#i didnt intend for mirage’s to be that long but i guess here we are
mirage-babey · 5 years
For scientific reasons, which trainers would be best buddies? Which ones would be rivals? What kind of lives would they live? What regions would they live in? I’m sorry for all the questions, but I’d like your opinion
okay, here we go! the current guide to the Apex Legends Pokemon Trainer AU!
Typhlosion (Partner), Braviary
From Kanto
Her family was originally military, but she and one of her brothers ended up running a fire-type gym after an incident
When Natalie and Octavio came along to challenge the gym, after talking with them she realised they all had parents that had placed very specific expectations on them and decided to tag along on their journey to broaden her horizons
She and Octavio, both challenging gyms, have a friendly rivalry going on
Gallade (Partner), Corviknight, Luxray
From Johto
A very mysterious character with a preference for honourable pokemon
Gibraltar and Ajay have no idea of this trainer’s background, but they’re always grateful for the assistance Bloodhound lends
They and their pokemon make a team of talented trackers, and it makes Gibraltar and Ajay’s jobs of finding and helping pokemon and people stuck in natural disasters much easier
Still, they are dedicated to Arceus above all else
Rotom (Partner), Dedenne
From Sinnoh
idk i’ll decide on his story when he gets released in game
Wheezing (Partner), Vileplum, Dustox
From Galar
He’s a scientist that wanted to develop the use of poison types but his work was deemed unethical and thus he was fired
however he found that a number of shady organisations were very interested in his work, and so he continued his research
His Wheezing is not a Galarian form despite Alexander being from Galar - it didn’t mesh with his evil scientist aesthetic
Hariyama (Partner), Aegislash, Aggron
From Alola
His parents were Pokemon Rangers, and he grew up to follow in their footsteps - usually a ranger has just the one partner pokemon, but Aegislash and Aggron just never really left his side
He met his partner pokemon the same day he decided to become a pokemon Ranger; he and his boyfriend got caught in a mudslide, and when his parents came to the rescue, a Makuhita - a pokemon known for it’s tenacity - decided it would try to help
Absol (Partner), Togetic, Chansey
From Unova
When she found out her parents were making some deals with some dodgy organisations, she left the life of wealth she lead in urban Unova in favour of doing humanitarian work with pokemon around the world
Her team consists of pokemon that’d help in rescue situations (Absol can predict natural disasters, Togetic is said to bring good fortune and happiness, Chansey shares its eggs with those who are injured)
Was close friends with Octavio as children, but they grew apart as their paths diverged in adulthood. She still supports his pursuits, though, and he regularly donates to the charities she works with
Gets on well with Gibraltar, they’ve worked together on a number of occasions - Makoa specialises in dealing with the overarching issue, while Ajay helps any injured people or pokemon.
Zoroark (partner), Vulpix, Mime Jr, Mawile
From Hoenn
His older brothers all left to go on their pokemon journeys years before he did. Elliott and his mother worked together on holographic tech for entertainment purposes, taking inspiration from the various pokemon that used illusions
He wanted to go on his own journey, but didn’t want to leave his mother alone. His mother’s Zoroark had an egg though, and she gave it to Elliott. The Zorua that hatched from it became his partner.
Most of his pokemon come from the fact that he’s a big softie at heart. Vulpix are known to feign injury to fool enemies and escape, which he thought was really cool. Mime Jr was practising its mimicking skills, Elliott complimented it, and it just completely forgot what it was doing it was so happy and so Elliott immediately took it under his wing. Mawile looks cute but it’s also terrifying and will kick your ass and Elliott just had to have it
He generally takes the route of a battle trainer, but he entered a pokemon contest once on a whim and completely dominated, much to Zoroark’s glee
One day while travelling through Johto he ran into an Espurr - a pokemon with a creept stare that wasn’t native to the region - that scared the shit out of him. He’d never admit it, but the fact that its trainer saw so easily through his pokemon’s illusions also kinda intimidated him
In Unova, he came across the same Espurr, except now it had evolved into a Meowstic. Similarly, his Zorua had now evolved into a Zoroark. He challenged the trainer to a battle and found her psychic type pokemon were at interesting match against his pokemon that specialised in trickery.
