(FE: Engage) Alear / Crossover Emblem Rings
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Honestly, I couldn't really think of anything unique for a reverse situation, so instead, I raise you Alear meeting even more crossovers, cause apparently I can never escape my insatiable hunger for mixing games/show together.
Hope you enjoy, @unknownsymbol367!
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(Vander) "Hm. I have never heard of this Emblem, but perhaps we should go ahead with the incantation?"
Alear nodded.
(Alear) "May all your blessings find their way their way to us, Emblem of the Witch!"
From the ring burst forward a giant being of steel, alongside a small red haired girl. She began to panic as her arms flailed in a pattern.
She froze in a pose with arms outstretched, clearly panting and showing signs that she was about to fall over. Which was impressive, given she was just a manifestation and not a physical being.
(Alear) "..."
(Vander) "..."
(Suletta) "..."
Alear and Vander stared at the girl silently, not entirely sure what to make of the situation.
(Alear) "...M-My name is Alear, and this is Vander. We require your help miss...Aerial?"
(Suletta) "U-U-Um...! Aerial is my sister. M-M-My name is S-Suletta!"
(Vander) "Are you alright? You seem to be sweating a concerning amount."
Alear rose her eyebrow in confusion, silently whispering to the side.
(Alear) "...Marth, are you able to sweat?"
(Marth) "No, we're not...Just a moment."
Marth floated over to Suletta, which she recoiled at the sight of him suddenly materializing in front of them. However, the steel giant known as "Aerial" seemed to have its eyes glow in response.
(Marth) "I am Emblem Marth, we are on a mission to defeat the Fell Dragon. May we count on both of you?"
Suletta looked incredibly nervous before looking at Aerial, whose eyes flashed again. Though no one heard any noise come from the being, Suletta suddenly had a determined expression.
(Suletta) "Right, if I run, I gain one. Move forward, and gain two!"
(Alear) "Hah, I think I quite like that saying. We're lucky to have you!"
(Suletta) "I heard your mother was a wonderful person. I-I'm really sorry to hear what happened..."
(Alear) "Thank you, Suletta. I'm glad you still have your mother, and your sister to support you."
(Alear) "Suletta, I swear I'm hearing someone else talk to me whenever it's just us..."
(Suletta) "Hm? Oh, that's just Aerial saying hello! She's louder on some days more than others."
(Suletta) "W-wow! You're so young! Reminds me of Chuchu..."
(Clanne) "From what I've heard of your friend, I don't want to make her angry...!"
(Clanne) "You say you pilot Aerial? That must take an incredible strain on your body."
(Suletta) "I've never really noticed a physical strain on myself with Aerial before. I-Is that normal? T-There's nothing wrong with me r-right?!"
(Chloé) "You always seem so cheerful when having lunch with us, Suletta. I only wish we could let you have some of the local cuisine as well!"
(Suletta) "T-Thank you for the offer miss Chloé, b-but I must decline! Grilled rat seems..." shudders
(Rosado) "Aerial looks absolutely adorable! But, I think she could use a few more ribbons on her. What do you say, Suletta?"
(Suletta) "Adorable? I don't think I've heard anyone call her that. Maybe we can spruce the cockpit up? I'm afraid the ribbons might get burnt up by the beams or the thrusters..."
(Lucina) "Hah, looking at you talk to Aerial reminds me of my own family."
(Suletta) "Do you think my mom can meet yours? I'm sure she'd love to meet them!"
Victory Quotes:
"It can fly, it can dance! Aerial!"
"Move forward, gain two!"
"The only result is the truth!"
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Alear, Marth and Vander looked at the ring with growing concern. What kind of ring to help defeat the Fell Dragon would be called the "Emblem of Calamity"? And the incantation didn't help put aside fears either.
Alear sighed before he nodded. It's better they have it than the enemy.
(Alear) "Devour our foes, Emblem of Calamity!"
A long black haired woman emerged from the ring, clothes and cape visibly torn as she stoically turned towards the group.
(Velvet) "...Who are you supposed to be?"
(Alear) "My name is Alear. We're on a mission to defeat the Fell Dragon, thus we have summoned you."
(Velvet) "You know my title and you still chose to summon me? You're clearly desperate."
(Vander) "You will not address the Divine One that way!"
Velvet's eyes glanced over to Vander, visibly getting more annoyed.
(Velvet) "If you want my help, then suck it up. Or should I eat you too?"
(Marth) "We can all be friends, Miss Velvet."
(Velvet) "I'm not here to make friends. I just want one person in my world dead...Alear, right? What is your plan for the world once this Fell Dragon is gone?"
(Alear) "To work towards a brighter future?"
(Velvet) "Not dictated by reason?"
(Alear) "Dictated by...? N-No. Peace."
(Velvet) "...I suppose that'll do for now. Let's get moving."
(Alear) "Thank you, Velvet."
(Alear) "You put up such a harsh exterior, but you're quite kind! I've seen how you speak with Jean and Clan-"
(Velvet) "Tch, I have no idea what you're talking about. Spread any rumours like that, and I won't hesitate to eat you."
