#she has no right to say shit about being dramatic but lmao
chrissdollie · 8 months
dad!matt or dad!chris u choose :)
let me tell youuu-- matt is a girl dad! i guesss i could see him with boys but i cant stop thinking of tough matt with little princesses who dress him up for tea parties 🥹
when they're babies, he's always taking pictures. especially when u dress them up in cute fits with matching head accessories :(
gets pissed off whenever nick or chris (more chris tho) swear infront of his kids !!! he does not give a shit, they could both be babies, but he'd worry about it being their first word lmaoo.
"shit, they're so cute." chris grins, tickling both girls gently. cut to matt smacking his arm aggressively
pretends to fight them LMAOO one of your girls is really tired but refuses to go to sleep, so you pull out the big guns-- your husband. u guys know how he always has beef with the camera? 😭😭 he swings (much more cautiously) at the chunky baby and when she jabs his shoulder, he winces dramatically in pain. this tires her out and she eventually falls asleep right next to her daddy
they won't stop crying one night, you're on the verge of breaking down with them and matt gets out of bed, walks over to the crib, picks both of them up (their sobbing winds down a bit), and kisses your lips. "i'll be back in a few. get some sleep sweetheart." and walks out of the room
you didnt wake up all night. and like your husband promised, he was right next to you in bed, snoring softly.
he has a hard time saying no for sure. its sunday and the kids have school tomorrow but they wanna go out. "daddy can we go to the park?" he shakes his head, "dinner's soon, baby, maybe next weekend" both of your girls pout and shrug without arguing, but still! he has to give in
pushes them to be social. he'll be at the store and ask one of them to ask someone where the tripods are or something. she does it without a problem because matt's teaching them that they don't have to be so nervous like he used to be
now in their pre-teens, they're starting to explore the world of beauty. "daddy." your oldest taps matt's shoulder who's on facetime with nick on the couch. "can you ask mommy if i can use some of her makeup?" she plays with her fingers impatiently. he raises a brow. "you don't wanna ask her?" to which she shakes her head. "she might say no to me, but she'll say yes to you."
he chuckles lightly, "baby, why would she say no to you?" and she just shrugs. "i dunno." her answer made herself realize that there's no reason not to ask. so with confidence, she nods to herself, and skips away to find you
one night, you're braiding their soft hair while humming a song the three of u like. the girls sing the lyrics aloud, causing you to giggle and start singing with them. it's a really girly song by the way, so when matt stumbles into the room and the girls plead him to sing along to 'call me maybe', he looks at you with a goofy look to which you grin. he mocks you dramatically before joining in hehehe
now you think your girls are very mature teenagers. they've both already had the sex and drugs/alcohol talk. anyhow one night, you and matt are getting it on in the bedroom (the door is locked!). you thought you were being quiet, but was proven wrong when you heard both of them giggling to themselves outside of your room. matt hears too and pauses his movements altogether. you whine quietly before he whispers a small "shh" and turns his head to stare at the door. "go to sleep!" he yells, hearing them run away laughing. and he gets right back to work when they're gone, pretending that never happened LMAO
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mishsymishy · 1 year
Digital circus/Reader
Angst¡¡ Part1-
( first ,If there is any language error please tell me, English is not my first language lmao , and I never write angst gonna be honest)
You can take it as platonic or romantic, although it is more romantic
Warnings!!!: A LOT OF ANGUST! , insecurity, bothering others, suicidal thoughts, self-blame, insanity, self-hatred.
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You end up abstracted.
—She will definitely feel like it's her fault, Even if you became distracted by something else unrelated to her or your relationship with her, she will feel that she is guilty and will have a hard time thinking otherwise
—She won't reach the point of also falling into the madness (I hope), After knowing that you are the black thing with eyes, she will try to act as if everything is fine so as not to get more nervous, (failing in the attempt)
—Ponmi really cared about her, I mean, she lost her loved one ,her even saw her in the hallways talking to herself, many times stopping in your room with your photo crossed out.
—Little by little she will improve, although not completely, she will always have a void in her heart or mind, now feeling guilty of anyone who also abstracts
—She misses you too much, she misses her morning talks with you, she misses your voice and your touch.Her didn't sleep digitally because I was thinking about you, And she will spend days thinking about you again
—She already has traumas, losing you would be like a double punch in the stomach. She will never be the same again, even if others try to help her, she is convinced that without you there is no point in even smiling. He feels guilty for not having been with you at that moment, she feels that she failed you at the worst moment.
—When they gave her the news, she already expected it, she didn't see you all day even if you told her yesterday that you were going to meet her to play some strange thing or try to remember things from back
— she wants to cry, but nothing comes out of her eyes ,Her pupils simply dilate every time she thinks about being with you again, you were her support .The reason she hadn't gone crazy yet
— She goes literally crazy, isolates herself from everyone and starts trying to find a way out sooner or even tries to convince herself again that everything is a dream no matter how real it all was, she laughs to herself and starts not even paying attention even Ragatha and no one
-Firts think it's a joke, that they want to get revenge on him for the jokes using you.Don't believe anyone even if they are panicked or gleeful about abstraction.I mean, you were fine..right? He saw you very well the last time he see you, it doesn't even make sense.
—He stands still when he sees everyone gathered..and you missing, watching as Caine takes the abstraction to the basement, saying your name in a really dramatic sigh.
He don't believe it ,he doesn't want to believe it.
—Feel bad for Ganglee, because now he is going to bother twice as much and with more pain , even taking her mask and breaking it into pieces in front of her face.
He's twice as serious and doesn't even smile that shit-eating smile anymore, not even when someone falls or starts to descend into madness. Just making practical jokes to annoy and get revenge for everything with everyone.
—If someone else abstracts themselves, he will feel proud but also painful, as if it were revenge for taking you away from him (Even if it is not the fault of others, he will think that others are to blame, especially Caine)
—He will secretly cry for your loss, wishing you were there to ask for your forgiveness and he alsowould secretly tell Caine that if he finds a way to fix the abstracted ones, you have to be the first one, And fuck the rest. he doesn't care anymore
—He carries his depressed and angry feelings towards other people, without caring about the consequences, he no longer even cares if he becomes an abstraction, or rather he doesn't even see the bad thing about that
-God, not even the happy mask can fix it, She will cry and sob every night , every hour, every moment. It's really fucked, because Jax will remind you of you at any second ,And it's not unintentionally.
_- Oh yeah.. s/o can fix it ..oh sorry_- Jax says, watching the mask hide in its ribbons as she runs away from him , crying quietly
—She will hide in her bands or cover her eyes every time someone tries to support her, she will feel bad for not being with you and leave you alone in the basement, although she doesn't know what's going on there , she knows that you probably don't want to be there and you're trapped there with people that you don't want. ( like her )
Thinking about that, she quickly panics, sobbing your name while tightly grabbing her happy mask and accidentally breaking it by crying ,and accidentally putting pressure on her mask. She cries more and runs to her room, again not even wanting to go on missions with the others to distract herself, don't want to see anyone any more. Even if it makes her abstract. She could make company there. They are totally not going to notice her disappearing.. she is no one on the team, no one cares about her like you did.
I need to study so I split this in two
Byebye people , don't cry and be happy , yay.