The match was observed by some really tall, lanky, excitable guy with an Ambipom and a Cubone. The three trainers coincidentally spent the night at the same pokecentre, and they just didn’t really part ways in the morning.
Also one time when he was drunk, Elliott was flirting with someone and that trainer’s Gourgeist attacked him. It was funny, and the trainer apologised, but he’s also lowkey been afraid of the entire evolutionary line ever since (Wraith and Pathfinder found out when one day, while they were at a pokecentre, Elliott turned around, saw a Pumpkaboo, and screamed)
Linoone (Partner), Zebstrika
From Unova
He grew up as a rich kid in urban Unova, but with busy CEOs for parents, he often found himself bored
As a kid, a Zigzagoon caught his attention while on a business trip with his family, and he ended up catching it
He and the pokemon got along famously, and when it evolved into a Linoone - the rushing pokemon - he found his taste for adrenaline evolving alongside it
He began to grow distant from his childhood friend Ajay at this time, but he still recognised how important her work was so he supports her whenever he can
Now he partakes in gym battles, the occasional contest (usually due to a friendly rivalry between him and one Elliott Witt), and regular death defying stunts with his high speed pokemon team
He lost his legs in an accident involving a race and a misuse of pokemon moves
He’s got a good few fans as a result of the videos he makes, but he can always count on Ajay, Natalie, and Anita to keep him grounded
He’s got a knack for convincing people to take a risk - it’s how he got Natalie and Anita to go on their own journeys to find what they want from life
Ambipom (Partner), Cubone
From Unova
He was an orphan with a desire to see the world (and maybe find out the story behind his birth parents along the way)
His first pokemon was an Aipom whose mobility he admired greatly. He has a Cubone because he found it crying and, as an orphan himself, he cared deeply for its loss
He isn’t quite sure what he wants from life, but being a pokemon professor and learning about the world sounds pretty good to him
Near the start of his journey, he was staying in a pokecentre and ended up being the referee for a pokemon battle
When morning came, those two same trainers looked a little lost (though they’d never admit it), and as he himself was brilliant with directions, he ended up offering to show them around the region
But they ended up sticking together long after that
Morpeko (Partner), Plusle, Minun, Luxio
From Kalos
Worked closely with her father researching ways in which electric types and people can work together and how those relations could be utilised
She and her father raised an unruly Shinx that was very uncooperative, but one day it accidentally electrocuted her (causing the scar on her face), and it was the guilt it felt that caused it to finally clean up its act
When he passed away, she inherited her father’s Electabuzz. At first, she wouldn’t necessarily consider the pokemon a part of her team, but more of a family member that still assists in her work, though this changed when she started her journey
(shoutout to @gayneflynt @wraithofthevoid for their ideas)
Met Octavio when he was participating in a competition at an arena she had previously done work on. Her father had just passed, and Octavio convinced her that she should give going on a pokemon journey a go to try and fill the void that had been left behind
She met Anita when Octavio was challenging a gym. Anita, sister of the gym leader, got to talking with the pair, and decided to tag along on their journey
Gothitelle (Partner), Meowstic, Abra
From Johto
She has amnesia, and woke with nothing but a psychic type pokemon leaning over her in an abandoned lab
Gothitelle is particularly protective of her, as a pokemon that can predict the future and can become aware of their trainer’s lifespan. This was the pokemon fawning over her when she awoke with no memory
Abra can read minds and sense danger, teleporting away when it feels threatened. Sometimes Wraith wishes she had the same ability - the two felt a kinship and it joined her team. She caught Espurr because it’s the restraint pokemon - she personally felt restrained by her lack of memories - and she was kinda fond of how weird and creepy it sorta was
The Espurr scared the shit outta one trainer she met while she was still in Johto - to be fair, it was staring at him weirdly
She ran into him again in Unova. Her Abra - despite being terrified of everyone they met - never once tried to teleport away from him, so in the morning when he invited her to join him and some makeshift tour-guide, on a whim she said yes
All of her pokemon seemed happy with the decision, so she decided that maybe she should stick around in this trio
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hornsbeforehalos · 7 years
Anytime, Sweetheart: Part 7
Pairing: JDM x OFC (RPF)
Features: Ackles & Padalecki Families, R2, Misha Collins & Vicky Vantoch, Norman Reedus, Andrew Lincoln, Kim Rhodes, Briana Buckmaster, Ruth Connell, Corey Taylor and other cast members & OFCs* *THIS IS AN RPF FIC**
Series Masterlist Summary: (I’m horrible at summaries, but let me try): Kylin Ackles runs to her brother’s house after leaving her abusive boyfriend of 3 years, where she meets Jeffrey. Events unfold that bring them together, as well as push them apart.  Warnings: Emotional abuse, Physical Violence, mentions of rape, cursing, drinking, recreational drug use (weed), Strip Club, RPF, NSFW**, GIFs, implied smut, Age Difference, Slow burn, Emotional rollercoaster, poorly written smutt, etc… 18+ please
(A/N: This is strictly a work of fiction that I came up with off the top of my head. For fictional purposes his S/O & Son are not mentioned. I love him and his little family, though, so no hate intended. This is the first time posting anything on Tumblr, but I couldn’t get it out of my head since my ao3 fic is currently on hiatus because writers block. Feedback is appreciated. unbetaed, all mistakes are mine.)
