#sfw vore writing
digestive-system69 · 2 months
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➥ Very strong tastebuds! Sometimes this can be sensory hell as you can probably imagine, sometimes sensory heaven as well
➥ He never really thought about eating anyone until he probably saw something in a goofy ass cartoon, something like that
➥ Convinced M.arx to let him eat him, he tastes like sour grapes, not surprising, but also 4/10 because he's just so squirmy.
➥ Also convinced S.usie to let him eat her, she tastes like strawberries! But also she yaps too much 6/10
➥ M.agolor is probably his favorite, he tastes like blueberry muffins and doesn't squirm too much or complain about anything like S.usie does, M.agolor is muuuch nicer about it, to the point he's somewhat of T.aranza's go-to for nomming someone, 10/10
➥ Very sensitive to movement in his stomach.
➥ Has eaten a willing waddle dee, they tasted like a fruit gummy kinda, and then he ate more fruit gummys and got the worst stomach ache ever (FROWNY FACE)
➥ Sometimes eats a ton of food that tastes like M.agolor or someone else when he can't nom them for whatever reason and then immediately suffers for it (he's okay tho dw FROWNS) 
➥ He's too far down the eating his friends rabbithole to just stop now, he has to show his friends he loves them in SOME WAY or else he goes kinda insane/j
➥ Would get kinda pissy if he had to be eaten by someone for whatever reason, weirdly feels like he's being babied somehow to him.
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cowardlysimon · 7 months
Happy Valentine's everyone here is the fanfic
Midas is inside his yacht currently trying to find something to do… Despite having everything anyone could need on here he just doesn't see anything that catches his eye. With a sigh, he leaves the kitchen and walks back to the back of the yacht to see if someone is there, walking out onto the deck and towards the back he looks out at the ocean and the nearby land. It's quiet tonight or at least it feels like that if you ignore the distant gunshots from some Loopers. Other than that it's nice out here.
As Midas listened he could tell something was off. Assuming it was just a Looper, Midas quickly went to the side of the yacht and stared down into the water. There he saw a man who was no Looper (or at least this version of him wasn't.) Jonesy, or Agent John Jones clinging to the ladder on the side of the yacht. His eyebrow raises as Jonsey looks back with a scowl. Midas, a bit amused and a bit confused (HELL YEAH THAT RHYMES) decides to watch as Jonesy slowly climbs up onto the deck from the ladder. After climbing up Jonesy shakes himself off and takes a deep breath. He is completely soaked in water which makes him feel a bit cold against the cool night air. He looks at Midas and puts his hands on his hips. Midas copies him and shakes his head.
“What is it now? I thought the IO had more important business than bothering me…” He sounds annoyed at seeing Jonesy at such a late hour and when he's already irritated at the fact he has nothing to eat or at least nothing he wants to right now. Jonesy gives him a questioning look.
“This is important business! We caught onto the fact you have some device out there on the island that you're doing God knows what with…” Jonesy replies angrily at Midas. Despite his anger, he shivers from the cold air hitting him. Midas sighs and decides to see what exactly Jonesy knows about The Device.
“Sure… Well. What do you think I'm doing with this… device?” Midas questions. Jonesy gives him a confused look.
“You think that's something I would know? It's impossible to tell what plans you have with that thing…” Jonesy moves a bit closer to Midas causing Midas to back up, now concerned.
“Hey! I'm not planning anything horrible nor do I have some device or whatever you're talking about!” Midas replied, not enjoying how intrusive Jonesy was getting with him. He steps back so Jonesy isn't so close and doesn't attack him or whatever he may do. (Remember that video of that dude fucking jumping at the judge 😭). Jonesy didn't move forward again but he watched Midas closely. After a moment of just standing there, Midas sighed.
“You look cold.” He points out Jonesy is still dripping with water. Jonesy looks down at himself and sighs. He is cold and wet, though there's not much he can do about that right now.
“So? What about it?” Jonesy looks confused. This causes Midas to think for a moment. He then spoke up.
“You wanna come inside? It's warmer…” He asks, a bit hesitant but oddly it feels okay to ask that. It shouldn't but.. whatever. The question mostly leaves Jonesy surprised but he decides to agree.
“Fine… sure. I'll go in.” Jonesy replies before following Midas inside the yacht. Midas just ignores Jonesy and leads him into the yacht. It is a bit warmer here but Jonesy is still wet. Taking notice of the water dripping onto the ground, Midas goes to grab a towel from one of the bathrooms for Jonesy. Jonesy seems surprised to see Midas do something like that but he takes off his coat and wraps himself in the towel. He sighs as he feels a bit warmer, looking back at Midas he smiles a little.
“Thanks…” He looks down at the towel and wonders for a moment why he even accepted this. Feeling the softness of the towel he looks back at Midas who has picked up his jacket.
“Do you need me to wash this?” Midas holds up the jacket causing some water to drip on the ground. Jonesy sighs and nods.
“Uh- sure thanks…” Jones holds the towel closer as Midas nods and walks off to get the jacket to wash. Jonesy ends up following him. Seeing how nice Midas is being is a bit odd… he starts wondering if this could be a trap or something. As he worries more, Midas speaks again.
“I guess you know about The Device. I'm just gonna say it's not anything awful like you've been told..” Midas let out a sigh and put the jacket to wash. Jonesy looked confused.
“So, if it's supposedly not for anything bad then what are you using it for?” He questions causing Midas to look around.
“You know The Storm right? I can push it back and stop The Loop. I know I can.” Midas looks back at Jonesy to see his reaction. Jonesy looks confused.
“What? You can??” He moves closer to Midas and speaks again
“You know you could probably disrupt The Loop, make The Storm worse… right?” He seemed worried now that he knew what Midas had planned. Midas nods.
“I know, I know it sounds bad or awful but please just trust me..” He looks at Jonesy who doesn't seem impressed with whatever Midas has planned. His concern for the entire Zero Point and Midas grows.
“How can I even trust you when you go behind everyone's backs, leave the IO, and do all this?!” Jonesy steps towards him but Midas just stands there not threatened by him.
“Well, you can trust Geno but not me?! What kind of logic is that, don't you hate that he gave you immortality?? I feel like I'm trying to help someone other than myself!” Midas argues back, causing Jonesy to scowl.
“Stop getting into my private business!”
“Well, I'm gonna get into it when you are getting into mine!”
“Whatever. I'm taking you back to the IO..... don't feel like fighting.” Jonesy huffed and tried to drag Midas away. Midas pulled away.
“I'm not going with you. Just leave it and I'll leave you alone...” He backs up from Jonesy. Jonesy growls
“Just come with me damnit!” Jonesy yells. Midas sighs and puts his hands over Jonesy's, noticing he looks very angry at Midas bringing that up.
“Calm down. Please..” Midas tries to be comforting as he'd rather nothing happen between the both of them causing more issues between them and most likely gegeturt. Jonesy tries to back up and calm down as he doesn't want to be violent with Midas either. He looks at Midas and suddenly gets an idea of how to calm himself. He sighs and looks at Midas.
“Okay… just come here.” He looks at him expectantly. This causes Midas to look confused but he follows. Jonesy hugs him tightly without much warning at all, his arms squeezing around Midas's back. A hug is not what Midas expected at all. His eyes widened and he looked up at Jonesy. For a moment the two sat still in this position before Midas wrapped his arms around Jonesy as well.
Jonesy soon let go and sighed.
“Can we both agree to not bring that up again…?” He questions
“Yeah, just as long as you don't try to kidnap me or whatever again…” Midas laughs a bit causing Jonesy to sigh.
“Well, this is my job! I dunno what else to do..” Jonesy crosses his arms and turns away from Midas to look back out at the water. Midas thinks for a moment before an idea comes to him.