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shaunamilfman · 1 year
Dating Shauna Shipman (Part 2)
pre-crash headcanons
Jackie not knowing that you guys are dating and getting insecure about her and Shauna. she tries to start a fight one day like "I'm Shauna's best friend and you're not gonna take my place :(". and your just like "oh no I'd never try to do that. Shauna loves you so much you'll always be her best friend". Jackie literally blushes.
making out with shauna in her car while yall are waiting for Jackie's dramatic ass to finish getting ready for school
cleaning her hands up in the bathroom at a party after she gets into another fight over dumb shit. you'd be a lot more upset if it wasn't so hot. 
making out with her in the bathroom and she pulls back and is like "are you bored?" and you're like "wym???" and she's like "you've just been squeezing my biceps for like ten minutes now". whoops. 
beefing with Jeff because he will not get his eyes off your girl. "he's so shifty shauna". shauna, who also hates Jeff like 😍😍😍
Shauna beating the shit out of some girl who made the mistake of slide tackling you of all people. She carries you off the field because you hurt your ankle and just rolls her eyes as Coach Martinez screams at her. till this day you still blush thinking about it
you and Jackie having to beg the principal to let Shauna stay on the team. 
getting her a trophy saying 'MVP' (most violent player) or something afterwards. she displays it proudly in her room
shauna getting grounded for a fight or something so you can't call her. writing her one of those like 1800s dramatic love letters as a joke and she hands it back to you with the grammar corrected. 
taking her side in an argument with Jackie but not understanding what the arguments even about. girl has issues lmao. 
"you're so right babe, you shouldn't have to wear the boob dress just because Jackie said so. you should wear that sleeveless shirt in protest :)" 
both of you reading the same book but not at the same skill level. “what do you mean it’s a metaphor for the american dream??”
being the first person she tells about getting into Brown. strategizing about the fastest route between your universities in her living room (coincidentally, that's how her mom finds out she applied to Brown in the first place.) 
you and shauna getting really drunk at a party and poor Laura Lee has to talk yall out of keying Jeff’s car. 
random HC but I feel like she'd be so good at ice skating for some reason? . like yall go there on a date one day and you're just desperately hanging onto her as she's zooming across the rink
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babiebom · 7 months
Stardew Bachelor/ette’s as Mean Girls (2024) characters
A/N: i recently watched the new mean girls musical movie and it wasn’t as bad as people were saying it was. Like the singing and the songs were good, the cast fit their characters(except for Aaron’s actor sorry I feel like they could’ve gotten someone hotter but I do understand where Cady was coming from like he’s cute enough that if you’re in high school and in the same class as him at least one person would have a crush on him.) so like I do with everything I consume let’s stardew-ify it!!
Tw:mentions of bullying, cursing, sex, drugs, lmk if there’s something I missed!!
Bc: at least 4 for each
Stardew Valley Masterlist
Principal Duvall
Is tired of this shit
And teenage girls lowkey frighten him
Would yell and get everyone’s attention in the hallway bc I think he has the lungs
Would leave it to Leah to take over the assembly lmao
“Tell everyone you’re not a drug pusher PLEASE”
While Elliott and Abigail aren’t really friends
He has the flamboyancy I feel to fit this character
Also it’s canon that all characters are bi so it’s okay for him to be in this role
Would probably have all the tea and would be as dramatic as Damian
“She doesn’t even go here?????”
He just seems bestie type
Aaron Samuels(is that his last name?)
I think this is as obvious as who Regina is.
I don’t think he’s as smart as Aaron is, BUT is popular enough to make Haley want to have some claim over him.
And is cute enough that new girls will immediately have a crush on him
Would actually be crushed if he got cheated on
The guy on the mathlete team or whatever it was called
Mostly because he’s smart and I do think he would’ve been in some nerdy ass club as a kid
Also at high school college point I do think he would’ve gone through a slightly edgy phase of being a nerd that talks about getting bitches all the time
Would want Maru on the team
Because I think it’s funny
Like out of all of them Leah would be the one to be called a drug pusher
Like I personally think she smokes weed or eats like weed salads or something
And personally I think she’s above all of the drama of mean girls
Would gather everyone and be like WTF is wrong with y’all we are better than this.
Now don’t get me wrong Emily isn’t as dumb as Karen at all
BUT they both have this daydream-y airheadedness about them
And I don’t mean airhead as in stupid either, just more….in outer space than other people if you know what I mean
Like always in their own head
Don’t care about what others think to an extent
If you think about it she fits kinda
Somehow finds herself in the drama even though she’s just been daydreaming this entire time
Cady Herron
Listen I don’t think Maru would have the balls to do what Cady did
But they both are insanely smart and I can see Maru falling in love with any boy in her class that gives her attention
Would tell someone they aren’t as smart as they thought they were while drunk
She is in calculust yall
Gretchen Wieners
In the movie Gretchen is very insecure and just wants to be the best friend she can be even if it’s by helping Regina bully others
And at some point turns on Regina because she’s had enough
And is quiet enough to be overlooked as the pretty friend of the popular one
Meek and accepting like Gretchen is
Literally just wants to fit in
I went between her and Leah for this but I think Abigail fits this role more
I think it’s more about style Janis always has a punk rock look about her and Abigail is emo/goth/punk
And while she isn’t autistic I think she is more likely to be called a pyro-Les than Leah is.
Abigail is just the right amount of unhinged to be Janis
Regina George
Come on this was the most obvious thing about this list
Like actually blonde, gives off bully vibes
Would take over a school and is probably rich.
Would be an absolute bitch and be mean to people then throw a fit when it turns around on her.
Tell me who “world burn” and “introducing the plastics” fits more. I’ll wait.
Unfortunately there aren’t enough characters so Seb and Sam don’t get anyone to themselves but I think both have the energy to fit both Aaron and Damian. Like both are total cuties that anyone would have a crush on even though seb is intimidating and introverted. And both I feel like would have the sass and bestie vibes of Damian so both could be both oof
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littleandless · 2 months
i wonder how rhaenyra will discover that addam is corlys’s son. because there’s no way that can stay a secret, right? either corlys himself will make it known when he asks her to legitimize him or mysaria (if she knows—which i assume she does or will soon). i understand why addam didn’t just tell her outright, even if it would have been easier in some ways. corlys is still his liege lord before anything else and airing out his dirty laundry probably wouldn’t get him a pat on the back from papa either.
NEW TULLY LORD!!!! oscar and his men outnumber daemon, so he can afford to get a bit sassy. it’s a shame about willem though. oh well! i knew he was toast as soon as he started pleading with daemon to rescue him…he doesn’t give a fuck my boy😭 plus all the war crimes
more visions of viserys. i didn’t find this one very compelling, seeing as it’s just “i never wanted to be king boo hoo. why do you want this shit so bad?” when it is all so very obvious. and no alys????? i better see at least 10 minutes of screen time from her in the next episode.
we finally got an emotional outburst from jacaerys! thank the gods. his mother royally fucked him over by making him bastard-born and now (despite it being necessary) weakens his only claim to legitimacy. he has every right to be upset. as aegon2 once said: “everybody knows.” he loves his mother and is loyal to her, but he can’t quite cope with the danger she’s put him in. and she could never fully appreciate what it means for her sons, even if she does hear the insults. she can’t bolster her own claim without weakening his. poor jace, luke, & joffrey. they were truly doomed from the start. my sweet boys :(
we finally had a proper gathering of potential dragonriders and not just one measly person at a time. that’s good. i don’t like that they all had blonde hair, though. you’re telling me all the other bastards got white hair but not rhaenyra’s heirs? the blood of the dragon is just that strong? jacey is so doomed by the narrative.
