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universalzone · 1 month ago
As You Like It by William Shakespeare Mug. Coffee Mug with Shakespeare's play first pages, Bookish Gift, Literary Mug, Book Lover Mug
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factlo · 5 years ago
Shakespeare - The Uncrowned King of English Literature
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Shakespeare - the uncrowned king of English literature Who has not heard of William Shakespeare? He was an English poet, dramatist, and actor, and considered by many to be the uncrowned king of English literature. Nothing is known for certain about Shakespeare's early years. There are stories that he joined a theatrical company, or that he worked as a schoolteacher. Whatever the case, Shakespeare had become known as a dramatist and an actor in London by 1592. Some of his early works include 'Titus Andronicus', and 'The Two Gentleman of Verona'. Shakespeare published his first work in 1593, which was the narrative poem, Venus and Adonis. Later, he earned great praise for his sonnets. A sonnet is a type of poem that has three four-line sections with a pair of lines at the end, all following a special rhyming scheme. He worked with a group as a dramatist, an actor, and a part-owner for many years. In 1599, the company built the Globe, a theatre near London. Shakespeare wrote some of his greatest tragic and comic works around this time. He created Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth, as well as Twelfth Night, and Measure for Measure here. Popularity of Shakespeare Shakespeare's works were so popular that even Queen Elizabeth I of England had them performed for her. Despite having been written hundreds of years ago, Shakespeare's work remains popular because of his engaging characters, interesting plots, and artful dialogues. Read the full article
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huesbyhiranya · 2 years ago
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Macbeth 📕 Why not a little Shakespeare on a Sunny morning 🔅
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Pensavo di concludere l'anno con #shakespeare ma forse faccio in tempo a finire un altro libro. 👉🏻 #enricoiv e #amleto Il primo libro parla di Re Enrico IV (che ha dei problemi con dei prigionieri di guerra) e del figlio, il principe. A quest'ultimo viene proposto di fare uno scherzo a dei ladri, in particolare a Falstaff, un bugiardo cronico. Amleto è il figlio del defunto re di Danimarca. Una notte incontra lo spirito del padre, questi gli dice di essere stato ucciso e gli chiede di vendicarlo. 👍🏻 Tra i due ho preferito Amleto, molto più elaborato e ricco di intrecci. 👍🏻 Simpatico lo scherzo che fa il principe e Falstaff è molto simpatico anche se è un po' una canaglia. 👉🏻 In Amleto si vede che il testo è quello originale e completo e non quello ridotto dello spettacolo. Ci sono parti che effettivamente possono essere tagliate. 👍🏻 Shakespeare ha la straordinaria capacità di tradurre in parole pensieri inafferrabili. #essereononessere #teatro #opereteatrali #shakespearebooks #lastbook #capodanno2020 #ultimodellanno #book2020 #lastbook2020 #dicembreinpillole #antrodilibri #decemberfullofbooks #stayconape #amoilibri1 #lacasadicarl #trovandopillolelibrose #amicandito #lettureimbranate #booksandshares https://www.instagram.com/p/CJdDgWeHZJg/?igshid=1wwgxqux7jzin
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bunnybookandbrew · 5 years ago
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Do you ever buy books because they are beautiful to look at? Hamnet, by Maggie O’Farrell, is such an attractively designed book and I hope the quality of its content matches! I know we all try not to judge books by their covers... but when they are so lovely to look at it can be difficult to ignore. Also, book cover illustrators have to make a living somehow, right? . #tojudgeornottojudge #hamnetshakespeare #bookstagram #bookshelf #hamnet #shakespearebooks #bluebooks #dontjudgeabookbyitscover #reads #bookworms #bookflatlay #bookphoto #paperbacks #tbr #prettybooks #booksandreading #bunnybookandco #blueandgold #feather #deerskull #driedflowers https://www.instagram.com/p/CDKidqHpVTE/?igshid=cxhth4kh9iwr
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seesallysewpatterns · 2 years ago
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Happy Days Birthday Book A Shakespeare Hard Cover Small Booklet Vintage 1904 Collectible Colored Illustrations by Boston DeWolfe Fiske & Co. #vintagefind #estatefind #happydays #hcbook #vintagecondition #shakespearebook #birthdaybook #etsy #colorillustrations #illustrations https://etsy.me/3SMqvrj www.etsy.com/shop/mariansmemorabilia https://www.instagram.com/p/CkHdBT0PjYO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fernandoendara · 7 years ago
