#shadowheart is just living it up đŸ„°
eliteseven · 3 days
Please can we get some autumn headcanon for Shadowheart in her cottage?
Aww sure! đŸ„° idk if these are specific to autumn per se but they are cozy!
Some Shadowheart Cottagecore
🍁Autumn🍁 HC’s:
-The animals playing in falling leaves! Big trio of Buttons, Owlbear, and Scratch taking turns jumping and zooming between stacks of raked leaves. Shadowheart watches with such delight, until Tav yanks her into a pile herself. She laughs with such childlike delight, and it makes Tav’s heart sing, bc she deserved this happiness her entire life đŸ„ș💕 so she takes it upon herself to be the one to give it to her. They play in the leaves like children. Arnell and Emmeline get emotional watching from afar.
-Shadowheart enjoys cuddling with Daphne in the warmth of the barn (they give her some extra bedding for the cold) and all the animals like to cuddle up beside them đŸ„č they probably make some blankets and maybe even sweaters for their animal crew, too.
-Hot cider! Spiced wine! Warm drinks that get them pleasantly buzzed and swaying together on those cool autumn nights. Shadowheart getting tipsy and her boisterous laughter making Tav feel warmer than any fire ever could
-Shadowheart likes watching Tav cut firewood. Something about her girl working up a sweat and those arms holding an axe
. đŸ„” but lbr Tav enjoys watching Shads doing the same things so they’re probably splitting the duties fairly 😅
-Well, we have to talk about their crops, right? It would be harvest time! Arnell, Emmeline, Tav, Shads, and a legion of animals in their gardens, reaping the benefits of a fruitful season! Plus food storage for all these crops- they’ll have their hands full! But it’s rewarding â˜ș
-also: sharing their surplus harvest with the local families/kids? Shadowheart and Tav getting hardcore baby fever when they host a little dinner at their place for their closest neighbors? Shadowheart especially warming up to the idea that the kids love her??? 😭
-colder weather means warmer clothes and Emmeline’s scarves!!! They buy a lot of their clothes from the city but Emmeline takes so much pride in feeling useful đŸ„č💕idc if ugly sweaters don’t exist here, they do now! She makes matching ones for Tav and Shads.
-staying in bed longer bc it’s cold out đŸ„° reading books, talking, just cuddling together under the furs. Shadowheart increasingly likes the animals on the bed the colder it gets. There is no room for Tav to move even an inch. She looks at Shadowheart’s absolute grin as she’s buried under a mountain of fluff and she wouldn’t trade it for the world.
-bringing each other tea on particularly chilly days and stealing each other away from chores for a moment of peace đŸ„č
- this is a bit wintery but the lake freezing over? Something in my heart tells me Shadowheart would be SO graceful in whatever the BG3 equivalent of ice skating is. Gliding so gracefully over a frozen body of water, the same kind that used to terrify her? While Tav does her best impression of a slipping and sliding baby deer? đŸ„č😭 she’d be so proud. And when baby Jen comes? Oh, the three of them would simply have the best time together.
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demigoddessqueens · 9 months
So many of the BG3 players I know go around collecting every animal they can manage (especially me I’ve named the baby owl bear truffles and would die for him) could you write the party reacting to a tav who acts like that
Aww!! A whole menagerie for Tav 😄 truffles đŸ˜­đŸ„°
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He just lauds all the praise to you, admiring how nature and all her living creatures follow you
Gods darn it you’re adorable! Extra bonus points if they get along super well with Tara and she cozies up to you too
Noble as he is, it’s always a good time to indulge in some fun and he would have it no other way than with you and all the new pets
She already has a fondness for the owl bear but eventually comes around to the other critters that have joined your troop over the days
It takes some getting used to your “army” of fluffy and cuddly critters, but they make you smile so there’s always the exception for you
Your best buddy and partner in crime in loving them all and cuddling them too!!
He’s just started growing fond of Scratch and the Owlbear cub, so the menagerie you’ve gathered is really testing him in that he has to compete now for your affections
bonus (because he’s my new fave)
He’s so over the train of animals that follow you in and out of the Tower. Yes you’re so gentle with them, and Cal and Lia adore the animals, but do they have eat and tear his tomes??
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jinxxedmisery · 9 months
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I did a quick little sketch (by quick, I mean it took me like 2 hours lol) I still struggle with feet and shoes...