also…hugh son of saera????? i was kind of hoping he’d just say her name but i guess we’re being coy about it. it’s a fun easter egg i suppose but 1. it reaffirms the targaryen blood purity BS they were just questioning two seconds ago and 2. poor saera not only had a shit dad that shamed her but also a failson who’s embarrassed of his rich sexy princess mother #justiceforsaera
alicent deciding to fuck off into the woods was the right decision. it’s probably the last moment of peace she’ll ever have. so hey, why not run away and go for a swim, take in the fresh air, ride a horse, and dream of disappearing forever? i said it before, but her part in this power struggle is basically over. now all she can do is wait.
am i wrong or did aemond send his brother’s bffs to the wall? i can’t remember their names and i don’t care to look it up, but it seems the most likely.
larys wants aegon to recover so bad lmao. i know he will eventually, but still. give it a rest bro i doubt he is as charmed by your camaraderie as you think he is…especially since you’re making him speedrun these physical therapy sessions! i’m surprised he’s still bothering with these people. he also basically fucks off in f&b and then reappears later. i wonder if that’s going to happen in the show or if he’s here to stay.
alrighty. the scales have tipped in rhaenyra’s favor. now she has seven dragons: syrax, vermax, moondancer, seasmoke, vermithor, silverwing, and caraxes (kind of). sheepstealer hasn’t been seen in the show yet, but since rhaena will probably claim him we can tentatively add his name to the roster. in f&b the blacks also had tyraxes, who i believe was shown last episode but is obviously still a baby. team green has vhagar and now tessarion. dreamfyre as well, even though i don’t believe she’s been shown before. i assume they’ll have to now unless the showrunners want to make the balance very dramatically skewed. and princess jaehaera has morghul but he also hasn’t been shown, and in f&b he was never even ridden. sunfyre is dead i think? so yeah, wow. sky lizards abound.
can’t wait for more! i’m sad we only have one more episode of this season. but hey, at least george said the writers are meeting up soon for season 3. hopefully we’ll only wait one year instead of 2😆
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heraldofcrow · 3 months
So crow I gotta know, what can you tell me about that nerd from cainhurst
Asks about my Crow freak….is it my birthday already 🥺
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Look at his dramatic ass ^
There’s so much hidden in the details of his design and I still can’t get any solid answers, but one damn thing’s for sure, he has….quite the audacity?
Not only is he absurdly strong, he mixes two sets in the game that are NOT supposed to be mixed. The crowfeather set and the Cainhurst guard set.
As you probably know, Eileen’s crew….the crow hunters….they are mercy killers for the type of hunter we are in the game. We’re beast hunters. We’re the guys killing off the plague-spawn….and sometimes we lose our shit. When a beast-hunter goes blood-drunk? Who ya gonna call? Crow hunters!
They are supposed to save a mad hunter’s soul by putting them out of their misery and stringing them up for the birds to consume. It’s sky burial! It’s a reference to symbolism about birds eating the flesh and blood of a body, carrying it back to the sky or “heaven,” and redeeming that soul.
It’s a sacred, very religious practice. The crow-hunters take this shit seriously. They won’t let their fallen comrades be buried in the earth to rot. That would be blasphemy. It’s sky burial or nothing.
And then along comes Bloody Crow, donning the crow-hunter attire, but also wearing the Cainhurst guard armor, carrying the Chikage that feeds off of his own life force, and keeping the Blood Rapture rune….the rune that servants of Queen Annalise rely on for nourishment after not being able to consume Annalise’s own blood.
He’s a warrior of Cainhurst, a royal guard. And what do those guards of Annalise do?
They also kill hunters. They hunt hunters. Specifically blood-drunk hunters, all for the sake of bringing Blood Dregs to Annalise.
(You can thank Katy for the genius insight here about Blood Dregs being found IN blood-drunk hunters).
Ok, so he kills blood-drunks. Big deal, right?
Except for the fact that this is straight up blasphemy to crow-hunters, to Eileen, because not only is he killing these hunters for Annalise and not out of mercy, he is taking their blood, their SOULS, to his Queen for her consumption.
He isn’t burying them. He is using them. He is desecrating them. Annalise is consuming these lost souls so that she can birth a Child of Blood.
The Vilebloods might argue “Oh but this is a form of reincarnation and purpose for those souls!”
But to Eileen? To a true crow-hunter? There is no greater sin.
And flaunting the garb of a mercy-killer alongside the armor of a blasphemer is….quite bold. He’s crazy lmao.
I believe this is why Eileen targets Bloody Crow and marks him as prey even though he doesn’t seem blood-drunk at all. He doesn’t act like Henryk or Gascoigne. He’s cold, calculating, determined.
An absolute villain. I love him. I’m not sure if he’s a proper Vileblood, since Annalise says you and her are the last two if you drink her blood. BC could be just a former hunter, but he is hella strong and his bullets hit stupidly hard, which implies he has really high bloodtinge. I’m guessing he’s enhanced or inhuman somehow, but I am not sure.
In the realm of fic-writing and headcanons, he’s a very developed character for me. Lady Maria’s unhinged little brother with a long history alongside Eileen and Annalise. I named him Luther. That’s who I tend to draw too!
Anyway, I’m rambling but that’s one of my favorite things to share about Crow. His blasphemous design in the game really struck me after a while.
Thanks for asking, dude!! 🖤
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thebearer · 1 year
Teddy + willow personality headcannon plzzz 🙏🙏🙏
teddy has a loud personality. very sweet, very kind, but loud and dramatic. every feeling she has is big, but that's not always bad. like when she's happy, it's that kind of happiness that radiates and makes you happy. she's forever making your bad days better with her little sunshiney personality.
she's fearless in a sweet (but terrifying) way. like carmen "i would rather die than have human interactions esp with strangers" berzatto walking with teddy through a grocery store??? she's speaking to every single person. carmen is like omfg please no but she just loves to talk, isn't scared either. really isn't scared of much. everything she does, she just does it without much thought or care about it or esp too much worry. carmen is like who's kid is this lmao...
which leads me to my next point. she's got a lot of mikey traits. richie says it a few times, "that kid is alllll mikey right there", but really when teddy gets older. it's very clear to carmen. maybe it's bc of the age difference between him and mikey, he didn't really know or remember his brother as a young kid. really only has memories of mikey when he was a pre-teen and older. he starts to see it and it scares the ever loving shit out of him. she's loud, and fearless, and bold, and a little sneaky and rebellious. she's got a million friends it feels like, and can just get a long with anyone and everyone.
willow is the polar opposite of teddy at first glance. i mean, it makes sense she'd be calmer and quieter- you weren't sure what a kid with more energy and personality that teddy would be like. willow was always a freakily calm baby and child. like just the definition of unbothered. she didn't cry much at all as a baby, really just content.
willow is a lot like carmen. she likes things a certain way. doesn't argue much with teddy, but will over rules. always has that way. she's quick to tell teddy "those aren't the rules" or "teddy, you can't put those together, that's not in the recipe" when they're playing in their little play kitchen. she's detail oriented that way, but she also never misses any detail. the BEST gift giver bc she notices and remembers everything- just like carmen.
she's not overly quiet or shy, though she doesn't go out of her way to necessarily talk to people like teddy does. she will talk, and will go do the things she wants to, but isn't like dying for social interaction if that makes sense? like not insecure or shy or anything, just content with her circle even if it's small, and fine being alone too. she'll play by herself when she's little, but if teddy wants to join her, that's great too kinda vibe.
teddy really enjoys cooking, with sydney the most. she likes learning- finds it fascinating. she likes learning about how if you mix this with this you'll get this, and all the different things that go together.