“Hey, why don't you come inside? I can let you stay and relax. It would be better than going back to the IO..” Midas looks at Jonesy as he speaks hoping he agrees.
After a bit of thinking Jonesy agrees.
“Alright, sounds better than going back to work without getting my job done..... maybe I'll think of an excuse while I'm here.” Jonesy followed him inside the yacht which was decorated with a lot of golden items. Most of it was accidentally turned into gold. Midas eventually gets to the living room on the yacht. He sat down and Jonesy followed sitting next to him on the couch. Jonesy kept messing with his hands, seemingly nervous or thinking about something. Midas, just assuming it was work-related, decided not to ask. Jonesy meanwhile was looking at the TV trying to distract himself but he couldn't get his mind off something.....
Looking back at Midas he looked worried. So Jonesy let out a sigh and decided to speak.
“Can you let me eat you?” He let out the question so quickly Midas hardly understood but after a moment of thinking he realized what Jonesy said and just stared at him. Jonesy panicked.
“I'm sorry that was weird to ask…” Jonesy moves away from Midas.
“No….Uh- I'll do it if you want to. I think it would help you calm down and get your mind off things as Midas gets up so this can be easier. Jonesy is shocked Midas acted.
“Wait. You really wanna do this?” He stands up as well. Midas nods. After a bit of hesitation, Jonesy lifts Midas by his waist making sure he is comfortable while being lifted. Midas looks surprised Jonesy easily lifted him but not really. He assumed he was strong. (Stop being gay before I get in a fist fight in the parking lot of the local Durrr Burger.)
“You're okay with this??” He tilts his head a bit still surprised and confused because Midas even agreed to this in the first place.
“Of course I am. Just do it Jonesy…” He smiles, causing Jonesy's entire face to go red.
“Okay, well let's just do this…” Jonesy mutters before opening up his mouth. He hesitates a bit before he shoves Midas inside. Midas is immediately hit with how warm and humid it is. Though he doesn't mind that. It's so comfy. Midas is pushed back towards Jonesy's throat where he is eventually squished through. It's much warmer but still comfortable enough that Midas doesn't mind it at all. Being shoved deeper and deeper into Jonesy Midas allowed him to relax. Meanwhile, Jonesy was just as happy to swallow Midas. He wasn't too worried about him as he's done this plenty of times before. (NOT SAYING WHO JONESY ATE DO NOT ASK ME OR HIM OR ANYONE 🤫🤫)
With a few more swallows Jonesy gets Midas down his throat completely. He sighs as he can finally get his breath in after swallowing him. He sat back down on the couch as his stomach filled with Midas who was being squished inside there.
Midas feeling himself entirely inside immediately began trying to get comfortable. He eventually finds a good enough position and curls up. He doesn't mind the saliva inside here or how warm it is, it feels safe.
Jonesy sighs and puts his hands over his stomach feeling better with a full stomach. He lies back and allows himself to just enjoy this feeling of Midas as close and safe as possible with him. Both of them felt so safe and close like this it was all that mattered right now. Just both of them together.
And then they start kissing and being gay after this HOORAY!!!
Take G/e/no before I go away forever bye!!!
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suzyandthefox · 4 months
ok but like
Vore in a protective , parent-like sense will always get me, it will always remain my favourite.
A pred giving a prey a comfort they lost, being their home temporarily.
The pred saying things like
"You're safe now"
"I will protect you"
"You're very brave, I'm proud of you"
For the pred to call their prey "little one" "small one", etc.
For the pred to hum a gentle lullaby to their scared prey
And for the prey to say things like
"Hide me"
"Protect me"
"I have no home/no body/nowhere to go"
The descriptions of a stomach as a cradle, the soft sobs a frightened prey lets out as they huddle into the soft flesh, they speak their fears and pain into the walls and the folds of the being around them.
And the walls listen to them.
To be cared for, to be loved, to be hidden where no one should see or harm you.
Idk man.
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"You poor thing..you're freezing." The predator slowly bent down, the leaves in the trees rustling as they shifted. They were the biggest giant you'd ever seen..their features shadowed by their hood. The moonlight behind them illuminated their outline and you could see a faint glow of purple from somewhere in the void that was their face. A ginormous clawed hand suddenly pressed against your back, jolting you from your terrified daze.
"Humans like you shouldn't be out here this late..you're far too fragile. If any other giant had found you, you'd be dead by now. Luckily I found you." There was an air of smugness in their tone as they wrapped their fingers around your torso, lifting you to their face. You could see them a bit better now that you were closer. They were pale, face covered in scars, and eyes glowing a gentle purple color. "Don't worry, I'll help you out of the woods." Their voice was quiet, but still confident. You could see a glimpse of sharp white teeth from behind their lips as they spoke, teeth easily big enough to cut you in half with one swift bite.
They gently tucked you against their chest, a claw rubbing against your back in an almost comforting way as they began to walk. "Humans like you aren't built to survive the snow like this..how did you get lost out here?" They looked down at you. Your mouth felt dry, you wanted to speak but no words could come out. You heard a quiet unintelligible grumble from the giant. "Can you speak? I need you to tell me where you live.." They shifted you so that you were pressed a bit lower towards their stomach. A loud growl thundered from the predator's core, making you sweat.
"Ah..sorry, small one. I didn't eat today." They said quietly, stopping their walk to look down at you. "I really do need to know how to get you back, I doubt you'd want to spend the night in my cave." They reasoned. You opened your mouth but you found yourself still unable. This was the scariest situation you'd ever been in, your brain completely blank as you tried to scramble for something to say. They didn't seem annoyed..but they didn't seem too pleased with your silence either. You'd hardly noticed that your trembling was worsening, but they sure did.
"Are you really still that cold? Poor thing..it's been so long since I've handled humans, I forgot how weak your bodies are to nature. I can't have you freezing! That wouldn't be very fun, now would it?" They shook their head and lifted you once again up to their face. "I have a way to keep you warm until you can tell me where you live, but I doubt you'd like it much." They gently brushed the hair from your face with a claw. You felt a pit form deep in your stomach..what did they mean? You figured that whatever it was couldn't be worse than being out like this.
"I'll be gentle, I promise. Just try not to struggle too much.." You felt a claw gently prod at your shoes. You looked down just in time to see them fall off and onto the forest floor below. The giant didn't seem to care, and you'd been so distracted staring at the ground you didn't realize you were now directly in front of their mouth. The moment you looked back up, you were greated with a flourish of warm air, their mouth opening up wide. It was dark..you could only see their first few teeth and a faint purple glow from down their throat. Your shaking worsened but they didn't hesitate, setting your shivering form down onto their tongue. You immediately tried to turn and jump from their mouth bit their teeth snapped shut with a near-deafening click.
You were pressed against the roof of their mouth without a moments hesitation, their tongue soaking you in saliva. Their mouth was overwhelmingly warm, a complete contrast to the world outside. They kept you pinned, gently licking you a few times, before allowing you to gather yourself, laying flat against their tongue. You felt something metallic against your leg, turning to try and see what it was. Your eyes had somewhat adjusted, and with the help of the glowing from their throat, you saw that it was a tongue piercing. You hadn't seen that before in your sheer panic.
The world around you began to shift and pull you backwards, causing you to panic. They were tilting their head back, you could only assume they were going to swallow you. You quickly twisted your body as fast as you could, tiny hands reaching to grab onto the ball of the piercing. You missed by just a hair, slipping backwards and closer to their throat. In just one gulp, you were completely swallowed, sliding down their throat on your way to what you assumed to be your final destination. Their throat squeezed around you- you could hear a powerful thud from deep inside of them. You assumed it was their heart beating, drowning out the sound of your own thumping in your ears.
