#sh tennessee
This clown is a sack of steaming sh-t! He’s also a close ally of Marjorie Traitor Greene.
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ereardon · 9 months
Before I Knew sneak peek
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A Jake Seresin pregnancy fic
“Ducky,” he said, dropping your hands. The familiar nickname on Bob's tongue brought forward a flood of memories: spring weekends flying kites in the nearby park, sitting on the back of a tandem bike with Bob on a trip to Florida to visit your grandparents, the fort the two of you made the one time it snowed two feet in Tennessee in under a day in March. “This is my squad. Guys, meet my sister, Y/N.” 
You tore your gaze from Bob, looking over at the table he was gesturing to, a smile plastered on your face. A beautiful brunette with pearly white teeth and a tight bun was on the far left. That was Phoenix. You had received a handful of letters from Bob talking about her. Next to Phoenix was a handsome, bulky man with a mustache in a plain blue t-shirt. Wow, he was gorgeous. 
Your eyes shifted over one more, breath halting in your throat as your gaze slowly crept up. First you spotted the dog tags. Eerily familiar, but then again, a lot of military guys wore dog tags, right? 
Then the chin. Ridiculously cut jaw, slight bifurcated butt chin that you had found weirdly adorable two nights before. Plump, pink lips, puckered up in a grin. You felt your heart sink. There was only one thing left. You raised your eyes to his. Clear, seafoam green. An ocean in two small orbs. He smiled as you screamed internally. 
Bob’s voice drew you out of your coma. “That’s Bradley.” The mustache man waved a hand. “And Jake Seresin. Hangman.” 
Jake. Your stomach did a sommersalt. 
Last time you had seen him, you had been teetering on the edge of drunk, standing outside of the bar with one hand on the railing, the salty ocean wind licking at the sweat on your collarbone, flicking the ends of your hair up against your chin.
The next moment, his tongue was on your throat, in your mouth, fingers in your hair, pressing your body against the railing of the deck as you whimpered into his lips. 
You had crept out of bed before he woke up. Just a gorgeous, tan, muscular back sticking out beneath crisp white sheets as you tugged on your short dress and called an Uber. You had expected to never see him again. 
And here he was, smirking at you as your brother’s gaze narrowed. 
You had fucked up. Correction. You had fucked Jake Seresin. And that was a major fuck up. 
[First chapter now live]
Tagging people who may be interested:
@blue-aconite @wkndwlff @joaquinwhorres @clancycucumber230 @djs8891 @seresinslady @dempy @dizzybee03 @bobfloydsbabe @mamachasesmayhem @mandylove1000 @katiedid-3 @na-ta-sh-aa @shanimallina87 @mycobrakai1972 @myfaveficrecs @yanna-banana
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ihateapbiology · 3 months
happy birthday
You rubbed your eyes and before you had even situated yourself you were peppered with kisses. “Happy Birthday baby” Julien whispered into your ear “I love you”.
“I thought birthdays were a capitalist ploy.” You groggily joke.
“Not yours.” she smiles.
You cuddle into her your eyes still crusted over with sleep. “I love you too babe.” You then detect the smell of coffee and bacon which perks you up a little more.
“I made breakfast” she grins “your favorite.”
“Ughhh I just wanna lay here with you but thank you baby” you say slowly sitting up clutching her bicep with your hand.
You stretch and fully wake up, Julien then pulls you in for an actual kiss. She darts to the kitchen to put the finishing touches on the food she made and pour the coffee into a mug as you put yourself in some actual clothes and brush your teeth.
“Aw babe this looks perfect thank you.” You hug her “you’re always so good to me.”
You laugh seeing the candles sporting 2 and 6 on the omelette she made. She pulls out a chair for you “oh my gentle lady” you laugh.
You spend the morning eating and cuddling on the couch watching a bit of a show you two had been loving.
You sigh “ugh we gotta get up for the lunch” you had scheduled a birthday lunch for yourself and your friends at noon.
As you put the finishing touches on your hair you feel soft kisses on your neck “you look so beautiful y/n I’m so lucky.” You blush and grab her hands to drape them over your shoulders. “You’re beautiful too hon.”
“Sh Sh Sh it’s your day” she laughs.
She drives you guys to a cute lunch place a bit more downtown and you find your friends quick. You have a great time being with the people closest to you and when it gets time when everyone’s full you fumble around in your purse for your wallet.
“That’s gonna be a futile search” Julien grins.
“Huh” you look confused.
“I’m paying babe” she says firmly.
“Jules you don’t have to I mean it’s lunch with my friends” you start to try to persuade her.
“Nope” she grins “I won’t hear anymore.”
She pays and you all chill for a bit walking around before they all head back to their respective homes. As you turn on your heel to go back to where you two parked you feel her gentle hands turn you by your waist.
“Babe we parked over there” you say confused.
“Yeah I know but I’m taking you somewhere else” she smiles.
You walk in complete ignorance of where you guys are going all the way down to the harbor (ok I know that Tennessee wouldn’t have one but for the sake of the story let’s say it’s LA or like NYC.)
She leads you to this growing line of people onto one of those sunset cruises that feeds you and just takes you on a loop.
“Oh Julien thank you you didn’t have to.”
“I know I didn’t have to.” she smiles kissing the side of your head.
It’s a beautiful cruise and you have a perfect time watching the sunset in the love of your life’s arms. Once you eventually get home you have to call your parents. While you’re upstairs talking to them Julien finishes up your cake. When you come downstairs she starts singing (in her beautiful voice) happy birthday. You blush so hard.
As you sit she takes some frosting and lovingly puts it on your nose.
“Babe” you giggle.
At the end of the day she makes you a bath with some salts and such.
She sits in next to you and puts her head on your shoulder. “everyday I thank whatever gods up there that they brought you into my life. I never thought that someone so beautiful inside and out, so full of life and love, would be here with me. You amaze me everyday as you continue to fill my life with light. You’re so smart, so funny..”
At this point you kind of disassociate into pure love and you stare at her lips moving.
“Thank you my love. I don’t know a safer place for my heart to be than with you.” You quietly say.
You settle into bed and wait for her to settle next to you, but she settles between your thighs with a smirk.
“Time for your final present” she smiles cheekily. “If I may.”
“Yes yes please.”
She pulls down your shorts kissing all over your thighs. “So beautiful” she mumbles.
She gently discards your panties and kisses the crease between your thighs and center. “I love you.”
Finally she kisses your aching core, “mmm so wet for me huh?”
“Yes” you whine.
She expertly navigates around your folds, changing up the pace of her tongue.
She grins as she feels your legs spasm and squeeze around her. She holds them open with strong firm hands.
She gives your clit a hard suck and that sends you. You finish in her arms, filled with safety and love.
You guys fall asleep in each others arms.
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 8 months
How about something friendshippy/familial between Texas and one of/some members of the South? (Not Louie or Flo only though please!) Maybe Tennessee, Georgia and/or Kentucky?
Okay so- I imagine Texas to either have a neutral, pretty damn friendly, or brotherly (both big and little) relationship with the south. I’m just gonna name off different southern states and tell you what I think their relationship is with Texas! <3
Alabama: Neutral, though they aren’t against going out to get drinks together and they won’t murder each other by simply being in a room together. But at the same time, Texas thinks that Alabama is too much of an asshole to Louisiana and a few others for him to wanna be around.
