#sge agatha and sophie
reddstuff · 1 year
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basil-isdead · 6 months
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...the only way out is through a fairy tale.
please do not repost on other sites!!!
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liketwoswansinbalance · 10 months
Facts about The One True School Master of Vault 41
Tedros and Japeth-related things would entail too many major spoilers, so this is probably all you’re getting for now:
Rafal confesses to Sophie that he breathed part of his soul into her toward the end of the second Great War.
Rafal reads his own obituary. And also sees the multitude of vandalism that accompanies it.
Rafal attends a rather depressing, actually, positively dismal Ever tea party. Agatha insults him, despite the fact that he has better table manners than her. They mock each other. And he chokes on his finger sandwich. (But, I suppose genocide weighs more on the morality scale, in terms of minor infractions and major transgressions that will send Pollux rolling in his grave like a roast pig on a spit over subjects which mustn’t be discussed at tea parties.)
Agatha unnecessarily feeds her savior complex and plays chaperone.
Sophie is fashionable and traumatized. Business as usual.
Agatha commits a burglary.
Rafal trains the Nevers in classical dance. (I promise it’s vaguely plot-relevant.)
Agatha trains the Evers for war.
Sophie performs an archival search and reads Fala and His Brother.
The fic is still largely unwritten, so things may be subject to change later on.
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defsiarte · 1 year
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read the school for good and evil. PLEASE.
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Watching the school for good and evil movie and they fucked everything up so badly
They made Sophie too nice making her sympathetic when she is meant to be conceited passive aggressive and vain
They made Agatha too nice as well somehow, she’s meant to be sullen, moody and kind of greasy at the beginning
They made Dovey shallow and go against all her principles in the book
They made it so Sophie and Agatha didn’t know abt the school despite it being well know throughout the town
They made Honora mean when she’s supposed to be plain and reasonable but kind
They made half the villains hot when they’re supposed to be greasy and muddy and “ugly” that is a key point in the book
They made the princesses outright mean. They are supposed to be nice to Agatha but passive aggressive. They have some good in them
Tedros and Agatha are supposed to hate each other at first site not whatever they gave us here
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brother-genitivi · 2 years
Things I liked about the new SGE movie (more under the cut):
1. Tedros’s love confession. Such a terrible time to confess. That’s SO Tedros of him. And his bit about how family is important. I saw those parental issues, Tedros.
2. Some of their OSTs are actual bangers. Like the scene where Tedros promises to take Sophie to the ball, and it causes a skirmish? The soundtrack that plays there is sublime (it’s an instrumental of Who Do You Think You Are? by  Kiana Ledé and Cautious Clay).
3. The costumes were BEAUTIFUL. Sophie’s outfits were amazing.
4. The scene where Hester’s demon gets attacked by wasps definitely grew on me. Her sobbing afterwards, Anadil and Dot rushing to comfort her? Love to see it.
5. That little scene during the Never’s Ball where Anadil and Hester touch glowing fingertips. Let’s go lesbians!
6. “My heart belongs to another.” Oh, Hort.
7. A cameo from Soman himself!
8. Agatha punching Tedros after the Gregor incident. Tbh, Gregor as a whole. He was a good way to show the consequences of three failures, but I’m sad that’s all his character amounted to - to make a point. He was sweet and kind, and he deserves his grocery store </3
9. Some things were taken from the book directly. “Can I touch your hair?” Hester spitting and it creating sparks.
Reasons why I have a bone to pick with the new SGE movie:
1. Sophie is too nice. In the books, this girl MURDERED someone for cutting her hair. She pushed Agatha into a wave of churning water/sludge, tried to kill her multiple times, even befriended her for the sole purpose of fulfilling a ‘good deed’ so she’d get into the School for Good. She’s selfish, flawed, and the film makes it out to be Rafal manipulating her, making her do terrible things. Like, no, she WANTS to do awful things. She likes it. She’s extremely flawed and it’s why she’s so interesting!
