#she also helped bring crypto to the future
ofdreamsanddoodles · 1 year
i think its so funny how ali always tries to downplay mustard red & her complete lack of morals. like, oh you know... she's just a nice girl who helps others out.... she's reallly into surveillance and spent some time looking for a pretty rare magazine, because she's super into the history of it, and its so important to make sure we don't forget where we come from. what does the magazine do?
well. it does kill people. but that's really just one page. you can't just destroy it because things got a little too avant garde
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Sweater Weather
She-Ra Fanfiction Entrapdak Entrapdak Mini Month Prompt / Theme - Sweater  Summary:  Fall comes to Dryl.  It is Hordak’s first experience of the changing seasons in the mountain nation and he doesn’t quite understand sweater weather.   _____________ Sweater Weather   The days in Dryl were becoming biting.   Not all of Etheria had changing seasons (the Whispering Woods kept Bright Moon at a kind of springtime stalemate, the Crimson Waste was blistering enough to be declared a place of eternal summer, even though there was a season in it that was “less hot” and the Kingdom of Snows had a brief “summer” of lichen-growth on the tundra, but it snowed all year and so was seen as the land of eternal winter).  Dryl was one of the few that experienced a changing cycle. It was generally racked with thunderstorms – the perfect place for a castle with a tower built to harness lightning-strikes, but there were days when the rain turned to snow and days when the clouds parted.   Dryl experienced something called “Fall.” The trees on the slopes below the Crypto Castle would begin changing color in their leaves.  The weather became steadily cooler.  Entrapta noticed the season coming before the summer’s heat had even dissipated.  “A change in the light” she said. She could “feel” a change in the light.   Hordak looked at the sky as they were doing maintenance on the generators on the castle outside. If cold rain and snow were coming in the near future, Hordak needed the castle to be extra-warm! Entrapta was determined to get this done quickly.  The retired warlord took a pause in his work.  He gazed out over the cliff side.  His breath made a steamy puff in the air of the falling evening.   “Your planet does not work like most do,” he mused.  “I am surprised that this area gets actual seasons.  They are generally the way that planets orbiting a star operate.  There is typically a tilt in the planet that causes a shift in the solar light in terms of how it hits a given area of the world. There is also typically a bulge in its orbit that brings it closer or father away to its star.”   “Keep talking nerdy to me!”  Entrapta said as she was deep in the guts of one of the power-generators.  “Pass me 3/8ths wrench while you’re at it!”   Hordak handed her the requested tool.   “Etheria is unlike any other world I have been to.  It is orbited by moons, some of which present its power-source.  Nothing makes sense about it, astronomically-speaking.”  He looked at three of the moons rising in the early evening sky.  “This place has far too many moons.”   “Better than that cold ship without any proper air ducts where day and night were determined by when that jerk of a god-brother of yours decided to turn off a light-switch!  Almost done!  There!” “You can at least do your part and listen to me when I lecture you upon where your season of Fall comes from.  Or at least help me to figure out how it works without a proper sun.”   She smiled.  “Oh, I can go over the First Ones’ theories about artificial star-making and lunar-to-solar conversion again!  But we should go inside!  You look cold!”   Hordak looked down at her as she slid out from under her work-space.  Entrapta was wearing a cable-knit red sweater with a folded down turtleneck and floppy, rolled up cuffs.  She looked incredibly cute in it.   Hordak, for his part, was standing around in a get-up that would make anyone but her laugh.  Hordak was also wearing a sweater – a black one, custom-knit to fit over a special, form-fitting basic-mobility armor.  However, as was typical for him, he was without pants. His long skirt lilted in the cold breeze. His exposed thighs and legs between his rump and his boots shivered slightly.   “You really ought to consider wearing pants this time of year,” Entrapta said, standing up. “I still haven’t worked out the kinks in the heating element of the light-armor and you’re just… OUT.”   “I like being out,” Hordak said, folding his arms indignantly.   “This isn’t the Fright Zone.  Dryl has seasons.”   “As I am aware.  It is what we have been talking about – Etheria verses other worlds in terms of orbital-shift in heavenly bodies.”   “Well, your body is heavenly,” Entrapta quipped.  “Thighs to die for, but we really ought to consider something to cover your legs.”   Hordak snorted.  For her to be so frank about his… Yes… his thighs were his best physical feature.  Unlike the rest of him, they remained un-withered, hence his desire to show them off and his aversion to pants.  Well, that and comfort – he just didn’t find trousers of any kind comfortable.   Entrapta looked him up and down.  He was blushing as red as her lightly oil-stained sweater.   “Maybe we can order some kind of skirt-sweater! Or sweater-dress!”   “Perhaps I can stay inside for all of the miserable winter.”   “Or maybe when you’re outside, we can just do this.”   Entrapta sidled up to him and immediately whipped her hair around his legs, wrapping his lower half like a cocoon. She smiled a very cheeky smile.   Hordak did feel warmer.  
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ailtrahq · 1 year
There's a new trend that's been catching the eyes of celebrities: Bitcoin BTC/USD.As this decentralized digital currency gains traction globally, many Hollywood stars are not only investing in it but, in certain instances, funding movies with it.From pop icons to wrestling-turned-acting sensations, let's explore eight celebrities who've shown a keen interest in the world of cryptocurrencies.This growing fascination will be one of the key topics discussed at the highly anticipated Benzinga's Future of Digital Assets conference on Nov. 14. As the financial world remains abuzz with crypto talk, even Hollywood's elite are joining the conversation. Mike Tyson: The former boxing world champion isn't just known for his fierce punches. Tyson has a bustling cannabis business. And back in 2016, he launched a Bitcoin wallet in collaboration with Bitcoin Direct, showcasing his enthusiasm for the digital asset. Oprah Winfrey: Many celebrities rallied to support Maui after the Hawaiian island was devastated by a wildfire in August. Oprah, for example, helped launch the People’s Fund of Maui, and welcomed crypto donations in an effort to get financial aid to the victims. Dwayne Johnson: The "Black Adam" star and former WWE champion joined Oprah in the effort. The Rock was also, for a moment, believed to be involved with Gala Games GALA/USD, but the company quickly issued a correction on the matter. Lindsay Lohan: The "Mean Girls" star didn't just stop at investing. She embraced the wider crypto ecosystem by launching her own NFT (non-fungible token) art on the Ethereum blockchain, highlighting her belief in the technology's potential. Maisie Williams: The "Game of Thrones" star once took to Twitter to poll her followers on whether she should invest in Bitcoin. With a majority nudging her towards a 'yes,' it won't be a surprise if "Arya Stark" has some BTC in her digital wallet. Snoop Dogg: This rap legend has been a vocal advocate of cryptocurrencies. He once tweeted about his Bitcoin holdings and has consistently shown support for the digital currency revolution. Ashton Kutcher: The actor and entrepreneur has been a long-time crypto enthusiast. Co-founding a venture fund, A-Grade Investments, Kutcher invested in Bitcoin payment gateway, BitPay, signaling his belief in Bitcoin's future. Gwyneth Paltrow: After joining the Bitcoin wallet, Abra, as an advisor, Paltrow has been vocal about her support. She even tweeted a Bitcoin-related Q&A, showcasing her commitment to educating her followers about the digital asset. Celebrity endorsements of Bitcoin underscores the changing financial landscape. For many, Bitcoin represents not just an investment but a shift towards decentralization and digital transformation in the world of finance.It's noteworthy that while celebrities bring attention to Bitcoin, they also introduce volatility.Elon Musk, while not a traditional Hollywood celebrity (despite his hosting an episode of "Saturday Night Live" and having a cameo in "Iron Man 2"), has been known to cause significant price fluctuations for Dogecoin DOGE/USD.Some critics argue that celebrity involvement might dilute the essence of the decentralized movement, but others believe that their vast reach can introduce Bitcoin and its underlying principles to a broader audience.This merging of Hollywood with crypto isn't just limited to individual endorsements.Collaborations between the entertainment industry and crypto platforms are on the rise, for better or for worse.— —
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atelier-kristel · 2 years
3 Incredible Women and NFT pioneers to watch out for
It is a prevalent opinion that the world of crypto, NFTs and (to an extent) IT is largely dominated by men, where women are relegated as outsiders who are trying to get in. However, this is far from reality, as we have seen over the past two years how women have capitalized on the evolving NFT technology and now occupy prominent space in the global NFT and crypto community.  
As a female artist working prominently in the NFT art space, I wanted to use this blog to highlight and endorse female talent in this field, who are creating feminist art and using this tech to further their ambitions.
So, here the 3 female NFT pioneer artists that you need to keep your eyes on:
Yam Karkai (https://worldofwomen.art/)
How can we talk about female NFT pioneers without mentioning Yam Karkai, the founder of the World of Women (WoW) community and NFT project? Having worked in the digital art space for quite some time now, Yam has certainly been an NFT trailblazer with WoW as it helps provide equal opportunities for all women and features over 10,000 artworks from female artists across the globe. The collection has now completely sold out and some of the artworks can be found on the secondary market.  Additionally, portions of the proceeds from the NFT sales have been used to donate and support various women-focussed charities such as Too Young to Wed, Rockflower Fund, Code to Inspire and She’s the First.
Speaking of her art, her style is visually stimulating as it makes a dynamic use of bold colours, fantastical imagery and soft lines to create striking portraits of women. She has mentioned that the inspiration of her art comes from her own experiences, having lived in multicultural communities throughout her life.  
Krista Kim (https://www.kristakimstudio.com/)
Having always been a visionary on the convergence of art and technology, Krista Kim is a contemporary artist and the founder of the Techism Movement which focuses the union of futurism, art and technology. She made waves in the NFT space, when she sold her first “digital home” for $500 000 as part of her art project called “Mars House”. With her new NFT collection listed on SuperRare, Krista is continuing to create thought provoking artwork which questions the direction in which our future and technology is headed.  
Besides her impressive work in NFTs, Krista also produces work through her Krista Kim Studio which expounds on her artistic philosophy and the Techism Movement. Over the course of the pandemic, she has created Meditative Design which is a creative extension of her practice that intends to integrate the practice of meditation into everyday lives through art, architecture, design and fashion.
