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aigoos · 7 months ago
Obikin Jindokin Art by Kana7o
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New Jindokin art by the amazing @kana7o!
I shared this idea a few months ago on Twitter. An idea where Anakin is a Jindo shapeshifter rescued by a teenage Obi-Wan in some sort of a modern AU (or something). This idea hit me so hard that I had to get Kana to draw them for me, and she did so beautifully! The art is right after the Battle of the Bath, and little Jindokin is snoozing away in the warmth of Obi-Wan's lap, feeling loved and protected.
Here's the link to the original Twitter thread and I've also copied it here under the cut for those who are interested. Seriously, Jindokin is my new love :D
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Puppy Jindokin
My new Obikin idea involves Anakin as a Jindo shapeshifter (look at me embracing my Korean heritage!) who is rescued by a teenage Obi-Wan. Anakin and Shmi are living on the streets of Coruscant in their Jindo forms, and they run into some malicious individuals out to hurt them.
Shmi fights back and protects her son, and they manage to escape, but not without a cost. In a dark alleyway, Shmi dies from her injury, and Anakin, now all alone, cries and refuses to leave her for the next couple of days, not caring that he is cold, hungry, and thirsty.
It is Anakin's sorrowful cries that bring Obi-Wan to the alleyway, who usually wanders around Corsucant after school (he attends the prestigious Jedi Academy) to avoid returning to an empty house because his foster father, Qui-Gon, is always away on business trips.
Obi-Wan takes careful steps towards Anakin, aware that an alleyway is never a safe place. As he gets closer, he sees the puppy's mother, and his heart immediately goes to the little orphaned puppy. Anakin, despite his weakened state, snarls and growls at him to stay away.
That doesn't deter Obi-Wan, for he crouches near Anakin and says, "It's okay, dear one. I'm not going to hurt you. Shhh, it's okay." Anakin doesn't get the message, and he tries to snap at the strange boy, but he falls over and whimpers as he cries for his mother.
Obi-Wan reaches into his pocket and pulls out some apple slices he didn't finish from lunch, and he places one in front of Anakin, who stares at it with hungry eyes. Obi-Wan smiles and gently says, "Eat. You can have it." Anakin tentatively licks it before scarfing it down.
Obi-Wan gives him more apples, but Anakin ignores it and only returns to Shmi's side, and he nudges her with his little nose, whining at her to wake up. Obi-Wan's heart breaks at this scene. "I'm sorry, little one." Anakin cries, while Obi-Wan watches for a bit longer.
Obi-Wan then offers, "If you are okay with it, let's find her a safe place to bury her, and then you can come home with me. Would you like that?" Both the puppy and the boy stare at each other for a few minutes before Anakin whimpers in acquiescence.
Taking off his jacket, Obi-Wan gently wraps it around Shmi and picks her up along with Anakin. He walks them over to a nearby park, and he chooses a quiet spot to bury Shmi. Anakin sits and watches as Obi-Wan does the deed. When Obi-Wan finishes, he picks Anakin up.
Anakin starts to whine and cry, and Obi-Wan knows that Anakin doesn't want to leave his mother. Obi-Wan coos at him and promises him that they can come here together every day, but first Anakin needs care, food, and shelter. Obi-Wan holds Anakin against his chest and heads home.
Once home, Obi-Wan gives Anakin some food and water. Next, he gives Anakin a bath, who hates the entire process. Obi-Wan can't help but chuckle at the never-ending whining. The way Anakin tries his best to escape from the sink, soap, and water is something he will never forget.
After the Battle of the Bath, with Anakin all clean, he lets out a long yawn as he sleepily snuggles into his new master's cosy lap. He is now safe, no longer cold and wet, and his belly is full of good food. He knows that he has found a good place. He has found a new home.
Many years later, Obi-Wan discovers Anakin's secret of being a shapeshifter. He's in for a huge surprise when he wakes up one day and finds human Anakin in his bed, but that's another story for another day. This is all about Obi-Wan and Jindokin and how they find each other.
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Adult Jindokin
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skatoonyfan1234 · 11 months ago
Gift Idea for Agustin Madrigal
I read this chapter of this fanfic called Encanto: Journeys into the Multiverse. Encanto: Journeys into the Multiverse Chapter 13: Gift Difficulties, an encanto fanfic | FanFiction
In that fanfic, Agustin had the gift of Matter absorption, where in a manner similar to Kevin Levin from Ben 10 Alien Force, Agustin could absorb materials and gain an armor coating over his body.
ALso, in Ben 10 Alien Force, Kevin once got a mutation that caused materials to coat his skin. It also gave him the ability to shapeshift his hands into different weapons.
So what if Agustin had the ability to shapeshift his hands into weapons?
How would that work?