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En el mes de abril del #retolector2018ig tocaba leer un libro "que haga llorar". Realmente no entendí esta categoría, asumo que debe ser un libro triste, y como no sabía bien que elegir, me fui por una tragedia clásica. La ciudad de Verona es el escenario de este clásico imprescindible de la literatura, el teatro y la cultura popular de todos los tiempos. “Romeo y Julieta”, escrita por William Shakespeare en 1597 (aprox), nos presenta a los Capuleto y los Montesco, familias de abolengo enfrentadas de forma irreconciliable. Romeo, descendiente de los Montesco, queda prendado de la beldad tierna de la infanta Julieta Capuleto, este sentimiento irrefrenable y fugaz como relámpago conducirá a la tragedia y a la posterior reconciliación de las familias. La obra es una exaltación del “amor romántico”, de la idea de un amor intenso y trágico que supere los tópicos de la edad media (amor cortés) para enfrentarse y crear los nuevos tópicos del Renacimiento, en una suerte de transición. De esta forma, se evidencian las diversas concepciones que los personajes tienen sobre este sentimiento; desde la semi-realista de Julieta (tiene 13 años), la realista de su nodriza, la social y económica de los Capuleto, la concepción sexual de Benvolio, la idealista de Paris o la pusilánime de Romeo. Y digo pusilánime porque detesté al personaje, desde su primer diálogo quiere dar su vida por la amada (Rosalinda), y es que Romeo está “enamorado del amor”, y del “amor fatal”, buscará cualquier excusa para acabar con su vida “porque no puede vivir sin la amada”; esto sería aceptable como último recurso y no como la primera idea que le viene a la cabeza en todo momento. Fray Lorenzo, voz de la Iglesia, es la voz de la cordura que busca solucionar los enredos, en lugar de darse muerte. Otras ideas sobre el amor de este período se pueden apreciar en Boccaccio y el Werther de Goethe. #williamshakespeare #shakespere #shakespearebooks #romeoyjulieta #romeoandjuliet #diadellibro2018 #bibliotecabasicasalvat #biblioteca #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #salvat #vintagebook #vintagebooks #tragedia #macbeth #hamlet #bardo #literatura #romanticism #romanticismo #verona #leoycomparto #leoyreseño
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galleryantiques · 7 years ago
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Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsyshop: The Works of William #Shakespeare in Three Volumes - The #Victoria #Edition - Set of Three #Antiquarian #Hardback #Books 1903 / 1904 #antiques #booksandzines #etsyseller #galleryantiques #followantique #etsyantique #etsybooks #etsysellsantiques #etsy #shakespearebooks http://etsy.me/2nDWBcR
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damnilovethatgirl · 8 years ago
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Sonetto 18, Shakespeare
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defacedeggs · 8 years ago
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bharathiputhakalayam · 5 years ago
ஊரடங்கு காலத்தில் ஷேக்ஸ்பியர் - இரா.சசிகலா https://bookday.co.in/shakespeare-in-lockdown/
#lockdown #shakespeare #bookreview #bookday #tamilbooks #ReadingExperience #bharathiputhakalayam #shakespearebooks
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#sognodiunanottedimezzaestate di #williamshakespeare è una delle mie opere preferite ❤ Quattro innamorati che si rincorrono, si cercano, si evitano in una foresta in cui la regina delle fate e il re degli elfi litigano per un servitore. Una foresta in cui un gruppo di attori sta provando uno spettacolo. Una commedia fantastica, un intreccio fine e ben condotto. Parole sublimi e una storia non comune. Un linguaggio dei più fini, non sempre facile da capire ma che merita tutta la nostra attenzione. #opereteatrali #oberon #tatiana #libriconsigliati #shakespearesunday #shakespearebooks #coupdecoeurlitteraire #amorlivre #librosrecomendados📚 #hashtagperlettori #clubedolivro #lectricecompulsive #siguemelibros #ottobreinpillole #antrodilibri #octoberfullofbooks #libriamoci1 #lacasadicarl #trovandopillolelibrose #amicandito #lettureimbranate #lettureautunnali🍁 https://www.instagram.com/p/CF6n_RIH9a0/?igshid=157t3ykj6llam
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damnilovethatgirl · 8 years ago
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Romeo & Giulietta - atto II, scena II
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