2. Rafal. Why does everyone know about him...? We didn’t even know his name until book 3. Why is he going around with his face in full view?? Like, this is the School Master here. THE GUY WHO WEARS A MASK TO HIDE HIS IDENTITY?
3. Leonora Lesso. They spliced her with Evelyn Sader. They made her dramatic and shouty. She’s cold, calculated, and calm. And definitely not in love with Rafal... she’s definitely in love with Dovey imo, but they struggle to hug in the movie. Dovey, whom Leonora describes as ‘her Agatha’? You’d have no idea. If they ever make a second film, I have no clue how they’ll involve Evelyn and Aric.
4. Where is The Beast? His whole being murdered by Sophie never happens because he just doesn’t exist. And the whole reason for Sophie ending up in the groom room (for talking to an Everboy) is... interesting LMAO
5. F is for... fucking nothing? No love spell to show how far Sophie was willing to go + her shallowness, no F for failure. I DO like her outfits that they did as a replacement for the ‘F is for’ outfits, however.
6. Lunchtime lectures. I’m glad we got to see one at least, but why were the 3 witches so delighted to be involved?
7. Speaking of the coven, damn they were sidelined. WHERE WERE ANADIL’S RATS? Her rats which she loves more than anything in the world, her loyal henchmen, the rats she’s known for?? They showed Dot turning something to chocolate ONCE. I was also expecting Dot to be played by a plus sized actress (no shade at all to her actress!), the book specifically describes Dot to be fat.
8. Fingerglow colours...? Where is Sophie’s iconic hot pink? Tedros’s gold. Agatha’s blazing orange that eventually matches Tedros’s?
9. Trial by Tale. Why did they make it out to be something specifically for proving Tedros and Sophie’s love? It happens literally yearly... and the top students at school take part in it, not just two students.
10. I wanted to see Agatha as a cockroach :(
11. August Sader... who? You know, the man whom Agatha describes as being like a father to her? Evelyn Sader’s brother, the man who foresaw events up to the last book. The man who sacrifices himself to defeat the School Master, who helped Agatha the entire time he was alive (and dead).
12. Totally missed the opportunity to show Tedros picking Agatha ‘by accident’ multiple times in their forest classes. The cockroach on the pumpkin, the princesses in the caskets. He picked HER. That shit is delicious.
13. Agatha and Tedros were waaaaaaay too chummy. He throws his rose at her and she is beyond disgusted. She bumps into him and scoffs at him with, you guessed it, disgust. It’s that one act that gets perfect, polished Tedros to have thoughts of self doubt. He kicks around this doll he made to specifically look like Agatha, then shoots it full of arrows while she watches. They HATE each other. They truly do not like each other, which is why it’s so special when they do like, and eventually come to love each other! There was no animosity (except for when he got punched), no tension other than romantic.
14. I think the relationships in this were way too fast. Idk, it might be me + my demisexuality clouding my judgement but I appreciate slow relationships. I do like that they hugged, and that shot of her taking his hands made me giggle and kick my legs like a lovesick schoolboy. But I didn’t have faith in his love confession. Yes, his confession was painfully Tedros-like, but I just didn’t see it... maybe if they had more time to develop their relationship?
15. Same point as before, but with Sophie + Tedros. Him attending her lunchtime lectures, their conversation as foxes, all those extra moments of them together would’ve made their supposed instant connection more believable.
16. Grimm + nemesis dreams. The movie reveals Agatha as Sophie’s nemesis in one line, when the book takes it a lot deeper than that. Sophie has dreams about her, tastes blood, grows warts, has symptoms. Grimm only reinforces how Agatha is Sophie’s nemesis. Nope, we had none of that.
17. No thorns scene. Idk how mental everyone else goes at that scene, but the fact that Tedros comes after Agatha, and she FAINTS in his arms? It’s all about the vulnerability, and the fact that she vehemently denies fainting ever dfjfkdksk it’s a scene that always stuck out to me in the books, and just another moment that adds to Tedros and Agatha’s slowly developing relationship
18. The Evergirls were so... mean. So, so mean. Why, why, why weren’t Kiko and Agatha friends?? Why was Tristan the only other Everboy mentioned..? Like, where’s Chaddick, best friend/brother to Tedros? Nicholas, my beloved. And the other Nevers, like Arachne and Ravan. I’m sure they were there, just not mentioned by name.
