#sharks in Amazon rivers
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artcallednaturalviews · 10 months ago
Eat Your Seasons A jock strapping eaten education Deep Seed Arcade Girls Eat your meats corn and cheese Pink Floyd Welcome to the machine I used to have a lovely beating heart Type O Negative I Don’t Wanna Be Me I can listen to the album all for a day Pinback Devil You Know The slapping of the missed cause Primer 55 This Life In a retrospective perception of war Napalm Death Twist The Knife (Slowely) Eat your What you can! From Rounders Last Pokers scene For 9 ep of mood tunes From passageways they take me Conan Riddle of Steel/Riders of Doom Those from a long time ago Carl Orff Carmina Burana All musical cinema Eat your For a 9 play through Musically speaking Always worldly the listening Faith No More The Real Thing Dug outs and endless Take it to the bat Home runs throughout the playlist A jock strapping eaten education eat your meats corn and cheese I used to have a lovely beating heart I can listen to the album all for a day the slapping of the missed cause in a retrospective of war from the passageway they take me those from a long time ago always worldly listening Eat your All musical sinema Dugouts and endless
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bi-dykes · 1 year ago
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They’re dating
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amoghbanagere915 · 2 years ago
National Aquarium, Baltimore
May 15th, 2023 ��� After Amogh’s Chess Nationals (K-6) Elementary Championship, we visited the National Aquarium of Baltimore. 2023 National Elementary (K-6) Chess Championship in Baltimore Continue reading Untitled
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exitwound · 2 years ago
Amazon search crossbody bag shaped like a fish. Amazon search crossbody bag but it has to be shaped like a fish. A codfish with its many lovely fins a rainbow trout with all its color options. A herring quality for a good price with pockets meant for collecting shells and sea glass. A prickleback waterproof breathable fabric A pufferfish a school of sea needles a guppy an embroidered coelacanth Please why are you showing me another polygon zippered multi compartment single color nylon usb port rfid tap to pay apple pay portable cash register for traveling merchant traders of the future theft proof pocket with bluetooth encrypted lock Please stop Amazon please Amazon Im searching for a bag shaped like a fish Amazon you are supposed to have everything but you only have the same product a thousand times Amazon you are named after a rainforest I thought you would have the creatures of the earth Amazon you you do not even have bags shaped like the fish of the sea Amazon I want something you can not give me Amazon I am scared of your false utilitarian gods Amazon usefulness to a fish is only as good as aliveness Amazon millions of years have formed the swimming bodies of the fish who could think better forms would be found in computer modeling design programs by designers who job it is to play dead and browse for something copied to copy and add a pattern from the package of default patterns and Target will just love it Target is salivating Target can smell In Color: Dusty Rose like a sharks goosebumps at a drop of fresh blood of course it is a beautiful color of course I found myself alone and hungry for In Color: Dusty Rose (2 Left) Amazon’s Choice which brand will you Choose Tommy Republic Banana Bahamas Old Navy Teen Marines and Amazon You’re My Baby Blue Amazon please swim home Amazon I will never love you Amazon I’m still here because I want to own something from you I want to own a crossbody bag shaped like a codfish with its many fins I want to put my phone wallet water bottle inside it I want to carry it around all the cities of the world Amazon my manager gave me a $10 Amazon gift card to keep me from quitting I quit anyway Amazon now I have $10 to give to you only you I only have $10 for you it’s not romantic but isn’t it? Makes me want to say Hey Amazon what’s your number I think we could be twin primes because Amazon you amaze me you really do and Amazon I want to own a fish shaped like a crossbody bag or maybe it was the other way around was it the other way around I cantAmazon I just want you make it all easier Amazon if you won’t take the weight from me can you distribute it more ergonomically around my shoulders Amazon Amazon I have forgotten a world that was Amazon I can’t remember what a fish is Amazon can you describe it to me Amazon Amazon Amazon 10 Best Known Fish Species of the Amazon River of the Amazon fish described so far by science 40% are catfish and caracines including the neon tetra (Hyphessobrycon innesi), pearl headstander ... Amazon Fishing Species Guide · Peacock Bass · Payara · Arapaima · Piraiba Catfish · Redtail Catfish · Wolfish · Jau · Flat Whiskered Catfish. The Amazon has some 1,100 tributaries, 17 of which are over 1000 miles long. The Piramutaba catfish, a giant Amazononian catfish, is thought to migrate a ... The Piraíba is the biggest leather of fish in the Amazon Basin, reaching 3.2 yards (3 m) in length and 330 pouns (150 kg) weight. It has plump body, ... Category:Fish of the Amazon basin P · Panaque armbrusteri · Panaque bathyphilus · Panaque nigrolineatus · Panaque schaeferi · Paracanthopoma parva · Pareio... Amazon is home to several river monsters including the arapaima which needs to surface to breathe. The arapaima is unique in that its scales ... When it comes to eating the fish of the Amazon River, gamitana (Colossoma macropomum) is one of the most sought after due to its tasty flesh. CARAUARI, Brazil (AP) — Even in the most biodiverse rainforest of the world, the pirarucu, also known as arapaima, stands out. Top 8 most intriguing fish species that live in the A
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babylon-crashing · 4 months ago
Q: what do you think about the art of tarot? does the art motivate you to buy it?
