#shadowheart one-shot
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oceanmusings · 1 year ago
Pretty Girl
Pairing | Shadowheart x Prisma
Content Warning | none. Fluffy, Prisma trying to tell Shadowheart how pretty she is.
Word Count | 606
Summary | Prisma got hurt pretty badly in battle. Shadowheart is trying to heal her, but her lover keeps telling her how pretty she is instead.
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The minute the battle was done Shadowheart looked towards Prisma, she took most of the hits and looked the worst out of all of them. The amount of blood and her knees looking like they were going to give out from under her. Shadowheart took long strides over to her and held her up by her elbow before her knees gave out. “Easy, easy.” Shadowheart murmured, spotting a pillar in the room she could sit against. “Come on, love.” Gently the half-elf led the wood-elf to the pillar and guided her to sit down and rest her back against the sturdy surface. Shadowheart placed her hand on Prisma’s face, turning her head slightly to be able to examine all the cuts and where the blood was coming from her that was flowing freely down her face. Once she began to murmur the healing cantation did Shadowheart find herself being able to start breathing a little easier as the bleeding stopped.
Shadowheart looked into her lover’s eyes to find them bleary but staring at her, a sort of drunk smile on her face. “D-did you know yo-you’re pretty.”
A flush raised to Shadowheart’s cheeks, but she tried to ignore it. “You have a concussion.”
“Concoosing” - Prisma tongue not working with her to be able to say all the syllables to “concussion” - “or not! I still know you’re p-pretty.” Briefly Prisma’s purple eyes closed as Shadowheart murmured another healing spell, looking at peace for a moment but muttering to herself; “smart, beautiful, stunning, kind, pretty, beautiful green eyes and prettiest hair.”
Prisma’s hand raised shakily and brushed some of Shadowheart’s bangs behind her pointed ear.
“You lost a lot of blood, now you’re talking nonsense.” Shadowheart grabbed her hand that brushed her hair, pressing a kiss to her calloused skin before resting it on her lap. Trying to keep her lover’s hands to herself so she could focus.
“I am speaking truth.” her lover pouted.
“Hey, how is she?” Shadowheart looked up to Karlach who was looking down at them, also not looking too hot herself, but nothing compared to the wood-elf sitting against the pillar who was muttering to herself on how much she liked kissing her and holding her hand.
“Cuts slowly being mended, but definitely have a concussion. A couple days' rest would do good for her. All of us.”
“Karlach!” Prisma suddenly exclaimed drunkenly once she saw the tiefling. “Is-isn’t Shadowheart p-pretty!” The wood-elf raised her free hand to cup Shadowheart’s face, squishing her cheeks slightly as she turned her head to look up to Karlach more. The blush on Shadowheart’s cheeks darkening against her will.
Karlach let out a snort as an amused smile tugged at her lips as she turned her gaze to their concussed friend. “The prettiest one next to me.” The tiefling agreed and Prisma grinned happily, like she was proud of herself.
“See! Y-you are pretty!”
“Thanks for indulging her.” Shadowheart grumbled, prying her lover’s hand from her face and pinning it to her lap with the other one. Karlach took this moment to leave the two alone, probably tell the others they would make their way back to camp. “Let me heal you, please.”
“What do I get if I do?”
Shadowheart took a moment to think what her concussed lover could want from her, closing her eyes as the exhaustion was beginning to hit her all at once. Both from the battle and now the wood-elf in front of her. “You get a kiss if you let me heal you.”
Immediately that made her perk up, a joyous smile on her lips as she exclaimed. “Deal!”
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scarletttries · 2 months ago
When Baldur's Gate 3 Companions Fall in Love...(Baldur's Gate 3 Request)
Pairings: Astarion x Reader, Wyll Ravengard x Reader, Gale Dekarios x Reader, Shadowheart x Reader, Karlach x Reader
Author's Note: It's been a while! I haven't posted in a while but I've got some time at the moment and I'm just finishing a first playthrough of BG3 so wanted to write some headcanons for our charming companions. Consider me open for any BG3 request too, let me know if you want to see more pieces like this :)
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- Travelling with you makes Astarion feel grateful he's had hundreds of years to perfect his flirting technique. He knows exactly how to let you know what he's thinking without ever giving away too much of himself, how to flash his smile without ever lowering his guard. He thinks once again he knows exactly how to capture your attention, and possibly your body, without losing an ounce of control. That is until you say something that catches him completely off guard...
- "I'm really sorry to hear that." You should have laughed at his expense, his self-deprecating humour and haunted tales from his past worn like the toughest armour over silky open shirts. But you hadn't laughed, or scoffed, or replied with some equivalently sarcastic tone. Instead you'd offered empathy, a warm look and an extended hand that somehow didn't feel like pity to Astarion either.
"Well that's enough self-pity for tonight my dear." He quickly excused himself from the campfire, turning his back as he entered his tent to hide any visible blush his cheeks may muster from the way you said good night. Of course his blood didn't circulate that way any more, but he was almost sure he could feel his heart rising in his chest as it had when he was still a mortal man. No, this didn't feel right at all.
- It would be easy for Astarion to pretend he was only interested in a night of carnal pleasures with you because of all the beauty you possess, and he'll let everyone else think him a shallow man just the same. But when he lets his mind wander freely it's your kindness he finds himself dwelling on, or your firm but fair moral code that seems to carry you through these intrepid lands without doubt or tribulation. He almost wishes he had met you sooner, so sure that his life (and after-life) could have turned out quite different with you by his side at those strange early steps.
- Suddenly all his effortless flirting feels a lot more challenging and he can't decide if he should risk a small amount of sincerity to let you know how we feels, or just to double down on letting you know one night with him would ruin you for any other lover. Luckily both approaches are met with the affection he craves, and slowly but surely Astarion starts to feel like he might be able to have something real for once.
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- Ever the hopeless romantic, Wyll was already a firm believer in love at first sight by the time he ran into you and experienced it firsthand. He fears he cannot be too bold, his staunch commitment to his duties governing his life in a way that does not leave much room for any other kind of commitment. He tries to let his feelings settle at the back of his mind, in the hopes that in time they will become nothing but a dull ache he can learn to live with.