I just saw a pose on pinterest and thought omg, what if Astarion and my tav... but he's biting their thigh đŸ€­
Ofc, I had to name it.. thirst... and I added the "Happy" symbol to kind of cover a sketch I did on the same page... You know... it wasn't originally supposed to be just one piece, I was practicing poses and I liked this one way too much to just leave it or risk messing up when I redrew it.
This is entirely self indulgent.. and intended to be Spawn Astarion because he's so babygirl đŸ„°đŸ˜˜đŸ˜
đŸ€Ł also I don't think I posted but I got through the Cazador fight not too long ago.. and
Spoilers and dumb ramble ahead:
For most of my day, I sat there wondering how the fuck I would beat that bastard... he was one shotting Shadowheart with his fucking lightning bolt, then sending his gas minions after the survivors. Astarion being in the ritual made it 10× more difficult.. so... I cheated... and fuck... It should have been obvious...
I LITERALLY FORGOT FOR THE ENTIRE FUCKING DAY THAT VAMPIRES ARE WEAK TO SUNLIGHT.. I blame Astarion and his parasite as well as Alucard for that one honestly.. the day walker thing kind of made me forget that omfg immunity to daylight is an exception, not the rule..
So I felt stupid.. once I got that, it was so much easier.. oh and almost constantly had Astarion in stealth kill mode until Cazadick was gone.
Also side note.. the VA for Cazador is perfect.. Like they really sells the "I'm a pathetic little worm, and your worst nightmare, fear me while I bitch and cry" LOL and again that's a compliment.. Larian really succeeded in making an evil character extremely grating and hatable which again, a good thing, not a bad thing.
The heartbreak I felt though afterwards when Astarion screams and cries.. God.. the second I got to this scene, I KNEW I couldn't let him ascend, doing so would be so cruel.. and yes.. this is ascended Astarion slander, I don't like my men too domineering.. maybe a little bit, but not enough to like kill innocent children and eat their hands or some shit lmfao (Doing a durge run too.. where I'm going to ascend Astarion and be a horrible bastard that eats babies) and I don't like that he loses the genuine feelings he has for tav/durge and becomes what he sought to destroy, an abuser.
Now.. the graveyard scene... I had tears in my eyes.. Honestly, the reason I love Astarion so much is because he is quite relatable. I will not go into detail, but I was.. SAed and abused as a kid. And honestly.. Seeing the bit where he scratched out his death date, made me feel hope.. for myself... For my own healing.. it truly meant so much seeing another survivor of abuse begin anew, find themselves again... even though I have done that already myself for the most part, I've found purpose, passions, love, heartbreak, etc and I've found some level of beauty in the life. I related quite a lot to the line about sex feeling tainted.. I am at a point where it no longer feels as terrible, I feel genuine enjoyment in it... (Can't do casual sex though.. That would trigger me into a ptsd attack) And I think part of that was letting myself go at my own pace, making sure my partners knew, and having control and the ability to consent and revoke consent at any point. Emotional attachment helped a great deal too.
I've rambled on enough.. but... Let me end this off by saying, If you went through unspeakable horrors at the hands of those who you thought were supposed to protect you, You are not alone, Even if you do not see it now, there is light at the end of the tunnel, keep on living, keep trying to find joy in little things. It does get better, what was done to you was horrible and you did not deserve it. I promise, you will see better days. You will be happy again, even if you feel like the pain will never end, there is always moments of calm.... live for those... live for your pets, live for your friends, the people around you, live for that cute thing you just ordered, live for that movie or TV series you're excited about watching... even the next patch for bg3.. or more Astarion content if that's your reason right now... and take it one day at a time. You will be okay.
If you need to vent out some shit, I'll listen, I may not know what to say or be able to offer comfort, but I will always lend an ear, even to a total stranger if they need it.
That's all from me, goodbye, until my next post.. whenever that will be â€đŸ–€â€đŸ–€
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fandomchokehold · 6 months
ok I finally made Samson's card for @bareee @tav-dex !!!!!
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These are his starting lvl 1 cantrips and spells
Class Action - Bardic Inspiration
Race Cantrip - Chill Touch
Bard Cantrips - Vicious Mockery & Blade Ward
Spells - Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Speak with Animals, & Dissonant Whispers
with each level up the cantrips, spells, and abilities he gains fall under healing and necromancy
Screenshots and summarized backstory & fun facts below the cut!
