#sgu s2
spockvarietyhour · 3 days
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Stargate Universe "The Greater Good"
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judgeverse · 10 months
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schimmelspore · 4 months
So SGU ends with the show literally put on ice, huh?
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bagheerita · 6 months
ooh!! i love hearing about original works just as much as fanfics!! (im always so impressed cuz original work isnt my wheelhouse) Could you share about 'I can find you in the dark'?
And from the sga wips I'd love to know what 'Jade' is about :3
❤️❤️❤️ woot
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This got super long so i will put it under a cut.
In summary:
I Can Find You in the Dark is an SGU fic
I share a different/my only original fic bc you said you like them ❤️
Jade is a fic about my Wraith OC named Jade
So the “non sga” docs aren't original, but other fandoms, sorry if that was confusing.
"I Can Find You in the Dark" is my Stargate Universe Park/Volker/Greer pwp. I started it but lost momentum and need to rewatch s2 before I get back to it. In canon Lisa Park and Ronald Greer are a couple, and Dale Volker has a crush on Lisa and has a “connection” with Ron when Ron is a donor for Dale's kidney transplant, so I just really want to solve all of their problems with polyamory. Also, Lisa is blinded in an accident, so this specific story is about them having sex with the lights off and the men learning to navigate their environment, and specifically each other's bodies, without being able to see.
Lisa sits, listening.
Ron's hands are on her thighs, his thumb rubbing warmly at the juncture of her hip. His touch makes her feel safe.
"Is this okay?" she hears Dale ask. He's across the room, fiddling with the lights; his voice echoes around the room before it reaches her.
"Depends on how much you don’t want to see," Ron says matter-of-factly. His voice is warm, rumbling up against her knees where he's sitting beside the bed.
She can hear Dale's indecision, but this is his experiment, so she smiles encouragingly. "Whatever you need is fine, Dale," she says.
"Don't get lost on the way to the bed," Ron adds.
Lisa reaches out, finds his head, then smacks him. Not too hard; he barely notices other than to press a kiss of apology to the inside of her knee.
Ron tenses slightly; instinctively wary. Lisa feels the slight cooling of the air that means the lights have been turned off. Dale stumbles over something.
Lisa pouts. She knows Dale means it as a way to try to understand her situation; for her to not feel alone in her darkness. Which is sweet, but she's not sure he's thought it through.
"You okay?" Ron asks.
"Yeah." Dale sounds annoyed, but then she feels the bed move as he sits on it. "At least I thought to not take my shoes off until after," he says, and there's triumph in his voice now, just a little bit, and she loves that. “No stubbed toe or anything.” The bed moves and she hears rustling as he starts taking off his clothes.
Lisa reaches out her hand to him, slowly, seeking him. When she brushes his arm he jumps.
“Oh,” he says, startled. “Sorry. Um, that.”
She’d pulled back but she feels the movement of his hand as it slides past hers in the darkness, and she stops and readjusts herself to meet him. Dale jumps again in surprise, but this time he turns with her and takes her hand. Bringing it to his mouth he kisses her fingers and her palm. “Wow,” he murmurs against her skin and Lisa shivers.
Ron’s hands slide up her sides and along her arm, finding Dale at the end of this path and without needing to flail at all. Lisa smirks against his throat as he reaches past her, and she kisses the back of his head. She hears Dale inhale and then she feels the way his body goes lax, relaxing into Ron’s kiss. She grins fiercely against Ron’s hair and twines her fingers with Dale’s. After a moment she feels Ron turn to her, feels Dale’s hand pull her lightly, and they position her between them. Dale kisses her mouth and Ron kisses the corner of her jaw, working his way down her neck to her collarbones.
Because you like original ideas I will also share the other document in my wip folder that I didn't mention at first (because the game seemed more fandom focused). It is my only original work that I consider currently “in progress.” The story has no title as of yet, but the document is called “syras braeden ren.” It's about a pair of mages named Syras and Braeden who have retired and moved to the middle of nowhere to get away from politics. They meet Ren, a young man who is in a lot of trouble. He doesn't want any help at first, but they realize that they need to help him anyway because he is at the crux of a web of issues that goes pretty deep and is connected to some of Braeden's past trauma. They engage on a cross continental journey, running into several old friends and developing a strong relationship between all three of them.
The wind was cold now that the sun was gone, and Braed pulled his cloak around him more tightly as he followed Syr's black tail by moonlight. The tail was pointed straight up as Syr trotted along with his nose to the ground, but a dark-furred dog wasn't the easiest to see in the dusk, especially when he was headed directly into the forest.
Braed almost lost his footing in a patch of mud, catching himself against a sturdy oak. The tree's leaves were greyish yellow in the darkness, though this time of year they were a dull yellow in bright light as well. "This has better be important," he called to Syr. "If you've dragged me out of a warm bed because Lothian's Eyes glow with a brighter gleam once you're north of Rommy Ford, or some of your usual rot, I might be tempted to violence."
