#shant is here to stay
skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
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2024 Chinese Grand Prix - Fernando Alonso
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sushisocks · 10 months
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how do you feel about this image of ur bestie sean
i need him like that in my bed ‼‼‼
nah but fr mans is meowing for help. arthur go save that boy 😤
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tamagotchikgs · 2 months
the tonal shifting has me like
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justobsessedwithvic · 2 months
time to watch må music videos and Kurtis Conner to cope
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absentmoon · 2 years
finished my latin homework......
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I prefer to stay anonymous so I will not be giving out my real name, for the sake of this blog you can call me Forrest.
Recently, I was transported from earth to this strange new universe in my sleep I (as well as the residents) refer to as “the white void”, I just now decided that I should start documenting the strange occurrences around here.
There’s some strange connection between this world and our own so people on earth can see posts made here and vice versa, so here I am.
Hope people can find some enjoyment out of this.
((Blogs and websites linked to this under the cut))
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morgombie · 5 months
Hiiii. I'm just here to hear about your current favorite fantroll/fantrolls. I like hearing people infodump and I wanna learn more about your babies <3 Who's rotating in your brain rn?
this ask is from forever ago im so sorry ToT but i was waitin to answer till i had the brain capacity to think on it
rn the trolls in my brain are izmera, baster, and rhiati... i love those guys :'3 mostly thinking about rhiati at the moment
i dont explore my characters stories suuper in depth on the blog, as most of the interactions and lore talk is done on discord, but i do like rambling abt them any chance i get! and i have a lot of big feelings on the intricate detailing of each of their stories... more + extra art under the cut :]
rhiati's story was written originally as a tragedy; they were never meant to survive the virus taking over their mind and body, and they were doomed to become the monster they always feared they would. now, however, their fate is up in the air--my friends and i have spoken a lot about a potential cure, and so i might play with that :] but definitely not until after rhia has gone through everything i have planned for them JKHDG their story may have a happy ending, or it may not, but its meant to be tragic nonetheless
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i love them very dearly... i say as i put them through the horrors KJFHDGDG but its true!!!
currently in their story, rhia's moirial, aselin, is housing them in their hive on the outskirts of town. aselin is within a sort of guild that hunts shadow droppers, and rhia got involved one day by not listening to aselin's warnings to stay away. they got attacked and subsequently bit by one of the monsters, and have since been hiding out in aselin's hive as the two try their best to maneuver their situation
eventually, as rhia's infection gets worse, and it gets harder to hide the fact that theyre turning, the guild catches wind of whats going on and the two moirails flee for rhiati's life. from there, the story is less concrete as rhia's fate isnt yet decided, but they end up on the run for either the remainder of rhia's life (likely a few months before they fully turn), or until they find/make a cure :]
there's obviously a bunch of detail ive left out, but thats the general gist! these 2 make me emotional.....................
i could go on about the other trolls i have as well but... i shant or this ask will be 89474867 pages long LMAO TY FOR THE ASK <33
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scribblecake · 1 year
Gentle Lights Ch) 3
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Something short and sweet(?) bc I'm fading fast and needs a sleeb. The author is very tired. She is eepy. The author has had a very long day of writting sins and wants to take just a small sleep. She eeby and neebies to sleebie. audor sleepy and need bed by time. the ator is currently experiencing critical levels of being a sleehjy little guy and needs to go to beb. she is retired and needs to slep. just a little sleejing time as a treat.
TW: Idk how to write fluff... or dialogue...
Warm arms wrapped around her. The scent of honey and oil greeted Izogie as pure elation coaxed tears to her eyes. Oh to be hugged again! To feel something welcoming and familiar!
“We thought you were gone forever!” Nawi sniffed before being overcome with hiccuping sobs. Tentatively, Izogie lifted an arm and shakily wrapped it around her young sister. The warrior did her best to comfort Nawi and fight off sobs herself. 
But the tears were all too eager to fall. They stung at her eyes before streaming down and scorching her cheeks. Izogie felt more hands on her shoulders, they pulled upwards. Her limited view of the world shifted as her body was propped upright with Nawi still clinging to her.
Two other figures hovered over Izogie and Amenza shifted into focus. She wordlessly pressed a clay cup to the warrior's lips. Water! Cool, quenching water! It greeted Izogie’s system like a storm in the dry season.
