#she acts like a real person and i cherish that about her
SAME LEGENBORN ANON IM SO EXCITED YOU FINISHED IT I’M!!!!!!🤩🤩🤩 THAT TWIST?!?! One of the best reveals I’ve read in a long time☺️ I love all of them so much, especially Bree🥰 she’s one of my favorite narrators ever, and her journey is💯💯💯
I really thought I knew where it was going and whoops, I was wrong. Anyway I finished This Is How You Lose the Time War last night and I'm so happy because I can start Bloodmarked tonight
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natsglorifiedsimp · 9 months
Something Changed 2
A/N: You guys asked for it.
Taglist: @queen2234 @pipsipey17 @casquinhaa @natashajumpinoff @natsxwife @dark-hunter16 @i-lovescarlettjohansson @mrsrushman @tropicals-things @alianovnasposts @nova-kyle @jusnough @splzq @yellowthingsstuff
Part 1
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Tasha's POV
"Hey, Maria!" Natasha called.
Natasha noticed the subtle eye rolling of Maria. She squinted her eyes. It was unusual for Maria to act like that especially cause she's been helping her get to date you.
"What do you want Natasha?" she grumbled.
Natasha was taken aback by this. "Jeez, I'm just asking about Y/n." another eye-roll was given to Natasha. "Have you seen her? I haven't seen her on campus."
"Glad you noticed, Natasha" she sarcastically said. Maria feigned a thinking posture and started to glare at Natasha, "Let's see hmm" Maria said with diction.
"How about the fact that you've been ignoring her since you and Wanda dated and now she's gone off to Los Angeles leaving us behind because of you!" Maria gritted her teeth trying to contain her anger because you were in the hallway where students were passing around thinking Natasha and Maria were doing a secret drug deal.
"W-what?" Natasha stuttered. "I-I haven't ignored her."
"Save me the drama, Natasha. All you think about is yourself." Maria said.
Natasha was so confused. She didn't know what she did to you. She hurriedly texted you, hoping you'd give her some explanation but all was left delivered. That's not usually you. You always reply as soon as you see the message pop.
Natasha back reads you guys' conversation. Seeing if there were any clues on when are you going to LA or something that would hint at anything.
But all she saw was how she neglected you. She could see in every message how much you needed her. She missed your rants, your rambles, and everything that you guys would do when you hang out.
She broke her promise.
Y/n's POV
LA was different. The school was fine so far. No one dumped milk on your hair yet. No one made fun of you yet. And you were hoping it would stay that way.
The new environment was hard for you. It is hard to start a conversation with people when you don't know who they are. Natasha always does the talking. But somehow in this world, you are the one who needs to adjust.
Even if the people were friendly, throwing a smile at you or saying hi, somehow you still felt timid and awkward. You were scared to make friends.
Cause you know they will leave again.
Natasha did. What could any of these peer's differences be?
You cried every night knowing you had no one cared. That even if you consider them your best friends they will never think of you the same way. You were an option. You are a pawn to someone's real agenda.
You cried because you knew how much you cherished friendships. You knew to yourself that you would care and love people and go out of your way just to be there for them.
But somehow with you, it was always the opposite.
You are left alone, and when you thought someone cared...
She never really was.
Natasha's POV
She tried calling you a million times, even called your parents just to have a chance to talk to you. To apologize. But you were too far gone.
She may have found the love of her life but she left you. She left you feeling like she didn't care. She disregarded your feelings and put herself first. She took advantage of you.
Natasha regretted everything that she did. Everything that she broke. She knew how much you value friendships and she also knew how to break it.
There were no more Y/n. The laughter you shared is now a glimpse of memories that she wished would last forever. Love may have come her way but she didn't have to run you over just to find it.
You were her person.
But i guess...
Loving involves losing right?
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writingwithcolor · 8 months
What Makes an Ethnic Villain "Ethnic" or "Villainous?" How Do You Offset it?
anonymous asked:
Hello WWC! I have a question about the antagonist of my story. She is (currently) Japanese, and I want to make sure I’m writing her in a way that doesn’t associates [sic] her being Asian with being villainous.  The story is set in modern day USA, this character is effectively immortal. She was a samurai who lost loved ones due to failure in combat, and this becomes her character[sic] motivation (portrayed sympathetically to the audience). This story explores many different time periods and how women have shown valor throughout history. The age of the samurai (and the real and legendary female warriors from it) have interested me the most, which is why I want her to be from this period.  The outfit she wears while fighting is based on samurai armor, and she wears modern and traditional Japanese fashion depending on the occasion. She acts pretty similar to modern day people, though more cynical and obsessed with her loss. She’s been able to adapt with the times but still highly values and cherishes her past.  She is the only Asian main character, but I plan to make a supportive Japanese side character. She’s a history teacher who knows about the villain and gives the protagonists information to help them, but isn’t involved in the main plot otherwise.  Are the way I’m writing this villain and the inclusion of a non-antagonist Japanese character enough to prevent a harmful reading of the story, or is there more I should do?
Why Does Your Villain Exist?
This makes me feel old because David Anders plays a villain with this kind of backstory in the series Heroes starring Masi Oka. 
I think you want to think about what you mean when you say: 
Villainous (In what way? To whom? To what end?)
Harmful (What tropes, narratives and implications are present?)
I’m relatively infamous in the mod circle for not caring too much about dimensions of “harm”. The concept is relative and varies widely between people and cultures. I don’t see much value in framing motivations around “What is less harmful?” I think for me, what matters more is: 
“What is more true?” 
“Are characteristics viewed as intrinsic to background, or the product of experiences and personal autonomy?”
“Will your portrayal resonate with a large audience?”
“What will resonate with the members of the audience who share the backgrounds your characters have?” 
This post offers additional questions you could ask yourself instead of “is this okay/not okay/harmful.” 
You could write a story where your antagonist is sly, sadistic, violent and cold-blooded. It may not be an interpretation that will make many Japanese from combat backgrounds feel seen or heard, but it’s not without precedent. These tropes have been weaponized against people of Japanese descent (Like Nikkei Japanese interned during World War II), but Japan also brutalized a good chunk of Asia during World War II. See Herge’s Tintin and The Blue Lotus for an example of a comic that accurately showcases the brutality of Japan’s colonization of Manchuria, but also is racist in terms of how Japanese characters are portrayed (CW: genocide, war, imperialism, racism).
You could also write a story where your character’s grief gives way to despair, and fuels their combat such that they are seen as calculating, frigid and deeply driven by revenge/ violence. This might make sense. It’s also been done to death for Japanese female warriors, though (See “Lady Snowblood” by Kazuo Koike and Kazuo Kamimura here, CW: sexual assault, violence, murder and a host of other dark things you’d expect in a revenge story). 
You could further write a story where your antagonist is not necessarily villainous, but the perceived harm comes from fetishizing/ exoticizing elements in how her appearance is presented or how she is sexualized, which is a common problem for Japanese female characters. 
My vote always goes to the most interesting story or character. I don’t see any benefit to writing from a defensive position. This is where I'll point out that, culturally, I can't picture a Japanese character viewing immortality as anything other than a curse. Many cultures in Japan are largely defined by transience and the understanding that many things naturally decay, die, and change form.
There are a lot of ways you could conceivably cause harm, but I’d rather hear about what the point of this character is given the dilemma of their position. 
What is her purpose for the plot? 
How is she designed to make the reader feel? 
What literary devices are relevant to her portrayal?
(Arbitrarily, you can always add more than 1 extra Japanese character. I think you might put less pressure on yourself with this character’s portrayal if you have more Japanese characters to practice with in general.) 
- Marika. 
When Off-Setting: Aim for Average
Seconding the above with regards to this villainess’s story and your motivations for this character, but regardless of her story I think it’s also important to look specifically at how the Japanese teacher character provides contrast. 
I agree with the choice to make her a regular person and not a superhero. Otherwise, your one Asian character is aggressively Asian-themed in a stereotypical Cool Japan way (particularly if her villain suit is samurai-themed & she wears wafu clothing every so often). Adding a chill person who happens to be Japanese and doesn’t have some kind of ninja or kitsune motif will be a breath of fresh air (well, more like a sigh of relief) for Japanese readers. 
A note on characterization—while our standard advice for “offset” characters is to give your offset character the opposite of the personality trait you’re trying to balance, in this case you might want to avoid opposites. You have a villainess who is a cold, tough “don’t need no man” type. Making the teacher mild-mannered, helpful, and accomodating would balance out the villainess’s traits, but you’ll end up swinging to the other side of the pendulum towards the Submissive Asian stereotype depending on execution. If avoiding stereotypes is a concern, I suggest picking something outside of that spectrum of gentleness to violence and making her really boring or really weird or really nerdy or a jock gym teacher or…something. You’re the author.
Similarly, while the villainess is very traditionally Japanese in her motifs and backstory, don’t make the teacher go aggressively in either direction—give her a nice balance of modern vs. traditional, Japanese vs. Western sensibilities as far as her looks, dress, interests, values, etc. Because at the end of the day, that’s most modern Japanese people. 
Sometimes, the most difficult representation of a character of color is making a character who is really average, typical, modern, and boring. 
- Rina
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keruimi · 7 months
His Only Exception
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Obanai x reader
Warning: Angst and comfort. Platonic Relationship. I have so many ideas for Obanai but it's tiring to make sure its plot is not repeating. But I hope you enjoy this one!
Would you choose the Moon that was in your darkest time, or the Sun that brightened the whole world you lived in?
Ever since I was born, I was taught how cruel the world can be. Born from a family of broken people, I was raised to close my emotions.
To be the master of it before it became my reason of failure.
I remained detach to the people around me, maintain the acquaintance nature with them.
Until I met him at the age of 13.
Someone who was scared of me the first time we met.
"Please calm down. I won't harm you" I tried to soften my voice down to calm the boy brought by the Flame Hashira, Rengoku Shinjuro.
Kanae-san assigned him to me since we were at the same age and she is still helping out the injured ones from a mission.
She saw me as the only suitable person to tend him.
I set down the kit I was holding as I gave him a side glance who was looking at me warily.
I walked towards the window with a sigh and opened it to let the fresh breeze of the day in.
In hopes that he won't suffocate with my presence.
This was the first time I felt clueless about a situation. I really don't know how to act next.
My first hesitation...
If I approach him now or try to make him lower his guard on me, it could start a fragile relationship between the two of us.
The actions I thought wouldn't help our situation at all.
If Kanae-san was the one doing it, with her good personality, he would trust her.
But I don't know how to show kindness to a person who was violated by his own family.
He has his own traumas, his own fear. And if I directly confront those, it would break the communication between us that haven't even started.
I looked around the room as I looked for something that could relax him.
"Where is Rengoku-san?" I heard him mutter under his breath that made me turn my head to look at him.
Thank goodness he started the conversation first.
"Rengoku-san is preparing for another mission" I answered his question before I took a book from one of the shelves.