You slid into their stomach, rather shocked to find the source of the glowing had been from here. It was the same color as their eyes, but a bit more dim. There was no liquid filling the space around you, and you breathed a sigh of relief knowing you weren't about to be digested. They began to walk once again, their stomach gently swaying with their pace. "Sorry about not warning you beforehand, your kind are so skittish, I knew you wouldn't have agreed if I gave you a heads up." Their voice was a bit muffled, but you could still hear them clearly enough.
You began to move, shifting so that you were leaning up against the stomach lining. Well..it was definitely a change compared to the cold outside. It was almost comforting, knowing that you were this safe, even if that safety was coming from a total stranger. "You tasted pleasant enough..the fear made you a bit bitter, but I'm not complaining." They told you, making you almost roll your eyes. They'd just scared the life out of you and they were complimenting you on your taste now? They were right though- they definitely weren't the worst giant that could've found you.
The more you sat there the more tired you found yourself. The gentle swaying combined with the warmth and the way you practically sunk into their stomach was too good to resist. You allowed yourself to close your eyes..you weren't going to sleep, no, you just needed to allow yourself to rest. That was the last thought you had before drifting off into the deepest sleep you'd had in awhile, surrounded by the warmth of the stranger.
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safe-from-sharp-teeth · 7 months
consider: bug preds
you want variety? insects represent 40% of all living species. have a cuddly isopod pred or a scary praying mantis, ur choice
having an exoskeleton means their insides are extra squishy! maybe!
(and you feel extra protected inside :) )
crazy anatomy. extra arms, extra legs, the stomach is always in some wacky location
there is something sobering about the idea of being inside a creature most humans consider the lowest of the animal kingdom, literal “pests”. what does it say about your own worth, to find comfort and fear in one of the lowest rungs of existence? what does an ant’s heartbeat sound like? what does-
i like mandibles
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fiber-optic-alligator · 4 months
(Not a request dw) (I had to get this idea out of my head real quick.)
The idea of Drift swallowing his Little One to protect them from another mech trying to take them for themselves. The pair of them had been sitting, and idly chatting (Even if it was mostly a one-sided conversation.) when another mech had come along. Clearly interested in getting their servos on a tasty little human. It'd start with Drift growling lowly as a part of his warning to the potential human-thief that it'd be a bad idea to try his patience. Obviously he'd want to talk things out first, but a small possessive part of Drift loathes the idea of being separated from His Little One. So the "chat" is intermingled with his growling.
The next action Drift would take if the intruding mech persists. Would be to scoop his Little One up to keep them out of reach of the other mech, the growling of his engine growing more intense to dissuade the mech from taking things any further.
But if all else fails, Drift is probably just gonna make a show out of swallowing His Little One. Before growling loudly one last time out of possessive irritability, and walking away from where he'd been seated. He loathes acting like that, as it reminds him of his Deadlock days, but he wasn't about to let his Little One be stolen away by someone who wasn't going to be Nearly as careful with them as he is. It just wasn't going to happen. Speaking of which, he has some apologizing to do to His Little One after he gets back to his Habsuite, and retrieves them from his tanks. Oh dear.
Ok, but, the feeling of being swiftly (But carefully) swallowed by Drift while he's growling up a storm would be Far more jarring than the experience of being swallowed typically would be. The world around you shaking rhythmically, loudly as peristalsis drags you further down into Drift's humid depths. But even when you know Drift would never hurt you, (On purpose) being swallowed, and so thoroughly rattled by his animalistic growls fills you with dread as you sink deeper within him. You land in his stomach as he lets out a more aggressive growl. His tanks clench close around you, just as possessively as your mech is behaving externally. But when you feel him get up, and walk away his tank releases it's hold on you allowing you to breathe again.
It's different when he growls with you in his tank, than when he purrs. The sounds of his gentle purring lulls you to sleep most nights, and results in only a slight shaking sensation. But his growls rattle you to your core, and leave you feeling threatened by the typically placid mech. Drift, who loves you too much to let you leave fall into the servos of someone who can't give you the care you need. Like he can. Like he will.
I’m sorry I HAD to write something about this. I know this wasn’t a request but this scenario is honestly so, so good. The way you worded it was beautiful. GOD, what I wrote isn’t half as good as what you sent but I was inspired. What I wrote isn't a carbon copy of your idea, but I still really enjoyed putting this idea into story form. GOD I STILL CAN'T GET OVER IT. Drift certainly does love you too much to let you be taken by someone else. He loves you too much to let you leave. After all, you are is little one. There's no changing that.
PLEASE let me know if you like the little story I wrote. THANK YOU AGAIN FOR THE INCREDIBLE ASK! I'm gonna look back at reread at least twenty times now lmao.
WARNING! WHAT IS WRITTEN BELOW THIS CONTAIN SOFT VORE. If this is something that makes you uncomfortable, please do not read!
“Hey, are you going to have that?”
  Drift looks up. The mech staring back at him is stocky and short. He has some grime splattered across his chassis and arms: oil. An engineer. A name does not stick to the face, and Drift takes a quick moment to try and recall it. Nothing.
  “Excuse me?” is all his confusion will allow him to say.
  “The human.” The stranger gestures to the table. “Are you gonna have it?”
  Drift looks down. On the table is a datapad displaying a sparkling’s story with funny little illustrations. Observing the pictures is you. The library is a quiet place. Drift comes here frequently to either read or simply clear his mind. He enjoys bringing you along as well; ever since you found out there was a library aboard the Lost Light, you have shown a strong fascination with Cybertronian writings. He doesn’t know if you get the gist of what they mean, but you give him such excited, pleading looks when he lets you observe them, that he can’t help but let you indulge. So, he provides you with simple readings. The ones with pictures are what you seem to enjoy best. You’d sit there for hours if you could, looking at the datapad and trying to quietly sound out the Cybertronian words to yourself. It’s not something you do well, but Drift finds it so adorable. You attempting to mimic his language just proves how clever you are.
  He loves to watch you do this, and he frequently jumps in to help you say certain words right. Most of the time the two of you are quietly repeating them to each other in a sort of simple lesson. It’s one of the many things the two of you do as a bonding experience. Primus, Drift loves it.
  So who the hell is this random mech to barge in and interrupt by asking if he can have you?
  “Um.” Drift chuckles in disbelief. “They’re not for sale. Sorry.”
  “Oh, no, nonono.” The mech shakes his head and laughs too. “I don’t want to buy them from you. I want to borrow them. I’ve never had the chance to get my servos on one of these little beauties. It’s rare to find a human that doesn’t already have an owner.” He leers at you, swiping his glossa over his lips. “If you let me have a taste, I’ll pay you. However much you want, name your price.”
  You, who has been silently observing this entire interaction, shrink back nervously. Drift sees the way you look at the other mech in fear, and his mood immediately darkens. Something sour builds in his spark. He slowly reaches forward and curls his digits around you. It’s an obvious display of possessive protection.
  “They’re. Mine,” he growls. The sound is deep and dangerous, continuing on after he spoke his words. Though he doesn’t notice, you are clearly shaken by it. Chirping softly, you press your hand against his palm, trying to get his attention. But he only tightens his hold, never breaking eye contact with the threat before him.
  “Dude, I know they’re yours.” The other mech is clearly unaffected by Drift’s hostility. “You can spare a bit of time with them, can’t you? C’mon, just let me have a taste.”
  He makes a grab for you. Drift’s instincts kick in, and he snatches you away. You yelp when he presses you against his chassis. He makes a mental note to apologize to you later, but right now he needs to play the part of big bad mech. There can be no sign of weakness here. This stranger is clearly bent on stealing you from him. He won’t let that happen. You are his little one. His.
  Drift rises to his pedes, his growls elevating. The other mech doesn’t show any ounce of care and growls back, armor rising to clack. “I’ve waited for so long to try one of these things,” he says. “This might be my only opportunity! Just let me have them!”
