#shadowheart is best
maihammer · 10 months
I got an amazing gift from my GF for christmas! it is a signed photo of shadowheart by her voice actress! Jennifer English! the text says "you're as loyal as a pup and twice as pretty" Legendary :>!
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krembruleed · 8 months
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the gang is all heeeerrreeee
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 5 months
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Gonna start doing this when someone tells me what to do
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sadmages · 1 year
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In my mind palace my tav and Astarion are playing the exact same game of 5D chess and they don't realize it yet
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pierkyn · 1 year
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Baldur's Gate 3 - Companion Icons
The gang's (almost) all here!
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spicyraeman · 27 days
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Lae'zelmancer week day 1: Stars
didn't think id have the time or energy to participate at all this week but I got hit with a burst of inspiration so enjoy!
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lepusrufus · 5 months
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That awkward moment when you find your gal pal somewhat drunk in the studio and for some reason you're compelled to not let her sleep on the shoddy breakroom couch (again)
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annazees · 11 months
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morning routine
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imperatoralicia · 1 year
This is the hat that I make my Baldur's Gate 3 friends wear when they're mean to me...
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...The hat gets a lot of use.
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lunian · 10 months
Gale: *practices shadow magic*
Lae'zel and Shadowheart: wtf
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agabus · 3 months
shadowheart is so conceptually funny to me because she is just a Nice Girl who Likes You A Lot and is way kinder to you in act i than anyone besides maybe karlach and wyll and she likes flowers and animals and children and then she's like well since we are good friends now i might as well tell you. i am in a doomsday cult :)
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maihammer · 11 months
the loud part of the Spawn Astarion fanbase are so unbelievably self centered, genuinly awful and toxic clownhats xD they will respond to any comment about them being bullies and toxic, with comments that are UNIRONICALLY exactly that xD U cant make this shit up, what a bunch of amateur trollturds.
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tcustodisart · 5 months
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Remember that outfit I designed for Connie? Yeah...
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mountainflowers · 30 days
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had fun drawing wolves!
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elfboypussy · 3 months
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i love my durge and shadowheart so much
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littlejuicebox · 10 months
Astarion talks in his sleep.
Pairing: Astarion x GN!Reader/Tav (Shadowheart is our lovely supporting role though.) Summary/Setting: 6 months post BG3, "good/spawn" Astarion ending, all fluff Rating/Warnings: PG / Very mild if any game spoilers but nothing related to major content or scenes Word Count: 900+ Notes: Inspired by this post here!
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Astarion talks in his sleep. It’s something you’ve never mentioned to him, because it’s mostly when he’s having a nightmare about Cazador or some other horrid trauma from his past. You'd quickly determined it not worth bringing up, for fear of embarrassing him. Plus, if you were being honest, part of you found it rather endearing... especially the lighter drabble that would escape his lips. Delighted giggles, little purrs... it could be overwhelmingly adorable, on occasion.
In fact, the first time you ever heard him say he loved you was in his sleep. Then you'd waited weeks… anxiously, impatiently, unbearably for the revelation to come out while he was awake, under his own terms.
But tonight, the talking and tossing isn't cute. The vampire writhing in bed disturbs you, and your eyes flutter open, catching the smallest glimpse of daylight between the thick, tightly drawn curtains and shuttered windows of your bedchamber. You'd just fallen asleep, and you'd be lying if you said you weren't the slightest bit annoyed.
You idly try to figure out the date. Adjusting your schedule to the night life was… difficult; you often lost track of dates nowadays. But somehow you manage to remember that it's been nearly six months since you all saved Baldur's Gate; six months since Astarion had been returned to a creature of the shadows. Six months you've been in the house provided by the city as you two adjust to whatever normalcy you are able to conjure up and figure out your next steps. You were a strong proponent for the Underdark; Astarion was not quite sold.
At first you think the silver-haired elf's tossing and turning is a night terror… it’s been nearly two weeks since the last one. He’s overdue. You ready yourself to pop out of bed and grab your calming herbs to steep a quick sleeping draught. But then you hear him, soft and garbled, laced with thick strings of sleep.
“Will you marry me?”
You turn to stare stupidly at the elf, eyes piercing through the blackness of your room; his face is obscured, you cannot tell if he’s awake. “…what did you say?”
Silence. A long, unbearable stretch of silence where your heart is pounding into your throat, practically rattling around your chest cavity at the sudden shock. And then he’s snoring again, and you’re left with your brow furrowed and robe half pulled onto your shoulder. Well, so much for your sleep.
You meander down the hall to the kitchen, where Shadowheart has several jars and plants strewn across the table. She’s practically taken over the kitchen since Gale left, not that you particularly mind, since she’s also taken over the cooking.
“Aren’t you supposed to be asleep right now?” She asks, spotting you out of the corner of her eye, not lifting her focus from the mortar and pestle in her hand.
“You won’t believe what Astarion just said in his sleep.” You murmur in dazed response, walking over to the cabinets and rummaging through the contents. You grab an old kettle and fill it with water, turning to look at the cleric.
“Gods, what was it? I’m quite thankful to be out of the camp... his night terrors woke all of us up at one point or another. It's no wonder you’re struggling with the schedule adjustment.”
“He said, ‘Will you marry me?’” You respond, almost giggling at how silly that sounds in retrospect, as you place the kettle on the stove.
Shadowheart pauses. One, two, three beats of silence. “Shit… well, I guess the cat is out of the bag now.” She murmurs with a shrug, before returning to grinding her herbs.
“Oh, come off, don’t be daft! You had to expect it would be coming sooner or later. Gods, your love is almost sickening… it was sickening, having to hear it all the time... once again, so thankful for the separation of these walls.”
You are frozen, your hand still holding onto the kettle as you appraise your friend. Shadowheart is right. You knew a proposal would come sooner or later… you just figured it would be much later. Astarion was still struggling; more often than not you woke to him in tears or in the throes of a sleeping fit. Countless calming elixirs and teas had been drawn up by you and Shadowheart in the last six months. Truly, you hadn’t thought he was thinking that deeply about it... you hadn't been, if at all. Gods, you two still didn't even know where you were headed after leaving this city-supplied house... the lease was up in a few weeks' time.
“I guess… well, I suppose I didn’t think he was ready.” You sigh, lighting the stove and sitting across the table, watching the cleric as she works.
“Oh, trust me, he’s ready. And he's certain. Perhaps not about anything else... but definitely about this. He's been writing to Gale for weeks trying to source a particular ring." Shadowheart responds, now pouring the contents of her grinder into pouches. "Just promise you'll act like it's a surprise when the time comes... he's been talking about it for a while. He's put a lot of thought into things."
"When will it be?"
Shadowheart laughs, the edges of her eyes crinkling as she flicks her gaze toward the ceiling. She’s now cinching the sachets and sorting them all into a nearby basket. "Now that I'm not telling you. I've already given away too much."
You try for a few more minutes to pry the information from your friend, but she remains tight-lipped. You even threaten her with detect thoughts, though you both know you'd never go through with it. Finally, a whistle from the kettle beckons you back to the stovetop, and the conversation is halted as you ready your tea and aim to go back to bed. You might not know when your love is going to pop the question, but you do know that when the time comes, your answer will be a resounding yes.
Click here for Part 2
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