#sharla x reyn
frickingnerd · 6 months
poly relationship with reyn & sharla
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pairing: reyn x gn!reader x sharla
tags: wholesome fluff, polyamorous relationship, friends to lovers, friendly rivalry, post-game relationship, endgame spoilers
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reyn and you were already friends with some lingering feelings for each other, when the two of you met sharla
it was clear you were both attracted to her and soon a friendly competition between you and reyn started about who would win sharla's heart
neither of you had any high hopes that sharla would actually be interested in you, but when she came to hear of your little competition, she funnily enough accepted both of you as her partners
it didn't take much longer for reyn and you to start dating each other after that as well, with sharla pushing you two a bit to finally accept your feelings for each other as well
there isn't any jealous between the three of you, though there is one person outside of your relationship that makes you and reyn quite jealous: gadolt!
after all, he used to be sharla's fiance and no matter how many times sharla assures you two that she saw him as a friend and not a lover, you two still regularly pout about it, whenever his name comes up
though despite how jealous you two can get of gadolt, you still acknowledge that he was important to sharla and when you eventually meet him on mechonis, you're there for sharla to help her get over her loss a second time
after the defeat of zanza, there's a bit in your relationship where sharla returns to colony 6, while you and reyn return to colony 9, making your relationship long distance
though it's clear to the three of you that you eventually want to move in together. and despite reyn and you living in colony 9, you're leaning towards moving to new colony 6 with sharla and build a home there!
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silvishinystar · 1 year
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My art for @xenobladetravelzine!
A sticker of the original Xenoblade group having lunch together at the Great Makna Falls, a Riki enamel pin all ready to travel, and a bonus sticker sheet full of nopon from across all games!
I also included here my signature because I love Melia 💖
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ashwithane · 2 years
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i beat the funny british people game the other day
(i actually drew these a while ago and forgot to post but shhhh)
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shayminlucario07 · 1 year
Spoiler Warning! For Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed
Okay... just beat Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed, thoughts and reactions in no particular order-
1. What the FUCK was any of that actually supposed to mean?
2. What the hell was that final post-credit-scroll shot of the two planets and fusing into one and that blue spec of light coming towards the planet?
3. HOLY FUCKING BINGLE, THEY ACKNOWLEDGED X (Chapter 5′s cutscenes inside Origin- when Na’el was talking to Matthew, the radio in the background talked about the Earthlife Colonization Project, which is what created the White Whale, the ship that crashed on Mira, in X) IT’S THE SAME UNIVERSE, CONFIRMED, I WAS FUCKING *RIGHT*
4. So... Glimmer is the daughter of Rex and Pyra, right? We saw in the ending of XC3 proper that Pyra, Mythra, and Nia were all holding babies- does Glimmer have a sibling somewhere that we don’t know about? ...Is that why Matthew had an aegis crystal in his gauntlets...? Is he technically her... cousin? Is that how that would work? God why are the Pneuma girls so confusing XC2 what’s wrong with you
5. So... Nikol is the son of Shulk and Fiora, right?
6. So... Panacea is the daughter of Reyn and Sharla, right?
7. So... Linka is the daughter of Zeke and Pandoria, right? Why did they name their daughter after a type of honey?
8. Okay, what the fuck was A? Why is she named in the same format as the Moebius/Consuls? What the HELL is her deal? WHERE WAS HER CHARACTERIZATION
9. Did... Did Shulk, Rex, and A become the new Trinity Processor? Are Rex and Shulk like. The new Logos and Pneuma? Because A is Ontos. Is that the intended implication there? Because that’s DEFINITELY how I read it
10. So. Rex and Shulk like. Barely mentioned that they know/knew Nia and Melia. The Queens weren’t even in Future Redeemed. In fact, none of the other party members from 1 and 2 were ever mentioned by name- just acknowledged in passing dialogue. I said this about 3 proper and I’ll say it about Future Redeemed, too- that’s extremely fucking disappointing.
12. Why was Manana not acknowledged in Future Redeemed? And why did N show up but not M? WHY IS THE AGNIAN CAST SO NEGLECTED THIS IS DRIVING ME MAD
13. This one’s just me being ridiculous and dumb because I think it’s funny but I’m still kind of mad we didn’t get an Elma post-credits. ESPECIALLY NOW THAT X HAS BEEN ACKNOWLEDGED LIKE COME ON. They could’ve even given us KOS-MOS or T-ELOS but they didn’t! Fucking cowards.
14. So... Fogbeasts got kind of explained, finally? But why were they in Bionis’ Shoulder? And why did we never see them in Alrest? I’m very confused by this.
