#sharrkan amun ra
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starclast · 1 year ago
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💚🌊 & ⚔💛
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misquitz · 16 days ago
Smth special I put together for some special Magi friends teehee
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sayakxmi · 1 month ago
[Magi reread] Night 80: Eight Generals
PSA: 1 - if you check the reread/rewatch list thing, if you see an asterisk, it's because the chapters or parts of the chapters were in different episodes. 2 - feel free to comment (or preferably ask) if you ever want to talk about something in general regarding the reread (or rewatch when I get to it). There's few people liking the posts (:waves emoji:), but I always wonder if you guys are just reading it for funsies (which is totally cool, glad you're (probably?) enjoying yourselves) or if it actually makes you think of something/realize something. Or disagree with something I say, too. Seriously, I'm curious to know what people actually think.
But anyway, the actual chapter.
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Sinbad placing his Kingdom here was still one hell of a decision. On the one hand, nobody wants to go there, because monsters are dangerous. On the other, monsters are dangerous.
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Y'know, I know it's for funsies and to show how functional Sindria is, and that the management is so good that people are happy when monsters attack, but if you think about it more seriously (which I tend to do) that's fucking dangerous. People see a monster that could eat them full in seconds and they celebrate. Fear sucks, but it exists for a reason, healthy amount of fear is here to keep you alive. But they aren't afraid, they're happy. And I get it, Sinbad had to make sure tehy don't fear for their lives every damn day, but the day might come where Sinbad or the Generals can't protect them, then what? Danger should be taken seriously.
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I'm still losing it over Rashid just giving Sinbad a fucking national heritage sword. Rashid ffs.
Also, I was talking about it with Yudja, and the discussion kinda went a little further, and aside from the obvious (Rashid wanted an heir like Sinbad), she pointed out that Alibaba and his origins resemble Sinbad's. "Golden eyes, humble origins, a thirst for adventure and admiration of Sinbad" <-to quote.
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Oh my god, he's giving me that sad hamster vibes. He realluy noticed Morgiana talking with her mentor lowkey family, and he immediately looked back at Sinbad. Everybody gets a special teacher, Alibaba deserves one, too :(
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Congratulations to Alibaba and Morgiana for being normal fucking people in this situation.
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Bonus for Aladdin reacting in a normal fucking way, too.
On a side-note, it's kind of cool that their first instinct (Alibaba's especially, given he's the one to say it) is to think "we have to do something or these people will be in danger!"
So, a small digression here. Sorta.
I might or might not have talked about it before (probably did), I don't really remember, but it genuinely annoys me when people say Alibaba has no arc. He does. His arc relates to things like lack of confidence in his own skill and general passiveness. Alibaba hesitates a lot. He hesitates to help the kid who fell into that flower, then he hesitates in Balbadd to do something, anything to help, he even hesitated throughout his entire life to confront Cassim about things he admitted he knew about, deep down, just chose not to talk about out of fear.
In times of crisis, normally Alibaba freezes. He understnds the situation, but he doesn't want to be the one to do things, he's too scared/anxious to do so. Back in the very second chapter, his introduction chapter, he keeps begging internally for somebody to do something. He eventually pulls through, sure, but he still didn't want to be the one to do so. He wanted somebody else to take the responsibility here.
Now, compare that moment to this one - Alibaba hears about the monster, he rushes with others, shields them and tries to organize an escape away from the danger, while also telling Morgiana that they have to do something. And the only reason he doesn't do anything more is because he notices that the people aren't running, they're celebrating, and it genuinely and very understandably confuses him.
Alibaba had changed as a result of everything that happened in the previous arcs. He still doubts himself, but he's also more willing to take action, and he's willing to do it together with somebody else, here Morgiana, which is also different compared to his Balbadd Arc self, where he ended up storming the palace on his own.
Alibaba's arc has to do with learning to believe in his own abilities without becoming overconfident about them (like Sinbad is), it's about being able to differentiate between things he can and should do vs the things other people would be better at doing, and he should support them instead of trying to force his way through an issue. It's also about learning when to act - should he take a moment to think things through, or does the issue at hand require immediate attention. It's about understanding that relying on other people doesn't make him weak or incompetent, that doing so doesn't make their achievements any lesser just because they weren't done by a single person.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk, now back to the chapter.