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tu-es-gegg · 2 years ago
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maid and bunny :3
(my main goals with mariana's dress is to give the illusion of the wings cause angel!mariana is my brain rot VVV
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gold finch inspo because its a songbird!!!! he hasnt fully unfolded his wings yet but he's getting there. uhhh when i look at it, it kinda looks like a nun which wasnt my intention but sure it makes sense he did get them from lil J
meanwhile slime is basically with both bunny and demon features, the horns are baby deer antlers hes basically a jacaklope into a devil, the demon feaures are basically liek coagulation and he cant get rid of them even if he shapeshfts, texture dichotomy its liek putting hard fruit in a jelly
i LOVE Parallels they're both so morrally terrible <3333)
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deusvervewrites · 4 months ago
Blood and Bone: does midoriya crave blood like Himiko? Does he need blood in his diet? Are the claws wolverine style of do they grow from his fingertips? What are the limits of his shapeshfting? could he extednd his arms like the Hood Nomu doe with transforming arms, or is it more slow changes over time? (Sorry for all the questions, this AU has grabbed a little bit, lol)
I actually got asked about him needing to drink blood earlier so I'll move on to the next question.
The claws are from his fingertips; the actual claw part itself is where he generally creates a needle, though as you'd expect, it's very thin.
Midoriya's Quirk isn't so much shapeshifting as body warping. That's the result he gets because it's the easiest and safest way to use it. Anything else would pretty much result in body horror. However, his Quirk cannot create mass from nothing. Like Yaoyorozu, I'm playing a little loose with that restriction, but it's something he has to work around.
While his Quirk is capable of making large changes such as arm extensions, it's meant for slow changes over time and can't do anything dramatic without sufficient existent material. So he could theoretically stretch his arms if he was prepared for it ahead of time but un-stretching them would be a nightmare.
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maxine302 · 1 month ago
Shapeshfter hrt: 10 months
Strength in repetition, trust the process
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life-winners-liveblog · 1 year ago
Oh! You want to know more? Well then!
I can't be very specific with details, I wasn't exactly THERE before he made us…
I was created from the carcass of a dead fox and a fallen demon. Both were dead, and I retain none of their memories and personalities.
I was kinda controlled by the guy who made me- me and my sibling. Did I mention I have a twin? (He's like me but deer)
Well, one day he hurt my twin.
I was mad, and I killed him!
Then me and my brother were on our own for a while and I became an assassin to pay for any expenses and stuff, then we met my wife!
This is my dramatic anime protagonist backstory… while on powers, I can kind of control souls? I can do it for a limited amount of time, and it usually really tires me out - I tend to pass out a lot.
I can also summon fire!… Though I'm banned from doing so after I accidentally set fire to our house-
Also, I can shapeshft to an extent, hiding the wings/horns and the fox tail/ears (yes I have fox tail and ears)
-Jay (also I have never watched Fullmetal alchemist what's a humoncoulos or however you spell it?)
Scott: I see!
Scar: That's so cool!
Scott: You were made from two dead bodies... a fox and a demon? How did that happen...why did it happen. Did your creator stumble upon a random demon corpse?
Scar: Maybe he killed the demon! Or something.
(Basically there is this guy called Father and he like separates the 7 deadly sins from himself creating these homonculi each based on a deadly sin and you said in the last ask you were born from your creators Pride so I made a connection. Plus there is this whole thing about the god Truth and you said your creator created you to show how he was on level of your deity.)
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murfpersonalblog · 2 months ago
IWTV Musings - Can Amel LEARN new Dark Gifts?
#what a lovely lovely post omg #thank you op this is so well-done !!! much to think about #also marius/avicus/mael/tesk/eudoxia/b&g mention <3 #akashas blood is vamp steroids !!! with sll this tho i do wonder where amel comes into play if he does at all #prev —>#justice for claudia #<— yup lol
@stylosha thanks for liking my post! VERY good question about Amel. Same answer:
YES. And NO.
Amel learns & progresses, too, absolutely. But it's different from vamps, and in some ways the development of their Dark Gifts are surprisingly independent of Amel.
Amel's Connection to Vampires
🪄 The Dark Gifts & Magic
The Dark Gifts are a happy BYPRODUCT of the alchemical magic that accidentally created vamps. They can do "magic" (telekinesis/pyrokinesis/telepathy/etc), cuz AR's vamps are technically corporeal spirits/ghosts--they're undead. They can do anything spirits/ghosts can do, within certain earthbound/corporeal limits--they're not shapeshfters like Lasher & Gremt, and don't need summonings. But peak vamps can fly, bespell/bewitch, start winds & fires, kill--the Dark Gifts. And so can the strongest ghosts/spirits & their strongest witches (a la QotD & Mayfair Witches).
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AR's vamps are upgraded versions of her witches, cuz the source of their power literally stems from communion with the dead, getting spirits/ghosts to control the elements for them. But whereas witches have to ask the spirit for help & wait for results, vamps can autonomously do anything witches can do, but better, cuz vamp magic's internal (Akasha's Amel), not external (The Twins' Amel). The fusion causes vamp corpses to irrevocably change, which is why when Dr Fareed finally cut their link to Amel (The Great Disconnection), the Elder vamps were relieved to realize that they still had ALL of their Dark Gifts.