Maliha Abidi (https://malihaabidi.com/)
Maliha Abidi is a young woman wearing many hats: she is an artist, author, entrepreneur and an NFT creator amongst many other things (she is also one of the co-creators of the first school in the Metaverse). Originating from Pakistan, Maliha has worked from the US to create art that raises awareness for women’s rights across the globe. She has self-published a beautiful book called Pakistan For Women, which features 50 profiles of well-known high achieving women from Pakistan and is already working on her second book, Rise: Extraordinary Women of Colour Who Changed the World.
Regarding her work in the NFT space, she is a co-founder of a successful NFT project which features her popular portrait art titled, Women Rise. The project has over 5,600 NFTs and is focussed on bringing 100,000 more women into the Web3 space by the end of this year. Maliha aims to utilize “this technology as a decentralized runway to bring opportunities that have been kept from so many communities, and especially women. People’s voices who have never been valued or heard finally will be – and opportunities in tech, education finance and the overall economy will be far richer than ever before.”
There are plenty of other incredible women that are taking charge in the NFT space which I hope to feature in my future blogs soon but for now; I would love for you to go check out and support the amazing work of the women featured in this blog. So, go on and show them some love!
Shop my artwork collection HERE.
Check my digital artwork collection HERE.
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DeFi Asset Management Protocol X METAVERSE PRO Ushers in a New Era of On-chain Finance
DeFi has created many legends through its core skill of unlocking liquidity. Developers who are passionate about the crypto market have discovered that the DeFi world is still vast enough to hold great potential and opportunity, and asset management is one of those blue oceans.
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The development of DeFi asset management is in its early days, in terms of number of protocols, locked-in assets, and other hard metrics, it is still only at an initial scale, and the total locked-in assets for asset management as a whole are only $300-$500 million compared to the top DeFi projects of billion-dollar locked-in assets. DeFi asset management is relatively a niche industry.
However, with the global popularity of cryptocurrencies and the frequent security incidents related to DeFi in recent years, the industry as a whole is gradually realizing that the only way to ensure the safety of crypto assets is to manage them in a decentralized manner. The continuous influx of various types of funds into the DeFi space has created a demand for strategic investment management in the market. As the most certain capital management space, it just needs to wait patiently for the best opportunity.
X METAVERSE PRO, a next-generation DeFi asset management protocol focused on decentralized crypto assets management and an original social investment model, may bring a turnaround in the development of the asset management track. It combines absolute security and liquidity and utilizes several designs such as on-chain fund product tokenization to become a paradigm model for crypto asset management protocols.
X METAVERSE PRO — a new type of DeFi asset management protocol
X METAVERSE PRO is a new DeFi asset management protocol that provides a non-custodial, decentralized asset management service for cryptocurrency assets. The protocol is designed to help investors access DeFi, participate in DeFi and maximize returns in a streamlined way with open social investment management service and asset protocol management tool.
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X METAVERSE PRO was launched by a group of ambitious pioneers who are passionate about creating a better world through an easier, more efficient financial system. The protocol is the first to go live on the BSC chain, allowing anyone to build their own investment fund on the BSC chain or invest in funds managed by others. In the near future, X METAVERSE PRO will also deploy the protocol to multiple public chains such as ETH, Heco and Polygon in an orderly manner, and plans to achieve full coverage of the multi-chain ecology. It is worth mentioning that X METAVERSE PRO has its own governance token, $XMETA, which users can obtain by providing liquidity to the investment pool.
Core features of X METAVERSE PRO — differentiation advantages
The X METAVERSE PRO protocol has a strict risk control mechanism, anyone can be a fund manager, but the manager must invest a certain percentage of his own money and can only invest in whitelisted cryptocurrencies. If the manager wants to add new cryptocurrency to the portfolio, he/she needs to initiate a vote to the investors and once approved, it can be included in the whitelist. Investors will be able to select funds that match their risk appetite and investment philosophy for follow-on investment.
The X METAVERSE PRO protocol connects regular users with professional investors and regular users can follow professional investors. The X METAVERSE PRO protocol focuses on social attributes and is aligned with Web3. The protocol has a leading sense of portfolio management and provides optimal asset allocation. Fund managers use their professional digital management strategies to create their own bullish digital asset portfolios and are allowed to share them with the community; community members (ordinary investors) can analyze and compare and discuss them, follow the portfolios of different investment experts according to their preferences, or directly buy the portfolio tokens they create.
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The X METAVERSE PRO protocol can be seen as a one-stop application and platform and an aggregated portal for DeFi trading. Users can easily build and manage the entire DeFi assets and portfolios through it. At the same time, the protocol provides corresponding operation interfaces to support X METAVERSE PRO trading, investment, DeFi mining in different applications. And as the NFT ecosystem continues to mature, the X METAVERSE PRO team will also begin to support and integrate NFT assets into the asset management application interface.
The focus of the protocol’s scenario is reflected in its ecology. It is reported that X METAVERSE PRO will make every effort to build a complete DeFi trading ecosystem, which will create a social investment platform, decentralized event service platform, decentralized social trading platform, AI robot service platform, DEX Tools earnings calculator, limit trading service, on-chain query Dapp and so on, and incorporate more DEX into the ecology through the X METAVERSE PRO all-in-one terminal.
In practice, the socially-driven investment approach will attract more new community investors, while the important economic model $XMETA will bring them high returns.
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In the DeFi era, a range of projects related to decentralized banking, lending, insurance, asset tokenization have emerged, but the corresponding decentralized capital management tools are still lacking.
The X METAVERSE PRO protocol aims to create easy-to-use capital management products for users and meet the needs of traders for decentralized asset management. It is believed that in the near future, the trading capital of X METAVERSE PRO protocol and the value of $XMETA held by users will continuously grow. At that time, users will be willing to transfer their assets to X METAVERSE PRO contracts and profit from traders’ asset management.
No one can predict the future, so we cannot say exactly how the X METAVERSE PRO program will develop. However, by looking at it, we can judge that the trend of this market is very interesting. We believe that X METAVERSE PRO, which has participated in and gained profit, is likely to become a unicorn that seizes the opportunity.
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Ok, thoughts on Once, Upon Time (this is a long one):
The Division Scenes
Ey, I was so happy to see Martin!Doctor again! So this was her memory. There's some pretty huge implications there - I'll get to it in a sec.
I loved that Dan was in Karvanista's role. This is also interesting because it places him in a relationship with early Gallifrey too - again, very Wardog-y. However, it does make you wonder why he wasn't more open about it, given that he very specifically knew the Doctor.
Did they ever call her that in the flashback? Maybe Martin!Doctor wasn't going by the title then...? If so, that might explain why he didn't recognise her.
We don't really have evidence for it, but I do quite like the theory that Vinder and Yaz were in the roles of Lee and Gat.
"You'll be free of all this."
Assuming this is before becoming a fugitive (which would make sense if one of them is Gat), we know that was a lie. Martin!Doctor not recognising Thirteen is also evidence, but could also be explained as her as a past incarnation forgetting her encounter with their future.
"If you don't stop killing things, we'll kill you."
We've already gotten some hints that Martin!Doctor is quite brutal, with her bringing the Division gun, not having a sonic etc. Swarm implies it's specifically due to her work with the Division though, so a bit of a 'War Doctor' period? Again, fits with the title theory.
"A planet called time. Thinking this could bring the Dark Times to an end."
Well, this specific incursion seems to be a follow-up to the Anchoring, but it still fits. I guess behind all the grandiosity of Rassilon's declaration of the Laws of Time, the Division were helping managing the Mouri on Time in the background.
"Here we are, still engaged in the Founding Conflict. There is no greater battle than this: the battle between Time and Space. And Time shall not lose. Time shall never surrender to space."
It also seems that Time isn't so much a natural, legendary planet, but a literally constructed world (crypto-forming, anyone?) of the Division's.
I'm kinda loving how the concept of Time Wars is kinda being expanded here. It's not just a matter of battling other species to stay on top (which is bad in it's own way, but kinda better when you imagine what the Daleks would do in the Time Lords' place), but a matter of continuously keeping time itself in check.
Anyway, so when is Jo Martin's Doctor from?
I previously theorised, based on a bunch of little Fugitive details that Gat, Lee and Martin!Doctor are probably from early in Gallifrey's history. She also had no other voices coming from her chameleon arch, unlike Ten and Yana, suggesting quite an early incarnation. Gat's outfit and makeup also matches up with that early Division agent from The Timeless Children. This definitely adds to it.
Since we didn't see the Anchoring of the Thread itself, we don't know when exactly the flashback took place after it, but I'd wager it's not been that long. We know Swarm has supposedly be imprisoned since near the beginning of time, so it was likely early in Gallifrey's history.
In other words, Martin!Doctor is likely very close in the timeline to the Timeless Child, possibly within the first 'cycle'.
If she wasn't going by "the Doctor" here, then it may well be that she was the first incarnation to go by that name. Maybe, as of the flashback, she hasn't even done so yet. This would help explain why she was so certain that Thirteen, who did call herself the Doctor, was in her future. Swarm's 'moral high ground' line kinda goes against it though.
However, her lifetime seemingly being so close to ancient Gallifrey opens up a lot of questions about her TARDIS. It's a police box, which was major evidence for her being post-Hartnell in some way - likely a Season 6B, alternate or future incarnation. But if it's native to that time period too, it has to be a different TARDIS, not a Type 40 (T40s came out when Professor Chronotis was a boy, about 15000 years ago at this point).
Everything seems to fit her being an incarnation from Ancient Gallifrey, except that TARDIS...
If I had to explain it, I'd put it down either to some deeper 'time repeating itself' thing, or maybe being linked in some way to the EU idea of the Doctor travelling back to Ancient Gallifrey - either to become the Other (implied in Seven's case in The Gallifrey Chronicles reference book, kinda hinted at with Eleven in Titan Comics) or being directed there to rescue the Other's granddaughter, who turns out to be Susan (as implied of One in Lungbarrow, Cold Fusion etc.).
That Red Planet
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So we did end up seeing the planet with red foliage in this episode. It wasn't identified, but yeah, I think this is Gallifrey.
