#she is not surviving in a horror movie
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moth-wxffle · 1 year ago
My mother managed to accidentally bring me through a haunted house
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neptunesailing · 4 months ago
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femween day 3 - horror movie ft. hiiro amagi
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add1ctedt0you · 1 year ago
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The Untamed - Episode 15
Her sword having fallen, Madam Yu held Zidian across her cheek, "Core-Melting Hand?"
Wen Zhuliu's voice was cold, "Violet Spider?"
One of Wang Lingjiao's hands was still under her foot. She felt so much pain that her features looked twisted, tears smeared all over, "Wen Zhuliu! Wen Zhuliu! Help me, help me now!"
Madam Yu snorted, "Wen Zhuliu? Core-Melting Hand, isn't your original name Zhao Zhuliu? Your surname clearly wasn't Wen, but you wanted to change your surname no matter what. Everyone's rushing like ducklings. Is the surname of those Wen-dogs really that precious? Turning back on your ancestors - how laughable!"
Wen Zhuliu remained unswayed, seemingly indifferent, "Each serves their own master."
Wen Zhuliu, "Excuse me."
Zidian flew out. Madam Yu shouted, "How pretentious!"
Wen Zhuliu's large hand waved. He grabbed Zidian without concern!
The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation - Chapter 58- Poisons - Part 3
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dawnsedits · 2 years ago
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You were telling the truth.
Yeah. But those ones aren't with me.
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johnnytwist · 5 months ago
Alessa Silent Hill Movie Fanart
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year ago
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...Sigh... Looks like we got the Disney edition of the McDonalds hot coffee lawsuit. Because uh, that 'violent wedgie' that the articles keep (somehow) joking about???
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Less of a 'wedgie' and more of a horror movie style injury that she was lucky to survive, but from the sounds of the lawsuit, got permanent health issues from it.
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cerulean-crow · 2 years ago
seeing an actual trailer for an actual fnaf movie at my actual local theatre with my mom sitting a foot away from me was not the surreal experience I had on my 2023 bingo card
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yourockthebeatofmyheart · 2 years ago
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Nope (2022), dir. Jordan Peele
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clowningaroundmars · 2 months ago
so i just watched heretic...
i have Lots Of Thoughts and this might be super revealing of me and my character but fuck it, this is my blog!!! so i'm posting this
so for starters: i think it's a brilliant movie to come out in this irony-poisoned day and age esp with mr. reed being the Insufferable Reddit Atheist trapping women in his home and monologuing at them abt his dumb "beliefs" for hours
and truly, this is a movie that subverts trope after trope, and really has us believing that reed was a true atheist, completely denouncing the concept of any religion or god... until the grand reveal at the end: he believes that control is the one true religion, and all organized religion that comes after is simply an iteration of that.
this is coming from a man that, mind you, has built his entire fucking house as a complete maze in the shape of the layout of the 9 circles of hell in dante's inferno, buys blueberry pie scented candles to convince ppl that he has a wife baking pastries in the kitchen, and forces his captors to pretend to be resurrected old ladies so they can mime a religious miracle as he kills them off one by one.
when barnes challenged him and his stupid rhetoric that all 10,000 sects of organized religion are asinine and stupid-- since none of them are The One True Religion-- she pointed out his flawed logic in thinking that if judaism is the og monotheistic religion, then why doesn't it have more followers hmmm?
he never took into account jewish persecution throughout history, esp the mfing holocaust (not to mention the fact that judaism is a closed religion? you can't convert into being a jew)
and that's really the crux of it all, isn't it. mr. reed doesn't even stop to think abt the suffering of other ppl whatsoever, he doesn't account for lost lives or closed sects or whatever else might affect numbers. to him, these religions are just a game. everything is a game. like monopoly, he thinks everyone is simply a pawn and that if ppl's ~beliefs~ were true then why can't god save them? why are ppl so utterly predictable?
(spoiler alert: they're not. the old lady whispering her "prophecy" to the girls gave them a small warning inside it that she hoped would save them. and it kinda did! reed was forced to re-route and improvise since he didn't expect the lady to go off-script)
he does kind of have a point that religion can be used as forms of control, sure, and control has arguably existed long before anyone formed any kind of religion on this planet, but it is not the One True Religion that he was so obsessively seeking in his life.
when paxton put her hands together to pray for him in the end, even tho he was bleeding out crawling towards her to end her life, she did so fully well knowing that prayers don't work. she said so herself.
she said "ppl pray bc it's nice to think abt other ppl for a little while. even if it's you."
she also tried offering a little bit of comfort to the women trapped in the cages in his cellar, and her prayers were answered when barnes woke up from her throat being slashed and ended reed's life, saving paxton.
the One True Religion isn't the "religion" that has you manipulating every single detail in your life in order to lure and torture innocent ppl into conforming to your narrow point of view of the world.
it's kindness.
the one true religion that came before all known forms of religion that we know today is kindness
that's what faith is all abt!
