#shading this mask is free serotonin
lichrott · 2 years
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gallusrostromegalus · 7 years
Close Encounters Of The Idiot Kind
Welcome to another family Lore! Content warnings for Insects, drug use (medical, not illicit), aliens, alcohol mention, really poor life choices and leather.
As usual, all the names have been changed to protect people’s privacy.  If you want to share this story on other sites, PLEASE include a link back to the original post!  Thank you, and enjoy:
A couple Octobers ago, I had to do some yard work.
One of the side effects of mom keeping a stocked bird feeder is that the sides of the driveway and entire section of front yard that touches the street have been seeded with several hundred sunflowers by the birds, who like lunch to go apparently.  It’s really nice- they don’t need any more water than summer thunderstorms bring and make a pretty privacy shade between my parent’s house and the street.  It’s full of birds and butterflies and local bees and is just generally awesome.
Until about October.
Once we have the first frost, the sunflowers start to die, slowly collapsing under their own weight and the lovely birds and butterflies all scarper because the yellow jackets have realized that they can chew holes in the stems of the dying sunflowers and lap up delicious sugary plant juice.  Being big fans of Sugar water, the wasps then defend their sunflower stalks with the vigilance and aggression to rival a dragon on it’s hoard.  My family is pretty live and let live when it comes to wildlife but ALL of us are very allergic to yellow jacket stings, so this is a bit of a problem.
Since the Yellow Jackets are very territorial and tend to just stick with their favorite snack, we theorize that if we just lop the stems off and pile them in the back corner of the yard, all the wasps will stay over there and we can use the driveway again in peace.  It’s a family plan of action, but since mom was recovering from hip surgery, dad is even more allergic than most of us and my sister was in the Philippines, it was a job for Me, specifically.
The Yellow Jackets would be angry with me moving their sugar buffet, naturally.  I could barely go out the get the mail as it was, God help me if I started thrashing the sunflowers.  So I did some research, and came up with a plan.
Firstly, Yellow Jacket stingers aren’t that long and can be repelled with sufficiently heavy clothing, like my mom’s old motorcycle jacket, gloves and chaps.  If it can repel gravel flying at you at 70 miles an hour, it can probably stop an angry wasp or twenty, right?  Lacking her helmet, my choice of facial protection is a plastic respirator, reflective swim goggles and a gimp mask from the props closet.
My parents do political comedy theater.  The gimp mask isn’t even in the top 10 of weird shit they have in the props closet.
Next, they’re sensitive to strong odors and most bug sprays, so I douse my idiot ass in high-grade DEET, completely failing to read the warning label about not exposing yourself to fumes for extended periods of time OR remembering that I am on bipolar medication that leaves me supremely fucked up when exposed to DEET.
Additionally, it’s widely recommended that you take benadryl beforehand if you think you’re going to be exposed to an allergen.  It’s NOT recommended to take anything like benadryl at all, ever if you’ve got any kind of dopamine/serotonin problems, like the aforementioned Bipolar Disorder.
Also, the best tool for hacking hundreds of overgrown sunflowers off at the base is a Machete.   That’s like, an actual fact, not me being an idiot, for once.  I collect my machete, Brutus, from his usual place in the back of the Ford POS.
Finally, Yellow Jackets are exclusively Diurnal and sluggish when it’s cold out, so I’m gonna take my stoned, leather-clad, machete-wielding ass out there in the middle of the night to do this.  Since my hands will be full of Machete and Sunflowers, I won’t have a free hand for a flashlight, so I take my dad’s oversize book lamp and clip it to the back of my jacket collar.
So, you know.  Totally Normal sight if you happen to be up at 3 AM.
And for about the first… half hour or so it actually goes great.  The DEET hasn’t leaked into the respirator yet, I’m slashing away and making good progress on the sunflowers and the wasps are sluggishly crawling over me, half-hearted buzzes of rage, but can’t find a way in through the head-to-toe leather.  Most of them are distracted by the light, crawling distractedly over the lamp and occasionally across my goggles, looking as bufuddled as an arthopod can look.  I’m a fucking genius.  
I start to feel giddy with success.  I have outwitted an entire swarm of insects! I am engaging in successful terraforming!  Given that one sting could send me to the ER, I am dancing with death iteslf!  It’s 3AM and nobody else is out, so I decide to start singing.  I have the voice of a tone-deaf crow and I pick Bean Pháidin by Planxty to sing, probably for the tempo.  My half-assed attempt at gaelic and off-key corvid voice probably sound extra hilarious through the respirator.
It is at this time that Todd comes out.
The more sensible among you were probably wondering earlier why the hell my family just didn’t ask a neighbor or hire a service to come clear them if we’re all allergic.
1.  Absolutely nobody short of an exterminator will come out once the word “wasps” is said and that’s expensive.
2.  My neighbors consist of:
Mr. Drossel, the Lawyer who while a legal genius, is somewhat lacking in the physical coordination department can’t be trusted with anything sharper or larger than a spoon
The Stoffels, who are good and competent people but were away in Uganda at the time.
An old folks home full of Alzheimer’s patients
Todd is in his forties and probably reasonably competent with yard tools but there is little love lost between my family and Todd-  He's trained his dog to shit in my parent’s yard so he doesn’t have to pick up after it, parks his horse trailer in the middle of the road so traffic can’t get through, throws semi-weekly house parties that have to be broken up by the cops and leave broken glass everythwere and mows his lawn at 11 PM.
Additionally, Todd  is prone to the mental complications of many a mediocre man, namely that he would much rather live in a paranoid an dangerous constructed reality wherein he is the subject of many fictional persecutions because that means he’s Important rather than admit that his life is pretty ok and that he’s not doing anything that would warrant men in black suits chasing after his ass.  If there’s a conspiracy theory out there that could potentially be worked into a victim complex, Todd believes it hook, line and sinker.
I am alerted to Todd’s presence by a soft, awed “Oh my god.”  
I turn around to find him standing in the middle of the road wearing a t-shirt, boxers that need adjusting to hide his penis better and a single flip-flop.  I can smell nothing but DEET and my own marinating flesh but it’s a fair bet he’s been into the Pabst Blue Ribbon again.  We stand in silence for a moment, one of the several dozen wasps swarming on me making the best go it can at my respirator in a misguided effort to sting me inside my nostrils.  I am about to speak up and assure him that I am only doing horticulture and not felonies when he interrupts.
“You’re an ALIEN.”  He gapes.
I stand there for a minute.  I’m nearly done, but the fumes are getting to me and I’m covered in impotently furious wasps.  It’s 4 AM now and I haven’t slept in close to 30 hours.  I don’t want to try to explain this to Todd.
“Sure.” I shrug, before going back to the Sunflowers.  Why deny this poor man a drunken fantasy?
“I- I’m an important human.” Todd says, still wearing dirty boxers that are falling off his ass and a single flip-flop. “Lots of connections. Government connections.”  I slash faster.
“Maybe you don’t speak english.” He realizes after a few more minutes of standing in the road.  “You’re from like.  Quasar or something.”
He drunkenly watches me for a few more minutes.  Normally this would be a cause for worry but I have a machete and he has inadequate footwear so I’m feeling good about my odds.  He wanders off, and I take the next load back to the far corner of the yard.
When I come back out he has a camera.  Like, one of those cheap disposables that still has film.  It’s 2016. I don’t even know where he GOT that thing.  And he’s standing out in the road, still in his shorts and a single flip-flop.  Man can locate a goddamn kodachrome but can’t find two shoes.  
So I do what any chemically altered and sleep-deprived person does, and strike a pose.  
Todd goes BANANAS, and starts snapping away on his crappy little camera, and we have ourselves Milkyway’s Next Top Model shoot out there in the yard.  I pick up random objects and pretend to be confused by them. I stand on the roof of the car and hold a USB up at the night sky like I'm looking for a cell signal. I fucking vogue because why not.  
Todd is crying with happiness.  “I KNEW YOU WERE REAL.”  He sobs, snapping away. “I’M GONNA BE SO FAMOUS.”  He loses his flip-flop in the excitement as I climb on top of the mailbox and make a Peace sign at him.
It’s 4:30 AM and we’re out in the middle of the road and I’m doing my best Tyra Banks despite the fact that I’m 5’2” and wearing motorcycle gear that’s three sizes too big for me when the guys who deliver the paper roll up.
Jamie and Miguel stop the truck, leaning out the window and over the cab (Miguel drives, Jamie stands in the bed and tosses papers out the back because fuck OSHA) at us two morons in the headlights.
“¿Que cojones estás haciendo?” asks Miguel, entirely reasonably.
I pull the mask and goggles off and walk up to the truck.  “I was doing yard work and didn’t want to get stung by wasps.  I dunno what he’s on about.  If you have my paper I can take it in.”  I probably look like hell and am still covered in wasps, but I don’t care.
Jamie hands me my paper, I wave bye and go into the house, leaving three extremely confused men in the road.
And that’s how I made, then completely destroyed my neighbor’s night.
If you got a laugh out of this story, please consider Donating to my Tip Jar or PayPal, as telling stories on the internet is my primary source of income.
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pronature14 · 3 years
Why, precisely however, is honey utilized in so numerous magnificence items? “Honey(Nectar) has common recuperating properties,” says Mona Gohara, MD, partner clinical educator at Yale Department of Dermatology, especially for wound mending. It can likewise advance collagen-building, Dr. Gohara adds, making it an incredible enemy of ager.
That is not all the sweet stuff can do: “Honey has common germ-free, antibacterial, and calming properties,” says Dendy Engelman, MD, a New York City-based dermatologic specialist
In any case, that doesn’t mean the stuff that comes in the bear-molded jug at the supermarket will mysteriously fix all your skin issues. Carly Stein, organizer of Beekeeper’s Naturals, says the best nectar for excellence use is crude and unpasteurized.
Stein suggests staying with buckwheat nectar (a dark honey produced using the nectar of…well, buckwheat) due to its high cell reinforcement levels. Furthermore, in case you’re having trouble difficulty discovering a few, Stein says to simply search for a dull, crude nectar—the hazier the nectar, the higher the cell reinforcement check and better for your magnificence schedule.
Inquisitive about how nectar can help you venture up your magnificence game? Look no further:
1. Moisturizing Face Mask
“With its saturating and calming impacts, raw honey can hydrate the skin, leaving it delicate, brilliant, and shining,” says Ildi Pekar, VIP facialist and proprietor of
Ildi Pekar Skin Care. “The sugars in honey go about as normal humectants and emollients that expansion the water content and diminish dryness in the skin even after they have been washed off.”
Furthermore, (for all the mark perusers out there), on the off chance that you can discover crude nectar with a high convergence of other honey bee items like illustrious jam, which is prime for boosting collagen; propolis, which is calming and antibacterial (thus, a significant success for skin inflammation inclined skin); or dust which “contains a compound called rutin that helps channel the vessels” and smooths out imperfections, you can take your daily schedule up an indent.
Try it: Apply raw honey straightforwardly on the skin leave it on for up to 20 minutes, at that point then rinse and massage it off thoroughly with water.
2. Gentle Exfoliant
Since raw honey crystalizes over the long time, says Stein, the minuscule granules act as a delicate exfoliant. They begin to separate when they come into contact with water and the heat (warmth) of your skin making for a gentler scrub than that of the harsher locally acquired stuff. What’s more, since it’s antibacterial, you can utilize it for your day by day face wash.
Try it: Warm the honey in your hand by scouring it between your fingers first, at that point apply it directly on the skin in round movements. Leave it on for a couple of moments prior to kneading it off with wet towel.
3. Scar Fader
The antioxidant properties in honey (especially buckwheat honey) nourish harmed skin, helping the scar healing process, as per Stein. Also, for the special reward of against irritation, watch out for nectar implanted with propolis—it can assist tone with bringing down the vibe of stretch marks and skin staining.
