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secretsofdbz · 1 year ago
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So I need to update some art stuff and gifts and little commissions and fic content here!!
In terms of AUs, when fem!Trunks will eventually be able to travel the worlds, she's gonna meet Mimu's Shapu for some cuteness!! Thanks to her and ArtDawg for this version of happy, comfortable and not-hiding fem!Trunks (+ gf material🥰). She'll get there!!
Sento Saiyans are a Saiyan variant imagined by @bahnloopi <3
ArtDawg and Mimu can both be found on twitter. Here's the mirror tweet.
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analpalmma · 4 months ago
servilleta 13
me saco una foto primero y se ve como una servilleta el desodorante 🤣🤌🏻
Estás grabando Gonzalez 16 🫵🏼
Hicimos la prueba 15 y la táctica la dejamos para la pantalla 26 para la vista de todos
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blessed1neha · 2 years ago
Pitra dosha/ Pitru Shraapa
Father's or Ancestors Curse , also known as Pitru-shraapa, is a concept found in Jyotish. This alludes to the father's curse from one of natives previous lives.
The classics claim that it results in the family being disrupted, or in the absence of children. These days, this is referred to as issues with conception, birth, or any issues with the outward manifestation of children or issues after child birth too, slow growth in career, stagnancy in life, marital issues too depending on how the placement is.
The reason a pitru-shraapa was born is because the native did not observe the grieving ceremonies and rituals that were expected of him by his religious tradition when his father/ ancestors passed away.
Each religion has certain pre- and post-death rituals that adhere to its beliefs. Most frequently, these rituals involve prayer, atonement for sins, or purification in some way. They assist the soul in leaving this world and finding serenity in another.
Another explanation for Pitru Shraapa could be that the card's owner disregarded his father's parting advice. Or there was a significant argument that led to his father truly cursing him and banishing him from the family.
A person with this combination is likely to have trouble getting pregnant in this incarnation.
Indicators of pitru-shraapa are not scarce. They are frequently linked to Jupiter, the Sun, and the fifth and ninth houses. The father's karakas are represented by the sun and the ninth house. Jupiter and the fifth house are involved as the karakas of children. The influence of malevolent planets on them results in the formation of Pitru-shapu itself.
The Sun in the fifth house is by itself unfavourable for childbirth, according to traditional Pitru Shraapa indications. The kids will be late or there won't be any kids if there are no other lesions. • A weak Jupiter or weak fifth house lord, along with the Sun in the fifth house in a sign or navamsa of Saturn, or under the aspect of Saturn, denotes pitri-shapa. • Saturn and Rahu making an aspect to Jupiter, the fifth lord, at the same time. Papa kartari yoga on Jupiter or the fifth house. made worse by the fact that they have malignant characteristics. • The owner of the fifth house is under the influence of malefic grahas and is in the sign or navamsha of the sun. • The presence of malefic planets in the first and ninth houses, as well as the weak owner of the fifth house in burning. If a weak Lagnesh also happens to be in the fifth house at the same time, the situation gets worse. • If malefic planets are in the 5th and 9th houses, Mars will be connected to the rulers of the 1st and 9th houses.
Not all, but the most typical Pitru-Shrapa signs, are mentioned below.
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boatemlag · 2 years ago
Thr bee movie script in your colang
THE WHOLE THING? ok well i wont do the whole thing but i'll do the intro meme!
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teo makaai te aafiaashuuno*, niiku ipileipu falii kaomimaa saoshao. According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. ALL RULES OF AVIATION SAY NOT BEE SHOULD NOT-ABLE FLY
saole luu epu ma i shao fefeo thaa i luu epu puu kale. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. WINGS OF IT TOO SMALL LIFT BODY FAT SMALL OF IT ABOVE EARTH
ipilepu, keke, saoshao thotii. The bee, of course, flies anyways. BEE YES FLY DESPITE
falao? niiku ipileipu umumaa chii shapu lifeo kaomimaa. Because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. WHY? NOT BEE NOT CARE THAT PEOPLE THINK IMPOSSIBLE
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*aafiaashuuno is a loan word that literally means aviation with phonemes available.