- That could not be less of the case for poor Wyll though, your face filling his every nightly dream and your voice echoing through his mind in every moment of silence. His heart grows heavier and heavier with each passing day you travel together and soon it feels almost inevitable that he will be yours, even if he can't quite bring himself to admit it yet. Once he has accepted that thought he must wrestle with the possibility that you might not feel the same and you will be added to his list of those he cares for most that have rejected him with scorn.
- Still he lets the lighter thoughts carry him through the toughest of times; what it might be like to hear you offer your own feelings back, how it would feel to see you smile only for him, what kind of life the two of you might be able to build in a simpler times, what he could finally do if you agreed to a wedding night together. He lets himself ruminate on that more often that he'd like to admit, all gentlemanly efforts banished from his mind when he sees you walk around his camp.
- While he builds up the courage to make his feelings known, you might catch him practicing the steps of an intricate dance one night when he thinks everyone is fast asleep.
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- Gale has known love and loss before, the intensity of his past life making him consider keeping his heart closed off from others forevermore. But the gods have a funny way of keeping Gale on his toes, and introducing him to you certainly did that.
- At first you are just the warmest of friends to him: an ever-willing audience for his lifetime of tales and knowledge, a reliable companion for the throes of battle, a selfless treasure seeker who helps him fend off hunger. But over time he finds himself desperately scanning his mind for more and more facts that it would be worth waking you up to share, more tales to capture your attention, anything the two of you might do together to keep your focus on him and no one else.
- It's about when he wonders if the two of you might just camp in one tent together, that he realises he no longer views you as simply his closest friend. No, you have long passed that threshold into an entirely new realm of love. It feels so different to anything he has felt before, like your company is the warmest summer breeze after decades of stormy lightning in his heart. It feels safe and easy to be with you, like he could be content with almost nothing as long as you were by his side, looking at him with your near endless appreciation. Gale can't be sure exactly what to do about it, but he hopes the next time you draw back the opening on your tent and usher him in for another night of exchanging tales, that you might permit him to never leave.
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- It's hard to know love when you barely know yourself. That's what Shadowheart tells herself when she finds her mind wandering back to you after your memorable first impression. She has so much to learn about herself, and while she's grateful for the reliable company and kind sounding-board you provide, there's simply no room in her life for anything more.
- And yet the more she uncovers about herself, the more important it seems to have you by her side. It's like she cannot exist in this new fully realised version of herself if she doesn't know you. If she doesn't get to see herself through your eyes, to hear what you think, to have your presence beside her as he continues to take more and more steps forward down this path home.
- Without ever trying you have become the other half of Shadowheart, and by the time she realises it, she knows you must have the same awareness. There could be no way that you aren't as in tune to the depth of your bond as she is, leaving her only one question. Not if to address it. But when.
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- Though Karlach may not have a traditional heart anymore, she is more than capable of falling for the travelling companion that seems to bring out the best in her at every step. After years spent working for the devil and his underlings, having someone in her life that strives to make the world better and put her strength to good use is like the first sip of water after countless nights in the arid desert of the hells.
- Karlach knows she's as strong as they come, so she finds her eyes frantically searching you out in battle, pushing herself on and raging forwards to always keep you safe, to get you behind her, to make sure you go on to keep her company another day.
- Her time in this plane of existence may be more limited than some of the other characters, but that only means Karlach knows how important it is to truly 'live.' While the other companions may bide their time and carefully deliberate how best to inform you of their inconvenient feelings, when Karlach knows your heart is true, she's going to let you know she is all yours at the earliest, and steamiest, opportunity.
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cylinderarts · 10 days ago
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Shadowheart and Vel but they are bird themed demi gods?
i don’t remember how this idea came to me, but, birb.
Vel is based on a crowned eagle, and Shadowheart is a raven 🐦‍⬛
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esfr-rea · 1 year ago
Got some quick doodles of BG3 oneshot!
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barbozari · 7 months ago
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"Oi... Cleric."  
The githyanki soldier hissed, looking very pissed of by just a mere presence of a certain high half-elf who sat down besides her — doing nothing but fixing her shoelaces.
"Oh please..."  Shadowheart rolled her eyes, 
"This is my tent, Lae'zel. Must I remind you why you are here in the first place?"
And then silence fell between them.
The cleric didn't even have to look at Lae'zel to know that the woman's face was painted red with embarrassment.
She couldn't help but wonder how this person could be so adorable and annoying at the same time.
But she was certain of one thing:
That sound, coming from the lady of Crèche K'liir, was such a music to Shadowheart's ears.
The idea for this fanart came to me while I was on a car back from a vacation. Thank you 'Gold Fish' for writing this drabble that made this picture into a lovely story!
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olgipolgi · 6 months ago
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Shadowheart 🖤
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galesbabygirl · 20 days ago
the first taste
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☾ shadowheart x reader ☽
⟡ 2481 words
shadowheart invites you into her tent for a sleepover on a cold night, where you braid her hair and huddle for warmth.
⟡ tags: shadowheart/female tav, explicit consent, cunnilingus, scissoring, tribadism, neck kissing, sleepovers, begging, hair braiding, let's go lesbians, shameless smut, dry humping
⟡ read on ao3 ⟡
Shadowheart stands at her tent at camp, watering her plants. You watch as she attempts to capture some sense of home in your temporary lodgings. From your first meeting on the Nautiloid (and her instant distrust in you when she saw that you were with Lae’zel), to the battles you’ve fought together on the road to cure the ailment thrust upon you by mind flayers, she has clearly put in a high amount of effort into maintaining the facade of a stern, serious woman with no time for tomfoolery. Despite it all, you’ve always felt that beneath the surface is someone softer – someone longing for affection that she has been denied for her whole life (or, at least, as long as she can remember). She’s fiercely private, unafraid of pushing you away if you dare to pry, but when you’re safe at camp she spends most of her time cuddling Scratch and praying on her knees to Shar. Your knowledge of Shar’s teachings was limited before meeting Shadowheart, and as more information was revealed you found yourself wondering if she truly believed in her doctrine. You can’t imagine that Shar would be the type to encourage her followers to snuggle stray dogs and nurture potted plants. However, Shadowheart has always had an undercurrent of warmth beneath the surface. It’s taken some time, but you’ve managed to get her to open up to you organically, if only in miniscule doses.