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Louk’s Bad Batch rewatch pt 5 (pt 2 hehe)
The first ep of tbb is so long so here’s part 2 of episode oneeee
Bad Batch 1x01 (part 2)
Hunter playing with his knife 💕
Wrecker and Crosshair crying at the new armoury 😭
Hunter!! Listen to your little/big sister/daughter!!
“Change takes getting used to” ~ Hunter but it reminds me of Tech in the cave, I keep jumping ahead Louk SLOW DOWN
Omega with her lil nervous hands 🥹🤲
Crosshair listen here you little shit (said with love)
Nala Se and her helicopter parenting sheesh
Hunter: *gives orders* Wrecker: *runs off* Hunter: 🖐️ “covertly”
“Easy Wrecker, your programmings kicking in” ~ Tech the comedian
Hunter: “children???? civilians????” Crosshair: ‘so anyway I started blasting’
Crosshair’s dramatic sigh beats all of Echo’s so far actually
nvm I’m jumping ahead now idc SAW GERRERA IM COMING FOR YOU PERSONALLY 👀
“Adapt and survive or die with the past” ~ Saw, still love that line tho
Crosshair does not flinch when Hunter fires his blaster right next to his head, the complete trust even in the middle of an argument
Tech just casually dropping the biggest plot point of the episode and literally said ‘bro it’s so obvious’ while they’re all like 🤯
like: ‘Omega is an enhanced clone’ ‘haha funny’ ‘I literally dna tested her ???’
“What is all this stuff Azi?” illegal
Hunter’s box with name on it with his spare bandanas and the picture !!! who took it vote pls
Omega holding Azi’s hand 🥹
the boys in their blacks 💕💕💕
every time I hear “good soldiers follow orders” another piece of my heart shatters I swear
when the shock trooper hits Hunter, Echo bends down to check him 🥹
the last thing Crosshair heard before they fried his brain was Hunter saying “we stay together” what if I cried forever ???
Omega copying Hunter 🥹💕
Tech covers his own mouth when Wrecker talks too loud 🥹
“Where’s the girl” Hunter: “girl? Idk what you’re talking about” Echo: I will literally murder you all
pull the lever kronk
I love how they show they don’t always kill people.. like the regs groan a little lmao
Omega knows Crosshair is coming before Hunter does !! she turns and looks at the door and says they don’t have to go far to find him…..y’all tell me how she knew he was there before Hunter …..
Crosshair calls Hunter “sergeant” 😭😭
Crosshair shoots Wrecker in the same spot he got short earlier 😠bro give my mans a break!!
Nala Se! thanks for the override girlie
Omega has perfect aim !!! It’s all about tuning out distractions
I don��t even want to think about how Crosshair feels watching them fly away without him 🥲 he looks more sad that angry to me idk
Omega distracting Wrecker while he’s being treated 💕💕
Wrecker: “it’ll take more than a blaster shot to take me down!” Echo: bruh 😑
“We know a guy” YAYAYAYAY
Omega in the front seat like 🤩
and that’s part 2 of ep 1 done my friends!!!
I hope you enjoyed it !! Episode 2 up next 💕
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devisopod · 2 months
Levity Creek!
Chapter two
Have I gone over writing rules yet? No. Will I? Probably not right now.
I feel like short chapters are the way to go atm. Maybe if I get really into it I'll make longer posts. For now, this is what we get. Slow buildup, short additions, and objectively boring shit
I don't think anyone's gonna go back and read this but me lmao
The road out of Oklahoma and into the next few states was as long and uneventful as I planned for. Flat, long stretches of nothingness, and eventually piss-poor radio signal.
To no real surprise, but my ultimate dismay, it got colder the further north I got. Laughably, I became thankful that my engine acted as a space heater by the time I reached California. The weather back home was nothing like this and I was beginning to wonder if I was even built to withstand this kind of change. Maybe it's dramatic to think that way, but I certainly don't mesh well with temperatures below sixty degrees Fahrenheit. And neither does my van, which I found out very quickly.
Needless to say, I didn't stay in Palo Alto much longer than it took me to get the engine back up to snuff. Though, I left with more cargo than I intended, and boy, was I unprepared for it.
Fiddleford insisted that I pick up Tate on the drive up if I could. That way we could "bond". It was an awkward conversation, but even for a pushover, he has his way of being persistent. That, or I suppose that I'm just a pushover myself, which is a trait I gained and blame him for entirely. Of course, in the end I relented — albeit, reluctantly.
Now, I don't know much about Emma May given that she came along after Fiddleford and I grew apart. Still, she welcomed me like she knew me, and that made me a little less apprehensive about the whole thing. I'll admit, however, that the interaction was somewhat forced on my part, and on hers it seemed. She was distant and didn't appear entirely present in the conversation. Which, naturally, struck me as odd. Here I was, a practical stranger that was taking her son across two states. Yet, she didn't bat an eye. Regardless, I'm not one to pry.
Coming to terms with being an aunt and temporary guardian, my attention drifts back and forth from the road to the kid strapped into a carseat behind the passenger side. He's barely made a sound since I got him settled in. I'm not sure if that's more comforting or less, but I'm leaning toward the latter the further out I get. To give him credit, he's not misbehaving, but a quiet kid doesn't always make a good one.
His hair hangs over his eyes, squished into place by a hat that's arguably too big for his head. I can't even really tell if he's awake or not, and for a while I wonder if he's mute. In all honesty, I just keep looking back to make sure he's actually still there.
Dealing with kids has never been my strong suit — I'm not even adept at interacting with people my age. I was expected to be "bonding" on the way, but over what, exactly? Involuntarily being confined to the same space for the next six hours? The whole thing has me feeling like nothing short of a disappointment. Whether it's to myself, to Tate, or to Fiddleford, I have no idea.
As a result of my uncertainty and overall discomfort, I spend a lot of time in silence the next couple of hours, and so does Tate. In fact, he makes next to no indication of being there at all for the longest time. There were periods that I almost forgot he was with me and I would be lulled into a relaxed state. Those never lasted long. It wasn't until after we passed the state line into Oregon that he sneezed and I nearly sent the van off the road.
Meeting what I could only assume was his gaze in the rear view mirror, I could see that he was uncomfortable, and probably had been for a while. I always was a sucker for a pitiful look, my sympathy knew no bounds, but I never could help it. With a short exhale, I turn off at the next exit and into a gas station lot. The van rolls to a stop in one of the faded spots and grumbles down to a silence once I've pulled out the key. I unbuckle myself and turn in my seat to face Tate more head-on. On top of being snotty, he was holding tight to his thin jacket and crossing his legs. No doubt about it, he was holding it in, and here I was hoping he wasn't still in diapers.
"You gotta use the bathroom?" I prompt gently.
For the first time on the trip so far, he actually responds with a short "Mhm" and a nod.
"Alright," I grunt, pulling myself from the driver's seat and over the doghouse into the back.