TAGS: @jml509 @jesbakescookies @daddy-kink-confirmed @wayward-mirage @aquivercactus
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   Fuck Anthony. Fuck Jeffrey. Fuck every man who ever made me feel unwanted or unattractive. On that stage, I was queen.  I had danced for 4 years at another club before I met Anthony, but of course once we got serious he was quick to make me quit. I had danced for a night when I first started working when I came back to Dallas, but only because there was 3 girls and it had gotten surprisingly busy. I missed it. I loved it, and I was damned good at it. 
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       Before you judge me, let me explain something: strippers are not all sloppy nasty drunk whores who fuck for money. About 99% all have husbands and kids and normal lives, they just so happen to take their clothes off for money. I was one of those people. Anyway, back to our story,         Somehow, some way, the club kept the media out and no one outside had found out that i didnt want to know. Hell, the only people I told were Gen, Dani, and Vicki. I swore them to secrecy and told them to make sure no one found out, especially my brother.     Jensen and I hadn't really talked after the evening that I kicked Jeffrey out. He'd send me a text asking if I was okay, and I'd reply back with a 'yes.' He knew how I got sometimes when I needed space, and left me alone for a while.         I was just waking up with a particularly bad hangover one morning when I saw that his face popped up on the screen of my phone that was vibrating its way across my nightstand. I answered with a muffled, "What?" "What? Bitch! Do you know what to day is?" he beamed with a loud laugh.
   "Some douchebags birthday I guess, probably, I don't know." I mumbled, still half asleep.       "It's your favorite fucking douchebag's birthday, whore. Now, get up, I need birthday favor from you." "Whaaaaat?" I groaned, rolling over onto my back and clutching my head.     "I need you to pick up the guys from the airport for me. None of us have time over here."  he responded as I heard a loud crash come from somewhere behind him, followed by, "God damnit, Jay, Sit the hell down! - Dude, remind me to never have any more fucking kids."       "What time?" I huffed before downing the painkillers that I was grateful drunk-me had left on the nightstand with a bottle of water.    "Uh, can you get to DFW in like.....30 minutes?" referring to the airport down the street from my house. "I hate you."
"Love you too, sis, bye!" click.     With another groan, I crawled out of bed and pulled on a pair of yoga pants and a slouchy sweatshirt, pulling my hair into a thoroughly messy bun while slipping on my slippers. I grabbed my keys and purse before heading out the door.     I pulled up to the pick up area where Jensen had said the boys would be waiting for me. I was waiting for about ten minutes before I saw Misha push past the door, followed by Rob, Rich, and lastly, trailing behind in all his leather-clad manliness, was the last person I wanted, or expected to see. Jeffrey. 