Liquid life trickled down her throat, bringing strength to withered limbs. Izogie gulped it down greedily and it was gone far too soon. Cracked lips parted to voice displeasure but a jug lifted to her thisting mouth quickly dispelled any protests. 
After Izogie had drunk her fill, two more sets of arms encased her. The solid embrace of Nanisca and the welcoming tenderness of Amenza breathed strength into Izogie’s sore body. They stayed that way for a time. Tears, sobs and relieved murmurs were exchanged in the quiet moment. However; Nanisca was the first to break away.
“You never cease to exceed what is expected of you. I just wish you’d stop terrifying me in the process.” She chuckled. Amenza shook her head fondly at the comment, playfully smacking Nanisca’s arm.
“W-we’re so happy to have you home! The palace was horrible and empty without you here!” Nawi cried as she tightened her hold on Izogie. The warrior grimaced when she felt a sharp twinge of pain in her chest and stomach. This did not go unnoticed by her friend who was quick to move away, but only just. She was still practically glued to the warrior’s side.
“Eh? What are those tears for? Just wait and see! When I heal, I’ll really give you something to cry about! You won’t miss me so much after a ten mile run.” Izogie rasped mischievously. Her words made the young soldier gasp and her commanders snicker.
Amenza hummed as a cheeky grin curled her lips. “Bold words for someone who could barely move, not even a few minutes ago.” 
Laughter rippled through the room and they settled into relaxed chatter, briefing the soldier on what she had missed. Izogie learned that after she lost consciousness and contact with Nawi, Nanisca had returned, against the king’s wishes, to retrieve them. 
She sat awestruck as they recounted how they had led an additional rebellion and burned The Trade to ash. Izogie smiled widely at the lively narration of their triumphant return. She nearly doubled over laughing at how Nanisca snatched the title of The Woman King right from under Shante. 
The more she listened, the more her mind and heart relaxed. The soldier let the familiar voices scrub away any lingering burden of worry and fear. She finally felt safe, no longer adrift in uncertainty and pain. Izogie had found her way back to the ones that loved her. She had found her way back home.
Lmk if you'd like to be added to the tag list!
@mybonafidefeelings @zeezeecave @shanas-baby
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sprintingnight · 7 months
fake asota d&d post simulator
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🐈 bloomingflowers Follow
yeah okay i feel like everyone's overreacting over the blood in the hallways. missing students aren't exactly a problem, people drop out of school all the time. it's literally not a big deal
🎵 snakefreak Follow
didn't you get a callout post a few months ago for getting caught eating a human arm in the girls bathroom
🎵 snakefreak Follow
whof the fuck is knoucking at my dorm room entrance in the middle of the night .
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🐕 chickengirl Follow
excuse my language but i don't know how the FUCK to get out of this ice maze???????? any experts know what to do when your head starts spinning and you cant see right??? i think the reflections did some shit to me
⚔️ knightonpatrol23 Follow
op have you considered looking up the effects of low iron
🐕 chickengirl Follow
hold on i will in a second there's this weird crunching noise in the room ahead
🐕 chickengirl Follow
by the blight and the bane this can't be happening
#THE FUCKING MAYOR??? #hen.txt
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☘️ liadons Follow
does anyone know the best fertilizer for my venus flytrap? im not too sure how to keep its roots healthy while also giving it the flies it needs.
🐈 bloomingflowers Follow
where is my rock rael
☘️ liadons Follow
what the fuck? how did you find my tumblr?
🐈 bloomingflowers Follow
give it to me rael
🐈 notheath Follow
give it to me rael
☘️ liadons Follow
please stop harassing me. this prank isn't funny. im going to report you to staff.
🐈 notheath Follow
how resistant are you to fire attacks
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☀️ evvyblackbloom Follow
Hello, students of Alamaz. I know we're concerned about the rampant disappearances, and reports of some of our students coming back to school covered in blood, but there's absolutely nothing to worry about. Please remain calm during your stay here and make sure to lock your dorm rooms if you feel the need to.
☘️ liadons Follow
hey op arent you the one with the corpse pile in her basement
☀️ evvyblackbloom Follow
i have access to your student files, home address, family information, and authority over your brother, rael liadon
☘️ liadons Follow
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🐈 bloomingflowers Follow
hey guys sorry abt the absence i was in jail for a bit :/
📚 bookworm87 Follow
how the fuck do you land yourself in jail????? arent you like. your bio says youre 16, what the hell did you do?
