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virtuallghosts · 1 year ago
are there any surprises that we can expect this year? // Karenna, Shariar
— Se tiver surpresas, espero que seja surpresa boa, não quero ver você estressada, quer ir pra Índia?
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— Espera....Vai fazer um ano que minha vida mudou completamente.
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aitan · 1 year ago
Stanotte non riuscivo a dormire e mi sono messo a illustrare due miei vecchi racconti medio-orientali che trovate qua.
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galleryofart · 6 months ago
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Artist: Paul Emile Detouche (French, 1794 - 1874)
Date: 1824
Collection: Museum of Fine Arts Thomas Henry, Cherbourg, France
Shéhérazade, accompanied by her sister, tells Sultan Shariar one of the adventures of the Thousand and One Nights
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myladytara · 1 year ago
নজরুল তার প্রেমিকাকে ডাকলেন ’ভিখারিনী, বেলা-শেষের রাগিণী, ঝড়ের পাখি, মানিনী, যাদুকরী, স্বপন-মরু-চারিণী’ । এত নামে ডাকার পরে কবি আবার প্রেমিকাকেই জিজ্ঞেস করছেন “বলো, কোন প্রিয় নামে ডাকি?”
ছোট্ট এই সঙ্গীতে আবার প্রেমিকার চো��ের প্রশংসা করলেন এবং নিজের বুকের ব্যাথাকে জাস্টিফাই করলেন।
যাকে আপনি পাবেন না জেনে ভালোবাসেন, তাকে চোখের সামনে দেখলে কতই না অসহ্য যন্ত্রণা হয়!
নিজের ভাবতে গেলে চোখ হয় অশ্রুসজল। কবি তার প্রেমিকাকে ধরে রাখতে গিয়ে যে কনফ্লিক্টে ভুগছেন তা পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে সুন্দর একটি লাইন দিয়ে বুঝিয়েছেন
"বুকে তোমায় রাখতে প্রিয় চোখে আমার বারি ঝরে, চোখে যদি রাখতে চাই বুকে উঠে ব্যথা ভ'রে"
©Syed Shariar Sourab
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janedoooo · 2 months ago
Agaar tuhje nhi lagta koi bat
Nhi santizer se nahha le
Sab gand nikal jayegi shariar se
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shariarhossaintanvir · 11 months ago
hey there this is Shariar Hossain Tanvir
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dreaminginthewhitevoid · 2 years ago
it will come back - do you like to write?
I used to a lot! Being a writer was a major life goal of mine; to join the ranks of the authors on my own shelves, sharing worlds and ideas with others. (It's still the most appealing goal for any of my Sims 😆)
It died off significantly after I got into college; the combination of less free time, more alternative recreational/social activities and impostor syndrome on being faced with vast new worlds of other people's theoretical and creative wordcrafts made it much more difficult to write and enjoy writing. People often said I was articulate and had a good grasp of language, but looking at what else is out there in the world, I found it hard to believe, and harder to manifest.
Since that time, most of my writing is journals and dream logs (and even their frequency has diminished of late); occasionally I get inspired to write little snippets off random conversations on Discord.
It does seem ironic, then, that I'm rambling on about this when a yes/no and short description would have said plenty. But as the Shariar Circle might say, every story, and every History, brings us closer.
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ninaemsaopaulo · 2 years ago
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Cochilei um pouco essa tarde, o bastante para sonhar que enfim a Netflix tinha lançado sua versão de Cem anos de solidão. Sentei no sofá de uma sala confortável, porém escura. Não tão escura que não pudesse perceber os tons de bege em todo o ambiente, até na roupa que eu usava (calça e regata de linho). Liguei a televisão, esse artefato que não tenho há mais ou menos quinze anos. E veio: um homem velho, sentado em uma cadeira de balanço de madeira. Parecia até um homem bom. Descalço, roupas claras de linho. Inicialmente, a câmera estava distante e, ao se aproximar, mostrava os olhos fundos do homem, as rugas e linhas de expressão por todo o rosto, um rosto em sofrimento. Era claramente isolado e suas mãos tremiam. "Muitos anos depois, diante do pelotão de fuzilamento, o coronel Aureliano Buendía havia de recordar aquela tarde remota em que seu pai o levou para conhecer o gelo" - disse o narrador. E antes de dar continuidade, veio uma tempestade de areia varrendo Macondo, seguida de Tonada de luna llena, versão de Caetano Veloso para o disco Fina estampa, de 1994 (quando eu comia areia). Fui até a janela, abri as cortinas para iluminar a sala ao som da música; janelas de vidro fechadas, mas limpas. Por enquanto. Era eu quem estava em Macondo, e lá fora a tempestade também era de areia.