Arkansas: they’re pretty chill. They don’t really have any problems with each other, they just don’t hang out a lot. :]
Florida: they’re basically the- crazy-but-cool-uncle + equally-as-crazy-but-is-good-at-hiding-it-nephew. Idk. They just give that vibe. They’re friendly with each other but if Florida does anything to hurt Loui, Texas is going to kill him.
Georgia: Very lovely father/son relationship. Georgia is like a father figure to Texas, and loves him like a son. Georgia whacked him in the head with the adoption stick the day that Texas became a state.
Kentucky: again, a very lovely father/son relationship, very similar to Georgia and Texas’s. Texas has found that Kentucky is weak to the puppy eyes too.
Louisiana: they have both a best friend and brotherly relationship and will ALWAYS be there for each other. You mess with one, you mess with the other. Loui is one of the first people to ever get Texas to open up and one of the first to give Texas a shoulder to cry on, and Texas will forever be grateful. Don’t mess with Loui unless you want to have a knife or ten shoved down your throat. I could honestly go on and on about them-
Mississippi: They friends :] Texas will protect Sippi with his life and Sippi will do the same. Or- he’ll try. If Texas lets him. He won’t, but it’s nice to know that the thought is there.
North Carolina: I think they could be pretty good friends tbh. They don’t talk much, but they would sure as hell be more than fine with being in a room together.
Oklahoma: Do not, I repeat, do NOT leave these mfs in a room together. They don’t hate each other too much, and can be friendly sometimes, but Oklahoma annoys the living sh*t out of Texas and they will co-sign each other’s obituaries.
South Carolina: They friends :D they both enjoy hanging out with each other. It’s kinda like a big bro/little bro thing, but not quite.
Tennessee: Uhhhh- well their relationship is…..weird to say the least. Like- they’re friends, but not friends. Texas disagrees with a lot of the stuff Tenn does, but at the same time they are okay with being around each other. But I swear to god if Tenn decides to mouth off, he’s getting punched.
Virginia: they’re like a mother/son relationship. Cuz lets be honest, Virginia is more of a mother than a father, and he sure as hell acts like a mother hen. Especially to Texas cuz he’s a clumsy bitch and bruises easily. Texas acts like he’s annoyed, but he’s secretly grateful.
Texas be collectin them parental figures like Pokémon cards lmao
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The Scottish winter scuppered plans for a second domestic series of Men in Kilts.
Sam Heughan revealed he had hoped to make a follow-up to the 2021 Starz TV show and Clanlands book which was set in Scotland.
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But the 43-year-old Outlander star has revealed the follow-up, which was filmed in New Zealand, was moved down under due to a combination of short days and the schedule of his and co-star Graham McTavish, 63.
He said: “We initially looked at options in Scotland, doing another season of the show exploring the north of Scotland, Shetland, its ties to Scandinavia, Ireland etc.
“I am very much interested in the Viking influence (growing up in Galloway near Whithorn and the Viking settlement there).
“My initial idea was to do ‘Men in Kilts - in boats!’, have us in Viking longship, speed boats, kayaks, swimming/scuba, however challenges with our schedules meant our window for filming would fall in the winter months, not ideal for daylight in the UK.”
Mr McTavish added: “We’d really enjoyed the first experience and hopefully will do another. We did New Zealand because I live there and New Zealand has a very strong connection with Scotland.
“One in five have Scottish ancestry, and it’s a mirror of Scotland in many ways - the people, the landscape, you can see why the Scots settled so easily.”
And the pair are set to reunite for a third chapter.
Mr McTavish added: “Our sights are set on North America particularly the eastern seaboard, from Nova Scotia down through Maine, New York, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, places with a strong connection to Scotland.
"There are bears and moose. I’m sure Sam is drawing up a list.”
It is unclear when SH and GMcT were selected and interviewed by the Scottish Sun to reveal their plans 🤔 Whether there are any projects underway at commitment level for a third chapter.
In fact, excavations showed a Norse trading settlement around the Galloway coast. SH was born in New Galloway, which is 34.7 miles (about 55 km) from the Viking settlement of Whithorn; I don't think he went very far to play every day when he was a kid. I don't remember him being interested in Viking Ages, maybe he likes watching Vikings: Valhalla drama series 🤷‍♀️
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Filming has never been easy, but filming in the middle of a Scottish winter, in the Shetland islands, during the dark British winters, means that the goal was not clearly defined, unless his idea was to go to Lerwick to the Up Helly Aa parade with torches marching a Viking longship through Lerwick, during the "Shetland Fire Festival", and the idea didn't work. Lerwick Up Helly Aa is a superb spectacle, a celebration of Shetland's history, from the Norse sagas.
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But there is something interesting that SH always forgets to mention: in winter 2021 he had a motorcycle accident 🏍️ which would also have prevented him from filming. So the hours of darkness and his demanding schedule led him to an unforeseen change of location for MiK2: he tries to tell a different story and that doesn't convince. He went to New Zealand to have fun and to recover physically from the motorbike accident. MiK2 was filmed when the country was on “Red alert level” 🚩 of the Omicron virus new variant and was closed to foreigners.
There is no doubt they really enjoyed the New Zealand experience because GMcT lives there, and GMcT confirmed that Sam's trip to New Zealand was a "well-deserved" holiday. However the strong connection to Scotland was not present and indeed the mirror of Scotland in New Zealand was not shown in MiK2. A trip dedicated to enjoying adventure adrenaline activities, it was a fantastic holiday.
If he misses Scotland and is looking forward to seeing it on screen with Men in Kilts: why a Roadtrip in North America, why not take up the original idea of doing it in Shetland? Or it will continue with an American romance novel construction about Scotland.
So what is the goal of MiK3, or are these two trying to turn MiK3 into something more than a business? 🤷‍♀️ while SH makes a list?
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@dlansing53 His mishap was in Scotland, after a training. On that occasion, he didn't mention anything and tried to cover it up. The accident was mentioned months later in an interview in the U.S. he confirmed that he fractured his knee and tore his MCL, as you can seen in the New Zealand’s photos he received stitches and has a large scar on his left leg after the mishap.
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Here at Pharos Athletic Club with Pieter Vodden (He’s not in the picture) trainer in the U.S. he’s not his physio. This photo is from before his trip to New Zealand 🇳🇿
@ajrajraj In Britain Motorcycle is a Motorbike or "Bike" 🏍️ and motorcyclists are called "bikers". When SH says "bike" he fell off a motorbike, not a bicycle. The mishap occurred when he was supposedly on his way home from the gym. SH doesn't go to the gym on a bicycle, he goes on a motorbike 🏍️
After his trip to New Zealand 🇳🇿 He mentioned his accident on the GMA show it was posted by @imahalfemptykindofgirl I reblogged her post
and days later he confirmed it in a talk in Men's Journal. if you are interested you can see both published on my blog.
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@ajrajraj On 14 December 2021, on Twitter (X) SH posted that he had been in an accident "on a bike". In a conversation with Charles Thorp of Men's Journal, in the article SH says: he was on a bike, not on a bicycle. If you have the interview where he clarifies that he was on a bicycle, I would like to know more about it, because his injuries did not correspond to this situation.
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He limps to the gym to pose for a photo to his fans. He plays stupid games and wins stupid prizes.
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Nick Anderson Editorial Cartoons Page
* * * *
May 31, 2024
JUN 01, 2024
Today felt as if there was a collective inward breath as people tried to figure out what yesterday’s jury verdict means for the upcoming 2024 election. The jury decided that former president Trump created fraudulent business records in order to illegally influence the 2016 election. As of yesterday, the presumptive Republican nominee for president of the United States of America is a convicted felon. 