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Hmm, speaking only for myself, it has, in the past, made me want to try it myself.
My first deck dealt with Syssk, an alien xenomorph who finds herself stranded in medieval Japan. Later I started on a new project featuring a female Cthulhu-like character (I never really did come up with a name for her) and it was only when I was about halfway through that I realized it was Syssk 2.0, the only real difference being the setting and costumes (Syssk crash lands on Earth in her UFO and, O look, Tentacles also just crash landed in a slightly different looking UFO, huh).
So, I’m trying something different. Instead of having a main character that runs through the story I started working with a pantheon of sea heroes and gods. There are mermaid tarot decks but there has yet to be an ocean-themed deck working with water deities from around the world.
For the wands I decided to focus on Egypt and West Africa. This is a rough draft, but one that has the burden of potential, as they say.
ACE: Mbumba, rainbow serpent of terrestrial waters. [Bantu] TWO: Abena Mansa, sea goddess associated with gold. [Akan] THREE: Erzulie, goddess of sweet water, beauty and love. [Dahomey] FOUR: Mamba Muntu, goddesses of the deep waters and female sexuality. [Bantu] FIVE: Nephthys, goddess of salt water, discoballs and the night. [Egyptian] SIX: Nommo, one of many primordial ancestral spirits that live in the sea [Dogon] SEVEN: Mami Wata, a water loa. [Ewe/ Fon] EIGHT: Yemoja, in rage over the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, is the orisha of sea waves and follows her people across the Atlantic. [Yoruba] NINE: Dahomey Amazon warrior weeping over her fallen comrades. [Benin] TEN: Pregnant Oya, orisha of sea storms. [Yoruba] PAGE: La Sirene and her shark [Côte d'Ivoire.] KNIGHT: Sobek, crocodile goddess of the Nile river. [Egyptian.] CONSORT: Unnamed. EMPRESS: Bosompo, primordial embodiment of the oceans and her pet squid, Lil’ Squiggle [Akan]
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wishfishy · 10 months ago
When I first heard that a new Endless Ocean was going to be released, I was incredibly excited. Just absolutely over-the-moon excited. You see, Endless Ocean 2: Blue World (also called Endless Ocean 2: Adventures of the Deep) is one of my favourite games of all time. Scratch that: it is my favourite game. It was far from perfect, but I loved it dearly and happily sank hundreds if not thousands of hours into it.
EO2 is a diving game for the wii that was released in 2010, and I have never been able to find a game quite like it. The main story was a bit cheesy, but charming and engaging, with a bevy of likeable if occasionally one-note characters, and the game itself had surprising depths (diving pun fully intended). The game had 12 different diving maps in 6 locations and while the specific areas were fictitious, they were based on very real places (the South Pacific, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Arctic and Antarctic Oceans, as well as a freshwater river in the Amazon) and this was reflected in the species found in each area, with a few exceptions here and there.  You could explore shallow coral reefs, a sunken castle, ancient temples, abyssal depths, a kelp forest, sandy beaches, riverbanks, hidden coves with murals, and much more. You also had a small private island as a hub location, a personal reef you could decorate, and a public aquarium which you could fill with any of the non-legendary species you discovered.
Speaking of which, the game featured 340 different species of marine and freshwater fish, sharks, rays, marine mammals, penguins, shore birds, reptiles, crustaceans, cephalopods and other invertebrates. Some of these also had different models for young or different genders. You could find truly miniscule species that most other diving games overlook entirely in zoom-spots (such as gobies and nudibranchs), and you could interact with most by feeding, touching or even riding in the case of large marine life. And on top of this you could also find legendary creatures, which could be individuals of extant species with unusual colouring or size, or even extinct species, and could be exceedingly hard to find but entirely rewarding.