I open the side doors and hop out onto the pavement before working to figure out how to unbuckle this poor kid from his seat. I can only imagine he's wondering why I'm having so much trouble as I struggle with each little belt. It's almost embarrassing, really, and it only makes me feel worse when I know he's probably been holding it for the past hour or two. Once I've finally gotten him out, I pluck him from his seat and set him on the ground next to me.
"You stay close, m'kay?" I say, looking down at him curiously while we make our way toward the station.
"'Kay," he answers quietly.
To my surprise, he grabs for my hand and holds onto it tight. Probably an instinctive reaction for him if I had to guess, but it warms my heart anyway.
Yeah, I could be an aunt.
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livingdeadhorse · 4 months
my only issue with 1-3 is that from a doylist perspective the third mystery should not be this simple and from a watsonian perspective, taka being framed for hifumi's murder is a more logical conclusion than yasuhiro being framed for both murders. i dont have an issue with it being convoluted and i think it's good for her character for it to be but it really should have just been hifumi imo
anyways. I really do like Celeste and I love just how much fabrication she's done for herself. rejected her birth name and created a whole new identity for herself. huge to me how the money isnt her motivation. she's just always wanted to get out day one and was waiting for the right opportunity to get out of there. the probability of winning every single hand of poker is so low that i fully believe either her or hope's peak made that up. the most important person to her is her pet cat that she overfeeds. celestia <3
I totally hear you! I don't like chapter 3, but I definitely don't dislike it as much as others do. I reserve most of my animosity for chapter 2 lol.
On one hand, as a mystery itself, it's not that great. But on the other hand, I think the stupidity of the plan is just so Celestia. Taka being framed IS the more logical conclusion, it's what someone who's actually cunning would've done. However, Celestia tries SO hard to be interesting that she's basically feeding everybody else around her what they should think of her. She constantly paints herself as this intelligent, intimidating diva, when she's actually insanely lame lmao. She's an average ass girl who has a knack for spinning tall tales that people don't even believe. Makoto OFF RIP doesn't believe anything she's saying. People often group her in with Togami and Kyoko even though she's more akin to characters like Makoto and Mondo. She has stated outright that her "talent" is just luck.
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This is a girl who has a flair for the dramatic and believes her luck will save her from any gamble. The fact that the murder plot really is style over substance with errors so glaring that they're mindboggling...idk it just seems really fitting. That's just me though lol
Also, I totally agree that her motivation wasn't only money. This is where I'm just kinda rambling and going into hard personal interpretation, but I honestly think she lost faith in the class by chapter 2. In the beginning of the game, SHE was the one who suggested the night time rule (which would've stopped both murders if people actually followed it). IIRC, she even made a really cruel and callous comment after Chihiro's death because she was annoyed Chihiro broke the nighttime rule. And then the self-proclaimed leader of the class mentally checks out. We already know she was silently freaking out the very second all ts started and that the adaptability shit was a facade, so this was probably her "yeah gotta go NOW" moment. The money was just an incentive.
IDK where to put this but this self-depreciation over being "ordinary" is such a common thing in the franchise.
Also idkkkk this is js me rambling but her talking about this "rank" she has of people in her head and then seeing her kiss Togami's ass in Chapter 2. EMBARRASSING. You embarrass me. I love her. She wants to be cool so badddd, she doesn't even like mentioning she likes Gyoza.
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Honestly, I think she dismantled that little rank in her head during her time at HPA because this is the same guy she treated like shit. And they're both comfortably joking around. This larper thought she had what it takes to get out everybody POINT AND LAUGH. She even thought her DEATH was going to be interesting and instead it was a car crash. Like top 3 most common ways to die. Junko saw right through her. #FRAUD
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Because I was nervous I was misremembering LMAO
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reitheist · 7 months
bucchigiri ep 9 thoughts:
taken over huh... is that also what senya is doing to arajin maybe? like with the magic trampstamp (words i never expected to write...)
shindo is a bitch and pathetic but i enjoy his character unfortunately (in my defense, my interpretation of him threatening to do That to mahoro was just to make arajin pissed and get him to reveal senya. i think it was kind of narrative low-hanging fruit honestly.)
'is that a yes or no' take a wild fucking guess buddy
zabuuuuuu you are such a good friend
senya hitting people as a show of affection lol
matakara gathering money, presumably he was saving to get an apartment with his brother. what's he planning to use it for?
oh my godddd the cat boy drama 💀 this side gag is so stupid but so funny i love it. i imagine jasmine as as a pure white long hair cat and pu'er as a classic brown tabby. also cat boy getting way too invested in his personal life is *chefs kiss*
arajin is trying his absolute best to convince himself he doesn't care about matakara
the dynamic between komao, zabu, and ara is really funny. i think in other shows they might just sideline the friend characters but they really have an awkward 'friend of a friend' dynamic i like. komao isn't really socially aware enough to be mean to ara despite being him being mean to matakara, and zabu is more hostile but puts most of that aside for matakara's sake. it's like your friends scoping out your awful crush lmao
THE LIFE SIZED NAKED MARITO DOLL? EXCUSE ME??? there is so much wrong with mahoro oml
wait is the life sized naked marito doll marito's? that's somehow weirder.
mahoro, is that concern for a person who isn't your brother? wow
matakara :(
so is the 'monster' literal or metaphorical? interesting
ichiya you're hot as hell but stop telling matakara to draw away from his friends you bitch
'one person would've wanted it' stopppppp 😭 arajin is realizing he liked having matakara around while matakara is being turned against his friends by ichiya. the dramatic irony is killing me
the fact that this 'love forever stone' is a lake blue stone wrapped specifically in a blue cloth as well... that thing is definitely going to be given to matakara by the end, right? pretty gay if you ask me.
ohhhh my god mahoro character growth. plus her relating to him specifically through their shared brother idolization is a good touch. very sweet
mahoro's basically saying like "dude how are you only focused on yourself and me right now. how have you not noticed your childhood friend is depressed and crazy in love with you. like seriously he has not been subtle. at all." lmao i love herrrrrrr
mahoro deserves her own show
also relieved to have ara's interpretation of matakara and mahoro's relationship as romantic to be kind of trivialized again in this scene. i think their dynamic is more interesting as two very different personalities which share just enough to relate with each other. she only wants ara to get his shit together for matakara's sake. i want them to be besties please
arajin is The Worst with emotions huh. he can't read other's feelings and he's somehow worse at reading his own. he needs to stop being relatable right this second
yknow at this point i think i can say i truly and properly enjoy arajin as a character. he's mostly an asshole and deeply emotionally unintelligent but i like him regardless and because of it
ah senya ichiya and arajin matakara parallels as i expected
so does senya=matakara and ichiya=arajin kind of?
i really wasn't joking about them being exes huh
stoppppp ichiya gave him his name? senya was and continues to be so ridiculously down bad
'he meant absolutely everything to me.' dude.
senya is trying to get ara and matakara together bc he couldn't do that for him and ichiya
i am so gd curious what happened to drive them apart
matakara losing sight why he wanted to become a honki person in the first place (ara) and trying to destroy it
'what senya wants is your body' context needed.
i'm thinking maybe ichiya is willing to fully take over bodies and senya isn't, thus why he hasn't done it to arajin already. that or he was planning to in the beginning but got too attached
ohhh this is gonna make for a good dramatic fight
ughhhh another really good episode. i think the story's finally full found its stride. very hyped for the last 3 episodes. i think next episode will probably deal with betrayal between senya and ara, leading senya to explain exactly what happened between him and ichiya. matakara will trying to fight ara and ara will have to run away, frustrating matakara even more. mahoro might focus on trying to help matakara
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inmyhorrorsera · 1 year
S5E6 "Urgent Care" thoughts
Colin being interesting was a cool idea that never crossed my mind it could be possible... but I think it was presented a little... abruptly? It's like there wasn't any prelude to this plot.