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It was because of Amel that they had the Gifts to begin with--his magic is what made them vampires--but Amel did not CONTROL vamp access to the Dark Gifts. And as long as they were all connected to him (via Akasha), they needed his Sacred Core to survive. But the ELDERS had outgrown him--in QotD when Mekare ate Akasha's brain, that window of time nearly knocked out Daniel & Louis (younger/weaker vamps), but the older vamps were fine. And after the Great Disconnection, being connected to Amel or not didn't affect the Gifts of them at all.
🧠 The Silver Cord
I've actually started using Ymir Fritz from Attack on Titan to help me understand how the vampires' link to Amel works (x). (Louis' "simple explanation" of etheric bodies in PLatRoA confuses TF outta me.)
Long story short: Ymir, the Founding Titan, is the source of ALL Titans. Every time a Titan heals from an injury, Ymir's in the Paths resculpting their bodies from sand & water. The Paths are removed from our space-time, so even though it takes her FOREVER to build each Titan in the Paths, it only takes mere MOMENTS for Titans to heal out in the real/corporeal world. Ymir painstakingly creates everything the Titans can use/make/do (inc Titan Shifter powers), with her own two hands. She's GOD, but she's also just a little girl, the Paths are endless, her bucket of water is HEAVY, and there's millions of Titans, so she STRUGGLES; it's HARD for her to make/support the Titans as the Founder. But the Titans Shifters don't know/realize this, cuz in their world their abilities manifest thru (what they assume is) pure instinct/thoughts. Titan Shifters know their power resides in their spinal fluid, but they don't know why. The Paths are just a manifestation of Ymir's body/corpse--cuz Aot's Ymir Fritz was directly inspired by the primordial giant Ymir from Norse Mythology, whose body created the world, the giants, gods, dwarves, etc.
Amel works a vaguely similar way to Ymir--but instead of AoT's sand & water, it's AR's Silver Cord and Blood (a la TotBT & PLatRoA). The Silver Cord is a spiritual/neural link between material & immaterial bodies. It allows humans & vampires to use Astral Projection to connect/remove one's etheric spirit/soul in the Astral Plane to a corporeal body in the real world. Hence: possession (Raglan James & Amel).
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As the Sacred Core, Amel's the source of ALL vampires. Every time a vamp heals from an injury, Amel's silver cord connecting vamps to Akasha rebuilds their bodies from blood. The Astral Plane is removed from our space-time, so even though time stretches FOREVER for spirits/ghosts as they lose their connection to reality, it only takes mere MOMENTS for vampires to heal out in the real/corporeal world. Amel painstakingly attaches every vampire to his etheric body, and they all tap into his magic to produce the Dark Gifts. He's the SACRED Core, but he's also just the ghost of a dead alien, the Silver Cord is a spiderweb of tentacles that stretches outwards from him PAINFULLY, and there's thousands of vampires, so he STRUGGLES; it's HARD for him to make/support the vamps as the Core. But the vampires don't know/realize this, cuz in their world their abilities manifest thru (what they assume is) pure instinct/thoughts. Vamps know their power resides in their brain, but they don't know why (x x). The Silver Cord is a manifestation of Amel's link to Akasha, spreading like an infection to each of their children: all vampires.
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In AoT, Ymir controlled Titan access to their powers. Which is why once the Founding Titan was killed, all Titans were exterminated for good--Titan Shifters couldn't become Titans anymore or use their powers, and the Curse of Ymir ended.
But in TVC, Amel never controlled vamp access to their powers. The Great Disconnection didn't exterminate the vamps or cut them off from the Dark Gifts or the ability to keep making new vampires. The Dark Trick still worked--they were all still Damned, just no one was connected to Amel anymore. Every vamp became their own independent Sacred Core instead; and Amel was given his own synthetic body to latch onto, completely detached & blocked off from all vamps. 🎉
👻 Possession
According to Raglan James, the body can only host ONE active spirit at a time--he tried to force/push Lestat's spirit out and failed; he had to get Lestat to AGREE to be possessed. Otherwise, he used comatose drugged up vegetables who couldn't fight back, cuz their brain AND spirit was already damaged & vulnerable to be overridden.
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Same with Amel--Akasha was dying when he went into her body & took over. BUT! Once Amel bonded with her body, HE was the one who went to sleep. Cuz she was alive again, her spirit was revitalized. He got STUCK, like a loser. 😅
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It became a battle of wills--and Akasha's naturally won out, so Amel was "no more"--he went dormant, he couldn't speak/move through her (the way Lasher briefly could control corpses). In PL Lestat even mentioned how in the 1980s he'd noticed Amel try to wake up & take over Akasha's body, but he couldn't, still too weak back then.