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   "Fuck my life." I mumbled to myself as they approached the car. I popped the trunk so they could put their luggage in the back before they began to crawl in. Misha hopped into the passenger seat as everyone else maneuvered their way into the tiny back seat, Rob sitting behind me, Rich in the middle, and Jeff behind Misha. Misha immediately leaned over the console and pulled me into his arms for a hug and a kiss on the forehead while Richard told me how much he missed me. Rob enthusiastically grabbed my shoulders from around my seat as he craned his head around and planted a wet, sloppy kiss to the side of my face. "Boys" I said in greeting, eyeing Jeffrey in the back through the rear-view mirror.    He was of course staring back silently. I quickly adverted my eyes to Misha beside me.    "How's it going, girl. Haven't seen you in almost a year!" Mish beamed, his arm crossing over the console again to give my thigh a squeeze. I looked at him through the corner of my eye as he left his hand there, and he gave me a look back as if saying "I know this sucks, and I'm sorry." I squinted my eyes at him, but he already knew I was irritated without our silent conversation.    "Are you excited about the party tonight, little lady? You know, I hear your favorite band is playing!" Rob said excitedly, leaning forward again in his seat with his hands on the side of my headrest.    "Bob-o, you know Jensen wouldn't get H.I.M here for his birthday!" Richard teased, smacking Rob in the chest jokingly. "Fuck you, Rich. Fuck you" Rob chuckled back to him.    "I absolutely love your hair by the way, Ky, brings out your pretty green eyes." Rob continued gleefully, playing with a strand that had fallen out of my bun.    "Thanks babe, It's hard as fuck to keep up with." I leaned my head back a little as Rob pulled my hair out of the elastic, fingering it as it fell down. I looked back into the rear view mirror, and to my delight, Jeffrey was staring at me with an obviously irritated look on his face. I smirked back at him before returning my eyes to the road.      Jeffrey stayed completely stoic the entire ride to my parents' as I laughed and flirted with the boys. It was always like that with them; Misha had a thing about touching me, and Rob and Rich, well, they had a thing about just being around me, especially since it was the first time they'd seen me since the accident at Jensen's. I could feel Jeff's eyes bore into the back of my head as I received the attention that I had been craving from the other men. Rob had let me know that him and Mollie had decided to separate until his schedule died down again, seeing as she was busy with the lawfirm and didn't have a lot of free time anyway. Rich and Jaci were doing well, and Misha and Vicky were trying for baby number 3 while preparing for GISH. I didn't ask how Jeff had been.    "So, Ky, how's the skrrrrrrippin' going?" Misha giggled, leaning towards me in his seat. I shot him a side ways glare again. Vicky of course squealed. They told each other everything. Rob gasped, Richard almost choked, and I could swear i heard a chuckle from Jeff. I narrowed my eyes and glared at the road, tightening my grip on the steering wheel. Thank God Jensen wasn’t here. "Fine, Dmitri. Fuck you."    "You know, I seen Kylin's tits one time, they're pretty fucking awesome." Rich chimed in from the backseat. Jeffrey's eyebrows almost hit his hairline.    "I've seen 'em before too. Definitely pay-per-view worthy." Rob bobbed his head up and down in agreement. "She's fucked my wife before while I watch-"    "Okayyyy so, everyone in the car has seen my tits can we-" I tried to say before I was cut off. "I've never seen them," Jeffrey drawled in protested with a smirk.     Everyone got silent as I glared at him through the mirror once more, before declaring, "And you never will."    I pulled up to my parents’ drive way without getting out, still needing to go back to my place to shower and change and get ready for the festivities that would be happening all day long and into the night. Jensen and Josh both walked up to the car to greet me as I popped the trunk again as the men crawled out. Jensen tucked his head in through the driver's side window at the same time Josh did the same to the passenger side. "Brothers" I said menacingly, glaring a head at the garage door. "Sister" they both replied in unison.    "What is he doing here, and why did you make me have to pick him up from the airport?" My question was obviously aimed at the birthday boy.    "Because you were closer and his plane just so happen to land at the same time as the others'." he smirked, skipping over the first half of my inquiry. "Josh is right here."  I whipped my head around to glare at my eldest brother.    "I was helping Jason set up the stage." He lifted his hands up defensively with a giggle.    "Shut up, I wasn't talking to you." I narrowed my eyes at him before turning back to Jensen. "He was helping set up the stage." Jensen repeated with his own laugh. "First question then?" I cocked my head to the side.    "Because he was my friend before he was your fuck buddy." Jensen's face went still.    "Jensen," Josh said with a warning. He knew I was pissed already, 'why add fuel to the fire?' "We never fucked." I growled through gritted teeth. "Whatever." Jensen rolled his eyes. "Do you even want me to come tonight?" "Yes." "Then shut the fuck up before I knock those perfect teeth down your throat." I threw my car in reverse as the boys stepped away just in time not to get their feet ran over. 