Obvious evidence is the red grass, of course. But also notice the twin suns in the orange sky!
Probably not deliberate, but worth noting that just before this we also saw a binary system featuring a black hole sucking off gas from a star. This presumably isn't the same system, but I will point out that if that was Gallifrey then this is likely near the centre of the Milky Way, where black holes and dense star systems will be a lot more common.
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"'Cause apparently, this is the Cyber Sector now."
The Cybermen ruling here also absolutely fits with this. It also kinda implies that it's the Master who is still leading them.
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There's a big complication in all this though, which either disproves this, or hints at something kinda good for Gallifrey.
"The Death Particle. One Particle, when activated, capable of destroying all organic life. "
"Take out me, take out these lifeforms, all those bodies still in the vaults, every organic cellular life form on this planet... forever."
The Death Particle was supposed to completely sterilise Gallifrey. And yet we see plant life flourishing. If this is Gallifrey, then it clearly didn't do what it was expected to do, or if it did then something probably timey-wimey has undone it. Which means all those Gallifreyans and Shobogans outside of places like the Capitol and Arcadia, where at least some likely survived the Master's attack, may well be alive. At least those that survive the returning Cybermen (some of which may be those that entered the Matrix with the Master at the end of that episode).
Add this to however many other survivors could have been off-world or otherwise secured (eg. via House or Building inner dimensions) and there's actually a reasonable chance that Gallifrey could recover in the future, in time for the events of The Final Chapter and the writing of A Brief History of Time Lords.
"Challenges are temporary. Life is constant."
But what if this is an earlier Gallifrey?
Uh, yeah I thought about that. A few discussion will need a new post because we're going to go into detail on Time Lord dating, Power Rangers (yes, really), and the Nine Gallifreys project. I'll post that soon.
For now, let's continue.
The Woman
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Who the hell was that?
Well according to the credits it's "Awsok", so presumably a new character.
But that's no fun so lets examine further:
She's clearly a scientist, and one with questionable intentions. She knows the Doctor, who doesn't recognise her. It seems she's responsible to some extent for the Flux and the unleashing of the Ravagers. She also has some sort of temporal power, inate or technological, since she apparently noticed the Doctor navigating the time streams.
"There'll be no glory waiting for you on this one."
There's that word again. "Glory." We've seen it a bit in association with early Gallifrey, including its use by Gat last series.
We're in an unknown location. It seems it's being deliberately kept blurry, so we're not getting much detail. It's a lab, with a number of specimens, plus also various instruments. I didn't see any Gallifreyan, but it could be there.]#
It's probably a new place, since the Doctor doesn't recognise it. However, personally, it kinda evokes the Cloisters under the Capitol.
"This universe is over, Doctor. Hm?" "And you get to call it, do you?"
My immediate thought was Rassilon. We know they're still out there. He's both a spatial-temporal scientist and a biologist, so fits her skills pretty perfectly. Some of her attitudes ("everything has its time") seem a little off, but I could still see it as working in character as another hypocrisy. Awsok is definitely proud enough to be them.
Why? Revenge? Maybe they're even redoing the "End of Time itself", or trying to make a new start in a new universe. If he can transform the universe once via the Anchoring of the Thread, why doesn't she do it again?
If this is the case, then the lab may well be Rassilon's foundry, back from Zagreus, if they made their way back to Gallifrey. It would fit the Cloister style, at least.
My other thought, and a pretty popular idea right now? It could be Tecteun.
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The simple, thick woolen (I think? I'm not a fabrics person) style of clothing kinda seems to match up with that of Tecteun's original incarnation (also the Timeless Child's clothes - either way it kinda fits ancient Gallifrey).
Tecteun also fits for a lot of the reasons Rassilon does. There's a reason it was theorised for a while that they could be one and the same. She also, of course, has a much closer link to the Timeless Child story.
Why she'd be so destructive though is an open question.
"The Flux isn't a naturally occuring event. It was made. It was placed. Because of you."
Now this is a major deal, even if it doesn't give us that much to go off of. It doesn't sound like the Doctor is personally responsible, but it sounds like revenge against them.
So our big bad isn't Swarm, but is someone, possibly Awsok, with a vendetta against the Doctor.
Unfortunately, because of the Timeless Child business, that doesn't gurantee it's someone we know.
Bel and Vinder
What's with this series and introducing lovable side characters.
I actually didn't pick up that she was looking for Vinder, so the reveal of her watching the message really hit me hard.
I'm a little confused by her barely-showing pregnancy, given that it seems the Vinder must have been station for a long time. I was assuming daily reports, which would suggest he was there for about 70 years or something, but as pointed out elsewhere even hourly reports comes to 2.5 years.
The obvious answer I guess is that they're divided in time? Which seems odd considering the Flux seems to be a purely present-day spatial event. While we didn't really see a source for it, maybe Outpost Rose was subjected to high time dilation?
Could also be extremely long lived / with very long gestation times I guess.
That being said, this episode clearly seems to confirm that neither Vinder nor Bel are Gallifreyan, though it seems possible they're from nearby. Maybe Levithia?
We also learned an interesting detail:
"But this isn't about Daleks. For once, they're not what worries me. At least we understand them. You and me, my love, we've thought them."
Vinder and Bel have fought the Daleks. Granted, a lot of people have, but interesting nonetheless.
Some think that Vinder and Bel might have a secret major role in the Timeless Child thing, but I don't think so. The planets and architecture aren't that similar, languages aren't really matching up - and I'm saying that as someone who originally thought Vinder might be Gallifreyan. Not to mention, if Tigmi is the name of their child (which is how I read it) it would really undercut the "Doctor's parents" theory I've seen suggested. It's plausible I suppose though.
"And I'm ignoring the creature in a bar who told me: 'Atropos has fallen. The Mouri are compromised and time is beginning to run wild.'"
Um... wait what?
That was so quickly said, it kinda flew me by first time.
Who... who the hell out there has that knowledge? Karvanista, maybe? But he would be near/on Earth, surely?
"Time is beginning to run wild" is the same thing Swarm said. I guess it could be him, but what's he doing randomly in a bar? Could be manipulating Bel I guess to get to Vinder, but you'd think that he'd incorporate her into a Passenger or something if he was there.
Who did Bel meet? Another Division agent?
Assorted other thoughts:
That opening scene where Thirteen explains her thought process at the end of the last episode felt VERY Heaven Sent. Immediately sucked me in.
While it was unlikely, there were so many moments where I thought she was going to start regenerating or something this episode. eg. "Well, one solution. One massive risk." Also being ready to risk her life to find out the truth at the end.
Based on how quick everything happened, it kinda felt like the slow-down scene in End of the World.
The artron mites or whatever they are look so funny to me. It feels like 70s cgi. I guess there isn't much more you could do with them, but you could at least bloom them out a bit or something, right?
If it was intentional, Yaz's partner's number being W2020 was a pretty good way to allude to the scene being in the past before she quit.
RIP to the theory of the Grand Serpent being the Master or Brax. He's a kinda fitting character, but I think he's just that. Some random powerful arsehole from Vinder's people who has a major role in his backstory.
"I've got about 11 nitros of reducer left. Keeps us at normal speed but slows down the rest of the environment." "Bit of praise for the effective reducer wouldn't go amiss." That was pretty weird. It felt like a pretty specific setup for a throwaway line. Maybe reducer will come back later.
They're REALLY building up the Williamson Tunnels. I guess this is why Thirteen added the bit about 'or even future', even though we were mostly viewing memories. Clearly Dan will be there in a future episode.
"Time is breaking, hunting down anomalies." That's actually not too bad for the universe. Makes me think of the Reapers, who effectively sterilise the wounds of paradoxes, albeit in a very destructive way.
The Weeping Angels in the video game 👀 That's the weird stuff with them I want to see.
But why are they specifically targetting Yaz I wonder? Did they actually alter her time stream, or were they attracted to it?
Small detail. In the flashback, it seems the Mouri aren't taking a new role in managing time to combat the Ravagers, but were previously banished and are being let back in. So they probably were part of the original Anchoring.
Seven billion cybermen in 'this part of the galaxy'. Ok first all this helps scale things a bit - I was wondering whether Bel was travelling across intergalactic scales but it sounds like it's probably the Mutter's Spiral/Milky Way (remember also what I said about the Sontarans usually being focused around this galaxy). This also supports the idea that the red planet was Gallifrey.
I'm a bit cautious about that number specifically. We've already had about 7 billion come up before with regards to the Lupari ships and Humanity. It might just be a coincidence though, since Earth seems relatively safe rn, at least from the Cybermen.
... unless they're cyber-converted Lupari?
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Shadows- Chapter Five
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A modern monster AU Pairings: Din Djarin x fem!reader Rating: T (at the moment- subject to change) Warnings: Swearing Summary: Crypto- concealed; secret. You have always lived your life in the shadows; after all, you’re one of the creatures who go bump in the night. He has sworn his life to a creed that aims to protect the world from monsters like you.
[Masterlist] [Chapter Four] [Chapter Five] [Chapter Six] Cross-posted to AO3
Din’s head is spinning and he’s certain it’s not from the blow Qin landed earlier. Half-bloods? Cryptos? Slayers who hunt them? How had his people not stumbled upon this before now? Generations of Mandalorian warriors had fought and given their lives to protect humans from the monsters lurking in dark corners, yet there was a whole system they had missed. A whole kind of people they had not known were possible.
That would explain why he had such trouble determining what (Y/N) was. If she was a half-blood it would make sense she appeared more human than the typical monster masquerading as such. That did not make her human though. She was still one of them. Din could not let himself forget that.
Silently he watches her finish up with the burning body. It seems routine to her. She’s also well prepared, the thistles and the gas, not to mention armed to the teeth. Following their previous encounters, the last thing Din was expecting her to be carrying was a firearm. Yet she’d managed to stun a vampire with one shot. She knew what she was doing. If there were more slayers half as skilled as her how had they gone under the radar all this time?
And why hadn’t she tried to kill him?
It kept playing over and over again in his mind. That night at the dive bar her companion was more than hostile. She had sounded more than willing to get rid of him. But (Y/N) defused it. Both opportunities she’d had to kill him, she’d ignored. Instead, she had explained herself, given him insight into what she was. She wanted him to understand her. More than once she had compared what they both did- claimed they were both protecting humans. Could he believe that? Could he believe her? Believe someone who wasn’t human?
