#she also comes across bitter and angry and mad at many of her readers
hey-scully-itsme · 1 month
reading some essays/lectures by Flannery O’Connor and she has some relevant stuff to say (it’s also Very Catholic so warning for that ig)
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This is from Mystery and Manners.
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ginnsbaker · 6 months
The ending this guy i swear to god idk who leigh is gonna kill first reader or him or should i say “nick”
I was wondering in the flashback who this nick guy was that got a number for matt uno a married man
The kiss on the cheek the flowing conversation over breakfast all progress gone
I see the seeds being planted with the dog not gonna like i can see leigh with either a husky german shepherd or golden retriever. Golden retriever cos its the opposite to her and kind of mellows her out a little. Or husky because with how active they are they would make an excellent running companion they’re stubborn but loyal and very intelligent (basically leigh if she was a dog) and german shepherd for similar reasons. But i just have a soft spot for these breeds huskies in particular so its just me 😂
Im so mad at danny knowing full well matt was married ik he has feelings for Leigh so i wonder if it was sabotage for selfish reasons or maybe he thought it was the right thing to do cos matt wasn’t happy or something either way he is gonna get his ass kicked by one of these two or possibly both
Once again you did a fantastic job (you always do) leigh is not easy ti capture she’s incredibly complex she’s not even that likeable on paper shes angry and bitter and snarky but i think thats why i like her so much shes so different to any other portrayal of grief especially for a woman ive ever seen and she has so many good qualities that okay maybe don’t come across as much as the bad but id love to see how you deal with these like her sarcasm and snark can be genuinely funny she obviously loves very fiercely and cares about people she’s stubborn and not afraid to speak her mind and the list goes on
Thank you for writing these masterpieces and as always i look forward to the next one
Re: dog breed - haha! yeah, i bet. she'll probably get one more after we give her the shih tzu and she'll go for a larger breed. for now, let me satisfy my need to write about shih tzus as an ode to my own dog who is my baby forever :)) I have a soft spot for retrievers and the bernese mountain dog, but i also love huskies! those goddamn beautiful eyes!
re: danny - ohhhh we're going to talk about that in the next chapter. of course it's a mixture of both. i won't say more but we'll definitely address that.
re: leigh - she can be really mean and she gets away with it because she's conventional pretty and she has this no-nonsense attitude that challenges you. she doesn't pretend to be nice because she doesn't care about what people think, or if people will like her, etc.
you're welcome! thank you (as always) for reading my works :) take care!
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kerie-prince · 4 years
forgotten birthdays
Fred Weasley x Slytherin!reader
requested: (anon) Hiii, can I request something aangsty with Fred Weasley and slytherin reader? Like he got mad for something, maybe jealousy bc reader was spending much time with her house mates and he ignores her or says mean things to her but with a happy ending please 🥺
warnings: language
summary: Fred has his suspicions about your best friend and on the day of your birthday, he crosses the line which causes you to rethink your relationship
a/n: yoo this was hard to write for a quick second lol i hope you enjoy ~ plus, i got a new job so i'm in training and i'm so excited bc i've been wanting this job for so long (y/n/n = your nickname)
(gif not mine, cred to owner)
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It was getting irritating.
You love Fred with all your heart, but he needed to stop being jealous. Marcus Flint was, is, and always will just be a friend of yours. You two grew up together and are nearly attached to the hip. Never once had you two of you flirted or done anything together. It was purely platonic, but Fred insisted there was something.
And going to Marcus’ prefect dorm after every fight probably didn't help your cause all that well, but he's your best friend. Who else would you talk to? You didn't have many girlfriends and when Fred introduced you to Angelina, you had gotten into a big fight for no reason. But you never asked him to stop hanging out with her even though you wanted to.
You could tell she liked Fred, but you were confident enough to know that Fred would never do you wrong like that. So why does he think that of you? Why does he get to hang out with Angelina, but he gets angry when you barely say two words to Marcus?
It was hard, but you’d work it out and still love each other at the end of the day. But then your birthday came around, and you’d just about had it.
You woke up in a good mood; the river sent in flowing rays of sunlight. Not too blinding, but not too dim either. This would be the second time celebrating your birthday with your boyfriend and if last year was amazing, you couldn't wait to see what Fred had planned for you today.
You took your time getting ready; you put on more make-up than usual and rather than tying your hair up with a clip as you always did, you let it down and fixed some strays to better frame your face. When you walked into the common room, your best friend snuck up behind you and yelled in your ear, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Y/N!”
Your natural response was to duck down and cover your ears. You hated when he did that, but you still appreciate the sentiment. You punched his arm as you laughed. “That’s not funny.”
“Oh yeah, then why did I laugh?” Marcus joked. Malfoy and his friends were behind him chuckling, all boys greeting you and wishing you a happy birthday. Marcus flung his arm around your shoulder and walked with you to get breakfast.
Once in the Great Hall, you saw Fred and his friends all laughing at the Gryffindor table and just when you were about to break free from Marcus’ hold, he pulled you back, “Oh no you don’t. You have all day to hang out with Weasley and company, but right now, you are gonna have at least one meal with your best friend.” You weren't going to argue; you didn't want to. If you wanted to sit with Fred, you wouldn't have to put up a fight, you would just do it. At your Slytherin table were Marcus’ other friends, Adrian Pucey and Terence Higgs. You sat in between them and pulled your hood up when they started embarrassing you by singing a birthday song. It was starting to be a great day.
However, across the Hall was Fred glaring daggers at your best friends’ arm around you. He couldn't hear what was going on, either due to the fact that you were pretty far from where he sat, or from jealous rage. “Freddie, you alright?” George asked his brother. “Yeah, just fine, Georgie.” He couldn't stand Flint. He would be enraged with every glance towards you, every whisper in your ear during class, and every time he made you laugh. Fred was sure that Flint was in love with you, but because you grew up with him you were too blind to see it. He was convinced that at any given moment, your ‘best friend’ would take advantage of you.
What also made him upset is that not only did you let Flint wrap his arm around you, you didn't even come say hi to your boyfriend. You always came every morning to his table to give him a morning kiss and sometimes even sat at the Gryffindor table.
In potions class, you sat and waited for your boyfriend to come through the doors. You weren't sure what to expect from him. Fred is an absolute wild card and could come through those doors with anything. And no matter what he brought, he’d for sure get in trouble with Snape.
When he walked through the doors with his brother and Lee, you sat up straight in your seat and waved at him. He saw you, but instead of smiling at you and taking the seat next to yours, he just looked away and sat on the other side of the room. Did something happen? You chose to ignore it until lunch rolled around and he still hadn't come up to you to even say ‘hi’ to you. Had he forgotten your birthday? It could happen, but that doesn't explain why he looked to be in a bad mood.
Once your classes were finished, you walked up the changing stairs and said the password to the Gryffindor dorms. You remembered the updated password your boyfriend gave you the week before and it was your first time using it today.
You didn't know what to expect to see; you secretly wished that today was just a big prank and Fred had actually planned a surprise party of some sort. But when you stepped foot into the room filled with tones of red and gold, there was no party. Just Fred laughing with his friends like normal. Normal without you.
Lee’s laugh died down when he noticed you walking up to Fred. He noticed Lee getting quiet all of a sudden and asked him, “Why are you quiet all of a sudden?” He felt a tap on his shoulder and spun around. “What are you doing in here?”
“Why, are Slytherins not allowed inside?” you joked. Your voice was slightly quiet and had a slight sad tone to it. “I missed you today, is everything okay?”
“Yeah. Fine. I've just been busy. Like you have,” Fred didn't mean to sound so bitter, but he was getting tired of it. He was tired of being second best to Flint.
“What are you talking about?” you asked.
“You've been with Flint all day,” Fred explained himself. You rolled your eyes, two fingers grabbing the temple of your nose from it suddenly starting to become irritated like you were. “Merlin, this again? Freddie, we talked about this. Marcus is just a friend. He's my best friend.”
Fred scoffed, “Y/N/N, you may think that but he doesn't. You trust him too much to see it, but I do. He's not just a friend.”
“You’re friends with Angelina when you know she likes you. And I know it too, but I don't say anything because I don't want to be that girlfriend who controls her boyfriends,” you were tired of playing this game with him. Your voice was heard by everyone in the room and soon enough, tons of peers had all eyes on you. Some either decided to stay, and some like Neville decided to head straight into their dorm rooms and lock the door for safety.
“Me being friends with Angelina is nothing like you being friends with Flint and you know that,” Fred raised his voice louder than anyone’s probably heard him. George and Lee silently guided people out of the common room and up to the dorms. Some people looked over the stairs to get a view of the commotion downstairs. One of them being Angelina herself when she heard her name being called out.
“No you’re right, it's different because he’s not pining over me and waiting for me to become available,” your arms were flailing about in anger, pointing at nothing to put emphasis in your words.
“How many times do I have to say I don’t like Ang? It’s never going to happen!” Angelina heard from up the staircase. Everyone heard him, loud and clear. She ran into her dorm and slammed the door so hard that you could feel the walls shake. “Great,” Fred sighed in frustration. It wasn't the ideal way to let someone down. He intended on talking to her in private without listening ears so she wouldn't be embarrassed.
“I'm not saying you like Angelina. I know you don’t like Angelina. What I’m saying is that you’re wrong about Marcus. I know he doesn't like me, you're just acting insecure,” you yelled back at him..
“I don’t know why it’s so hard for you to see he has feelings for you, Y/N/N,” Fred yelled, “I see the way he looks at you in every class and in the Hall. But you’re too fucking stupid to see–,” he immediately stopped what he was saying.
You couldn't believe what he was telling you right now. You could handle him calling you naive, but stupid? This was low, even for him.
You were getting stares from everyone in the common room. Your pride was more than hurt in this moment; it was destroyed. No words came from your mouth as you were completely still in your seat on the couch. Your nails dug into your skin as it was formed into a tight fist. But the worst of all was that your lips were quivering and you had to fight the tears on your birthday.
Your fucking birthday.
“Well if it bothers you so much, then fine. I'll fix the problem,” you started to speak low for only him to hear you.
“I’ll end the problem,” a single tear escaped and trailed down your cheeks. This was the last thing you wanted to do today, but you couldn't take it anymore. He was scared to ask, but his ego got in the way, “And what's the problem?”
“Us,” you stated. He started saying something, but you couldn't hear it as you left. No, you actively ignored everything he was saying at that point. The second you were outside, you started bawling. And you kept at it all the way to the Slytherin common room and into your room.
You paced around your room rubbing your hands on your arms to try and calm yourself down, but nothing was working. Before you even processed it, your legs took you to Marcus’ room without second thought. You continuously knocked on his door until he answered, shirtless and with sweatpants that looked like they were just thrown on.
“Listen, I know it’s your birthday but that doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want–,” he focused in on your face and saw your red cheeks and puffy eyes. You looked behind him and there was a girl with him who sat in his bed looking curious. He looked back to her and just simply ordered, “Out,” which got her moving in seconds.
Once she was gone, he pulled you in and shut his door. Marcus guided you to a black leather chair in his room. “Sit,” his voice was stern, but never harsh with you. “What happened?”
As if by cue, you broke down completely. “It's o-o-over.”
“What is?” he questioned. But piecing it together, there's only one reason you'd be this upset in his room.
He never really knew what to do in situations like when you'd have your usual arguments, always just telling you that everything will be fine and you and Fred would be fine in the morning.
But now, he was feeling two things. One, slight heartache that his best friend is upset in front of him and two, nearly absolute rage that Fred is such an idiot.
Marcus started rubbing your back, “Hey, look at me.” When you shook your head no, he gently tapped on your shoulders until you did. “You are gonna be fine. Okay? You will be fine. There's plenty of other guys here–”
“I don't want to be with other guys, Marcus. I want Fred. I love Fred. But,” you shrugged up both hands, “I don't know. I don't know.” Your best friend pulled you in for a hug.
“Hey, sleep here tonight. You shouldn't be alone right now, especially today.” You nodded your head and kept crying until you couldn't anymore.
“HEY!” Marcus’ voice traveled beyond the corridors. Students were fleeing left and right to move out of his way as he made a straight line towards the group of Gryffindors who sat around a tree outside.
Before they could react to what was going on, Marcus punched one of the tall gingers in his abdomen. “OW, what was that for?!”
“You're going to apologize to Y/N right now,” Marcus demanded.
“You idiot, I'm George,” he corrected, still bent over and leaning on Lee for balance. “Shit, sorry.” Marcus looked at Fred and punched him in the same area quicker before Fred could block it. “You're going to apologize to Y/N.”
With a strain in his voice, Fred looked at the Slytherin in front of him, “What for, she broke up with me.”
“Okay, why? Because you're pathetic and insecure.”
“Is that what she told you?” Fred straightened himself up rubbing on the pain. “Of course she told you, she tells you everything.”
“Yeah, why wouldn't she? I'm her cousin,” Marcus pointed out. If he wasn't so mad, he would laugh at Fred's look of astonishment.
“No, you have different family names. And you don't even look related,” Fred wasn't buying it.
“That's because when I was eight, my dad married her aunt. I'm still her cousin,” Marcus explained.
“She never told me anything, how was I supposed to know?” Fred complained. George and his other friends left the two to argue by themselves but stood at a close enough distance to hear the conversation and be able to jump in if it were to get violent.
“Maybe if you got your head out of your ass, you would actually pay attention to her,” Marcus used his pointer finger to push against Fred’s forehead which caused the ginger to swat his hand away. “So get over whatever complex you have and apologize. If I'm being honest, there's plenty of Slytherins that can treat her better but she wants you for some reason.”
Fred knew he was right. And it was that reason why he always felt the way he did. You were enamored by many housemates, all handsome and rich. But you didn't like any of them. You love Fred. You love the lanky, devious, modestly handsome, funny Gryffindor more than anyone you've ever met.
Fred didn't say anything and walked away. His brother was asking where he was going but he didn't answer. Before he was out of Marcus’ sight, the Slytherin said one last thing, “By the way, I hope you know it was her birthday yesterday.”
Fuck. He picked up his pace and ran towards the dungeons. Halfway there, he figured that he didn't want to show up empty handed, so he made a detour to the greenhouse to 'borrow’ some flowers from Sprout’s personal garden.
You sat on one of the couches in your common room. Across from you was Adrian and Terence, arguing about some Ravenclaw girl. Some younger students passed by and whispered amongst themselves to which you didn't pay any mind to until you heard a third year say something about a Weasley being outside.
You knew it wasn't Ron because after his second year break in with Harry, he vowed that he'd never do it again. You stood up and nearly sprinted outside.
Fred was standing awkwardly outside. He tried to get a student to ask for you to come outside but they would all just scrunch their noses in disgust and keep walking. “Annoying little–”
“What are you doing here?” you asked. Your arms were crossed and you slouched your shoulders a bit. Fred noticed how your cheeks were swollen and the bags under your eyes were tinted a rosy pink. In his left hand, there was a single, large sunflower. He raised it in front of you, hoping you would accept it. “You know I’m allergic to those, right?”
Fred’s eyes bulged out. There is no way I didn't know this. Figuring he’s had enough torture, you spoke again, “I’m joking.”
“O-oh. Heh.” You grabbed the flower from him. “I’m… really sorry. I was such an arse–”
“You are an arse,” you corrected. “Yeah, you’re right. I should have trusted Flint. I should have trusted you. And if you’d let me, I want to prove that I do.”
You released a deep sigh and rubbed your forehead. “Freddie. You have to mean it this time. I can't keep going back and forth with you like this. You can't throw a fit every time I hang out with Marcus. Or Adrian. Or Terence.”
“So is that a yes?” Fred persisted. You looked at him properly in his eyes; he seemed sincere this time. And you could only hope that he was. With a nod of your head, Fred broke into smiles and picked you up from the floor and twirled you around. Your head was still sore from all the crying the night before, but you still had a smile on your face.
When he put you down, he took the hand that wasn't holding the flower and walked with you to the Great Hall for food. “So when were you going to tell me that Flint is your cousin?”
“I figured you’d find out at a family gathering or something had you waited a little longer.” He pinched your nose in response, “And you call me devious.”
requests open!
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A/N: this is also on my ao3: homoeroticmicrowave as a part of my resident evil oneshots (I take requests) For context the reader is a part of Chris’s team and Jill is also there for the mission. Jill and the reader and Chris and the reader are platonic but you can interpret their relationships however you wish. As for the plot of this to sum it up Donna and you basically decided you loved each other and went through a whole little mission that I couldn’t be bothered to write in order to try to escape from everything that wanted to harm you both only to end up dying. I swear I’ll write happier things that aren’t angsty soon.
You lay there with Donna, shot in the snow blood easing the cold that had been so bitter to you. Donna gasped through breathless chuckles as she held your hand. Red bubbles around your teeth as you grinned shamelessly. You have her hand a little squeeze letting her know you were doing this together.
You got out. Maybe you didn’t make it far but you still got to see what it was like there together. You didn’t exchange any magnificent words worth writing in history books nor did you accomplish anything noble and noteworthy but you carved your admittedly short life together in a place that demanded you die in anger and fear without a trace of love.
You had felt remorse for all of the years you could have spent together but it wasn’t worth thinking of when you were so short on time. You would both smile as you went for you were finally together and that in itself was an accomplishment you could be proud of.
Your team surely cursed you for leaving them for a woman who you were supposed to despise and take down. But you did your job didn’t you really, she was down and so were you and while you wished that this segment of the mission had been a failure you didn’t want to soil the moment where you got to hold your hand and watch a sky that finally seemed peaceful.
You felt comfort in knowing your lover was with you as you went.
Your head turned towards her.
You should be scared.
Your visions fading.
You smiled.
Jill found your body and she screamed in pure rage. She was so hopelessly furious. She was angry at you for being so careless and stupid as to betray people you had known and cared for all for some woman who ultimately got you killed. Angry at the woman who you had chosen over everything and everyone else. Angry at the woman who you had abandoned the world for because she had let you. Angry because she hadn’t been able to save you. Angry at the world around her for allowing this to happen. Angry because she had left you alone in the mission and now she had lost you forever. Angry as you had left her to live.
When Chris made it back without Ethan he felt so rough as he had to tell Mia that her husband wasn’t coming back. All he wanted to do was kick off his shoes and clothes and flop onto his bed. He took a seat next to Jill who’s face held a certain melancholia that he thought his own might reflect. He asked her if she was okay but she didn’t utter a word in response. His eyes wondered round his squad but he couldn’t find your face.
Chris looked at Jill in confusion as he asked where you up were. Jill couldn’t answer him. She couldn’t handle answering him. She hadn’t even processed yet alone accepted what had happened. She didn’t want to give him an answer. She didn’t want to accept that it was true. ”Jill, where are they” a cruel thought that she must have just not heard him teased his mind.
Jill grit her teeth and tried to focus on anything but Chris. Tried to block him out of her vision. Tried to tune his voice out with aimless thoughts. But he was still there and he wasn’t going away. She had to respond. She didn’t have a choice. “They’re not coming” her words seemed vague in the part of Chris’s mind that feigned a lack of recognition as to what her words meant. He denied the obvious meaning that flared and burned his buried happiness that he had managed to scavenge despite so many tragedies until it was charred.
Jill’s eyes were wide with an intensity she hadn’t shown in so long as words that didn’t fit her spilled from her mouth “They’re dead Chris I found their body they’re dead it’s in a bag over there if you really want to see it so badly”
Chris stared blankly at Jill an immediate drop in his facial expression as he turned his head away from her. He didn’t want to listen to her. He wanted to get mad. He wanted to argue. But he was tired. He was so, so tired and he didn’t want to be tired anymore.
When given opportunity to he doused himself in alcohol, smearing it all through his liver until he was sure he would pass out or die. He wouldn’t die though. He never did.
He never visited your grave. Never payed any real respects to you. Never brought any flowers or conversed with any of his fellow grieving. Never spoke of you to anyone. He simply went on as if you had never existed. You haunted him nonetheless. When he was so close to sleep but not quite there his thoughts twisted and bent so that you could reach them. Your face convulsing into a sick scream as he preached his sorrow and repented for how he hadn’t been able to get to you. You danced with all of his other ghosts that paraded in his misfortune and woes. Your face now a picture of horror to him. Your very name brought an unspeakable agony.
He was never a crier and he didn’t cry for your death and he went on for a week without a single tear and he had no intention of spilling any.
And then his fucking pen ran out.
He had been writing out paperwork by hand because the internet crashed and he couldn’t wait for it to be fixed as he needed to get through it all quickly with an efficiency that he had been expected to achieve. But then his pen ran out midway through writing it and he should have just got up and grabbed a new one but he didn’t think and he started pressing harder and scribbling but no ink came out it just left indents in the paper and in a moment of unfiltered frustration he slashed his paper with the pen and then the fucking ink came out and now his work was ruined because he was an idiot and why did he even do that.
Then he was crying. He was curled up like a toddler on the floor crying over a fucking pen in a red, burning frustration and misery. Then did he really start mourning you. Your name now blasting across his mind as he thought of what your corpse must have looked like. How your pretty face must be ruined with rot. How he hadn’t even thought of you during the mission and had just assumed you were okay. How he had been so cold as to not even turn up to your grave at any point besides the funeral that work had required him to go to. It was always about work with him. Did he even have a personality outside of that? Was he even a person outside of that? All he was was his work and he couldn’t even do that right. He couldn’t even keep his squad alive. He truly was a waste of a person. He couldn’t keep anyone alive but himself and he wasn’t sure he wanted to even do that.
He slammed his hand down on his tiled floor and he screamed a momentous scream. He hated himself so much. He hated being alive so much. He hated everyone dying on him so much. He cradled himself as the tears just kept coming and coming and if anyone saw him like this they’d think he was a complete pussy and if not it would only be because they’d be mesmerised by the fact that he was actually capable of experiencing emotion.
He was so overcome by his deep and endless grief that he fell asleep right there on his cold floor. Nobody was left to love him. Nobody was left but him.
He dreamed of happier times with happier people and a happier him. He wanted to stay in that fantasy forever even if it was all make believe and childish. He wanted to be childish for once. Hell he wanted to be a child again. He wanted to be able to be vulnerable again and feel unconditionally loved again. He wanted to be able to take that love for granted. He wanted to be able to be young again and do stupid things that kids do. He wanted to wake up and start over with no memories of the future and brush his reality off as a silly little nightmare that could be kissed away.
He didn’t want to be hurt anymore.
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Hostage Of Your Eyes - 5.
Mob!Bucky x reader.
Part 5 of this series.
Run-through: You accept an unusual offer made by a very familiar, but dangerous mob boss. And despite the bizarre situation and all the troubles that come along; old flames rekindle – and you find love again, where it wasn’t supposed to be.
Themes throughout the series: kidnapping, gang stuff, mentions of violence, smut, fluff, mob!bucky, angst
a/n: THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION. If you are NOT COMFORTABLE with ANY of the THEMES above, please click away and read something else.
ALSO, this is the last part of this series. Thank you to everyone who loved and supported this series, I love you guys so much!!
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“Stop the car.” You said after some minutes spent in silence.
“What?” Bucky turned to look at you briefly.
“I said stop the car.” You repeated, more firmly this time.
Bucky sighed and refused.
“Babe, we’re in the middle of no-,”
You cut him off by raising your voice a little more. “James, I said stop this fucking car!” you were trying so hard to contain your anger.
And this time he listened. It was quite a narrow, deserted road anyway so he just stopped right there in the middle of nowhere – with nothing but dense trees on either side of the road. And you immediately rush to get out of the car to get some air because you felt terrible.
“Baby, I’m sorry.” He spoke as soon as he stepped outside, following you.
You inhaled deeply and turned to face him. “You’re gonna have to do better than just sorry! What the fuck is wrong with you, huh? Two days ago you let people kidnap me right before your eyes, and now you show up out of nowhere and we’re back to ‘baby’ again?” he lowered his eyes and refused to face you while you went off. “Your mood swings are giving me a headache, now speak up before I punch you right in your face!”
You had every right to be mad, you believed. And he agreed.
“Fine, I- just calm down, okay?” he reached out and tried to touch your face but you pulled away; still angry, and hurt.
He pulled his hand back immediately and lowered his eyes to the ground in shame and guilt. And sighed.
“I know your mom called you that night.” He started, and his first few words surprised you. “She called me as well. And threatened to…hurt you if I don’t do as she says.” Bucky took a pause and continued. “I didn’t who among my people was on her side yet, so I had to wait and do as she says until I figured it out.”
He kept going, leaning against the hood of his car. “Then she reached out again, to make a deal. The deal was to hand you over to her in exchange for some property papers. And I badly needed her to believe that I care more about the money than I care for you.” he shook his head, more so at his own words. “Then, she asked me to bring you to Paris.”
You tried to piece it all together as Bucky spoke.
“I couldn’t tell you because I had to make it seem as real as possible. I knew she’d keep you safe until you signed the papers. These past two days, you were safer with them than you would be if you were with me.” He looked up at you.
“And with you safe, and all their attention on you and the property papers, their guard was down. And they thought I was on their side since the deal, so they never saw me coming.” He reached out to touch your arm and you didn’t pull away this time.
“I’m sorry, baby.” He apologized again. “I didn’t want to let you go. I don’t-,” he stopped and sighed again “it killed me. It killed me to watch them take you. But I had to do this, to keep you safe and to trick them into thinking that I was done with them. Please forgive me.” He pleaded, pulling you into his arms and cupping your face; his blue eyes staring into yours.
His cheeks were a little more pinkish than usual – thanks to you.
 “I don’t know if I want to kiss you hard for saving me, or slap you across the face for bargaining my life away like that.” You spoke, looking down to see how he had his arms tightly around your waist.
“Do whatever you want. You have the right to be mad, baby. I know what I did was risky but it was the only way to ensure your safety until I figured out what to do.” He repeated, and pushed his face into your neck. “Slap me if you want to, just don’t leave. Please don’t leave me.”
You let out a sigh and pulled away from him. “Buck, I thought you left me.”
“You know I would never do that. I’m so sorry baby, I really am.” He looked at you with his soft eyes, and you looked away before you fell under their spell again.
“I wanna go home.”
You didn’t say a word to Bucky on the flight home. He tried so hard to get you to talk to him, but you just didn’t respond. He held you close, despite the silent treatment and kept you warm, and made sure you ate and drank enough.
You were mad but you let him hold you; his body heat was comforting after spending two days in that locked room.
“I want to go home.” You said again when you two walked inside his house. And he turned around to give you a confused look.
