#my boy my birb son
heraldofcrow · 3 months
So crow I gotta know, what can you tell me about that nerd from cainhurst
Asks about my Crow freak….is it my birthday already 🥺
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Look at his dramatic ass ^
There’s so much hidden in the details of his design and I still can’t get any solid answers, but one damn thing’s for sure, he has….quite the audacity?
Not only is he absurdly strong, he mixes two sets in the game that are NOT supposed to be mixed. The crowfeather set and the Cainhurst guard set.
As you probably know, Eileen’s crew….the crow hunters….they are mercy killers for the type of hunter we are in the game. We’re beast hunters. We’re the guys killing off the plague-spawn….and sometimes we lose our shit. When a beast-hunter goes blood-drunk? Who ya gonna call? Crow hunters!
They are supposed to save a mad hunter’s soul by putting them out of their misery and stringing them up for the birds to consume. It’s sky burial! It’s a reference to symbolism about birds eating the flesh and blood of a body, carrying it back to the sky or “heaven,” and redeeming that soul.
It’s a sacred, very religious practice. The crow-hunters take this shit seriously. They won’t let their fallen comrades be buried in the earth to rot. That would be blasphemy. It’s sky burial or nothing.
And then along comes Bloody Crow, donning the crow-hunter attire, but also wearing the Cainhurst guard armor, carrying the Chikage that feeds off of his own life force, and keeping the Blood Rapture rune….the rune that servants of Queen Annalise rely on for nourishment after not being able to consume Annalise’s own blood.
He’s a warrior of Cainhurst, a royal guard. And what do those guards of Annalise do?
They also kill hunters. They hunt hunters. Specifically blood-drunk hunters, all for the sake of bringing Blood Dregs to Annalise.
(You can thank Katy for the genius insight here about Blood Dregs being found IN blood-drunk hunters).
Ok, so he kills blood-drunks. Big deal, right?
Except for the fact that this is straight up blasphemy to crow-hunters, to Eileen, because not only is he killing these hunters for Annalise and not out of mercy, he is taking their blood, their SOULS, to his Queen for her consumption.
He isn’t burying them. He is using them. He is desecrating them. Annalise is consuming these lost souls so that she can birth a Child of Blood.
The Vilebloods might argue “Oh but this is a form of reincarnation and purpose for those souls!”
But to Eileen? To a true crow-hunter? There is no greater sin.
And flaunting the garb of a mercy-killer alongside the armor of a blasphemer is….quite bold. He’s crazy lmao.
I believe this is why Eileen targets Bloody Crow and marks him as prey even though he doesn’t seem blood-drunk at all. He doesn’t act like Henryk or Gascoigne. He’s cold, calculating, determined.
An absolute villain. I love him. I’m not sure if he’s a proper Vileblood, since Annalise says you and her are the last two if you drink her blood. BC could be just a former hunter, but he is hella strong and his bullets hit stupidly hard, which implies he has really high bloodtinge. I’m guessing he’s enhanced or inhuman somehow, but I am not sure.
In the realm of fic-writing and headcanons, he’s a very developed character for me. Lady Maria’s unhinged little brother with a long history alongside Eileen and Annalise. I named him Luther. That’s who I tend to draw too!
Anyway, I’m rambling but that’s one of my favorite things to share about Crow. His blasphemous design in the game really struck me after a while.
Thanks for asking, dude!! 🖤
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whizzinpast · 5 months
Till, for some reason:
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thecloud79 · 1 month
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strawberryybird · 1 year
i still have not played engage (it's on my list, i am simply subject to student loans and the cost of living) but. still i have no idea what a sommie is. i simply know that he is a creature of the highest order and i will love him forever and ever. that is a new son boy allowed ur honour.
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mcgruffthecrimedog · 2 years
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lost-romantique · 12 days
The Way He Lit up His Life- Baby Stolitz Circus Edition (Part 1)
I love the way Blitz manages to light up Stolas' life, even when he never meant too.
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Stolas starts off his birthday fucking elated. Of course he would, IT’S HIS MOTHERFUCKING BIRTHDAY!