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and some cute screenshots from his and Gale's weave date đŸ„°
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Short Backstory:
Samson was born in Elmwood, south of the Moonsea, to a sun elf woman named Thalia and human man named LonĂĄn. His father was a nature domain cleric of Lathander and his mother was a light domain cleric of Kelemvor, but by the time they settled and had Sam they were just simple village bakers. When Samson was 7 his father succumbed to his lifelong battle with a chronic illness (in modern terms it would be autoimmune vasculitis), and after 4 years of grieving him, Sam's mother decided to follow LonĂĄn into the afterlife.
After his mother's death he was sent to Calimport to live under the care of his maternal Uncle and his wife; they weren't horribly abusive, never raising a hand at him, but they did not approve of his desire to study medicine and necromancy and instead tried to force him into the family business of heavily corrupt politics. Sam obviously was not thrilled with this life prospect and decided, after a year of living with them, to make a mad dash for Waterdeep.
At age 12 he stowed away on a ship in the harbor and was allowed to sail with them for 3 years, departing in the City of Splendors at 15 after making lifelong friends of the crew and gaining the necessary skills that enabled him to survive alone on the streets in Waterdeep. After being a transient for half a year he met Odette, the cranky duergar monk who let him crash on her couch as payment for healing up her infected amputated leg. It was always supposed to be a temporary living situation but, whether she wanted to admit it or not, the kid lit up her dreary life like nothing else and she basically just kept him as the younger brother she never had.
It was just the two of them for 15 years since meeting until one night when Samson happened upon a roughed up noble in the alley outside his and Odette's flat. Wren, a human sorcerer who couldn't have been older than 21, was more than happy to let Samson heal them and assured the half-elf and duergar that they would be paid handsomely if they allowed the noble to stay with them for just a week as there were some "unsavory types" looking for them... unsavory types who happened to bear their family's crest. Sam and Odette did not bother questioning it.
So a week came and went, then another, and another, and Wren just never really left. Samson was thrilled to have made a friend and roommate while Odette was just happy to have extra help with the expenses. They were an unwavering, unbreakable dynamic trio for five more years until they got snatched up in the street by the Nautiloid.
*so basically in my head Samson, Odette, and Wren were all out in Waterdeep when the Mindflayers attacked and all got snatched up at the same time, escaped together with Shadowheart & Lae'zel, and are running around the world as the wavering falling-apart-at-the-seams dynamic trio
**sorry if the inclusion of Wren and Odette in this was confusing it's just cuz they play an important role in Samson's life and I would be posting about them a lot like with Sam but I just haven't played as them or my dark urge Lior yet cuz I'm still rocking with my slow af first playthrough
***if anyone cares cuz they all exist together during the events of the game Samson is romancing Gale, Odette romances Karlach, Wren romances Halsin, and Lior the dark urge is aroace in game but in my mind him and Gortash get to have a Good Omens season 2 Gabriel and Beelzebub style romance ending where they just kinda fuck off to the Caribbean post Netherbrain
Fun Facts About Samson Silversten!
he's a really good baker but can't cook for shit
he's ambidextrous
his dad LonĂĄn was Irish so Sam has an Irish accent; he sounds like Hozier both speaking and singing (lemme live in delulu land okay???)
he knows four languages: Common, Elvish, Gaelic, and Common Sign Language
can usually be found engrossed in a necromantic tome or copying medical illustrations into his personal journal
he's autistic (me when I project onto my OCs) in a resting bitch face, deadpan, lackluster reactions unless it's something he's really passionate about way
can get frustrated with tasks easily and go temporarily non-verbal; he never lockpicks, it's gotten to the point if they happen upon something locked Astarion will just rifle through Samson's bag and take his thieves tools without asking to avoid him getting upset
he's tall and thin and gangly as hell (think Julian Devorak physique)
he has heterochromia, his right eye (your left) is brown while his left eye (your right) is a golden hazel
he's demisexual homoromantic (i.e. can only feel sexually attracted to people he knows well and is romantically attracted to, only feels romantic attraction for men)
he loves going for early morning swims and can hold his breath for a concerning amount of time
the skills he picked up on The Daybreaker (the ship he stowed away on) were knot tying, star navigation, fishing, sailing, and basic sword fighting
he has several nicknames; everyone calls him Samson or Sam, Wren calls him Freckles (affectionately, they love him so much), when they're married Gale calls him Sunlight or Sunshine, Captain Aamiina of The Daybreaker calls him her guri dambeys, but the only person alive allowed to call him Sammy is Odette
he's not as hairy as Gale but he has body hair on his arms, legs, chest, and happy trail
he's absolutely covered in freckles, the ones in areas often exposed to the sun darker than the rest; has 100% said something cheesy along the lines of "you shouldn't kiss me, I don't need more freckles" to imply the person he's saying it to is an angel
wow that sure was a lot I am so sorry have these screenshots of Samson looking directly into the camera like he's on The Office as a departing gift!