(Velvet) "I appreciate that you clean your own room despite having servants. Not a half bad job of keeping it tidy, either."
(Alear) "It just never felt right to me, letting someone else do all the work...Y-You're glaring at my bed pretty badly there. Is something wrong?"
(Velvet) "Who ironed your bed? It's covered in wrinkles! You need to properly-..."
(Alear) "Hah, Velvet, it's all right!...V-Velvet? Wow, she's still going on about the proper technique..."
(Jean) "ACK! H-Hi, Velvet...D-Did I do something wrong? You're staring at me."
(Velvet) "...Nothing. Sorry."
(Velvet) "I'm only gonna say this once. Knock it off with that self deprecating crap and you mean the world to your brother."
(Alcryst) "H-Huh? But-"
(Velvet) "Shut up and let me finish. In a war like this, you don't know what will happen. So cherish the time you have with him, and remember he'd never forgive himself if you get yourself killed."
(Alcryst) "...R-Right." ...Why did she look so sad saying that?
(Velvet) "...Watch where your eyes wander, Louis, or else I'll gouge them out."
(Louis) "Oh, apologies if I have offended you, Velvet! I was merely observing the way you speak to others."
(Velvet) "Tch, even Phi has more tact than you..."
(Kagetsu) "Ah, thank you for the sparring, Velvet! It was quite the thrill to finally fight you!"
(Velvet) "Hmph. You remind me of someone back home..."
(Goldmary) "Have you no shame, Velvet? I must acquire you a new set of clothes this instant! With my taste, you'll be wowing men in no ti-"
(Velvet) "Touch my clothes, and I'll eat you."
(Bunet) "Why, your recipe has come out spectactularly! How did you acquire such skills?!"
(Velvet) "Heh, I learned from my sister, who learned it from my mother. All of our cooking is passed down. Too bad I can't cook it myself...Not that I could taste it anyway."
Victory Quotes:
"No mercy!"
"Show's over."
"Is that all? That was barely a fight."
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Alear felt a burning rage from within the ring just holding it. Whoever was inside would make a strong ally indeed.
(Alear) "Receive us, O Emblem of the Dragon!"
A man in a gray suit slowly rose from the ring, turning and cracking his knuckles.
(Kiryu) "My name is Kiryu Kazuma."
(Alear) "Kiryu, it's nice to meet you. I'm Alear, we need your help in defeating the Fell Dragon."
Kiryu nodded and stepped forward.
(Kiryu) "There's room for only one dragon in this world."
Alear awkwardly coughed as Vander and Marth smiled. Straightforward, but he was at least easy to work with.
(Alear) "Your fighting style is incredible, Kiryu! Do you think you can teach me some of your moves?"
(Kiryu) "I'm no teacher. And your fighting isn't something to sell short either."
(Kiryu) "So, you're a real dragon?"
(Alear) "That I am...Well, rather I'm told that. The Divine Dragon, specifically but honestly? I don't feel that different."
(Kiryu) "I see..." (How did I even get to this point in my life...?)
(Etie) "WOAH! Your muscles are so dang ripped! You gotta tell me your workout regime!"
(Kiryu) "I've never had a woman ask me that before...Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt, considering our circumstances..."
(Kiryu) "Why do you keep staring at my arms?"
(Alfred) "Huh? Oh! S-Sorry, your biceps are massive! Can I feel them?"
(Kiryu) "That certainly explains Etie..."
(Jade) "Kiryu, may I trouble you for your experiences in the...How do you say, yah-koo-zuh?"
(Kiryu) "There's nothing funny about the life we lead. It only leads to misery, so I'm afraid I can't help you with your ideas."
(Anna) "You just throw your money out to distract people?! Talk about a waste!"
(Kiryu) "Aren't you a little young to be worrying about that kind of thing?"
(Pandreo) "Holy smokes, Kiryu! You got a KILLER singing voice!"
(Kiryu) "Heh, I've been told I have a passion for karaoke. I doubt anyone understood what I was saying, but I'm glad you enjoyed it."
(Byleth) "People keep telling me I have a hard to read face."
(Kiryu) "Hm, I do as well. I'm not exactly sure how to change that..."
Victory Quotes:
"Want to die? THEN STEP UP!"
"That's rad."
"Kakatte koi!"
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(Alear) "Accept our mission, Emblem of the Soldier!"
Electricity shot out of the ring, as a man slowly stood up from all fours, bandana flowing in the wind.
(Snake) "This is Snake. Kept you waiting, huh?"
(Alear) "I'm Alear. We need your help in defeating the Fell Dragon."
(Snake) "Any backup?"
(Alear) "Plenty. You have me, and the rest of the army at your side!"
Snake looked to Alear, Marth, and Vander.
(Snake) "An army, huh? Not used to fighting in a unit this big. But, sounds fine to me. What's my first mission, Colonel?"
(Alear) "If I may ask, why exactly do you call me Colonel?"