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"You will be entrusted with the study of the Earth's skies, the stars, the prophecies they hold, all that stuff. Isn't that fun!"
Stolas is given his life's mission as a Goetia, and he couldn't be happier!
This is best birthday ever! Absolutely what can go wrong!?
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Stolas is forced into an arranged marriage with Stella, and he's devastated. He begins to cry.
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His father who is so good at daddying, mind you, suggests they go to the circus in town.
Stolas does not want to go, he's miserable. His birthday is ruined.
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Stolas is at the circus now, he has to have a fun time at the circus... right? RIGHT?
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Despite all the cool shit that's happening before him, Stolas is miserable. He doesn't even bother looking at the performances.
He even flicks away the peanuts off his grimoire.
This baby birb is fucking miserable.
Absolutely nothing can make this day go better...
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Suddenly, he sees HIM.
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The boy wonder, the man who will become the poster child for severe self-hatred, BLITZO BUCKZO!!!
But Stolas doesn't see that...
All he sees is a little imp boy with the biggest smile on his face. Stolas is smitten.
Could this be what they call love at first sight? Who knows...
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All Stolas knows is that absolutely nothing has caught his attention, OTHER THAN HIM!
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The moment Blitz lands on stage, Stolas does a double-take. HE DOES A MOTHERFUCKING DOUBLE TAKE!
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Whenever Blitz is on stage is the only time Stolas truly enjoys his time at the circus. All of his focus is on that little imp boy who can't make a fucking horse balloon to save his life.
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"Well, heh. It was a horse, but then it ate too much sugar and its legs stopped working, so he had to amputate. Now, it's a gross worm horse."
Blitzo makes a stupid joke no one laughs at, but Stolas... this baby birb finds it fucking hilarious. He's charmed.
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Blitzo sees that and he acknowledges his existence, almost instantly. He sees the only boy that would laugh at his stupid joke.
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Suddenly Fizz comes in, makes a perfect horse in record time, and everyone laughs at his joke instead. Thereby stealing whatever thunder Blitzo had.
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But you know the funny thing... Stolas doesn't laugh at Fizz's joke. Actually he's almost offended that everyone completely ignored Blitzo's joke.
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"I liked his broken horse joke, it was funny. Their legs do stop working when they eat too much sugar, it's called laminitis."
Paimon looks at Stolas curiously, giving his son the eye as Stolas proceeds to laugh to himself because Blitzo's joke is that funny!
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The scene ends with a closeup shot of a smiling Blitzo.
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I find it adorable just how quickly Stolas' boredom changes the moment he sees Blitz on stage.
Stolas was just given the life changing news that he was going to be forced into an arranged marriage, and he's miserable. He doesn't want to go to the circus. Only for all that change the moment he sees Blitzo.
It's so cute just how smitten he is, how enchanted Stolas gets when he sees Blitzo on stage. How the worse day of his life turned into one of the best all because he sees him.
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Please watch out for my future posts as I analyze all the Stolitz scenes in The Circus.
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salternateunreality2 · 5 months
AGSZC Adopt an Emotional Support Cat for Sephiroth
From the @strayheartless archives <3
Thanks @heraldofcrow and @altocat for the grammar help!
It doesn’t go as planned.
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They go to the shelter to try to find a kitten, but Sephiroth finds something even better: a feral momma cat with a single living kitten because all her other babies died. He and she stare at each other for a solid 15 minutes through the bars, until AGZC find them.
Genesis: THERE you are. Sephiroth, the adoptable kittens are this way.
Sephiroth: This one.
Zack: Oh, sorry bud, this one says the kitten is too young to leave his mother.
Sephiroth: No, this cat. The kitten can come too. *has not broken eye contact yet*
Angeal: Sweetheart, this says she’s feral and not up for adoption, and neither is her kitten. Come on, let’s go look at the ones that are available, ok?
Sephiroth: This one.
Cloud: *Looks at Seph. Looks at the cat. Looks at the kitten. Looks at Seph.* This one.