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naughtysalamander · 1 year
Summary: Karlach became a mindflayer, Lae'zel rode off on a dragon with Orpheus, Wyll became Duke, Asterion didn't ascend, Shadowheart gave up Shar, Gale is going to give the crown to Mystra and get rid of the chest orb (which means me, him, and Tara can live that wizard tower life)
Given the variables I'm pleased with this ending for the most part. At least my version that I crafted. I wish there was more epilogue... Cutscenes, companion dialogue, god I'd take a slideshow. It feels, well, not bare bones, but waaay too slim at the end. I hope there is more stuff added in patches. It feels like our stories with all the characters just get dumped at the ending in a way.
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eliteseven · 1 month
What I love about the epilogue hug and kiss are the adorable implications 😭
1. Tav and SH always kiss before leaving and now it’s expected and a habit that she anticipates
2. SH falls asleep while cuddling/hugging Tav
she’s a softie and it kills me
The fact that she just clears her throat and Tav knows she's asking for kisses?!? đŸ„° The implied fact that they do this every time they part (even to just go do other chores around the house???)
2. SHADOWHEART FALLS ASLEEP IN TAV'S ARMS. It's canon! Tav holding her during a group gathering, or after a long day of work, and she feels safe enough to just tuck her chin in Tav's shoulder and doze off??? Knowing Tav will just carry her wherever she needs to go??? On the rare night that Tav isn't home for any reason- Shadowheart having trouble falling asleep? my heart...
I love how happy she is when you offer to bring home the owl bear, too. She lights up like a little kid, and I imagine it's what little Jenevelle was like, too. Epilogue Shadowheart has my (And Tav's!) entire heart and soul- it's the reason I wanted NLS in the first place. Just to explore what her life might look like, now that she's finally happy and at peace.
Bonus that absolutely no one asked for but I am also obsessed with Jen and Serena cuddling in Consonance:
Late nights spent staying in together and watching movies on the couch, Jen always falling asleep and snoring gently into Serena's neck, and then swearing she was up for the whole movie 😅 Shar never carried her to bed, and I think she kinda lives for the romance a little bit.
Or Serena playing with Jen's hands idly while her head rests in Jen's lap. Jen loves to stroke her hair, and to steal the occasional kiss when Serena's least expecting it.
...Or the way Jen likes to drape herself against Tav and put all her weight on her if they're out at the bar late and her shoes are hurting her.
I'm just a sucker for how they go out of their way to make each other comfortable. Jen stealing kisses from Serena's shoulders while they're out with friends, or Serena holding her hand under the table at dinner... Jen massaging Serena's free hand while she drives and bringing it to her lips...
Just the little touches that scream "I love you" in their simplicity and sincerity.
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eliteseven · 2 months
I know this isn’t enough to make a request but is there any way you can share some domesticity headcanons but for Consonance?
I mean there will definitely be domestic moments in the next part of Consonance! But sure, I know what you mean
Consonance Domesticity HC’s:
-This one is obvious but Tav and Jen spend like
all of their time together. Even before they’re officially moved in- Tav is living with the Hallowleafs, and when she’s not, Jen is at her apartment đŸ„°
-Serena loves going through Shadowheart’s baby and childhood pictures. She loves seeing Isobel and Shadowheart’s friendship, from when they were little girls. Shads eventually begs Tav to show her a childhood picture- of the few she has. Tav finds one, and it instantly becomes one of Shadowheart’s most prized possessions. That little girl in the photo, smiling cheekily and missing a tooth, is just about the cutest person she’s ever seen. Tav looks so innocent, so pure. Shadowheart aches with her over her tumultuous past 😔
-Tav being somewhat afraid of thunder storms and Shads knowing this, constantly distracting her with little touches on her arm or wrist, kisses to her cheek, or just holding her tight. Words aren’t even necessary, she just knows how to read Tav and be there for her.
-on drives to the city: Shaddy is a passenger princess, I think. Tav ends up driving everywhere. Shadowheart likes to thread their fingers together and distract Tav with little kisses. She’s a menace.
-they swim together a lot more now đŸ„ș💕 Tav’s heart swells when she sees Shadowheart dive in, so carefree and confident. It’s a world of difference from when she’d told Tav about the near-drowning incident. Buttons likes to join them.