Syr blew air through his nose, expressing his opinion without needing to shift out of his wolfhound's shape to do so. They'd been together long enough that this argument was all placeholders in any case. Syras liked observing phenomena first hand and experiencing events as they happened; Braed much preferred hearing about events afterward and reading articles about megical phenomema in the Quarterly, and preferred both while seated next to a warm fire with his hands wrapped around a mug of che. They'd just come north this past summer, the political unrest in the cities along the coast of the Inerwa Sea making the south rather less plesant for those with no interest in taking sides in the intercity politicking, and Braed was finding the weather along the Glass River more of an adjustment than he'd expected. He'd been born in Bezar on the shores of the Glass Sea, even farther to the north, but he'd spent all his life till now pointed southward.
"And for good reason," he muttered under his breath, though he immediately wanted to take back the uncharitable thought. He was warm, in the cloak that Syras had bought him, and the boots and gloves that Minera had made him after he and Syras had saved her sheep from being cursed to eat nightshade. If his shoes were muddy and his face chilled it wasn't a hardship compared to other parts of his life.
Syr barked once to draw his attention, and moved up out of the trees and onto the road. Braed sighed as he followed, but soon caught sight of Syr's quarry.
A figure, he would guess a young man, was stumbling away from Syr, running as best they could down the road.
"Wait," Braed called. He sighed. "Syras, stop chasing them."
Syr didn't listen but whined in apology, his attention intent on his quarry.
The person didn't listen either, keeping to their stumbling run. They glanced behind and, seeing Braed, with Syr circling around them to attempt to cut them off, darted back off the road and into the trees on the other side.
Braed sighed again. He moved a bit more quickly. Syr wasn't giving up; it would be better to get this over with.
Syr eventually cornered the person between two large trees.
When Braed caught up to them the moon was out full, and he could see the person's face. They appeared human, rather than Karas- though the Karas were not known for their tolerance for "lesser" beings, and one would not have allowed Syras to sport with them in the way that he had. They were thin and their clothing was little more than rags, brown hair matted with dirt. Dark blue eyes stared at Braed with wary fear out of a face as dirty and worn as the person's clothing.
"Greetings," Braed called softly. "We mean you no harm." He glanced at Syras; Syras had given no indication of why he'd selected this apparent runaway for his attentions this night; they were neither philanthropically inclined as a rule, nor obligated to a house or guard to detain runaways. Syr sat now with his eyes fixed on the runaway's bedraggled face. "I apologize for my companion,” Braed said. “He can be rather overbearing when he is focused on something, but I will repeat that we mean you no harm."
The runaway did not appear to believe him, which Braed was not at all surprised about. "We live not far from here," Braed continued, though it was farther than he rather thought someone without shoes should be walking. The runaway's feet were leaving smears of blood on the ground. "If you'd be interested in a hot meal."
The runaway snarled at him, "Stay away from me," and managed to wedge themselves into a crack between the tree trunks and escape Syr's cornering, stumbling off into the forest again.
Syras was apparently not interested in chasing the runaway any farther though, because he shifted to human and cast a sleep spell, dropping the runaway in their tracks.
Braed sighed, prepared to deliver yet another speech on respecting personal autonomy.
"I tried it your way," Syras said unexpectedly. He flicked long, black hair over his bare shoulder and looked over at Braed; his golden eyes always seemed like they were dancing and drew Braed's gaze even though there was plenty else to look at. "I brought you to talk to him, but he wouldn't listen."
"When your help's not wanted is when you're supposed to leave well enough alone," Braed reminded him.
Syras snorted. "If we leave him, he will die," he said with that tone of authority that Braed often loved and occasionally hated. Noticing Braed's expression he did explain, "I felt him coming, Braeden. He has an untrained ability that will call power to him unless he is taught how to shield himself."
Braed sighed. "Alright," he allowed. It was, after all, what had called Syras to him: a young man whose magical talents were being siphoned by unscrupulous mages. "I suppose you're going to help me carry him, then?"
Syras grinned. He could shift his shape better than any mage in the world, with the possible exception of the elder sisters of the Lunidae, but clothing that fit a human rarely fit a four-footed creature and so shape shifting was a craft that left one walking around in the nude most of the time. Thankfully, or otherwise, Syras did not seem to feel the chill.
"I'll give you a hand," he assured. His golden eyes flared with inner light, and he shifted again until a tall, black horse stood beside Braed.
Braed stroked Syr's nose. "When I mentioned wanting to ride you, this was not what I had in mind," he confessed.
Syras threw back his head with a whinny, and bumped Braed's shoulder with his nose a bit harder than he really needed to.
a story about my original Wraith character whose name is Jade. He leaves his hive and comes to Atlantis, and is trying to find his way in the galaxy while also dealing with the prejudice he has suffered all his life because he is intersex.
This exerpt is from the beginning of my draft of chapter 5:
Jade is sitting in the darkness, enjoying the quiet of the pier as the planet turns toward morning, when he hears a faint scraping sound.
A Wraith's hands appear over the side of the edge of the pier, and following that a Wraith, pulling himself up out of the water and onto the pier’s surface.
Jade doesn't know this Wraith, and he sits very still, his left hand on Sheppard's knife as he waits for the Wraith to notice him.
The Wraith shakes himself, squeezes water out of his hair, then stops dead when he notices Jade. His eyes fixate on Jade in alarm, which then fades to curiosity. Jade feels the Wraith reach out to him tentatively, seeking hive bonds, and Jade opens himself to the other.
