#she knows that im a human disaster™
sweet-honey-fruit · 2 years
nonono ok I'll try to explain even tho I'm confused also im just talking about the circlet lore right now.   
So King Deshret, Rukkhadevata and The Goddess of Flowers said fuck the rules of the archon war we're not gonna kill each other but instead rule together. Goddess of Flowers and King Deshret liked each other as more than just friends. Goddess of Flowers was a Seelie civilization survivor. Goddess of Flowers tells them a story of what happened a long long time ago.  
  If I understand correctly which is a big fucking if, Basically back when Phanes used to rule over teyvat Phanes talked to the humans. But then The Second Who Came invaded and caused destruction, floods and plagues. The Second Who Came brought war to the seelies but also told them something which made them doubt Phanes so The Second Who Came made them realize that Phanes isn't as perfect as he seems.  
  Not liking this reputation, Phanes started to drop the pillars to 'fix' the lands and with that 'laying waste to the mortal realm'. He then shooed the Seelies away, cursed and banned them from the heavens which caused their forms to be those we know and meet in game. 
   Although cursed, The Goddess of Flowers is still in human Form. She predicts that the abyss and Celestia will soon fight each other. She warns not to question the mysteries of the sky and the abyss and to not seek for the Master of the four shades(Phanes) as that would be a death sentence by nail drop™.   
King deshret ignores these warnings. Eventually causing the desert disaster.
There are a lotta things which are just confusing and obviously also some information that is missing but ye. I'm lost. Lore whore brain is error not working.
-Lore whore💕
So BASICALLY….god hood just sucks and teyvat should be ruled individually by their nations. Cause EVERY RULER IS EITHER DUMB, RECKLESS, OR A TYRANT.
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imustbenuts · 2 years
Dude, i seriously wanna make small little drabbles with the takes that you have. It provides SO many outcomes and so many different relationships with not only Godhood, but the outcomes and disasters of it going wrong. When i was hunting for lvl 40 convos, i noticed that a lot of Gods/Deities speak to us as if we're not EXACTLY Human. Maybe something... different. Like, we're still MORTAL, but not quite human? (I hope that makes sense, if it dont, just ignore all that. Lmao, im sorry) BUT, a good chunk of them are all basically 'Yo, Summoner, wtf. You're really Weird.' and then you either remind them of ANOTHER God, or how they HOPE for humanity to be. Then you have others who are just, 'Wtf are you. You're playing everyone else like a damn kazoo, but not me. I got my eyes on you.' and i find that so Nice™.
rubby hands yeees yeees now you see it too and you can never unsee it. upupupupu. and please, please, write those drabbles away
i want more fanfic!!! stories! drabbles about feh! so i mostly dont feel like im the only lunatic in this corner ;_;
plsss! id love to read something from you hhh
and dw about what you said bc i think it's intentionally meant to be ambiguos as there is actually a perfect fit for a Human-But-Not-Quite-Maybe-Divinity.
again, my working theory is still that Kiran is a dead ringer for a deity named a Deva from Buddhism. this deity is similar to an angel, but are effectively mortals who live in a realm that's more comfy and pleasurable, and are just as able to fall into vice or be arrogant (i.e like every human on earth). in other words, a mortal divinity.
just like an angel, they are not wholly considered to be a God, and are not really meant to be prayed to. they kind of just... vibe up in their realms, and they actually are able to look down into the lower realms and observe.
i'm throwing the below here under read more as Food For Thought™
and again thank you for taking the time to read my rambles and sending an ask!! :DD
Who or what are you? Do you know the answer to this question?
I've lived so long that finally, I have met one more curious than I...
Your hidden quintessence leads me astray. Do not come any nearer. I… I am Lord Nergal's…
The power to summon... The Kingdom of Askr's ability to open gates to other realms... I'm sure you've pondered them. Don't mysteries like these make you want to uncover every little detail?
her lv 40 conversation:
I can tell by the look in your eyes that you're here to confess your love.
Before we get to that… Can I borrow your divine weapon? Just for a little bit…
It is simply too much power to put in the hands of a human!
You could rule the nine worlds and every conceivable Outrealm…
The power at your command is truly godlike.
I can certainly think of a few things I'd like to do with it…
Is that a no? You're far too strict!
Disappointing, but hardly unexpected. We've got to get to know each other better…
And someday, when we're as close as close gets, maybe you'll change your mind.
You should not exist. Nor should your power to summon. You are outside Alfaðör's design. You should not be.
her lv 40 conversation:
Did you summon me on purpose, [Summoner]?
I only try to understand. You and that weapon you carry are not part of this world as it was designed.
And we cannot abide a mortal with power enough to challenge the gods. What you fight for is incidental.
Alfaðör is likely to command that I rid this world of you and your power.
And when that happens, I... Well...
You are said to be only a summoner, but I find your demeanor familiar. Would you cross swords with me?
(this despite knowing our battle prowess is basically 0, not sure if hes getting some wires crossed here)
Naga has some lowkey suspect lines too especially taking all of what im rambling about into consideration
Ritual cleansing is the best way to prepare your body for battle. Come now—I will show you how.
(why treat us like a fellow divinity lol)
(ie shes either projecting or find the summoner similar to herself. a deity who sees herself guiding humanity. whew.)
Come here. Gaze deep into my eyes, [Summoner]...
Yes, I see. I, too, now understand the warmth and peace that arises when one is at your side.
It is strange for one such as I, with strength rival to none, who watches over and guides the world...
to drift into another world and find myself sharing feelings with mortals previously unknown to me.
