#she also just looks more cute than fierce and warrior like. not bad thing just lmfao
thehappiestgolucky · 3 months
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Whilst no intent on running with kitty Odessa human Fe'gahl, I did try and see what they would look like still and ngl as cool as this design is the lack of eyebrows(tm) means this just does not register as Odessa to me-
where are they. where are her brows-
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liaswritesrobots · 8 months
I can't find that one post that was going around about making a tf series without Bumblebee, Optimus, or Megatron but I think it could be an easy thing to do. Maybe it's cause the niche tf continuities have such a grip on me that I often forget Bee has a main character problem to begin with but there's so many characters that are considered "Japan only" or comic only that we have an entire cast and then some of characters that a lot of people have never heard about.
Anyway, my idea for a show without using those three involves also getting rid of a lot of the "main" characters too like Soundwave, Prowl, Arcee, Grimlock, pretty much anyone easily recognizable to people who only watch American tf shows/movies.
Cast: Autobots
Yellow Splendid Convoy (or just Yellow Convoy, Splendid Convoy, Splendid, or SC) is fresh out of training and ready to make her mark on Autobot history by protecting peace throughout the galaxy. Unfortunately her crew's ship crashes and they get stranded on Earth, a planet of many autobots learn about from history of the war. She is very kind and courageous and tries to live up to the legend of the Primes before her time, which can be pretty stressful at times.
Nautica is the ship's tech specialist and scientist. She's often working on a new invention or found doing maintenance on the ship. She has a natural curiosity for everything around her and can often help brighten her teammate's day by trying to help them look on the bright side. She does struggle a bit with self confidence in areas that do not pertain to science though, and has trouble reading social cues.
Ambulon is the ship's old and somewhat grumpy medic. He used to be a Decepticon but defected mid war after watching the atrocious his fellow cons were ok with committing on civilians. He and Nautica have what Earthlings would call a sibling like relationship as the two are close, but she often teases him to his dismay. Being a veteran medic from the war his teammates hold a lot of respect for him and Splendid likes to hear him talk about the days of old.
Lander is the ship's sharp shooter and self identified "ladies man and mans man". He often flirts with people of all genders no matter where they go. He even flirts with sapient organic races, which some older set-in-their-ways bots might consider scandalous. Despite his carefree attitude and jokes he's quite the warrior! He's got amazing blaster skills and can hit a mosquitobot from a mile away! Ambulon finds him obnoxious most of the time. He is third in command.
Holi is the ships scout. Cute, tiny, and fast, he can quickly find places that are good for hiding or good vantage points. He tries to come off as serious and more mature so his teammates will take him seriously, but it rarely works. He has a girlfriend back on Cybertron, which Lander often teases him about. He has a bad habit of letting Lander talk him into doing stupid things with him.
Roadmaster is the teams powerhouse. When they need something big and heavy moved then she's the girl! She's a bit quiet at times as she's unsure if her input would be appreciated, but if asked she's more than happy to give advice. She's a gentle soul that enjoys long drives through nature, and most people find her easy to get along with, but if you make her mad (like hurting her friends) then she very well could rip you in half. She seems to want to get closer to Nautica but is a bit timid around her.
Delta Magnus is an intelligence officer that volunteered to come along on Splendid's journey to record data. He may be a talkative nerd at heart that's a stickler for the rules but rest assured, he can hold his own in battle. With a might that could rival some legends of old, he's a fierce opponent for any Decepticon. He's often found taking notes and overusing the word "glorious". He is second in command
Cast: Decepticons
Despite being a Decepticon, Esmeral is fair and willing to negotiate with anyone that isn't an Autobot. The Empress of Destruction holds a deep grudge against all Autobots for taking her husband from her, and has vowed to wipe them from face of the galaxy. Still, even with a rage burning brighter than the sun she treats her subordinate fairly, especially Lyzack, her second in command. She is also very doting mother! She is currently in ruthless pursuit of Yellow Splendid Convoy's ship.
Lyzack lost her twin brother Leozack thanks to Autobots. Lost as in she literally has no idea where he is. She isn't even sure if he's alive or dead, so she's searching far and wide for any sign of him. She acts mostly as a scout and medic for the Decepticons but she secretly yearns to be able to hold her own on the battlefield by herself like her idol and leader Esmeral, so she's secretly training to fight all by herself.
Solon is Esmeral's adopted human son. Before he was taken out by Autobots, Deathsaurus brought home a human baby and he and Esmeral officially adopted the boy. Solon is now 14 and he holds the same kind of grudge his mother does against the Autobots for taking his father away from him. He is often looked after by Lyzack when Esmeral can't tend to him and he trusts her and considers her to be like a big sister to him. He's never actually been to Earth so he's excited to finally visit the planet he came from and meet more humans.
Overlord isn't the most welcome guy amongst even the most ruthless of Decepticons, but Esmeral knows he's good at exterminating Autobots beyond repair, so she grits her teeth and deals with him. She at least knows her position as leader is safe from him since he "has no interest in leading, only destruction". He's also a warrior from later on in the war so she values that kind of experience. He absolutely loathes Delta Magnus, finding him annoying, and often targets him in fights. Shockingly enough, he actually likes Esmeral's son Solon, and often tries to mentor the boy in the ways of the Decepticons.
Sixshot. Sharp shooter. Intelligence agent. Mercenary. Bot of few words (unless he likes you). Sixshot is a mystery to even most of his comrades, but he gets the job done. He always gets the job done. His temper is something most Decepticons fear and they have nightmares of finding themselves staring down the end of his blaster. He seems to have a soft side though, one that's usually only seen towards Lyzack, Solon, and surprisingly enough, Nautica! He also seems to have a deep warriors respect for Roadmaster.
Double-Dealer is such a good spy, that you have to wonder whose side he's really on. He's cunning, intelligent, and a smooth talker. He can easily manipulate people around him into trusting him. He's currently eyeing Esmeral's position as leader, but he tries to make sure she's none the wiser of his schemes. He's also rumored to be older than he looks, and is said to have not only fought in the war, but to even fallen in love with an Autobot during that time! He considers Lander to be his greatest enemy.
Road Pig is kind of dumb, which makes him easy to manipulate and push around. He's usually going along with whatever scheme Double-Dealer has hatched. Lyzack takes pity on the guy a lot, knowing it's not easy being a Con of such standing. He enjoys taking Solon on joy rides for the two to cause trouble on.
Cast: Predacons
Magmatron is a multi-beast-changer that leads the Predacons in their quest to conquer the galaxy. He is well versed in the ways of the Decepticons but also notes their failures. This led him to make his team of Predacons "follow in the footsteps of the Decepticons. But Better." And better he can be. He's a power house that isn't injured easily, and being able to split into 3 different dinosaurs helps him have an evasiveness advantage. He's surprisingly rather relaxed about his ship rules, allowing the Predacons to do whatever they want most of the time. Though any that try to rise against him are quickly struck down. It's rumored that he had another team of Predacons once, but they all left him for a currently unknown reason.
Budora is second in command in Megmatron's team. He is a stern, serious soldier trained in many fighting styles. He's also easily envious, and longs for power and leadership over all Predacons. Despite this he works under a code of honor and never uses underhanded tricks in a fight. In dragon mode he breaths fire.
Judora is often underestimated by his opponents because of his prim and proper attitude, but make no mistake, he is still a very dangerous Predacon. While he prefers not to escalate things to brutish force he can still be a fierce opponent in a fight. He's as quick on his feet as he is with his wit. He prefers more intellectual and sophisticated things in life. In dragon mode he breaths a poison mist. He is very close to Gaidora.
Gaidora has tremendous physical strength. He may not be smartest Predacon in the group but he's still able to catch onto things going on behind the scenes rather quickly. He's rather quiet and reserved most of the time, and is often going along with whatever Judora is doing. He is fascinated by Earth ants. In dragon mode he breaths lightening. He and Judora are very close.
Bakudora is the youngest of the dragons. He's fast but he's also arrogant and brash, which is often his undoing. He gets easily excited for a fight and goads his opponents on. Upon meeting the Decepticons he and Solon become become friends despite the Predacon-Decepticon rivalry. In dragon mode he breaths ice.
Cast: Others
Anode is an explorer and treasure hunter that came to Earth a couple years ago to explore it with her wife. The two are traveling the planet in search of treasure and having a lot of fun meeting the locals. She's also a bit of a prankster, and upon meeting Splendid's group the first thing she does is play a joke on Ambulon, much to his dismay.
Lug is Anode's wife and travel companion. She's also adventurous at heart but takes more care on the paths they tread. She really has a thing for rocks, being a geologist, and is excited to make an expansive list of all the rocks and gems she finds on Earth. She's actually made it her mission to find and observe every type of rock on Earth. She turns into a backpack so she's often hanging onto her wife's back with whatever loot they've found.
Sky-Byte is an ex-merc for hire that used to run with both Predacons and Decepticons. Now he's a defector for both, wanting nothing to do with either faction. He's instead found his true callings in life, poetry and sea conservation. He works with some local human scientists to preserve the ocean and the wildlife within it. He also utilizes his shark altmode to scare away poachers that try to fish for endangered species. He's often wary of Autobots and Maximals and tries to avoid Decepticons and Predacons completely.
Lio Jr. is a young Maximal that ran off on his own after his father refused to bare responsibility for him. With Lio Convy often denying he was his son, Lio Jr. had enough and decided to head out on his own quest to help as many people as possible to become a great leader. His travels led him to Earth a couple of years ago, where he's been helping humans ever since. He won't talk about his father often, but he secretly yearns for his praise and wants to prove to his father that he can be a good leader like him someday. Once Splendid's crew arrives on Earth Lio Jr. becomes fast friends with Holi and Nautica. Lio Jr. and Sky-Byte are also good friends, with the shark often looking after and mentoring the young maximal.
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1-up-chump · 2 years
Mortal kombat MK 2 roster general SFW relationship HC
Kung lao
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This boy deserves so much love so if you give it to him he'll go above and beyond for you. Seriously all you have to do is give him a little kiss and suddenly he feels he can take on all the realms, you give him strength and honestly that's all that matters. He's not afraid to show off his affection to you, a bit unorthodox for a monk but then again, mortal kombat is no place for any other kind of monk than liu kang and kung lao. So he literally is the exception. Not that anything would ever stop him from declaring how proud he is to be yours.
Kung lao likes giving gifts but frets over it more than he should, its something he wants to be "perfect" something that exactly shows how much he loves you. He settles on simple, thoughtful gifts. Expect something handmade, he likes to actually make little wooden figures so expect a small little carving of your favorite animal (no he doesn't use his hat to carve them. Although he'd probably try if you asked him to)
Kung lao would die for you, much to your and his allies screaming "PLEASE DON'T" but don't be too alarmed because he is a shaolin warrior who won't go down easy. Even if you can perfectly defend yourself, kung lao would still fight for you regardless.
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THIS MAN DESERVES LOVE AND PEACE AND HAPPINESS you are quite literally the light of his life and jax will make sure you know it. Everyone else be damned, he is a loyal husband material guy. 100% to settle down with you
Very simple, sweet "klassic" gifts like flowers and chocolates and those funny little dog cards with the hearts and everything. But ultimately he's more of an "acts of service" guy, jax would rather just do things for you to show he loves you. Especially massages, he's really good at giving massages (he also likes receiving too so don't forget~)
Don't mess with jax's sweetheart like seriously, anything bad happens to you there will be hell to pay. And jax will personally get a few extra punches in the sorry person's face just for you. But ultimately he just wants you to be safe and happy
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In public, kitana is a bit more reserved to keep up appearances but she certainly won't deny you a kiss on the hand. In private she's much more verbal and expect a lot more kisses too.
Kitana likes giving gifts but spending quality time is mostly her love language. Since she's busy most of the time, time is more valuable than any mere gift. But if you do receive any gifts, they're going to be luxurious
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Mileena is going to be very affectionate with her sweetie, so if anyone else even gives you a suggestive look or a judgmental glare she's going to bite their throat out. Mileena may lick others to make them squick before stabbing them, but mileena will lick you with love and affection.
Mileena loves to give you cute gifts, she likes cute things. Expect a lot of plushies and sweets. But mileena also expects a lot of cute gifts in return, if you want her to be happy and not "stabby" give her some candy and a soft teddy bear. She also likes to kill for you if you're into that
No one is going to keep their flesh on their body and hurt you at the same time. Mileena is fiercely protective of the one who looks at her bare face and calls her pretty in the most sincere way. She is literally ride or die, and the "die" part is gonna be someone else eventually
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Why you're with baraka no one knows. But baraka takes the relationship seriously, there is definitely going to be some "culture shock" but if you are going to win Baraka's heart, you definitely have to be interested in his culture. Which is brutal but not always so surprisingly, as with anything, they're not total savages to the point like others describe tarkatans. So having an open mind to understand that they are a violent meat eating people they also are nomadic and have a very close bond with each other
Expect meat to be the main gift you're getting, raw or otherwise. Although baraka isn't much of the gift giving type, he actually likes talking with you more than anything. But as for the nicest gift you'll get? A flute made out of the bones of your (or his) enemy.
Baraka expects you to defend yourself but he won't stand for anyone hurting you. No one expected baraka to be so vicious for someone else, but that is their last mistake.
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(Im sorry kintaro lovers this was the only good solo gif i could find of him)
Kintaro is mostly the same as goro in terms of showing affection, the only difference being he is much more "possessive" and prone to jealousy than goro. He's going to have a certain "aggression" to his affections
Don't expect any gifts that isn't the heads of your or his enemies. He mostly a physical kind of affectionate guy anyways. Although his one weakness is chin scratches, do what you will with that information.
Whoever is dumb enough to piss off kintaro by hurting their lover is going to have 0 limbs attached to their body, that is if they don't get burnt to a crisp and smashed to a gooey paste first
Shao kahn
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You must have done something right (or wrong) to earn shao Kahn's love. But you're definitely going to get shown off by shao kahn just like he shows off his literally everything else. He loves to brag and especially about his lover
You literally can have anything you want, say the words and its yours by any means necessary. Although shao kahn expects a little something in return, what that is depends on his mood. Even to his lover, he's gotta have something too. Even if you don't ask for anything, you're getting something. Whether that be jewelry, clothes, treasures of all kinds, rare exotic meals. Basically anything he conquers, you're getting the good stuff (providing of course there's enough for him too)
No one is going to dare hurt you or use you against him. Shao Kahn is sure to make anyone suffer a fate worse than death for such an insult. Anything bad happening to you is very personal. Although even if you're minorly upset at something, shao kahn has no qualms to just killing whoever made you upset right off the bat. So maybe you'll have to be careful if you don't want that absolutely unnecessary and dramatic gore fest
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destinyisall-tlk · 2 years
Eadith for the character ask.
favorite thing about them
her warmth, even after everything she has endured - her brother being such an asshole to her, her family shame - she still is warm, caring and gentle with others. also, her strength. and not just physical, 'cause we have seen eadith defend herself when she has to. but i'm talking more about her emotional strength which goes hand in hand with her warm nature. eadith has the perfect balance of being fierce and a bad-ass while also showing emotional vulnerability. she also has such a relatability. you could see yourself in her, whether that be through family struggles, sibling issues, being treated poorly by other people, etc. she embodies what i love about a female character.
least favorite thing about them
this isn't a least favourite thing about eadith (cause i can't think of anything), but more so, a least favourite thing they had her be, which was aethelred's mistress. eadith deserved better. and i hated how aethelred and her brother treated her like some prize or object.
favorite line
"it is strange to spend so much time with men and not be seen as a thing to be used".
it made me sad when she said it because eadith had never (from what we saw) probably had many positive experiences with men. and when she joined the cookham squad in 4x06, she was treated properly, like a woman who wasn't there just for their entertainment, but an equal. and i loved that moment with osferth because it was so soft, and it's also a very relatable line.
osferth and eadith. i think they would have had the cutest friendship, and it makes me sad we only saw a glimpse of that in 4x06 and 4x07. because osferth's face when eadith came back was so cute as well, he was so happy (maybe he was happy for finan, i don't know).
finan x eadith, hands down. nobody can change my mind about that. i am firmly on the finan x eadith train and i ain't getting off. even if all we got were crumbs, i am taking those crumbs and baking a whole ass cake with them. they were perfect together.
eadith x aethelred, just no. they weren't together-together, but still. he was a terrible character who treated her like dirt and an object he could play with. he did not respect her or value her feelings. and it makes me cringe that some people condone his behaviour and think it was "cute" or whatever. he was an abusive character who was selfish and arrogant. eadith did not deserve to be treated like that (nor did aethelflaed).
random headcanon
eadith came back years earlier from her trip to franica and opened up a little healer shop in rumcofa, she would also travel from time to time to other towns to help the sick and wounded. eadith would have been besties with osferth. and her and finan would've taken things slowly, getting to know each other again, flirting here and there until finan gets injured and eadith has to patch him up. where then finan would see her worry and reassure her that it would take more than a few cuts and broken bones to put him six feet under. that evening, they talk about what life together would look like. finan would be supportive of her healer endeavours and goals, while eadith would join them at the camp to help the warriors as finan heads into battle. and even though she may worry from time to time, she knows he would do anything to make it back home to her.
unpopular opinion
it is possible (despite some thinking it isn't) that eadith could have been with finan and still been an independent, bad-ass woman. the fact for some it has to be "one or the other" is ridiculous. plenty of shows have shown a woman being strong and independent while also being in loving, supportive relationships.
maybe the tlk writers would have reduced eadith to just finan's wife, who knows. we will never know how they planned - if they went down that road - to write finan x eadith. so all we have are assumptions and personal opinions based on personal feelings and what we've seen so far. but i just hate how some people try to make it out if you ship finan x eadith, you then don't support strong women and only want to see eadith as finan's wife.
it irritates me because 100% those same people would get mad if you made similar or that same assumption about them based on the characters they like (or any comment about any character they like). you can't speak poorly about someone else's favourite character, and then turn around and get mad when someone else shares their opinion about a character you like that differs from your opinion. it is hypocritical and the double standards i've seen some show is beyond frustating.
song i associate with them
don't know why but, "healing by fletcher".
favorite picture of them
instead of a picture i'm gonna do a gif, 'cause i have them and i can't be bothered looking for a photo.
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entishramblings · 4 years
It’s Not That Bad [Legolas X Reader]
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A.N: I’m so sorry I have not been writing as often. I’ve had zero time. But anyWaYS...here is a fic that has been requested by someone who has always been into my writing so thank you for supporting me and here is a fic for you! Additionally, I did some research on herbs and stuff so I could make this at least a little accurate!
Request: @quilledinkpen — Hellooo i hope you're having a good day ^-^ I was wondering if I could request a Legolas x reader? Something like she's travelling with the fellowship and is kinda the unspoken "mom" of the group, like she's always doing her best to make sure everyone's safe, and reminding Pippin and Merry to be careful and stuff like that. Just an all-around motherly person lol (mainly to the Hobbits bc they're her babies but she looks after the other guys too) I think it'd be cute ^^ Thank you!