Greetings, the Wraith says. I am Third Scientist of Biological Creatures, known among the humans as Ray.
Jade bows his head. I am Jade, formerly Second Navigator. He hesitates but asks, What are you doing? Is the water good for swimming? Jade has received tellings that contain memories of swimming, but hadn't thought about trying it here.
Ray grins. It is very good for swimming, he agrees, a certain tone in his mental voice suggesting that swimming isn't necessarily allowed.
Jade remembers both Scylla and the Commander delineated the Pier as the zone where Wraith were permitted to go, and not places adjacent to the pier. What are you doing? he asks again.
Collecting specimens, Ray answers. He approaches and holds up a small cup with a lid that screws on tightly; inside of it is seawater and a nearly microscopic organism. I had to go far to get this one, he says proudly. Doctor Branson is studying how different environments cause them to develop different abilities.
Jade is intrigued. And you gather these specimens? By yourself? He moves to the edge of the pier and looks into the water. It is rough near the surface, breaking against the structure of Atlantis, but he imagines that underneath the surface it would be very calm.
Ray shrugs. Sometimes Goose assists me, and Jade receives a mental impression of another Wraith, but he is more interested in the study than the capture so he usually stays with Doctor Branson.
I have never swam, Jade confesses. Is it very difficult?
Ray cocks his head. I do not think so. Would you like to try?
Jade looks at him warily.
If it is your first attempt you should not go alone, Ray advises. He hesitates. I can assist you. If… it is alright? He makes an abortive gesture to Jade’s hair. You look… He doesn’t say the word “queen” but the feeling of reverent awe and a desire to not offend needs no additional words. But you feel like another Wraith in my thoughts. Are you a brother of the hive then?
Yes, Jade says with surprise. He's so rarely met someone who truly had no idea who he was. I know my hair is dark, but consider me a brother. He adds shyly, I would welcome your assistance.
Ray bows. Very good. If you like we can go now.
Jade thrills with excitement and nods. He pulls off his boots and leaves his coat on the pier. He hesitates, but follows Ray’s lead and strips down to his skin. Ray has short hair, but Jade braids his quickly to keep it from tangling, and then jumps into the water.
Hitting the water is a sharp feeling but, once in, the water holds him. Jade spreads his limbs and mimics Ray’s movements to propel himself along. Other than the dark bulk of Atlantis the water is clear and empty, the light of two moons reaching down into it, though endless depths stretch below him, descending in darkening layers to complete opacity.
Jade hangs in the water and looks down into the darkness, transfixed. It reminds him of the endlessness of space, but he is here without a ship surrounding him and can experience it directly.
Ray swims past to catch his attention and leads him back up to the surface to take a deep breath; Jade hadn't even noticed the passage of time. He doesn't need to breathe quite yet but follows Ray anyway.
Closer to the surface where the light is stronger he can see the million little organisms that live in water: see them and not just sense the electrical presence of their life.
These ones are best seen under moonlight, Ray shares. It is why I come out at night.
It is beautiful, Jade says shyly.
Ray grins. That is the other reason I come.
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aenslem · 7 months
that "Good morning" scene!!! i actually skipped back to rewatch it when i watched the episode, because wow, that sure was something ♥
i did finish it, yeah, and i liked it, but, idk, i don't think i actually liked the ending of any of the Stargate shows. Universe's last episode was a good season finale, but not a good show finale, imo.
you said, before i started watching sgu, that it was different from sg1 and sga, and now that i've watched it i really agree. they're three very own shows, even if they're all connected, with very distinct and unique feels to them. Universe felt darkest to me, but tbh i'm not sure if that's just because it's the actual darkest in the lighting department or if it really is darker than sg1 and sga xD
as for scenes i would like giffed, i've just stalked your sgu tag and you've already giffed the two scenes that really stuck out to me (the "Good morning" scene you mentioned in Blockade, and the "Well done" one from Light), so there's not any one specific scene for me (right now at least, my memory is a fickle thing with a mind of its own x'D), but i will say that i wouldn't mind some Greer gifs, i hated him at first but at the end he was easily one of my faves xD that said, though, gif what you want to gif and i'll be happy with that, i love your sgu gifs ♥
again, thank you for making me watch the Stargate shows! i hope all is well with you and that you're having a nice day ♥
/Rodney anon
it definitely is something considering their history. I wish we had another season just to see what their relationship would be like after everything, but I guess considering this is sgu they would make them fight more, so idk if it's good or bad that the show was cancelled. And that is why the finale of s2 feels like a good final for a season, but not for a show.
I would say sgu feels darker because of the characters, they are not good guys like sg1 team, who did bad things when they were under something or pretended to be bad guys, like Jack in 'shades of grey'. sgu team are all put in extreme situation where they may die any second and they are ready to do some really bad things to survive, and none of them are just good or bad, they all do some shady things throughout the show.
but yeah, it also might feel like that cos lighting department forgot to actually turn the goddamn lights on asjkhdakjhd
I will see what I can do with Greer, since I have both seasons of sgu might as well do some gifs of other characters :3 but I need to adjust to my new schedule first and then I will have time to gif.
Glad you enjoyed watching it <3
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So.... SGU is really heavy into that dub-con, huh? I haven't watched the other versions of the show but damn.