  “They aren’t a thing,” Drift hisses. “They are a human. And if you can’t show them the proper respect and care they deserve, then you have no right to own this one, let alone any.”
  “You think just because you're third in command to the captain that you can lecture me on how to treat a human?” The mech gets into Drift’s face and flashes his fangs. “You don’t even know me! I’m not going to hurt it! I just want a taste! Is that so hard for you to allow?”
  “When it comes to a bot like you? Yes. It is.” Drift doesn’t waver. He’s taller than this mech. Stronger, too. Faster, and better at fighting. If it comes down to such actions unfolding, then so be it. He will do anything to protect his little one.
  Speaking of you…you cower in his servos, trying your best to appear invisible. He looks down at you, debating on how to handle this. The other mech obviously doesn’t intend on backing off any time soon, and if things do come down to a fist fight, he obviously can’t defend you like this. His best option for keeping you safe is swallowing you.
  The engineer puffs out his chassis and revs his engine. It’s a challenge.
  Drift accepts it. But not in the way he is thinking.
  He raises you high above his faceplate and lets you drop a little, until he has the back of your shirt pinched between his forefinger and thumb. You kick your legs and squeal, alarmed, and his spark wrenches at the sight. He wants to comfort you. He needs to comfort you. But he can’t, not while he’s making a show of this in order to prove he isn’t someone to be messed with. So despite how disgusted he is with taking advantage of your fear, despite how this makes him feel like a little piece of Deadlock is rising from the grave, he goes through with his decision and decides that if he wants to keep you protected, he needs to scare the other mech off…even if you are scared shitless too.
  He lets you go. Your high-pitched scream is abruptly cut off when you land in his intake and he quickly snaps his jaws shut. Slicking you up with solvent, he tilts his helm back and swallows you, swiftly, but gently. He makes sure the other mech can see you travel down his throat. You are nothing more than a little bulge that disappears into his chassis and is quickly consumed.
  The engineer stares. His mouth is open like he wants to say something, but no words come out.
  Drift licks his lips and continues growling, as loudly as he can. He watches the other mech’s helm lower, optics on the floor. Intimidated. Good.
  “Never come near me or my human again,” he says. “They’re mine. Do you hear me? Mine.”
  The challenger offers no protest. Drift pushes past him and leaves the library, not looking back.
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  You have never seen this side of Drift before.
  When he swallows you, he is always careful with you. He takes things slow, allowing you to move along with his pace, giving you every opportunity to tell him no, you don’t want this right now.
  However, this case is entirely different. He didn’t even give you a chance to gather your bearings before he was tossing you into his mouth and gulping you down with a rushed sense of urgency. Oh, he was gentle. Of course he’s always going to be gentle with you. But after watching the way he interacted with that strange mech, who you know wanted to eat you just from the way he had been looking at you like a lion looks at a fresh piece of meat, you can understand why he’s being so quick. This is being done for your preservation.
  But god, that doesn’t mean this isn’t terrifying.
  Everything around you shakes as you are pushed deeper and deeper within him. His esophageal muscles are tight, the rolling sensation of being swallowed not as soothing as it should be. His growls ring in your ears and leave you feeling rattled. He sounds dangerous. He sounds like an animal.
  It scares you.
  When you make it to his stomach, you are practically shoved inside. There is no chance to catch your breath, no opportunity for you to nestle in and get comfortable. The walls move in to give you the tightest squeeze of your life. You are squished uncomfortably between living cables that pulse with the bright, possessive desire to never let you go. Every angle is taken up by him. All you can see is blue biolight. And all you can hear are his throaty rumbles.
  There is no end to it. Even when you feel his stomach gently sway with the rest of his body as he walks away, the organ only holds you closer, gurgling possessively. You feel like you are being told that you are his. Because you are.
  You should be consoled by this fact. But no such feeling comes to compete with the claustrophobic dread that fills you.
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  Drift is fuming when he stomps back into his habsuite. He paces back and forth, then drags his chair back and sits in it with a heavy puff of exhaust. Tapping his digits against his desk, he imagines his fist grabbing that engineer by the back of the helm and smashing his faceplate into the nearest wall. How dare he? How dare he just waltz up to him and ask to taste his little one? The nerve of some bots!
  I’ll have to put in a word to Ultra Magnus, he thinks. That engineer should be dismissed. He shouldn’t even be on the Lost Light. Disgusting behavior like that should be punished. It has to-
  He hears a soft whimper. His digits halt their fidgeting. He looks down at his middle and has his internal sensors scan your little form. Your heart rate is through the roof. Your breathing is erratic and unsteady. And…oh no. Oh, no, no, no. You're trembling.
  He loosens his grip on you and gives you room to move. But when that doesn’t do the trick, he decides that keeping you in there while you are in this state will only distress you further. So he clenches his tank muscles again, and pushes you upward, back through his esophagus and into his mouth. He slips you into his servos with practiced ease, turning you gently so you are on your back. You are covered in his solvent, chest heaving as you look up at him. Then, to his horror, you turn away from him and curl up into a little ball. You are still shaking. His spark sinks.
  He gently deposits you onto his desk and fetches one of his fluffiest blankets to wrap you in. You don’t resist him. You just sit there, giving him those big sad eyes you have whenever you are scared.
  “Little one?” Drift whispers.
  You chirp softly and hide your face. He whines. “No, no, don’t do that.” He hooks his index digit under your chin and tilts your head up. “Look at me, little one. Please.”
  You're still so afraid. He realizes that his big act in front of the engineer really affected you. Guilt rises. There has to be a way to get through to you and show you that he’s still the gentle Drift you know.
  He leans forward, cupping you close. Lowering his helm to be at your level, Drift coos out the call you always make when you want his attention. “Hello,” he murmurs in the foreign tongue. “Hello. Hello, hello.”
  You perk up a little when he mimics your calls. Tentatively, you say it back. “…Hello.”
  Drift beams. “Hello, little one.” He ruffles your hair, chuckling when you lean into his touch. “I’m so sorry I scared you. I…I had to show him that you are mine. I don’t want anyone trying to take you from me. They could hurt you. And if that happens…I’ll never be able to live with myself.”
  You seem to understand that he’s asking for your forgiveness. Sighing, you shuffle forward and reach out, pressing your hands against his nose. You chirp; much of it is indecipherable. But then…you begin to speak. Not in your language. In Cybertronain.
  “Love you,” you say to him. “Love you…love you, Drift.”
  He doesn’t know when you learned it. But he knows it’s the first time you’ve said it. He is your first I love you.
  He can’t contain himself. Drift purrs louder, cuddling you. “I love you too, little one. I love you so, so much.”
  You like cuddles. You deserve them. Today was a rough day for both of you. But knowing you still trust him is relieving.  And he promises you…he swears to you, he will never allow anyone to try and threaten you again.
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imfelinefinee · 1 month
Conceal and Hunt
Pairing: Seb.as.tian sol.ace x reader (Platonic / Romantic)
Summary: Hide & Seek
Notes: Saw a fish man, moral of the story. I like fish man, I'm gonna give him fish fingers for dinner.
Warnings: Soft vore / Nonsexual vore ( If that wasn't obvious), predator/prey behaviour, fearplay ig? Horror elements (it's a horror game), mild swearing, brief mention to trauma etc Remember to take careful of yourself and drink water! And sleep, that's important too. I kinda am posting it at 1am dont mind me-
Words: 4.7k+
Hastening the shivering drenched legs threatened to topple and plummet down to the floor; The clunky oxygen mask clung to their neck loosely with rubbery straps, repeatedly colliding with the skin of their neck and mouth. Small bruises formed from the more prominent hits from the face cover. 