Attempt it: Massage raw honey directly to the influenced territory in a roundabout movement for one to two minutes, at that point flush it off.
4. Wound Healer
Honey’s common germicide properties help to prevent diseases and secure injuries, says Dr. Engelman, which can decrease scarring and cut down on mending time. The cancer prevention agents in nectar (especially Manuka nectar) are more than prepared to fill in as a characteristic solution for support your harmed skin and take it back to its flawless greatness.
5. Acne Spot Treatment
Buckwheat Honey is an incredible DIY solution for skin inflammation. It’s a calming, which decreases the redness and swelling of pimples, says Stein, and its antibacterial properties can help fight skin break out causing microscopic organisms particularly if it’s injected with propolis. “Likewise, in light of the fact that nectar keeps the skin very much hydrated and adjusted, it helps control the creation of oil,” adds Pekar.
Try it: Apply crude nectar straightforwardly on the breakout and afterward flush it off after 10 to 15 minutes.
6. Bath Soak
Up your unwinding objectives and take a honey injected splash. Honey’s hydrating forces will leave skin smooth delicate, says Pekar.
Try it: Make it at home by blending two big tablespoons of raw honey into one cup of heated water until the nectar is disintegrated. Empty it into a tub of warm water to splash. You can likewise utilize a pre-made adaptation if that is more your style.
7. Cuticle Moisturizer
Since honey is a characteristic humectant (otherwise known as it brings dampness into the skin), it can help keep the skin around your fingernail skin upbeat and strip free.
Get a container of nectar that is pressing imperial jam, another honey bee item, Stein says, since it’s a collagen-manufacturer. That additional fixing will carry new life to your nails and reinforce the skin around them.
Try it: Rub crude nectar over every fingernail skin and leave it on for five to 10 minutes prior to flushing it off.
8. Everyday Conditioner
“Honey is normally an ideal conditioner since it’s a humectant and holds and draws in dampness, keeping your hair feeling smooth and sound,” says Felix Fischer, VIP hair craftsman. “Your strands will feel delicate, supported, and have a lot of life and bounce.”
Try it: Mix one-quarter cup of Organic raw honey with barely enough new water to thin it out so you can spread it around your hair. Work it into sodden hair after you cleanser for a couple of moments, at that point wash with warm water.
9. Lip Balm
All that makes honeys an top skin lotion makes it best for dried out lips, as well. “The hydrating benefits blended in with normal catalysts, cell reinforcements, and minerals function admirably to saturate lips,” Pekar says.
Try it: Apply raw honey directly to lips, leave on for a couple of moments, at that point wash off.
10. Hydrating Hair Treatment
Honey can keep your hair from drying out in light of the fact that it is extremely viable in holding dampness and keeping locks delicate and fun. It goes about as a characteristic conditioner, says Fischer.
Try it: Make a banana andhoney hair veil by joining two extremely ready bananas, a large portion of a cup of natural nectar, and one-quarter cup of olive oil. Mix the fixings until smooth at that point apply this onto your hair and scalp. Leave it on for around 20 to 25 minutes, at that point wash the veil out with cool or tepid water and cleanser. Search over the hair to dispose of any excess cover and flush once more. This cover can be utilized a few times each month.
11. Sleep Aid
“At the point when you eat nectar it causes a sluggish, consistent spike of insulin,” Stein clarifies, which converts to serotonin and melatonin, two synthetic compounds that help you nod off. Furthermore, in case you’re one to awaken in the evening, a tablespoon of nectar will help you stay unconscious since “[honey] assists with loading the glycogen in the liver—” something the cerebrum needs to keep you snoozing for a fantastic eight hours.
Try it: Eat a spoonful of honey 15 minutes before bed. Or then again, if awakening in the night is raising a ruckus, have a spoonful at that point.
12. Burn Relief
The mitigating, antibacterial, and dampness reestablishing properties of nectar are excessively calming on a bothered and disturbing consume (even a burn from the sun). Additionally, it’s thickness goes about as a hindrance from any diseases that may attempt to advance into the consume, so no compelling reason to cover with bandage after you apply the honey.
Try it: Clean the consume, at that point rub a couple of drops of nectar onto the territory and let sit however long you like (which—cautioning—will get muddled) prior to washing off. Reapply depending on the situation.
10 Benefits of Organic Honey for Health:
Since old occasions, nectar has been utilized as both a food and a medication.
It’s extremely high in gainful plant mixtures and offers a few medical advantages. Nectar is especially solid when utilized rather than refined sugar, which is 100% void calories.Here are the top 10 health benefits of honey.
1. Honey Contains Some Nutrients:
Honey is a sweet, thick fluid made by bumble bees.
The honey bees gather sugar — for the most part the sugar-rich honey of blossoms — from their current circumstance (1).
Once inside the bee colony, they over and over burn-through, process and spew the nectar.
The finished result is nectar, a fluid that fills in as put away nourishment for honey bees. The smell, shading and taste rely upon the sorts of blossoms visited.
Nutritionally, 1 tablespoon of nectar (21 grams) contains 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar, including fructose, glucose, maltose and sucrose.
It contains essentially no fiber, fat or protein
2.High-Quality Honey Is Rich in Antioxidants:
Honey is a sweet, thick fluid made by bumble bees.
The honey bees gather sugar — for the most part the sugar-rich nectar of blossoms — from their current circumstance (1).
Once inside the bee colony, they over and over burn-through, process and spew the honey.
The finished result is honey, a fluid that fills in as put away nourishment for honey bees. The smell, shading and taste rely upon the sorts of blossoms visited.
Nutritionally, 1 tablespoon of nectar (21 grams) contains 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar, including fructose, glucose, maltose and sucrose.
It contains essentially no fiber, fat or protein
3.Honey Is “Less Bad” Than Sugar for Diabetics:
The proof on honey and diabetes is blended.
On one hand, it can diminish a few danger factors for coronary illness normal in individuals with type 2 diabetes.
For model, it might bring down “awful” LDL cholesterol, fatty oils and irritation while raising “great” HDL cholesterol.
However, a few examinations have discovered that it can likewise build glucose levels — only not so much.
While nectar might be somewhat better compared to refined sugar for individuals with diabetes, it should in any case be overwhelmed by alert.
In actuality, individuals with diabetes may do best by limiting all high-carb food varieties.
Keep as a primary concern that specific sorts of honey might be corrupted with plain syrup. Albeit nectar corruption is illicit in many nations, it stays an inescapable issue.
4.The Antioxidants in It Can Help Lower Blood Pressure:
Pulse is a significant danger factor for coronary illness, and honey may help lower it.
This is on the grounds that it contains cell reinforcement intensifies that have been connected to bring down pulse.
Studies in the two rodents and people have shown humble decreases in pulse from devouring honey.
5.Honey Also Helps Improve Cholesterol:
High LDL cholesterol levels is a solid danger factor for coronary illness.
This kind of cholesterol assumes a significant part in atherosclerosis, the greasy development in your veins that can prompt cardiovascular failures and strokes.
Curiously, a few examinations show that honey may improve your cholesterol levels.
It diminishes aggregate and “awful” LDL cholesterol while altogether raising “great” HDL cholesterol.
For instance, one examination in 55 patients contrasted nectar with table sugar and tracked down that nectar caused a 5.8% decrease in LDL and a 3.3% expansion in HDL cholesterol. It additionally prompted unobtrusive.
6.Honey Can Lower Triglycerides:
Raised blood fatty substances are another danger factor for coronary illness.
They are likewise connected with insulin obstruction, a significant driver of type 2 diabetes.
Fatty substance levels will in general increment on a tight eating routine high in sugar and refined carbs.
Strangely, different investigations have connected normal nectar utilization with lower fatty substance levels, particularly when it is utilized to supplant sugar.
For instance, one investigation contrasting nectar and sugar discovered 11–19% lower fatty oil levels in the nectar bunch.
7.The Antioxidants in It Are Linked to Other Beneficial Effects on Heart Health:
Once more, nectar is a rich wellspring of phenols and other cancer prevention agent compounds. A significant number of these have been connected to a diminished danger of coronary illness.
They may help the conduits in your heart expand, expanding bloodstream to your heart.
They may likewise help forestall blood cluster development, which can prompt cardiovascular failures and strokes.
Moreover, one examination in rodents showed that nectar shielded the heart from oxidative pressure.
Everything considered, there is no drawn-out human examination accessible on nectar and hearth wellbeing. Think about these outcomes while taking other factors into consideration.
8.Honey Promotes Burn and Wound Healing:
Skin Honey treatment has been utilized to mend wounds and consumes since antiquated Egypt is as yet normal today.
A survey of 26 examinations on nectar and wound consideration discovered honey best at mending fractional thickness copies and wounds that have gotten contaminated after a medical procedure.
Honey is likewise a powerful treatment for diabetic foot ulcers, which are not kidding difficulties that can prompt removal.
One investigation detailed a 43.3% achievement rate with nectar as injury treatment. In another examination, effective honey recuperated an astounding 97% of patients’ diabetic ulcers.
Specialists accept that nectar’s mending powers come from its antibacterial and mitigating impacts just as its capacity to feed encompassing tissue.
Furthermore, it can help treat other skin conditions, including psoriasis and herpes sores.
Manuka Honey is considered particularly compelling for treating consume wounds.
9.Honey Can Help Suppress Coughs in Children
Hacking is a typical issue for kids with upper respiratory diseases.
These diseases can influence rest and personal satisfaction for the two youngsters and guardians.
Notwithstanding, standard meds for hack are not generally compelling and can have results. Curiously, nectar might be a superior decision, and proof shows it is extremely viable.
One examination tracked down that nectar worked better compared to two basic hack meds .
Another examination found that it diminished hack manifestations and improved rest more than hack medicine.
In any case, honey ought to never be given to kids under one year old enough because of the danger for botulism.
10. It’s Delicious , But Still High in Calories and Sugar:
Honey is a heavenly, better choice than sugar.
Try to pick a great brand, since some lower-quality ones might be blended in with syrup.
Remember that honey should just be devoured with some restraint, as it is still high in calories and sugar.
The advantages of honey are most articulated when it is supplanting another, unhealthier sugar.
By the day’s end, honey is essentially a “less terrible” sugar than sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.
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Honey quite a while in the past asserted the seat as the queen honey bee of the magnificence world. Distrustful? Simply go on an outing to Sephora or the pharmacy for evidence of the numerous excellence employments of honey. You’ll see it in face veils, shampoos, salves, lip medicine, and more.
Why, precisely however, is honey utilized in so numerous magnificence items? “Honey(Nectar) has common recuperating properties,” says Mona Gohara, MD, partner clinical educator at Yale Department of Dermatology, especially for wound mending. It can likewise advance collagen-building, Dr. Gohara adds, making it an incredible enemy of ager.
That is not all the sweet stuff can do: “Honey has common germ-free, antibacterial, and calming properties,” says Dendy Engelman, MD, a New York City-based dermatologic specialist
In any case, that doesn’t mean the stuff that comes in the bear-molded jug at the supermarket will mysteriously fix all your skin issues. Carly Stein, organizer of Beekeeper’s Naturals, says the best nectar for excellence use is crude and unpasteurized.
Stein suggests staying with buckwheat nectar (a dark honey produced using the nectar of…well, buckwheat) due to its high cell reinforcement levels. Furthermore, in case you’re having trouble difficulty discovering a few, Stein says to simply search for a dull, crude nectar—the hazier the nectar, the higher the cell reinforcement check and better for your magnificence schedule.