19. Werewolves and fairies. Agatha discovers their true origins in that they were once failed students from opposite schools, but they’re just... there in the movie. Speaking of, BANE. Bane the fairy, once a boy of Gavaldon, who saves Agatha’s life and dies doing so.
20. The gargoyle in Merlin’s Menagerie. Agatha yelling at Tedros “he was a boy! A little boy!” and punching him in the face. I know that scene was Gregor’s, but I did miss this scene. And the fact that many people turned animals caused a stampede because they wanted to be freed by her.
21. Why is Honora an evil stepmother? She isn’t even married to Stefan until book 2.
22. Agatha can grant wishes. SHE CAN GRANT WISHES. And that was shown... where?
23. The antisemitism behind Sophie’s witch design. Evil = having a hooked, large nose?? Not to mention how Tedros becoming evil meant having... facial scars?? Literally w h a t
24. Why don’t Sophie and Agatha know about the SGE...? Like, they’ve had kids taken from Gavaldon every four years. The SGE swan emblem is on every single storybook.
25. Swan pins on their uniform? Nope.
26. They separated Good and Evil in their forest classes? That, or Evil just didn’t... have any. Weird.
27. “Good with Good, Evil with Evil. Back to your tower before there’s upheaval.” Or not, seeing as the reflections on the half-way bridge never existed.
28. Agatha mentions ONCE how other people called her ugly growing up. Book Agatha is truly convinced of her ugliness, and how that makes her Evil and unworthy of being loved. She avoids looking in mirrors because she hates her reflection. She thinks it’s about how you look, not what you do. Then Dovey reveals herself as Cinderella’s fairy godmother, they have that wonderful mirror scene and Agatha finds herself smiling, and crying when she realises she was beautiful all along. I would’ve given anything to see that in live action.
29. Agatha’s Cinderella-esque dress was serving. She looked stunning. But I wanted her iconic midnight blue gown with gold leaves, and blue orchid crown. </3
30. No circus of talents. The scene where Tedros asks, “Agatha of Woods Beyond. Will you be my princess for the ball?” Him asking her to choose him, because he had already chosen her long ago. LIKE- not to mention how Agatha’s talent is shown once again, and that bit where the wolves shield Hester from punishment? Just wished we had seen it :’)
This is no shade at all to the actors, they did wonderfully with what they were given. I love that Tedros has brown hair (blond men with blue eyes scare me xoxo). But, as someone who’s had this series with me since I was 11, I was pretty disappointed. I think as a standalone film, it’s not that bad! Some... interesting music choices. Beautiful costume and creature design - I loved the stymphs, they were perfect. But as a book to film adaptation? Just... yikes. Not a fan.
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starrylayle · 2 years
I am so sick of people guilt tripping lesbians when we that say we feel queer baited by Sophie and Agatha. Aside from them already being heavily queer coded as individuals (I already made a separate post about that) -- they fucking kissed in the movie. On the lips, might i add. Before y’all start coming to me with the whole bs that is, ‘oh no it was supposed to be platonic!!’ and ‘kissing doesn’t have to romantic!!’.
I KNOW that. But let’s be real for a second. They kissed (on the lips) in a climactic moment, revealing that they were each other’s true love. If this had been a guy and a girl -- y’all would have never implied that shit was platonic. Hell, even if it was two guys!! That’s not how friends act! 
I feel like this is adding to the whole rhetoric that ‘Lesbian relationships are not serious’ and ‘oh they’re just really good friends’. 
We were queer-baited. I don’t care who you ship. I don’t care that Soman himself is queer. This film is reaching a wider audience and can potentially add to the negative representations of sapphics in media. 