Yet...these feelings have put down roots in my heart. And your eyes tell me you feel the same warmth.
Your kind are frail, ignorant creatures, incapable of accomplishing anything without the guidance of the goddess.
…Or so I had thought. But I have been forced to realize, meeting the Heroes here, that I was wrong.
You in particular stand apart as well… You are different from the rest. Special in some way.
My instincts are not often wrong…
If you continue to fight for this world, I will fight by your side, as a warrior. As an equal.
And I know the goddess will be watching over you as well.
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bluezeri · 3 years
Dare I ask... may I hear about some of your OC's?
ANYWAY ok there Nuzeri (Consular) and i originally headcanoned(? is that the right word??) him to be sweet and caring and amazing, which he is, its just that now he’d probably help you commit arson. no one really knows that ofc, except Senya who jokingly brought it up at some point and he showed up 3 days later at her quarters ready to go burn some shit. Senya is now slightly scared of him :) ALSO i might have mentioned it earlier but him and one other person (ill get into it later) are a species i made myself!!! (humans are boring) im v v proud of it despite it probably making things harder for everyone else ill probably get into it in another post bc its a lot and its mostly just a mess of hcs with my friend occasionally suggesting things. p lightsided overall. i think hes only made like 3 darksided choices.
S/O: Arcann
Tagaani!! my inquisitor and brother to Nuzeri. hes the other person thats the species i made. hes honestly p sweet even if he looks kinda scary. hes the more silent, observant type of person, always looking for weaknesses to use to his advantage. fun fact!! hes trans!! i needed someone to project onto so :// tagaani is kinda a grey area. more lightsided decisions than dark but its honestly not that many more so
S/O: twilek/togruta trooper whose name i cant remember
these two are both stuck on a planet (zeri on balmorra and taani on hoth) bc i used stealth too much and now theyre severely under leveled so ive kinda been neglected them :((
mm gonna put the commanders under the cut and more later when i have more hcs 
so ik its probably not a good idea or logical or how anything works at all but i dont really care so!! four commanders!! god im a disaster
Shirei Jorgan is the daughter of aric jorgan and another oc (his name is tanjii ill talk about him later). Tanjii rescued her from some small place in Mirial that was being attacked by the imps. there was a lot of explosions and Loud Noises™ and children do not generally have access to soundproof headgear so shes completely deaf! she has implants for her hearing. so for what happened to tanjii and jorgan, after shjirei eventually got into havoc, she eventually made third in command. dont have the details fully planned out yet but basically a mission went to shit and jorgan got a permanent injury that got him a transfer to a less,, active part of the military (he forces hi way back into havoc when shirei gets popsicled so its cool). tanjii just straight up went missing (captured) and now shirei is commander of havoc :’) shes a light sided trooper, even if it may not seem like it at times. shes trying her best
S/O: lana Beniko and azeme
Azeme is a jedi knight. she’s actually the least developed character bc i haven’t played her that much as i find playing jedi/sith characters wack (lightsabers in partciular) but!! shes basically the mom friend. and the only sane person amongst the commanders. usually acts as the public figure, giving speeches n stuff. light sided baby!
S/O: shirei and lana
Ne’ety (i finally remembered his name!!) is commonly reffered to (by me) as Chaos Jedi™. theres a lot of character development in there bc hes a v easily frustrated boi. rlly doesnt vibe w the jedi code. theres a reason hes the chaos jedi. anyway about two years after arcann attacked the core worlds he went no❤️ and fucked off to god knows where until oh shit is that knight attacking civilians?? and saved koth and crew from senya. tora decided his nasty, probably radiation soaked clothes were cool and decided to annoy koth until he allowed ne’tey to become part of the crew. hes equally annoying about senya joining the team as koth is, mostly bc senya stabbed him. multiple times. this does not help later on asylum when arcann stabs him. aaand later when vaylin attacks oddessan,,, she stabs him. hes basically the tirall family shish kebab at this point. poor him. anyway even tho he angy he lightsided bb
Sidenote added by Lana Beniko: Theron, I know its funny, but stop letting Ne’tey pilot the walkers. He’s dangerous enough as it is. 
S/O: Koth vortena
Ah yes. Kahsii. literally the only imperial there. besides lana ofc but thats not the point. hes not even a real imperial this double agent dumbass anyway this man is one (1) whole disaster. him and theron are disasters together its fine. He’s definitely the lesser known commander. and he prefers it that way. better for spy shit. goes on the more covert ops for the alliance. he also hasnt slept in 14 years. ALRIGHT BACKSTORY TIME so he grew up in the ascendancy ofc so theres that but his parents are like super important people. kahsii has seen their faces probably like a total of 3 times. anyway so some scandal thing??? happened?? with his parent so the empire started distrusting his parents and they were like ok but what if,, we give u,, one of the best agents ever and the empire was like what and that how kahsii was born and trained from way too young to be one of the best operatives in imperial intelligence. spoiler: the training was not kid friendly :) fun. also hes,, mostly lightsided?? he mainly makes ds choices for the sake of the mission so :// fun fact hes like. 16 when the revan shit happens. :’} everyone finds out at some point and kinda has a mental breakdown bc what the fuck. who let this child in here. what the fuck
ur probably wondering hey blue why are all ur characters lightsided?? well i tried being mean once,, and i cried. so.
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verywell-carryon · 6 years
having spent the last week building an awkward but friendly rapport with one of my new housemates, and doing A JOB at passing myself off as a real and fully functioning Person™ ... she just saw me taking a plate out of the microwave and saying (outloud) to myself "this, is what we in the business, call 'hot as fuck'!!!"... so that's great ...
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