Inquisitive about how nectar can help you venture up your magnificence game? Look no further:
1. Moisturizing Face Mask
“With its saturating and calming impacts, raw honey can hydrate the skin, leaving it delicate, brilliant, and shining,” says Ildi Pekar, VIP facialist and proprietor of
Ildi Pekar Skin Care. “The sugars in honey go about as normal humectants and emollients that expansion the water content and diminish dryness in the skin even after they have been washed off.”
Furthermore, (for all the mark perusers out there), on the off chance that you can discover crude nectar with a high convergence of other honey bee items like illustrious jam, which is prime for boosting collagen; propolis, which is calming and antibacterial (thus, a significant success for skin inflammation inclined skin); or dust which “contains a compound called rutin that helps channel the vessels” and smooths out imperfections, you can take your daily schedule up an indent.
Try it: Apply raw honey straightforwardly on the skin leave it on for up to 20 minutes, at that point then rinse and massage it off thoroughly with water.
2. Gentle Exfoliant
Since raw honey crystalizes over the long time, says Stein, the minuscule granules act as a delicate exfoliant. They begin to separate when they come into contact with water and the heat (warmth) of your skin making for a gentler scrub than that of the harsher locally acquired stuff. What’s more, since it’s antibacterial, you can utilize it for your day by day face wash.
Try it: Warm the honey in your hand by scouring it between your fingers first, at that point apply it directly on the skin in round movements. Leave it on for a couple of moments prior to kneading it off with wet towel.
3. Scar Fader
The antioxidant properties in honey (especially buckwheat honey) nourish harmed skin, helping the scar healing process, as per Stein. Also, for the special reward of against irritation, watch out for nectar implanted with propolis—it can assist tone with bringing down the vibe of stretch marks and skin staining.
Attempt it: Massage raw honey directly to the influenced territory in a roundabout movement for one to two minutes, at that point flush it off.
4. Wound Healer
Honey’s common germicide properties help to prevent diseases and secure injuries, says Dr. Engelman, which can decrease scarring and cut down on mending time. The cancer prevention agents in nectar (especially Manuka nectar) are more than prepared to fill in as a characteristic solution for support your harmed skin and take it back to its flawless greatness.
5. Acne Spot Treatment
Buckwheat Honey is an incredible DIY solution for skin inflammation. It’s a calming, which decreases the redness and swelling of pimples, says Stein, and its antibacterial properties can help fight skin break out causing microscopic organisms particularly if it’s injected with propolis. “Likewise, in light of the fact that nectar keeps the skin very much hydrated and adjusted, it helps control the creation of oil,” adds Pekar.
Try it: Apply crude nectar straightforwardly on the breakout and afterward flush it off after 10 to 15 minutes.
6. Bath Soak
Up your unwinding objectives and take a honey injected splash. Honey’s hydrating forces will leave skin smooth delicate, says Pekar.
Try it: Make it at home by blending two big tablespoons of raw honey into one cup of heated water until the nectar is disintegrated. Empty it into a tub of warm water to splash. You can likewise utilize a pre-made adaptation if that is more your style.
7. Cuticle Moisturizer
Since honey is a characteristic humectant (otherwise known as it brings dampness into the skin), it can help keep the skin around your fingernail skin upbeat and strip free.
Get a container of nectar that is pressing imperial jam, another honey bee item, Stein says, since it’s a collagen-manufacturer. That additional fixing will carry new life to your nails and reinforce the skin around them.
Try it: Rub crude nectar over every fingernail skin and leave it on for five to 10 minutes prior to flushing it off.
8. Everyday Conditioner
“Honey is normally an ideal conditioner since it’s a humectant and holds and draws in dampness, keeping your hair feeling smooth and sound,” says Felix Fischer, VIP hair craftsman. “Your strands will feel delicate, supported, and have a lot of life and bounce.”
Try it: Mix one-quarter cup of Organic raw honey with barely enough new water to thin it out so you can spread it around your hair. Work it into sodden hair after you cleanser for a couple of moments, at that point wash with warm water.
9. Lip Balm
All that makes honeys an top skin lotion makes it best for dried out lips, as well. “The hydrating benefits blended in with normal catalysts, cell reinforcements, and minerals function admirably to saturate lips,” Pekar says.
Try it: Apply raw honey directly to lips, leave on for a couple of moments, at that point wash off.
10. Hydrating Hair Treatment
Honey can keep your hair from drying out in light of the fact that it is extremely viable in holding dampness and keeping locks delicate and fun. It goes about as a characteristic conditioner, says Fischer.
Try it: Make a banana andhoney hair veil by joining two extremely ready bananas, a large portion of a cup of natural nectar, and one-quarter cup of olive oil. Mix the fixings until smooth at that point apply this onto your hair and scalp. Leave it on for around 20 to 25 minutes, at that point wash the veil out with cool or tepid water and cleanser. Search over the hair to dispose of any excess cover and flush once more. This cover can be utilized a few times each month.
11. Sleep Aid
“At the point when you eat nectar it causes a sluggish, consistent spike of insulin,” Stein clarifies, which converts to serotonin and melatonin, two synthetic compounds that help you nod off. Furthermore, in case you’re one to awaken in the evening, a tablespoon of nectar will help you stay unconscious since “[honey] assists with loading the glycogen in the liver—” something the cerebrum needs to keep you snoozing for a fantastic eight hours.
Try it: Eat a spoonful of honey 15 minutes before bed. Or then again, if awakening in the night is raising a ruckus, have a spoonful at that point.
12. Burn Relief
The mitigating, antibacterial, and dampness reestablishing properties of nectar are excessively calming on a bothered and disturbing consume (even a burn from the sun). Additionally, it’s thickness goes about as a hindrance from any diseases that may attempt to advance into the consume, so no compelling reason to cover with bandage after you apply the honey.
Try it: Clean the consume, at that point rub a couple of drops of nectar onto the territory and let sit however long you like (which—cautioning—will get muddled) prior to washing off. Reapply depending on the situation.
10 Benefits of Organic Honey for Health:
Since old occasions, nectar has been utilized as both a food and a medication.
It’s extremely high in gainful plant mixtures and offers a few medical advantages. Nectar is especially solid when utilized rather than refined sugar, which is 100% void calories.Here are the top 10 health benefits of honey.
1. Honey Contains Some Nutrients:
Honey is a sweet, thick fluid made by bumble bees.
The honey bees gather sugar — for the most part the sugar-rich honey of blossoms — from their current circumstance (1).
Once inside the bee colony, they over and over burn-through, process and spew the nectar.
The finished result is nectar, a fluid that fills in as put away nourishment for honey bees. The smell, shading and taste rely upon the sorts of blossoms visited.
Nutritionally, 1 tablespoon of nectar (21 grams) contains 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar, including fructose, glucose, maltose and sucrose.
It contains essentially no fiber, fat or protein
2.High-Quality Honey Is Rich in Antioxidants:
Honey is a sweet, thick fluid made by bumble bees.
The honey bees gather sugar — for the most part the sugar-rich nectar of blossoms — from their current circumstance (1).
Once inside the bee colony, they over and over burn-through, process and spew the honey.
The finished result is honey, a fluid that fills in as put away nourishment for honey bees. The smell, shading and taste rely upon the sorts of blossoms visited.
Nutritionally, 1 tablespoon of nectar (21 grams) contains 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar, including fructose, glucose, maltose and sucrose.
It contains essentially no fiber, fat or protein
3.Honey Is “Less Bad” Than Sugar for Diabetics:
The proof on honey and diabetes is blended.
On one hand, it can diminish a few danger factors for coronary illness normal in individuals with type 2 diabetes.
For model, it might bring down “awful” LDL cholesterol, fatty oils and irritation while raising “great” HDL cholesterol.
However, a few examinations have discovered that it can likewise build glucose levels — only not so much.
While nectar might be somewhat better compared to refined sugar for individuals with diabetes, it should in any case be overwhelmed by alert.
In actuality, individuals with diabetes may do best by limiting all high-carb food varieties.
Keep as a primary concern that specific sorts of honey might be corrupted with plain syrup. Albeit nectar corruption is illicit in many nations, it stays an inescapable issue.
4.The Antioxidants in It Can Help Lower Blood Pressure:
Pulse is a significant danger factor for coronary illness, and honey may help lower it.
This is on the grounds that it contains cell reinforcement intensifies that have been connected to bring down pulse.
Studies in the two rodents and people have shown humble decreases in pulse from devouring honey.
5.Honey Also Helps Improve Cholesterol:
High LDL cholesterol levels is a solid danger factor for coronary illness.
This kind of cholesterol assumes a significant part in atherosclerosis, the greasy development in your veins that can prompt cardiovascular failures and strokes.
Curiously, a few examinations show that honey may improve your cholesterol levels.
It diminishes aggregate and “awful” LDL cholesterol while altogether raising “great” HDL cholesterol.
For instance, one examination in 55 patients contrasted nectar with table sugar and tracked down that nectar caused a 5.8% decrease in LDL and a 3.3% expansion in HDL cholesterol. It additionally prompted unobtrusive.
6.Honey Can Lower Triglycerides:
Raised blood fatty substances are another danger factor for coronary illness.
They are likewise connected with insulin obstruction, a significant driver of type 2 diabetes.
Fatty substance levels will in general increment on a tight eating routine high in sugar and refined carbs.
Strangely, different investigations have connected normal nectar utilization with lower fatty substance levels, particularly when it is utilized to supplant sugar.
For instance, one investigation contrasting nectar and sugar discovered 11–19% lower fatty oil levels in the nectar bunch.
7.The Antioxidants in It Are Linked to Other Beneficial Effects on Heart Health:
Once more, nectar is a rich wellspring of phenols and other cancer prevention agent compounds. A significant number of these have been connected to a diminished danger of coronary illness.
They may help the conduits in your heart expand, expanding bloodstream to your heart.
They may likewise help forestall blood cluster development, which can prompt cardiovascular failures and strokes.
Moreover, one examination in rodents showed that nectar shielded the heart from oxidative pressure.
Everything considered, there is no drawn-out human examination accessible on nectar and hearth wellbeing. Think about these outcomes while taking other factors into consideration.
8.Honey Promotes Burn and Wound Healing:
Skin Honey treatment has been utilized to mend wounds and consumes since antiquated Egypt is as yet normal today.
A survey of 26 examinations on nectar and wound consideration discovered honey best at mending fractional thickness copies and wounds that have gotten contaminated after a medical procedure.
Honey is likewise a powerful treatment for diabetic foot ulcers, which are not kidding difficulties that can prompt removal.
One investigation detailed a 43.3% achievement rate with nectar as injury treatment. In another examination, effective honey recuperated an astounding 97% of patients’ diabetic ulcers.
Specialists accept that nectar’s mending powers come from its antibacterial and mitigating impacts just as its capacity to feed encompassing tissue.
Furthermore, it can help treat other skin conditions, including psoriasis and herpes sores.
Manuka Honey is considered particularly compelling for treating consume wounds.
9.Honey Can Help Suppress Coughs in Children
Hacking is a typical issue for kids with upper respiratory diseases.
These diseases can influence rest and personal satisfaction for the two youngsters and guardians.
Notwithstanding, standard meds for hack are not generally compelling and can have results. Curiously, nectar might be a superior decision, and proof shows it is extremely viable.
One examination tracked down that nectar worked better compared to two basic hack meds .
Another examination found that it diminished hack manifestations and improved rest more than hack medicine.
In any case, honey ought to never be given to kids under one year old enough because of the danger for botulism.
10. It’s Delicious , But Still High in Calories and Sugar:
Honey is a heavenly, better choice than sugar.
Try to pick a great brand, since some lower-quality ones might be blended in with syrup.
Remember that honey should just be devoured with some restraint, as it is still high in calories and sugar.
The advantages of honey are most articulated when it is supplanting another, unhealthier sugar.
By the day’s end, honey is essentially a “less terrible” sugar than sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.