-The two of them cooking together with Emmeline ❀ Shadowheart learns to make Tav’s favorite dish, the one her mother used to make for her way back when, as best she can. Tav cries profusely into the crook of her neck.
-Shads singing for Tav around the house, and Tav melting every time she hears that voice. She has hearteyes all the time, she’s down so atrociously bad for her gf 😅
-Tav is still Tav in any universe: she’s shy about PDA in front of Emmeline and Arnell. Shadowheart is still Shadowheart. So she lives for slipping her hand into Tav’s rear jean pockets or whispering something positively FILTHY in her ear and then watching Tav flounder and squirm for the rest of the day, thinking about it. It is Shad’s guilty pleasure. There’s something about the innocence Tav wants to maintain in front of her gf’s parents, while Shads knows what she’s capable of in the bedroom
idk she just loves turning Tav into a flustered idiot đŸ„°
-Arnell and Emmeline are just
so happy now. Knowing their daughter is so beloved, protected, no longer with Shar
they see something so simple as Jen laying her head on Tav’s lap while they watch TV in the living room
.with Tav softly stroking her hair, smiling down at her from time to time
.and they just bask in the warmth. To know their daughter has found someone so gentle, who adores her more than life itself, is a blessing.
-Sneaking out to the Jeep, parking it in some wooded area, and having at it like teenagers. Shads is a bad influence on Tav. Tav loves it- loves seeing that almost child-like joy in her eyes, in her expression.
-on the subject: Shads will send Tav some very risquĂ© photos if she wants her to come home immediately. Tav drops everything. Every single time. Those photos make her brain and heart stop. She isn’t bold enough to send her own but I do not doubt Shadowheart has warmed her up to the idea 😅
-Also: post sex lazy bed discussions. The two of them gossiping and making each other laugh like best friends after such passionate intimacy
 it’s something Shadowheart never had with Shar. Tav truly is her best friend. (Isobel is a close second 💕)
-Them being each other’s lock screens is the cutest thing in existence and kills me to think about.
-sharing a closet. I’ve said this before but it’s just so cute that they share a closet when Tav moves her stuff into Jen’s place. She steals Shads’ Reithwin hoodie! Shads loves seeing her in one of her sundresses when it’s hot out. And of course, Astral Prism merch. And they do each other’s makeup before events. They often get distracted
but happily so.
-Tav, who used to fear wolves, napping amongst the pack in a pile of fur and fluff. Shadowheart melts whenever she sees that. Tav was meant to be hers- what with the way she’s integrated so perfectly into their lives. đŸ€
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eliteseven · 4 months
"And that pretty much floors Tav because she never imagined Shadowheart would want that" Serena TavyndĂ­r pleeease that woman loves you i'm going to cry
â˜č she wasn’t good enough for her father to love her, wasn’t enough to save her family name, and she deeply believes Shadowheart might want better for herself, especially now that she’s a SelĂ»nite and living a respectable life. She has her own share of damage. It’s part of why she gives so selflessly- she doesn’t think she’s lovable otherwise? đŸ«  I think I just wrote a very similar line in Consonance- it’s the same principle in a different setting.
But yeah
Shadowheart loves her to death đŸ„° how could she not? this woman never gave up on her, showed her kindness even when she was cruel. She risked life and limb for Shadowheart, for her parents, plenty of times.
So Shadowheart proposes. Shocks Serena to her core, but also makes her the happiest girl in FaerĂ»n!!! 😭 her dreams come true. Shadowheart helps her unlearn those vicious thoughts, just like Tav helped her unlearn hers. That’s what their love is all about: making each other better, and happier 💕
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eliteseven · 2 days
I REALLY like the idea of this new arc for Serena and Shadowheart. Shar is the worst and it makes sense that she may have been waiting for the perfect moment to retaliate for Shadowheart turning away from her. When Shadowheart gets her hands on whatever poor, misguided disciple acted on Shar’s orders it’s going to be BLOODY.
I like angst when it furthers a plot and develops characters and I can already tell with the way you set it up it’s going to be both.
I just need everyone to live đŸ„ș
Ahhhhh this makes me so happy!!!! đŸ„° thank you! You get it!!! Shar is petty af and has been waiting to try and hit Shadowheart where it hurts: Serena. What better time than when Shadowheart finally thinks she has her all to herself?
Shadowheart will have to break the news to Amelia, ofc. And after the talk they had about Shadowheart being a protector to her too? She can’t afford herself a moment of weakness.