She looks up at him, eyes soft despite the fact she has a vampire’s body burning to ash at her feet. Deadly and yet she looks so normal in that moment. “Do you…uh, need any of him to take back?”
The confusion must be plain as day on his face as the corner of her lips quirk up.
“We have to bring something back as proof of death,” she explains, “I take it you guys don’t need that?”
That explains all her supplies then. It also goes to show how organized this group is, tracking their kills, bounties, and all under the radar of his people. Din tries to ignore how impressed he is by it all.
The innate weakness vampires hold to fire means their bodies breakdown to ash considerably quicker and at lower temperature than a human body. It’s not long till Qin is just a pile of dust on the warehouse floor. He watches in mild curiosity as the slayer collects some of the ashes into a spare jar before scattering the rest with her boot. The bloodsucker would not be bothering anyone again.
(Y/N) shifts from foot to foot, watching him closely. “So…all good?”
They shouldn’t be. He should not be letting her leave a third time- it went against every bit of training they’d drilled into him- but she stepped in to help him. He couldn’t kill her after she’d done that. Or after all she had told him. That would make him just as much a monster.
Her shoulders relax as he nods. For a moment it looks like there’s another question hanging on the tip of her tongue, but she decides against it. She shoots him a small smile as she walks away, disappearing back into the darkness of the warehouse.
Din wonders what the fuck he’s doing as he lets her go.
Even after a quick stop at the covert infirmary on his way back Din still finds himself plagued by the events of the day. He kicks himself for letting her walk away, but the thought of killing her is almost revolting. Was it because he knew that some part, no matter how small, of her was human? Because she had helped him? Or because it was her?
Excited squeals pull him from his spiraling thoughts the moment he opens the front door. In seconds the wide-eyed ball of four-year-old energy has barreled up to him, chubby hands clinging to his pant leg for dear life.
“Hey, kid. Good to see you too.”
Din gets a toothy smile in return before he runs back off again to return to what looks like coloring at the dining table with Kuiil.
“He has grown very attached to you, these last few months.”
Din cannot disagree with Kuiil, the kid was quick to latch onto him when he returned home from his hunts and often would not go to bed at night unless he was there to say goodnight.
“Will you take him as your foundling?” The old man has been asking him that since the day he brought the young child back to the covert.
“We’re still looking for his family. There must be people out there who miss him.”
Kuiil continues to watch the child, a soft hum falling from underneath his thick beard. Din can see the wheels turning in the old man’s mind. He always had an air of wisdom about him, an air that led one to believe that deep down Kuiil did hold all the answers, if only he could uncover them. Even Armorer came to the man for advice. While he was not a Mandalorian, he was a friend of the covert and had been with them for several years now. He often helped look after the kid when Din was out hunting, and he wasn’t in class in the other foundlings.
“Maybe so, but he is here now, in your care. You have a choice to make, now or in the future. But you still must make one.”
Din agrees with a sigh, collapsing into the seat next to the kid, watching his grubby hands drag crayons across his coloring book.
“How was the hunt?”
“It was a success.”
“But?” Not only wise, but he was a perceptive old man.
“The slayer appeared again.”
“And I take it she left this encounter alive again?”
Din nods, his face solemn as Kuiil continues to help the child with his coloring.
“Did you learn anything new?”
He had almost learned more than he wanted to. “She claims to be a half-blood.”
“Half-human? Is that why you could not harm her?”
“I…I don’t know.”
“She has shaken you- you don’t know what to do with this new information.” The old man speaks as if it is an already known fact. Din would be remiss to say he was wrong. Knowing this now, he sees her both as a monster and a human, both someone he is sworn to destroy and sworn to protect by his creed.
“You don’t seem surprised.”
“That she is half-human or that you are conflicted?”
Din scoffs, “both.”
“They have existed here as long as we have, among us in the most cases. It should not be a surprise that we have crossed paths before,” Kuiil shrugs, “the situation of her birth probably gives her advantages in her work.”
If she could blend in with both sides it would allow her to keep a lower profile. He could not even determine what species she was, that was proof enough she did not struggle to blend in with humans. She wore her mask well.
“As for your creed… that is another decision you’ll have to make for yourself.”
Kuiil’s wise words rattle around in his skull as he watches the kid totter around in the garden, arms outstretched as he chases another frog around. If their running track record meant anything he would run into her again, and he would have to make a choice. He just wished the right answer would make itself known before then.
Din cannot help but smile at the proud kid as he runs up, the frog in his hold out on display. He was a quick little bugger, that was for sure. “Well look at that, little hunter in training.”
“Ya!” The little one waves his hands around happily, grin spread across his chubby cheeks.
It amazes him how quickly the kid had bounced back after everything he had been through. There were days it did not even cross Din’s mind that he’d rescued the child from the monsters who kidnapped him. He was happy, got along with all the other children in the covert and did well in his classes, even with his limited verbal skills. Well adjusted, is what the doctor had said.
“Ba!” The kid reaches up, grabby hands flailing.
“Alright, alright,” Din hoists the boy up, “should we get something to eat? Besides frogs?”
“And here I thought you hated vampire jobs.”
Kannan looks almost smug as he watches you finish up exchanging paperwork for the reward on your most recent kill. Rolling your eyes, you stuff the check into your bag, “wasn’t like I had much of a choice with the lists today.”
“So, did you need something, or did you just stick around to tease me?”
Kannan scoffs, “well I was gonna ask if you wanted to catch up over food but if that’s the attitude you’re going to take…”
“Where’s your apprentice today?” The teen was attached to Kannan’s hip these days, eager to get out in the field.
“He’s got his studies today, why?”
“Then food sounds like a great idea.” It had been sometime since you’d had a real chance to catch up with your old friend. He took his roles as Ezra’s mentor seriously, so he was rather booked up these days.
Kannan shoots you a satisfied grin, “the diner on 4th?”
Your stomach nearly growls at the thought. “Please.”
“I have to agree with Kira. You are a magnet for Mandalorians- or at least this one.”
You sigh, scrubbing a hand down your face. “I don’t know what I did to deserve this.”
Kannan chuckles, “since when has the universe needed a reason to screw us over?”
“You’ve got a point… I just can’t get over the odds. Three times in completely unrelated spots.” It was a large city and of all the people in the world you had to keep running into.
“There hasn’t been anyone else in the office who’s run into him. Are you sure he’s not tracking you?”
“This time I stumbled onto him, there’s no way he could have orchestrated that when I picked up the job this morning.” He obviously had not been planning on your arrival. You’d spooked him good.
Kannan shakes his head, “well you are simultaneously the unluckiest and luckiest person I know. You’ve gotten away three times now.”
You preferred to think it was due more to your skills and sharp tongue than luck, but the luck certainly was not hurting.
“It still worries me he knows your face. Even if he hasn’t been tracking you up till now it doesn’t mean he won’t try in the future.”
He had a point, but nothing about your interactions with Mando up till now would you lead you to believe he would. “I’m keeping my eye out for anything suspicious. If he does try, I’ll know. Hopefully, the fact that I know what he looks like deters him from trying.”
“We can hope.”
“I also think I figured out why we haven’t been able to find his local source in the community.”
Kannan’s eyebrows shoot up, “and how did you figure that out?”
“He asked me why I hadn’t killed him yet. Mentioned something about how my job was to deal with nuisances, so therefore I must have to kill him to get him out of the way,” you explain, “there’s no way he’s working with a crypto if that’s what he thinks slayers do. After the Fett debacle everyone around here knows we can’t do a damn thing about the Mandalorians.”
“That does sound like he’s either got old, secondhand information or his informant is messing with him. But I can’t imagine if he managed to get a full blood to help him, they’d yank him around like that,” Kannan strokes his goatee, face drawn together, “yet he’s been spot on with all his kills. He tracked down someone you pulled the bounty for before you’d even gotten there.”
“Could he be working with another hunter or have another Mandalorian partner? Someone who manages surveillance while he does the hunting?”
“It would seem the only other likely answer. Have you told Boss all this yet?”
You shake your head, “no, I don’t want to get ahead of myself… and I’m not sure what kind of reaction I’ll get once he knows I’ve crossed paths with the Mando again…”
“You haven’t told him?” Kannan goes wide-eyed, “Miss. By-The-Book not reporting a run in with a hunter?”
“Sue me for being worried about the perception of it all!”
“Chill, I’m not going to rat you out, (Y/N). I just want you to make sure you’re going to be okay. That you’re thinking this through.”
“I am thinking it through, Kannan. And if something important comes from it I’ll report it to Boss, but for now I’d rather keep this to myself.”
Kannan nods, “I trust your judgement. My lips are sealed.”
“Okay, enough about me and my drama! Tell me how things have been going for you and Hera lately!”
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Road Trip AU: Meet the Crew 2
Having met on an anonymous help forum, ten friends plan a cross-country road trip to discover who they are and help each other along the way.
part 2 | part 1
Renee Blasey is happy and healthy or so everyone hears, but there are things about herself she could no longer tell you.  After a sparring injury to the head went unchecked, she was hospitalized and diagnosed with a form of retrograde amnesia. Assimilating back into her home life went well enough though it became abundantly clear her parents could not move past her change, hoping she would one day return to her former self. Growing out of touch with her family and no longer connected nor remembering the Renee she used to be, she joins LLA in search of some comfort and sets about discovering her new identity.
Great food, good laughs, and a sunny disposition are what many use to describe Makoa Gibraltar. When Makoa and his then boyfriend were rescued from a mudslide by his father, Makoa set his sights on helping those in need. After college, he became a firefighter, dolphin crew for the coast guard, and later joining search and rescue. Not all is what it appears on the surface; the many deaths of those he was unable to save weigh heavily on his mind, so much so that sometimes it’s difficult to get up and go about the day. He joins LLA as a first step in the right direction, handing over the reins and allowing himself to be saved for a change.