Since the verdict, Trump and his supporters have worked very hard to spin the conviction as a good thing for his campaign, but those arguments sound like a desperate attempt to shape a narrative that is spinning out of their control. Newspapers all over the country bore the word “GUILTY” in their headlines today.
At stake for Trump is the Republican presidential nomination. Getting it would pave his way to the presidency, which offers him financial gain and the ability to short-circuit the federal prosecutions that observers say are even tighter cases than the state case in which a jury quickly and unanimously found him guilty yesterday. Not getting it leaves Trump and the MAGA supporters who helped him try to steal the 2020 presidential election at the mercy of the American justice system.  
After last night’s verdict, Trump went to the cameras and tried to establish that the nomination remains his, asserting that voters would vindicate him on November 5. But this morning, as he followed up last night’s comments, he did himself no favors. He billed the event as a “press conference,” but delivered what Michael Grynbaum of the New York Times described as “a rambling and misleading speech,” so full of grievance and unhinged that the networks except the Fox News Channel cut away from it as he attacked trial witnesses, called Judge Merchan “the devil,” and falsely accused President Joe Biden of pushing his prosecution. He took no questions from the press.
Today the Trump campaign told reporters it raised $34.8 million from small-dollar donors in the hours after the guilty verdict, but observers pointed out there was no reason to believe those numbers based on statements from Trump’s campaign. Meanwhile, Trump advisor Stephen Miller shouted on the Fox News Channel that every Republican secretary of state, state attorney general, donor, member of Congress must use their power “RIGHT NOW” to “beat these Communists!” 
The attempt of MAGA lawmakers to shape events in their favor seemed just as panicked. Representative Jim Banks (R-IN) posted on social media that “New York is a liberal sh*t hole,” and Jim Jordan (R-OH) today asked Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg, who brought the case against Trump, to testify before the House Judiciary’s Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government about “politically motivated prosecutions of…President Donald Trump.” Representative Dan Goldman (D-NY) noted that Trump is a private citizen and Congress has no jurisdiction over the case, but that Jordan is using his congressional authority illegally to defend Trump. 
MAGA senators were even more strident. Republican senator Mike Lee of Utah melted down on X last night over the verdict, and today he led nine other Republican senators in a revolt against the federal government. Lee, J. D. Vance of Ohio, Tommy Tuberville of Alabama, Eric Schmitt of Missouri, Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, Rick Scott of Florida, Roger Marshall of Kansas, Marco Rubio of Florida, Josh Hawley of Missouri, and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin issued a public letter saying they would no longer pass legislation, fund the government, or vote to confirm the administration’s appointees because, they said, “[t]he White House has made a mockery of the rule of law and fundamentally altered our politics in un-American ways. As a Senate Republican conference,” they said, although there were only 10 of them, “we are unwilling to aid and abet this White House in its project to tear this country apart.” 
It was an odd statement seemingly designed to use disinformation to convince voters to stick with them. Ten senators said they would not do the federal jobs they were elected to do because private citizen Trump was convicted in a state court by a jury of 12 people in New York, a jury that Trump’s lawyers had agreed to. The senators attacked the rule of law and the operation of the federal government in a demonstration of support for Trump. A number of the senators involved were key players in the attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election. 
Awkwardly, considering the day’s news, a video from 2016 circulated today in which Trump insisted that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who he falsely insisted had committed crimes even as he was the one actually committing them, “shouldn’t be allowed to run.” If she were to win, Trump then said, “it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and, ultimately, a criminal trial. It would grind government to a halt.” 
Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo put it correctly: this is not an “outpouring of rage and anger,” so much as “an overwhelming effort to match and muffle the earthquake of what happened yesterday afternoon with enough noise and choreography to keep everyone in Trump’s campaign and on the margins of it in line and on side.”
Still, there is more behind the MAGA support for Trump than fearful political messaging. Trump has been hailed as a savior by his supporters because he promises to smash through the laws and norms of American democracy to put them into power. There, they can assert their will over the rest of us, achieving the social and religious control they cannot achieve through democratic means because they cannot win the popular vote in a free and fair election. With Trump’s conviction within the legal system, his supporters are more determined than ever to destroy the rules that block them from imposing their will on the rest of us. 
Today the Federalist Society, which is now aligned with Victor Orbán’s Hungary, flew an upside-down U.S. flag as a signal of national distress. Their actions were in keeping with Russian president Vladimir Putin’s statement that Trump is being persecuted “for political reasons” and that the cases show “the rottenness of the American political system, which cannot pretend to teach others about democracy.”
Ryan J. Reilly of NBC News reported today on a spike in violent rhetoric on social media targeting New York judge Juan Merchan, who oversaw Trump’s Manhattan election interference trial, and District Attorney Bragg. Users of a fringe internet message board also shared what they claimed were the addresses of jurors. “Dox the Jurors. Dox them now,” one user wrote. Another wrote, “1,000,000 men (armed) need to go to [W]ashington and hang everyone. That’s the only solution.”
This attack on our democracy was the central message of a crucially important story from yesterday that got buried under the news of Trump’s conviction. In The New Republic, Ken Silverstein reported on a private WhatsApp group started last December by military contractor Erik Prince—founder of Blackwater and brother of Trump’s secretary of education, Betsy DeVos—and including about 650 wealthy and well-connected “right-wing government officials, intelligence operatives, arms traffickers, and journalists,” including Representative Ryan Zinke (R-MT), who served as Trump’s secretary of the interior. 
Called “Off Leash,” the group discussed, as Silverstein wrote, “the shortcomings of democracy that invariably resulted from extending the franchise to ordinary citizens, who are easily manipulated by Marxists and populists,” collapsing Gaza into a “fiery hell pit,” wiping out Iran, how Africa was a “sh*thole of a continent,” and ways to dominate the globe. Mostly, though, they discussed the danger of letting everyone vote. “There is only one path forward,” Zinke wrote. “Elect Trump.” Another member answered, “It’s Trump or Revolution” “You mean Trump AND Revolution,” wrote another. 
And yet the frantic MAGA spin on the verdict reveals that there is another way to interpret it. Americans who had lost faith that the justice system could ever hold a powerful man accountable as Trump’s lawyers managed to put off his many indictments see the verdict as a welcome sign that the system still works. 
“The American principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed,” Biden said today. “Donald Trump was given every opportunity to defend himself. It was a state case, not a federal case. And it was heard by a jury of 12 citizens, 12 Americans, 12 people like you. Like millions of Americans who served on juries, this jury is chosen the same way every jury in America is chosen. It was a process that Donald Trump's attorney was part of. The jury heard five weeks of evidence…. After careful deliberation, the jury reached a unanimous verdict. They found Donald Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts. Now he’ll be given the opportunity as he should to appeal that decision just like everyone else has that opportunity. That's how the American system of justice works. And it's reckless, it's dangerous, and it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. Our justice system has endured for nearly 250 years and it literally is the cornerstone of America…. The justice system should be respected, and we should never allow anyone to tear it down. It’s as simple as that. That's America. That's who we are. And that's who we will always be, God willing.”
Today the publisher of Dinesh D’Souza’s book and film 2000 Mules, which alleged voter fraud in the 2020 election, said it was pulling both the book and film from distribution and issued an apology to a Georgia man who sued for defamation after 2000 Mules accused him of voting illegally.  
MAGA Republicans confidently predicted yesterday that the stock market would crash if the jury found Trump guilty. Today the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained almost 600 points.