☘️ liadons Follow
dont ask stupid questions
🐕 chickengirl Follow
dont ask stupid questions
🎵 snakefreak Follow
dont ask stupid questions
#eboblogs #i hope nobody notices when bookworm87 mysteriously stops posting
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🐕 chickengirl Follow
that girl down by the interrogation station was pretty nice, i wonder if i can get in contact with her again :)
🐈 bloomingflowers Follow
🎵 snakefreak Follow
im sorry catboy did you think i was the only one to get my crush swept away by some fucking golden retriever girl. the reckoning is upon you and if you think youll be spared its not going to happen.
🐕 chickengirl Follow
please get off my post
#hen.txt #i swear i need to like block these two off my blog or something #every time there's a blow up in my notifs #it's always them.
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☀️ evvyblackbloom Follow
im so hungry i could eat a
☀️ evvyblackbloom Follow
☀️ evvyblackbloom Follow
i shant say
📚 studentswag Follow
um. my classmate went missing about an hour or two before this was posted
#....this cannot be connected i think im going insane
563 notes
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📚 studentswag Follow
alright this needs to be settled
#if youre already initiated you cant vote #your bias will show lmao #looking at a certain student whos name starts with d #and ends with aemus
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🌕 mooncrying Follow
i miss my home so fucking much. why couldnt things have stayed the same? why couldnt i be happy? it cant end like this for me.
🐈 bloomingflowers Follow
have you considered getting used to it
🌕 mooncrying Follow
#im so FUCKING SICK OF TABAXI!!!!!!!!! #ESPECIALLY THIS ONE!! #why are we giving heath a platform like #i know its "funny" to "observe him in his enclosure" #but hes gone TOO FAR!!
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aquadestinyswriting · 7 months
Titan Modern AU- Chapter Three
Summary: Meredith gets a telling off for staying in the office past clocking-off time. Starhammer offers her a lift to her new place and she gets some time to settle in. Two days later, Detective O'Toreguarde returns to the Consulate to get that witness statement.
Words: 1,646
Tags: @druidx, @sparrow-orion-writes @warriorbookworm, @thesorcerersapprentice, @blind-the-winds, @philosophika, @the-down-upside-finch, @hippiewrites
Warnings: None for this chapter.
Notes: 'Haud yer wheesht!' is one of my favourite Scots phrases. It basically just means 'shut up'. Tone can indicate the swearing in the middle when required.
“Gruksdottir, weren’t ye supposed to clock off at five-thirty?” Lieutenant Starhammer frowned as he walked past the computer in the main reception area, noticing that his new constable was sitting at it. The clitter-clatter of keys being hit in rapid succession paused as the short woman looked up from the screen,
“Writing up an incident report, sir.” she replied, ducking her head back down and resuming. Starhammer huffed out a sigh,
“About the shooting that occurred earlier?” he asked pointedly. Meredith nodded, not looking up from her screen this time,
“Indeed sir.” she confirmed, her tone distracted, “I had to leave my post to render medical aid to a Toreguarde Investigative Branch officer.” she added. 
“Gruksdottir, ye’re aware that it’s now ten minutes til six, aye?” 
“I am aware, sir.”
Starhammer growled, marched over to the desk and put a hand in front of Meredith’s face, blocking the screen,
“Then why are ye still here?” he ground out. Meredith frowned, the first time Starhammer had seen the expression on her face, and looked up at her commanding officer,
“Because I need to finish the report, sir.” she remarked, confused. Starhammer simply shook his head, grabbed the mouse, saved the document and closed it. Meredith pursed her lips,
“I was still working on that.” she grumbled. Starhammer shook his head,
“And now I’m ordering ye to go and bloody well clock off.” he retorted. Meredith spun the chair so she could send the lieutenant a confused glare,
“I did clock of at five-thirty, sir –” she didn’t get any further as Starhammer groaned, closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose,
“That doesn’t make it better, Gruksdottir.” he sighed “In fact that makes it worse.” he added. He squinted one eye open, just in time to catch his constables’ bewildered expression before she schooled it. He sucked in a breath, lowered his hand and sat on the corner of the desk,
“Look, I understand that, back in Fangthane, things’re a bit more hectic, and I’m sure most officers are forced to work a bunch of unpaid overtime to meet deadlines set by politicians that have no idea how the world actually functions.” he noted, “However, that is definitely not the case here, and I’d rather ye actually went home after clockin’ off.” he held up a hand as Meredith opened her mouth,
“I wasn’t done, haud yer wheesht. While I do appreciate the enthusiasm, I find that writing reports as soon as an incident has occurred often leads to officers forgetting key details as they’ve not had a chance to fully internalise what happened. Make some notes, aye, but let yourself sit with it for at least a day before writing up a full report.” he suggested.
