He teases. “Besides, the lady gave it to me for cheap, probably knew I was getting it for my girl.”
“Probably knew you were a softie.” You tease.
“Only for you, darlin’.” He picks up your hand and leans down, kissing it playfully.
AN: I can't believe I haven't posted anything for over three months… sorry I've had exams and extra and it's just been stressful so hopefully I can get a bit more on track.
I hope you enjoyed reading!
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hogtiedwhorestories · 28 days
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i get what i want. i always have. every man that i wanted, i made sure to make him mine. my roommate knows this very well. she has always been trying to find that right guy, so she is always bringing guys to the apartment. this has always been great for me, creating a long line of guys that i can have my pick from. compared to her, i know these guys would rather be with me. i know this because if its a guy i want to sleep with, i make it happen. this has caused a bit of a riff between me and my roommate, but the way i see it, im giving her a lesson in the real world. life isnt always fair, and the hot girl always comes out on top.
thats why when she brought her latest guy to the apartment, i knew i had to have him. not only was he a hottie, but he is a doctor. jackpot! no way am i letting this guy get away. you better believe i fucked him after a couple visits to the apartment. i think this one really upset her. once she found out, i dont think ive ever seen her that mad before. oh well. she will eventually get over it. she always does.
ok. maybe not this time. maybe i really stepped over a line? the bitch drugged my drink and i woke up bound and gagged! once i get out these ropes, this is bitch is going down...although its going to be a little hard to get out of these ropes. she has me stuffed in this suitcase. while cramped into this small suitcase she explains how she researched online auctions for this kind of stuff? sounds like im going overseas?! this can not be happening!! i pleaded with her, i tried to apologize, but i dont think she understood me with the duct tape sealing my mouth. i guess the hot bitch doesnt always get what she wants...
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Slasher Handler Part 11 - Slip Lead
Slasher Handler Masterlist
Read on AO3
NSFW under the cut.
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CW: Implied stalking/surveillance, implied kidnapping, physical injury, deception/emotional manipulation, physical violence, injury with knife, genuinely not enough information, hidden weapons
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Something about stabbing him, about meeting Price, has resulted in you being able to stray a bit farther from Simon’s orbit. You’re still on a rather short lead, there is a list of unspoken rules between the two of you as long as your arm. But you’re going out alone more. You don’t feel Simon’s eyes on you every moment he’s out of your sight. It’s weird.
But when it comes to Simon, it’s best not to look a gift horse in the mouth. So you start a routine of going to the cafe down the street twice a week or so to work and see other human beings. It’s surprisingly difficult, some days. More than once, you’ve felt too exposed and retreated back home. These days, you have more good days than bad. As long as people don’t talk to you too much, you’re fine.
So it’s a bit jarring when someone clears his throat while you’re wrangling spreadsheets.
The man is in a light jacket, tee shirt and jeans. Looks like he works out. Kind of a stupid haircut, but he’s at least committed to it. Very distinct looking, Simon’s voice says in your head, easy to track. Unlikely to cause problems.
Something about him makes the hair on your arms stand on end.
“D’ya mind?” he gestures to the chair across from you. At your skeptical look, he rushes to assure you, “ Jus’ fer mah coffee, ‘n t’read,” holding up a thick paperback. He gestures to the rest of the cafe. “Wouldnae bother you, but this’s the only open chair.”
The shop is unusually crowded. You frown up at him. “I’m really busy.”
“Willnae hear a peep from me,” he promises, setting down his coffee and pulling out the chair across from you. He turns the chair so he’s facing more of the room instead of the corner you’re in. And he opens his book.
You watch him for a minute, but he doesn’t look up. It’s hard to shake the feeling that something is wrong, but you do need to work. With a last wary glance at him, you settle your headphones over your ears - transparency on - and get back to organizing a data set that reminds you of a ball of duct tape.
It’s time for a break before you know it. Your companion, true to his word, hasn’t said a peep since he sat down, more than an hour ago. He barely looks up as you close your laptop before turning back to his book. He does look up when you flag down one of the servers.
“Lunch,” you say, inanely. To the server, you say, “Can I get the chicken sandwich today?”
“Chips ‘n a lemonade, yeah?”
“Yeah, thanks.”
They turn to your table mate. “And for you?”
“The same, ah guess?” He raises his eyebrows at you, like he expects you to give him permission or something. He looks back at the server. “Yeah, a chicken piece for me, as well. ‘Nd a juice?”
“Separate checks?”
“Aye, ta,” the guy says. When the server leaves, he blanches. “Hope you dinnae mind.”
You do mind, but it’s not like he can sit anywhere else right now. “It’s fine.”
He sets his book on the table, and your eyebrows shoot up. Whatever you thought he’d be reading, Jurassic Park wasn’t it. He grins. “Ah ken. It’s old, yeah? But it’s a damn sight better’n the movie.”
“Isn’t that how it goes,” you say, vaguely. 
But you’ve already fallen into his trap. He turns his chair to face you, crossing his arms and leaning into the table. His eyes are unnervingly blue - somehow even bluer than Simon’s - and bright with interest. “’M serious. It’s not just that a character yells in the movie and speaks softly in the book, aye? In fact, the movie made Dr. Sattler older, aye? Great choice, emphasize ‘er expertise.” 
Aging up a woman character? You’re reluctantly intrigued. “She was a less important character in the book?”
“Nae,” the man scoffs. “She’s probably the first o’em to realize how shite the whole thing is. Notices things. Stuff the other’s aren’t payin’ attention to because she’s the plant expert, an’ naebody pays attention to plants.”
You find yourself drawn in, in spite of yourself. Johnny, as he introduces himself, has obviously been waiting for a chance to talk about it, but he’s not pushy. He excitedly pulls a pen from his pocket to doodle along with his explanations. By the time your food has arrived, he’s convinced you to at least try the audiobook.
“I cannae pay attention stuff in mah ears,” he says with a grin as he starts to dig in. “But I hear good things, if you don’t ‘ave time to sit an’ read the text.”
As you nod along, you look up and almost choke on your next swallow. Simon is outside, looking at you through the window with raised eyebrows above his usual black surgical mask. His eyes flick to give the man at your table an obvious once over. And then he turns away and walks out of sight.
“Ye alrigh’?” Johnnys’ eyebrows are up near his hairline when you look back at him. “Ye look like ye’ve seen a ghost.”
“Y-yeah,” you say, torn between staying seated and the urge to run after Simon. You can’t help but look at the window again, but he’s gone, there’s nothing for it. “Sorry, I thought… Sorry. Yeah, I’ll get the audiobook.”
When you get home, Simon is on the couch, the TV on with the volume low. He watches you, like he always does, as you take off your shoes and shuffle around to put away your things. When you finally join him on the couch, you find that he’s watching a nature documentary. A crocodile slides under the water with barely a ripple.
“He was only sitting with me because there wasn’t anywhere else,” you rush to say.
Simon turns to cock his head at you. “You get ‘is name?”
“John. Johnny,” you answer. “He told me about his book, but I left as soon as we were done eating.”
“Good,” he says with a nod. He lifts the arm closest to you, pulling you close as you settle into his side. “’S good to have friends, Precious.”
“He’s not a friend. Just some guy out to lunch like everyone else.” 
“You let him stay,” Simon points out. He squeezes you in a rough approximation of a one armed hug. “Been nervous around people, but you’re gettin’ better.”
This isn’t what you expected. You can’t help but side-eye him. “You’re… proud of me?”
Simon’s lips press gently against your forehead. “’S long as you pick better this time, I don’t mind you ‘aving friends. Can’t keep you all to myself forever. ‘Sides, you’ve marked me proper, ‘aven’t you? Got me as your little pet. Johnny’s not gonna be a problem.”
The little pink scar around his ribs is little more than a raised line. You slide your fingers under his shirt to pet at it. Among all of his scars, it’s one of the smallest. You’d cried the first time he’d let you see under the bandages.
“You’re not a pet,” you grumble, leaning your head on his shoulder. “You’re an alligator who won’t leave my house.”
“Your alligator, now,” Simon agrees. He focuses back on the television, seemingly done with the conversation.
You could leave it at that. But you turn to face him, instead. “You’re not mad?”
“Not unless ‘e ‘urts ya.” Simon presses his lips against your hair. “An’ I wouldn’t let that ‘appen.”
The following week, though, he stands over you with an exaggerated grimace at how crowded the place is. “Och, d’ya mind?”
Johnny is there the next time you go to the cafe. He waves from his table, but ducks back into his notebook without waving you over. So you work from your own table in peace. When you take a break for lunch, he’s gone. Two days later, it’s the same. It’s easier to concentrate, now that you’re less worried that he’ll take the conversation from the other day as an invitation. 
With a sigh, you clear some space for him. But just like last time, he keeps to himself, reading and occasionally jotting things down in his notebook. It’s not until just before lunch that he breaks the silence.
“D’y’ve a boyfriend then?” You can’t keep yourself from cringing fast enough, apparently, because he laughs. “Sorry, sorry, shouldnae asked.”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you grumble.
“Aw,” he coos. “Don’ worry hen. You’re right bonnie. Ah’m sure they’ll come around, whoever they are.”
That would be sweet, if it wasn’t so painfully off base. “Yeah. Sure.”
“Oh, you’re right done wit’ me,” he laughs. “Ah ken’t I shoulda kept mah mouth shut. Ma always said runnin’ mah mouth would get me into trouble. I won’t bother ye again.” 
You roll your eyes. “It’s fine. I just don’t want to talk about it.”
He doesn’t push, and you’re grateful. But when it comes time to pay for lunch, he insists on paying. It grates on your nerves. A gift from a guy is never just generosity, you learned that long before Brandon. But you clench your jaw and pack your bag up a bit more roughly than usual and say your goodbyes.
“They didn’t have the brownies you wanted,” you announce as you return home from the grocer, two days later. “I think it was a limited edi…tion…”
You notice Simon watching through the window, but he’s there and gone before you can get a read on his expression.
There’s a smattering of blood on the entryway carpet.
You don’t drop the bag with the eggs, but only because your muscles are locked up. Did someone break into the apartment? Was Simon here when they did, or next door? Did they leave? Did he take them?
A sound makes you gasp before you bite your tongue hard enough to taste blood. And then again, a muffled groan, close, from the direction of your couch. 
It’s not Simon’s voice.
You gently set your bags down and reach behind the coats for the blackjack Simon insisted on leaving there for security. There’s a rustling. Another groan. You stoop low, trying to make yourself a smaller target, and creep around the edge of the couch.
When you see Johnny, bound and gagged, shirt covered in blood where he lies on the floor, your stomach drops so fast you feel dizzy.
“No, no, no, no, no,” you whisper, dropping the jack with a thump. You crawl over to him, looking around frantically. Simon is nowhere to be seen. But he did this. He had to have done this. Right?
Johnny twitches, groans again, eyelids fluttering open. When he sees you, his eyes go wide, and he frantically tries to sit up.
“No, don’t! I don’t know where you’re hurt,” you hiss. You reach around his head to untie the cloth that’s gagging him. “Oh my god-”
“We gotta get out’f here, bonnie,” he grunts, leaning into your hands as you help him upright. He spits blood on the floor. “No tellin’ when that mental bastard gets back.”
“Oh god,” you whisper again, touching the front of his shirt. It’s dark and sticky in a bloom across his chest. “Where are you hurt? Did he stab you?”
“Ah’m okay,” he grunts. “A bit banged up, but ah’ll live.”
You swallow down the urge to vomit. “There’s a lot of blood, Johnny.”
“S’nae all mine,” he answers. “C’mon, untie me, before Simon gets back.”
You’re shifting to reach behind him before your mind catches up. You can feel the blood drain from your face. “W-what? What did you say?”
“We need to get out of here!”
“No, you said his name, you called him - ”
“Simon? That’s what ye called him when you came home,” he hisses. 
“No, I didn’t,” you whisper, body stuttering between frozen and electrified. You never call Simon’s name where others can hear. “And - and I - you - you were unconscious.”
Shining blue eyes stare into yours from two inches away. Johnny’s bloody mouth curls into a smile. “Oh, he’s trained you up good, he has.”
You scream when he lunges forward, huge arms grabbing at you. 
His weight crushes the air out of your lungs when your back hits the ground. You twist under him, using the arm he hasn’t trapped to grab his hair and yank. He swears, and loosens his hold just enough that you’re able to free your other hand and jab him in the throat.
You expect the way that he chokes, but the hand he’s twisted in the back of your shirt stays locked tight. He coughs out a frenzied laugh as you twist. Your heart races as he prevents you from getting your knees up between your belly and his. But he doesn’t expect you to hammer the heel of your boot against the back of his knee, or how you use the leverage against his leg to roll away onto your belly. 
He doesn’t let go of you, but that’s fine, that’s okay, as long as you can reach under the edge of the couch. Johnny pounces, body curling around you without quite pinning you down. His fingers twist into your hair in an echo of how you wrenched at him. But he doesn’t stop your hand, grabbing the leg of the couch and then reaching under and up and-
“Try again, Bonnie,” Johnny chuckles into your ear when your hand meets nothing but cotton and wood.
Your heart doesn’t have time to stop. The grinding pain between your hip bone and the floor makes you pop up your pelvis and reach down. The tiny knife, Little K, jumps to your hand. It’s so easy to flick it open, you think you almost cut your own belly as you heave. Johnny rides you for a moment, then pops up onto his knees to let you roll freely.
You don’t have time to decide, gut or femoral, you just swing. Denim parts, pressure - 
Johnny yelps.
His weight is suddenly gone, and the arc of your arm slams the back of your hand and your elbow onto the carpet. It’s a shock, almost hard enough to make you drop the knife. You flick your eyes around, nearly blind with tunnel vision, and see Johnny standing over you. His jeans are slashed, outer thigh almost to crotch, but you can’t see blood, fuck.
He sways, oddly. Is your vision swimming? He doesn’t descend on you again, though, just laughs and wiggles. One of his feet isn’t on the ground, his injured leg is dangling, did you get him?
You imagine you can see Simon’s face, a little angry and a little amused. If you die here, Johnny will live to see his own intestines, you know it. Even if you survive, he won’t. Simon might gift you another skull. The thought almost has a laugh bubbling out of you. 
“You stupid motherfucker,” you hiss. 
“Oh, now you’ve done it.”
Simon’s voice startles you into action. You’re off your back and scrabbling backward in and instant as he manifests behind Johnny. Except, you realize, that Simon is holding Johnny up, one arm snaked under Johnny’s and hand around the back of his neck. That’s why Johnny looks off balance, it’s because he is, because Simon is here, he’s going to save you-
“Did real good, Precious,” Simon says with a grin. “Knew you’d get along.”
What? “What?”
Simon says something else, but you can barely hear him over your heart pounding in your ears. But you hear it when Johnny laughs. You see when Simon releases him with a ruffle to his mohawk and a shove toward the armchair. Before you know it, Simon’s scooped you into his arms and taken his usual seat on the couch. He pries the knife from your hand and snaps it closed. 