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goblin-d · 1 year
PLEASE share your funky wttt gender headcanons :D
Alabama [he/they] - Demiboy Transmasculine
Alaska [he/it/moth/nor/pup/they] - Transmasculine Demigender Xenic (Catcolpuffic, Dogboygender, Drowsygender, Genderblanket, Lulovien, Moosegender, Mothgender, Pawsgender, Plosewial, Remissious, Sleepyleite, Soporcomfic, Sweatermasc, Warmgenderblanket*)
Arizona [he/they] - Libramasculine Transfeminine Boy
Arkansas [he/they] - Nonbinary
California [Any Pronouns] - Transfeminine Genderfluid Demiboygirlthing
Colorado [he/ski/they/cloud/mountain/snow/fluff] - Xenic Trans Man (Ariemonic, Cryobunnic, Cryocattic, Frostmasc, Icestormic)
Connecticut [she/he] - Transfem Man
Delaware [he/him] - Agender
Florida [he/it/they/she/zip/xe] - Pangender Genderweird Xenic (No specifics in mind)
Georgia [he/him] - Genderqueer
Hawai'i [they/she] - Demigirlflux
Idaho [they/he] - Demiboy
Illinois [he/they/xe] - Boything Xenic (No specifics in mind)
Indiana [they/he] - Demiboy
Iowa [he/him] - Cis Male
Kansas [they/he/it] - Genderqueer Femboy
Kentucky [he/him] - Cis Male
Louisiana [he/they] - Demiboy Genderqueer
Maine [Any Pronouns] - Pangender Transfem
Maryland [Any Pronouns] - Trans Woman Xenic (No specifics in mind)
Massachusetts [he/him] - Secret Gender /j [Genderfaun]
Michigan [he/him] - Genderfluid Autigender Xenic (Blaunauic, Chaosgender, Clowngender, Cufemian, Coldgender, Evilclownic, Menacegender, Musegender, Pincusmic, Prettygender, Softqualix)
Minnesota [he/they/she] - Genderfluid Transfeminine Xenic (Amocatix, Anlomeltic, Catgender, Comfnightgender*, Cutegender, Cutehorror, Gorrorhospic, Horrificutegender, Lovelettic, Lunaboy, Magicamoric, Magicattic, Pinkplanetary, Poromantian, Shycatgender, Starcatgirlgender, Verpgoris, AND LITERALLY ANY SLIME RANCHER RELATED XENOGENDER)
Mississippi [he/him] - Cis Male
Missouri [he/they] - Transfem Demiboy
Montana [he/they/it] - Twospirit
Nebraska [he/they/husk] - Deadboy
Nevada [he/it/they/she] - Boyflux Trans Man Xenic (No specifics in mind)
New Hampshire [Any Pronouns] - Girlflux
New Jersey [she/they] - Transfeminine
New Mexico [he/they] - Demiboy
New York [it/she/they] - Agendergirl
North Carolina [Ask Pronouns] - Genderflux
North Dakota [he/they] - Demiboy
Ohio [Ask Pronouns] - Genderfluid Transfem
Oklahoma [he/him] - Questioning
Oregon [he/they] - Boything Genderqueer
Pennsylvania [he/him] - Genderapathetic
Rhode Island [he/she/celeste/taurus/sirius] - Genderqueer Xenic (Genderfuck, Stargender, Staricangel, Tauragender)
South Carolina [he/they] - Transmasc
South Dakota [he/they/she] - Demiboy Demigirl Bigender Xenic (Aterpolillic, Auraunpollic, Cabbagemamesic, Caepolillic, Flapolillic, Greymothic, Mothneut, Nivpolillic, Primrosemothic, Rubpolillic, Viripolillic (etc.))
Tennessee [they/he] - Demimasculine
Texas [she/xe] - Trans Woman (no xenos but she is a wolf therian BECAUSE I SAY SO)
Utah [he/him] - Cis Male
Vermont [he/him] - Trans Man
Virginia [it/its] - Trans Woman
Washington [he/they/moth] - Transmasculine Demiboy
West Virginia [he/they/moth/night/dark] - Demimasculine Xenic (Mothmangender )
Wisconsin [he/him] - Cis Male
Wyoming [they/them] - Nonbinary Twospirit
and bonus non-states because i want to!!!
DC [he/him] - Trans Man
District of Columbia [Ask Pronouns] - Genderfluid
CDC [ey/they/he] - Xenic Trans Man (Cleancoric, Rosamistica, Strawblainberic)
Government [Any Pronouns] - Agender
IDC [sh*/h*r] - Cis Female Xenic (Galaxyfeminine, Narcfem)
National Guard [he/him] - Cis Male
anyway thank you for reading i love you all so much <3 /p
\* can't find the source but i have the flag :sob:
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blackpink-jane · 5 months
⃘ ֹ ִ 𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫views ★ ִ w/glamour ꒱
。    ✧    ⁺     。
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐐. What's On Her Phone ?
❪ jane masterlist ❫
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ㅤ[ outfit ]ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ[ hair ]ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ [ makeup ]
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JANE: I'm actually strangely excited for this. When I preach me being an open book, I mean it *laughs*.
JANE: Hey, I'm Jane of a boss girlgroup called Blackpink, and today I've graced Glamour some of my prescious time to play screentime *winks and the staff laugh*.
Interviewer: Jane, what's your sceentime.
JANE: It's a pain in the a*s, that's what it is *staff laughs loudly*. So, due to me always calling, facetiming, and messaging a lot of people, for both work and personal purposes given how much I travel, i just know it's gonna be high... but maybe not too high because I- 10 hours and 45 minutes !?
JANE: *stares in disbelief at her phone* holy sh*t, that's...let's move on before I start deliberating on buying a second phone for work.
Interviewer: What's your phone background ?
JANE: My phone background is...*sighs in resentment and turns her phone to the camera, the the the staff burst out in laughter*. Yes. Folks, you are looking at my boyfriend's foot.
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JANE: I sadly lost a bet this weekend with him, and this is my "punishment". *Stares and shakes her head at the picture* I'm evil so don't blur out his toes.
Interviewer: What was it before ?
JANE: It was such a cute picture of my neice cuddling my cats *show picture* ! *pouts with a grunt* Guys, Jooheon's a hater, cancel him.
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Interviewer: What is your most used app ?
JANE: Messages, because my brother always has something to say, Tiktok because I'm a slave to it, and my Spotify because music is life.
Interviewer: Who do you text with the most ?
JANE: My brothers probably. We have a group called "The 3 Hwangteers". It's okay if you judge the name, it's my brother Junho's and he refuses to make anyone else admin because he knows we'll change it. We literally talk everyday. They're bastards, but they're my bastards, so *shrugs*.
Interviewer: Show us a fierce selfie you took.
JANE: Ooo, fun, let's see...*scrolls on her phone with a smile*. I took this a few days ago.
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JANE: Slay queen.
Show us a meme saved on your phone.
JANE: Okay so I am an absolute sucker for memes, and everyone who knows me, knows this. *existedly scrolls on her phone* I especially love reaction memes of my friends or myself, but I'll show a really good one of myself.
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JANE: *shows camera and everyone laughs* I'm always so expressive and I love it.
Interviewer: What's the last song you listened to ?
JANE: *checks* Ahhhh *smiles*, Something in the Orange by Zach Bryan...*takes a deep breath* God I love country music.
Interviewer: What's your favourite country song ?
JANE: Ah, Tennessee Whiskey by Cris Stapelton, a classic that feels so nostalgic for some reason. I had the pleasure of meeting him on tour last year, and it is by far one of the greatest moments of my life, ever. I also covered the song in Austin on tour too, which was super fun and the fans seemed to really enjoy it.