Meredith’s annoyed frown lifted into something a little more thoughtful as she took in what the lieutenant had just said. After a moment, she nodded,
“That makes sense, sir.” she said, moving to switch the computer she’d been using off. She paused momentarily,
“Sir, did Lady Frigidwake get back to you about lodgings for myself?” she asked. Starhammer beamed at her and nodded,
“That she did, lass. Actually, it’s a good thing ye were still here. Apparently a room just became available in a lodging house on Serpentine Road. It’s not too far from here, about a ten minute walk or so.”  he replied happily. Meredith nodded and finished turning the computer off, grabbed her Shanter and stood,
“Very well, sir. I’ll grab my things and check out of the Crabbit Sow, then make my way there.” 
Starhammer chuckled,
“Not by yourself, you’re not.” he told her, “I’ll give ye a lift to the inn, let ye grab yer things, and help ye get settled into your room.” he said, bringing out his keys and jangling them. Meredith, realising she wasn’t going to be winning any arguments with her Lieutenant, simply shook her head,
“Again, ye don’t need to go to such trouble.” she grumbled, “But I’ll not turn down the offer of a lift when it’s given.” 
An hour later, Meredith was standing in the room she would be calling home for the foreseeable future, looking out at the view over the canals from the window of her kitchenette. Starhammer smiled as he finished signing off the last bit of paperwork and turned to his constable,
“Right then, I’ll let ye get properly settled for the night. If ye need anything at all, here’s the number for my house phone. Dinna panic if one of the wee ones answers it, just ask if their grandpa’s available.”  he told her. 
Meredith repressed the urge to roll her eyes as she took the slip of paper and placed it on the counter,
“I don’t need babied, sir.” she told him. Then she smiled, “I do, however, appreciate what you and Lady Frigidwake have done for me.” she added. Starhammer beamed at her,
“Ye’re very welcome, lass. One last thing, before I pop off home to get assaulted by a three and five year old, when that T.I.B officer comes ‘round to get yer statement, bring them into the office. If the shooter’s who I think it is, I have some pertinent questions to ask them in return.” he said. Meredith frowned,
“Sir?” she asked. Starhammer shook his head,
“Stuff to do with High Command and the King’s Guard, hen. I’ll fill ye in when that officer pops by. In the meantime, I expect to see ye at 9am tomorrow and no earlier.” he said firmly. Meredith suppressed the urge to salute, though she did stand a little more at attention,
“Aye, sir.” she replied. Starhammer rolled his eyes, but said nothing as he grabbed his coat and finally left. Meredith cocked her head to one side, then walked back to the window she’d been looking out of. She watched the hustle and bustle at the docks below, pondering her Lieutenant’s words. She stroked her beard thoughtfully, then shook her head, turned away from the view and set about sorting out the shopping that Starhammer had insisted they pick up on the way.
True to her word, two days later, Meredith spotted the dark skin and brown hair of Detective O’Toreguarde approaching the Consulate entrance just as the nearby clock tower chimed 1pm. Meredith relaxed from attention and waited for the Detective to approach. 
Elowyn allowed herself a small smile as she noticed the Fangthanian woman relax when the clock tower chimed out the time. Discipline like that boded well for conversation ahead. She just hoped that the constable was able to remember what she saw the day of the shooting. Elowyn shoved the memory of her partner’s leg bleeding profusely through her hands to the back of her mind. Time to get that statement, then do whatever it took to catch the man who’d shot him.
The Torejar officer nodded in greeting as she stepped up beside the Fangthanian woman,
“Good afternoon, Constable Gruksdottir. I’m here to take down that statement if you’ve time?” she asked. 
Meredith nodded, and gestured to the door of the Consulate,
“Of course, Detective. I’m on lunch for the next hour so we’ve plenty of time. However, my superior officer has asked to speak with you regarding the incident we were both involved in.” she stated, walking towards the door and pulling it open. She gestured for Elowyn to walk in ahead of her.