The comlink that held for dear life within the dwelling of their ear, a hand reaching upwards to tug it back into its place, feeling almost like an earphone that threatened to fall out after so much jogging, a hindrance and distraction.
Attempting to regulate their breathing despite their racing heart, skipping a beat every so often amidst their panic. Their throbbing lungs sent a pang of pain every time they exhaled, accelerating in an attempt to soothe their lungs. Only causing the pounding discomfort to worsen each time.
Desks aligned the walls, lonely without their occupying chair. Coated in a thin layer of dust from a vacancy of use. Calculators, stacks of papers, pens, cups from even the occasional plant. More importantly, though, was the currency down in the depths known as data.
Data was an important asset as it allowed for trading with the facilities merchant, otherwise known as Z-13. Trading the facility’s data in exchange for important supplies such as code breachers or med kits. All essential in the survival of the hell that was the place they roamed. 
Urbanshade Blacksite is the literal embodiment of purgatory in which “sinners” undergo harsh environments to endure and complete the mission of collecting the facility power supply, a powerful important crystal.
To a point where they were willing to redeem heinous criminals of their crimes if they were successful in their attempt to get the crystal. Not only that but the crystal held a bounty of a large sum of cash as well, meaning that they’d be rich by the end of it too.
Not all the convicted were criminals though, some took it as their only chance to escape from their guilty sentences. Only to fall to the same fate as all the others who came to Blacksite, besides one survivor in particular.
 It was a miracle they’d made it thus far.
The occasional locker that housed an abandoned lab coat made of the essential lifelines within the facility, was used as a covert hiding place from the monsters that lurked in the dark. The only sanctuary given to the people down in Blacksite. However, it wasn’t always the case as a creature occupied the lockers at times.
Tentacled beasts that camouflage themselves within the locker, threatening the only safety towards the expendables. Given the name, the void. If one hadn’t looked for their multiple piercing purple eyes that glowed under the light, they’d either be consumed by the creature if no one nearby came to the rescue.
The memo was simple. Trust no one. Trust only yourself.
Sprinting down the hall, only for it to appear longer than usual. The door seemingly moved further and further away into the distance as their hopes held low as they clung to desperation for their chances at survival. 
Everyone inevitably died in Blacksite, it was a miracle they’d make it thus far into their journey as they did. But, it likely wouldn’t last much longer. It wasn’t their fault they were convicted, it was an act of survival, as it always had been. 
Death almost embraced them at every second, something they were far too acquainted with in surface life and the depths of Blacksite. Tears clung to their tear ducts, pouring out like an overfilled glass of water.
The occasional sob escaped them, reminding them of so many dreaded horrible memories. They yearned to see their family, their friends, and their pets that awaited their return. To curl up in the safety of their home, within the blanketed sheets of warmth. Oh, how they missed it.
They wished they hadn’t taken advantage of it when they did, as it only served as a weight to their pain. Filled with regrets.
In spite, their disassociation halted. Leaving them confused as they bashed into the door. Quickly, they woke up to the reality of their situation. Realising that they’d reached their destination, flimsily pulled the lever with a sweaty palm. 
It took far too long for it to remember its function and open automatically, with shaky breath. They entered the next chamber, revealing another long corridor lined with nothing but a steep hill and windows. 
It seemed silent, too silent for it to be peaceful. With far too many encounters under their belt, they knew not to trust the atmosphere. It felt oddly reminiscent of a maze, with no end in sight as to where they were and how far they were from achieving their goal. 
The only comforting thing was the familiar hum of the ocean current outside the window, acting as a makeshift wind to the outside world. The only reminder of the world behind them with the sound of the occasional fish passing by, they would have spent their time there if it weren’t for the looming threat of death.
After taking a moment to compose themselves with a chug of bottled water, the irony of drinking water within the depths of the sea. Yet, essential to their continuous survival. It wasn’t every room they got to take a moment to themselves.
Listening for the sounds of growls, metal clanks or screams. It was all silent aside from the sporadic dripping sound of a leaking pipe or the sound of metal succumbing to the underwater pressure. 
Taking a step forward, tensely holding onto the rail that accompanied the stairway as a means of stability to their wobbly legs. Each footstep up the corridor sent them into exhaustion, their means of transport begging to rest and surrender. Yet, they refused and continued forward.
In the corner of their eye, they spotted movement. Their head snapped towards the window only to see something disappear into the darkness before they could fully spot what the lurking creature was. In case they were deluded, they checked behind them for a dweller. Only to find none.
Continuing onwards only to reach halfway through the steps with no issue. They refused to believe that it was merely their imagination, that they were hallucinating after going through so many of the same repetitive spaces of isolation. Looking back to the window with a grimace, eyeing the window with suspicion. 
Perhaps they were mistaken? Shaking it up to their imagination, though still bracing themselves in case of an encounter. Their thoughts went back to Sebastian, their “friend” down in the darkness. The two of them had a fair share of mutual exchange, both benefiting from one another.
The only friendly face that didn’t wish to kill them and they clung to that attachment for the sake of their sanity. Many times they had to hold back the urge to cry in front of the giant beast in favour of not hindering him with their pathetic cry of pleas. 
Small talk was the usual between them, hardly knowing more than necessary than the other. Yet after some time, they considered him a “close” friend. Perhaps even holding back some emotions and feelings towards him. 
After their initial brief encounters, the more they met up, the more familiarity grew between the two. Even a level of “fondness” from Sebastian as he always welcomed them warmly into his cramped shop, even being generous as to allow them to rest there when they needed it, desperately.
And right now, they needed it. 
Their stamina was at its limits, their body shivering from the lack of heat. Their body was unable to properly produce the warmth they needed after being drenched with water after having to go diving from the flooded areas they’d gone through previously. If they weren’t careful, they could succumb to hypothermia. Which wouldn’t be the most comforting way to die.
Endless, infinite. A relentless maze of torture, horrors beyond human comprehension. The only driving force going forward was the hope of familial warmth and the instinct for natural survival. 
It compelled them.
Turning their head towards the window instinctively, their vision blurred and dazed as they believed themselves to be falling asleep due to exhaustion. Their eyelids were heavy, although their panicked breaths remained the same.
As they made eye contact, an influx of pain shot up to their head like a pounding migraine. Quickly realising that they’d been compelled like a siren’s spell by the Eyefestation, its many green eyes staring into the depths of their body.
Fighting back against the urge to glance back, they forced themselves to peer away from the Eyefestation, little by little. The incoming headache increased its pressure, making them wince and groan in pain from the sudden weight on them.
Its glowing neon green eyes were like venom to their psyche, breaking down their already mentally weak barriers and taking advantage of that weakness. To make them succumb to it, as it somehow processed an ability of telepathy.
Gripping the handrail into a deathly grip, the only means of keeping them upright and balanced in the situation they found themselves. Biting back the urge to belittle themselves for letting down their guard, they pressed on.
Their free hand gripped the hairs atop their head harshly, taking out a few strands in the process, irritating their skull. Slowly, they made their way to the top and hurriedly jerked the handle on the door. Retreating into the safety of the next room. 
‘Please… Give me a break…’, they sighed as their head became dull and numb, a lingering headache from the encounter. Which was likely to interfere with their focus later on if they weren’t careful. How fortunate were they today?
Begrudgingly, pulling themselves from the wall they found themselves leaning up against. Fluttering their eyes open in an attempt to clear up the haze that clouded their vision, only to spot a dash of light upon them.
A bright red one.
“Shit…”. Picking up the sound of whirring machinery as it worked, hearing small clunks of metal. It became all too apparent to them that it was the sound of reloading bullets, right towards them. Their eyes shot to a stack of metal crates.