JANE: Another really good one is One Of Them Girls by Lee Brice, *does a chefs kiss motion* perfection.
Interviewer: What's the last thing you ordered online ?
JANE: A huge a*s dog bed and some dog toys on Amazon.
Interviewer: Do you have a dog ?
JANE: ...Not yet I don't *smiles in somewhat mischief*.
Interviewer: What's your most used emoji ?
JANE: the teddy bear one (🧸) *smiles brightly* ! So, because I love hugs so much, and teddy bears are very cuddly, I use it to show affection or love when texting. It's also just, very cute *smiles*... like me *winks*.
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donotopendeadinside · 6 months
Mod is about to depression post, so if you guys aren't comfy with any vents or rants, you can keep on scrolling. I'm having a mental breadown.
TW: Mentions of SH, SA, Suicidal tendencies and just a bunch of sad shit.
My mother will never love me. Thats just the facts of my own existence. I wake up, lay in bed, stay in my room, hide away from EVERYONE, and sometimes just ignore people because I cant find the energy to talk. My mother hates me and my older sister, we share the same dad. We're too much like my father. She lied to me for years about my dad, calling him abusive, and all of these horrible things, blaming my sister for walking out of an abusive situation all so my sister could get stable enough to bring her baby girl home.
She thrives on control. Thats all she's ever done.
When I was 15, i contemplated taking my life. I told my mother how I was feeling, it spiraled into an argument. She told me, that if I was really suicidal, she'd unlock my step-dad's gun cabinet and give me his gun so I could shoot myself with it.
I have anger issues, but I stopped taking them out on people a very long time ago. Now, if im angry, I bite my arms just hard enough not to break my skin, because its all I can do to keep myself grounded.
My mother has neglected me and my older sister in favor of the youngest. She can fake anything and get me in trouble and screams when she doesn't get her way. She's 15.
I was S.A'ed in my freshman year of highschool by someone I thought was my friend. He got ontop of me and grabbed my chest. A teacher saw it but did nothing but walk into her classroom. The boy was never suspended, nor did anything else happen to him. My ASL teacher paired me up with a boy, we had to touch hands. She was already told that I wasn't okay with doing anything like that due to what happened.
She called me a liar and told me to get over it.
A few weeks ago, i nearly slit my wrists because I thought that I wasn't worth it. That i didn't deserve anything good to happen. My mom has kicked me out twice. Once over a single plate that was in the sink.
The second time was because I refused to lie to my father. He had just lost his wife at 46 due to pancreatic cancer. I refused to lie to him about why I couldn't go to the funeral. We couldn't afford to send me as I had just gone up there a few weeks prior. My dad bought me the ticket and flew me up to Tennessee.
My fiancee. I love him with everything I have, and im so fucking terrified of loosing him. He's everything to me, but hes reckless. Thats okay. But sometimes it worries me. I just wish he'd talk to me more about how he feels, instead of just lying and saying he's okay.
I'm terrified of the one good thing I have just falling between my fingers like sand, and I have no idea how to keep myself sane when all I know how to do is fear for whatever the hell could happen, be it my mother or something else.
Im so fucking scared and I don't know how to fix it. I come on this hellsite so that I can forget shitty things, and interact with people that I find cool.
But sometimes I just wish people would want to interact with me too... sometimes I dont want to be the one to initiate it. I just want someone to talk to me.
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shannendoherty-fans · 2 months
Shannen Doherty Credited Her Tenacity to Her Mother Rosa Before Her Death: 'I Come from a Woman Who Was Determined'
The 'Beverly Hills, 90210' star — who died at age 53 on July 13 — shared a close bond with her mother, whom she called "the best mom in the world"
Stephanie Wenger
Published on July 14, 2024 06:17PM EDT
Shannen Doherty learned her fighting spirit from her mother, Rosa.
The Beverly Hills 90210 star — who died at age 53 on July 13 after years of living with cancer — opened up to PEOPLE in November 2023 about how her mom, who was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm when Doherty was 8, taught her to be tenacious.
“I come from a woman who was determined,” Doherty said at the time. “She impressed that upon me as a very young child like, 'You don't give up. You just have to work hard at it.' "
“I think I was always a fighter,” Doherty added. “I was raised that way to be very strong and that I could do anything that I put my mind to.”
As she faced ups and downs in her health, Doherty leaned on her loved ones for support, including Rosa.
"I don't think that there's a decision that I make that I don't take [my mom] into consideration. I love her, and I am so incredibly grateful to her for being an amazing mother," she told PEOPLE. "I take my brother into consideration and his children, my dog, my animals."
Doherty has shared several photos with her mother on social media. 
In December 2023, she celebrated Rosa's 76th birthday, writing, “Happy birthday to the best mom in the world. I love you to the moon and back times infinity. @themamarosa."
She also posted a photo of her and her mom enjoying the great outdoors, captioning it, “Tennessee girls.”
 The duo even enjoyed a dance class together in 2017. 
“Moving it! Love how my mom has such spirit and keeps up with us even though Neda and I constantly change things midway,” Doherty captioned the clip of them showing off their dance moves.
On an episode of her podcast Let's Be Clear in April, the Charmed star said that her “priority” was her mother amid her ongoing health struggles.
"Because it’s going to be so hard on her, I want other things to be a lot easier," she said at the time. “I don’t want her to have a bunch of stuff to deal with. I don’t want her to have four storage units filled with furniture."
Doherty added that she had begun the process of sorting her belongings, in addition to giving up her dream of having a property in Tennessee.
"It was really hard and really emotional because, to a certain extent, I felt like I was giving up on this dream of building this property out, and putting a house for me and a house for my mom and then extending the barn," she admitted, but called it “the right thing to do.”
PEOPLE confirmed on Sunday, July 14, that Doherty died after years of living with cancer.
"It is with a heavy heart that I confirm the passing of actress Shannen Doherty. On Saturday, July 13, she lost her battle with cancer after many years of fighting the disease," the actress' longtime publicist, Leslie Sloane, said in a statement.
"The devoted daughter, sister, aunt and friend was surrounded by her loved ones as well as her dog, Bowie. The family asks for their privacy at this time so they can grieve in peace," Sloane continued.
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thelensofyashunews · 4 months
Memphis "Wild Child" Quezz Ruthless Shares New Mixtape, 'Y.N.S.'
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A self-proclaimed "wild child" who has been making waves in the Memphis streets, Quezz Ruthless has no inhibitions when on the mic. Today, the young rapper looks to take the next step with his new mixtape, Y.N.S. Spanning 11 tracks, the tape is defined by Quezz's tumbling flow, which slices through Tennessee trap percussion with reckless abandon. The Grim Reaper Gang rapper's bars reflect his "Ruthless" artist name, showing no remorse for anyone who might cause an obstacle to his inevitable rise.
Short for Yung N**** Sh*t, the tape was created in honor of Quezz Ruthless's brother and biggest inspiration: the late Big Scarr. Y.N.S. hosts "Big Scarr Flow Part 2," in which Quezz channels the style of his older brother to get off some of his toughest bars to date: "How you a ape but you scared of Gorillas/I walk around with your stash in my denims/B*tch, I'm the big dog, I'm king of the kennel," he spits. The tape's final track, "Ain't Stoppin'," produced by GRAMMY-nominated production duo The Trillionaires, features a posthumous verse from Scarr himself, as Quezz resolves to never stop paying tribute to his brother's memory. In the video, shared today on Quezz's YouTube, the young rapper holds a candlelit vigil for his brother, before going out in Memphis in his foreign and making the city his own.
