#she knits and crochets and enjoys cross stitching and flowers
belovedblabber · 2 years
I keep staying up way too late and now I’m thinking about Seril my little curse of strahd gunslinger and how I need to talk about her more on here because I want to talk about her so bad
#dnd#curse of strahd#she's my baby and my darling and she's trying her best but she's very tired and everyone is stressing her out all the time#she's 4'11 and 90 pounds and very anemic#she has a negative strength score#women want her#she's from barovia but she got out for some years and was a pirate for awhile and then she was a solo adventurer#and she's seen so much weird shit#she grew up getting chomped by vampires but she's doing pretty okay mentally as long as she compartmentalizes everything#a combination of weapons feats and subclass have made her a mechanical nightmare for the dm and she can hypothetically attack 5 times#in an opening round of combat#she's shorter than everyone but the gnome but she scared two of her much taller party members until they got to know her better#she's been assigned mom at 25#her best friend is a tiny he/they gay kobold who taught her how to make guns on a pirate ship#she is the only party member who has not gotten at least one ominous secret zone chat with the dm because everyone else keeps fucking around#and thus finding out#she cannot read#she knits and crochets and enjoys cross stitching and flowers#she looks like an edgelord and seems intimidating because she's often very flat affect but she is in fact very sweet#and full of love#and wants to talk to people and get to know them and make friends#she's a nightmare to any npc who doesn't want to have a nice little chat#her introduction to van richten was shooting him twice because he was trying to steak the friend she had JUST gotten cool with hours before#she's a lesbian and she has canonically fucked more than anybody else in the party#she is kissing ireena#she had to make her guns special because she's so small#she has big tall energy but she's shorter than the 14 year old the party adopted#she just got some magic and she has no idea how or why#she is so full of love all 4 foot 11 inches of her anemic gay little frame is full of love#she eats raw potatoes like apples
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thottyimagines · 5 years
hobbies hc's about konoha people?
Kakashi reads a lot, obviously. He also collects magnets. Whenever he goes somewhere new, he’ll get a magnet from a tacky gift shop. He doesn’t even put them anywhere; he just keeps them compiled in a cute little box. 
Naruto looooves taste-testing foods. He can convince just about any shop owner to let him try their food, and he’ll give an honest opinion. It’s actually helped a lot of businesses. 
Sakura likes to paint. It’s not always good, but it’s fun and relaxing and she has to actively work to not snap the paint brush. 
Sasuke used to collect toys from cereal boxes as a kid. When he’s older, Sasuke bird watches. 
Kurenai likes doing mind games and word puzzles. 
Kiba has three plants he keeps alive. They are succulents, so he doesn’t have to water them often, but he cares for them deeply. 
Hinata likes to cross-stitch and knit and crochet. She’s good at all of these things, and will make presents for those she cares about often. 
Shino really loves people watching. He’ll post up somewhere and watch people go about their lives and make up stories for them in his head. 
Asuma enjoys pestering Kurenai. That’s it. That’s his hobby. He likes coming up with creative ways to deny that they’re together. It’s just a running gag at this point, honestly. Everyone knows. 
Shikamaru plays games like sudoku all the time. He also is another one who likes people watching. He isn’t as involved as Shino, but if he has someone who wants to narrate what they think is going on, he is pleased. 
Ino likes looking up the meanings of rare flowers. She then comes up with creative bouquets that adequately explain her feelings for situations and people. They often sell for a lot of money. 
Choji enjoys trashy magazines and shows. He doesn’t care. It’s not a guilty pleasure at all. If he can find someone else who enjoys these things, he’ll talk about it for hours and hours. 
Might Guy is trying to get into gardening. He bought a lot of exotic plants that he doesn’t know how to take care of, but he’s trying. His local plants are faring better, to be honest.
Neji has a bullet journal. He creates plans for the day, week, month, and year. Everything is color coordinated and beautiful to look at. It’s soothing for him to map everything out. 
Tenten dances a lot. It keeps her limber, but more importantly, it’s so fun. She is a big fan of doing whatever she wants, but looser styles tend to appeal to her more. She is no ballerina. 
Rock Lee likes music so much. He listens to it, he analyzes it, and he picks up various woodwind instruments. The clarinet is his strong point. He’s so good. 
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peace-coast-island · 5 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Dat artsy mood
Lately I’ve been really getting into knitting again. Maybe it has to do with the weather getting colder and the holidays coming up. With the next few weeks being busy, it’s nice to have something to do as a side thing to keep your stress levels low.   
For me, one way I like to relax is to do something sort of repetitive like knitting. A simple pattern, like garter stitch or stockinette - and sometimes even seed stitch - don’t require too much focus so I can easily knit something while watching a video or listening to music. It’s a good way to keep your hands busy when you feel restless or stressed. Plus you get to create something - which is always a good thing in my book! 
Ever since I was young, I was always into arts and crafts. I grew up using cheap art kits that parents would buy for their kids and spend my days drawing pictures. My mom was into scrapbooking so she’d have lots of craft supplies in the office room. So sometimes I’d make up a scrapbook using scrap pieces of paper like a collage. 
Then when I was around eight my mom started getting into knitting, crocheting, and cross-stitching. Of course, I wanted to learn these things too. Out of the three, the one I got into the most was knitting. Crocheting was okay, but I couldn’t really get into it and my work ended up crooked while my mom was making doilies. Cross stitching was something I did for a while and enjoyed, but later lost interest in. Also my mom was a lot better at it than me since she knows a lot about sewing and embroidery. 
As for knitting, I stuck with it and eventually I surpassed my mom. Once I finally got the hang of it - which took me a while and I nearly gave up many times - I sort of became a knitting machine. In fact, that was pretty much the first thing that came up whenever relatives were talking about me. I was making scarves, headbands, purses, and even a blanket. My mom would buy me knitting books and magazines, so I was also making hats, plushies, and sweaters. And when I got older I downloaded free patterns online so I learned more complicated patterns like cable and lotus stitch. 
Over the years one crafty medium I often find myself returning to is knitting. My interests usually come and go like the wind, shifting from one thing to the next. Other crafts I’ve gotten into were friendship bracelets, jewelry, charms, hair accessories, bookbinding, and sewing.   
I think right now the two mediums I seem to always shift back lately to are knitting and bookbinding. For bookbinding, it’s the stitching part that’s my favorite and it’s relaxing the same way knitting is. 
Right now I’m working on a lotus stitch scarf since I have colorful yarn that looks perfect for this pattern. I kinda have a love-hate relationship with this pattern because it looks so pretty but it’s a bit of a hassle getting the stitches loose enough to achieve the lotus flower appearance. But the effort’s definitely worth it! 
From experience, handmade knits and notebooks make great gifts!
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