Angeal, Genesis, and Zack can all be stubborn, but they are faced with the immovable object that is Sephiroth with a fixation and the unstoppable force that is Cloud protecting someone. They convince the shelter staff they can take care of both the mother and the baby. Yes, even though she’s feral. Yes, they know they can’t be separated. Yes, they will handle medicating the feral cat.
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Momma cat immediately adopts Sephiroth as a second kitten. Then Cloud as her third. The first kitten grows up and is weaned and becomes Zack’s dog-cat. He’s friendly and cuddly and likes to play fetch, and his momma likes him, but knows he’s going to be ok on his own. Not her other kittens though. They clearly still need her.
She comes and yowls at Genesis and Angeal when Seph and Cloud need something she can't get them. She yowls at Genesis to go hunting with her to provide for the babies, and at Angeal to figure out what's wrong when they won't eat the nice mice she brings them.
She accepts Zack as a puppy, disciplines him, and comforts him when needed, but her attention belongs to her tall baby and her baby birb first.
Her new sons are idiots, but they’re HER idiots.
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Sephiroth calls her “Mother Cat”. Cloud calls her “Cat”. Genesis insists she needs a REAL name (it’s only decent), and writes down "Serafina" on the vet papers. Sephiroth falls in love with him all over again.
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If either Sephiroth or Cloud starts hyperventilating, she comes and sits on her boy and purrs until he calms down. If they ignore important things like feeding time or petting-the-cat time, she starts kneading her paws. If they still ignore her, she brings out the claws. She’s not shy about making sure they take care of her and then themselves.
She nips Zack when one of her boys is overstimulated and he's too loud.
She hisses nonstop at the vacuum and stands between it and her babies until they take her to another apartment, at which point she bathes them until they (and she) calm down.
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Serafina: YOWL.
Angeal: Hi Serafina. Is one of them being an idiot?
Serafina: YOWL. *walks to the dining table*
Sephiroth: *hunched over a pile of manuscripts, hair a mess, muttering*
Serafina: YOWL.
Angeal: Seph, honey, have you been up all night again?
Sephiroth: …it’s…morning? Wh- *voice cracks* -at day?
Angeal: Wednesday.
Sephiroth: Oh *cough* just one night then.
Angeal: And you haven’t had water since…? Actually, don’t answer that. Clean up your papers, you need to eat, hydrate, and sleep. No, no arguing. Serafina is worried, you need to reassure her.
Sephiroth: Oh! Of course.
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Serafina: YOWL.
Genesis: Yes, my Lady Serafina?
Serafina: YOWL. *leads him to the front door, where Cloud is swaying and trying to put on his boots*
Genesis: Cloud Strife, when was the last time you ate?
Cloud: h-Huh? Gen? When did you get here? 
Genesis: Eat. When.
Cloud: ummmmm…breakfast?
Genesis: Yesterday?
Cloud: ……maybe?
Genesis: Sit down before you fall down. You know mako enhancements require more calories. No, stay there and I’ll get you a shake and a bar. Yes, I know you have work. You won’t be any use passed out or dead. Now thank your second mother for saving your life. *stomps off huffily*
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okay so fantasy au 😭 i needed to ramble
Mrs Curtis was a nymph. Shes kinda like the nymphs in percy jackson, her skin is leaf green (maybe changes colors in the autumn?) and her hair is this sunstricken golden color and she ofc has leaves in it almost always. I also like lowkey wanna say that she has a tail with leaves at the end too-she loved to make flower crowns and maybe she even photosynthesizes? Who knows! I need to draw this concept out
Mr Curtis was a gargoyle. He’s REALLY terrifying looking but once you actually get to know him he’s a huge goofball. He used to pull faces and stuff to make his sons laugh. He had huge bat like wings and a long spiked tail-he had talons too and his eyes would glow bright yellow when he was mad-like ONLY yellow. The pupils and irises were GONE. He taught Darry how to fly!