Pairing: Legolas X Reader
Summary: (Y/N), a healer, travels with the fellowship. She takes care of everyone and is basically “the mom friend.”
Word Count: 2, 510
Warnings: battle wounds that are kinda graphicish?
(gif not mine)
(Y/N) was a well known healer throughout all of Arda. Many traveled to her for treatment for life threatening ailments. But now, now it was her time to travel throughout the lands of Middle Earth in search of a salvation for all. A gruesome quest to destroy the evil ring of power had begun and someone well versed in natural apothecary was needed. (Y/N), of course, volunteered for this role for there was no one better suited than her. Besides, it was her duty to contribute to the survival of this world as she was one in it and relied heavily on what the earth produced. And if Sauron was to rule.....well, we all know where that would lead: no earth, no life, just darkness.
(Y/N) ruffled through her dark-brown leather satchel as she sifted through her healing herbs. Little pouches filled with athelas leaves, echinacea stalks, alder bark, valerian roots, and more piled inside the confinements of the fabric.
“Sam,” She called out. “Would you mind making hot tea for Frodo while I take care of Strider’s cut?”
The little hobbit ran over instantly and she passed him a couple pouches naming each one out loud, “Valerian root, dried chamomile pedals, and sycamore bark.” She then lowered her voice and leaned it, for it wasn’t anyone else’s business to hear. “It will help him sleep and deter the anxieties the ring bestows upon him.”
Sam nodded quickly and set to work as (Y/N) moved towards Aragorn who sat upon a large rock.
“Let me have a look.”
The dunedain rolled his eyes, “(Y/N), it is not that bad. Just a scratch.”
The young women sighed in annoyance and pulled up his sleeve to reveal a slash across his bicep. He was right—to an extent—it wasn’t terrible. He would not need stitches. However, it did need to be cleaned and wrapped for infections were nasty things.
(Y/N) started by pouring some alcohol over the wound; receiving a harsh hiss from the dunedain in response. She muttered a quick apology before continuing. The young woman ground athelas leaves into a fine paste and expertly smeared it onto the cut. She then unrolled gauze and placed it upon the wound. Lastly, she pulled white dressings from her satchel. She gingerly wrapped it around his arm, yet she was careful to still pull it taught as the goal was to keep the athelas paste in and bacteria out.
She stood up and brushed her hands off before placing them firmly on her hips. “See Strider, it takes only a couple minute.”
He grumbled at her comment but thanked her for the medical attention.
(Y/N) nodded quickly and went to check on the rest of the fellowship. She made her way to Boromir who was also sitting in rest. She put a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Boromir, how are you doing? Any wounds?”
He seemed slightly startled at first for his mind had been elsewhere, but he looked up at her with a soft smile.
“I’m quite alright, My Lady.”
A light chuckled escaped her lips. “My friend, how many times must I tell you? It’s (Y/N), no lady of any sorts!”
He shook his head and grinned at her, “Well, my lady, I am doing quite fine.”
She let her eyes circle into the back of her head as the corner of her lip pulled into a smirk.
The healer turned and made her way to Gimli who was sharpening his axe.
“Gimli, I trust you are alright as I see you are already preparing for the next battle even though we just endured one.”
His gruff voice answered immediately, “Aye lassie! Those orcs can’t ensnare a dwarf that easily!!”
She laughed at his comment as Merry and Pippin came rushing up to her. As soon as she saw their faces she knew that the two mischievous hobbits wanted to claim her attention. She lowered herself down to their height as they flung themselves into her arms.
“Ahh my two hobbits! How did you fare in the battle?”
They pulled from her hug and began speaking at the same time.
“It was intensely scary but we were fierce!”
“Merry had hit one with a tree branch! It was quite magnificent!”
“Yes it was, I would have to admit! And Pip tripped another and he fell flat on his face!”
(Y/N) beamed at the two and giggled at their attempt to tell the story. As much as she was focused on caring for everyone, the hobbits cared for her—in another way that is. The four of them brought joy to her heart and glee to her spirit. Their innocence and appreciation of the simplest things brought happiness to her soul. They had offered her a welcomed visit to the shire at any time; telling her of the grand tour they would take her on. She had grown to look upon them as children for their smallness and way of perceiving life was similar so.
The two scampered off quickly, most likely to share their adrenaline filled story with Boromir, while (Y/N) did a final scan of the fellowship.
Her eyes soon rested on the elf. Legolas was off to a distance standing upon the rocky tundra. Something about his posture made her frown. His back was to her and his head seemed bowed, as if he was looking down at something. Furthermore, his one arm was pulled up at an awkward angle—strange, even for the elf. As the healer that she was, she was compelled to check on him.
(Y/N) weaved through the rocks until she was only a short distance from him.
“Legolas?” She questioned softly.
He immediately whipped around. His shirt fell to cover his form, but not before (Y/N) caught a glimpse of bright purple, red, and black. The young woman’s lips instantly parted in shock. She had seen many wounds in her life, on many people of many different races. However, it was not often that she had an elven patient with a wound like that. To state it simply, (Y/N) was worried—that looked bad, very bad. Legolas on the other hand was only flustered for he, an elf, had gotten snuck up on. He did not have great concern for the injury given that there were far more important things to worry about.
“Legolas,” (Y/N) stated firmly. “Lift your shirt.”
He sighed, “(Y/N), it’s not—“
She interrupted him, “Let me guess, ‘It’s not that bad?’” She shook her head, “You and Strider.”
She stepped forward and took the hem of his shirt in her hand. She cautiously lifted the fabric, not caring about the socially deemed scandalousness of the action—she was a healer after all.
(Y/N) sucked in a breath. A relatively large bruise stretched across his torso with a sizable cut in the center of it.
“By the Valar, Legolas!” She exclaimed with exasperation. “You should have come to me straight away!”
She cut him off again, “No. don’t ‘(Y/N)’ me. This is serious. It could be internal bleeding. I don’t care that you are an immortal elf, you can still die from this.”
The healer gently let her fingertips brush against his skin, tracing and examining the injury. He winced in pain at the contact and that did not escape (Y/N)’s attention.
“How did this happen exactly? I need every detail.”
Legolas groaned again when she grazed over the cut; and when he spoke it was with heavy breaths, “A harsh kick to the side into another orc....” (Y/N) hand pressed on the bleeding laceration and he hissed in pain before continuing to speak. “...who—who slashed downward.....with a jagged-edged blade that had a—a curved tip.
(Y/N) looked up at him with concern, his breathing was getting labored and that was not a good sign. Not a good sign at all.
“Alright, come on.” She ordered. The young woman practically dragged the reluctant elf back towards the group and pushed him down on a rock.
She knelt in front of him and, once again, ruffled through her satchel.
“Take your tunic off,” she commanded while pulling out various pouches and gauze dressings.
(Y/N) could feel all of the fellowships’ gazes on the two, which only intensified when Legolas removed his tunic. She could hear the hobbit’s hushed whispers and concerned tones for the wound was gruesome and ugly—probably the worst they have ever seen considering their simple lives.
Once she had all her supplies ready, she set to work.
(Y/N) was kneeling in-between Legolas’s legs while she studied the torn up, bloody, and bruised fresh for yet another time; it was imperative that she made a plan before starting.
During this examination, the young woman could not help but let her eyes wander across his chest and rippling muscles. The bends and curves of his form looked perfect against his pale complexion. He was incredibly toned and well built, even more so than humans. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t attracted to him.
Additionally, battle scars of various shapes and sizes littered his body—which was expected given he was over 2,000 years old. Here, she took a moment to study them for if one really looked at a warriors scars their fighting style would be revealed. Many stretched across his being—specifically on his ribcage, sides, pecs, and abs—it was clear that he was way more reckless than he would like people to think. He was fast with his moves, going for the quickest way to an oppenent’s death, but that often left him exposed. No wonder he ended up with this terrible bruising gash. He lived up to the Mirkwood elf expectation—less wise and more fierce.
As (Y/N) realized that her mind had wandered too far off task, she cleared her throat and reached for the flask of liquor.
“This will sting,” she stated before pouring it over the broken flesh. As expected, a loud groan escaped his lips and his fists clenched around nothingness.
Carefully she dabbed the area with a cloth. (Y/N) then threaded a needle and began to sew his skin back together. The elf was stiff as he clenched his jaw and flexed his muscles—a natural reflex in this kind of situation. She continued to pull his skin taught so their was no more breakthrough bleeding. It seemed that he had gotten used to the sensation as she went given he began to relax. Next, she made a paste for the wound, much like Strider’s. However, she decided to use more than athelas leaves because this cut was more severe than the Ranger’s. (Y/N) ground up echinacea stalks and mixed in alder bark to soothe inflammation and fight infection. Gently she applied the blended mixture into his torso. Lastly, she wound gauze and dressings around his midsection in order to keep everything in place.
Much time had past given stitches took long; luckily, the fellowships’ concerned glances faded.
(Y/N) stood up from her position and it was then when she released just how close the two were. She stood between his legs, their faces inches apart. If it was anyone else, she wouldn’t have cared for she often had to be in such proximities with others as she was a healer. But this wasn’t anyone else, it was him.
“You—you should be fine now,” (Y/N) whispered. She cleared her throat and stepped backwards. “I will have to check on it every day and redo the bandages. And I advise you: no sudden movements, and no lifting heavy objects—like the hobbits.”
Legolas cracked a smile at that last comment. “Thank you, (Y/N). I truly appreciate your skill.”
“That is what I’m here for, is it not?” She adverted her eyes and kept her hands busy by gathering her supplies for she feared her expression would betray her.
Legolas put his tunic back on as he spoke, “I suppose it is, but nethertheless I thank you.”
As the days went on she continued to check Legolas’s wound. (Y/N) tried to make it more private by dragging him off to the side or away from the group, given that she suspected it was uncomfortable for him to undress everyday in front of inquiring eyes (aka the hobbits).
It was dusk when she crouched down to examine it once again.
“It is healing nicely,” She said. “A lot faster than I suspected, but I suppose that is because you are elven.” Her nervousness caused her to continue speaking when she did not wish to do so. “I mainly treat men....and dwarves. It is not often that I have a wounded elf at my door. Do you know an elf named Feren? I recall he said he was of Mirkwood Kin. I treated him once years ago for a busted leg when he strayed into northern territories.”
A small smirk crossed Legolas’s face, “Ahh so you are the beautiful healer who patched him up so well?”
(Y/N) felt heat creep up her face, “I—I would not say that—“
“Nonsense! He spoke of your beauty and skill many times, and he was not mistaken. I am just surprised that I have been lucky enough to gaze upon you and have you heal me.”
These words made (Y/N)’s gauze wrapping motions falter. “It—it is my job, Legolas.”
“Yet you go beyond your assignment and duty everyday. I see how you take care of us all, especially the hobbits. You truly have a noble heart.”
(Y/N) smiled softly and spoke in a teasing tone, “Well I suppose you are right—all you boys would be lost without me.”
A deep chuckled hummed in Legolas’s chest and the healer joined in with a bright laugh.
The giggles settled soon enough and Legolas spoke, his sentence quite abrupt. “How would you feel about coming to Mirkwood and living there as a healer once the ring is destroyed?”
Shocked, (Y/N) stuttered. “I—I am unsure. I don’t know if—“
“(Y/N)...” He interrupted. “I do not wish for the end of this journey to be the end of our acquaintance.”
The young woman looked down, “As I agree, but—“
“(Y/N),” he whispered.
Something about his tone made her freeze.
Ever so gently, he lifted her chin to force her to look at him. His voice was quiet as he spoke, “I—I don’t think you understand what I am trying to convey.”
Now she understood.
The healer glanced at his lips which hovered near her own before biting her bottom one and locking gazes with him. Legolas of course noticed this and waisted no time. He pressed his mouth against hers and she instantly responded. Her hands slid up his bare chest, careful to avoid the wound on his torso, and then tangled themselves in his blonde locks. His muscular arms wrapped around her waist tightly as he focused on the taste of mint tea and fresh honey. The two moved their lips in sync and the world around them melted away. Suddenly, there was no quest, no fellowship, no responsibilities—only the two of them and the thudding of their hearts.
Everything Tag: @sokkasdarling @scxundress @quilledinkpen @hufflepuffinblr @lea----b @aredhel-of-gondolin @princecami @the-fandoms-georgie @jazziwritestolkienprimary @wellfuckmyexistence
Legolas tag: @dark-angel-is-back
If you want to be tagged lmk!
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missturtleduck · 4 years
The Girls of Ba Sing Se - (Sokka x f!Reader) Pt. 13
Part Twelve│Part Fourteen
“We’re both warriors in our own right, and too good to be surrounded by stupid boys all the time.“
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Crossing back over the Serpent’s Pass was easy. The heavy weight on her chest that pummelled her out of nowhere was infinitely hard. 
Across the deep-water chasm, Y/N carried Suki, ignoring the strain on her calves and arms. Without the serpent or the extra people holding them back, the girls made their way over the Pass before night fell. The biting cold was not a problem either as Y/N kept a flame lit in her hand as the sun began to lower in the grey sky, enveloped by a cluster of clouds.
“I sent a message ahead of us,” Suki told her idly, adjusting her headband as they walked.
The Warrior nodded. “The other Kyoshi Warriors will meet us back past the docks and into the wooded area westward.”
Nodding, Y/N focused on the ground beneath her feet. It was unchanging, dusty and sharp, as they began to exit the steepest climbs of the Pass, watching it plateau with little interest. If she could analyse the rocky path they were on, it would distract from the rocky terrain she and Sokka had metaphorically stumbled onto.
“Why did you invite me to come along with you, Suki?” Y/N said, her voice too loud in her ears after hours of endless silence.
Suki smiled at her. “Call it a hunch, but I think we’re like-minded people.”
“Because we’ve both had crushes on Sokka?”
“What?” She snorted, a massive grin now on her face. “No! What I had was a fleeting moment of ‘oh he’s cute’ and that was the end of that.”
“Oh,” Y/N said, flushing with embarrassment. “Well now I feel like an idiot.”
With a gentle nudge, Suki shook her head. “Don’t. We’re both warriors in our own right, and too good to be surrounded by stupid boys all the time.”
The joke summoned a low chuckle in Y/N’s throat, suddenly washing away the bashful feeling settling in her gut. Suki was easy to talk to, it seemed, but that ease with soon disappear. At the end of the journey, the she saw the other Kyoshi Warriors. They were in full garb, waiting.
She felt more out of place than ever. Frowning, Y/N smothered the fire with her shame. A furious grey stretched over the atmosphere, the colour of smoke. Inhaling a deep, controlled breath, she tried in desperation to replace the pressure in her chest with warmth, and for a moment she succeeded. The blossoming fire lily of energy spread, easing the tension in her muscles, her intense scowl softening.
“Warriors.” Suki announced their presence with all the nobility of a Fire Nation general. “This is Y/N. She will be travelling with us for a while.”
A murmur rippled through the group as easy and detrimental as an ocean tide. Y/N had no real experience with other girls her age. Sure, when she had been to visit her father in the Fire Nation Palace, Azula had been welcoming, so to speak. By welcoming, she meant more that the princess seemed to want to add her to a collection. She seemed to keep friends like butterflies, pinned to a board by their wings. This would also be ignoring the age gap between them; the same could even be said for Toph and Katara.
This was going to be strange.
“Yes, she is a firebender, but I would trust her if I had to put my life in her hands,” Suki said, voice turning sterner, more sincere, overcoming the collective whisper of doubt. “You didn’t see her risk her life for the sake of others. Y/N is fierce, and she will fit in with us for as long as she needs.”
With that, Suki had finished. Quelling the uncertainty with swift decisiveness, Y/N couldn’t help but admire the leadership she was displaying.
Tents set up and food gathered, all that was left to do was set up a campfire. Rather than letting one of the Warriors ache over sparking flame with rock, the firebender ignited her forefinger, pointing it at the pile of dry wood collected and arranged with the neat discipline of a trained fighter. Y/N ignored the yelps of the girls around her as the fire hit the wood with fierce accuracy. Under the intense heat, the wood began to crack, splintering and cracking as loud as thunder. As it settled, no longer spitting like a vicious pygmy puma, the girls wasted no time lifting a cooking pot over the campfire.
“No meat in the soup tonight.” A gruff voice said, startling Y/N. “Is that okay with you, firebender?”
She looked at the owner of such a low voice; a tall, leggy girl was stirring different nuts into a broth, stoking the flames every now and then to keep it boiling. Other than a single braid that was slung over her shoulder, her head was completely shaved.
“I don’t mind,” Y/N smiled, swallowing her nerves. “When you travel with a monk, you get used to a vegetarian lifestyle.”
The Warrior looked at her with some curiosity as she continued crushing the shells off of the main ingredients for their meal. “Huh. The Avatar, I’m guessing. What’s he like?”
“Sweet,” Was the first word that blurted out of her mouth. “Young. Fiercely devoted.”
“Glad to know our saviour is sweet.”
“Hey, I also said devoted!”
The two girls stared at each other before bursting out with laughter. They sat there for a few silent moments. Y/N tamed the flames down to a simmering heat as her acquaintance stirred in some green herbs. It smelled divine, summoning images of pine, hiking in the rain, and home. Home was the strongest memory dredged up by the broth.
“I heard,” The girl said, a teasing smile playing on her pretty lips, “That you’re really here because you got into an argument with a boy.”
Perhaps if any of the other girls there had teased like that, Y/N would’ve lost her temper, but this one seemed kind. “You could say that we had a conflict of interests.”
“Those interests being fire and water?” She continued to joke, nudging Y/N’s shoulder. “I’m glad to know I’ll never have these problems with boys.”
Y/N furrowed her brows. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t like boys,” The girl shrugged with an easy grin. “Girls, however...”
“Wait, that’s an option?”
Now looking as confused as each other, they were interrupted by another Kyoshi Warrior. This girl had her face bare of paint, her entire body beaming with pure light. Wrapping her arms around the girl at the pot, she planted a kiss on her cheek before looking up to see Y/N, who sat shocked.
“Li, are you already bullying this poor girl?” The cheery one frowned – as much as she could looking like sunshine personified.
“Of course not, Yu,” Li said, clasping her free hand over Yu’s. “I’m just enlightening her to the many possibilities that being in the Kyoshi Warriors has granted me.”
This was a revelation to Y/N. It was her great grandfather who had spearheaded the criminalisation of ‘abnormal’ relationships, so she had never witnessed such explicit affection between two girls. It made sense though, why she never recognised her admiration of fellow women as anything more than friendship after a certain age. In fact, watching Li and Yu be so tender together reminded Y/N of an array of people she had considered close friends, those she would stare at a few seconds too long.