​When I got home I immediately called Vicki. "He said something, didn't he?" She immediately said as a greeting. "Yuuup," I replied, popping my lips, "Right in front of Jeffrey, too." "Shit. He's there? Fuck." I could hear the cringe in her voice. "Yeah, dude, ugh." I raised my palm to my for head as I walked to the bathroom. "Well, what are you going to do?" She asked as I started pulling my clothes off.    "I don​'​t know, man. I didn​'​t think I'd have to see him again. Jensen's doing this on purpose." I put the phone on speaker as I finished undressing and started the shower.    She sighed before replying, "Probably. I think you should talk to him. You were drunk the last time you saw him and was in a really bad place."    I sighed back before stepping in the shower and calling out to her, "I'm still in a bad place, Vicks."    "I know that, hun, but not as bad as you were 3 weeks ago. I'm sure he understands." She said as I lathered my shampoo into my hair    "Pffft. I was a total cunt to him when I picked them up. He didn​'​t see​m​ too thrilled to see me, either" spoke through the water as I rinsed my hair.    "Well I don't know what to tell you. Wash your ass and don​'​t abuse my husband too much" she laughed before disconnecting the call.    With a roll of my eyes I finished my shower before stepping out to blow dry my hair and do my makeup. once finished I stepped back into my bedroom to get some clothes on, choosing a simple floral romper that had a halter neck and was short enough to show my thigh tattoos. I threw on my black high wedge sandals before grabbing my purse and keys and heading back to Richardson. 
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   "​Kylin's here! It's shot time!" I heard Richard call the second I walked into the house.    "Jesus Christ" I mumbled under my breath as I felt everyone shift their eyes to where I stood by the front door.    Misha immediately broke out into a sprint towards me, pushing past the small group of people in the dining room. Once he reached me, he scooped me up into his arms and spun me around before setting me down and throwing arm around my waist, ushering me into the kitchen where my parents were sitting at the kitchen table with Jensen, Jared, and Josh, ready with loaded shot glasses.    "What the fuck are you doing, Mom?" I urged, surprised at the sight of my mother with a large margarita glass in front of her beside a shot glass of Tequila.    "Ky, It's not" -hiccup- "Everyday" -hiccup- "That your son turns" -hiccup- "Forty" My dad giggled, sneaking his face over to where my mom's margarita straw was.    "Alan Ackles, get your own!" My mother scolded, smile on her lips while she smacked my father in the face gently with the back of her knuckle. 
“I’m thirty-nine, dad, Lord.” Jensen grumbled as he raised his glass.    I took my place at the table as the room seemed to fill in, Richard bring me a shot shortly before making me scoot over ​to squeeze into my seat with me.    "Here's to the shittiest brother on the planet." I raised my glass sarcastically as everyone laughed, a particular chuckle coming from behind me standing out a little more than the others. I rolled my eyes as I tipped my head back.    "Jesus, I'm too old for this." My mother's sour face puckered and Jensen barked out a laugh, throwing his head back into Dani behind him.    "I don't think I've ever seen your parents drunk," She giggled, placing her hands on Jensen's shoulders.    "I have, he tried to steal my wife from me!" Jared boomed, hugging Gen’s big belly protectively while shooting fake daggers at my dad, who was wagging his finger drunkenly at Jared.    "Guys, it's barely 5, go take a nap" Makenzie sighed, always the responsible one, with a hand on both of our parents' shoulders.    "Come on, Kenz, live a little!" I boomed, lifting my glass in Rob's direction, who was holding the bottle of Crown.    "You live enough for the both of us, Sis," She said sarcastically, narrowing her eyes at me.    Rob reached my side, attempting to shield me from the obvious feeling that was Jeffrey's stare to the back of my head and began pouring me another shot. He looked down at me through the corner of his eye with a wink and a smirk. I smirked back while lifting my hand from my lap to loop my finger into his back belt loop. He wiggled his ass against my hand and arm, making me giggle. "You good?" He squinted as he filled his glass as well.