Is this something that's discussed beforehand? Do they have contracts or something that says they agree on consent about these 'Earth visits'?. And it gets glossed over entirely.
Like there was that whole scene with Colonel Telford coming back to his body during the act and being confused af (though I'm pretty sure the writers seemed to go in the direction that he enjoyed it, which, yeah, wtf?).
The only vague time I think they even addressed the idea of consent was after Camile switched with Amanda Perry and Rush goes to her after the switch back. We don't know for sure but from the glimpse of dialogue we get, it seemed like he was going to discuss the kisses that happened while her body had been taken over.
I've just started S2 and I don't know if anyone else has ever brought this up or anything because i haven't delved into the SGU fandom but yeah, this whole thing kinda gives me the ick.
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abnormalvampire64 · 3 years
Ah just finished SGU, which means I have watched all there is to watch (except SGO but we don’t talk about that - it does not count)
Also damn SGU super got good in the later half of s2 then it just... ended
Ah well
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glitch-in-space · 4 years
50 Follower Celebration - Fic Requests!
I’ve reached just over 50 followers and as such, I’m going to take the time to have some fun and celebrate the small milestone (god knows we could all do with some more joy nowadays).
Therefore, from now until 1st Dec 2020, I will be taking up to 51 fic requests!
They can be prompts for a new fic you want me to write (the more specific the prompt, the better), or they can be a request for me to finish a fic I’ve already got or to post an abandoned fic. Depending on the amount & nature of the requests I receive, the fics may be anywhere from 250 to 2k+ words.
If you have a request, fandoms & details are below the read more. Feel free to send me an ask if you don’t see the fandom you want or you have any questions.
If you don’t have a request, please reblog this so others can see.
You can request/prompt through an ask (anon or otherwise) or comment on this post.
When requesting please include the fandom, characters (+ pairings, gen or otherwise, if any), and your prompt or whether you want to see a fic I’m working on/have abandoned. I’m more inclined to write slash but any non-incest pairing goes. If one character is underage in canon, I will likely age them up or age down the older one so it’s not creepy, eg Vlad/Danny from Danny Phantom would have Danny be over 18 or an AU with Vlad also being 14/15. Crossovers and AUs are welcome.
Things I won’t write: non-con (I will write case fics without detailed description of the events or fics where it has happened in a character’s past but not the event itself), absolutely no incest (this includes adoptive/foster family), graphic smut
Fandoms I write for:
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Criminal Minds
Danny Phantom
Doctor Who Universe (includes Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sarah-Jane, and Class)
Ghosts (the BBC tv show)
Grey’s Anatomy
Hawaii Five-O (2010 reboot)
The Hobbit & LotR (mainly the movies)
Houdini & Doyle
Harry Potter (TERFs not welcome)
Law & Order: SVU
MacGyver (2016)
MCU (mainly Loki, Iron Man, Spider-Man & Antman but prompts not involving these are welcome)
Merlin (the BBC tv show)
Night at the Museum
Nobody’s Looking
Now You See Me
Pacific Rim
Primeval (also Primeval: New World)
Project Blue Book
Shadowhunters (tv show)
Stargate (the movie, SG-1, SGA & SGU)
Star Trek (anything & everything)
Teen Wolf
The Flash (only up to S2 or 3 though)
The Listener
The Sentinel
The Umbrella Academy
The Vampire Diaries
The Witcher
X-Men (movie!verse)
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walks-the-ages · 4 years
So, we only have SGA s1 on dvd.
But we DO have SGU s1 and s2...
On to the shitasticness
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pinchtheprincess · 5 years
tv show quiz
I was tagged by my beautiful @fleurdeneuf ! Thank you!  Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag 10 peeps.
Stargate Universe
Once Upon a Time
Black Sails
The 100
1. Who is your favorite character in 2?
Always and forever, my baby, my love, Dr. Nicholas Rush:
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2. Who is your least favorite character in 1?
Gods, I don’t know if I have one! All the recurring characters---even the ones I didn’t like, initially---grew on me so much I grew to like them! Or they were given such a good storyline, I found it impossible NOT to like them. Maybe---if I HAVE to choose---Jack Kline? [Don’t be mad at me!]
3. What is your favorite episode of 4?
Oh, wow. That’s really hard! . . . Maybe the opener of Black Sails season 2, “IX.” That was EXPLOSIVE. And not (yet) too angsty, that I remember. 
4. What is your favorite season of 5?
Whichever one had the most Roan kom Azgeda in it. Season 4, I think, is my choice. I really liked him (and thus, Azgeda) being their ally. 
5. Who is your favorite couple in 3?
Rumbelle! Rumplestiltskin and Belle, Beauty and the Beast:
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6. Who is your favorite couple in 2?
Dr. Amanda Perry and Dr. Nicholas Rush:
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7. What is your favorite episode of 1?
Oh, wow. Way too many to pick just one! Supernatural has been running for fourteen seasons! One that stands out is “Swan Song,” the finale of the 5th season, the one with the Impala side story, narrated by Chuck. That one tugs at the heartstrings. 
8. What is your favorite episode of 5?
Maybe season 4, episode 6? “We Will Rise,” when they still had a tiny smidgeon of hope, and Roan got to be a complete badass, flying through the air from truck-to-truck, with his knives out. What a beautiful moment. 