“Told you I was thinkin’ of gettin you a dog,” Simon rumbles, sitting you in his lap so your back is against his chest. Before you can protest that no, he never once mentioned a fucking dog, he continues, “This’n’s mostly ‘ousebroken, already. Soap needs a firm ‘and, but you c’n ‘andle him. 
Soap? What the fuck does soap have to do with anything? What kind of a name is…
"Oi!” Simon barks. “Off the furniture.”
Your stomach drops as you remember John Price, two months ago now. “Soap’s supposed to be my troublemaker, not you.” Soap.
When your wide eyes swing to him,  Johnny’s face is split into a toothy grin. He tips his head back against the seat of the arm chair. One of his hands touches the blood blooming through his jeans and brings it up to his lips. He laves his tongue over his fingers. “Ah’m lookin’ forward to gettin’ to know you, Bonnie.”
A part of you wants to get up and slit his throat. The rest of you slumps back into Simon’s chest and bursts into tears.
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
Last week was crazy.
I honestly can't believe all of it happened in the span of a week. Well, I guess it was more like 10 days. But it was another... Alot.
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It all started when I got my disability denial letter. I couldn't wait until I got into the house so I opened the envelope as I walked back from the mailbox. Once I saw the bad part I had an instant panic attack in my driveway.
I ran inside...
Okay, that isn't true.
I walked very quickly inside...
Nope, still not true.
Okay, I walked at my personal top speed which is probably still slow for most people... but the point I'm trying to make is that I was attempting to hurry despite only saving myself about 3 seconds of travel time.
But the hurrying made me feel better, okay?
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Out of breath from my geriatric-style powerwalking, I called my lawyer's office immediately. And... he is on vacation. Won't be back until the next Thursday. I spent the entire weekend going through every panic state a body can feel. I go from angry to depressed to anxious to panicked to angry (again) to scared to more scared to extra more scared. Visions of homelessness danced in my head.
I can't sleep for over a day because my brain won't shut off. Finally my body gives out and I fall asleep on the couch watching random YouTube videos. But falling asleep on the couch is bad because I'm not hooked up to my CPAP machine. Then I finally do hook up my CPAP and my damned mask breaks. Thankfully it has happened before and I have a cool hot glue and duct tape solution. But it is hard to manage hot glue and tape when you haven't slept in days and your eyes will barely stay open. So a few burned fingers later, I am sleeping comfortably in my janky duct tape-laden CPAP mask.
Monday rolls around and I decide to go into problem solving mode. Problem solving is my superpower, so I was going to lean into that in an effort to reduce my anxiety. The denial letter said they had no records from before I was 22, so I put on my detective hat and began the hunt to prove I was sick before 2004. My aunt helped me dig through my mom's document drawer. I distinctly remember an essay I wrote to the disability people back when I first got sick. It was part of the paperwork they had me submit. It was a first hand account of my symptoms back in 2001. It also had an essay from my dad talking about how sick I was. I felt like if I could find that, the records surrounding it would all be related and from the same time period.
We go through the entire drawer and only find a few things that might be helpful. Then I realized my mom had a *second* drawer full of documents and my aunt was blocking it. So we start going through that and find a folder labeled "Ben's Disability Stuff." I would have never kept any of that stuff but my mom kept *everything* and it was all in chronological order.
She is still looking out for me.
And she may have kept me from being homeless.
We find the essay and records of my ECT treatments and the names of doctors and all kinds of evidence of my medical woes before 2004. And even if they won't accept it as direct evidence, I can use these documents to show doctors I was their patient. And my primary care doctor said he would be willing to talk to those past doctors to help me convince them to write a letter on my behalf. All they really have to say is they treated me for severe depression and fatigue. And because my mom kept a list of my prescriptions and my ECT treatments, I'm hoping that will be enough to convince them even if they don't remember treating me.
Wednesday I had my monthly checkup. And I got to peek at my main doctor's records from before 2004. It's all handwritten notes and a little hard to read (bad doctor handwriting is the most accurate stereotype in existence). But it clearly says I had depression and was undergoing ECT treatments. It even mentions one of the doctors I want to write me a letter. It's not a lot, but it is first hand, direct medical evidence from that time period. I think it will be very compelling to whoever reviews my case.
I also talked to the nurses/assistants in the office about copying my entire chart, and I thought we were on the same page, but as you will see later... we were not on the same page.
I exit the building and remember how far away I had parked. And once again I forgot to use my cane—even though I keep a spare in the car. The main lot was full and the disabled parking was occupied, so I had to park in the secondary lot. My legs were holding up so far, but it was already a lot of walking for me. Very slow walking.
His office is in the same complex as the hospital. Which is my next stop. It's the same hospital that I have been going to all of my life. And the hospital where both of my parents died.
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But I need vintage medical records and that is where they keep them.
Or so I thought.
I drive from the medical office parking lot to the hospital parking lot and only the spots farthest away are empty. And because of goddamn global warming, it is 90 fucking degrees in late September. I park, lock my car, grab my man purse, and start hoofing it to the hospital entrance. I'm so nervous about getting these records that I forgot my damn cane again.
My thoughts are basically, "What if they only keep 7 years of records like everyone else? What if the records from Christian Northwest aren't kept with the records from Christian Northeast? (Christian NW doesn't exist anymore.) What if they won't send them to my lawyer? What if it costs a thousand bucks? What if, what if, what if..."
I get to the front desk and ask the lady where the records department is. She gives me directions that my brain is only capable of half paying attention to. Then I realized I left the records release form from my lawyer in the car. So I walk another half mile in the heat to my car without my cane. And initially, my thought was, "Well, at least I can grab my cane once I get the form." But by the time I got to my car my thought was, "AHHHHHHHHH THAT WAS A LONG FUCKING WALK. KILL ME!"
And so I forgot my cane.
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I get back to the lobby and wave at the lady who gave me directions. I pretend like I remembered and confidently walk in the direction I recall her pointing to. I found the elevator. Thankfully this particular elevator only goes two places. Which seems like a waste of an elevator, but... whatever. I get off on the second floor and am met with a big sign with all the departments and little arrows next to them.
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(I'm sure you knew what I was talking about but I'm trying to break up this wall of text with images because I am a professional blogger person.)
I see "Medical Records" and a leftward arrow. I used my keen detective skills to surmise I should probably veer left.
I find myself at the beginning of the world's longest hallway.
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Without my cane.
And it is flooded with sterile florescent light and the walls are adorned with the world's most inoffensive art.
Here is a painting of a plant. Here is a painting of a bird. Here is a painting of a bird sitting on a plant. Wait, is that a... WATERFALL??
Suddenly Indiana Jones' voice shouts in my thoughts...
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So, if you had to guess, do you think the records department was...
A.) near the beginning of the hallway? B.) in the middle of the hallway? C.) beyond the world's longest hallway in the world's second longest hallway?
As I enter the world's second longest hallway, I notice the art is repeating itself. I've seen that bird sitting on a plant before. I worried I was going in circles, but it turns out they probably just bought the inoffensive art in bulk and weren't concerned about repeats. I get about halfway down the second longest hallway and see a big sign sticking out... "MEDICAL RECORDS."
Note to God: The real world needs a fast travel mode.
I was a big sweaty mess and my legs were like jello. I lumber through the door and find a young woman scrolling through her phone and probably wishing she was anywhere else. She was behind a huge partition with a plexiglass divider—probably still there from COVID days.
I mean, it's still COVID days. But no one is acting like it so I am just pretending it is all over like everyone else seems to.
She notices an out-of-breath Hagrid towering over her and apathetically inquires, "Can I help you?"
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I hold up a finger as I try to gain my composure and figure out exactly what I want to say. I usually rehearse this kind of thing beforehand but with all of the anxious thoughts spiraling through my brain, I totally forgot to do that.
"I need to ask questions about records." "What kind of questions?" "Well, how long are the records?" "I'm sorry?" "What year do they start?" "What year do you need?"
I'm suddenly realizing why I rehearse these things. So I take a moment and breathe deeply. I form the proper question in my mind.
"How far back do you keep medical records?" "30 years."
I shoot my hands up like I just scored a touchdown and say, "OH THANK GOD."
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She is very confused.
"30 years, oh my god. 30 years just saved my life."
She is still very confused.
"And do you have records from Christian Northwest?" "Yes, we have everything from all Christian hospitals."
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I try to give her a brief explanation of my situation and she cuts me off. "Fill out this form."
I look at the clipboard and it is a release form.
Do you remember way back when I walked an extra mile to and from the car to get a release form that my lawyer prepared? Well, turns out they have their own version of that and I walked all that way for nothing.
I finish the form and hand it to the bored, indifferent front desk lady. She tells me someone will be out in a moment. So I sit in the uncomfortable waiting chairs and try to rest a bit. A much tinier young woman walks to the front desk partition thingie and calls out my name. But due to her diminutive stature, she is completely obscured by a pillar and I have no idea where the voice is coming from. We do this little awkward dance on either side of the pillar, attempting to see each other, and finally we both end up on the same side. She starts looking over my form and seemed a little annoyed that I left a section blank. I wasn't sure what kind of records I needed and there was no box that said "everything everywhere all at once."
What I really wanted was any document with my name on it from the beginning of time.
But I was worried about asking for too much labor from this person so I started negotiating for some reason.
I was like, "Well, like, I really need like anything you have from before like 2004. And then maybe, like, some general records after 2004. Like, the pre-2004 records are super important. But, like, I also need to show I was sick all my adult life. So if there are like, summary records? Or, like, something?"
I couldn't stop saying like. I was turning into a Kardashian. Again, some rehearsal was probably warranted.
"I just don't want to be a burden and make you dig up all of my records. I mostly need my ECT records from 2001."
"What is ECT?"
"Shock therapy. It's for depression. I just need to show I was really sick before the age of 22."
"And who is this guy on the form?"
*ramble mode engaged*
"Oh, that is my disability attorney. You see, I'm trying to get a special kind of disability, but I need to prove I was sick before the age of 22. So anything like that before 2004 would be very helpful. But like, if you have less detailed records after 2004 that is good too. Because I may need to prove I've been sick my entire adult life."
*continued rambling until I notice she stopped paying attention*
She did not need to know all of this. And I was not answering the questions she needed answered. I was nervous and babbling and oversharing and I couldn't snap out of it. And I was really concerned if I asked for too much, she was going to be upset. But then she told me all of the records were in a warehouse and she would not actually be finding them for me. She just places an "order" for them. So this weird negotiation thing I was doing to keep her from being annoyed at me was pointless.
And I also realized... this is super important.
I yell at myself, "Ask for everything, stupid! Quit trying to get halfassed records because you're worried about inconveniencing someone."
Finally I just say, "I want every medical record you have from before I was 22 until now."
And she was like, "Sure."
Well... that was easy.
I thanked the tiny lady and the bored lady and exited back into the second longest hallway. My adrenaline was surging. I kept yelling, "30 YEARS!!" in my brain. I had to tell someone this amazing news. I had to tell them right that second or I might burst. So I grab my phone from my man purse and dial Katrina.
The thing is, I only call Katrina when something really bad happens. People don't make phone calls anymore. People text! So when she picked up the phone she answered with a very worried tone. As if somehow a third parent of mine died or something.
"THIRTY YEARS!!!!" "WHAT IS HAPPENING??" "They keep records for 30 years!" "OHHHHHHHHHH!!! That's amazing!"
She probably didn't hop for joy in real life, but in my mind I like to pretend she did. I start explaining everything that just happened and how they most likely have my ECT records and then I realize I am in the middle of the world's second longest hallway and I don't remember which direction leads back to the world's longest hallway. And because I am having unusual and extraordinarily good luck, a medical worker was walking by right at that moment.
"Which way back to the elevator?" "This way!" "Oh great! Thank you!" "Or that way. There are two elevators."
There is that normal luck I recognize.
I can feel the universe realigning itself. But that is okay, because...
I talk to Katrina as I traverse the two longest hallways. Thankfully I was going in the correct direction and found the proper elevator. After a nice chat about various things including problematic 80s movies, we hung up and I decided to treat myself to a hospital cafeteria chicken quesadilla. They are surprisingly delicious and I ate them every single day while my dad was in hospice. Those quesadillas were a single bright spot during one of the hardest times of my life.
So I walk up to the grillmaster and look at the menu.
"Wait, where is the quesadilla?" "We stopped making those two weeks ago."
Universal realignment completed. Luck has returned to its original state.
A male nurse in front of me commiserated. "Yeah, man. I miss them too."
I walked back out to my car both happy and depressed. An odd combination of conflicted feelings. But my day was not over yet. I needed vaccines and groceries. Naturally, I went to the grocery store with the CVS. I got my dad his last booster there, so I was confident they could take care of me. I grab a shopping cart and pick up a few things on the way to the pharmacy. I get in line at the little vaccine check-in spot. The woman in front of me is getting her booster as well. Otherwise, the pharmacy is empty and the three employees are just scrolling through their phones.
After the previous booster seeker was taken care of, I tell the woman I need a booster and a flu vaccine.
"I can give the flu shot now and set an appointment for the booster." "You never required an appointment before." "We just started a few weeks ago." "Can I make an appointment for, like, now?" "No, sorry." "Do you have the booster in stock?" "Yes." "Do you have someone here qualified to give the booster?" "Yes." "Do you have any other appointments right now?" "No."
I tried very hard to keep my composure and remain polite.
"I am disabled. It is very hard for me to get out of the house. Returning another day would be very difficult. Can you please make an exception?"
"I can get you in tomorrow."
I probably should have asked for a manager at this point. But I had no energy for confrontation. She started preparing for me to get the flu shot, but I told her I was going somewhere else. My happy news was quickly being soured by weird rules that made no sense.
But I did see a cool robot.
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I got my groceries and loaded them into my car. Some were frozen items so I made sure to turn the A/C on full blast. I called another pharmacy. It was the one run by the Jamaican family who came out to the house to give my parents boosters during the height of COVID. I asked if they could do walk-in vaccinations without an appointment. And in that beautiful accent, they replied, "Sure, come on by. We'll take care of you."
Their shop is in Ferguson. Which I'm sure the news has convinced people is a constant warzone or something. But the main street, West Florrisant, is actually really neat in spots. A lot of small businesses catering to the Black community. There was a soul food place and an African hair braiding place and a Taco Bell. Okay, it wasn't all Black-themed shops, but the pharmacy was directly next to the "Wumzy African Attire" tailoring shop that was combined with the party planning store.
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And in the back was an African beauty supply depot.
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Three shops in one! Just a very efficient use of space.
And looking through the window of the tailoring shop was like a feast of colors for the eyes. I don't know how they get fabric so bright and colorful. Really beautiful patterns too. I tried not to look like a creep while staring inside so I just walked reeeeeally slow toward the pharmacy entrance.
I just wish people knew that side of Ferguson. It's a beautiful community that was really dragged through the mud by the national media.
I digress.
I walked into the pharmacy and it was long and skinny. They had a few shelves with over-the-counter health products. But the main area was pretty empty. I guess they want to make sure they can accommodate long lines without people having to wait outside. But their working area seemed really cramped. There were some awards on the wall and news articles. Apparently, they are very involved with vaccinating the local refugee community. Something you won't see at pointless appointment-having CVS. I just felt like I was in the right place even if my frozen items were thawing and my legs were buckling from constantly forgetting my cane in the car.
