#shardlake series
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agir1ukn0w · 10 months ago
sometimes a found family is just a disabled lawyer, a Jewish henchman/manwhore turned sidekick turned paralegal turned malewife, a Black apothecary with all the wisdom and medical knowledge of the Islamic Golden Age, an elderly retired lawyer with cancer from Yorkshire, and a horny Catholic girly girl who domesticates the former manwhore and is also somehow smarter than all of them combined
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kits-ghosts-corner · 6 months ago
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inspiration struck me
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air-mechanical · 1 year ago
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Shardlake tv show you won me with Cromwell in bright red and Shardlake in anything over than black lawyer's robes, this colour is excellent. And makes sense for a screen adaptation, because otherwise everyone would be wearing black all the time.
And I'll forgive you the eye-widening decision to give canon unfashionable Shardlake close cropped fashionable hair and an earring (an Earring) so long as you don't fuck up his personality. He'll drag himself all over the country to solve murders and will get the job done and not take shit from anyone, but by god all he wants to do is stay home by his warm cozy fire and read. He's a reluctant nerd lawyer hero who loves his horse and helping poor and powerless people whenever he can.
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historyartthings · 1 year ago
the first trailer for book one of CJ Sansom’s ‘shardlake’ series (Dissolution) is out and…
Is it just me or is this marketed as if it’s an action thriller? Down to the editing, the music, the fonts used. Which is frankly bizarre since it’s supposed to be a murder mystery. It’s set almost entirely in a monastery! It’s not a big sprawling epic…
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wherekizzialives · 10 months ago
2024 in books: May
I don’t have any of my normal reviews for you all this month because I have not finished reading any of the new-to-me books I’ve started.  Instead, in the wake of C J Sansom’s death at the end of April, I have been re-reading his wonderful historical crime novels – The Shardlake Series – as a personal memorial to a man I never met but who enriched my reading life significantly.  The books are all…
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kamreadsandrecs · 11 months ago
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kammartinez · 11 months ago
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kits-ghosts-corner · 9 months ago
it's all better explained better in the book, but edwig's plan is to steal loads of money (in the books it's specified as £1000) embezzling funds to essentially buy his way into heaven by way of a massive indulgence for himself. it would cover the murder of orphan stonegarden, and he does do a sort of "god will forgive me for those that i killed after (Simon Whelplay and Gabriel) because they were sinners" thing about that. he also views it as a "holy thing" because he is technically taking money away from the king, who he sees as a heretic, and plans to give it to the church in france. i think he would be able to do his own indulgence because of mass corruption of that system at the time, but i'm a bit shakier on my knowledge on that point - if he isn't, him doing a holy act in the form of taking the money away from the king and to a different church will probably be a balance-out, at least in his mind.
i hope i explained it alright! i'm happy to answer any other questions if you (or anyone else) likes! :D
hi!! tumblr is annoying and won’t let me use my sideblog kits-ghost-corner to ask this, so this is my main (that i hardly ever use, rip). tudors is my special interest and so is shardlake, and i’d be really happy to see if i can answer any catholic-doctrine/religion/dissolution questions that people may have! (sorry if this is annoying lol)
it's not annoying at all!
i was sort of lost once we got to episode 4 because i struggled to follow the broader complexities of the interpersonal and political plots, but mostly like...
me and my partner were talking about it, and i was like, i don't understand why he's stolen all this money. i don't understand what the value of the money is. he was lying about embezzling when he was obviously going to get caught the entire time, and he's got all these valuables, but what are the point of them
he says about keeping the abbey open so that those prayers can redeem him for murdering that girl, but like. what is the point of the money. to buy indulgences? and henry is doing away with indulgences?
but you can't purchase indulgences for yourself, right? so... why?
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period-dramallama · 2 months ago
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agir1ukn0w · 11 months ago
listen I may not be a fan of saltburn but “murder on the dancefloor” is iconic and Jack Barak should have done the naked dance around st. donatus at the end of Shardlake s1
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kits-ghosts-corner · 1 year ago
I want need everyone who watches the Shardlake TV series to read the books too - not out of snobbery or going "you HAVE to read the source material or else you CAN'T watch the series UGHHH fake fans!!!" I swear it's not that (/g) but because I love the books and guys Matthew is so queer in the books pl please please please read them guys please the books are so fucking good please pl guys please
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air-mechanical · 1 year ago
Heartstone AU where Ellen voluntarily leaves the Bedlam and becomes Guy’s assistant.
She’s got the kind patient bedside manner needed to deal with distressed patients and the stomach to stitch up terrible wounds. She’s seen a lot of mental and physical illnesses during her twenty years in the Bedlam. She’s seen too much. But not enough to erase her sense of decency towards others. She isn’t easily shocked. She cares. She wants to help. She knows that what happened to her when she was 16 wasn’t her fault. She knows she isn’t crazy. She’s so sharply intelligent. And compassionate. She knows she’s more privileged than anyone else in her tiny little stone world full of abandoned suffering people. And she’ll use that privilege for good by helping others less fortunate than herself, because she is fortunate – she has her mind in full working order. And she’ll also help them because she wants to do something with her life. She needs to put her brain to work, or else she really will go crazy. So yes, she cares for the patients out of selfishness as well as altruism. The two are effortlessly linked.
Matthew respects her wishes and doesn’t visit her again. But Ellen continues to receive Guy as a visitor. They become friends. Her mental door to the outside world has been punched through, and light is streaming in. With Guy’s help she fights back against her illness. She may not ever fully recover. But she gets better and better, first one step outside and then another. And another. And one day she leaves her hospital-prison and starts again. She takes an assistant position with Guy and adores it. She gets to heal people and live in safety in the outside world, while Guy gets to pass on his knowledge to his new heir.
[A possible bonus is that she and Matthew start speaking again and become friends on more equal terms.]
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eyes1994 · 8 months ago
Shardlake fanfic
Has anyone found some Shardlake fanfiction? I thought Tumblr or AO3 might have some but nothing. Fanfiction the site also has nothing. So if anyone finds fanfiction, please let me know. If I find some, I will update here or make a new post. Edit: Someone told me there is fanfiction of the books but I mean fanfiction of the series. Sorry for not being clear.
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historyartthings · 10 months ago
Watching Shardlake i didnt expect to find Sean Bean as hot as I do and yet, here we are
(…Although maybe that’s a lie maybe I did lol)
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kazz-brekker · 11 months ago
nice of hulu to drop a whole murder mystery tv show about the dissolution of the abbeys in the 1500s immediately after i visited the ruins of some abbeys in ireland and became fascinated by that bit of history
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fusdbcom · 11 months ago
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