I can't add more fuel to my one-sided beef with FX networks merch department but seriously guys: Froguillermo plushies/figurines!!! You just don't want to make money at this point (look at me being all capitalist and shit).
Already said it in a different post but the Nandor/Colin pairing is very rare and I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed it, considering both have this "nuisance of the group" energy. I noticed that Nandor storylines usually are very isolated if he doesn't have one with Guillermo or a is part of a bigger group. He has few plots with only one of his roomies (again, without counting Guillermo).
That dangling feet looked disgusting. Loved it.
I cant say much about the scene of Colin with the actor (didn't make me laugh so much), so a personal anecdote: for years I believed this Mad Men dude and Ted Danson from The good place were the same person.
I lied, there was a moment that made me laugh: in the car when it looked like Colin was successfully about to bore the actor, the camera pans to Nandor, and he looks SO devious, like his eyes were literally shining at the sight of Colin feeding (and his plan working).
Another thing I already mentioned in a separate post, but the set design of this hospital place was *chef's kiss*. It looked so good and expensive. You can tell when the people behind the scenes show care for their craft (reminds me of the beautiful sets from "The Night Market," one of the only good things from that episode).
Anyone noticed a random vampire wearing those lamp collars for pets on the waiting room? Made me think good kinky things I shan't say!
I've read lots of people mentioning this, and I agree with all of them: THIS is the Nadja and Guillermo crazy murderous shenanigans that we felt robbed of in S4.
also lmao of course i cant make one of these s5 thoughts without trashing s4. Yes, I sound traumatized (its because i am).
Nadja punching guys doesn't have the right to be this sexy.
There are rooms on this supernatural hospital that genuinely looked scary.
The Guide random appearance was more like "hey we're billing Kristen Schaal as a main cast now, so we have to put her somewhere", also she's wearing her hottest outfit thus far :D
High Guillermo was hilarious, and I think we don't praise Harvey's comedy chops on this show enough. (Usually, I see his dramatic moments being more highlighted.)
I CALLED IT! At the start of the episode I thought "oh so this is the episode when Nadja LEARNS". I also predicted right that every housemate will learn the truth about Guillermo except for Nandor, c'mon! that's a classic storytelling trope and I fuckin love how high drama all this shit is. Also happy that FINALLY I called something right with this show, the past year all my predictions on twt were debunked by bad writing, so I'm glad to have one W.
Nandor being desperate for a dying Colin, then Colin helping Nandor back. LOVE!
D.C + A.S.S.
Nandor has "the privilege" of murdering Guillermo… h*ly shit its all about the language this writers choose sometimes.
At first I dint get what the little frog said, but lovely people on this site helped that it croaked "guillermo"... so....what's up with that?
Biggest laugh of the night: "Guillermo you think I'm an idiot?" "Say no".
Yay this shit is gonna hurt so bad and I'm so ready for it. I want Tears! Blood! Screaming accusations!! High Drama!!!
Seriously, where's the Djinn?
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 months
I think I may have Rake fatigue.
Can you suggest some novels with an inexperienced MMC? Or even a Virgin?
Aaaabsolutely. Fun fact: I love a virginal romance hero.
Thief of Shadows by Elizabeth Hoyt. One of my faaaavorite books of all time. Winter is a virgin and he doesn't plan on changing that because sex is just not something he super thinks about (I think today he'd maybe read as demi, though he does have environmental factors like being a Quaker and being very aware of how illegitimate children suffer in the streets). He also runs an orphanage by day (one of the rare romances where kids Work--Winter is PRECIOUS with kids but not like soft if that makes sense) and is a masked vigilante by night. His heroine is a society widow six years older than him, very cosmopolitan and experiences, and it's HOT. This book makes me cry, it makes me laugh. It's so good.
Hotel of Secrets by Diana Biller. Another book where the hero is a virgin because he's got SHIT TO DO and he falls for a non-virginal heroine in the hotel where he's staying while he does UNDERCOVER SHIT. It's especially good because he's so uncomfortable with how hard she makes him all the time because he's supposed to be Above it.
In Want of a Viscount by Lorraine Heath. Rook is inexperienced because his father was a horrible man who sired a billion illegitimate children. He meets an American heiress who's in search of investors for her company, and they have this kissss, and it's on. BUT. Just because Rook is inexperienced in some ways, doesn't mean he's inexperienced in others. He knows a lot about "fucking without fucking". (He eats a lot of pussy.)
Melissa and the Vicar by S.M. LaViolette. Magnus is a virgin vicar and it is EXCELLENT. He's like. So hot. But so lovely? But also so, so horny and unsure of how to handle it. One of my favorite moments in this book is when he and Melissa have anal sex for the first time (well, his first time) and right after he asks her to meet his parents. As a gentleman should.
In Which Margo Halifax Earns Her Shocking Reputation by Alexandra Vasti. Henry has been in love with Margo, his best friend's sister, for years. Margo is known for being this wild party girl--what she doesn't know is that Henry is in fact a VIRGIN.
Unclaimed by Courtney Milan. The hero is a virgin and proud, he writes this treatide in the paper about why he's waiting to fall in love... and his enemy gets mad and pays a sex worker to seduce him. Enter our heroine (literally).
Something Fabulous by Alexis Hall. M/m historical! Bonny (the dramatic, excitable one) is not a virgin, but Valentine (the stern, chilly one) is. Which I found delightful. Pretty sure Alexis also wrote Valentine as demisexual.
Band Sinister by KJ Charles. Another m/m historical, Philip is decidedly not a virgin, Guy is and basically doesn't know anything about what he wants lmao.
Upcoming: The Mistress Experience by Scarlett Peckham is out in June and it's EXCELLENT. The hero isn't a virgin, but he's had sex only a couple times and it's been yeeeears since he last had it. He wants to get married and please his wife, so he hires the sex worker heroine to teach him for a month. This book has squirting. That's all.
The Bride Test by Helen Hoang. Khai is on the spectrum and against relationships, but his mom wants him to get married, so she brings him a potential bride over from Vietnam. (She doesn't realize that Esme is also a single mom, but ssh.) He's a virgin, and I kinda loved this because he's like... not good at sex at all the first time, and they have to talk for him to get better.
Salt Kiss by Sierra Simone. Tristan is a total virgin (he's also 29, which is nice) and has an unfortunate habit of falling in love... easily lol. He becomes the bodyguard for Mark, who runs a sex club. It's honestly very funny to read their dynamic because Tristan has a habit of just SAYING SHIT and when Mark asks him about things he may find "hard to watch" at the club, he's like "ummmm idk MAYBE A BREEDING KINK because I WANNA BREED SOMEONE but i ALSO WANT SOMEONE TO BREED ME idk" and Mark is like ".... uh huh".
Naturally, Mark does in fact totally debauch him, only to send him off to pick up Isolde, Mark's fiancee (who Mark ALSO deflowered in Salt in the Wound, the prequel novella you don't have to read but I absolutely recommend). Then the book becomes MMF.