The shop was run by the pharmacist and matriarch. Her son took my information. He looked about 18 and was a bit shy—but very kind and helpful. He directed me to this little partition they set up for vaccinations and they had a liquor bottle full of hand sanitizer. The label had a big "DO NOT DRINK" warning. I found a picture of the exact one on Google.
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I washed my hands and rolled up my sleeve. The pharmacist greeted me with my shots prepared. Some people have a sort of magic touch when it comes to giving shots. I'm not sure if it is a special technique or just lots of experience, but aside from a little pressure, I didn't even feel the needles going in. And my arm was only mildly sore despite the double shots.
I really wanted to thank her for sending someone to vaccinate my parents when no one else would. But I was really tired and chickened out. So I just thanked her and drove home.
I unloaded my groceries and collapsed on the couch. I could barely move at that point. Everything hurt.
But... 30 years.
I was feeling good the next day despite everything. My body hurt, but my brain was contented from my success. But there was more to do and everything was trending downhill. I called those doctors mentioned in my personal medical records. I knew it was a long shot, but I asked if they kept records from 2001. They did not. However, I thought the psychiatrist who did my ECT was dead. And it turns out he is just old-as-heck and still practicing. So even though he doesn't have records and probably doesn't remember me, I am hopeful he will write me a letter.
My other psychiatrist from back then is also still practicing. No records there either.
So far my phone anxiety wasn't getting the better of me. But I still had more calls to make and I could feel my brain starting to get melty.
My pocket knife doesn't open correctly and I couldn't get anyone to email me back from SpyderCo. So I called their office in Colorado and tried to get someone to talk to me. I got bounced to three different people and finally a guy told me that model is just hard to open. So that was pointless.
Melt. Melt. Melt.
And finally, I had to call the dreaded CPAP supply place.
It did not go well. At all.
You can read more about it at that link, but the short version is I got angrily sighed at for asking reasonable questions about what the hell "chart notes" are. And the lady refused to answer those questions for no reason I can fathom. She eventually brought me to tears and got angry at me for doing so. And it turned out the call was pointless as well.
Oh, and my lawyer was sick. Remember him? Vacation guy? Who skipped town at the exact moment I got my disability denial letter? Yeah, I had been waiting for 7 grueling, anxiety-filled days to speak with him and he gets sick the day he returns.
Brain is melty goo.
Hey, Universe! I think you are overcorrecting with that luck realignment. I appreciate the 30 years of records thing, but can you let me enjoy it a little?
Friday arrives and I still have calls to make. The CPAP lady really messed up my brain and so just dialing the numbers was freaking me out. But I decided to start with the worst first. I called the CPAP lady and she finally had her precious "chart notes" and put my order through. She was cheerful and helpful and I was confused but thankful.
I thought maybe things were looking up in my phone call adventures.
My next call was to my primary care doctor's office.
One thing you need to know about my doctor is he is a bit of a... hot mess. A very smart, capable doctor. He knows his stuff. I suspect he has an eidetic memory due to his instant recall of medication names and doses and things that happened 8 years ago and detailed descriptions of medical conditions he only heard about in school 40 years ago. Aside from that, he is kind and compassionate and he has my back no matter what.
But he is technologically stuck in the 80s. His personal life is a roller coaster of drama. He once hired his girlfriend of 2 months to work at the office and his regular staff secretly whispered "She's so awful" behind his back. (They broke up soon after.) He is disorganized and constantly running late. And he takes on tons of frustrating patients because they have nowhere else to go. I admire him for treating so many poor elderly folks without any family to take care of them, but you can tell it is extremely challenging at times and a lot of that labor is delegated to his staff.
His office manager is probably the only person on the planet who can tolerate him being a hot mess.
Unfortunately, she is also a hot mess in completely different ways.
She tries to speedrun through everything. It's probably because she has a million things to do and is trying to fit 12 hours of work into an 8 hour workday. I try to be sympathetic and understanding of that. But one of her methods for speeding things along is attempting to use her psychic powers. You will start telling her what you need and she will do this thing where she cuts you off and tries to predict said need.
"I need a prescription for..." "Your thyroid meds are due, right? I'll send it over to the pharmacy." "...insulin. But I have a question about..." "So thyroid and insulin? No problem. I'll send it over." "...increasing my dosage." "Wait, what's yer question, hon?" "Was it 50 units..." "No, it's says 100. Okay? I'll send it over. Take care." "...twice per day or 100 units once in the morning?"
Often her predictions are so bad that it actually takes a lot more time to correct her than it would if she had just let you finish speaking. And this is especially problematic for me because I rehearse everything I need to say and she constantly interrupts and so I have to end up improvising new things to say that I never accounted for. And I'm already anxious and not thinking clearly so I do a poor job of explaining my needs and it just ends up in disaster.
So I have a complicated situation. I need my entire written chart copied and sent to my lawyer. I know it is a lot of work for the office staff. They probably have to copy several hundred pages. But this is probably the most important evidence in my disability case. And my lawyer has already volunteered to pay the several hundred dollars it will cost. It's worth it because if my case goes well, I could get years of back pay.
I call and get the young woman whom I really like on his staff. She is very quiet and unassuming but secretly the star of the office. Like a ninja of competence. If you really need something done properly without mistakes, she is the best one to go to. But her job does not include handling the records, so she transfers me to the office nurse. The office nurse does not process new information well. You often have to explain things several times. And if she gives up trying to understand, she hands you off to the office manager.
The Final Boss, if you will. I was really hoping I could avoid that.
"Okay, so my lawyer needs all of my written records..."
"He needs to fax a form saying what he needs, okay honey?"
"He already faxed a release form asking for records and I brought in a new copy yesterday with all of his mailing information..."
"He didn't fax anything. He needs to tell us what he needs. I'm not seeing any form. Just tell him to call me."
"He is out sick today and he already faxed the form and I brought a second one just in case. I signed it and dated it and I watched Competence Ninja put it in my chart. It asks for everything..."
"Okay, I see it here. This doesn't look right. He needs to tell us what he needs us to send him."
"It says in the letter, 'to release any medical information, including medical records, written letters, treatment reports, testing results, or similar information.' Should it say something different?"
"I've been doing this 20 years and I've never seen anything like this. He needs to be more specific. I ain't sending him all that, hon."
"So, this is for my disability case. I already talked to the nurse about this. And I know it is a lot, but the doctor's records are the only direct evidence that I've been sick since 2001."
"So you just need something from 2001? Okay, the lawyer needs to fax something saying that."
"I need the entire handwritten chart copied and sent to the lawyer. We need a full record of my illness because..."
"This is ridiculous. You're lawyer is fucking lazy. I've never seen anything like this. And I'm worried he is not going to represent your interests."
"This is not a normal disability claim. If you'd allow me to explain I think you'd understand why I need..."
"Disability should already have all this. We shouldn't need to send this. This is fucking ridiculous and you need a new lawyer. You're going to lose your case with his lazy ass."
"This isn't normal disability. I need to prove that I've been sick for a long time and..."
"This is going to cost a fortune, you know? We charge 50 cents per page. You're going to be out hundreds of dollars."
"Okay, but I will be out thousands of dollars if I don't get this copied."
"Fuck it. I am going to copy this ONCE. No more after this. UNDERSTOOD?"
And... she hung up on me.
My heart was beating out of my chest with panic and my eyes were blurry with tears. And in that moment, I thought I had done something wrong. My doctor gave me his personal mobile number so I call him up with tears apparent in my voice. I explain what just happened and that I was really sorry and that I didn't mean to upset her. He told me she is "just like that sometimes" and I shouldn't take it to heart. They have a very serious deadline for something due that day and she was very upset and I was collateral damage. I asked him to apologize for me and he said there was no need. He said we'd work it all out on Monday when this deadline wasn't stressing everyone out.
It wasn't until I calmed down a bit that I realized I did absolutely nothing wrong. That she was just being a big jerk and taking her other problems out on me. And I was probably the one deserving of an apology. I also remembered this is not the first time she has blown up at me. She was the one who tried to make me get a ventilator instead of a proper CPAP machine years ago. She said, "My mom has one and it works fine." And I was like, "So if I travel I'm supposed to take 12 pounds of medical equipment instead of a 1 pound device that fits neatly into a backpack?"
I get why my doctor made excuses for her. She works very hard and puts up with him. He'd never be able to find anyone that would last a week doing that job. And I have a feeling he probably defended me after I called. I played what he said back in my brain and noticed a frustrated tone. Despite what he said, it seems clear he was pissed.
I can make amends and figure things out with her. That isn't an issue. But I am worried that between her and CPAP lady, all of the progress I've made trying to reduce my telephobia was erased. I really was getting better calling people. I used to need Katrina hanging out on Skype while I called anyone as moral support. And while it still helps, I've gotten a lot better at calling strangers on my own. But now, I'm not so sure.
I might ask if there is an office email address I can use from now on. If I can write out what I need there is no way to get interrupted. I can be clear and detailed and use my writing skills to communicate way better than my phone skills.
I don't know.
It was just a crappy way to end a stressful, exhausting week.
But it wasn't the end!
Friday evening my sick lawyer finally called. I had rehearsed all kinds of things I wanted to say to him. But it turns out, all of my emails already did most of the talking—proof that I write a great email. He was really impressed with all of my detective work. And he said if those records pan out, he is very optimistic about my case going forward. He also said that he was expecting a denial. And it was probably good that we got that out of the way quickly. And now we get to mount more of a defense, which is what lawyers are good at. We talked for about 20 minutes and came up with a battle plan. He explained the process going forward. But he mentioned one thing that worried me.
This could take a while.
A lot longer than I was expecting.
I explained that I currently have a runway until about June 2024. That's when the mortgage money runs out. However, my brother should be willing to release my inheritance in March. I hope. I have a hard time trusting anything my brother says anymore. But if he does, then I should have another year of mortgage payments. But I am definitely going to have a Plan B just in case my brother finds a new way to disrespect my father's wishes.
The lawyer said there is a quick thing and a long thing. The quick thing has a low chance of success. But it is worth trying. The long thing is a hearing with a Social Security lawyer. He said a lot of these lawyers are miserable and don't want to be there and don't really care. Which is a good thing because they'll just be like, "Fine, whatever." But it can take a long time to get a hearing due to backlogs.
So, as long as I can gather all the evidence and the hospital records have my ECT stuff, I think there is room for hope. A little hope. After years of chronic illness I know hope is sometimes dangerous. So I allot a tiny bit of hope to keep me going forward, but not enough hope to leave me devastated if things go tits up.
So... umm... I think that is the end of this novel of a post. I feel bad that I don't have a big climax or twist or cliffhanger. Should I add a big CGI dragon fight?
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Even though a more down-to-earth kung fu fight with my brother would be a more satisfying conclusion?
Or I could pull an M. Night Shyamalan and reveal that I've been dead for quite some time.
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This post is getting really long.
Why are you still reading this?
I am thankful that you are. I just needed to get all of that out. I hope I wrote it in a compelling way and you weren't bored.
I love you all.
217 notes · View notes
flxrartsstuff · 6 months
Play with me
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Authors note: Thanks to @princeasimdiya12 for my very first request and this interesting idea! It definitely helped me to get over my writers block. I hope you all can enjoy it! ^^ To let off some steam, Nanami gets lost in a love hotel. What would you do if you had a man like Kento Nanami in your hands? What would it be like for him to be unable to move and completely at your mercy? As an employee of this love hotel Y/N gives him a very special kind of show before she gets what's hers.
Cw: unprotected, rough, clit play, nipple play, masturbating, (dry) cock riding, gagging, duct tape mummification, swearing
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He parked the car in front of the building and turned off the engine. He still couldn't believe that his path had brought him here. The normally controlled and always conscientious man had actually strayed into an area that he didn't really want anyone to find out about. Tired, he rubbed his hand over his striking face, took off his glasses and massaged the bridge of his nose, groaning. The neon lights of the building were bright and impossible to miss. They indicated a certain establishment, a love hotel. He wanted to let go of the stress and pressure, wanted to forget everything for an evening and a few hours. He had heard about this place a few times before, but had always pretended to not really care about stuff like that. Especially when his colleagues talked about what the employees there did to their customers. However, he had found himself driving to this place to - as the others had put it so nicely - let off steam.
And here he was.
Kento sighed as he took the room keys from the receptionist‘s hand. He would have never expected him of all people to visit a love hotel. But sometimes loneliness hits everyone of us, doesn‘t it?
Walking through the long and noble hallway, he searched for the room 666. Just the number of that room gave him a bad feeling, but his excitement to try out new things made him move towards the door he is looking for. The wooden door came into his sight, being adorned with golden frames and a small shield that displayed its number. With hesitation he moved the keys to the lock. He can feel how his muscles were tensing up. A drop of sweat rolled down his temple and a searing heat courses through his body. A heat that made him want to take his clothes off in an instant.
»There‘s no need to be shy, come in.« a female voice echoed from the other side of the door, causing him to flinch. His heart skipped a beat and he gulped, slowly unlocking the door and opening it.
A large room came into his sight, filled with an erotic and noble furniture that sure matched to the atmosphere of this hotel. Red walls surrounded him as he steps in, and only a dim red light from above illuminates the dark room. Black furniture matched well to the black and large bed that is right in front of him, being covered by red bed sheets. On the wall next to the bed were hanging tons of sexual toys that were for anyone‘s taste. He was curious if one of these would fit into his desires.
He gasped softly as the door closed behind him all of a sudden, and he turned around, finding a woman standing behind him. Her hand was pressing against the door, and she gazed at him with her [e/c] eyes that could lure anyone in. The red lingerie she wore attracts Kento‘s gaze immediately. After all, its erotic lace would make literally any man crazy. The way how her bra pushed her breasts together, squeezing them tightly, caused Kento‘s mouth to become dry. His excitement took him over. Something he would not let slide. But that woman right in front of him, she knew what she was doing. And she was doing it damn right.
She grinned at him, slowly approaching him with confident strides. Her hips moved with every step she made until she stopped right in front of him.
»I was told that you need someone to play with you, is that right?« she slyly asked him, her dark lips letting a melodic voice escape out of her throat. She put her hands on his chest, gently sliding them up and down.
He merely nodded in reply, being too stunned to speak. After all, [Y/n]‘s body was a sight for sore eyes. And just the thought of having her play with Kento makes him feel utterly aroused. Stepping even closer, she pressed her entire body tightly against him so that her crotch touched his length through his pants. She can feel that he had gotten hard already. Though, it just needed a little bit more tease to make him crazy.
»Why don‘t you just take that off, huh? We don‘t need anything of that.« she breathed softly, helping him get out of his suit that had been tightly clinging onto his body.
Until the very last cloth had been removed from his body, she undressed him, revealing his semi-hard length to her hungry gaze. He felt embarrassed, however, this embarrassment is just one part of the game. She softly pushed him onto the large bed, caused him to lie on his back and look up to her curvy figure. His breath quickened as she approached the toys on the wall.