“We are home.”
“I meant my apartment.” You said, firmly despite the fact that being alone was the last thing you wanted at the moment.
“No, I won’t let you be on your own. You’re gonna stay with me, and you’re gonna let me take care of you.”
 And just like that, he left no room for negotiation. And you were tired so you didn’t argue either. You tried to be as mad as you could towards Bucky, but you couldn’t do it. He was all you had. You were mad, but you were more hurt than anything. And you were scared.
“I found you after all these years, and I won’t let you go this time. I love you, more than anything.” He said at some point that day.
“That’s exactly what you told me the day you let them take me.” You didn’t mean to sass him already, but it sort of just slipped out.
“I’m sorry, baby. It was the only way t-,”
“Enough with that! You and I both know that even if she got the slightest bit of doubt, she would’ve killed me without a second thought!” you raised your voice a little. “What would you have done if you found my cold, dead body instead?”
The thought of it hurt him more than anything. “Don’t say that.” He walked over to you and held your face in his hands. “Losing you would kill me.” His eyes got just a little glossy as he spoke.
“You’re all I have, and I thought y-,”
He cut you off with a slightly harsher tone. “Look around you! You are all I have as well! I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”
Your eyes watered as well. “I’m scared, Buck.” you confessed. You were, indeed, using anger to hide your fears. You were scared that your mom might come back and take you away from Bucky again. Or worse, hurt him right in front of you.
Bucky leaned in and kissed your forehead. “Don’t be. I’ve got you, baby. You’re with me now. We’re okay, don’t worry.”
 By the end of the night, you pushed aside all bitter feelings and he spent the next hour or two just holding you and telling you how he would have never been able to forgive himself if you ever got hurt or caught in the crossfire.
You asked him about what happened to your mom and her husband and all those who worked with them; but Bucky simply told you not to worry about them. Then you asked about who the traitor was, and he just told you that he’s been taken care of
Days went by, and you had recovered completely. You finally told Bucky that you had to go back to your apartment because it was time for you to get back to work as well. And this time, he agreed.
“Fine, but I’m staying with you.” and this time he began packing his stuff and you didn’t complain. You loved him, and having him around would be amazing.
As time went on, things got better. Bucky would often drop you off or pick you up from work and almost every night was date night.
You two avoided talking about Paris, like it was a bad dream which both of you were working on forgetting.
Waking up next to him or in his arms became a habit and you loved it more than anything. Bucky had gotten extra protective regarding you, and even the smallest inconvenience would stress him out a lot.
You two often talked about the past, and laughed over how different your relationship was now compared to back when you were young adults.
Many things had changed, but some stayed the same. For instance, his ability to annoy you stayed the same. Or his habit of surprising you out of nowhere.
 “You will marry me, right?” he casually asked one day, over breakfast and you almost choked on your coffee.
You stared at him.
“Not if this is how you’re proposing to me.”
“I’m not. But you will right?” he asked again.
“I don’t know, we’ll see.” You teased.
“You will.” he took the liberty of making that decision for you while you laughed at how part of him was still that reckless boy you knew all those years ago. But you still loved him more than anything.
One morning you woke up in an empty bed. You looked around but there was no sign of Bucky. You thought perhaps he was downstairs or answering a call from work, so you went about your morning routine.
A few minutes into showering, you heard Bucky shamelessly on his way to join you. He hugged you from behind and pressed your bare body against his own.
“Morning baby.” He kissed the side of your face and pushed his face into your neck.
“Good morning, where have you been?” you ask, turning around and wrapping your arms around him.
“You know, work stuff.” He replied, leaning in to kiss you deeply while walking you backwards till your back was pressed against the cold tiles. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and smiled through the kiss.
He pulled away after a little while and smirked; kissing his way down your body until he was on his knees in front of you.
His hands held you on each side of your hips and your hands mindlessly found their way into his hair. The water fell down his back as he inched his face closer to your core. You couldn’t help the loud moan which escaped your mouth once your felt his tongue diving into your folds.
His eagerness could be seen as he wasted no time in sinking two of his fingers into your entrance and curling them each time they pumped in and out of you.
You gripped his hair and tugged on it as he devoured you to satiate his hunger. You looked down at him briefly and blushed at the sinful sight.  
With each stroke of his fingers and each lick of his tongue, you felt the pressure building up again at your core and a warm tingle rush through your entire body.
You moaned out his name as his beard scratched your inner thighs and added to the roughness at which he toyed with you. You bloody loved it.
You felt his tongue circling the skin around your throbbing clit, and you groaned at the sensation. The sounds his mouth made against you were just as vulgar, and despite it being overpowered by the sound of the warm water hitting the tiles underneath you; you heard it all loud and clear.
Soon, with a few more strokes of his tongue and his fingers, you gushed out around his mouth and his hand.
You came, hard. Whimpering and whispering his name in a trance.
Now partially satisfied, Bucky kissed his way up your body as well, until he was standing in front of you again. His lips coated with your arousal and his arms around you.
Without wasting time, he placed his lips on yours again and kissed you eagerly. Tongue slipping past your lips, his hand gently wrapping around your throat and his body pressing into yours. You moaned into the kiss. Bucky lifted you up and wrapped your legs around his waist. Your arms immediately wrapped around his shoulder and hands rested at the nape of his neck.
His beard scratched your face as his mouth moved along with yours hungrily. With your legs wrapped around him, your exposed core pressed against his lower abdomen, and with each little movement he made, your clit rubbed against his tensed muscles; earning quiet moans out of you.
His hands held you at the curve of your ass, and he pushed himself against you even more as he kissed your skin feverishly.
Your skin tingled wherever his lips touched you. Involuntarily, you bucked your hips against him and you heard him chuckle.
“Needy this morning, aren’t you baby?” he teased, mumbling against your lips. He slipped two of his fingers past your folds and you whimpered in his arms. The sounds which escaped your lips drove him wild.
He wasted no time in curling his fingers and pumping them in and out of you rapidly. You shuddered as you felt your release approaching. You panted against his cheek as you came a second time.
You felt Bucky’s hard on against your inner thigh, and you felt him create some space between your bodies so he could align his tip to your entrance.
You whimpered as he pushed himself into you slowly, filling you up entirely just like he always did.
Slowly, inch by inch, he pushed himself into you. Stretching your skin as he went. His nails digging into your skin as he held you by your hips, and yours clawing at his shoulders as he filled you up nicely.
You were both panting by the time he filled you entirely. He grunted when he felt your walls squeezing his member. Both his hands supported you by grabbing you at the curve of your ass; holding you against him, as he pounded into you rapidly.
You moaned out loud again, reciting his name religiously as he slammed into you relentlessly. You felt the pressure forming again, fiery and pressing inside you.
Bucky nibbled at the skin under your ear and you lost all control you had left. Your thoughts became cloudy and all you could focus on was how his body brought you immense pleasure. You moaned as he quickened his pace, you back pressed up against the glass and his hands holding your hips tightly.
He groaned and panted right in your ear, sending chills down your spine as he slammed into you relentlessly. With a few more strokes of his thick length, you felt the pressure being too much to hold back. You let go and let the pleasure wash over you.
Bucky came right after you. His cock throbbing against your walls, as he bit down on your shoulder to keep himself quiet.
He placed you back on your feet after a while and smiled down at you. “I love you, you know that?” he placed his forehead onto yours.
You giggled and cupped his face. “Yeah I know. You tell me every day,” you teased him and added, “I love you more, Buck.”
He leaned in for a quick kiss again. “Also, be ready by the time I get home tonight. We’re going out.” He winked at you and proceeded to shower rapidly.
You sighed. “Last time you told me that, we-,”
“Last time won’t happen again. I promise, baby.” He gave you another kiss before stepping out, “Just be ready. I love you.”
He ended up taking you out for dinner. He had been doing that a lot lately; unexpected date nights, lots of gifts, stems of expensive flowers every now and then. He’d even begun dropping by at your office in the middle of the day to see you for a little bit – or maybe a round or two of hot and risqué sex on your desk.
Basically, you noticed, he was being much more clingy and loving than usual. Not that you were complaining.
 Then one morning you woke up, pumped for all the plans you had for the weekend and you turned on your side to find a smiling Bucky just staring at you.
“You know, it’s weird to stare at someone while they’re sleeping.” You teased, snuggling up to him and cherishing his body heat.
He chuckled and pulled you closer. “I wasn’t staring, I was gazing lovingly. Besides, it’s hard not to look at your ring.” He spoke and it took your sleepy brain a while to decipher what he said.
“What ring?��
“Just the one you have on right now.” he answered, casually and you moved your hand from under the blanket and noticed the big, shiny ring on your ring finger and you were frozen for a couple of seconds.
Then it hit you and you sat up immediately and faced him. “Bucky!” your eyes widened as you stared at it in surprise.
“I had a long speech ready, but I can’t remember anything right now.” he said and chuckled nervously as he sat up in front of you as well.
“Babe, I love you more than anything. And I promise, I will love you and take care of you for the rest of my life. You are all I have, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you because you make everything in my life better.” He took a deep breath and cupped your face in his hands. “Will you please marry me?”
Naturally, a tear escaped your eyes as you said yes to the man you’ve been in love with since you were around eighteen.
And with that came a long, blissful life; some bumps on the road, sure. But each time you stared into Bucky’s eyes, everything became much more bearable and easier. He became your safe place, and you his.
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757 notes · View notes
sly-merlin · 4 years
Killing Me - 6 | n.y
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre :    angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au , smut
warnings of this chapter : use of few curse words. weapons
summary : “life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”                                  
                         “  curiousity got the cat hitched”
taglist :: (not tagging the old ones because they have read it already bt if u want , lemme know! )  @yiyi4657​ @sorrywonwoo​ @sillywinnergladiator​ @suhweo​ @exfolitae​ @minejungwoo​
K.M masterlist
k.m 5    k.m 7
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And yuta’s words kept ringing even when he was gone. Mechanically, your hands were balled into fists, anger rising. You were not feeling bitter at his words, for you didn’t expect anything better from him. But he shouldn’t have attacked your dignity in front of strangers.
only five minutes had passed and you were already encumbered with the weight of the ornament.
Your eyes were fixated on the place where yuta stood earlier. Each and every presence in the room could easily sense your aggravation for the man.
After a few more moments of silence, Kun took your hand in his, dragging you inside with him. You were startled at his sudden action but nonetheless tagged along.
“We are having brunch, whoever wants to eat can join us!” he announced whilst  facing forward.
You both passed the open kitchen to halt at the big dining hall packed with a large table and what looked like countless chairs. It was just twin room of the hallway, with just more accommodation.
“The house doesn’t seem this big from outside though?” Kun chuckled as he set his eyes on your genuinely confused face.
“The ground floor has only two halls, kitchen and one other room. We skipped the backyard and just constructed this according to our needs. Big family, you know” he scanned the chairs and continued. “And we’ll add one more chair for you” you responded with only a tight lipped smile. He seemed to be content though.
Before you could converse further, your attention was diverted to the muttering of several boys, entering not so quietly into the room.
“Sit here, near my chair” Kun ushered you towards a chair. “I’ll be back with the food.”
A taller boy, maybe Jungwoo was the first to sit near you and greeted you with an electric eye smile which you tried to return with same energy. Everyone was scattered around the table by now. Some of them were glancing at you but no words were spoken.
You were about to distract yourself with your phone when Kun and another boy came back to the hall with two trolleys occupied with the food and plates. After plates were passed to everyone, delicious ttaekbokki ramyeon and tempura veges were served. the food looked mouth watering and hums of satisfaction confirmed your belief. you had just started eating when someone entered the room.
“Why is she sitting on my seat?
You stopped chewing hearing jaehyun’s voice.
“I told her to! And don’t use this tone again. Not with family at least!”  
You could’ve paid heed to Kun’s sensible words but jaehyun seemed too keen on robbing you of any kindness.
“It’s just been a day and she is already replacing people here!” he remarked before sitting far away from his supposed seat.
“Jaehyun!” Kun’s voice was laced with an unsaid warning.
“Yeah, whatever.”
Despite being hungry earlier, you couldn’t swallow the food properly. You were not there to replace anyone .you were just as displeased to be in his presence as he was. But his displeasure for you was getting unbearable.
You were so engrossed in thoughts that you didn’t notice that everyone was already leaving with their plates. Kun and Johnny had noticed your hurt expressions at jaehyun’s words but there was so little they could do right now.
Under their studying eyes, you hurriedly tried to finish the remaining food.
“You should not move in today” taeil, whom you recognised from the first day, spoke.
“And why is that?” Johnny asked, pointing his chopsticks towards him.
“It’s just not a very fruitful day for moving in. that’s it” taeil replied with a serious expression.
“Now welcome to the 21st century grandpa! We don’t believe in superstitions devised when YOU were born!” Johnny snickered at the older.
“Ok do it! Don’t come to me later on. The legends are there for a reason.”
“I dreamt pigs the day I came across him anyway and I don’t think any spirit can be more evil than him!” as you finished, the four men started laughing hysterically.
“Y/n is such a match for me!”
But taeil quickly disapproved. “No, I don’t need two Johnny here.”
“I gotta go” taeyong announced. “Welcome to family y/n. I know this is not a very pleasant situation but it is what it is. You are welcomed here anytime and this place is yours as much as ours. Take care!” you merely nodded towards him. Were you supposed to show gratitude? You weren’t sure of that yet!
“So everyone I saw earlier lives here!” you asked Kun curiously. You weren’t sure to whom this place belonged and what exactly was this house. Their residential place? But why did they have a basement with metal doors then? It was better to just ask than assume.
But instead of Kun, taeil responded. “This house was designed by ten and doyoung to facilitate us with everything that wasn’t possible in the apartments we used to live earlier. Whilst looking like any posh dwelling in the area, it is not just that. The dining room might have provided you some insight already. My room is downstairs or I might say the only room on this floor in mine. Everyone else is settled on first and second floor. You can do a tour if you want. And if you want to stay here, I would love to displace Johnny outta his room and you can spend the night in mine.” his speech ended with a sincere smile.
“Whoa hyung!” Johnny exclaimed with eyes opened to infinity. “She didn’t ask for a lecture. And don’t waste your breath explaining that you have the best room in the whole world when we are short on time here!”
“Why is that now?”
“I have to drop y/n to her apartment. Whenever she is done with the food of course.” Johnny said pointing towards your plate. Sometime while listening to taeil, you had dropped your chopsticks again but continued again, muttering an apology.
“What’s the hurry? I want to talk to her!” Kun whined at Johnny.
“Then tag along but only if y/n wants!” both of them raised their brows at you, waiting for an answer.
“Yeah, of course you can come. Why would I refuse? “You chuckled at their childish tactics.
Once you were done with the food, Kun seized your utensils as you tried to get up with the plate.
“Wait for me. I’ll be back and then we can go” he announced going out of the room.
You sheepishly looked at the both taeil and Johnny who were now busy in their respective phones. Just when you were fishing out your phone from the pocket, it ringed, startling you.
You hurriedly excused yourself to the farther corner of the room ,ready to get a scolding from her.
“Where are you?” you gulped at her cold voice.
“I’m –I had to-
“You moved out right. Your desk is clear. And you lied to me” her voice was laced with frustration. You could imagine that she was on the verge of pulling her hair. “You know what! Don’t talk to me again!” and with that she hung up.
You tried her number twice but she didn’t pick up. You knew she won’t be mad for too long. She was genetically incapable of doing that but still her being angry with you was not settling in.
you gave up calling her and decided in favour of letting her cool down first. not like you had any other option!
“Are we going?”
“Yup and jaemin is going to join us.” you almost rolled your eyes at his mention. You couldn’t understand his interest in you but at least he was harmless, not like yuta.
As you four reached the large parking space, taeil went inside again saying his goodbyes. Now you were all waiting for jaemin to come outside but the boy was nowhere in sight.
“I’m here!” jaemin chimed but he was not alone. There were two other boys with him which he had tried to introduce earlier.
“I was packing some food . Jungwoo hyung told me that -
“Chit-chat in the car! Let’s go!” Johnny scolded them.
With few adjustments, you were on the road. The position of jisung and chenle appeared quite pitiful. Due to lack of space, they both were practically sitting on each other. Jaemin forced them to converse with you which turned out pretty nice for you.
All the three boys were techies or the backbone of the team, as jaemin exaggeratedly explained to you. And they were younger as well. Talking to them was easier than you thought. And surprisingly they had many budding questions about your studies as well which were happily answered by you.
You were so engrossed in your little exchange that none of you released you were already there. You checked the time and it took about thirty minutes of drive including the traffic to reach there.
“Oh shit!” your face dimmed on realisation. “It’ll take about an hour to reach university from here!”
Kun and Johnny faced each other with shocking faces. Johnny slowly mouthed something to Kun before he chuckled “I think taeyong totally forgot that you are a student. Taeyong tends to do that. He’s very stressed out lately but I think you’ll love this place. I’ll park the car and Kun will take you to the apartment and others will help me with the boxes.” Johnny instructed everyone like a boss.
“Saved it!” Johnny whispered to Kun with a smug smile.
“Oh did you!” Kun shook his head in disbelief and stepped out of the vehicle.
You looked up to see the skyscraper in its whole glory, hand robotically shielding your eyes. The curved reflective glass windows were gleaming, you wished your room would also have that beautiful glass balcony, reflecting the sun.
“you’ll have plenty of time to gawk!” Kun practically dragged you by your elbow, towards the elevator.
“It was Johnny right.” you said quietly as Kun pressed the button to 10th floor.
“Yesss. he chose the place but he really put some effort in this task.” you couldn’t help but smile at him.
“Here we are!”
As you exited the lift, three doors met your sight, one facing you, while others opposite to each other. Kun headed for the right now, you following behind.
“I’ll set up the smart locking system in your phone for the keypad. Everything from mail room to amenity access is controlled with this single pin so remember it. 2610 is the code but you can change it whenever you want.” you nodded consuming the information.
The front door to your new shelter was opened and you were left in awe at the first sight. The entry was narrow but you could see a big living room at the end of it. You removed the shoes following Kun.
Your eyes shimmering, moved everywhere as a smile crept up your face.
The hall was big, at least for two people it was! If you could somehow drag the single seater sofa towards the half glassed window, you don’t think anyone would want to move from there. The rustling of the city could be seen from up there. Down there, a small portion of the park attached to the building was also visible. you were practically attached to the window still by now.
Kun noticed. He noticed how how eyes turned lively as you beheld your surroundings. His own lips curved up watching your reaction.
“Do you like it?” Johnny voice quizzed. Your suitcase now placed besides him. Chenle, jisung and jaemin trailed behind him with boxes in their hands.
“Yes, I love it actually!” you voiced your joy, leaving the hall windows.
“I’ll help” you offered but before you could actually do something, they left like the wind.
“Let’s explore” Kun suggested.
To the right of the hallway was the semi-open kitchen as half of it was covered with a wall but the other part was visible from the couches. The kitchen was itself very sophisticated but poor thing you won’t be cooking any five star recipes in there.
The small space between hallway and kitchen led you towards two rooms. Good thing they were hidden from the sight.
“You can choose your room but I’d prefer this one!” as he opened the left door, you knew what he meant. The scenery you beheld outside could also be seen from this room. The sliding glass door lead to a small balcony opening to the same view. The room itself was very decent just like the rest of the place.
There was a desk with a bookshelf on the upper side of wall which made you confused about Kun’s previous statement. “How could Johnny forget that I was a student but still remembered about these things.” you asked pointing towards the study space.
“His involvement was only till the real estate stuff. Everything else is planned by me so I’m ready to accept some gratitude.”
You let out a small giggle, thanking him immediately.
“Unfortunately, there is only one bathroom. 2b2b apartments are harder to find and there was no need for three bedrooms so you’ll have to compromise here!” he explained pursing his lips. You nodded your head at him while opening the door to the bathroom. To say it was beautiful would be an understatement. It was twice the size of your dorm bathroom. from shower enclosure to bath tub and sink, everything was made of ceramic and marble.
“Hey come out! Where are you both?” you heard Johnny’s screaming voice. You and kun both rushed towards the sound.
“Should I keep the boxes in the room?”
“Yeah, thanks, this one!” you pointed to the left room. He smirked at your choice, winking your way.
Finishing the task at hand, you all slouched down on the couches. Even if you didn’t move a limb, you were just exhausted by other activities of the day.
“I’m hungry!” chenle groaned stroking his stomach.
“What are you?? Even a whale has some control you insatiable boy!” jaemin scolded him, making everyone laugh.
“Call me whatever. But can’t I have some from the box. Just a little!” chenle pleaded giving him an eye smile.
“That is for noona. And you aren’t getting anything!”
“What is he talking about?” you inquired after you were mentioned.
“Jeno told me you don’t cook so I got you the leftovers for dinner. The container is in the kitchen. heat them and eat them!” jaemin replied nonchalantly like it was nothing big. But it was meaningful gesture, for you.
So you didn’t hold back this time. “That’s so kind of you, thank you!” you said smiling to him. “And feel free to eat chenle. Go help yourself.”
Chenle grinned like a happy child but was met with a pointing finger of jaemin. “Get a grip!”  And he slumped down further into the cushion, grumpily crossing his arms over his chest.
“By the way y/n.” Kun addressed you, searching out for something in his pockets, that something, you discovered, were the keys.
“People usually don’t need keys for separate rooms when they live together but you are a special case, so you might need these.” you nodded knowingly, taking the jiggling set from him.
“Let’s watch some t.v before going. The first thing that I did was setting this up and there’s a gaming system attached as well.” Johnny announced before leaving his place to locate the remote under the TV system.
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Squatting in the middle of the bed, you looked at the deep blue boxes with a twisted face. Unpacking these boxes would certainly be a chore.
Were you any eager to do it? No.
Was it essential? Very.
You pouted and slumped on the silky white sheets, the queen sized bed providing you with the enjoyment of being a starfish, for the first time in forever. It felt nice and cosy. Unknowingly, your lips curved a bit, releasing a sigh of content.
You couldn’t say for how much longer, but the feeling of having a home brought tranquillity to your muddled thoughts. You have always dreamt about buying your own house, having a place you would be enthusiastic to come back to!
But this was not reality. This was just an intermission to the life you were heading towards! A timeout. And it would just end in smoke, with no accurate termination.
You raised your left hand to view the small diamond resting on your finger. It was beautiful, meant to be worn by a real bride, someone whose ring didn’t came with an expiration date.
Shaking your head, you pushed yourself off the comfortable position. You couldn’t spend your day in melancholy whilst that yuta was probably plotting something to make your life miserable and organising yourself would be the first step towards preparation of retaliation. So you got up from the soft bed to look through the boxes. You picked up the box with some of your random stuff and staggered towards the bathroom.
If there was a place you’ll love more than the room, that’d surely be this bathroom. but so was the hallway!
Even after placing everything from your hair products to the sanitary ones, the ceramic cabinet over the sink still looked empty. You decided to buy some things only to fill that up! Though you were swamped with work right now, you couldn’t resist looking at the frameless rectangular mirror. it was dreamy! and you felt it was a nice ego booster for you as well!
One by one, within one and a half hour, you cleared all the boxes and orderly arranged everything into the cupboards and closet. The only thing left was your desk space but it could be delayed.
You flopped on the couch tiredly, wanting nothing more than to sleep. But there was one more thing on the checklist.
You looked at her contact, tapping your foot constantly and when you knew there was no enough courage in you, crossing your legs on the sofa, you dialled her number.
“Hey!” a male voice answered the phone instead.
“Um jay, where is chelin? Can you tell her it’s me!” you said sheepishly, trying to sound as innocent as possible.
“I don’t think she wants to talk right now. And why did you ran away?”
All your anxiousness suddenly left your body at the overstated accusation.
“I didn’t run away jay, who told you that!” and you were trying to be serious here!
“Nobody told me that. I can figure common things out, you know. Your stuff is gone and you didn’t inform chelin whilst doing that. So imma assume-
“My winter clothes are still there, dumbass. Just give the phone to chelin so I can explain.”
“Nope, she’s in bathroom and angry but for you, only you, I’ll try, to make your position better if you buy me lunch tomorrow!” you scrunched your nose, imagining him doing his sly brow lousy thing with a smug look. But the deal looked good. So you just hopped in.
“ok.” and before you could say anything, he cut the phone. Annoying brat!
and it was also favourable that you were easily distracted for as soon as you turned the TV on ,you got lost in another world, forgetting all the worries for a while.
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Your irrational fear of sharp microwave beeps was the reason you were eating the bland ttaebbokki right now. Cold food is the best food had already left the chat as you opened the lunch box. You didn’t enjoy the delicacy earlier due to certain someone and now you couldn’t appreciate it because of your own heightened senses. The ramyeon was a saviour, ttaebokki, on the other hand was now in a contest  with the double caramelised candy that could not be chewed even with metal teeth.
You have spent about 4 hours watching t.v and it was already eight. Your desk was yet to be decorated with books and stuff, still your brain cells favoured watching two movies that would’ve made no sense in real life, but like you always say, who cares! And now you were watching some random football match. Just as you were about to scream at the goal, the front door closed with a thud.
You placed the food down on table, craning your neck above the back of the sofa, looking for the intruder.
Yuta. You had totally forgot about your so called roommate!
“Do you think the food would settle down in your gut?” he took long strides to reach you and asked with a quirking brow.
You turned around to focus on the food instead. But with the slight dip in the head of sofa, you could feel his presence hovering over you.
“Why wouldn’t it!” you replied with equal affection. “And I’m avoiding you so it’s better if you keep yourself on silent mode as well.”  You said again with a hint of finality in your unwavering voice.
Whilst you were trying to direct your attention towards the t.v. in an attempt to ignore him, you felt his warm breath fanning against your ear. You nervously swallowed the bite you took earlier, hoping he would just go away instead of being so inquisitive.
“But I’m willing to make peace here and you are being so harsh to me. you should respond when I talk to you” your shoulders tensed at the fake pout that you assumed he was wearing now, just to get under your nerves. His expressions might have been cordial but you got the innuendo in his words perfectly.
You placed the food container on the table again. “If we have to live together get one thing in your head! I’m here because of you! So don’t try to act up like you are the boss of me! And I don’t agree with your idea of peace if it involves the death of my dignity.” you kept your cool but irritation was radiating from your body and you hoped he would get the message and leave you alone.