Vowels - a (ah) aa (ay) ao (ow) e (eh) eo (eyoh) i (ee) ii (ai) o (oh) u (oo) uu (uh)
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fluffy-ram · 2 years ago
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My speed draw of my oc shapu :)
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reactive-particle · 4 months ago
Hastune Shapu
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bkallday89 · 9 months ago
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dipbag-blog · 9 months ago
Why You Shouldn't Fall for Andrew Tate's Money Making Scheme ben shapu...
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scientificinquirer-blog · 1 year ago
DAILY DOSE: Is a white moth causing blindness in children?; Magnolia Bakery jumps into the edibles market with Red Velvet goodies.
WHITE MOTH SUSPECTED OF CAUSING BLINDNESS. In Nepal, the end of the monsoon season marks the onset of a mysterious eye infection known as seasonal hyperacute panuveitis (SHAPU), primarily affecting children. Symptoms include a painless red eye and pressure loss, which can lead to blindness within 24–48 hours if untreated. In 2023, Nepali researchers are utilizing environmental surveys, genomic…
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getbarbered · 5 years ago
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Big change for the holidays! Who needs hair for winter? Headshave and changed up the beard... . Thank you for checking out the post... please like/follow/repost if so inclined... your support is appreciated! . Visit www.GetBarberEd.com for your beard products! Thanks again! . . #shapu #shapublades @shapublades #straightrazor #straightrazorshave #straightrazors #shaving #oldschool #shave #headshave #faceshaving #arlingtonma #belmontma #winchesterma #lexingtonma #somervillema #medfordma #cambridgema #eastarlingtonma #arlingtonheightsma #GetBarberEd #barber #barbers #barbering #barbershop #barbershops #bostonbarber #men #menstyle #weekendready #barberlife (at Arlington, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6XFgI9BDyQ/?igshid=h28u1k8y8w4r
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zen-koi · 6 years ago
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queenkumo · 7 years ago
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Perfecto lugar ❤️ comida excelente ❤️ #shapu #pizza #perfect (en Rendez-Vous Café de las Artes)
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blessed1neha · 2 years ago
Pitru Dosha
In Jyotish there is a concept father", or Pitru-shapa. This refers to the curse of the father in one of the past lives.
According to the classics, it leads to the interruption of the family, that is, to the absence of children. Today, this can be regarded as problems with conception, birth, any difficulties with the appearance of children. Because it occurs frequently. And it can also talk about the soreness of the child.
The reason for the birth with a pitru-shapa is that the owner of the card did not perform mourning rites and rituals at the death of his father, which were supposed by his religious tradition.
Each religion has its own rituals that should be performed before or after death. Most often, these rituals are somehow connected with prayers, forgiveness of sins, purification. They help the soul to move to another world and find peace there.
Another reason for Pitru Shapa may be that the owner of the card did not follow the last parting words of his father. Or there was some serious quarrel, because of which his father excommunicated him from the family and really cursed him.
In this life, a person with such a combination is likely to experience difficulties in procreation.
Pitru-shapa indicators are not so few. They are mainly associated with the Sun, the fifth and ninth houses, and sometimes with Jupiter. The sun and the ninth house appear as the father's karakas. The fifth house and Jupiter are involved as karakas of children. Pitru-shapu itself is created by the influence of malefic planets on them.
Classic Pitru Shapa indicators:
• The Sun in the 5th house is in itself unfavorable for the birth of children. If there are no other lesions, the children will be late, or there will be only one child. • The Sun in the 5th house in a sign or navamsa of Saturn, or under the aspect of Saturn, with a weak Jupiter or a weak lord of the fifth house indicates pitri-shapa. • Simultaneous aspect of Saturn and Rahu on the 5th lord or Jupiter. • Papa kartari yoga on the 5th house or on Jupiter. Worsened by the presence of malicious aspects on them. • The owner of the 5th house is in the sign or navamsha of the Sun, under the aspect of malefic grahas. • Weak owner of the 5th house in burning, in the presence of malefic planets in the first and ninth houses. The situation worsens if, at the same time, a weak Lagnesh is located in the 5th house. • Connection of Mars with the rulers of the 1st and 9th houses, if malefic planets are in the 5th and 9th houses.