There had been a guard in Ozai’s palace with whom Y/N often walked the gardens when she would visit many years ago. Yes, she had been very young, but she remembered this woman with such intensity; she had these glittering gold eyes, as if someone had caught the sun in manacles and poured its blessing into her. She remembered, Princess Y/N, besotted with this woman and announcing to her that one day she would marry her. She startled at how panicked she had turned, and became sad when she never saw her again.
Even after her, there had been others she had admired; Jin who lived near her mother, Suki to some extent, and she was now realising how she had completely melted in front of Li.
But then there was Jìngyi and Sokka. Where did they fit?
“Sweetness,” Yu whispered to Li, “I think you broke the poor thing.”
“Hey, firebender,” Li said, brushing her companion off, “First bowl of soup fresh just for you.”
Numb, she took the bowl with a nod. “You can call me Y/N.”
That scent was back again as the pleasant nutty broth exuded heat. Swirling up in tendrils of steam, Y/N caught those glimpses of home again, but they were even stronger now – perhaps more melancholy and informed. But who was it she was seeing? Where was home?
Sipping a spoonful, her entire body warmed up in a way that could only be comforting. It was like the embrace of a fireplace after being caught in the rain. Spirits, it was good. It was definitely better than anything her and Katara had managed to cook up from the wilds. Watching her new acquaintances, Y/N realised their bond was forged in something other than affection; it seemed that Li was the cook and Yu the forager. Love, it seemed, could flourish somewhere that no one would ever expect it.
“This is lovely, thank you,” Y/N said with the utmost sincerity, bowing her head lowly.
Usually, she was all about etiquette, but the flavour and the sad pit in her stomach made her desperate to wolf the meal down. So many words to describe one bowl - splendid, delicious, homely – but Y/N could find none to describe how she was feeling.
“Tomorrow,” Li cut in past Y/N’s thoughts, “Yu and I, that being my Yu, will help you get ready for the journey ahead.”
Y/N allowed a small giggle to pass her lips at Li’s bad joke. “What do you mean?”
“If you’re travelling with the Kyoshi Warriors, you have to look like one!” Yu laughed, tapping her foot against Y/N’s knee as she took a seat opposite her.
“What, with the–” YN gestured to her face, mimicking the swipe of a brush over her eyes and lips.
“Yes!” Yu said, excited, “And with you uniform as well.”
“Is that okay?”
All three of the girls looked up behind Y/N’s shoulder to see a now bare faced Suki. Her red hair was tied back haphazardly in a pony tail, wisps of hair falling either side of her face. Out of any uniform whatsoever and in some comfy looking sleep clothes, she looked more relaxed.
Suki wasn’t looking at the other girls though. Suki was looking at Y/N.
“Oh!” Y/N flushed, sheepish. “Yeah, that would be great! Thank you for allowing me to travel with you.”
“Not at all,” She brushed off, taking a seat next to her on the ground, sandwiching her between her and Li. “Soup is going down a treat, girls. I’m sure we’ll all be sleeping warm in our sleeping bags tonight.”
A sleeping bag.
Oh no.
“Where am I sleeping, Suki?” Y/N asked, placing an empty bowl down on the ground – though it was refilled pretty quickly. “I mean, I don’t have problems with staying warm usually, so it’s fine if I don’t have a sleeping bag, but– “
“Y/N,” Suki interrupted, “You can have my sleeping mat and just lie between two of us just in case the winds pick up.”
“Okay, thank you.”
Crisis averted, Y/N thought as she dug through another bowl of soup. But what kind of crisis, she had to wonder. Crisis or not, she had no trouble getting to sleep under an ocean of stars, laid between Suki and Li. She felt comfortable – content, even – which was new. Perhaps she wouldn’t have too much trouble travelling with the Kyoshi Warriors after all.
And she’d hardly thought about Sokka all evening.
TAGLIST: @lunariasilver @maragreene @bestyearsof5sos @korra-rail-me @moistpotatobear @sporadicalalmondcookie @jaayypasta @animeboysimppp 
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kittyanonymity · 5 years
Marinette is the daughter of Wonder Woman X Superman
Hey have this!!!! I was inspired by @eve-valution and their wonderful art!
Also like.... It’s really just an excuse for Mari to be ridiculously overpowered tbh; plus.... the aesthetic of this tiny adorable girl accidentally breaking things all the time, and getting super flustered over it. >.> It’s cute, ok? lol
Honestly, my original plan for this was Daminette, and this version is; but I might also make some adjustments for a Timinette version (I love them, they’re adorkable together ok)? I haven’t decided yet. ALSO this is just a basic outline; not the fic itself. I haven’t started the fic yet. Feel free to ask things though!! ALSO THIS AU IS CLASS FRIENDLY!!! 
So in the latest DC animated movies, they’ve been pushing Diana/Clark pretty heavily while implying that despite Clark’s attraction to Diana, he’s still in love with Lois; this is seen pretty obviously when Diana and Clark go on a date, and Lois shows up. Clark immediately puts space between him and Diana and honestly, it’s a little telling. (this is all in stark contrast to the Justice League cartoon from the 90’s/early 2000’s, where Diana and Bruce ((Wonder Woman and Batman)) were shipped pretty heavily) Talk about baby’s first OTP, am I right? XD
Lois and Clark are together, like they’re getting married. (somewhere in the world, Damian is turning one; this is relevant later.) One night, Superman has a ‘moment of weakness’, and him and Wonder woman bang. BOOM! Pregnant.
Diana is rightfully upset, as Clark immediately tells her this was a mistake, they never should’ve done that. He goes back to Lois, and they don’t speak outside of the Watchtower anymore. Diana does not tell him when she finds out she’s pregnant. She goes to Bruce, tells him she’ll be out of commission for up to 3 years.
Bruce is rightfully concerned, but Diana doesn’t tell him what’s wrong. He assures her she can leave; they’ll keep it together out here while she rests in Themyscira. She feels bad for not telling him, but resolves to do it later. Home she goes, to see her mom and the rest of the Amazons!
Her mother is disgusted by Clark’s conduct, but Diana has always wanted to have a child. They know it will be a daughter: it always is, Hippolyta says conspiratorially. The pregnancy is interesting, and many of the Amazons are startled at how quickly their princess can finish her projects. Hippolyta watches on in concern; her daughter has become startlingly creative during these months, and as a previous Ladybug that can mean only one thing.
Tikki will be back in the family soon.
Hippolyta says nothing about this to Diana, not wanting to alarm her daughter.
When Marinette is born with dark hair, and blue eyes there is no surprise. Diana stares at her daughter as if she is the most beautiful thing to have ever existed, and to her, she is. Marinette spends 3 years on Themyscira, learning from her mother, grandmother, and all of her many sisters. She’s an excitable child, with a penchant for marking walls with whatever she can draw. She grasps language easily, and much quicker than anyone would think possible.
But Diana has a duty. She must return to the outside world to assist the league. She thinks of the outside world, how it has taught her, hurt her, but ultimately made her stronger; and she knows that she wants Marinette to have all of that and more. So she contacts an old friend in Paris.
Sabine had left Themyscira many years prior, once Diana had cleared the way for the other Amazons to venture out. She’d fallen in love with a baker, and though the 2 couldn’t have children of their own, they were excellent people. People Diana knew she could entrust Marinette with. Sabine agreed after they discussed it extensively.
Diana would come see Marinette regularly once she was 10, giving the girl some years to mature, and come to terms with her mother’s identity. Diana assured Sabine she’d send any and all support requested, along with letters and gifts for Marinette as she grew. Diana hated to leave her daughter, but seeing as she would constantly be in danger once again, she couldn’t bear to put Marinette through that. Diana tells Sabine who Marinette’s father is, so they can be ready.
Sabine threatens to cut his dick off, which Diana laughs at. Diana and Marinette live with Sabine and Tom for a year, letting Marinette get to know and love them; and then Diana tells Marinette she has to go, the world needs her.
And Marinette just nods, giving her mother a smile.
“I know mommy.”
Good byes and I love you’s are exchanged, and after many tears, Diana finally manages to tear herself away, and she leaves. There is a hole in her heart the size of the Earth, but Diana has a job to do.
This is the world where Marinette lives now too, and she must do all she can to keep her daughter’s world safe.
Clark and Lois get married while Diana is away, and Jonathan is born; he’s only a year younger than Marinette, and 2 years younger than Damian like in canon. Clark is curious as to where Diana disappeared to, asking around, but the only one who knows is Bruce. And when Clark asks, Bruce simply shrugs.
“She told me she’d be gone for a few years. I didn’t press her for details. Everyone needs a break, Superman.”
Clark didn’t like it; he was worried. For her to disappear so abruptly… Surely she hadn’t truly loved him? Clark hates himself as he thinks about it, regret permeating him. He does his best to not think about it.
At least until Diana shows back up, 4 years later, and a little more jaded than she used to be. Bruce welcomes her back with a small smile, and a nod. Diana doesn’t even look at Clark.
And for Clark, it’s enough to just know that she’s safe. He doesn’t blame her for hating him; he kinda hates him too.
Literally none of the League know about Marinette; Diana doesn’t tell fucking anyone.
Miraculous canon happens as normal, only difference is that Lila is fucking gone after the Volpina incident. She’s gone after that, no return, nothing. I hate that girl, and honestly, I just wanna write something where Marinette’s friends love her, without the class drama. I can’t forgive the Miraculous writers for doing that to the students. Chat is still pretty pushy in his pursuit of Ladybug, but not in an exaggerated way. However, it does still cause some eventual complications that he needs to learn and grow from. Minimum bashing should be involved, and it will be centered around pointing out the toxic things he does, and him correcting those behaviors. Adrien is my boi and I love him.
When Marinette is 10, Diana shows up to see her. Marinette has known that Sabine wasn’t her real mother; Mari still calls Sabine Maman though cause like… the woman raised her, duh. Marinette loves Diana, even though she doesn’t remember what her mother looks like. Diana always remembers her birthday, and all of the holidays; Marinette has saved every letter, and gift her mother has ever sent her. She doesn’t realize her mother is Wonder Woman yet. Well, at least until she shows up on her 10th birthday. Marinette recognizes her as the heroine instantly, but says nothing; she’s seen movies, she knows secret identities are important!
Over the years, Sabine has kept Diana informed on the progression of Marinette’s… abilities. Look, the girl is a split between the Amazonian princess, and a Kryptonian. God only knows what she’ll be able to do. So far, Marinette has displayed signs of super strength and speed, and most recently flight; she’s got the enhanced senses as well, and she carries ear plugs with her when they go out. Diana is happy to know though, that Marinette has a strong sense of right and wrong. She owes Sabine a great debt of gratitude, and knows she’ll never be able to thank the woman enough for raising their (because yeah, Marinette is theirs now) daughter.
(Marinette goes to school, excited to tell everyone about her 2 mommies and her daddy. Despite Diana not being romantically involved with them…. Yet???? Maybe????? HMMMM)
After Marinette turns 10, Diana makes a point to visit every spring for her daughter’s birthday, and to check in on things. The day of Marinette’s 14th birthday, Diana steps off of the plane, and on her way to the Dupain-Cheng bakery, she witnesses her first akuma. Preparing to step in, Diana freezes when Ladybug and Chat Noir appear on the scene.
Diana recognizes Marinette on sight, and the spots are familiar. She remembers her mother, the stories of Tikki, and the adventures they had, the evils they stopped. She remembers how anxious her mother was during her pregnancy, when Diana could not stop drawing, writing, whatever she could be doing.
Marinette is a pure soul of creation, born of Tikki’s essence, and she is Diana’s daughter, an Amazon, and half kryptonian.
Diana watches her daughter fight, hands clenched at her sides. The Amazon in her demanding she see this through, watch her daughter be the fierce warrior she is meant to be; the mother in her is clawing at her throat, preventing her from speaking with the force of her panic.
And Marinette is an excellent fighter. Diana recognizes many of the moves she used to practice while they were still on the island, and they’ve been refined, polished, and put on display to show the world. It had to be Sabine’s handiwork, teaching her this. Did Sabine know she was Ladybug? No, she would’ve told Diana first thing.
Diana does not intervene, watching Ladybug win, and undo the damage.
Once the akuma is dealt with, Diana follows her daughter as she swings away and finds a quiet place to de-transform.
“My little light, you have exactly 2 minutes to tell me what is going on.”
Marinette jumps a mile, whipping around to see her mother, and then Tikki is smiling, hugging Diana’s cheek.
“Diana! It’s been too long!” Diana gives the kwami a smile.
“Hello, Tikki, mother misses you.”
Marinette is dumbfounded.
Diana explains everything, about how she knows, and why; tells her about Hippolyta, and her connection to the Miraculous. It was the most exciting and stressful birthday yet.
Diana starts making more regular trips to Paris to assist her daughter when she needs the extra help; since Diana is generally fairly good at keeping her emotions in check, it works out. Marinette works extra hard to make sure she keeps her extra abilities in check.
She uses her powers in small subtle ways; using her flight to get a better distance out of a yo-yo swing, but doing it in a way where it’s unnoticeable to the standard eye. Or using her x ray vision to avoid people she doesn’t want to see. She lets herself be clumsy, and careless with her movements in her daily life, making sure none of her friends can ever make the connection between her and Ladybug later on; before Ladybug, she’s clumsy so she doesn’t draw attention to her powers. The only one who knows she has powers is Nino.
It’s hard to explain to your childhood friend why you’re flying after all; he had been there the first time she’d accidentally used this new power. OOPS
All abilities/side effects Mari has:
-Super strength
-super senses (hearing, sight, smell, etc ((is taste usually included in this???? hm)))
-Enhanced vision (x-ray, thermal)
-Super speed (bout as fast as Superman if she tries hard enough)
-Ladybug luck
-Martial arts/various fighting styles
-Amazon swordfighting & archery
Side effects:
-Sluggish in Winter thanks to Ladybug things; will hibernate if she gets too cold
-Has bursts of creative energy that keep her up far longer than she should be; usually crashes afterwards; these will stop as she gets older, and gets a better handle on her Ladybug powers.
-Gets sick easily during the cold months
-Kryptonite hurts her, obviously; she gets a wicked migraine, and nausea; usually her vision gets bad too.
Marinette’s personality doesn’t change all that much, really. She’s still undeniably kind, and selfless, always going out of the way for her friends. She’s a bit more vocal about her sense of justice, not putting up with bullies. Chloe gets her redemption a bit early because of this. Marinette is also not afraid to just absolutely throw down and brawl if you’re being a violent asshole. Like, damn. She is tiny, but she will miss you up.
With Diana making frequent trips to Paris, it catches Bruce’s eye, and he of course gets suspicious. The French government has been keeping the situation with the Akumas under wraps for about 3 years now, no news escaping the country. Marinette is currently 16, Diana has been helping her deal with hard to handle akumas for 2 years; Damian is 17, and Jon is 15.
So when Bruce looks into Diana’s activity in Paris, he’s startled to find little to nothing about Wonder Woman. An article briefly mentions something called an ‘akuma’ but then there’s no further mention. Instead he finds records of Diana Prince shacking up with a married couple and their daughter.
When Bruce finds a picture of Diana standing with the Dupain-Chengs, his breath leaves him. She is staring at the girl in the picture with such a proud adoring gaze, and he would have to be blind to miss the resemblance. The girl’s age lines up with when Diana left, and Bruce remembers how unusually concerned Clark had been about her location.
He’s the world’s greatest detective, and the pieces are too easy to put together.
SO Bruce Wayne does what Bruce Wayne always does.
Finds a way to get information.
He invites Francois-Dupont to his yearly student seminar, meant to help students get a jump start on their careers. They must prove why they deserve to attend, like all the schools invited, in the form of an essay, accompanied by a video of their school.
Mlle. Bustier’s class is selected as the class to make the video representing the school; Marinette and Alya volunteer to head the project with audio assistance from Nino, while Adrien offers to help with the budget. The class comes together to offer some kind of assistance or another, even Chloe, who goes out of her way to help the class plan. Marinette writes the basic video out, how it should look, what it should say.
But they need a narrator.
The class unanimously votes for Marinette.
“You know us better than anyone, Nette. It’s gotta be you.”
“Everyone knows you here, Mari; you’re the sweetest girl in the school.”
It’s Alya who shouts it, grinning at the class.
“It’ll be a welcome video with Marinette showing a ‘new kid’ around!”
Marinette’s gotta admit, it’s genius; the class agrees, and planning begins in earnest now that they have a better idea for it.
All of their carefully laid plans fall to pieces when their high end camera breaks the day they need to film. Everyone is shouting, stress is high, and Rose is crying. Marinette knows she needs to do something before an akuma shows up, but then she hears a yelp, and she looks over to see a first year stumble back as Kim knocks into her. Marinette’s there in an instant, steadying the girl on her feet, and giving her a smile.
“Are you ok?”
She’s unaware of Adrien watching her with a fond smile, while he elbows Alya; Alya stops yelling at Chloe long enough to look over, and quickly take her phone out, and press record. The classes attention immediately shifts, the tension all but disappearing.
The first year nods hesitantly.
“Y-yes I’m ok. It’s just my first day here, a-and I’m…” The dark haired girl bit her lip, looking at the floor, “I’m really scared.” Marinette frowned for a moment before she smiled, and took the girls’ hand.
“I’m Marinette, what’s your name?” The girl sniffled, rubbing at her eyes.
“My name’s Bridgette.” Marinette nodded, her smile growing.
“It’s nice to meet you. Sorry about my friend Kim over there. He gets a little excitable sometimes.” Bridgette offered her a smile.
“It’s ok. It looked interesting so I wanted to get closer, but I wasn’t paying much attention.” Her eyes fell, and she looked off to the side, but Marinette gripped her hand gently, causing her to look up.
“I can show you around the school if you like. Everyone here is really nice, I promise. We look after each other the best we can, and you can always ask one of us for help.” Marinette gestures to her classmates, who offer Bridgette encouraging smiles. It’d been awhile since they’d seen Marinette work her particular brand of magic. Bridgette’s smile grew, and she finally nodded.
“I’d really appreciate that, Marinette thank you.” Marinette simply waved her off.
“It’s fine! We’ll make it fun!” She turned to her class, missing Alya hiding behind Adrien, still recording.
“I’ll be back in a bit guys. Come find me when you get the camera replaced.”
The camera panned around Adrien’s back as Marinette turned away, and began leading Bridgette further into the school. Alya hurried to catch up, the class following shortly after.
Marinette showed the young girl all around the building, from her homeroom class, and to each individual classroom so the girl would never be lost. And she talked to her, learning that Bridgette had just recently moved there from Italy, escaping her old school and the torment she’d endured there. It burned Marinette to know that someone had been so cruel to such a sweet girl, but Bridgette assured her it was fine since she wasn’t there anymore. Marinette in turn, assured her that no one at Dupont would ever treat her so cruelly. And if anyone did happen to do so, she should come find her immediately.
Bridgette laughed, flushing pink.
“Thanks, Mari!” Bridgette’s gaze grew wistful, “It’s been awhile since I’ve laughed with a friend.”
And Marinette was resplendent in her joy, pulling the girl into a gentle hug.