“Your plants are looking well,” you say, approaching her at dusk as she stands bent at the waist examining a leaf in her hand, fingers grazing its veiny surface.
She rises to meet your eyes, responding with a gratified glint in her eyes, “They’ve really sprung back up! Only this morning their leaves were looking desperately wilted.” She looks quite pleased with herself, having nurtured the vines back to health. She’s nothing if not an excellent healer.
“It’s awful cold out tonight,” you say, shivering and rubbing your arms as a chill breeze washes past you, “but I suppose plants are better equipped for the weather than we are.”
“Let’s go inside my tent,” Shadowheart offers, her hand gently gripping your upper arm and guiding you inside. You follow, and she ties the fabric door shut to stop the wind from reaching you.
The two of you have spent some time in her tent before, chatting at night when everyone else is asleep and gossiping when Lae’zel has said something particularly offensive. You’ve grown quite close, bonding in a way that was unexpected for both of you – you’re not sure if you would have ever even looked each other’s way had your fates not been thrust together on that ship. You’ve learned to let Shadowheart reveal herself to you at her own pace, and she’s opened up exponentially, first only sharing the vaguest of details, but now you know about her Sharran wound, her dreams of becoming a Dark Justiciar, and even her favourite flower (which you hope desperately to find in your travels and bring to her).
You both sit cross-legged on her bedroll in comfortable silence, warming your hands by rubbing them together and exhaling hot breath into them.
Shadowheart begins to let down her hair, a nightly routine you’ve seen a handful of times when you’ve spent evenings in her tent. She’s particular about her hair, and as far as you know the rest of the group haven’t seen her with it down. You can’t help but feel a little special seeing her dress down to a more natural state that she keeps inside her tent. You watch her fingers unweaving her hair’s strands, and can’t help but comment, “Your hair is so pretty.”
“Hm.” Shadowhearts’s lips quirk into a small smile. “It is nice, isn’t it?”
You chuckle and reach a hand to touch a lock. “It’s so soft, I just want to play with it.”
“I wouldn’t say no to a scalp massage,” Shadowheart jokes, in her usual manner where most people would think she’s just being blasé. Her long hair falls down over her shoulders as she finishes taking it down, and she shakes it out with her hands.
You shuffle closer to her, finger combing a strand of her hair. “I used to braid my friends’ hair in class when they would sit in front of me. It’s a miracle I retained any actual information.”
She turns around without being told, facing away from you and moving her hair onto her back so you can access it. Your fingers run through her hair and you separate it into sections, beginning to braid it. “I… I wish I could remember if I ever did anything like that. I know Shar needed to erase my memory, but…” 
“I’m happy to help you create a new memory with you, Shadowheart.”
There’s a moment of silence, but you can detect a smile in her voice as she says, “I really do appreciate it. It’s easier here now that we’re friends. I don’t know if I could go on with this group if I didn’t have you to distract Gale when he starts going off on a tangent. Or, gods forbid, Lae’zel threatening me in the night again. Ugh , really, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“And I might freeze to death if I didn’t come here. Honestly, I think my own body heat isn’t enough.” You finish her plait, placing it back over her shoulder. “Done!”
Shadowheart turns to face you again, sitting on her left hip with her knees bent and legs to the side. “You can sleep here with me tonight. If you want to. I don’t think it’s been this cold since before we met. We might have to huddle for warmth.” She chuckles and plays with her braid, her eyes not meeting yours.
“Like this?” You tackle her into a bear hug, both of you giggling like schoolgirls as she falls to her back, wrapped in your arms.
“Like this.” The two of you continue to giggle, each other’s laughs contagious, forcing a near-infinite loop of snickering.
As your drawn-out laughter fades, you lie side by side atop Shadowheart’s bedroll, eyes meeting, faces only centimetres apart. You feel an unspoken tension between you, a feeling of static magnetism pulling your souls together. She reaches a hand up to brush a hair out of your face, not breaking eye contact. You almost forget to breathe as she inches her face closer to yours. “Would it be alright…” she trails off, her gaze moving to your lips.
“You can kiss me.”
Shadowheart’s eyes move back to yours, brows raised as she caresses your cheek in her palm, and the space between you is filled as you close your eyes and your lips meet. The kiss is soft, delicate, her lips like the petals of her favoured night orchid upon yours. You bask in the moment, relishing in it and the warmth that it sends through your body.
As your lips part from Shadowheart’s, you say, “I’m starting to feel warmer.”
She shushes you before diving back in, rougher this time, her hand moving into your hair. You don’t object, easing into her touch, the tip of her tongue silently begging for access. Your tongues tangle as her slender fingers do in your hair, your hand reaching to Shadowheart’s waist to pull her closer. As your lips intertwine, you feel her right leg make its way between your knees, her pelvis nearing yours. Your hand moves to her hip, fingertips digging into the fabric of her trousers. She kisses you hungrily, as if a ravenous animal devouring a meal after a week of starvation. Her hips move closer to yours, grinding softly against you. She moves closer until her torso rests on top of yours, your breasts pressing together between you. She hovers a hand over your chest as she pulls away to ask, “Can I–?”
“Touch me,” you interrupt, and Shadowheart wastes no time massaging your breast in her hand as she moves her lips to your neck, undoubtedly leaving marks upon your skin that you’ll have to explain away tomorrow when everyone asks what happened, but you don’t care; the sensation is worth the prying questions and knowing looks. You breathe a sigh through your nostrils, a small, “ Mm ,” escaping your lips. You can almost feel Shadowheart’s smirk form against you. Her hand progresses down your torso, stopping at your midriff, her fingers finding their way under the hem of your tunic, her fingertips pressing softly into your flesh. You bend your leg, your foot bracing the two of you in this position. Her weight above you seems concentrated at your hips, your vulvae compressed by a combination of gravity and pure unadulterated lust. As the lack of friction becomes too much to bear, your hips begin to gyrate almost involuntarily, Shadowheart quickly following in suit.