Elowyn frowned, confused, walking to the door but not quite through it,
“Did your superior officer say why, Constable?” she asked warily. Meredith shook her head,
“Not in any explicit terms. I believe, however, it was to do with the individual who shot your partner.” she explained.
Elowyn pursed her lips. It wasn’t like the Stronghold Guardian Corps to insert itself in Toreguarde internal affairs, even if the man responsible for the chaos a couple of days ago was Fangthanian. Then she remembered why she and Breakwood had been chasing him. She sighed and stepped into the blessedly air-conditioned lobby,
“Very well, in the interests of maintaining some cooperation between our states, I can explain some details to your commanding officer.” she said. She looked back at Meredith as the other woman walked into the lobby alongside her. She suppressed her smile at how attractive the constable looked in that slate-grey uniform. Even the beard was somehow attractive on her. Too bad she was a witness and, thereby, completely out of bounds. 
Meredith, seemingly oblivious to the slightly too-long look the detective was giving her, walked on ahead, leading Elowyn across the marble-floored lobby and up the majestic mahogany staircase. It didn’t take long for both women to reach the upper floor and find the door leading to Lieutenant Starhammer’s office. Meredith rapped on the oak surface, then stood at relative ease as she waited for a response.
“Aren’t ye supposed to be on lunch, Gruksdottir?” Starhammer called from the other side. Meredith merely shook her head,
“Detective O’Toreguarde from the Toreguarde Investigative Branch has arrived to get that statement, Lieutenant.” she replied. Elowyn quirked an eyebrow at the pronunciation of Lieutenant, but didn’t say anything. There was a grumble, the slight screech of a chair being pushed across the floor, then the steady tromp of a decidedly rotund man walking to the door. 
Lieutenant Starhammer opened the door with a little more force than he probably intended, Elowyn realised as she noticed the Constable stand a little more to attention as soon as he had done so. The old man’s eyes widened as he took in the short stature, dark skin and ruffled brown hair of the Torejar woman standing next to his sheepish-looking Constable. He quickly schooled his expression, shook his head and gestured to the sofas,
“Well come on in then.” he groused, stepping to one side to allow both women to walk into the office. 
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millenari · 1 month
And for you!
🧵✍️🐾, please?
🧵 fav production!
My two biggest of favs are 1998 and the Vienna Revival. I've listened to the Vienna Revival cast recording so many times that there are moments that, when I listen to English productions, I'll get confused for a moment because I'm expecting them to speak in German. And 98 is of course a classic. 😙👌
✍️ changes to my own production!
alonzo shadow dance
boys participate in Macavity backup dance
more swing/kitten characters (also why are all the swings kittens? older female swings would be nice)
taking a page from the bway revival: longer pas de deux (but not necessarily their pas de deux, just a longer one), platoria in tugger's song, & the new macavity fight (tho I'd love if it were longer)
pekes goes to munk in act 1, no growltiger, i think I'd keep the 'hurry, make ready, remember what I told you!' line of munk's from later London Pekes
smaller theater. I think one of the big things with pac cats is the small, intimate stage that they use. obviously i wouldnt use a catwalk, but something smaller where 'audience interaction' isnt limited to only the audience members in the first few rows (and people all the way up on the balcony can barely tell all 20-30 of the characters apart).
speaking of pac cats, canon tuggoff [insert fire elmo meme here]
m/m and f/f pairs in the mating dance
jenny tap battle
restore bway-style tumble with the fighty personality. london-style pounce and tumble always seem to be the same exact character tbh
dare i say it (i shall) (i shant) (i shall) I might cut Naming Of Cats.
Idk how that would work bc I'd want to keep the 'man who's not heard of a jellicle cat' section. maybe I'd just cut the song down a bunch. I feel like that number sets audiences up to be confused bc it just throws a bunch of information that's technically not relevant at them before they even learn the plot of the show. idk, maybe go straight from 'man who's not heard' to the Introduction, but then I'm not sure where Victoria's solo would go. I'd have to think about it. The fact that Cats 2019 kept it still baffles me, as much as it's a fun song that sets the vibes it does little in terms of storytelling.
TSE: Cats call each other secret names that humans don't know. also TSE: "All the guards and all the porters / And the stationmaster's daughters / Would be searching high and low / Saying "Skimble, where is Skimble?"