I peered around him and caught Jeffrey’s eye for a split second before looking back up to him with a smirk, “I will be.”
   I spent most of the evening outside by the pool with Misha and Rob, one of them near me at all times, and constantly flirting. I was sprawled across one of the outside benches with my feet in Misha's lap and my head in Rob's, who was playing with my hair while I scratched at that fucking grey patch in his beard, when Jeffrey finally had enough liquid courage to try to talk to me. Rob's fingers stilled in my tresses and Misha smacked my feet off of him, prompting me to sit up correctly. 
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"What do you want?" I sighed. Rob and Mish both rolled their eyes. "Come on, Rob, let's go spank the birthday boy" Misha laughed. Both men stood simultaneously. I glared at their backs as Jeffrey moved to sit beside me. "This okay?" He asked, only slightly sarcastic.    "How have you been, Jeffrey?" I sighed again, ignoring his question while reaching for my beer. "Good, yourself? You look....better." I took a sip while nodding my head. "Look, Ky-" he tried, but I cut him off. "I get it, dude. Its cool. I was drunk, I should have known better. My fault."    "You know that it wasn't because I didn't want you, right?" He whispered, looking around to make sure no one was listening. "You don't have to lie to me, Mr. J, I get it."    He groaned and scrubbed his face with his hands, "I'm not fucking lying, Kylin. God dammit. What did you want, me to treat you like some whore?" he furrowed his bows and gestured his hands in the question. I rolled my eyes and mumbled, "at least then I'd gotten what I wanted." 
   With a shake of my head I stood up and headed inside to find my things. The 3 sentence conversation had me wanting to get the hell oout of there. I told everyone I wasn't feeling well, told Jensen and the boys bye and left, but drove to the club instead of home.
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   "Ky, someone bought you off." John said once entered the dressing room, sweat dripping down his forehead per usual. I had just finished getting (un)dressed and was putting on my 9 inch heels. "The fuck? I just got here?" I questioned, furrowing my brows in confusion,    "I'm not allowed to say who. Its supposed to be a surprise." He giggled. I looked at him with a shocked look on my face "Don​'​t be stupid, Kylin" he shifted his glance, understanding my expression.    "Fine, whatever" I huffed before hauling myself up and stalking to the V​.​I​.​P section.    John eventually caught up to my long legs and escorted me into the champagne room, which was empty save a bottle of crown and a stack of money on the table.    "​Must be in the restroom" John noted as I flopped onto the couch, leaning over to pick up the large group of bills.    "Hmmm" I replied, sifting through the hundreds. There had to at least be three grand here.    I confirmed the amount correctly as John nodded to me before leaving. Shortly after, the curtain moved again, revealing who had paid for me to be off the floor for the night. Of course, it was Jeffrey.    "Nope, not doing this." I instantly threw the pile of money back on the table and hoisted myself back to my feet. Jeff blocked the exit.    "I just paid for a taxi to drive me almost 2 hours away, girl." He narrowed his eyes and clasped his hands together in front of him. "What are you doing, Jeffrey?" I glared, trying to move around him. "Well I figure if this is the only way to talk to you..." He trailed off with a chuckle.    I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as he moved around me to sit on the couch.    "Wanna drink?" He asked nonchalantly, lifting the bottle from the ice bucket and cracking it open.    "Whatever, Jeffrey. You're lucky I need my rent." I huffed as I stomped back over to the couch and threw myself down like a child.    "That's right, baby girl, Daddy will take care of you tonight." He drawled, voice rough like gravel suddenly as he handed me the glass of whiskey. I narrowed my eyes at him again as he let out another deep chuckle. ​   "What? You wanna act like a whore, I'll treat you like one." He growled, taking a sip of his own drink as he let his free hand danced across the space between us on the couch to my thigh.    I huffed out a laugh as I spread my legs over his lap before taking another hearty swig of liquor, "So, ​​​you do think I'm a whore, huh?" I said, seductive tone to my voice.    Jeffrey choked on another laugh while shaking his head at me, "What ever will get you to talk to me, sweet heart," He ran his fingertips across my shin bones, enticing goosebumps to come to the surface of my flesh. ​ ​   I finished off the remaining liquid in the tumbler before removing my legs from his lap and re-positioning to straddle him. His eyebrows shifted upward, surprised by my actions as he leaned us forwards for us to place our glasses on the table. He leaned back and moved his hands to my hips. 