“Oh wow!” yuta chuckled a bit before walking around to sit beside you. Instinctively, you shifted towards the other end of the couch. “You think you are the only one who-
His eyes followed your movements as you rolled your eyes, blatantly disregarding him in favour of leaving the couch. But he was quick as he pulled you down by your wrist, causing you to yelp in discomfort.
“You think you are the victim and sufferer here!” he leaned closer, his hand still on your wrist, his attitude changing. That’s when you smelled some alcohol on him. “You think you can deal with anything, catching a criminal red handed and living the life of glory as someone who bravely handled a dangerous situation where anyone else would have cowered away. But guess what!” his voice rose at the end and nostrils flaring with every syllable. “You are the most foolish person I’ve ever met. You have not only ruined your life but mine too. Why couldn’t you have walked past that day like any other person? Everything was fool proof from cctv to police, but you had to intrude!”
You bit the inside of your cheek as your breath quickened. He was staring right into your eyes but the intensity in his orbs unabled you to look away. He could sense your building anxiety but he still continued. “And now I am fucking suspended for a month due to your stupidity. Taeyong told me I’ve become a risk to them. Do you know how it damn feels when your own family fucking doubt you? They questioned my abilities all because of you. I’m-I’m unsure of myself only because of you. I can’t go back to my house, my job, my brothers! why can’t you just fucking leave!” yuta’s chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as he stood up, leaving your wrist with a jerk. His grip wasn’t that tight but it still left a stinging pain.
You watched him while rubbing your wrist as he raked his hand through his hair, apparently controlling himself. his other hand was shuffling for something in his pocket.
A loud gasp echoed in the hall as yuta’s hand moved and he aggressively stabbed a knife into the table. And it was not a normal kitchen knife!
“Just fucking leave!” 
and with that he was gone.
as you heard the bedroom door closing ,you let out a harsh breath, shoulders slumping in relief.
You eyed the weapon that has damaged the classy wooden table. 
Taeyong had assured you that yuta won’t harm in you in any way but his actions were speaking another language!
but for now all you could feel was….fear?
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earlier in black neos estate-
“You can’t stay here forever, you know” mark’s words pulled yuta back to reality. As much as he wanted this nightmare to end, he knew there’s wasn’t even a slight chance of odds being in his favour.
“But there is nothing that can’t be delayed!” yuta shot back at him, chugging his beer.
“You can leave tomorrow. Half of the place is empty, you can easily sneak in!”
“You want me to hide in my own house?” he snorted at younger.
“No. I meant-
“Besides yong gave me clear instructions to make peace with that women which includes breathing the same air as hers and I’m going to follow his command like a happy puppy I am!” he let out a chuckle towards the end, making mark gulp in panic. “And I gotta transfer my stuff tomorrow and you’re going with me.”
“Not until 8 in the evening. We are going for a weapon exchange in the afternoon.” mark said taking sip of the drink. Some questions in his head still needed to be answered but he was lacking right words. Yuta was already on edge since the whole fiasco started and mark, in no way wanted to trigger him anymore. “What are you going to do, if I may ask?” he questioned hesitantly.
“Nothing for now. I went to her university and all I have till now is that she is extremely close to her friends. Maybe have a thing for hook-ups, can’t be sure though. In her head, she is too smart and can surmount anything. That day in the basement proved it already. she isn’t fearless, in no way she is but still she manage to fight back with that rising panic, I don’t know how!” he paused to look at mark, biting his lower lip to cover a smile creeping on his face. “With her whole strength, she tries to pretend that she isn’t frightened down to her soles but whenever I’m near her, he-her throat tightens. It-it’s like she forgets the whole process of exhaling.”
Mark’s mouth went dry hearing that.
“Hyung!” he addressed yuta, almost losing his grip at the beer. He was in no way being intimidating but mark was feeling apologetic for him.
“What now?”
“How closely have to observe her? You sound like a stalker hyung!”
“Don’t call me that.” he slapped mark’s back lightly. Had he applied a little of his strength, he would have been lying on the ground floor right now!  “Maybe I read her file more than a couple of times to just create some familiarity but she’s, hmm, how to explain it! Maybe authentic! But I did nothing creepy though and even if I did, those marriage papers cuts out everything” he chuckled again and it was now concerning mark. he was not drunk but was still laughing too much for it to be normal.
“I’ll suggest just leave it be! Haven’t you thought that she was just at wrong place at wrong time?”
“No!! the problem is that she still somewhere in her head thinks that she was at wrong place at right time! I would’ve had no problem if taeyong had just let her go but no !! he has to go and make my life miserable.” his soothing voice rose a few octaves. He was frustrated and had no other way of letting that go.
Mark watched him, looking into the sky, like he was finding some solutions. He couldn’t turn around the time nor he could do anything for yuta.
He tried to focus on the sky instead. It was so quiet, but what that silence engulfed in it was a mystery for now.
the stars looked beautiful, almost poetic, for the time being.
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aerynwrites · 5 years
Liar - Javier Pen͂a x Reader
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Author’s Note: Woohoo I’m BACK on the angst train baby, HELL YEAH! God, I love writing angst and I feel like I’m finally getting back into the swing of it! I hope you guys enjoy this little Javier angsty sad piece that I have here for you, and as always I love to hear what you guys think! <3
Requested? Yes! hello! i was wondering if i could make a javier peña request? something angst with a lot of drama maybe? like they have a fight about javier's one nightstands with other girls, thank you! (Requested by anon) AND Hi Love your blog :)   Maybe some angst with Javier?♡ (Requested by anon
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: cursing and angst - SO much angst, this one is just sad I’m sorry XD
You sat at your desk, shuffling papers around loudly as well as sighing more than usual. Something that catches your partner Steve’s attention, as he sits in the desk across from you.
“Could you calm down? Your angry paper shuffling is distracting,” he muttered.
Your eyes lifted from your papers to look at the exhausted man in front of you and you let out a dejected sigh.
“Yes, I’m sorry,” you say leaning back in your chair, “I’m just…upset is all,” you offer lamely.
Steve lets out a dry chuckle before scribbling something down on his own papers, “Yeah no kidding. What’s got you all riled up in the first place? You’re usually pretty good about hanging up your problems as the door,” he observes, finally setting his pen down and looking to you.
You pursed your lips as you looked at your best friend. Steve had become one of your closest allies since you got reassigned to Colombia, and you pretty much told each other everything. But you weren’t sure if you could tell him about what was bugging you today.
So you shook your head, and looked back down to your papers trying to distract yourself from the issues running through your head, “It’s nothing I can’t handle Steve,” you assure, “Just some personal things I have to work out is all.”
You see Steve roll his eyes before they fall to something behind you and he sits up straighter, “Just in time Pen͂a! I have some things I have to run by you real quick.”
You stiffen slightly as the name of your other partner leaves Steve’s lips and he stands from his chair to greet the other agent with a clap on the back.
You feel Javier lay his hand on your shoulder as he walks over to stand by Murphy’s desk, “Afternoon, (Y/N),” he greets kindly.
But you shrug his hand from your shoulder and don’t look up from your papers, “Agent Pen͂a,” you respond coldly.
This short response shocks both of the men standing beside you, especially Javier. You were usually the kindest and most boisterous person in the room, telling everyone good morning and asking how there day was, and even bringing people coffee when the looked overwhelmed. So, to receive such a short clipped answer from you was very unusual, and Steve knew immediately that Javier was the reason for your less than chipper mood today. Javier, on the other hand, was very confused. Just the other day you all had been laying in his bed, sans-clothing, after a very rousing and heated evening with one another. You had been perfectly fine then, and yesterday when you both had worked together…so what had happened between then and now?
“Hey, are you okay?” Javier asked sincerely, going to put a hand on your shoulder once more.
You smacked his hand away and cast him a cool stare, “Just peachy Javier,” you grabbed your pile of papers from your desk in a rush and stood from your chair, “I have to go give these Ambassador Noonan,” you move past Javier without another word to him and look to Steve as you leave, “I’ll see you later Steve.”
* * *
The rest of the day had been like that, you not so subtly ignoring Javier, in favor of either burning a hole in the papers in front of you with your eyes or talking inly to Steve and the others in the office. It was absolutely infuriating Javier to no end. He wasn’t necessarily angry at you, more frustrated and confused as to what had you so obviously upset with him.
Steve let out a loud sigh as they both watched your figure retreat from the office to go home for the day, and he turned to look at his partner.
“You have to get the sorted out Pen͂a, because I cannot go another day like that,” he said in an exasperated tone, hands on his hips.
Javier looked to his partner incredulously, “Me? I don’t even know why she’s mad at me!” he defended.
Steve just shrugged and grabbed his jacket from his chair and walk towards the door, “Well go talk to her or something,” he suggested, “figure out why she’s upset.”
and then he was gone, leaving Javier alone with his thoughts as he too left the Embassy to figure out what had happened.
He tried to think over every single interaction you all had as he walked up the stairs of his apartment building to your apartment, which was directly above his. He stood in front of your door, hesitating momentarily before knocking three times on the wood. He heard shuffling around before a faint ‘Just a minute!’ was called out. Then the door was swung open, and your face seemed to fall into a scowl the minute you laid eyes on him. You had one hand on the door and one hand balled into a fist at your side.
“What do you want Javier?” you bite.
Javier feels himself bristle at your cold and dismissive tone and he crosses his arms, “I want to know what your fucking problem is,” he deadpans.
You let out a humorless laugh, “You want to know what my problem is?” you ask rhetorically, “My problem is you Javier, you’re a selfish asshole!” you exclaim.
Before you can stop him Javier is slipping past you and into your apartment, not wanting to have this conversation out in the middle of the hallway.
“I’m the asshole? You were the one treating me like shit all day at work, even though I didn’t do anything wrong.” He argued.
You closed the door to your apartment and turned on him, fire burning in your eyes, “You didn’t do anything wrong?” you almost screamed, “I heard you last night Javier, I heard you and our informant loud and clear.”
Javier’s moth dropped open forming an ‘oh’ shape as if he ad just realized what you meant. But then a look of confusion came over his face and he crossed his arms once again.
“So what?”
Those two words, two simple words and his dismissive tone, extinguished the fire running through your veins and replaced it with lead. Your heart fell to your stomach and a lump formed in your throat as your hands came to cross over your stomach, retracting into yourself.
“So what?” your voice cracked as you repeated his biting words, “So what?” you whispered again.
Javier was immediately aware of your drastic change in demeanor and he felt his heart constrict.
You looked up at him through the tears collecting in your eyes, “Did what he have not mean anything to you?” you ask desperately, “I mean I know that-“ you paused, not sure if you wanted to crack open this surely rotten egg, “I know that you aren’t the ‘settling down’ type but I thought that maybe-“
“Maybe what?” Javier asked, anger bubbling up to hide his insecurities and fear at what you were insinuating.
You quickly wiped a tear away that had slipped from your eyes and you refused to look at him, “I though that maybe you felt something for me,” you whimpered, “because I know I feel something for you,” you admitted, “something more than just sex.”
You heard Javier scoff, and that was the final blow that ripped your heart in half and you hugged yourself tighter as he stepped closer to you, almost nose to nose.
“It was just sex, (Y/N). Nothing more than a good fuck to release the pent up frustration that comes with the job,” he seethes.
He has to grind the lies out past his teeth. the only thing he wants to do is pull you in close and hold you and tell you that he felt the same way. He truly did feel something for you, but the idea of being in any kind of committed relationship terrified him. It played on his insecurities of if he was good enough for you or if this life was safe enough to even have a relationship. Yes he did feel a lot more for you than just physical attraction, which is precisely why he chose to sleep with the informant on your case. To not only get information as usual, but also to try and shove the thoughts of you from his mind. Yet, as he was there with the informant, the only thing he could think of was you beneath him, and that’s when he realized he was royally fucked over by his emotions and feelings for you.  
But he held fast in his resolve to push you away. If he pushed you away he couldn’t hurt you anymore than what he already had right? That’s what he tried to tell himself as he took in the sight if you almost physically crumbling apart in front of him.
You shook your head as more tears fell and you were basically sobbing now, “I don’t believe you,” you cried, your fists balling up and hitting him roughly on the chest, “You’re lying, you are lying to me and I know it!” your breaths are ragged now, hiccups interrupting your words as you pound weakly at the chest of the man who stole your heart.
He finally clasped his hands around your wrists to stop your pathetic attack and pushed you away from him slightly, cringing at how much it emotionally pained him to do so.
“I’m not, and you need to accept that what we had was nothing more than a physical relationship,” he said, a certain finality in his words.
You felt stupid, you felt ashamed that the man you loved was looking at you like you were nothing, but you could see the guarded look in his eyes. A look that showed he had put up many, many walls to protect himself and others around him. You furiously wiped away the tears that wouldn’t seem to stop falling and walked swiftly over to your door, ripping it open and looking at the floor beneath you.
“Then get. Out.” The words come out bitter and clipped, yet your voice was still wet with tears.
Javier felt his composure falter slightly at this command and he felt frozen in place. He couldn’t even open his mouth to speak. So you, feeling anger and heartbreak overwhelm you, marched over to him and grabbed his arm, dragging him to the door.
“GET OUT! Get out of my fucking house Javier!” you shove him roughly out the door and you see him turn to you before you fully retreat back into the safety of your apartment.
“(Y/N), wait-“
“No. I hate you Javier. I will continue to work with you until we catch this son of a bitch, but don’t ever show your face here again. Now leave.”
The anger in your voice along with the resounding slam of the door in his face left Javier speechless on your doorstep. He felt his own heart break at the words you threw at him, but he knew he deserved them. He deserved ever single word. The quiet opening and closing of a door next to your apartment cause Javier to take his gaze from your apartment number to the source of the sound, and he saw Steve leaning against the wall a few feet away, giving him a disapproving look.
“What Murphy? If you’re gonna lecture me or something or tell me how horrible of a person I am then save it,” he sneered at his partner, “I’m well aware.”
Steve didn’t say anything, he just walked over to the dejected and lost looking Javier and squeezed his shoulder lightly, before walking down the stairs and out of the apartment complex. Javier looked after his partner, then back to your still closed door, painfully aware of the quiet sobs still coming from inside, before he followed suit. Leaving two broken souls in the middle of the hallway.
Permanent Tags: @lord-wolfgen @petalduck
Pedro Tags: @fleurdemiel145​
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petersasteria · 4 years
The Forces of Nature || Ch.12
Pairing: Peter Parker x Superhero!Reader
Summary: “There’s this kid out there that can control the wind or something. I think she’s a great addition to the team. Let’s recruit her.”
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"...𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧." - Jordan Harbinger
Just when Peter and Y/N thought everything was alright between them, it went back to normal. Y/N didn't know what happened, she didn't know what she did to somehow offend Peter. Heck, she didn't even know she offended him. She was clueless. She tried to make things better, but Peter ended up hating her even more. She wasn't giving up, though.
On Peter's side, he knew full well why he started acting up again. Ever since the first training, all he could hear were praises. Not to or for him. Oh, no. How he wished all their praises were dedicated to him. Instead, they were all for Y/N. It was always Y/N this, Y/N that. Peter was getting sick of it.
It wasn't just the Avengers, though. It was also the people at school.
"Hey Y/N! I need help in rehearsing for the graduation song." Ned nicely asked. Peter cleared his throat and said, "I can help you!"
"Thanks, Peter! But this is Y/N's expertise." Ned said and turned to Y/N, waiting for her answer. Peter gave a tight-lipped smile and broke his pencil with one hand in anger and bitterness. Y/N saw this and quickly took a pencil from her bag.
"Here you go, Peter. You can have it. I have so many pencils at home." Y/N said kindly as she handed him the pencil. Peter just looked at it, though. So, she left it near Peter and started helping Ned.
"Jealous, Parker?" MJ asked with a smirk.
"No." He answered quickly. "Anything she can do, I can do better. I'm the best!"
"Ned and I will be the judge of that." MJ said and turned back to her book.
Later that day, it was training again at the compound. Y/N and Peter were training with Steve and Natasha. Since they were training in the same room, Steve and Peter could see Natasha and Y/N training on the other side of the room.
"You're getting better at this, Y/N!" Natasha smiled after Y/N basically tackled her down. She helped Natasha up with happiness flowing through her.
"Thank you! I try my best." Y/N shrugged.
"I agree with Nat." Steve said from across the room. "You're a natural, Y/N. You really do belong here."
Peter was jealous. How come she got praise for everything she was doing? After all, they're quite similar. They're both geniuses, they're both great at training sessions, they're kind and sweet. He knew that he was being sort of ridiculous, but in his point of view, his feelings were valid.
To make things worse, Tony was hanging out with Y/N now. Peter felt extreme jealousy and anger bubbling inside of him. It was like a real family situation.
Tony, Peter's father-figure and mentor, suddenly favored the other kid aka Y/N over him. It was all so sudden. She was just new and everyone loved her. Even Sam and Bucky loved her. Peter was still in the 'we only tolerate you' level with Bucky and Sam, so how come Y/N isn't on the same level as him?
Sometimes, he felt as if Y/N was mocking him. Peter would screw up sometimes and then Y/N would somehow be there right behind him to help and fix it.
"Call me when you need me, Pete. I'd be glad to help!"
"Do you need anything?"
"No wonder you couldn't get it right. You're doing it the wrong way, Peter!"
He was tired of it. He was officially done with her and done with everyone. If everyone thought that Y/N was the best, then he'd make sure that he was the worst.
"Hey, Y/N/N! Have you seen Peter? He was supposed to be here two hours ago." Steve asked and looked at his watch.
"I don't know, actually. I thought he was already here. I didn't see him after school because I had glee club practice." Y/N frowned and pulled out her phone. As she was about to type a text, Peter walked in with a relaxed smile on his face.
"Where the hell have you been, kid?" Steve asked. As angry as he was, he kept his composure. Y/N lifted her phone a bit and said, "I was just about to text you. Where were you?"
"At home." Peter shrugged. "I took a nap after school."
"...So, you didn't patrol?" Y/N asked.
"Nope." Peter said, popping the 'p'.
"Why not?" She frowned. "You love patrolling and you're great at that."
"Yeah? Well, if you're so better than me like everyone else has been saying, why don't YOU patrol?" Peter snapped. Y/N stayed quiet and Steve was shocked at his outburst. He's never heard Peter lash out like that before. It was new and different. It was so foreign to him.
The next day at school, Peter was assigned to be the group leader in English class. When he saw that Y/N was his group mate, he called the teacher's attention.
"Yes, Mr. Parker?"
"I don't want to be the leader of this group. I'd like to be a member instead and I want Y/N to be the leader." Peter faked a smile. "You see, she's really smart and she could do anything."
Y/N looked at Peter and quickly shook her head. She didn't want to be the group leader. Peter just smirked and his smirk grew wider when the teacher allowed it.
"Congrats on your leader position, Y/N! I'm sure you'll do just fine. You can do anything, right?" Peter said and leaned back on his chair, waiting for Y/N give out orders on what to do.
Y/N didn't know why Peter was acting that way. She truly wanted to ask, but she was scared. She was hurt, annoyed, mad, and confused. How can Peter's attitude just shift like that?
"Hey, kid! Can you help me in the lab? I have a few modifica-"
"No." Peter answered shortly and ate his chips while watching tv on the couch. He grabbed the remote and changed the channel.
Tony looked at him as if Peter grew another head, "W-What do you mean 'no'?"
"No means no, Mr. Stark." Peter answered.
"I get that, but you don't usually say 'no' to me. Besides, you might like what we're going to do in the lab. It's for a new-"
"Nah. Count me out of that shit." Peter chuckled.
"Is this all a joke to you, Parker?" Tony asked.
Normally, Peter would be scared and he'd drop the act. Alas, he kept going. Nothing will stop him in keeping his act together.
"No, it's not a joke to me. You asked and I answered. Where the hell is the joke in that?" Peter raised an eyebrow. "Besides, you can ask your new pet, Y/N. She's around here somewhere- oH, RIGHT! She's out patrolling like I told her to."
"Isn't that your job?!"
"Yes, but since everyone here claims that she's better than everyone else, I gave her my job so that she has something to do."
"And what'll you do?" Tony crossed his arms.
"Something I've never done before."
"And that is-?"
"Relaxing." Peter smiled and laid down on the couch as he continued to switch channels and eat a family-sized bag of chips. Tony frowned at his protégé before going back to the lab.
"Any ideas on how to defeat the swine flu guy?" Rhodey asked as his eyes wandered around the room filled with Avengers.
"We could strategize a plan on how to attack him! Villains in movies usually have a pattern or something when they kill so that people would know that it was them. All we have to do is search through the whereabouts of the swine guy and-"
"You do it then if you're so clever." Peter piped up and drank his water.
"Excuse me?" Y/N said.
"You're just wasting your time on telling us how to do shit, so why don't you just do it yourself?" Peter shrugged. He looked at everyone and chuckled, "We have ourselves a prodigy of some sort in our midst. We'll have to use her talent and brains."
"What the hell, Peter." Natasha said and Peter could only shrug.
"She could do it on her own because she's so powerful. She's the most powerful person in this room because she can control everything! So, let's cut some slack and let her do all the work. She's just new, anyway. She has to learn a thing or two." Peter said as he got up from his chair.
"Where do you think you're going?!" Sam asked.
"Home, duh." Peter said and grabbed his back pack. "Have fun with your new task, Y/N!" With that, he smiled and left.
"I know this is so out of character, but I miss the old Peter." Bucky said after a moment of silence.
"I can't believe I'm going to say this, but same." Sam sighed. "Something isn't right with that kid."
"Definitely." Y/N nodded her head in agreement. Whatever Peter was feeling, she didn't care about it anymore. She just wanted the old Peter back until then, she's allowed to get super annoyed and angry at the new Peter.
* * * *
𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @blueleatherbag​ @harryismysunflower @buckys-little-hoe @justanothermarvelmaniac​ @itstaskeen @sandystoriess @heeeyitskay @slytherin-chaser @quaksonhehe @yaya4302 @lil-mellow-bunbun @starlight-starks @swiftmind​ @alexx-stancati​ @sovereignparker​ @nerdyandproudofitsstuff​ @pearce14​ @xfirstfemale-marauderx​ @cherthegoddess​ @chewymoustachio​ @cocoamoonmalfoy​ @parkerlovebot​
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell @justasmisunderstoodasloki @rubberducky-jrr @petersholland @osterfieldnholland @miraclesoflove @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @perspectiveparker @parker-potters @itstaskeen @call-me-baby-gir1 @the-panwitch @iamaunicorn4704 @chloecreatesfictions @holland-styles @halfblood-princess-505 @spidey-reids-2003 @herbatkazmiloscia @whatthefuckimbisexual​ @justanothermarvelmaniac​ @unsaidholland​ @musicalkeys​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @hufflepuffprincess24​ @hollanddolanfangirl​ @parkerpeter24​ @bellelittleoff
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violetnotez · 4 years
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This fic. THIS FIC RIGHT HERE. HAS BEEN FIGHTING SO HARD I AM DONE THIS HAS BEEN A STRUGGLE. If there are typos I AM SORRY- just msg me and ill fix it if its that bad im just tired!
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Kirishima x reader
⤷Genre: Angst, Fluff
⤷Word Count: 9k+ (-this has the weekly prompt for the @bnhabookclub​ discord -“Im fine” :)
⤷ Warnings: slight mentions of blood, cursing, suggested spicyness at the end
⤷ Synopsis: It’s been exactly 3 months since the last time Kirishima saw you, after you had abruptly ended things with him. He’s been trying to forget you, but it’s no use-he’s still madly in love with you, and wishes he could get the truth of why you two ended. What a shocker when he gets a chance to ask his questions-and he learns the truth about your villainous life.
Song Recs: ⤷ “Breakeven”-The Script ⤷ “Lucid Dreams”- Juice WRLD ⤷ “Scars”- Lukas Graham
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Kirishima looked up at his calendar, a sad sigh escaping his lips. 
That number shouldn’t be such a big deal, that plain black “11” tiny and insignificant next to all the other digits, like little ants stationary on the page.
What it represented, though, was so much more: that day so many weeks ago was so full of heartache and misery, the feeling of being lied to eating at his core for days to come. 
Today, 3 months ago, was the day you confessed to him that you didn’t love him. 
Kirishima has never felt so betrayed and heartbroken in his whole life: you were his first real love after all, and hearing you say your love was a lie destroyed him.
He didn’t know what to do or how to even react to that news: he had felt so numb after, so incredibly empty, it was like he was a walking shell of himself once he left your room.
His friends had tried to cheer him up constantly, always putting in the effort to lift his spirits with laughter and comfort. But the warmth of their attempts of cheering him up didn’t help him at all: he always still felt so cold inside.
It also didn’t help that you had mysteriously left UA the day after the “breakup.” When Kirishima laid his tired puffy eyes on your empty desk the next day, his heart couldn’t help but beat feverishly. He knew he shouldn’t care that you were gone, but he couldn’t help it. No matter which way he spun it, He was still desperately falling for you, even if you had broken his heart. 
He had sat down, his back slumped as he eyed that empty seat with worry. 
How had everything gone so wrong? 
He couldn’t fathom what had gone stray-your love  had honestly felt so real to him. You had told him you had only dated him out of pity-but if somebody was being forced to do something, just to spare someone’s feelings, would they have given him his first kiss so perfectly, making sure to be soft and gentle? Would they have stuck with him late into the night to help study for tests? Or give him sweet kisses on his scars when he was feeling self conscious? 
It just didn’t add up-the feelings you two had were genuine and real. It couldn’t all be one sided like you had said.
He gave another look to that chair, just imagining the ghost of you sitting there, turning around and sending him that infectious smile that light up his whole day.
God, it wasn't even one whole day and he felt so incomplete without you.
Mr. Aizawa walked in, everyone scrambling to their seats and watching him intently, the room getting noticeably more quiet.
He didn’t remember much of that class-he had remembered Mr.Aizawa standing at the front of the class, his deep voice breaking his miserable thoughts when he said the class would be free of one student.
You had seemingly left in the middle of the night, your guardians notifying the school you would no longer be attending UA due to you moving. All of Class 1-A was incredibly confused, including Kirishima- you had never said you were moving, yet you somehow were just gone. As if you never existed.
It just didn’t add up to Kirishima-you would have said something about moving, or at least acted strange the weeks prior. All these events just didn’t make sense to Kirishima-the break up, your confession, you leaving-it all just didn’t add up. But he was too tired, too wrecked inside to think about it anymore. The more he tried to piece the story together the more it gnawed at him, making him feel so much more worse than he already felt. He slumped in his chair, knowing full well everyone was staring at him-you were his boyfriend after all, he should have known.