0 notes
castlehead · 7 years
[DRAFT ONE] Taxing the result, and creating influence through the creation of one or two shades thrown
from somewhere that are crowned more, much more, than hearsay,
means restless making, hating the elongated course of action throwing shade
takes as a part of its embarking upon that razzle-dazzle
poetic hypnosis: really an anointment of routine, as if it were a sacred jelly, when,
all fictive, simpler achievements, fictive, for their generality -a noose around the neck
of things that got to get said well- when all the gnarly wrack, depends on too-long stale hibiscus tea,
curlicues erupting from its warmth. Too-long hibernated inspiration,
for to defend its ultimate narrow-down to dainty biases it has, here and there, in favor of some
special points of shade and sufferance go with glee to hide behind its coalition of badder energies the sake some
energy/vigor more comes along, strutting and swinging its newfangled autonomy around,
like a braggart for small victories, to slow big victories from their materializing of should, to concepts being acted upon, a shirk known
specifically by the lazy as one strategy for getting your Good Mother off your back. Its detachment, still, -and it was, indeed, an accomplishment, nay even a severely-needed one, almost forced by the
Gods- its detachment, great and grand accomplishment, from an unfortunate-long connection at the hip with reassurances of all kinds he'll
be taken car of by less-harried harpies, in their recalcitrant imagery, like flies pipping their far-flung
buzz of anhedonia anywhere, their aim to quaff a draught
of joviality from any organic time his body had, just to keep aviated and aloft the heavy norm from off of ground, usually sounded buzzingly as a sort of vaguest yearning for some asinine form of the past that did not exist, but was romanced to life and brought into the room of people anywhere in the form of a tampered-with, radioactive stench of immediate disqualification, o tragic clown held hostage by the least cruds of the day, while the plenty of the Good piles up, a spectacular and usually inevitable, crass naufrage of all his hopeful mediations of and on specific fractions of two strangers' conversation, whatever tacitly welcoming input, to him, a nod to silence himself. Oh these my petty, pretty darlings of pain.
A lozenge of a ship still quartering sailors still alive, pendentives lit, I see, is scribbled on horizon: try, oh clown, muted at the hands of his misery, to go there and cradle yourself among the diffident waves of mysterious nods at silence you see only; see them but another fledge of that horizon, imagery most boon and friend to agile thoughts that are to things among people that are said, thoughts too agile, even, for the tongue to say them, nor for the eyes to even read scrawled across the skull as more than dreamlike interpretations of some old worry, hated anachronism of the moment yet feeding all of them in there your thought-drenchingness, yet shame depriving them of tears at your own hypocritical silent assertion they should understand, oh clown of shame, as your desire not to be so lonely, anymore, anymore.
And now: the ship of fate, his fate, is disinterring focus from the woozy clouds, abrogated by the darkening gloaming, like something decided swiftly cast in shades as something undecided, a certainty somewhere yet
to be found by men of taste, popular men, sufficient in their will and quiet in their pomp. Now look, The
Fictive Poet says: it seems, The Poet says at once, That these our fraught, entangled intimations
at some wasteful, seamless rhubarb in us hath shown us its ultimatum, of grand regard, And not, no not, as too ruffled by difference,
and too long ruffled, to be a difference so different than the routine change, from difference to difference. But
The Poet defers blame for his own bland. For, he says, intoning like a clock of many years, so-to-speak, in the grandfather's house, old house: It is rather
At the hands, most likely, of an obscure enemy whose ways fawn on republican politics and
tax-cuts for the rich, and that monitor the head ape for so long as to exterminate them, achieving
only a feeling of sightless excitement at burning the spoon like a euphemism, for example, or seeing
a ghost outside for once, upon this incoherent lawn of scattered word.
[DRAFT TWO] Taxing ungratefully the perfectly good result with just a few more tests, marking it on a clinical docket where the beasts
of wanton phrase overpower the maiden of causa prima, who starts to follow that example, writes herself out  of the very definition of herself as it was; all this on the list all to find
where the spot it does -is, if indeed it can, and does, ‘nuke’ -to very death- the surviving rest of any spontaneity
in the style, turned ascetic: yielding, to weakly justify the writing, these rigid-meted hairs of careful serotonin, smacked dully
gelid, like as the miles of chilly landscapes, flat surfaces for feet to walk on, made of a lake sometime in dire Winter,
dulling the unlucky reader, vibrating with starvation, as quickly as an incinerating nuke of ‘no’ by the frugal father, responding to his daughter’s passionate claim for ponies to be at Christmas.
We find, however, with adding additions, that new meanings for the maiden, heard
in echo merely before, with an extra uttering here and there, enlighten to a harsher, but, still loving, sound, and better-learnéd sound, for its
detour through the delirium of the moment to where the beasts of phrase have made
a truce with maidens, or, you know, ‘Brokered Peace’ as they say on CNN about The Foreign
Policy Things, -and this while packing away the spoils of the subjects made of echoes, revealing the burden, where it is lifted, of
these so many presiding loose ends, for so long approached as if a part of the organism the poem was: where end these fending follicles of detail: are
they the result of hunter-gathering for some uncharted context, thus, a new mode of excitement for the reader to feel disturbed in understanding better, learning better the unsaid, through these said things that shift their
weight, as if standing up from their seat on an airplane after landing, the landing square upon the strip,
transcribing the rest of what I feel is not there for it never will be there, if even replicated word-for-word, or blown in a boom to essentials in the crater, by an editing bomb, to shave what’s imitable to one single, purer shard, the gift of queenly maidens and their
truce with the loquacious beasts, that wish a content more, yet less a healing to the pome in being a too-long nightmare of one who squeezed himself already to powder in a creative, though emotionally hazard, drylands, through an ironic revelry or throwaway we see again among these burdens called a subject and a sense, all of them clues
moreover, to the very evasions they are, and that deplete the poem of its actuality! It is the tragic current of The Same
that ruins The Poet’s blood, who thinks in the language of passion as firm and fine as dirt as enough destined
in the pathos we can feel, at the waste of all this seeming in an imagery informed by some declension, proceeding beneath the mask of the words’ behavior, in other words, or, in other words, each word a symbol and attack upon what can be visioned by a mind as this, The Poet’s mind,
outside of edgy creeds or needing multiply the source that has its chatty wandering, across the sturdy paths of frozen lakes mentioned once again, both ends of the
mentioning obedient to the movement of each other as to be none less than something like the child of the very behavior of quantum entanglement of particles as stay
at their same vigil equally long, and mirror the directions of their brother, on the opposite sides of universe, but
instead, made into the mortal cardboard of time-traveling verbiage across, as it now goes, all this scour of the tundra of context and as sleets in sharp flakes the questions all the same as to what is
the true subject, for its use is known already, though not said, that is: to rise the human from their little niche, into and past the human, remaining human, and creating, sometimes with its virulent-running explosions of mistake, a new and better
argument for life, for somewhere it is hardwired, stays in place and yet, moves with its twin, who moves, but by staying in place: it will haunt our creations, and us with its perfect arch and paradox too much -without a tangle, too neat for anybody not to reckon that
some intelligent design had filled this with its own art, compacted passions with utility, ruddering frustration’s rawness behind the last mortal straw of one’s effort away from destruction, towards an ease of rationale so free of needing faith as to be forged from a scientific
delight of some reserve, into a metal worth enough as reason on its own, untampered; would we not feel obliged to have left alone the one upwind of their frustrations, and to collapse into a squawking,
futile tantrum, if at the first they were not corrupted so easily by life’s carnage, happening to them in real-time, and so then all the more
intense: I think of this, and it cements, least, some overused idea for something more serene and deft than humans could have made with definitions: an idea, to both explain and feel this collage of stuff and mirrors, stuff and atoms, the atoms that exist behind us or back-
stage if you like, and we, impoverished thespians reciting from the script of our personal circumstance: we, who exist in front of atoms, almost to be them, as if to say, I hold court in this land of flesh and
physics: you are too contrarian to fancy yourself of my material and sacrosanct: yet altogether everything is made up of its beauty, that is how we can and will graft experimental persons like as particles to the majestic sides of this box of universe, scrambling to be
justified for all its slow but mighty large accrual of mountains to our eternities, changes, seemings, and ultimatums, while an audience of atoms gasps and looks agape at gelid poverties of bastard
philosophical frost over their secret of meaning something without the meaning, the way we can’t, no matter how we try, or at least without losing the will to live: we atoms who live and march
up and down the planet, relaxing and then worried, raising our blood pressure with stress, lowering cholesterol and having kids.
We must learn that any emblem comes from a bag of emblems as would say withal its hesitating that it dwells in truth and in rhetoric as correct as truly, as accurately as any liminal hand might trace its meanings over cornfed,
human principles: and yet that is the system whereby we receive the fire enough under our ass to not continue not, but work through sleep and so
revive yourself, regroup and brace for challenge after challenge without knowing what exactly you are after- in committing to the lovely bitch of life.
I who am without self, or a name, could be the higher narrator of this well-enough design of Pome, or be just the shaping hands of they who
speak expressions through my sieve into convictions for the human race to misinterpret and misread. A text that is I am, a being of word.
I am against what cause these new sources of influence
over The poet, that drylands, that led The Poet through them, but implying this an inevitable rite,
as if in any case, they had to to get his creation of one or two shades thrown to the beastly spirit, after the test that might just naysay its certainty of being needed
in the first place, and so then only leading to environ with sullying the very focal-force The Poet uses, to compare the moment with realities askance and lean, and of strained
strings of conflict through each part of them, all of them, straining
from somewhere that are crowned the more, much more, than hearsay,
means restless making, hating the elongated course of action throwing shade
takes as a part of its embarking upon that razzle-dazzle
poetic hypnosis: really an anointment of routine, as if it were a sacred jelly, when,
all fictive, simpler achievements, fictive, for their generality -a noose around the neck
of things that got to get said well- when all the gnarly wrack, depends on too-long stale hibiscus tea,
curlicues erupting from its warmth. Too-long hibernated inspiration,
for to defend its ultimate narrow-down to dainty biases it has, here and there, in favor of some
special points of shade and sufferance go with glee to hide behind its coalition of badder energies the sake some
energy/vigor more comes along, strutting and swinging its newfangled autonomy around,
like a braggart for small victories, to slow big victories from their materializing of should, to concepts being acted upon, a shirk known
specifically by the lazy as one strategy for getting your Good Mother off your back. Its detachment, still, -and it was, indeed, an accomplishment, nay even a severely-needed one, almost forced by the
Gods- its detachment, great and grand accomplishment, from an unfortunate-long connection at the hip with reassurances of all kinds he'll
be taken car of by less-harried harpies, in their recalcitrant imagery, like flies pipping their far-flung
buzz of anhedonia anywhere, their aim to quaff a draught
of joviality from any organic time his body had, just to keep aviated and aloft the heavy norm from off of ground, usually sounded buzzingly
as a sort of vaguest yearning for some asinine form of the past that did not exist, but was romanced
to life and brought into the room of people anywhere in the form of a tampered-with, radioactive stench of immediate disqualification, o tragic clown held hostage by the least cruds of the day, while
the plenty of the Good piles up, a spectacular and usually inevitable, crass naufrage of all his hopeful mediations of and on specific
fractions of two strangers' conversation, whatever tacitly welcoming input, to him, a nod to silence himself. Oh these my petty, pretty darlings of pain.
A lozenge of a ship still quartering sailors still alive, pendentives lit, I see, is scribbled on horizon: try,
oh clown, muted at the hands of his misery, to go there and cradle yourself among the diffident waves of mysterious nods at silence you see only; see them
but another fledge of that horizon, imagery most boon and friend to agile thoughts that are to things among people that are said, thoughts too agile, even,
for the tongue to say them, nor for the eyes to even read scrawled across the skull as more than dreamlike
interpretations of some old worry, hated anachronism of the moment yet feeding all of them in there your
thought-drenchingness, yet shame depriving them of tears at your own hypocritical silent assertion
they should understand, oh clown of shame, as your desire not to be so lonely, anymore, anymore.