🐾 how did I discover Cats!
i cant remember the exact timeline of which came first, but i remember around 2019 i started getting recommendations on youtube for cats videos (i listened to a lot of musical theater songs at the time) and i kind of eyeballed them, but never played them. Then I got (of all songs) Pekes put on one of my playlists, and I just remember minding my own business and drawing (or working or whatever), and I hear what sounds like, 'FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!'. I go 'what the hell', change tabs, and discover that I'm listening to british catpeople say 'bark'. I thought it was the ugliest song I'd ever heard (lol and now i love it) and put on something else, but other Cats songs creeped in after that one, and I eventually sat down and watched the whole thing on youtube.
And either briefly before or right after this, the trailers for Cats 2019 dropped; at the time I hadn't thought it was bad enough to earn all the mockery, but my awareness of Cats was small (I imagine actually this was after I'd heard Pekes but before I'd watched the rest of the show, come to think of it)
And for a few months I was mostly 'whatever, fun songs', about Cats, but then I just got randomly back into it and the hyperfixation stayed. I think it mightve been 2021 by then? But yeah, it was mostly the youtube algorithm that got me.
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seafoam-roe · 7 months
Fyrwyb tore off her helm and threw it with all her anger across the inn room. The metal clanged and crashed, knocking over a potted plant in the corner. She didn’t care. Her hair stuck to her cheeks with sweat. Her heartbeat was frantic.
“Gone again. Always gone!” She exclaimed under her breath, sinking to the floor. The closest wall supported her as her shoulders began to shake. Her armor made small noises to fill the silence while she cried.
“Ye always have t’run off without me. Without someone. Always runnin’ off alone!”
The roegadyn shifted her weight and sat back against the wall, her head leaning back so that she could look up at the ceiling. Tears mixed with the sweat on her face.
Knock knock.
Part of her wanted to keep quiet. To pretend she was just some other lass. She threw an annoyed glance at the door.
“Aye, who is it?” She grunted in response.
A soft spoken miqote answered.
“Fyrwyb..? I don’t mean to bother you, but you ran off with such haste. Could I at least check you over?”
Y’shtola. The smallest hint of a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.
“Fine, come on in.”
When the miqote opened the door and peered in, Fyrwyb purposefully didnt look at her. Their friendship had grown strong and she knew if she looked into her eyes, she wouldnt be able to hold it together. Instead, she stood up and faced away from her friend, pulling off pieces of dragoon armor one by one. They made a decent ruckus when they each fell to the floor.
Y’shtola’s ears lay flat against her head at the sounds.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked suddenly, waiting for Fyrwyb to finish.
“There’s nothin’ to say I haven’t already said,” she huffed, trying to keep her voice from cracking. She bent at the waist to rid herself of the armor covering her shins.
“Perhaps. But it can help the anger, to say them aloud again.”
Fyrwyb snorted and her shaking fingers tore more armor away, this time from her upper legs. The plates clashed against each other on the floor. She was starting to shake.
Suddenly, long, slender fingers gripped her bare shoulders firmly. She jolted awake, sitting straight up in her bed. Her bleary eyes blinked a few times as they took in her surroundings; her bedroom. She was home, in her little cottage in Ishgard. Their home.
“My heart, whatever troubles thee? I am here.”
Urianger’s closest hand still held onto her shoulder, his touch gentle and reassuring. He sat up in bed next to her and used his other hand to move the sweat-sticky hairs from her face. When she finally looked back to him, her eyes were filled with tears.
“A nightmare, that’s all,” she whispered, her bottom lip trembling.
Urianger’s brows knit together as he pulled Fyrwyb into his chest, wrapping her up and holding her tightly. He smoothed her hair and kissed several tears from her cheeks.
“The same as before?” He asked, his voice low and calming. She nodded and her shoulders shook. The elezen let out a soft sigh and nuzzled his nose into her hair.
“I am here, my dearest. I shant be disappearing. My heart belongest here, next to thine.”
Fyrwyb clung to Urianger, slowing her breathing with the herbal scent of his nightshirt. Her arms squeezed around his waist, and she listened to his heartbeat, her ear pressed to his chest. All part of her process, her reassurance that he was real and present.
“Don’t leave me, Uri. Please. Stay with me,” she sniffled.
Urianger’s heart broke anew every time she awoke from that very same nightmare, time and time again. And like every other time, he made the same promise—one that he meant, every single time.