Eu tinha um sonho recorrente na infância com tempestade de areia, surgia sempre pouco antes do meu aniversário (cerca de uma semana ou dois dias antes). No sonho, eu estava na janela do meu quarto, olhando para o dia amanhecendo, ainda lilás. Uma tempestade de areia surgia e me levava para o chão, bem lá embaixo, considerando que eu dormia no andar superior de um sobrado. Eu dava a volta, subia a escada e um homem sem rosto vinha logo atrás de mim. No lugar do seu rosto, existia uma luz. Eu sabia tudo sobre ele, exceto o rosto: por volta dos trinta anos com certeza, era magro e um pouco mais baixo que a altura que tenho hoje; cabelos negros, lisos e curtos, mas esvoaçantes quando o vento cantava. Eu sei que ele sorria e não era uma pessoa ruim, embora não tivesse rosto. Dava-me as costas assim que eu alcançava o patamar e ia me esconder na barra da saia da minha mãe, pois ele não era mau, mas me causava medo. A última imagem do sonho eram suas mãos muito brancas, fechando o portão. Brancas e marcadas como as mãos de um idoso, contradizendo a idade que aparentava.
Essa é a última versão do sonho. Na primeira, eu caía da janela e acordava. Existia uma nova versão desse sonho a cada ano, uma continuação, como uma Sheherazade que só tem medo de morrer quando minha nova idade chega e fosse eu o rei Shariar. Deixei de sonhá-lo aos dezesseis, quando menstruei. Não sei se existe relação, prometo perguntar na terapia.
Fotografia e ilustração de Lydia Ellen.
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rushnaf · 4 years ago
Shariar and Scheherazade - The 1001 nights
Shariar and Scheherazade – The 1001 nights
In the chronicles of the ancient dynasty of the Sassanidae, who reigned for about four hundred years, from Persia to the borders of China, beyond the great river Ganges itself, we read the praises of one of the kings of this race, who was said to be the best monarch of his time\n His subjects loved him, and his neighbors feared him, and when he died he left his kingdom in a more prosperous and…
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virtuallghosts · 2 years ago
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“ Muito difícil se adaptar? ” Ele assentiu para a pergunta. “ E você é o Shariar do kanekashi soukoku. ” E sabe muito mais do que isso sobre ele, pois as fofocas dentro do prédio voam longe. “ Tive que ajudar o Masaki com o gatilho, sinto muito por você ter que trabalhar com ele. ”
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— No começo foi difícil para se adaptar com tudo. — Mas nem tinha como fugir disso. — Eu sou. — Confirmou com a cabeça, ainda chocado com a diferença do outro. — É que....Você parece tão mais tranquilo, quando te vi você parecia estar com sangue nos olhos.
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Respirou fundo. — Nem me fale, é um inferno. Ele vive mando gemido no telefone, ou fala bom dia igual uma menina. Ele pentelha com todo mundo. 
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virtuallghosts · 2 years ago
— Comer por aqui é díficil, tem muito carne....
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all-about-cr7 · 4 years ago
I can’t even start to express myself in words! I’m thrilled with an overwhelming sensation! Let’s go, Portugal! Let’s go!
