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      and he sees the universe when i’m the company.
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Her limping is making me concerned 😶
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Hello all my lovelies!! I'm so sorry that I have been absent from tumblr and my writing lately, but I've been super slammed with school the past few weeks. I promise to try really hard to write and be more active over my 1 month Christmas break, but till then please just bare with me.
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this is the money jessica. reblog in 10 seconds for good luck 
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I swear🤩💀🙌❤
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Kameron!! 🤩
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I 💫 hate 💫it here
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Happy Birthday Vanessa Vanjie, please never change 💖
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Thank you so much @missjanjie 💓💓💓 I love it!! They're really are the hottest throuple out there.
6,O and BVK please and thank you darling!! 💓💓💓
6. “What, you think you can fuck me better?” / O. Stripper/Porn Star AU
Vanessa loved her job, despite the connotations that came with it. The club she worked at was a bit notorious - it was one of the few fully nude clubs that served alcohol. Possibly a dangerous combination, but the security guards they had were the best in the business. But the main reason she loved her job was the fact that she had two hot, blonde coworkers that were definitely interested in her.
“Don’t tell me you’ve already started hooking up with her,” Brooke Lynn remarked when she saw Vanessa leave Kameron’s dressing room with a smirk.
Vanessa quirked her brow. “What, you think you can fuck me better?”
Brooke scoffed and tossed her hair off her shoulder. “As if that’s even a question.”
“Well, what’s the answer, then?” Kameron chimed in as she left her dressing room as well, coming up behind Vanessa and wrapping her arms around the smaller girl’s waist.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Brooke retorted, stepping closer to the two of them, effectively sandwiching Vanessa in between - not that she would’ve even dreamed of complaining about that position.
In fact, Vanessa chimed in with “I actually would like to know. But, you know, I’d have to compare side by side, so it’s fair and shit.” It wasn’t the most subtle attempt at organizing a threesome, but she had never been subtle in her life, and wasn’t about to start now.
Not that Brooke or Kameron seemed to mind, in fact, they both seemed amused at the quintessential Vanjie bluntness. “I mean, I’m down,” Brooke shrugged.
“Me too,” Kameron nodded, then chuckled softly at Vanessa’s look of utter delight. “Do you think you can wait until the end of our shift?” she teased.
Vanessa pouted, but nodded nonetheless. “Fine, but y’all better make it worth the wait.”
Brooke scoffed playfully. “As if either of us even have the capacity to do anything less. Just behave, Vanjie, and we’ll make sure you’re rewarded,” she winked.
And that was good enough for Vanessa, who nodded eagerly and went to her dressing room to change. This was about to be the longest damn shift of her life, but she was going to get that gold at the end of the rainbow.
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