Oh wait-ex.
He slumped in his chair even more, barely the tips of his spiky red hair poking up from the desk table.
It was gonna be a long few weeks for him, he could already feel it.
Now he was past all those days of crying and breaking over you-some days he could actually forget about you and not have to worry. But on days that were permanently etched into his mind, like today, he couldn’t help but remember. 
Kirishima's phone began to ring, the vibration of the call making the phone jitter against the wood of his desk. He tore himself away from the calendar, his hands instantly swiping to take the call once he saw the Caller ID.
“Hey Fat, how's it going!” Kirishima forced a smile, his voice preppy and bright as if nothing had ever happened.
“Kirishima, thanks for taking the call,” his mentor seemed to breathe a sigh of relief hearing his bright voice on the other end.
Since Kirishima was in his 3rd year, he was required to do another work study, for an even longer period of time than before. So when he was asked by Fatgum to come join the agency once again, he couldn’t help but say no. He had loved his old mentor back from his 1st year, even if he did get pretty banged up at the end of his work study. He was more than happy to join his agency again, and wanted nothing more to learn and grow to be the best hero he could be.
“I know this is pretty late in the day for you,” Fatgum continued, “but I’m going to need your help,”
“Tamaki was supposed to be patrolling on the West side of town tonight, but he got called in to help with a robbery on the North side. I don’t have anybody else to take his place, so I was hoping you could take over his shift for the night,”
“Of course! I’ll do anything you need,” Kirishima propped his phone into the crook of his neck, already rummaging around his room for his hero suit.
“You're a lifesaver Kirishima!” Fatgum exclaimed, the toothy grin he was most likely sporting practically audible.“See ya for training tomorrow then!”
“You too, Fat,” Kirishima's cheerful tone waned, a sad smile replacing his bright grin as he stared down at his hero suit.
He had already known today was going to be a tough day for him, and the fact that he was off from any type of hero work that would make him forget about his sadness didn’t help. 
But now that Fatgum has given him a job tonight, he might be able to erase his mind of all the past heart ache for the next few hours. He gave himself a small smile, his hero suit beckoning him to put it on, the reds and blacks calling to him like ghosts from a dream.
He was gonna at least try to forget-just for the night.
It was now an hour before the end of his shift, and he was feeling practically tired.
The West side of town was relatively quiet, nowhere near the crime riddled areas of the North side of the city boulevard. He knew these streets well from patrolling them almost every night of his hero study, knowing each alleyway and path like the back of his hand. 
Tonight was silent, only a few late night joggers or the occasional fast food joint open for any customers getting the late night munchies. 
It was soft, provincial, and bitter sweet. 
He was trying his best to not remember, to not remember your face, or your smile, or the way you would laugh so warmly whenever he did something amusing. He was trying not to imagine you standing by his side, your hand grabbing his and your shoulder resting  on his, a happy sigh escaping your lips. 
Why were still haunting him, even three months later? 
why couldn’t he just forget about you? 
A crash and a yell snapped Kirishima out of his memory, an angry scream of a teen being heard from the late night restaurant. 
He shook his head to rid himself of those unwanted thoughts, noticing a black figure running across the parking lot into an alleyway at lightning speed.
“That-that Villian!” She shrieked, her friends trying to soothe her as she continued on her rampage, “She stole my wallet! My damn wallet! The hell-“
“Don’t worry ma’am, I’ll get it back for you, don’t worry!” He yelled towards the group, his voice warm and assuring as he sent her a toothy grin. His feet began pounding the pavement, disappearing into the alleyway in the direction of the criminal.
Your breath came out in painful huffs, your hand fumbling to put the wallet into the jacket of your Villian suit. 
Damn Shigaraki and his “plans.”
Shigaraki has now concocted up his next bright idea  for the League, this time relying on you stealing an ID card from a college student that looked similar to you. 
While the LOV was going off stealing a bank for some extra cash, you were told to go find someone who looked similar to you in order to pass as them. for what you had no idea, but you knew Shigaraki would be extremely mad with you if you didn’t do what he asked. You shivered at the thought of him, those cold red eyes like bloody daggers ripping into your flesh. 
You slowed to a stop, your breath coming out in pants as you pulled down the mask on your face, your breath finally free from the constricting fabric.
God you hated running.
Nobody seemed to be following you though, footsteps inaudible to your ears. You slinked into a dark corner of the alleyway, your hands rummaging inside the wallet for the ID card you desperately needed.
Cash, credit card, a picture of her and possibly her boyfriend,a shit ton of gift cards-
You breathed a sigh of relief, flicking out the desired card with a flourish. In the low light conditions you were in, it was hard to see her details, but you knew that it matched your complexion just enough to pass by.
Thank God, now Shigaraki wouldn’t be on your ass-
“Hey, it’s not cool to steal, man,” you heard a familiar voice echo throughout the concrete walls of the alleyway, making your blood run cold.
Shit, please not be him, anybody but him-
You instantly tugged your mask over your mouth and nose, praying to God it wasn’t him.
Maybe it was another hero, or somebody that just resembled him-
“Just give me back what you stole, and nothing bad will happen to ya,” Kirishima continued, his footsteps slow and solemn as he walked over to you, as if you were a wounded animal that could attack at any moment.
You shoved the wallet hastily into your jacket pocket, looking around, desperate for a way out.
Damn it-you were completely blocked from the back, a tall cement wall blocking your escape. The only way for you to get out was to somehow dodge Kirishima and make a run for it, or fight him.
God definitely had his favorites, and it obviously wasn’t you.
This boy was so quiet-all that hero training made him extremely agile, like a cat going forward it’s prey  as he continued to walk towards you cautiously. 
It was a shock to see him-he looked so much older, his handsome face making your heart squeeze painfully. He still sported his iconic red hair to match his suit, the only thing really changing was the amount of scars on his body. When you two had dated, you were so close to him you knew every valley, ditch, and scar on his body like your own.
He was getting stronger and tougher, growing to his goal while you were stuck in your life, still just a little pawn in Shigarakis decaying hands.
You didn’t feel like fighting him-you still felt guilty for the way you had ended things with him, even though it was weeks after. You knew it had to be done in order to protect him, but you also knew it had hurt him to the point of no return.
 He had to have hated you now, and honestly, you didn’t blame him-it just hurt to know you lost a love you still felt. And it was your fault.
Kirishima watched your every move, not suspecting a thing-you were just another thug, another puny Villain he had to take down. Even though it was decent fun to take a criminal down, dealing with witnesses, the police, and paperwork was quite the opposite. But it’d get his mind off of his own misery.
The Villain seemed strange though-as if they were terrified by the mere sight of him. They weren’t even trying to bad mouth him, which was a definite first for him. It was hard to see in the dark alleyway, but he could make out the outline of the thief trying to quickly dodge him, trying to break into a run to get out of the cramped dead end.
Kirishima swiftly grabbed the arm of their leather jacket, pulling your squirming body close to his.
You were screaming internally-he needed to let go, he had to let go. Your heart felt like it was ripping apart, the sudden memories flooding your body as you remembered how it felt to be so close to him, to be so intimate you could see the flecks of brown in his vermillion red eyes. You didn’t want him to realize it was you, to see you as his enemy yet again. You couldn’t bear to see the heartbreak and disappointment in his eyes, your hands clawing to get away.
“Hey-just calm down a little-“ he huffed out, the words separated as he tried to keep a hold on your body.
It was strange to him though-you weren’t even talking, not a peep was spilling out of your lips. You seemed pretty young, and by your smaller frame, you were most likely female. You seemed 
so scared, your eyes bright with desperation and fright. 
His larger hands kept you close to him, his heart pinging with hurt-
There was no way this was you. He was going crazy-those weren’t your eyes.
But God, they looked so familiar-your eyes looked exactly like that the day you two broke up. Full of fear and sadness and guilt-
This wasn’t you, this couldn’t be you, but-if it was-
With one hand firmly wrapped your waist and another shakily reaching toward your mask, your body fighting desperately to get him to stop. Even through your attempts, he pulled the material gently off your skin, The flimsy black mask falling to the ground pitifully. your face looking down at the ground with embarrassment, now knowing your cover was blown.
Kirishima's heart beat painfully-it was you, this was you.
What had happened?
“Y-y/n?” He stuttered out, his voice caught pitifully in his throat.
You swallowed thickly, trying to shove the dry ball of embarrassment down your throat.
“H-hi Kiri,” 
He quickly let go of you, his body blocking your exit as he stared at you in disbelief.
You looked so different, so unlike you-you were wearing a completely black outfit, the material shiny like wet rocks near a dark river. Your hair was pulled back painfully tight, your eyes looking down at your scuffed combat boots in despair.
You looked so defeated and so sad, as if there was no happiness left in your body.
Who even were you?
“What happened to you? Why are stealing? Where have you even been?” He bombarded you with questions, his voice getting more and more authoritative and desperate as questions flooded his mind.
You couldn’t even think to comprehend an answer to any of them-you just needed to forget this encounter ever happened. For your and Kirishima’s sanity and, most importantly, safety.
“Just let me go Kirishima,” you dodged his question, taking a step forward to push your way out of the alleyway.
Kirishima's body was bigger and stronger though, and with each shuffle you attempted he would close the gap between you two, blocking your escape solely with his body.
“No, I-I need answers y/n,” he replied. His voice sounded so hurt, so full of anguished you felt your heart break a little more. He was still hurting, and now he was confused, seeing you all dressed up and committing crimes like a low level Villian. 
“I need to know what happened to you.”
You faulted in your step, staring at Kirishima with wide, mournful eyes. You made yet another attempt to surpass him, your shoulder a mere centimeters away from his as you tried to walk past him.
“Nothing happened Kirishima, please just let me-“
If you thought you were going to leave that easily, you were crazy. 
He swiftly grabbed your arm, his calloused hands rough against the leather of your jacket. Even through the thick material you could feel how warm he was-he always radiated such heat and brightness.
“Why did you leave UA?” He was abrupt with his question, but the hint of softness faltered his harsh exterior-he was still worried for you.
A deep sigh cascaded from your lips, your brow starting to sweat. You were tired of dealing with this heavy burden, this spider web of lies you had created for your own self. You still loved Kiri, yes, but your relationship was over and done. There was really no fear of judgement anymore. Hell, he just saw you steal a wallet like a low level thug-how much more could he judge you in this moment?
“You want the truth Kiri?” Your voice was blunt, and monotone, a shield from your true emotions. 
“You want to know who I really am? I-I’m a Villian. I work for the LOV. I only went to UA because I had to listen to Shigaraki. He needed info and I was the only one to do it.”
You sneaked a peek at Kirishima's face, a slight grimace on your lips as you anticipated the look of disgust on his face. Your heart thumped painfully, waiting for him to look at you with revulsion, but-it never came. His bright vermillion eyes still stared down at you softly, his eyes coated with worry and sympathy. 
“So-you were being forced?”
“At first I wanted to do it-b-but after I while, I started to change my mind,” 
he was so warm, his body heat seeping into your cold skin like a fire on a winter's night. Even now, in this dark alley, exactly 3 months from your terrible breakup-he still could make you feel safe. He was your home in the snow storm, so warm and comforting when the rest of the world was so unforgiving and icy. You relished the feeling of his calloused palms on your body, wishing those hands were on your skin instead of your jacket so they could  slowly  warm your whole body with their wonderful  heat.
“Then why did you leave?”
You gulped, licking your lips tentatively. Did you really want to tell him the truth? Tell him how weak you truly were? You honestly didn’t, a part of you screaming to just feed him a lie that would satiate you both-but the thought of living with even more of a guilty conscience made your mouth go dry. He didn't deserve another lie-after all you did to him, Kirishima deserved the truth. 
“I-I didn’t want to get hurt. I didn’t want you to get hurt. If Shigaraki found out I was considering leaving the LOV, he would have done anything in his power to keep me.”
“You don’t know the League like I do. When I mean he would do anything-he would do anything-including killing.”
Kirishima's eyes momentarily widened, the brutal words cutting the air like a knife. It didn’t surprise him, though-he was a hero in training after all. He had been in too many dangerous run ins with villians-hell, he couldn’t even count how many times he could have died just in his first year at UA. Death was a recurring threat in Kirishima's life, and , for better or worse, it didn’t scare him as much as it used to.
“Kiri-I-I lied to you to keep you safe. You meant the world to me-You still do. I still think about you all the time, and I know you probably hate me, but I still love you. I never stopped.”
He watched your eyes turn down in shame, your head hanging low as if you were carrying a great burden. It was painstakingly obvious you were feeling guilty and remorseful, and his heart throbbed at the thought that of you being forced to continue on with this life. We all made dumb mistakes when we were younger-you shouldn’t have to keep the burden of your past decisions still. 
As much as he felt sympathy for you, he couldn't help but feel so happy that you still had feelings for him. No matter how he spun it, he still cared for you and loved you with all his heart-hearing The same thoughts come from you just made him fall for you even more.
He gingerly took your chin in his hands, his calloused digits lifting your sullen head in order for him to look at you fully. Even when you looked so downtrodden, you were absolutely beautiful to him, and he couldn’t help but smile.
“God, take the words right out of mouth, huh?”
Kirishima's heartbeat feverishly in his chest-what he was about to do was so incredibly risky, but he had to do it. Too many nights he spent dreaming and remembering you, the memories bitter sweet. Now that he had you in front of him, he was going to take any chance he could go get those sensations back in his life.
Kirishima placed his lips gently on yours, knocking the wind out of your lungs. You couldn’t breathe-it was like you were drowning on his essence-yet you couldn’t careless. Warmth filled your stomach, fueling all over your body like a hot flame. It was so comforting and surreal to be feeling this again, to have Kirishima's hot lips pressed against yours.
He parted from you, both of you buzzing with electricity. It was surprising how much truth that kiss held-it melted the cocoon you two had around your hearts, allowing you two to see how much you had truly missed each other.
“ Y/n, I miss you, I knew that night you said you didn’t love me, something wasn’t right,” he spoke, his breath fanning your lips gently. “I knew there was more than what you were letting on.”
Kirishima grabbed your arms suddenly, looking you square in the face with intense eyes.
“ Y/n, you should have left then and there! We would have protected you! I would have protected! I promise I wouldn’t have let anything happen to you-“
“Y/n, you need to leave them, please,”
You sighed, hating how quickly the air thickened with the remembrance of your current situation. 
“Kiri, I don’t want anybody to potentially get hurt because of my dumbass decisions, I’m fine, I can handle myself-“
“Y/n, no your not fine! Look at you-,”he motioned to your clothing and your sullen face, “this isn’t you at all! 
“Kiri, please, don’t give me false hope-“ you shoved him off, wrapping your arms around your body to protect yourself. If you didn’t get control of yourself, you would follow his words in a heartbeat. As much as you would love to run into the strong arms of Kirishima, for him to warm your numb body with his positive energy- you knew it was dangerous. You didn’t want anybody to get hurt over you.
“It isn’t false hope though….” He smiled sweetly at you, his hand stretched out to you, “please, just take my hand, Kay? Nothing bad will happen, I promise,”
You stared at him long and hard, your eyes wide with fear and uncertainty-he was so genuine, so warm, so forgiving. He wanted to help you, he was willing and ready. He wanted to fight the world with you by his side, to protect the people he needed to protect with his loving energy. Kirishima had a way of making you believe anything that came out of his mouth, and you were falling for his spell. You didn’t know if it was the shock from seeing him after so long, his kiss, or just from wanting to leave so badly, but you stretched out your hand, ready for him to take you away.
a cruel, scraggly voice boomed from the shadows, “He promises to keep his little love bird safe.”
“How touching.”
You two spun your heads around at the sound of the ominous voice, your blood running cold.
“Shigaraki,” you gasped out, your eyes glued onto your leader. 
He was smiling a sick grin, his expression sadistic and cruel as he stood in a few paces away from you two. He was clothed in his Villain suit, his clothes tattered and dark like the Grim Reaper himself.
 Spinner and Twice were standing close by, surveying the scene from above as Shigaraki sauntered to you two. Kirishima's expression instantly turned from softness to determination, his body instantly turning to shield yours.
“Oh no need to act so heroic hero,” he grinned, his tone sickeningly sweet life cough syrup.
“Just give us our comrade and we’ll be on our way.”
“You're not going anywhere with her!” Kirishima yelled, his quirk activating in his arm as he shielded you from Shigaraki. “She doesn’t want to be with you scumbags anymore!”
“I’d watch your tone if I were you, especially for trying to defend a spineless traitor like her.”
Kirishima's face turned red in anger, his whole body now turning as solid as a rock as he charged your former leader.
“You piece of-“ 
Shigaraki continued the sick grin plastered on his face as Spinner and Twice instantly jumped from their positions, grabbing Kirishima's arms and roughly slamming him into the nearby wall. You heard the air forces out of Kirishima's lungs, his face contorted in pain. Your heart felt as if it was getting stabbed as you watched Kirishima struggle against their holds.
“Kirishima!” You screamed, your body yelling at you to help him-but you knew you couldn’t take on those two by yourself, not even including Shigaraki.
You turned to the villainous man in front of you, your eyes pleading.
“Shigaraki, please, tell them to let him go-let him go!”
He took a step toward you, his footsteps ringing slowly like the ticks of an old clock.
“Oh, I will,” he replied, his voice low and sadistic, “-when you rejoin the League.
“ I’d kill you right now for being such a selfish brat if I didn’t need you-so take it as a gift. I’ll spare your life if you just come-“
“Never,” you spat at him, fear filling your stomach with your defiance. You were surprised to hear how steady your voice was, but the slight Tremble in your fists said otherwise.
“Fine then,” he smirked, “suit yourself-“
With a wave of his decaying hands, Spinner and Twice began to use their full force on Kirishima-punching, kicking, anything to torture him. He was trying his best to block them, even with his quirk-but they were quite strong, especially once Twice used his quirk to produce more of his own body. It quickly began evident that Kirishima was having a hard time to fight off the villains, his Stance slowly becoming weaker and weaker as his face began to bruise and his arm dusted with his own blood.
You were hopeless to just watch, watching your worst fear come to life-people we’re already getting hurt over you.
Anger filled your stomach, licking up your body like hot flames as you turned to charge Shigaraki, fire in your eyes.
“Stop it you crusty ass-“ you yelled out, your fists out as you tried to land a punch on the Villian.
He seemed to know your exact movements though, his hands harshly grabbing your wrists and mouth, colliding your body with his.
“I’d watch that mouth of yours if I were you, unless you want it to disintegrate-along with the rest of you-“
You had momentarily forgotten about Shigaraki’s dangerous quirk-one wrong move and you could be a heap on the ground, nothing more. The fingers around your mouth were delicate, knowing full well you wouldn’t try and escape. They drummed playfully against your mouth, as if taunting you to do something foolish. You felt how cold he was, the feeling of his chapped skin on yours disgusting as he toyed with your life in his hands. 
It was all a game for him-and he was winning.
“Look at him-“ Shigaraki ordered, the grip around your mouth suddenly tightening as he twisted your head to face Kirishima's misery.  
“You caused this, y/n. All this pain, all this suffering. If you leave, he will be the first we target. Well slowly go after each and every person you have ever loved, until we finally come for you.”
“Now, you don’t want that, do you?”  He asked, his face tilting in order to see your answer. You forced yourself to not look at him, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing the small tears running down your cheeks. 
All you could muster was a small shake of your head, the vibration of your movement going through Shigarakis finger tips.
Through the fists and clones he was trying to fight off, Kirishima could see you shaking your head, Shigaraki looking practically happy by your answer. A sinking feeling filled Kirishima's stomach as he saw your body language slouch in defeat. He Tried to call at you, to stop you from agreeing to whatever was coming out of Shigarakis lying lips, but at that moment one of the clones landed a solid punch to his stomach. Kirishima felt all the air leave out of his lungs , his knees wobbling and hitting the floor as his head spun from the pain.
Shigaraki still had his hold on you, watching how your face crumpled as you watched Kirishima fall and unable to help.
“Good, now, will you come and rejoin?” He asked one last time, motioning for his comrades to move away from Kirishima and back to their spot on the roof of the alleyway.
He knew now he had you under his finger, knowing the show he had just made you watched instilled enough fear for you to never leave his team again. He watched your eyes cower to give one last look at Kirishima's crumpled body, your shoulders tense with stress.
“I-I’ll rejoin the League,” you whispered out, feeling the hold Shigaraki had on you loosen. 
It was tearing you up inside to see Kirishima so bruised and hurt on the ground-you focused on the signs of him breathing, his broad chest rising and falling as he struggled to push himself back up. That small evidence gave you courage, your heart racing as you will yourself to continue with the plan you had secretly been concocting this whole time.
You grunted, a sly smirk erupting on your face.
“After I do this-“
You swiftly grabbed Shigarakis arm, twisting it in an excruciating position behind his back. He yelled out in pain, a string of curses filling the night as you rammed your fist into his chest, sending the air out of his lungs. He stumbled dramatically, dry coughs spewing out of his lungs as his knees hit the floor. 
“You no longer have power over me-none of you do,” you stood defiantly in that alleyway, watching your ex comrades stare at you in shock and awe. In all your time with the LOV, you had never defied them. Not once. You were always so obedient, which was why Shigaraki loved to have you around as a n asset to his team-you were so easy to keep around his finger. 
But now you were clearly being rebellious, your stony face telling the whole group you had changed-you didn’t give a damn about their threats and their rules anymore. You wouldn’t be coming back.
A burst of fear and extreme annoyance flooded Shigarakis' system, the pain of your kick aiding fuel to the flame. He growled, a curse directed at you dribbling from his lips as his thin legs wobbled his body weight up. His mouth opened to send you another string of curses, ready to unleash his full wrath on you for embarrassing him so much, until a characteristic siren filled the night air.
Kirishima propped himself onto his knees, a tried grin gracing his bruising lips.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you-“
His hand lifted, showing the whole group a small contraption in his hand. In the darkness of the alleyway it was hard to tell what it was, but it seemed Kirishima was holding a phone, a route to your location lighting up the screen.
“My mentor gave all us heroes-in-training a tracker, just in case we get into any trouble. While you were blabbering on about plans, I sent the heroes our location.”
Kirishima smiled triumphantly at the fearful faces of Shigaraki’s comrades, Shigarakis own fave contorted in rage. 
The sirens were slowly getting louder, the colors of blue and red dancing lightly against the stony walls of the alley way.
“So unless you wanna get caught by the heroes,” he added in, his tone surprisingly friendly, “ I suggest you go.”
Shigaraki seemed waver, trying to see if he could still get you back under the terrible circumstances. But the cops were practically here, the sounds of car doors slamming being heard. He had to admit it to himself-he lost this battle. He gave you one last scornful look, his bloody irises sending a shiver down your spine as he took off with his comrades, not leaving a trace.
You could already hear the police officers stepping out of their cars, fear flooding your stomach. Even though you had just defied the League, you were still a criminal. You had been doing illegal activities for months now-hell, you just stole a girls wallet 15 minutes ago and it was still in your damn pocket.
Even though a part of you was screaming for you to run as well, you fought off that flight response in order to help Kirishima off the floor.
His skin still feels warm, your hands making sure not to touch the tender parts of his skin from his fight. Even though he was smiling, you could tell he was in some pain. Your worst fear was already being realized-he got hurt over you. For you. You could never repay him for that, the guilt seeping into your core. 
“Kiri are you okay? Please tell me you are,” you pushed out, the tone of your voice desperate and pleading. “I’m so sorry-“
Kirishima looked up, his vermillion eyes as bright as ever as he caresses your cheek, sweeping the single tear off your face.
 “For what? You did nothing wrong y/n, you don’t have to be so sad over me-this is my job after all!” He chuckled, trying to lighten the mood as you began to help him stand up. He was slightly wobbly on his feet but seemed to be doing just fine. 
He gave you a small smile, a hint of worry in his eyes as he heard footsteps coming behind him.
“Just-let me do the talking, Kay?” He waited for you to give him a nod, his hands giving yours a gentle squeeze.
“Do you still have the wallet you stole?”
“The-? Oh, yeah, I do,” you stated quickly, the wallet resurfacing in your mind as you rummaged in your jacket, pulling it out and shoving it into his hand.
“Thanks,” he smiled at you, his cheeks warm as he faltered for the smallest second. 
It was evident he wanted to lean in and kiss you-the way he stared at your lips was quite evident and brought a blush to your cheeks. 
But Kirishima was still on duty, and couldn’t be so openly romantic when he was in his hero suit as well being approached by law enforcement. He instead opted to kiss your cheek, the smooth skin of his lips warming your whole body as he walked over to greet the police officer. 
Kirishima has spoke to the police officer for quite a while, a few others watching close behind as they surveyed you. You felt strange, standing there so alone as you watched Kirishima talk to the officer so warmly. 
You didn’t know what he was saying, or what he was doing, but you were hoping he was somehow sweet talking the officers. You watched him point to you at one point, his warm smile assuring your terrified face as the officer looked you up and down tentatively.
He motioned you to come over, as if trying to get a frightened animal to come near him. You followed his command, your steps hesitant as you approached the two men.
The officer face was hardened until he saw the look of terror on your face, his expression softening slightly.
“This is her?” He asked gruffly, turning to Kirishima.
“Yes,” he nodded his head in confirmation. “The LOV have been brainwashing her for their plans-she has intel the heroes could use to our advantage. Fat Gum’s agency needs her straight away in order to get that info from her. I promise we will get her in the system and any other information you may need on file.”
The officer gave you two a long look, sighing as he scratched his chin.
“Alright,” he complied, a huge smile erupting on Kirishimas face. “You two need a ride? You look pretty messed up.”
Kirishima gave a small chuckle, scratching the back of his head. “Uh-yeah, THAT'D be pretty nice actually-“
After the small car ride to Fat Gum’s agency, you had helped Kirishima out of the car and to Fat Gum’s office at the top floor. It seemed like someone had already alerted Fat Gum to Kirishima's arrival, because you two were instantly met by the pro hero with worried eyes once you reached his office.
“God Kirishima you had me so worried for a second!�� He yelled, striding over to the bruised hero, “that receptionist really made it sound like you were in need of medical attention or something-“
“I’m fine Fat, you don’t gotta worry about me!” Kirishima said good naturedly, his perfect teeth glistening in the fluorescent lights. “I actually have some things I need your help with-“
“You definitely do if you're bringing a civilian into the office,” FatGum stared down at you with a warm smile, your heart beating guiltily. It was strange to see the hero in normal clothing in not in his larger form, his stature so much smaller it seemed from his usually large frame.