And now: the ship of fate, his fate, is disinterring focus from the woozy clouds, abrogated by the darkening
gloaming, like something decided swiftly cast in shades as something undecided, a certainty somewhere yet
to be found by men of taste, popular men, sufficient in their will and quiet in their pomp. Now look, The
Fictive Poet says: it seems, The Poet says at once, That these our fraught, entangled intimations
at some wasteful, seamless rhubarb in us hath shown us its ultimatum, of grand regard, And not, no not, as too ruffled by difference,
and too long ruffled, to be a difference so different than the routine change, from difference to difference. But
The Poet defers blame for his own bland. For, he says, intoning like a clock of many years, so-to-speak, in the grandfather's house, old house: It is rather
At the hands, most likely, of an obscure enemy whose ways fawn on republican politics and
tax-cuts for the rich, and that monitor the head ape for so long as to exterminate them, achieving
only a feeling of sightless excitement at burning the spoon like a euphemism, for example, or seeing
a ghost outside for once, upon this incoherent lawn of scattered word.
4 notes · View notes
reomanet · 6 years
Military Method for Falling Asleep in Two Minutes
Military Method for Falling Asleep in Two Minutes
Can Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Help Reduce Alzheimer’s? Story at-a-glance – An estimated 70 million American adults have a sleep disorder, the most common of which is insomnia — the inability to fall asleep, or waking up one or more times during the night Even if you’re doing everything else right, if you’re not sleeping enough, or not sleeping well, many of the benefits of your healthy lifestyle will be lost Middle-aged men who sleep five hours or less per night have twice the risk of having a major cardiovascular event compared to men who sleep at least seven to eight hours per night A sleep-induction method developed by the U.S. military claims to have a 96 percent success rate after six weeks of consistent implementation. The method centers around preparing your mind and body for sleep by deeply relaxing for about two minutes There’s evidence showing EMF exposure reduces melatonin production just like blue light from cellphones, tablets and computers do, making it particularly important to eliminate EMFs in your bedroom An estimated 70 million American adults have a sleep disorder, the most common of which is insomnia 1 — the inability to fall asleep, or waking up one or more times during the night. If you’re in this category, despair not, because the list of strategies to improve your sleep is long. While most sleep problems are tied to lifestyle choices such as spending too much time indoors during daylight hours, and/or excessive use of technology and chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs), which will require you to make (perhaps significant) changes to your lifestyle, a number of tips and tricks can be useful in the short term. A method developed by the U.S. military, revealed in the 1981 book, “Relax and Win: Championship Performance,” claims to have a 96 percent success rate after six weeks of consistent implementation. Military Method Preps Your Body for Sleep The method centers around preparing your mind and body for sleep by deeply relaxing for about two minutes. The following summary of the process was recently published in the Evening Standard: 2 1. Relax your whole face, including your tongue, jaw and the muscles around your eyes 2. Drop your shoulders and relax your arms 3. Relax your chest as you breathe out 4. Relax your legs, from your thighs to your feet 5. Relax and clear your mind, then picture yourself in one of the following scenarios: a. You’re lying in a canoe on a calm lake with nothing but blue sky above you b. You’re snuggled in a black velvet hammock in a pitch-black room c. Simply repeat “Don’t think, don’t think, don’t think” for 10 seconds 21 Additional Strategies to Help You Fall Asleep Faster I’ve written numerous articles over the years, detailing all sorts of tips and tricks to help you fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your sleep. For an extensive listing of suggestions, see “ Sleep — Why You Need It and 50 Ways to Improve It .” Medical News Today also recently published a list of “21 Ways to Fall Asleep Naturally,” which included the following: 3 1. Create a consistent sleeping pattern by going to bed and getting up at the same time throughout the week, including on weekends 2. Make sure your bedroom is as dark as possible. If you don’t have blackout shades, use an eye mask 3. Avoid taking naps during the day or too close to bedtime 4. Exercise regularly 5. Minimize cellphone use and use of other blue light-emitting devices 6. Read a book to relax before bed 7. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants at least four hours before bed 8. Meditate or practice mindfulness on a daily basis 9. “Count sheep” by slowly counting downward from 100 to zero 10. Avoid eating at least three hours before bedtime 11. Lower the temperature in your bedroom; an ideal temperature for sleeping is around 65 degrees F. 12. Use aromatherapy; lavender is relaxing and may help induce sleep 13. Find your most comfortable sleeping position. While the article suggests side sleeping, I would suggest you try sleeping in a neutral position — on your back with a pillow supporting your neck, not your head. For more information, see Dr. Peter Martone’s article on “ The Best Position for Sleep ” 14. Listen to relaxing music before bed 15. Don’t wait to use the bathroom; while it may seem distracting to get out of bed to pee, trying to hold it will simply disrupt your sleep later 16. Take a hot shower or bath before bed 17. Avoid e-books, as the blue light from the screen will impede melatonin release 18. Try a melatonin supplement. Another, perhaps even more effective alternative is 5-HTP, which is a precursor to both serotonin and melatonin. I believe this is a superior approach to using melatonin. In one study, an amino acid preparation containing both GABA (a calming neurotransmitter) and 5-HTP reduced time to fall asleep, increased the duration of sleep and improved sleep quality 4 19. Invest in a comfortable mattress. To this, I would add the suggestion to look for a chemical-free mattress to avoid exposure to flame retardant chemicals 20. Minimize noise; use ear plugs if environmental noise is unavoidable 21. Avoid alcohol Avoid Nighttime EMF to Improve Sleep Quality While avoiding cellphones and other devices with electronic screens (including e-readers) is important to protect your melatonin production, another factor that can have a significant impact on your sleep quality is EMFs emitted from your home wiring. There’s actually evidence showing EMF exposure reduces melatonin production 5 just like blue light from cellphones, tablets and computers do, making it particularly important to eliminate EMFs in your bedroom. EMF exposure also triggers neuronal changes that affect memory and your ability to learn, 6 and harms your body’s mitochondria by producing excessive oxidative damage, so “marinating” in EMFs all night, every night, can cause or contribute to virtually any chronic ailment, including premature aging. One of the easiest ways to avoid or radically limit your nighttime electric field exposure from the wiring in your room is to pull the circuit breaker to your bedroom before going to bed. Alternatively, have an electrician install a remote breaker for convenience, which is what I’ve done. This will virtually eliminate electric fields in your bedroom, unless you have adjacent rooms with wiring in them, in which case you will need to measure the electric fields with a meter after you shut off the power to see if it goes into the lowest range. Another really important step is to turn off your Wi-Fi at night. Ideally, hard wire your home so you have no Wi-Fi 24/7 in your home. Lack of Sleep Raises Your Risk for Heart Disease and More A review of hundreds of sleep studies concluded that, as a general rule, most adults need somewhere between seven and nine hours — or right around eight hours — of sleep per night to maintain good health . Regularly getting less than seven hours per night has been scientifically linked to a wide array of health problems, ranging from weight gain 7 to an increased risk for cancer. Most recently, researchers again confirmed that lack of sleep can over time take a significant toll on your long-term heart health. 8 , 9 As reported by Medical Xpress: 10 “Middle-aged men who sleep five hours or less per night have twice the risk of developing a major cardiovascular event during the following two decades than men who sleep seven to eight hours … Study author Ms. Moa Bengtsson, of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, said: ‘For people with busy lives, sleeping may feel like a waste of time but our study suggests that short sleep could be linked with future cardiovascular disease. In our study, the magnitude of increased cardiovascular risk associated with insufficient sleep is similar to that of smoking or having diabetes at age 50.’” Men who got only five hours or less per night were also more likely to smoke, be inactive and overweight, have high blood pressure and diabetes. Other studies have shown insufficient sleep and/or poor quality sleep can increase your risk for: Accidents at work and on the road — Getting less than six hours of sleep leaves you cognitively impaired. In 2013, drowsy drivers caused 72,000 car accidents in which 800 Americans were killed and 44,000 were injured. 11 Even a single night of sleeping only four to six hours can impact your ability to think clearly the next day. Diabetes — One 2015 study 12 linked “excessive daytime sleepiness” with a 56 percent increased risk for Type 2 diabetes . Depression — More than half of people diagnosed with depression also struggle with insomnia. While it was long thought that insomnia was a symptom of depression, it now seems that insomnia may precede depression in some cases. 13 Your amygdala, one of your brain’s centerpiece regions for generating strong emotional reactions, including negative ones, becomes about 60 percent more reactive than usual when you’ve slept poorly or insufficiently, resulting in increased emotional intensity and volatility. Impaired memory formation and increased risk of memory loss 14 — Sleep is essential not just for cementing events into long-term memory, but also for making sense of your life. During sleep, your brain pulls together and extracts meaning, while discarding unimportant details. In fact, sleep increases your ability to gain insights that would otherwise remain elusive by about 250 percent. So, during sleep, part of your brain is busy stabilizing, enhancing and integrating new memories. It’s also extracting rules, and the “gist” of what’s happening in your life. Reduced productivity at work and poor grades in school are other associated side effects of insufficient sleep. Creativity is also diminished. Impaired sexual function — In one study, 15 women with insomnia who were getting less than the recommended eight hours were found to be less sexually active after menopause. They also reported less sexual satisfaction overall. Increased risk of pain and pain-related conditions such as fibromyalgia — In one study, poor or insufficient sleep was the strongest predictor for pain in adults over 50. 16 Chronic diseases — Sleep deprivation decreases your immune function, 17 which can have a snowball effect, raising your risk for cardiovascular disease, 18 , 19 Alzheimer’s 20 and cancer, just to name a few. In the case of cancer, another critical mechanism involved is disrupted melatonin production. Melatonin is a hormone with antioxidant and anticancer activity. It both inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells and triggers cancer cell apoptosis (self-destruction). Melatonin also interferes with the new blood supply tumors require for their rapid growth (angiogenesis). A number of studies have shown that night shift workers are at heightened risk of cancer for this reason. Increased risk of dying from any cause — Compared to people without insomnia, the adjusted hazard ratio for all-cause mortality among those with chronic insomnia is 300 percent higher. 21 Sleep and Athletic Performance While being a sleep coach may sound like a strange career, indeed, they do exist, and are slowly starting to break their way into the world of professional sports. This makes sense, considering the impact sleep can have on your athletic performance, and the fact that many professional athletes travel and have to deal with jet lag to boot. As previously noted by The Atlantic: 22 “Without proper sleep, whether it’s a short-term or long-term deficit, there are substantial effects on mood, mental and cognitive skills, and motor abilities. When it comes to recovery from hard physical efforts, there’s simply no better treatment than sleep, and a lot of it.” The largest performance drop-offs can be seen among endurance athletes, and sports requiring quick reaction times and reflexes. To determine whether an athlete might gain a competitive edge simply by sleeping more, Stanford researcher Cheri D. Mah reached out to the Stanford Cardinal men’s basketball team. For two weeks, the players’ athletic performance was assessed after getting their normal amount of sleep. They were fitted with motion-sensing wristbands to determine the actual length of their sleep, which averaged in at a mere 6.5 hours per night. Next, the players were asked to extend their sleep time as much as possible for five to seven weeks. The players increased their average sleep time by about two hours, to 8.5 hours nightly. By the end of this test, players had improved their free throws by more than 11 percent, and their three-point shots by nearly 14 percent. Sprint drill speeds also improved for every single player on the team. As noted by The Atlantic: “A 13-percent performance enhancement is the sort of gain that one associates with drugs or years of training — not simply making sure to get tons of sleep. Mah’s research strongly suggests that most athletes would perform much better with more sleep…” Sleep Coaching in the Big Leagues A 2015 article in The Guardian 23 discusses the impact sleep coach Nick Littlehales, a former golf pro and marketer of bedding, has had on the Manchester United Football Club: “Littehales scored early points with the manager for his success working with United defender Gary Pallister, whose debilitating back injuries eased once Littlehales discovered the player was sleeping on a mattress that hampered his injury treatment … Sixteen years later he is a leading figure in the field, having assessed and reconfigured the bedrooms of a legion of international sporting stars as well as working with Chelsea, Real Madrid, England’s national side and a host of Olympians … Littlehales makes sure sportspeople get the right hotel rooms on the right floor, the right air conditioning and temperature control, plus appropriate lighting and beds … Other important factors are the potential for total blackout from the sun and temperature control … But the bedding is crucial. ‘If they don’t tick the boxes I’m bringing my own or we’ll try another hotel,’ he says … He says everyone has different physical and mental recovery times but that for elite athletes, five 90-minute sleep cycles a day is optimal … Training schedules are now often tailored around that need and many club training facilities now equipped with sleeping pods…” Whether you’re a professional athlete or not, sleep is an important yet all too often overlooked factor in health and well-being. If you’re still skimping, thinking you’ve managed to get by OK so far, I urge you to reconsider and give sleep the attention it deserves. You can do everything else right, but if you’re not sleeping enough, or not sleeping well, many of the benefits of your healthy lifestyle will be lost. 0
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paullassiterca · 6 years
Military Method for Falling Asleep in Two Minutes
An estimated 70 million American adults have a sleep disorder, the most common of which is insomnia1 — the inability to fall asleep, or waking up one or more times during the night. If you’re in this category, despair not, because the list of strategies to improve your sleep is long.