This is already getting to be much too long but on top of all this you could customize your diver character, buy things for your island hub, decorate and populate a private reef to propagate and release fish, create various aquarium exhibits, discover a great many side-quests, upgrade equipment, take and sell photographs, heal sick animals, search for and sell salvage, find collectable coins, train dolphin partners, take requests for guided tours, dolphin shows, salvage and photos, dodge or placate aggressive sharks, and more that I am probably forgetting. It’s been a while since I’ve played the game, as I no longer have a wii and don’t have the first clue on how to emulate games on my PC. All this is to say that this game was something special, and I have never been able to find anything remotely close to it. And seeing as how the last one was released almost 15 years ago, I had long given up hope for an Endless Ocean 3.
And then lo and behold, a trailer dropped from out of nowhere for Endless Ocean Luminous! And it was releasing in a month! Holy Shit! What!? Yes!
But alas, the more information came out about the game, the more that excitement started to wane. A focus on multiplayer? Procedural generation? Only one map? The only character being an AI that sounded like all those awful tiktok voices? To be clear, I wasn’t expecting Luminous to be the next GoTY. I wasn’t even expecting it to be an exact replica of EO2, or continue the storyline. If it had even a fraction of what I liked about the previous game I was going to be one happy camper. I assumed that the marketing was focusing on the multiplayer aspect instead of the single-player story, that hopefully the procedurally generated map was exclusive to that multiplayer. Surely the single player mode would extend past what little was shown in the trailers. Some things seemed promising, such as an advertised 500+ species, and even more prehistoric marine life. But again, alas, what I have seen since the release is the barest and palest reflection of what I enjoyed about the previous game. I could understand cutting some content, such as the dolphin training and shows, considering the controversy of cetaceans in captivity. But it seems like there is no aquarium, no central hub of any type, no characters beyond the aforementioned AI and a single faceless diver, salvage reduced to a single click, an incredibly reduced story consisting mostly of scanning fish, no ability to feed or interact with fish and fish behaviour also seems to be quite reduced. At least photography still appears to be in the game, though its unclear to what point. Are there still photo requests? The ability for some critters to swim along with or attach to your diver looks cute at least. But everything I’ve watched so far just feels so… lifeless. Empty. As if the whole game was AI generated, which I’m at least %75 sure isn’t the case.
But I’m left kind of baffled by the direction that this game was taken in. I’ve been trying to find any information about it’s development with little to no success. Why the focus on multiplayer to the exclusion of a single player story beyond the bare minimum? What lead to the choice to have a single, procedurally generated map instead of separate, smaller, but more scientifically accurate maps? Or even a single smaller but purposefully designed map? Was this game more like the previous games at any point in its conception or development or was it always intended to be such a departure?
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bethanythebogwitch · 2 years ago
Welcome back to the series where I talk about evey fish pokemon’s origins and their real-life inspirations, this time covering gens III and IV.  See here for gens I and II.
Staring off with Carvanha and Sharpedo. Carvanha is based on a piranha, specifically a red-bellied piranha.
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"I'm mot really that scary" (image: a piranha)
When I say “based off of” I mean that in a pretty loose way. It really looks nothing like a piranha and more like an artistic depiction of a generic “scary fish”. Let’s talk about piranha because they are probably the world’s most slandered fish. Piranha are not the hyper-vicious super-predators that roam the Amazon devouring everything in their path that media depicts them as. They’re actually omnivores rather than obligate carnivores and mostly scavenge the dead. The stories of them attacking and skeletonizing large animals in minutes come from times when European explorers would be shown displays where schools of piranha would be trapped and starved for a long time to get them to act like that. Attacks on humans are rare and usually happen when the human gets too close to a piranha’s eggs, prompting a warning bite. If you still aren’t convinced that they aren’t fishy murder machines, check this video of River Monsters’ Jeremy Wade getting into a pool of hungry piranha and not getting bit at all
(this is not me telling you to go swim with piranha. Always be cautious when around wild animals)
Like piranha, Carvanha is much more dangerous in groups. Real piranha only school part of the year while Carvanha do it permanently. Carvanha is a river fish like piranha, but it also has a lot of shark features that fit its evolution. It can smell blood from far away (a feature of both piranha and sharks) and has the famous placoid scales or denticles of sharks. Evolving Carvanha causes it to go from bony fish to cartilaginous fish in the form of the franchise’s first shark. Sharpedo seems to be a generic shark similar to a great white (it even has countershading) but missing its back half. This is similar to the ocean sunfishes of family Molidae, most famously the Mola mola itself.
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(image: scuba divers swimming alongside a mola)
This is funny because sharpedo, an active and very fast ambush hunter, could hardly have a more different lifestyle than the Molas, who are slow and mostly eat jellyfish. Sharpedo is also based on a torpedo, and in later games where it’s ridable it seems to function like a jet ski. Like sharks, Sharpedo has placoid scales that are exaggerated in its mega evolution and faces overfishing from people using its dorsal fin in food. Mega Sharpedo having denticles on the sides of its snout point to inspiration from the sawfish, a shark relative.