It might help him escape from the reality he experienced.
"If you don't mind me asking, do you love reading?" I ask him without my usual monotone voice so I can quickly heal him.
I need to finish this...
He slowly shook his head that made me nod before offering him the book I took.
"Well this might be one of the times you will need it" I offered it to him as I saw how his gaze fell on it.
"I don't know how to"
It felt like my world stopped when I heard those words from him.
The time I finally found a crack on his walls...
I didn't realize how my eyes shone from his words before a smile lifted from my lips.
"Let me teach you then. So you know a way you can escape the world we live in."
Reading a book that was never connected to the real world can heal and change his perspective about the society we lived in.
It was supposed to be a way to get him comfortable with me in just one moment.
I never knew I would cherish it on my entire life.
That day was the first time I gave effort on communicating with someone. The first time I forgot my fears that I might experience the more I continue my actions.
The first time I really stayed for someone else's comfort.
Ever since that time, there was no day I didn't visit him in his room as he slowly healed from my guidance.
Mostly everyone knew how important he was for me.
The first person I opened my heart with.
"Iguro, open your arms like this" I showed it my arms that were wide open like it was welcoming a hug.
He sighed knowing where this would lead to and he didn't hesitate opening his arms to embrace my form.
"Thank you" I whispered as I basked in the warmth of his embrace.
He never fails to silently comfort me on my lowest. When everything became overwhelming when I started to change for him.
From a nonchalant person to a caring one.
Most of the people in the Demon Slayer Corps were shocked by the change that happened when he entered my life.
Even me...
He is not aware of the effect he had on me.
But maybe because of my happiness that I became a light to someone's life. I became someone valuable to their life because I chose to be kind.
When I didn't push anyone nor question what hurt them.
It made me love myself. It made me yearn for the happiness I should experience because I deserved it.
I thought I deserved it.
Until he became a hashira, that became the beginning of our bond that was slowly breaking.
The time he became strict with my practice, the more he wanted me to push myself to my limits so I can become stronger.
For the reasons I never knew.
The times when I saw his tired gaze on mine. When I sometime sense him almost giving up on me.
It continues to ruin me.
I never really wished to become a fighter, but I chose to, so I can be beside him.
So I can keep reminding him that I was still beside him.
But the more our strength became different, the more I felt him slowly slipping from my grip.
I don't want to lose him...
Because I knew I wouldn't be able to handle it.
I train everyday so I can reach his expectations. Yet there is one thing I am afraid the most...
And that is when the time will come he would see me differently than before if I failed his expectations he set for me.
My father's words of not letting anyone change me was ignored knowing that if I don't experience this challenges...
If I keep running away from it, I would never gain anything.
That's what I keep telling myself so I can continue everyday.
Until she entered his life that I noticed I was not that someone significant to his life compared to him in my life.
Mitsuri Kanroji, the first person that introduced me to the emotion called 'jealousy'.
Almost 7 years of my growing affection for the serpent Hashira, without any effort, she managed to catch his eyes because of her extraordinary strength.
The thing he wants me to have.
It made me so wary of her that I didn't notice the toxic personality I had would be shown to her.
Yet her kindness made me doubt myself more. Knowing him, he would never like my treatment for her.
So I just ignored her.
But the more my insecurities show up, the more I notice his presence disappearing from my life.
That I always saw him with her.
The time I already knew that I was the one who lost him.
The first man who made me cry for so many nights. The first man who made me love myself...
And the first person who made me hate it.
If I let myself experience the hardships of life, there can be a chance I can become someone strong like he is.
If I just didn't cower, if I just got out of my comfort zone, I could become a better version of the person than who I am now.
No matter how much I tried to look for him, to approach him. The thought that I would ruin his moment with her halt me from my actions.
That the bond I was trying to save by myself, was finally drowning.
From being his friend, to becoming someone who gazed at him from far away.
I started to notice his treatment on her compared to others.
She was the only exception from his strict and merciless personality. Because even I, experienced it.
The more I saw the difference between me and her, the more my mental health deteriorated.
The main reason I started to become more distant to him, until my mere presence completely became like a wind.
The reason I started to question my real worth to the people around me. To the people I tried to not connect with because I already have him.
So this is what my life was before he entered it. It was really lonely...
I felt a tear fall from my eyes as I stood on top of the hill as I gazed at the headquarters I lived my whole life with.
Having this moment, it made me question if I regret letting him enter my heart. Because if I didn't, I would never cry for something I already expected.
My Father told me how difficult to overcome the first heartbreak.
It was indeed difficult.
It felt like my air was cut off as my chest tighten from overthinking.
But am I really overthinking?
I can hear my harbored breaths as I try to stop the feeling of agony from consuming me.
The torment I made myself experience, the suffering I knew I would feel the moment I soften up to someone else.
This is the thing I feared the most.
That my mind will become my own enemy.
I really shouldn't have...
I regret-
"Y/n?" I felt my body went numb the moment I heard him behind me.
After a year of being distant to him, my destiny let me confront the person I have been avoiding.
Is this one way of improving?
Is this the moment I need to overcome this obstacle so I can learn?
I didn't know it would be difficult.
I can't even find the strength to face him. After I finally manage to set my mind in one thing, I let the cold breeze of the night dried my tears before I manage to face him.
His gaze greatly reminded me of my old self.
The one who always held a blank stare. Something that would be difficult for the other person to interpret the emotions hidden beneath those eyes.
What is it?
That's one thing I want to let out of those very moment but I didn't manage.
I want to stay away from him so it would hurt less.
But my movement completely did the opposite that I found myself walking toward his direction as I just let my head rest on his shoulder.
Our surrounding were silent as he can't find the words to express what is currently happening right now.
Even I don't know why I did it. But I just needed something, a comfort so I can find the strength to walk away.
But thinking about 'comfort', I felt myself stain his haori as my tears I am trying to hide finally fell.
Yet I didn't let out a sound.
I just let the tears express the emotion I am feeling right now.
It hurts...
It really does...
I felt his hand slowly raise to gently caress my hair that made me snuggle deeper in his shoulder. My actions made him put his hand on my head to keep me still.
"What's wrong?" He ask in a whisper that made me want to just broke down sobbing.
Why am I crying? Do I have the rights to even cry for my one-sided love at him?
"Y/n" he called for my name again when he notice my body was staring to tremble as I try to prevent my cries from being heard.
"I don't know why I love you" I cried out as I pulled away and covered my face with my palm.
"I want to remove those feelings for you because it hurts" I continue as I tried my best to breath.
"I don't want to keep loving you"
I remove my hands from my face as I let the tears freely fall on my cheeks as I put my eyes on our surrounding, except for him.
Because I can't face him.
"She is perfect for you. You both look so perfect that made me almost forget I used to be there. I was the one who used to be beside you" I stated between quick inhales like I was barely able to breath.
"I just wish for our memories to disappear like bubble so it wouldn't hurt-" I put my hands on my head in frustration as I uttered those words but I felt his hands on top of mine when he heard me let out those words.
"Y/n please"
"Why do you need to abandon me!" I cried out as I can't keep to myself the feeling I felt for almost a year.
Those days made me feel so lonely and useless. It showed me how much I reached in life.
"I..." I trailed off as I felt him pull my body towards him as he surrounded his haori on my trembling body.
"I felt so lonely" I sobbed out as I felt his arms around me tighten as he just let me cry on his shoulders.
"I never wished to be somebody else until you chose her" I keep letting out the thoughts that keep repeating in my head on those periods of time. The thoughts that ruined the love I have for myself.
"I'm trying my best, I really am" I whispered as he tightened his arms around me.
"You have no idea..."
He shushed me down when we both started to notice how my words are getting more breathless the more I talk.
"Deep breaths"
I clutch my eyes shut as I felt it sting a little. I finally snuggled myself more on his embrace as I tried to control my emotions.
"Is this friendship, still surviving?" I ask him as I look at his own eyes that made him lean his forehead on mine.
"Of course. More than you thought"
"Did you really leave me?" I asked him the question that needed an answer while I stared at his back as he looked at the scenery from my window.
"But ever since she arrived, I can't remember any day that you were with me"
My body felt more relaxed now but the slight feeling of numbness on my chest is still present as I found him making his way over to my bed.
"I'm sorry" he sat beside me as he pulled my head to rest on his shoulder.
"I was not aware of how wrong I treated you" he mumbled as my eyes softened from his words.
"I wanted you to learn to protect yourself. I didn't mean to make you measure your worth just because of my expectations."
I felt Kaburamaru slither around my neck as his owner ran his fingers on my hair to soothe my emotions down.
"I was not confident that I could protect you. I'm sorry that I pressured you into something that is not your forte."
I removed my head from his shoulder as I lay down on my bed when the fatigue, physically and mentally, finally entered my system.
"But why didn't you spend time with me anymore?" I asked him as I put my hand above his own ones as I heard him sigh.
"Hashira has tight schedules. We always need to train and go to missions. When I saw you cry while I was training you, I decided to not continue and let you do the usual things you did before"
He started as I saw him look over to me. I felt him squeeze my hand that made me look up to him with my drowsy eyes.
"I didn't manage to make time for you"
I heard how his voice broke from that sentence as he give a quick grip on my hand before letting it loose.
"Mitsuri is a hashira so I need to be with her. But of course, that can't be my reason, right?" He looks over to me as I lift a small smile, urging him to continue.
"But she was the only one willing to be in my presence and I let her. I started to miss you but I can't find you anywhere. And if I did, you are urgently helping shinobu at the mansion"
"Maybe that's why I treated her less harshly than the others" he sighed out.
"But it doesn't mean I love her like how I love you" I felt my chest warmed from his words that I almost forgot what I went through.
But I need more reasons. And without being told on, he keeps going. He is not defending himself, he was simply expressing because he knows I would understand him.
"It was my fault that I made you feel that way. It dawned on me that I really don't know you" he whispered as I saw how his eyes softened.
"I never had someone cherish me more than themself"
A tear fell from his eyes as he wiped it before gazing at me.
"Give me another chance to treat you right. I promise, I'll be better"
I sat up on the bed as I rested my chin on his shoulder. "Did you romantically like her?"
"No" he answered without any hesitation that made me wrap my arms around his waist.
"Even if I did, she would just remind me of you. After all, you were the one I was scared to lose"
"I'm sorry" he mumbled that made me lift a small smile on my lips.
"Make time for me please. Being a Hashira made you lose time for me" I uttered as he wrapped his arm around my waist before pulling me closer to him.
"I will give you my time" he assured me that made me smile and land a quick peck on his cheeks before I laid down again.
"Stay with me tonight. I want to cherish this moment with you" I told him that made him let out a small smile, based from his eyes before I pull him to my bed and he wasted no time to wrap his arms around me.
I am finally back at his arms again...