9. What is your favorite season of 2?
Well, since SGU only had TWO seasons, that’s really difficult. I loved s1 for the setup, and I loved s2 because it got more plotty and exciting. Can’t really choose one!
10. How long have you watched 1?
Since season 3, but, of course I’ve seen them all, now. 
11. How did you become interested in 3?
Someone I followed posted a lot of gifsets of OUaT, and I eventually read a fanfic rec because of @licieoic, then I fell down the rabbit hole, hard, and HAD to watch the show! I got a late start in the fall of 2014, when it was about to go on midseason hiatus. I had to catch up fast to watch that one!
12. Who is your favorite actor in 4?
They’re all AMAZING and talented, especially Toby Stephens, but I drooled over Zach MacGowan. 
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Stargate Universe, #2. We were robbed! Robbed, I tell you! 
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ?
#3 is over with, and #1 is not. Going off of pure numbers, definitely #1, because Supernatural’s been running fourteen seasons, compared to OUaT’s seven.
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Eleanor, because she’s a complete badass, plus she gets to bang Captain Charles Vane (although she makes some questionable choices later on). 
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
Once Upon a Time and Black Sails? I think so, since many of the characters in Black Sails are characters from Treasure Island, and Once Upon a Time was about not only fairytales, but all sorts of written stories. 
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.
First!Ruby and Dean Winchester. I could see Dean going for a hot blonde demon who was full of sass. Yep. 
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18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
#5. Once Upon a Time took a steep nosedive after the first 3-1/2 seasons. It was passable after that, but aggravating. 
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
That’s tough, because I really do like the theme from SGU (especially the guitar chord when the ship appears---I’m such a sap), but Black Sails has better theme music, overall. Bear McCreary’s music is so memorable, with the use of the hurdy-gurdy. 
Tagging: @galactic-pirates @starscreamloki @securitybreach @licieoic @gigglesmcsquee @sarashouldbestudying @quinninthenorth @jadewolf-writes @woozapooza @wicked-chocolatine
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spockvarietyhour · 2 days
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Stargate Universe "The Greater Good"
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sassycordy · 1 year
eli & chloe are sickeningly adorable 🫶🏽
audio credits: amourauds
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judgeverse · 11 months
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what did he mean by this. what is the secret of telford's personal life. i remember the show/storyline not addressing this
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worryinglyinnocent · 5 years
I haven’t done one of these for ages, so here goes! Tagged by the lovely @galactic-pirates
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag 10 peeps.
Once Upon A Time
Dead Like Me
Stargate Universe
BoJack Horseman
1. Who is your favorite character in 2?
Eeee, it’s a toss up between Belle and Rumpel, with either one of them taking the top spot depending on how out of character the other one is acting at the time...
2. Who is your least favorite character in 1?
Jack. I know he’s the hero and he did eventually grow on me a bit by the end of season 6, but some of his behaviour towards the women he’s in romantic relationships with really raises red flags for me and unfortunately it’s not something that I can unsee. 
3. What is your favorite episode of 4?
S2 Ep4 Pathogen. Super touching stuff with Eli and his mum, and Chloe/Rush bonding. What more can you want?
4. What is your favorite season of 5?
Season 5. It’s a good season for ace representation which is an issue close to my heart; it also ties up a bunch of loose ends from earlier in the series, and the characters all come to various crisis points. I hope there’s a sixth. 
5. Who is your favorite couple in 3?
There aren’t really any canon romantic relationships in DLM, but I love the bro-ship between Rube and Roxy. 
6. Who is your favorite couple in 2?
RUMBELLE. Without a doubt. Absolutely 100%.
7. What is your favorite episode of 1?
Oh man, there are so many! Although I think the season six finale The End. I know that Lost has one of the most divisive endings in history, but I loved it. I also love season 1’s Do No Harm, season 3′s Par Avion, season 5′s LaFleur and season 4′s The Constant. 
8. What is your favorite episode of 5?
I like most of the episodes, but special mention to season 5′s Free Churro for keeping me completely interested despite it being entirely a monologue in a single location. 
9. What is your favorite season of 2?
One. Everything got established, everyone was introduced, there was still the ongoing season-long storyline of the curse still being in place, and of course, the best 45 minutes of TV ever created, Skin Deep.
10. How long have you watched 1?
I discovered it in 2017, long after it finished airing, and I binged the entire 6 seasons on 4 separate weekends. 
11. How did you become interested in 3?
Woah, this is a long story. Ages ago I used to buy the odd film/tv magazine for interviews with actors I liked when they had new films coming out. Many many years back, I was in a Hugh Jackman phase and Van Helsing was coming out, so this was what, 2002/2003 ish? Anyway, I bought the sci-fi magazine Starburst and it had, among other things, a more in depth feature and episode guide to Dead Like Me. It stuck with me for ages and many, many years later, I decided ‘hey, lets watch it’. This was in 2016... 
12. Who is your favorite actor in 4?
Robert Carlyle is the reason I started watching it, so I’ll have to go for him. Ming-Na Wen is also amazing. 
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Argh, it’s a toss up between Lost and Once. With Lost, I have seen every episode, but there are a lot of bits that I can take or leave and a lot of bits I’m ambivalent about and a lot of bits I didn’t like. With Once, I feel a lot more strongly about it but I skipped three seasons in the middle because I got so angry with it. 