While most sleep problems are tied to lifestyle choices such as spending too much time indoors during daylight hours, and/or excessive use of technology and chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs), which will require you to make (perhaps significant) changes to your lifestyle, a number of tips and tricks can be useful in the short term.
A method developed by the U.S. military, revealed in the 1981 book, “Relax and Win: Championship Performance,” claims to have a 96 percent success rate after six weeks of consistent implementation.
Military Method Preps Your Body for Sleep
The method centers around preparing your mind and body for sleep by deeply relaxing for about two minutes. The following summary of the process was recently published in the Evening Standard:2
1. Relax your whole face, including your tongue, jaw and the muscles around your eyes
2. Drop your shoulders and relax your arms
3. Relax your chest as you breathe out
4. Relax your legs, from your thighs to your feet
5. Relax and clear your mind, then picture yourself in one of the following scenarios:
a. You’re lying in a canoe on a calm lake with nothing but blue sky above you
b. You’re snuggled in a black velvet hammock in a pitch-black room
c. Simply repeat “Don’t think, don’t think, don’t think” for 10 seconds
21 Additional Strategies to Help You Fall Asleep Faster
I’ve written numerous articles over the years, detailing all sorts of tips and tricks to help you fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your sleep. For an extensive listing of suggestions, see “Sleep — Why You Need It and 50 Ways to Improve It.”
Medical News Today also recently published a list of “21 Ways to Fall Asleep Naturally,” which included the following:3
1. Create a consistent sleeping pattern by going to bed and getting up at the same time throughout the week, including on weekends
2. Make sure your bedroom is as dark as possible. If you don’t have blackout shades, use an eye mask
3. Avoid taking naps during the day or too close to bedtime
4. Exercise regularly
5. Minimize cellphone use and use of other blue light-emitting devices
6. Read a book to relax before bed
7. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants at least four hours before bed
8. Meditate or practice mindfulness on a daily basis
9. “Count sheep” by slowly counting downward from 100 to zero
10. Avoid eating at least three hours before bedtime
11. Lower the temperature in your bedroom; an ideal temperature for sleeping is around 65 degrees F.
12. Use aromatherapy; lavender is relaxing and may help induce sleep
13. Find your most comfortable sleeping position. While the article suggests side sleeping, I would suggest you try sleeping in a neutral position — on your back with a pillow supporting your neck, not your head. For more information, see Dr. Peter Martone’s article on “The Best Position for Sleep”
14. Listen to relaxing music before bed
15. Don’t wait to use the bathroom; while it may seem distracting to get out of bed to pee, trying to hold it will simply disrupt your sleep later
16. Take a hot shower or bath before bed
17. Avoid e-books, as the blue light from the screen will impede melatonin release
18. Try a melatonin supplement. Another, perhaps even more effective alternative is 5-HTP, which is a precursor to both serotonin and melatonin. I believe this is a superior approach to using melatonin. In one study, an amino acid preparation containing both GABA (a calming neurotransmitter) and 5-HTP reduced time to fall asleep, increased the duration of sleep and improved sleep quality4
19. Invest in a comfortable mattress. To this, I would add the suggestion to look for a chemical-free mattress to avoid exposure to flame retardant chemicals
20. Minimize noise; use ear plugs if environmental noise is unavoidable
21. Avoid alcohol
Avoid Nighttime EMF to Improve Sleep Quality
While avoiding cellphones and other devices with electronic screens (including e-readers) is important to protect your melatonin production, another factor that can have a significant impact on your sleep quality is EMFs emitted from your home wiring.
There’s actually evidence showing EMF exposure reduces melatonin production5 just like blue light from cellphones, tablets and computers do, making it particularly important to eliminate EMFs in your bedroom.
EMF exposure also triggers neuronal changes that affect memory and your ability to learn,6 and harms your body’s mitochondria by producing excessive oxidative damage, so “marinating” in EMFs all night, every night, can cause or contribute to virtually any chronic ailment, including premature aging.
One of the easiest ways to avoid or radically limit your nighttime electric field exposure from the wiring in your room is to pull the circuit breaker to your bedroom before going to bed. Alternatively, have an electrician install a remote breaker for convenience, which is what I’ve done.
This will virtually eliminate electric fields in your bedroom, unless you have adjacent rooms with wiring in them, in which case you will need to measure the electric fields with a meter after you shut off the power to see if it goes into the lowest range. Another really important step is to turn off your Wi-Fi at night. Ideally, hard wire your home so you have no Wi-Fi 24/7 in your home.
Lack of Sleep Raises Your Risk for Heart Disease and More
A review of hundreds of sleep studies concluded that, as a general rule, most adults need somewhere between seven and nine hours — or right around eight hours — of sleep per night to maintain good health.
Regularly getting less than seven hours per night has been scientifically linked to a wide array of health problems, ranging from weight gain7 to an increased risk for cancer. Most recently, researchers again confirmed that lack of sleep can over time take a significant toll on your long-term heart health.8,9 As reported by Medical Xpress:10
“Middle-aged men who sleep five hours or less per night have twice the risk of developing a major cardiovascular event during the following two decades than men who sleep seven to eight hours …
Study author Ms. Moa Bengtsson, of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, said: ‘For people with busy lives, sleeping may feel like a waste of time but our study suggests that short sleep could be linked with future cardiovascular disease.
In our study, the magnitude of increased cardiovascular risk associated with insufficient sleep is similar to that of smoking or having diabetes at age 50.’”
Men who got only five hours or less per night were also more likely to smoke, be inactive and overweight, have high blood pressure and diabetes. Other studies have shown insufficient sleep and/or poor quality sleep can increase your risk for:
Accidents at work and on the road — Getting less than six hours of sleep leaves you cognitively impaired. In 2013, drowsy drivers caused 72,000 car accidents in which 800 Americans were killed and 44,000 were injured.11
Even a single night of sleeping only four to six hours can impact your ability to think clearly the next day.
Diabetes — One 2015 study12 linked “excessive daytime sleepiness” with a 56 percent increased risk for Type 2 diabetes.
Depression — More than half of people diagnosed with depression also struggle with insomnia. While it was long thought that insomnia was a symptom of depression, it now seems that insomnia may precede depression in some cases.13
Your amygdala, one of your brain’s centerpiece regions for generating strong emotional reactions, including negative ones, becomes about 60 percent more reactive than usual when you’ve slept poorly or insufficiently, resulting in increased emotional intensity and volatility.
Impaired memory formation and increased risk of memory loss14 — Sleep is essential not just for cementing events into long-term memory, but also for making sense of your life. During sleep, your brain pulls together and extracts meaning, while discarding unimportant details. In fact, sleep increases your ability to gain insights that would otherwise remain elusive by about 250 percent.
So, during sleep, part of your brain is busy stabilizing, enhancing and integrating new memories. It’s also extracting rules, and the “gist” of what’s happening in your life. Reduced productivity at work and poor grades in school are other associated side effects of insufficient sleep. Creativity is also diminished.
Impaired sexual function — In one study,15 women with insomnia who were getting less than the recommended eight hours were found to be less sexually active after menopause. They also reported less sexual satisfaction overall.
Increased risk of pain and pain-related conditions such as fibromyalgia — In one study, poor or insufficient sleep was the strongest predictor for pain in adults over 50.16
Chronic diseases — Sleep deprivation decreases your immune function,17 which can have a snowball effect, raising your risk for cardiovascular disease,18,19Alzheimer’s20 and cancer, just to name a few.
In the case of cancer, another critical mechanism involved is disrupted melatonin production. Melatonin is a hormone with antioxidant and anticancer activity.
It both inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells and triggers cancer cell apoptosis (self-destruction). Melatonin also interferes with the new blood supply tumors require for their rapid growth (angiogenesis). A number of studies have shown that night shift workers are at heightened risk of cancer for this reason.
Increased risk of dying from any cause — Compared to people without insomnia, the adjusted hazard ratio for all-cause mortality among those with chronic insomnia is 300 percent higher.21
Sleep and Athletic Performance
While being a sleep coach may sound like a strange career, indeed, they do exist, and are slowly starting to break their way into the world of professional sports. This makes sense, considering the impact sleep can have on your athletic performance, and the fact that many professional athletes travel and have to deal with jet lag to boot. As previously noted by The Atlantic:22
“Without proper sleep, whether it’s a short-term or long-term deficit, there are substantial effects on mood, mental and cognitive skills, and motor abilities. When it comes to recovery from hard physical efforts, there’s simply no better treatment than sleep, and a lot of it.”
The largest performance drop-offs can be seen among endurance athletes, and sports requiring quick reaction times and reflexes. To determine whether an athlete might gain a competitive edge simply by sleeping more, Stanford researcher Cheri D. Mah reached out to the Stanford Cardinal men’s basketball team.
For two weeks, the players’ athletic performance was assessed after getting their normal amount of sleep. They were fitted with motion-sensing wristbands to determine the actual length of their sleep, which averaged in at a mere 6.5 hours per night.