Shadowheart kisses you deeply, open mouthed and rough, your hands holding her head on either side. Her hand rises higher and higher under your shirt, fingers tracing your sternum. The wait is agonizing, your nipples erect from the anticipation of a touch, but she eventually indulges you, first brushing her fingertips across them, then pulling away from your kiss to rise into an upright position. She pushes your top up slowly, revealing your skin piece by piece, and you lift your arms to help her remove the obtrusive layer from your body.
You don’t feel exposed. You feel seen .
Shadowheart bends down onto her knees and plants kisses up your torso before licking you on each breast, then latching her mouth on your right nipple, her left hand toying with your other. You think that if her tongue feels this good here, it’s going to send you to the heavens if it travels south.
You paw at her shirt and she gets the hint, pulling it off over her head and tossing away, leaning down to press her bare chest against yours. Her breasts feel like the downiest pillows you’ve ever had the pleasure of resting your head upon. She grinds your hips against you again, leaning to nibble on your lip. You wouldn’t have imagined this morning that now you would be dry-humping Shadowheart topless in her tent, but it somehow makes perfect sense.
“Ride me,” you manage to get out between greedy kisses, “please.”
Shadowheart looks a tad surprised – at your forwardness or your desperation, you’re not sure – but smiles down at you. She makes no protest as you reach to unfasten her trousers, and she stands to pull them off along with her underwear.
Kneeling in front of you, she grabs your bottoms by the waist, practically ripping them off of you. Both nude, you lie back, Shadowheart on her knees. She traces a finger between your labia without resistance, slick from arousal, your whole body tensing at the touch. She makes a small sound of satisfaction before bringing her finger to her mouth to have her first taste of you.
Placing one knee between your legs, she moves your legs so they’re open wide, knees bent to make room for her. She lowers herself so her cunt touches yours, her green eyes staring into yours as you bite your lip. The hot wetness between you acts as the perfect lubricant as she slowly and deliberately rubs herself on you. You moan as you feel her cunt slide over yours repeatedly, watching her tits bounce as she moves faster and faster. Her hair has come undone from the braid you left unfinished. You’re in ecstasy in this moment.
With her hips bucking, you feel her orgasm on top of you, her thighs twitching as they clench around your leg. She leans down to kiss you on the lips before trailing down to your pussy with her mouth. “Do you want me to finger fuck you?” she asks, fingers grazing your most sensitive parts, eyes staring up at you, voice low and sensual.
“Yes, please.”
Shadowheart rubs your clit with her thumb before pushing her two middle fingers into you, curling them in a come hither fashion. She massages you and uses her fingers masterfully – you wonder if she has a wealth of experience in this field of study that her memory has been wiped of. Your hands grip the bedroll beneath you, and you moan as quietly as you can so as not to be heard by the ears of your campmates.
“Do you want me to tongue fuck you?” She asks the question without giving you a moment to breathe, her fingers working their magic.
“ Please .”
She dives down onto you with her tongue, flicking it skillfully on your clit, her fingers exiting you to give her tongue access. It’s so intense that you have to cover your mouth to refrain from moaning her name so loud that everyone will hear. It doesn’t take long before she pulls an orgasm from you, unable to stop yourself from nearly suffocating her between your thighs, but she doesn’t stop until an involuntary squeak escapes your lips and breaks past the barrier your hand created. You pant heavily as she licks once more across you, before pressing her chest on yours once more and kisses you, her tongue moving on yours like it did down below.
You push her up then roll her over so you now have the upper hand. “My turn,” you say, shoving her back down as she tries to sit up. She chuckles dumbfoundedly while you position her legs over your shoulders. You pore over her vulva, cute and cloaked in hair that matches the locks atop her head. “Your hair is so pretty.”
“It is, isn't it?” Shadowheart smiles as your fingers graze her mound before they part her lips, the tip of your tongue teasing her.
Though it might be fun to indulge in more teasing, the tiniest taste of her is the only thing you need to be pulled into her, as if she flows with a love potion. You delve into her, a moan audible before she has a chance to suppress it. You think about shushing her, but you’re too focused on the task at hand. If you gain a reputation as an artist whose brush is her tongue, so be it. You have the perfect canvas, after all.
Shadowheart’s fingers coax their way through your hair, and she latches in, holding your head in place as she uses your mouth, whirling her hips. You don’t mind being her personal fuck toy, you decide.
Shadowheart’s full body shudders as she reaches her climax, moans that would surely wake the members of your party who have managed to fall asleep leaving her mouth. You draw out her orgasm, then climb atop her, roles reversed from when you first said she could kiss you.
“We should have sleepovers more often.”
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corpium · 2 months ago
Ansur!Tav fic in which Ansur reincarnates as Tav and slowly realizes his dream guardian is awfully familiar in the worst fucking way. This could be a horribly dramatic, tragic story.
however, I propose instead... comedy!
Let the companions suffer through them constantly bitching at each other. Maybe somehow Ansur is still an undead spirit posessing Tav so Emps is like "who's the abomination now??" and Astarion's like "now wait just a second, there's nothing wrong with being undead" and Minthara's casually dropping super wise truth bombs on them about their relationship and Karlach and Wyll ship it
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elvhenmage · 6 months ago
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has anybody redrawn this as shadowheart yet
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savs-sims98 · 6 months ago
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(Sylvannah & Shadowheart vibe before the hair change✨👌🏼)
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Sylvannah and Shadowheart were fast friends😌.
Shadowheart was weary to trust her or any of them for that matter. Something about Sylvannah made her feel heard and she felt that she could open up to someone finally. Sylvannah never had many real friends growing up so it was refreshing to just sit, laugh, and drink with another woman.
I feel as though Shadowheart is definitely the first to come out and see the twins when they are born. She brings her parents with her along with some crops and flowers from her garden🪻🍇
Art by @ soapap
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heyriette · 1 year ago
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Doodle of a moment from the GDQ Baldurs Gate speedrun that made me laugh
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oceanmusings · 1 year ago
Kiss It Better
Pairing | Shadowheart x Prisma
Content Warning | some spoilers to Shadowheart story (act 2? I can't remember when the source of her pain is revealed.) Prisma wants to comfort her lover. She also confesses her love to Shadowheart. I didn't plan on it, but Prisma wanted it to happen. This is Fluff/Comfort really.