Dark Needs at Night's Edge by Kresley Cole. One of my favorite IAD books. Conrad joined a vampire-killing cult when he was mortal, which required a vow of chastity. And then he got turned into a vampire against his will BY HIS BROTHERS and subsequently went completely insane for a couple hundred years. Now he's falling in love with a sexy French former burlesque dancer/ghost. Good for him! I loooove it. "Does Conrad want to see my panties" -- immortal line, pun intended.
Dark Skye by Kresley Cole. The hero of this book is a virgin like... he thinks he's an angel but he's not but he does have wings and they do Add To It.... but he's like a warrior for a super religious country and is as such a huge virgin. He loses his virginity to the heroine through a special sheet with a hole cut it in lmao. It shouldn't work. It... did for me.....
Mating the Huntress by Talia Hibbert. A werewolf hunter finds out she's a werewolf's fated mate, and oops, he's a virgin! A surprisingly lighthearted and super hot Halloween read.
Heart of Iron by Bec McMaster. This is a historical paranormal. The heroine is a lovely little debutante type with a Secret, and the hero is her werewolf bodyguard. In this series, werewolfitude is passed through bodily fluids, so he's a virgin. Which doesn't mean they don't Do Stuff lmao.
The Thornchapel Series by Sierra Simone. This book is MMF and FF, two separate relationships, in a group of six friends. All but two of them are virgins in the beginning, including Auden (classic Sierra Simone Brideshead Revisited rich pretty boy, baby dom) and St. Sebastian (the poor boy who was childhood friends and More with Auden, and now there's beef as they fall for the same girl and also each other). I really love the unrolling of the tension and the virginity loss stuff in this series. Everyone is SO. SO. HORNY.
The King's Spinster Bride by Ruby Dixon. The hero is younger than the heroine but very confident and much more experienced in the world, generally, than her. He learns quickly, though.
Many Ice Planet Barbarian books by Ruby Dixon have virgin heroes! Some of my favorites include:
Barbarian Alien. The cold and awkward alien literally grabs this woman who hates his ass and takes her off to a cave and then is like "well I did not think this through".
Barbarian Mine. Tbh I kinda judge myself for liking this one but it is what it is. There's a huge Tarzan and Jane vibe to this one, because the hero isn't just an alien--his dad raised him separate from the other aliens, and then he died when the hero was a kid, so he's grown up all alone and doesn't even know like.... what sex is.......... WELP. HE LEARNS.
Barbarian's Mate. Probably my favorite book in the series I've read so far. The heroine and hero hate each other, and she's never found a mate because, unbeknownst to her, her IUD kept it from working...? So it falls out and she IMMEDIATELY connects with the guy she hates and she's disgusted lmao. She lets him just come all over himself like multiple times.
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shaunamilfman · 10 months
More Random HC’s cause I’m waiting to go into work :)
- Unironically LOVES shirts that are/have the same energy as “women love me, fish fear me”/“Big dick is back in town” etc. she wears them more often than you’d like
- She lives off of Mountain Dew, Red Bull and hot Cheetos, that’s all she packs for lunch everyday and you have to drop off water and a snack for her at practice so she doesn’t pass out since she barely takes care of herself
- was one of those girls that had a thing for the Onceler from the Lorax
- She was def apart of the 2012 tumblr culture, (superwholock or whatever it was) one of those girls that would get a tattoo off of one of the YA books they read, hunger games, Harry Potter, stuff like that
- Either really knows how to play American football and is super invested in the NFL, or does not know anything at all “What is a down?”
- Is SO CLINGY (Derogatory) sure you thought it was cute at first until she gets up at 5 am for her morning practice and wakes you up too so you can “brush your teeth together”. It gets even worse when she’s sick, shes the hugest baby when she’s sick and you know if she gets sick you’re bound to get sick a week later because she’s plastered to your side
- Legit loves anything you get her, even if it’s kind of a joke. Stupid $2 tourist T shirt? You got it for her so she loves it, childish Spider-Man socks, thinks they’re cool as fuck. Just overall very appreciative and excited to recieve anything from you
- I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; She’s absolutely good at all the fine arts; she can draw well, she definitely can play the piano and violin, bc her rich parents paid for her to have lessons, etc
- She definitely also did some nerdy shit like take taekwondo until she was 14. Idk why I can just imagine this girl in like that white martial arts gi, doing like punching exercises.
- I don’t know if this makes sense but the kind of gf that when you guys go out to eat, you’ll both be quiet/not talk so you can eavesdrop onto people’s conversations and talk about it in the car on the way home
ugh no nat is such a loser she so would. she shows up at your house wearing this
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asking her when the last time she drank water was and she's really got to think about it. she gets so shy if you like cook her something though omg
Misty would have crushes on the weirdest fucking cartoon characters and shit I swear. she pulls you a picture of megamind and you're like "... okay"
superwholockian misty i know that's right. misty has like collectors editions of the Sherlock books. she has like an original printing displayed in her living room fr
Misty def had one of those shirts like "heading off to the shire to become a jedi because my hogwarts letter never came."
i take that and I raise you Jackie being super super invested in the NFL but still does not know how football works. she's into the vibes she's just competitive as fuck. you look over and she's googling what a halfback does.
also Jackie totally follows a soccer team obsessively. she has like 5 jerseys and so so much merch. she even buys you some so she can make you wear it. she's so excited whenever there's a game on. she's def screaming at the ref for making a bad call
jackie's dramatic ass makes you sit in the bathroom with her as she showers. your just sitting on the sink with your head against the mirror barely able to keep your eyes open and she's excitedly rambling on like she's on fucking crack.
also i feel like jackie is such a morning person. you're half an energy drink in and barely awake and she's bouncing off the walls at 6 AM
she definitely gets you sick whenever she gets sick for sure. she's expecting princess treatment squared when she's sick. omg you thought she was needy normally?? your ass is not ready.
Van is so fucking sentimental bro she has a whole box dedicated to little things you gave her, even if it was just something you randomly handed to her lmao
artist lottie has such a hold on me tbh I love it.
martial arts lottie def got a participation trophy and a pat on the back i can not see her being good at it lmao
oh no fr shauna is such a hater she loves doing hater activities with you. jackie's talking about jeff or something and yall are like 😒🙄. she always looks straight for you when stupid shit happens.
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whats the tea on olivia rodrigo and taylor swift's "friendship"? 👀 how does olivia feel about her idol now, she had to pay 50% of royalties to her over song similiarities to cruel summer with deja vu
Is it just me who finds it problematic and weird how Olivia keeps getting caught in these copyright infringement scandals? Like girl how hard is it to give credit to someone or pay for the sampling 😭???
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Taylor Swift & Olivia Rodrigo, friends or foes?:
Lmfao this is so dramatic but I had a vision of Olivia being hysterical and crying saying "Our friendship is over 😡😭!!!". She's really taking it to heart and feels this was a personal attack on her, when that it is not the case. To Taylor, this is just business, and she felt that she was being disrespected by someone who was supposedly her biggest fan. Taylor feels that she can be inspired by her, but it's not right for her to copy her. She questions how much of a "singer-songwriter" Olivia actually is. They are on really bad terms as of right now.