“We’ll look out for you, Bridgette. You can count on us.” The girl returned the embrace, nodding. After a moment, the two girls pulled back, and Bridgette smiled.
“Thanks for caring, Mari.” Marinette shrugged, giving her a smile.
“You’re worth it, Bridgette, remember that.” She nodded her head towards a classroom, “But you should probably get to class now. I think you’re really late. I’ll have a talk with Mr. Beaumont about why right after my class and I finish this project, ok? Just tell him Marinette will explain, and he should understand.” Bridgette nodded, thanking her again, before kissing her cheek, and heading to her classroom. Marinette watched her go with a smile, and sighed, before turning to head back to her class.
Only to promptly freeze at the sight of them behind her, grinning in glee, Alya at the front, phone held high.
Marinette flushed bright red.
“Guys, what’re you doing?” Alya clicked end on the recording and grinned at her best friend.
“Getting our video of course!”
Marinette was certain she was going to die. Or combust on the spot. God, what if she actually did though, and it was just another damn power to worry about???
Needless to say, she’s embarrassed. But once the class reviews the video, they find it to be perfect. They were able to stay close enough to hear Bridgette’s and Marinette’s conversation, and hear Marinette explaining things to her. Nino took the audio and boosted it in certain parts, and making sure to edit out any personal information the girls discussed during the tour.
The video coupled with the 15 page essay Marinette submits secures their spot in the seminar.
Meanwhile, when Diana hears Marinette gushing about their school being invited to the annual Wayne Seminar, she is immediately suspicious. She finds Bruce within the day, appearing in the Batcave with no preamble; Bruce is waiting for her.
He offers her a drink. And Diana sighs, because he definitely already knows; so she accepts his drink, and they sit.
And they talk.
He asks why she didn’t tell him, he would’ve helped her. And Diana laughs, and it’s surprisingly good natured.
“Bruce, you would’ve killed him back then. Don’t think I don’t know how much you two hated each other back then.” She sighed, “You idiots were finally about to be friends, and if I’d told you what he’d said, what we’d done…” She snorted, “I was quite sure you would’ve killed him.” Bruce didn’t deny her accusations, nor did he accept them.
“What’s she like?” And Bruce watched Diana’s whole body relax, a small smile on her face as she swirled the liquor in her glass.
“She is the best thing that has ever existed for me in this world. She’s my little light, and I will see that this world is safe for her.” Bruce thought of his sons, his daughters, and he nodded.
“And her powers?” Diana’s grin grew broad, and she raised her fist.
“She is strong, Bruce. The strongest.” Again, Bruce nodded, having a drink from his glass as Diana stared him down, “If you hurt her while she is in your care, Bruce, we will have problems. You know this?” Bruce sat his glass down, reaching for the bottle to refill his cup.
“I know, Diana. My intentions are purely curious, I promise you.” He smiled, a small upturn of his lips, “She was the star of their video, you know.”
He shows her the video the class submitted, edited to include the class singing the praises of their class president as an intro, before it cut to some footage taken on a cell phone. It followed Marinette around as she guided a younger student around the school, offering advice, and going out of her way to help the girl. The footage ended with the girl’s blushing face before it cut to an outro featuring the Journalist of the class, Alya Cesaire. Alya had said that since Marinette was writing the essay, she knew her friend wouldn’t include her own good deeds, and since Alya was in charge of the video, she’d take care of it here.
And Diana watched her daughter’s best friend proudly declare Marinette’s achievements, and her aspirations; the good she’d done, and the bad she’d prevented, or outright ended.
Bruce pretended not to notice Diana’s tears.
Ok so anyway, trip to Gotham gets secured cause of all that. Master Fu will send Kaalki with Marinette as an assured countermeasure against akumas, and Diana promises she will stay in Paris while Marinette is in Gotham. This assures Marinette that between her mom, Viperion, and Ryuuko they could hold their own until she could get there.
To Gotham! YAY!
They land mid afternoon, check into the hotel, and fucking sleep. That’s it.
Next day, they have a guided tour of the Gotham Natural History museum, which is super dope, and everyone is excited; except for Chloe, because even redeemed she’s kind of a brat. I love her. Marinette meets Tim first in this one. Tim is at the Museum because as CEO of Wayne Enterprises he is donating something to the museum. They bump into each other, and she knocks him down.
Tim is kind of stunned cause this tiny pixie like girl just knocked right into him and didn’t even budge, holy shit. And Marinette is stumbling over her words as she apologizes, and helps Tim up, and wow, that is one hell of a grip for someone that size, what the fUCK. Tim is properly dismayed, but waves off her concern good naturedly, saying he shouldn’t have been standing in the middle of the hallway like an idiot; Marinette flushes brighter, insisting she should’ve been paying more attention.
And then Jason shows up, cause like damn Tim, what the hell is taking you so long?
Looks at Marinette.
Hey isn’t she a bit young for you, Drake?
(in another timeline this would probably be a fun Timinette AU, I won’t lie. hmmmmmmm…..)
Tim rolls his eyes at Jason’s antics, offering Marinette a grimace.
‘Sorry about him, he’s deplorable. Again I’m sorry for running into you’
Marinette laughs it off, shaking her head
‘I’m so sorry for knocking you down. I’ll make sure to pay more attention.’
Tim and Jason leave, Jason offering her a wide grin and a little wave; Marinette just shakes her head in amusement, and catches up with the class.
Damian and Jon are hanging out; Jon has decided to come and pester him since his school, Metropolis Prep, is also invited to the seminar, and Damian likes his friend, he really does, but *god* he is suffering right now. Jon is making comments left and right, and Damian is about to lose it.
‘Ooh, am I making you mad, Wayne?’
Damian glares at his friend.
‘Stop talking. My head is killing me, and I am *this* close to killing *you*.’
Jon just laughs, and Damian rolls his eyes.
After awhile of wandering around, looking at things, they go get some lunch in the cafeteria. There’s a large group of French students taking up one of the tables, one dark haired girl standing while the others are sitting; there’s a map and a notebook spread out in front of her. Damian watches as she smiles at her classmates, writing things in the notebook, while marking things on the map.
‘Oh, that’s cool!’
Damian looks at Jon, ‘What?’ Jon grins.
‘They’re planning on what they want to see while in Gotham.’
‘How do you know?’ Jon rolls his eyes as they get some food.
‘Damian. I have super powers, idiot.’ Damian snorts.
‘Doesn’t explain your incompetence though.’
Both boys miss the wide eyed stare Marinette is giving Jon from her table.
She hadn’t MEANT to hear him, but when you can hear pretty much everything, eavesdropping is inevitable; doesn’t mean she has to like it though.
Also, wow that boy looks so much like her?? How weird.
She and the class finish planning other places they’d like to go, while Marinette turns the list of locations into Miss Bustier for her to review. They had a basic schedule set up, but their teacher had allowed them to see Gotham for what it was before finalizing things.
After lunch, their tour resumes, and Jon and Damian find themselves along the same path as Marinette’s class. They’ve moved past some of the older cultural items, and are entering the room of heroes and villains. Wax replicas of Batman, all of the Robins’, Black Bat, Batgirl, and various big name villains line the walls. Damian was on edge the entire time, not quite listening to Jon’s rambling.
And well OF COURSE something goes wrong, because you can’t have the Dupont kids go anywhere with no problems.
Two Face steps down from where his figure used to be, unloading his gun into the ceiling. He thinks he’ll have an easy time taking this French class hostage.
He is not prepared for these kids.
Alix and Kim tag team a couple of his henchmen with support from Max who has outfitted Markov with some new tech as well. Juleka (who has been tapped for the Lion Miraculous before) and Rose (who’s used the Mouse) take one down, while Ivan smashes two more henchmen together, shielding Mylene. Alya takes the knees out another one while Nino comes across his jaw with a hard left cross. Nathaniel is in front of Sabrina, shielding her when Chloe comes down hard on the henchman in front of them.
Adrien and Marinette go for Two Face, each of them a bit surprised at how the other moved.
And Damian is shocked stupid, watching this French class absolutely decimate one of Gotham’s finest rogues.
Meanwhile Jon is stuck staring at the duo. Between looking at the cute blonde boy, or the dark haired girl who is *WAY* stronger than she looks; especially if she can throw Two Face around one handed, damn.
And Marinette is more concerned with keeping her friends safe than hiding her abilities, and she probably moves too fast, and uses too much strength; her classmates buy her excuse of her extra martial arts classes outside of class.
Damian however does not.
And then the police show up, shocked to find this group of criminals subdued by a group of foreign teenagers.
The second Damian is out of the museum, losing Jon for a moment in the chaos, he calls his father.
“Why didn’t you tell me there was a meta among that French class you invited?”
Damian can practically his father shrug.
“It’s not my business to tell, Damian. Just talk to her.”
He growled as his father ended the call; the man knew something, he knew it.
And thus begins the chronicles of Damian trying to figure out WTH is going on with Marinette; which leads to friendship. Damnit.
This is where the typical getting to know you Daminette stuff will happen.. Including dates, and identity reveals.
The biggest conflict of this is honestly dealing with Superman when he finds out. Marinette has known who her father was since she was 10 years old, when she learned her mother’s identity; but Diana didn’t officially tell her until her 14th birthday, after the akuma incident.
“No more secrets, little light; I will tell you everything.” Diana had said; and she had.
Marinette is glad to have Tom, because wow her real father sounds like a dickhead.
When she officially meets Jon (Damian introduces them), she immediately realizes ‘well fuck, I have a little brother???? And he’s best friends with the boy I have a crush on, shit.’
Anyway, Superman finds out Diana had a daughter, their daughter, after the trip to Gotham concludes, and he immediately heads for Paris as Superman. He finds Diana as Wonder Woman talking to a young girl in Red with black spots, but Superman is set on speaking to Diana as he lands, and starts striding up to her.
“We need to talk.” Diana stares at him dispassionately as he walks up.
“I have nothing to say to you. Leave.”
Clark reaches out for Diana’s hand, only to have his wrist grabbed by the girl in red; who is glaring up at him fiercely. Wow her grip is tight…
“If you touch my mother, I will decimate you.”
And Clark is reeling, because holy shit, this is his daughter; his and Diana’s blood. And Clark just looks at Diana, conflicted.
“Why didn’t you tell me, Diana?” Diana shrugged.
“Telling you would not have changed the outcome. I have always wanted a child, and she is everything I need of this world. Why would I tell you?”
“Because she’s my blood too! She’s kryptonian!” And the girl growls, and then she is hovering in front of his face, blocking his view of Diana. Her eyes are a blazing blue behind her mask, and Clark realizes: she can fly.
“I may share your blood, Superman, but I am not Kryptonian; I am an Amazon. I am Ladybug. And I will not listen to you berate my mother for her choices. She told you to leave, and I can assure you, I won’t be as nice when I demand your absence.”
And Clark is just. Stunned. Because yeah, that was definitely an Amazonian level threat she just gave him; but he’s Superman, and yeah, she’s his daughter, but how strong could she be? Should he push the matter?
Clark watches as other heroes slowly appear behind the girl; One clad in orange, one in green; A fox and turtle respectively. Then there’s the one in black, green eyes narrowed at him; a feral cat, it looks like. Then there’s the one in yellow and rusty orange, a snarl marring her lips; a Bee?? Or a Hornet?? The final two are teal and red, a boy and a girl; a snake, and a… dragon?
What has his daughter been up to in Paris?
Grief swells within him, and he sighs.
“Ok, I’ll-”
Ladybug screams.
“Hello Superman, I am Hawkmoth.”
And that’ll be the final fight of this fic I think! They’ll beat akumatized Superman (batfam Zetas in to help, and so does Jon and Connor), and then Clark leads them to Hawkmoth’s base, and Gabriel is dealt with, along with Nathalie. Marinette and Adrien will both do university in America, with Adrien learning under Bruce about business along with Damian (the 2 become surprisingly good friends after a point), and Marinette accepted Audrey’s internship while she goes to school in New York. She frequently pops over to the manor to see the Batfam.
I’m gonna work on the Timinette version of this next; that ship is so adorkable and I *LOVE* it
There may also end up being a Jasonette version?? I haven’t decided yet tbh
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tigerseye46 · 3 years
tell us about ur new oc!
Thanks for giving me an excuse to talk about her! I have a lot.
I’ve actually mentioned her before but before I figured everything out. I rp her in a server with my friends.
Her name is Huáng Xiàróng (煌 夏荣 Brilliant Summer Glory)! Her name used to be Yuán but I changed it. I’ve created one design for her, I don’t draw often so it’s not the best but I tried. I’ll post her demon form and picrew of her human form at the end.
Originally she was supposed to be a motherly figure. That… uhh did not exactly go as planned. I kinda made her feral instead- also she used to be a straight up villain.
She’s a rabbit/bunny demon. Specifically a Manchurian hare. She has a mix of black, brown and gray fur with three spots on the side of her face which are replaced by freckles in human form. She has a notch on her ear and some spots there too. She has slight wavy hair with braids in the back.
Her hair is black with green strands, kinda like Mei which was completely unintentional and I only realized that now. Her eyes are green but they change to red when angered and brown when annoyed. She has a frilly dress. She has a tattoo on her back, 戰士 meaning warrior. Her height is 6 feet and 2 inches. She’s around 3000, maybe a bit younger and physically looks 35 - 40.
Small tw here, she has scars from years of fighting.
She can shapeshift to various things including a normal bunny form and a bigger, more terrifying version of herself.
Like most rabbits, she’s extremely fast (super speed).
She has the ability to control and manipulate fire.
She can jump high.
Super strength
And friend suggested the ability to possibly summon and ride a cloud.
Backstory: (I’m just going to copy and paste her backstory that I used for smth)
Xiàróng was born in the Qin Dynasty to two rabbit demons. Her parents were fierce demon lords that loved to mess with humans with their army. Her parents trained her in the hopes that she would follow in their footsteps and she did. She became a fierce warrior with a strong love of fighting and battling.
She led her armies into villages, messing with humans and demanding offerings. She loved the absolute terror that popped up on their faces as her army swept in. She enjoyed the amusement she felt every time they thought they could defeat her along with the absolute adrenaline that came with fighting.
Her parents were extremely proud of her and at times, fought with her but they mostly stayed regulated to their hideout. One day, they passed away in the field of battle, she rose and took their place. Xiàróng became better known as a fierce rabbit demon lord and grew her armies, even allying at points with some other demons.
She became renowned as her parents always hoped she would be. She loved her army and always made sure their efforts were rewarded. She treated them as a second family to her and they shared a deep bond.
One of Xiàróng’s generals told her about a monk journeying west to get scriptures and if she eats him, she can become immortal. While initially excited at this prospect, she declined when she found out that the person guarding him was the Great Sage. She then made sure her army never crossed paths with Sun Wukong and the rest of the pilgrims.
She continued onward and she thought the whole thing could last forever.
But obviously, nothing lasts forever. Humans started advancing and her demon army started falling, either passing away in battle, getting tired of fighting or deciding that they wanted to move on and pass off as humans to live normal lives, sometimes a mixture of the last two.
Xiàróng never stopped fighting and refused to quit until she faced a fierce opponent in battle that caused her spirits to wane. She eventually realized that with humanity’s advancements she longer had the edge that she used to. She decided to sadly give up fighting about 500-1000 years prior to modern day. In her current identity, she works at a boring office job to survive all while longing for the good old days. 
The group finds her when they need her to face an opponent she had previously faced, possibly the same one that caused her spirits to wane.
(She also had might or might not have had a kid at one point when she was still a warrior. Mildly debating on the kid thing but I’m probably going with it.)
Likes and Dislikes:
She absolutely loves fighting, she loves the thrill that comes with it. She values hard workers as she had to work hard to get to where is. She loves to reminisce about the good old days when she was feared and respected. She likes the summer season. Her favorite colors are red and green. She likes drinking tea. She adores the outdoors. She likes (also dislikes) being alone. She likes people who value their family. She is a big fan of action movies. She likes exercising. She likes organization and plans. She loves her motorcycle and weapons. She loves being the leader of projects as it gives her a sense of power. She loves fire and is often entranced by it. She likes using her jumping abilities. She likes exploring nature.
She dislikes the modern advancements humans have made as she believes it puts her as a disadvantage and is part of the reason she is no longer feared. She dislikes mundane office work as she believes it to be below her skill level but does it to survive. She dislikes people who desert others as some of her army left because they were tired of fighting and wanted to move on. She hates being called cute. She hates slackers. She hates people who underestimate her. She dislikes interacting unless she has to.
Strengths and Weaknesses:
Xiàróng is extremely proud of her abilities. She is extremely brave and will gladly take action when need be. She is rather confident. She is observant because of her years as a demon lord. She is a strategic individual since she spent so much time with her generals planning out attacks. She is also rather smart from her years of teaching from her parents about different subjects. She will give her honest opinion if someone asks her. She is hard working. She is tidy and always makes sure to keep both her workspace and house clean. She actually has a motherly side to her and is rather gentle when interacting with children and is capable of being gentle when others are having a bad day, although this depends on who they are. She is agile.
Her belief in her abilities cause her to have excessive pride in them. Her bravery leads her to take reckless actions. Her longing to reclaim the past and become once again known as a fierce demon blinds her to the possibilities that come with the future. She holds on too much to the past and practically clings to it. She has a short temper and can snap easily. Her honesty leads to bluntness and people not liking her because of her opinion. She can also be rather dishonest sometimes. She acts as if she knows better than others since she’s been alive a long time and has a wide array of knowledge.
General Personality:
Xiàróng is not a sociable person, although she used to be back in the old days when she had her demon army. She can be quite dramatic especially when she’s explaining her past to people. She has a loud personality that appears when she’s explaining her history. This is a subtle and desperate attempt to reclaim what she used to have. Although, other than that, she is rather quiet and prefers not to interact unless absolutely necessary. 
She prefers to keep to herself a lot of the time despite rabbits being social creatures. She feels out of place and longs for a world where she can go back to fighting and a time where her army was all together, laughing and smiling. Fighting is all she’s known for the longest time and believes that’s what she’s mostly good at. 
Since some of her army has either passed away or left to find better lives, she is not a big fan of letting people close especially in a world of humans since these were people she once used to attack and mess with. She does rarely encounter some of the demons that used to be her army. She’s short tempered and aggressive. She appears cold due to her isolation and circumstances. Under her cold personality, there is a loud, bright and caring personality waiting to get out if she lets someone get close, maybe if she did, she could go back to the way she used to be.
She doesn’t care about the group at first until they keep dragging her along. She is terrified of Sun Wukong because of his reputation and is kinda wary of his successor but helps him out. She purposefully annoys Pigsy and has debates with Tang. Also I kinda ship her with Sandy but we’ll see how that goes-
Talents: Foraging, cooking, singing, Can expertly play pipa (Chinese lute) and piano, gardening, great medical knowledge, wrestling, sword fighting and spear fighting, stealth, hand to hand combat, whittling, excellent leadership skills, making strategies.