“The names Fat, but you can call me Taishiro!” He held out his hand in front of you, his bright personality radiating off of him, “and you are-“
“I-I’m y/n, sir,” you said hesitantly, taking your smaller hand in his. He was just as warm as Kirishima, like a bright ball of sun. 
No wonder Kirishima interned with Fatgum-he was just like him. Bright, fun, kind. Everything you so dearly craved for in your life, but couldn't quite grasp.
“I’m sorry, I’m not a civilian-I’m a criminal, a Villian,” you muttered sadly, your head hanging low, “well, I was-“
Fat Gum gave Kirishima a confused look, his happy exterior dropping slightly. 
“She was being forced to be a Villain by Shigaraki,” Kirishima quickly stepped forward, his tone serious as he defended you. “She wanted to leave the LOV, but they were threatening her.
“She didn’t do anything wrong-she just wanted to protect herself and the people around her.”
Fat Gum scratched the side of his cheek, his eyes lost in thought.
“Well Thats a strange situation to be in-I’m assuming you two know each other?”
You looked at Kirishima, red blossoming your cheeks just like his. 
Maybe it wasn’t the best time to tell his mentor that you had dramatically broke up with Kirishima over 3 months ago.
“We uh-“ Kirishima started, his voice wavering in uncertainty.
“We were classmates,” you chided in quickly, “I went to UA along with Kirishima, but the LOV forced me to leave the school.”
Fat Gum nodded his head, a sigh escaping his lips. “So-you’ve been working as a Villain, but against your will?”
You nodded your head, your breath caught in your throat as you awaited for the hero's reaction to this news of your true identity.
“This will get a little fuzzy legal wise, especially if people are looking for you-some may not trust what you say, even if you left the League and do everything in your power to change their minds.”
“Don’t worry though, I believe you,” the hero placed his hand in your shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “I believe Red Riot full heartedly in his perception of others and I’m pretty good at reading people too. I can tell youre not what the League tried to make you into.”
He sent you a warm grin, making you feel safe for what had felt like a long time.
“Would you be willing to answer questions about the League? about how they operate, how large they are, their plans-“
“Yes, anything to end them and help the heroes,” you answered quickly, your tone set in determination, “I’d be willing to do all of it.”
“Well that settles it!” Fat Gum said happily, the smile back on his face. “Tomorrow we’ll start talking to you about your experience with the League-but you two seem to need a well deserved nap.”
“Why don’t you keep her in your apartment Kirishima?” FatGum turned to the hero, Kirishimas dusted in pink by the proposition. “Shell feel
a little more comfortable since you're someone she knows, and she’s also close to the agency.”
Fat Gum gave you a soft smile, his eyes filled with reassurance. “Heroes will be around all day and all night, so nobody can come in and out.”
It surprised you how intuitive the hero was-he knew exactly how you were feeling. 
Even though you knew it was foolish, you still felt that somehow the League would find you and try to bring you back. You had clearly defied them, and it scared you that they be trying to get their revenge. 
But Fatgums charming smile was so reassuring and welcoming, you couldn’t give him a small smile back.
“I think I can manage that arrangement.”
“Good then,” he gave you two one last smile, ushering you two out the door, “make sure to get some rest-tomorrow will definitely be a long day. Make sure those injuries are doing well too, alright?”
You both gave the hero a curt response, turning your backs from the now closed doors.
Kirishima's heart began to beat intensely, his stomach filling with butterflies.
You had agreed to stay in his room? God, if someone had told him a few hours ago you’d be staying the night with him, he’d wouldn’t believe it for a second. But now this was happening, and he couldn’t be more ecstatic or nervous.
He stared at your profile, not missing the dusting of red on your cheeks-you were nervous too? It made him feel a little better inside, a small smile gracing his lips as he stretched out his hand.
“You ready?”
You looked down at the outstretched sha s in front of you, taking his palm in yours tentatively.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” 
He lead you through the agency, taking an elevator a few levels down in order to get to the apartments specifically for the heroes in training.
It was a short trip, but the fatigue that wa a beginning to hit your body was making it feel so much longer. The adrenaline rush you had felt all night was wearing off, your eyes fluttering as you will yourself to stay awake.
Kirishima noticed your sleepy state, a small chuckle escaping from his chest.
“You feeling tired?”
“Just-a little,” you yawned out, wrapping your hands around your body.
“Don’t worry-were almost at my place,” he gave you a sweet smile, his hands outstretched for yours as the elevator door opened. You took it gratefully, letting him lead you to his door as he opened it with ease.
You stepped inside, adjusting from the darkness as you took in the sight in front of you.
The room smelled of him-the warm and musky scent ofhis cologne lingering in the air. It was almost teasing you with its memories, a wave of comfort washing over you as you recalled all the times you buried your nose into his neck and smelled his scent. 
His room was pretty neat, surprisingly, his desk organized and his walls decorated with a few posters. You recognized some from his old room at UA-a Crimson Riot, his favorite band, and even a calendar he used to use frequently.
Some areas of his room signaled the busy life of his work stidy, his unmade bed strewn with clothing he had hastily ripped off, a small pile of clothes in a pile and his laptop charging in a corner of the room.
Kirishima cursed himself as he looked around the room, painstakingly noticing every little detail and mess, hating how he hadn’t cleaned up his room that day.
“Sorry for the mess, I didn’t expect to have anyone,” he chuckled nervously, already going around and picking up his things.
“It’s fine-I like it,” 
You were speaking the truth when you said it-you liked how it was so him, showing a glimpse into his daily life. It was warm and comforting, even residential, to see him in his day to day life.
“You do?”
You hummed a “yes”, feeling your heart beat fast when Kirishima closed the gap between you two, his palms gently grasping your arms. He breathed in a deep sigh, holding you close.
“God, you don’t know how much I missed you,” he sighed out breathlessly.
“I missed you too Kiri,” you looked down, old guilt resurfacing inside you, “I’m still sorry for being so-so mean to you-I should have just told you the truth, I shouldn't have lied-“
Kirishima smiled softly, lifting your chin with his finger.
“Don’t worry about that! That was in the past-now it’s just you and me, kay? You don’t have to worry about any of that, now”
He gave you a long look, sorry buried in his brows as you ran his fingers along your skin, feeling the bags under your eyes. You inhaled a deep breath, loving the electricity Kirishima set into your skin just from his touch.
“You really are tired, huh?” He asked quietly, his voice husky from exhaustion himself.
“And you're not?” You gave him a quirky smile, making him blush with a chuckle.
“Well, I didn’t say that,” he gave you a small grin, his hands returning back to their spots on your arms.
“Do you wanna sleep? You can take the bed if you want-I know it’s not made, but I can sleep on the couch if you’d like-“
“I want to sleep with you,” you replied softly, your eyes widening once you realized what you had just said.
You wanted to sleep with him? God, you sounded so perverted! 
“I-I mean I want to go to bed with you-I didnt mean-I just didn’t want to make you sleep somewhere else, since this your room-“
Kirishima's face was incredibly red, but the smile was still plastered on his face.
“Oh it’s alright, I really don’t mind either way.“
He pulled himself away from you gently, as he began searching through his dresser for some clothes.
“So-bed together?”
“Yup!” You replied back, popping the p as You sat on the unmade bed, your fingers dragging against the plus fabric as Kirishima turned around, sitting in front of you as he handed you one of his shirts.
“I know you don’t have any pajamas, so you can wear one of my shirts until we get you some clothes.”
“Mm, sounds good,” you smiled tenderly, loving how close he was as you ran your hands through his hair.
He sighed into your touch as he nuzzled into your skin, his breath warm against your skin.
He sat there for a few moments, finally rising sluggish and slow.
“Gotta move-or I’ll fall asleep right there,” he chuckled, walking over to the front of his closet. He began to take off the pieces of his hero suit, the large gears on his arms hitting the floor with a thud.
You admired how broad his shoulders were, the way his muscles rippled so evidently as he moved his bones to his will. He was so perfectly built, you could t help but drool at the firmness of his skin.
“Having fun over there?,” he turned around, a shit eating grin plastered on his face as he undid the belt around his waist.
“Just a little,” you gave him a small grin, hear flooding your face as you held the shirt close to your chest.
“You can go change in the bathroom if you’d like-you don’t have to stay out here if you’re not comfortable,” 
“And what if I am?” 
You laughed at the clearly evident blush on his cheeks, his face trying to hide the rush of embarrassment.
“Your a handful,” he chuckled, his hand running through his hair nervously.
He knew you were joking, and you two had only sorta, maybe gotten back together lass than an hour ago-but damn if he wasn’t nervous and excited by you being so flirtatious-in his room. 
For the rest of the night. 
You gave him one last smile before you disappeared into the bathroom, your hands closing the door gently.
God, it felt so nice to be in his arms again, to feel safe and warm. You had missed the fluttering feeling Kirishima gave you, like you could fly away  at any moment and you could care less. You brought your nose to the cloth of the worn shirt, the powerful smell of his detergent and cologne washing over you. It was so comforting, a nostalgic feeling filling your body as you remembered how much you missed his scent. 
You quickly stripped of your clothes, happy to be free of the uncomfortable garments finally. Since Kirishima didn’t hand you any shorts to wear, you decided to only wear the shirt he had given you over your underwear. The softness of the shirt felt so relaxing against your tired skin, almost like getting a hug from the boy himself. You smiled a deep sigh, happy to see that the shirt was long enough to at least cover your underwear from plan view and you splashed your face with some cold water, rinsing away all the fears from tonight.
You would have a long day tomorrow answering questions about the League-you could at least give yourself tonight to forget and be worry free.
Kirishima was hastily changing before you came out of the bathroom, dreading the idea of you seeing him half naked as he swapped out of his hero suit. He opted to wear something comfortable, grey sweatpants and an old black tshirt, his body running frantically to clean his room. Now that he got the chance to properly clean his room, he was a mad man trying to make it to his liking. He shoved clothes into his closet, made his bed, even hiding cords under his bed. 
If you were going to be in his room, he was at least going to give off some impression of him being neat.
He was now laying on his newly made bed, his hands occupied with checking his phone as he heard the bathroom door opening, your footsteps soft on the carpet of his room.
He looked up, a question about to fall from his lips until his mind went completely blank at the sight of you.
There you were, standing in his room, looking as beautiful as ever wearing his shirt and nothing else. He couldn't help but stare at your legs, worshipping the curves as his mouth was agape from awe.
He didn’t fully prepare himself at the sight of you in his clothes, but god did you wear them so perfectly-
“You okay Kiri?” You gave a nervous laugh, striding over to the bed, settling your knees on the plush comforter.
The shirt road up from the movement t, showing more of those pretty thighs of yours that made him practically drool.
“Ne-never been better!” He tried to compose himself, his voice rising slightly.
God, he needed to get ahold of himself.
“You look pretty comfy,” he gave a small comment on your outfit, loving how bashful you look at the comment.
“Of course I am,” you replied back, crawling over to his side of the bed. He gulped at the sight of you coming so close to him, “I’m in your clothes after all.”
You sat your body next to Kirishima, your hand finding his as your other lightly rested on his stomach. 
“You know, I’ve always thought you looked good in anything,” he smiled, his eyes dark like wine, “but you wearing my clothes-you looked best in that,” 
“Really?” You gave the boy a shit eating grin, knowing full well you were playing a dangerous game now.
This night could end in two different scenarios: one could complicate things, and one could really complicate things.
You’d take the latter, if he was willing.
You shifted your body around him, straddling his waist as his shirt rode up, exposing your thighs even more.
“And what about when they're not on?”
Kirishima's heart beat at an insane pace in his chest-was this wrong to do? He didn’t know and frankly, he didn’t care at that moment.
He returned the smile, his hands traveling underneath the soft shirt.
“Even better.”
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Tagging (anyone who commented or asked for a part 2- I tried to get everyone!):
@cellotonin​ @bakugous-forehead​ @lgbtonystarks​ @marrypuffsstuff​ @lady-bakuhoe​ @kurinhimenezu​ @hipster-merchant-of-death​ @hot-pocket01​ @bubblegum-bee-otch​ @kai-charm​
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harrieatthemet · 5 years
in which your sister gets engaged and Harry needs the sheet of paper. 
im baaaaaaaack!
He’s absolutely green with envy.
Riddled, consumed, and enveloped by jealousy. If he wasn’t so good at putting on a show, surely someone would’ve picked up on it by now. But he is; he’s made a career out of it, after all.
His eyes linger modestly on your sister as she sits vertical from him at the table. And he smiles as she gushes about her news, trying his hardest to match her excitement as he cracks a smile.
“It’s beautiful,” you coo, your grin almost as wide as your sisters, “let me see it again.”
Harry stares with adorn as your sister extends her hand across the table, placing her palm to rest in yours for the third time.
Platinum silver. He prefers rose gold but he sees how content your sister is, and decides to compliment her on her fiancées choice in color. He can’t tell quite how many carats it is; 2, maybe 3? Not that it matters. Modest, he thinks, but again it’s his own preference. He likes to be dramatic, but that’s his preference.
He knows asking will only fuel the jealousy even more, but he can’t help but give into curiosity.
He directs his attention to your sisters fiancée, “how did you propose?”
Without even so much as glancing at your sister, he can see from the corner of his eyes the way her eyes light up; almost like she had been waiting all night for someone to ask that very question. Your expression doesn’t lack enthusiasm either, with wide eyes and a child-like grin.
The two of you both sit and listen, your sister fiddling with the new diamond sitting comfortably on her ring finger.
Harry zoned out around the first couple of sentences. And it’s not because he isn’t happy for your younger sister; he’s over the moon. She’s as good as family, if not better, to him. Seeing her happy and engaged makes him feel good, at least, it should.
“M’happy for yeh kiddo,” and Harry means it sincerely, “gonna make a brilliant bride.”
His comment is genuine, even though as he makes it he knows you’d be twice as beautiful in an all white gown. And though the engagement story, for the small amount he was mentally tuned into, was nice he knows he’d propose to you far more creatively.
The mere thought of if makes his throat go all dry, in the best kind of way of course. Butterflies flutter subtly inside his stomach. The lighting in the kitchen is dim enough so no one can ask him why his cheeks haven’t gone a bit pink.
He’s so meticulous, so he knows his proposal would be so well planned. It would play out so nicely; romantic for sure. Private as well, not that it would matter; he’s sure that the occasion, even the gesture itself, would be so intimate it would feel like you and him were the only two people in the world.
“Your next.” 
He feels your sister’s voice almost before he hears it. And his neck cranes back from their brief hug goodbye so she could see the expression on his face; puzzled. 
“You’re next.” the second time she says it is more giddy, her hand subtly raised so she can wiggle. her ring finger before you catch her. 
And even minutes later, as he trails behind you through the front door of the house, he’s still got the image of a sparkly engagement ring ingrained in his head. 
Your hands put the keys in the dish, then they’re twirling the stray piece of hair hanging from your bun. With knitted brows, he watches your hands, your barren ring finger in specific, and imagines a blinding diamond. He imagines how you’d react when he asked; would you cry? Hopefully not, if you cry he will too. 
“Too much wine?”, Your voice is even more melodic in real time than it is inside in his head.
He can peek just over his shoulder in order to get a clear shot of you, nestled comfortably into the sitting room couch. Your shoes are plopped down just at the bottom of the couch, while your feet end up finding relief atop the coffee table he’d just shelled out thousands on. Usually he’d hiss at you, swat your heels off because hello, smudges! But it’s an argument he’s willing to retire for right now; he’s divulged in half a bottle of red and his daydreams have him feeling as though he could walk on water. 
A pat on the open seat beside you is more than enough to lure him from the opposing end of the room, bringing with him that dorky smile. He also makes time to toe off his shoes, sprawling out his body along the couch so his head falls into your lap. 
“Had a nice night,” he sighs contently, letting out the words all in one breath, “never seen y’sister smile f’so long.” 
He lets out another small puff of air, his eyes fluttering closed as he succumbs to bliss. You know he loves this; loves when you run a couple fingers through the tousled pieces of hair at the front of his head. He’e fell asleep right here, in the middle of the living room, if he didn’t have plans to initiate a marital conversation.
“Mmm,” you hum, “me neither, s’good for her. Good for them.” 
“Innit?” and now he’s ready to lead this conversation where he’s been wanting to, “was a bit of a surprise, though, yeah?” 
“A surprise?,” you reiterate, and he modestly looks up at you as a way of agreeing, “Not really, no. It surprised you?” 
“I mean,” he hesitates, “it did a bit, yeah.” 
There’s a brief pause amidst the conversation. You haven’t got a clue as to what he’s eating away at him. Clearly something is; it’s blatantly clear in the way his eyes are cautiously peeking up at you before randomly roaming about the room. And each time he opens his mouth to continue speaking, he promptly shuts it before allowing anything to come out. 
“Gonna tell me why?” and that’s all it takes for him to start blabbing. 
“I just,” he exhales, “dunno, always thought we’d be engaged before her. Hell, thought we’d be married before her.”  
A quick pause from you is enough to send his heart race inside his chest. His eyes are glued to you, blinking barely as he watches you gaze down at your hands tangled in a few strands of his hair. But you shrug. There’s a calm laugh coming from you, too, and he’s not sure whether to be relieved or put off by it. 
“It isn’t a race, you know.” you remind him.
“I know,” he agrees, “I know.” 
“Besides,” you sigh, letting your hand retreat as you ward off sleep, “never really saw us as the marrying type, anyways. 
A once steady breathing pattern has become irrationally ragged as he sits upright, eyes wide as he somehow has rid himself of a wine haze and a bit of a sleep fog. naturally, his eyebrows weave together in curiosity as he tries to play back what you just said to him. 
He doesn’t have enough thinking space to process you’re bewildered reaction. And he doesn’t have enough thinking space to understand what it was that got you to say that. How did this not come up sooner? How did he not know? How were the two of you not. on the same page. 
“Not th’marrying type?” he repeats your comment slowly, word for word. 
As much as he wishes he wasn’t, the longer he stares at you the more anger seems to bubble. The nod of your head as he repeated it made him want to physically crawl out of his skin and disappear. You seem so unbothered. 
“Tell me, than,” and his voice has become more condescending, “what exactly do you ‘see’ us as?”
“Are you mad?” your tone is much smaller now upon getting a look at the grim expression on his face; 
“G’on ‘n answer me.” 
“I don’t know,” you shrug, “comfortable?” 
He sits for a minute longer, clearly a prisoner to his own thoughts. For a couple more minutes, it’s just silent. The dishwasher in the next room is the only thing making noise, until that stops and it’s radio silent in the sitting room. 
Comfortable. Comfortable. It could really mean anything. And in any other context, he’s sure that you being comfortable with him was a flattering compliment; one he could enjoy. But not right now, because all it’s doing is sitting uneasy in the pit of his stomach. 
So he gets up. He decides that the longer he sits, the more unwell he starts to feel. And he’s assuming you’ll be respectful enough to give him a moment of peace; that’s the impression he’s under as he wanders out of the sitting room and turns for the kitchen. But of course, the padding of feet on hardwood is enough of an inkling to tell him he’s got company following on the heels of his feet. 
“Well I’m not a mind reader,” you snap, “so if you’re feeling some kind of way right now, it’s best that you grow up and tell me.” 
It’s calm for a moment; eerily calm. It’s the kind of stillness that occurs before a storm. It’s a warning of something somber and treacherous; you could say the same for the expression on his face once he turns to look at you. 
“Bold of yeh t’decided we just aren’t th’marrying type,” he barks, “don’t quite remembering agreeing t’tha’.” 
You’re a bit taken aback, because you hadn’t necessarily realized just how cross he really was. He’s practically seething and, although a bit alcohol may be at a fault, you’re sure that 95% of this is all Harry. 
“I didn’t decide that,” you rebuke, “I just assumed it!”
“S’one hell of an assumption, than.” he snaps, and you roll your eyes. 
“S’been fucking years,” you jeer, “if we wanted to be married we would’ve done it by now.” 
He’s not entirely sure if you know just how low of a jab that was. If he wasn’t riding an anger high right now, he would be sure that you were unaware of it. But he’s decided that you do understand, and it only seems to make things worse. It only makes things more tense. 
“Y’right, yeah?” he laughs, but it’s bitter, “ ‘Cos my career is nonexistent, right? M’never busy?” 
“That’s not what I meant.” 
He knows. At least, he thinks he knows. But it doesn’t matter. He’s angry and proving his point is the only thing he has the urge to do right now. 
“It’s a stupid piece of paper with our signature!” you argue, “It’s a sheet of fucking paper that we don’t need!”
“Maybe I need it,” he retorts, “maybe I do need the stupid sheet of paper!” 
“Oh, no, you don’t,” you shout, “you absolutely don’t, and you’re only saying you do to piss me off!” 
“Can’t build a home with comfortable,” he rebuttals, “can’t have a family with comfortable.” 
The words settle with you differently than he had intended them to. It’s almost as though you can feel your stomach flip a bit. It’s like your heart dropped to your stomach, demeanor softening a bit because as the words that just previously flew so freely from Harry’s mouth have no left you with a heartache and an overwhelming sense of disappointment. 
“So I’ll go,” you breath, “I’ll go, than.” 
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sunkissedpages · 5 years
We’re Only Kidding Ourselves- Part Twenty || Tom Holland x Reader
Prompt: Enemies to lovers au (from @marvelellie‘s 1k writing challenge!!)
Summary: You work as a production assistant for the Spider-Man: Far From Home crew, or rather as Tom Holland’s handler. The two of you don’t get along very well to say the least, but you won’t quit and he can’t fire you so you’re stuck with each other.
Warnings: swearing, SMUT, anxiety
What I listened to while writing: my mamma mia + rap playlist... don’t ask
Word Count: 3.5k
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine| Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen | Part Seventeen | Part Eighteen | Part Nineteen
You dropped your bags at the door and sighed, finally alone after so many weeks. You took it all in for a moment before pushing your suitcase into the middle of the room to unpack. You had just gotten the zipper undone and the top open when there was a knock at the door.
You paused, considering pretending you had already gone to sleep, but it might have been one of your crew members who needed something for tomorrow so you got back to your feet and made your way back over to the door, flicking on the lights on the way over so whoever it was wouldn’t think you were weird for just sitting in the dark.
Without looking through the peephole, you flung the door open completely open, which wasn’t the smartest move for someone who wasn’t actively trying to get murdered, but you were too tired to remember basic safety precautions. It was Tom at the door anyway, freshly showered, hands in the pockets of his sweatpants.
“Can I come in?” he asked, looking at the floor.
You stepped aside and let him pass you. He looked around briefly, smirking at the mess of your suitcase on the floor.
“So,” you began when he didn’t say anything. “Do you need something?”
He turned around and blinked, as if he had forgotten he needed a reason to come see you. “Oh yeah,” he said, scratching the back of his neck. “Um, do you have a hard copy of tomorrow’s schedule?”
You felt a frown tugging at your lips. “That couldn’t have waited until morning?”
“Sorry. I uh-“
You brushed past him and walked over to your backpack where you shuffled through it in silence, vaguely aware of how Tom was nervously tapping a sock-clad foot on the carpet as he waited. You found a copy of the schedules you’d been given in the back of one of your multicolored binders and tossed it at him, not being able to help the laugh that escaped you when he fumbled for it.
“Thanks,” he said with a small smile.
“No problem.”
When he didn’t move to leave you realized he probably also wanted his sweatshirt back, but didn’t want to say anything about it in fear of being rude.
“Oh right, sorry.”
You pulled it up over your head, feeling your T-shirt ride up to your bra with it as you did. It wasn’t anything Tom hadn’t seen before, but you felt your cheeks grow warm just the same as he watched you. When you finally pulled your head out of the sea of fabric you saw that he was blushing slightly too, even though yesterday his mouth had literally been on your boobs.
You passed the sweatshirt over to him, but he didn’t lean forward to take it.
“You can hold on to that,” he said, making you squint in confusion.
“But, I already have Harrison’s.”
“If you can find it.”
“I didn’t lose it!” you insisted.
Tom held up his hands. “Never said you did,”
“You implied it.”
“Well, you should hang onto it just in case.” You shrugged and hugged the sweatshirt back against you. It was still warm. “I, uh, also just wanted to let you know that I told Harrison and Harry that I hooked up with that girl I already lied about again, and that’s where I got the, uh, hickey from.”
You were surprised he’d addressed it at all. “Did they believe you?”
Tom made a sound that sounded like something in between a laugh and a scoff. “Yeah, you don’t have to worry about that. They don’t think I’m very discreet about these things.”
“And what do you think?”
“Do you think you’re discreet? About your... conquests?” The word tasted bitter in your mouth as you said it.
He looked at you hard. “You weren’t a conquest.” It wasn’t an answer.
You stared back. “I never said I was.” Tom ran a hand through his hair like he wanted to say something snarky back, but was refraining. “Did she get a name this time?”
He looked back up at you with venom in his eyes. “What are you talking about?”
“The woman you lied about sleeping with. You said you ‘didn’t catch her name’ last time, what about this time? I don’t know how believable it is to sleep with the same girl twice without getting a name.”
He cocked his head at you. “Lauren.”
You weren’t sure what you had been expecting, but it wasn’t that. You felt a twinge of jealousy over this imaginary girl Tom had coined off the top of his head. She got to claim the hickey on his neck, the purple bruises on his hips that no one knew about except for you, the fucking wink, all of it. You wondered what Tom calling out Lauren sounded like. If it fell off his tongue easier, if it would sound more desperate, more enthralling.
You took a deep breath and trained your eyes on the floor. It was official. You were in over your head. You were jealous of a girl that didn’t exist. Still, the fact that you’d never be able to tell anyone you had been the one to make Tom gasp and pant, the one to leave pretty marks like that all over his skin, to hear your name through his gritted teeth over and over bothered you more than you’d like to admit.
“Anyway, I just wanted to say I was sorry about the airport. I just wasn’t thinking.”
“You fucking winking at me across the room seemed pretty deliberate.”
Tom crossed his arms and gave a little shrug.“I- well, I knew it’d get under your skin, but I didn’t mean to stress you out.”
You relaxed a little. You had thought he wanted to expose what happened between the two of you to the world, but if he really was just being a dick like usual, you knew you wouldn’t be able to stay mad at him. “It’s all sorted out now.”
“I just figured I owed you an apology.”
“Seems like you’re always apologizing,” you said tiredly, crossing the room and flopping onto the bed.