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Easily one of the fakest-looking real fish (image: a sawfish)
Barboach is a loach while Whiscash is a catfish. Barboach seems to specifically be a pond loach, which buries itself in sediment to avoid danger (hence the ground typing), can sense changes in weather (a big deal in this gen), and are common food fish and aquarium pets. Loaches are long and skinny and have barbels like Barboach.
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(image: a loach)
Barboach may also draw from the loach catfish, which is a catfish that looks like a loach, tying into its evolution. Wishcash may also be based on the loach catfish, but it look much more like a conventional catfish. Whishcash’s connection to earthquakes (both causing and sensing them) is inspired by a creature from Japanese legend. Namazu is a gigantic catfish living under the islands and guarded by a god who restrains it with a rock. When the god’s guard slips, Namazu thrashes about and causes earthquakes.
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(image: a depicition of Namazu)
Both loaches and catfish have barbels that are used for sensing. These barbels help both groups of fish live in very murky water by making them less reliant on sight. Because of this, loaches and catfish can live in water with very poor visibility and lots of sediment in the water column. Barboach and Wishcash can likewise be found in very muddy water and other places of poor visibility, like caves. Them being found in caves in some regions may also reference blind, cave-dwelling catfish.
Feebas is a bass, though it’s more based on the story of the ugly duckling. Just like in the story, you start out with a ugly little creature and turn it into something beautiful. I’m going to be perfectly honest, I don’t really see much bass in Feebas, I think it’s based much more on Magikarp than a bass, who are often pretty powerful predators, something Feebas isn’t. like with Mgikarp, I won’t be discussing Milotic in this as I think it’s a sea serpent rather than a fish.
Ok so there is a good explanation for why a fish evolves into an octopus. I hoped I could find a good explanation for why a clam evolves into eels, but I simply have no explanation for the Clamperl line. Huntail and Gorebyss really have no connection to their pre-evo. I won’t talk about Clamperl since (and this is some high-level biology so I hope you can follow me) clams aren’t fish. Both final form are based on deep-sea eels and eel-like fish. Huntail seems to have some basis with the gulper eel as both are sit-and-wait predators with very large mouths, though Huntail is a more active predator as it does have some powerful teeth.
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Turns out gulper eels are a lot goofier than you'd think (image: a gulper eel with its mouth inflated)
These teeth may draw influence from other deep-sea predators with massive chompers, like viperfish or the fangtooth. Its use of its tail as a lure is a reference to the various deep-sea fish that use bioluminescent lures to attract prey. This is an example of caudal mimicry, where an animal’s tail mimics something else to lure in prey. A cool example of this is the spider-tailed horned viper, which you should look up if you don’t like bugs, I promise it’s definitely not really creepy. Finally, Huntail’s general longness, color pattern, and crest are references to the oarfish, one of my favorites. This deep-sea longboi is a rare sight at the surface but is believed to be responsible for stories of sea serpents because of how huge they can get.
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Long, long man! (image: an oarfish)
Gorebyss similarly has a complex origin for a very forgettable Pokémon. It seems to primarily be based on snipe eels, which are deep-sea eels with long, slender jaws.
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(image: a snipe eel)
Gorebyss’s jaws are fused into a needle, which is similar to pipefish, a relative of seahorses with a very similar fused snout. Some inspiration could also come from the deep sea-dwelling long-nosed chimeras, some species of which have a long, conical snout very reminiscent of gorebyss’s head shape.
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(image: a long-nosed chimera)
Unlike most of its influences, Gorebyss is an active predator and its habit of stabbing its prey with its snout and injecting digestive juices to slurp its prey dry seems to be in reference to spiders and mosquitos.
Hot damn, Hoenn has a lot of fish. The next up is Relicanth, which is a pretty straight-forward reference to the coelacanth.