The tape is home to "Y.N.S.," a turbulent recent single, which Quezz dropped on his YT channel last week. Featuring an additional appearance from fellow Memphian BlocBoy JB on "Smiling," Y.N.S. is available everywhere via Wild Child, LLC, distributed by Connect Music.
Quezz Ruthless is one of the most exciting young rappers in the bustling Memphis rap scene. He first earned notoriety with his guest spot on Big Scarr's "MJ," which has over 85 million global streams. Quezz built a cult following in Memphis with his 2023 mixtape, Wild Child, which has over 10 million streams. The rapper's catalog generates over 200k on-demand streams per week across platform.
With Y.N.S. out now and much further to rise, Quezz Ruthless looks to honor his brother's memory by going as hard as he can. Stay tuned for much more.
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thornfield13713 · 1 year
97 + 12 Fiddlestan
So, I'm going to hew pretty close to the canon setting for this one, because...I like it. So, where are they travelling from? Or to? I lean towards this being a Weirdmageddon thing - the plan fails, and Bill is victorious, and decides to mark his victory by scattering the consciousnesses of his victims across time...thereby inadvertently sowing the seeds of his own destruction, but...that is the way it tends to go.
So, the mind that ends up farthest back is Ford Pines, who wakes up in his bed at Backupsmore with the memories of the apocalypse fresh in his mind. The first thing he wants to do is call his brother, whom he last saw being horrifically ripped apart molecule by molecule in front of him before Ford met the same fate. It takes him fully half an hour to remember...right. Cellphones haven't been invented yet. And he has no idea where Stan is or what he could be doing. Nor does he have the resources to go looking. He can work to avert the apocalypse - he'll work hard, go back to Gravity Falls, and this time he'll know better than to play into Bill's hands, might even be able to find some way to put an end to that infuriating triangle-man for good. He has to go back to Gravity Falls, because if it's not him, Bill will find some other sucker, and they won't know what Ford does. They won't be able to handle the situation as well as Ford could. He doesn't need to find his brother to save the world.
But. He can't stop thinking about it anyway. About how Stanley looked when he arrived at the sh- at Ford's house. About the hints let slip, years later, about what his life before that had been like. About Stanley spending thirty years working to bring Ford home and - all right, succeeding at the worst possible moment, but...looking back now, with the perspective of having lost his brother horrifically before they could make any sort of real amends...that was a lot of work. So, he goes looking, as best he can. He might save up for a private detective or similar, because the 1970s were kind of short on means to track people down, and Ford is really feeling the loss of the internet he had been starting to get used to in the 2010s.
He doesn't get the money together until he's in post-grad, and even then, it takes a while, particularly as Stan keeps changing addresses and adopting new identities. Eventually, though, Ford finds him. In prison in Texas, okay, but...alive. He has to go in person, citing a family emergency and skipping out in the middle of term-time, to visit, and the look on Stan's face on the other side of the glass is enough to tell Ford that...he's alone here. This is the Stan of this time, hungry and desperate and not quite believing what he sees and god, he's so young, how did Ford never process how young he was when he got kicked out before? They talk, anyway. Ford tells Stan what he's been doing, hears a...very much censored and played for laughs version of Stan's own recent years...and then Ford leaves, with a promise to come back in a month or so, the next time he can get away from his studies. Stan, who had been planning a jailbreak, ends up serving out his whole sentence just for those regular visits, patching up his relationship with his brother slowly, awkwardly, and with not a few backslides and difficult moments, but steadily. His sentence finishes out not long after Ford gets his research grant, and when that happens, Ford invites him to Gravity Falls.
And all of the above is just background, because the story actually starts here: Stan Pines, waking up in bed in Gravity Falls, more than thirty years before he remembers getting killed by Bill, with the memories of those thirty years still clear in his head. And, the same morning, Fiddleford McGucket turning up at Ford's door, having driven straight from Tennessee to try and stop Ford from summoning Bill.
Neither Stan nor Fidds trusts Ford on his word that he has no intention of trying any such thing this time, he's just living in Gravity Falls, trying to learn everything he can and avoid making the worst of his past mistakes again. And also trying to head off Bill using some other poor schmuck to do the same thing. Which means they're all three living in the Shack together, watching each other just to be sure. It's the wreck of Fidds' marriage, but...that barely feels real to him now. His wife left him decades ago, and- Okay, most of the physiological reasons for his mental decline aren't there now, but...that was only ever half the story. He feels fundamentally cut off from other people. So does Stan, thirty years older than he looks, knowing so much more about the people of Gravity Falls than he can reasonably explain. And neither of them is- they know, logically, that things have been better this time around, but- neither of them is quite willing to open up to Ford yet (though this does get better over time) so they gravitate to one another instead - the only people who can really understand their experiences.
Not really sure how things evolve from here - probably a loose monster-of-the-week format with relationship-building around the sides - but Bill is still out there, and may reach out to this little group. And, when that doesn't work, he's liable to take an interest in just what it is that's making these humans so unusually resistant to his pitch routine.
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fymoonbyul · 1 year
[INTERVIEW] MAMAMOO Talks Excitement for Their First American Tour and Meeting Their U.S. Moomoo
MAMAMOO are some of the fastest-growing stars in K-pop, and in less than a week, the sensations are set to make their American debut on the U.S. leg of their first-ever World Tour, "MY CON."
The quartet recently returned from a sold-out Asia World Tour across Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines, but the magic is only getting started. The nine-date U.S. tour kicks off on May 16 in New York City before wrapping up on the other side of the country in Los Angeles on June 4, and it seems the four are just as excited to come to the States and meet their U.S. Moomoo fandom as we are to see them. Ahead of the tour, we got the chance to chat with the icons about the tour and what it means to them to be coming to America. Read the full interview below.
Sweety High: What does the name "MY CON" mean to the group? Why did that feel like the perfect name for this tour?
MAMAMOO: "MY CON" is where Mamamoo and Moomoo become one, so it truly means it's everyone's concert. It allows us to cherish the precious moments when we get together with our dear Moomoo.
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SH: How excited are you to tour in the U.S. for the very first time?
SOLAR: I'm very anxious but also excited. I recently heard that our pre-sale tickets were sold out. It made me feel apologetic to all the Moomoo who have waited for so long, and it also got me determined to put my all into this tour. I'm also curious about what the U.S. Moomoo will be like, how they will react and how they will enjoy our stage. I'm honestly looking forward to everything.
HWA SA: I'm so nervous wondering what the U.S. Moomoo will be like. In general, just thinking about the tour gives me butterflies.
SH: Are there any songs that you're most looking forward to performing for your American audience?
MOON BYUL: Honestly, I would love to show every stage possible. We haven't performed much for U.S. Moomoo so far, so we'd love to show them everything we have.
WHEE IN: I would love to show as much as we can. But if I had to choose, I would like to perform our title songs since they're fun songs we can all dance to.
SH: Is there a specific type of energy you're anticipating from American MooMoos that might be different from your fans elsewhere?
SOLAR: I'm really looking forward to how fun it'll be, bonding with U.S. Moomoo through our performances.
SH: Is there one American city you're most excited to visit? Is there anything big outside of your performances that you plan to do while you're in the U.S.?
WHEE IN: It's so difficult to choose, and truly, every city is a place I've been longing to visit. Besides performing, I'd love to enjoy the scenery and take some nice, quiet walks around the neighborhood!