15. Most egregious of all- NO TYREA AGAIN. Which singlehandedly makes this trash. Justice for Tyrea. The only way this can be redeemed is if Eunie is canonically Tyrea’s daughter. There was a guy in Future Connected who had a crush on Tyrea so just fucking send it Monolith
TL;DR- Too short. Not enough of... well, not enough game, really. XC3 proper only having 7 chapters wasn’t enough for it but that honestly would’ve probably been about the perfect length for Future Redeemed, but. Alas. I can’t say I was disappointed, really, but I also don’t know that it met my expectations... much like XC3 proper, I’m very conflicted about this.
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chemicalbrew · 1 year
choose violence ask game 6 bc we both know where this is headed (cough all of them cough)
YEAH YEAH YEAH YIPPEE [immediately turns reblogs off]
6. which ship fans are the most annoying? [interpreting as romantic ship]
so. let's start with what we both know
Katana ZERO
As I said in DMs earlier, I think the only worthwhile KZ ship is Zero x the receptionist (preferably one-sided, but I think someone really smart could make it mutual. I certainly wouldn't be mad if it was confirmed mutual in canon, but I seriously doubt it - one-sided is way funnier, anyway.). I also kind of sort of in theory respect the hustle of people trying to write V and Snow (rarepairs... been there), but I think I could never see it that way; what we have in game of them is barely good enough for anything, which is what makes it hilarious. That said, the most annoying shit here is, as we know...
150 150 150 150 150 !!!!!!
Even their stupid ship name cracks me up. Like, I understand, you can't have a good portmanteau or anything when your ship has numbers, but half the ship is literally Zero (hehe another reason Zerocep[tionist] wins), however... the way you read it is not even conducive to a shipping read. One fifty? One hundred and fifty? Even the number doesn't want them together <3
There was a post somewhere in my KZ tag that actually puts my feelings better than I myself can, but I'll try anyway. Due to the way this game's plot\timeline is framed, all their past interaction is basically implied. They don't really get to exchange any words, no matter how awkward (compare this to the receptionist having the tiniest of character arcs, but still an arc, between the hotel and bunker stages) - Fifteen just shows up, confirms he's the real Dragon, kills the shit out of V, and leaves, and that right there is the closest we get to an interaction (surely you won't say Zero walking in on a conversation later counts?).
How the fuck can you wrangle a ship out of that?
'But muh implications' that's all they are, implications. Not a very fertile ground to build upon. And even then, what they imply is far more like camaraderie than anything, which, while a solid and even necessary (in real life, at least) foundation for a relationship, doesn't MEAN it has to be romantic!! Give me traumatized war buddies that aren't making out with each other, pleeeeeeease...
'But you're reblogging art with them together' YEAH BECAUSE THEY LOOK HANDSOME TOGETHER AND THEIR DESIGNS ARE PERFECTLY COMPLEMENTARY. THAT'S THE ONLY REASON. I'M LITERALLY OBSESSED WITH HOW WELL THEY MATCH IN THIS ASPECT. This is why they should just be fighting together and nothing else <3
Xenoblade (gonna try and be a bit more rapid-fire about the rest of this post, unless the wrathful mood strikes me again)
Shulk and Fiora do not make sense romantically at all to me. They're family, ffs. Same for Shulk and Reyn, if not doubly same. But the fans keep insisting otherwise and often. (Libra, if you're reading this, this doesn't apply to you or other friends of mine that like Shiora. You're the only ones I trust with these two, I just want no part of it myself)
Shulk and Alvis are amazing, but need to be viewed through a lens more complex than typical shipping to be fully appreciated (something I'm still somewhat guilty of and recovering from. Jesus, wider XB1 fandom can be the worst sometimes).
Shulk and Melia as a ship by itself does not offend me, but the fans that weep about how Melia never had any good shit happen to her, and say Shulk not returning her feelings makes it worse... can die in a fire :)
I don't understand how people can take Reyn and Sharla seriously together tbh... but I guess it's more acceptable than the stuff above?
Rex and Nia (on their own, without Aegis in picture) never needed to be anything more than friends. The way Nia gets over being ''''friendzoned''' (hate that word) canonically is better than anything fans have come up with regarding this matter.
Lora and Jin have barely been interpreted by anyone in the wider fandom correctly (that I know of - key word 'barely'). Just stop at this point <3
...I won't be talking about XB3 ships because I heavily dislike XB3 and haven't read anything shippy for it, not even for NoahMio.