She has a motorcycle that she takes good care of.-Romance movies are a guilty pleasure of hers.
She is ambidextrous.
She’s bi.
She has a tattoo with the characters 戰士 meaning warrior on her back.
She has a small house in the woods near a mountain range outside the city.
She was around when the Journey to the West was happening but avoided the pilgrims since she didn’t want to risk angering Sun Wukong if she tried something.
Hobbies: poetry, training with her qiang and jian, exercising, running, singing, gardening, cooking, playing the pipa and piano, foraging, whittling/wood carving, origami, watching television
Her surname Huáng meaning brilliant refers to the family’s cleverness along with wanting to shine. Xià means summer, summer represents something in China such as the direction south, the color red, the sound of laughter, the heart, fire and a creature called the red phoenix. Red, in turn, symbolizes happiness, vitality, good luck, good fortune, energy and passion. Róng meaning glory is because her parents were hoping she’d be renowned by people all over.
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Link to the picrew I used for human form: https://picrew.me/image_maker/332600
Human form:
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nightwingshero · 3 years
Athera/Solas? (and I'd also love to extend that to any of your other DA ships that you'd love to talk about too! )
Thank you, love!
Athera x Solas = x: Dream of Me
So, they’re playlist is actually Meet Me In My Dreams. But it’s a play off of Dream A Little Dream of Me and Meet Me in the Woods. Songs...yes. And it was honestly so close to being Once Upon A Dream, because Lana Del Rey’s cover is just...them. Anyway, the reason I chose this is because well...the Haven scene where you find out you’re actually dreaming? It honestly really got me, and I was still like...baffled by it, so that’s part of why Athera has her name (it means “part of a dream”). Athera herself isn’t a Dreamer, but her grandmother is, and she would often daydream (as she often did) walking the Fade like her crazy grandmother. But of course, her grandmother walking the Fade only added to the delusions she had, so...yeah. Solas and Athera meet often in her dreams, and he watches over her (and that’s how he finds out about their twins) after the events of Trespasser. She often looks forward to seeing him in her dreams, where things seem to be easier for him, and if he’s sleeping at the many elven ruins they come across, she’ll keep watch, and then draw as he describes what he saw. Honestly, they’re just so cute.
Evune x Cullen = x: the wolf and the lion
Alright, so Evune and Athera are cousins, and there’s a running joke (which kind of started with Felassan) that they’re the wolves of the Lavellan clan. Athera has a white wolf and Halla aesthetic going for her, and Evune has a dark/black wolf and owl going for her (Athera’s love for Halla plays into her having the Ghilan’nain vallaslin, and Evune’s love for wolves/owls and being a hunter  is the reason she has Andruil’s...that and the story of how they’re connected...I can go into more detail with that later on). But the point is that Evune is the Wolf of the Lavellan clan (with Athera being one too, but she’s more a wolf in Halla’s clothing wink wink), and Cullen is known as the Lion of Fereldon because of how fierce he is in battle and such. Together, they’re the wolf and the lion. Their playlist is actually called The Black Wolf of Lavellan and the Lion of Fereldon. At least until I think of something better. 
Zander x Dorian = ????
I haven’t really decided on this one just yet. Zander (whose faceclaim is Jensen Ackles) is a rogue mage (a little bit of both...he’s a decent dualist) that is working with Fiona as her right hand with the mage rebellion. He joins the Inquisition with Fiona when Athera decides to take the mages in. He’s a necromancer, just like Dorian, and he’s...annoyingly sure of himself and a bit arrogant and stubborn. Charming as can be when he wants...he drives Dorian nuts at first (and vice versa), but honestly, they’re so damn cute together. Zander helps him with coming to terms with his issues with his father though, and they have more in common than they think. So it’s really adorable. I’ve considered using x: time of the season for their ship name, because when I’m lacking something clever, I’ll resort to song names or lyrics. Spooky Spooky Skeleton has made it to their playlist though. That I will say. I don’t know...I might use People Are Strange by The Doors since its like...the first song on Zander’s playlist...hmmm.
Thyra, Halesta, and Rhaenys
No, they’re not a ship. They’re the OCs that I’m still kinda debating on when it comes to ships...but I felt bad for leaving them out (I’m so sorry, I feel like I’m breaking rules...I just wanted to talk about them). Thyra is an Avvar (very Viking-like) and I’m trying to ship her with Varric, though Iron Bull is making a decent case and I’m trying to keep Blackwall away with a stick. She’s a warrior, and drinks with Evune often at the tavern, and she challenges everyone to arm wrestling contests to prove she’s stronger than everyone. Often fights with Cassandra (not like how Evune does....coughwhoendsuphavingabarbrawlcough), sparring and training...and winning. I thought it would be fun to give Varric a warrior, but we’ll have to see. Halesta...is another Dalish mage, but she’s from Riverain. I’ve considered a few ships for her, like Dagna, Scout Lace Harding, and maybe Cole. Varric has also been a thought, though I don’t think so since Halesta is about 22. Halesta is a crafter, making potions all the time (and trying not to blow herself up with her experiments), and she’s soft. So soft. Solas takes her under his wing...but you learn that she was his spy the whole time. He helps her learn more magic and such, a mentor of sorts. But I have to think on her ship a bit more. Rhaenys...is my human noble (faceclaim is Lady Gaga...I did that on purpose)...who might either end up with Iron Bull, Leliana, or Josephine. I’m not sure just yet. She’s the one that grabs Cullen’s butt at the Winter Palace (and Evune’s reaction to that is just...oooof). She’s one of the noble’s that end up hanging around Skyhold, and she ends up helping Leliana with secrets she learned in the Game, and Josie with creating relationships and connections. They’re WIPs, but I love them very dearly. 
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sludgeb0mb · 4 years
So, lambert and keira mommy kink?
Its not like lambert doesnt know hes got some hangups, ok? Hell, after everything hed been through its amazing hes only got a few. But fuck if this wasnt the worst one.
Keira knew, almost right from the start, that lambert was missing a sort of guidance. He could have a focused, strategic mind when he was calm, but other times he would lash out like a child. Keiras heart hurt for him, as a sorceress she knew all to well the pain of losing ones childhood.
Lambert had known a lovers touch, but needed the nurturing of one as well. She had been nervous at first, not wanting to be tied down by some man-child, but he wasnt anything like that. He deferred to her at any opportunity and encouraged her to do as she will. It was still in lamberts usual way, a dismissive noise when she suggested he fetch her something, but then returning with it before sundown. The way his golden eyes would shine when she praised him won her over, in the end. He was just too darling to resist.
He was useful. And sweet. And funny. And it was just natural for keira to lean in to her need to care for him, to fill the holes in his heart as best she could.
"Will you be a good boy for me?" Her cock--a soft polished wood with a metal core, was slick against him. The runes carved into the metal inside allowed keira to feel it as intensely as if it were her clit rubbing against him. Lambert whimpered below her, arching his back more to get closer to her cock while nodding into the pillow in front of him.
"I'm being good, Mommy. Please,"
She tutted, Lambert had so little patience, he was always begging for it when theyd only just started. She cant blame him, he was missing this so badly, and the heat pooling in her belly responded to that neediness.
"Okay baby, but remember we go at my pace. You dont ask for more than I give. Isnt that right, sweet?" Her thumb pushed down on the base of her cock, directing it toward his loosened hole, tip circling the rim in a way that had him tense with the urge not to push back even more.
"Yes, please mommy I wont be greedy, I promise." His voice sounded watery, as if he was going to cry already. Keira wouldnt be swayed by his tears, though. She knew when to be firm with her boy.
Keira pushed into him, just enough to allow the head of her cock to get past his rim, sighing as the magic of the toy allowed her to feel the heat of him. Lambert didnt bother holding back his moan, too focused on trying to be good and still for keira. He was whining deliciously, and as keira slid further into him it became drawn out, his voice fraying as she reached the hilt.
"Thank you, thank you," he was babbling into the pillow he was holding on to, whole body shaking with unspent energy while he waited for his mommy to fuck him. Instead, keira ground her hips against his ass, feeling the way his fur tickled her sensitive skin. Lambert was so masculine, all rippling muscles and dense, dark body hair, but when he was like this he was just her boy. Sweet and gentle and ready for her whenever she wanted.
She fucked him at a maddeningly slow pace, small thrusts that rubbed her cock over his prostate constantly while she held his hips in place. Lambert was leaking precome all over the sheets, but keira had already planned on washing them. Each slow drag felt like heaven for her, she didnt have to worry about shooting off or going soft after coming, so she could take her own pleasure at the slow build she preferred, though she knew her boy wanted more. He was sweating with the effort of it, and she leaned over his back to run a hand through his hair, causing her cock to be as deep inside him as possible. Lambert shuddered as her nails ran against his scalp, fresh tears springing to his eyes from the frustration of too-slow pleasure and her gentle touch. Her tits were pressed against him, the feeling of them so foreign with the feeling of a cock inside him. He felt cared for, but also like he was being forced to endure a punishment, and it was too much. He began crying in ernest, trying his best not to writhe on her cock even has his hole tightened around it.
"Whats wrong, baby? I thought you wanted whatever mommy gave you." Her voice was sickly sweet, unable to refrain from mocking him just a little so she could watch him cry harder. She could feel the way he tightened on her cock, trying to get more pleasure from the slow fucking.
"I-I do mommy, but," he sniffled, trying to gain composure. That wouldnt do, keira thought, and she slammed into him exactly once, her hand in his hair balling into a fist. He practically screamed, hiccuping as he tried to breathe through his sobs.
"But what, baby? If you dont like it, mommy can get you a nice plug to sit on." She wouldnt, of course, the hot clutch of him was too good to pull out. but his reaction was worth it, a hand flying up to cover the one in his hair, holding it there.
"No, no! I like it mommy, I do! Please dont stop." The poor thing sounded absolutely miserable, but she reached down to pat his cheek affectionately, making him relax a bit.
"There you go. I know whats best for you, dont you forget." He shook his head, kissing into her palm with reverence. It was a heady feeling, to have such a fierce, independent warrior reduced to this on the end of her cock, one that keira didnt see herself giving up any time soon.
She resumed the torturously slow grind of herself into him, feeling her own muscles twitch and clench as her pleasure built. She reached down around lambert, her hand ignoring his cock completely to stroke and fondle his balls. They were incredibly tight, had been drawing up since she entered him, and she loved the weight of them in her palm. Lambert gave a low moan like a man in pain, and she could feel the slick of his pre smear across her wrist. Fuck, she was getting close herself.
Nimble fingers stroked the smooth skin behind his sac, pressing as she bore down onto his prostate. Lambert jolted, his body uncomfortably hot as he endured her touch.
"Mommy, please, Im close." Lambert could barely get the words out between his tears, and keira barely bit back her moan in time. She removed her hand, giving a light slap to the head of his cock and enjoying the startled noise that came out of him.
"Didn't you promise not to be greedy? If youre a good boy and make mommy come, then Ill let you. If youre bad and you cant stop being greedy, then you get nothing. Will you be good and make mommy come?" Lambert was crying so hard he couldnt respond, but nodded. She stroked her hands soothingly down his back and sides, waiting for him to catch his breath.
"Thats my good boy, there you are. I know its hard, but you are doing so well for mommy. Here, im going to get ready for you." Keira pulled back, sliding out of lambert and making him gasp at the loss, his cute hole clenching around nothing. She reclined onto the bed, supported by a few of the many pillows they had amassed. Lambert dutifully held his position, though the shaking of his body told her that it was killing him.
"Come here, darling." She called to him, managing not to look surprised at the speed in which he turned to face her, crawling up her body and placing sloppy, desperate kisses wherever he could reach. She guided him until he was positioned over her cock, looking at her with red, puffy eyes and wet lashes. Her stunning little boy.
"Go ahead baby, remember that this isnt for you until after mommy gets to come." He nodded, lowering himself onto her cock so fast that he winced, but gave himself no time to adjust as he fucked himself on it. She pulled his hands forward to grab her tits, holding onto them with his thumbs pinching her nipples against the lower knuckle of his index finger. She smiled at him, watching him shakily try to return it as he used himself to get her off.
And gods, it was working. The magic of her toy allowing her to feel every movement, her pleasure had been building and now it was ready to crest, and her gorgeous boy working hard for her sped it along. His cock was nearly purple, bouncing with the rest of him and totally untouched. His balls looked close to bursting with how tight they were, and she knew he was so close he must be teetering on the edge but was holding back because she had told him to.
It only took a moment more until keira was coming, hips snapping harshly up into lambert as she did, the bedding below them soaked with her slick as her cunt clenched around nothing. She fucked into him a few times, riding out her high as lambert panted and whined above her. His favorite thing in the world was to please her, but watching her fall apart while he had to wait was a unique form of suffering. Keira knew this, and waited until the last of her aftershocks had faded before running her hands along his furry thighs, feeling them twitch and strain under her touch.
"Good boy, you did so good helping mommy come. Do you want your turn now?" He nodded furiously, but didnt move. She hadnt told him to.
"Go ahead baby, you deserve it. Let me feel you come on my cock." Lambert shed more tears, this time in relief as he fucked himself onto her for his own pleasure. Keira was a bit oversensitive, but hardly had to endure it as lambert came across her stomach without ever touching his cock, fully seated on her and grinding the head of her toy in the perfect spot. He managed to moan out a "thank you, mommy," as he shuddered and came, but it was barely intelligible.
Anytime they fucked like this, lambert was asleep almost the moment his head hit the pillow, barely able to clean himself up as he drifted off. That was fine, he had worked so hard to listen to her that keira didnt mind. She kissed his temple before getting up to remove and clean her toy. When she crawled back into bed, lambert was cuddling close to her, making her feel dwarfed by his size as he wrapped his big hands around her waist. She carded her own through his messy hair.
"Did you like that, baby? I wasnt too mean to you, was I?" He sleepily shook his head, nuzzling against her neck.
"No mommy, s'good. Thank you." Keira smiled to herself, feeling boneless and sated and stupidly enamored with her boy.
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amberskywrites · 4 years
My Everything
“This Love” Collection
AO3 Link || Masterpost
Fandom / Genre: Nanatsu no Taizai (The Seven Deadly Sins) / Hurt/Comfort (leaning more towards comfort)
Pairing: Meliodas/Liz
Warnings: Injuries, Near death, Character almost bleeds out, Mention of slavery (Liz's past), lmk if anything needs to be added!
Notes: “This Love” Collection is a series of one shots that all take place in the same... AU? In this story people have marks which represent the strong bonds people make with others. It’s kinda like a soulmate AU, except it’s not pre-destined love and the marks can fade. Relationships will vary, from both romantic to platonic to familial. Imma attempt to post one of these weekly until I feel I’m happy with how many of these stories I’ve made!
Liz never understood the only bond mark that stained her skin.
It looked to her like a poorly drawn dragon, or some kind of shadow that was supposed to look like a cruel beast but a child had made it look cute and harmless.
She didn't know how or who she had the mark. She had never formed a strong bond with anyone. She was a slave, an object essentially, forced to do whatever her master wanted. She'd never had the chance to make friends or stay with family, and she didn't try. She had given up on trying a long, long time ago.
And when she had been taken captive by Danafor, she was almost relieved. The worst that would happen was she was put to death, but that didn't seem as bad as being forced to return to her previous life.
Then he had shown up, making a scene that was utterly ridiculous and infuriating. The kingdom he was loyal to, made his enemy if they tried to put her to death? He didn't even know her!
Still, he welcomed her into his home and she was just so confused. He was patient and kind to her, tried to cook for her (she had insisted he never cook for her again after one bite of his food, and she found herself cooking for them both). He welcomed her as a knight, a fierce warrior to protect the kingdom and helped her make friends with the other holy knights in the kingdom.
Not that she needed much help, but the little nudge to be open about getting to know people helped.
They had lived together for awhile, and had fallen into a routine she liked. Train for most of the day, go out drinking, come home, have dinner, then Go to bed. Sometimes they'd go to the meadow and enjoy the nice day, and other times they'd both stay home.
They also had an unspoken rule, one where they didn't mention bond marks. It was an odd rule - to Liz, at least. The people of Danafor made a show of their marks, boasting about their lovers or friends or family. Although a welcoming community, strong bonds meant to last years were difficult to form, and people wore their marks proudly.
Meliodas seemed even more like an oddity, keeping not only the marks of others hidden away on his chest but his own mark was kept out of sight. His sleeves never slipped down past his wrists and Liz had never once even seen him need medical attention that would require the removal of his shirt. She was curious as to what the marks could be, what they looked like, and figured she'd jump at the chance to see them.
She had been very wrong.
Liz realized pretty quickly she didn't care about the chance of seeing his bond mark, not with Meliodas curled in her lap and gasping for breath. Blood stained her trousers and shirt as she moved him as carefully as she could, freezing at the hiss and small whimper that followed.
"You're so goddamn stupid," Liz hissed, ignoring the tears welling in her eyes as she took a quick look around to try and find their healer. The tears slipped out as Meliodas' breathing only grew more ragged and she held him tighter, finally spotting the healer's tent in the distance and she began to sprint towards it.
She met the healer half way, who took Meliodas from her arms, panic clear in their expression. It wasn't everyday Danafor's grand master was on death's doorstep, after all.
The healer requested that Liz remain outside, letting the entrance to the tent fall closed. Liz cursed profusely under her breath and scrubbed at her face, trying to get the tears to stop flowing.
She was covered in blood that wasn't her own and it was because Meliodas was so goddamn stupid as to jump in front of her when someone was attacking. He hadn't even tried to block! He had taken the sword to the stomach and Liz had been sickened to see the bloodied sword clatter to the ground along with the idiot who had attacked them.
Liz was furious, and now that her anxiety that he wouldn't make it in time was receding because he was safe now, she allowed herself to be angry. Meliodas was smarter than this! He was a formidable opponent even without a sword, and he never once got injured this badly in a battle. Never.
She paced the entire time she was outside, glaring at the ground and tugging at her sleeves harshly every few seconds. It felt like hours went by before the healer opened the tent.
Liz clasped her hands over her chest, praying to the goddesses that what she was about to hear was good news. She didn't think she could handle it if Meliodas died.
The healer smiled slightly. "He's still asleep, but… he's healed completely, and just needs some more rest." Liz sighed in relief, her shoulders sagging at the news. "Maybe you can take him home?" Liz nodded wordlessly, following the healer inside the tent.
She spotted that he didn't have any shirt on, and averted her eyes instinctively. The healer helped her get Meliodas onto her back without waking him, and Liz thanked the healer before leaving.
The sky was already a deep blue dotted with stars by the time Meliodas stirred. Liz was by his bedside, dozing off on the floor on his side. She didn't want to settle in the bed, fearing she may have hurt him if she did. Liz knew that while the healers could heal wounds incredibly well, more often than not people still felt pain afterward. Specifically, they'd be really sore. And Liz didn't want to test if he was sore just yet.