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threepandas · 2 months
Bad End, Chosen: Part 4
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The Cycles never "loaded" back in at quite the same point. It was something I had noticed, though I had only suffered a few of them so far. It was like the God's were hoping "Chapter" to "Chapter", fickle and easily bored, trying desperately to find something NEW.
It made planning all but impossible.
Where... where was I?
A simple room. A suitcase before me. Loading or unloading? I held a robe in my hands. Painfully familiar. I had worn them for years. The highly protective robes of Mage initiates, at the Magic Tower. Meant to work as armor, life support, even... God's forbid, an emergency beacon. They were hideous. Function over form.
I could cry, for how deeply I loved these ugly robes.
No one had EVER been able to figure out how to style them properly. God's know, we had TRIED. But when The Dark came? This ugly, ugly things? These long complained about hand-me-downs? Oh... oh they had saved so, SO many student's lives.
Such tiny little things. Pulled from the rubble, still breathing. All because of these chaotic, gaudy, terribly comfortable and so deeply loved, old robes. T...They truely were as hideous as I remembered, weren't they? Blocks upon blocks of overlapping stitches and patches, too many colors, as though the tower was too stubborn to throw as single thing away.
We were.
We... we NEVER leave anything or anyONE behind.
Packrats, all of us. Such terrible hoarders. But... I looked around. It did not tell me the date. Was I leaving? Joining the tower? How old was I supposed to be? I pulled on my robes.
It felt like coming home. Like balm against the raw nerves of my still fragile mind. I felt old. Brittle. At... at terrible odds, with my young skin. I wondered if this was how she felt. The woman, the poor girl, that came before me. Before she broke so badly even the God's could not force her to perform. I did not want to admit I understood the impulse.
Ah, there.
I had once, what felt like lifetimes ago. What WAS lifetimes ago. Bought this very calander. It was cute. Little fairy dragons danced upon the edges, delicate and joyous. They were, of course, incorrectly drawn. The artist had never seen a real fairy dragon, only heard of them. I had seen some during the war.
People forget that neither the Fae nor Dragons are sweet or gentle things.
They were... Awe inspiring. In the oldest sense of the world. "An overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, and fear." I believe the text defined it. Like living starlight and glass, sung poetry and water. They were the fury of long dead gods and the vengeance of beings who were divine unto themselves.
They removed an entire MOUNTAIN RANGE before they fell. Burned and reduced to molten earth, an entire inland sea. They died like STARS. Violently and with a force that destroyed the void itself. Consuming all that dared stand in their shadow.
Ha. And people think they're CUTE.
Ah...my mind is wandering again. I try to concentrate on the calendar. My... my mind doesn't want too. Oh dear. That's... that's probably a rather bad sign, isn't it?
Opening my eyes at the beginning of the cycle had brough such... CLARITY. As though my head had been held under murky water and finally, FINALLY, I was able to scramble free. But... much like the drowned... I felt something like a high. Adrift. Without my anchor. I wanted my Gran-...
I grab the dresser before me. Hard enough my knuckles go white. My wide eyes focus far away. Seeing without seeing. Hyperfocused on the woodgrain before me. I am my OWN anchor. Feel the magic in your veins. The push and pull of the world. We are not his slave! Not his PET, to keep and cherish. A toy on a shelf.
I am a PERSON.
A cheerful knock at the door to my room. My eyes finally focusing on the date. Fuck. Moving IN, then. I do not know if I can act "normal". I... I will have to try. I can not unclench my jaw, but with great force of will, finger by finger, I release my grip on the dresser. Stand up. Glance up into the mirror.
I look like I am some hateful little thing, vowing some ugly little vengeance. Perhaps it is just my face. The way anger and spite only barely holds my bleeding edges together. My fear. I...I look like I am about to cry.
What a wretched child.
I try to force a smile.
It looks hideous. More ugly grimace and deep disgust then "oh, Master, how pleased I am to see you!". Fuck. When did I become so broken? A knock again. More hesitant. I breathe deep. I can not do cheerful, then. But...I... I can do nothing.
My face slides into an emotionless mask. Blank. Like a doll. Vaguely pleasant but meaningless. How damningly familiar. Gran-... HE reduced me to this in the end. A few steps. Almost distant, robotic, movement. And I open the door to a once familiar face.
"Learner." My Master smiles, awkward and uncertain. He had not wanted a student. I forced his hand. I know now I never should have done so. He was not ready. "Are you, um, settling? In? I know it is quite different from the life you once lived, but I promise. I will tale care of you. Well figure this out together."
Oh, Master.
I...I wish I could weep. I had forgotten this lie. How deeply I had once believed it. It was a child's promise, from a man who grew old but never, truely, grew up. I was to be failed again and again. Had once given him chance after chance. Because I had believed his words. My eyes feel hot. He looks panicked.
"Ah! W-what did I do? Was that wrong? Please don't cry?! Oh no! Uuuuh-!"
"Well THIS is a record. Not even a day and you've made the child weep." Comes a terrible voice. No. Please, Gods. Not so soon. "Here I am, come to greet my precious Grandlearner. And what do I find? My student, tormenting a child."
My Master sputters defenses of himself. Not even noticing that his own Master did not call him Learner. All but disowned him before me. My fear howls like a deafening beast in my ears. But... cowering? Will not... can not save me. Turning my head is almost painful, with how tightly my muscles have tensed.
That is not the look of a man who does not recognize me.
He remembers.
Alaric Blight stands in truely magnificent Tower Master's robes, as though he has every right to be there. Respected. Beloved. A legendary talent, the likes of which have not been seen for lifetimes. ANYONE would be HONORED to be in his presence. After all... he is a man who holds the world at his feet.
He is a monster.
"Hello Grandlearner," he all but purrs. Stalking forward to loom, as only an adult CAN loom over a child. The power difference between is even greater now. I can not even count myself an ant before him. I... I can not breathe. "What a delicate little thing you are. Utterly precious. And so SMALL! You certainly have a lot of training to do, don't you?"
His hand reaches forward to cup my cheek, sparks of deadly magic dancing lazily across my skin too finely for Master to notice, but not so fine I can not FEEL. It is a subtle threat. A little reminder. Not a single soul in this tower is safe, so long as he is here. All it would take? Is.. Just. One. Touch~
"I'm sure you'll BEHAVE for your Master, WONT you, Dear? After all, he only wants what's best for you. And a darling child like you, Grandlearner? Should be cherished."
"He's right." My Master said, clueless to the monster he let so close. Who so very dispised him. "But... but Master, I'm not sure, well, HOW exactly..."
"Oh don't worry, student of mine." Alaric Blight, monster of my nightmares, hummed in a laughable mimicry of pleasantries. "I'll be with you EVERY step of the way. How could do anything less? We'll train my darling Grandlearner together."
A terrible grin.
"Leave everything to me."
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skyof-atlas · 10 months
Oh, to be blessed
Minors dni
[Summary] To be in a God’s presence is something that can never be forgettable, that’s something to boast about, but to personally be in a room with an Archon? What a rare moment to cherish. You really did cherish that moment.
Content Warnings: Fingering, oral, "pet names", nsfw :D, whining, Overstim, pussydrunk!Furina.
a/n: I love Furina and the thought of her being pussydrunk. not proofread
Paring(s) : Furina x gn!reader (afab)
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You've been sitting here for about an hour, talking about an upcoming opera with Lady Furina and what ideas she thinks would be good to add in. “Le Comte de Monte-Cristo” they called it. Anyway, this isn't your first time speaking to Furina.
You work as a director for plays and operas and often times you help smaller troupes with their scripts. You gain quite a popular reputation among the opera community. 
Furina, who loves watching operas and plays, has taken an interest. It started off as short meetings with her about upcoming plays, then it gradually started becoming hour-long sessions sometimes even more, where you both talked about plays you both enjoyed and common interest. It’s become this routine that you and her developed.
Even Neuvillette sometimes joins in for a bit and shares his thoughts. Usually you’re so busy with plays but Furina has taken your interest.  
You've taken notice of how Furina would act around others like she herself is performing a play. Only other actors are capable of distinguishing acting and real life, but with Furina, the lines blurred. You never minded it, but it was a thought in your head. She always acted high and mighty but you wondered how she'll look like when--
"Are you even listening to me? How rude to be ignoring your archon! Especially if she's trying to bless you with her magnificent ideas!" She said, pretending to be insulted and pouted. How cute…
"Apologizes Lady Furina. I was just thinking." You ran your hands through your hair and picked up the script off the table and tried to focus, but the thoughts of Furina were clouding your head-space. Furina took the paper and placed it down. You looked up confused.
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"ngh! w-wait!" when Furina said that we should take a break, you didn't think this is what she meant. She bit your thigh close to your wet pussy, making it a nice purple. She left a couple more. 
Papers scattered across the table, all forgotten. Your beloved archon in between your thighs, eating you out like it's her last meal. 
"L-lady Furina..." Your hands snaked into her hair, pushing her closer, trying to reach that high you wanted.
Her small hm, sent vibrations through your body and made you moan loudly. You whined when she detached from your puffy clit.
"My my, truly you're severing your archon to the fullest." Your eyes were glossed and breathing was uneven. Your slick dripping down from her chin. You blushed and looked away. How embarrassing.
"Pretty girl, look at me" Furina grabs your face to make you look at her. You would’ve cummed at that. 
"Good girl" You bucked your hips trying to find some friction. You loved how she called you her good girl. 
"Patience pretty girl, I'm not done with you." She kissed your neck and bit it. You whined.
She brought her fingers back down to your puffy clit and stroked it. She played around with your entrance, her fingers barely entering. You were getting desperate and decided to take matters into your own hands. You grabbed her wrist and plunged her fingers in. You quickly straddled her and began riding on her fingers.
"A-ah?" From her perspective you looked gorgeous. Eyes half lidded, your sweet moans and whines from trying to reach your high.
Furina moved with the rhythm of your hips. Her fingers hitting that one spot that you love so much. At this point, you're seeing stars and drooling. You began moving at a faster speed. Her fingers deep and hitting that spot repeatedly.
“ You’re so tight darling~ You sure do love my fingers hm?” She said teasing you as she pumped her fingers in and out, cum sliding down her fingers. 
"fuu--mm...cummin'--" Incoherent sentences were coming out of your mouth as you felt the knot tighten up and close to bursting.
A loud moan escaped your throat and cum covered your beloved archon's fingers. Furina slipped out her fingers and licked off your cum. She laid you down and stared at you, admiring her work. You were breathing heavily from your recent high.
Your eyes stared back at her. Legs spread apart with cum spilling and staining the couch and bite marks on your neck and on your thighs. Her eyes were trained on your puffy clit. She gave a quick kiss on your clit and began sucking on it.
"W-wait! I just cam--AHhh" you protested but she kept going. She wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon.
"Darling~ give me another one. I wanna taste you again. Please? Please cum again. Be a good girl for your archon.” who are you to deny her request? By all means, she can chain you up and fuck you dumb…that’s not a bad idea. 