From all the records that I have broken during my career – and fortunately there have been a few – this one is very special for me and it’s certainly on the shelf of the achievements that make me truly proud. First of all, because every time I represent my country is a special moment, for knowing that I’m defending Portugal and showing to the world what Portuguese people are made of. Secondly, because National Teams competitions have always had a very strong impact in me as I was growing up, watching my idols playing for their flags every other Summer in Euros and in World Cups. But finally and above all, because scoring 111 goals for Portugal means 111 moments like the ones we experienced today in Algarve, moments of worldwide union and happiness for millions and millions of Portuguese citizens all around the Globe. For them, every sacrifice is worth it. Another reason for me to appreciate this achievement as much as I do right now, is because Ali Daei has set the standards in such a high level, that at some point even I started thinking that I might never catch him. Congratulations to the “Shariar” for holding the record for so long and thanks for always showing so much respect for me every time I scored and as I became closer and closer to his outstanding number. Thank you Portugal. Thanks to all my teammates and opponents for making this journey so unforgettable. Let’s keep meeting inside the pitch in the years to come! I’m not closing the count just yet… 💪🏻🇵���⚽️❤️🙏🏻
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ariel-seagull-wings · 4 years ago
Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte)
I saw @princesssarisa commenting a lot about this novel. First, i watched the 1973 minisseries adaptation, and then readed the book in my kindle. And after that, it becamed my new n° 1 favorite book, and Jane, with her instrospection, artistic and dreamy sensibility, becamed one of my new favorite characters.
The Lord of The Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien)
This is one of the books i have in common with @amalthea9
The theme of continuing to dream, have hope and keep your friends united in the face of adversity was something that felt specially relevant in the year of 2020.
Romance of the Stone of the Kingdom and the Prince of Going-and-Coming Blood (Ariano Suassuna)
Romance d'A Pedra do Reino e o Príncipe do Sangue do Vai-e-Volta  (The Romance of the Stone of the Kingdom and the Prince of the Going-and-Coming Blood) is a novel writen by Ariano Suassuna, released em 1971. 
The protagonist-narrator, Dom Pedro Dinis Quaderna (or simply Dinis or Quaderna) is arrested in the village of Taperoá under acusations of subversion, and makes his own defense, relating the story of his family.
He declares himself to be a descendant of whom he calls “legitimate brazilian kings”, not related to the Bragança house, and tells his involvement in the political, philosophical and literary fights of his land. His intention in telling this story is to make the greatest novel of Brazil, and become the “Genius of the Brazilian Race”.
It is inspired by an episode that took place in the 19th century, in the desertic municipality of São José do Belmonte, 470 kilometers from Recife, where a sect, in 1836, tried to resurrect King Dom Sebastião - transformed into a legend in Portugal after disappearing in Africa (Battle of Alcácer-Quibir): under Spanish rule, the Portuguese dreamed of the return of the king who would restore the nation taken by force. The sebastianist sentiment is still remembered today in Pernambuco, during the Riding of the Stone of the Kingdom,a popular manifestation that happens annually in the place where innocents were sacrificed by the return of the king. Suassuna started the The Romance of the Stone of the Kingdom and the Prince of the Go-and-Come-Back Blood ,  in 1958, to complete it only a decade later, when the author realized what led him to write the novel : the death of his father, when he was only three years old - a personal tragedy present in Suassuna’s literature, and the redemption of his “king” - a reaction against the current concept, according to which rural forces were obscurantism ( the evil) and the urban the progress (the good). The story, based on popular northeastern culture and inspired by cordel literature, the repents and emboladas, is dedicated to the author’s father and twelve more “knights”, among them Euclides da Cunha, Antônio Conselheiro and José Lins do Rego. 
 The Mysteryous Flame of Queen Loana (Umberto Eco)
After suffering a stroke, Yambo Bodoni lost his episodic memory. Now he can't remember his name, family, or any aspects of his life. Thanks to a lifetime of work as an antiquarian book dealer in Milan, however, he can recall anything he's ever read. In order to rediscover his lost past, Yambo heads to his childhood hometown of Solara. As he pores through old newspapers, comics, and magazines, Yambo - and the reader - get glimpses into the often tragic and bittersweet reality of a boy coming of age in Italy during World War II.
One Thousand and One Nights (Several Authors)
Probably the most iconic book anthology of all time, alongside Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and Bocaccio's Decameron. But whereas in those two western novels the tension lies in the individual stories being told, in One Thousand and One Nights we feel the most tense for the tales's narrator, Sheherazade, who needs to guarantee that the tales will bring pleasure and entusiasm to her husband, the sultan Shariar, because storytelling is the recourse she has to save her life and the lives of all woman in the kingdom.