Tom grinned sheepishly. “I do a lot of dumb shit.”
“Can’t argue with that.”
You laid flat on the bed, staring out the huge window beside you. It was getting late, but you wouldn’t be able to tell by looking outside. The colorful lights of the billboards were still blinding and the streets were full of traffic. Life went on even as the night was winding down. You kept waiting for Tom to tell you goodnight and let himself out, to be left alone with your thoughts, but that never came. You sat up on your elbows and saw him leaning against the dresser, also looking out the window.
He turned when he felt your eyes on him. “Is it okay if I stay here for a little while? My room is just so... empty.”
If he had asked the same question three months ago, or even three weeks ago you would have kicked him out of your room. But you only smiled softly at him and gave him a small nod. You hadn’t had much of a chance to be by yourself yet, but you suspected you would have felt the same way once the reality that you were alone set in.
You were so used to always being with Tom that it was strange when you weren’t. At first, trying to sleep with him only inches away from you had been difficult, but it had grown to be a comfort, and sleeping alone was going to have to be an adjustment. It was almost like he’d become an extension of yourself and you were annoyed you’d let yourself get attached.
You had told yourself that admitting you didn’t hate Tom anymore to yourself while he was inside of you had been the equivalent of shouting out “I love you” while in bed with someone for the first time. A heat of the moment thing. But you couldn’t kid yourself like that.
“Yeah, I’m just getting ready for bed. It won’t be very interesting, but you’re welcome to stay.”
He settled in the desk chair while you flitted around the room, unpacking your toiletries and essentials, brushing through your hair. The silence was comfortable, almost domestic. Tom gave you space to do your thing while he went over his lines for tomorrow morning. Watts had called him out for getting lazy with them so he was trying to be better. You knew he hated for people to think he didn’t think he took his work seriously so it was likely he was going to keep himself up all night rememorizing everything verbatim.
You walked into the bathroom and grabbed a travel size pack of makeup wipes from your bag and brought them back into the room so you could look in the bigger mirror next to the tv. You rubbed at makeup on your face and neck, trying not to pay attention to how tired you looked underneath. One of the reasons you didn’t like to wear makeup often was because of how it made you feel when you finally took it off. When you had it on you felt confident, like you could fool others into thinking you had it all together. But when you took it off at the end of the day you were just... you again. You glanced at your reflection and bit your lip at what you saw. The dark circles under your eyes and angry red blemishes on your forehead were familiar but unwelcome. You pushed the thoughts to the back of your mind and moved to your neck, revealing the hickeys that had gotten even darker as the hours passed. You rubbed hard at them, willing them to fade to nothing. The alcohol from the wipes combined with the pressure of your hand was beginning to make you skin sting, but you kept going. Maybe if you rubbed aggressively enough they’d disappear.
“Hey, stop you’re going to hurt yourself.” You hadn’t even realized Tom had come up behind you until he’d taken your wrists in his bands to stop you from rubbing your skin raw. You wondered how long he’d been watching you.
You dropped the makeup wipe on the dresser in defeat and sighed, sinking back into him. Tom held you like that for a minute, sliding his hands from your wrists to your palms where he traced designs on them absentmindedly with his thumbs. You made eye contact with him in the mirror and knew you were fucked. When he looked at you like that it was hard to convince yourself he didn’t care about you. He let go of your hands and turned you by the shoulders. You hung your head as his eyes raked over your face in concern. He put his fingers to the marks on your neck gently, going from one to the other like he was playing connect the dots.
“I’m sorry about those,” he whispered so quietly you almost didn’t catch all of it.
“Don’t be,” you said with a gulp, positive he could feel it with the hand he had on your neck. “I like them.”
“You don’t have to lie.”
“No, I do. It’s just-”
He lowered his hand back to his side. “What?”
“It’s hard to pretend like it never happened when I have all these to remind me.”
“Then don’t pretend.”
“You know I can’t do that. Everyone would-”
“I meant don’t lie to yourself.”
“Who said I was?”
Tom shrugged. “Just had a feeling.”
“Is that what you usually do?” you asked. “You’re honest with yourself about this kind of stuff?” You pushed past him to toss the makeup wipe in the trash.
“Not usually, no,” he admitted with a guilty smile.
“What qualifies you to give me advice then?”
“Just don’t want to see you make the same mistakes I’ve made.”
You thought he’d elaborate on the ‘mistakes’ he was talking about, but he didn’t. You didn’t press though, he’d share if he wanted to.
You took another makeup wipe from the packet for your collarbone and was much gentler wiping the foundation and concealer off this time. When you were done and looked back up Tom was back on his phone.
“I’m pretty much done getting ready for bed. All I have to do now is shower.”
He locked his phone and stood up from the desk, figuring it was time for him to go back to his own room. “Okay, I’ll head out then.”
“Oh, you don’t want to join me?” you asked, feeling your heart thunder in your chest as you did, only half aware of the words coming out of your mouth. After all the regret this morning, it shouldn’t surprise you that you were right back to where you started, but you were having a hard time believing it was really you saying those words out loud.
“Are you serious?” He raised his eyebrows at you, but you could see the interest spark in his eyes.
“Showering alone is overrated,” you said with a confidence you didn’t know you had.
Tom smirked. “I’m game if you are.”
He followed you into the bathroom where you turned on the shower faucet and then turned to face him. You didn’t know what to say. The water still had to heat up which left you standing in the bathroom fully clothed with the guy you’d promised yourself was a ‘one time thing’.
“After you,” Tom said cheekily, sensing your hesitation.
Without further thought you stripped your shirt immediately, eager to get on with it. You felt your face grow warm as Tom stopped to gaze at your body, eyes traveling down the valley of your breasts to your stomach.
Last night had been dim and dark, but now in the fluorescent light of the bathroom he could see every inch of you, and you weren’t sure how you felt about it.
“Fuck, darling,” Tom said hoarsely, boosting your confidence immensely.
Tom was next to discard his shirt, ripping it up over his still-damp curls with ease. He dropped it on the floor and moved towards you.
“Can I kiss you?”
You nodded and closed your eyes as he pressed his lips to yours. Your nerves began to dissolve as Tom kissed you. You felt yourself relax into him and moan as he slipped his tongue into your mouth.
You opened your eyes again when you felt him fumbling with the clasp of your bra behind your back and let out a giggle.
“Sorry, I’m a little distracted,” he said defensively as you swatted his hands away and unclasped your bra yourself.
“Don’t sweat it, Tommy.”
He rolled his eyes at the nickname, but you felt him tense against you at the same time.
You wiggled out of your sweatpants and underwear unceremoniously, knowing the water must be warm by now. Tom yanked his sweats down next and you held back a laugh as he tripped over them just like you had this morning.
He laughed with you and kissed you again, bringing a hand to your hair this time and tangling his fingers through it.
“Tom, I just brushed my hair,” you protested against his lips.
“Not my fault, you’re irresistible,” he whispered back.
“You think you’re so smooth.”
He brought a hand down to your core quickly and then held it up for you to see. “Seems to work on you.”
“Fuck off!”
“Ready?” you asked, nodding to the shower.
Tom put a hand in the water stream and immediately yanked it back. “Shit that’s hot!”
You put your own hand under. “It’s not that bad, stop being such a baby!”
“Y/n, it’s scalding it’s going to melt my skin off.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re so dramatic, you know you don’t have to shower with me.”
Tom scoffed and jut his lip out. “You know I want to.”
“Ugh, fine.” You turned the temperature down the tiniest bit and raised your eyebrows at Tom before he finally got in the shower, offering you his hand to help you step up.
You turned awkwardly so that you were under the shower head and Tom was standing in front of you. He stood with his arms crossed, huddled in the corner.
“You’re cold now aren’t you?” you asked with a sly grin.
“Here, stand under the water for a second,” you offered, stepping to the side.
“I’m fine, y/n.”
He was so fucking stubborn. “As your handler, I’m saying you have to stand under the water and warm up. No Getting around it.”
He rolled his eyes, but traded places for you for a second, letting the hot water run over his body. You watched with hungry eyes as he rolled his neck and tensed his muscles under the shower head before trading back with you. “Got anything else you want to handle?” he growled.
You brought a hand to your temples.“I regret this so much.”
“Regret what?”
“Taking this job.”
Tom laughed as you took the bottle of shampoo in your hand and squeezed some into your palm.
“What are you doing?”
“Showering! I told you I have to shower,” you said with a laugh, lathering the shampoo into your hair.
“Ugh that’s no fun.”
“Well while you’re here, why don’t you make yourself useful and hand me that?” you asked, nodding to the body wash behind him.
“Alright, love, I’ll be useful.” he agreed, but took a step closer to you instead of grabbing the soap.
Just as you were about to ask what he was doing you felt his fingers on your hips and gasped. His hands danced down to your inner thighs, higher and higher until he was right where you needed him. He massaged your clit with a wicked grin as you attempted to focus on washing the soap out of your hair.
“Fuck, Tom,” you cursed, fighting the urge to shut your eyes.
You reached behind him for the body soap yourself, nearly collapsing into Tom as he slid a digit inside you at the same moment. The actual showering part was a challenge as Tom fingered you and whispered sweet nothings in your ear.
Once you gave up on being productive you gave in and began to stroke his cock as he moved his fingers in and out of you at an excruciating pace.
“Fuck, y/n, shit,” he panted as you sped up.
You were nearly leaning into Tom with all of your weight now, but he didn’t care. You desperately wanted him inside of you, but you weren’t sure if you were strong enough to hold yourself up like this. Not to mention the fact that you were already teetering on the edge like this, just with his fingers.
Tom came first, all over your legs, shuddering and calling your name as he did. You weren’t far behind as his fingers trembling from his own climax brought you to your own. You leaned on his shoulder and bit your lip to stop yourself from crying out as he held you through it.
“S-sorry about your legs,” Tom apologized when he’d caught his breath a little.
“S’okay.” you said with a tired smile and quickly washed your thighs again with some body wash.
You dried off together in silence, still spent. Tom put his clothes back on while you wrapped your hair up in a towel and rifled through your suitcase for a clean pair of pajamas.
“Hey, I was thinking,” Tom said, speaking for the first time in a while as you wrung your hair out with your towel.
“Do you want to...maybe keep doing this?”
“What, the sex thing?” you asked, throwing the towel on the desk chair.
Tom blinked. “Yeah, uh, the... the sex thing.” He took a deep breath. “If you’re down for it, that is?”
“Yeah, okay,” you said unsurely at first, but felt a little more confident when you saw Tom light up.
It was silent for a second and for just a moment you let yourself wonder if he had meant something else.
“Well, I really should get back to my room,” Tom said, clearing his throat. “We have to be downstairs really early in the morning.”
“Right, yeah, of course.” You nodded along with him, the weight of what you had just agreed to settling on your shoulders.
You walked Tom over to the door, wondering if you should hug him good night? Or kiss him good night? Or fist bump? What did... acquaintances with benefits do?
When he got to the door he put a hand on the handle and turned to you. He opened his mouth to say something just as there was a knock on the door. You gave each other looks of confusion before he looked through the peephole and opened the door.
You hadn’t been expecting anyone this late, especially not Harrison. But there he was, looking extremely confused when he saw Tom answer the door. You saw him wonder if he had the wrong room until he saw you standing (more like cowering) behind Tom.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
“I was just leaving,” Tom said with a smirk.
hi um I have mixed feeling about this but here ya go!! also gotcha it was kind of both of them at the door yeet also this is the never ending day I swear this day has lasted three parts in this fic I’m sorry I write so slow also this probably has lot’s of typos but lmk what you think I always appreciate feedback!!
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klauscotic · 6 years
klaus hargreeves x reader • part 1
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🌟authors note: this plot line is a little bit of my own creation, besides what happens in the t.v show. this one is also based on a fem. reader! i am going to start a gender neutral mini series very soon!
👻summary: klaus and y/n never saw each other as siblings, even though they grew up together. they saw each other as friends, lovers. but when the hargreeve children left the umbrella academy, klaus and y/n never saw each other again. but when reginald hargreeve’s death pops up unexpected, the children, now adults, meet again. and klaus and y/n meet again...
🔅word count: 1923
16 years. that’s how long it had been. 16 long fucking years.16 years since i had seen the one i loved and cared for the most. 16 years since i had seen my siblings. 16 years since i had seen him. dad. father. reginald. the man that bought me for my powers. i never called him dad. i simply didn’t want to. then there was grace. mum. machine. although she was a metal creation, she was more of a parent that he would ever be. although she was a metal production, at least she showed parental affection, unlike reginald hargreeves. even though he programed her to act human, she was still as blunt as ever, but that wouldn’t stop her loving side seep through her cogs and wires. after all, she helped out like the mother i never had, and for that i was grateful.
but now, we are gathered at the umbrella academy, because ‘dad’ was dead. and we were all as skeptical as the next superstitious dude that walks down the street. i sat next to allison and diego. who, by the way, weren’t pleased at being called back to the house to hold a family meeting about the man that raised us without being there. 
“so, we’re here again. home sweet home.” mumbled luther. who had grown much taller since last time i had seen him. 16 years ago...
“yep.” i muttered back, not wanting to be there at all. however, someone was keeping me from leaving. someone out of the six of us that i didn’t call my sibling. instead once called my lover. klaus... 
i never saw klaus as my sibling, and he didn’t see me as one either. which was technically true, considering we were raised to treat each other that way. we weren’t related in anyway. but that didn't stop reginald from disliking our relationship. me and klaus were joined to the hip as youngsters. wherever one went, the other would follow, and vice versa. he would protect me with his life and i would do the same, especially on missions. and then there was the love. when we became late teenagers, we told each other. and that’s when reginald found out. he didn’t do anything, he would just make the odd comment about how we shouldn’t show it outside and how it looked weird. but that didn’t phase me and klaus. because we were young and in love. but i can’t say that the feelings remain the same for klaus after 16 years of not seeing each other. the day we all left, i don’t know what happened. we all just suddenly lost contact with each other. i missed klaus terribly. i missed his laugh, his smile, his hair, his wacky clothes. i just missed him in total. 
 “so, dad? he’s gone.” allison spoke. 
“yeah no shit, that’s why we’re here.” i replied sharply. i heard klaus snicker from behind me, pouring himself a drink from the bar, as he wore those wacky clothes that i missed oh-so-much. 
“y/n? really? on a day like this and you’re already using your crappy humour!” luther sighed, his eyebrows knitted together. disappointed. 
i shrugged and smirked. 
“sorry.” i said sarcastically. it went quiet. 
klaus walked away from the bar behind us and pranced his way to the center of attention, holding a cigarette.
“put that out, you know dad didn’t like smoking.” luther told klaus. klaus grunted in disapproval.
“dad’s not here.” he spoke through the cigarette in his mouth. then no one spoke.
“is that my skirt?” allison broke the silence. 
klaus looked down at the leather skirt that swayed beneath his knees.
“well, i looked through your closet, and although it’s a bit dated, i put it on and it’s a bit breathey... on the bits.” he responded, he wavered his hand over his crotch, with the cigarette in between his fingers. and a glass of, what i imagine, whisky. klaus then sat close to me, not leaving any space between us. after that, i zoned out completely. all i did was stare at klaus and his beautiful eyes. they held so much emotion, yet he showed little of it. and he stared back. until luther interrupted. 
“dad’s dead, but i don’t think it was a heart attack. he sounded strange the last time i spoke to him” luther let out.
“quelle suprise!” klaus gargled his whisky, making it shoot from the corners of his mouth. getting some whisky on my cheek. i wiped it off and giggled a little bit.
“stange how?” allison asked.
“he said to look out and that i shouldn’t trust many people from then on.”
“listen, dad was a bitter old man. who died of heart failure.” said diego, getting up from the arm-chair he was sat in.
“yeah, i thought the coroner’s report said that?” vanya questioned.
“but i don't think it was.” luther then looked at klaus. and from what i can gather, he was gonna ask him to speak to reginald about his death. “look, i know you don’t like it, but i need you to contact dad.”
“i can’t just call dad from the afterlife and be like ‘hey dad, can you stop playing tennis with hitler for a moment and take a quick call?’“ klaus said. waving his hands in the air. which were occupied with his whisky and cigarette. 
“why? i thought that was your thing?” luther said.
“yeah - but i'm not in the right frame of mind!” klaus chuckled.
“you’re high!” allison shouted.
“yeah! yeah! i am, and i don’t know how you’re not... listening to all this nonsense!” klaus argued. 
“well sober up now! this is important!” luther said.
“listen you guys - he was found without his monocle.” he said, finally in a calm manner. 
“who gives a shit about a stupid monocle?” diego piped up.
“exactly, which means his death must have been personal, someone who held a grudge. someone wanted dad dead.” luther said.
“where are you going with this?” klaus said, taking a puff from his cigarette.
“isn’t it obvious klaus - he think one of us killed dad.” diego replied.
luther looks at me.
he thinks i did it! what a prick. i thought. 
ah yes! me, number 8. the last of the hargreeve children. i hated my name, so much so, that i found my birth certificate in reginald’s desk draw, and had him legally change my surname back to its original state. but that’s all thanks to my powers really. if i didn’t have my powers, he wouldn’t have let me change my surname. my ‘siblings’ and klaus all knew i hated reginald. not just because he bought us from our original parents for our powers, but because even after that, he never treated us like children. but more like experiments. for the love of fuck, he made a robot as a mum for us, he was that incapable of taking care of us. but i never showed any sign of hatred in front of grace. she was too kind, even though she was made of metal, at least she treated us all with motherly affection. so, my powers. i could inflict pain on whoever i wanted, make them see their worst nightmares so vividly that they would turn mad. however, i could also heal and love. i could make someone see a beautifully crafted dream and heal their pain within seconds. my powers were what klaus would call ‘bipolar’. whenever one of the hargreeve siblings were having a nightmare or had hurt themselves, i would help. i remember the time that klaus had woke up from a nightmare a few months before we all parted ways. he had had a dream about me being taken away from him, as well as the others. he woke up in a cold sweat. luckily, as he was dreaming, i heard him thrash around in his bed, pleading for it to stop whilst whispering our names through his gritted teeth, breathing paced quickly. when he woke up, i was beside him, hugging him. soothing the emotional pain that wreaked his mind. as he hugged back, my powers enveloped him and soon he fell back asleep. that was the end of that...
“what we all know she has a passion for being rude to dad, and we all know that she hated him!” luther shrugged. 
i couldn’t believe my ears. my own ‘sibling’ accused me of murdering reginald. i got up from off the sofa and walked up close to luther.
“you’d fucking love that wouldn’t you, pegging the blame on the one that hated “dad” so much, that they lost all emotions and cold-bloodedly killed him!” i shouted at luther, air-quoting the word ‘dad’. 
“you think i would stoop so low as to kill a man?” i asked, shrugging my shoulders. 
luther peered at me from under his eye lids. i wasn’t scared of him. and he knew it. in a way, i could probably cause more damage to him than he could to me. 
“well, if you weren’t such a brat to him, i wouldn’t have speculated anything in the first place.” he replied, eyes thin. 
allison had her head in her hand, angry that luther was accusing me of such a thing. even she knew i would never go that far as to kill someone without a reason. i would only ever harm someone if needed. to be frank, i only ever used my healing abilities after i left the umbrella academy. but i would use my pain-giving powers from time to time. all whilst this was happening, klaus looked at me pained. he knew i would never hurt reginald. no matter how much i disliked the man. 
“you know, even after 16 years, you’re still the biggest dick i’ve come across. i honestly thought that reginald sending you to the moon for a while, would somehow take away that bitter persona you hold tightly onto.” i seethed. pointing at his heart. 
“shut up.” he breathed out. 
my eyes turned dark. one thing reginald learnt from me. never piss me off... i looked to the sofa that diego was sat on. diego looked just as sorry as klaus did. but klaus didn’t show his emotions in the way diego did. i then looked back to luther.
“no.” i said. i then returned to my place of the sofa next to allison and klaus. he continued to stand in the middle of the living room, looking like the mighty beast he was. however, that ‘mighty beast’ didn’t faze me at all. 
“alright guys, that’s enough. we have been here for little under 12 hours and we are already at each others damn throats.” diego stepped in. “as for you luther, you’re seriously suggesting that y/n killed dad. are you nuts?” he then left.
luther went quiet again.
“you’re crazy man - you’re crazy!” klaus shouted, standing up from the sofa.
then vanya left. 
“wait - i’m not finished” luther ejected, but no one cared enough to listen. 
“i’ll be right back, me and y/n are just off to murder mum.” klaus said, still puffing on the cigarette. he stood there holding out his hand for me to take. i got up from off the sofa and took his hand. we then walked out of the living area. 
“that’s not what i meant!” luther shouted out to klaus and i. 
we were too enveloped in each other, that we didn’t hear what luther said, neither did we care.
part 2 out now!
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joonieflower · 5 years
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BURNS - Chapter 3
( Chapter 1 / Chapter 2)
pairing :yoongi x reader, namjoon x reader
genre: smut, angst, fluff
word count: 6.165
Namjoon made a mistake. Yoongi is struggling with his feelings - feelings he has for more than one person. You? You’re confused, caught in the middle of it all.
(this fic is a sequel to my Playboy!Namjoon fic, but can be read as a separate work!)
Two weeks pass. You don’t think is possible to miss someone as much as you do now.
Somi looks at you worryingly from the other side of the couch. She knows what happened, of course. How could you not tell her after she saw you crying? The poor girl had listened to you in between sobs, had tried to help.
“You need a distraction, unnie. I can’t stand seeing you so down.”
You smile at her. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, Somi.” she snorts at you. “What? “
“The fact that I need to come here and water your plants tell me a lot about how well you’re feeling.“ She gives you this analytical look like she’s seeing through you before she continues saying, “There’s a party, tonight.  Kihyun is throwing it, you should come.”
Your brow furrows. “How do you even know Kihyun?”
She gives you a long eye roll, looking exactly like the little brat that she is. “ I know everybody. Come with me, meet new people. There’s gonna be cute guys there. Please?”
She makes her best puppy eyes at you, one of your only weaknesses. You give her a long sigh. “Fine, but I’m not staying long. Also, I know you are only inviting me so your parents let you go.”
Somi beams at you. “I mean, you’re not wrong. But I also want you to take your mind off of it. “
You reach over so you can pet her head. “Yeah, yeah. Tell me what time I should pick you up.”
You look around, having lost your groups maknae in the crowd. The party is loud, and there are way too many people in here, but Kihyun was nice to you when you went to greet him so you didn’t mind as much as you thought you would, feeling somewhat grateful for the young atmosphere full of others who were also trying to forget about their real problems.
You are having fun, to a certain extent. The music is nice, and the drink in your hand is helping you relieve some of your stress. You’re feeling…okay. Somi was actually right. It was nice to go out a little and distract yourself.
“Hey.” a voice says to your right, making you startle. Sehun gives you a big smile, eyes crinkling with mirth. “I didn’t know you would come. Are you here alone? “
You give him a little shrug, feeling internally grateful for the new company. “Somi is being her sociable self, but I came with her. Have you seen how the pictures turned out? My manager sent it to me this week.”
He nods, reaching at the counter next to you so he can mix some more alcohol into his red cup. “Yeah, we look great. Where’s your boyfriend?” You look down at your cup, shrugging. Sehun’s brow furrows with worry. “What did he do?”
You try to laugh it off. “Don’t sweat it, Sehun-ah. We’re just…”
You look up again. Your breath gets caught in your throat. Yoongi is staring straight at you, Hoseok talking excitingly to Kihyun besides him. And is not just namjoon that you miss, but him as well.
You miss Yoongi so much it’s like a punch to the stomach to see him standing there. You had spent so much time with him in the last months he had become a part of your daily life. And now… you were reminded of Namjoons text, telling you how Yoongi was secluding himself, not leaving his studio, not taking care of himself.
He didn’t look so good, he looked like he hadn’t been sleeping well, not with his deep dark circles. Even so, his sharp eyes were trained on you, darting from you to Sehun and squinting, trying to make sense of what was going on.
Sehun hand comes to your arm, making you look at him again. “I’m sorry, what?”
He looks back, finally noticing Yoongi, who very reluctantly turns to talk to the party host. He gives you a knowing look. “I asked if you want to go somewhere quieter. You look like you could use some privacy.” 
You nod, thankful. You two had really come a long way since you had decided to forgive him, now you could even call him a friend again. Filming the web drama was fun, and now you could say he had quickly returned to his position as one of your closest friends.
After refilling your cup you let him guide you to one of the bathrooms, his hand on the small of your back feeling comforting as he does so.
You lean against the sink, taking a deep breath. “Thank you.”
His fingers gently wipe away a tear from your cheek. He gives you this soft look, reminding you of the way he looked at you when you two were still together. “Do you want me to hit him? I think I could win in a fight. You know I fight dirty.”
That manages to get a laugh out of you. You shake your head, smiling at the dark haired man in front of you, this big dork with a serious face. “I know you do.” You bite your bottom lip, meeting his eyes. “Sehun, as someone who dated me before… Do you think I forgive people too easily?”
“Definitely,” he says, without missing a beat. He looks guilty again, making you feel bad for him. He still carried all this guilt on his shoulders of having broken up with you in that terrible manner, even if you yourself had already forgiven him.  “You have a heart that’s too good for anybody. I don’t think that’s a bad thing,”
“Namjoon slept with someone else.” You blurt wincing after, not meaning for you to sound so desperate. “I forgave him already, but I don’t know what I should do now.”
“Who?” He asks, jaw set. He looks furious, and you are reminded of how protective he always was of you, even before you two dated.
“Is that important?” he takes a deep breath. “Someone close to me. I’m not mad with neither of them, I kinda get it to be honest? They were drunk, they have a past. He seemed sorry.”
“That’s not a fucking excuse, Y/N. I was a jerk to you, yes, but I never cheated on you. I never took you for granted” He fumes, eyes hard. He looks at you, gaze level with yours. “If I see him, I’m gonna sock him in the neck.”
Someone knocks hard at the door. “Just a second!” You look at your ex-boyfriend, shaking your head. “That’s not gonna solve anything. Let’s go, I need another drink.”
When Sehun opens the door for you a very familiar face is waiting on the other side. He ignores Sehun completely, eyes focusing on you. “Can we talk?”
Sehun holds your hand, blocking you from Yoongi’s view.”She’s busy.”
You let Sehun pull you towards the bar again as you swallow the lump in your throat and fight the need to turn back.to.check on the older boy. He hands you a drink. “Let’s forget everything tonight, what do you say?”