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So Amel's ghostly possession doesn't work the same way as typical ghosts--he can't puppet the body he resides in, or anyone else's. With The Voice, he could psychologically pester/torment people, driving vamps mad to get them to do things FOR him, but he can't take control of the wheel & drive the body himself. While he was just The Voice he could never physically compel/force anyone to do anything. When Les became his host in PL/PLatRoA, Les had to agree before he let Amel do anything with his body (write in Atlantis' language), and apparently the puppetry/possession caused Les intense pain--either that, or Amel was just making it hurt to be spiteful. (It never hurt Julien Mayfair to be possessed by Lasher--but Julien always blacked out & never remembered wtf happened afterwards, anyway, so who knows. Lestat even said: "Yes, he’d tried to move my limbs more than once, and I’d felt a tingling and cramping in the limb. But that had not been pain.")
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Amel endured, but couldn't LIVE or GROW in his hosts, which is why he HATED being stuck in Akasha & Mekare--their spirits are vulnerable enough for him to reside in them (non-communicative/asleep/mentally ill), but unfortunately for him their spirits are also still active in their bodies, with an active will that naturally rejects anything his foreign presence tries to compel. He couldn't get them to agree to back down & let him take over, the way he could with Les--which is why Les saw Akasha seize up, forcing Amel back down.
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🧛 Amel's Stunted Growth
Inside Akasha, Amel was held back from growing/developing, cuz there were TOO many vamps--hence Akasha's purges in the 1980s & the PL Trilogy's Great Burnings in the 20teens to cull the herd. His vampiric network grew at the detriment to Amel's development--the vampiric species was DRAINING him--vampires are parasites TO Amel, ironically.
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Amel is ephemeral but still material, and all matter has limits. He's not infinite; he can't infinitely support all the vamps; he's stretched too thin. He gets older & the blood gets stronger, but HE can't handle it. He's the vampiric scaffold, but he's tired.
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So, because Amel's STUCK in his hosts, he cannot FULLY reach his potential in any of them, not even Lestat. It literally bleeds out, down into his vampires, instead of staying in Amel and making him powerful, cuz he can't contain it all. As the Voice, he lashes out, throwing tantrums, tryna break lose & find a host dumb enough to let him in so he can exert more autonomy over THEIR body. Which is why Dr Fareed finally snapped the Silver Cord & Kapetria gave Amel a body of his own, so he could be free--but still corporeal.
However, we can see much more concrete examples of how ghosts in TVC really can grow/evolve to reach their full potential:
TVC Ghosts/Spirits
Amel & Goblin
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This is AR's scientific definition of ghosts (a la Dr Fareed):
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Goblin from Blackwood Farm is the perfect comparison for Amel. Amel, pre-Akasha, was a poltergeist just like Goblin eventually became.
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As Quinn Blackwood learned & developed (human AND vampire), so did Goblin. Of all the ghosts in TVC, Goblin's the oddest one--he doesn't reside WITHIN Quinn the way Amel does with Akasha; he's a ghostly poltergeist (external), NOT a ghostly possession (internal).
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As Quinn grew up & aged, so did Goblin. Quinn learned to talk, and so did Goblin. Quinn reached puberty/maturity & wanted to have sex, and chiiiiile.... 🤦 So did Goblin--don't ask. 🫣😅 And when Quinn became a vampire & started drinking blood, so did Goblin.
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Goblin's increasing taste for blood in BwF almost EXACTLY matches Amel's in QotD.
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Amel's thirst for blood was the prime mobile that pushed vampiric bloodlust forward--a vampire in & of itself doesn't crave blood, it's AMEL. He never needed it to survive, but it made him feel better--"slow" & heavy--more real/alive. (x) Goblin doesn't NEED food/blood, but he's a mimic and parasitically codependent on Quinn; so if vamp!Quinn drinks blood, so will Goblin; feeding off of Quinn to get stronger as Quinn gets stronger.
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Goblin was far more codependent on Quinn than Amel ever was to The Twins, cuz they never let him get too close. But Quinn & Goblin were attached from the womb--literally. There was never a Quinn without his Goblin. Codependency turned into entitlement/parasitism, where Goblin refused to exist without Quinn, come hell or high water. But because this wasn't possession, just a haunting, there was no way for Quinn to beat back Goblin the way Akasha & Mekare inherently could--the confines of the body only allowing 1 active spirit didn't apply. Thus: exorcism.
But if Goblin had survived longer & Merrick Mayfair had never exorcised him, I'm 100% convinced he would've become the next Amel, and Quinn would've become his Akasha, creating a whole new Sacred Core and a whole new line of vamps. I'm DEAD serious. But whether their symbiotic relationship would've worked the same way--cuz Akasha was HUMAN when she was possessed, while Quinn was already a vampire already attached to Amel--who's to say? 🤷
TL;DR: Like Lasher, Gremt & AR's other powerful ghosts, Amel grows & learns & develops & gets stronger, YES. But at what cost?! 😩
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As for Magnus, I have a post dedicated to him & his evolution from mortal-human to vamp to ghost to immortal-human. I haven't done one for Gremt yet, but I might later on, depending on what the AMC's Talamasca does.