Stop guilt tripping us. We deserve to be upset. And hopefully, we can influence the writers to retcon that stupid sisters twist. This doesn’t mean that agaphie has to be endgame (tagatha can still be) -- but i’d at least like an explicit confirmation for a little while.
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blink182times · 2 years
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Update: I did watch it and damn… I wish they were actually gay
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bloodbroox · 2 years
where every great fairytale begins….
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reddstuff · 1 year
Sophie:So what's for dinner?
Leonora, staring at the food she just burnt: Regret.
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xx-state-of-mind-xx · 11 months
Lesso: *falling asleep at the dinner table*
Dovey: Finally. I was wondering when those sedatives would kick in.
Anemone: Wait, you sedated Lesso?
Dovey: She hasn't slept in like 4 days. What did you expect me to do, ask nicely?
Anemone: I sedated her too...
Sophie: And me.
Agatha: Same. She needed sleep.
Anemone: *panicking* Alright, anyone who slipped Lesso something today raise your hand.
*everyone raises their hand*
Anemone: .....well fuck.
Dovey: ......Lesso, put your hand down.
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whore-mel · 2 months
This month was the month....I joined a dead fandom...😞😞
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Where is the school for good and evil (BOOK) fandom??
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petrichora-art · 6 months
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evelyn sader, dean for the school for girls
i really wanted to draw the beautiful evil lady who's absolutely mental. terrified the movie sequel (unavoidable) will butcher her.
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wisteriaum · 2 months
this audio reminded me of them if rafal was like a ghost and randomly appeared during tlea lol
also the proportions are like NOT the best but i think it's too late to fix😔
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The way that the sge movie seems to paint Sophie as a victim pisses me off to the nth degree
She is supposed to be evil and vain and looking down on everyone from the beginning. She looks down on Belle for feeding the homeless woman in the square because the woman was fat, she refuses to eat the food Honora makes for her despite her making Sophie’s favourite because she hates the woman. She makes friends with Agatha initially only as a good deed, treating Agatha as a means to her own ends and not as her own person. She feels no guilt over upsetting Radley who just wants to be her friend simply annoyance that she may not be taken to the school for good because of it. She does deeds she thinks are good such as placing a mirror in the church bathroom so people can go back to the pews looking good and she donates soap to an orphanage. Everything she does is based on the delusion that she is too beautiful and by extension good for her village. Her actions are clearly driven by her vanity and arrogance.
The movie makes Honora seem like an evil stepmother thus making Sophie’s dislike of her appear rational. The movie also changes how the girls first become friends so that it seems to be a genuine friendship on both parts. Because the girls only find out about the school that day, any “good” deeds Sophie does before this day become genuine to an audience. Visually as well, Sophie’s appearance is downplayed immensely: her dress appears to be hand made but not to the quality the original Sophie would want, the duller pinks of the dress make it seem dirty which makes Sophie appear less vain. Especially as her hair doesn’t appear to have had anything done to it nor does she appear to be wearing any makeup. This setup creates a character that is sympathetic to an audience with no vanity, no duplicity and no reason for staying in what is portrayed as a very unpleasant town.
Because of this setup, Sophie being sent to the school for evil makes no sense to an audience and even seems to merely be an admin error the staff are too scared to fix. This creates sympathy for her in an audience as this situation appears to not be her fault at all and looks horrible for her. Additionally Agatha blames Sophie’s action on Rafal and his “blood magic” (which was incredibly unnecessary) thus absolving her of any blame or responsibility for her actions.
All of this combined makes for a completely different character that appears to be a victim of circumstance instead of the original intention of her being this 100% evil girl who has been able to hide behind her beauty and the misconception that beauty makes people good
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liketwoswansinbalance · 2 months
The Storian to the brothers, centuries ago: I've rescued you from mediocrity. Be grateful.
Rafal to Rhian: I've rescued you from being alone. You have me. You don't need anyone else.
"Rafal" to Sophie: I've rescued you from mediocrity and from being alone. Why aren't you happy?
Sophie: Were you ever happy?
Agatha: Did anyone ever bother to ask what we wanted?!
"Rafal": No? Why is that important?
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