I honestly can’t decide. 
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ?
Well, if we’re going by numbers of episodes, then Lost, just because there are more episodes (120, to DLM’s 32) but I have seen every episode of both shows, so on percentages of episodes seen, they’re both on 100. 
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
TJ. She’s smart, she’s kind, she takes no shit. 
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
No. They’re just way too different in tone. I mean, theoretically, yes, because the DLM mythology can fit into pretty much any setting at all. Death is the one constant in everything. But DLM is a pitch black comedy and SGU is a sci-fi drama. I can’t even begin to imagine it. 
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.
I mean, with Lost, pretty much anyone is fair game with anyone, but one rarepair I love that no-one else seems to is Desmond/Claire. When you look at their interactions in the season 2 finale and in season 3′s Par Avion, and all of their interactions in the flash sideways in season 6, it’s really clear to me that they have a lot going for them. 
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
BoJack, definitely. BoJack has several ongoing plot threads and they’re always revisited and tied up, even seasons later. DLM is much more episodic with less focus on an ongoing plot. That’s not to say it’s not enjoyable, but it’s not really a storyline-based show. 
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
Neither of them really have theme music... 
I’m terrible with tagging, so have at it if you want to, peeps!
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bagheerita · 3 months
Long Forgotten Light at the End of the World and I Can Find You In the Dark please 😄
""I Can Find You In the Dark" is my SGU Lisa Park/Ronald Greer/Dale Voelker ship fic. I haven’t worked on it at all since I answered an ask about it a couple months ago; I’m stuck at the end of s1 in my rewatch because I don’t like the end of s1 and for some reason I think throwing a tantrum and watching literally anything else will help me with that, and I have to get back in the late s2 vibe to channel that trio.
I am obsessed with historical AUs and “A Long Forgotten Light at the End of the World” is my attempt at a SGA historical AU that includes Wraith, because no one else is gd writing it. So the premise is that a Wraith hive crash lands in Great Britain in about 1790. The Queen pretty much takes over the island, her Wraith kill the royals and upper nobility and place themselves in those positions of power. With their technological advantage they can hold their position against all opposition, but the queen settles in there; there’s no need really to expand when she’s got millions of humans to eat here on this easily defensible island. Her Wraith take a lot of the wealth and land, but leave most of the other structures in place, like trade and the military, so society more or less still functions "normally," you're just likely to get eaten by a Wraith if you annoy them too much or you're not useful to society. (I like just remembered that the church is a huge power in this time period, and that I should probably think up a response they have to aliens being real…🤔) Anyway, the actual plot is set 100 years after the Wraith arrive and features John/Todd more or less playing out one of my favorite books of the historical m/m romance genre, K.J. Charles' The Magpie Lord. Instead of the “curse” thing in the book, I’m inventing a different “magic” that’s based off of the ATA-gene, and the connection to the estate (if you haven’t read the book don’t worry about it) is that Atlantis is buried underground on the estate that Todd was “given” by the Queen, and they unbury it at the point where they need something to help them fight back against the Queen. I have like 3 chapters written, but I keep running into backstory that I haven’t thought up an explanation for, or get frustrated by my inability to correctly grasp period-sounding language, or having to stop and look up anything about history- like names of pieces of clothing, or what furniture looks like and how you describe it. (The title comes from the song "The Islander" by Nightwish, and it's Atlantis: Atlantis is the long forgotten light.)
Like 3 pages from my draft of chapter 1 below the cut: (this is a John/Todd fic, but Keller is my primary fill-in for the Magpie Lord character of Merrick, so she and Todd have a very deeply trusting friendship, which is mostly what this initial chapter is about, because before I introduce Sheppard and all his issues I needed to establish that Todd is Up To Something.)
One the one hundredth anniversary of the Wraith's landing, the Queen held a celebration, so that all her human vassals on the island of Britain could come and demonstrate their allegiance to her and her Wraith, and their willingness to give others to feed her in order to save themselves.
"It's sickening," Jennifer Keller observed as she looked out of the window of their second story rooms on Queen's Boulevard, the street below filled with yelling people as the parliamentary bigwigs who'd survived the Landing paraded up to the Queen's palace. There were few Wraith involved in the procession, and certainly the Queen wouldn't exert herself on behalf of her peons, but the well-to-do of the nation gathered to show the Queen how earnestly they felt she should choose anyone other than them to sate the hunger of her Wraith. 
Keller fanned herself. Her long hair was bound up off her neck and she wore a light muslin skirt and a modern shirtwaist in a light cotton as well, but there was no breeze, even by the window, and no relief from the stifling summer heat. "They think if they cheer loud enough, she might not choose their family to feed her favorites."
Deeper in the room behind her, far distant from the nonexistent breeze but not feeling the effects of the heat as much even in his long leather coat, Kenny hissed his opinion of her observation. "As we are certainly not counted among her favorites," he offered sardonically, "perhaps we should focus on our work?" 