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sketchfanda · 1 year ago
Kirishima’s Mystique: Fun Times of the Chivalrous Stud Red Riot:The Cheetah Princess of Kenya
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Now it was easy to forget especially with all the mayhem and what not that came their way during their first year alone, and heroics or no, but UA was still a high school. Festivals and sports events were the necessities for any regular fun highschool life after all, not to mention occassions such as when a new transfer student came along or the old classic, the foreign exchange program. One student from their own school and another from a school in a different country changing places for a period of time in the spirit of better co-operation and understanding of one another's cultures and differences. But of course UA was no exception to this especially when Minoru Mineta found himself selected (translation:Forced into volunteering) to attend a hero school all the way in Alaska, which left UA playing host to a splendid, perky and friendly young lady from Kenya by the name of Elena. She was a definite stunner in looks alone and the face she stood at an even 6 feet tall only enhanced that. It was like one had to wonder if Mina had a long lost twin of sorts in the girl, given their enthusiastic levels of energy and their social, affable personalities. To say nothing of the fact she was quite a dancer herself when it came to the brazilian art of Capoeria. But then of course there was her quirk, which was guaranteed to earn er a spot in the top 10 of her home country as a pro in terms of looks and ability. But one person was a little conflicted when it came to the exchange student and not for any negative reasons mind you. For our resident Red Riot, you see, the awkwardness was due to of course, his ever kinky girlfriends and their antics when it came to him and their loving,but by no means vanilla relationship as a trio.
Kirishima:*thinking to himself as he sat on the comfy mat in the campus gymnasium.*'There is no way these two didn't plan this? Midnight-sensei definitely had a part to play in it...'*the chivalrous hero thought to himself, as he looked out the window to see a view of the swimming pool. Mina and Maya of course hanging out with some of their lady friends/classmates, looking hot as all damn hell in the UA school swimsuits. Those one piece leotards left very little to the imagination,that was for sure,a playful toungue blep on his face directed at the cotton candy acid girl and the blue shapeshfter bombshell as they waved with cheeky smiles,blowing kisses his way. Damn he just couldn't stay mad at them.*
Elena:"Kirishima-kun, you alrighty? You seem distracted. Nothing serious I hope.."0w0^w^*The spikey haired redhead felt his brain hit the brakes as that ever peppy,melodic voice spoke up. Elena getting his attention as he found himself looking her way. Goddamn what a view to behold as the exotic Kenyan princess (Seriously, what were the odds they'd have an actual princess in their class!!), wearing nothing more than a white mid-riff baring tanktop and white spandex booty shorts,and her distinct jewellery accessories was doing her usual personal workout routine. Feeling his pulse racing as no doubt blood was rushing to a certain place at seeing this six foot African beauty perform stretches and yoga style twists and bends. Her flexibility on display as she practiced her chosen fighting style, reminding himself how much Mina and the excange student had bonded over their sense of rhythm and love of dance. Her dusky chocolate skin coated in a glistening sheen of perspiration which threatened to soak her workout wear as she casually,seemlessly shifted around like an eel swimming through grease. Currently looking his way as she did a handstand,one palm flat on the gym mat floor while her legs performed the splits. To say he was having ideas would be an understatement*
Kirishima:*managing to exert some sense of willpower and self control as he kept his libido tame and at bay, sending a modest friendly smile her way.*"Yeah, I'm good Elena-chan.no worries, just been thinking was all.."*Left unsaid was the fact Maya had been hosting the exchange student in her dorm room,or that the shapeshifting hottie and Mina had been having regular slumber parties. To which the teased and gave him ideas that Elena was, to say the least, more than into him and wanting to be "very good friends". Quirking a brow curiously as Elena giggled, her tone and body language just radiating such soothing energy. Before she ceased her handstand and her routine as she planted herself upright, standing on her feet as she walked over to him with a distinct bounce to her step. Those bright blue eyes twinkling as she stopped and bent over to face him. Her expression playful as she looked into his own crimson eyes and made him feel...a sort of sense of deja vu.*
Elena:^w0"Let me guess, was it about me naked? You and me doing some very adult things, of which I'm sure Ms.Midnight would certainly approve.0w0 How does she put it,ah yes, "Just two young heroes enjoying the spirit and energy of their youth together as they should."*the Kenyan beauty giggled cutely at the look on Eijiro's face, his jaw risking dropping at the words that came out of her mouth as she tilted his jaw shut, before gently cuppping and caressin his face.* "It's okay if you do and more of course. After all,you've been a very wonderful friend. And I certainly think it's time you and I became quite very good Friends,don't you?"*She quipped before capturing his lips in a sudden kiss. certainly not a chaste peck either,oh no, this was a full on sensual, erotic sort of kiss. Her tongue caressing his lips before making its way into his mouth to dance with and caress his own. Purring and smiling as she found him returning and giving in kind,as she felt him grasp her snow white shortcut hair as he deepened their liplock. The pair of heroes in training moaning as Elena found him probing her throat while she caressed and traced those sharp shark like teeth of his. he duo soon breaking for air as a little stand of saliva broke between them, panting as their faces were flushed with red blushes of arousal.*