PS. Morag and Zeke should get more attention (personally I'm still guilty of somewhat ignoring this as a ship, but if I ever replay\rewatch, I'll be sure to analyze their interactions more, especially bc they're fun no matter how you look)
I have seen people interpret Ares and Dela (Brandish series) as a romantic ship, and I'd like to see just how much their brain has rotted.
Olivier and Mueller (Trails in the Sky) are very fun as a ship! I'd just like to see people view their relationship through a more neutral lens sometimes. However, the fact that Estelle x Kevin fics exist is the real mind-bender here. HOW? It's called being playful and keeping up a front!! (Also, Estelle x Anelace is slept on the same way as Zerocep and Moragzeke <333)
Frog x Magus and Lucca x Magus (Chrono Trigger) make equally little sense, and yet seem to be popular. Ew. Not even mentioning my personal beef with Frog x Lucca. Don't.
Midna x Link and Malon x Link (Zelda series) were actually my first NOTPs, largely because of annoying fans. I see now I was in the wrong and am largely 'thog dont caaare' about it, but still, important.
Ace Attorney series... tbh its fandom is weird about ships as a whole, but I'm guilty of falling into the Blackmadhi trap, so I can't speak. Almost everything other than Blackmadhi, though, is a tough sell largely bc of fandom.
Any ship involving Stocke from Radiant Historia has to be included in here. I am by and large respectful of most popular stuff with him (especially Stocke x Rosch and the Stocke x Sonja x Rosch OT3), I just think it's more fun to have him not into any of it. Very similar situation to Zero KZ, honestly.
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peachlover94 · 2 years
Xenoscouts DA Collab
Hey there, all you Nintendo fan artists! My friends over on DeviantArt, Twitter and Tumblr are hosting a Xenoblade Chronicles collab in which the theme is camping and scout troops. Call it Xenoscouts if you will.
Information and Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lZ3IFQACLswvW2TSlroQvc7p-j4wMc26kZfNCz8Yj7s/edit
List: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d1A2PFiMF-TrdPdS4GXxG5W3CCfwUint5ll99aV028A/edit
After some discussion and support from various allies, my friend NinGemTitan decided to come out of retirement and host this smaller-scale collaboration. In this project, artists will draw Xenoblade Chronicles characters as scouts (like real life childhood) camping peacefully but wearing creatively designed individual uniforms. Camping is one idea that may not have been used often, so this could be fresh fun. Note that only protagonists are allowed, for the sake of peace.
The background should depict a forest (during an ambiguous season) with a cabin/tents and a campfire. One artist can volunteer and make it 8000 x 4000. Maybe a Titan or two would be fitting.
Rules (subject to change):
Please ask me for a character first, and then you can add yourself to the list, unless you want me to type your name on the list for you.
Entries must be colored and full-body (unless a camping object is in front of them).
No overly invasive watermarks. Small signatures and such will suffice.
If you wish to send me the non-watermarked versions privately (through a DM), that is perfectly fine.
Each entry in the list must be separate, for arrangement freedom.
Be creative in making your scout uniform designs, as I want you to put in full effort and have fun with your entries.
Please describe what camping activity each character would do. Examples include roasting marshmallows or fish, chopping wood, etc.
Entries must be 500 x 500 at a minimum.
Tracing, bases, and AI are completely forbidden. Art must be done 100% by you.
I will regularly check on you to make sure you're on task. Each entry has a due date of one month. To get an extension, please provide a real-world explanation AND show me a WIP, no exceptions.
Ask for only one character at a time; once finished, then ask for another one. I want to give other artists an equal chance to join and reduce the chances of overdue characters. This means no reservations, but you can ask to replace your character with a new one if available. No change-backs, though.
PNGs with transparent BGs are recommended. This saves time for the assembly.
Shadows and shading must go bottom right, for consistency.
No NSFW or raunchy content.
If applicable, artists from Twitter will be added to the list.
Reasonable character suggestions are welcome!
List of entries (Protagonists only):
Shulk - Adithya1012 - DONE
Fiora - Mary-Bella (Due 12/6)
Sharla - Adithya1012 - DONE
Melia - GoddessPrincessLulu - DONE
Future Connected:
XC2 (Only including story blades):
Pyra - LovelyPrincessN64 (Due 11/29)
Mythra - GoddessPrincessLulu - DONE
Nia - lonewolf-45 - DONE
Dromarch - VixDojoFox - DONE
Tora and Poppi
Morag - SweetGluttonyArt - DONE
Zeke - DarkWolfKnight00 - DONE
Pandoria - VixDojoFox - DONE
Eunie - lonewolf-45 - DONE
Sena - VixDojoFox - DONE
Mio - VixDojoFox - DONE
The avatar/Cross
Let's gather 'round the campfire and sing our campfire song,
Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song.