(Snake) "Feels more comfortable than me calling someone "Divine One" all the time. Besides, you don't like that title much either, right?"
(Alear) "Hah, fair point."
(Alear) "You want me to do what in that box?"
(Snake) "Sit inside it and hide. It works a lot better than you think it does."
(Snake) "You know, you remind me a lot of a girl I know named Sunny. She's just as positive as you."
(Framme) "I'll take that as a compliment, mister Snake!"
(Snake) "You make your own gear on the field? Impressive."
(Lapis) "Oh, I doubt it's as impressive as anything you'd make, Snake. Mine are just little knick knacks and things to make life a little more convenient."
(Yunaka) "Wow, you're a lot deadlier than you look."
(Snake) "Could say the same to you, Yunaka. You're smart to hide that fact...Even if it is a little obvious."
(Zelkov) "Snake, you are quite the enigma of a man."
(Snake) "Can't say I have a straightforward past. I can probably guess the same for you." ...Why is he speaking like that?
(Fogado) "So, you say you don't believe in the supernatural when you see monsters rising up and us using magic?"
(Snake) "In my world, I don't. Here, I can understand the magic at least, so that means I can fight it."
Victory Quotes:
"This is Snake, I'm done here."
"Mission accomplished."
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Can we get friendship headcanons of Luz and the calamity trio before being isekai'd?
Since we know that Luz didn't have any friends before the Isles (at least in the category of "Imaginary, drawn or reptilian" like Camilla asked in ep 1). I don't think they'd have much of a friendship except for Marcy would be a fan of Luz's AMVs and while she might not've gotten many views, Marcy's positive comments woulda been a big motivator to keep going.
Since this is before the 4 get isekai'd, then Marcy might've shown Anne and Sasha the AMVs but they wouldn't understand the appeal as much. Anne would at least watch them but not so much Sasha (tho' after the isekai they're more up for whatever Marcy shows them. Afterall, who knows if they'll need to know certain fantasy tropes ahead of time again, hehe).
But this possible friendship between Marcy and Luz would get stronger after the isekai and meeting Anne again would be a surprise
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neutral-emerald · 3 years
Crazy swap au idea: Mephiles and Metallix swap roles (You know Super Mario Bros Z, right?)
I got that idea from the fact that the Shadow Androids replace Metal Sonic in the AU
I do not know Super Mario Bros Z (beyond a vague awareness that it exists), and I generally prefer to stick with canon characters so even if I did watch it it still wouldn't have much relevance ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Besides, Mephiles is already swapped with Iblis— kinda the obvious choice, imo. I'd need some pretty big reasoning to change that up.
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monster-huntologist · 4 years
What do you think is the reason why there was no sign of nergigante during the frenzy pandemic? (Aside from meta reasons, of course.)
(While a Nergi likely would have gone after that Magala eventually, I think we just cleared things up before it did. 4/4U are set in the beginnings of an epidemic, which we curb before it reaches critical levels. Same thing goes for previous plot-relevant Elders like Kushala or Amatsu in their debut games. We got to them before Nergi did)
(On a side note to this, my personal headcanon is that outbursts of Frenzy are usually much less damaging or widespread. The Magalas, while still incredibly dangerous like all other Elder Dragons, can live somewhat “normal” lives without causing the destruction of hundreds of ecosystems. That’s why they aren’t as huge of a deal in Generations/Generations Ultimate. I see the Frenzy Pandemic of 4/4U as due to an infant Gore being effected by the Black Blight from Stories, which seemingly takes place before 4/4U due to the Rath Of Meow being created for the first time in that game.)
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houseisekai · 4 years
Ooh! Do relationships first!
House Isekai Masterlist
House Isekai’s relationships with each other:
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Kazuma’s Group
Closest with: Nazarick, School-Living Club
They are viewed as the weirdest and most annoying out of the entire group.
That being said, mostly everyone is glad to have them on board, and House Isekai agrees they wouldn’t be the same without them. Also noted to have attended a similar class with Nazarick gang.
The four of them are viewed as the wild cards of House Isekai, being used to completely confuse and destroy the enemy.
“Yes, Aqua is useless, Megumin will cause property damage, Darkness is horny, and I am Kazuma. Get bother someone else already.” - Satou Kazuma, student
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Class VII
Closest with: Persona Users, Garreg Mach students
They are viewed as the most diverse and sociable group, with the staff mostly consisting of Class VII members. Their reputation is all over the place due to the colorful students within Class VII.
They are the second easiest to get along with out of House Isekai, and good fighters to boot. Valimar, Sharon, Sara, Crow, and Fie are viewed as the best fighters. Towa is the most popular member of Class VII, and arguably House Isekai.
House Isekai relies on Rean to combat the larger enemies and teleport iwth Valimar, and to rally House Isekai with his cheesy speeches.
“I’d be surprised if we weren’t at each other’s throats sometimes, but the moment you need us, Class VII will be right there!” - Towa Herschel, Student Council President
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The Persona Users
Closest with: Class VII, Garreg Mach Students
They are viewed as the easiest to get along, and the third best fighters of House Isekai. It varies from person to person, but the reputation the Persona Users hold are generally high.