He groaned softly, and Wandle made a loud noise which startled Liz awake. She looked up at the bird with a light glare, before looking to Meliodas, who was slowly blinking awake. Liz's heart jumped to her throat as she bolted up to check on him.
Meliodas looked almost dazed, and he stared up at the ceiling for a moment before glancing around, shoulders tensing. He seemed to relax when he spotted Liz, a small smile appearing on his face.
They stared at each other for a few moments in utter silence, until Meliodas broke it in a whisper. "I'm glad you're okay."
Liz felt her heart squeeze and she couldn't help but move closer and wrap him up in a hug, pulling him close and choking back a sob. Meliodas froze at the sudden action before melting into her arms, wrapping his own around her tightly.
"You moron," Liz muttered, burying her face in his shoulder. "You know better than to pull that kind of thing!"
She heard Meliodas snicker, his hands rubbing her back soothingly before she pulled away to glare at him with watery eyes.
"I knew I'd be fine," he reasoned. Liz's glare intensified, and the amused smile fell from Meliodas' face. Instead, one of confusion crossed it. "... Were you really that worried?"
Liz took a deep breath, and wiped away some of her tears with one hand while the other went to Meliodas' chest. She had seen the mark there, had seen her own mark on his chest already, and now she placed her palm above it. Meliodas' eyes widened slightly as she brought her other hand to her own chest, tapping over his mark on her lightly.
"You're my everything, Meliodas. Seeing you bleeding out… it was terrifying." She sniffled, not meeting his eyes. "I… I can't… if I lost you so suddenly, I don't… I don't think I could handle it."
She tried to take a deep breath. Meliodas brought his hands to hers and clasped them tightly, reassuringly, drawing their hands away from their chests to rest between them. Their fingers interlocked and Meliodas gave her hands a light squeeze. Liz glances up and he catches her gaze.
"I'm sorry for worrying you, Liz." His voice had taken on a new tone, and Liz thought he looked as though he may cry as well. He tugged her closer gently, and she followed his lead, settling into bed beside him. He buried his face in her chest and she huffed, though wasn't too annoyed. "I can't lose you either, you're my entire world… I don’t-" he took a deep breath, “I’d do anything to make sure you were safe.” 
Meliodas glanced up from her chest, his cheeks tinted a light red and Liz felt her heart melt. She brought her hands to his jaw and wiped away a stray tear, and she tilted his face up. She leaned a little closer, but waited for him to give a nod before pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.
Meliodas hummed softly into the kiss, almost a purr, his hands wrapping protectively around Liz as they kissed slowly. Liz began to run one of her hands through his hair before eventually just cupping his face.
"Will you make me a promise, if I make you one?" Liz asked softly when they pulled apart. Meliodas nodded, careful not to bump their heads too hard. Liz caressed his cheek as she thought. "If I promise to be more careful in battle, will you promise me you'll be more careful too, please?"
His heart squeezed at her words. How many times had he made that promise and then failed to keep it?
Meliodas smiled almost sadly, bringing his own hand up to her face. "I promise."
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queenof-literature · 4 years
A Sick Wild Child - Chapter 5
Warning: Mentions of vomiting and panic attack. 
Wild remained tucked inside Twilight’s pelt all day. Twilight had moved out from under him when Wild was in a deep enough sleep to do so. Twilight hated to move him but that kid was a furnace at the moment and an overdose of body heat seemed to be the last thing he needed. Now all that could be seen of the spry boy were tufts of blond hair sticking out near the top of his bedroll.  
It was around lunchtime when some of the boys began to get restless. They usually wouldn’t stay at camp this long in the middle of the woods, but as Time had stated, Wild wasn’t fit to travel anywhere even if he was being carried by someone. He would hopefully be well enough to ride on someone’s back in the morning, but until then they were stuck.
It was Warriors’ turn to watch Wild. After his panic attack a couple of hours earlier he had completely passed out, so the job had become a lot more smooth. Warriors was content to just read a book Four and lent him and check Wild’s temperature and breathing once in a while. He wasn’t really getting that much better, but he wasn’t getting worse either. Legend’s medicine had helped his breathing steady out for the most part so he didn’t sound like a fish out of water anymore. He was still quivering and his muscles still appeared to be spasming, which would undoubtedly make him sore in the long run, but he at least appeared in a deep sleep for now.
“Hyrule is Wild really okay to be so curled up in those blankets?” Four asked, concerned that Wild’s fever would worsen.
“I think it’s okay. Whoever is on watch just has to keep checking his temperature. If it gets noticeably worse then we need to cool him down a bit.” Hyrule responded with ease. He was really growing into his role in the group, Time thought with pride. Hyrule was one hell of a fighter, but he also had the talent and spirit of a healer.
“Warriors, you’ve been checking his temperature, right?” Legend questioned with a single eyebrow raised. There was a slight teasing lilt to his voice. He knew Warriors had to take care of his men in battle before.
“‘Course I have. Who do you take me for?” Warriors rolled his eyes.
“It was a fair question Warriors.” Wind giggled, only to be met with a book flying straight at him.
“Hey! Don’t throw my books!” Four shouted as a thud and a squawk was heard in the background. Time rolled his eye. These boys were getting quite restless, which was perfectly fair. Time didn’t know what they would do if Wild wasn’t at least a little better tomorrow. It wasn’t just unpleasant to camp in one place for this long, it was dangerous. Moving along helped the black blooded monsters keep further from them. That was another reason he had someone watch over Wild. If a monster came by the camp and saw a sick member on the outskirts of camp, alone, well… it was nature. Pick off the weakest of the pack. No way in hell was Time going to let that happen.
It seemed all the chaos had roused Wild slightly from his sleep. Immediately the camp halted when Warriors heard a groan a couple of feet away from him.
“Hey buddy, how ya feeling?” Warriors asked with a smile.
“Wha’s goin’ on?” Wild slurred out, eyes barely peeking out from Twilight’s pelt.
“Well you got yourself sick and took a pretty nasty fall, kiddo.” Warriors teased. Wild squinted his face in concentration for a second, like he heard Warriors but understood nothing of what was said to him, before muttering a small “m’kay”, and falling back asleep. The camp chuckled slightly at Wild’s acceptance.
“What are we gonna do if he’s not any better tomorrow?” Wind asked, apparently having the same thoughts Time did.
“We have to keep moving. It’s too dangerous to stay here for longer than tonight. If someone wouldn't mind carrying him for a while, we can at least move a little bit tomorrow.” Time had been planning it out in his head. He didn’t want to risk Wild’s health by moving him around too much, threatening his breathing once again. However he also didn’t want to put them all in danger by having them stay in this clearing for too long. Neither situation was ideal, but hopefully with Wild being carried he would be alright for a while.
Really the ideal situation at the moment would be being transported to Lon Lon Ranch. There Wild could be doted on by Malon for as long as he needed. Time smiled at the idea of Malon being a complete mother hen when one of their boys were sick. Wild would undoubtedly be as red as a tomato when he wasn’t delusional anymore. Malon would just coo that he didn’t need to be embarrassed and continue nursing him back to health. Hylia, he loved that woman. No matter how fierce she could be with that fire he fell in love with, she could also be the kindest being in any Hyrule, in any timeline. If one of the boys ever got sick on the ranch, Time was sure that no matter if it was the oldest or the youngest, Malon would certainly baby every one of their boys until they got better. Time wondered when he and Malon and stopped thinking of the boys as just boys and when they thought of them as their boys. Their family to protect. Maybe they never were just boys, maybe it was the first time they ended up at Lon Lon Ranch when he watched her fall in love with every single one of them, like a bear seeing her cub for the first time. Either way, Time could feel when they were going to switch. He didn’t know when, or where they would end up, but he could feel the time running out (ha). They were not switching Hyrules anytime soon, so they had to make the best out of what they had in the moment.
Multiple voices blended together, offering to carry Wild, including Wind, who was multiple inches shorter than the hero he was offering to carry. Time held back a smirk.
“We can take turns carrying him.” Twilight planned from beside Time. “But we can’t jostle him too much. He doesn’t have broken ribs anymore but we don’t want his breathing to go back to how it was when he first fell down a tree. We also don’t want him puking all the way through the forest.” Some light laughs ripped through the group. Time threw a hefty clap to Twilight’s shoulder, proud of him for taking charge.
“Twilight is right. Tomorrow we’ll switch off by the hour, oldest to youngest of those capable of carrying him without moving him too much.” Time finalized. He knew Wind wouldn’t be happy if the topic of him not carrying Wild came up, so he hoped they found a better place to sleep before they got to that point.
“How is he, Warriors?” Twilight asked the captain.
“Kid’s okay so far. His temperature hasn’t increased from what I can tell.” Warriors reported, resting a hand on Wild’s forehead to affirm his point. “Looks miserable though, he’s shivering like he’s buried in snow.” Warriors frowned in thought.
“I feel bad, but we can’t let him get too warm.” Hyrule warned.
“I know buddy. I just feel bad for the kid. He has to be freezing.” Warriors confirmed.
“Yeah, but once his fever passes a bit he can be buried under as many blankets as he wants.” Hyrule smiled optimistically.
“I think if you gave him the choice that would be every blanket we own.” Legend joked. He wasn’t wrong. Wild packed light, but when given the option, he felt the weight of heavy blankets to be comforting. It was odd considering how much he hated being restrained, but whatever brought him comfort they would try to achieve it.
The light atmosphere of the camp was interrupted when, without any warning, as if the universe had read every worry and bad thought Time had, a group of moblins crashed through the trees.
“Warriors, watch Wild!” Time yelled instantly, although he didn’t really need to. Warriors instantly leapt to his feet and unsheathed his sword above Wild. The moblins in Wild’s Hyrule were strong and towering, but also lanky. They would almost be cute if they weren’t currently attacking them with one member already down. Thankfully there were only three. Wind, Legend, and Hyrule attacked the one leading the attack. Sky and Four had rushed over to assist Warriors in protecting Wild against the second. Finally, Time and Twilight were working on the third.
The battle was going fine. No one seemed to be injured so far, everyone was expertly ducking under clubs and slashing at weak points. A yell from Warriors changed that. Time didn’t know how it happened, he doubted Warriors did either. One moment the second Moblin was being overpowered by the combination of Sky, Hyrule, and Warriors, the next, it was looming over the boy wrapped in his bedroll who was completely unaware of what was happening. It happened so fast and yet so painfully slow. The moblin wildly kicked its foot at the heap on the ground, sending Wild flying a good ten feet away, causing his right side to smash into a tree.
With a short and airy scream from Wild, Warriors only saw red. Slamming his shield into the back of the smug Moblin, he quickly hacked away until only a puff of black smoke remained, then nothing.
Without a second thought, everyone bolted over to Wild. Warriors got there first, sliding to Wild’s side and lifting the hem of his shirt. When Time got there, all he saw was horrifying shades of blacks, greens, and blues on the right side of Wild’s already bruised chest. There was also red seeping out of deep scrapes the bark cut into his skin.
If Wild’s breathing was bad when he first fell, it didn’t even compare to what it was now. He was coughing, hacking, gasping, and wheezing. Anything just to get air into his lungs. His hands were twitching and grabbing onto the grass below, and Time imagined if he could move properly he would be grasping at his throat.
“Wild I am so sorry he was just gone before I knew it. Wild, kiddo, can you hear me?” Warriors was keeping his voice as calm as possible but on the inside he was being crushed by guilt and concern.
Hyrule kneeled next to Wild’s shuddering form along with Twilight, while Warriors moved to be just above Wild's head.
“Twilight, can you see if you can calm him down at all? The shock he’s probably feeling isn’t helping him breathe.” Hyrule was already feeling Wild’s ribs as he spoke, which only increased Wild’s pain and his struggle to breathe.
“Please.” Wild gasped out in between coughing and hacking, “Stop”. Twilight leaned down and took one of Wild’s hands.
“Don’t worry Cub, it’ll stop soon. I’m sorry, but it’ll be okay. You’re okay, Just keep breathing. In and out.” As Twilight repeated similar phrases and placed Wild’s hand on his chest, Warriors had taken to playing with Wild’s hair to hopefully give him some form of comfort.  
“Four, we’re gonna need a potion. Please run and get one. Legend, if you have any more of that salve to spare, Wild will probably need it.” Time voiced. Legend and Four simply nodded and took off to their bags.
“What can I do, Time?” Wind asked in a flurry. Time felt a rush of affection for the boy’s eagerness to help his friend in any way possible.
“I don’t know yet. Ask Hyrule when he’s done checking out Wild's ribs.” Time put on a reassuring smile for Wind, which the boy returned.
Wild’s breathing had calmed down enough that Time wasn’t worried he would pass out anymore from hyperventilating. It seemed physical contact had helped his mind know the threat was gone for now. For now, were the words that troubled Time. He thought that they could go another night here, but if these monsters had tracked them, more were sure to come. His thoughts were interrupted by Legend and Four returning just in time for Hyrule to tell his findings.
“We’re lucky he doesn’t have a punctured lung.” Hyrule stated solemnly over Wild's wheezing and whimpers of pain. “He has broken ribs again, and they were already weak the first time. A potion should heal them enough that he won’t be in immediate danger, but they’ll be more fragile. The infection is already making his healing hard, breaking his ribs a second time in the same day is defiantly not good.” Hyrule finished, looking over at Warriors, who was guiltily spinning a strand of Wild’s hair on his finger. “It’s not your fault, Warriors. They had whatever the rest of the monsters do now. There’s no telling how much their speed and strength increased. It was just a bad situation. Without you he would have been hurt more, or worse.” Warriors simply nodded, but he felt a bit better at Hyrule’s words.
Twilight helped Wild drink the potion Four had brought, and Legend applied the salve to Wild’s chest. Fortunately, they didn’t have to worry about staining Wild’s tunic anymore with Sky’s old shirt on him, so Legend could put the salve on without having to lift Wild’s arms. After a few minutes, the cub’s breathing evened out well enough. It still wasn’t great, but he was at least getting air into his lungs.
“Alright gentleman.” Time got the attention of the rest of the group. “Even if it’s just a mile or two, we need to get out of here. More monsters are sure to come and they may be more powerful and more in numbers. Wild can rest a little while the rest of us pack up. Wind, watch Wild please, I’ll pack your things. Twilight, pack Wild’s bag and bedroll. We’re leaving. Now.”
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fatesdeepdive · 3 years
Entry 13: Corrin’s Boat Dreams
The arena is open now, which means I can force units to fight to feed my gambling addiction. The game choses a random unit and random enemy for you and you get resources if they win. It’s very lacking, especially when compared to arenas in other Fire Emblem games.
At the end of the last entry we got a new unit: Kagero. So, time to do the thing I do in these entries and talk about her.
Kagero is Ryoma’s other retainer, also a ninja, who has stats that make her a glass canon. Her personal skill makes her better at fighting other units who wield shurikens. She hasn’t really shown much personality yet, so I can’t talk about that, but I can definitely talk about her design. I love the scarf and the hair that covers her face. On the other hand, tiddies. This royal guard has massive boobs and deep cleavage, because Intelligent Systems knows their audience. To be fair, attractive female characters aren’t necessarily bad, and the game at the very least does have female characters who aren’t super fanservicey. I actually don’t mind Kagero as much as say, Tharja or Camilla, because she seems to have a personality beyond sexy. Probably. Been a while since I played this game.
Support: Corrin/Takumi
C: Corrin tries striking up a chat with Takumi, but he is hostile towards her, because of the whole backstory thing. See entry six for clarification. Anyway, Corrin suggests Takumi teaches her archery as an excuse for the two of them to spend time with one another.
B: Takumi is a stern teacher, but Corrin slowly improves. Corrin accidentally hurts herself and Takumi cancels the training session, quietly admitting to himself that he pushed Corrin too hard.
A: Takumi apologizes to Corrin and admits that she’s talented and fiercely devoted to Hoshido.
S: Corrin improves greatly at archery, thanks to Takumi’s training. Then we get the obligatory not really incest handwave and the two of them get married. Yay. This one actually has Corrin ask who her father is, if it isn’t Garon or Summeragi, and Takumi says that Mikoto didn’t write it down, which feels like a shitty thing for her to do.
Review: This is a weird conversation, considering the fact that Takumi learning to trust Corrin also happens in the main plot. Still, Takumi softening up a bit when Corrin gets hurt is a nice character moment. As for the S-Rank, you all know how I feel about the bullshit deus ex machina to excuse incest this game does.
Support: Oboro/Takumi
C: Oboro and Takumi talk about fashion, which reminds Oboro about her murdered parents. He asks if she wishes to return to fashion and she brushes it off, saying that she is more than happy serving him.
B: Oboro begins making a ceremonial outfit for Takumi and contemplates that her parents would be proud of her for being the seamstress for a prince.
A: Takumi sets Oboro up with a job helping other people with fashion in her spare time. She thanks him for the extra work.
S: Oboro attempts to quit both her fashion job and retainer job, because she is in love with Takumi. He says that he already knows, which makes sense, because that thirst was palpable. Takumi proposes to her and explains that he gave her extra work so she can start her own business after the war, which is nice but is also something he should have probably discussed with her in advance.
Review: This is a very laid back conversation that portrays Oboro much kinder than the game often does. I actually think Takumi comes off as a bit controlling, which is why retainers dating their masters is a bad idea, but overall it isn’t an awful support line.
Support: Corrin/Silas
C: Corrin asks Silas about why she doesn’t remember being friends with him and he brushes it off, because apparently everyone completely forgets about their childhood friend who was so devoted to them he became a knight for the slim chance he might see them again. Silas mentions that he and Corrin made a list of all the places she wanted to travel to and the two of them agree to go on a trip together.
B: Silas recreates the list from their childhood, which is filled with non-specific things like “a festival” and “a street food stall”. It’s actually a little cute. Corrin broods over why she can’t remember Silas and he tells her to ask her retinue, which is a word I had never seen before.
A: Corrin, after asking her retinue, reveals that she cried for days after they took Silas away. The two of them discuss how good friends they are.
S: Silas tells Corrin that she’s hot now and he loves her because she’s hot. He admits that Corrin’s out of his league, but they get married anyway because Corrin will have sex with anything with a pulse.
Review: So Silas is telling the truth? Really? He was so suspicious! This would have been much better if Silas was lying about his past and never knew Corrin. It at least would have had a resolution, as opposed to the half-hearted shrug that is this conversation. It set up a mystery and then just pretended it didn’t exist, which is infuriating.
Support: Hinata/Subaki
C: Hinata finds Subaki staring at his own reflection in love, because Subaki is literally a narcissist. As in, he’s doing the same shit Narcissus did that was so cartoonishly arrogant that the word narcissist is named after him. Also Subaki makes fun of Hinata for being a slob and agrees to teach him how to be more classy.
B: Subaki teaches Hinata basic cleanliness tips, like bathing, and combing your hair, and ironing your clothes. Hinata says that Subaki’s being ridiculous, and it’s framed as him being a slob, but I kinda think he’s right? The two of them are soldiers fighting behind enemy lines, they can afford to have wrinkled clothes.