You look back, Yoongi is on his phone, texting someone. You give Sehun a fake smile. “Sounds good.”
He knows you well enough to notice you’re drunk. Your pink cheeks and glossy eyes give you away. When the taller boy move even closer, fingers trailing you jawline tilting your head up so he can see your lips, Yoongi finally moves.
He doesn’t really have a recollection of pushing Sehun away. He just does, making the boy stumble back
“What the hell?”
He ignores Sehun. “Do you really wanna do this? You’ll regret it.”
You huff, annoyed and clearly inebriated. Your speech is slurred. You face him eye to eye, your heels giving you the needed height to be able to match his gaze. “Am I not allowed? Namjoon is the only one who can do this?”
Sehun tried to pull you away from Yoongi, hand circling around your arm. He pushes the boy again, stronger this time so he can get the message across.”Beat it, pretty boy, before you annoy me for real.”
“Y/N?” Sehun asks, eyes searching yours. It makes Yoongi less angry, seeing genuine concern in the boy’s eyes.
You run a hand through your hair, biting your lower lip before sighing. “I’m fine, go back to the party Sehunie. I’ll text you later, I��m going home.”
He nods, giving Yoongi a wary look before disappearing at the end of the hallway. You turn around, getting inside the first room you see. Yoongi reaches from behind you, hand catching yours making you stop and look at him. He knows he doesn’t have any right to be nagging you but…
“You think you’ll feel better if you do the same? You won’t, believe me.”
You free your hand from his. The look of hurt in your eyes is so raw it makes Yoongi’s gut twitch. “Leave me the fuck alone oppa. Is Namjoon the only one allowed to hurt me?
“You want to hurt him too? By kissing your ex? Fine.” He takes the cup from your hand, finishing it in a single gulp.
You don’t really have a lot of time to process what he’s doing when he reaches behind your neck, your head is too fuzzy from all the alcohol you had.
His long fingers tangled in your hair, short nails lightly scraping your skin when his other hand grabs your waist. It shouldn’t feel nice, it shouldn’t send a shiver down your spine, but it does. Then, his lips are on yours.
It takes you a second to realize you’re kissing him back, tongue tangling with his, pressing yourself against him, hands fisting his shirt to bring him closer. His lips are surprisingly soft even as he kisses you hard, trying to get his point across. His tongue fighting for dominance, fighting to make you see how ridiculous you were being. He tastes like the drink he just gulped down, bitter but still sweet underneath, like nicotine and just. Just like him.
You pull back at the same time he does, scared by how you responded to it. Your fingers touch your lips, eyes open wide in shock as you look at the older boy in front of you. This close, you can see each one of his eyelashes, the barely visible freckles on the bridge of his nose.
Yoongi looks as stunned as you. “Fuck,” he says slowly, voice hoarse. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t…I’m sorry.”
“We’re drunk.” You shake your head, trying to sober up by pure willpower. “We’re both not thinking straight. I shouldn’t…you were right. It doesn’t make me feel any better. Just confused. Why did you-”
“Let’s pretend this never happened.”
The door slams open. Hoseok looks at the both of you frowning before turning back to yoongi. “ Hi, Y/N.Hyung I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
“I’m going home.” You say to no one in particular, giving Hoseok a small smile before turning back to an apprehensive looking Yoongi. “It’s okay, oppa. I’ll still go see you tomorrow so we can finish the song. Bye, Hobi.”
You’re gone before he can even answer. Now alone, he turns back to the black-haired rapper. “Hyung, why do you like hurting yourself like this?”
He takes a hand through his hair, heaving a deep sigh. “Leave me alone, Hoseok-ah.”
You’re in the cab when you call him. “Joon, Can you come home?”
His voice sounds groggy like he had just woke up. You can almost see the lines from the bedsheets on his cheeks as he reaches for his glasses. “Angel? Is something wrong?”
“I miss you,” you answer, resting your head against the car window. The city rushes by you in blurry lines.  You’re so tired you can barely keep your head up, so you rest it on the cold window “I- forget it, I know it’s late and-”
“Baby,” his voice is soft, careful.”I’ll be there in half an hour.”
He does just that. You’re lying down on your bed, too tired to take your makeup off when you hear the little beeping sound of the door.
You’re on your feet the second you see him, arms circling around his neck as you hug him, inhaling his scent. “I forgive you.”
“Angel,” his voice still sounds gruff, but he hugs you back, burying his nose in your hair. “Are you sure?”
You nod, finally stepping back. You take a deep breath  “I went to a party today, Yoongi was there.”
He nods, showing you he’s paying attention. He sits down, pulling you with him and sitting you on his lap. It’s so comforting, having him wrapping his long arms around you, him understanding that this was what you needed the most.
“Sehun was there. We were drinking together, and I was feeling hurt, so when he made a pass at me I let him. I was drunk.”
He takes a second before taking a deep breath and nodding. “Did it have to be Sehun, though?”
You shake your head, holding his hand in-between yours. “Nothing happened between me and him. Yoongi was there, he almost punched Sehun.”
“Yoongi?” Namjoon sounds alarmed.
You bite your lips.”We argued. He called me out for trying to get back at you by doing the same thing. He was also drinking. He ..” you stop, that wasn’t the complete truth, was it? He wasn’t the only one in the kiss. “we kissed. He was trying to prove his point.”
Namjoon looks stunned for a moment. “That’s not like him.” he shakes his head, hugging you close. “It’s okay, baby. Don’t feel bad, I don’t mind.”
“You don’t?” you ask, looking up at him again. He looks flushed. “But you’re so possessive about me. “
He shrugs. “I trust Yoongi. He would never do anything to hurt you, he has such a soft spot for you. Let’s get you to bed now, it’s late.”
You whine when he sets you back on the bed, leaving you to go to your bathroom. He’s wearing joggers and a t-shirt, clearly having put on the first thing he saw. He comes back with your makeup remover, carefully dragging the tissues against your skin.
God, you loved him so much. Could anyone really blame you for forgiving everything he did, when he looks at you with so much love like this?
You reach forward, hand stopping inches away from the button. Shaking your head, you press it. The bag of food feels hot even held away from you.
Yoongi answers the door after what seemed like an absurd amount of time. He looked….bad. His dark circles made him look like a little panda bear, and him grimacing because of the bright lights wasn’t any better.
“Please tell me you didn’t sleep in here.” He averts his eyes, stepping aside so you can come in. you sigh. That’s all the confirmation you need. “You promised me you wouldn’t.”
“I wanted to work on some tunes,” he says, sitting down on the leather couch. “What are our doing here? I heard you and Namjoon made up.”
You sit next to him, placing the food in front of him before you can even reach for the chopsticks he’s already breaking one pair apart and giving it to you. You’re so used to taking care of others, it makes you feel so warm inside whenever he does this silent caring thing of his. People might think Yoongi doesn’t really care about other people but he does, so much. All his little actions show it.
“I said I would come to visit you. I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
He chews for a long time before swallowing and raising his head again, eyes on your, searching. “I’m the one who should be asking this. Stop putting others before yourself for a minute here, petal. Are you sure you’re ok in forgiving me and Namjoon?”
You straighten your back, ignoring the fuzzy feelings the new nickname made you feel. “I’m…I’m not. Putting others before me. And I’m ok.  I talked to Joon all night about this. Didn’t he tell you?”
Yoongi shakes his head, looking a little ashamed. “We’re not really talking.”
You stop yourself from pointing out whose fault that was.
“I’m…I’m ok if you two want to… you know…to be together again. It doesn’t bother me that you two slept together, to be honest. I don’t like lies, that’s all I ask. For both of you to tell me when it happens.”
“What?” Yoongi puts down his food. ” You’re fine with your boyfriend sleeping with another man?”
You try to hide your laugh. “That’s homophobic”
He gives you a very unimpressed look.”I’m the bi-est person in the world. You know what I meant. Are you okay with him cheating on you?”
You sigh, following his lead and putting your food down as well. You look at him, one of your closest friends. Yoongi had seen you cry before even Namjoon did when you came here to record your first collab. Things were so tense between your group, Somi was almost leaving and management kept giving you schedule after schedule, telling you to lose weight in a short amount of time. You were so tense that at the first correction he gave you - he wasn’t mean or anything, Yoongi had never been less than sweet to you-you had started bawling, sitting down on the floor and simply crying all your frustrations out. He didn’t ask questions first, as one would do. He just got up from his chair immediately and hugged you, waiting for you to calm down before offering to hear about what was afflicting you.
“It’s not cheating if I trust you both. I trust Namjoons feelings about me enough for us to try this open relationship.”  you smile at him, taking one of his hands and squeezing it in between yours. He had these long fingers, pale and knobby. Pianist’s hands. Just like Namjoons hands, they were so much bigger than yours. “ I’m not putting anyone before me, oppa. If anything, I’m being selfish. I can’t bear the thought of not having both of you in my life. I missed you.”
His fingers are calloused when he caresses your hand back. He looks like he wants to say more like he wants to keep protesting. “The three of us should discuss this later,” he says instead, getting up and passing you the headphones so you can start recording. He tucks one stray strand of hair behind your ear. “I missed you too. I’m sorry about yesterday.”
You accept the headphones, getting up and moving closer to the monitor, his edited lyrics already being shown across the screen. “I didn’t mind it, you’re a good kisser. Should I sing it in the same tone I did last time?”
Yoongi can only nod for fear of stuttering as he sets the music and mic up for you. You have this little smirk gracing your lips as you began singing like you knew the effect you had caused on the older man. Yoongi, once again, wondered why the hell Namjoon called you an angel when you were clearly a fucking menace.
Namjoon tries not to give a sigh at you sending him a message, letting him know you were going out with Sehun to grab something to eat after the end of the shooting.
He’s not a jealous guy. He just…. well, he just doesn’t trust Sehun for a second. He saw all the fan articles about how everybody suspected you two were in love, seen all the photos that were used of evidence, all of them with the man looking longingly at you.
He wouldn’t even blame you. Sehun was handsome. You both were the visuals of your groups. You had dated before. objectively, Sehun was a better match for you than he was.
He was….just him. Awkward, never considered anything near the most handsome of the group, always finding a way of hurting you by not knowing how to deal with his feelings.
“Stop moping,” Yoongi says, voice muffled by his pillow. “I’m not letting you get mad at her for going out with Sehun when you just finished fucking me yourself, Namjoon. She can have friends. You both agreed to be open, you’re not the only one allowed of doing this.
Namjoon huffs at the older man lying beside him. Yoongi had his eyes closed, cheeks still red, his dark hair matted against his forehead with sweat. He looked pretty, like this. Vulnerable. Namjoon is so incredibly found
“You’re so defensive of her, hyung. One would think she’s the one who’s been by your side for 8 years.”
Yoongi gives him an unimpressed look, rolling around and getting his shirt from. the ground, pulling it over his head. “She’s already being nicer than she should about this. I know how possessive you can get, and she doesn’t deserve this kind of shit from you after hurting her.  I still think she’s too forgiving for her own good“
Now Namjoon let out the sigh he was holding. Yoongi, as he tended to always be, was right. But even so, it was pretty hard not to be jealous when every corner of Seoul and every other tv commercial had you two, acting like a couple in love for one of the biggest shopping malls in all Korea.
After the first of you two did together, it was pretty clear the public loved you two. The cosmetics brand had re-signed both of you for one more round of ads, and both of you had received an offer from Lotte to act in a short web drama to boost their sales.
He knows Yoongi is right. You had been so understanding, so gracious about him and Yoongi. You’re the one who had suggested this open relationship. You had thought this through, you told him, and that was the only way you had come up for the both of you to still be together. You wanted him to be happy, regardless of who it was with.
And Namjoon had agreed. How could he not, when you were offering the thing he wanted most - to be able to love both of you.
He wraps his arms around Yoongi, pulling him close, head resting against his shoulder. “I miss her. She’s been so busy this week, I barely spoke to her.”
He could almost see the black haired man rolling his eyes at the younger whining. He hums in agreement, combing Namjoons hair with his fingers. “Me too, but I saw her yesterday. She wanted to see you but you were in a meeting with Bang PD-nim”
“She’s too good for me, hyung,” Namjoon says quietly. “She told me…. she told me people aren’t supposed to deserve each other, that we just take why people give us. It made me so sad. I should give her more. She deserves more.”
“It’s her choice, Joon.” Yoongi answers, knowing how the younger got insecure, these kinds of self-deprecating thoughts creeping inside his mind. “You two are good together. You have this… this emotional connection. She’s with you because she wants to because she loves you.”
Namjoon phone chimes again, warning you of the new photo you posted on your Instagram. He reaches over, opens his private Instagram and like the picture of you and Sehun making faces at the camera.
“We could stop this, you know. You two could be strictly exclusive again.”
“I…. it’s not about the sex hyung. She knows I love you, too. It wouldn’t matter to her if we stopped or not, the sex isn’t what she cares about.”
Yoongi remains silent.
Namjoon is waiting for you at your apartment the other day, comfortably lying on your sofa as he watches a Friends rerun on your TV. You take off your shoes, hang your coat and finally throw yourself over him, kissing his lips.
“Missed you. I’m so glad we’re done with filming. How’s Yoongi? He told me he was going to come here later to help me set up my new desk. If he’s busy he shouldn’t trouble himself, though. Sehun told me he’d help me too If I needed.”
You can visibly see Namjoon trying to swallow what he wants to say. Instead of whatever it was, he kisses you, slowly, thoroughly. You sigh against his lips. God, you had gone three days without seeing him and you had missed him so much.
“Hyung was sleeping at home, so I don’t think he’s busy today. I’ll text him reminding him to come.”
“Thank you,” You say, smiling at him. Nuzzling his neck with the tip of your nose, you kiss the spot right after. “I miss him, too. We can order pizza and eat it together.”
Namjoon hums, arms holding you even closer. He closes his eyes, giving up whatever battle of wits his mind was having against himself. “Are you and Sehun close again?”
You cock your head to the side, giving him a puzzled look. “We’re friends.”
“We were also just friends, remember?”
You back away from him the moment you realize what he’s implying, a look of hurt flashes across your face. He looks like he regretted saying it the second the words left his mouth.
“What the fuck, Namjoon. I’m not fucking Sehun.” You run a hand through your hair, getting up. “I was working, not fucking my ex, you’re the one who does that in this relationship.”
Namjoon gets up, looking guilty, and hurt.
“I’m sorry, angel.” he shakes his head, pressing his hands against his eyes. “I’m just being jealous. I keep wondering if he’s trying to make a move at you again.”
You feel so tired, you had such a long day of recording, so little sleep. “I would tell you if he was. We discussed this, Joon. You know I would tell you.“
“I’m sorry,” he says again, looking at you pleadingly. “I love you, I was just… I’m just stupid. “
You take a deep breath. You two were not going to have a fight over something like this, you tell yourself. You need to cool your head before saying anything else, you know it’s just his insecurity about Sehun being voiced.
“I’m tired, I don’t want to fight,” You say, walking towards your bathroom. “I’m gonna take a shower.”
You’re halfway through your shower when he gets in too, arms circling your waist as he presses himself against you, rapidly getting water all over himself. He kisses the back of your neck, softly, like he’s afraid your going to tell him to stop.
“Is this okay?” he asks, tone careful. “Or would rather I didn’t touch you right now?”
You sigh, relaxing in his arms. “You can touch me always, oppa. I’m not mad. it’s okay.”
"I’m sorry I get so insecure. I’ll try to work on it, angel.”
This reminds you of why you fell for him. Namjoon always apologized, never embarrassed to admit he was in the wrong. You let him wash you, his hands carefully lathering you with your body wash, focusing on all the parts he knows your sensitive, hands massaging your shoulder, releasing your tension.
You do the same to him, not ignoring how he’s half-hard from just that. You wrap your arms around his neck, pressing yourself against him. “Don’t be jealous of him, Joon. He never made me feel like I feel about you. I never loved him, not like I love you.”
“How do you do it? How are you not jealous of me and hyung?”
You shrug, kissing the corner of his mouth. “For one, I trust Yoongi with my life. I love him, and I know he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. I also trust you. “
He presses himself harder against you, making you shiver with not so innocent thoughts. “Doesn’t it bother you, me sleeping with him?”
You can clearly see the image of the two of them together in your mind, backs arching ad gasps leaving the older boy pouty mouth. You swallow around nothing.
It’s the first time you actually blush in a long time. “No, it doesn’t. Sounds kinda hot, to be honest. I know how you are in bed.” You give him a little smile, turning the shower off. His hands are trailing down your back, to the top of your butt, and then sliding around your waist again. It makes your mouth dry, the way he’s looking at you.“He’s gonna be here any minute, Joon. We can’t.”
His golden skin is absolutely beautiful with droplets of water reflecting the bathroom lights. His gray hair looks almost black when it’s damp like this. He reaches for the hook outside of the shower, snatching your tower and wrapping it around you.
He kisses your nose, dimples showing as he smiles at you, his hands busy trying to dry himself. “You sure you don’t want me to fuck you against the tiles, baby? I texted him the code to the door, he can get in by himself.”
Oh, fuck it. “Bed, not here.“
You don’t have to say it twice. He leads you to your room, lips pressing against your neck, relentlessly sucking on it. Swiftly depositing you in your bed, he accommodates himself better, your legs wrapping around his hips bringing you two closer. Namjoon was always so warm against your usually cold skin.
You bite back a moan as he slides inside of you. He angles his hip the way he knows to make you have a hard time keeping quiet.
His rhythm is relentless, your hands close around the sheets in fists, trying to bring you back to earth. “Joon,” you whine, head thrown back as you try not to lose your mind, “He’s gonna be here soon…”
“He can wait. You want to come, right, baby girl?
His mouth is on your neck, sucking what you know will be a bruise later. How can he even manage to get you so worked up like this in so little time is beyond you. “Please, oppa.”
He kisses you, sliding off of you and lying on his back beside you. You let out a ridiculously high pitched whine at the loss of him. “Ride me then, baby.”
You don’t wast another second, settling I’ve him, straddling him. You reach down, lining him against your entrance. You lower your hips, gasping at the feeling of him inside of you, so much deeper like this, making you feel amazingly full.
You begin moving, fast, not wasting a second. His hands are possessive against your hips, bringing you down harder, squeezing your ass. God, his hands on your bare skin makes you feel things even more intensely.
It doesn’t take long for you to throw your head back, letting out a long moan as you come. That’s all he needs to start thrusting his hips up, fucking you from under you as he brings you down to meet him, hard.
He slides out of you when he comes, messing your bedsheets but you can’t make yourself care right now, too busy trying not to combust. You’re still catching your breath when your phone starts ringing. In the living room.
You sigh, getting up and pulling one of Namjoons shirts over your head for a sense of decency. The owner fo the shirts protests from the bed, trying to pull you back to him. You lean down, kissing him again. “Need to get it, love. My manager said he would call me to confirm my break.”
He pouts like he’s not a 24 years old adult. “He can leave a message. Let’s cuddle, I missed you.”
“I’ll be quick.” You promise with another peck to his lips. Reluctant, he lets you go. You smile at him, this whole ass looking moody about being left alone for five seconds. “Why don’t you clean your mess while I go?”
He rolls his eyes. “You’re the one who caused it.” But he’s already getting up to do so.
You walk to the living room, looking around for your phone. It’s nowhere in sight. You try searching in between the couch cushions to no avail.
“Here.” A voice says from the kitchen entrance.
You almost jump out of your skin, hand coming to your heart to protect you from a heart attack.
Yoongi smiles at you with mirth, clearly having found it extremely funny to almost kill you. You walk over to him, getting your phone while giving him a look of false hurt. “Thanks.” You get in your tiptoes to kiss his cheek in greeting, one of his hands come to the small of your back to support you so you don’t lose balance, his mischievous expressions changes to something soft, one he reserves only for you and Namjoon. “When did you get here, oppa?”
He smiles again. “Maybe ten minutes ago. You both seemed…busy. So I let myself in.”
A blush creeps over your cheeks. He definitely heard you two.
“Sorry “
The older boy shakes his head. “Don’t act like I never heard you two before, petal. Did you two talk? He was feeling jealous of Sehun yesterday, threw a whole self-pity party.”
You avert your eyes. You hated knowing Namjoon felt insecure about you. “Something like that. He kinda blew up on me about it.” You sigh. “He knows I love him, I wish he wouldn’t feel like this.”
“You two need to communicate better.” He shakes his head. “ Come on, let’s set up your desk.”
You lead him to the room you use as your "office”. The big Ikea box sits right in the middle of it, looking dangerous to you. He sits on the floor, hands moving fast to undo the box and pull out the instructions.
You sit in front of him, watching him. His hair is too long, it keeps falling in front of his eyes every two seconds as he lowers his head to read the paper. You smile, resting your chin on your knees.
“What?” He asks without looking up.
“You’re cute, oppa.”
He flushes, looking like a mixture of resignation and horrified. “I’m not.” He sputters, ”what would namjoon say about you calling me cute huh? Go wake that egg head, I’m gonna rat you out to him.”
You give him a knowing look. “Namjoon also thinks you’re cute.”
He rolls his eyes. After a second he shrugs, accepting it nonchalantly. “Are you gonna help me or what? Pass me the screwdriver, will you?”
You chuckle, doing what he tells you to.
It was nice, this. Being close to yoongi, joking around. Maybe a month had passed since you had told namjoon he could still see the older boy, and you haven’t regretted it. You trusted yoongi. That’s why it was hard to understand Namjoons insecurity, as you have never felt it about them both. But well, Namjoon never liked Sehun. You and Yoongi have become close at an alarming rate if what their members said was true.
God, Jackson gave you so much shit when you told him about this decision of yours of being in an open relationship with Namjoon. And you couldn’t really blame him, not when he was the one who had to deal with you when you were broken-hearted and a mess.
But this… this was different. You loved namjoon, you wanted him to be happy. and if the way for him to be happy was to also love yoongi at the same time you saw no problem.
You had even walked on them making out once. You didn’t feel betrayed, or anything like that. After the initial shock, you had felt…. flustered. Which wasn’t all that confusing? They both were very attractive. You were dating one of them. It was okay to think they were hot together, right?
This was right. You were happy even with all the difficulties, and hopefully, both of them were happy too.
“Oppa.” You interrupt yoongi mid-rant about something he saw on Twitter. “You’re happy, right? Joon makes you happy?”
He’s quiet for a couple of seconds before finally nodding. “Yeah, petal. You and Joon, you both make me happy.”
You reach for his hand, intertwining your fingers. “Good. The both of you make me happy too.”
“Same here.” Namjoon rough voices come from the door. He has this soft look on his face as he watches both of you together. “Thanks to the both of you, this is the happiest I’ve ever been.”
You smile, feeling warm inside. You loved this when the three of you were together. You and namjoon completed each other, you always knew this. But with yoongi, it also felt like this. Like all the missing pieces came together, finally.
a/n: Well this took a while……….. also it’s a mess lol anyways let me know whatyou thin!!!
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Man in the Storm 16
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Summary: It’s rut season at the compound. Omega Reader plans to ride it out alone, locked in her room away from any unwanted Alphas. But she finds that to be a lot easier said than done when the team’s strongest Alpha pays a visit.
Pairings: Alpha!Thor x Omega!Reader
Type: Series (A/B/O Dynamics)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,954
A/N: I know reader is strong. But she’s also hurting and I think that’s ok too. 
Part 15, Part 17
The first month was the hardest. You spent the first week held up in bed. Physically unable to move and mentally unwilling to. You felt like a piece of you was missing, and in a way, it was. 
You might not have bonded with Thor but you were feeling the withdrawals of his absence nonetheless. 
His scent was slowly fading from your skin and you were beginning to feel the same vulnerability that you had grown so used to before. Before him. You spent your days watching out the window. Just hoping that you’d see him return in that very moment. But it was hopeless. It seemed the more you longed for him, less likely he was to come. 
It didn’t even rain. Not for a whole month. 
You found yourself avoiding his room. Despite how much you wanted to wrap his shirts around you and to sleep in his bed, you couldn’t bear the pain it caused and the memories it brought. 
When you continued to recluse into yourself as the weeks went on Natasha took matters into her own hands. She started dragging you around with her everywhere she went. If she went to the gym, so did you. If she was assigned to work with the recruits, so were you. She got the pack to rally behind you, insisting that all the main members eat every meal together when possible. 
You would never admit it at the time, but it did help. Being around your pack and feeding off of their energy is what helped you get through each day. 
As time went on everything at the compound went back to normal. The excitement of Thor’s visit had dissipated throughout the pack. But not for you. 
You tried to go on with your days, you really did. But every sympathetic look from Steve and every awkward moment when someone would mention Thor made it impossible. 
It didn't help that many of your pack mates felt the need to impart their opinion on the situation. You heard the gossip that was going around the compound, it always got back to you eventually. 
“I mean how long was he gone last time? Like, years. Right?” 
“I heard it’s the same reason Jane left him.”
“He probably just came to Earth to have some fun before settling down.”
You tried not to let it get to you. Most of the gossip came from bitter Omega’s and Alpha’s who resented the relationship in the first place. You knew this, but as always you managed to rationalise their words in your mind. They did have a point after all. Thor was known to leave for years at a time. What if this was no different? Could you really do that? Wait for him for years?
And what if he decided not to wait that long? What if he decided to settle with some Asgardian shieldmaiden who was more suited to his life? He never did claim you in the end. Your bonding glad remained untouched. 
“Jesus (y/n), stop it!” You scolded yourself as you exited Bruce’s lab. 
You had decided to go back on the pills to suppress your heat, requesting a higher dose than you had before because you wanted to avoid the heat altogether this time. The idea of having a heat or feeling even remotely sexual turned your stomach over. You were dealing with enough pain at the moment you didn’t need to be reminded that you once again had no one to rut with. 
You hurried down the hall, hoping to avoid crossing paths with Natasha.
As much as you loved her for helping you out these past weeks you needed a few hours to yourself and you knew she would be coming down to pick you up and take you to the class she had to teach. If you could get to the other side of the compound without her finding you then you knew you’d had at least a few hours to just chill while she worked. 
You made your way up to the main floor, across the cafeteria and down the hall until you finally found your refuge. 
The library was almost always empty. Tony and Bruce had their own collections and the rest of the team weren’t generally inclined to sit down and read a book. The other pack members were all busy with training or working in the labs. So you knew this would be the place to get in some solid alone time. 