Their Personas are their biggest trump cards, as well as their fighting styles. S.E.E.S is more tactical, the Investigation Team works best as a team, and the Phantom Thieves are unmatched when it comes to infiltration.
House Isekai relies on them to pull a variety of tasks.
“We’ll steal your hearts,-” - Akira Kurusu, student
“-Reach out to the truth!-” - Yu Narukami, student
“-And burn our dread!” - Minako Arisato, student
“Ugh.”- Minato Arisato, student
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Closest with: School-Living Club, Hapi
He is viewed as the wrecking ball of House Isekai, and mostly everyone but House Isekai and select Garreg Mach students find him absolutely terrifying.
Surprisingly, it is extremely easy to get along with him, and is found doing what people consider monotonous tasks for a demon slayer like him, such as gardening and reading by the lake, and baking.
House Isekai relies on Doomguy to absolutely obliterate the strongest targets/strongholds that would be difficult to attack.
“Teary confuses me, honestly. But I’m glad he’s a chill guy.” - Hapi, Ashen Wolves student
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Denizens of Nazarick
Closest with: Kazuma’s Group, Ashen Wolves
They are viewed as the second most terrifying group of House Isekai, and their reputation varies even more wildly than Kazuma’s group. Infamous for their hatred of humans.
They get along with the rest of House Isekai relatively good enough, but there are major bumps sometimes. Their hatred of humans were tempered due to being in a class with them before arriving in Fodlan. They live in Abyss with the Ashen Wolves due to their indifference towards the non-humans.
House Isekai relies upon the denizens of Nazarick for espionage, intimidation, and manpower.
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School-Living Club
Closest with: Doomguy, Kazuma’s Group
They are the only ones in Garreg Mach no one has any negative feelings toward. Their reputation is through the roof due to Yuki and Megumi.
It is well known the only combatant with the group is Kurumi, but it is not seen as an issue by the House. Kurumi and Kazuma’s hostility is well known throughout the Monastery. They help House Isekai and Garreg Mach’s staff and students with several minor tasks.
House Isekai relies on them for morale support.
“I know we don’t always get along, and sometimes it gets scary, but we all have each other, even though we’re so different! That’s really encouraging to me!” - Yuki Takeya, student
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crackimagines · 4 years
What do mods Marcy and Star think of Chris's child!byleth au?
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in all seriousness, it’s a very fun au!!
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It’s a fun AU! I’ve actually written for it before huhu
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asklucinalowell · 5 years
So, do you have any places in mind when you leave?
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diadoescomics · 5 years
unknownsymbol367 replied to your photoset “A comic based on playing different routes but keeping the Immortal...”
Do you think you can make similar comics with other battalions?
I honestly don’t think so. For one I still haven’t played any of Crimson Flower or Azure Moon so I don’t even know what they look like and to be honest I don’t think this idea would work with any of Dimitri or Edelgard’s personal ones because they’d just be Fodlani soldiers.
 I’ll probably make sad comics about those two once i get to playing their routes tho so if you like angst stick around!
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good-rwbyaus · 5 years
AU where the silver eyes activate Ultra Instinct instead of turning Grimm to stone.
Cardin: You stupid little girl, I’m going to beat you up and then I’m going to beat up your girlfriend
‘Ruby’s hair turns White, as she launches herself at Cardin, delivering a series of Xiao Long style martial arts punches to his chest'
Cardin:  That was nothing 
Ruby : Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
Cardin:  What ? ‘screams and then explodes in a shower of blood’
Goodwitch: OK.... so that’s jailtime
Ozpin:  No wait...’holds up hand’ Think of all the huntressing she could do
Goodwitch: Think of all the hunting Cardin could have done
Ozpin: He was never going anywhere
                                                                    - Mod Pink
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demonstance · 5 years
From what I heard, there is a walking bipedal tree with antlers capable of controlling jagras revoltures along with the ability to grow roots at will. Be careful when using raider rides at the Ancient Forest, for that Jagras may bring you to "The Reaper of The Ancient Forest" also known as the Leshen.
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“I’m-  I’m just a low ranking hunter, you see. That... that really sounds a lot like somethin’ that’d be more classified information, y’know? Er, I’m sure if you asked somebody else, they’d know somethin’ ‘bout it, probably.”
cough cough
“Yeah, sorry. I can’t help you with that.”
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aftermathdb · 4 years
So, Beerus the destroyer is coming to death battle. Any reactions to that with the previous combatants?
*Combatants unavailable for comment*
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House Isekai: Subnautica AU Masterpost
House Isekai Masterlist Here
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**This was from my og blog, but this is all the Subnautica crossover posts from the OG House Isekai into one place! Hope you get a good laugh out of this!
The adventures of House Isekai brings them to an utterly alien planet, and  are forced to fight for survival underwater in the horrific and beautiful world of Subnautica!