Onto Darry-he’s a gryphon/human mix? Kinda? Like a centaur but the lower half is a fire gryphon. He was born normal size but VERY quickly grew and ended up being gryphon sized (Like…50+ft in size, gryphons are BIG) and dude couldn’t fit in the house anymore by the time he was like thirteen :( But he’s a fire gryphon so cold doesn’t bother him much. But his wings are kinda flame colored? He has a mane of harness fire around his neck too and the tip of his lion tail is a flame ofc-when he’s mad though the fire flares up and can become harmful. He still roofs houses but he has to be awful careful with his size, though he also gets paid to clear out areas because he’s so big so he can easily sweep stuff. He’s harmless tho, just a big birb/lion boi
Soda is a centaur-his lower half is a palomino colt and his upper half is human obviously. He REALLY likes having his mane and tail played with and sometimes will just flick his brothers with his tail until they give him attention lmao-he is NOT quiet either like you can hear this boy galloping from a mile away. He’s also a big fan of having his tail braided and sometimes will braid it before. work to make sure oil doesn’t get on it. He’s very prideful of his coat though and likes when people give him attention for how shiny his coat is-He hates cleaning his hooves though because it’s hard to do :( Sometimes he’ll nestle into Darry’s wings after a hard day too :(
Pony is a cervitaur ofc-his lower half is a fallow deer (maybe an axis deer…) but this boy is SO prideful of his antler nubs and styles his hair purposefully to make sure there showing at all times. When his antlers actually start growing though he’s really happy except for when leaves and flowers get stuck in ‘em-but this boy is FAST-like 50mph fast. He could outrun Soda any day (I know horses are faster shhh) but he’s so fun. His coat is also super fluffy…his hair is too thanks to being half deer. He definitely sneaks into orchards to steal their food tho and Darry gives him an earful. Something I’m considering is having one of each curtis brother be in control of some element considering their mom was a nymph…Darry’s fire but I have to decide on the others…maybe Soda’s water and Pony’s earth? Idk)
I’m still deciding what I wanna do for Johnny…I’m thinking kraken or something of that nature? But like he can live on land? Idk what I wanna do for him, I wanna have him be opposite to Dally but I dunno how a kraken would fit into Tulsa…Just a big ol water creature…I’ll probably create my own creature thing for him LMAO
Dally’s a dragon. No doubt. He has a dragon form and a semi human “disguise” of sorts…like he has dragon ears, dragon wings and a dragon tail and he has some splotches of scales along his body but his full dragon form is a sight to behold. He’s about Darry’s size in full dragon form and him and Darry have definitely gotten into some •Godzilla vs Kong” esque fights because Dally kept trying to burn down the jail and Darry had to stop him…Johnny was watching (he’s about the same size as Darry too) and he’s just frantically trying to put all the fires out while yelling at adam LMAO-but this boy is so unruly sometimes…also horns. His horns are sharp as a blade (play it cool little brother…sorry-) and he’s not afraid to use them
Two Bit is definitely an imp to me. He likes to try and pull pranks on the Socs a lot-he’s kinda like an evil looking satyr…like he has little goat hooves and he even has a pitchfork but he’s really not and. He’s just a funny guy who wants to scare people sometimes. He’s a bit smaller than average (like…5’6’’) but he’s still trying to be scary. He has bat wings too and flares then when he’s all angry and tries to make himself look bigger but he just cannot-
Steve’s a werewolf. I don’t have much on him whether :(
I’m debating on keeping the Socs human or making them mythical beings too…I have ideas for Marcia and Cherry and even some of the musical Socs so we’ll see
(also if someone wants to listen to me yap about gryphon darry i mean…👀
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f1-disaster-bi · 7 months
I've stolen @f1-birb's Sebson Driver Dads au for this TikTok inspire drabble