So many different objects that Nanami himself was completely unaware of what they were even used for. But she knew exactly which one she would use to get the most out of her pleasure. He watched as she took a thick roll of tape from the shelf and approached him at the bedside. It wouldn't be an easy one, yet she began to wrap it around his mouth and then the rest of his broad body. Until he was completely at her mercy. He seemed more excited at first, but this subsided as the last piece covered and she looked down at him with satisfaction. Unable to say anything, she heard his pleas covered by the tape. She giggled happily, moved to his side and ran her fingers over his face.
»Don't worry, you'll love it.« Her voice sent a shiver down his spine, the air escaping through his nose with a hiss. She stood in front of the bed so that he had a full view of her. His eyes wandered wearily over her appearance, over her curves that he couldn't touch now. Urgent and begging, his eyes seemed to be telling her to do something. Anything. So that he could at least imagine what it would be like to touch her skin, taste her and fill her up. It was unbearable to just lie in front of her and wait. She tossed her hair back, running her hands over her body and pulling at the straps of her bra. His nostrils flared instantly, his eyes widened, another muffled sound left his lips.
»Watch me...« she ordered, as if he had any other choice. She undid her bra and let it move agonizingly slowly down her shoulders. Bit by bit, she bared her wonderful breasts, which had already caught Nanami's eye when he entered the room. His breathing quickened as the garment disappeared. It fell muffled to the floor, where he was now staring at her nipples, which would have tempted him to suck on them until they were hard and red. Instead, he just had to watch again as she grasped them both with her hands and teased their peaks with her fingers. She sighed softly, looking directly into his eyes and seeming to imagine exactly what he would have done with them. She saw him squirming and twirling around under the tape, but to no avail. She had done a damn good job of making him unable to move. Her slender fingers constantly circled over her rosy and tender skin, so untouched and unprotected and so close to reach for him. His eyes were mesmerized, dark and lust-obscured, watching her every move. She moaned unashamedly and cheekily as she fueled herself.
»You like that?« She didn't expect an answer, yet he nodded eagerly, his face glowing with heat, while even through the tape she could see his unmistakable bulge. His cock carried nothing but the prison around it and bumped against it agonizingly. He just managed to keep himself from begging how badly he needed it. How desperately he wanted to free it so that he could show his dangerous temptation called Y/N, what felt right. And how he would have grabbed her, drag her over his knee and given her pretty ass a few smacks for driving him so crazy. As if that wasn't enough, one of her hands was already lost on the way down, sliding over her stomach and stiffening the hem of her panties. First she slid her fingers over the piece of fabric, rubbed over her middle and slid between her legs. She gasped excitedly when she could feel that she was already wet. Nanami moaned through the tape, again only muffled sounds. He threw his head back, the only thing he could do, and quickly looked back at her so as not to miss a moment. To say he needed it was an understatement. He was horny as hell and wanted her.
»Mmm…« she mumbled, »I'm so wet...«
Again he expelled the air from his nose, watching her hand move into her panties and straight down to her pussy, one hand still massaging her breast. She stood there, in front of him, doing it to herself. And he couldn't help but watch this spectacle. Fuck. Never before had he thought lust would kill him, but it seemed like that was what was happening. Could he move? Could he somehow manage to rub his cock against the tape and cum with her?
She lifted her hand from her pussy and up to her mouth, her gaze fixed only on him. Her tongue licked over her own wetness and he imagined it was his mouth, his mouth between her legs and tasting her until she came in desperation. He watched as she slipped off her skimpy panties and now stood completely naked in front of him. Her hand wandered unashamedly between her legs and continued the wild play, rubbing at her pussy to drive herself to climax. Nanami felt the hardness of his cock, so much that it hurt and there was nothing he could do about it. It was so clearly visible, despite the tape, that she quickly took the initiative and sat right on top of him. Moaning, he reared up at the contact of her body on his. That alone almost brought him to climax.
»Mmh, Fuck!!« His chest rose and fell violently, with all the strength he had, he wanted to thrust, wanted to match the movements of her hips. She rubbed herself against his bulge, right where his cock was, rubbing her pussy through the tape. A hot trail of her moisture spread across it as she rode him, moaning across the room for more. A wonderful picture played out before his eyes, of her breasts jumping forward with every rub, the weight of her body pressing perfectly on his cock. Her voice was driving him crazy. The whole room smelled of her arousal. Despite his inability to move, Nanami enjoyed seeing and hearing her like this. Growling and humming through the tape on his mouth, he seemed to be urging her not to stop.
»Mmm, ymmh, ymmh…ghmm..g-ghmm…«
Whatever he wanted to say, it sounded urgent and desperate. His whole face was burning up, he was sweating and threw his head back, while Y/N became faster and faster, her movements even more violent and firm. She rubbed herself against him like he was her personal toy.
»Fuuuck, ah…« she moaned loudly, feeling his hard cock underneath her, but it just wasn't enough for her. She wanted to feel him deep inside her, cum on him and ride his cock. Impatient as they had both become, sweating and groaning for their climaxes, she tore off the tape over his erection so that he finally sprang free, completely hard and pulsating. His eyes fixed on her, he mumbled something again through his closed mouth and thrust his pelvis towards her. Blonde strands of his hair stuck to his forehead as she sat on his lap again, letting his cock slide slowly and agonizingly into her wet center.
»Mmm, ymmh…«
Y/N sank herself completely onto him, his cock deep inside her, touching her wet, tight caves and widening them with pleasure. She threw her head back, held on to him and began to move. He lay detached beneath her, finally she complied with his tantalizing request and he let that happen with relish. Her body moved skillfully on his. She constantly let his cock slide out of her pussy, only to let it sink completely back inside her. Her wetness mixed with his pre cum made her slide on and off him quickly and easily. She knew exactly what she was doing and Nanami happily submitted to this ordeal, which he hadn't thought was so necessary. She leaned forward, directly over his face, wanting to see him come. Without being able to touch her at all, he felt the climax coming inside him. His cock burned with heat and the tip hit your sweet spot inside her every time, making her scream a little louder each time. The bed moved in time with her movements, banging against the wall every time.
»Oh g-god…I'm about to cum…!«
An approving gasp came from Nanami, whose orgasm was no less distant. She rubbed her clit in front of him at the same time, just as fast as she rode him, and moaned onto his face. Her face reflected pure lust, her eyebrows drawn together and her mouth so wide open that saliva wanted to drip down the corner of her mouth. Kento watched her eyes rolling back as it hit her and how her sweet pussy tightened around his cock, everything pulsed into a violent explosion. His body reared up with all its might as he thrust up into her and growled fiercely under the tape.
Hot cum shot straight into her tight and hot walls, covering her whole pussy in his white semen. Nanami growled like a wolf, his body still jerking off in fast movements against hers, til she milked him all dry. The woman’s body was shaking as well, sweat covered her forehead that was pressed to his one.
Y/N whispered lowly some kind of curses and words, unable for any straight sentence. She had many customers before, but she wouldn’t forget that delicious face of Nanami cuming under her like that. After a while she took off the tape of his mouth only, a desperate steam of breath leaving his lips.
»Fuck.« was the only word his dark and shaky voice was now able to say. His afterglow displaying on his whole face was the best view she ever witnessed and she wondered how many times she could bring him to this state. One thing for sure, she definitely couldn’t get enough of this man.
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rafaslittleboy · 5 months
a hand to hold mine
pairing: sonny carisi/little sister!reader
description: sonny’s baby sister is a victim of a hostage situation. things come to light, and sonny considers what you are to him.
rating: dead dove don’t eat, dark fic, taboo fic. incest relationship between older brother and (legal) little sister. reader is taken hostage and sonny makes everything all better. hospital sex. bio brother/sister porn. fingering, clit rubbing, orgasms, loss of virginity, unprotected p-in-v sex, some dirty incest talk. (if I missed any out, let me know!)
if you’re sensitive, don’t read!
dc: @flowercrowns-goodvibes bc she wanted it sooooooo badly
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When Carisi got the call that a girl, between the age of eighteen and twenty-two, had been caught in a hostage situation, Amanda had told him to come down immediately.
As an ADA, he barely got to go to hostage situations. But the perpetrator? He asked for Carisi specifically.
Someone he had crossed back in his detective days, by the looks of it.
As soon as Dominick arrived, he was given a bullet proof vest and Amanda filled him in on the situation.
Man, in his late thirties, has a record for pedophillia and murder, was let out on good behaviour only two weeks prior. His name was David Ortez—and Sonny was the undercover cop that built a case against him and put him away.
“it’s your sister, Sonny.” Amanda told him, sympathy in her tone.
“My… my sista’?”
What one? Was the question. He had four sisters, Bella, Theresa, Gina—and the baby sister, you. Just started college, your whole life ahead of you.
Amanda said your name and suddenly Carisi felt light headed. Bile rising in his throat.
“How long has she been in there?” He said, and he could barely hear himself.
“Almost an hour, listen… he’s done a number on her. He phoned nine-one-one every time he hurt her.”
Sonny clenched his fist. David Ortez was a disgusting man. When Sonny was undercover, that man told him in detail about the things he watched, things he done to his kids, his nieces and nephews. Things that made him sick then and made him sick now. And now he had you, his little sister, of all people.
“He’s phoning again.” Olivia raised her finger for everyone in the trailer to stop talking. She answered the phone.
“Miss. Benson… it’s been a long time since we last spoke. How’ve you been? How’s Noah?”
David smiled into his phone. He watched through a blind spot in the window, watched how the building he was in was barricaded by armed police. Kept his eyes on the white trailer dead centre of the road.
“What do you want, David?” She spoke.
“I want to speak to Carisi.”
Sonny took the phone from Olivia’s hand despite her orders for him to stay quiet. He wasn’t a detective anymore, she said, you’re an ADA.
“I’m here.”
“Dominick.” The man smiled into the phone. “Got your baby sister here, she was stupid enough to help a poor… injured man.”
The way you became his hostage in the first place was because he had came up to you after your class, faking a stabbing. Spending the last two weeks stalking you, understanding your routine and schedule—and he got you at the right time. As soon as David got you into a room, he pistol whipped you and kicked you in your side to keep you down.
“She’s got a kind heart,” Sonny said, “how ‘bout you just let ‘er go? Huh? This is ‘tween you n’ me.”
“No can do, Dominick. Think I might keep her, actually. Take her abroad, get her pregnant, start a family with her. Sounds good, doesn’t it?”
David traced the gun up your temple, smirking down at you.
He had your hands tied behind your back and has you sat against the wall below the window. A strip of duct tape over your mouth.
And David had beat you well. Bruising littering your body, your nose bleeding and a gash in your forehead and eyebrow dripping blood down your face.
“No way in hell.” Carisi growled at the David.
“Am I on speaker phone?”
“Take me off. Unless you want your squad to learn some real shitty stuff about you.”
Sonny looked around, Olivia, Amanda, Joe and everyone else who was in the trailer was looking at him.
Olivia gave him a nod of permission, and Sonny pressed the button on the phone. It was just Sonny and David now.
“Good. Don’t think I don’t remember what you told me. What I made you do.”
To gain David’s trust while Sonny was undercover, he had to befriend David. And David was paranoid, it took months for David to trust him.
“One thing,” David said.
“Anythin’” Sonny replied.
“Prove what you did to her. Your little sister? You told me you raped her since she was four. Looked through your wallet and you have a photo of her.”
“What about her?”
“Want you to jerk over her. Now.” And David passed Sonny the picture of you as a little girl. Sonny kept it in his wallet for a reason to keep going, to keep doing what he was doing.
Sonny held the picture between his fingers and he looked down at the picture of you. He swallowed, hard and looked at David and nervously smiled, “C’mon… I’m past that now.”
“I’m not giving you a choice.”
The picture was placed back in his wallet ten minutes later, stained with his milky cum.
Sonny hears you yelp, and he can’t imagine what David is doing to you. “Don’t touch her.”
“Why? Give me a reason not to rape her right now, Dominick.”
“She… she—I ain’t ever… done what I said I did. To her. I was undercover, had to learn more about ya.”
“Obviously. This little girl adores you; fairly obvious you didn’t do a thing you said you did.” And he tugs on your hair.
“You put me away, Dominick. Worked your way into my head and put me back in prison. Do you know what they did to me in there? Do you?!”
David yelled down the phone.
“David… I’m sorry, if it were up’ta me, it would’ve never of happened.”
“But that’s the thing, Dominick. You had a choice. And now, so do I. Life is all about making the right choices.”
You squeezed your eyes shut as the barrel of the gun stared back at you. Your breathing got worse.
“Theres two ways this can go. Put me back on speaker phone.”
Sonny done as he was told. Immediately.
“Option one: I shoot the little girl and then myself. You never get to see her again. You never get closure.”
David pauses. Sonny’s palms are sweaty. His heart beating out of his chest.
“Option two: You get me a car, you get me a million dollars and I take your little sister anywhere I want. And I promise you. I’ll keep her alive.”
Both options take you away from your brother. Away from your family, friends—the life you built.
“I’ll give you ten minutes to decide. And if you don’t? Well…” David took the safety off the pistol. “I’ll decide for you. Times ticking, Dominick Carisi.”
Then the line went dead.
Sonny threw the phone on the desk and wiped a hand down his face.
“I’ll get a car,” Olivia told him. “We have two Snipers are already aimed at the door, Sonny, don’t worry. We’ll get him.”
If only Sonny could believe that. He’s seen how some of these things go. How there’s no happy endings.
“It’s option two; we get a car, lure him out and shoot him dead.”
“Nah, no.” Sonny put a hand on his hips. “Could hurt her. I ain’t gonna hurt my lil’ sister.”
“Sonny, hurting her is the least of our problems. We want her alive, and we want her out. Now. This way, we get her out and she’ll be alive and she’ll be safe.”
Sonny bit his lip. Amanda was right. This was the only option they had to take. The only option Sonny could agree to.
“Call him back. We have a car on the way.” Olivia told him.
And sonny picked up the phone and dialled David back. David picked up within the first ring.
“Dominick. Your choice?”
“Two. I have a car on the way, we have your money. I know you, David, you… you stick to your word. I know you’ll take care’a my sister.”
“Good choice, Carisi. Knew you’d come to your senses. Hey, I’ll send you a postcard when she births my children. Don’t get too jealous.”
David watches as a black Jeep pulls up outside the barricade and how the police move around it, to give him space. “My money in that car, Carisi?”
There was no money. The objective out of this situation was to shoot David point blank.
“Yes,” Sonny replied. “It’s all in there. In a bag. Untraceable. The car’s untraceable, too.”
“Wow,” David smiled, “Really doing everything to protect your sister, eh? Do you remember when I made you look at a picture of her, made you jerk your cock over her?”
The phone was on speaker. Everyone could hear what David was saying.
“No.” Sonny swallowed. “I don’t.”
He does. It crosses his mind frequently.
“I do. I don’t blame you.” David lowers the phone to you, “Hey, sweetheart. You wanna say goodbye to your big brother?”
“S—sonny—“ you sob. And it’s the first time he’s heard your voice in months. He regrets leaving your text messages on delivered or read, he regrets not reaching out to you, calling you.
“Hey, doll,” he panics, he brings the phone to his ear. “You’re gonna be okay, doll, my little angel.”