Ducking as a barrage of bullets was shot at them, sending a wave of shivers down their spine as they tucked into a roll, narrowly dodging the bullets with the skin of their teeth. Taking shelter behind the crates as the shots continued to fire.
The spot they’d previously stood at now lay with holes in the walls and floor, black marks of oxidation of the metal that housed them. If they hadn’t moved when they had, they likely would’ve been shot to death. Instantly.
Leaning back against the crates for cover, their hand reached for their beating heart in an attempt to calm down as the organ threatened to burst out from their chest. The turret halted its attack in favour of surveying the area in case they’d escaped, lurking around the area.
They held back the urge to cry in relief, which was far too close for comfort. They watched as the light went around in a linear pattern, left to right. A basic means of monitoring the area, leaving it vulnerable to blindspots and its activation panel across the room.  Which was their only way of getting out of their tight spot.
Yet, they couldn’t help but curl up against the crates. Hiding themselves from the sight of the AI that controlled the turrets, holding back the whimpers with a bite of their lip. Their fear catching up with them they held their shaking palm, holding it to their chest as everything slowly came back around.
They weren’t sure why they kept going on, why they kept fighting after everything they went through. A tear slipped past their defence after they held back the urge to break down and cry their lungs out, the stress of everything coming full circle. 
Barely holding themselves together, they couldn’t help but notice that it took just a little longer than usual for the turret to register that they were there and fire the bullets. Perhaps they surprised PAInter or didn’t notice until the last second, it was usually very fast to these things.
Sitting up into a crouch, they peeked out to look at the possible coverage from the turret. Only to notice a lack of defence. And knowing the turret, it would shoot at them the moment it noticed their movement.
But there was an opening if the turret looked in the opposite direction. It allowed them to run past it towards the panel if they were fast enough, it only required the right timing to do so, and seeing as they’d gotten through this many times before, they were capable of accomplishing the infuriating task. 
Waiting, and when they spotted the perfect opportunity to strike, they took it. Charging towards the panel and yanking the lever to turn off the dangerous machine, letting out a sigh of relief as it shut down.
“UGH- Come on! You’re no fun at all!”. The well-known high-pitched robotic voice cried out, a visual screen appearing on the door’s HUD. An annoyed scribbled face stared down at them with its frowny brows and upside-down smile. 
Crossing their arms, they glared back at the face on the monitor. The two of them stared at each other before the screen animatedly rolled its eyes, disappearing and returning the screen to its usual display of numbers.
No idea why a corporation wasted its funding on electric signs, it was impractical as the AI had long since taken over the security of the base. Putting the thought aside, they rummaged through a desk, finding the keycard necessary to unlock the door. Making their way through to the next area. At last.
The next room consisted of pitch-black darkness, letting out a groan as they grabbed their flash beacon off their holster and flashed the room like a flash grenade, using the light to momentarily scan their surroundings.
Spotting no threats, they continued towards the corresponding sound. They were really unfortunate with the amount of encounters they had with the occupants of the facility, hoping to make it back to the safety of Sebastian’s dwelling. It couldn’t come sooner.
Treading forward with the cramp in their leg, rubbing their eyes in an attempt to soothe their soreness. Exhaustion was shown in their poor posture, leaning forward with frustrating back pain. Complaining about it like they were an elder.
Stretching out as a yawn escaped them, the sound of cracking bones as their joints and bones clicked back in place, relieving them of the tension that had built up. A sigh of relief allowed them to feel at ease. At least temporarily.
With the moment of relaxation over, they progressed to the corresponding room. After so many rooms, it was tiresome at this point. A repetitive cycle of entering rooms, responding to threats, and going forward. It was necessary but infuriating.
They stopped when they heard the distant continual clang of metal, their senses returning to the same state of alertness. The familiar dread of fear returned as it burned at their chest, glancing behind them in distress just in case it was another wall dweller stalking behind them. 
It confused them to hear the sound, it wasn’t anything they were accustomed to. It was something heavy moving through the vent, which was rather suspicious considering nothing they knew occupied the vents. Unless it was a monster, one they didn’t know.
With caution, they moved forward into the next mundane chamber. The banging only got louder, sounding closer and closer as it roamed above them. As if the creature were right above them within the ceiling, the only thing separating them was the thick layer of metal that likely wouldn’t hold long with the power the beasts held in Blacksite.
 The lights malfunctioned, flickering as their power struggled to maintain its current of electricity. Reacting speedily and swiftly, they raced towards the nearest locker with a quick scan of the void’s eyes before ramming open the doors and diving in, bracing for the screams of the angler or fighting back against pandemonium if it had spotted them. 
Which wouldn’t be easy, especially on their poor hands. They’d have to waste some of their precious medical supplies on the scratches and bruises on their hands, repeating the process rooms later. 
A loud bang of metal rang around the room, tearing the vent entrance off its hinges with a mere punch as it echoed and reverberated off the walls of the room, sending it flying against the other wall as something pulled itself out of the vent. 
It wasn’t the tip taps of a wall dweller's stumpy footsteps, nor was it the sound of moving water or the sound of a rushing angler. It wasn’t any of that, it was the noise of something rustling against the floor. Movement without the help of walking with two feet. 
A low yet audible hissing rumbled throughout the room, constant as whatever moved across the floor stalked the room like a hungry predator, hunting for its prey. It knew they were in the room as it refused to leave, pursuing them as it checked the room constantly. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
To conceal themselves further, they held their hands over their mouth to hinder the sound of their breathing, refusing to move even a single muscle in fear of being found by the thing. Only hearing the sound of their heartbeat, their hot breath and the lingering hissing of the creature as it sounded far too close for comfort.
Too close. 
Suddenly, another blooming bang rang out, louder and thundering as the heavy metal object collided with the floor. Followed by the break of ceramic as a potted plant was flung across the room in the beast's frustration. Letting out a monstrous growl in the process as it continued to throw down lockers and desks in its rampage.
They couldn’t help but hold back a flinch every time something was sent flying, the thundering noise crashing only getting louder and louder as it drew closer towards them. 
Only for it all to stop.
Instinctively they held their breath, the sound of taps against the locker door beside them. As if knocking to come inside, an incentive for them to send them screaming. But, they refused. Not budging an inch in its attempt to scare them. 
Biting down their wounded tongue to a point they nearly hissed in pain, staying as quiet as possible so as not to hinder their hiding spot. Although they likely had been spotted long ago, the monster continued to toy with them as a form of entertainment.
It sent shivers down their spine, their arms shaking in pure terror of the beast on the other side of the door. It played with them like food, like prey. 
A shriek of horror, screaming as the doors of safety were suddenly sent flying open as claws ripped open the doors off the body of the locker. Leaving them open and vulnerable to the attack they were about to face, they quickly sprung up into action and ran past the beast's side towards the door.
Only for its claw to grasp their neck, a tight grip that threatened to rip open their throat or choke them to death. The safety of their foothold was stripped away as they were held upward from their neck, their feet kicked and squirmed as they struggled against its grip.
Their hands held onto the claw like a lifeline, their grip tightening on the wrist that held them as they struggled for breath. Tears poured from their eyes like a flowing waterfall as they cried out in pain.
“P-please! Let me go!”, the words barely made past their weak hoarse voice, begging the monster to free them from their cage. Almost choking on their spit as the beast let out a cackling laugh at their pathetic cries.
They opened their eyes.
What they saw was a sight that petrified them to their very core, sending a wave of dread and fear. Their mind panicked for fight or flight as they struggled to conclude, only to simply stay still as if playing dead. Their body ceased in their struggles as they witnessed the frightening sight before them. 
A large, cavernous maw with rows of jagged sharp teeth threatening to pierce their flesh. A bioluminescent muscle of a forked tongue dripping with saliva like a predator awaiting its prey after a long hunt of patience and struggle. 