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Tbh, I kinda grew out of love with Sindria. Like, on some level I still love Ja'far, and SnB made me love Sharrkan, and I do enjoy Yamraiha I guess, but nowhere near to the extent most people in the fandom tend to do. But it also has to do with the fact that I grew out of love with Sinbad's character in general, too. Like, I still think he's amazingly written (as long as David isn't invovled), but the Sinbad-thirst in the fandom, and in general the fact that the fandom feels so often like it's just people obsessing over Sinbad, SinJa, JuH*ku and the two that make the ship I guess made me kinda... get tired of them. Which is a shame, especially since I do like SinJa, but now I kinda avoid it, too. To be fair, it's probably related to the fact that the fandom is ocassionally not that dead, and it's usually just these characters/ships that pop up if anything does, so it gives the wrong impression of there being only that, but, welp, what can ya do.
By all means, I'm not trying to say anybody should stop, like, you do you, bro, I'm not the fun police. I'm just venting here a little.
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Like, ngl, if not for SnB, I wouldn't have given much of a fuck about Sharrkan. Nothing against him, just a huge whatever. But giving his behavior more context, like his social anxiety and him trying to copy Sinbad, both to appeal to Yamraiha (rip) and probably in general to mask said social anxiety, really made me enjoy him. I wish we got to see him learn to be himself, but also he spent acting like that for so long he probably doesn't know who he actually is underneath all that act.
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Kinda wild.
Also, I could have sworn Yamraiha was involved in this in the anime... Not sure tho.
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Oh, an also Sharrkan loving swordplay, you go boy.
It kinda reminds me that Alibaba never described swordplay as something he liked learning, F. I hope he kinda enjoys it now, but also imagine Sharrkan's devastation if he found out Alibaba learns out of necessity, and not because swords are fucking awesome.
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Everything here is hilarious. Shrrkan holding onto Alibaba (new sword friend!), Alibaba just being ???, Sharrkan then shielding Alibaba from Yamraiha.
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Makes me wonder if he really hates magic or maybe he's just riling her up. I'm actually considering a headcanon that he does genuinely dislike magic, but not because he thinks it's stupid, but because of what was happening in Heliohapt when he was a kid, the assassinations that were carried out through magic, curses and poisons. He doesn't actually hate hate it, he just doesn't like it due to bad association.
On a different note, I can imagine that the reasons he insults magic is because Yamraiha insulted swordplay first in the past, and on top of it being a hobby, it was also something that helped him keep going back in Heliohapt, when he was young and powerless. It took his mind off of the heavy stuff if only for a bit, etc.
Also, bonus, quoting Yudja, becaues she's 100% right:
"though they both accuse the other of arrogance, it's Yamraiha who implies that Sharrkan would be diminished without his vessel. But they both have points, magicians are physically weaker and a household vessel is powered by magic"
"But also, Yamraiha was raised by Mogamett. It doesn't surprise me that she didn't really unpack the "magicians are superior" thing. Especially given she was recruited because of her magical experience and how it contributed to Sinbad's stabilisation
[...] neither of them are exactly behaving like mature adults here"
And both are fantastic points. Also, for the record, Sharrkan doesn't seem to like using his Household Vessel all that much? He does it in a later chapter, but it's after his back got slashed and Alibaba quite literally put himself in front of a sword for him. If he was alone, I can easily imagine him still attempting and maybe even succeeding at fighting without activating his HV, but Alibaba was also there, and Alibaba was ready to get himself stabbed to protect him, so he couldn't exactly afford to play around.
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Amazing. Ja'far, Masrur and Morgiana are done. Sinbad is like hahaha typical Sharrkan and Yamraiha! And then Alibaba and Aladdin are just... not sure how to react.
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:smh: kids these days
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Aladdin and Alibaba are benefiting here the most, obviously, but boy aren't they getting paid enough for getting dragged into a quarrel between the two. (sarcasm) Thank you, Sinbad!
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Yea, lmao, you got super lucky in comparison.
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The creativity of this name.
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Have a pretty Ja'far to end this chapter well.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 8 months ago
Magi 🔯 Trilogy
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🦋Aladdin ➳ (15yrs)
🐡Alibaba Saluja ➳ (22yrs)
🐲Drakon ➳ (34yrs)
🐋Hinahoho ➳ (37yrs)
🧶Ja'far ➳ (30yrs)
❄Judar ➳ (23yrs)
🦷Lo'lo' ➳ (29yrs)
🍒Masrur ➳ (25yrs)
🍓Muu Alexius ➳ (33yrs)
🫐Ren Hakuryuu ➳ (21yrs)
🌶Ren Kouen ➳ (32yrs)
🍎Ren Kouha ➳ (22yrs)
🍅Ren Koumei ➳ (30yrs)
🐟Ri Seisyun ➳ (18yrs)
🐍Sharrkan Amun-Ra ➳ (26yrs)
���Sinbad ➳ (34yrs)
✡Solomon Jehoahaz Abraham ➳ (26yrs)
⚔Spartos Leoxses ➳ (27yrs)
🌼Sphintus Carmen ➳ (19yrs)
🐥Titus Alexius ➳ (19yrs)
🦕Uratulgo Noi Nueph ➳ (1k+yrs)
🍀Yunan ➳ (???yrs)
Back to the Masterlist Hub?