“Of course she is, she’s gonna be my wife.”
David grabs your arm and pulls you up. “Bye, Carisi.” And he hangs up.
David brushes off your shoulder and smiled wickedly at you. “It’s just you and me now, little one. Your brother gave us his blessing.”
You start crying again. Closing your eyes just so you don’t have to look at this horrible man. In your little mind, he’s won. He’s going to take you god knows where and you’ll never get to see anyone you love again. You’ll never get to see your mom, your dad, your older sisters—your big brother.
He’s always been a busy man. Recently, after he came an ADA, he hadn’t had any time for you. It hurt you, but you were a big girl—you could understand that sometimes his job had to come first.
David ripped the duct tape from your mouth and tapped your bruised and cut cheek.
“Oh, don’t cry, baby.” David cooed, “it’ll all be fine soon enough. come on, start walking.”
David shoved you forward and put the gun at your spine. It was enough for you to do as you’re told. You walked, but you couldn’t feel yourself walk. It was as if you were floating.
David opened the door and the sun blinded you, your eyes flinched at the bright light.
Inside the trailer, Amanda was staring at the computer screen. “We have eyes.” Amanda yelled and Sonny didn’t waste any time and pushed past Olivia to leave the trailer.
He saw you, oh god, he saw you. You were there, alive. Breathing. His beautiful little sister.
“I want a clear pathway!” David yelled, “or the kid dies!”
Sonny was so close. He felt sick.
Sonny thought about how you grew up with him as your role model. He was in his late twenties when you were born, and his ma’ and dad were too busy with work so they handed you off to him. He raised you when they weren’t able to. His life with you flashed through his mind, like it was his last minutes with you. How you grew up to be a pretty little girl. How he isn’t so different from some of these men he puts away.
It’s a thought that he pushes to the back of his mind. A disgusting part of him that only comes out at night.
A part of him that wanted his little sister. And David knew that fact.
David walked down the steps with the gun to your temple. “Your brother is right there, front row seat. You wanna know that he’s real jealous of me right now. He knows that I’m going to fuck you real good, fill you up with my babies. He wants it to be him instead.”
You couldn’t see your brother—wherever he was. You couldn’t see anything. Your eyesight was blurry with tears.
David moves from behind you and walks in front, approaching the jeep.
Not even a second later, a loud gunshot rings out in the air. The bad man slumped to the ground in front of you. Your face splattered with his brains and blood, eyes squeezed shut.
Time went so fast, your ears rang.
Sonny shouted your name as he pushed heavy armed police out of the way and into the barricaded zone, where you were.
You felt arms wrap tightly around you, smooshing you against a broad chest. You recognise the feeling, the safeness of his arms. It was your big brother.
“Sonny,” your voice cracked as he held you tight, he breathed you in. You were here, you were alive, breathing. Hugging him tight to your body.
“S’okay, doll, m’right here.”
His hand cupped the back of your head and started to guide you into the police car just a few feet back. Blood on your face wasn’t a good look, the fear in your eyes made his heart hurt.
His little sister, a little girl he watched grow up, had a gun to her head because he put a rapist—murderer away a few years ago, and he got out early. It was all his fault.
The EMTS came over and tore you from his grasp, telling you that you’re going with them.
“I’m ridin’ with her,” Sonny tells them, “I need’a make sure she’s okay.”
“Okay, Counsellor.” They agreed. “We’ll let the other detectives know.”
You had passed out in the ambulance on the way to the hospital and the paramedics had to reassure him that you were okay, that your body probably just had to relax—so it forced itself to sleep.
It didn’t give him the peace of mind they hoped.
You were asleep for around six hours and Sonny didn’t leave your side once. The second you woke up, he sat up and held your hand to his chest.
“Hey—hey,” he weakly smiled, his hand extended and hesitated to touch your hair. “You okay?”
You coughed and looked around the room you were in. “How… did I get here?”
“Ambulance brought ya here, doll, ya passed out just after you sat down.”
You swallowed a lump in your throat. “I just… I was so scared. He… he said he’d shoot me, or he… he’d gut me. He said it all depended on your answers.”
Sonny tears up, and it stings his blue eyes.
“Oh, doll…” Sonny sat forward and kissed your forehead, lingering so you wouldn’t see the tears in his eyes. “M’so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.” You tried to make him feel better, it wasn’t all the time you got to see him emotional.
“It is,” he says and he kisses your forehead repeatedly, “it is—my stupid work, brought ya into this.” and he holds you close, closing his blue eyes tight.
“i love you, sonny” you hiccup.
It was his emotional and vulnerability caused your own emotions to topple over, and you sobbed. Being in his arms, being with him, grounded you and made you understand that you were alive. You were safe. Your big brother saved you.
“I… “ and he doesn’t think, he just leans his chin forward and captures your lips in a soft, timid kiss.
A way a big brother should never kiss his little sister.
But he does it anyway. His big hand on your cheek keeping you close. Your eyes closed, any negative thought you had in your head disappeared as fast as they were thought.
“Was… “ Sonny swallowed, “was that okay?” he says below a whisper. Your eyes slowly open—your lips tingle with the aftermath of him giving you your first ever kiss.
You nod.
“Can… you kiss me again?”
Sonny didn’t expect you to ask for a kiss. He expected you to… well, do something else. Scream, yell, tell him to get out and that you’ll tell your parents. But no, you wanted him to kiss you again.
Sonny chuckled, then tilted his head to kiss you again. This time, with just a little more pressure than his previous feathery kiss. His hand came to cup the back of your head and press your lips harder into his.
As the kiss deepened and got more hot, he licked on the seam of your lips, opening your mouth to him. Taking advantage of your gasp, (obviously you had no idea that that was how real kissing started).
“what if a nurse comes in?” you say, breaking the kiss briefly. Your lips were swollen, breath uneven. Eyes blown.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, babygirl.”
You felt his hands roam up and down your arm slowly, the arm that wasn’t hooked up to machines, that was. He leaned in to kiss you again, humming into your mouth as his slender hand dipped further and further down your arm and onto your thigh.
Sonny’s fingers touch your pussy tenderly outside of your little pink panties, his thumb twirling the little purple bow. Your soft moans as he kissed you just egged him on.
You broke the kiss briefly when you felt his finger slip into the waistband and slowly pulled your panties to the side, the cool air of the poorly conditioned hospital room hitting your hot pussy.
“‘M gonna touch it now, doll.” He whispered against your lips, and you barely had a second before the pad of his middle finger drifted upwards from your slick hole to your clit and he rubbed in slow, big circles.
“oh…” and your brows furred together.
It wasn’t as if you hadn’t touched yourself before, it was that no one had ever touched you before. It felt weird—and the wrongness and guilt of the person who was the first to touch you being your older brother was still deep in your tummy.
“You okay?” Sonny says softly. He knows he’s pushing his luck, kissing you after a traumatic experience and now he’s touching you inappropriately. Testing the waters on just how much you’d take what he’d give you.
You could barely nod, barely speak. “f—fine,”
“Feels good?”
And he puts just a little more pressure on your clit and watched how your knees parted open subconsciously.
“yeah,” you breathe.
He couldn’t miss how your eyes couldn’t stop watching from his hand moving between your legs.
Sonny’s eyes are fixed both on your face, how your face contorts to each repeat pleasure of the circles he drew on your clit. And how your hips roll ever so slightly on his finger.
His finger slipped in—and that’s one thing you hadn’t done to yourself. Your fingers had always been too short to reach anywhere. But Dominick’s fingers were long, and just one of them sliding inside you and crooking just enough to press down on something that made you whine what was meant to be his name.
“oh my god—“ you choke. And it’s too much too soon, the way his fingers leave your pussy and push back in and curl has your breathing quicken.
You don’t think—you turn your head and kiss him. Your mind so clouded with lust that you just knew you had to have his tongue in your mouth.
Making out with him sloppily as he speeds up his fingers inside you. The obscene sound of squelching filled the room and Sonny and yourself’s laboured breaths.
“Feels—“ you try but words fail you, “feels—“
“like ya gonna cum on ya big brothers fingers?” Sonny answers for you. He can feel your walls tighten on his fingers, feel how wet you have his hand and dampening the flimsy hospital sheets beneath you just by a simple finger-fuck.
You bite your lip and clench your fists, the orgasm building and building and building—until it burst, and you were cumming, hard, on your brother’s fingers. Squeezing and clamping down those two fingers that were still moving inside you. You moaned your older brother’s name, reaching down to clasp your weak hand over his wrist, puffing out of a breath.
“T—too much.”
Sonny smiles at you, “Doll, ya pussy just keeps tryna suck my fingers back in ya.” And he curls his fingers again and your knees cross, touching each other and thighs clamping down on his hand.
“Could make ya cum again, if ya want. See how you’d take three fingers.”
God, you didn’t know if you could take three of his fingers. His fingers were so long.
“Or… I could give ya my cock instead. Got me real hard after that little show, doll.”
Your mind was fuzzy.
And he smirked, withdrew his fingers from inside you and lifted his knee so he got onto the bed with you. On his knees above you, and he slowly undone his belt and pulled it through the loops.
All he had to do was pull down his fly and pull his cock out.
It wasn’t the first time you had seen Sonny’s cock, having to share a bathroom and your bedrooms across from one another. You had a fair amount of times of walking in on him changing, or in the showering, or pissing into the toilet bowl—only once while he was stroking his cock in the dark, you didn’t see it, but you saw the motions of his hand twisting around his hidden cock.
But you saw it now, hard and poking out from his fly just for you.
“can i… can i touch it?”
And Sonny glances at you, “Course,” and lifts your wrist so your hand replaces his. He bites back a groan but not even a second later it comes out when he feels your small, warm hand softly squeeze his hard cock.
“Jus’ like that, doll.”
You do it again, then you try and copy his previous hand movements by slowly stroking up and down his cock. Getting yourself used to the weird feeling. It looked like hard stone, but in your hand it felt squishy and stiff.
“Is… i think… your… thing… is crying,” you tell him
“Huh?” Sonny peaks open an eye and looks down. The red tip of his cock has a bead of pre-cum that’s threatening to spill out.
“Oh, doll. That ain’t my cock cryin’, means ya makin’ me feel real good.”
You smile slightly, “I like making you feel good, Donmy.”
Oh, god. He shouldn’t be feeling like this. But the things you done to him just by existing, being innocent, inexperienced. It made him hotter just thinking about how in that hospital room, he had been your first’s.
Sonny needed more. Craved more of you.
He softly wrapped his hand around your own that was still lazily pumping his cock. “M’gonna put it in ya,”
You looked up at him, and then at his cock. Oh, right, he wanted to put it in you. How could you even be surprised? The little videos you watched, the man always put his penis inside the girl. Now it was going to happen to you, a deep pit of nervousness settled in your tummy.
You wondered if you told him right now that you had never had sex, would he shy away? Leave you alone and never speak of it again?
Your rolling negative thoughts were stopped briefly when sonny shifted back and pushed up your hospital gown just over your hips. Your baby sister pussy on display for him. Wet and swollen from the orgasm he so generously gave you.
“That’s a good fuckin’ pussy I’ve ever seen one,” Sonny licks his bottom lip and dipped his hand down just to touch it again. His cock twitched as he inserted a finger again, so tight just around one finger—he couldn’t wait to feel it around his cock.
He quickly took his finger out and wiped your slick on his cock, along with a glob of his own spit. He knew he didn’t need any more lube, you were wet—so fucking wet for him. He loved, in particularly, your little button clit that was already puffy with arousal.
Your older brother had seen your pussy a few times growing up, when he had washed you, or helped you get changed. He was even there when you first started to experiment with touching yourself. He was only trying to give you your freshly clean clothes, but he stopped by the barely open door and was able to see just enough on how you unskillfully tried to rub your clit with one fingertip before giving up due to over sensitivity. The imagine was burned into his head, but he wasn’t complaining.
The tip of his bare cock bumped against said clit and you moaned, hips intuitively raising. Your pussy craved him—his cock—with the need to be filled.
It happened too quickly, Sonny angled his hips just right and pushed lightly against your hole. The feeling of a bulbous tip pressing against you was so good, hell, he watched as your pussy let out yet another streak of wet arousal.
But the second he started to push his hips forward had your heart in your mouth. “Sonny I… I’ve not—“
“‘know, doll,” is all he said back.
Dominick knew full well that he could get in a lot of trouble for this. Detective turned Assistant District Attorney, he knew quite literally all the laws in New York. This was against quite a lot of them. But it didn’t stop him.
He dipped his head to kiss you, swallowing your sounds.
There was no going back when the tip of his cock disappeared inside your virgin pussy. Popping the cervix open, claiming your virginity for himself. Your big brother’s head snapped up to look at your face when you let out a hissed moan due to the fact that his cock broke your hymen.
“You okay?” He breathed.
“Uh huh,” you moan, “it just… hurts a little.”
Sonny was happy he had got you as wet as you were, he couldn’t handle the thought of hurting you. Not unless you asked for it, that was.
Your pussy was so inviting, clenching so tightly around the thick mushroom head of his cock, trying to suck him in until there was nothing else left of him.
“Can I move, kid? Stuff you full’a me?”
And you nodded, “uh huh,”
Sonny bit at your lips, “Gonna need ya to use ya words, can ya do that? Speak up for ya big brother?”
Your walls throbbed, you needed him to fuck you. You needed him to hold you down and pound his cock inside you until it left you paralysed. Your body craved him, his hands and lips and everything about your brother.
And he pushes forward and you can’t stop the whine that escapes your throat, head tipping back only slightly against the hospital pillow as your pussy walls stretched to accommodate the foreign cock—your legs spread wider and Sonny immediately got comfortable.
“God, doll—fuck—“ and he slides right inside you, until the fabric of his dress pants settled against the back of your naked thighs. His full cock was inside you, stretching your walls until his tip was pressing against your untouched cervix. Any guilt he had previously faded away fast, his whole mind was focused on you. Solely you.
“You’re—all the way up here,” you choke and point to where your cervix would be on your tummy. Sonny roughly pushed up the gown over your exposed breasts, leaving you naked for him.
You heard him growl—growl—and it was the most attractive thing you had ever heard in your life.
“Yeah? M’ all the way up here?” And he pressed down where you pointed, and fuck, he felt himself settled deep inside you. He was able to feel the puckered tight hole of your cervix,
“Sonny—“ you moan, and it was loud. If it wasn’t early hours in the morning, someone would have definitely heard you.
“Beautiful lil’ girl—all mine, ain’t ya?” He growled as he started to thrust his hips. It was far too much for your poor cunt, still so sensitive over the orgasm he gave you before—every thrust of his cock inside you has a little spurt of liquid leaving your baby pussy and onto his cock and pants.
“All. Fuckin’. Mine.” He repeats as he feels your wet pussy dampen the crotch of his pants. Your mouth falls open, the arm that isn’t hooked up with wires reaches out to touch Sonny’s bicep to ground yourself.
“So—Sonny—you’re—my—“ and you’re already rendered dumb. Eyes barely able to stay open, unable to make a coherent sentence.
“Yeah, I’m ya big brother, ain’t I? Big brother makin’ ya pussy feel so good, huh?”