Anononymous asked: Laura will probably fare well in Subnautica
(Rean) “Hey, has anyone seen Laura? I haven’t seen her in the lifeboat or the base.”
(Ainz) “I think she said she was going to go swimming as practice.”
(Rean) “What?! We were told to stick together!”
(Ainz) “I doubt she went far. Besides, it’s Laura we’re talking about. She’s not stupid.”
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unknownsymbol367 asked: Imagine aqua attracting some of the bigger, scarier, dangerous sea beasts all by accident in subnautica.
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(Aqua) “B-Because these are ALIEN fish, Kazuma! How was I supposed to know it applies to aliens!?”
(Megumin) “Uh, I think they’re trying to break through the windows-”
(Darkness) “Ooooh, I wonder how sharp those teeth are-”
(Kazuma) “Wha-NO NO NO NO! DON’T YOU-”
“Warning. Leviathan-class lifeform is approaching the base.”
(Minato) “Uh, guys?”
(Minako) “HOLY SHIT!”
(Yu) “I don’t think our swords can go through that.”
(Akira) “Morgana, can you turn into a submarine?”
- Doomguy looked at his wristblade, then back at the Reaper Leviathan. He repeated this process a few times.
(Yuuri) “Everyone, we need to get our oxygen tanks!”
(Albedo) “Lord Ainz, what do we do?”
(Byleth) “…Why is it when something happens its always you four?”
(Kazuma) “GOD DAMN IT AQUA!”
Anonymous asked: I bet the Slayer's Cyclops is named "BFSub" while his seamoth is "SFSub"
(Byleth) “You know Slayer, You seem to use the letters “BF” for a lot of your weapons and vehicles. What does that even stand for?”
- Doomguy grabbed his PDA (Handheld PC) and typed on it for a moment before giving it to Byleth.
(Byleth) “Big fucking-OOOH. So your sub is Big Fucking Sub. Okay, got it…Then the little one must be…Small fucking sub?”
- Doomguy nodded.
(Byleth) “…Well, I’ve heard worse names.”
Anonymous asked: Imagine House Isekai using a submarine.
The Bridge
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(Sara) “Psh, absolutely not. I don’t even know how to use orbal cars.”
(Sharon) “I am afraid my training did not cover controlling submersibles.”
(Sara) “I mean, all the staff are in charge. Byleth, Megunee, Towa and Angelica too. If we put our heads together, we can think of something.”
(Sharon) “Lady Sara, do you honestly think that we can get the hang of driving before we crash straight into a rock?”
(Sara) “…Probably not.”
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(Akira) “It’s pretty impressive that we all got a Cyclops now.”
(Yu) “Yeah, it took a couple days but it’s really cool seeing this in action. Though, should all of us be packed into it? It’s big, but not that big.”
(Minako) “Well, it’s to get familiar. We’re going to get more submarines for each group. Soon us Persona Users will get our very own sub!”
(Minato) “I’m not exactly sure that’s a good idea. I trust tech savvy people like Futaba, Aigis, and Naoto but…people like Ryuji and Junpei worry me.”
(Yu) “I guess we’ll find out.”
(Akira) “…I think I’m having second thoughts about being a part of a Cyclops.”
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(Ainz) …How the hell are we supposed to make this thing work?! I’ve never even seen a submarine before when I was still in the real world! More importantly there was never anything like this in Yg-
(Albedo) “Lord Ainz?”
(Ainz) “Hm? Oh, Albedo. What is it?”
(Albedo) “Demiurge and I have finished looking at the engines, and we have confirmed there will be no trouble in maintaining it.”
(Ainz) “HM?!”
(Demiurge) “It was a bit of trouble at first, but combined with our magic and the PDA’s assistance, we can safely traverse whatever the ocean may throw at the Cyclops!”
(Ainz) “Ah…G-Good work. I can always rely on you two no matter the situation.”
(Demiurge) “T-Thank you Lord Ainz!”
(Albedo) “You are too kind!”
(Ainz) No, really. I’m pretty sure we’d explode if I got something wrong, it’s a miracle that you managed to make heads and tails of this thing…Thank god Kazuma’s group isn’t working the engines…
Loading Bay
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(Kazuma) “What, Aqua?”
(Aqua) “A-Are you sure this thing is safe?! I’ve never seen anything like it!”
(Kazuma) “Hell no I’m not sure. None of us here has even been in anything remotely like this. Well except Doomguy, but he’s on bodyguard detail.”
(Kazuma) “You wanna be swimming out there with seaglider where something can eat your sorry ass whole instead of this massive titanium reinforced hull?”
(Aqua) “I…ugh!”
(Yuki) “Hey, hey! Come look at this Megunee!”
(Megumi) “A-Ah! Please don’t run, Yuki!”
(Kurumi) “Even on an alien world, she’s still having fun.”
(Yuuri) “A little TOO much fun. This entire place is terrifying!”
(Miki) “I mean, I find this trip fun as well. I’ve always wondered what it was like to scuba dive.”