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yamraihasgirlfriend · 3 years ago
Sharrkan: I’m an idiot.
Jafar: If you’re waiting for us to disagree, this is going to be a long day.
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just-aleri · 3 years ago
Magi incorrect quotes
I found these quotes online and i thought it would be hilarious.
They were all written in italian so I transalted them, I'm sorry if there's any mistake.
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━━━━┅━ ۞ ━┅━━━━
Sharkkan: I have to ask you a question, answer sincerely
Yamuraiha: Okay, okay
Sharkkan: Do you love me?
Yamuraiha: Sincerely
Sharkkan: I'm in the shower
Wanna come and give me a hand?
Yamuraiha: Why? Is this your first time taking a shower?
Sinbad: Good morning babe
Or maybe you prefer a "good morning princess"?
Kougyoku: I prefer not to wake up with a message of yours.
Hakuryuu: Mom, I talked to Morgiana
Gyokuen: And what did she say?
Hakuryuu: She sees me just as a friend
Gyokuen: Still good. I'm your mother just because I'm forced to.
Hakuryuu: You're beautiful
Morgiana: Thank you, but I have a boyfriend
Hakuryuu: Oh it doesn't matter, a girl like you deserves two
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magi-never-dies · 4 years ago
I’m a SIMPle person...  I see Magi...
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I click. 
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kumeko · 3 years ago
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A/N: For the @magizine ! I loved hearing Sinbad’s tales as a kid, so I’m glad to write this.
There was a difference between a world at peace and a peaceful world. When he was younger, Ja’far had thought those two terms were interchangeable. Now, after all the blood and tears, after realizing and losing his dreams, he knew better. The former was impossible—the world would never be free of strife.
 The best they could aim for was to minimize those conflicts as much as possible. Walking through the market, Ja’far ignored the delicious scents and loud clamouring surrounding him and instead gazed up at the island-filled sky. It certainly helped that the countries were now broken into random bits, destroying borders and rearranging neighbourhoods. Nations couldn’t exist as they used to; it was hard to fight over resources and land when they were still figuring out the world’s map.
 Unfortunately, as usual, that only meant headaches for him. Ja’far frowned. Paperwork, property disputes—everyone left them on his plate, as though he didn’t have enough to do. He rolled his stiff shoulders and sighed. If only Sinbad were here. With his charisma, everything would have been settled months ago.
 He lowered his eyes. More than that, it was hard to enjoy everything when Sinbad was still missing. Even walking past the stalls, Ja’far could only think of the times when the citizens used to call his name, clamouring for his attention.
 Yeah, just like that—Ja’far froze. Sinbad? Immediately, he turned on his heel, scanning his surroundings for a familiar purple-haired king. Instead, he found several children jumping excitedly in front of a traveling bard.
 Brushing her short black bangs out of her eyes, the bard smiled. “Oh, so you want to hear one of his tales, do you?”
 Ja’far cracked a smile. It was reassuring to see that even after everything, there were still people who remembered and loved Sinbad. Feeling nostalgic, he joined the growing crowd and watched as the woman slowly slid her bow across her sitar.
 Her husky voice filled the air as she started her tale. “Once, there was a man named Sinbad, a man like you and I. He was a sailor, a trader, a man who loved adventures and the unknown. After every adventure, he’d swear to never go on another one, that he had his fill of mysteries and near-death. And every time he’d break that promise, travelling to even more distant lands,”
 Ja’far chuckled. It didn’t quite sound like Sinbad, but it was close enough. How many hands had this story passed through before it got here?
 “On his first adventure, Sinbad’s ship stopped at an uninhabited island to gather food and water.” The woman’s fingers slid across her instrument and her audience was enthralled as she wove a story before their eyes. “Sinbad wasn’t interested in that. Instead, he explored the island, mapping it out as he waited. Nearby, his crewmates lit a fire.”
 First adventure? Taken aback, he frowned. Had they ever called anything that?
 “Before long, the earth shook,” the woman increased the tempo of her song, “and the birds flew out of the trees. Sinbad ran to his ship, but the earth rose beneath him, like a living, angry thing. Around him, other crewmates started to trip and fall, rolling down toward the ocean. He tumbled after them, unable to keep his balance. Falling into the water, he grabbed onto a floating crate, left behind as his ship raced away. What had happened? Sinbad turned back to the island and saw …”
 The woman trailed off, lowering her voice. Everyone leaned forward to listen to her, even Ja’far.
