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bookofmac · 1 year ago
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haaaaaaaaaaaave-you-met-ted · 4 months ago
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The Sword of Shannara by The Brothers Hildebrandt
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honourablejester · 5 months ago
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Speaking of Wishsong, this is the copy of the book we had, with the Darrell K. Sweet cover art (you can see just the top of his signature on the bottom there).
And the thing I love about this cover art? See that dark ominous cloaked figure standing behind Brin and Rone at the edge of the cliff? That's not a villain. That's not a Mord Wraith, although you'd be forgiven the mistake. That's Allanon. The big good. Because, and I cannot emphasise the delight this brings me enough, Allanon is seven feet tall and scary as fuck. And yes, he does go around in ominous black robes. He is the most terrifying good guy you will ever meet, and I love him.
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wanderrealms · 2 months ago
I remember that three villains with magic set a triangenel spells to capture the good characters in a Shannara book.
But I can't remember which book or any of the character names.
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dreamlandcreations · 10 months ago
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a-funeral-pyre · 1 month ago
New chapter dropped :D
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emlinden · 9 months ago
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The Druid of Shannara by Terry Brooks.
This second Shannara trilogy isn’t talked about as much as it should be. I loved the first series but, at this point, I actually think I like this one even better. I like that the series follows the same characters and the same general quest the whole way through; it gives me more time to get attached to the characters and really come to care about what happens to them.
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whumpofalltime · 2 years ago
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What stands out as the Whump Of All Time? Only you can decide!
While you're welcome to vote for your favorite, your mutual's favorite, or on vibes alone, we encourage you to check out the propaganda and links below the cut - it's a great way to discover new content.
Our inbox is open for propaganda until the poll closes!
Teen Titans:
"Made me feel things at age nine. Dear god."
"Throughout the whole show, Robin has been shown to be so confident and competent, but in this episode he's terrified and gets the shit beaten out of him until he is begging for it to stop. Additionally, he's hallucinating it all. He's just so scared it's shocking compared to how his character normally is." ~ @quins-whump-stuff
(gif set, video)
"Wil is captured and tortured. They chain him up and hook him to this blood draining machine which is pretty brutal but I love it so much. He gets rescued and needs help walking so they can escape, but he's really weak and only half-conscious really from the blood loss."
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theoakleafpancake · 11 months ago
Has anyone ever read the Heritage of Shannara 👀
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Elf Queen of Shannara Cover Art by Keith Parkinson
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honourablejester · 5 months ago
Randomly, I just want to talk about one of my favourite characters of all time, and a character that had a huge influence on me as a kid. And that character is Slanter from The Wishsong of Shannara, the third book in the original Shannara trilogy by Terry Brooks.
Wishsong is easily my favourite of the Shannara books, and it was probably the fantasy book I read most often as a kid, over and over again, until the paperback book just wore out. The copy I have today is still held together with sellotape. You know when you have that one book, as a kid? Regardless of its actual quality, although I do actually think Wishsong holds up, but even if it didn’t, it wouldn’t matter? This book is your childhood. One of your formative influences? Wishsong was so much that for me.
And within Wishsong, Slanter was the formative favourite character for me. He’s had … a lot of influence. So, just for a minute, I want to talk about him.
Slanter is a gnome tracker who starts the book working (not entirely willingly) for the villains, the horrifying creatures known as Mord Wraiths. Gnomes in Shannara are sort of like goblins in classic D&D, they’re a brutish, insular people usually found on the wrong side of heroic conflicts. And Slanter does start the book by capturing Jair, one of our two heroes, for the villains. But he almost immediately distinguishes himself by treating Jair well as a captive, because it’s quickly clear that Slanter is literally just doing this as a job, and because the Mord Wraiths scare the absolute shit out of him. Sensibly enough. Slanter, as a person, is a pragmatic, efficient, well-travelled person who’s worked with and for a lot of people of all kinds in his career, and he quickly takes a shine to Jair, does his best to look out for him, despite knowingly taking him to be the captive of horrifying creatures of dark magic. A dissonance that Jair does his best to hammer at, because he realises quickly that Slanter does have a conscience, and Slanter doesn’t actually want to be doing this, but Slanter is too petrified of the Wraiths to defy them easily.
In vain. Slanter, at least at the start of the book, is far too pragmatic and survival-oriented to risk his life to free some stranger, even if he is both fond of the kid and fascinated by his magic. Slanter will not make the decision on his own to defy his own people and their horrifying masters in order to free Jair. But. The second someone else steps in and gives him an excuse …
The party of gnome hunters that Slanter brought Jair to are moving north to meet with a Mord Wraith, when they stumble across a man all in black drinking at a pool. They’re towing Jair along on a rope, it’s fairly obvious what’s happening here. Jair hopes for rescue, but the man seems to move on without challenging them. Jair, in despair, is moving towards the pool in hopes of a drink, when Slanter stops him. Slanter guides him back and moves in front of him with a knife, knowing what’s about to happen.
Which is that, in about two seconds, the strange man slaughters the rest of the gnome party.
This is Garet Jax, the weapons master, the most badass character in the book short of Allanon himself, and quite a lot of people’s favourite character. Slanter recognised him. So Slanter knew that this gnome hunting party was about to stop existing very shortly.