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(image: a rare picture of a wild coelacanth)
Both are very ancient fish thought to have gone extinct until they were rediscovered in modern times. This makes them examples of what scientists call a Lazarus taxon. Ceolacanths are pretty cool fish. Along with lungfish, they are the only surviving lobe-fined fish. These fish were separated from the more common ray-finned fish by having their fins seated on fleshy lobes extending from the body, usually with bones in them (lungfish have lost the bones). Also when I say that coelacanths and lungfish are the only surviving lobe-finned fish, that’s not exactly true. It’s a principle in taxonomy (the study of how groups of life are related) that you can’t evolve out of your ancestry. You belong to every group your ancestors belonged to, even if you started a new group they aren’t part of. Tetrapoda is the clade of four-legged vertebrates skeletally adapted for life on land and they evolved from lobe-finned fish. That means every mammal, reptile, amphibian, bird, and so on, including yourself, is a lobe-finned fish. Coelacanths are most famous for being rediscovered alive and seemingly unchanged when they were thought to have gone extinct millions of years ago. They are often called living fossils for how little they appear to have changed. This term is pretty misleading and many biologists don’t like using it. In fact the coelacanths of today are different than those that swam with plesiosaurs, pretty radically in some cases. Coelacanths are often used in arguments by cryptozoology enthusiasts for why their favorite  dinosaur/plesiosaur/megalodon/whatever could still be alive and unchanged today despite leaving no fossil record. However a fish remaining relatively similar to its ancestors due to living in a very stable environment that doesn’t have the selective pressures encouraging radical change is very different than an apex predator or massive reptile doing so in an environment that has undergone massive changes and multiple major extinctions. I’ll link a video for more on why the coelacanth is a red herring in these kinds of arguments.
Finally finishing out Hoenn we have Luvdisc, possibly the most unnecessary Pokémon ever. Someone please give this poor fish an evolution so it can finally have a purpose. Paldea gave us updates to Delibird and Dunsparce so it’s definitely possible for Luvdisc to get some love. Anyway, it’s a discus fish. These are thin-bodies cichlids whose dorsal and anal fins make them kind of look like hearts, though Luvdisc is missing the tail fin.
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(image: a discus fish)
Like the discus fish, Luvdisc is a social species. Luvdisc's kissing behavior draws primarily from the kissing gourami. These fish engage in behavior where they press their mouths against each other. Scientists believe that this is a form of ritualized aggression, but people think it looks like they’re kissing so these fights have become a symbol of romance.
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(image: two gouramis "kissing")
They aren’t the only fish that mouth fight. Another species that does this is the sarcastic fringehead, who looks considerably less romantic.
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(image: two male sarcastic fringeheads fighting)
After the piscine flood in Hoenn, Sinnoh comes along and introduces a grant total of one fish line, though I will give an honorable mention to the Gible line for being shark plane dragons. Finneon and Lumineon are based on a variety of pretty fish often seen in aquariums, though their fish resemblance to butterflies indicates they are based on the butterflyfish. They have a much closer appearance to the freshwater butterflyfish than the more popular and unrelated saltwater butterflyfish. Both the freshwater butterflyfish and the Finneon line can glide above the water if they build up enough speed. The line’s bright colors may be a reference to brightly-colored tropical fish or aquarium fish like neon tetras. Lumineon actually bioluminesces to attract prey, but risks attracting predators at the same time, a behavior seen in many deep sea fish. it is said to dwell on the sea floor and walk on what I assume are its pelvic fins, which may be a reference to the deep-sea tripod fish.
That's it fro generations III and IV. Next time I'll cover generations V and VI. Hopefully it won't take me nearly as long to get that up.
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pleistocene-pride · 8 months ago
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Pelecanus occidentalis, better known as the brown pelican is a bird of the pelican family, Pelecanidae, and one of three species endemic to the Americas where brown pelicans can be found along the Atlantic Coast from New Jersey to the mouth of the Amazon River, and along the Pacific Coast from British Columbia to Peru, including the Galapagos Islands. They are a purely marine species which inhabits coastlines, estuaries, mangrove swamps, and shallow pelagic waters where they roosts on rocks, water, rocky cliffs, piers, jetties, sand beaches, and mudflats. Brown pelicans are primarily piscivorous feeding on a wide variety of fish as well as the occasional crustacean, amphibian, and hatchling bird/ eggs. Besides its sister species, the Peruvian pelican, the brown pelican is the only pelican to primarily forage via diving, flying up to some 60 to 70ft above the water it scans below for schools of fish and once located the brown pelican dives towards them bill-first like a kingfisher completely submerging as it attempts to catch as many fish as possible in its wide bill & throat pouch. Brown pelicans are themselves eaten by sharks, various raptors particularly bald eagles, sea lions, bobcats, feral dogs, alligators, crocodiles, skuas and gulls. Reaching around 3.3 to 5ft (1 to 1.52m) in length, 4.4 to 11lbs (2 to 5kgs) in weight, with a 6.8 to 7.6ft (2.03 to 2.28m) wingspan, the brown pelican ranks amongst the largest flying birds in its regions yet it is the smallest of the 8 species of pelicans. The Brown Pelicans breeding plumage has a white head with a yellowish wash on the crown. The nape and neck are dark maroon–brown. The upper sides of the neck have white lines along the base of the gular pouch, and the lower fore neck has a pale yellowish patch. The breast and belly are dark brown and the webbed feet are black. The nonbreeding adult has a white head and neck. The pink skin around the eyes becomes dull and gray in the nonbreeding season. The brown pelican is a monogamous breeder which often breeds from march till may, but does not pair for life. They are a colonial species. The male chooses a nesting site and then perspective females arrive and they perform for each other to judge there compatibility. Once a pair forms a bond, they build a nest out of reeds, leaves, pebbles, feathers, and sticks some 3.3 to 10ft (1 to 3m) off the ground. Here 2 to 4 oval eggs may be laid then incubated by both parents for some 28 to 30 days. The young stay with there parents until fledging at around 63 days. After that, the juvenile leave the nest and gather into small groups known as pods. Under ideal conditions a brown pelican will reach sexual maturity at around 3 to 5 years of age and may live upwards of 30.