Word Count | 1.2K
Summary | Prisma knows Shadowheart feels these pains in her hand and she would rather all of them ignore it, but Prisma can't help but want to comfort the half-elf she cares for. Especially after she just confessed her love.
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The first time it happened was at The Emerald Grove, standing in the Druid Quarters as Prisma convinced Kagha to let the little Tiefling child go. It was common for children to steal - even ritual artifacts - but they were children and given the option to grow and learn from their mistakes. The wood-elf watched the little girl run out of the quarters before Prisma’s eyes darted to her new dark haired companion yelp out in pain, clutching her hand. She raised an eyebrow to her, curious what had happened. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, it’s just an old wound that hurts me from time to time. Nothing to be concerned about.” Shadowheart assured her as she rubbed the hand. Prisma finally noticed the black spot on the back of her hand. “It’s just something… I have to live with.”
“Dose it hurt?” Prisma asks, then immediately cringes as she realizes how stupid of a question that was. The woman just yelped out in pain, of course it hurts. “Sorry- that was a stupid question.”
“It’s okay.” Shadowheart muttered. “It hurts quite a lot, but it passes quickly. So I can manage.”
Prisma left it at that, but the more it happened, the more it pained Prisma to watch each flinch and yelp. Sometimes when she would smile at Prisma, her hand would flash and the smile would drop. A pit quickly developed in Prisma’s stomach, she wanted to make it better, especially when she was the source of making Shadowheart smile or laugh. The reveal of it being the act of her goddess Shar as a motive of punishment fueled that pit in Prisma’s stomach. She realized she wanted to make Shadowheart happy, to be the source of her smile, but without any involvement from Shar. Anytime it would happen too Shadowheart would request they ignore it, it moved on quickly and she didn’t want to put any attention onto it. As much as selfishly Prisma wanted to make it better, she respected that wish.
Once the two had become more than friends was an emotional day for Prisma and Shadowheart. It surprised Prisma she truly did feel the same connection, but was elated she wanted to pursue that feeling. But seeing the shock of pain now being Shadowheart’s lover brought a pain to Prisma as well. The last thing she wanted to do was make Shadowheart’s pain about herself, so she kept quiet, respected her wishes on ignoring anytime she heard the woman she cared for deeply yelp out “it hurts!” But watching the person you care for going through a pain caused by another just “because” was a pain Prisma didn’t know how to deal with. So she buried it, it was the best she could do.
“I-I haven’t said this to anyone before.” It was dark out, the stars twinkling above them as the moon watched the two lovers sit by a lake by themselves. Prisma had asked Shadowheart if she would meet her here at this lake when they got back to camp. Spend a night without the prying of their friends back at camp, and it’s been a while since it’s been the two of them. Besides, Prisma wanted to talk to her without anyone overhearing her.
“I’ve told people I care for them, that the care I feel for them is deep. But these certain words always get stuck in my throat. Never able to be uttered to anyone.” Prisma nervously picked a daisy close by her, holding up the tiny flower and rubbing the stem between her fingers to have the flower spin. “These words are terrifying, if I’m perfectly honest. I was afraid to say it to anyone. But… No matter how little time we’ve been traveling together, I can’t help but find myself not terrified to say it to you.”
“What are those words?” Shadowheart whispered, like she spoke any louder she would spook off the druid.
She looked down to Shadowheart, the beautiful woman lounging with her at the edge of a lake. Her chest bloomed happily the more she looked at Shadowheart as she patiently waited for her lover to speak. Prisma raised her hand, tucking the daisy behind Shaodwheart’s pointed ear.
“... I love you.”
She swallowed nervously as she watched for any reaction from Shadowheart, the tiniest out, any moment of rejection that could be coming her way. But all she found was a smile that pulled at her lips, making Prisma’s own smile grow.
“I love you, too.”
Shadowheart scooted closer to the other woman, slotting herself against Prisma’s side. Raising her hand to cup her cheek, brushing her thumb across the apple of Prisma’s green freckled cheek. It was either the relief or a magnet that pulled Prisma into her and pressed her lips against her lovers. She didn't care which it was.
Kissing Shadowheart had quickly become a favorite thing for Prisma to do. Typically in front of the others, the ones they would share in front of the others was soft, Prisma’s hand gently on Shadowhearts waist to pull her in as they make the kiss quick. But these ones, without anyone to see or interrupt, were the best ones. The way she slots herself against the wood-elf, leaving almost all her weight to be supported by her lover. Sometimes nipping at her lips just to cause a giggle to rise out of Prisma was adorable at how satisfied she was with herself. Shadowheart lets Prisma run on of her hands from her cheek to cupping her neck, able to feel her heartbeat faintly against her thumb as she deepens the kiss between them.
Prisma could do this forever.
Slowly she reluctantly parted the kiss, a joyous smile on her lips as a new euphoria filled her. The girl she told she loved, loved her back! This was the first person she’s ever truly meant it and knew that’s what she was feeling.
But the elation quickled faded.
Shadowheart let out a yelp, her hand jumping off of Prisma’s cheek to grasp her left hand, a pained expression as she whines, “it hurts!”
It was quick to fade but the smile didn’t return to her face. “Sorry- must’ve gotten too happy.”
An anger flared in Prisma’s chest. This was unfair. This was a happy moment for them, Prisma was not going to let Shar let herself be involved in this moment.
She gently touched Shadowheart’s left hand, taking over on rubbing it over before moving to link their hands together. “You shouldn’t be feeling pain just because Shar wants to punish you.” Prisma says as she gently rubs her thumb across her soft skin.
“It’s okay. I told you, I can live with it.” Always trying to assure everyone she was fine. Not to fuss over her comfort.
“I know,” Prisma whispers, looking down to her hand and rubs her hand across the black spot. “But you shouldn’t have to.”
She raised their linked hands to her lips and began pressing small kisses across the top of her hand.
“What are you doing?”