Not all are listed here, but the most common indicators of Pitru-Shapa.
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the-night-lily · 7 years ago
Selena Moon (MHA oc)
So it's come to my attention that I should post the characters I make so here's a total self indulgent post dedicated to my "My Hero Academia" character Selena Moon
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Selena- A 24 foot long rattlesnake/naga, with jaw-length messy brown hair. She currently has 6 rattles on her tail, and there's scales along her cheeks. Her eyes have giant gold irises, with thin slit pupils, and the snake part of her starts at her ribcage. Her fangs show when she smiles, but they're retractable and the majority is folded back. Her fingers are pointed and scale-colored at the tips. She usually wears just the top of the UA uniform, as putting on a skirt over 20 feet of snake is just exhausting to her and her scales already are clothing enough to be modest
She's an American who's going to UA, mainly due to her want to train at one of the highest level hero schools so she can become a rescue hero.
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Her hero name is 'Fang' and hero costume is pictured above. She passed the entrance exam with only a few points of destroying the bots, but a large amount of rescue points when a fellow tester student's quirk caused a large glittery explosion, and Selena blocked the sharp shards with her scaled body. The damage was minimal to her, but could have caused severe damage to soft skin.
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She is a relaxed sort of individual, and can be frequently found hanging out with Kirakira(who was the student that caused the Glitter explosion in the exams) or another very close friend named Bunseki. When not attending class or in hero costume, she'll typically wear a tank top of any color
She may have a sweet and calm personality, but has a mildly competitive nature, and is bitter towards a fellow classmate named Suraisu, with a quirk that makes his arms have blades along them. Upon their first day, he dismissed her abilities and have been rivals since from their mutual want to be better than the other.
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adelantecomunicacao · 3 years ago
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Grupo ALTO AMAZONAS AUDIOVISUAL (Lucinho Tavares Winih Kanamari, Shapu Mëo Matis e Markus Enk. ABOUT CAMERAS, SPIRITS AND OCCUPATIONS: A MONTAGE-ESSAY TRIPTYCH (2018). Videoinstalação. Still.
O grupo ALTO AMAZONAS AUDIOVISUAL é formado por Lucinho Tavares Winih Kanamari (Aldeia São Luís, Atalaia do Norte, 1993), vice-presidente da AKAVAJA (Associação Kanamari do Vale do Javari); Shapu Mëo Matis (Aldeia Parayso, Atalaia do Norte, 1991), professor indígena e fotógrafo; e Markus Enk (Fortaleza, 1993), cientista socioambiental e antropólogo visual. Origina-se do encontro de Markus com Shapu, quando do mestrado em Antropologia Cultural que o primeiro realizava na Universidade de Leiden (Países Baixos). Em 2018, junta-se à dupla Winih Kanamari quando dos protestos de seu povo contra a negligência da saúde indígena por parte dos representantes governamentais da região. Forma-se, assim, o coletivo que discute questões como soberania midiática, metodologias colaborativas de trabalho, além dos vínculos entre criatividade e resistência.
A videoinstalação ABOUT CAMERAS, SPIRITS AND OCCUPATIONS: A MONTAGE-ESSAY TRIPTYCH (2018) é um tríptico dividido em três curtas complementares. O objetivo do documentário não é somente denunciar situações opressivas ou vislumbres exóticos, mas também pensar em como tais curtas se entrelaçam, principalmente na complementariedade que não é audível nem visível. Por exemplo, estariam antropólogos e cineastas, ao prepararem suas obras, tentando afetar corpos e transformar seu estado de espírito, assim como fazem os curandeiros e pajés?
Fonte: https://site.videobrasil.org.br/canalvb/video/2229645/Alto_Amazonas_Audiovisual_21st_Biennial
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naomiknight-17 · 7 years ago
Spiky guy is Shaputo Togatta which literally means sharp and pointy and I will not apologize
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