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hello-nichya-here · 1 year ago
not a shipping ask but more a country-based,
i applied for exchange and decided to stay in Europe (for now, purposefully vague for privacy) and there was an option to go to Brazil which some people choose.
i remember you saying in one separate ask that Brazil is truly a country that you must prepare for properly before going there and i am curious about that? if you have already replied please just link me xoxo
Here's the things you absolutely gotta know before moving to Brazil:
1 - Unless you're a literal refugee of war or of a country that is absolutely economically destroyed or you are OBSCENELY rich, you don't actually want to do that. Go live literally anywhere else.
Here's the things you absolutely gotta know before you visit Brazil.
1 - The heat WILL get very close to killing you, or at the very least make you wish you were dead. Yes, even during winter. People end up in the hospital because of it all the time. Unless a brazilian specifically told you "Bring warm clothes when going to this place at this time of the year" assume you'll forget what cold weather even is, and even then you should still bring summer clothes just in case.
2 - Trying to get a tan is suicide. Focus on protecting yourself from the sun, especially at the beach. Again, people end up at the hospital for that stuff all time - severe burns, fever, and anything that touches your skin WILL hurt like a bitch.
3 - Mosquitos. Mosquitos everywhere. Lots of them transmiting diseases that will make all your bones hurt and your guts bleed. Depending on what part of the country you're visiting you might even have to get a ton of vaccines before being allowed there.
4 - If you see literally any animal species you're not familiar with, avoid it. Depending on the region of the country, stay the fuck away from any spider, even a tiny one that looks harmless. If you're going into a forest region, especially the amazon, assume everything there can and will kill you.
5 - If you visit the amazon or the pantanal, do not go on your own. You're not Indiana Jones. You WILL get lost and die. Avoid any and all shady tourist guides, even if you can't really explain why you think they're shady, unless you want to get kidnapped. Do NOT get into any river without double-checking with someone familiar with the region if that particular one is free of any fish that can kill you AND isn't guaranteed to sweep you away until you drown.
6 - Do not walk around wearing anything expensive or talking/texting/doing anything on your phone, and if you have a bag, purse or backpack, keep it very close to you at all times. If someone is trying to rob you, shut up and give them all they're asking for. This tip is extra important if you're going to Rio de Janeiro.
7 - If you want to go to a non-pacified favela: Don't.
8 - If you want to voice your opinion about Brazil's politics to a brazilian you just met: Don't.
9 - If you want to go out at night by yourself: DON'T.
10 - If you go to Rio, trying asking a brazilian stuff like "How much does a taxi from the airport to the hotel usually cost?" or keep an eye on the GPS if you're taking an uber to make sure the driver isn't deliberately taking a longer path. Cariocas are infamous for finding ways of taking a bit of extra money from gringos that don't know any better.
11 - EVERYTHING IS EXPENSIVE AS FUCK. Yes, even if your country's money is worth a million times more than Brazil's money.
12 - If you're going to a beach, specially in the northeast of the country, and there's no one else around, do NOT go in the water unless you want to be eaten by a shark.
13 - If you're not basically a proffesional at surfing and want to go practice in the beaches that have the biggest waves: Don't. If you want to try your luck on amazonian waters: DON'T.
14 - If you're going to São Paulo, prepare to be stuck in traffic for a long, long, long, LONG time.
15 - If you want/need to go to the cops for literally any reason, especially in places like Rio, talk to a brazilian first (friend, host, lady at the hotel check in) and tell them what the problem is. A lot of the police forces here can be useless at best and VERY hostile towards any living at worst, so going to a local first so they can either go to the police station with you or solve your problem without getting the cops involved at all is often the safest choice.
16 - If you've ever been to Argentina before, say you like Brazil more even if it's a lie.