(Yuuri) “I’d rather have done so in a coral reef on Earth.”
(Kurumi) “Technically, our first base was in the Shallows where there are coral reefs-”
(Yuuri) “Don’t get technical on me, Kurumi.”
(Miki) “Hah, well I admit it’s scary, but it’s a sense of terror and amazement!”
(Kurumi) “Agreed…Except the Leviathans…I wonder if I can hit them with my shove-”
(Yuuri) “No.”
Anonymous asked: Megumin is gonna have a blast when the aurora explodes.
- Megumin stood on top of the lifeboat, eyeing longingly at the Aurora in the distance.
- Futaba poked her head out the hatch and raised an eyebrow.
(Futaba) “Oh, hey. What are you doing here? I thought you were with Kazuma and the others.”
(Megumin) “I was but now I’m about to watch some fireworks!”
(Futaba) “Fireworks?”
(Megumin) “Yeah, the Aurora’s about to explode!”
(Futaba) “…W-What? I thought our timeframe was 2 hours!”
(Megumin) “Apparently it reached critical state only a few minutes ago-”
- Futaba’s clothes changed as she got into her Persona and frantically reached for the screen.
- Everyone stopped what they were doing in the waters and reached for their PDA’s.
[Radio](Byleth) “Huh?”
[Radio](Akira) “What’s wrong?!”
[Radio](Kazuma) “Wait hang on, why?”
Emergency: A quantum detonation has occurred in the Aurora’s drive core.
[Radio](Rean) “Ooooh crap!”
[Radio](Byleth) “SHIT!”
The reactor will reach a super critical state in T- 10,
[Radio](Ainz) “DIVE, DIVE, DIVE!”
[Radio](Megumi) “EVERYONE, IN THE CAVE!-”
[Radio](Yu) “LIFEBOAT, NOW!”
[Radio](Minako) “SHITSHITSHIT-”
[Radio](Minato) “OVER THERE, GO!”
- Doomguy shrugged and continued looking for resources.
[Radio](Darkness) “K-Kazuma! You’re so rou-”
(Megumin) “Explosions are such a beautiful thing! If only I could be so grossly incandescent…-”
(Megumin) “…Shockwa-?”
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On Kazuma’s Cyclops: The Wiz…
- Kazuma drove the Cyclops in the open waters, calmly watching his sonar and hearing the hum of the engine.
- Darkness watched the engines alongside Kurumi and Yuuri while Megumin and Yuki were in the vehicle bay.
- Aqua and Miki were in the bridge with Kazuma, watching the status of the ship quietly.
- Until Aqua spoke up.
(Miki) “Um, isn’t quiet in a place like this a good thing?”
(Kazuma) “Yeah, having nothing to do in a killer planet means we’re solid! And besides, we said we were going to get copper and stuff, why did you even tag along if you knew nothing would happen?”
(Aqua) “I don’t wanna be left alone at the base!”
(Kazuma) “Then quit bitching.”
(Miki) “That’s a bit harsh, Kazuma.”
(Kazuma) “Oh don’t you start too, Naoki. You’ve been here long enough to know how I am.”
- Miki sighed.
(Miki) “Fair enough. Oh Aqua! Why don’t you read one of my novels?”
(Aqua) “And fall asleep? No thanks. Ugh whatever. At least nothing bad can happen as we’re going back.”
Warning. Entering Ecological Dead Zone.
(Aqua) “HUH?!”
- The waters in front of Kazuma’s bridge went from a clear blue into almost pitch black as he slowly turned to face Aqua.
(Kazuma) “You gotta be fucking kidding me, Aqua.”
- Kazuma reached for the mic they installed near the bridge.
(Yuki) “Huh? What’s happening?”
(Darkness) “LEVIATHANS?!”
(Kurumi) “Please don’t make that face.”
- Aqua’s face suddenly went pale as she looked out the windows.
- Kazuma and Miki turned to the direction Aqua was facing.
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(Kazuma) *a noise that can’t decide whether its a swear or gibberish*
Anonymous asked: Everybody gangsta until the warpers speak English.
(Sothis) “Hm? Child, we have a new message from the radio.”
(Byleth) “Oh, we do. Heads up everyone, we got a new message coming in. It could be someone responding to our distress signal.”
(Yuuri) “I hope it is…”
(Ainz) “It could be another lifepod, maybe we could find survivors.”
(Minato) “I sorta doubt it, considering all of them have been torn open.”
(Minako) “That’s optimistic…”
(Yu) “But he’s not wrong for thinking it, is he?”
(Aqua) “Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s going to be friendly!-”
Playing partially translated broadcast.
▀▖┗▛New biological subjects designated. Mode ▄▖▜▚┣: hunting/analyzing. Sharing subject locations with other agents.
(Everyone) “…”
(Akira) “…I don’t think that was human.”
(Sothis) “What was your first hint?!”
(Kazuma) “What. The. F…Hell, was that?”
(Rean) “You just HAD to open your mouth, huh?”
(Yuuri) “How do we even know if they’re watching us?”