Kirishima:*an amused deadpan smile on his face as the Kenyan princess playfully blepped and smiled at him in kind*"Let me guess,Mina and maya's idea? Makes sense why you asked me here...and why they got the view there..."*shaking his head in bemusement as Elena giggled,her tone not lacking any of its usual playfulness and feisty friendliness. Kissing him on the lips softly and sensually as she backstepped away a bit, striking a little pose for him that made thos toned,limber mscles of hers flex, standing out thanks to the sunlight and her glistening sheen.*
Elena:"Of all the boys here,you stood out to me the most at first sight when we met. They could tell soon as we got acquainted and insisted they were more than okay with it. And of course they were very detailed and descriptive singing your praises,you manly puppy you..." *soon as she’d finished saying that,the exotic African babe made the sturdy hero in training drop his jaw and widen his eyes,taking delight in having his attention as she began to strip. Peeling off her tanktop and shorts as she exposed and laid herself bare before him. Flexing and posing for him,her movements silky and graceful. Looking like some divine goddess as his red eyes drank her in from hewed to toe. Her long,strong,toned powerful legs, her firm arms and good lord her hips and thighs. To say nothing of her boobs and bubble butt. Before she shit him a wink and a smile,blowing a kiss his way as she flexe her muscles and begs to change. Her muscle mass boosting as f her hands and feet took on the traits of a feline,cat ears sprouting on her head and a tail forming from where her spine tailbone met the pelvis. Fur formed on her arms and legs up to her biceps and mid-thigh, showing the colour and pattern of a cheetah, another portion acting like a makeshift bikini. The transformation complete as she struck a pose, sending him a purr and meow a her tail wagged.*
‘Elena, home country:Kenya, birthplace:France. Quirk:We’re-Cheetah. A transformation type quirk that enhances Elena’s flexibility and senses while it also increases her strength and especially her speed as it provides her the traits and qualities of the African Cheetah, such as a set of sharp fangs an claw. Her affable charm,friendly personality and sensual charisma combined with the exotic appeal of her looks and quirk ensure this young lady has a bright future ahead in the pro hero circuit.’
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Kirishima stared in awe,face blushing so red thst it made his hair look paler in comparison. If Elena was a 10 before,in her quirked form she was an absolute 11 as the Kenyan hero exchange student posed for him. Courting his attention as if she were a wild animal in mating season looking for a good time, fitting given the nature and appearance of her transformed state. Before the chivalrous hero in training shook his head steeling his nerves with a look of firm determination as he stood up, stripoing off his gym suit top. Elena licking her lips sensually at seeing his sculpted torso, a result of his hours of dedicated,rigorous training. Her silky tail swaying seductively as she watched the sturdy redhead continue to strip until he was as naked as she was. Silently oohing and aweigh at the sight of his exposed loins. Such smooth yet large heavy balls and of course his absolute unit of length and girth as it breathed freely in the open air. Rising to full mast erection as it stood stiff and firm as a flagpole, looking like he could hammer nails into solid wood with that meat stick of his. All without yet needing the added benefit and enhancement of his quirk as despite being a solid even statuesque six feet tall, the 5 foot 7 absolute unit of a young buck felt like an equal. A sensual smile and blush on her the were-cheetah girl’s face as her blue eyes twinkled with arousal as the young buck approached her. Looking as serious as he would on a mission, which in his mind was all the same,as a real man never left a woman waiting and wanting.
Elena:*softly gasped as Eijiro didn’t stop until their fronts were pressed together. His head level with her breasts as his face nuzzled the valley of her cleavage. Giggling and moaning as she felt her erection sandwiching between her thighs, his length and girth pressing against her slit and the crack of her juicy bubbly booty.* “Oh my, such a look in your eyes, Mina and Maya told me you really became quite the beast once you get in the mood. Well then, you Manly Man you, please show me what a real alpha male You can be….” *She playfully quipped, cupping Kirishima’s face in her hands as she tilted his head up, gasping delightfully as she found one of his hands clasp the back of her head and the other reach around to grab a nice handful of her ass. A melodic moan escaping her luscious milk chocolate lips as he gave a firm squeeze of that booty meat.*
Kirishima:”For you,Princess? I’m not gonna disappoint….”*not wasting anytime and leaving no hesitation or doubt, the shark teethed redhead pressed his lips to hers as they kissed once more. Elena’s moans and gasps music to his ears,as they made out with a deep passion to fuel the growing sparks of desire between them. Their hands exploring one another as Kirishima felt the silky spotted fur and her exquisite muscles while she used her own quite healthy thighs to massage and jerk off his magnum dong. Feeling her snatch gush and lube up that length and girth as she traced and memorised every detail of his physique. From his firm pecs to his washboard abs, he was on par with all those classical renaissance sculptures.*
it wasn’t long before their make out intensified as the two heroes in training truly ran with the spirit and energy of the pair youth in ways that would make Midnight proud. Rolling around the floor as they kissed and groped one another,their tongues dancing in a sloppy game of spit swapping and tonsil hockey before Kirishima sat on the matted floor, shuddering as Elena stroked his shaft. Her padded,furry pawed hands heavenly Especially as she would perform such stunning fellatio. Sucking snd blowing on his cock as it was clear Mina and Maya gave her their toys to practice on. Effortlessly deepthroating him as her blue eyes looked at his red ones with friendly sensuality. Twikling with glowing lust and admiration for her new “Alpha Male” who didn’t stay idle as she found him masaaajnf and smacking her swaying ass. Making that booty jiggle as his fingers teased and caressed her slit. Her nectar flowing with a steady stream of growing arousal as her tail wagged with erotic delight as she popped her mouth off of his cock, nuzzling her face against it as she smiled a catlike grin,tongue teasing his balls as she stroked that veiny womb hammer. Eyes glowing with lust as she awaited his next move.