You grabbed a couple books to swipe through and made yourself a coffee at the small barista bar Stark had installed when building the compound. You took your seat on one of the huge couches next to the windows. Once you were all settled in you let out a deep exhale.
Peace and quiet. 
And that piece and quiet lasted for about 20 minutes. You didn’t notice him at first. Perhaps it was the stronger pills you were taking or your desperation to disconnect. But you didn’t smell him as he entered the library and made his way towards you. 
“Hey, Omega...”
You looked up from your book to see Bucky standing before you. Looking nervous and awkward. “Uh...hey Bucky.” you greeted him as you shifted in your seat. The two of you still had not spoken since the fight you had out on the field. Which was an incredible accomplishment considering you lived together and worked together.
Bucky took a seat across from you, avoiding eye contact. You took an annoyed breath and closed your book.
“How are you doing?” He asked sincerely. You adjusted your position on the couch, sitting up straight. “What do you want Bucky?” you asked, dismissing his small talk.
He stayed quiet for a while, you noticed how he clenched his jaw when you dismissed him. Normally he’d pull some Alpha superiority shit by now but you could tell he was actively trying not to. 
“I came to apologise.” He confessed, clenching his jaw again, his big brown eyes boring into you. You nodded quietly. 
“For what exactly?” You questioned. “For calling me a slut? Or for hurting me in the kitchen? Or maybe-”
“For everything.” He cut you off, combing his hand through his hair. He knew that apologising to you wouldn't even be half as easy it was with Thor, but he had hopped that you had softened over time. 
You stayed quiet, just looking at him. Struggling to keep your steely facade. You had spent so much time going over why you were mad at him and why you were hurt by him. And now the anger was betraying you. 
“I shouldn't have played all those games with you, Omega. I knew that you wanted more from me and I should have....I should have stopped it sooner.” He admitted while shifting in his seat. “I think I let everything go to my head. I was a selfish prick.” He continued. He was uncomfortable and you could taste it on the tip on your tongue. This submissive stance was foreign to him and you knew that it was taking all his strength to lower his pride for the sake of an Omega. He was such a classic Alpha and the room was rife with his internal struggle. 
“And I shouldn’t-” He continued, but you raised your hand to stop him. “Bucky. Stop. Thank you for the apology. You have no idea how relieved I am to hear it.” You told him. You leaned forward, resting your forearms on the tops of your thighs, fiddling your thumbs awkwardly. 
“I...I’ve been thinking a lot over these last few weeks and I think we both made some pretty bad decisions back then. I mean...I always somehow knew we would never get very far. And yet I kept pushing for it.” Bucky furrowed in brow in confusion. “Don’t do that Omega.” He said, cutting you off. “You’re not responsible. At all. I could have..and should have ended things with you sooner. The whole thing with Melissa...it. I’m sorry.” he said it again, almost spitting it out. Like he needed you to hear it. 
And believe it.
He looked up at you with such puppy dog eyes that you felt something shift in you. For some reason, now that it was open for discussion, you felt your resentment and anger towards the Alpha disappear. You weren’t sure why. Surely he deserved more of a reprimand. But, you just felt like letting it all go. 
You smiled at him and nodded, taking an even deeper breath than before.
“I don’t want to be mad anymore, Buck. I mean, I am angry with you for treating me like a toy all that time. And you really were being an asshole, but I’m willing to put it past us and just...start fresh.” You took a pause as the tears suddenly began to well up underneath your eyes. “I just want everything to be ok.”
As soon as you uttered the words the flood of emotions took over and you started crying. 
Bucky stiffened uncomfortably, looking around the room with no idea what to do. He wasn’t exactly the best with this kind of stuff. 
“Uhh....” He said awkwardly, reaching his hand out to touch your shoulder. But you didn't stop crying. In fact, you got worse. You felt to stupid for crying in front of him, but you’d been trying to keep it together so long and not to let the pack see you upset, that your wall finally broke down. 
Clearing his throat uncomfortably, Bucky got up to sit next you, thinking of what Steve might do in a situation like this and attempting to mimic it. 
He pulled you close into a hug and you went along with him. 
“I’m sorry Bucky.” You managed to say between sniffles. “I’m just...I’m not handling all this very well.” You confessed.
Bucky nodded and continued to rub your back. He knew you were referring to Thor’s departure. “It’s okay Omega... It’s ok.” He said as you slowly calmed down. He could smell the sadness coming off you and it pained him. 
“He didn’t even tell me how long he’d be gone, you know?” You said, pulling away and reaching for the napkin on the table. “I feel like I’m in this weird limbo. I can’t just sit here and wait forever. But I can’t just move on either...you know?” You asked before blowing your nose in the napkin.
Bucky cringed a little at the sound. This was so not his forte. But he nodded anyway, reaching his hand out to pat your back again. But you mistook his gesture and handed him the dirty napkin. 
“Thanks Buck. I’m sorry for falling a apart like that. I’m just tired.” You shook your head and cleared your eyes, completely oblivious to the look of disgust on his face as he looked at the napkin. 
“It’s alright Omega. I understand, it’s normal.” He said, doing his best to comfort you. He took the napkin from the palm of his hand with his finger tips and walked over to the bin on the other side of the couch.
“Do you want me to go get Nat? Or maybe Wanda?” He asked, knowing they could give you more than he could in a moment like this. But you shook your head no and smiled. “I’m ok, thanks. I think I just want some time alone.”
“Ok.” The Alpha nodded. “You know where to find me if you ever need to talk” He said to you, giving you one last look to make sure you were ok before turning to leave the library. “I’ll be okay.” You assured him again. 
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The Magnus Archives ‘Another Twist’ (S03E21) Analysis
This is, I think, the sort of blow-out people expected to get right before the break.  But honestly, I’m glad it came now.  Because this episode has provided a truck-load of meta to chew through, and a much clearer perspective on several recurring characters.  Come on in to hear what I thought of the fantastic ‘Another Twist.’
Before we dig into the real meat of the episode, let’s explore the little we found out about Nikola and the Circus.  We can now be pretty much guaranteed that they’ve set up in Madame Toussand’s as their center of operations.  We also know that, while the ancient skin was probably meant for the Unknowing, Nikola is both fickle and driven by whimsy, and the notion of skinning and wearing Jon was something she didn’t want to turn down.
I think it’s interesting that the beings that try for these … acts of ascension?  Acts to bring about some sort of Apocalypse?  They’re representations of the greater being they serve, but they also have their own foibles and failings.  Nikola has let out critical information to Jon just because she couldn’t wait to try out her newest idea.  Michael was so focused on its act of ascension that it didn’t notice Michael until it was too late.  The being they serve/act as extensions for may be vast and unknowable, but the appendages that act in this world are still fallible.  Which is a relief when it comes to Jon’s chances of preventing the Unknowing, if that’s indeed what he decides to do.
I suppose that brings us to the big news of the week: we finally got a much clearer picture of Gertrude and what she did to Michael, and it’s just as grim a tale as I had suspected. The parallels between Michael and Gertrude and Martin and Jon are stark.  Both are a pair of a rather reserved Archivist and an assistant who cares about them deeply, even irrationally.  On the surface, the similarities have to be uncomfortable for Jon to recognize.  But dig below that surface, and we find that Jon and Gertrude are radically different people, and radically different Archivists.
Gertrude did indeed feed Michael to the Spiral in order to derail its own version of the Unknowing, called the Twisting.  It sounds more like a place-that-never-was than a dance, but it seemed to have had the same effect.  The being at the heart of the Spiral/the being that is the Spiral was interrupted because Michael trusted Gertrude enough to walk the corridors and not get lost, to follow her map, and to believe that she wouldn’t hurt him in the end. And of course, she did.  She’d been grooming him to trust her enough to die, and he did so in ignorance and fear.  The Heart of Spiral consumed him, but its nature is such that it also becomes that which it consumes.  And whatever Michael was tied it down enough that the Twisting shattered.  Being denied ascendance to … supremacy?  Godhood?  Whatever its goal was with the great Twisting, being trapped as Michael left it bitter and angry.  But also, being trapped as Michael tapped into the bitterness and anger of Michael, and so whether the Heart wanted revenge or Michael did is impossible to parse. The Heart claimed that Michael was gone.
But remnants clearly remained.  Because while many of Michael’s actions make sense from the perspective of it wanting to use Jon to stop the Unknowing before it killed him, that doesn’t explain why it rescued Tim and Martin from Not-Sasha.   That seems like something Michael the Assistant would have done.  Because Michael acted out of care and concern, and even twisted into bitterness and anger toward the woman he had wrongly placed his trust in, Michael didn’t have it in him to see other Assistants senselessly killed.  So it stepped in.  Maybe the Heart of the Spiral thought it was whimsy, or another way to screw with Jon, but I think that was the way that the bits of Michael that remained after he was consumed could still exert control.
And now Michael is no more. And honestly, I attribute that to Michael’s decision to get Jon to ask him to give a statement.  The Spiral is a being of lies and madness and illusion. To give straight answers purely out of a desire to be understood?  To be driven by revenge rather than the intangible goals of madness?  Helen said that Michael had been twisted by an emotion that didn’t belong to it, that had nothing to do with the Spiral and everything to do with Michael.  And by straying that far from the Spiral, Michael gave Helen the opportunity to lock him out and force the door to become her own.  How much direct effort and choice Helen had in the matter is up for debate, and I’m not even sure Helen remembers now.  After all, Helen isn’t Helen, and Helen remembers Helen only in fragments. But apparently they were enough that Helen remembers liking Jon, and that was enough for the Heart of the Spiral to save him.
And if Michael strayed too far from the Heart of the Spiral by seeking revenge, could the same thing have happened to Gertrude in her quest to act rather than observe, to stop all the apocalypses/acts of ascension rather than simply collect stories?  I was hugely fascinated by Michael’s statement that Jon, stumbling around and asking questions and almost getting killed by everything he runs across, is a better Archivist than Gertrude.  I think in some ways, her drive to stop the various machinations of the other powers made her less of an Archivist.  By acting instead of asking, she wasn’t being the Archivist.
Jon, for all his failings, is doing one thing as the Archivist really right: he’s Asking.  He’s going out and finding stories.  The Archivist, and all the servants of the Beholding, have their greatest power in words.  In finding out the truth of things.  In some ways, just by luring Michael into telling its story, Jon directly contributed to its undoing.  
When Jon Asks, people and things answer, and the ways they answer and the answers they give fundamentally change the fabric of reality.  The Beholding is a being of order, and I think it’s creating its own order out of these stories.  It is the narrative we hear, slowly winding together into a tighter and tighter picture of the wider world.  In a way, the meta narrative we spend every week picking apart IS the Beholding.  Or at least, we are seeing the Beholding’s power to take nonsense and chaos and to make tales and order and narrative that follows certain rules.
Gertrude used the stories the way a detective does, to hunt down the various powers attempting to ascend to something greater, and stopping them through the sacrifice of those around her. Elias uses the Beholding’s power in a truer fashion, but also on a smaller scale.  He clearly can See, and he can use words and stories to twist people on an individual basis.  He can take a person’s story and force them into acting on his behalf because he knows just where that person is weakest.  It’s an impressive power, wielded deftly.
But it’s nothing compared to the Archivist.  Because the Archivist, I think, gathers stories for their own sake, without any purpose beyond gathering more knowledge, and through those stories the Archivist weaves the world.  That’s the scale that the Archivist works on, both in a meta sense and an in-universe sense. Through the stories, Jon is creating his world, and slowly turning it toward something greater that he can barely perceive.  The Archivist might well be the Beholding’s own act of ascension, but instead of a single act it’s a slow build of a tapestry into a shape that the Beholding desires.  Like the Unknowing, the act of weaving the world is the act of making that world anew. Maybe that’s why Gertrude eventually decided that she had to end the Institute the same way she’d ended so many other mini-apocalypses.  But of course, that was her own act of stepping too far outside her role.  And she, like Michael, was rendered vulnerable because of it.  A weakness that Elias was quick to take advantage of.
Jon has no such drive. He has some vague notion of saving the world, and that he needs to understand the Stranger to do that.  But he keeps getting side-tracked!  He’s insatiably curious, and has an almost magpie-haphazard approach to finding all the shiniest stories.  And strangely enough, that means that he’s casting a wider net, creating a richer and more varied world purely because he doesn’t have Gertrude’s focus.  She paid lipservice to the Archivist while setting out on her own mission.  Jon, even when he tries to be a man on a mission, can’t help but be the Archivist by nature.  The way he’s built, from his early inability to ever read the same thing twice to his driven academic career means that he would be happy to live out the rest of his life recording statements and finding more stories.
And I think that brings up another critical difference between the Archivist and the Heart of the Spiral.  The Heart is the primary driving force when it consumes a host.  It identifies first and foremost as the Heart, and views the being that acts as its mortal food and counterweight as an add-on at best.  That person’s memories are fragments, their identities, hopes, and loves are tatters.  
But the Archivist is a shadow.  It follows behind and drives the person who bears that title, but it does not seem to consume them.  Even decades into her tenure as Archivist, Gertrude seems to have made her own decisions, even when they went against what the Beholding wanted.  And this was tolerated until she wanted to blow up the Institute.  Only then did Elias turn on her.  
Likewise, Jon’s decisions remain his own.  As much as he fears becoming a monster, he is firmly in control of his actions and his choices.  He is curious and a voracious reader and obsessive and awkward not because the Archivist forced him into that shape, but because that is intrinsically who he is. He loves the story so much he is willing to fling himself into danger without regard to his own safety, because he has to Know.  The Archivist makes that desire an addiction, yes, but the desire was always there.  
And he also has motivations that lie outside the scope of the Archivist, and that don’t seem to be interfered with or even cared about by that being.  While Gertrude recognized the care in others and twisted it to suit her purposes, Jon can barely recognize emotions in other people, but he cares about them in spite of that.  While Gertude used ignorance as a way of manipulating her assistants, Jon uses it (poorly) to try to protect them.  Jon, despite never wanting to admit it, does care deeply.  Not always effectively, and not always usefully, and certainly rarely in a way that communicates itself well, but Jon does care.  Gertrude cared about the world.  That was her priority.  Jon doesn’t work in abstracts like that very well.  He just wants to protect his friends.
And in so doing, both Jon and Gertrude define themselves, not as the shadow of the Archivist, but as their own people.  Gertrude sacrificed anything and anyone to accomplish her mission, and so became a warrior.  Her assistants died to further her mission.  Mary Kaey knew exactly what Gertrude was, because she saw a kindred spirit in Gertrude.
Jon, though, is only sacrificing himself.  He has no particular mission beyond keeping the people that he likes safe.  He’s not a warrior by any stretch of the imagination, and every time he’s tried to directly confront the dark things in the world he’s injured and sent limping away with the one thing that he’s amazing at: stories.  Because Jon is a craftsman and a collector.  He’s not at all good at destroying things (at least not intentionally), but he’s surprisingly adept at building them.
I don’t know what that’s going to mean for Jon or for the Archival team going forward.  I don’t know how that will shape Jon throughout this story.  But I know that Jon isn’t Gertrude.  Jon would find it almost impossible to sacrifice Martin the way that Gertrude sacrificed Michael, because the goal is different.  It wouldn’t be Martin walking into the Heart of the Spiral so Jon could continue the mission.  Jon would walk in, because he would be protecting a friend.
A very interesting deep dive into the narrative, not only that of the Spiral and of the acts of ascendancy that other beings tried and Gertrude thwarted, but also into the natures of Gertrude, Jon, the Heart of the Spiral, and the Archivist.  And strangely enough, I am very reassured by what I’ve learned.
Gertrude was always human. Her decisions were her own, right up until the end.  She was steered by the Archivist, but she could refuse its nudges whenever she liked. Jon is the same, even if he’s better in tune with the nature of the Archivist and its work.  He feels the addiction, yes, and resisting the Archivist is harder for him because he’s so in tune with its goals.  But if it wanted him to sacrifice an assistant, I think he would be able to resist it with surprisingly little effort, just as Gertrude did.
Jon’s choices, both good and terrible, are his own.  They will be his own.  He will feel the influence of the Archivist, but he can resist it.  He can remain both the being that weaves the story of the world, and a man who just wants to see his friends safe.
Welcome back, TMA.  I’ve missed you these past few weeks.
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Hiraeth (Part II) - James Potter x Reader
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Request: Shit my heart just broke three times while reading Hiraeth😭 it was so perfect I'm speechless! Part two? Tho idk if I want them together now👀💘 And many others requesting a second part... So here it is. PART I Warnings: My English, language, feelings.Gifs aren’t mine. Credits to their original owners. Word Count ~ 2.5k MASTERLIST Pending Requests
She was staring at the sky. How wonderful were the stars? She envied them just a bit. She was once told that she was the moon... But the moon was something else entirely. At first, she hadn't really liked that analogy. Mainly because she thought of the moon as something distant and definitely not nice. It always stole all the of the star's glory and made them appear weak and inferior to it. People only truly saw them once the moon wasn't there. That was the other thing she didn't like. The moon wasn't constant. And that was the moment she realized she was like the moon. Not always here, not always there either. Faded even in her glory. As if she didn't quite belong. She had found a serene place while other students were heading back to the castle, she remained glued to Hogsmeade. She watched them walk by, talking to each other vividly and happily as she sunk deeper into herself, feeling a bit odd, weird and out of time... Like she was in a loop. Her eyes fell on the couple right across the street and her heart broke, but she had grown used it. The girl seemed so happy inside his arms. His messy hair was falling all around his handsome face, pointing out his already sharp cheekbones. She felt like she was invading their privacy. She shook her head and took the last drag of her cigarette as she tossed it away. "Bad habits" a soft voice reprimanded her. Her lips formed a pained smile. "Good girl" she answered him with a hint of disappointment in her voice. His soft caramel eyes were looking at her worried while he followed her gaze just to witness the reason behind it all. "Walk with me back?" Remus softly asked her, recapturing her attention. She didn't reply. She didn't even move a muscle. He had just met her gaze and their eyes were already trapped in a never-ending death-dance around the same fire that burnt both of them. He was toxic to her. He made her wounds bleed, her soul cry out but her mind wanted to feel numb for a moment. She knew she will regret looking at his eyes but she craved the rush that sent her spiraling down. Remus placed his hand on her shoulder, shaking her out of their little haze. She was forever thankful. "Sure" she finally told him with a smile so fake, that made her ache. Remus felt terrible. He was happy for James and Lily yet he couldn't help but be bitter towards them as well since they hurt the girl he kinda had a soft spot for. Him and Sirius, he corrected himself. He couldn't bear to see her like that. She deserved so much yet she had no choice. Her heart had picked James. Was love ever a choice? She stopped leaning against the wall and started walking next to Remus on their way back to the castle, not being able to think of anything. She just wanted to move on with her life but they had made it too hard. She chose to block them out. For now. "So, how are you?". Remus was surprised that she initiated a conversation. He turned to look at her and momentarily wondered how could James be so blind. "All things considered, I am great. How about you?" he truthfully told her. She frowned a bit, realizing that he had yet to trust her with his secret. "So I've heard... Last night's moon must have been especially difficult, right Moony?". She was a smart one and she never let anything go unnoticed. Remus was stunned at her boldness... Yet it held something gentle to it. "It was and I am sorry I haven't told you myself. It's just that I..." he trailed off, not being able to justify his reasons for not being honest with her the way he wanted to. He looked away but she chuckled and gave him a quick hug, leaving him stunned all over again. "I know. With me, you don't have to do any of this. Just be yourself" she kindly told him as they got closer to the castle. They continued their walk in silence but it wasn't awkward. Right before they stepped inside, he stopped her gently. "Look, I know you have every reason to hate us but James... He is in love with her. I'm sorry that you got hurt, I truly am. But please don't shut yourself out" he didn't intend on hurting her further but someone had to tell her. She knew all of that already. "Maybe I am too busy ignoring my feelings for him to fall for someone else" she bitterly answered and tried to walk away. But she was in for a big surprise. "That's the thing! I didn't fall in love with you. I walked into loving you with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way, even though I knew that he held your heart. So, maybe... You should stop falling for someone and instead start loving". She had become James for someone else. Someone she cared deeply. How easily did the tables turn? And just like that, Remus realized what he had just said and everything became a blur. "I am so sorry. Just please forget whatever I've said. I am so so sorry. I shouldn't have... - Goodnight" he said without breathing. "Have a butterbeer with me? Tonight? Astronomy Tower?". Maybe it was egotistical of her. Maybe she wanted to get over James. Maybe she would end up hurting him and he sure as he didn't deserve it. But she couldn't stop herself. He couldn't turn to face her, nor did he dare to answer. He didn't even know what to think. Well, that was a lie. He knew exactly what to think. He was so tempted to say yes but he was aware that she only did it because of James. It was him she always wanted. What the hell. "Be there in an hour" he simply announced and she couldn't believe her ears. What just happened?
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"You have no right to be mad at him, James" Sirius tried to reason. James didn't budge. He wasn't mad, he was furious. He had never seen it coming. He thought Remus was his friend. And he had gone out on a date with her. Her of all people. But why did that bothered him? He was happily in love with Lily and they were in a sweet relationship. So why would that bother him? "I have every right to be, Sirius" he fired back but he knew he was the wrong one here. "Last time I checked, you were with Lily and didn't have feelings for her. So, please correct me if I am wrong but he has every right to go out with whomever he wants and so does she" Sirius simply stated, a bit jealous of Remus and angry with James. Right before James could answer, Remus walked into the room and it became dead silent. It hadn't been a date. It was more of a night of truths. For both of them. Mainly for her because she finally voiced her thoughts, which made them real. Since that damn moment he bumped into her and knocked her off, no one else could muster to do what he had done to her. It only ended one way. With her heart broken. But she knew that. And after tonight so did Remus. She knew very well that it never stood a chance and that it only existed in her mind but she couldn't stop it. What they didn't know was that things could and they would get worse. "What the fuck, Lupin?" James roared, taking Remus by surprise. After a second, he got it. "Just because you are jealous doesn't mean I can't go out with her. You made your choice. Now, let us" he said nonchalantly, driving James further into madness. With two big footsteps, James had his grip on Remus but with a perfectly timed move, Remus smacked his friend's hand off of him. "Careful there Potter. One might think you are in love with her" he remarked with sarcasm. James froze. And so did Sirius. Remus simply smiled, a bit hurt but knowingly too. No, he couldn't be. He had Lily. Yet, that annoying voice inside his head told him that if he hadn't had any feelings for her, he wouldn't be jealous nor would he act like that. When did he catch feelings for her? Maybe it was somewhere between the innocent laughs and the warm smiles they gave each other. Maybe it was in the way she would bite her lip when she was trying to focus or she would furrow her eyebrows whenever her little Ravenclaw head wouldn't cooperate into understanding something right away. Maybe it was in the way her hair - No. Oh, dear Merlin, no. "Good Lord. You are in love with her" Sirius whispered a bit surprised by the very statement. "I am going out. Do not follow me" James threatened and left the room. 
It was raining. What an irony, she thought. She loved the rain - it felt like a catharsis. However, right now and giver the fact that she wasn't allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts, she didn't fancy all that water - she had nothing to protect her head from the pouring rain. She knew that Muggles had some kind of devices that were called umbrellas and they could come in handy. She also knew that she was the only crazy enough to go out for a walk in the dead of the night and with that kind of weather. She was screwed. Out of nowhere, a black umbrella was placed above her head. Momentarily, she felt grateful. It was, however, momentarily indeed. "Um..." she mumbled, trying to get out of the situation and the protective fabric as well. "Hey, I don't bite" he softly argued. Damn his hazel eyes. She tried to smile but it felt too forced once again. "Thank you, James. But I don't thin-" she began to reason him but he cut her off. "You prefer Remus, we know. Sorry to be such a disappointment, princess" he mocked her but something in his voice betrayed his feelings. She simply raised an eyebrow, deciding not to go against things. "Fine, fine". They walked in silence feeling every bit of their nerves becoming tangled and trying not to explode. The tension was unbearable. His body was too close, she could sense his warmth. Her perfume was making him dizzy along with the way the water-drops were making her face look like a diamond. What was he thinking? Thankfully, the walk was short and once they reached the castle, she moved further away. It was late. Merlin was it late... Every student was already fast asleep and only Filch and his cat could ruin it - or rather, save both of them. But no one showed up. She fought it. He did too. Or at least they tried to "Why Remus?" he finally asked - accused her. She was very well aware why he was saying that even though things with Remus were actually great. What she hadn't expected was his jealousy. She didn't even have the time to turn around to face him - he pinned her against the cold wall, his eyes roaming her face, gazing a bit too long at her lips for them to be friends. "He is my friend. Why him?" he asked her again but his voice came out in a forced whisper. He was still mad but something changed. And she looked so... his. But she also had enough. "It was never him and you know. You also have no goddamn right to te-" she never finished whatever she was planning to say to him. His lips crushed hard on hers and they burnt her. He was kissing her like his life was depending on it, getting drunk on her mouth. She tasted of velvet and knives. She tried to push him away, thinking about Lily but he wrapped her inside his arms. He wasn't going to lie, he had indeed dreamt about this very moment. He didn't know what he felt but this... It felt right. Even Lily - He backed away. Lily. Merlin, what did he do? She saw the look on his face and she got it. She would never be the one. It would never be her. And now that she knew- fuck, how would she ever move on? "Just don't. Please, just leave me alone, James. I can't keep pretending. I can't fucking breathe near you. Please. Be with Lily. Be with your friends. I am not one of them and we both know that" her words stopped him from trying to come up with a silly excuse and slapped him wide awake. She had never been a friend. She was always a what if. A beautiful, haunting and melancholic what if. She would walk away. And this time it would be for good - that much he knew. He had to do something. She became all the more numb.  "Maybe. But you should know... and this might be the most selfish thing I have ever done, but you have to know this. A part of me will always choose you". She smiled, her eyes watery. She knew that. She had sensed it since the first moment. But feelings just were. No rules could ever apply. She caught him off guard as she placed a loving kiss on his cheek. "Be happy, James". With that, she walked away. He watched her, not being able to do or say anything. She kept moving her feet forward, feeling every inch of her self in pain. Once, the numbness would pass, she would be broken because she wasn't just in love with him. She loved him. The tragedy, however, was that those feelings were actually mutual. James thought of it as destiny - a sad and very unfair one - and promised himself to find her in another life. But it was never destiny. It has always been choice. And she knew that all too well.
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Tags: @orionsirivsblack @kapolisradomthoughts @nadinissavage @geeksareunique
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