And if you don't think that we can sing it faster, then you're wrong
But it'll help if you just sing along!
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gay-hoodie-boy · 2 years
Tired: Sharla x Reyn
Wired: Lesbian Sharla and her adoptive brother Reyn, and their little sibling Juju who doubles as the best little wingman ever
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kindlystrawberry · 4 years
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an aesthetic moodboard for my short reyn / sharla fic (will reblog with link)
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hxrpooner · 2 years
my xenoblade chronicles hot take of the day is that sharla and dunban should have hooked up at the end
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amateuranxiety · 5 years
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More Xenoblade thiiiiiiiings. I finished the game recently and I L O V E D it!
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frickingnerd · 3 months
love triangle with the xc1 party
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pairing: shulk x reyn x dunban x gn!reader x fiora x sharla x melia
tags: love 'triangle', supportive party, wholesome fluff
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everyone but you knows that the entirety of the party, with riki being the only exception, has a crush on you!
over time it became obvious that they all liked you and while they never agreed on it out loud, there's this unspoken rule that everyone stays fair when it comes to you, meaning; no fighting and no jealousy!
everyone wants to spend as much time with you as they can, yet also acknowledges that they sometimes need to let others spend time with you, instead of clogging up all your time
the girls are very supportive of each other and have made a promise that no matter who you choose, they'll stay friends and don't hold a grudge!
meanwhile the boys push each other to be better and make their feelings for you as clear as they can!
neither of the six of them has outright confessed to you, yet it's becoming increasingly clear that they all like you
eventually, dunban pulls you aside and confesses that they all like you, while also urging you to choose one of them
they all want to end up with you, yet they're aware that not everyone can get their happy ending, so they want you to make a decision soon
this way, they at least have time to accept your rejection and move on…
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Each Canon NOTP:
Xenogears: Bart/Margie - it's arranged marriage, both hate it, they're cousins, they act like siblings, and Margie's a child.
Xenosaga: Shion/Kevin - Kevin emotionally manipulated Shion with the intent of causing her suffering. He flat out admits to doing it, fully confident that Shion will join him. When she rejects him, he tries to kill the entire party. This is the only well done NOTP.
Xenoblade Chronicles: Reyn/Sharla - most of their romance is Sharla telling Reyn about how he reminds her of Gadolt. She's still mourning and latched onto Reyn for substitute.
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Elma/the guy she pilotted the original Ares with - he was vaguely mentioned by Doug once in a sidequest and, based off In the Forest, is probably floating around in space. The potential romance is hinted at in Xenoblade 2 and we still don't know this guy's name.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Pyra/Rex - Pyra's 500, Rex is 15.
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xenobladeimagines · 6 years
Keeping with the xenoblade - fire emblem thing, what do you think are the reactions to a unit dying in classic mode?
Check out this post for how they play fire emblem in general
L+R+Start or hitting the reset button: Shulk, Fiora, Melia, Lin, Doug, Irina, Nia, Mòrag, Poppi, Zeke, 
Thinks about it really hard, then resets: Reyn, Sharla, Lao, Elma, Lao, Rex, 
Doesn’t know how to reset so they turn off the console and start all over again: Dunban, Riki
Takes the hit and doesn’t reset: Irina, Pandoria
Plays casual: Gwin, L, Pyra, Brighid
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nemaliwrites · 2 years
Flufftober 2022
okay lads, we’re doing it. i know i literally only saw the prompt list for the first time yesterday, but it’s gonna happen. also using this as an excuse to finish off some of the ideas in my drafts, as well as branching out and writing for some new fandoms.
as always, if any of these appeal to you, i am always happy to provide excerpts and/or expand on these ideas!