Expect to see a very determined (if not unhinged) Shadowheart leveraging her very unique skillset at any cost. She doesn’t even know that Serena only left to get the warding bond rings for her đŸ„ș
She doesn’t like who she was before Serena’s influence. But if that’s who she needs to be to get Tav back safely, so be it.
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eliteseven · 5 months
Screaming crying throwing UP at them having their own baby Jenevelle 😭😭😭😭 I just know Shadowheart will be watching her family one day and get overwhelmed because never did she think she would have this (a family, friends, a cottage, a mini zoo), let alone deserve it and yet here she is, living her wildest dreams
I know!! They could call her baby Jen đŸ„č (she probably can’t say her own name for a while lmao)
Shadowheart realizes she’s living a genuine fairytale. Some mornings, she’s afraid to open her eyes- afraid she’ll wake up back in the cloister, memories fading, back to doing Shar’s bidding.
Then Tav’s arm pulls her a little closer under the covers, or the sound of bright giggles fills their room from the window as a little baby Jen plays with Arnell and Emmeline outside. 
And she just smiles to herself bc it’s very real. I think she wishes there were a way in which she could go back and reassure her past self that everything would work out beyond her wildest dreams
but she’s so blissfully happy now đŸ„°
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eliteseven · 19 days
idk what possessed me this week but i'm more hyperfixated with shart than normal... so.. do you have any more shadowheart headcannon? i adore your headcannon, they always make me more "jsjdjshdj god i love her (shadowheart) so much more... *sighs". it can be about consonance, NLS, the game! anything. thank you and take care :)
Aww, thank you, I would love to! đŸ„° Sorry this took a bit! I shared a couple that make me smile from both!
-Shadowheart notices how nervous Tav gets when they return to patriar events (either to be honored for something or bc Wyll invited them)- and she spends the evening distracting and comforting Tav in whatever ways she can. Holding her hand, sneaking her away to steal a kiss or two, dancing with her, pulling her into the corner to gossip in her ear
she can read when Tav is uneasy and just steps in as her lover and best friend đŸ„°
-Shadowheart becoming good with kids is so important to me. Not that she wouldn’t be- I think her Sharran past might’ve made her hesitant to show her true colors, at first. She’s inherently sweet and playful, it just takes a while to unlearn the guards she put up as a Sharran. But I HC that there’s a group of kids who play somewhat near the cottage in the spring and summer months. And they are absolutely SMITTEN with her 😭💕 bringing her flowers and toys, trinkets to win her attention. I mean, the pretty half elf lady with LOTS of cool animals??? Emmeline probably bakes just for them, and that wins Shadowheart even more popularity points. I just think she deserves to be adored by all đŸ„° and this gets her thinking about having a child of her own with Serena!
-I think Shadowheart might enjoy art! I feel like she didn’t exactly have time for hobbies and self discovery was
not exactly encouraged in the cloister. But Serena notices she’s very meticulous, her dexterity is good
so she gifts her a set of paints and a canvas. And Shadowheart is probably awful, for a time. But imagine the fun they’d have? Paint wars (painting each other 👀), sharing their laughable attempts at painting the landscape outside the cottage. Setting up the canvas outside on a sunny day, wine in hand, Serena lounging a few feet away with Buttons and Scratch under the sunshine? It would be so calming for her. And I think she’d get pretty good, tbh.
-Tav is Shadowheart’s biggest fan đŸ„° while I do mean that in the cutesy couple way, I also mean that she was genuinely a fan before meeting her. And now she gets to live with her. So, in everyday pedestrian moments, like when Jen sings to herself in the shower
Tav is trying SO hard to rein in those giddy schoolgirl emotions lmao. Shads just
toweling herself off and laughing softly when she sees that Tav is a PUDDLE in the doorway đŸ« đŸ’• the novelty never dies, for Tav. Shadowheart is amused and a little flattered. She loves singing for her girl â˜ș
-Not to spoil this but Serena is gonna surprise Jen with an animal at some point in my outline for pt. 2. I’m thinking a kitten đŸ„č it will be the love of Shadowheart’s life (alongside Buttons
.and Serena😅). She’s going to be so excited and giddy like a little kid. It will be very cute.