One of the last two survivors, about to run, sees Jair and tries to swing at him as he flees. And Slanter gets in the way, knife first. He betrays his people to defend Jair.
Now. Maybe he did that to differentiate himself to Jax, knowing he couldn’t take the man in a fight. Slanter is a pragmatic son of a bitch. His own survival comes first. Or he does his level best, throughout the whole book, to act like it does. But right from the moment we meet him, he’s been fond of Jair. He’s treated him well, within the limits of his job, and has done his best to make sure the kid isn’t mistreated. And he …
A theme of this book, of Jair’s half of this book, is that Slanter always comes back. Slanter always looks out for Jair. Jair acquires an entire party later on, a group of people to help him on the quest he’ll shortly be assigned by a powerful mystical being, and for all that, the one person who stays with him the whole way, all the way to the end, is Slanter. Even into the heart of what is, for a gnome, enemy territory. Not always happily, not always gracefully, but Slanter …
Slanter is, in the end, Jair’s truest companion, all the way to the end.
I just. I love him so much. He made such an impact on me. He’s sneaky, he’s pragmatic, he’s the voice of callous survivalism across the book, but he always comes back. He protects Jair at every step, at every turn. He defies his people, and goes among enemies, and risks his life, and abandons his life, his old life, to help and protect Jair. He travels with people who view him with suspicion and derision because Jair asked it of him. When Jair falters, almost every time, it’s Slanter who gives him the kick up the arse (or the literal punch in the face) that gets him going again. Jair would, quite simply, not have survived this book without him.
(Or, to be fair, without the rest of his party either. The six of them, Jair and Slanter and Garet Jax, the elf prince Edain Elessedil, the dwarf Elb Foraker, and the borderman Helt, were such a fantastic party, and the dwindling party as they fight to get Jair to Heaven’s Well is absolutely heart-wrenching and gutted me as a kid (Helt, particularly, Helt broke my heart). And Jax, whatever else you say about him, went out like a fucking boss. There is a reason he’s a lot of people’s favourite).
So many people talk about characters like Garet Jax, like Rone Leah, like Brin Ohmsford, like Kimber Boh. And they are awesome. But it was always Slanter for me. He has the best arc. He’s sly and he’s pragmatic and he’s focused on his own survival, but he has a conscience, and he has care, and as it turns out he will risk everything for pretty much zero reward on the strength of that conscience and that care, he just needed the smallest nudge to do so. Jair was that nudge. And it carried them all the way to Heaven’s Well. Past siege armies. Past Krakens. Past Mord Wraiths. Past demons.
Every time I reread this book, I read Brin’s half for Allanon, and I read Jair’s half for Slanter.
The original Shannara trilogy is, in a lot of ways, very paint-by-numbers fantasy. It’s very D&D fantasy. There are large chunks of Wishsong, particularly Jair’s half of Wishsong, that genuinely read like someone’s campaign. But, for all that. It’s still my favourite. It was the fantasy novel of my childhood. And for all it’s pretty standard, so many moments do still make my heart sing. Slanter stepping in front of Jair that first time by the pool. Allanon at the Hadeshorn. Allanon vs the Jachyra. Garet Jax vs the … That might be spoilers. Helt’s last stand. Whisper’s last stand.
I honestly can’t tell if it’s a good book or not, it’s too intrinsic to my childhood to judge. But I love it, with all my heart.
And within it, the character that I love the most … is Slanter. Is the grumpy, pragmatic, doing-his-best-to-be-selfish gnome tracker that in the end proved to be one of the most loyal and courageous people in this book. Without ever losing a smidge of the pragmatism along the way.
If anyone ever wondered why I tend to like sneaky, pragmatic survivalists with varyingly-well-hidden streaks of loyalty? This is the character you can blame. Heh.
Maybe do give this book a shot, if you haven’t? Again, I cannot speak to its quality. But I love it.
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bdazzlebooklover · 1 year ago
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I don't know why they stopped making these omnibus'.
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Guy who wields the Sword of Shannara only for it to beam a rendition of Common People by Pulp directly into their head
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a-funeral-pyre · 8 months ago
The new PODSOL chapter is out! Also, we are past one third of the story :D
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allanonxmareth · 3 months ago
and the afterglow.
Allanon/Mareth; kissing, post-coital
Mareth scooted forward cautiously, eyes still locked with his, searching for any hint of uncertainty. You didn’t just do this with any tryst. She didn’t do this, not with anyone since—she banished the thought. But somehow this felt like something more. Like maybe she wouldn’t bolt before sunrise and turn this all into a hazy memory, a half-dream.
The stranger did look dazed, but not rejecting as she pressed her lips on his.
It was a slow kiss, careful, searching. His mouth was hot and soft and opened for her exploration. She licked at his lower lip, then dipped deeper, meeting his tongue. He kissed like he had been fucked: welcoming but eager, so open for her, inviting. Ready to follow her lead but sure to signal he wanted her in.
His hand was careful on her hip, fingers resting but not squeezing, little warm spots on her cooling skin.
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captzexx · 1 year ago
People keep thinking it's a Nazgul, but all I think is this is in Seattle and it's actually a druid from Shannara at the Hadeshorn.
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