#clown horn#horrorluv#mannnn i should really save all of this for my horror shrine but. well.#i just cannot hold this back! this was a movie that had me Thinking!!!#reed's downfall in the end is bc of a little variable that he never took into account (maybe bc he's a fuckin sociopath): kindness#he didn't expect barnes to give paxton a secret codeword along with a blade to defend herself with#he didn't expect the old lady who was a complete stranger to these girls to hide a warning inside of her scripted prophecy#he didn't expect barnes to still be alive! and for her to help paxton in the end!#all of these small little acts of kindness shone thru this dark ass movie and bound all of these women together and eventually killed reed#if control is the One True Religion then how come someone has to exert so much of it in their life in order for it to be true?#how come reed had to build his shitty custom house off a cliff all by himself? how come he had to keep these women in cages#and buy scented candles to bring their guards down?#he had to lie and sneak and manipulate the narrative at every turn!#only for it all to come crumbling down the second anyone showed paxton or barnes any bit of kindness#you could argue that paxton was secretly just as smart as reed was and that's what ensured her survival...#but if barnes didn't wake up at that very moment at the end she would've been a goner#it's kindness!!! it's kindness that saves! not control!#kindness is effortless. control... not so much lol
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giftedpoison · 1 year ago
i feel like we as a society do not talk enough about I Know What You Did Last Summer
and more specifically how much Sarah Michelle Gellar's character deserved to be a final girl. That character did everything right, did the absolute mostest to survive, and just when she was within arm's reach of safety it was stolen from her.
Literally high key such a devastating kill scene because as the viewer you feel like she'll survive because she's being so smart and resourceful.
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theskoomacat · 1 year ago
the jury is still out re: the quality of quantum break as a video game, but it undeniably has the most characters of all time. they are soooo juicy, beth, paul, will. (not liam.) if you like stuff about time travel and fate and loops and being the cause of the tragedy you're trying to prevent i totally recommend trying out quantum break
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defyeded · 1 year ago
in a horror setting, you would think elphaba is final girl coded but that's actually galinda. elphaba would be the sacrificial lamb.
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spacebugarts · 1 year ago
Watching Trick 'r Treat with dad again and I am once more reminded how much I love Rhonda my beloved <3
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postmodernbisexual · 1 year ago
Spooktober Day 8: The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves Are Here! (1972)
Diana, the youngest daughter of the Mooney family, returns home from medical school with a new husband in tow, much to the displeasure of her father.
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If the brief summary I gave sounds more like a family drama than it does a horror movie, it's because that's what most of this movie is. Sadly, the best part of this movie is the title. The Mooney's may be a family of weirdos and freaks, but their problems are as boring and mundane as this movie is.
It wasn't all bad though, I liked the lead actress and the few scenes between her and other decent actors were pretty good. Unfortunately she spends most of her time with her husband, who's line delivery is so lifeless I barely noticed when he finally died.
The truly unforgivable aspect of this movie lies almost entirely in the character of Monica. When she's interacting with the family, she's a fairly run of the mill envious sister, and she's at least putting some energy into her performance. What I really have a problem with is when she's not with the family. This movie spends an unwarranted amount of time on a side plot that really boils down to this character mistreating animals. It has zero effect on the rest of the movie and there is at least one very notable time when the animal in question is an actual mouse being harmed.
It's tough to get over the worst parts of this movie, and the best parts aren't really worth the effort. If it wasn't for the animal abuse, this could've pretty easily been a fun movie to watch with some friends and have a laugh. It's pretty hard to have a good time when you have to watch that mouse scene though. I guess if that doesn't bother you then maybe you'd like this movie more than I did, but overall, it's not one I would recommend.
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evilminji · 1 year ago
Okay, you know how bird don't ACTUALLY look the way we think they do?
They are far more colorful? But only to the eyes of other birds?
And it has to do with how light reflects off them and how their eyes are shaped etc etc.?
Well..... humans can see the most shades of green, right? But! We sure as shit can't see UltaViolet and InfraRed? Or shades BEYOND those. Ectoplasmic colors. Magical ones. Third eye, need to see with your SOUL type ones.
Danny? Could very well still have lil baby "kitten's eyes who haven't open yet" syndrome.
He thinks the Zone is Green and his hair is white.
But it's not.
His hair is Starlight colored. Frost. His suit is specifically "the void between stars" colored. Which looks... different? Then black? No, no, guys. How can you guys not see it? It looks REALLY different! How did he not NOTICE before?! They're not ever CLOSE to the same shade! It's like calling salmon and hot pink the same. You know... if you were to compare an actual fish and some irradiated, violently glowing version of "hot pink".