"See?", Sebastian grinned, dusting his hands off as he glanced at Jenson, "It wasn't that hard. The crib was harder to build" Jenson looked up from where he had been reading the baby book to Lando as their eight month old sat in his lap. Their little one was babbling away and pointing to random things as if he understood what they were. Occasionally, he looked up at Jenson as if to ask his Dad if he was right before going back to pointing. "Oh? Is it finished?", Jenson asked as he dropped a kiss on Lando's little curls. Sebastian pointed with pride towards the baby gate that was now installed between the hallway and their living room where they were. Lando had started to crawl a couple of weeks ago, and he was fast. They had been surprised at how fast he actually was until Sebastian was darting down the hall to catch their giggling baby before he made a break towards the stairs. It truly was amazing to see. Jenson had never expected to be so in awe of another human being until they had had Lando. Sure, they were young, and they hadn't planned on having on having a little one so soon after admitting their attraction but Jenson would never regret this. How could he when his beautiful little boy was in his lap, little arms stretched out as he reached for his Papa as Sebastian rumbled proudly. "Look at you", Jenson grinned, "Big strong alpha providing for his family" "Stop teasing", Sebastian rolled his eyes and plucked Lando out of his arms, and Jenson just took a moment to watch them as Sebastian blew a raspberry on Lando's cheek, "Now to test it" Jenson stood up, dusting off his pants and settling the book on the couch as Sebastian placed Lando on the ground. Lando crawled over to the gate which at the bottom was a little off the ground making Jenson frown as he looked at it. Lando seemed to consider it, stopping short of banging his head off the baby gate. He lifted a curios hand, face determined as he babbled and patted it. "I was worried it was a little off the ground, but it seems to be working at containing the menace", Jenson smiled as he turned to Sebastian and gave the alpha a kiss. Sebastian smiled into it until a giggle had them looking back at their son only to watch as Lando was halfway under the gate. He was flat on his stomach and giggling as he wiggled under the gate and into the hallway. He gave them a surprised look before he started giggling again and began to crawl down the hallway. "Oh my god", Sebastian panicked, and immediately tried to open the gate and failed. He resorted to trying to get over the gate but he had installed it a little too high for him to comfortably clear it while wearing tight jeans, "Jenson! Help! He's escaping!" Jenson, did not help. Instead he all but collapsed to the ground in tears of laughter as Lando sat at the other end of the hallway, waving at Sebastian who was trying to get over the baby gate that wouldn't open and trying to coax Lando back towards them while Lando giggled and babbled away.
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witchofthesouls · 4 months
More AU of a Cyber!Earth!Au with the Darbys directly under Soundwave’s care.
The being that was once June Darby was a dangerous creature.
That ferity hadn't disappeared once he managed to coax her out of that endless dream. Within her, old human sensibilities of civilian life and civilization warred with the new instincts that were capable of devouring everything in its path.
Nor had Soundwave wanted to suppress those instincts fully. To tame them. No; it would serve them both well among the Decepticons and the strange, new world they were navigating. They needed to simply nurture the bridge and guide the process. Ease it.
The inhibition collar had done little to quell the microtransformations as she armed the edges of her robes with serrations, masking it with a deceptive gentleness as the sparklings hid by her legs whenever one of the more foolish mechs attempted anything.
(If anyone was stupid enough to think that June Darby was any less dangerous in a femme root-mode. That the collar was enough after her rampage across the ship as she hunted after her stolen child. It was their own passage to the Unmaker.)
Her son, Jack, echoed it.
Optics blown wide with the white pupil mechanisms drowned out everything else, the sparkling's frame shifted and rippled between the metal of shadowed hull and his own physical body as he mimicked the crooning birds perched upon his shoulder.
Croaking and chattering. A mix between organic ruffling feathers with metal plates sliding and soft transformation seams. It was difficult to discern between the sparkling and the birds. Only the multiple optics popped out of the seamless blend.
In the gleam of those dark, shiny optics, Soundwave saw the reflection of that strange robed figure.
Jack's mouth moved, but it wasn't words, just a spill of noise. Not even birdsong or a close mimicry. A mix of pattering rain, distant rolling thunder, and a gentle breeze through swaying branches.
The boy met his visor and seared into his mind was yellow robes standing within a clearing where many of the mining operations had disappeared. Something writhing behind them, dissected limbs with peeled musculature and fuel lines neatly entwined with one of the metal trees.