HWA SA: I'm looking forward to L.A., and I'm curious about Las Vegas as well. But honestly, I would love to visit any city.
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SH: Is there anything else you'd like to add?
SOLAR: Thank you for waiting! Hey Moomoo legggggggo❤
MOON BYUL: As we're finally keeping our promise—that we'll go wherever our Moomoo are—we are so happy and excited to go on this tour! Let's make lots of wonderful memories!
WHEE IN: It's been a long time since our last visit to the States. Thank you so much for waiting and for your sustained anticipation.
HWA SA: Since this is our first tour in the States, we were all very nervous and even slightly worried about Moomoo turnout. But now, we're just purely excited, and we'll be there super soon!
Check out the full "MY CON" tour schedule below:
May 16 – New York, New York
May 18 – Baltimore, Maryland
May 20 – Atlanta, Georgia
May 22 – Nashville, Tennessee
May 24 – Fort Worth, Texas
May 27 – Chicago, Illinois
May 31 – Glendale, Arizona
June 2 – Oakland, California
June 4 – Los Angeles, California
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I want loui angst. but like. ANGST angst. i need some. please. /silly
Ohohoho you dumb silly fool..../j/aff/silly
(TW for râpe, abuse possible sewerslide and war)
-so it's pretty much agreed that France was a sh*tty father right? Yea. He would literally do ANYTHING in his power to hurt Louisiana, for seemingly no reason at all other than pleasure. He r4ped him, beat him, and yelled at him for pretty much nothing. And even through all of this, Loui still loves his father.
-Unfortunately, it was always those that Loui loved most that hurt him the worst.
-during one of the many wars that Loui fought in, he got shot in the neck and nearly beheaded. He laid half-dead in the battlefield for nearly 2 days before waking up to find severe neck pain, but the wound had stitched itself back together, leaving nothing but a scar.
-during the Civil War, he attempted to convince Confederate that maybe that wasn't the way to go, and that maybe they should just surrender to prevent any more losses of their people. Keyword "attempted". Cuz Confederate proceeded to nearly beat this kid to death, only stopping when he was called away. And Louisiana was left there bleeding out until he was found by the Union, and then he rejoined the Union. (I don't give a damn if this ain't historically accurate lol-)
-one time, some of the states were having a kind of group therapy session, and Loui ended up telling the other's about his past when he was owned by France. And then suddenly it made a lot more sense to the OG13 (and Kentucky, Tennessee, Vermont, and Ohio) as to why Loui was so terrified (besides barely knowing any of them) and refused to be touched.
-when Loui is upset, it is probably the saddest thing ever. Cuz ain't nobody want to see him sad. And it varies from him being completely silent as tears rolling down his face, or him shouting in cursing in both French and English whilst crying. It's both sad and terrifying.
-loui used to smoke A LOT, but started to stop once his loved ones got concerned about it. He still smokes from time to time, but not nearly as much as he used to.
-when some of the other southern states (*cough cough* Alabama and Tennessee *cough cough*) found out that Loui did witchcraft and was essentially a warlock, they made fun of him constantly. And one time, in the middle of hurricane season, he slipped away from them and didn't come back for a few days. Tho the only reason he came back was because Florida, Texas, and Georgia all went looking for him and found him passed out sick in an alleyway due to a hurricane. Yea Bama' and Tenn' sure got a firm talking to by Texas and Georgia.
-Loui could be bleeding out and practically torn to shreds and he would still fight for those he loved to keep them safe.
-a few times, Loui has definitely tried to kill himself. And a few times he succeeded. One time tho, he wasn't really trying to kill himself, but he got into a really bad fight and ended up losing. He ended up not calling for help seeing as he felt as if he had failed and just allowed himself to bleed out.
-Loui absolutely hates it when people fusses over him, and Florida has had to reassure him that it was okay to breakdown sometimes. But ofc, Loui didn't believe that (despite him also telling others that it was perfectly fine to cry-). So there have been many times when Florida finds Loui curled up crying and Loui noticing him and wiping his tears away and trying to stop crying. So Florida just takes him in his arms and holds him as he cries and tells him that it's all gonna be okay among other sweet and kind reassuring words. Loui is so grateful for that <3
-after Loui told the story of his past, he was all like-"But it really ain't that big a deal tho lmao" and was confused when all the other states in the room were either looking down or looking lowkey horrified. And he was even more confused when ALASKA of all people came up and hugged him tight (tho he didn't complain tho, it felt nice-)
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callsign-smalls · 1 year
Task Force 141 (+ Alejandro, Rudy, König, & Graves) As Oldies Songs
Captain Price
1. Papa Loves Mambo by Perry Como
2. Sixteen Tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford
3. Don’t Be Cruel by Elvis Presley
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
1. Beyond The Sea by Bobby Darin
2. Peggy Sue by Buddy Rollt
3. Sh-Boom by The Chords
Johnny “Soap” Mactavish
1. Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry
2. Hooked On A Feeling by Blue Swede
3. Play That Funky Music by Wild Cherry
Simon “Ghost” Riley
1. Cold As Ice by Foreigner
2. Highway To Hell by AC/DC
3. More Than A Feeling by Boston
Alejandro Vargas
1. Come And Get Your Love by Redbone
2. Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen
3. Blame It On The Boogie by The Jacksons
Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra
1. Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles
2. Build Me Up Buttercup by The Foundations
3. Land Of 1000 Dances by Wilson Pickett
1. A Boy Named Sue by Johnny Cash
2. Dream A Little Dream Of Me by Louise Armstrong & Ella Fitzgerald
3. Nowhere Man by The Beatles
Phillip Graves
1. The Wanderer by Dion & The Belmonts
2. Sink The Bismark by Johnny Horton
3. Hot Stuff by Donna Summer
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The Ultimate Padded-or-rather-Completely-Fabricated Resume
Tennessee congressman Andrew Ogles’s résumé is too good to be true
Analysis by Glenn Kessler
“That is the state of politics in America today. They want power and control so badly that they are willing to say and do anything to get there. If you don’t have the integrity to just be you and run on what you’ve done, then I don’t want you in Congress. And so that’s how I present myself to you.”— Rep. Andrew Ogles (R-Tenn.), speaking to supporters while running for election, July 23
Ogles, a newly elected member of Congress, has been the subject of news reports by a Nashville television station for having exaggerated his background. When Ogles was one of the holdouts to approving Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) as House speaker, he claimed he was “an economist” — a claim he has made several times — along with other embellishments. But NewsChannel 5 in Nashville found that he had taken only one course in economics, at a community college, and received a C. 
Ogles first entered college in 1990 and did not get a degree until 2007.
The Fact Checker has uncovered more evidence of résumé inflation by Ogles — this time about his business career — that sheds light on a politician who said in his recent congressional campaign that you shouldn’t be in Congress “if you don’t have the integrity to just be you and run on what you’ve done.”Our reporting shows that Ogles’s résumé enhancement is not a recent development. In a 2009 résumé submitted for a job, he claimed numerous roles with businesses and on boards of organizations that were exaggerated or could not be corroborated. A consulting firm he claimed to run from 2003 to 2010 cannot be found in Tennessee corporate records. 
Indeed, during his various bids for public office in this period, local newspapers described him as a restaurateur, not a business consultant.Ogles now tends to skip over this period of his past. His LinkedIn page lists job history starting only in 2011, when he was about 40. In a January C-SPAN interview, when asked what he did before he came to Congress, Ogles said: “I was an entrepreneur young in my career. Fast-forwarding to my midlife crisis, I was in law enforcement and international sex crimes.”