Young and naive with a gift for technology, Tae Joon Park became an unwilling criminal with the best of intentions at heart. What started with creating cheats and hacks for videogames to earn extra cash for him and his foster sister evolved into high-stakes theft years down the line, the group he had joined as a kid later becoming a criminal syndicate. Scared not only for his future but for that of Mila as well, Tae Joon left with little fanfare. For a while, at least. Finding himself a wanted man one morning, his foster sister presumed dead and framed for government theft, he now lives in a rural town somewhat off the grid. He discovers LLA in hopes of moving past his guilt and anger.
Everyone discovers themselves at their own pace in their own time, and the same could be said for Bloodhound. Intent on questioning their identity at a young age, Bloodhound was lucky enough to have an understanding support group in their friends and family. Pursuing their many interests and given the safety to explore who they are, they decided that when the time came for them to choose a name for themself they would know, opting to stick with their nickname for now. Having been born in Iceland and raised in the states, Bloodhound is bent on discovering their cultural identity, wanting to learn of their Icelandic heritage as well as their Native heritage. Feeling unsure of their identity there and not “traditionally” looking like either group should, they join LLA in hopes of finding other people who also live life on the hyphen.
Natalie Paquette is a young woman adored by all. Following in her fathers' footsteps in becoming a world-renown electrical engineer, she found her calling in life with a passion and focus unrivaled by all. She could bring a smile to anyone's face and many more were enamored and eager to listen to her many seminars and info-dumping. It all came to a head, however, when her father suddenly passed away. She was no longer as open as before, finding comfort in the understanding of her work. Concerned for her future wellbeing, her godfather Alexander took her in. Wanting to better herself by understanding and working through her grief, as well as stopping Alexanders downwards spiral, she encouraged them both to join LLA.
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mirage-babey · 5 years
For scientific reasons, which trainers would be best buddies? Which ones would be rivals? What kind of lives would they live? What regions would they live in? I’m sorry for all the questions, but I’d like your opinion
okay, here we go! the current guide to the Apex Legends Pokemon Trainer AU!
Typhlosion (Partner), Braviary
From Kanto
Her family was originally military, but she and one of her brothers ended up running a fire-type gym after an incident
When Natalie and Octavio came along to challenge the gym, after talking with them she realised they all had parents that had placed very specific expectations on them and decided to tag along on their journey to broaden her horizons
She and Octavio, both challenging gyms, have a friendly rivalry going on
Gallade (Partner), Corviknight, Luxray
From Johto
A very mysterious character with a preference for honourable pokemon
Gibraltar and Ajay have no idea of this trainer’s background, but they’re always grateful for the assistance Bloodhound lends
They and their pokemon make a team of talented trackers, and it makes Gibraltar and Ajay’s jobs of finding and helping pokemon and people stuck in natural disasters much easier
Still, they are dedicated to Arceus above all else
Rotom (Partner), Dedenne
From Sinnoh
idk i’ll decide on his story when he gets released in game
Wheezing (Partner), Vileplum, Dustox
From Galar
He’s a scientist that wanted to develop the use of poison types but his work was deemed unethical and thus he was fired
however he found that a number of shady organisations were very interested in his work, and so he continued his research
His Wheezing is not a Galarian form despite Alexander being from Galar - it didn’t mesh with his evil scientist aesthetic
Hariyama (Partner), Aegislash, Aggron
From Alola
His parents were Pokemon Rangers, and he grew up to follow in their footsteps - usually a ranger has just the one partner pokemon, but Aegislash and Aggron just never really left his side
He met his partner pokemon the same day he decided to become a pokemon Ranger; he and his boyfriend got caught in a mudslide, and when his parents came to the rescue, a Makuhita - a pokemon known for it’s tenacity - decided it would try to help
Absol (Partner), Togetic, Chansey
From Unova
When she found out her parents were making some deals with some dodgy organisations, she left the life of wealth she lead in urban Unova in favour of doing humanitarian work with pokemon around the world
Her team consists of pokemon that’d help in rescue situations (Absol can predict natural disasters, Togetic is said to bring good fortune and happiness, Chansey shares its eggs with those who are injured)
Was close friends with Octavio as children, but they grew apart as their paths diverged in adulthood. She still supports his pursuits, though, and he regularly donates to the charities she works with
Gets on well with Gibraltar, they’ve worked together on a number of occasions - Makoa specialises in dealing with the overarching issue, while Ajay helps any injured people or pokemon.
Zoroark (partner), Vulpix, Mime Jr, Mawile
From Hoenn
His older brothers all left to go on their pokemon journeys years before he did. Elliott and his mother worked together on holographic tech for entertainment purposes, taking inspiration from the various pokemon that used illusions
He wanted to go on his own journey, but didn’t want to leave his mother alone. His mother’s Zoroark had an egg though, and she gave it to Elliott. The Zorua that hatched from it became his partner.
Most of his pokemon come from the fact that he’s a big softie at heart. Vulpix are known to feign injury to fool enemies and escape, which he thought was really cool. Mime Jr was practising its mimicking skills, Elliott complimented it, and it just completely forgot what it was doing it was so happy and so Elliott immediately took it under his wing. Mawile looks cute but it’s also terrifying and will kick your ass and Elliott just had to have it
He generally takes the route of a battle trainer, but he entered a pokemon contest once on a whim and completely dominated, much to Zoroark’s glee
One day while travelling through Johto he ran into an Espurr - a pokemon with a creept stare that wasn’t native to the region - that scared the shit out of him. He’d never admit it, but the fact that its trainer saw so easily through his pokemon’s illusions also kinda intimidated him
In Unova, he came across the same Espurr, except now it had evolved into a Meowstic. Similarly, his Zorua had now evolved into a Zoroark. He challenged the trainer to a battle and found her psychic type pokemon were at interesting match against his pokemon that specialised in trickery.
The match was observed by some really tall, lanky, excitable guy with an Ambipom and a Cubone. The three trainers coincidentally spent the night at the same pokecentre, and they just didn’t really part ways in the morning.
Also one time when he was drunk, Elliott was flirting with someone and that trainer’s Gourgeist attacked him. It was funny, and the trainer apologised, but he’s also lowkey been afraid of the entire evolutionary line ever since (Wraith and Pathfinder found out when one day, while they were at a pokecentre, Elliott turned around, saw a Pumpkaboo, and screamed)
Linoone (Partner), Zebstrika
From Unova
He grew up as a rich kid in urban Unova, but with busy CEOs for parents, he often found himself bored
As a kid, a Zigzagoon caught his attention while on a business trip with his family, and he ended up catching it
He and the pokemon got along famously, and when it evolved into a Linoone - the rushing pokemon - he found his taste for adrenaline evolving alongside it
He began to grow distant from his childhood friend Ajay at this time, but he still recognised how important her work was so he supports her whenever he can
Now he partakes in gym battles, the occasional contest (usually due to a friendly rivalry between him and one Elliott Witt), and regular death defying stunts with his high speed pokemon team
He lost his legs in an accident involving a race and a misuse of pokemon moves
He’s got a good few fans as a result of the videos he makes, but he can always count on Ajay, Natalie, and Anita to keep him grounded
He’s got a knack for convincing people to take a risk - it’s how he got Natalie and Anita to go on their own journeys to find what they want from life
Ambipom (Partner), Cubone
From Unova
He was an orphan with a desire to see the world (and maybe find out the story behind his birth parents along the way)
His first pokemon was an Aipom whose mobility he admired greatly. He has a Cubone because he found it crying and, as an orphan himself, he cared deeply for its loss
He isn’t quite sure what he wants from life, but being a pokemon professor and learning about the world sounds pretty good to him
Near the start of his journey, he was staying in a pokecentre and ended up being the referee for a pokemon battle
When morning came, those two same trainers looked a little lost (though they’d never admit it), and as he himself was brilliant with directions, he ended up offering to show them around the region
But they ended up sticking together long after that
Morpeko (Partner), Plusle, Minun, Luxio
From Kalos
Worked closely with her father researching ways in which electric types and people can work together and how those relations could be utilised
She and her father raised an unruly Shinx that was very uncooperative, but one day it accidentally electrocuted her (causing the scar on her face), and it was the guilt it felt that caused it to finally clean up its act
When he passed away, she inherited her father’s Electabuzz. At first, she wouldn’t necessarily consider the pokemon a part of her team, but more of a family member that still assists in her work, though this changed when she started her journey
(shoutout to @gayneflynt @wraithofthevoid for their ideas)
Met Octavio when he was participating in a competition at an arena she had previously done work on. Her father had just passed, and Octavio convinced her that she should give going on a pokemon journey a go to try and fill the void that had been left behind
She met Anita when Octavio was challenging a gym. Anita, sister of the gym leader, got to talking with the pair, and decided to tag along on their journey
Gothitelle (Partner), Meowstic, Abra
From Johto
She has amnesia, and woke with nothing but a psychic type pokemon leaning over her in an abandoned lab
Gothitelle is particularly protective of her, as a pokemon that can predict the future and can become aware of their trainer’s lifespan. This was the pokemon fawning over her when she awoke with no memory
Abra can read minds and sense danger, teleporting away when it feels threatened. Sometimes Wraith wishes she had the same ability - the two felt a kinship and it joined her team. She caught Espurr because it’s the restraint pokemon - she personally felt restrained by her lack of memories - and she was kinda fond of how weird and creepy it sorta was
The Espurr scared the shit outta one trainer she met while she was still in Johto - to be fair, it was staring at him weirdly
She ran into him again in Unova. Her Abra - despite being terrified of everyone they met - never once tried to teleport away from him, so in the morning when he invited her to join him and some makeshift tour-guide, on a whim she said yes
All of her pokemon seemed happy with the decision, so she decided that maybe she should stick around in this trio
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donnnoir · 5 years
I am back, well for the most part.  This process being contingent upon my time management and allotment of same.  Believe me it is not from lack of desire, rather it is dealing with the typical Luciferian practice of distraction and delay; added to that is their ubiquitous practice of poisoning those they target, along with the microwave and other energy / frequency weapons used on targeted individuals.  An if ever there was a target on their BINGO List I am in the top three.  I live only by the grace of God.  Presently it appears individuals are putting some petroleum based distillate into my drinks and food.  I suspect that there are several other types of unhealthy food additives being put into that which I consume.  The other items I suspect are some sort of heavy metal salts like Thallium, Arsenic, or similar.  The only good thing that can be said about what is presently occurring is that thus far they have not resorted to using metal salts which have been irradiated, like they did when I was being Fox-ed in Southern California around the Long Beach and Wilmington areas primarily.  Even so the amounts have been sufficient that if I was anybody else, I would be very concerned and more than highly upset at several persons around me, all the more so given the great lengths they go in saying we are fast friends, family even.  An although I know I will survive I am needless to say highly upset. Yet my circumstance is not such that I can easily or directly deal with the matter.  Instead as it is part of the larger issues I have dealt with all my Life I prefer to just add it to an ongoing tab. Soon enough the paradigms and social conventions we Live by shall come undone, and my hands will be free.  When the Kid gloves come off, and I am given leave from my G-d I will commence to balancing the scales.  Until then I must suffer the indignation and deprivations to my soul.  This exposition project will continue as time and situation permits.