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shantaecadaver · 1 year
New Shantae Game Announced*
*ok technically it's an old game that's being finished but it's easier to just say new but whatever holy shit a GBA game in 2023 this is fucking awesome
Sorry I've been inactive on this blog btw, I have like 8 total blogs I run & it's hard to be super active on all of them. Plus I don't see nearly enough Shantops content on my feed as much as I should. we need to like, get to fixing that y'all. We need to make more of the peak lesbians.
Anyways I hope it's fine if I kinda use this blog to vent about my personal gripes with the franchise bc I feel like writing wise, I had like.....some pretty glaring issues with the last two games.
But I'd like to issue a callout to WayForward: Guys it is 2023 & I STILL see your official social media accounts calling Shante & Rottytops "Best Friends"
"Best Friends"
I fuckin' promise you, if you acted like Rottytops does to Shantae to your best friend? They will, within less than a week, be asking you to sit down & discuss personal space & how they just want to stay friends.
Shantae & Rottytops dynamic is not "friends" like have you ever played the games? Anyone who has played the games & also has a functional brain can tell you without question that those bitches are advanced lesbians. Like this is the gayest thing to ever gay in the medium of video games. Video gaymes.
They are not close friends lmao. Like that is now how friends act. Y'all @ wayforward are the ones who wrote the games. You guys wrote them to be gay in the first place. This is your doing, none of us did that. You did that. So like, I humbly ask that y'all stop being cowards & just let them kiss ffs. Like: Okay let me bring up one example, though I'll have more to say in the future.
To this day, I am still so fuckin' infuriated that they didn't just let Rottytops confess her feelings outwardly here. Like this was THE time to do that. It would have hit hard & followed up on the last game. But no, nah, they just took the cowards way out.
I know it's dumb to get hung up on this for so long but I just really had to say it bc man it irritates the fuck outta me when I remember it.
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In fact, I am gonna just uh
gimme one sec
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Alright guys I did it I fucking fixed it. We did it everyone lesbians are finally real.
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dreadlord-mr-son · 1 year
I'm afraid I allowed myself to get a little behind on my dear friend's letters. Thankfully, he shant really be able to notice if I'm a day or two late in reading one of them, given the distance they're taking to reach me. I can always blame some delay in the post, if he ever questions me.
How strange that the locals should be so concerned about him leaving fast. It's one thing to beg a traveler stay longer if they company is enjoyable, or their coin is good. But this fear they express? My friend is clearly shaken, you can hear it in his offering of possible last wishes for Mina.
Oh, Mina, treasured lady of my friend. I hope you won't have cause to worry. That once he returns this can all just be a funny story about foreigners being weird and superstitious. "all the evil things in the world"? Surely just some fanciful fright conjured up by fearful minds, right?
=== === ===
No but seriously, I know the first time around everyone was joking about how unaffected Jon seemed by everything going on around him, just casually brushing off all the weirdness.
But here: If this book should ever reach Mina before I do, let it bring my good-bye.
He's straight up saying "I might be about to die here, and these could be my last words".
That lady and her rosary gift shook him. And I don't think it's just out of respect for her that he's still wearing it when he leaves. Something not as far in the back of his mind as we thought at first... is telling him he needs all the protection he can get.
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elizabethanism · 2 years
Then, Susie, I could see you, during a pause in the session – but I dont like this country at all, and I shant stay here any longer! "Delenda est" America, Massachusetts and all!
     open me carefully –
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Hello! Love following your page but have a genuine question about your username. How to pronounce, firstly, and secondly, meaning behind?
Every time I try to say it, I get a good giggle out of twisting my tongue around it but resigning myself to the inevitability that I am saying it wrong 🥺
Hi! It is such a silly, cumbersome username but I've had it since I joined tumblr (10+ years ago!) so it stays 😂
It's 'ambystomatid' - my favorite kind of salamander from the genus Ambystoma, and 'chanterelle' - my favorite kind of mushroom, orange, delicious, and found in some spectacularly beautiful habitats.
So, am-bis-toe-mat-id shant-ur-elle! (or shan-trell, depending on who you talk to)
My profile pic is a chanterelle mushroom so you can see how lovely they are and here you can find a picture of Ambystoma californiense, a splendid little friend! https://californiaherps.com/salamanders/images/acaliforniensescac8112.jpg
Thank you for the ask 💛
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