The hospital bed shook with the power of his thrusts, the sound of your wet pussy taking his cock over and over again filled the room. You had never imagined sex felt like this, always imagining it as an In-And-Out session.
His hand gripped your chin, “Answer me, doll.”
“Uh huh—yeah—you—you make my p—pussy feel really really good—“ you broke off into a moan as he gives you a thrust that’s hard, punching at your cervix and his balls right up against you.
And you nod, “so—so scared, tho—thought I’d—I’d never see you again.”
Sonny tips his head so his forehead, resting it against yours, his breath fanning across your lips with his efforts in fucking you. “Never gonna let that happen,” and he links your fingers together. “Gonna keep ya safe, keep ya just f’me—keep ya in my apartment, come home to ya everyday n’ fuck you deep every night.”
You moan at his words, “y-you’d do t-that?“
“My lil’ sister, love ya so fuckin’ much, my whole world.” He cuts himself off as he kisses you deeply, and you open your mouth to him and let him explore and get acquainted with your taste and the map of your mouth. “Gonna fill ya up with my cum, doll, hope it fuckin’ takes.”
Your breath hitches at the thought. Belly swelling with his baby—your big brother’s baby.
“Yeah? You like the thought a’ that? Dirty lil’ girl,” he smiles and then one of his hands came between you to rub, rub and rub on your clit and your back arched. “Need ya to squeeze my cock when ya cum, cum real hard f’me,”
“I—i—“ and he kisses you yet again, then you cum. Walls clamping down incredibly hard on his cock and liquid spurting from your pussy. Your orgasm was to powerful that it almost pushed his cock out from your hole, but Sonny pushed back in and fucked you hard through your orgasm.
“Fuck yeah, angel, squirt on my fuckin’ cock—gonna make me fuckin’ cum—“
And he fucked you rough, his cock pounding into you and the sounds you let out were downright pornagraphic.
Sonny squeezes you tight as he feels his orgasm reach its peak and he groans deep, head tipping onto your chest as he fucks his cum deep, deep inside you. Holding both of your hips down onto the bed and fucking you through the remainints of your orgasm and through his own.
You felt him slump down on-top of you, his heavy weight holding you down. You feel… like you’re in bliss, satisfied. Your thighs trembled slightly with pleasure that coursed through your whole body.
That is, until his stomach pressed down on the place you were kicked this morning.
“Ow..” you whine and Sonny quickly sits up, looking concerned.
“Did I hurt ya, doll?” and his hand lightly touches the red blotch of a bruise on your side.
“I’m okay,” you tell him, still breathless. Sonny checks you over anyway, his cock softening inside you as he does it.
Sonny pulls down your gown (after a subtle-not-so-subtle fondle of your breast) and smooths it over. Pulling his cock out of you at the same time, and you hissed at the new feeling of feeling empty.
Sonny wished he could see his cum drip out of you, but that could wait until next time. You needed to recover.
The crotch of his pants was wet with your orgasm, but he didn’t mind.
Sonny grabbed the blanket and pulled it over you, making sure to tuck you in and then settled beside you. “Gonna have ya stay with me for a lil’ while,” he says as he nuzzles into your side, his arm wrapped around you. “Afta’ today? I was… scared for ya.”
“Sonny…” you close your eyes. You hate what happened earlier.
“No, listen to me. Had a gun on me… was about’a go in there n’ shoot him dead before one’a the cops did. He hurt you.. my lil girl, harmed ya pretty face.” And he lifts his head and hand to stroke the few cuts on your cheek. “For peace of mind… I need ya to stay with me. Just for a while. Need’a know it’ll neva’ happen again.”
He held you close.
“what about… us?” You asked him. You just had sex with your brother, your older brother. And you really enjoyed it.
“What do ya want f’r us?” Sonny lifts his head to look you in the eyes.
“I dunno,” you trail off. “I… well, maybe we could… “
“Angel..” he smiles and cocks his head, “ya want me to be ya boyfriend?”
You bit back a smile. “you are my brother…”
“I know that, kiddo.” And he cranes his neck to press his lips to you. “we’ll figure it out, doll.”
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malwaredykes · 3 months
honestly tbh leigh's relationship with the ncr is REALLY funny because. she hates them. she has 0 allegiance to them. she doesnt help THEM she resolves matters in ways that often happen to benefit them in some way or simply prevents needless loss of life, but it never is about them and aside from that shes always stealing, sabotaging, disrespecting them, turning people against them, encouraging members to desert, putting their legitimacy into question, especially the legitimacy of them being in the mojave in the first place, and exposing their ineffectiveness. she has 0 intention of venerating The Republic that she comes from. she thinks its hilarious that anyone should take that stuff seriously.
but she ends up being a celebrity to them. because crocker likes her despite everything, and hsu likes her, and because shes from new cali but important in the mojave, and because shes done stuff like calm things down in the freeside and help at refugee camps and retake nelson. which makes her even more of a problem in a way. if she were Only a nuisance thatd be one thing, theyd just put a bounty on her. but shes a celebrity. she has a status in new vegas and in the ncr. shes kind of untouchable. and her crimes and sabotage can never quite be proven. of course to the higher ups theres having proof and theres Knowing. shit only gets worse when she and her buddies storm the legion fort and kill caesar and free a bunch of slaves because like. this strengthens her vip status AND is absolute humiliation to the ncr. like they cant take the credit and instead they have to live with the fact that what a lot of them dismissed as some upstart with a bunch of clueless locals backing her did something they never couldve achieved. "oh this was pretty much an angry mob of townies and misfits" yeah and they got caesar in his own fortress. shes out there making the ncr look like shit and pointing people to seeing the ncr as the problem and yet she never does it in a way that she could be prosecuted for. by the time the ncr realizes shes a lot of trouble they also know they would lose a TREMENDOUS amount of support if they did something to her
like shes never openly hostile. she never provokes open hostility. shes not Openly Antagonistic to the ncr but its not exactly a secret shes got something planned and would like them to leave. young ncr recruits seeing her are like Omggg ma'am its an honor!!!! ^_^. there are officers and rangers whod be REALLY appalled if you said anything bad about her because Well she sure has done a lot more for us here on site than any of you government people. and that was her goal. that is the game shes playing. folks youll eventually realize its not the ncr that has done good in the mojave despite its flaws, but yours were the hands doing the work, and all the reasons one might consider ncr good or necessary are within you, Are you, the people who joined hoping theyd make a difference. folks youll realize that the ncr has to lie and obfuscate and make bullshit orders and directives to maintain claim over that good work and whitewash its own crimes. folks, i have this ex-ncr friend here. do you know what the ncr got him? complicity in atrocities (lyrical miracle), ptsd, apocalyptic thinking, countless biases to unpack, hopelessness, enemies where he shouldve made friends. and so on. and do you know what he got from *me*? a chance to actually do good. a chance to question those false beliefs of his. a friend. new opportunities. 40 rolls of duct tape. new rifle. lots and lots of soda. TWO toy trucks. and an apple. just ask him
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~ Chapter 2. 03 ~
I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes and how poorly written this fanfic is. English is not my first language and together with my dyslexia ass things can go wrong I'm sorry.
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Without thinking about it I nodded my head before going back inside. I was pacing around for a second or two trying to think how we were going to get safely to Mister Han's place let alone to the kids two floors down. My eyes spotted the stick lying on the floor, making an idea pop into my head.
Taking it from the ground I took it with me to the kitchen. I began to look around for a large knife, and I finally found it. I watched as Hyun-su came back inside still a little in shock.
"Do you have duct tape?" I walk to him with the stick and knife.
He had to process what I was saying for a few minutes before nodding his head. I sat down on the floor waiting for him to find it. We need to hurry to help those kids. It's too dangerous for them to be there all alone. Also if we don't get them they will starve eventually.
I put my hair into a ponytail so it would be out of my face, making it easier to see what I was doing.
"Here." I grabbed it from his hand saying a small thanks before ripping a long piece of cutting it with my teeth.
Placing the knife on one end of the stick, I began to wrap the tape around it making it stay in place. I wrapped another two long strips of tape around it making sure it was secured. The whole time Hyun-su was looking down at me probably thinking what the hell I was doing.
"Here, take it," I said standing up.
Slowly he took it looking confused.
I took the ponytail out of my hair and went through it with my hands before answering.
"It's to protect ourselves. You have longer arms than mine, so it is safer for you to use them so that we have a bigger chance to survive and reach Mr. Hans's place." Slowly he nodded his head still with a scared look on his face.
I can't blame him. I'm also scared shitless, but I just want to save those kids.
They need us.
"You better bring a backpack with stuff in it with you. We have no idea how long you'll be gone from here." I suggested.
I would do the same, but all my stuff is downstairs. Maybe we can pass by it if go the kids with us. Listening to my advice, he began to pack a backpack. I was leaning against the wall at the door waiting for him to be done. I'm wondering how Ji-su was doing. Did she find help or did a monster have a chance to..... kill her? I shook my head.
Of course not!
It's Ji-su!
She's too smart to let some stupid monster get her.
"I'm done."
I looked away from the wall and saw Hyun-su standing there with the stick, well spear now, his backpack, and wearing a black sweater. I wish I had a sweater with me. It's still warm outside and I have long sleeves on, but I still enjoy wearing a sweater over my arms. It makes me feel safer that nobody would notice them.
"Do you have your earbuds with you?" I asked.
Mr. Han had said that if you call a random number and let it on it will make a noise when something is close by.
"I guess now we know why both our phones made the pitching sound when the woman was there." Hyun-su nodded his head taking them from his pocket.
I watch as he plugs them into his phone before putting one earbud in. We both waited for a second if he heard a noise coming from the phone after he called a number, but there was nothing.
"let's go, I guess," I mutter.
Both of us were nervous to get out of the relatively safe apartment, but if we wanted to save those kids we had to. I was about to open the door when he grabbed my wrist.
"Wait," I look back at him confused.
"Let me go first. As you said we have a bigger chance to survive if I used the spear."
He was right, but I didn't mean to put his life in danger to protect me. Nodding my head I took a step to the side letting him go first.
Slowly he opened the door, trying to see if something was there waiting to attack us. When he was sure that nothing was there, he began walking out the door mentioning me to come after him. Holding the door in my two hands, I carefully closed it behind me so it wouldn't make a lot of noise.
We should be safe.
Mister Han is literally next door. A monster should have attacked by now if we weren't safe. His door was right in front of us when I saw something hanging on the wall.
"Wait," I whisper to Hyun-su.
There on the wall was an axe. It's normally used when something like a fire happens. That would be a perfect weapon to have right now, but the only problem is it's behind glass. There should be a key hanging next to it, but it was gone.
My eyes searched around trying to find something I could smash the glass with when they landed on Hyun-su, well then the spear he was holding.
"Can I have that for a sec?" He nodded looking at me with big confused eyes.
To be honest he looked like a puppy when he looked like that. Grabbing the spear I turn it around, smashing the end into the glass. It made a lot of noise that definitely would lure the monster here, but Mr. Han's door was right there. I'm pretty sure we would be inside before they would get here.
Giving the spear back to Hyun-su I turn back grabbing the axe. I held it in my hands feeling how heavy it was and if I could use it to fight anything without getting myself killed. It's this or nothing and I don't want Hyun-su to be the one who has to protect us both with the spear. Looking back up I saw him staring at the axe before looking up at me.
I give him a small smile before walking past him to Mr. Han's door. We knocked two times waiting for him to open the door. The both of us were looking around trying to see if nothing would sneak up at us. A few seconds later the door opened for us. Hyun-su let me go first before he followed me closing the door behind him. The both of us took off our shoes before we walked to where Mr. Han always worked.
"Mister Han," I said with a big smile walking over to him.
"Mi-na, I'm glad you're okay. I know you would be too smart to let a monster get you." A Chuckle left my lips at his words.
Mister Han looked at Hyun-su, who was standing there without making a sound staring at us.
"I'm Han Du-sik and you are?"
"I'm Cha Hyun-su." You could barely hear him when he said his name.
"A slow speaker." I let out a little chuckle when he said that. It was true.
"How?" Hyun-su started, trying to find the right words.
"Can I save the kids?" He asked looking straight at Mister Han.
"You? I'm going with you!" I quickly said making him look at me.
"I...it could be dangerous." He mutters out looking at me before looking away to avoid my stare.
"Don't worry about me. I can handle it." I confidently said.
I have done more dangerous things than this. As I said, I can handle it. Before one of us could speak again. Mr. Han spoke up.
"What do you mean by how?" He looked between Hyun-su and me.
"You'll have to go." I took a step back when Mister Han began to roll my way.
He came from behind the table and I saw how Hyun-su's expression changed when he saw that Mister Han was in a wheelchair.
"Should I go?" He asked Hyun-su.
Hyun-su looks down taking a deep breath before looking back up. I guess he had hoped that an adult would come with us to the kids, but it's just going to be us.
Mister Han began to talk about back in the and how he was a legend. To be honest I can't tell how many stories he told me about his past. I love hearing them and I can tell that he loves reliving them when he tells them.
Hyun-su handed his spear to Mister Han when he told him he could transform it into something more useful. Mr.Han and I leaned back when Hyun-su pointed the knife part at us, but he quickly turned it around making me let out a sigh.
"Mi-na, you too. Give me the axe." I frown my brows but give it to him anyway.
I would have thought that it was already a good weapon, better than a stick with a knife taped to it, but I guess I was wrong.
Mister Han began to work on our stuff so I took a seat next to him to watch. I love seeing him work on things. He let me help sometimes too.
At the orphanage, I had to repair a lot of things, so I had to learn stuff on my own. Which sometimes ended in almost electrocuting myself, but in the end, the job was done.
"So, how did you guys end up together?" Mister Han asked while working.
I looked up to see what Hyun-su was doing, but it seemed like he was in his own world looking at a picture.
"He saved me from a monster attacking me last night. Ever since then, I have been in his apartment." I explain looking back at his work. I hear him let out a soft hum while continuing his work.
"But how did you end up on this floor in the first place?" I shrug my shoulders before speaking up.
"I was on my way to the floor above us when I saw blood on the door of the fourteenth floor. I wanted to make sure that nobody was hurt so I went inside. That is where I saw the monster and that is how I ended up here." I told him putting my elbow on the table while leaning my head on my hand.
I was tired, but I didn't want to sleep. It's because we have to wait and do nothing, that my body is shutting down. The moment I will walk again I'll be fine. It's not like I could sleep yesterday. Hyun-su was passed out and there was a monster outside. Someone had to keep watch.
"Haven't seen him before. A new guy?"
I let out a chuckle.
"You rarely meet new people because you're here most of the time, I'm pretty sure you haven't seen half of the people living here and yes he just moved here a day ago I think." Mister Han laughs nodding his head.
"You're right. It just surprised me that you know him."
I look up at him with frown brows.
"Well he doesn't look like the type of person who is social and would walk up to you on his own for a chat and you aren't the type of person who talked to people without them talking to you first." I press my lips together and think about what he said.
I met Ji-su because of work where she talked to me first, I met Eun-yu on the roof where she talked to me first as well, Eun-hyuk I met when Eun-yu brought me to her place where he talked to me first as well. Which she wasn't happy with.