Soundwave quietly filed away the abomination that was Silas. Breakdown's paintjob, no matter the degradation, was a custom one by Knock Out's hands.
The spymaster kneeled down. He ignored the hissing birds as they ruffled up. What mattered was Jack's reaction, and Soundwave had poured so much work into ensuring his charge was comfortable in his presence. A careful prod to allow their EM fields to overlap. Jack didn't pull away as Soundwave anchored into his space, circling the sharp, bizarre notes as the birds became more distressed.
Jack's main attention was pinned to the distant figure calling for him (and his mother), but a small part still focused on Soundwave.
"Jack." Soundwave played out the haunting recording of June's many-layered voices of her monstrous alt-mode. "Jack. Jack. Jack. Where are you?"
The sparkling finally blinked. Connection severing. That grey-blue hue returned as he tentatively stepped into Soundwave's reach. He ignored the shrill squawking and crash of teeth and data-cables as Soundwave crushed the blackbirds and their foreign influence as Jack curled into his hold. Like a puppet with severed strings.
Luminosity hissed from the corner before barreling over, clambering across Soundwave's back-plating as she pushed her own quelling danger senses into them. She spoke in rapid squeaks and chirps, punctuated with hard flaps of her wingspan as Jack pressed himself deeper into Soundwave's hug. His mind jumbled in strange breaks as Jack attempted to reorder himself, and Soundwave gently reinforced the lowered mental defenses, sweeping away the scent of ashes and the boiling-freezing imprints.
Of course, the birds weren't real. Even with his speed and the sensation of crushing them, Soundwave felt only the walls of the ship.
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valnyte · 5 months
I will yeet here my speculations on what kind of fairytale villains a cast of new characters might be based off from (obviously not all of these, but just speculation and a bunch of nonsense) at the top of my head:
The new cast could be Privy Council, Golden Butterfly, Gang member who beef with Jude, or some sort of "I'm here to destroy the Cursed" group, but I am still waiting to be proven wrong so surprise me Cry(ingformywallet)birb.
• Gothel
I'm thinking, maybe William's foil character. If William (poster boy) is all about freedom and stuff, a Gothel based villain would have an ideal but very horrific means to try and get to them (think IkeSen Kichou to Nobunaga in that IkeSen prologue where the former blows up Azuchi)
• Snow Queen
Probably could end up as William's foil too, the same way a Gothel based villain would be.
• Sea Witch (I'm sorry but really? No Little Mermaid villains?)
Honestly, they can make dubious deals which could be a hilarious foil to Victor (makes honest deals) or is one of the leaders of a gang that have beef with Jude himself.
• The dagger from The Little Mermaid
Ok, if we have the duos if the Evil Queen and the Mirror and the 13th Fairy and the Thorns, why can't we have a Sea Witch and the dagger the Little Mermaid's sisters gave her that is also from the Sea Witch? I think it would make an interestimg duo.
Very dubious deals type of character like the Sea Witch. Also has an explicitly gruesome fate in the original fairy tale so... time to get creative.
• Big Bad Wolf (really? No villain based character like this? Cybird you quite literally enjoy Red Riding Hood inspired avatars in plenty of your games)
I'm thinking of a counterpart to Liam or Harrison. Either its the Wolf from Red Riding Hood or Seven Little Goats is fine, but acts as some sort of tie-in to either Liam or Harrison. The Big Bad Wolf is sly, curious, and straight up dangerous under a mask of pretending to be caring. Also, it is one of the villains with a usually violent death.
• Hansel & Gretel's Witch
When you think about it, where are the witches based villains. I'm thinking maybe a director of a dubious orphanage that has a degree of care for the orphans they take in but is ultimately still a villain. Totally not thinking of Genshin Arlecchino. Their tragic fate might be that they are fated to be killed by a child who they originally took in.
