#yes this is about shardlake
agir1ukn0w · 4 months
sometimes a found family is just a disabled lawyer, a Jewish henchman/manwhore turned sidekick turned paralegal turned malewife, a Black apothecary with all the wisdom and medical knowledge of the Islamic Golden Age, an elderly retired lawyer with cancer from Yorkshire, and a horny Catholic girly girl who domesticates the former manwhore and is also somehow smarter than all of them combined
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kits-ghosts-corner · 2 years
me: another tudor fiction book! cant wait!
me, five pages in: this is the most homoerotic thing i have ever read
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firlachiel · 3 months
Honestly? Thinking about how funny the Shardlake monks are. They're The Abbott aka The Leader (he doesn't know shit about fuck except that he is not in control and people are dying but what's Worse is he has to Entertain Guests) Scottish McMurderFace (the only shred of humanity shown is briefly to the Leader who is actively accusing him of killing one or two people and is just as surprised as everyone else he didn't do any of *these* crimes and murders) Short One (is Evilest of all and Good At Math so we should have seen that coming) Gay One (he is innocent your honor! Also ogling Jack whenever opportunity permits) The Coroner (this might be set in Tudor England but some murder mystery conventions must be followed, dammit) Too Good For This Sinful Earth, Too Pure (RIP baby monk, I hope Heaven has less assholes) And Zoidberg (Trauma Monk Who Isn't Part of this Order, and that feeling is mutual).
Feat. HorseFly (Bugge is not a Monk but he is Annoying. Down to help hide a body at leas)
That being said, I want a workcom set at Murder Monastery so bad lol
Zoidberg took me out xDDDDD
I would SO watch a workcom of the murder monastery! Start when the abbot arrives first at the monastery (internal promotion our outside hire?), with McMurderFace fresh from the battle field in tow, Dwight style, assistant reg assistant TO the regional manager, has to have daily meetings about how you can't talk to monks like soldiers and cursing in a house of god is kind of a nono even if it gets them moving faster and "Yes I know you get stabby before bed but maybe think about switching to crochet".
Short one has kinda always been around, no one likes him, and no one likes maths, so he gets to do that I guess. Ryan from the office if Ryan was less handsome. Probably monologues in his room about how he is the best and a gift to mankind and how dare nobody appreciate him and all that. Everyone is just grateful he's a monk and not a noble though I guess he wouldn't stick out so much with that crowd.
The coroner just wanted a break from war and never liked sun so he figured let's go to England. Their king even got the title "Defender of the faith" from the pope so... oh no. Victim of a classic false advertisement job ad. Deserves a raise and a transfer.
Baby monk... T_T He has to join in a later season I can't watch him get tormented for years.
Zoidberg sdjfgsdjfgjsdfjsdghfj, the nepo baby. Also gets daily meetings but more on the line of "If you like catholicism and French so much why don't you take a ship babes". Never does and god knows why. Maybe gets seasick or sth. Maybe he thinks he's a punishment to the rest since they abandoned their faith.
Bugge is all about the economy!
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isabelleneville · 1 year
Just found out about an upcoming Tudor era series coming to Disney plus called Shardlake and thinking about another Tudor era series based on the book My Lady Jane that’s coming to Amazon prime. We getting a few tudor era shows next year
Oh I did read somewhere about Shardlake! I believe Sean Bean has been cast?
Yes! I love seeing Jane Grey on my screen and feed. I am looking forward to the Amazon Prime offering :).
I am at work at the moment so might do further research in the weekend and see what I can gather up.
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How is it that these are his thoughts this morning? There are birds in the fields and the roads are rutted and men are in the fields with their cattle who make their low bellows and rumbles. What fields that remain open, that is, because enclosures are comingcomingcoming and Shardlake can smell trouble a thousand yards off. There’ll be no good to come of that. Already, people mutter and look about with dark countenances. If the lords of this land think they’ll get no fight over this they are sorely mistaken. Talk about haunting—the ghost of the actions of a man who thought, at least in the beginning, he was doing what was right do trail after them. But Cromwell, for all his foresight, couldn’t have predicted it would come to this. Dissolution through to enclosure. Or maybe he could have, if he had lived. Shardlake sits comfortably in his saddle, intending to be relaxed because it puts his back into less of a wrought-iron clamp. Dissolution brings God to mind, because of course it does. There was a time, once, when someone said to him: Matthew, God may not be visible but holiness can be. The holiness of the world, indeed, is quite a beautiful thing. And isn’t it special? to be able to walk along, and marvel at wonders such as leaves changing colour because the season for renewal is coming upon us. To walk and know that all of this is important. Even the beetles and secret, crawling things upon the earth. They may be ugly and unknowable but that diminishes them not in God’s eye. Who was it that said this to him? Oh yes, a young Cranmer. When he was just chaplain to the Boleyns and the world was a very different colour to what it is now.
How long can I write Shardlake before I make an obligatory Cromwell reference? I feel like it's a once every two chapters thing.
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jaynedolluk · 4 months
Last few weekends of the Times have included reviews of The Responder, Bodkin, Shardlake, Miriam: Death of a Reality Star, Clarkson's Farm and The Tattooist of Auchwitz as well as Tom Selleck's memoirs (which got slated).
Also articles on Inside No 9, Mama Cass, Anita Pallenberg (can't wait to see the new documentary about her) and the new exhibition on Beryl Cook + Tom of Finland (that reminds me I've still not got round to watching my film of Tom of Finland - yes, they made a film of his life story).
And interviews with Tracey Emin, Janey Godley, Rob Rinder & Rylan, Emma Barnett discussing her endometriosis and Joe Tracini discussing his BPD. Plus Tyler James on Amy Winehouse, Patrick Grant on sustainability in fashion and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall on getting more veg into your diet.
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