You were nearing another high. Fuck she's good with her mouth. She sucked on your clit as she plunged her fingers back in you again. She was moving fast and hitting hard. Your legs had her head in a lock and you whined as you came all over her mouth for a second time. Your legs were shaking and your clit overstimulated from cumming back to back.  
"Fu-Furina~" Her name came out as a small whine. She could only give you a sweet smile but her eyes told a different story. 
"I love the way you taste. One more time?~" oh sweet archon. you certainly are blessed by her wonderful ideas...
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hwnglx · 11 days
this was a complex and long one. the more i read on wonyoung, the more in awe i get of her. like wow we all need to learn a thing or two from this girl. she's a queen.
wonyoung's real personality behind the scenes
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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shuffled song: 28 reasons by seulgi
+ so unsurprisingly, this girl is a professional through and through. very common pattern for people who entered the industry at an early age. hard work in the entertainment business comes to them astoundingly easy. (something i saw for ni-ki previously)
she's just as polished and sophisticated off cam, as she is on cam. very focused on maintaining a clean image even behind the scenes, she's aware that's what can make or break a public figure. quite a few idols put on an angel act when cameras are on them, but allow themselves to be reckless beyond closed doors. wonyoung knows people talk, there's this sense of a continuously cautious “trust nobody” in her. this is something that sets her apart from many others. wonyoung is very aware that things will get out eventually, so she's incredibly eager to withhold a flawless reputation even behind the scenes. she's also extremely protective of what is hers, whether that's her material possessions (money, expensive or cherished items), the image she's worked hard on maintaining, her loved ones and cherished relationships. wonyoung puts a lot of value into keeping them in check, making sure they're taken care of.
i looked up her mars sign and immediately went “aaah” as soon as i saw it's in virgo, because she seems to be outstanding at planning. wonyoung is very calculated, everything she does she's fully aware of. she always acts while exactly knowing the effects it has on, not only herself, but the people around her. this is also a quality she doesn't only use for her own good, but many people around her seem to appreciate. since she's incredibly intuitive, she can combine those two qualities, which makes for a person who's great at identifying and reading situations, and wisely acting according to this profuse intuition. for example, if someone she's close to is telling her about their struggles, she not only is great at making them feel cared about and listened to, offering them emotional understanding and support, but also excellent at grasping the problem and conflict, and providing the person with helpful solutions on how to act. random thought, but i could see her being a pretty good psychologist, or lawyer. (did she ever talk about wanting to work in medicine or law if she wasn't an idol?)
wonyoung is very smart. not only emotionally intelligent, but also very eloquent. great at speaking and finding the right words at the right time. there's also a lot of drive in this girl, like so much. she has a very determined attitude, which can be contagious to the people around her. amazing at pulling people out of situations that seem hopeless, and giving them courage to move forward. a very good team player, she's capable of adjusting to her co-workers and compromising, finding a middle-ground for the sake of the team. i can see many people truly enjoying to work with her, because she doesn't only have such a profound understanding of what she's doing, but is also considerate of the people around her.
lastly, this girl literally pulls the strings, has most people at the palm of her hands with ease. especially in a romantic manner, if any men mess with wonyoung.. make no mistake, she will not be played by them but instead play them swiftly, probably without them even noticing until later. the type to smile at you and hug you while stabbing an injection with your own poison in your back, knowing you did this to yourself. type to beat you at your own game while smiling politely.
she will not allow anyone to trick her, make a fool out of her. she reads and understands behaviorial patterns very well, so it just isn't easy to mislead her. however! best believe she only does this to people who do her wrong first. people who deserve it. it's giving “i'm sweet and respectful to everyone but, you better know not to mess with me, because that's when you'll get to see a different side to me” as i mentioned, i can see her being pretty cut-throat when it comes to men. especially in the industry. many weird ass men in there, wonyoung does not allow them to put themselves above her, just because of their bizarre gender superiority complex. (i remember this spiting some male idols in my reputation reading lmao well..) there's this thing of her always remaining crazy polite though, and doing just enough for payback. in this smart manner in which she can't be blamed or faulted for it.
- i hate to say this, but wonyoung can have her entitled princess tendencies. it's kinda giving spoiled rich girl who not only expects the best treatment, but is also so selective over who she calls her friends, depending on their status. not sure if she grew up in a rich household, but this seems like something that comes very naturally to her. she's very very meticulous, very very picky and perfectionistic. even if she doesn't always express it in a mean or aggressive way, it can just rub people the wrong way since it can give off pick me energy. i can see her being all “hmmm no” about some potentially beneficial things in her career like jobs or opportunities, just because she can feel superior to them. like she's above them. very much boss energy and it again, is incredibly smart in several ways, but sometimes it can be off putting, she isn't always right in her judgement without fail.
she's so invested in closely managing people's image of her, that she can quickly drive herself crazy over trivial details. there seems to be a lot of fear when it comes to letting go of this obsession and control over her reputation, as well as making herself vulnerable. wonyoung seems to have a lot of trust issues. this comes up everytime i read for her.. there's this constant feeling like everyone is out to get her somehow. i think she's seen a lot of shit happen in the industry, people in the business can be cruel and cold. just like the public, they can often look at and treat idols as these emotionless dolls. due to this, wonyoung can easily get mistrustful of people with pure and good intentions. she protects her heart in a very fierce manner. (this could for sure go up to the green flags but her immense trust issues seem to potentially stand in the way of her forming genuine and healthy connections too)
she's so scared of appearing easy to attack, easy to hurt or easy to access and weak. she hates crying in front of people, and always puts on a perfect mask she hides all her inner struggles behind. she's scared of baring her true soul to people because she doesn't like the thought of them seeing her as a flawed person. wonyoung sets herself up to skyhigh standards, because she believes she's lacking and unworthy of praise if she doesn't meet those expectations. she feels like she needs to be perfect for people to like her, which is sad and ironic, because.. they literally go on hating on her for appearing so perfect. people need to calm the hell down, shut the hell up and realize their words are making her put on even more of an act, hide herself even further, since she's actually so easily hurt. her heart is much softer than people realize, and much softer than she herself would like it to be.
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hotpinkstars · 6 months
-> centuries wasted
synopsis -> you find out your lovers real identity, and you leave.
a/n -> this was the angst post i put on poll last week...... i'm sorry furina fans i dont like the way the people treated her in archon quest but readers one of them... y/n in this story is kind of a bitch mb. anyways enjoy....!.!.?.?.?!
cw -> hurt no comfort, MAJOR SPOILER ALERT FOR THE ARCHON QUEST! just hurt nothing more 👍
wc -> 1.0k
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“no matter which path fate takes, i’ll love and cherish you forever,” you said that night, your eyes glimmering with adoration for the woman lying beside you. a smile began to poke at the sides of her mouth, trying not to let her made up personality overtake the flustered feeling bubbling inside of her core. 
but that was a night in the past now, a night where no worries were anywhere in sight, and the city of fontaine was at peace. the opposite was the present.
she had found herself on trial, in the same courtroom she’d watch other trials. she’d always cringe at how stupid people would be to end up here, soon to be sent down to meropide to sentence a hefty sum of years. 
sometimes tears would be shed, due to the reasoning for the crimes. there were times she’d have to excuse herself for not being able to hold her act and deal with the sadness in the room.
you were always the one there to comfort her in times like that. you’d experienced her grief, her happiness, her sadness, and her anger. 
but you never thought the woman you’ve loved so dearly could lie about who she truly was. you were deceived into thinking she was the true archon, the archon who could be able to take action in a dire time, the archon everyone could truly rely on. but when disaster struck, she was nowhere near prepared. 
she had been accused of not caring of the lives of her citizens, and that she had done nothing to prevent the lost lives from primordial seawater. 
that seawater was capable of making fontaine locals vanish in an instant, which is why it was such a big deal, and this prophecy has been something to come up frequently between higher-ups, like the iudex of fontaine or the duke of meropide, where the seawater was just below his feet.
finding out your lover was no archon was shocking. she’d always find a way to present herself, in times of controversy, in times of stress, and in times of happiness and peace throughout the nation. 
you had a brief understanding of who focalors was, but you had a completely different thought process, due to the things furina would tell you.
sitting through her trial broke your heart. first she lies, and now she’s sentenced to death, but she’s not the one sentenced to death, focalors is? your mind was swarming with thoughts, overwhelming you to the point of having to step aside in the bathroom and taking a moment to cry your eyes out.
passersby looked at you in a sorrowful manner, knowing your status with the ‘hydro archon.’ at this moment, you wished someone would light you on fire and discard your fried corpse. 
while you were gone, furina scanned the room frantically multiple times, looking for any sign of you, the only one who was hopefully on her side. her people were let down, making them enraged, and even the traveler showed disappointment. at this moment, all she wanted to do was cry in your arms, listening to your cooing and words of kindness, telling her that it’s not her fault.
but you were crushed, and you didn’t even know how you’d be able to speak to her. 
once the trial had subsided, she tried to find you. she ran desperately, being told by neuvillette that she could say a couple words to you before her ‘punishment’ would take place. 
“y/n, i-” she weeped, wrapping her arms around your torso. but the thing that took her off guard the most is that you didn’t hug back.
your face held a horrified look, and your eyes pierced through her face. she noticed how tense you were, backing up suddenly.
“whats wrong?” she said, panicked. “i’m sorry i kept such a sensitive lie-”
“i don’t want an apology, furina,” you felt tears poke from your tear ducts, trying not to cry just as hard as she is. “why would you lie? i’ve been with you for so long, i’ve entrusted even my deepest, darkest secrets in your hands. i understand why you kept this secret, but why would you keep your fake act up around me?”
“i didn’t want you to leave,” she admitted, rubbing her eyes before crying even harder. “i thought you’d judge me for who i really am.”
you take a deep breath in before letting the tears fall. “you should’ve just talked to me. you should’ve been as honest as you could be. but you were never open to communicating your feelings, and you were always hiding something from me,” you looked away, unable to process what just happened. “i understand you’re human, or at least now i do. you should have let me see your emotions, see what was really going on. because if you did, you wouldn’t be this close to losing me entirely, furina.” 
she let out a shaky gasp, not expecting those words to come out of your mouth. they fell off your tongue so easily, like you had zero regrets. 
“what do you mean, losing you?” she cautiously asked, her tone being nothing but a pathetic whisper. “you’re not going to leave me over something so… so trivial, right?”
“this isn’t trivial, furina. you’ve lied about your whole entire existence. we’ve been married for hundreds of years, and not once have you expressed your worries or suffrage. i have no trust in you anymore,” you sniffled. “this is it. say whatever it is you want to say, and i’ll be off to… somewhere. some other region.”
she officially had no hope for the rest of her life. you were her lover of hundreds of years, immortal alongside her, maybe only being a few hundred years older than her. what makes it even more painful is due to those circumstances, she’ll most likely see you again.
maybe alone, or maybe with someone else who could do better for you. someone who won’t lie about their whole existence, and someone who could give you the satisfaction you looked for all along in a relationship.
she watched as you walked out the doors of the opera epiclese, tears falling from both of your eyes. you didn’t understand. you felt betrayed, and so did she.