A: Subaki recommends taking minor steps towards cleanliness.
Review: This is a mediocre, but ultimately harmless, fluff conversation that makes Subaki look like an asshole.
Birthright Chapter 11: To The Sea
The gang sails to Nohr. Takumi brings up the fact that Iago is probably a spy, but Corrin says she trusts him because, and I quote, he stood with us through one battle without stabbing anyone in the back. Such high standards our hero has.
Corrin says that she likes the sea and wants to buy a boat. The game better end with us getting that boat. Suddenly, the weather gets bad and the boat shakes. The ghost dude who killed Mikoto flies out of the water and attacks Azura. A battle begins against the ghost dude and an army of ghost pegasi riders. Weirdly, the ghost swordmaster dude isn’t actually an enemy in this map.
Early on in the battle, a new character named Reina shows up. She flies over to Corrin and explains that she was sent by Yukimura to help.She also brags about killing a shitload of enemies.
Reina, according to her unit text, is one of Mikoto’s retainers. She’s our first pre-promoted unit, an upgraded Sky Knight called a Kinshi Knight that can wield bows. I love the idea of flying anti-air units, but from what I remember they have bad growths. Design wise, I like that she has scars and looks a bit older than most of the female units. It establishes that she’s an experienced warrior. The halo thing is a bit weird though. Personality wise, she seems insanely violent, to the point of having a mini version of Lifetaker as her personal skill. But like, in a comedic way. Unfortunately, Reina only has supports with Corrin, which means she’s a bit of a throwaway character.
This was our obligatory Fire Emblem boat chapter. Stationed around the boat are Dragon Veins that create wind to keep the fliers at bay, but honestly I didn’t need them. I played this map defensively, bating the fliers with Rinkah or Silas then sniping them with Setsuna, Takumi, and our new flying death machine. Side note, what even is this ship? It’s covered and filled with market stalls, which I’ve never seen before.
After the battle, ghost dude, who we never actually fought and thus is still here, attacks Takumi. Zola sacrifices himself to protect Takumi and the ghost just kinda disappears. Sakura heals Zola’s wounds and Takumi apologizes for doubting him.
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7team7 · 4 years
I like-like you
AU: Zuko becomes the Fire Lord at an even younger age and when he finally meets Chief Hakoda’s daughter, he is struck by her beauty, power, and poise.
Or, Zuko has his first crush and he doesn’t know how to deal with it. 4.8k words
A/N: hi HAHA I’m still very dedicated to the sasusaku fandom, but I wanted to post zutara fics too now that I’ve been rewatching avatar hope no one minds T-T so obviously this is my first zutara fic hope it turned out ok!
Zuko sighed as he dropped to sit on the foot of his bed, taking down his hair and removing some of his outer layers of clothing. He was in trouble.
Fire Lord Zuko, the young and pure Zuko who had been thrust into power after his father and sister met their mutual demise in an explosive Agni Kai. Zuko had sustained injury, resulting in his prominent scar, when he tried to put a stop to their duel. But the battle raged on, both family members too incensed by uncut ambition to listen to reason. Uncle had to drag him away from the scene to protect him further. It made sense that two of the strongest fire benders would be the ones to extinguish the other’s light.
Fire Lord Zuko, who wasn’t ready to take power and still heavily leaned on his uncle’s wisdom and support. Fire Lord Zuko, who was hardly an adult and still had plenty of growing up to do. Fire Lord Zuko, who was panicking at the strange feelings bubbling up inside of him — his first crush.
He had been notified that Chief Hakoda of the Southern Water Tribe was a formidable, but modest man and would be traveling with his two children as his main companions. The two leaders had yet to have the pleasure of meeting, so Zuko could not have predicted this, could not have prepared himself to be faced with the most beautiful girl in all the nations.
If someone had just told him, “By the way, Katara is stunning and will rip your insides apart both literally and figuratively, so watch out,” then maybe Zuko could have practiced his introductions more carefully and avoided stuttering like a bumbling fool.
But he was born unlucky, cursed to be...like this.
“Chief Hakoda,” he had greeted easily upon the family’s arrival, “I’m pleased to meet you and welcome you to the Fire Nation. I hope your travels were smooth.” But as the party drew closer, close enough where Zuko noticed the particular shade of blue in the girl’s eyes, he stumbled. “I see you’ve brought your...your, um...your family. They are also most, uh, honored. Honored guests. Your two children. Both of them.”  
Hakoda must have chalked his bumbling speech up to nerves — Zuko was so very young — and he chose to greet him warmly.
Oh spirits, he knew how to greet other leaders, but how was he supposed to greet...a girl?
Luckily, her brother gave a rather informal introduction and promptly asked where he could locate a snack or, if Zuko was feeling generous, a seven course meal. “Oh yeah, and this is my sister, Katara.”
“You’ll have to excuse my brother. If you’re wondering, yes, he’s always like this.”
Zuko was wary of sisters, he had been royally screwed over by his own. He was even wary of girls in general after seeing how crazy his sister and her friends were.
But he could tell immediately that Sokka and Katara were dramatically different from Azula and himself. His heart squeezed a bit at the thought of what could have been, but he pushed it aside and transitioned into the welcoming host that he had been training to be. He really was glad to have them there — it was a true benchmark of the peace and cooperation spreading across all four nations.
Thankfully Uncle, always there to save the day, came around the corner and offered tea like it was the most natural thing in the world. (And to him, it probably was.)
“How was your trip?” he asked warmly while guiding them in the right direction. “Not too bad, I hope. It must be nice not getting seasickness!”
Hakoda chuckled, “Yes, it wasn’t anything that we’re not used to. The Fire Nation is a bit far, but the journey was worth it.” Crossing the open ocean with his two children was really only missing one thing.
Pulling a piece of jerky from seemingly out of nowhere, Sokka joked, “Yeah, sometimes the water got a little jerky,” and then remembering where he was he became serious, “but nothing the Water Tribe can’t handle.” He took a bite of his snack and Katara rolled her eyes.
“Even when the sea isn’t feeling kind, Sokka and I are able to steer easily thanks to Katara’s help.”
Zuko spoke up, “Oh, are you a ship captain?”
Katara smiled at him, “No, I’m a waterbender.”
Duh. Of course she was a waterbender. But also, why didn’t anyone tell him that not only was she pretty but she was a waterbender too? Those lengthy council meetings couldn’t have included just a little debrief on this girl?
“Oh. That’s cool. I’m a firebender.”
“Makes sense.”
He needed to get it together before someone would be able to waterbend the sweat off his palms.
Thankfully the conversation was cut short by their arrival to the tea room. Surrounded by red, black, gold, and the smell of herbs, Zuko felt instantly comforted. As they settled around a low table, he found himself wondering what Katara would look like in Fire Nation red. Probably cute.
He was shaken from his daydream by his uncle asking the room if they preferred jasmine or chamomile. “Even though this is supposed to be an official trip, I hope you can still enjoy some more leisurely activities during your stay. All work without play makes your day become gray,” he said wisely.
“Tonight, we have a banquet planned in your honor,” Zuko chimed in, “but the meetings tomorrow should only take up part of the day.”
“I’d hope so,” said Hakoda good-naturedly, “this tea is fantastic and I’ll need some more in the coming days.”
“It’s Uncle’s specialty, I’m glad you enjoy it. We’ll have to give you a tour of the grounds.”
“Speaking of a tour, wouldn’t you say the garden is very nice? Rather romantic don’t you think? Why don’t you take Katara there, she’d certainly enjoy the, uh, water in the pond!” Iroh wore many hats: loving uncle, wise advisor, fierce warrior, and now, insightful matchmaker.
But Katara didn’t sense the awkwardness, her face lit up at the mention of water, as if they hadn’t spent ages at sea. “A pond! I’d love to see it! Oh, and I’m sure the garden is lovely.”
“Excellent! Zuko, why don’t you guide her there? I can show our other guests the weaponry.” This time, it was Sokka’s turn to light up like a firecracker.
While normally Zuko would find it very sensible of his uncle to delegate tasks like this, he was feeling a little resentful that he was forced into a situation that made him so unbelievably nervous.
Alas, he had a duty to perform. He stood up and gestured, “Let’s go.”
Katara made small talk the whole way, asking questions about the palace and its history and the weather. Zuko was relieved that he knew all the answers. He should show her the library too.
“Do you come to this pond often?” She cringed, feeling like she was dropping a pick up line, but she really did want to know why Iroh suggested it out of all places.
“Not so much lately, but I used to sit in the gardens all the time with my mother.”
She didn’t respond except to smile at him with a genuine, meaningful warmth in her eyes.
The garden was even more breathtaking than she expected it to be, and the glittering pond was just begging her to come closer. It was so lush and just different from what she was used to (snow, snow, and more snow) that she couldn’t help but let her mouth hang open in awe.
Zuko led her to the usual spot without thinking much of it. She gasped in delight when she saw the little creatures gliding through the pond, “And just what do we have here?”
“They’re turtleducks. They’re cute, but don’t mess with them too much. The mother turtleduck can be feisty.”
But Katara was only half listening, having fun making little waves to gently lift the babies. They kept swimming up to the edge of the pond, quacking as if they were saying, more, more, more! Their mother watched safely from the other side of the pond, but she never swam over to intervene. “They are really cute!”
“Oh,” he said, sounding clearly surprised, “they like you.”
The dinner that night was festive and bright, but left Katara feeling pretty tired. While foreign, the Fire Nation palace was rather comfortable. After such a long trip to get there, the riot of new sights, sounds, and smells, and perhaps a little too much food all at once, gave Katara the sense that she’d sleep easily that night.
She had a certain amount of trepidation visiting the Fire Nation, but it really was nothing but pleasant so far. It didn’t hurt that the Fire Lord, rather than being old and stuffy and weird, was very cute. He was probably also, uh, really good at his job and at firebending. Or something.
As she settled into the fluffy pillows and drew the deep red comforter closer, she thought that if she saw him in her dreams, she certainly would not mind. She counted turtleducks in her head before drifting off.
While Uncle’s company was normally more than enough (and on a bad day, too much), but the morning after meeting the lively Water Tribe family felt distinctly empty when they had yet to arrive at the table.
Zuko sipped his tea, not yet cold, but it felt like so much time had passed since he sat down that it might as well have been. “Where are they? It’s been...many minutes! Do you think they just decided to jump ship and head back to the Southern Water Tribe?”
“Patience, patience. I’m sure once the scent of breakfast and the greatest tea in all four nations wafts over to their rooms, they will come running.”
“Maybe we should wake them up.”
“Why the rush?”
“Shouldn’t we at least check? What if they died?”
“I would hope not.”
“What if a faction is conspiring against us and killed all of them — and will frame us for the murder?! This will launch another war that we are responsible for.”
“That would be very bad!” He could see the gears turning in his nephew’s mind, so he decided to play along to help placate him.
Zuko stood up abruptly, shaking the table, “We can’t just sit around and wait. I’ll check on Katara. You go look for the others.” He stormed out of the room before Iroh could even object.
Not that he would, though. Seeing his nephew take action was very pleasing.
He marched all the way across the palace to the guest bedrooms, but before he knocked on Katara’s door, he stopped in his tracks like an invisible wall was in his way. Initially so confident in his decision, he was now filled with uncertainty. What would he do if he really found Katara’s limp, poisoned body laying on the bed?
Or worse: what if he barged in and she was naked because she was in the middle of changing?
He took a deep breath to center himself. There was no use in panicking. He could do this. He had faced more intimidating enemies, more foreign situations.
But the longer he thought about it, he realized he had never had to deal with a girl.
Best case scenario, she was in there with a great explanation as to why her family was late to breakfast and his nerves would be soothed like putting aloe on a sunburn. Yeah, he would go with the most ideal situation for now.
Maybe he should still practice, just in case.
“Hello, Zuko here!”
The looming wooden door didn’t respond.
“Good morning! Um, no, that’s not right. What if she’s having a bad morning? Uh, how do you do there? How is the Fire Nation treating you? Too formal, she’s not a dusty old diplomat.” His shoulders drooped. He needed to get this done before Uncle (or her own family members) came and interrupted him. This was his chance. His chance at what exactly, he wasn’t sure, but he was just going to go for it.
He knocked sharply, loud enough to wake any long-slumbering air bison. Just for good measure, he called out, “It’s Zuko!” And all his hemming and hawing and practicing was really for nothing because not long after, Katara flung the door open.
Without her hair tied back, it ran wild and curled around her face. Her eyes, normally so wide and crystal clear, were half shut and bleary with sleep. “Yes?”
“Yes! Hello. Uh, good morning. I just wanted to see if you would be joining us for breakfast this morning.” He added a little more quietly, but also a little more like himself, “I was getting worried.”
“Good morning,” she nodded. “What time is it?”
Zuko glanced around, “I’m not exactly sure, but the sun is up.”
Katara gave him a small smile, “I see. Well, have you ever considered that not everyone rises with the sun?” Or code for, firebender, can’t you see I’m tired?
He immediately started apologizing, feeling a blush creep up his neck. He had interrupted her hopefully peaceful sleep because he was missing her at breakfast. Nice one.
Katara held up a hand to stop him, then scrubbed it over her face to wake herself up more, “It’s really fine. We’re guests here and should be running on your schedule. I can be ready in a minute.”
“We’re hosts and should be more accommodating. I’ll leave you to it, breakfast won’t go anywhere without you.” He turned away, feeling a little silly for freaking out, but Katara’s voice stopped him.
“Actually, Zuko?”
“Can you maybe wait here for me? I don’t want to get lost on my way to breakfast. You know, that would just waste more time,” she laughed awkwardly, tucking her hair behind her ear.
“I’ll be here.” He was still smiling widely when she shut the door in his face.
“Your first full day here, is there anything else you’d like to do?” Iroh asked when everyone was finally gathered for breakfast. The meetings were purposely scheduled for after lunch when the sun was high in the sky and all the grumpy old advisors were in their best moods.
Sokka attempted to be casual, “Well I don’t know about everyone else but I’m feeling like I could stretch my legs some more. Like, sure, we got to see the armory and it was super cool. But! It would be infinitely cooler if we could actually, you know, play.”
Zuko lit up like a match, “We should spar!”
Sokka backpedaled, waving his arms around, “Woah, woah, woah! Nonbender versus Fire Lord? Do you see the problem here?”
Iroh spoke with pride, “My nephew here is not only a talented firebender, but he is also trained in the art of the sword, the dao sword.”
“So he can make fire and he has two swords? Kind of unfair, but not scary enough for me to decline. But no bending!” A true warrior never backed down from a challenge.
While a club and a boomerang might not seem like much, Zuko quickly realized he’d have to keep his guard up if he wanted to put up a decent fight. And it had absolutely nothing to do with looking cool in front of one out of the three members in the audience. Wouldn’t any sister want to see her brother get it handed to him anyway?
By the time they threw the towel in, Zuko could feel the sweat dripping down his back. So much for being invigorated by the sun. It was reassuring to see Sokka crawl back to sit next to his father.
As he put away his swords and took a refreshing drink of water, Katara stood up, “Don’t think we’re done here.”
He raised his eyebrow, “Your waterbending versus my firebending? You’re on.” He was tired but definitely still had some fight in him. It would be dishonorable to refuse.
As soon as they started, Zuko’s eyes widened. Okay, so by now he knew she was a waterbender, but seriously, why didn’t anyone tell him that she’s a master waterbender? Honestly, you’d think this girl would have built up a reputation across the nations. Based on the wide-eyed palace staff watching from the corners, she was definitely going to earn one in the Fire Nation.
Giving as much as he got, they danced around in circles for what felt like ages. Katara was a resilient, dynamic fighter and Zuko hadn’t felt so challenged in ages. He didn’t want to end the match because he wanted to keep studying her. It was rare for him to be able to battle a waterbender, let alone one so capable.
But Zuko’s fire had caused most of Katara’s water supply to evaporate and she was running out of places to draw from. In a last ditch effort to come out on top, she quickly made a razor thin water whip and managed to land a hit on the side of his face. His fire faded away into shimmering heat almost immediately.
He didn’t see it coming — really, the whip was so thin and came on his scarred side, so he was mostly stunned when it cut into his cheek. Katara gasped as she saw rich red blood start to drip out of the wound.
Gathering what was left of her water, she rushed up to him and immediately got to work healing, “I am so, so sorry. I wasn’t seriously trying to hurt you, I thought you’d block it like you blocked everything else. I’m really sorry, Zuko, I feel terrible.”
But he harbored no resentment. It was an exciting match and he was still too shocked to feel real pain besides the soreness in his muscles.
And the cut had landed just beneath his scar, so Katara’s hand covered the bottom part of it too. No one had bothered to touch him there in a long, long time, let alone heal him.
“Katara,” he said softly. She was so focused on apologizing that she hadn’t realized the cut was long gone. Healing water was useless on his scar at this point. But he didn’t mind anymore. The burnt skin was less sensitive than the rest of his face, but he could still feel the cool relief seeping into him.
She jumped back, letting the water splash to the ground between them. “Right, sorry. Again.”
He chuckled, “It’s okay. I didn’t know you could heal. What can’t you do?”
“Uh, firebend. I’m no avatar! So that means I can’t earthbend or airbend either. Would be awfully convenient if I could.”
“Right, me neither. I mean, I can’t waterbend, that is. I can firebend. But you already knew that.”
“Yes! I did, I did. You can also fight with swords, though, and that’s another thing I can’t do. So I think a better question would be what can I do, you know?”  
Sokka, growing tired of their lame jokes, interrupted from the side, “So who’s hungry?”
Zuko, though worn out, wasn’t feeling particularly hungry because it seemed that a colony of butterflies had decided to occupy his stomach.
After cleaning up and taking a quick lunch, they sat through a series of meetings that left Zuko a bit weary, but hopeful. The nations working together peacefully was truly a dream come true. He had watched wistfully as Hakoda encouraged and listened intently to the suggestions of his two children. At least Uncle always valued his opinion.  
Before dinner, the young man was finally allowed to have a moment alone with his thoughts, and they turned to Katara. He wandered aimlessly through the palace halls. Maybe he should seek her out? But for what reason, didn’t they just spend hours together?
The decision was made for him, though, when he nearly bumped into her as he rounded a corner. He reached out to grab her arm to steady her. For a waterbender, her skin was awfully warm.
“Oh, Zuko! I was actually just looking for you.”
“You were?” He couldn’t keep the surprise out of his voice even though he was too, kind of.
“I had a question for you. The Southern Water Tribe is expanding at a pretty fast rate, but I still feel like we’re missing something. And I think it would help if we had some sort of library, you know, for future generations to look at and learn from. I’ve been gathering things, but most of our history has been told through oral histories. Would the Fire Nation happen to have…?”
It was a valid question, given the way the Fire Nation had plundered the other nations. Zuko nodded in understanding, “I can show you the library. If you see something you think would be helpful, it’s yours.” It was the least he could do to start making up for years of mistreatment. Ozai had done so much damage.