 Suddenly, she raised her voice, “A giant whale! As big as a country, it had been asleep for decades, only waking up thanks to their fires. Sinbad barely survived the creature’s wrath as it turned the once calm waters into whirlpools.”
 Now Ja’far was certain he’d never heard any of this before. Once more, people were telling tall tales of his friend, as though his actual adventures weren’t enough.
 “What happened next?” a kid asked, jumping up and down excitedly.
 “Sinbad is a lucky one,” the bard continued. “Adrift at sea, he landed ashore at a rich man’s house. After saving his horse before it could drown, he was given gifts of gold and silver, treasures far beyond any a man could spend in a single day. And then he left again, once more to travel through these broken lands for adventure.”
 “You make it sound like he’s still alive,” Ja’far commented bitterly, before he could stop himself.
 “Well, he should be.” The woman smiled brightly. “He only told me these stories a few months ago. He’s still as handsome as ever.”
 There were few things better than a good drink after a long day’s work. At least, that was what Masrur’s neighbours believed and he wasn’t inclined to correct them. They’d worked the land all week and he wasn’t going to waste his time off with a petty squabble.
 Masrur lifted the ale, watching the light shine brightly through the golden liquid, before chugging it down. The rest of the generals had scattered with the winds after Sinbad’s disappearance and it was at times like these that he missed them acutely. Maybe he should go visit some of them later. For old time’s sake.
 “Hey, Masrur!” His beefy neighbour Aram wrapped an arm around his shoulders and grinned. “Why so dour?”
 “I’m not,” he replied bluntly.
 “Forgot, you always look grumpy.” Aram chuckled, leaning closer. “I know what’ll make you smile—you’re a man of adventure, aren’t you?”
 He shook his head. “I’m a farmer.”
 “Fine.” Aram rolled his eyes. “But you were a man of adventure, right? Don’t deny it; no ordinary farmer has your reflexes. You hear about Sinbad?”
 Masrur stared at his neighbour dryly, not sure if he actually wanted an answer or not. It was hard to tell with Aram sometimes. “Yes.”
 “Oh, right, forgot.” Aram hit his head. “Why didn’t you tell me about his adventures?”
 Now Masrur was certain that Aram was pulling his leg. “I did.”
 “Well, yeah, but…” Aram frowned, scratching his chin. “You didn’t tell me the really cool ones. You know, like the one where he fought off those giant birds and snakes.”
 “They are all cool—” Masrur paused, registering his friend’s last sentence. “What bird and snake?”
 “You can’t be that drunk. You know, the one where Sinbad accidentally fell asleep on an island and you all left him behind?” Aram shook his head sadly. “Can’t believe you did that to him. And he had to wander around until he found a giant bird and rode it to another island, that was even worse than the first one!”
 “I…that never happened,” Masrur corrected slowly.
 “What, don’t want people to know that you guys abandoned him? It’s okay, I won’t think less of you.” Aram slapped Masrur’s back. “We all make mistakes. And you made Sinbad a really rich guy! I mean, that second island was full of diamonds and shit. Man, that’d be the life, living there…well, I guess if those snakes weren’t there…”
 “You know, giant ones. The ones the giant birds eat. If it weren’t for some traders trying to get the diamonds, Sinbad would have been eaten.” Amar shuddered. “Terrifying, yeah? At least he got some money for his troubles.”
 Masrur sighed, running a hand through his short hair. “That didn’t happen.”
 “Oh, you going to deny his other adventures too?” Feeling challenged, Amar snorted and continued. This close, Masrur could feel the alcohol on his breath. The man was drunk. That explained a lot. “What about the one with the whale?”
 Sharrkan liked lazing about. He liked flirting with Yamraiha more, but, well, she wasn’t around and it was a nice day, so he went with his second most favourite hobby. Hands clasped behind his head, he casually strolled through his adopted city, taking in the sights. The best thing about peace was that he didn’t have to run about anymore.
 No, he could just take the easy road.
 “Sharrkan!” A tall, black-haired woman, Jasmine, waved at him as he passed. Considering how often he went to her tavern, it would have been odder if she hadn’t recognized him. “Long time no see.”
 “It’s been way too long,” he replied cheerfully, coming to a stop in front of her. “How’s things?”
 “Without my favourite customer?” Jasmine grinned boyishly, poking him. “Since it’s been so long…does it mean you’ve finally tied the knot with Yamraiha?”