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whumpback-wail · 9 months
07 - Decrescendo
Trial by Fire (Wriothesley x Reader)
[<<< previous chapter] • [masterlist] • [next chapter >>>]
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Reminder that this fanfic contains dark and mature themes. The TW/CW are in the masterlist and are constantly updated as I add each chapter. Please reread the warnings, proceed only after you reread the warnings. If you don't like/can't handle the topics mentioned in the TW/CW, please DO NOT read. This work is 100000% fictional and any similarities to real life people and events are purely coincidental, and none of the characters (especially the villains) are real. Again, please DO NOT read if you are not certain you can handle these topics or are in a bad place mentally. Minors are strictly forbidden. I only create content, and I am not responsible for your personal content preference and moderation. If you think you will not like this story, please just scroll away. You have been warned.
Wriothesley didn’t know how long he sat there watching her sleep, silent tears long since dried out. He couldn’t imagine the trauma that (y/n) must have gone through. She’s really strong, although he wished she didn’t need to be.
A knock sounded at the door, and Neuvilette stepped inside.Wriothesley turned his head around and nodded in greeting, not caring about how he looked with puffy red eyes and tear stains on his face.
“How is she?” The Iudex placed a comforting hand on his friend’s shoulders.
Wriothesley scoffed, rubbing his nose, “Terrible. We both are.”
Neuvilette nodded, understanding.
“Dougier spilled once we brought in Chlorinde.” At the mention of Dougier’s name, Wriothesley bristled, hands clenching on his thigh.
“She hasn’t even touched him. Wriothesley, we found Arderne’s location.”
“Where?” Wriothesley was on his feet in an instant.
Neuvilette hesitated.
“I… I only came here to tell you that, since you deserve to know the update, but in your current condition, I’m afraid you have to sit this one out.”
Wriothesley couldn’t believe he was hearing this. “What? Why?”
“I am doing this for your sake, Wriothesley. I know that look in your eyes right before you pounced on Dougier. You were going to kill him right there.”
Wriothesley grumbled. As much as he hated it, Neuvilette was right.
“I mean he’ll be dead once he gets sent back to Meropide.” The raven haired Duke sat back down, feeling defeated. He also knew he was acting rashly when he straight up decked Dougier, but that was as if his body moved on its own. That yet again proved Neuvilette’s point. Well fuck.
“But until then, we will have to follow Fontaine’s laws. You know that better than anyone.” 
Sighing, he could only quietly agree with the Iudex. He kept his eyes on (y/n)’s sleeping form as Neuvilette excused himself and left.
Part of him was frustrated, he wanted to do something, anything, to help with the case, especially at such a vital moment. But he also knew he probably wouldn’t be able to hold back once he got his hands on Arderne. If he were alone, he would risk it and he wouldn’t care about serving another sentence in Meropide. But he has (y/n) now, and he didn’t want to leave her behind
Rubbing his nose, he got up to splash some water onto his face. He has to stay strong for her, for them.
Once all traces of tears were gone, he came back to her side, leaving a kiss on her forehead, a silent promise that he would still love and cherish her through thick and thin.
“I’ll be back, my love. I won’t be long.”
Wriothesley needed to clear his head, and he knew exactly what to do. He exited (y/n)’s room and thanked the two men guarding his fiancee, he took a mental note to give Navia a hefty reward to distribute among her men later. They have been a great and reliable help.
Going back down to Meropide, he went straight towards the pankration ring arena, where there are always some boxing targets for him to use. It has been quite a while since he last came here to let off some steam.
After a quick warm up, he let his mind go blank and proceeded to strike the targets. Each punch he threw using a hundred percent of his power, putting in as much body weight into it as possible to make the blows harder. Wriothesley was in a world of his own, head empty and mind solely focused on the target before him, not caring about the eyes of inmates who watched their Duke exercise.
• • •
“So… I heard that it shouldn’t be too painful?” Wriothesley rubbed (y/n)’s shoulders comfortingly. They are at the abortion center of the hospital, awaiting the doctor to prescribe (y/n) the medicine that she would have to take.
“Nope, since the pregnancy is under 5 weeks, we can do it by medication.”
(y/n) swallowed, and gave Wriothesley’s hand a little squeeze. “Will it… Will it hurt the foetus?” As much as she hated Dougier, the experiments, and everything she was forced to go through, the foetus growing inside her, no matter the source, is still innocent.
The doctor smiled and shook her head. “This pill was specially developed in Monstadt by the famous alchemist Albedo, and his assistant, Sucrose, who had used her anemo vision to enhance it even further. It will be completely painless for the foetus and the mother. Besides, the foetus has not developed to the stage where it can feel pain.”
(y/n) nodded, feeling more reassured.
“So now all (y/n) has to do is just take the pills twice a day for 3 days and it should be all good?”
“Yes, it should remove everything from inside her womb. She might feel a bit drowsy as a side effect, but it will not be painful.”
“I will. Thank you so much, doctor.”
• • •
“According to the judgement of the Oratrice Mecanique D’analyse Cardinale, Dougier and Arderne, you are deemed… Guilty.” Neuvilette’s voice seemed to echo through the Opera Epiclese, reverberating through the (y/n)’s chest.
It’s over.
“You have been sentenced to 60 years in the Fortress of Meropide, and you will have to fulfil your duties there, under the command of the Duke of Meropide, Wriothesley.
(y/n)’s eyes darted to Wriothesley, who stood under the balcony of the defendant, where she sat. She didn’t need to see his expression to know how satisfied he looked, it was reflected on the faces of Arderne and Dougier, the two main perpetrators of the facility. They stood on the balcony opposite her’s and their faces were pale as ghosts.
“B-but…” Arderne reasoned, wincing pitifully as his small movement jostled his broken leg, still wrapped in a cast. “But Iudex, surely we will be granted protection once we are back in Meropide-”
“I hate to break it to you,” Wriothesley stepped forward slowly, eyes flashing with a sadistic glint, “But the Fortress of Meropide is not under Fontaine’s Jurisdiction.” He has waited a long time for this.
Neuvilette nodded, repressing the urge to smile, “The Duke is right. The Fortress of Meropide has its own laws and systems, and anyone who has to serve a sentence there is not under the protection of Fontaine’s laws. I suggest you be on your best behaviour while you’re there serving… for the rest of your lives, it may seem.”
A giggle sounded from the back of the room. Furina, from her own balcony as the Archon, clapped her hands. “Bravo! Bravo! What a lovely finale to perhaps the most intense trial in the history of Fontaine! You two certainly broke the record for longest sentence ever given by the Oratrice. So in a way, congratulations!”
Neuvilette knocked his cane on the floor three times, “Lady Furina, if I may conclude the trial-”
“Oh let me do it!” Furina cleared her throat, and with an intonation almost perfectly mimicking Neuvilette, she said “And with that, this trial has concluded. Guards, take them away!”
It felt like a huge weight has lifted off (y/n’s) chest. She felt all the intense feelings she had just moments earlier melt away into misty grey numbness.
It’s over. Everything that happened could just be a bad memory now.
She took a shaky breath and looked downwards to seek her fiance, but he was nowhere to be seen.
“Looking for someone?” His voice appeared from behind her, as hands snaked around her waist.
“Wriothesley,” (y/n) turned around and hugged him, letting him catch her full weight as her legs turned to jello and gave up. “It’s over. It’s really over huh?”
Wriothesley kissed her cheeks, damp with tears, “Yeah, sorry you had to revisit old wounds, I know you want to forget everything, and keep the things that happened to you to as few people as possible. I hope not opening the trial to the public helped.”
(y/n) shook her head, “honestly, not really. But it was necessary, I know.”
During the trial, (y/n) had to be escorted out of the room a few times as she was starting to hyperventilate. Her therapist was there, always right by her side. It was unfortunate that Wriothesley had to stand below her balcony, joining the rest of the witnesses to this case. She would have felt better to have him right beside her.
She sniffed, wiping the remnants of her tears from her face. “Can… Can we go home now?”
Smiling, Wriothesley swept her off her feet and into his arms in a princess carry. “I thought you’d never ask.”
Walking out of the Opera Epiclese, (y/n) held onto Wriothesley tightly, burying her face into his neck. “So…”
“So what now?”
Wriothesley hummed, and (y/n) could feel the vibrations from his chest, “I suppose you have another therapy session tomorrow, so I’ll take you back to the hospital. But hey, at least now that you’re discharged, you don’t have to sleep there anymore.”
(y/n) smiled, “Yeah, I’ll be sleeping in our home, with you.”
“And we’ll do our absolute best to make things go back to normal, well… As normal as it gets anyway.”
She looked up at her fiance, who has been by her side through the worst of times, and still stayed despite how she had pushed him away in fear. She felt another feeling replace the numbness in her heart. Love.
Lifting her hand, she caressed Wriothesley’s cheek, and gently turned his head to face her. His footsteps faltered and his eyes closed automatically the moment he felt her press her lips against his.
Once they broke apart, (y/n)’s world was filled by the brilliance of the grin that stretched across Wriothesley’s face, “Well that was our first kiss after a very long while.”
Embarrassed, (y/n) buried her face into his neck again. Her ears tinged red, giving away the flush that had bloomed across her cheeks. “I just felt like doing that.”
Wriothesley chuckled, and continued walking, but this time he changed directions and went to the side of the road. He sat (y/n) down on short the stone walls that fenced the clean brick roads, and picked a rainbow tulip nearby.
“(y/n), love, I know I’ve done this before, and you’ve already said yes, but I think I need to do this again.” He got on knee, and fished inside his jacket pocket, taking out a ring that matched the one on his finger.
“(y/n), we have been through a lot these past months. The road was rough and the skies were dark. But even so, we pulled through together. You were so strong having overcome everything, and I couldn’t be more proud of you. You voiced out your concerns at your lowest point, and I wanted to reassure you again to make sure you never have such thoughts ever again. I love you so much, and I never wish to be parted from you from this day on. (y/n full name), Will you marry me?”
[<<< previous chapter] • [masterlist] • [next chapter >>>]
{{(><)}       ☆ ~('▽^人)
Well that de-escalated quickly, I honestly was stuck and didn't know what to write after the previous chapter because I wrote the entire fic only for chapter 5 and 6, it was pure self indulgence that somehow blew up here on Tumblr. After that usually the ‘scenario I play in my head to fall asleep’ ends and I’m already asleep. So I think the next chapter would be the epilogue, to wrap everything up neatly (and emotionally). I will also post the originally planned plot of Trial by Fire after that, because I think you guys deserve to know it (frankly I think it’s much better than this blurb, and much longer).