17 - If you went to São Paulo after going to Rio, say to everyone there that you like São Paulo more. If you went to Rio after having already been to São Paulo, say to everyone there you like Rio more.
18 - Brazilians WILL try to trick you into saying obscene stuff while trying to teach you a few words in portuguese. Double-check everything you were taught before saying it to a stranger.
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blubushie · 1 year ago
Tell me about Endless Ocean?
I don't recall much of the first game unfortunately but the second (Blue World) I can talk your ear off about.
It's a diving simulator on the Wii with scary areas that freaked me out as a kid lmfao. There's mythical animals to find but the game is grounded in real-life locations and you're tasked with finding an ancient temple that was sunk beneath the ocean a thousand years ago. You gotta avoid sharks and get photos of animals, you open an aquarium, you go everywhere from the Arctic to freshwater Amazon rivers to the open ocean to coral reefs, and you get to document the species you find along the way in a bestiary. You also get to help solve the disappearance of your friend's father.
You also get to train dolphins and porpoises, uncover treasure (I had a crush on the chick who appraises your salvage WHOOPS), take photos, bring clients on diving trips to find certain animals, have random events under proper circumstances, and go deep-sea diving which is INSANELY fun and INSANELY scary cuz Something Is Down There With You and you never actually find out what it is (though you do meet a giant squid and watch it fight a sperm whale, which is cool!)
Technically I never actually... Beat the game. I beat it in the technical sense, but in the post-game activities you're supposed to reopen the Temple of the Gods once you get a million monies, but I never got enough money and then one day my Wii shat the bed and I lost my save. And that was a good 3-4 years of work, so I quit out of frustration because I only had about 100k left to go.
But god, I love that game. It's been long over a decade since I played and if I could find a Wii somewhere I'd dump DAYS back into it. It's a part of my childhood and was MASSIVE to little outback Blu who'd never even seen a lake before, let alone been able to reckon with the vastness of an ocean he'd never seen.
I have it to thank for my love of the ocean, and also because it taught me about the bends once I finally went diving so I knew I had to surface slowly. I still got the bends 😅
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poebradleyknox · 5 months ago
Creature From the Black Lagoon
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The Creature from the Black Lagoon is a 1954 Horror/Sci-Fi film and directed by Jack Arnold. The film follows a group of scientists who discover a fish humanoid monster in the Amazon River. The film was shot in 3D because during the mid 50’s is when 3D technology was all the rage but started going down in popularity during 1954 so a lot of people viewed it in 2D.
The “Gill-Man” has established itself amongst popular movie monsters like Dracula, Frankenstein and Wolf Man and has become one of the most popular depictions of a sea creature.
The film had two sequels “Revenge of the Creature” in 1955 and “The Creature Walks Among Us” in 1956
In 1982 a remake was proposed to the original director. The idea to make the film 3D led to its cancellation because of budget concerns and to avoid clashing with Jaws 3-D
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Jaws 3-D is infamous for having appalling Visual Effects and when viewed in 2D it just looks really weird as most of film has 3D effects in mind.
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You can see that the shark is so out of place in scene, of course when watching in 3D it would be be giving off the effect but as 3D isn’t as popular anymore the film just looking like someone’s got a sticker of a shark and slapped it onto a background.
A remake of Black Lagoon was planned for 1992 but was never green lit and also a script was provided to Peter Jackson, director of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, in 1995 but he ended up working on his King Kong remake instead.
They then tried again after the financial success of The Mummy remake in 1999 starring Brendan Fraser but again nothing came to fruition.
Guillmero Del Toro was then attached to the project but after creative differences Universal ended up dropping him and then he went to make a Black Lagoon inspired film in 2017 “The Shape of Water” which won 22 awards.