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How does Taylor feel about Olivia?:
I feel that Taylor really appreciates the love and support that Olivia had given her all these years. She could see her younger self in Olivia and had high hopes for her. Taylor could of had possibly wanted to be her mentor? Or someone Olivia can depend on in the industry since she's seen the highs and lows of what the music business can do to people, especially Disney stars in particular. Taylor thinks what Olivia did was sneaky and could even think her behavior in general is very two faced. She believes Olivia acts as this sweet girl but then takes from other people to get what she wants or likes to take credit so she can get the praise. Once Taylor discovered the song similarities she deaded that shit immediately LMAO. Taylor did not care that Olivia idolizes her, she cares more about her craft more than anything, and will do whatever it takes to protect it. I heard "I worked hard for this, not you." (Period T.Swiftie!!! Go off T Swizzle 😂). She's not playing with Olivia fr. Taylor knew this situation would emotionally upset Olivia since she has such a strong attachment to her but she knows that she can't let her feelings get in the way of work. So Taylor had to do what was right and fight for justice. She feels guilty though and might reach out to her soon to try to patch things up. Taylor could be reading what people are saying about her on social media and after the court case, she feels like she needs to be alone to recover because disappointing someone so dear to her makes her upset. "It's either me or you, I have to choose me."
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How does Olivia feel about Taylor?:
Olivia is absolutely distraught by this situation. She has looked up to Taylor for years and feels like the saying that "Don't meet your heroes because you'll be disappointed." is true, but I don't feel like that's what's really going on here. Taylor didn't do something to purposely go against Olivia and be spiteful towards her. It's just that she doesn't understand how serious this is. This is a business matter and a legal issue, you can't just graze over work just because you are friends with somebody. Olivia feels like since she is inspired by Taylor, that's why their songs are similar but she didn't actually intend to copy her. I am almost reminded of like those people on tiktok who promote themselves and caption their videos with "There's this new girl who sounds like Ariana Grande and blah blah her name is ___" Then it's their music and concept that looks and sounds the exact fucking same as the artist mentioned. It's really just a cheap and tacky tactic to gain more popularity. Being so "heavily" inspired by someone is problematic because you're not being yourself and you're copying off somebody's else's hard work. We don't need another Taylor Swift, we need to know who Olivia Rodrigo is. Olivia is being immature, she is still young so she is easily impressed by the fame, celebrities, etc, but if Olivia wants to make it in this business she really needs to grow up and find herself. She's in her 20s now and this is the age of self discovery. Olivia needs to find her own identity and learn about what makes her happy and what is her purpose as a musician. Otherwise this industry will chew her up and spit her out. As fast as she became famous, she will go downhill just as quickly if she doesn't get it together.
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Could they be friends again? Were they ever truly friends?:
They were never really close friends because Olivia has this perception of Taylor that's not true to her. Olivia's view of Taylor could be really outdated. It's like a little girl who's missing her big sister. Taylor is not the same teenager with her curly hair and acoustic guitar anymore, she's a grown woman. So as much as they wanted to be close, it's just that Olivia can't get past her own assumptions of Taylor. With the Seven of Cups, their possibility of being friends is really up in the air. I honestly believe these two are going through some sort of karmic lesson right now. They are learning from each other about doing what's right. As much as Taylor is mad about what Olivia did, she is thinking of ways to reconcile with Olivia. Even though Olivia is in her feelings right now, she really misses her. So maybe in the future we could have hope and see if they will be on good terms again.
Channeled song: Do You Want To Build A Snowman? From Frozen ❄️⛄️ (Aw this is actually so sad, help me LOL 😭)
"Do you want to build a snowman?
Come on, let's go and play!
I never see you anymore
Come out the door
It's like you've gone away
We used to be best buddies
And now we're not
I wish you would tell me why!
Do you want to build a snowman?
It doesn't have to be a snowman"
"Go away, Anna 😔..."
"Okay, bye 🥺😞"
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hughiecampbelle · 2 months
helloooo i saw ships were open! love your writing and thank you so much for opening this!
my name is shanti, im 21, they/them. 5’5. biracial. i dont have much of a preference on ships as long as it is not homelander, stormfront, or the deep.
i'm a very hard worker and aspire to be a history teacher one day. i love nerdy shit like the MCU and the Tolkien Universe. i am also a gamer and i love pvp games particularly. also RPGs. i love music but my favorite genres right now are probably rock, edm, and indie folk music.
some of my favorite things are the moon, sunsets, rocky beaches, staying in to watch movies and tv shows, reading and trying to draw haha. i am also a foodie and love going out to try new food from different cultures.
my aesthetic is a mix of crowcore and shabby chic (aka cottagecore).
personality wise i am an ENFP. I consider myself a friendly person. i love getting to know people and all their little quirks. i am generally pretty outgoing but i also like just keeping to myself sometimes. i can be pretty shy for a while as well when im first getting to know someone. when i open up around people i am pretty goofy and always happy to do anything with them!! i love to laugh.
i also have ADHD, sometimes it is debilitating lmao. i also worry a lot, probably part of the adhd thing or maybe thats my anxiety 🤔
i thiiinnkkk this is enough to work on. thanks again!!!!! 💖💖💖💖
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Hi my love! I ship you with: Annie January!!! She loves your nerdy side. From history to the Tolkien Universe, whatever you're interested in and passionate about, she could listen to you talk for hours. She genuinely pays attention and always has thoughtful questions you never would have thought of. All of your interests are really cute to her. In the car you two switch off playing songs and she even has a playlist with your name as the title full of the songs you've shown her that she loves. She's more of an indie girl, but appreciates all of the genres you've shown her. You love her outlook. Annie really thought her whole life would be The Seven, being a superhero, fighting crime. That image wasn't just broken, it was obliterated. She's had to come to terms with a lot, including how her life would look, who she was. Through it all though, she's put everything she had into her beliefs, her friendships and relationships. She's put everything she had into taking down Vought and Homelander. You appreciate that about her, that through it all she's adapted, but kept the same passion. Your relationship is kind of dramatic. Your work drama bleeds into your relationship and can create tension. It's nothing against one another. Rather, it's the shapeshifter and the Homelander performers and Firecracker that try to create a rift between you. You might have your moments of tension, but in the end, it's the two of you against the world. When your worries really get to you and it feels so overwhelming, Annie is the first person at your side, calming you down, reassuring you everything will be okay. It will all work out in the end. Your first date is at the beach. She knows how much you love the ocean and the both of you could use some downtime away from The Boys and Vought and everything. It wasn't intended to be a date, just some time for the two of you to get away, but you start talking and laughing as the ridiculousness of your lives and you end up spending hours there, watching the water, listening to the waves, decompressing together. Annie admits a lot to you, stuff she's too afraid to say in front of everyone else and you do the same. You guys get food and come back and lose most of the day to the sand and ocean. Only when the sun starts setting do either of you realize how much time has passed. When you're feeling overwhelmed or disconnected as a couple, you go back to that spot and are reminded why you care about one another. Relationship Headcanon: You and Annie, when you first met, were so shy with one another you could barely exchange three sentences. You couldn't believe the Startlight was your friend. You never would have guessed the reason she was so shy and awkward in front of you was because of her crush on you. Everyone could tell there was a mutual interest, and they thought about intervening, but M.M. talked them out of it. He had faith that the two of you would figure it out for yourselves eventually. When you do start dating, The Boys finally tell you they almost had a bet going for how long it would take one of you to admit your feelings. Frenchie would have won, but they decided it was cruel and unusual to bet on their friends dating life.
Hope you like it my love!!! Xoxoxo💜💜💜
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