Fandoms: Ace Attorney, Xenoblade Chronicles, Spy x Family, Pokemon, Miraculous Ladybug, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Naruto
wearing each others clothes | ace attorney, maya & diego
‘you’ve told your parents?’ | xenoblade chronicles, reyn/sharla
thick as thieves | spy x family, yuri & anya
supporting silly quirks/hobbies | ace attorney, franziska/maya
'oh no, you’re a morning person!’ | xenoblade chronicles, reyn/sharla, shulk/fiora
candles, lanterns, fairy lights | xenoblade chronicles, reyn/sharla
movie marathon | spy x family, loidyor & anya
shooting stars | xenoblade chronicles, sharla & fiora
alt: caught in the rain | pokemon sword and shield, hop/gloria
love language | xenoblade chronicles, reyn/sharla
poetry, art, music, craft | ace attorney, phoenix & maya & pearl
'you kept this?’ | ace attorney, franziska & phoenix
secret family recipe | xenoblade chronicles, fiora/shulk
alt: falling asleep together | ace attorney, mia/diego
accidents don’t just happen accidentally | ace attorney, mia & maya
'i hate you’ - 'i love you too’ | ace attorney, phoenix & maya & pearl
animal shelter | miraculous ladybug, ladybug/chat noir
soulmate au | ace attorney, franziska/maya
hot chocolate | ace attorney, mia/diego
bedtime stories | ace attorney, phoenix/miles
kiss for good luck | ace attorney, mia/diego
'have you heard?’ | xenoblade chronicles, shulk/fiora
POV outsider | xenoblade chronicles, shulk/fiora
all the hugs | spy x family, loid/yor
alt: up against a wall kiss | spy x family, loid/yor
blankets | ace attorney, phoenix & mia
reunion | jojo’s bizarre adventure, jotaro & jolyne
picnic | ace attorney, mia & maya
leaves | naruto, tsunade & shizune
alt: winning a teddy for the other | xenoblade chronicles, dunban & fiora
a sweet treat | ace attorney, phoenix & maya
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aluci-4912 · 3 years
Hi! Im Alu and my pronouns are She/They! I might start writing fanfic more often but feel free to request and I’ll get around to it!
I will write for:
Atla - Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, Suki, Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee
Persona 5 - Akira/Ren (I call him Akira), Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, Futaba, Haru and Akechi (I’m taking a break from persona 5)
Omori - Sunny, Omori, Kel, Aubrey, Hero, Basil and Mari
Legend of Zelda - Link, Zelda, Impa (AOC), Mipha, Revali, Daruk, Urbosa, Riju, and Sidon
Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and 2 - Shulk, Reyn, Fiora, Sharla, Melia, Alvis, Rex, Pyra, Mythra, Nia, Morag, Brighid, Zeke, and Pandoria
Fire Emblem: Three Houses - F! Byleth, M! Byleth, Claude, Hilda, Lysithea, Marianne, Dimitri, Dedue, Felix, Sylvain, Ashe, Mercedes, Annette, Ingrid, Edelgard, Dorothea, Bernadetta, Linhardt, Caspar, Petra, Flayn, Seteth, and Rhea.
Kid icarus - Pit, Dark pit, Palutena and Viridi
Friday Night Funkin - BF, GF, Pico, Senpai, Tankman, Ruv, Sarvente, and Sunday
DDLC - Sayori, Natsuki, Yuri and Monika
Parks and Recreation - Leslie, Ben, Ron, April, and Andy
Gravity falls - Dipper, Mabel, Soos and Wendy
DELTARUNE - Kris, Susie, Ralsei, Noelle, and Queen
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K - Saiki, Nendou, Kaido, Aren, Teruhashi, Yumehara, Saiko, Hairo
Kingdom hearts 3 - Sora and only sora lmao (FOR NOW)
Inside job - Reagan and Brett
this is all character x reader
I will do emergency request
I will NOT do nsfw (I am a minor so that’s a big no-no)
pregnant reader
• I do
emergency requests
I really wanna write for
•Pyra (Xb2)
•Dimitri (Fe3h)
•Zelda (Botw)
•Zeke (Xb2)
•Palutena (Kid icarus)
• Yuri (DDLC)
•Sunny (Omor)
•Akira (P5)
I hope I get some requests soon!
Im not the best at spelling so sorry about any errors
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iireniic-a · 3 years
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@symbioteburnout​ asked:  Sharla x Reyn for the ship meme
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Who’s the cuddler? Reyn. And let’s be real, he gives great cuddles.
Who makes the bed? Sharla. Even if Reyn tries, she remakes it anyways.
Who wakes up first? Sharla.
Who has the weird taste in music? Probably Reyn. But Sharla doesn’t judge him.
Who is more protective? Reyn, though Sharla definitely has her moments
Who sings in the shower? Sharla. And she has a pretty nice voice too.
Who cries during movies? ...Reyn. The big guy’s actually a real softie.
Who spends the most while out shopping? Sharla. Definitely Sharla.
Who kisses more roughly? Sharla.
Who is more dominant? Sharla.
My rating of the ship from 1-10. 7. It’s pretty high up there, but I haven’t done anything with the ship in a million years, which makes me sad.
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