Jae-heon I met him when I was moving the only two boxes of stuff I had upstairs and he offered to help me, I met Mister Han in the elevator, where he dropped something when he got out of the elevator and I brought it back to his apartment. He began to talk first and asked if I wanted to come inside.
Maybe he is right. Over the years I have never been the one to focus on my social skills.
"I had to talk to him. My friend wasn't the nicest person to him and I had to apologize. That's it." I left out the fact that he was standing on the edge of the building and that he was probably suicidal, something I recognized when I first saw him.
"It's something you both have in commoned then." I shrug my shoulders.
"Maybe. We haven't really talked much, so maybe you're right." I said, looking back at Hyun-su.
He was still standing there, in his own thoughts.
"Hey." Mister Han spoke trying to catch his attention, but I guess he was too deep in his thought to hear it.
He took the spear and pressed a button, making electricity shoot through the knife. Hyun-su jumped when he heard the noise looking back at us.
"They still move around with their head chopped off."
Yeah, that's something Hyun-su and I have experienced. No need to tell us that.
"A kitchen knife won't work, but this will do it." Hyun-su looked amazed at the knife before speaking up.
"Can I kill them with that?" Mister Han's face when completely serious.
"No, you can't." His voice was stern like a dad telling his kids the rules.
"How do you know that?"
"I just do. Avoid them at all costs. If you come across them, run for your life. No, don't get caught in the first place." He looked from Hyun-su to me making sure I would listen to him.
Hyun-su looked scared before looking at something next to Mister Han.
"Then please lend me that canon." I looked over and saw the weapon he used that chopped off the eyeball monster's head.
"No. It isn't stable, so it can fire only a few shots. I fired earlier. I'll fire again if it breaks in. The last shot is for me. So I can go easy." It's maybe an easy way, but it's still a sad way.
This had only started and he already thought about how he could end his life if it was necessary.
"Mi-na." I look up nodding my head.
"Here's yours."
He handed me back the axe, only now it had a better handle so I could have a better grip on it with a much sharper blade. Making it much sharper and harder for the opponent to survive it.
"Thanks, Mister Han. You're probably going to be the reason we are going to survive this." I said twisting the weapon around in my hand.
Hyun-su took the spear looking at it with big eyes.
"These are for your protection, not to attack with. Use it in self-defense only." Mister Han said again in a stern voice, making sure we were going to listen to him.
We both nodded our heads before we headed to the door.
We turn around after grabbing our shoes.
"Be careful. Look out for each other, you have more chance to survive if you have someone to watch your back." I nodded my head before hearing Hyun-su speak.
"W.....we will."
I have never really been a team player.
I rather wanted to be left alone or do stuff on my own, so this is going to be something new for me. We put on our shoes in silence, not knowing if we were going to come back here or not.
"Ready?" I asked looking up at Hyun-su.
He looked at the door for a second before looking back at me nodding his head.
"Yeah," He breathes out.
I gave him a comforting smile before opening the door slowly. I stuck my head outside looking around if something was there, but it was quiet. Opening the door further, I step outside still looking around.
We have no idea which kind of monster there is out there, so we have to be prepared for everything.
When Hyun-su had closed the door behind him we began to make our way to the area where the stairs and elevators were. The whole way there we didn't say anything. Not just because there could be monsters and they could hear us, but also because I had no idea what to say in a situation like this.
When we came to the place we tried some doors but most of them were locked up with chains.
We were going to the next door when I stopped in my tracks.
The ringing in my ears began again together with the knot forming in my stomach.
Previous Chapter ~ Next Chapter
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zorasthoughts · 5 months
the reappearance of rachel price: my thoughts so far (spoilers)
my reading has been slow-going because i've also been busy with other life stuff, but i'm now at chapter twenty-one, and there's going to be a family dinner, which will probably involve some big drama, and secrets being revealed, so before i read that, i want to put down my thoughts and observations. buckle up everyone, this post is way longer than i anticipated
first of all, i love that holly used the surnames of the actors playing pip and ravi as surnames for two of the characters who are making the documentary in this book. a nice little easter egg that made me smile.
second of all, i can't believe i forgot to put duct tape on my predictions list!! (this is mainly a joke.) there's duct tape on the cover of as good as dead, and if you know, you know. then, when i read five survive, duct tape was mentioned, and gets used, but when i first read it, i was like, "omg, holly jackson duct tape universe". in chapter one, ramsey says something about taping down the wires, so i'm counting this as duct tape.
bel is a kleptomaniac. i don't know anything about kleptomania, but my guess is that in the case of bel, this is some kind of psychological compulsion: being able to take things from people because someone so significant disappeared from her life without her having any control/memory of it happening. my other guess is that it is a symptom of some undiagnosed medical condition (more on that later)
carter: this seems to be the person that bel is closest to, but there's a couple of years between the two, and being cousins isn't quite the same as friendship becoming family (unlike pip and cara or red and maddy)
when carter first comes on-scene in chapter three i thought she might have adhd (she was always moving somehow, never still. drumming fingers and jangling legs. p. 22) but that's been the only indication
charlie is suspicious as hell. firstly there's the fact that it is established how fundamental he is in bel's world, as a constant, as someone to trust. there have been adult characters in holly's other books that have been portrayed like that, only for it to be revealed that they're some kind of bad guy
also, charlie's comments about sherry's pregnancy during the family interview gave me the ick. is he just sexist, or is there some other reason that he'd be saying stuff like that to his sister-in-law?
jeff is also suspicious. getting up to leave the interview when charlie starts talking about his truck? and then the conversation between jeff and charlie later? something's going on, but i'm not sure what
also charlie's reasoning for the documentary is that he needs the money to pay for his father's medical care, but i wonder if there's some other reason
bel's teacher mr tripp: nothing to say about him, except that i'm suspicious (but i don't know what i suspect him of). it's a holly jackson novel, i'm suspicious of everyone
rachel coming back, and things not adding up delights and confounds me in equal measure. how does she know about bel's bracelet? why does she have that random baby sock?
who's the person that suggested the rachel price case to ramsey on twitter? it can't just be a random person, given that they only made this one comment
i like ash, but no strong feelings so far.
there are a lot of mentions of bel feeling left behind/having the feeling that people are going to leave her. it's understandable, given that she grew up under the shadow of always being known in relation rachel price. to everyone in her town, she's a curiosity, an object of discussion, rather than an actual person.
okay, let's talk about memory. in the family interview, ramsey brings up the point that in the time leading up to rachel's disappearance, she would become forgetful, and bel draws a connection to rachel on that score; bel is also forgetful. is this something genetic?
there's also the fact that bel observes minor differences between rachel's narratives/accounts of events, and even says something about being locked up for 15 years, when the tv news (right in front of rachel!!) said 16 years
most people (the police, charlie, etc.) attribute this to trauma, which would be understandable, but i then began to wonder if it is actually bel who is muddling facts. i'm pretty sure there's some kind of undiagnosed medical condition at work here, that seems to be affecting both rachel and bel but i don't know what that is
there's also the fact that bel's grandfather has vascular dementia. we've yet to see him interact with rachel, so i'm interested to see if her presence will trigger any memories (and reveal information). holly actually did this very sneakily in agggtm when pip and ravi go to the ivy house hotel and the old woman sees andie's photo and says that she had visited recently. we later learn that it was just someone who looked like andie (becca).
last thing, there's still not been any guns, but i think there could be in the future (holly has said that one of the benefits of setting her books in the us is easy access to guns). bonus points if it's during a scene where the documentary crew are also present because they're british (but hopefully none of them get hurt)
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cxhleel108 · 6 months
LITG S8 Thots for this week: I love winning!
(Fusebox hasn’t proven me wrong often…damn near at all, but oh do I love when they do!)
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• Ok but his body kinda tea I’ll give him that.
• Also do I spy a Libra tattoo??? LIBRA GANG STAND TF UP!!!♎️♎️♎️
• Luna really just want every man in here except her own like damn bitch just give Jin to me since you so open to change😭😭😭
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• The spat being us disagreeing on one thing for maybe 30 seconds and then Oakley immediately apologizing to and worshipping me like ok girl, sure.
• Keep trying all y’all want I’m not turning on my man😑😑😑
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• We not doing this again uh uh.
• The fact I was finna deny speaking to Hari and then he brings up that he has intel on my man ugh they know how weak I am help💔
• The intel in question being that he was gonna ask us to go exclusive. WOW! WHAT A SHOCKER!
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• Theo what I have to say to you couldn’t take any more than 5 seconds. Stop wasting my time PLEASE!
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• Oh yes I love when a man acts “playerfully”…
• It was so obvious that the letter was from our partner can we stop being fucking dumb?
• We didn’t emote enough after reading that letter. I needed my bitch to break out into tears while screaming or something!
• They are arguing over the letter omfggg the day that this villa knows peace, pigs will be flying.
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• I busted out laughing at this cuz some of y’all were theorizing that Bea was his sister. Do you know how funny that would’ve been if she was😭
• Oh for christ’s sake can Luna shut the fuck UP? I’m so tired of her getting pressed at Jin being flirty with other bitches as if she don’t do the same exact shit. Ho mad cuz he says Bea might be hot but was just begging Hari to give her pussy a taper fade haircut, girl byeeeee!
• Theo finally manned up and admitted he wants me. Woohoo! Can we move on?
• Outfit time!
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• Ngl I thought this was gonna look a whole lot more stupid but thankfully it doesn’t. Now as to why they made accompanying shoes that we couldn’t even put on is beyond me.
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• Jin stfu😭😭😭
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• Yes use the good punani powers to distract him sis exactly!
• I’m seriously so glad I didn’t have to wait 20 episodes to see my bookie bear again like y’all don’t understandddd.
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• He just got back and he already being messy helpskdmsmasnd.
• I know they ain’t actually shocked that I dropped the rope during tug of war…I already told y’all I am a one dick woman!
• Figures that Bea is the one that’s actually with my man, yet Luna is the one that’s making me wanna smack the shit outta her.
• Outfit time again!
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• Say what you want but they are definitely killing the outfit game this season. Another bad bitch fit!
• The fact we can just tell Hari to shut the hell up so we can listen to the other date awww he really shoulda chose another girl to go after.
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• Ok I fucks with you Bea! We love real bitches here💯💯💯
• And the fact Oakley recognizes that we would NEVER play those games oh when I tell you we fucking him real good tonight!
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• God why am I so evil😭😭😭
• We actually get a private moment and they didn’t hoodwink us this time omg can we get fed like this more often?
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• Oooooo wait clock his tea bae! Cuz that actually don’t make no fucking sense like how you out of practice for 2 years and suddenly you pulling out romantic ass stories just cuz you meet one bad bitch on Love Island?
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• Oh lord someone duct tape Luna mouth shut before she start another yap fest.
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• To clarify, when I say “you both” I’m referring to Oakley and his donk. Sorry Hari!
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• Mind you the stuff that’s supposedly gonna change my mind about him is finna be some shit like “Instead of buying you a box of chocolates, he said he was gonna get you a giant teddy bear and a bouquet of roses and carnations.” Like can y’all cut this shit out it do not be gagging us anymore😕
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• Because of course as soon as y’all bring me my baby daddy back you take him away again…
• Welp, loyal girlies I guess it’s time for us to suffer for another 2+ weeks!
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sefusneezed · 5 months
Does Kat have a Cyber Altered Task unit? If so, what is it called, and how much trauma has she put it through?
WAIT I HAVE LORE FOR THIS All the rich people who wanna suck up to the gang keep buying her CAT kits for birthdays and all sorts of religious holiday stuff so she just has a ton of them laying around unassembled but she definitely made a couple as a kid. First one was with Von Kuronar though and ended up going terribly because he's kind of weird and has no social skills and is overly passionate about machines (AS HE SHOULD BE OMNISSIAH BLESS AMEN BROTHER YEEHAW) and she was like, a toddler. Atleast WAY too young. So he yelled at her until she cried and then built the thing himself in classic Von Kuronar fashion. He still considers it an excellent bonding experience though his zero self awareness having ass has no clue how terrifying he was. Second one she built by herself and since she literally had no friends besides just, old as hell cyborg people and half dead lobotomite servitors, she just treated this thing like it was an actual person and talked to it and had entire conversations with it as if it could talk back. She used to play pretend with it and make stupid skits with its recording program and send those skits to the gang. Literal stupid kid stuff Kalanis would be in the middle of some big scary important interplanetary meeting with an inquisitor discussing how he totally Did Not embezzle money and should not be impeached, and then he'd just get a video of Kat beatboxing. It was dumb as hell though and got stuck under her bed until she found it a few years later, so then she started using it for her experiments and curiosity and all that. Literally sends it through the sewers with a little scraper thing duct taped to it because she wants a sample of sewage slime to add to her funny creature experiment. She once sent it to the lower hive levels because she wanted to look at The Poors but was too scared to go there herself. Unfortunately they just beat it up and dismantled it so they could resell the parts. Kat got upset and sent Lyrane to go retrieve all of it and he certainly did do that, but in the mass civilian casualties sorta way. Absolutely no one steals and dismantles CAT units ever again the entire populace has heard tales of The HorrorsTM. She still has this thing its just broken and she hasn't gotten around to fixing it yet. It's on the backburner. Lyrane will probably fix it if she never does though. He'll inherit it.
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ebonylark · 1 year
My daughter was having nightmares and feared monsters, so I made her a "sleep sword". The whole thing is non-toxic and the gems glow in the dark. This is where my love of Discworld and LARPing intersect with parenthood.
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'But Mrs Robertson told me that her Emma was going round the house looking for monsters in the cupboards! And up until now she's always been afraid of them!' 'Did she have a stick?' said Susan. 'She had her father's sword!' 'Good for her.'
~ Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett
Process detailed below
Camp pad
Kite spar
Epoxy or carpet glue
Box cutter or craft knife
Drywall knife or serrated kitchen knife
Duct tape collection
Board to evenly smoosh
Cord for the handle
Nerf glow-in-the-dark discs for the gems
Foil to back gems
Thin craft foam for the hilt if your cat bites the camp pad all to hell
Doodle of sword
Doodle the sword
Measure the child's arm from shoulder to fingertip.
Cut Kite Spar to length if child's arm. Sand the edges. I used a dremmel.
Draw the outline of the sword three times on the camp pad. Total length should be approx. child arm + 2 inches. You can draw the outline on cardboard and then trace if you prefer.
Cut the sword blanks out. They won't be perfect.
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Stack the blanks in different orders to determine which sword blank is biggest. This one will go in the center.
Cut a channel in the center blank to hold the kitespar snugly, with at least one inch of padding on all sides.
Place the bottom blank on a hard surface.
Spread glue
Add center blank
Glue into channel
Kite spar into channel
More glue
Top blank
Wait for glue to set. Again, it won't be perfect.
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Use the serrated knife to shape the blade
Use the box cutter to delineate the hilt
Take a photo and get out your duct tape collection.
Make multiple mockups using only colors you actually have.