“Trying to kiss it better.” Prisma stopped for a moment to speak. “I know I can’t take away the pain and you prefer we ignore it… but… please let me, I can do this rather than just stand back and watch the woman I love being in pain. No matter how short it happens.”
Shadowheart seemed to be in awe, maybe a bit surprised, but a soft expression was there as she see’s how deeply her lover wants to look out for her. She knew Prisma wanted to help anyone’s comfort, but anytime it was to herself it was still a bit of a surprise. “Well- I won’t stop you.”
Prisma grinned and brought her hand back up to her lips.
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scarletttries · 2 months ago
Baldur's Gate 3 Companions Love Languages (Baldur's Gate 3 Request)
Request: "hi! i loved reading your baldurs gate companions in love headcanons, i wanted to ask would it be okay if you wrote headcanons for what their love languages would be? or just how they would show love to their partner? thank you!"
Pairings: Astarion x Reader, Wyll Ravengard x Reader, Gale Dekarios x Reader, Shadowheart x Reader, Karlach x Reader
Author's Note: Thanks to everyone who sent in requests and reblogged my last Baldur's Gate post! Consider me open for any BG3 requests, let me know if you want to see more pieces like this :)
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- Astarion has always had a way with words, and there's no exception in the way he sings his praises of you. He is quick to tell you how you have won his favour, how he prefers you to any of his other travelling companions, how he looks forward to the moment you open your eyes each morning. He will come up with a thousand sweet pet names to lavish you with affection, her purring voice leaving no trace of doubt that he doesn't mean exactly what he says. And he takes a certain sick satisfaction in describing all the things he wants to do for you the moment you are left alone together, and watching the blood rise up to your cheeks, only making you more appetizing.
- After years of what felt like indentured servitude, Astarion always feels himself falling only more deeply in love when you do him little favours and acts of service. He never stops being surprised when you've set up his tent for him because he could tell he was battle-worn this evening, or when you fetch him a cup of wine before he's even realised he was actually quite thirsty. He's never had someone know him well enough to anticipate his needs, let alone selflessly step up to deliver those things wanting nothing in return but to see him happy and at ease. He can feel himself grow more trusting and open of you with every kind task you undertake.
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- Wyll has lived a life subject to many stories, and finds himself weaving a new tapestry of tales with his Words whenever he speaks to you. A simple good morning is never enough, he must soliloquise on and on about the way it feels to wake beside you, and how each ray of sunlight captures your beauty in a thousand different ways. He will wax poetic as you stroll through the lands, letting you know exactly what he admires about you, and exactly what your future adventures together would mean to him. He wants nothing more than to tell you the story that he sees the two of you writing together, every sweet word just another reminder that there's never been anything more important to him than you.
- You can show Wyll how much you care about him by just being there and sticking by for all the quality time he needs. This may include a lot of listening to the heartbreaking tale of his father's scorn, and sitting in supportive silence as he tries to let go of some of the weight he has carried on his shoulders thus far. You also need to be willing to put in the time to learn a dance or two, the retracing of steps bringing warmth to Wyll's heart and flooding him with all the brightest memories of his childhood. And when the dances have your bodies twisting closer and closer then Wyll has another idea of how you can spend some quality time together.
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- While Gale does see himself as a man of adventure, he is first and foremost a scholar of the magical arts and that requires a certain amount of Quality Time spent with his books. As he makes space in his life and heart for you, he views his time with you as equally precious. He loves that you two can sit quietly next to each other reading for hours, or just swapping stories of your adventures. He knows if the gravity of it all is getting on top of him, he can pass an easy day resting his head in your lap while the two of you discuss what the future could hold for you, giving him reason after reason to keep on fighting and never surrender to ache in his chest. On the rare occasions that Gale has to spend the day away from you, prepare yourself for the most dramatic reunion you can imagine when he returns - sweeping you into his arms, ready to cling by your side as he tells you everything you missed while being apart.
- Gale has heard and read a lot of pretty words in his time, knowing they are often not to be trusted in their intended meaning. So rather than telling Gale you care, you find it much more effective to just show him with your touch. He's a needy boy at the best of times anyway, but with a gentle caress of your fingers over the nape of his neck you can render the chatty wizard speechless and completely entranced. It's difficult to overstate how much of Gale's day he spends thinking about when it all grows dark and finally he can retire into your bed roll and feel your skin pressed against his, feeling completely safe and content in your company.
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- Despite having little to offer and no intrinsic idea of an item's value, Shadowheart finds herself compelled to offer you small gifts and tokens of affection as you travel together. It might be an especially well aged bottle of wine picked up while exploring some abandoned castle, a bottle she hopes the two of you can share as the sun is setting that night. It might be a resilient flower she sees sprouting from a hillside, she can't help but tuck it behind your ear and marvel at the way it draws out the highlights in your eyes. A cup of water from a glistening stream, a smooth pebble plucked from the shore, a sweet handful of berries found deep in a thicket. Her hand is constantly extending out towards you, with some small reminder that you are never far from her thoughts.
- So much of Shadowheart's life has a been shrouded in dishonesty and mystery, so when you speak to her with only kindness and truth she comes to really value those Words of Affirmation. Giving her your honest opinion, and letting her talk through whatever moral quandary is playing on her mind, will strengthen the deep understanding you share and remind her of the way you give her something no one else has before. Let her know you're thinking of her too, that you care about how she's doing, and you like her no matter what version of herself she is becoming, and Shadowheart will continue to open her heart and mind to you again and again.
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- Karlach has always been a helpful soul, even if she's been misguided in the past about who she's been helping. So her favourite way to show you she cares is through Acts of Service, doing little tasks for you and reinforcing that your life will just be easier if you keep her around and ideally very close by. She is particularly happy when she gets to do something for you that doubles as an excuse to show off her statuesque build; reaching something off a high shelf, lifting some heavy boulder out of your way, carrying you in her arms when the day has been long and there's still a journey ahead of you. She feels like she needs to improve your life in all these tangible ways in order to let you know just how appreciated you are, even though it would be impossible to ever feel like you were being taken for granted by this loving soldier.