   "So, what would you like to talk about, Mr. Morgan?" I said seductively, beginning to grind down on his lap in pace with the r&b song playing over the speakers.    His eyes had sank to where our bodies met, and he tilted his hips into mine with a low growl. He ran his hand up the my ribs and onto my back, his wide palm almost covering my shoulder blades as his fingers found a place in my hair.    "What could ever make you think I don't want you?" He rasped, eyes as deep as coal in the dim light as I continued to shift my hips into his. I stared at him for a moment, unsure of what to say.    "I needed you, and you wouldn't have me," finally came out of my mouth, as cold as I intended it to.    With a growl of frustration Jeffrey shifted us, laying me down onto the cushion of the couch on my back as he positioned himself between my thighs much like on New Years. "I'd have you right now if I could, doll." 
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   My breath had hitched in my throat as I stared into his pupils, riddled with lust. Heat pooled between us as bent his head forward to kiss at my sternum, followed by him dragging his thick beard upward to my chest. He brought his hands from my sides to my breasts, pushing them together to bury his face in between them with a rock of his hips against mine. My hands went into his hair, gently tugging at the sensations that he was bringing about within me. Without warning he flipped us back to our original position and tugged at the string that was holding my bikini top in place.    "Let me so those tits that everyone's seen but me," He growled, eyes focused on my heaving chest as he pulled the material from my skin. His black irises twinkled with a hunger as he bit his bottom lip​ before returning his gaze to my face.    "Ohhh, God damn, woman." He grunted before rutting his face against me again, tongue and teeth ravishing.    "Jeff," I involuntarily moaned, tilting my head back at the feeling of his hands and lips against my flesh.    "Mmmmm," He rasped into my ear, lifting his hips in time with mine, "I missed the way you sound. So pefect."    I tightened my grip in his hair as I dug down more, reveling in the friction felt by my thin t-back being ground up against his rough denim jeans. He splayed his hands across my back, pulling me down into the sensation as his nails lightly left crescent marks where he held onto me.  He lifted his head to look into my eyes, irises darting around my face momentarily before he grabbed me by the back of the head and forcefully pushed his lips against mine with a guttural groan from his chest.     Instantly, every doubt that I had had or anger or any other emotion, for that matter, went right out of the fucking window. I whimpered against his mouth as I parted my lips and pushed my tongue against his, desperate to be closer. He pulled me away by my hair long enough to stare into my eyes for a second, as if in question, before colliding himself with me again. Our motions became harsher against each other, and his hands were everywhere. I could feel the strain in his jeans push harder and harder against the flimsy fabric between my legs as I rotated my hips in tiny circles against him, pulling moans from me and grunts from him. His lips moved down to my neck where he bit the sensitive flesh, leaving light red marks in his wake. His hands traveled from my back to my ass, his fingertips running over the strings at my hips, tugging at them teasingly. The pressure in my belly pushing me further and further into oblivion with every buck and grind.    "You gonna come for me, baby?" He whispered as he dipped his hand between our bodies to feel the wetness soaking my panties. All I could reply back with was another tongue-heavy kiss and a whimper as my body exploded and a cry left my lungs. White spots clouded behind my eyelids as he wrapped his long arms around my back, holding me close to him as he pushed me further into his lap before grunting himself, fingers flexing in their place on my shoulders.    "Only woman alive that can resort me back to a fuckin' teenager, you know that?" He whispered in my ear before looking at me in the face again. Both of us had a slight sheen of sweat coating our skin, our breaths still ragged and shaky. I slunk off his lap to the side of him and turned with my feet still on his thighs to make us drinks.    "You get what you came here for, Mr. Morgan?" I snickered as I handed him his glass of whiskey.    "Seems like we both did, Ms. Ackles" he chuckled back with a smile, hand wrapping around one of my ankles. 
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part eight: https://hornsbeforehalos.tumblr.com/post/164096328644/anytime-sweetheart-part-8
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