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Allow child to select color for the hilt
Peel the stickers off the nerf discs
Crumple foil and place inside the disc. I liked the effect better than flat foil or glittery paper, but you do you
Attach gems to hilt - I used little strips of duct tape on the very edges
If necessary, cut two hilt shapes out of craft foam and attach to camp pad. Stuff the gaps in the camp pad created by cat attack with the shrapnel. Tape hilt foam together as you go to hold the shrapnel in place. Rember to cut holes for the gems before attaching the craft foam.
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Duct tape all the things in appropriate colors. Cut little slits to smooth around curves.
Wrap the cord around the grip
Charge the glow gems with sunshine or blacklight
Give sword to child
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jackofallages · 27 days
Happy birthday to me.
It was time for my annual birthday camping trip. My car was loaded with everything I needed and a few extraneous items. You never knew when or where you might find some sweet young thing. Granted, it being late fall and with cooler weather, the odds were lower.
After pulling off the road and onto a National Forest road, I took all my gear, packed into and on my pack, out of the car. The first leg of my hike into the forest took the rest of the day and I had camp set by dark.
Climbing out of my hammock and starting breakfast, I notice a change in the sounds of the forest animals. Usually this means someone is lumbering through their territory.
Packing up camp quickly I stash my pack, taking only my TAC vest with the bare essentials. I listen carefully to the sounds of the forest before choosing a direction.
Five minutes later I find her. She is stumbling about definitely not dressed for her stay. Infact it looks like she just stumbled out of a club. Short skirt, ending just below the swells of her firm ass cheeks. Her stockings turn from the undergrowth snagging as she staggered about.She also has a dazed look almost like she was high on something.
This was looking to be a great birthday. So I took note of the direction she was headed and headed back for my pack. From what I could see, she was heading deeper into the forest almost straight to the forest service cabin a mile further in.
Taking the longer circuitous route I was able to move faster than she was, and made it to the cabin in plenty of time. Dropping my gear in the cabin, I head back out into the forest to prepare for my birthday present.
She's only made it about half the distance to the cabin when I find her. She isn't even paying attention to her surroundings. Dumb, very dumb. I wait behind an overly large cottonwood tree trunk, for her to stumble by. I don't have long to wait, and as luck would have it, she passed within a fit of me.
I stepped up behind her, my arm going around her throat in the classic sleeper hold as I trip her, sending her sprawling to the first floor. She doesn't have time to respond as my arm cuts off the flow of blood to her brain.
The moment I feel her go slack I release the hold and quickly secure her arms behind her. As I'm finishing the knots on her ankles, she begins to stir.
Not wanting to listen to her screen, I rip her panties from her to stuff them into her gasping mouth, securing them with a stop of duct tape.
Taking my kerchief from my back pocket, I blindfold her before picking her now struggling form and throwing her over my shoulder in a fireman's carry. Bringing my hand down hard on her now exposed as, her skirt having ridden up to her waist,"Stop struggling cunt. Or you will be punished."
It only takes me a few minutes to carry her now still, but whimpering body to the cabin. I throw her down onto the threadbare couch and make my way to my pack. It takes me only moments to get the bondage restraints from the bottom compartment and attach them to her limbs.
The stench of her fear already has me hard as I prepare the types to secure her. Some get attached to the bed, while others are attached to the foot of the heavy wood stove. While I would love to sleep next to her petite sexy body, I need to break her first. The one near the stove will keep her uncomfortable and off balance.
Walking over to the couch I found her on the floor. I had been watching her struggle and he's her grunt as she hit the floor. But I wasn't too worried about her going far. I crouch down and grab her chin, holding her head still as I whisper, "Now I think it's time I unwrap my birthday present. It was so nice of you to deliver it to me."
Carrying her to the bed I true her down onto it, not caring to be gentle. "Now, we can do this the easy way and you can assist me in taking off your clothes, or we can do it the easier way and I can cut them off. If I cut them off you will have nothing to wear when I take you home with me. You will have to sit naked in my car for the whole world to see. Might be good for a slut like you." I lean close and whisper deeply, "Please make it be the easier way. If love to show you off."
I hear her whimpering and I didn't think my cock could get any harder. "I'm going to take out your gag. Understand that while there is nobody around for miles, you will be punished if you scream." I grab the edge of the duct tape and pull quickly, knowing that she will scream from the pain. She really had no chance.
She screams like I expected, though she cuts it off fast, her body shaking from fear. "Please sir, please let me go. I won't tell anyone." Her body is shaking almost uncontrollably now as she sobs in terror.
I caressed her face causing her to flinch away, "Oh pretty nymph. I have no intention of letting you go." Her sobs increase as I wipe at the tears that have escaped her blindfold, licking them off my finger and savoring the salty taste. "After these next two weeks are done, you and I will have come to an agreement beneficial to me. If not, I'll take you further into the woods and leave you to your own devices." My hand trails down her neck, continuing over her breasts. I notice that she isn't wearing a bra and the gear has her nipples as hard as diamonds. "When I found you, you were wandering further and further away from civilization." My fingers begin unbuttoning her blouse. "You would not have serviced the week." I roll her over onto her stomach and begin untying her hands.
Her arms fall limp at her sides as they are released and I pull her blouse from her body. Reaching into my pile of gear I pull out a locking leather collar with a small blocky device attached. Fixing it to her neck I lock it in place. My hands caress over her buttocks drawing a shiver from her. "Now these stockings are toast. They really aren't worth saving." With that, I grab each one in turn with both hands and rip them from her body.
This draws a gasp from her and she begins to cry again. "Why are you doing this to me?"
"Because my beautiful nymph, I can." I begin to untie her feet, palming the remote to the collar as I do. I know that if she is going to try and run, this will be the time for it.
Sure enough as soon as I'm done untying her and crouch back on my heels, she pushes herself up and bolts for the door.
I walk to the door watching her as she makes it almost to the edge of the clearing surrounding the cabin, before I press a button on the remote. A strangled scream is forced from her as the shock collar drops her to her knees.
Walking slowly up to her I release the button and watch her pants on the ground, her hands scrabbling at the collar, trying to take it off. She is crying so hard now that she is almost hyperventilating. "Now little nymph that was a foolish thing to do and I'm afraid that you've added to the punishment you already have coming." I grab her hair, pulling her toward the cabin, forcing her to crawl.
I slowly shake my head. I really don't like my property to be physically damaged, and I can tell she has near flawless skin. "Get on your feet. If you damage my property, namely you, I'll be forced to increase your already growing punishment."
Her hands go to my wrists using them to help herself get to her feet as I have not stopped walking. Pulling her forward, forcing her ahead of me, we walk back into the cabin. I walk her over to a bare wall and force her to her knees. "Stay and don't move."
Her crying has slowed but shows no sign of stopping. Reaching into my pack I pull out some eyebolts that I use to hang my hammock, and screw them into the wall. I put two above her shoulder hight, spread slightly past shoulder width. And the other two near the ground at shoulder width apart.
I glance over and notice that she hasn't moved and her head is bowed. I smile *she's already learning. Might not take two weeks*
I walk over and stand next to her,"Stand up pet" Once she is standing I guide her to the spot with the eye bolts and attach the restraints to them. I step back and admire her standing there helpless before me.
Walking outside I find a willow sapling and cut a switch. Debarking and smoothing it as I whistle, I notice she is looking over her shoulder. And the gear in her widening eyes makes me smile. She knows what's next and begins to whimper, years rolling down her cheek. This is when I notice that she has managed to remove the blindfold while I was out.
Stepping up to her I tap the switch lightly against the inside of her right thigh. "Now I believe that you have some punishment coming." I drag the switch up the inside of her thigh watching her squirm as she feels it getting closer and closer to her hairless slit. "Now this is how this is going to go. You are going to count each stroke and thank me for correcting your behavior. If you forget to thank me I will start back at the beginning. Your punishment is fifteen strokes. Five for screening when I took off your gag." I know I caused that screen with how I pulled the tape off hard. "And ten strokes for trying to run."
At this she begins to sob almost uncontrollably, "P.. Please. I'll be good." It's cute when they think they can negotiate.
"Of course you'll behave. After your punishment." I step back and to the side, "Prepare and didn't forget to count." With that I flick out the switch, striking a line across the middle of her left ass cheek. The screen that came out would have had me worried if we hadn't been in the middle of nowhere.
As she tried to move to escape I stepped close and grabbed her hair, pulling her head back."If you don't count and say thank you this could end up taking all day." I growl into her ear.
"Wa wa one. Thank thank you S s sir."
I release her and step back into position, "Good girl. You're learning." This strike lands on her back near the right side. From my position the tip lands close to here breast.
Another scream and another count with a thanks.
After the first eight I can tell that she has slipped into a pain induced trance. Pausing I step forward and caressing her cheek I whisper. "Such a good girl. You learn quickly." My finger brushes her lips and I'm surprised when she kisses it. "Only seven more to go. Your doing a great job."
I step back and survey the lines criss crossing her body from her shoulders to just above the backs of her knees. I also notice that she has stopped crying, just soft sniffles from time to time.
The next six strikes pass and she counts them out with soft cries and thanks. I can tell she has stopped deeply into a trance to protect her mind from what is happening. This will not do. While yes I want her to be able to go into a trance. I want it on my instruction. I know the last style will break her out of it but I know I can't put as much force behind it.
I flick out my switch, landing the blow between her legs and across both lips diagonally. The scream from her would have made you think she was dying. She tried hoping as best she could fastened to the wall the way she was.
It takes almost five seconds before her brain kicks and she shouts quickly, "FIFTEEN, fifteen. Thank you sir for educating me."
I smile as I put down the switch. Walking over to her with cream in my hand, I start applying it to the welts across her skin. Her breath comes out as a hiss before the numbing effect takes hold.
"You did really good sweet nymph." My hand reached around her side to soothe the weekly in her breast before moving south. "I really don't like marking up my property like that, but lessons sometimes need to be taught this way." My fingers reach into the jar of cream, scooping a large dollop and slathering it across her pussy lips.
As my fingers soothe the pain in her pussy lips a moan escape he lips and her hips thrust into my fingers. I notice that her pussy is wet. Not drenched but definitely wet.
I gently take her down from the wall and carry her to the bed. Covering her with my sleeping bag I brush the hair back from her face, placing a light kid on her lips. She moans and pees hers more firmly against mine. I can feel the hunger there. "Rest baby girl. When you wake up we will discuss the rules for your new life."
More tags to come in part two.
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xandermatthews2290 · 9 months
What is up with Eden
I’m going to contribute my thing if just dropping mysterious should be evidence into CH2
Eden has been one of the serious focal points of CH2 as well as the entire series, heck she’s literally the 1st person that we check in with but there’s one moment that strikes me as genuinely weird that I think will involve the trial of Arei
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Who on earth is Eden talking about here? It’s definitely not Arturo as she arranged her meeting with him and he very explosively went off on her. Add in the fact that she’s in the laundry room where 1 piece of bizarre evidence sticks out to me this time more than ever
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There’s a mysterious ball of Hu and Teruko’s old clothes held together with some kind of starch, which we all should be aware of which leads me to my big question
What if Eden isn’t being followed in the 1st images?
What if she’s actually just making sure that she isn’t the one being followed while she can go make the clothes ball?
Second off what on earth is the clothes ball used for?
Arei’s been hung up to death on a set of monkey bars for christs sake, Why in the name of surviving are there fish in the playground, broken water jug handles in the trash, damaged ceiling lights, a carousel wrapped in duct tape, and a ball of sticky clothes have to do with committing a successful murder?
I’m very seriously starting to ask myself who in the cast would NEED to do this in order to get this stuff done. You can excuse half of this stuff as a red herring but there’s so much of it that directly relates to the murder
Lastly my final screenshot that actually got me thinking while writing this up:
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Arei’s rope, yards of this rope are rather carelessly left underneath the carousel which as anyone who’s been watching relates to Arei on a deep personal level. And who do we see in the bottom left hearing Arei bitch about her rope: Eden who was with Levi, Teruko, and David when Arei opened up about why she was like this.
Yes, Arei and Eden made up in the infirmary, but is one good conversation and a promise to do better enough for Eden to be ready to fully forgive her after a chapter and a half of being tormenting by her?
Yes, Eden’s secret wasn’t that bad, but maybe it just doesn’t seem so based on what we know, her secret is bizarrely normal compared to things like Nico’s gender identity, Charles having repressed trauma, David being a manipulator, Rose putting her family into crippling debt and Ace’s eating disorder,
Yes in ny previous post I talked about how David can’t be the culprit because the person with his secret is still alive(Whit) in Eden’s case this would be Charles who gave her secret to Teruko for safekeeping, but the motives have a track record for failing to be relevant in DRDT and it’s a pattern that could continue to hold up. Lastly if we’re really dying on that hill then the culprit could only be Hu, Levi, Veronika, Teruko, David, or Whit. I fully respect the fact that I could be wrong, but who are we as a community of obsessed murder mystery enthusiasts if we don’t at least try to theorize, if there are any serious disagreements feel free to comment
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annakie · 10 months
My family was supposed to all be out of town by now, but Stuff happened and they're not leaving til next week.
Asked my mom on Sunday if we were going to do any kind of Thanksgiving and she was like "Oh I bought sliced turkey at the deli!" Me: lol no
Spent an hour or so googling for options and H.E.B. (Texas grocery chain) had a full Thanksgiving dinner for four (4 - 6 lb Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, gravy and real cranberry sauce), all pre-cooked, and for under $100. Just unbox, stick it in the oven for an hour, and voila, easy dinner.
So I ordered that. They bought some pie when they went to Walmart, mom's making bread from scratch because she loves using her Kitchenaid stand mixer for bread, I bought a little cheese tray for appetizers, and we've got the easiest Thanksgiving ever for four.
Went to pick it up and:
A) Forgot that everyone gets out of work early today thus getting on the road at 2pm was like usually getting on the road at 5pm, especially heading away from downtown.
B) Forgot how far this grocery store was. I used to work right by there and completely forgot how much I hated that commute. I took the tollways. Worth it.
C) HOLY CRAP the grocery store parking lot was like Mad Max. Trying to get in and this idiot cut me off badly before getting into the parking lot, then I guess they got scared when I followed them into the parking lot and were driving erratically trying to get away from me? Even though I was just, you know, being normal. Maybe they were just THAT dumb. Then they nearly hit a family on foot while making a shitty blind turn. Terrifying. I offered the family my dashcam footage, but since nobody was hurt and they were leaving, they just wanted to get out.
D) CANNOT IMAGINE what it was like in that store, the parking lot looked FULL full. Thank the retail gods for curbside pickup. Didn't have to get out of the car. Wasn't allowed to tip the girl who brought the groceries out. =\ Only downside is that I'd ordered an extra side of pre-made Parmesan Garlic carrots for more veggies. They substituted the carrots for more green beans. Nobody in my family likes green beans much already. :p
E) Driving home was almost as bad, but traffic was better going south.
F) Thought it would take me 45 minutes. Entire trip took an hour and a half. Glad to be home.
G) I hate putting groceries away. The box with dinner juuuuust barely fits in my fridge. I had to duct tape the door shut. No, I'm not kidding. :D IT'S FINE. It's for like, 18 hours!
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