Todd chuckled, listening to them as he read from Keller's notebook concerning her latest findings. His booted feet were balanced on the corner of the table as he held the notebook before him while slouched in the high-backed wooden chair. The temperature mattered as little to his comfort as to Kenny's, but he preferred the local style of dress to the Wraith way, as well as a certain level of dishabille, and at the moment his coat hung off the back of the chair and his shirtsleeves were rolled up to his elbows, the collar open and no cravat in sight. "I believe your latest notes have solved the conundrum that has been perplexing us, Doctor Keller."
Keller was flushed as she turned away from the window and smiled at him affectionately. "Flatterer."
Todd looked up. "Not at all. I only grant you the title you are due." 
"If some good has come of this entire mess, it's that your lot respect a woman's ambitions," Keller replied sourly as she joined them deeper in the room. 
Kenny huffed. "If our hive had not happened upon your backward world, you would not have been permitted to pursue your passion."
Keller scowled at him. "Look here Mister 'Backwards Planet'..."
"Perhaps the pair of you can resolve this later?" Todd put in patiently. 
Kenny hissed under his breath, while Keller rolled her eyes and nodded. "What do you think?" she asked Todd.
"I am prepared to move to testing it, if you are," he replied.
"We could use some progress to report to our allies," Kenny mused, half to himself, gaze distant as he considered those allies- and possibly reached for their thoughts. 
Todd ignored the interruption. "You have enough serum prepared in order to perform a test?" he asked Keller, though he knew her well enough by now to easily guess her reply.
"Yes." Keller met his slit-pupiled gaze with determination. "And I've already administered it to the primary test subject before bringing the information to you. I recommend a forty eight hour incubation before full effectiveness in the test subjects."
"You have test subjects?" Kenny looked at her, frowning. 
Todd shifted his boots from the table to the floor. "It's her, my Second. She is the test subject." Todd leaned forward, holding Keller's gaze. "You are certain?" 
She snorted. "It's not like there's any other Wraith I trust to test it with."
"Then there is no time like the present." 
Keller shivered with an eagerness of her own, holding her ground as he stood and approached her.
"For the sake of our heads, lest the Queen know what we're up to, you might conceal the evidence," Kenny put in sourly.
Keller rolled her eyes and raised fingers trembling with anticipation to undo the laces of her shirtwaist, moving the clothing out of the way and baring her throat and upper chest. 
"Well thought," Todd offered to his Second, continuing, I was rather too eager to consider it.
When Keller stood ready, Todd raised his right hand. He felt the handmouth quiver in anticipation as he brought it toward her flesh.
"It has been too long since you fed," Kenny chided him.
Todd sighed. His hand rested on Keller's chest, not latching on yet as he looked at her. "Do you doubt my control, if the serum should fail?" he asked her. 
She shook her head and, lifting her chin stubbornly, demanded, "Do it."
He bared his teeth in an eager grin, as the handmouth opened against her skin and his claws latched, and he began to feed.
Keller gasped at the sensation, as she always did, her hands coming up to hold Todd's arm. His other arm came around her, prepared to take her weight when she should fall senseless. But as he watched she did not wither from his hunger. Her grip on his arm weakened, but her face was contorted in concentration and not pain. When he felt sated he withdrew.
Keller swayed, unsteady on her feet, but blinked up at him, quick and aware. "It worked?" she asked. Her voice was a hoarse croak, but she cleared her throat and said, "I think I need to sit down."
Todd transferred her easily to the chair, kneeling beside her and observing her carefully. 
Kenny came around the table, watching her carefully as well. "It appears to have worked," he ventured. 
"Yes," Todd agreed. "My hunger is well sated." 
They both remained still, watching Keller as she sat with her eyes closed, until she opened them and frowned at them. "Oh honestly. Get me something to drink," she instructed, making a shoo-ing motion at Kenny. He went, and she closed her eyes again with a sigh.
"You are well?" Todd asked.
"I feel drained," she admitted. "Tired, and slightly dizzy." She accepted the cup of tea Kenny brought her and after a few sips she grinned at Todd. "It worked."
He grinned back. "It did. But," he sobered, "we have a great deal of testing before us still, to ensure that the serum remains effective, and that our past history has not had an influence in this particular case."
Keller nodded, sharp and businesslike. "I think I should retire for the remainder of the day, but tomorrow I'd like to try it with Kenny." She met his eyes with seriousness, and he nodded in affirmation with equal weight.
"So soon?" Todd cautioned. 
"I know you need to send him north." Keller set her teacup on the table. "I'd like to get that particular facet of the test out of the way before he goes. Once I have that data, I can begin to look for more subjects, and we can test the human variable as well."
He nodded. "Very well." Standing, Todd lifted her in his arms. "I'll take you to your room."
Sighing, she leaned against his chest. "Fine, but make it quick. It's too hot for your gallantry."
He chuckled and Kenny shot them a look of long-suffering as he opened the door for them. 
Todd carried her down the hall to her room and laid her on her bed. 
"Hmm." Her eyes fluttered opened. "I should undress, but I'm too tired. Help me loosen my stays." 
"You'll crease your skirts," he reminded her.
Keller snorted in an especially unladylike manner. "We're leaving early, I know, and I'm likely to sleep through the journey. Just bundle me into the carriage tomorrow morning; it's not like anyone will see me a mess, or that anyone who sees will care." 
He brushed her hair back from her face. "I have a care for your reputation, Doctor."