-Emmeline knitting some ugly sweaters for Shadowheart and Tav over the holidays!! Tav loves hers and wears it unironically. Shadowheart is always touched by how much Tav loves Emmeline. She hates the sweaters but obliges. She thinks they ruin her cool girl unaffected rocker vibe, and she’s right. She looks adorable ïżœïżœ
-Jen and Isobel’s friendship is my fave, as we know. Latest development in my daydreaming: Isobel helping Shads pick an engagement ring and helping her plan a surprise proposal đŸ„č Isobel telling Shads how proud she is that she got herself out of Shar’s grasp
 they planned to be in each other’s weddings as little girls.
-Shadowheart fiercely loathing Tav’s father and being incredibly protective of her. It’s a side of her we haven’t seen yet and I’m so excited. She learned, from her dealings with Shar. And she will protect Tav with her life, just like Tav would for her. I think it adds a really nice depth to her and I’m excited for you to see ferally protective shadowheart!!!
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eliteseven · 3 months
When Shadowheart gets rich in consonance she's definitely spending those checks on spoiling Tav đŸ„° like buying her a new Jeep or paying her rent
Aw no she loves Tav’s Jeep!!! đŸ„° they’ve had some really good times in there 😈
Technically they’ll *both* be making bank by this time and sharing, but you’re so right, she’s definitely looking to spoil the woman who was willing to give up everything for her 💕
The gifts vary, I think! 
she’s probably not paying Tav’s rent tho, I think they already live together atp 😅 sometimes it’s extravagant gifts like new guitars!! Sometimes it’s a tattoo just for Tav’s eyes only. Other times she gifts her some lingerie and tells her to clear her schedule for the next two days.
She genuinely adores watching Tav light up when she receives gifts (and she wants to make up for years of neglect because of Tav’s home life đŸ„ș💕)
(Unrelated side note but I REALLY want Tav to surprise Shadowheart with Scratch as a puppy đŸ€ so maybe that’ll happen too)
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eliteseven · 3 months
I don't usually read that much fic but I've gotten so attached to serena and shadowheart! 😊 I already wrote this request for jealous shadowheart in consonance so i'm not sure if you received it but I was wondering how shadowheart would react to meeting serena's ex?
Omg!!! đŸ„° I’m so flattered you’re attached, that's like the highest compliment ever!!! Seriously, thank you so much!
I received your request, I think? I have a few fitting that general description lol. It takes me a while to work on them- but if it’s about Tav getting some “extra attention” then yes- pls rest assured it’s in the inbox and on the list! There are a few before that and I do have to write NLS but I’ll get to it for sure!! 💕 Sorry for the wait!
To hold you over:
I’m not sure which AU you're referring to? So here's both lol:
For NLS/Canon:
As we discussed, it's gotta be Tav's "old friend" from Cormyr visiting the cottage. An old flame who happens to be one of Tav's more trusted mentors. As an elf, she'd likely be an outsider in Cormyr too, so they probably bonded over that. If she stays at the cottage for a few days during her travels...Yeah, I could see Shads not loving that lmaoo.
For Consonance:
In Consonance, Tav underwent a bad breakup before getting to Reithwin As a result of her wrecked family life, Tav obviously wasn’t able to sustain their relationship. If this friend were to come by for a show, which she might- if she hears about Tav’s success, and wants to support- then *maybe* they get a drink together afterwards, just to catch up on what they’ve missed in each other’s lives, and largely bc Tav wants to be nice. So maybe they share a nice drink.

Regardless of the universe, this doesn't change Shadowheart's reaction, of course. She’d be serving her signature disgruntled glareâ„ąïž the whole time.
Like...every time they bond or share a laugh it's gonna be one of these:
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eliteseven · 5 months
do you, by any chance, have more HCs about the House of TavyndĂ­r? đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ‘ˆđŸ» how are Serena's mom, how is she called, how she sees Serena, Serena's brother and etc
i absolutely adore how you constantly think about your story and you always keep saying new things LMAO aside from the final result, which is when you upload a new chapter, i love how it makes more alive and richier than already is
Ahh thank you so much! đŸ„° it’s definitely a living, breathing AU this way and it’s so fun to just consider all the possibilities with everyone!
I actually happen to have an entire planner sheet in docs dedicated to BG3 Nobility/Patriar Families and House TavyndĂ­r’s history. I am SO flattered you would like to hear more đŸ„č I was going to paste the entire thing here, but I think it's a bit too long and I don't want anyone to hate me lol. If you're interested in THAT much depth of their family life/history pre BG3 events, I'll make a post for it! 💕
A Few TavyndĂ­r Family HC's:
-House TavyndĂ­r was a once-great patriar family that owned a sizable fleet of trade ships and some dry docks in the Grey Harbor. This means they also enjoyed an estate in the upper city and frequented High Hall; they had political sway, at some point.