Dangling them above its open jaw it prepared to crunch and chew them down with ferocious hunger, pressing them against their tongue as it tasted them for delicious flesh. Letting out a ravenous growl as it impatiently sampled its meal, dragging it across their face.
It pulled them closer, closer into their awaiting maw. Laying their face down on its tongue, narrowly missing the teeth. The mouth pooled with saliva, rapidly kicking out as they began to struggle against it, struggling to escape from their incoming fate.
Anxiety and adrenaline were their only company as they kicked out against the grip, attempting to bite down on the hand that held them. Only for a piercing growl to threaten them, silencing them for a moment.
Allowing the beast the opportunity to swallow.
A loud gulping sound as the monster swallowed them down into their anticipating stomach, strong in its pull as it only took a mere few gulps to send them down into its throat. Struggling was futile as the cramped oesophagus pushed against them, refusing to let them budge an inch. Leaving them with no option other than to wait for the pit that was the stomach of the creature. It could swallow them whole, like a bite of a morsel. Meaning they stood no chance against the offender, surrendering to their fault.
That was how it was going to end. With them being a beast's meal.
After a wait for the inevitable, the muscles pulled them down as they made their way into the belly of the monster. The walls dripped with mucus as it was spacious enough to house them within the cramped space. As if they were just the size for an appetising meal.
The stomach glowed faintly with blue bioluminescence like starlight littering the walls that would’ve otherwise been a comforting blanket in any other circumstances. It reminded them of a night sky as they curled up as much as they could within the claustrophobic space. 
Surrendering to their fate, they let out a whimpering cry.
“Pfft- You should’ve seen your face!”, a mocking voice reverberated around them. A voice they were more than acquainted with as they immediately recognised it. The chamber that housed them vibrated as the host let out a series of laughter.
Wiping away a tear from their eye, they punched the velvet wall with the hardest punch they could muster in their position. The predator let out a hiss of pain in between his laughs as he reacted to the pang of pain.
A hand crept its way to the wall of bruised flesh, rubbing it soothingly as it attempted to quell the pain of their hit. The wall collided with their diving suit, flinching away from the touch as they braced themself.
It halted.
“You… Okay?”, a worried voice called out to them. His tone was concerned yet hesitant as he asked the question as if the words were unfamiliar on his tongue. The walls pressed against them, his stomach tensed as if he were checking as if they were still there occupying his stomach.
Their body remained tense in their foetal position, sniffling as they held back the tears that threatened to leak out from their eyes. They’d already cried so much, they didn’t need to worry him with their fear.
Remaining silent, unresponsive as a whimper broke past their quivering lips. Barely holding their composure as they held back the urge to scream and cry out in a breakdown. Gripping the hairs atop their head.  A way of relieving stress.
He let out a thoughtful hum, seemingly understanding as it took him some time to think of a response to their reaction. Only to spill out a few words;
“I really scared you… Didn’t I?”. Sebastian was never exactly great at comforting people, after isolation for so many years. You learnt to threaten your way through, not to comfort the people who showed kindness to him. He hardly knew how to react at the time, often responding with distant words and a display of discomfort. 
This time, however, he was to blame for their fear.
“You think so?!...”, they snapped with a venomous tongue. Glaring at the stomach that encased them like a reluctant hug. The stomach quickly tensed at their words, and the hands that held the stomach yielded as he physically surrendered to their words.
The atmosphere was tense as the two of them couldn’t speak, Sebastian not too sure how to respond to their anger and them, keeping their mouth shut in fear of upsetting Sebastian and causing an argument between the two. 
Neither of them wanted to break the silence.
Eventually, Sebastian let out a sigh. His hand returned to their backside and rubbed it in an attempt to soothe and comfort them in a tender embrace. He’d never audibly apologise, the words poisonous to his vocabulary.
Letting out a sniffle, they leaned back against the touch. Accepting his makeshift apology as it was, finding comfort in the only touch of a friend within the depths of Blacksite. Allowing them to slowly relax and surrender to their exhaustion, letting out a yawn.
It was nice to be in another company, whether it be outside or inside. He seemed to chuckle as they relaxed against his touch.
“Tired, eh? I’ll have you know… I’ve recently decided to charge expendables to spend the night with me, a fair exchange. And seeing how you’ve already made yourself comfortable- And seeing as I caused you an… inconvenience… How about I offer you a discount?”. He played off his theatrics as usual, tending to prefer to lean back into his facade of dramatics.
“A discount?! After all that bullshit-”, they called out his ludicrously, crossing their arms in a frustrated huff. Of course the merchant would take any opportunity to seize money out of their customers, such was the life of a salesman.
Yet, he quickly surrendered. 
“Alright! Alright! How about I cut you a deal? Seeing as you’re a loyal customer, how about I let you use me as a sleeping bag for…”, he drew it out with the slurring of his tongue. “Free!”, he seemed to pat his stomach proudly at the idea of such a deal.
Annoyed by his dramatic acting, they pulled back their fist as they prepared to punch his flesh once again. He seemed to sense their movement as he quickly reacted against their retaliation. 
“Okay!- I’ll stop!... You should rest though, you’ve been through enough today”. He spoke surprisingly softly, and the hand that stroked their back gently continued in its path. The tender touch was enough to send them into a lull of safety, falling asleep mere moments later after his encouragement.
He held back a chuckle, allowing his occupant to sleep soundly in the comfort of his belly. The faintest of smiles on his face as he carefully navigated his body through the vents, attentive as to not wake up his loyal customer. Or should he say, friend? He wasn’t sure but knew that his attachment was going to be a hindrance to him one way or another.
It didn’t matter though, so long as they were safe.
He was surprised, to say the least. They managed to get pretty far away from him after their clumsy escape, perhaps it was a result of his stupor from the recovery of a flash beacon pointed into his eyes. Usually, he wouldn’t allow that off of any expendable person. But, he made an exception.
Maybe, too many exceptions. He was going to chase after them anyway, they had asked to practise against the horrors of Blacksite. And what better than the apex predator?
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cherrasitic · 6 months
Yo fellow Vore writers
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New adjective just dropped 🔥🔥
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tummietown · 9 months
the feminine urge to curl up inside a warm, breathing belly as a way to escape from the horrors of the real world
nothing would make me feel more secure than being cradled in the hands of someone so unfathomably giant and so, so, so kind. i need that right now. i need to be cared for. the thought of tender fingers curling around me as their maw opens up, a large, soft tongue curling around me slowly, reminding me of what i'm getting myself into. they'd be taking their time so as not to alarm me. with every twitch and jolt of my tiny body they would hesitate, afraid to startle me. as they hold their mouth open, warm breaths akin to that of a sugary-scented summer's breeze would wash over me in a steady, rhythmic pace. i would imagine the movement of their lungs as they breathe, envisioning each organic swell and contraction. they'd take pleasure in knowing what all i'd be thinking, aware after a certain point that my sheepish behavior is not fear, but rather,, something more light-hearted.
and then, i'd be pulled in. the light from the outside world would fade, replaced by a pitch-blackness unlike anything else. it's a comforting, breathing darkness that swallows me whole. this darkness is alive, and it tells me to simply relax. there is no need to strain my eyes with the light in an obnoxious, heartless world. darkness inside of them is where i find peace. besides, i know i'm not alone. if i was alone, the ground would not be shifting and squirming. there would be a soft *squelch* as the saliva trapped underneath their tongue is shifted about, eliciting a chuckle from me. i'd almost be able to feel the way they'd smile around me, knowing at the very least that they got me to laugh if nothing else. my laugh would trail off as my hands brush against their teeth, sharpened at the tips and yet completely harmless to me. to the lasagna i fixed from earlier, no, but i'm alive. i'm a person. they're free to tear into that lasagna as much as they'd like, matter of fact! i worked hard on it. me, however? i'm delicate to them. they know they must be gentle with me. they'd never use their teeth to hurt me. though, i do recognize that they'd like me to pay attention to those teeth of theirs. their tongue, soft and folded underneath me, would move to poke at the divot in one of their molars, bringing my attention to it in the process. i'd smooth my trusting hand over their molar and thumb at every individual detail. it's fascinating, really. i think a big reason why vore intrigues me so much to begin with is because it's all so terribly captivating. everything is alive, and everything alive surrounds me. it's comforting.