Thus in consideration to this process I have undertaken it is abundantly clear that I should present myself and a general perspective of the terms I have strove to have all my Life.  All the more so since in pursuit of the purpose of this blog and my venturing out into the media of sorts will invariably bring the entirety of my life under the scrutiny of those that will for one reason or another seek to discredit what I intend to present.  An I being the disreputable soul that I am will be an easy target.  Wherefore it is incumbent upon me to get out ahead of the ball on this, so to speak.  I know that no matter how I attempt to be forthcoming on matters of my personal life and the manner in which I have Lived.  I will invariably miss many details that in due course will bite me in the arse.  I am fond of reminding persons that Life is in the Living; and that last I checked Living was and is a very messy process.  Or, rather it can be.  An all things considered I have done a bang up job of leaving a mound of detritus in my wake.  A side effect that has only increased as of late, albeit with a helping hand from those that would rule over the world.  At the time of my composing this my Life has become defined as a series of ongoing train-wrecks.  What chance I had to have any kind of Life resembling normality is no longer serviced by the train station.  Regrettable as it may be I am at least comfortable with that reality.  Wherefore how best to succinctly present a proper representation of the Life I have lead which represents a degree of my thought processes and a degree of my character and nature.  A usually straight forward idea, yet for myself I find it immensely difficult.  Yes I am a son of Light, I have always professed the Truth.  Nonetheless I was raised to be a Man, a hard Man of character meant for vastly more difficult and dynamic social and cultural circumstances than has thus far been required of me or us in general as the human race.  Yes we have Lived through challenging times even survived an insane period of global ego paranoia we commonly referred to as MAD.  The legacy of which will yet play out in the not too distant future.  What we as in the entire World must struggle and fight Our way through beginning shortly within the coming months, to frame it in proper temporal perspective. These events will exceed all that has happened in the past.  The Seers of Old were shown many of these things, they however lacked the conceptual context or even words whereby to begin to explain what had been revealed to them.  My mother worked hard to raise four Men, as she understood that to mean. We all were each individual anachronisms for the present.  We belong to times five hundred to five thousand years ago.   Understanding this, perhaps the rest will find context and help those that wish to maintain perspective.  Elsewise my existence and life’s work will seem almost contradictory to my stated purpose and desires.  Hell I will be the first to admit I am a living ball of contradictions; nonetheless I have maintained a course that has been exemplified as of late.  A portion of the story we shall attend to a bit later; sooner than it would in chronological order.  
Thus Be it Known I was born August 31, 1960, in the year of Our Lord.  In the humble back water town of Socorro, New Mexico.  And yes, New Mexico is a State in the Union of the United States of America.  My Christian given name is as my fathers, thus making me a junior.  My father is your typical WASP American.  Gifted with a Highly keen intellect and analytical mind.  My Mother’s people are a unique blend of Native American and Spanish.  Our Spanish roots go back five hundred years.  Two brothers were shipped to further point in the Spanish Empire to protect their bloodline till the end of time.  They came in chains as Crypto Jews fleeing the Spanish Inquisition.  My father later was one of the engineers working on the Mercury and Saturn / Apollo Rockets which eventually landed men on the moon.  My parents being the strongwilled  dynamic individuals that they were eventually divorced, with my Mother taking us from California back to New Mexico.  I was blessed to have lived in New Mexico when it was an open confluence of differing forces and ideologies.  It is sadly no longer such a place.  I grew up in the company of different beliefs and fellow students who came from backgrounds that valued intelligence and knowledge.  At the same time others taught me that a person needed to see beyond the bonds of knowledge and see the foundations of the world and universe as they were originally cast that being spiritual and some would say ethereal.   Thus to me understanding Our World from more than one perspective or level of sight is normal.  As a matter of fact this perception of reality goes all the way back to my earliest memories back to being in my crib. An when it comes to sighted, I in previous conversations with others have described how my vision worked when I was younger.  As many of us may recall from our halcion days of being in elementary school. There were those overhead projectors which our teachers would then apply various overlays.  Well that is a very good analogy of how I actually would see my world.  There was/ is the reality that everyone sees, then there were generally two additional overlays, usually one in front of and one behind the norm.  But this could also be two behind or two in front of the norm.  On rare occasions there would be more than two in a variety of configurations.  At times the overlays would have no obvious association to the normal view.  Matter of fact I have had here recently cause to remember images I saw almost fifty years ago.  Some things that go back to before I was two.  Now I have always thought I was a bit different, and naively I to this day can’t fathom that everyone doesn’t in some way or another see the world similar to how I have.  Being a precocious young man to say the least, I do recall the statement that if you would be great that you should select a great adversary.  An as Lucifer is Humanities great adversary it was natural that I would select him.  Now it was also an extension of my visions from when I was nine.  So as I listened to the conflicts of the day, did I become aware that there among the idyllic images of society that I heard Lucifer’s voice spreading his lies and vile beliefs.  Since no one else was pointing a finger or raising an alarm in that sector I figured I might as well go poking around.  That when I was approximately sixteen, needless to say it has been one hell of ride.  Now, bit by bit I have slipped into the abyss which is present in all part of our society and culture.  Because, well that is where I was needed the most.  However it takes a toll and like some foul ichor adheres to those who travel extensively in it, such that for fear it may infect anyone not disposed to it I avoid deceit folk.  I have made my way doing business and working often in the byways of this abyss.  As a female friend of mine once cried to me that I couldn’t let myself be killed because in all the world I was the only person who did what I did.  That I would actually willingly go into to the places that these Luciferians inhabit to take the women and child out.  Others might help, but none of them would go into the place alone and face them down.  To this I must admit is the Truth.  An for anyone else to do it would be a fool errand.  Because as they stare at me with fake smiles wanting only to kill me; I would stare back and challenge them to bring it.  They wouldn’t because what they see when they look at me is a blackness darker than any they have seen before.  Now along the way I have become a felon more than on one occasion.  My record shows several convictions, some I am not guilty of what I am convicted of having done.  As is often the case the Truth is the first victim of a good fight.  And believe me I have been fighting the good fight for a long time, up until recently I have generally gotten a big return on my investment.  Recently I have been handed my ass to me in spades, with nothing to thus far show for what it has cost.  Believe me it has come at an immense cost, with no end in sight.  Yet it is the ticket I bought on my way to Creation; so Hell be Damned if I am going to start whining now.  I do at time bitch a little, but I am only human after all.  Hahahaha……..
So, having accepted responsibility for having lived the woolly life that I have.  To say I have a checker board past is to be kind but nonetheless True.  Consequently what I share with you is the Truth. I wish I could say it was assembled in a coherent manner so as to be easily understood.  Sorry such is not the case.  More Over I will no doubt go off into various tangent issues and share what at times is my unique history and understanding of a given issue.  Somethings may offend some of the more “sensible” readers.  I can accept that. Know that I once thought as almost everyone else in the world.  It is only because of my life’s experiences and knowledge acquired by other means that I now believe as I do.  What is particularly ironic is that no matter how large my “craziness coefficient” may get; I am withholding the more extreme things I have come to know.   Hang on as best you can an hopefully my writings will permit some of you to prepare for that which shall shortly come to pass.  Granted my current biggest obstacles are getting past the AI’s that are acting as guardians at the gates.  We shall do our best.