(Yuuri) “Put more camera drones everywhere, are we in agreement?”
(Everyone) “Yup.”
Day 1 with the Konosuba Gang
(Rise) “Okay, so from what we’re able to scan, this shallow reef seems to be safe to explore, so we’ll split into groups, grab whatever you guys think will be useful!”
(Byleth) “We’ll be going into our respective groups that we came in with. House Reps, you will be the leader of your group.”
- Kazuma and his group nodded, and dived into the water.
- The first area they went into was a somewhat small cave.
(Aqua) “Oooh, this weird tube thing looks pretty!”
(Darkness) “Is it edible?”
- Kazuma put a scanner to it and read the name.
“Acid Mushroom”
(Kazuma) “…Nope.”
- Kazuma continued to swim off as Aqua stared at it.
(Aqua) “Hm…We could use it for something. Right?”
(Darkness) “I will go find the most hostile fish in this area and…hehehe, fight it!”
- With an insane look in her eye, she swam away.
(Kazuma) “Megumin? Find anything in there?”
- Megumin was inside the cave and found a small red-plant like creature.
(Megumin) “I think so?”
- The plant revealed an eye, which made Megumin jump.
(Megumin) “K-Kazuma?!”
- A creature with a giant eye made an unholy noise as it bolted towards Megumin.
- A massive explosion could be heard from across the entire shallows as it jolted Aqua and Kazuma into attention.
(Kazuma) “What the hell!? MEGUMIN!”
- Megumin swam out of the cave with her scuba gear clearly dented as a crazy smile took over her.
(Kazuma) “You gotta be- KAMIKAZE FISH?! THAT’S GREAT!”
(Aqua) “Hm…”
- Aqua purified the mushroom and looked at it curiously.
(Kazuma) “DO NOT EAT THAT MUSHROOM! Where’s Darkness?!”
(Darkness) “How disappointing.
- Kazuma and the group saw Darkness getting bitten by some shark-like creature.
(Darkness) “These predators will not provide the stimulation I crave.”
- She punched it so hard it flew into the nearby coral tubes, splitting it apart as if it were paper.
(Aqua) “K-Kazuma?!”
- The fish began to swarm Aqua, which eventually led to those same shark creatures headed her direction.
(Aqua) “Psh, it’s just a buncha fish! THEY’RE NO MATCH FOR THIS GODDESS-”
- The predators began to bite Aqua.
- Kazuma began swearing loudly and incoherently as he brought up his knife and tried to save Aqua as Megumin and Darkness took care of the exploding fish being drawn to Aqua.
30 minutes later…
(Sharon) “Welcome back, Master Satou.”
(Kazuma) “Ugh…”
- Kazuma flopped onto the lifeboat’s floor, dragging up Megumin, Aqua and Darkness.
- Sharon helped them up and calmly got a towel while Kazuma continued to groan.
(Sharon) “May I ask what you have found?”
- Kazuma reached into his pocket and put them near Sharon’s feet.
- A fish, several teeth from the shark-like fish, some acid mushrooms, and 1 piece of titanium.
(Sharon) “Would you like some tea?”
(Kazuma) “Please?”
New Class VII visit the back of the Aurora
- Altina drove the Seamoth forward while the rest of Class VII tagged along on their seagliders.
- Juna kept looking around left and right until Kurt spoke.
(Juna) “Juna, are you alright?”
(Kurt) “Ugh…No, not really. I don’t like this place is all. It’s so…alien.”
(Ash) “Well yeah, it’s another planet.”
(Juna) “Bah, you know what I mean! We were never trained for this, surviving underwater!”
(Musse) “Neither was the original House Isekai, but they still survived!”
(Altina) “Instructors Rean, Towa, Aigis, and Kazuma seem to have sufficient knowledge of the planet, despite how much time has passed.”
(Juna) “I wonder how the others are doing right now…”
(Kurt) “If I had to guess, like us. Especially the Garreg Mach students, I don’t think they ever anticipated on going on a journey like this.”
(Musse) “Hm…I don’t think the original three houses ever went on this planet, did they?”
(Ash) “Don’t think Rean mentioned it…Er, Altina where are we going?”
- Class VII only now realized where they were. The waters had changed from a blue-green tint to almost brown.
- They couldn’t see very well in front of them.
(Altina) “I was told to search for blueprints. The back of the crash site seemed like the most likely area to find some.”
(Juna) “Wasn’t this the one place all the Instructors told us NOT to go?”
(Ash) “Eh, I’m sure it’s fi-”
- Altina looked to her right and almost stopped breathing when she felt her Seamoth shake violently.
- The Reaper Leviathan grabbed her Seamoth and swam towards the sand cliffs, slamming it down.
(Kurt) “We have to help her!”
(Musse) “Arcus, activate!”
(Diluc) “…Hm. Class VII still hasn’t returned.”
(Elizabeth) “Oh dear, you’re right. Should we go look for them?”
(Venti) “I’m sure they’re fine. They’d just call us if they were in trouble.”