Though I think this chapter could be better, heck this fic could be better in general. If it were more detailed and longer with better descriptions and scenes to show (y/n)’s recovery from the incident. Something more show than tell. But since the beginning, I did tell myself I will keep it short, since writing does take a lot of time and energy, and with the amount of work I have as an illustrator, it looks almost impossible. So perhaps my next work would be one-shots or just 3 chapters max. It definitely won’t be as long (but will be as angsty with hurt/comfort heheheheheh)
Now I’m a little curious. How do you fall asleep? Do you think of all sorts of scenarios or keep your mind blank? Or just scroll on your phone until you fall asleep? For me, it’s usually  angst and hurt/comfort scenarios with my favourite characters. Some could be self-inserted, others not really. Not sure why that works best for me, but if it works, it works.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story so far! If anyone wants to rewrite this to your own version, you can contact me, and please credit this fic when you publish yours. I’d love to read what you come up with!
Last but not least, thank you so much for reading! I hope you all stay safe and healthy, and I hope you have a wonderful year this 2024! Cheers!
Taglist: @almosteggs @quuela @tempest1art @yamanaka13-blog @arseneumbra @kimmeaahh @cottonfluffs @randomidk-123 @applejayee @keigo-hawks-takami-simp @mechanicalbeat1 @aribae14 @bforbiblio @supernerdycookietrashblrr @furblrwurblr @chifuyus-kitty @bunnibabe @the-real-fandom-person @idawnghoul @kitsunechan707
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bitterchocoo · 8 months
hi can i request wxs with a reader who bakes a lot, and often surprises them with fresh pastries? if you dont wanna write all of them just rui or emu is fine! 😊
It Only Takes a Taste
Wonderland X Showtime | M. Reader
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"You remind me of a girl I once knew.."
Tsukasa Tenma
Will praise your baking skills like there's no tomorrow.
You once make star-shaped sugar cookies for him and he cherishes that thing like it's a real star.
100% brags about having someone who has amazing baking skils
If he sees you baking in the kitchen, he'll help you and you don't have the right to say no. I mean just look at him! Don't you see how he shines brighter than the freaking sun at the thought of baking with you?
The face he makes every time he takes the first bite is always priceless. His eyes practically sparkle.
Also suggested that you should open a bakery, claiming that, "with your skills you'll definitely become a famous baker in no time!"
Rui Kamishiro
Will tease you for giving him a surprise pastry.
Definitely eats them as a snack as he builds his inventions and draws his blueprints.
Either that or midnight snack. Let's be honest, he probably only gets 3 hours of sleep at best with how many inventions he makes. Not to mention those ideas of his.
If he ever catches you baking, it can and will turn into a flour fight. Honestly it'll probably be a war that ends with the kitchen being all messy.
Jokingly say "My compliments to the baker." although he truly meant it.
Nene Kusanagi
Will act all shy because she never has anyone give her anything and a surprise at that?
Definitely eats them as a snack while she plays her video games.
If she sees you baking in the kitchen, she'll try her best to help you. Cooking Mama style. Do the Mama accent and you either get a laugh or a jab in the gut.
She either groans or giggles as you make a Minecraft reference while making a cake/cookies.
She probably suggested you make foods from different games/shows. For example, cookie cat from Steven Universe, butterscotch cinnamon pie from Undertale, the cake from Portal, etc etc.
One day you surprised her by making bacon pancakes from Adventure Time for breakfast and her face lit up.
Emu Otori
Congratulations, you've officially become her favorite person.
Will ask you directly if you have any pastries with you. Who can blame her? It's delicious! And if she could she'll eat it all day everyday!
If she sees you baking in the kitchen, she'll be super excited at the thought of helping you. Imagine a child who wanted to help their parents cook/bake with stars in their eyes, yeah, that's her.
Will also suggest you to open a bakery.
Gives you a small kiosk in Phoenix Wonderfully because she thinks that everyone should try your pastries and it would definitely, absolutely, 100%, guarantee, make everyone smile with just a single bite with how delicious it is.
Another day, another show, another successful day for the troupe.
"You guys did wonderful today, a total of 246 tickets were sold." [Name] stated, looking through the clipboard in his hand.
He's been friends with Tsukasa since childhood who have found joy in the world of theater although not being talented in either singing or dancing, [Name] has become their manager. He's quite grateful for such an opportunity. After all, what's a troupe without a manager?
His carrying nature made him the perfect manager for the troupe and they can't ask for a better manager.
"246 tickets!? That's a lot!" Emu cheered, it's only been a few months since they all started their path towards their dreams and to think they've already made such a progress. "Of course! It's only expected that people wanted to see our show! To see a star!" Tsukasa claims as he smiles proudly at their achievement.
Nene merely smiles as she watches the group being happy at their rising to stardom. "So manager, what's on our schedule for today?" Rui asked curiously.
"Why don't we have a break? It's been a long day."
As the group have a small break, [Name] left to grab something before long he returns with....
"Cookies! You're the best [Name]!" Emu cheered, her eyes sparkles the moment her eyes locked on the small container in their manger's hands. "When did you have the time to do this?" Nene asked.
[Name] puts the container on the table, smiling softly as he watch the group enjoy the cookies he made. He had always enjoy baking and surprising them with fresh pastries had easily became a hobby of his. "I managed." He replied, taking a seat next to Nene.
"Hmm~ You should open a bakery! These are delicious!" Tsukasa compliments as he took another bite of the cookie. "Fufu~ as expected of our manager~" Rui chuckles, eating the pastry with a cheshire grin.
"Honestly, you don't have to.." Nene says, nibbling on the cookie. "But I wanted to~ plus seeing your guys faces every time I gave pastries are always a joy to see~"
Their manager's baking skills had never failed to surprise them. They look absolutely adorable and they're really delicious! The first time he does this, they thought it would just be a one time thing but as time passes. [Name] continues to give them copious amounts of pastries.
They're forever grateful for their manager, not only for the pastries, but for his whole support.
It won't be long until their little theater troupe would make it big and they have their manager to thank them. Who knows? Maybe [Name] might actually start a bakery with Wonderland X Showtime promoting it? Killing two birds with one stone, no?
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twopoint99 · 1 year
Possible spoilers if you haven’t already listened or read the book. Also, spoilers for The Horror of Dracula, 1958 and Bram Stoker’s Dracula, 1992.
One of my favorite things about @re-dracula is seeing the reactions of people whose main exposure to the story is through the many film adaptations. The differences in how the characters relate to one another are way too many to list from film to film. Even aside from the bizarre choices (Lucy as Mina’s sister-in-law - the Horror of Dracula, 1958, or Mina as the reincarnation of Dracula’s lost love - Bram Stoker’s Dracula, 1992) the most important difference between those adaptations and re - dracula is that these are fully rounded characters who clearly care about one another.
Jonathan adores Mina, Mina loves him, and loves Lucy. The suitor squad and Van Helsing genuinely cherish Lucy and it causes everyone palpable pain when they see her slipping away. When the group finally gets together in one place, they all acknowledge and respect the various strengths they each bring, and they hold one another up as needed.
None of the characters seem cast aside, as often happens in film adaptations. Even the 1992 film, which includes all three suitors, doesn’t manage to make them all seem like full personalities. They appear more as aspects of an individual, or as tropes. Lucy herself in the ‘92 movie is the complete opposite of her characterization in the novel. Her behavior in the film is anachronistic at best, and offensive at the least. It is a perfect illustration of the stupid and misogynistic attitude in horror that “wanton” women are punished.
Not only that, but it also completely changes the story and the dreadful implications of it. Lucy isn’t targeted because she’s “done something wrong” (quotes because I don’t believe expressing/exploring one’s sexuality is wrong, no matter what my favorite genre keeps telling me), she is targeted because she is convenient. Dracula wasn’t musing in between leaving his castle and reaching England that by golly, he couldn’t wait to terrorize Lucy Westenra! He saw an opportunity, like any other predator, and he took it.
Of course, we’ve seen that he is very willing to play with his food once he feels in control. He was very pleased to be able to torment Jonathan, yet another character who is often treated poorly in adaptations - in the 1958 version he’s so smug and patronizing toward what appears to be a terrified woman, that I was actively hoping for his death.
In contrast, the novel/Dracula Daily/re-dracula show us a sweet, earnest man, one who is gentle and loving. He, like Lucy, is a convenient victim, and like Lucy, is innocent.
The true horror is that terrible things can happen to anyone, and no amount of wealth, education, or simple good-heartedness, will act as a shield. There are no preventatives, and no one “deserves” the terrible things that happen. The real strength of the story isn’t in deciding which characters(usually women) are worthy of saving, an overly simplistic approach that many film adaptations take, some more subtly than others. The story resonates because in spite of the randomness of the horror, the people involved decide to do something about it.
These people are not always perfect or even heroic. Dr. Seward (who I really enjoy, and who is also often portrayed badly in adaptation) is not a safe person for his patients to be around. He is ableist, arrogant, patronizing, and definitely not handling his own mental health well. He is also loving, practical, loyal, and in many ways exceptionally tender-hearted. All of the cast is achingly good in their portrayals, but Johnny Sims’ interpretation of Seward has been revelatory. The man is flawed, but gosh darnit, he’s absolutely human. His pain is visceral, his awkwardness is utterly relatable, and his attempts to make things make sense is so hard to hear, because we want the awful things to be a puzzle with a logical solution, but we also know that there is no motivation for what is happening, it is all chance.
Mina herself questions why they need worry about Dracula, once he is gone from England. By this time she’s had a horrific experience with the count and understandably wants to be done with the whole thing. Earlier, however, she begins her work of compiling all the information available about Dracula, because she understands that something may need to be done, for the good of all.
She is afraid of losing her husband, she is afraid of what other horrors may wait, but she also is able to put that aside to continue to pursue stopping Dracula, so that there won’t be another victim, and so that Dracula himself might be saved from the horrific reality he’s experienced for so long.
I have been telling people ad nauseum that re-dracula is hands down the best adaptation of the novel I’ve ever encountered. It is because it is treated as a story about people, real people, with real connections to those around them, real flaws and strengths, who grow to share a bond. They swear to stop Dracula, not out of vengeance, as Jonathan can be forgiven for wanting, but out of love for those they have lost and those they may save.
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pinkbubbles06 · 5 months
Rosekiller Headcanons Pt. 2
Part 1
These may be out of order or be repeating from pt 1 but it’s only cuz I got excited…
Annnyyyyywayyyyy…. HERE WE GO!!
* Barty would be that type of person to have a thought process along the lines of “Evan deserves someone better than [insert name of whoever Evan is currently dating here]. If it were me dating him, I’d treat him much better.”
* And then he would proceed to not think on that any harder.
* Every time Barty gets an angry owl from his dad, he gets so overwhelmed by anger to the point being called by their name makes him want to scream. So all his friends start calling him "idiot" "pretty boy" "raccoon" "dumbass" respectivly until he calms down.
* lets not get it twisted, evan was 100% crazier than barty.