- After decades of burning ultimately hot because of the infernal engine in her chest Karlach has become used to being a certain level of touch-starved. But when you first celebrate her mended heart by throwing your arms over her shoulders, all that need and want come flooding back in a landslide and Karlach is sure she'll never be able to stop squeezing you again. Show Karlach love through physical affection and this fierce warrior will be melting like a puddle into your lap at the slightest touch. Wake her with a hug each morning, let her fingers grip your hand as you explore the treacherous world, squeeze her thigh as you settle round the campfire each evening. Remind her you're there, and let her cling to you in a way she has always craved, and you'll have a very happy Barbarian on your hands.
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nocturnalcharm · 8 months ago
Famous (Shadowheart x Fem!Tav)
𐙚 prompt: shadowheart and tav travel together after the nautiloid crash. after finally finding some other companions, shadowheart finds out tav is a famous bard. 𐙚 cw: fast paced relationship lol, nautiloid trauma, events changed a bit (wyll knows karlach isn’t evil), brief fights 𐙚 a/n: ty for the req <3 hope i did it justice! i’m so awk w ending fics so ahhhdhdhfhdh ok bye
18+ blog!! you are responsible for your own media consumption. if any of the above makes you uncomfortable, do not proceed.
You felt the warm sun and sand on your body, but this wasn't a tropical vacation. This was a nightmare. As you came to, you remember all of the details, the nautiloid, the tadpole… the crash. You opened your eyes slowly, and rose to your feet.
Patting yourself down, you didn’t see or feel any injuries. You inspected your hands, making sure nothing was broken or bruised. It felt silly, almost. You could’ve been severely injured, or dead even, but you wanted to make sure your hands were fine, to make sure you could still play your lute.
You had somehow landed safely on the beach. Looking around, you see another girl. A beautiful girl. You don’t recognize her from the ship, but could only assume that’s why she was laying in the sand, unmoving.
You ran over towards her and shook her slightly to wake her. “Please, wake up.”
After a few moments, she jolted awake, just as confused as you.
“How- How are we alive?” She says, hesitantly, as if she’s nervous that her voice won’t make it out of her throat.
“Not sure. Not sure I care, though.” You laugh, lightly.
She huffs with a smile, before turning to you, “Are you okay? Are you injured?”
“No. Perfectly fine. Are you? Do you feel any pain?” You worry.
“I’m.. fine. I think. As fine as I can be, with this wretched thing in my head.” She pushes herself off the ground, “Alright, let’s go.” She's dusting the sand off her clothes.
“You want to stay together? Um—”
“Shadowheart. And of course. It’s a smart idea, after everything that’s happened, don’t you think…”
She smirks. “We could both use the company while we try to find a way to get these things out of our heads.”
You hid your blush, hoping she would assume it was just a stress-induced rash. “Yeah. Good idea.”
Both of you scrounge around to find supplies, unsure if there were any settlements nearby. By the time you had gathered enough food and found some weapons, it was dark. You still had yet to run into anyone else, only the dead bodies strewn about.
“Do you want to sleep now or keep trekking on?” You asked. It was obvious that she was the leader in this situation, but you didn’t mind. She had more of a rational head on her shoulders.
You two hadn’t really ventured far from the crash, just followed the coastline a bit. Possibly because you were expecting people to come investigate the ship, rescue you.
“Let’s lay down. We’ll find a camp tomorrow, hopefully. But we should rest.”
You agree, laying out the two bedrolls you found earlier. The gentle waves crashing on the sand made you feel a little more at peace.
“So, tell me your story.” Shadowheart inquires, with a smile.
“What do you want to know?” You secretly hoped she didn’t know who you were. You were a pretty famous bard, and lots of times it meant people were insincere towards you, or fantasized about you, leaving you with empty relationships.
“What do you do? Who is ‘Tav’?” She smirked again. You could tell she really didn’t know you, and that made your heart flutter with the possibility of a genuine connection, not disguised by the glamor of fame.
“Hm. Well, I’m from Baldur’s Gate. I live with my Godfather.” She didn’t need to know your Godfather was Duke Ravengard. “I’m a bard… Not sure what else there is to know.” You laughed, awkwardly. “Tell me about you.”
She goes into brief detail about her life, just about as much detail as you did. You can’t help but smile while she talks. She was so breathtaking, so interesting.
You didn’t even realize how close you two were, and now you couldn’t stop thinking about it. It made your breath stop in your throat. Despite your status in Baldur’s Gate, you had never had a relationship with someone before. You were so cautious around anyone you liked, worried the link between you was artificial.
Before you could say anything else, she was leaning in. She grabbed the back of your head, pulling you in softly. Your lips touch hesitantly, only for a moment, before she pulled away.
“I’m sorry!” She stands up from her spot and starts to walk away, pacing around. “I don’t know why I did that!”
“Shadowheart!” You shout, to get her attention, and stop her from rambling further. “It’s fine. I.. liked it.” You started drawing in the sand, embarrassed of your admittance.
“You did?”
“Did you?” You ask, ignoring her question.
“Yes. I just didn’t know if it was too soon. We’ve just met.” She sits back down next to you.
“Yeah, and in the next five minutes we could turn into mind flayers. I don’t know if I care about the appropriate length of time to wait before kissing someone.” You joke, earning a laugh from her.
“I suppose you're right.”
“We should probably sleep, though. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.” You worried for a moment about your future, before pushing it out of your mind completely.
You lay on your bedroll, watching Shadowheart. She pushes her bedroll right up to yours. You roll over to face her, and you two end up staring at each other, studying the details of the others face.
“You’re so pretty.” She whispers.
You wake up, but don’t open your eyes. You’re listening to the sound of the water, and the wind breeze through the tall, rustling mergrass. Once you do open your eyes, you see Shadowheart, already awake. She was sitting up, looking at you, with a soft smile upon her lips.
“Good morning.”
Her simple words cause you to blush. “G’Morning.” You mumbled, sitting up, “What’s the plan for today?”
“Find a camp, find other survivors, find a healer.” She helps you up, then wraps up your bedroll for you.
You just nod, still tired. You pack up the few things you found the day before, but as you start to head out, you hear something behind you, coming from the area of the crash. You look over at Shadowheart, panic in your eyes, not wanting another fight.