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Ethereum Mist WalletIs Ethereum Computer code Scam or Legit<br/>ethereum code<br/><br/>Often it comes about that when an interesting new technician emerges, the lot of individuals try out to discredit it. Which is the case with Ethereum Program code as well. Those reviews plus comments claiming Ethereum Codes scam might seem legit yet we ensure you they are not. In point, most of the Ethereum Code Scam reviews usually do not really present a new time frame to back their says. This leads us to think that such reviews really are a result of paid trollers or affiliates of groups who also stand to lose if Ethereum Code gets well-liked.<br/><br/>From our own research into the capacity together with legality of Ethereum Code, we found that to stand true about most accounts. Both the internet site and the Ethereum Program code application have an SSL encryption. In addition, they maintain qualification from the many right sites to make these individuals genuine. So we can safely and securely say that you can easily sign up for Ethereum Code without any problems. We will explain how anyone can make the Ethereum Code login a minor later here. So, keep reading.<br/><br/>Who Founded the Ethereum Code?<br/>ethereum code endroit<br/><br/>The story behind the emergences of Ethereum Code is somewhat simple. Mark Weston, a great everyday Joe professional, seen one day that the friend had bought a new brand new Mercedes. This was initially while Weston was even so struggling with house bills on his day time task earnings.<br/><br/>He inquired his associate how he / she had managed to save up this particular much. The man replied by saying he got began trading on Forex. This became a sign intended for Weston to begin his individual venture and make inroads into the trading company. However , there were previously a number of trading platforms and software that triggerred online trading.<br/><br/><img src="https://bunny.teeshirt21.com/2017/12/29/m_29972-1514571766079-Gildan-You-Navy-Blue-_w91_-front.jpg"/><br/>Weston noticed that the emergent cryptocurrency market place had next to absolutely nothing regarding Autotrading. That is definitely when he decided that will this was the website he / she wanted to help make his mark in. So , he set out in order to create Ethereum Code and even bring it up in order to the world.<br/><br/>How Will Ethereum Code Work?<br/>Ethereum codes is based in the use of predictive methods which are attained through the examination of previous market trends. The sum of the this specific knowledge and paying attention will be additional into the autopilot method of the Ethereum Computer code App. The use then uses the observations to place deals whenever the idea deems the idea in shape. It goes with no expression that this kind associated with investment tactic is perfect for investors who perform certainly not have any experience or maybe understanding of exactly how the industry works. This specific gives them the double benefit of making earnings and also learning from this trades.<br/><br/>To get <a href="https://ethereumandmistwallet.org/EthereumAndMistv0.10.0">Ethereum Wallet Version 0.10.0</a> , this characteristic of often the Ethereum Code iphone app likewise provides benefits. They may furthermore develop their expense expertise by learning from the app. If they include some expertise of econometrics then they can benefit even more as the program could detail the system used. Once they have enough understanding of the market industry, these investors can place their trades themselves. The same goes for expert investors. Whenever you want, if any buyer hopes to return Ethereum Code Software package to often the autopilot mode, chances are they can do so easily. Almost all they will need to do is to pick the autopilot button on the application of the user interface.<br/><br/>What are the Top features of the Ethereum Code?<br/>ethereum code screenshot<br/><br/>Ethereum Code comes packed with the number of attributes that will make the idea ideal for dealing with ventures in cryptocurrency.<br/><br/>Understanding how to Trade<br/>The Ethereum Code�s autopilot mode is ideal for understanding just about all the ins and outs of buying and selling. Inexperienced stock traders with an interest around trading cryptocurrencies can discover how to ply their trade. While app will make trading, newbies can learn precisely how to make the deals manually and potentially learn better than the app by itself.<br/><br/>Substantial Profits<br/>The Ethereum Codes has been verified to generate over 89 percent gains all through standard exposure to the marketplace. This particular is accomplished through the particular use of complex algorithms and frugal expenditure. Iphone app users can discover ways to implement the same and even customise the Autopilot to help produce custom results. An Ethereum code example is usually if you tailor made the bot to market selectively. Of course, you will see minimal profits. Nevertheless, you will also experience a bearish trend in your investment policies.<br/><br/>Proven Benefits<br/>Ever since the industry deployment from the Ethereum code, it has confirmed to be hugely successful. It charted an extraordinary win steady stream, losing only once in virtually 1350 trades. This is to say that anybody who also retreats into the Ethereum Code application as their principal investment decision device will see success. Also, this continual gain streak exemplifies ideal investment strategies that produce favourable outcomes.<br/><br/>Multi-Platform<br/>The Ethereum Code is offered about PC as well while mobile devices. Which means that anyone no longer need to help stay put in a person devote order to get pleasure from the app. Rather an individual can trade away from home and watch your profits develop tandem with the time job. Once you have earned adequate profits and even experience, anyone can even think of falling your job and getting a full-time individual.<br/><br/>Daily Multiple Signals<br/>On the average, the Ethereum Codes puts out in between 21 years of age to 97 signals. This particular depends largely on this business parameters of typically the day. However, you can obtain indicators that will help anyone make a decision exactly what trades to help make. This will a person on top of the particular trade approach while as well feeding your knowledge of this market.<br/><br/>How to Help make a free account on Ethereum Program code?<br/>Opening a account using Ethereum Code is very simple. All you want can be a new netmail bill as well as even an old the one that is exclusive. By unique all of us indicate that it has in no way been recently used for virtually any different sort of binary investing.<br/><br/>Once you have the message id, head over to help Ethereum-code. apresentando and generate an account. You may need to invest your name and email deal with.<br/><br/>ethereum code steps<br/><br/>Once you are able to the people location, it is best to create brokerage account. To do this, you are going to need to fill within your personal data. After you have done that, the particular app will easily assign you to a good broker.<br/><br/>The next action consists of depositing money. This specific is DEFINITELY NOT a sign up fee. In fact , Ethereum Code app is usually absolutely free to use. However, you have got to put in some dollars in to help you trade. This minimum volume required by simply Ethereum Codes is $250.<br/><br/>After you have lodged the money, the use will automatically start buying and selling for you plus generating profits. Just sit back and watch this make funds for you. However, if an individual want to become additional capable of trading by simply yourself, we all recommend finding out with the iphone app seeing as well.<br/><br/>Conclusion<br/>The Ethereum code is an incredible application and website ideal for a myriad of crypto stock traders. It has a good number of features and supplies tested profits. This means that any person can turn a good profit from crypto buying and selling. You do not require to be a professional inside the field to convert some sort of revenue. <a href="https://ethereumandmistwallet.org/EthereumAndMist0.7.5">Ethereum Wallet Version 0.7.5</a> , the cryptocurrency domain is enduring a democratisation. Inside of this environment, apps such as Ethereum Code are top the charge and buying even more people into this market. <a href="https://ethereumandmistwallet.org/EthereumAndMistv0.11.0">Ethereum Wallet Version 0.11.0</a> , in turn, means that more individuals will be entering typically the foray and will notice the profits out of this collection of investment. As a result, the entire market place themselves will witness a revolutionary overhaul and could turn into a common issue inside a long time. However, for at this moment, Ethereum Signal remains a person of the very several software to provide proven auto-trading benefits.<br/><br/>So, the find decision on typically the Ethereum Code is always that this is a great software to use to study. Furthermore, the profits can help an individual enhance your crypto purchase portfolio and provide the perfect basis for future investment at the same time. If you are as passionate regarding becoming financially independent because we are usually, then examine out the app at this time.<br/>
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coinxgo · 2 years
SEC's Hester Peirce says the U.S. has dropped the ball on crypto regulation
The U.S. has dropped the ball on crypto regulation, according to Securities and Exchange Commissioner Hester Peirce, and she says the knock-on effects of that failure keep her up at night.
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"There's a lot of fraud in this space, because it's the hot area of the moment. ...The other piece that does concern me is the way that we've sort of dropped the regulatory ball,"
"We're not allowing innovation to develop and experimentation to happen in a healthy way, and there are long-term consequences of that failure," Peirce said.
The comments come as the crypto market meltdown continues.
A 45% sell-off in digital assets has erased more than half a trillion dollars from the entire market in a few weeks, in part, to turmoil in a subset of cryptocurrencies dubbed stablecoins.
The name comes from the fact that these digital currencies are specifically designed to be stable, with values pegged to the price of real-world assets such as commodities like gold, or fiat currencies like the U.S. dollar. The price moves of stablecoins are seldom worth mentioning because they're not supposed to fluctuate much. But the collapse of UST — one of the more popular U.S. dollar-pegged stablecoins — had a contagious effect across the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem as even USDT (tether) lost its peg to the US dollar for some time. Those shock waves have also lit a fire under lawmakers and regulators. "We can go after fraud and we can play a more positive role on the innovation side, but we have to get to it, we've got to get working," said Peirce.
The SEC's crypto remit
The SEC's job description when it comes to regulating cryptocurrencies is amorphous.
Wall Street's top regulator oversees securities, and until recently it was difficult getting Chair Gary Gensler to pin down which of the more than 19,000 cryptocurrency’s fall under his jurisdiction, versus the commodity tokens which would be better left to law enforcers at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
But in recent testimony, Gensler offered some clarity, saying the SEC has jurisdiction "over probably a vast number" of the cryptocurrencies in circulation. The SEC chief also conceded that bitcoin was "maybe" not under its purview — which, for him, were strong words on the subject.
Gensler's recent take on bitcoin's regulatory jurisdiction runs in parallel to ex-SEC chief Jay Clayton, who previously said that cryptocurrencies are "replacements for sovereign currencies," and if you "replace the dollar, the euro, the yen with bitcoin ... that type of currency is not a security."
The SEC has spent the last few months beefing up its roster and broadening its remit with respect to digital asset regulation. In April, Gensler said Wall Street's top regulator plans to register and regulate crypto platforms, and earlier this month, the SEC said it would almost double the staff responsible for protecting investors in cryptocurrency markets — bringing its Crypto Assets and Cyber team up to 50 dedicated positions.
"The crypto exchanges should come in and register," continued Gensler on Capitol Hill last week, "Or, frankly, we're going to continue to bring, use what Congress has given us, in our enforcement and examination functions."
Gensler also recently told House lawmakers that the rules are "actually quite clear." If you are raising money from the public and the public anticipates a profit based on the efforts of that sponsor, that's a security, according to the SEC chair. Gensler says that differs from a commodity, which both lacks an issuer and also has no public buyer anticipating a return based on the efforts of the single party behind the product.
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A clearer picture from Congress
a lot of participants would welcome more clarity from lawmakers. The SEC's Peirce tells CNBC that while the SEC is already acting using the authority that it has, she thinks "it would be helpful if Congress came in and said, 'SEC, here's the role we think you should be playing. CFTC, here's the role for you.'"
"One could argue that the SEC would be a good regulator of retail exchanges, if we decide to have a federal regulator, but again, that's really up to Congress to make that call," continued Peirce, who noted that there is a lot of work to be done within existing authorities since traditional financial institutions want to get involved in crypto. "They need regulatory clarity from us in order to do that."
Sens. Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., are aiming to provide that clarity with a bill that lays out a comprehensive framework for regulating the crypto industry and divvies up oversight among regulators like the SEC and CFTC. Lummis tells CNBC that they hope this regulatory blueprint for digital assets "hits the sweet spot between regulation that is clear and understood, and does not stifle innovation." But until Congress passes some hard and fast rules around how to regulate crypto, the dynamic will remain regulation by enforcement.
Since the SEC launched a unit dedicated to crypto asset oversight in 2017, it has brought more than 80 enforcement actions against crypto asset offerings and platforms.
In 2020, the SEC alleged that Ripple, its CEO Brad Garlinghouse and the company's executive chairman violated securities laws when it sold $1.4 billion worth of XRP, the world's sixth-largest cryptocurrency. Amid the wider sell-off, XRP is down 42% in the last 30 days.
Ripple says its token is not a security — and so goes the continued confusion over which digital coins fall into which regulatory bucket.
How the Ripple legal battle plays out could be a sign of things to come — and could potentially force the SEC's hand on defining which of the nearly 20,000 crypto tokens fall under its jurisdiction.