• Cinderella's Stepmother
Where is the most iconic evil stepmother /j. In all seriousness, I'm thinking of how Curses do work and how it is fairly lucky that none of the Curses are ever inherited. The curse will affect said Cursed person in varying ways but what if for an Evil Stepmother, their curse only works situationally? For the case of an Evil Stepmother, maybe the curse is that they are fated to fall in love with someone who will die young (cue tragic noises) before them. Cue "don't fall in love with me because you will actually die" dynamic which would theoretically be the worst sort of fate on MC's end.
• Cinderella's Stepsister/s
Cybird will never bring out a direct father-son related duo but they really are pushing many limits with IkeVil, yet one can only dream. Still, with a "Stepsister curse" they can get creative, particularly in terms of how if an Evil Stepmother curse exists, surely their child would be afflicted with the Evil Stepsister curse? In Alfons' route, we have a case where the previously Mirror cursed affected the family, but what if a two curses (Evil Stepmother and Stepsister) sit with a family until the one having the "Stepsister curse" dies?
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keii-starz · 1 year
❝Cause I know what you like, boy. You’re my chemical hype boy.❞
a/n: bday fic 4 my precious friend, eli!!! @spadecentral !!! I feel so SO bad, cuz I was originally planning to release these earlier, the day b4 it, but I procrastinated a lot and stuff came uppp !!! ( ; ω ; ) anyway, happy late bday, this is bday fic 1!!!! :DDD
the quote from above is from a song lyric, from the new jeans song: hype boy!!! wonjin from cravity sounded sooo amazinggg covering the song!!! ˃̵ᴗ˂̵
reader's pronouns are not addressed!!
divider credits to: @/firely-graphics !!!
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Ever since the beginning of the school year, you’ve been crushing on him; Deuce Spade. Well, not necessarily, it’s more like you fell for him, after you got to know him in the first few days of the semester. He has a cute laugh, a cute smile, he’s a devoted son, and really sweet. You loved every part of him, of course. You found out how hard he works, even if things don’t always work out. It made him irresistibly compelling. You then became friends with him, gradually, over time.
As your friendship went on and kept flowing during the school year, you gradually got to know him even better. One day, in Crewel’s class, you got a bit too distracted staring at him, your lab partner. Though, no harm was done, and Crewel did obviously scold you for it, you somehow got distracted, staring at Deuce, again. Making sure there was no chance of you getting Deuce distracted, when class was over, and everyone started leaving class, you stopped in front of him.
“Y/N? Do you have something you need to say to me?”
You suddenly started to ask him questions about himself, then whispered to him confessing, “Cause I know what you like, boy. You’re my chemical hype boy.” Then you repeated it (though worded differently from what you just said), “You’re mine,” you winked enthusiastically at him.
He blushed hard, saying, “Um…? I love you too?” He was genuinely surprised at your choice of words for your confession, however, he felt relieved, as he wasn’t sure as to how he’d confess.
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a/n 2!: This was shorter than it was supposed to be, but I have the other ones to make up for it!!! :D
also, I'll go to sleep right after the other ones, I promise!!! ^^" (it is currently almost 5am here rn)
taglist: @eynnwwyjth @twistwonderlanddevotee @i-like-forgs @azulashengrottospiano @flmer @fukashiin @dove-da-birb @ruggiethethuggie @krenenbaker @rayisalive @hisui-dreamer @leonistic @red-viewe @angelhairpastawithherbs @busycloudy
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cardi-c · 1 year
url song game 🎶
tagged by @swissndewdrop & @ghoulymadge thank you!!
Call me little Sunshine - Ghost
Annabelle - Creeper
Rock'n'Roll Suicide - Chris Catalyst
Dancing with the Dead - Powerwolf
I want out - Helloween
(Good Old)-fashioned lover boy - Queen
Carry on my wayward son - Kansas
tagging @totallynotmystuff (ur url is so long in sorry) @scrunklybunny @creeplet @nocturnal-birb if you want to!! 💗
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xatsperesso · 1 year
I feel like iruma has accidentally called certain teachers/demons mom/dad, like kalego, baal, and both of his friend's mom's
Ok im not sure whether you mean like that's something he'd totally do or that's something that has already canonically happened (which im pretty sure id know of if he canonically called someone mom or dad i would die)
But anyway this is something i can see happen cause iruma is literally collecting patental figures like they're pokemons, and he'd be so fucking flustered and embarrassed he wont be able to look anyone in the eye for a month. But! Who would he call his mom/dad first?