* Before they got together Barty would beg Pandora to make flower crowns so he could give them to Evan. If the flower crowns were from anyone else Evan would burn them on the spot. But anything from Barty he cherished forever.
* The second barty would come bounding up the hill towards him in spring, flower crown in hand, Evan would smile gently as Barty placed it on his head with such pride and joy.
* After they got together, Barty made Panda teach him how to make them so he could do it himself.
* Evan spends half his time saying "shut the fuck up" to Barty because weird stupid shit always falls out of his mouth
* (and he does shut up 'cause that man is whipped)
* Barty always forgoes pockets for the sake of fashion, and so Evan’s pockets are always full of random things of Barty’s that Barty can’t carry in his hands
* Barty is a mommas boy ™️
* Barty was shorter than Evan for the longest time but in 3rd year he had a growth spurt in the summer and was towering over Evan when they saw each other on the train.
* Barty would talk to his mother about everything and everything and he mostly spoke of Evan.
* Barty’s mom had a beautiful garden and Barty asked her if she could teach him to plant roses one summer.
* When Evan came over the next summer Barty was so proud to show him the roses he grew just for him.
* barty whose eyes are locked on Evan’s throat, he wants to leave his marks all over there, bite the soft and perfect looking skin, make it his home
* then he gets hit over the head by dorcas with a pan, and she tells him to be normal
* Barty always found it real hot when Evan gets pissed and bangs someone’s head into a wall until their blood is running down their face. He loved it when Evan was insane.
* (Evan is more crazy than Barty is. Period. You can’t convince me otherwise.)
* Regulus never understood why Evan and Barty were so deranged sometimes. He’s a good child.🥲
* evan's last thought before being hit by moody's bombarda was the way barty smiles between their kisses
* Barty would always absentmindedly play with Evan’s hair at all times
* Whenever they would go out in the winter, Evan you always tell Barty to bring a coat, even though he knows he will end up carrying it for Barty because coats make him feel trapped sometimes.
* He would just be like: "wear a jacket, it's cold out!”
* And Barty would be like: ”uggghhhhh fineeeee!!!”
* Barty always opened the door for Evan or pulled his seat out before he sat down
* Evan: did you eat today?🤨
Barty: yes….👀
Evan: eat something love.😘
Barty: fine.😒
* Barty wants so bad to be Evan’s trophy wife lol
* After Barty proposed, he would daydream of the moment he first sees Evan at the altar. Like. He’s so in love guys.
* barty absolutely LOVES valentine’s day and uses it as an excuse to be as publicly sexual as possible, loudly flirtatious, and is wrapped around evan like a condom
* evan pretends to DESPISE valentine’s day, acting like he forgets about the occasion just to get on Barty’s nerves- dodging his attempts to flirt / touch, and makes a show to be as unromantic as possible. on the inside, he’s squealing and kicking his feet
* Even hated Barty at first they would argue sooooo much!!!
* But then Barty grew on him like he does with every one
* Evan loves making Barty cry during sex. Especially if he is overstimulated.
* Evan loooovvvveeeessss overstimulating Barty during sex. (Barty loves it too btw lol)
* (sorry for yelling lol)
* Any way….
* if you don’t think regulus had a little sign with the amount of times barty got pushed off the beds for being a little shit ur so wrong
* Barty‘s mother had a huge family estate in the countryside that Barty’s mother and he would go and live in during the summer. it’s also where her garden is. Barty would drag Evan along every time
* Barty’s dad lived in the city because of his job…
* They announced their relationship on April Fools and were both laughing their ass off watching Hogwarts try to figure out if they were actually dating or not.
* Evan is really shitty about being woken up. like if he falls asleep on the couch just leave him there, don’t wake him up to try and get him to go to bed because he will bite your head off. When Barty finds him on the couch in the common room he will settle down and cuddle up next to him and read a book. Or take a nap with him lol. Depends
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nyctophiliq · 2 years
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✮ — MOMMY OR DADDY? ; sevika, renata glasc, cassandra, ambessa, grayson, vayne, samira
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minors dni; afab reader. nsfw ! — lowercase writing intended, suggestive themes, mommy and daddy kink,
moss' notes; you might not see eye to eye with my headcanons or characteristics that i defined as being more mommy or more daddy, but please enjoy this nonetheless!
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first laying some grounds for the criteria of what i define or use as characteristics for deciding who is more mommy and who is more daddy. THIS FIC IS NOT ABOUT ROLE PLAY, IT'S ABOUT THE KINK !
mommies are more nurturing, they utter kind words to cherish, care for and protect you, help or courage whatever your dreams or goals are. they are good at telling you how they feel, and although they might take some convincing to do so, they are open about their feelings so the two of you can work any problems or discomfort out quickly and as effectively as possible. they are protective like a mother figure, they don't just protect you from physical harm with their words but would rather lie for you than have you in any conflict. she often tries to take interest in your interest, maybe look after it, and suggests making time with her regarding that interest. they are so affectionate you might get sick of them, and they express their emotion overbearingly which might cause you to think they are being clingy and overshooting the point of validation.
daddies have a harder time expressing their emotions, either because they are closed off or are afraid they won't appear as strong in your eyes as they originally deemed you see them. they would rather see you in jail as a cause of teaching you a lesson than have you get away with murder. they are protective like a father figure, and they use physical force if they need to so to not see you harmed. they rather show their feelings through physical touch rather than uttering sweet words to you out loud. she often shows you her current hyper fixation, trying to rope you into the loop of it and convince you to make plans with her while she had already had you confined to a chair just doing that. they might seem distant because of their lack of showing their emotions and you might rule them ignorant, cold, and uncaring of how you are but that is not true! they care about you deeply, they just have a hard time verbalizing it.
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— sevika ˖⁠♡
sevika is a person who won’t hesitate to kill anyone for you and then ask for a reward, say that you should thank her in whatever way you see fit. she strings you along like a puppet to get you wherever she wants you, and persuade you to do things with her or for her. she won’t cross a line, that is something you can be certain about, but she will say some words that you might not all favor. she acts daddy, with all her aggressive words and moves, walking tall and proud, ready to give out some slaps to keep those around her in place. behind closed doors, she is less demanding and less of a “tough guy” but still not enough to give in to her gentle emotions and rant about how much she loves you. she is a person who picks a play time partner by how fun it will be, that she gets the most out of it but not with you, not anymore, she is ready to settle just doesn’t know how. call her daddy, she will like it! she will be even more proud of herself, hearing you call her such a thing gives her a newer perspective and opens up the vulnerable side of her knowing that you trust her like this.
“got ya a pretty present, princess! it’s your favorite, i went through real trouble to get it so you gotta thank it later, alright? come with me to that game i told ya about?”
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— cassandra ˖⁠♡
she is a true mommy, the fittest of them all, if not for being a mom already, then because she would have a feel for being it. she carries herself around with not only presitge but with the kind of gaze that you know she cares about those who are around her. the councilwoman will pay extra attention to whatever interests you and share some of her tips for saving money so you can do more of your hobby. she won’t be too explicit about her affection towards you out in public, but behind closed doors she utters the most beautiful of compliments, calls you her sweetest girl, that no wealth can compare to you. cassandra will need a little time to warm up to the idea of being a mommy in a sexual context and that it means that she takes care of you in a different kind of sense rather than the usual mom duties.
“my sweetest girl, surely there is non i can help you with right now? say to word and i am taking you home, you don’t really have to be around here if you don’t like. i take you home, we have lunch, play a little maybe, or just sit around, hm?”
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— renata glasc ˖⁠♡
renata is the perfect definition of a mommy, without a question. she has the means to support you financially, the power and influence to help you reach your wildest dreams. she loves spoiling you, be it your favorite food, snack, or something you have wanted and just mentioned to her that you planned to buy it. she likes checking in on you if not hourly, either she appears or one of her most trusted fellows, making sure you are well and content. this might sound possessive and it is, but she is just so terrified of something happening to you while she is not there, she would rather hear you complain than not hear you at all. she might be a little closed off, a tad bit embarrassed about how she has a liking for being called mommy but that shouldn’t stop you from calling her that, she will click into the rhythm very soon and will call herself mommy, playing along.
“have you had a good day? my day was like usual, work towering high but i got you something because i knew my darling would be very fond of it. go ahead… open up, don’t make me wait too long.”
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— ambessa ˖⁠♡
ambessa rather punch a hole through a wall, start another war, or begin her angered rant about some fool that tried to wife her before talking about her truest feelings. there are no such things as emotions in front of her people, she is a warlord, and she is supposed to be scary rather than scared. she is fearless, a true warrior, and a really hard nut to crack- ambessa is the perfect definition of a daddy. while she adores the title of being a daddy to you, but she would much appreciate it if you’d address her as mistress or warlord, but she is fit for a daddy whenever you feel like calling her one. she can be cruel sometimes, making you practice the sort of skills of survival that piltover no longer sees necessary, shedding blood and coerce you into taking a life, prove her if it comes to it you can protect yourself. ambessa can’t admit out loud that she is starved for being touched and so she sometimes can go overboard with physical attention, just give her a hug out of the blue and she will be thinking about it for the rest of her life.
“is there anything you don’t do for me, my girl?
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— grayson ˖⁠♡
grayson’s shell radiates the typical daddy vibes, a person who is afraid to commit to their feelings and would rather gift you something than tell you how much she loves you. but grayson isn’t really a daddy, she is a mommy without a doubt. she is very protective of you, and would risk her job even if you think that’s silly, she would lie instead of seeing you behind bars, and not without reason. she might not be the wealthiest person, being an enforcer isn’t the highest-paying job, but her connections can help you to climb some ladders if needed. grayson has never been a mom, the closest she got was maybe training caitlyn and when you call her mommy for the first time it’s just something she gets drunk off of and becomes a little addicted. she is overbearingly loving, can’t stop calling you sweet pet names and tell you how pretty you are, how she can’t get over the fact that she finally can settle down and not be afraid of taking a bigger step in her life alone.
“dearest of mine, i am sorry for being late, but this job… thankfully i am staying home, like it or not. what about if we go around the city, visit your favorite café for an afternoon sweet?”
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— vayne ˖⁠♡
shauna needed no introduction to the name calling, although she started out calling herself daddy which is very understandable. she is closed off, not at all willing to let anyone be emotionally close to her due to her fear of them being taken away once again. she does appear to be on the daddy side because of her need for vengeance, the way she fights, talks, and lives her everyday life but soon will grow into the more mommy side of her personality. shauna will always be a mommy, she just needs a little more time to really appreciate being called one. with the space left for her she will be more open, now you won’t need to use those clues you picked up along the way to understand how she is feeling because she will tell you herself how she feels.
“my moon, the night is still not clear of the demons but i will never let them take you, i would never ever let that happen. if it means that i have to give up hunting them, then be it, as long as i can keep you safe.”