The Age of Fable (Thomas Bulfinch)
I was a greek-roman mithology geek as a kid, and this book by Thomas Bulfinch, that i camed into contact with in an edition that divided it into three magazines, is what i consider one of the closest to complete source for several ancient greek myths (and some norse myths). If you will recomend a book to start someone into greek-roman mithology, i sugest this one.
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siemprecr7 · 4 years ago
I can’t even start to express myself in words! I’m thrilled with an overwhelming sensation! Let’s go, Portugal! Let’s go!
From all the records that I have broken during my career – and fortunately there have been a few – this one is very special for me and it’s certainly on the shelf of the achievements that make me truly proud.
First of all, because every time I represent my country is a special moment, for knowing that I’m defending Portugal and showing to the world what Portuguese people are made of. Secondly, because National Teams competitions have always had a very strong impact in me as I was growing up, watching my idols playing for their flags every other Summer in Euros and in World Cups. But finally and above all, because scoring 111 goals for Portugal means 111 moments like the ones we experienced today in Algarve, moments of worldwide union and happiness for millions and millions of Portuguese citizens all around the Globe. For them, every sacrifice is worth it.
Another reason for me to appreciate this achievement as much as I do right now, is because Ali Daei has set the standards in such a high level, that at some point even I started thinking that I might never catch him. Congratulations to the “Shariar” for holding the record for so long and thanks for always showing so much respect for me every time I scored and as I became closer and closer to his outstanding number.
Thank you Portugal. Thanks to all my teammates and opponents for making this journey so unforgettable. Let’s keep meeting inside the pitch in the years to come! I’m not closing the count just yet…
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khalif-godway · 4 years ago
Cristiano Ronaldo's statement after becoming the men all time international goal scorer
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I can’t even start to express myself in words! I’m thrilled with an overwhelming sensation! Let’s go, Portugal! Let’s go!
From all the records that I have broken during my career – and fortunately there have been a few – this one is very special for me and it’s certainly on the shelf of the achievements that make me truly proud.
First of all, because every time I represent my country is a special moment, for knowing that I’m defending Portugal and showing to the world what Portuguese people are made of. Secondly, because National Teams competitions have always had a very strong impact in me as I was growing up, watching my idols playing for their flags every other Summer in Euros and in World Cups. But finally and above all, because scoring 111 goals for Portugal means 111 moments like the ones we experienced today in Algarve, moments of worldwide union and happiness for millions and millions of Portuguese citizens all around the Globe. For them, every sacrifice is worth it.
Another reason for me to appreciate this achievement as much as I do right now, is because Ali Daei has set the standards in such a high level, that at some point even I started thinking that I might never catch him. Congratulations to the “Shariar” for holding the record for so long and thanks for always showing so much respect for me every time I scored and as I became closer and closer to his outstanding number.
Thank you Portugal. Thanks to all my teammates and opponents for making this journey so unforgettable. Let’s keep meeting inside the pitch in the years to come! I’m not closing the count just yet…
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ethrlhq-blog · 8 years ago
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Vi que acabou de conhecer a versão de conto de fadas de EIZA GONZALEZ! Por aqui o nome dela é DHINAZADE “DANA” ARAVIS SHARIAR e ela tem 24 ANOS de idade. Você, no entanto, deve conhecê-la como a prole de SHERAZADE. Recomendo que fique de olho nela, pois, apesar de ser INVENTIVA e ENVOLVENTE, também pode se mostrar muito AGRESSIVA e PREPOTENTE. Bom, agora que as devidas apresentações estão feitas, espero que tenha a chance de vê-la novamente em breve, provavelmente andando pelos corredores da ARMIS! ❞
Dhinazade é a primogênita de Sherazade e de seu antigo algoz, o Sultão Shariar, possuindo ainda dois irmãos gêmeos, um ano e meio mais jovens. Por mais estranho que possa parecer, o rei persa não percebeu que Sherazade engravidara no interregno das mil e uma noites, vindo a conhecer os filhos (ou prestar atenção neles) somente quando decidiu que não tiraria a vida da esposa. Os gêmeos não passavam de bebês quando do findar dos contos. Dana, no entanto, já engatinhava, recebendo os devidos cuidados, desde o nascimento, de sua tia homonímica.