Next, the players were asked to extend their sleep time as much as possible for five to seven weeks. The players increased their average sleep time by about two hours, to 8.5 hours nightly. By the end of this test, players had improved their free throws by more than 11 percent, and their three-point shots by nearly 14 percent. Sprint drill speeds also improved for every single player on the team. As noted by The Atlantic:
“A 13-percent performance enhancement is the sort of gain that one associates with drugs or years of training — not simply making sure to get tons of sleep. Mah’s research strongly suggests that most athletes would perform much better with more sleep…”
Sleep Coaching in the Big Leagues
A 2015 article in The Guardian23 discusses the impact sleep coach Nick Littlehales, a former golf pro and marketer of bedding, has had on the Manchester United Football Club:
“Littehales scored early points with the manager for his success working with United defender Gary Pallister, whose debilitating back injuries eased once Littlehales discovered the player was sleeping on a mattress that hampered his injury treatment …
Sixteen years later he is a leading figure in the field, having assessed and reconfigured the bedrooms of a legion of international sporting stars as well as working with Chelsea, Real Madrid, England’s national side and a host of Olympians …
Littlehales makes sure sportspeople get the right hotel rooms on the right floor, the right air conditioning and temperature control, plus appropriate lighting and beds … Other important factors are the potential for total blackout from the sun and temperature control …
But the bedding is crucial. ‘If they don’t tick the boxes I’m bringing my own or we’ll try another hotel,’ he says … He says everyone has different physical and mental recovery times but that for elite athletes, five 90-minute sleep cycles a day is optimal … Training schedules are now often tailored around that need and many club training facilities now equipped with sleeping pods…”
Whether you’re a professional athlete or not, sleep is an important yet all too often overlooked factor in health and well-being. If you’re still skimping, thinking you’ve managed to get by OK so far, I urge you to reconsider and give sleep the attention it deserves. You can do everything else right, but if you’re not sleeping enough, or not sleeping well, many of the benefits of your healthy lifestyle will be lost.
from Articles http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/11/29/military-method-for-falling-asleep.aspx source https://niapurenaturecom.tumblr.com/post/180610952021
0 notes
jerrytackettca · 6 years
Military Method for Falling Asleep in Two Minutes
An estimated 70 million American adults have a sleep disorder, the most common of which is insomnia1 — the inability to fall asleep, or waking up one or more times during the night. If you’re in this category, despair not, because the list of strategies to improve your sleep is long.
While most sleep problems are tied to lifestyle choices such as spending too much time indoors during daylight hours, and/or excessive use of technology and chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs), which will require you to make (perhaps significant) changes to your lifestyle, a number of tips and tricks can be useful in the short term.
A method developed by the U.S. military, revealed in the 1981 book, “Relax and Win: Championship Performance,” claims to have a 96 percent success rate after six weeks of consistent implementation.
Military Method Preps Your Body for Sleep
The method centers around preparing your mind and body for sleep by deeply relaxing for about two minutes. The following summary of the process was recently published in the Evening Standard:2
1. Relax your whole face, including your tongue, jaw and the muscles around your eyes
2. Drop your shoulders and relax your arms
3. Relax your chest as you breathe out
4. Relax your legs, from your thighs to your feet
5. Relax and clear your mind, then picture yourself in one of the following scenarios:
a. You’re lying in a canoe on a calm lake with nothing but blue sky above you
b. You’re snuggled in a black velvet hammock in a pitch-black room
c. Simply repeat “Don’t think, don’t think, don’t think” for 10 seconds
21 Additional Strategies to Help You Fall Asleep Faster
I’ve written numerous articles over the years, detailing all sorts of tips and tricks to help you fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your sleep. For an extensive listing of suggestions, see “Sleep — Why You Need It and 50 Ways to Improve It.”
Medical News Today also recently published a list of “21 Ways to Fall Asleep Naturally,” which included the following:3
1. Create a consistent sleeping pattern by going to bed and getting up at the same time throughout the week, including on weekends
2. Make sure your bedroom is as dark as possible. If you don’t have blackout shades, use an eye mask
3. Avoid taking naps during the day or too close to bedtime
4. Exercise regularly
5. Minimize cellphone use and use of other blue light-emitting devices
6. Read a book to relax before bed
7. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants at least four hours before bed
8. Meditate or practice mindfulness on a daily basis
9. “Count sheep” by slowly counting downward from 100 to zero
10. Avoid eating at least three hours before bedtime
11. Lower the temperature in your bedroom; an ideal temperature for sleeping is around 65 degrees F.
12. Use aromatherapy; lavender is relaxing and may help induce sleep
13. Find your most comfortable sleeping position. While the article suggests side sleeping, I would suggest you try sleeping in a neutral position — on your back with a pillow supporting your neck, not your head. For more information, see Dr. Peter Martone’s article on “The Best Position for Sleep”
14. Listen to relaxing music before bed
15. Don’t wait to use the bathroom; while it may seem distracting to get out of bed to pee, trying to hold it will simply disrupt your sleep later
16. Take a hot shower or bath before bed
17. Avoid e-books, as the blue light from the screen will impede melatonin release
18. Try a melatonin supplement. Another, perhaps even more effective alternative is 5-HTP, which is a precursor to both serotonin and melatonin. I believe this is a superior approach to using melatonin. In one study, an amino acid preparation containing both GABA (a calming neurotransmitter) and 5-HTP reduced time to fall asleep, increased the duration of sleep and improved sleep quality4
19. Invest in a comfortable mattress. To this, I would add the suggestion to look for a chemical-free mattress to avoid exposure to flame retardant chemicals
20. Minimize noise; use ear plugs if environmental noise is unavoidable
21. Avoid alcohol
Avoid Nighttime EMF to Improve Sleep Quality
While avoiding cellphones and other devices with electronic screens (including e-readers) is important to protect your melatonin production, another factor that can have a significant impact on your sleep quality is EMFs emitted from your home wiring.
There’s actually evidence showing EMF exposure reduces melatonin production5 just like blue light from cellphones, tablets and computers do, making it particularly important to eliminate EMFs in your bedroom.
EMF exposure also triggers neuronal changes that affect memory and your ability to learn,6 and harms your body’s mitochondria by producing excessive oxidative damage, so “marinating” in EMFs all night, every night, can cause or contribute to virtually any chronic ailment, including premature aging.
One of the easiest ways to avoid or radically limit your nighttime electric field exposure from the wiring in your room is to pull the circuit breaker to your bedroom before going to bed. Alternatively, have an electrician install a remote breaker for convenience, which is what I’ve done.
This will virtually eliminate electric fields in your bedroom, unless you have adjacent rooms with wiring in them, in which case you will need to measure the electric fields with a meter after you shut off the power to see if it goes into the lowest range. Another really important step is to turn off your Wi-Fi at night. Ideally, hard wire your home so you have no Wi-Fi 24/7 in your home.
Lack of Sleep Raises Your Risk for Heart Disease and More
A review of hundreds of sleep studies concluded that, as a general rule, most adults need somewhere between seven and nine hours — or right around eight hours — of sleep per night to maintain good health.
Regularly getting less than seven hours per night has been scientifically linked to a wide array of health problems, ranging from weight gain7 to an increased risk for cancer. Most recently, researchers again confirmed that lack of sleep can over time take a significant toll on your long-term heart health.8,9 As reported by Medical Xpress:10
“Middle-aged men who sleep five hours or less per night have twice the risk of developing a major cardiovascular event during the following two decades than men who sleep seven to eight hours …
Study author Ms. Moa Bengtsson, of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, said: ‘For people with busy lives, sleeping may feel like a waste of time but our study suggests that short sleep could be linked with future cardiovascular disease.
In our study, the magnitude of increased cardiovascular risk associated with insufficient sleep is similar to that of smoking or having diabetes at age 50.’”
Men who got only five hours or less per night were also more likely to smoke, be inactive and overweight, have high blood pressure and diabetes. Other studies have shown insufficient sleep and/or poor quality sleep can increase your risk for:
Accidents at work and on the road — Getting less than six hours of sleep leaves you cognitively impaired. In 2013, drowsy drivers caused 72,000 car accidents in which 800 Americans were killed and 44,000 were injured.11
Even a single night of sleeping only four to six hours can impact your ability to think clearly the next day.
Diabetes — One 2015 study12 linked "excessive daytime sleepiness" with a 56 percent increased risk for Type 2 diabetes.
Depression — More than half of people diagnosed with depression also struggle with insomnia. While it was long thought that insomnia was a symptom of depression, it now seems that insomnia may precede depression in some cases.13
Your amygdala, one of your brain’s centerpiece regions for generating strong emotional reactions, including negative ones, becomes about 60 percent more reactive than usual when you’ve slept poorly or insufficiently, resulting in increased emotional intensity and volatility.
Impaired memory formation and increased risk of memory loss14 — Sleep is essential not just for cementing events into long-term memory, but also for making sense of your life. During sleep, your brain pulls together and extracts meaning, while discarding unimportant details. In fact, sleep increases your ability to gain insights that would otherwise remain elusive by about 250 percent.
So, during sleep, part of your brain is busy stabilizing, enhancing and integrating new memories. It’s also extracting rules, and the “gist” of what’s happening in your life. Reduced productivity at work and poor grades in school are other associated side effects of insufficient sleep. Creativity is also diminished.
Impaired sexual function — In one study,15 women with insomnia who were getting less than the recommended eight hours were found to be less sexually active after menopause. They also reported less sexual satisfaction overall.
Increased risk of pain and pain-related conditions such as fibromyalgia — In one study, poor or insufficient sleep was the strongest predictor for pain in adults over 50.16
Chronic diseases — Sleep deprivation decreases your immune function,17 which can have a snowball effect, raising your risk for cardiovascular disease,18,19 Alzheimer’s20 and cancer, just to name a few.
In the case of cancer, another critical mechanism involved is disrupted melatonin production. Melatonin is a hormone with antioxidant and anticancer activity.
It both inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells and triggers cancer cell apoptosis (self-destruction). Melatonin also interferes with the new blood supply tumors require for their rapid growth (angiogenesis). A number of studies have shown that night shift workers are at heightened risk of cancer for this reason.
Increased risk of dying from any cause — Compared to people without insomnia, the adjusted hazard ratio for all-cause mortality among those with chronic insomnia is 300 percent higher.21
Sleep and Athletic Performance
While being a sleep coach may sound like a strange career, indeed, they do exist, and are slowly starting to break their way into the world of professional sports. This makes sense, considering the impact sleep can have on your athletic performance, and the fact that many professional athletes travel and have to deal with jet lag to boot. As previously noted by The Atlantic:22
“Without proper sleep, whether it’s a short-term or long-term deficit, there are substantial effects on mood, mental and cognitive skills, and motor abilities. When it comes to recovery from hard physical efforts, there’s simply no better treatment than sleep, and a lot of it.”
The largest performance drop-offs can be seen among endurance athletes, and sports requiring quick reaction times and reflexes. To determine whether an athlete might gain a competitive edge simply by sleeping more, Stanford researcher Cheri D. Mah reached out to the Stanford Cardinal men’s basketball team.
For two weeks, the players’ athletic performance was assessed after getting their normal amount of sleep. They were fitted with motion-sensing wristbands to determine the actual length of their sleep, which averaged in at a mere 6.5 hours per night.
Next, the players were asked to extend their sleep time as much as possible for five to seven weeks. The players increased their average sleep time by about two hours, to 8.5 hours nightly. By the end of this test, players had improved their free throws by more than 11 percent, and their three-point shots by nearly 14 percent. Sprint drill speeds also improved for every single player on the team. As noted by The Atlantic:
“A 13-percent performance enhancement is the sort of gain that one associates with drugs or years of training — not simply making sure to get tons of sleep. Mah’s research strongly suggests that most athletes would perform much better with more sleep...”
Sleep Coaching in the Big Leagues
A 2015 article in The Guardian23 discusses the impact sleep coach Nick Littlehales, a former golf pro and marketer of bedding, has had on the Manchester United Football Club:
“Littehales scored early points with the manager for his success working with United defender Gary Pallister, whose debilitating back injuries eased once Littlehales discovered the player was sleeping on a mattress that hampered his injury treatment …
Sixteen years later he is a leading figure in the field, having assessed and reconfigured the bedrooms of a legion of international sporting stars as well as working with Chelsea, Real Madrid, England’s national side and a host of Olympians …
Littlehales makes sure sportspeople get the right hotel rooms on the right floor, the right air conditioning and temperature control, plus appropriate lighting and beds … Other important factors are the potential for total blackout from the sun and temperature control …
But the bedding is crucial. ‘If they don’t tick the boxes I’m bringing my own or we’ll try another hotel,’ he says … He says everyone has different physical and mental recovery times but that for elite athletes, five 90-minute sleep cycles a day is optimal … Training schedules are now often tailored around that need and many club training facilities now equipped with sleeping pods…”
Whether you’re a professional athlete or not, sleep is an important yet all too often overlooked factor in health and well-being. If you’re still skimping, thinking you’ve managed to get by OK so far, I urge you to reconsider and give sleep the attention it deserves. You can do everything else right, but if you’re not sleeping enough, or not sleeping well, many of the benefits of your healthy lifestyle will be lost.
from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/11/29/military-method-for-falling-asleep.aspx
source http://niapurenaturecom.weebly.com/blog/military-method-for-falling-asleep-in-two-minutes
0 notes
jakehglover · 6 years
Military Method for Falling Asleep in Two Minutes
An estimated 70 million American adults have a sleep disorder, the most common of which is insomnia1 — the inability to fall asleep, or waking up one or more times during the night. If you’re in this category, despair not, because the list of strategies to improve your sleep is long.