(Amber) “Still, this place looks pretty dangerous.”
(Helena) “I think we’re underestimating their skills. They’ll be back.”
- All of Class VII was on the Reaper Leviathan, stabbing it with tools and weapons while Altina was still in the seamoth, getting crushed.
(Juna) “DIE, DIE DIE DIE!-”
(Musse) “This rifle is going STRAIGHT INTO YOUR EYE-”
(Diluc) “…You’re probably right.”
Garreg Mach Students getting used to the ocean
The Garreg Mach students flew out on their seagliders around the safe shallows, being instructed to grab whatever copper they could find.
Sitri followed them since everyone who had been here before was required to stick with a group.
Not to mention she had been here with Byleth before.
(Elizabeth) “Ugh, this is quite unpleasant…”
(Helena) “What, don’t like the ocean?”
(Elizabeth) “Helena, dear. I enjoy the ocean as much as any girl would-”
(Kairos) “Could’ve fooled me.-”
(Elizabeth) “Shut up, Kairos. And I like walking near the beach, and even swimming. But living inside it and fighting nature? No, I do not like it at all.”
(Stefan) “Y-Yeah this is a bit much for swimming.”
(Astrid) “Least we’re all getting our exercise!”
(Kairos) “…Sure.”
(Helena) “It’ll give us experience in case we ever need to swim underwater.”
(Elizabeth) “Where in Fodlan do we possibly need to swim?!”
(Helena) “With all the places the House keeps dragging us into, it might be handy. Hell, it came in handy for Sitri.”
The group stopped swimming and looked at Sitri, who was gliding right behind them.
(Sitri) “Well, I learned it on the fly like you all are currently. But it is helpful that we’ve been to this world before.”
(Stefan) “Just how many have you been to, Lady Sitri?”
(Sitri) “Let’s see…Here, that one world in the far future, the one where we had to hunt ghosts, the one with the talking animals…”
(Helena) “See? She now has skills that’ll be helpful for surviving in another world.”
(Kairos) “How many times has she been underwater for it?”
Sothis appeared behind Sitri, though the students didn’t seem to notice.
(Sothis) “If only they had met Aqua…”
(Sitri) Yeah, I bet they would’ve been terrified of Leviathans…
(Astrid) “Anyways, this place is seriously freaky. The giant sea monsters trying to eat us, and we can’t even use magic here!”
(Helena) “We could always visit the back of the ship like Class VII did.”
(Elizabeth) “Do you have a deathwish, dear?!”
(Stefan) “It’s not so much them I’m worried about, as I am about the dark…”
Everyone shuddered.
(Helena) “That’s true, we can’t really see if something’s coming up from behind, and it might just emerge from the-”
(Astrid) “GAAH, SHUT UP SHUT UUUUP! Ugh, I wanna go back home…”
(Elizabeth) “Sitri, ma'am, how did you survive here last time?”
(Sitri) “Well we all took our own Submarines. I think if you ask Kazuma to ride with him on ‘The Wiz’ he’ll let you.”
(Kairos) “Does Professor Kazuma even know how to drive it?”
(Sitri) “Better than most of us did. The only other ones were the old staff.”
(Stefan) “Then what about you?”
(Sitri) “Um…”
(Helena) “Great confidence there, ma'am.”
(Astrid) “C-Come on, you can be a little nicer.”
(Kairos) “Let’s just go back inside, I’m suddenly feeling a bit queasy…”
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nautiscarader · 5 years
"Are you trying to turn me on?" -Starco
- Are you trying to turn me on? - Okay, Marco, sooomething went wrong.
Marco didn’t need to go into the kitchen of his parents’ house to know that; a third, new voice alerted him of that at once. When he dashed inside, he found Star pointing her wand at the oven, that, from the looks of it, had eyes now.
- I just wanted to make the cake faster! - she screamed in panic - And you accidentally made it alive… - Marco sighed. - Hey, I’m in such a heat that I wish someone would put a bun in me! - the oven moved its door, addressing both Star and Marco.
The two shared a nervous, uncomfortable look.
- And I also made it pervy, I think…
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neutral-emerald · 3 years
Can we get some Sonic Boom stuff for the swap au?
Seeing as Sonic Boom has an entirely different continuity from the main games, and I'm not super into the tone of it: Nah!
Maybe I'll change my mind someday, but from where I'm standing now I'd basically be making an entire second AU for very little payoff. Considering the rate at which I'm working on the already-existent AU for the continuity I actually care about, that should tell you everything.
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monster-huntologist · 4 years
How do you think a battle between a Nergigante and an Alatreon will go?
A regular Nergigante vs an Alatreon is an easy win in the latter’s favour. If it’s a Ruiner Nergigante however, a fight between the two could honestly go either way. Alatreon is extremely dangerous with its elemental abilities, but Ruiner Nergigante’s overpowering strength is nothing to scoff at.
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crackimagines · 4 years
Wait.. why is the minor friggin swearing?
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frick. that really hecks me over.
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