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penguinotaku · 2 years ago
In honor of MerMay, here's a few headcanons for the WGP Racers as merfolk or mythical sea creatures that hang out in an aquarium:
Lightning McQueen- (either a Mako Shark or a Yellowfin Tuna Mer) Accidentally found himself at a circus before he was rescued by Sally and Doc Hudson but the clown fear never left him
Francesco Bernoulli- (Betta Fish or Bull Shark Mer) the former out of vanity and does fight his reflection, the latter since he goes both ways fresh and salt water *wink wink*)
Jeff Gorvette- ( Bottlenose Dolphin) Often can be found leaping along boats in the Caribbean Sea, hangs out with Lewis and challenges himself how far he can dive before resurfacing
Lewis Hamilton- ( Lusca/ Sharktopus) Inspired by the Carribbean legends of a giant shark/octopus dwelling in the blue holes of the region
Nigel Gearsley- (Harbor Seal Selkie) nearly left his seal skin back home when he went international
Max Schnell- (Basking Shark Mer) mostly just hangs around fishing ships, favorite place to swim in is the North Sea and feast
Miguel Camino- (Swordfish Mer) Loves playing with sharks and orcas and occasionally the sport fisherman, still has a few scars from hooks and harpoons he escaped from
Raoul Çaroule- (Cuttlefish Caecilian) Expert at hide and seek in the reef, loves changing his color and texture out of boredom, sneaks into other mer habitats as a fun prank, also often poses as his twin sister to confuse visitors
Shu Todoroki- (Merdragon) shifts into a dragon moray eel mer to hide or escape notice (complete with pharyngeal jaw), spawn of Wadatsumi/Ryujin that wanted to see the surface ala Little Mermaid,
Carla Veloso- (Black Aronawa Mer) Will throw down with anyone that pisses her off, has beef with the Amazon river dolphins
Rip Clutchgoneski- (Manta Ray Mer) regarded as a cryptid in the aquarium, only comes out if Carla is making a show,
Long Ge/Zhang Wei Long- (Sea Snake Spirit) can shift into multiple sea snake species( favorites are black-banded sea krait, yellow-bellied sea snake, and golden sea snake), can change into a naga form, snake form (low on energy) or completely human with snake features
Vitaly Petrov- (Beluga Sturgeon) has an existential crisis when offered caviar, can and will eat anything that he can suck into his mouth
Memo Rojas Jr- (Clownfish) likes keeping the coral he calls home extra tidy, doesn't like unexpected visitors like aquarium workers barging in
Flash Nilsen- (Peacock Mantis Shrimp) often found swimming in the open to show off colors, lobster is a treat for him so he goes all out for cracking the shell
Frosty Winterbumper- (Irukandji Jellyfish) is very mindful of his tentacles and people, likes floating around the jellyfish circle tank and an icon in social media
(Crew Chiefs are the head handlers specialized for their respective creatures)
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catfang12 · 2 years ago
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Three new friends arrived today🥰
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This wild republic Blue spotted Stingray is Shy Guy * he's really shy* 🤫
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This Happy boi is Orange Juice 😁🍊he's absolutely adorable!!!! 💙
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The other sharks already love him! 🩵🦈
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This is Amazon they're a River Dolphin 🐬💙 They're an FAO schwarz plush 😊I am absolutely in love with these 3🩵💙🖤🤍
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cryptid-kratt-kid · 1 year ago
The kids like it when their uncle Martin babysits them. But Martin doesn't really know what to do when he's the sole person responsible for a group of children.
One time he was supposed to be watching them in the amazon rainforest, but got distracted by river otters. While he wasn't looking, Beech almost got chomped by a bull shark. He let her use his cps as long as she promised not to tell Chris.
Another time, Conifer burst into tears because a big bug scared him, and he refused to get out from between Martin's legs until Chris came back. Which made keeping everyone safe a little more difficult.
Most recently, Chris nearly killed him because he'd dozed off and let Birch get bitten by a Gila Monster.
The only reason Chris still lets him babysit is because it's either Martin or Jimmy.
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year ago
Top 5 aquatic animals? 🥺
1. Orcas
2. Dolphins - specifically the Amazon River Dolphins which are pink and also aggressive as fuck
3. Manatees
4. Whale Shark
5. The Loch Ness Monster. I would die for you Nessie
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bitey-baby-shark · 2 years ago
Facts of the Day: 🦈Bull Sharks🦈
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Scientific Name: Carcharhinus leucas
Length: 7 feet to 11 feet on average
Weight: Between 200 lbs and 500 lbs, max weight on record is 1000lbs
Lifespan: About 16 years old
Reproduction: They are viviparous and give birth to live young with around 1 to 13 pups per litter.
Diet: Fish, other sharks, marine mammals, birds, turtles, crustaceans, stingrays, or literally anything they can fit in their mouths including garbage.
Habitat: Tropical and subtropical shallow waters worldwide
Status: Near threatened
Summary: Bull sharks are a highly aggressive species of shark, so much so that it’s believed the original story of the book behind Jaws was about a series of bull shark attacks. This species is also known to be fully capable of breaching fresh water and swimming upstream. Bull sharks have been located 2,294 miles up the Amazon River in Peru and 700 miles up the Mississippi River in the United States. Due to their ability to travel up freshwater rivers this shark has a wide diet of any prey they can fit into their vicious jaws. Those jaws actually have the most powerful bite out of all sharks, clocking in at 1,350 psi per square inch. In comparison, the average human jaw bites at a force of 120 to 160 psi. This means this shark’s bite force is among the top ten strongest bites in the animal kingdom!
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