As NewsChannel 5 documented, Ogles was sworn in as a volunteer reserve deputy with the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office in July 2009 but lost that position two years later for not meeting minimum standards, making no progress in field training and failing to attend required meetings. The “international sex crimes” referred to a part-time position as chief operating officer of an anti-trafficking group, Abolition International, that paid a total of $4,000 in 2011, according to the tax filing of the organization.
We sent a long list of questions to Ogles’s communications director and then to his staff director but did not get a response.
In response to the NewsChannel5 coverage, his staff had said that he had condensed his résumé on the campaign trail and that the reporting was fueled by political bias. In a statement, Ogles acknowledged he had wrongly claimed to have earned a college degree in international relations.
Now let’s look at his entrepreneurial claims, using a 2009 résumé originally posted by NewsChannel5 that covers the period now not listed on Ogles’s LinkedIn bio. (Ogles has not disputed that this is his résumé.)
Consulting business
Ogles lists impressive achievements as an executive at E. Net Media & Consulting of Nashville from 2003 to 2010. (The résumé says he was an executive vice president, but his 2015 LinkedIn profile described him as president and owner.) The résumé states that at E. Net Media he represented “a variety of clients ranging from small start ups to Fortune 500 companies.” We could not corroborate his assertions.
No corporate record exists for E. Net in Tennessee state records, although Ogles has set up other corporate entities, public records show. Tennessee corporate records show two companies with similar names were formed by other people before 2003, but neither was associated with Ogles.Ogles claimed that while with E. Net Media, he:“Developed recruiting and training program to reduce attrition for Merrill Lynch, saving up to $15 million annually.”“Evaluated management structure of Merrill Lynch and recommended reducing regional districts from 19 to 12, with projected savings of up to $30 million annually.”
Neither of these statements can be verified. Bill Halldin, a spokesman for Bank of America, which acquired Merrill in 2008, said that Ogles for less than a year worked as a financial adviser for individual investors — a stockbroker — in a Merrill Nashville office from November 2002 to September 2003. (Ogles had lost his first race for Congress in 2002.) Halldin declined to comment on whether Ogles would have performed consulting work for Merrill.As a stockbroker, Ogles would have needed to acquire Series 7 and Series 66 licenses, which are required by law. On his résumé, Ogles listed having those licenses, but he does not mention having been a stockbroker at Merrill. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners has an online record of Ogles holding an “insurance producer” license for one year, from March 25, 2003, to March 24, 2004. Kevin Walters, the communications director for the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance, said the one-year license was for selling life and accident/health insurance.
The résumé also claims Ogles “secured [a] $10 million tax incentive, for film industry positioned VR Limited, to negotiate $35 to $50 million development package in Tennessee.” But no such deal can be found in a search of Tennessee news clips, let alone a company called VR Limited in the film industry. Bob Raines, the executive director of the Tennessee Entertainment Commission, has been with TEC since 2002 and said he was unfamiliar with any such deal.
Other claims on the résumé, such as guiding a $15 million Korean venture fund, are too vague to verify. Not a word about E. Net appeared in Tennessee newspapers, despite the significant deals that Ogles has claimed the company made.The Tennessean reported in 2009 that Ogles had started a company with a partner called “Clipazine.com,” described as an online portal for coupons for local restaurants. That business is not mentioned on the résumé. An online mention of Clipazine from 2009 leads to a dead domain name, and Ogles’s partner does not list it on his LinkedIn page. Archived webpages exist only up to 2011.
Investment firm
Ogles’s 2009 résumé says he was vice president of another Nashville company, called Franklin Investment & Holding, from June 1995 to January 2002. The résumé says that the company had “varied investments in retail, restaurant, real estate, hotel, and apartment properties” and that Ogles “increased portfolio share” by 25 percent and achieved continued growth of 18 to 25 percent a year.But Tennessee corporate records show the firm, formed with Ogles’s brother Justin and a third partner, was in existence only for a fraction of that time. It was created in August 2001 and then dissolved a year later.
Ogles did create a company called Ogles Enterprises Inc. in 1996. This was a short-lived travel agency that was part of Travel Professionals International. The company and Ogles were sued by a landlord in 1997, and the company was cited by a travel arbiter for having “failed to pay for dishonored sales drafts worth $7,123.” It was dissolved by the state the same year.
With his father-in-law co-signing a loan, Ogles bought a doughnut shop in 1997. Then, in 2001, he expanded it to serve three meals a day, with his brother Justin as full partner, according to a June 10, 2001, Tennessean article.In 2002, before being dissolved, Franklin Investment received a business license to operate the Mason Jar Café in nearby Brentwood, Tenn. In April 2003, during Ogles’s first, unsuccessful run for Congress, the Ogles brothers’ Daylight Donuts was put up for sale, with owner financing offered. That same year, the state issued a tax lien on the business.The LinkedIn page for Justin Ogles lists him as owner/operator of Daylight Donuts and Café from June 1998 to February 2010. Reached by phone to explain his brother’s role in the company, Justin Ogles demurred. “I’m not in politics or anything,” he said. “It’s best you take it up with my brother.”
The 2009 résumé also says Ogles served on the boards of directors of the YMCA of Franklin from 2005 to 2006, Nurses for Newborns in Tennessee from 2002 to 2007, the City of Franklin from 2004 to 2008, and something called “DDCA” in Franklin from 2006 to the present.The YMCA in Franklin is a branch — not a distinct legal entity — of the Young Men’s Christian Association of Nashville & Middle Tennessee. The Association’s IRS filings for 2005 and 2006 do not show Ogles as a member of its policy/governing board. “Rep. Ogles wasn’t ever a member of that board,” said Jessica P. Fain, the chief strategy officer of YMCA of Middle Tennessee. She said it’s possible he was on a non-policy advisory committee, with no fiduciary or policy authority, at the local branch. Fain checked with the most tenured Franklin staff member, who arrived in 2007, and confirmed that Ogles was not a volunteer board member at that time.The city of Franklin has no “board of directors.” The city is governed by a board consisting of an elected mayor and eight elected aldermen (four from city wards and four at-large). Ogles never served in any elective position, and he does not appear on any of the various city advisory committees where citizens serve alongside aldermen, according to archived lists from 2004 to 2008.Ogles claimed to have served from 2002 to 2007 on the board of Nurses for Newborns — an organization based in Missouri that has a second office in Nashville — but according to IRS filings, Ogles has never served on the board of directors. Matt Robertson, the executive director of the Tennessee office, said Ogles was a member of a nonvoting advisory board for the local office from July 1, 2005, to June 30, 2006.As for DDCA, which stands for Dallas Downs Community Association, in Franklin. 
Ogles’s mother, Beverly, had helped Ogles and his wife buy a house there in 2002; the home was known for its Christmas lighting display. Archived webpages show Ogles was briefly president (and in charge of the pool) toward the end of 2008, but in 2009 his name disappears from the list of board members.
The Pinocchio Test
Ogles’s résumé suggests that he was a savvy business consultant and investor with a number of board memberships. But even as he was supposedly saving Merrill Lynch millions of dollars through his consulting work, he was also briefly a stockbroker there and co-owned a doughnut shop. [He also exaggerates or invents his service on various boards.]
He earns Four Pinocchios.
* * * *
Why we can’t have nice things. 
Because criminals, con men, frauds, hucksters, liars, those who have never really accomplished anything or learned anything can get themselves elected to Congress.  These people are unbelievable. Only in Congress to enrich themselves and run further cons to further enrich themselves.
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