Her expression softened. "You know if you were debauching me in the usual manner it would be a step up in my 'reputation.'" She tried to stifle a yawn. "It's what my father already thinks, anyway." 
Todd sighed. "I wondered why you insisted I send him quite so much money."
She laughed sleepily.
"Though you are certainly worth all of it. Rest well, Doctor." Rising from her bed he drew a blanket near her still form, in case of chill should a breeze chance through the open windows as evening approached, and left. 
Kenny paced the front parlor with uncharacteristic energy. Do you know what this means? he demanded when Todd returned. 
That the quicker I send you away the better, Todd replied. 
Kenny bared his teeth, but didn't reply. They both knew the Queen could strip thoughts from Wraith if she desired, and if she suspected any of the things they were up to she would not hesitate. Knowing how they were plotting to remove her main weapon of terror from working to threaten the populace would mean immediate death to everyone involved. I do not want to leave you alone, Kenny responded finally.
I know, Todd replied. And he did know that returning him to such a state was not something his brother desired in the slightest. But you must secure our allies in the north. I will take Keller to the estate, as planned. He could not hide the distaste that filled him at the idea, but the lands had been given to him by order of the Queen with no way he could refuse, and it had served as a convenient meeting point from which to organize their contacts in the south and west of the island. I will keep her with me.
A human is not enough, Kenny grumbled. 
Todd sighed. She has been in the past. When I had nothing else.
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aenslem · 7 months
aslkjdlasjf THIS GD SHOW, argh. i just finished season one, which i thought was a good idea, you know, finish the season before taking a break. *facepalms* i have those annoying things to do again (stupid household chores, every gd day you gotta do things), so it'll be a few hours before i can watch more, but i should be able to watch at least one or two more episodes today, so HOPEFULLY things will be a bit more resolved by tonight x'D
you were so right, there is so much happening, and i think EVERYONE on that gd ship needs a few years vacation after all this x'D
"married divorced remarried and divorced again and still having feelings for each other" asljdalksjda that is so correct, they are just that x'D
it's so fun, they're like "i don't trust him" pretty much all the time, and then Rush is like "so i had a dream" and Young is like "ok, i'll call General O'Neill" and they keep relying on each other so much right now, it's great, and Young risking the whole gd ship to save Rush, after having tried to kill him, what, twice already? amazing ❤
ah, yes, fanfiction ❤ it's so good at casting light on things from different angles, i love that, seeing characters and their motivations from all kinds of different point of views. though, you gif makers do that too and i love it, it's so great to look at different gif makers in the same fandoms and see how you focus different things.
right now i'm pretty exclusively reading McShep fics, but we'll see how that looks once i'm done with sgu x'D if you have any recs, please feel free to share!
btw, i've been trying to remember why i followed you from the start, and i'm pretty sure it's Star Trek, and specifically Spones, which, ALL MY LOVE! but i also want to mention how much i love following someone who gifs a lot of women, i love having more women on my dash! i never finished OUaT back in the days, but all your Regina and Swan Queen gifs are making me want to, and your Michelle Gomez gifs, waah, i do not want to watch CAoS! 😭 but you are kicking me in the butt about finishing Doctor Who too with your gifs of her (i sadly miss most of them though since i have it blacklisted for spoilers), i had no idea she was in it but man did that make me want to watch it when i found out!
okay, sorry that this got so long, even when i'm trying to keep things brief i end up being very wordy. so many things to say!
anyway, i'm gonna go do the things now, the sooner i get them done the sooner i can watch more sgu =D oh, wait, no, you posted something from 1x18 last night! i didn't look at it since i hadn't watched it yet, so i'm gonna go do that first! =D ❤
/Rodney anon
Oh don't be sorry , you can get wordy in my inbox whenever you like :3
You're fast! but why am I surprised, I finished 7 seasons of OUaT in a month lmao.
Well, imagine how it was for those who were watching sgu when it was actually airing, they did not have a chance to go and watch s2 right after s1, and you can :D so other things are not as bad as break between seasons of the show, but yeah, there's always things to do, sucks
askjhdaksjhd 'i just had a very interesting dream' scene is so good, and it so much better when you take it out of context lmao
well, they have to work together, they don't have a choice. you know how things were when he left rush on that planet, eli is smart, and eli was also right
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but eli is still not good enough to do all the work, so no matter how much they don't trust each other, they have to work things out and work together and then finally going towards trust and comradery
well, at least they will try lmao
SPONES!!!!!!! SPOOOONEES! they are everything to me!!!!!
well, if you finish ouat and start caos... I am so sorry in advance lmao
I am not sure I can even explain what mess of the shows are those two, I have similar feelings towards both shows, I love the cast, I love some characters, I love women there, I hate the writers :D
Michelle is stunning in caos, there's also Miranda Otto, and they are like my moms, I love them, this show is worth watching just to look at them, but there's also... the rest of the show and plot asjkhdakjdh
same goes for ouat tbh, some characters are great and actors are doing such a good job and then there's whatever was happening in the show, but it;s still fun if you don't take it all seriously.
you will facepalm a lot and you will have an urge to rip your hair out sometimes, but if you try caos, I will give you two good reasons for it
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that's it, think about it
okay, but you definitely need to watch doctor who, WATCH DOCTOR WHO!
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