-By the time Serena's father came to power as the heir, their house was already in decline.
-Serena's father was Lord Aldin TavyndĂ­r of Baldur's Gate, and he wasn't always cruel. In fact, he was kind, sociable, and liked well-enough by his peers before inheriting a failing dynasty. Though towards the end of his life, he only had time for his vices. He was the son of nobles, and thus was well-rounded in his skillset. In Serena's early years, he couldn't go a day without seeking her out and sitting her atop his shoulders- so strong was his adoration for his daughter. He was warm, then. He was well-read and Serena often enjoyed having him read to her, when she was a young child. He used to make Serena feel safe.
-Serena's mother is Lady Amelia Tavyndír, formerly Bayne, of Cormyr. She married Serena's father out of familial/business obligation. She liked Aldin, at first. By all accounts, he was a good father and a loving husband. They did enjoy a happy life, for a brief time. I think that’s an important bit of info.
-Serena has no siblings- though perhaps due to the stressful situation they found themselves in, Amelia could not conceive after her. This made Serena a little lonely- she would seek company from the estate staff, if her parents were feuding or worried about the last shipment that never reached the docks. A sibling definitely would've helped soften the blow of how everything played out. She made friends easily enough- but there were so many rules imposed upon her, upon the other children of nobility. She wasn't allowed to be a child, in the traditional sense- though she tried, anyway.
-Serena’s favorite activities: sneaking to the lower city (was often caught and as the severity of the punishment increased, she stopped). She enjoyed watching the guards train and switch posts. She loved going down to the docks and just people-watching, as well as keeping an eye out for new ships coming into the harbor. Wouldn’t be surprised if she tagged some walls with charcoal, just like Shadowheart mentions upon visiting the city.
-Though Serena's father began to grow cruel with time and pressure, turning to alcoholism, to gambling, etc.- her mother remained a beacon of light for her the entire time. Amelia is one of those people who simply radiates warmth, happiness. Serena knew the callousness of her father, yes, but she also learned love in its purest form from her mother.
-Serena’s mother would often sing to her, a talent she picks up and passes on to her own baby, eventually đŸ„Č💕
-Serena was pretty capable by the time she was 19 or so. Though her family name was beginning to be tarnished, she was well-liked in court and an eligible bachelorette, which fueled her desire to escape with her mother. She could see the toll her father’s presence was taking, not only on her, but her mother. Surely, she could likely marry out of this abusive situation (and hopefully not into another one), but her fear for her mother made her strong.
-Serena and Amelia have nothing when they return to Cormyr. Amelia’s house has long since crumbled inwards- there is no family for them to join. Serena is forced to provide for herself, and her mother, and has few options other than joining the military. Still, they’re happy to be alive, relatively unharmed, and away from Baldur’s Gate. They go from riches to rags overnight.
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eliteseven · 4 months
Ok I've been lurking cause your ideas and writing are amazing!!! And I live for anything good for shadow heart at this point.
I saw the post on the animals being baby Jen's bodyguards and just had to leave this.
Buttons 100% snitches to Shadowheart like a brother does to mom about their sibling being up to no good đŸ€Ł
❀omg thank you so much!!?! Please lurk away lol- there are so many cool asks and everyone has shared some really neat ideas! I hope to get around to writing as many of them as I can, eventually!
Yes!!! Buttons is Shadowheart’s boy, through and through đŸ„°
I firmly believe Scratch and the Owlbear might be accomplices to baby Jen, but Buttons?? SNITCHERY!!! And when she's a teen? Guess who's ratting her out to Shadowheart when she's trying to slip away?
He’s been with Shadowheart since he was a little pup, that’s his mom too 😭 he sleeps at the foot of their bed!!
If Baby Jen happens to be a lycanthrope
she can get even with her brother later once she’s bigger 😅 with love of course 💕
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eliteseven · 5 months
I really enjoyed Consonance! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful fic, I couldn't put it down! I feel just a little sad for Tav, though. She sold her most prized possession to make Shadowheart happy. I'm just saying Shadowheart better make it up to her somehow!
Thank YOU for reading and commenting, this is so sweet! 💕
And I know đŸ„ș that was Tav’s last connection to her father. I think she obviously values supporting the Hallowleaf family more, but still.
I promise Shadowheart is going to make her the happiest soul to ever live in the next chapter, I guarantee it, or your money back!! She wants a chance to return the favor đŸ„°
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