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sirtechs · 2 years
A young driver uses NFT to achieve a Formula One dream!
Bianca is a 17-year-old racing driver who uses NFT to achieve her dreams and make history. In March, Bianca won a spot on the W Academy Academy team, which will host eight Formula One World Championships in support of eight world championships. She will be the first Philippine competitor to compete in the All-Women's Championship.
This achievement seems even closer to his goal of becoming a Formula 1 driver. However, there are challenges - including funding for training and even basic necessities.
Consider the NFT Horse Dark project. Bianca launched the NFT Access Corridor to fund her fast-growing motor sports career, and with a unique look, it helps exactly how she works for a dream (Formula One).
An exclusive look behind the wheel
According to Sirtechs , the Black Horse project has been described as a "new choice on the traditional talent agency and early support functions - revised through China Blockchain technology."
Anyone interested in supporting this project, according to each black horse roadmap, guarantees access to behind-the-scenes content, social interaction with Bianca, Merch, and more.
Bianca is particularly excited about how the project will bring her closer to her community. "The black horse is a great opportunity for me to embrace new technology to build a sustainable platform aimed at giving to those who believe in me," he said in an official statement. What I'm most excited about are the fun and exciting ways in which I can interact directly with my fans. "Instead of supporting them, I will work hard to be the best driver in the world and, with my team, provide unique content and insights into my life and the world of sports cars."
In the future, NFT series like Bianca could play a similar role in the aggregation market - possibly the NBA has already been caught. This new revenue stream for booming athletes could also play well with the ruling that ultimately granted NCAA athletes the right to accept guaranteed deals.
As a Professional Athlete it may seem like a professional sport, a sport like professional competitions that requires significant financial investment at the end of a brutal training program - before they even get a chance to go. The intersection of factors such as this has led to a lack of diversity in professional competitions, with Formula One world championships in Formula One sports, which is a sad fact.
According to the latest digital currency news , the event's 70-year history shows a homogeneous release of participants: of the 900 drivers who have competed in at least one Formula One championship, the vast majority are Caucasians. For example, only a handful of Asian drivers have competed in the tournament, although countries like Japan have developed several generations of motor sports enthusiasts. They invented water for crying and shouting.
Other races had very limited participation in these competitions. In fact, the tournament saw no black contestants until Lewis Hamilton competed in his first World Championship in 2007. Women are seen as rare even at the highest levels of competition. The last time we saw a woman compete in this tournament was in 1976, when Leila Lamborghini announced her second and final appearance.
Unfortunately, the NFT and crypto space is similar to this lack of diversity. According to the morning program, by 2022, more than 70% of the world's digital currency accounts will be held by men, which is 62% of all white men. This is one of the reasons why Bianca's initiative is as important as the competition. Representing women and people of color in both communities will only help break down barriers to entry to ensure that everyone has equal opportunities to participate.
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taragrackley-blog · 3 years
Lorenzo Primiterra Aims to Make Bitcoin Easy for Gen X and Baby Boomers
It's Never Too Late to Learn About New Technology That Can Give You Financial Freedom
(Lisbon, Portugal, December) "Hey Mom, I Bought Bitcoin" is a comprehensive guide that explains complex Bitcoin topics to Gen X and Baby Boomers in a straightforward manner.
The book begins by looking into the history of money. Then, the author explains some of Bitcoin's fundamentals, breaking it down into more digestible chunks exploring why Bitcoin was created, why it works, and the reasons it may not work alongside a section that investigates its circular relationship between supply and demand. Here is a preview of the contents:
Let’s Keep It Simple
History of Money
What Is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin’s Creation
Why Was It Created?
How It Works
Bitcoin’s Value: The Supply
Bitcoin’s Value: The Demand
Bitcoin as an Investment
Paying in Bitcoin
Bitcoin and the Governments
Most Common Criticism
Bitcoin and Criminality
Bitcoin and Freedom
Will Bitcoin Work?
Why Bitcoin Will Work
Why Bitcoin Won’t Work
Bitcoin and the World
Future Perspectives
Alternative Coins
What To Do Now?
The book also discusses why people should consider bitcoin as an asset and weighs the pros and cons. Last but not least, it will prompt the readers to figure out their next move if they are looking to get involved with Bitcoin!
"I would recommend this book to everyone, which explains bitcoin in simple terms using a lexicon within everyone's reach and examples that make the concepts clear." – commented Fabio, a reader. He found the guide to be helpful.
So, there is no doubt that our moms, dads, uncles, aunts, and grandparents can explore the fascinating world of Bitcoin and grasp the technical know-how easily with zero technical knowledge.
Jacopo acknowledged the book as a beginner's guide to Bitcoin and future investments for anyone who wants to start from scratch. He wrote, "Fundamental for anyone who wants to understand, learn or invest in Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency."
Moreover, the book doesn't overwhelm you with industry jargon that does not make sense to an outsider. Mary, a reader on Amazon, loved it because she could start her Bitcoin journey without worrying about mind-numbing jargon or technical details. She wrote: "I'm not a mom, but my knowledge of crypto was close to 0 before reading Lorenzo's Book. I was done with the book in a few hours. It's easy to read. Start your crypto journey today!"
For more information on the book, please visit:
Lorenzo Primiterra is a digital nomad who loves traveling the world and testing new technologies. He made his first Bitcoin transaction in 2011 partly for fun, then didn't bother much about it.
Later, he observed the significant impact that Bitcoin could have in the corporate and banking world and jumped into studying cryptocurrency projects that engineers aim to bring into the world. Finally, he realized that cryptocurrency is the latest revolution in the global economy that one cannot avoid.
This book is his first published work to increase awareness about Bitcoin, even for those who have just heard of it.
Media Contact:
Contact Name: Lorenzo Primiterra Phone Number: +393405031306 Email: [email protected] Website:http://lorenzoprimiterra.com/
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DeSo is underpinning the new social network scene! Are we seeing a solution to the Social Dilemma? #170
Nader Al-Naji’s journey in the world of blockchain has only just started and he has done so much. From mining 23 Bitcoin as a student at Princeton to raising $140M for Basis, a decentralized stablecoin, to his latest project, Deso.org, there is no question that he is the one to watch. If this was not enough, Nader is also the creator of BitClout, a social app built on the DeSo blockchain, but Nader is looking for even more amazing projects to join in the fun – so his non-profit company created a pot of money to the tune of $50M USD to support new, groundbreaking projects in the social space. Social networks have been under greater scrutiny now more than ever before, due to the sometimes anti-social and questionable content, so will DeSo be able to help with this aspect of the social dilemma? Join Aviva Ounap, host of Crypto and Blockchain Talk, as she and Nader explore the social side of blockchain and ask, what does the future of social really look like?
Tune in to CryptoAndBlockchainTalk.com, the podcast that makes you smarter about the worlds of blockchain and cryptocurrency, and everything in between. It is our mission to interview the brightest stars in this space, bringing them straight to your ears for your listening pleasure, and best of all, for free!
In addition, all interviews are streamed on Crypto24Radio.com, bringing you the latest news on all things blockchain and crypto-related all day, every day - plus music!
So stay tuned and enjoy.
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cryptonewspipe · 3 years
How NFTs are empowering musicians
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NFTs blockchain empower recording artists and musicians more power and let them break out from centralized platforms. One initiative proposes to combine "streaming, VR, metaverses, and NFTs" into a single platform for music fan participation and control. Blockchain is quickly proving to be the disruptive force that industry insiders have predicted for years. The growing number of projects and artists utilizing it as a primary technology in their work may be changing the present economic paradigm that most musicians operate under. Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs empower independent musicians to make money and interact with their fans without having to rely on a label or a streaming service like Spotify. 3LAU, an electronic dance music producer, sold over $11 million in tokens redeemable for real-world products, including music, in March, with a $3 million token holder bidding for the privilege to collaborate with the artist. Another well-known EDM DJ, Paul Oakenfold, stated in September that he will be releasing a tokenized record on the Cardano blockchain. Many venues throughout the world are still unable to host live performances as a result of the pandemic's limitations, and certain streaming providers do not provide musicians with a sustainable revenue. Rather of ignoring COVID-19 requirements, some performers and organizers have resorted to blockchain technology in the form of metaverses and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) as an alternative. Epic Games' Fortnite presented a virtual performance with singer Ariana Grande and other celebrities in August. One project promises to be transforming the music industry by providing music fans with creative access to top musicians while also introducing blockchain to both newcomers and veterans through the integration of blockchain technology and popular entertainment. Fans of Animal Concerts may attend live or virtual concerts while maintaining some control over their own content thanks to the platform's utility tokens. NFTs play an important role as well, being used for virtual venue tickets, future live events, fan avatars, and keepsakes for specific performances. "As the only one bringing it all together in one spot, we are at the pinnacle of numerous upcoming technologies, including streaming, VR, metaverses, and NFTs," stated Animal Concerts CEO Colin Fitzpatrick. "This is the first big new cash source for musicians in a decade, as well as an exciting and novel way to communicate with their fans." We're democratizing concerts and redistributing power to the performers themselves." Animal Concerts claims that their business strategy is centered on getting 100 million crypto users into the sector in the next 12 months, claiming to provide non-VIPs with a deeper connection to performers than in-person venues have been able to provide. According to the idea, by integrating the finest elements of streaming, concerts, metaverses, NFTs, and crypto, there may be no limit to the number of individuals who may connect with musical artists. Animal Concerts is currently selling a limited number of NFT tickets in Miami on October 30 that include a live concert and meet-and-greet with Grammy Award-winning rapper Future. Roundtrip airfare, oceanfront hotel, bottle service, and access to the Maxim Model Lounge are among the other goodies. It remains to be seen whether blockchain technology can help revive the music business as the virus continues to wreak havoc on numerous countries across the world. Expanding customer interaction to the virtual realm and providing a mechanism to democratize the concert business, on the other hand, might transform the sector. Companies like Animal Concerts may be saying "Thank You, Next" to the mainstream concert business, if the more than one million people who watched Ariana Grande perform electronically in Fortnite in August, along with the $20 million she earned for the engagement, are any clue. Read the full article
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