 “What?” Instantly, he flushed. One day, he’d stop reacting like this, but that day wasn’t today. Shaking his head, he stuttered, “T-that’s…I-I…”
 Jasmine sighed as she read him. “Not yet, huh? What’s it going to take, another ten years? Even Sinbad’s settled down before you.”
 “It won’t take—” Sharrkan grabbed her shoulders. “Sinbad?”
 “Easy there.” She gently tugged his hands off. “Yeah, Sinbad. Haven’t you heard?”
 “No!!” After months of waiting for a sign, this was the way he found out? He was never missing another night at the tavern now. “Where is he?”
 “Oh, dunno.” Jasmine shrugged, apologetic. “I’d say on a honeymoon, but he’s also a widow now…maybe he’s healing?”
 “Widow? Married?” Shakarkan stared at her blankly, not understanding what she said in the least. “What’re you talking about?”
 “Didn’t you know?” She rested a hand on her hip and cocked her head. “Sinbad got captured by cannibals a while back. He’s got some real bad luck there; he keeps getting captured or lost. Most of his crew got eaten.”
 “CANNIBALS?” Feeling dizzy, he squatted on the dirt road, his hands hanging limply at his sides. “He escaped, right?”
 Jasmine squeezed his shoulders. “Yeah, he did. Found another city and ended up marrying the richest girl in the place.”
 “That…sounds like him.” Sharrkan chuckled, unable to deny it. Women had always fallen over themselves for Sinbad; of course that’d still happen now.
 “Unfortunately, she died.” Jasmine wringed her hands, her shoulders sinking. “And the village there buries the spouses together, so he got tossed into a pit with her.”
 Sharrkan fell over. “What—”
 “Oh, but don’t worry, he escaped that too. Got some really nice jewels out of it too.” Jasmine grinned. “So like I said, maybe he’s mourning or something.”
 He stared at her blithe response, not sure if she had been serious, or if this had been a tall tale to get him to visit her tavern again. Either way, it worked. He stood up and hooked his arm through hers. “I need a drink.”
 There was one place Ja’far went to when he was having trouble figuring out what to do next. Luckily, despite the shifting lands, the graves of his fallen comrades remained untouched. After hearing so many stories about Sinbad, he needed something grounding while he sorted it all out.
 And, if Sinbad truly was back, he might have left a message there. It was the only place tying him down, after all.
 To his surprise, he wasn’t the only one who had that idea. The graveyard was willed with old friends, the rest of the generals finally gathering at last after months of separation. For a long moment, Ja’far stood there, taking them all in.
 Yamuraiha noticed him first and grinned. “Did you hear it too?”
 “That Sinbad’s back?” he asked cautiously, watching as their expressions lit up. So it was true then. “He’s had almost seven adventures without us.”
 “Only for now,” Sharrkan grumbled, glaring at the nearby sea. “Can’t believe he didn’t tell us he’s back.”
 “Seems like a thing he’d do,” Drakon replied flatly, crossing his arms.
 “That’s…true…” Ja’far reluctantly agreed.
 Masrur looked up from the paper he was reading. “He left a note here. Co-ordinates.”
 “Co-ordinates?” Hinahoho grinned brightly, bouncing on his heels. “Looks like we’re going on an adventure again.”
 Sharrkan snatched the paper and growled, “To kick his ass. He thought he could leave us like this?”
 For once, Ja’far agreed.
 Maybe Sinbad’s 8th adventure could be learning humility and apologizing to his friends. He smiled. It had a nice ring to it.
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rikari-rika · 4 years ago
Today is the 2nd day of Instagram's MAGI Awareness event 2020 organized for pushing the tags "magi season 3" and "マギ3期" !!!!!
To the SLEEPING MAGI FANDOM!! Please join the mission ♡♡♡
For today I've got some SharrYamu AU for you !!!
Day # 2: AU
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マギログ | Yu-chan #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81788742
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babymagi · 2 years ago
Sharrkan: Oh no, no more reading before bed, I hate waking up to you gasping dramatically every thirty seconds
Yamraiha: Well I'm SORRY that I engage and connect deeply with literature 🙄
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starclast · 1 year ago
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reallysaltykou · 6 years ago
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Yamraiha and Sharrkan Amun-Ra (Magi)
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nicolekart · 7 years ago
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♥Sharrkan and Yamuraiha♥
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robustconviction · 7 years ago
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yamraihasgirlfriend · 3 years ago
Sharrkan: Why are your tongues purple?
Jafar: We had slushies. I had a blue one.
Sinbad: I had a red one.
Sharrkan: oh
Sharrkan: ...
Sharrkan: OH
Spartos: ...
Spartos: You drank each other's slushies?
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