The royal library was truly worthy of marvel and Katara probably could have spent ages inside, but she had a mission. Without her needing to ask, Zuko led her to the relevant section. The fact that the library had a section at all was pretty hard to wrap her mind around.
“Wow, if I were you I’d just spend all day in here.”
“Yeah, I wish. But I’ve got a job to do and I don’t know how much a book can teach me about it,” he said with a hint of bitterness. He knew there were plenty who opposed his rule, criticized his every move, but he couldn’t hide from them.
“Well I think you’re doing a great job,” she said with an easy smile before pulling out a title. She gave out compliments like water, but it still felt nice to be on the receiving end of one. Despite it being a passing comment, Zuko couldn’t help but dwell on it as she scanned the pages. The sincerity of it struck him most acutely.
As they went up and down the rows, Zuko toyed with the idea of offering to carry her growing stack of books. Would that come across as polite or suggest that she wasn’t strong enough? Is it hot in here? Would his hands singe the pages? Do they have to be quiet since it was a library? Should he say something?
Luckily, Katara swung around to look at him sheepishly, “If you don’t mind, can I take these home with me?”
“It would be my honor if you took them back to their rightful place.” It was a good thing his father never decided to burn down the library.
Zuko’s eye sockets hurt. He had experienced a lot of kinds of pain during his young life, but this was a new one. He kept trying to look at Katara during dinner without actually looking. He couldn’t put his finger on why he was so interested in looking at her rather than something like his plate of food, but it was hard to balance normal conversation with the desires of his eyes, traitorous things.
It had been a long time since so many people he actually liked were at the dinner table. Of course Hakoda, Sokka, and Katara would have to go back eventually, but he would miss them. If anything, he definitely made some friends.
Uncle tried to get everyone to play pai sho that night, but it only stuck with Hakoda and Sokka. While their strategizing was admittedly impressive, Zuko just didn’t have the patience to keep watching. He noticed that Katara had stepped outside for some air, so he decided to join her.
She sat on the ground looking up at the sky — brilliantly clear with bright stars and an even brighter moon.
“Can I join you?”
“Of course.”
Zuko nodded and settled himself in a similar position to Katara: cross legged, face turned towards the inky night sky. While not the familiar warmth of the sun, the moon really was beautiful. He turned to look at Katara and was struck by the way her profile looked illuminated by moonlight. He noticed that her hand was up by her neck, playing with the necklace she never seemed to be without. She wore a thoughtful expression and Zuko had to take a deep breath before speaking again. Despite the success and geniality of the trip, he could imagine that her family had mixed feelings about coming to visit.
“Yeah?” She turned to look at him. Another breath.
“How are you?”
She smiled faintly. “I’m alright.” She let her hand drop to her side.
Zuko shuffled into his room, feeling very ready for a nice night of sleep after such a long day.
He removed his crown, his hair falling loosely around his face like a waterfall. When he took off his headpiece, he was really just a teenager, not even an adult yet. He changed into pajamas and laid back on his bed, allowing himself to think teenage thoughts, ponder teenage problems. What was he to do about Katara? Or, how would he confront his feelings for Katara?
Zuko was, in a word, confused. He wasn’t sure what these feelings even were, let alone how to deal with them.
There was no one he could turn to; his options were severely limited. Ask Uncle? Yuck, never. Besides, he’d say something that Zuko wouldn’t be able to puzzle out until after Katara had left, like reading the tea leaves. Sokka was near his age, but he was Katara’s brother. When he asked Zuko for tips on landing “the Fire Nation’s hottest babes,” it was cemented that Zuko could not ask him for anything, really.
And then there was his greatest challenge, Katara herself. He couldn’t force her to return his feelings, and she very well could want nothing to do with him beyond a friendly political alliance. Even if his mother, father, or sister were here, he wouldn’t be able to consult them. No, this was something he had to figure out on his own. This time there was no war to be won, no battle to be planned. This situation was like a fire lily: if it wanted to bloom, he would be pleased. But he couldn’t do much besides water it and hope for it to respond.
But the more he thought about it, the more he was certain that he liked Katara. Like more than a friend. He had a crush on her. He had feelings for her. He like-liked her. Whatever you wanted to call it.
Oh boy.
He woke up from a restful night’s sleep thinking about her. He groaned.
Oh yeah, he was in trouble.
He stretched and got dressed. Might as well go to breakfast with a smile on his face, even if he probably looked like an idiot. While still pleasant, the morning meal was quieter than their other ones. It felt strange to have to say goodbye already. And, oh-so-conveniently, right when Zuko had a better grip on these feelings of his…
But just like that, the visitors’ time in the Fire Nation had come to an end. For now.
Zuko was confident that their visit created a strong foundation to build a better relationship on. They would probably be seeing each other some time soon. And they could send letters, friendly ones that lacked the normal formality of political correspondence. This was far from the last they’d be seeing of each other, something he found great comfort in.
“Thank you, Lord Zuko, it’s truly been a pleasure. It brings me peace of mind to know the Fire Nation is in good hands. We’ll see you again.” Hakoda’s words were brief but Zuko couldn’t deny the wave of validation he felt after hearing them. Maybe he was doing a half decent job after all.
“Now that we’ve been here, don’t be surprised if we pop in every so often. Oops, lost control of the ship and ended up on Zuko’s door step! Don’t blame me, blame the ocean spirit! Thanks, buddy.” That morning’s breakfast spread alone was enough to keep him coming back. And Katara didn’t seem to mind, so all was well, right?  
“I’ll keep the rooms ready for you,” Zuko promised while shaking Sokka’s hand. The boy followed his father onto their ship, leaving Zuko to face Katara. As much as she looked forward to returning home, she was glad she was the last one to get on board.
“You got everything?”
“Seems like it.”
“That’s good. Even the books?”
“Yup, even the books.”
“Good, good. Well...I’ll see you...later?”
“Definitely. You’ll have to come visit the Southern Water Tribe soon,” Katara said sweetly, playfully.
The promise dancing in her eyes made Zuko feel something undeniable: hope.  
A/N: Yes I conveniently had Ozai and Azula take each other out HAHA now I don’t have to deal with them. I don’t know if I’ll post another chapter because I /could/ write about them visiting each other but idk. I’ll mark this complete for now, thanks for reading!! Idk if it’s too long but at this point I’m just like :] Also, if you have a zutara twitter pls lmk/give me account recs!! I want to see more on my tl but it’s hard to find people esp when the zutara search is mostly people arguing lol and hopefully you either have a neutral or positive opinion of sasusaku <3
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nadango · 5 years
Alela Grora: an analysis thingy
Good day to the funamusea fandom that has neglected my beautiful angel (joking. Maybe.) I offer you sea urchins a collection of observations concerning the eccentric lady: Alela Grora.
I'll be breaking down her personality and interpreting every scene and official art she's appeared in, and even include a couple of theories to fill in the gaps, if you find that interesting.
Note: I believe seichiinara did this before when she was active, but I sadly never got to read it. Therefore, everything here is based on my own observations.
First of all...Who is Alela Grora?
Grora is an angel that serves as Etihw's subordinate. She's an archer and a war veteran, and now destroys Wodahs' garden full time.
Based on canon appearances, she is described by Yosafire as "a weird lady looking for her eye"...Perhaps it's because Yosaf isn't too familiar with Grora (which I kinda doubt) or Grora simply doesn't get too close to others, keeping her cool and mysterious appearance.
To the player, I'm sure she seemed like a cool and laid back adult, contrasting Wodahs because opposites attract. She only ever loses her cool when Ater is involved because of the eye incident, which I will talk about later.
But, other than that, we don't know much about her. Being chill isn't an entire personality, especially when we're talking about a literal soldier who lived through the dark war era. Yet, what makes Tgg and dsp's storytelling magnificent is the way they make their stories more than what they seem. During the game, you have a group of cute main characters who are facing danger, but slowly you start to feel something darker creep in the background, not the angry flame demons, but the guardians of their peaceful world hide a lot more than you think.
Therefore, important characters such as Grora, Kcalb, Etihw, the cats and Wodahs-- who is this big question mark-- aren't going to reveal themselves just like that. No, a good writer will drop subtle hints in their mere actions.
Grora literally lost an arm and nearly blew to death for --ah, a certain group of girls. Reincarnations of Etihw's past subordinates. Grora's previous colleagues she had witnessed their deaths and their burial.
She encourages Macarona and is close to Froze for a reason (she hasn't interacted with Chelan as of now, probably didn't have a chance to) ...because of the guilt and the pain she has felt as she saw her previous world fall apart, she wants the descendants of her colleagues to enjoy this new world a d have a wonderful and peaceful life, a life their ancestors would've wanted. And this would make sense, since she's the only character to not explicitly talk about the past, but also the only one to directly compare Froze to Sherbet.
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To sum this up, Grora is a very chill individual who is loved by all, a bit odd sometimes, but still friendly. She is selfless and will fight for what is right, probably due to her past experiences during the war, which she is trying to forget and move on, unlike the rest of the crew. Alas, she can't, for everything reminds her of the terrible old world.
Character Design
Hands down, dsp did the Blancblack crew's designs justice. When it comes to Grora, we could note a few things:
Her current outfit resembles Sherbet/Froze's a bit too much. This may indicate that Sherbet might've had a certain impact on her. I can't say for sure that they were close or not, but he did do something that'll make Grora act the way she does towards Froze.
Missing halo: She is close to Etihw and works under them, no? So why doesn't she wear it? We know it's an accessory, but someone in Grora's position would wear it. For example, Taffy, who is the Head Angel of his world, doesn't wear one because he's not fond of Fumus to begin with, and that includes Olive. All the other Angels don't mind their gods, so they keep the halo. Dsp doesn't need to tell us that, it's logical. Something might've happened between Grora and Etihw, but it's not necessary huge. It could've just altered her point of view or something.
Now, for the war outfit. It is, simply, inspired by Etihw's diamond themed robes. Another thing to note is the tired expression she wore is VERY similar to Etihw's. This might mean that Etihw had a large influence on Grora, and we'll get to their relationship later on.
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Grora's color palette is exactly the opposite of Wodahs', which is a good choice considering that they drastically contradict each other. But it's important to note that Etihw and Kcalb also have opposite color palettes, black and white, dark and light, two past enemies who's mentalities are totally different. It's quite curious of Dsp to design Wod and Grora this way too, no?
Ater and Grora's eye
Grora's grudge against Ater isn't simply a grudge. If she is truly trying to heal and let go of the past, why couldn't she just forgive Ater and heal her eye like Wodahs suggested?
Grora was most likely a fierce warrior, an archer, and having her eye taken out must've been humiliating. A strong and pure being torn down to pieces. That incident was proof of her cowardice. Therefore, the lost eye resembles her lost pride. Finding it again means redeeming herself, but of course, the eye has nothing to do with pride. It's just a distraction.
I may be looking way into this, but it DOES make more sense that way. Same thing goes for Wodahs' eye, but I'll talk about that some other time.
Speaking of Wodahs...
Eyepatch Angels
Whether you ship them platonically or romantically, they're still the best duo and work perfectly together either way.
Based on the events of the game, Wodahs and Grora are close colleagues who always bicker and fight over the most mundane things (Grora is usually the one who starts) yet they make a great team. Grora has a bit of a crush on him because who doesn't but these feelings don't seem reciprocated (Small note: That doesn't mean he doesn't care for her at all, and we barely know what Wodahs is thinking most of the time, so we're not really sure. He's also very dense sometimes)
There isn't much to say about their current relationship for now. What's more interesting is their relationship during the war, and boy oh boy, do I have some news.
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I'm sure we all know this infamous art, the only art featuring them so badass and, so far apart too. They're also facing each others backs, and considering their close relationship, this is bad news. Only enemies are positioned like this, and the high gap resembles how distant they are from each other. That being said, Wodahs and Grora have quite the history. If only dsp could reveal more about them.
Oh, a wild theory has appeared!
Using these observations (specifically Grora's relations to Etihw and Wodahs, and the missing halo) we could come up with some context.
Grora respected and looked up to Etihw, remaining true and loyal to them. At some point, Grora became/was going to be head angel, only for her position next to Etihw was taken by Wodahs, and it angered her.
Etihw most likely paid more attention to him, and ignored Grora. Perhaps they've hurt her in some way, which resulted into a shattered relationship. Sure, everything was fine after Kacalb nuked the world, but memories and past experiences stay.
Well...this speculation is farfetched, but I wanted to share an abridged version of it with you
And that, ladies and gentlemen, includes the analysis thingy. If you've made it here, thank you so much for reading!! And I hope this helped you in some way!
Also, looking at how hard I tried to summarize this, I'm kinda anxious about the Wodahs analysis, since there's a LOT to cover...Haha.
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jellylollie · 4 years
Astrid’s Road To Becoming A Helpless Mary Sue
Before I start, I just wanted to say that I love Astrid as a character, and this is coming from a place where I fell out of love with writing her but am still trying to figure out how to properly portray her in my stories.
We are introduced to Astrid as the badass girl Hiccup, our talking fishbone protagonist, has a crush on. There’s also the name bias playing a role from the get-go: While most of the characters have hideous names, here we have Astrid, whose name means something like “beautiful goddess”. The movie tells us from the very first scene that Astrid is different from the others, and Hiccup can’t help but fall in love with her. I mean, honestly, who wouldn’t fall in love with her?
Her first line is “No turning back.” during dragon training. Astrid is a strong, confident, fierce leader–the complete opposite of Hiccup. She’s a warrior with a strong sense of duty who works hard and hides her true self behind a cold exterior. Astrid is arrogant, prideful, and even mean at Hiccup’s half-assed training attempts. I do, however, think that she cares about Hiccup (she’s the first to notice that Hiccup keeps disappearing and acting weird–well, weirder!). If circumstances were different, and they weren’t at war, they could probably naturally have become friends. BUT. She also takes a passive stand when the rest of the gang (and even the rest of Berk) bullies Hiccup. As they say, neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.
Like any other Berkian, Astrid is prejudiced. Misguided. And stubborn. Everything changes when she has that beautiful “A whole new world” moment riding Toothless. She smiles for the first time; she’s amazed, and we have a glimpse of what she really looks like behind the strong and resolute warrior image. But I’m gonna say it right now: Astrid’s Mary Sue path is set in stone as soon as she hooks up with Hiccup. Which I will loosely call the “That’s for the kidnapping, and that’s for everything else” moment.
Now, Astrid is still her own person, her loyalties have just shifted from her tribe to Hiccup. That moment after they discover the nest, and she mocks him for wanting to protect his pet, Hiccup stands up to her for the first time. Hiccup mofo Haddock, Berk’s pariah, defies her. That’s when she realizes how serious he is. That’s when she starts to respect him. Astrid’s the first one to really trust him, and she chooses to trust him over everything she has known until that point. And that becomes the basis for a really strong and beautiful relationship. But it also makes Astrid’s main role to support the hero. Let’s not kid ourselves, our girl is no damsel in distress. Astrid is still the strong warrior we know she is. She saves Hiccup in the arena, putting herself in harm’s way, and even when he tries to get to Toothless, she stops him before things can get messier. She’s the one who holds him accountable and calls him out on his bullshit when he tries to escape his problems. She talks to him face to face. On the same level. As equals.
I’m a hardcore Hiccstrid shipper, but the more I thought about it, the more I saw Astrid as Hiccup’s prize for saving the world. “Too bad you lost your leg, but hey, at least you got the girl!”
And now the second movie.
Astrid is still the strongest Viking. She’s reliable, talented, and as badass as she was in the first movie. And that’s it. Don’t get me wrong, she still mocks him, she still calls out on his crap, she’s still Hiccup’s confidant and right hand, but Astrid’s main role is to chase after Hiccup. Like, literally.
Her only flaw (if it can be called one) is her unwavering loyalty to him. Because she trusts Hiccup so much, she becomes reckless and breaks rules if it means helping him. Even when she questions his choices or disagrees with them, she still rolls with it because she trusts Hiccup to always do (or try to do) the right thing. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
From a companionship perspective, their bond is commendable. Their trust for each other is very strong, they know what the other is thinking or feeling without needing words, and they are there for each other no matter the situation. They love each other with their hearts and souls. Their relationship is truly beautiful, I just wish we could see more of her than that.
The only part of the movie when Astrid acts on her own (sans Hiccup) is when she kidnaps Eret. There, we can see that she’s still a leader, and she’s still a feisty and sassy queen. Astrid makes it her mission to rescue those dragons from Drago, even when she realized that Hiccup was not captured by the enemy. That has everything to do with Astrid’s own morals and wanting to do what she sees as right.
Astrid knows her place. She’s Hiccup’s second in command, and she’s fine with it. Even after Valka comes back, she knows there is a line between what she can do as Hiccup’s closest ally and the presence of his mother. There are boundaries, and she knows where she stands. Like when Hiccup tries to stop Drago’s control on Toothless right after Stoick dies, Valka stops him just like Astrid did in the first movie.
Movie 3.
Yet again, Astrid is the only competent warrior (Valka being an exception) in the group. It really is beautiful to see how far Hiccup and Astrid’s teamwork has come. There’s a specific scene that’s very dear to me, and it’s when Hiccup is building Toothless’ tail and Astrid helps him. It’s very domestic and he doesn’t need to tell her what to do, she just knows and helps him because she’s still his number one supporter.
The third movie is pretty much a repetition of the other ones. Hiccup being insecure and not believing in himself, Astrid being his emotional support and confidant. They fly somewhere together and discover things that move the plot forward. They fight the World’s Greatest Dragon Master Bad Guy Of The Week. Movie makes us believe they are never gonna see their dragons again. Syke! Hiccup and Astrid get married and have cute babies. The end.
I’m not gonna analyze the specials or the TV series, because it’s been a while since I watched those, and ain’t nobody got time for that (writing this whole thing is already being a pain). Besides, the midquels came after the movies, and any character development we see in the series is reset when the next movie starts. I will give a shout out to some of the things I can remember off the top of my head though: Astrid befriending another alpha female (and plotting with her behind Hiccup’s back); Astrid still being prideful and stubborn; Astrid learning to work with the other riders, Snotlout in special. And also Ruffnut caring about her brother just because.
I still think Astrid is a flawed character, and I still think she has her own personality and exists beyond the “trophy wife” category. But I wish we could’ve seen more of her than just that.
The only thing Astrid doesn’t do that saves her from being a complete Mary Sue is that she doesn’t overshadow Hiccup. The How To Train Your Dragon franchise is very much Hiccup and Toothless’ adventures. Minor characters not having any depth can also be attributed to that fact. And I get it. Limited screen time and all that, minor plots must meet the chopping board. I just wish DreamWorks didn’t do her dirty like that. Did you know that none of the movies pass the Bechdel-Wallace test?
Anyway, if you disagree with me or have anything to add, please do so. I really do love Astrid and all I want is to do her character justice.
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