Elena:”Ahhhn my alpha,you really do know yiur way with a girl’s body. Aah please, enjoy me to your hesrt’s content and have your fill. Keep this uo and we may become more than just very good friends…”*The Kenyan heroine in training melodically praised,as she found her body laying at a 90 degree piledriver angle. His hands grasping and massaging her spread thighs as his tongue lapped away at her snatch. The slithery muscle drinking up her love nectar as it probed her folds, the African jungle princess biting her lip sensual as her tail wrapped around his shaft. Idly stroking that length and girth as the primal animal instincts within her began to take hold, truly coming to imprint on Kirishima as her alpha male, her body entering a mating heat, awaiting to be claimed by him sexually.*
Kirishima:”Princess…you feel amazing…so Damn hot….”*Eijiro couldn’t help but feel like the first times he’d fallen for Mina and Maya as he found himself currently fucking Elena doggy, or rather kitty style. Balls deep inside her as heavy sacks smacked against her clit, making her juices splash against his pelvis and rain down on the floor beneath them. His muscles rippling and flexing as his cock pumped into her snatch like the pistons of a jackhammer drill. Elena’s smooth abs swelling from the thickness and reach piercing her welcoming, eager womb. The gym walls and ceiling echoing with the sexual rhythm of their mating, the cries of passion and skin slapping skin as he’d smack that stunning chocolate booty which was amazing to watch jiggle. Her tits swaying as her claws grasped and scratched the mat up,her tail wrapping around her designated alpha male’s waist as she looked over her shoulder at him with devotion.*
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The exotic exchange student and her studly Alpha Male didn’t know how long they’d went at it but quite frankly all that mattered to them was to maintain the flow and rhythm of raw,primal passion and desire between them. Elena feeling orgasm hit her so swiftly that there was no way to keep count but ooh the sweet pornographic bliss whenever Kirishima came. Especially inside her, Maya and Mina were right on the money about forgoing condoms. A magnum dong like Kirishima could only be enjoyed raw as the cheetah Lycan beaut relished every intimate position they performed in their primal dance of man and woman. Sitting and bouncing on his lap as they kissed in the seated lotus, to rolling around playfully fighting for dominance in a mating and Amazon press. Hearts glowing her in sky blue eyes as she found herself held up in a full nelson, screaming yes over and over as Eijiro flexed his muscular form and pumped his cock into her over and over. Missionary, spread eagle, piledriver, a veritable kama sutra for their first time becoming animalistic friends with benefits was an absolute must for the duo as their momentum saw her laying flat on the floor. Kirishima mounted atop her as he fucked her prone bone, the primal part of Elena’s brain howling “get me pregnant” over and over like a mantra. Claws deep in the mat as his cock hammered into her overflowing, warm pussy. Her booty a lush meaty cushion jiggling with every impact of their loins. Shuddering as they came together, Elena purring as her tail caressed his back,turning her head as they kissed kissed one another softly and sensually. Breaking their liplock as they heard applause, turning to see the source and finding they weren’t alone anymore.
Mina:*grinning with erotic,Pervy delight,her golden eyes having a soar of mischief and lust to them as she and Maya stood over their boyfriend and roommate. Ceasing their clapping and beginning to strip off their swimsuit leotards.*”Well now,Maya-senpai I knew these two would get along famously. But if two is company and three is a crowd,what’s four?”
Maya:”ooh I’m sure we can make it work just fine Pinky. But first thing’s first,what’s say we stop watching and really make out like animals…”*the blue shapeshifter teased erotically as she and Mina and stood naked before their boyfriend and his new bestie with benefits. Their bodies radiating raw desire as their pussies fished with arousal.*
Kirishima stared,blushjng and wide eyes,his red hair wet frkm sweat and effort as he looked between at his girlfriends and Elena, the cheetah princess playfully blepping and smiling as she was clearly ready and willing for a four way. To which the sturdy hero could only roll his eyes and smile bemusedly before he set his face to a determined expression. MUscles flexing,tensing as he mentally prepared to use his quirk as need be. His little Red Riot was going to to need the extra boost and energy and A Real man would and should never leave his important ladies needing an wanting. As Elena’s alpha male especially, he knew that he needed to go, Plus Fucking Ultra…..
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didyoutrydynamite · 2 years ago
Has neo ever used her shapeshfting abilities for twin shenanigans?