“Behind me.” She commands.
You do as she says, grabbing the long sword you had found on someone’s body yesterday. As you do, a few goblins come around the corner, ready to attack.
Shadowheart hurls a fire bolt at the old barrel next to them, instantly wiping out three. With only one left, you ran over, and in an instant, raised your sword high and slammed it back down, piercing the goblin through his chest
“Are you okay?” Shadowheart ran over to you.
“Fine. Let’s just get going before there’s more.”
She nods, taking a deep breath and continuing her walk. You lock your arm with hers, keeping close by her side.
“So, you said you're a bard?” She asks, attempting to lighten the mood, “Do you play the lute?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Are you good?” She inquires, seriously.
“I’d like to think so.” You laugh. If only she knew…
“Maybe, you can play for me sometime.” She flirts.
“I’d like that.” You blush.
You both venture farther than you did the previous day. Eventually, you see a path to follow. Assuming it took you somewhere good, you decide to follow it. You and Shadowheart took turns, telling stories from before the nautiloid, about your lives; indulging each other. It was so obvious both of you were smitten from the moment you laid eyes on each other.
Continuing down the path, over a river, and through some shrubbery, you eventually see a man. He was tall, with braided hair…
“Wyll!” You shout, absentmindedly dropping Shadowheart’s hand and running to him.
You hug him tightly, “M’fine! Oh my Gods! I can’t believe it!” You pull away to look over at Shadowheart, clearly confused.
“Shadowheart, this is Wyll. Our families have known each other for years! We can trust him.”
Her protective demeanor fizzles away as she sees he’s not a threat… To your lives or the possible budding romance.
She nods as a greeting, and he waves.
“I found Shadowheart after the crash. We stayed together last night. Wait, you do know about the crash, right?” You ask him.
“I did. Are you okay? Were you on the ship?” He asks you both.
He didn’t seem to know about the tadpoles. And since you weren’t sprouting tentacles from your chin, you decided to just leave it for now. “Yes. But soon, we’ll need a healer.”
“Alright. I’m actually heading out now, but there’s a camp right over there, past the wall. The guards should let you in—”
“Where are you going?”
“I have to find someone— a friend. You’re welcome to join.”
You turn to Shadowheart. She hesitates before saying, “We’ll come.”
You knew Wyll wouldn’t say anything about your musical activities. He knew you liked to just be ‘normal’ sometimes, so he wouldn’t bother to bring it up.
“So, who are we searching for?” Shadowheart asks.
“Tiefling named Karlach. She’s tall, got one horn.”
“And why are we searching for her?” She retorts.
“That’s a long story.” He voices, clearly not wanting to go into details.
You grabbed Shadowheart’s hand again, following Wyll.
“Fork in the road.” Wyll announces, “You two go North. I’ll take the long way ‘round and meet you up there.”
“Ay Ay, Captain.” You salute him, jokingly, and follow the dirt path up North.
You trudge up the hill, looking around for a one-horned tiefling. Shadowheart was the one leading the way, so you just followed. She held your hand steadily as you crossed over a river, ensuring you didn’t fall, but she stopped right in her tracks.
“Tav, look.” She nodded over to a secluded little spot, with a red tiefling in the middle of it. She continues to approach her; The tiefling not even noticing. “Karlach?” She calls out, cautiously.
She looks up quickly, “Hello?”
“Hi. We’re with Wyll. He’s trying to find you.”
“Oh, thank Gods! I tried searching for his camp but couldn’t find it!” She grabs her bag that was previously on the ground. “Let’s get to it, then. I’m Karlach— but you already knew that.”
“My name is Shadowheart, and this is Tav—”
She is cut off by Karlach’s squeak.
“Oh my Gods! It’s Tav! The Tav! It’s really you!” She is so giddy, practicing up and down.
“Oh. Heh..” You blush heavily, glancing over at Shadowheart to see her reaction. “Yes. That’s me! It’s nice to meet you, Karlach.” You give her a big grin, not wanting to come across as rude or unappreciative of her clear admiration for you.
“I can’t believe it!” She gushes.
At this point, you hear someone approach you from behind, peaking over, you see Wyll.
“Wyll! You didn’t tell me you know the Tav!”
“I guess it just never came up.” He looks at you with apologetic eyes, and you smile a forgiving smile. “Let’s get headed back to the camp.. before the goblins hear you screeching.” He jokes with Karlach, and they start the journey before you and Shadowheart.
Once you’re alone with her, she immediately asks, “What was all that about?” She didn't seem angry, just confused.
“Well. I told you I’m a bard.. I just left out the ‘famous’ part..”
“Famous? You’re a famous bard?”
“Yeah, sort of…”
“Oh my Gods…” She was silent for a bit. “You let me blabber on about wanting you to play for me! And asking if you’re any good! I can’t believe you let me make a fool of myself!” She playfully slaps your arm.
“I’m sorry. I hope you aren’t upset with me.. Most people try to take advantage of me the second they find out. I just didn’t want that to happen again. I really like you.”
“I really like you, too.” She reiterated. “A lot. I would never do anything to hurt you, or make you uncomfortable. I know we’ve really only just met, but I mean it.”
The grin plastered on your face couldn’t get any bigger. “That means a lot.”
“Now, c’mon. Let’s follow them to the camp.”
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notesappwitch · 9 months ago
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feeding my complex
Shadowheart/Karlach • explicit • 9,887 words • hurt/comfort, light bdsm/bondage
Shadowheart wants her— and she is not supposed to want. Her lady makes this known in every available way. And still, Shadowheart wants her.
read on ao3 ❤️‍🔥🖤
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harlequinromancing · 1 year ago
My Astarion Fic Masterlist
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Bergamot and Beans (Longfic)
Ao3 Link
Chapter 1 on tumblr
Chapter 2 on tumblr
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Cozy Campfire Crowd with a Case of Wine (Longfic)
Ao3 Link
Chapter 1 on tumblr
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One Shots
Hot Spell - AstarionxReader, Explicit (Ao3 Link here)
Winter Solstice - ShadowheartxAstarion, Explicit. (Ao3 Link here)
Or just Follow me on Ao3!
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