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— samira ˖⁠♡
samira is the person who if caught in the right moment can be very open about her feelings and won’t shut you out or shut down as soon as she realizes she is getting weaker and weaker with each word she utters. her appearance, her strong frame, the clothes she wears, and the way she talks all scream mommy. being called mommy would be a new thing for her, she had never really thought about this kind of thing, but then not a lot stayed with her as long as you have. samira might be a fighter, a woman who brings both a gun and a sword to a fight, spreading herself thing but don’t forget about her just because she looks so put together, mommies can hide their emotions well.
“habib albi, my sword is not a pretty toy to play with, at least not like this! you are gonna cut yourself, can’t have you bleeding my pretty girl. gotta keep you safe, okay?”
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tag list ; @mxyx-rx444 @darlingmisa @einrosa @sevikasangel @nopealoupe @pixiegirlz @gonegonethankyouuu @xthescarletbitch @orang3-ish @bigboobslilheart
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twelvemartha · 7 months
the doctor's dynamic with his companions is like the beating hearts of the show, yet for some reason the doctor is so tightlipped about his feelings for martha in particular. it's maddening. sure, the narrative will give us tiny moments of the doctor showing his appreciation of her and acknowledging her presence. martha jones i like you. martha jones you're a star. but what does he think about her? how does he view her? what is her significance to him?
we learn a lot about what martha thinks the doctor thinks about her. he's not seeing me he's just remembering. sometimes i think he likes me but sometimes i just think he needs someone. he doesn't even look at me but i don't care. it's never outright confirmed, but so many signs point to this being the case. the doctor is constantly putting up walls between the two of them, which martha tries so hard to break through. and there are times where it seems like she manages to, where the two of them have genuine moments of connection! only for the next episode to come along and destroy that progress, as if it never happened, and the doctor goes back to being distant and overlooking her.
this wouldn't be as big a deal as it is if there was some sort of comeuppance or catharsis at the end of s3. but in the final speech martha gives to the doctor before she goes, the focus is put on her unrequited love. again. the issue, rtd wants us to believe, is that the doctor doesn't reciprocate martha's romantic feelings for him. but that's not it. the real issue is that the doctor doesn't even treat martha as a proper person, a companion in her own right, a friend who he cherishes and wants to travel with because she's martha jones. instead, he acts as if she's just someone to keep around because he gets lonely on his own.
and so instead of the doctor rightly being called out for his callous treatment of martha, we just have the show brush this under the rug and act like the matter is resolved come s4. because at the end of the day, neither martha nor her relationship to the doctor matter. they never did to the show or its writers. they were just a vehicle to tell the true story, which has nothing to do with martha at all. (this is absolutely rooted in misogynoir btw.)
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exmotranny · 4 months
the green carpet scratches at your pink heels. bile rises in your throat.
they talk about womanhood- but it’s not quite right. there is the pink and compliments and talk of boys
i am a beloved daughter
but there is also something else. it digs at your flesh, it feasts on your skin. your mother motions at your chest, bigger than hers and you're not even done growing yet! how lucky.
of heavenly parents
you pray to a man every night, finish it in another’s name. on your knees. you were sent a shady link as a kid. the woman on her knees, tears streaming out of her eyes, i don't want this, she said
with a divine nature and eternal destiny
blood on the inside of your underwear. you were told this meant you were a woman now. you were ten years old. what the fuck did you know about being a woman? your mom said you weren’t allowed to touch between your legs, but it's normal to want to. you didn't know what that meant, either.
as a disciple of jesus christ,
you wanted to be desired. you daydreamed of being the trophy for boys around you, of claiming that role one day as a wife. you came from a long line of women married young. you don’t know their names, but you were taught about their husbands in church.
i strive to become like him.
pressing your breasts down as much as possible, trying to give the illusion of a flat chest. badly cropped jpgs of jesus photoshopped to have top surgery scars are the secret currency you pay to get past the hours of church. you hold them like diamonds.
i seek and act upon personal revelation
you thought god was talking to you. you almost threw away everything you owned. you thought you were a prophet. total fuckin’ ego death! holy shit! god speaks through me!
and minister to others in his holy name
and then the next morning. when your faith crashed, when moroni abandoned you, did it feel unreal to you too, joseph?
i will stand as a witness of god
oh god, no. please. i don’t know what’s real anymore.
at all times
leg hair peeking from under your pretty sunday dress. they all stare. you ignore them and open up to D&C 132.
and in all things
emma, did you love him to the end? i don’t think you wanted him. did you watch as he married a 14 year old? did you tell him you burned the commandment? did you cry when he died for the church that he loved more than he loved you?
and in all places.
blood on the floor of carthage jail. this martyr will be remembered forever. do they talk about you, emma? or are you just joseph’s wife?
as i strive to qualify for exaltation,
when i marry, my husband will be a god, and i shall cleave onto him. when i marry, i will go to his universe and bear more of his children.
i cherish the gift of repentance
heads bowed low as the sacrament is passed. my hands clutch onto the bottom of my skirt. pleasure outside celestial marriage is forbidden. i apologize for loving the wrong way.
and seek to improve each day
i tried to kill myself, last time i got home from girl’s camp. i got home and cried and found the pills and shoved them into my mouth until i cried more and more until i was gagging. i hunched over the toilet. my hands on the grimy floor.
with faith, i will
forced to sing in front of the congregation. my head spun from anxiety. my stomach turned with nausea.
strengthen my home and family,
loving wife beautiful kids loyal husband church once a week work weekdays weekend mom monthly round on the business end of his cock forever and the vomit threatens to make an appearance.
make and keep sacred covenants,
an old man is in a room alone with me. he asks me if i masturbate.
and receive the ordinances and blessings
i tell the man no. i receive a card so i can be ordained.
of the holy temple.
that's just how it goes, isn't it?
all around are paintings of god and jesus. we learned about heavenly mother. why don’t i see her in paintings? did god have plural marriages? did heavenly mother make us? why don’t we pray to her? did she watch god marry a 14 year old? did she cover her eyes? when she saw blood on her underwear, was she told she was a woman? did she touch between her legs? did she ever believe herself better than god? does she cry when she cant talk to us? why do i cry? was heavenly mother scared of singing in public and did she press her chest flat and did she cry when god forced himself into her mouth? did she burn his doctrine too?
i am given flowers on mother’s day. i will be one eventually, after all. and i vomit in the church bathroom quietly like the perfect woman i am supposed to be.
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himehomu · 10 months
Homura did nothing wrong. And I stand by that. Because, she didn't do anything wrong towards anyone nor did she do anything with malicious intent. The only thing she did wrong is entirely in regards to herself. Rather than basing Homura's entire character around an act she made out of love or reduce her character to an evildoer with no morals nor love in her heart like some people still do to this day under the poor facade of “valid criticism,” I'm going to explain what Homura actually did wrong in Rebellion and her what her act of selfishness actually was.
What Homura did wrong was condemn herself to suffering as an immortal deity, the Devil whom acts as a rebellion against God, The Law of Cycles, strict laws of the original universe, which included Madoka Kaname not existing. That is what she did wrong, but not in the black and white, Good-vs-Evil way most people interpret this as. Yes, they are meant to be enemies one day, but because God favors rules and always doing the right thing, whereas the Devil favors her desire to stay in a world where Madoka is happy, where her friends are happy, where they are safe and have a chance at a life. A desire for happiness vs maintaining order of a broken world for the greater good, even if maintaining order means making sacrifices and making hard choices that directly rebel against that desire and yearning for happiness.
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But, here is why Homura is wrong in dooming herself to her fate as the Devil. It's very subtle, but seconds before the Flower Field scene, as they are walking, Madoka turns and tells Homura that it really hurts her seeing her in so much pain and not being able to do anything about it. This may seem like a simple thing a friend would say, but remember that Madoka lost her memories as a goddess. And, as a goddess, she was stuck alone in Heaven having to watch life go by, Homura's life go by, and wasn't able to interfere. Think about that for a second. Think about being Madokami.
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Think about when she could finally understand just how much Homura did for her, just how much Homura fought for her in all those time loops; the moment she's able to reciprocate her feelings, she fades from existence as the consequence. Wanting so badly to comfort Homura as she bears the psychological burden of being the only person to remember her, to know her, to miss her, to grieve and mourn her. Thinking the only time she’ll ever be able to see let alone talk to Homura again is when she’s essentially dying from all the grief, the pain, the guilt, the sadness of not being able to save her from her fate of being a goddess trapped in isolation. Think about that, then look at what she says here again. Of course it hurts Madoka seeing Homura hurting so badly and feeling powerless to do anything about it. Because that's what she's been doing as The Law of Cycles. Much like how she said she'd never make the decision to become a Goddess in the first place a few seconds later, she says this because this is the real Madoka who loves and cherishes Homura, who hates to see her hurt.
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Take that into consideration when looking at what Homura turns herself into at the end of Rebellion, how she's suffering and you can see the exhaustion on her face and in her eyes, how you can see the immortality essentially sucking the humanity out of her to the point where she herself believes she is evil. This was never about Good vs. Evil. This is about Homura hating herself so much not only for being unable to save Madoka, but possibly even for loving her in the first place considering her love is what made her powerful enough to condemn herself to her fate as a Goddess trapped in Heaven with her wish. This is about Madoka hating herself so much to where she only deems herself worthy so long as she's helping others, her self-loathing making her reduce herself to a sacrificial lamb and throwing away her life for the better of everyone else, caring so little for herself and being unable to even fathom that she'd be mourned or grieved if she were to die, thus sacrificing herself over and over, seeing herself as a means to an end if it means freedom for everyone she loves. Madoka has always been there to comfort Homura and protect her since the first timeline. How can she do that if her memories and powers to do so are locked away? She can't. Because Homura doesn't believe she deserves Madoka's love.
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Homura doesn't believe she's worth Madoka's sacrifice in becoming a God and Madoka doesn't believe she's worth Homura's sacrifice in becoming the Devil. Madoka cannot understand that she is so so much more than what she can give to other people whilst Homura is the only one that does. Homura can't understand that dooming herself to immortality pains and hurts Madoka because she can't do anything about it thus she can't save her from her suffering like how Homura ceased her suffering. It's a cycle. A snake eating it's own tail. A pumpkin that spins round and round and round. They're both selfish and they're both selfless. Homura is selfish in the sense that she's not taking into consideration how Madoka would feel if she knew how much she were suffering as the Devil for her sake yet she is being selfless because she's only suffering as the Devil for Madoka and her family and their friends to have a happy life. Madoka is selfish in the same sense that she's not taking into consideration just how psychologically damaging it is for Homura to not only have to watch her die over and over again throughout 100 timelines but to then erase herself from existence with Homura being the only one to remember her and she is selfless by of course only sacrificing herself so much because she cares for everyone and all Magical Girls, Homura especially included. They both love each other enough to sacrifice themselves for the other but they both hate themselves so much to where they believe they are undeserving of the other's love hence they keep dooming themselves to suffering in isolation and in turn dooming each other.
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