Cinder: Hey, Handsome. My sister and I were wondering, which of us do you think is prettier~💖
Neo: *Shapeshifted into her Tiefling Twin, waving seductively*
"Handsome": *Tied up to a chair in front of the Redeemers*
Cinder: *Shakes her head with a dark chuckle* Men. So predictable. They'll crawl through the Nine Hells itself if it meant they had a chance to sleep with twins.
Neo: *Proudly nods and high fives Cinder*
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angelfevr · 6 months ago
hello anon!!
sooooo fun fact abt the angels in angelus custos . i may have talked abt angel appearances, how that differs depending on where u are in the hierarchy, how angels r able to shapeshift, angels on earth being different than angels in heaven, and so on
but some dont just shapeshft into human forms. they can be anything. inanimate objects, animals, usually a fucked up amalgamation of these.
i have an edit i wanna make but photopea isnt working w me so ill post that as an example whenever it chooses to work
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erme-maererme · 10 months ago
i remember someone saying on here that it doesn’t make sense for durge to be a githyanki bc they are not from faerun originally and are not out there worshipping this particular pantheon, but i do however consider this a non-issue coz there literally are githyanki in faerun so bhaal is not stretching his powers onto other planes to make a githyanki durge.
i also do operate here under the idea that durge, unlike other bhaalspawn who become possessed in their sleep, was not born strictly speaking, according to the forgotten realms wiki he is using something called a corrupted moonwell— basically the character creation interface from the beginning of the game haha. but they also canonically did have parents that they killed (i think that’s the memory that heal spell recovers), so it would be easy and maybe more practical to conjure a githyanki egg for sceleritas to drop off at someone’s house.
another thing to consider is also that a githyanki durge is also not necessarily a literal githyanki meaning they do look like a githyanki for the most part, but they are also a pure bhaalspawn so their abilities would differ in some ways from those of the githyanki. i also think they were like orin a shapeshifter of some sort, because again the wiki reveals that bhaal liked a bit of shapeshiting, and there’s a slayer but there is also a shapeshfting tyrannosaurus (kazgoroth), who would change his shape to hunt some specific people. so it’s possible that for whatever now forgotten reason durge chose this form (ie to be a githyanki). and i like to fuck around with character design so i firmly believe durge (even non-chosen!durge) should have some elements of being a some sort of murderous quasi deity in their appearance, to betray them as not a normal living person. not undead of course, but always sort of teetering on the edge on the forces of life and death, which does things to you.
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unskilledpoint · 2 years ago
[Unskilled tilts their head and raises their eyebrows.]
Wowwwwwwww. Petty much?
[They instead stretch out their limbs, and seem to... shrink. They then step through the portal.]
Hey! Hey. Heyyyyyyyyy. Hiiiiiiiii. You uh. Got time to spare?
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falsegrey · 2 years ago
Question if you could have any superpower what would it be and why?
im asking most mutuals cause im bored and ran out of daily posts
yeahno ive been trying to think of literally anything other than shapeshifting but realistically probably that other than that maybe some kinda teleporting or smth? im not sure but yea shapeshfting
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polutrope · 2 years ago
Writer’s Identity Game
Thanks for the tag @imakemywings. I think I have done this before but I cannot find it and don't remember what I put on it, so why not do it again!
If someone is completely new to your writing, which 3 fics would you recommend they read? List the fics with a one-line summary. Then, tag 3 of your writer friends to do the same. 
I'll do 1 fic for 3 genres.
Angst. Who Shall Release Us? (G, 2.3k). Maedhros is reembodied and comes to terms with the absence of Maglor.
Humour. First Contact (T, 2.7k). Daeron/Maglor. Fëanor is reembodied, Daeron wants to meet him. [I couldn't not include a Daemags.]
Smut. Of Changing and of Shifting Shape (E, 2.2k). Daeron/Lúthien. Shapeshfting. Top Lúthien. I'll let you do the math.
Join in, if you like (and sorry if you already did this) @sallysavestheday @curanthir @ettelene
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inland--empire · 2 months ago
Yup!! I didn't know how to do that before because - I am gonna be honest. I suck at "Shapeshfting", i suck at superpowers in general so i needed some help - Rouge (Host)
Well that is very epic!!!
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yumyumyumvowels · 9 months ago
My leding thery is tht two der shapeshfted int the form f the humn gymbro t remov their dad comrde for secret der funral rit withot attractng suspicon
Absolute magical moment driving home. Going down a dark parkway. See something moving on the side of the road so I slow down. Two 20-something dudes in weirdly matching tank tops and gym shorts carrying a dead deer along the side of the road, one guy holding the front legs the other guy moving the back. Not just like moving it out of the street, they were fully walking to destinations unknown with deer corpse in tow. No vehicles parked anywhere along the road. No fucking idea what they were doing with it. Both dudes looking directly into the headlights with blank expressions. One guy had sunglasses on his forehead. Dead deer eyeshine catching the light. “In Your Eyes” Peter Gabriel blasting from my car the whole time which isn't directly relevant but really added to the experience.
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