✧ Não é demais dizer que duas coisas salvaram a vida de Sherazade: sua criatividade e a irmã Dhinazade, que não passava de uma criança quando a mais velha implorou ao Grão-Vizir para desposar o Sultão Shariar e acabar com o assassinato indiscriminado das mulheres de Hezar. Em razão disso, assim que a primeira filha nasceu, ainda no período das incessantes contações de histórias, a rainha decidiu nomeá-la com o mesmo nome da irmã que tanto a ajudara, pedindo para que a mais nova tomasse conta da filha, caso o marido decidisse acabar com aquilo e enviá-la para o carrasco. Todas as noites, tão logo o sultão dormia, Sherazade se dirigia à casa da irmã, a fim de verificar como estava sua prole, agradecida a Shariar, pois, apesar de autoritário e cruel, havia lhe concedido aquele presente. Entretanto, o tormento não se prolongou por muito tempo – ao menos não para aquela mulher de paciência infinita e criatividade insuperável. Quando declarou que as histórias haviam findado e que existiam três filhos da união, o despótico rei decidiu cessar sua amargura, aceitando sua família. Benevolência não era exatamente uma das qualidades do sultão, contudo, tal predicado via-se aos montes na rainha Sherazade, e sobre o reinado de ambos, Hezar prosperou.
✧ Educada como uma princesa, Dhinazade sempre apreciou histórias, das mais diversas. Ficava encantada com o fato de súditos de toda a parte se assentarem aos pés de seu pai, relatando aventuras, episódios sombrios ou simplesmente acontecimentos engraçados de suas vidas, dignos de serem gravados no ouro de seu livro mais precioso, guardados para a posteridade. Aliás, a palavra contada era o que tinham de mais valioso em Hezar, podendo, como já provado, salvar a vida de milhares – e não era diferente para Dana. Com o passar do tempo, entretanto, a garota já demonstrava traços da obstinação da mãe e da agressividade do pai. Acreditava estar certa em todas as ocasiões, pois, em sua cabeça, tudo o que fazia era para o bem, inspirada por um ideal de heroísmo que tentava reproduzir. Seu coração a levou para a Armis, a casa dos supostamente bons, embora os pais jamais tenham imposto algo nesse sentido, mesmo após tudo o que ouvira sobre a Guerra dos Espinhos e sobre os malefícios de ser um vilão.
✧ A Shariar logo se viu envolvida, em Ethereal, com causas que considerava importantes. Para ela, todas as histórias eram válidas, e dependiam dos vilões para que se mostrassem minimamente interessantes (era apaixonada por Jafar e lhe encantava a duplicidade da moral de Ali Babá), então, por que deveriam ser vistos como inferiores aos heróis? Seu posicionamento já rendeu calorosas discussões com outros membros da Armis, assim como as que tem quando suas habilidades são questionadas apenas pelo fato de ser mulher — num universo em que apenas donzelas são vistas em perigo, Dhinazade tem dificuldades de assimilar o papel de sexo frágil, invocando toda a fúria herdada do pai quando contrariada. Ainda, não sabe ao certo como foi parar na Armis, acreditando que não se trata de mérito próprio, mas de uma escolha do Espelho baseada nos atos de sua mãe. A cobrança em torno da equiparação a Sherazade é algo que a percebe, pois acredita que seus feitos jamais serão tão significativos quanto os da mãe, que com suas palavras, salvou milhares de mulheres da espada de Shariar.
✧ REALIDADE ESCRITA. Mais do que a habilidade de contar histórias, herdada da mãe, Dhinazade possui a habilidade de tornar realidade seus manuscritos. Rabiscos num papel ganham forma de imediato, o que pode ser encarado também como uma maldição, considerando os horrores que podem desencadear.
Conselho Estudantil Real, Clube de Literatura, Clube de Debates, Corrida de Dragões (zagueador) e Esgrima.
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