Now listen, im just gonna skim over opera cause they're nonbinary and accidentally slipping would mean to misgender? them and i dont want that. Or maybe opera doesn't care but im not taking any chances, but feel free to tell me any hc you have for our resident cat! Or anyone really i love reading headcanons
So, after recent events, and against every bet the babyl staff may or may not have had, i think he'd first slip up in front of amaryllis, azz's mom. Why? Other than the fact that she would be merciless when teasing him and i enjoy iruma's suffering, just look at what happened in chapter 297 and literally every other interaction between them, giving him advice and dressing him up and being overall affectionate with him like he's her own son. She's every bit the mother his egg donor could never dream of being! And the teasing would be out of this world. No one else will tease him like this queen
Now, the one who's got the most bets placed on (There's no way they dont have a bet on this ok?) Our dear grumpy birb, to the delight of dali and mortification of iruma, kalego! This is very much self explanatory, but what would be his reaction? He'd freeze up because Nope nope nope he's not ready to be a father he's not ready to be IRUMA’S father nopenopenope and then he'd go. Doesn't matter whether it's the middle of the class or he's walking off a cliff he is removing himself from this before opera somehow finds out. He is not going to be a part of this family he is not dealing with this he is Not Blushing fuck of Shichirou! (Everyone somehow finds out and my lord does kalego get teased. Iruma just wants to skip school until he forgets this ever happens (he never will) but his grades aren't that great so he can't TvT)
I want him to call balam dad. No, i want the whole class to call balam dad. The guy needs to be loved. He deserves all the happiness in the world. And yes, it'd be kinda embarrassing, but! The kids are teasing him! This means that they're comfortable around him!! Seriously i love balam so much he very much does not deserve being feared as much as he is
Now, for the ultimate embarrassment, the one who'll laugh their ass off and will not hold back in teasing the poor boy, the one who iruma cant hide from, Arikled. Ali-san is total dad energy, no one can convince me otherwise. And iruma will literally want to die cause he's Arikled. Why did he have to call Arikled out of literally everybody else dad
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asleepinawell · 1 year
check my "ffxiv polls" tag for the other two
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blackstar5078 · 5 months
4, 8, 12, 16, 20
4 is the lucky number :D
Hellooo ♡.
Good to know about the lucky number gkbgj.
I decided to add images, so my followers who do not know about CRK can follow along with how the cookies and stuff look like at least hkbh.
4. Character with the best voice acting?
For reference, I play with the english dub.
I had this opinion for years and still remains the same: Yuri Lowenthal goes HARD as Pure Vanilla. I always was so amazed at the way he plays such a soft-voiced character, but when he needs to portray strong emotions, gosh it sounds so impactful to me. My favorite PV voice by a million miles.
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And I must add another one, I love his voice acting just as equally: Kamran Nikhad's Wildberry is AWESOME and I love his portrayal so so dearly. I also love how Kamran shows so much love to Wildberry and enjoys playing as him ♡.
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8. A hot take you have?
I love Odyssey so much, it is one of my favorite storylines of the game and I do not get why people say that it was disappointing. At most, I think chapter 3 could have had better pacing execution of it's events, but that's it gkbgjgj.
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12. What's a moment that made you feel really strongly?
... -Inhales-
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I genuinely cried during this.
16. A headcanon you love?
Dark Cacao not only having Dark Choco as his son, but that he also adopted Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip. It is not canon by any means, but I hold the headcanon Cacao family so dearly, I keep it close to my heart.
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20. Your favorite character design?
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Both cookie and birb form.
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Fucking peak design, I say as a very biased person, I also love my boy so much, one of my favorite characters of this franchise ♡.
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