His gloves are.... guys, these ares stars. Pressed so close together there's no gap. His body is the night sky, all rearranged. He's wearing SPACE, guys.
*continues to stare at his gloves for the next five hours*
Now... why is this relevant? Because! Danny slowly, as all humans do, adjusts! It's like finally having glasses after years of blurry vision. He... forgets, what it was like, not NOT See Zone Colors. Not completely, mind you, but enough he has to be reminded.
And the Zone? A Realm of the Dead. Specifically, the great catch-all and highway of the Dead. They get EVERYBODY. Misfits and vagabonds. Those who don't quite fit. Funky lil dudes. And of course, assholes, but everybody has those! See, Zone colors?
They're all of um!
It's like looking at the technicolor, stobe light, multi galaxies in one, Sun. Tingly(tm)!!! You get used to it. What helps? Is that as garish as the Zone is? The painting and grand tapestry of it all? Keeps changing. Like weather. If it's too much for you, you can stay inside your Lair until the current Color changes. Until the designs shift. Vibe changes.
There are even glasses for that! "Temperate" areas for people to set up, that get headaches or are just... kinda killjoys. Too each their own. Though the stormy areas? Those guys are freaks. Watch out for those guys. They're the kind who stare directly are stars until their eyes burn out.
Where was I? Oh yeah! Danny!
No longer a wee baby, smol baby, twig-o!
Sad. We miss it.
But he did get used to Seeing The Colors. Got a handle on his powers. And! Finally worked with his parents on how to safely turn the portal OFF. There was much booing. Cries of "kill joy" and "booo! You suck!". But? Like? Dude DID have the right to protect his home. Go to college. What can you do?
Problem with THAT is? Baby grew into his "built like a brick shit house of constantly running off to literally tackle the Supernatural excellence" Fenton genetics. He Tall. Muscles! And he PUMPING out "somethings fucked up with me" Vibes!
Add in his DEEPLY Sus off hand comments. Weird ability to tell when someone has or is about to die. Basic immunity to the cold. Fuckin EYE GLOW?
Ha ha... *Horror movie screams from his college dorm mates*
Clearly a demon!
He gets kicked out. Well... not kicked out. He's a model student and broken no rules. They'd never survive the lawsuit. But... he's? STRONGLY INCOURAGED to finish his education elsewhere. Repeatedly. By like... 15 colleges.
Sam is not just livid, she's actively foaming at the mouth.
Breathe, Sam! Remember what your doctor said! Your mortal body can't handle that kinda Vengance spiral! Think of your blood pressure! Breathe!!! (Were not for the laws of this land... and the weak, fleshy constraints of her mortal form!)
Thankfully? Tucker's been interning, remotely of course, with Wayne Industries. He asked his manager where he could find some of those scholarship forms. (Since Gotham University is just a touch out of Danny's price range.) Manager wanted to know why. And oh! Oh holy shit. Apparently? Danny is the hot new office gossip.
People in the main office are OUTRAGED. Danny's "too spooky"?! Too FUCKIN SPOOKY!? Are you KIDDING THEM? Even juicier, a Meta kid from some wacky ghost hunters turned scientists. From a line of Supernatural hunters. Wants to be a aeronautics engineer.
Ooooooh how SPOOKY! Better watch out! He'll design an ENGINE at yooooou!
Fuckin casuals. Non-Gothamites are WEAK. "Too scary" their collective asses. Yeah, maybe the kid SHOULD come too Gotham. He can be the weird kid. Mildly unsettling or something. His powers won't be SHIT in Gotham. Just remind him to buy a gas mask.
So! Danny gets his Scholarship! Merrily packs his bags for darker, Gothic hellscape hills. Unaware... that Constantine has been following reports of a "demon" that he's? 80% sure is a Banshee but MIGHT be a winter spirt with a shtick? For the past 13 colleges. He's getting closer. And this sucker is a strong one.
Not "this is going to cause me serious, life imperilling danger" strong. But more? "Man, that cat is HUUUUUGE". Could he still get mauled a lil? Yeah. Scratched to all hell and back? Probably! But DIE? Unlikely.
He just needs to know why the FUCK this spirit his hanging around colleges.
Which is made harder... by the fact that what HE sees? And what OTHER people see? When they look at this guy? Separate things. Yeah, he'd LOVE to give you guys a description! IF HE HAD ONE.
@the-witchhunter @hdgnj @hdgnj @spidori @babbling-babull @nerdpoe @lolottes
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 2 years ago
been a wild ride tonight. got a boost of energy, saw our lost dog, probably almost got eaten by some Creature outside (cats being nervous saved me), the BABY FOXES are finally appearing on the fox youtube channel I follow after waiting for like FIVE MONTHS to see them, and I discovered an etsy shop with the TINIEST things I have ever seen. it’s been a rollercoaster.
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