While most sleep problems are tied to lifestyle choices such as spending too much time indoors during daylight hours, and/or excessive use of technology and chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs), which will require you to make (perhaps significant) changes to your lifestyle, a number of tips and tricks can be useful in the short term.
A method developed by the U.S. military, revealed in the 1981 book, “Relax and Win: Championship Performance,” claims to have a 96 percent success rate after six weeks of consistent implementation.
Military Method Preps Your Body for Sleep
The method centers around preparing your mind and body for sleep by deeply relaxing for about two minutes. The following summary of the process was recently published in the Evening Standard:2
1. Relax your whole face, including your tongue, jaw and the muscles around your eyes
2. Drop your shoulders and relax your arms
3. Relax your chest as you breathe out
4. Relax your legs, from your thighs to your feet
5. Relax and clear your mind, then picture yourself in one of the following scenarios:
a. You’re lying in a canoe on a calm lake with nothing but blue sky above you
b. You’re snuggled in a black velvet hammock in a pitch-black room
c. Simply repeat “Don’t think, don’t think, don’t think” for 10 seconds
21 Additional Strategies to Help You Fall Asleep Faster
I’ve written numerous articles over the years, detailing all sorts of tips and tricks to help you fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your sleep. For an extensive listing of suggestions, see “Sleep — Why You Need It and 50 Ways to Improve It.”
Medical News Today also recently published a list of “21 Ways to Fall Asleep Naturally,” which included the following:3
1. Create a consistent sleeping pattern by going to bed and getting up at the same time throughout the week, including on weekends
2. Make sure your bedroom is as dark as possible. If you don’t have blackout shades, use an eye mask
3. Avoid taking naps during the day or too close to bedtime
4. Exercise regularly
5. Minimize cellphone use and use of other blue light-emitting devices
6. Read a book to relax before bed
7. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants at least four hours before bed
8. Meditate or practice mindfulness on a daily basis
9. “Count sheep” by slowly counting downward from 100 to zero
10. Avoid eating at least three hours before bedtime
11. Lower the temperature in your bedroom; an ideal temperature for sleeping is around 65 degrees F.
12. Use aromatherapy; lavender is relaxing and may help induce sleep
13. Find your most comfortable sleeping position. While the article suggests side sleeping, I would suggest you try sleeping in a neutral position — on your back with a pillow supporting your neck, not your head. For more information, see Dr. Peter Martone’s article on “The Best Position for Sleep”
14. Listen to relaxing music before bed
15. Don’t wait to use the bathroom; while it may seem distracting to get out of bed to pee, trying to hold it will simply disrupt your sleep later
16. Take a hot shower or bath before bed
17. Avoid e-books, as the blue light from the screen will impede melatonin release
18. Try a melatonin supplement. Another, perhaps even more effective alternative is 5-HTP, which is a precursor to both serotonin and melatonin. I believe this is a superior approach to using melatonin. In one study, an amino acid preparation containing both GABA (a calming neurotransmitter) and 5-HTP reduced time to fall asleep, increased the duration of sleep and improved sleep quality4
19. Invest in a comfortable mattress. To this, I would add the suggestion to look for a chemical-free mattress to avoid exposure to flame retardant chemicals
20. Minimize noise; use ear plugs if environmental noise is unavoidable
21. Avoid alcohol
Avoid Nighttime EMF to Improve Sleep Quality
While avoiding cellphones and other devices with electronic screens (including e-readers) is important to protect your melatonin production, another factor that can have a significant impact on your sleep quality is EMFs emitted from your home wiring.
There’s actually evidence showing EMF exposure reduces melatonin production5 just like blue light from cellphones, tablets and computers do, making it particularly important to eliminate EMFs in your bedroom.
EMF exposure also triggers neuronal changes that affect memory and your ability to learn,6 and harms your body’s mitochondria by producing excessive oxidative damage, so “marinating” in EMFs all night, every night, can cause or contribute to virtually any chronic ailment, including premature aging.
One of the easiest ways to avoid or radically limit your nighttime electric field exposure from the wiring in your room is to pull the circuit breaker to your bedroom before going to bed. Alternatively, have an electrician install a remote breaker for convenience, which is what I’ve done.
This will virtually eliminate electric fields in your bedroom, unless you have adjacent rooms with wiring in them, in which case you will need to measure the electric fields with a meter after you shut off the power to see if it goes into the lowest range. Another really important step is to turn off your Wi-Fi at night. Ideally, hard wire your home so you have no Wi-Fi 24/7 in your home.
Lack of Sleep Raises Your Risk for Heart Disease and More
A review of hundreds of sleep studies concluded that, as a general rule, most adults need somewhere between seven and nine hours — or right around eight hours — of sleep per night to maintain good health.
Regularly getting less than seven hours per night has been scientifically linked to a wide array of health problems, ranging from weight gain7 to an increased risk for cancer. Most recently, researchers again confirmed that lack of sleep can over time take a significant toll on your long-term heart health.8,9 As reported by Medical Xpress:10
“Middle-aged men who sleep five hours or less per night have twice the risk of developing a major cardiovascular event during the following two decades than men who sleep seven to eight hours …
Study author Ms. Moa Bengtsson, of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, said: ‘For people with busy lives, sleeping may feel like a waste of time but our study suggests that short sleep could be linked with future cardiovascular disease.
In our study, the magnitude of increased cardiovascular risk associated with insufficient sleep is similar to that of smoking or having diabetes at age 50.’”
Men who got only five hours or less per night were also more likely to smoke, be inactive and overweight, have high blood pressure and diabetes. Other studies have shown insufficient sleep and/or poor quality sleep can increase your risk for:
Accidents at work and on the road — Getting less than six hours of sleep leaves you cognitively impaired. In 2013, drowsy drivers caused 72,000 car accidents in which 800 Americans were killed and 44,000 were injured.11
Even a single night of sleeping only four to six hours can impact your ability to think clearly the next day.
Diabetes — One 2015 study12 linked "excessive daytime sleepiness" with a 56 percent increased risk for Type 2 diabetes.
Depression — More than half of people diagnosed with depression also struggle with insomnia. While it was long thought that insomnia was a symptom of depression, it now seems that insomnia may precede depression in some cases.13
Your amygdala, one of your brain’s centerpiece regions for generating strong emotional reactions, including negative ones, becomes about 60 percent more reactive than usual when you’ve slept poorly or insufficiently, resulting in increased emotional intensity and volatility.
Impaired memory formation and increased risk of memory loss14 — Sleep is essential not just for cementing events into long-term memory, but also for making sense of your life. During sleep, your brain pulls together and extracts meaning, while discarding unimportant details. In fact, sleep increases your ability to gain insights that would otherwise remain elusive by about 250 percent.
So, during sleep, part of your brain is busy stabilizing, enhancing and integrating new memories. It’s also extracting rules, and the “gist” of what’s happening in your life. Reduced productivity at work and poor grades in school are other associated side effects of insufficient sleep. Creativity is also diminished.
Impaired sexual function — In one study,15 women with insomnia who were getting less than the recommended eight hours were found to be less sexually active after menopause. They also reported less sexual satisfaction overall.
Increased risk of pain and pain-related conditions such as fibromyalgia — In one study, poor or insufficient sleep was the strongest predictor for pain in adults over 50.16
Chronic diseases — Sleep deprivation decreases your immune function,17 which can have a snowball effect, raising your risk for cardiovascular disease,18,19Alzheimer’s20 and cancer, just to name a few.
In the case of cancer, another critical mechanism involved is disrupted melatonin production. Melatonin is a hormone with antioxidant and anticancer activity.
It both inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells and triggers cancer cell apoptosis (self-destruction). Melatonin also interferes with the new blood supply tumors require for their rapid growth (angiogenesis). A number of studies have shown that night shift workers are at heightened risk of cancer for this reason.
Increased risk of dying from any cause — Compared to people without insomnia, the adjusted hazard ratio for all-cause mortality among those with chronic insomnia is 300 percent higher.21
Sleep and Athletic Performance
While being a sleep coach may sound like a strange career, indeed, they do exist, and are slowly starting to break their way into the world of professional sports. This makes sense, considering the impact sleep can have on your athletic performance, and the fact that many professional athletes travel and have to deal with jet lag to boot. As previously noted by The Atlantic:22
“Without proper sleep, whether it’s a short-term or long-term deficit, there are substantial effects on mood, mental and cognitive skills, and motor abilities. When it comes to recovery from hard physical efforts, there’s simply no better treatment than sleep, and a lot of it.”
The largest performance drop-offs can be seen among endurance athletes, and sports requiring quick reaction times and reflexes. To determine whether an athlete might gain a competitive edge simply by sleeping more, Stanford researcher Cheri D. Mah reached out to the Stanford Cardinal men’s basketball team.
For two weeks, the players’ athletic performance was assessed after getting their normal amount of sleep. They were fitted with motion-sensing wristbands to determine the actual length of their sleep, which averaged in at a mere 6.5 hours per night.
Next, the players were asked to extend their sleep time as much as possible for five to seven weeks. The players increased their average sleep time by about two hours, to 8.5 hours nightly. By the end of this test, players had improved their free throws by more than 11 percent, and their three-point shots by nearly 14 percent. Sprint drill speeds also improved for every single player on the team. As noted by The Atlantic:
“A 13-percent performance enhancement is the sort of gain that one associates with drugs or years of training — not simply making sure to get tons of sleep. Mah’s research strongly suggests that most athletes would perform much better with more sleep...”
Sleep Coaching in the Big Leagues
A 2015 article in The Guardian23 discusses the impact sleep coach Nick Littlehales, a former golf pro and marketer of bedding, has had on the Manchester United Football Club:
“Littehales scored early points with the manager for his success working with United defender Gary Pallister, whose debilitating back injuries eased once Littlehales discovered the player was sleeping on a mattress that hampered his injury treatment …
Sixteen years later he is a leading figure in the field, having assessed and reconfigured the bedrooms of a legion of international sporting stars as well as working with Chelsea, Real Madrid, England’s national side and a host of Olympians …
Littlehales makes sure sportspeople get the right hotel rooms on the right floor, the right air conditioning and temperature control, plus appropriate lighting and beds … Other important factors are the potential for total blackout from the sun and temperature control …
But the bedding is crucial. ‘If they don’t tick the boxes I’m bringing my own or we’ll try another hotel,’ he says … He says everyone has different physical and mental recovery times but that for elite athletes, five 90-minute sleep cycles a day is optimal … Training schedules are now often tailored around that need and many club training facilities now equipped with sleeping pods…”
Whether you’re a professional athlete or not, sleep is an important yet all too often overlooked factor in health and well-being. If you’re still skimping, thinking you’ve managed to get by OK so far, I urge you to reconsider and give sleep the attention it deserves. You can do everything else right, but if you’re not sleeping enough, or not sleeping well, many of the benefits of your healthy lifestyle will be lost.
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/11/29/military-method-for-falling-asleep.aspx
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