i really think we need to appreciate just how nice mouths are, y'know? i think that's an underrated part in vore. there's so much material, and yet it goes untouched for the most part, but i digress
we'd need to move on eventually. their maw would start to fill up with drool, and since i would have been anticipating the upcoming part, i'd already be comfortable and prepared for their tongue to lift, lift, lift, and send me sliding down their throat into a hot, pulsing abyss. every inch of my body would be coated in a thick blanket of slobber by this point, and i imagine that'd definitely make the journey down their esophagus much, much easier. i think most people fail to realize just how challenging it'd be to swallow someone whole without chewing, regardless of their size. or maybe we choose to overlook it bc vore can't technically exist at all irl anyway idk. i like to ramble lol
at some point, the tight, throbbing walls of their gullet would transition into a different space. i'd slip inside, recognizing my ability to move around and get comfortable unlike the other organ i was squeezed into after their swallow. as i'd lean my head back against the fleshy abdominal wall behind me, i'd feel a lack of resistance comparable to a beanbag chair and how it feels to lay in one. the walls would adjust to this new weight, moving to surround me. i would be cradled and held. adored instinctively. their stomach doesn't obviously have cognitive thought, but somewhere within the deep recesses of their mind, their brain perceives me as being more than just sustenance. i am loved here. this is my safe space, and nobody else would be able to agree. that is how i want this to be. if i could write my name somewhere in here, i would. that wouldn't last very long, though.
not a word would be exchanged between the two of us, and yet our silence holds more weight than anything we could say. my throat would feel dry, and i'd swallow a few times before raising my hand to pat at the lining of their precious gut. they'd laugh outwardly, and i'd know that if i could purr, i would be doing it. the tension in my muscles would dissolve into warmth, spreading throughout my small body. i am fragile and exposed, but that is how i like it. it's nice to feel small while being small.
for them, i'm unsure how they'd feel. i like to think that, while unnatural, this process would be enjoyable for them. the stinging ache behind their collarbone would be evidence of me, a reminder of the tiny body they carried into a comforting space. their soft fingers would rub at their neck, gracing over the spot near their adam's apple where i once was. they'd swallow again, feeling the bob of their throat. their hand would trail down to their stomach, pausing right above the taut flesh above their belly. with every rise and fall of my chest they'd feel movement, and they'd attempt to mimic it. i think they'd take in every foreign sensation one at a time, and i'd appreciate that. we're both still new to this, after all.
as they'd adjust themselves to get comfortable in bed, my environment would slowly move with me. i'd wait until i could no longer feel their movement, and then i'd curl up on my side in a small pool of gastric juices and drool. though very muffled, i'd hear the smacking of their lips and their deep, pleased hums as they savor what would be left of my recognizable taste clinging to the surfaces of their mouth. i might even hear them licking their fingers. i'd roll my eyes and bury my face into my arms, only to lift my head upon realizing that my arms are coated in slime. silly me. how could i forget? even with the constant drum of a strong heartbeat and the churning from below of a meal i prepared hours ago for them sounding all around me?
"you're a dork," i'd call out to them, my voice audibly cracking after so long of having nothing to say. the rumbling laughter that would surround me and the way their walls would squeeze around me briefly would remind me of just how small and frail i truly am within them.
"says the one who asked to be eaten earlier," they'd tease, a hint of playfulness evident in their tone. i'd scoff.
"yeah, well, i know you enjoy it. you'd be a liar to say you don't like the aftertaste i left in your mouth earlier," i would reply. they'd pause, and then i'd hear a hum without reply. being the way i am, i'd take that as surrender. not that it mattered. they'd be in a more lovey-dovey mood anyway.
the way they'd yawn would send chills speeding up my spine despite the hot, stale air within the depths of their insides. i'd reciprocate the yawn and then settle in contentedly once and for all within them, finding peace in the silence that would arise again. sometimes i like the silence between us more anyway. it's nice to enjoy your presence, especially when it's all that i can enjoy, really. i'm trapped within you. there's nothing else to focus on. everything is you. everything i look at, smell, hear, breathe in... it's you. it's all you.
thanks for that. i like being here. maybe we can do this again sometime?
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waxingwinchester · 22 days
giant!sam wichester who’s already unusually tall for his species, but he’s the personification of big and scary-looking on the outside and secretly just nervous and nice. and tiny!reader who’s one of the smaller ones of their species, making the divide between them even bigger
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digestive-system69 · 2 months
M.AGOLOR PREY HEADCANONS LETS GO !! (totally not a lot of m.agoranza undertones and overtones/j)
HEAHAHHEHAH @citrus-kiddo
Tumblr media
ෆ Doesn't exactly enjoy the feeling of being eaten at first, it's odd to him, but he gets used to it
ෆ Kinda likes being T.aranza's go-to for nomming someone, it makes him feel loved somewhat
ෆ Very quiet and doesn't move much when he's in T.aranza's belly, just kinda gets comfortable and eventually falls asleep
ෆ Doesn't like it when T.aranza eats food ontop of him both because it can feel weird on his fur but also because he knows damn well T.aranza's gonna get a stomach ache from it
ෆ Sometimes brings a stuffed animal in if he knows he's just gonna fall asleep (again), he likes something to snuggle with, he knows T.aranza won't judge him and he knows he's safe, and that is so nice to him
ෆ "Mostly" in it for the post-noms when he gets his fur washed and he's all sleepy and gets normal cuddles after a bath
ෆ Actually somewhat fascinated by T.aranza's teeth, he just really likes his little fangs that are so careful not to accidentally hurt him
ෆ Sometimes he's a yapper, but not like how S.usie is, he yaps about actually interesting things that T.aranza can actually have a conversation about (albeit they're both tired idiots most of the time when this happens) /j
I MAY edit this an add more but for nowww  this song is very m.agoranza /hj  https://open.spotify.com/track/3Uefgo7FfX7kDKR8QbA8fB?si=d4829cbcefcf4137
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citrus-kiddo · 2 months
Requested: Myself
Features: Moth pred/Firefly prey, half-sized vore, angst/comfort (kinda but not really-)
Word count: 665
Heads up! There's no names explicitly state so here's a little thing to help if you get confused! The firefly - she/her
The moth - they/she
Desiring to be loved was normal, right? Wanting someone to care and worry about you. Love is for everyone right? If that was the case, why was it so hard to find someone to love her? Maybe it was because of the way her antennas stood, or maybe the way she held herself, or maybe it was her light. Probably her light. Her light didn’t glow as bright as the others, others were bright and warm, her’s was dim and bland. Just like her. She wasn’t worth being loved in her own beady eyes. She sighed solemnly, cutting off her thoughts to flutter off into the dark night, she should just clear her head.
She swirled and danced with herself through the night sky, pushing away the saddening thoughts. The smooth pattern of her own circling soothed her, letting her live in peaceful bliss if even for a moment; It was much better than spiraling in her own loathing. Her bliss was soon interrupted by the strange feeling of someone watching her. She looked off into where the darkness stared back before she heard the faint sound of wings flapping.
The sound made her worry, it made her want to flee, to hide, but instead, she just stayed. She didn’t understand why but the gentle beating of the wings… It calmed her. The being showed itself from the thicket of the night, its large void-like eyes contrasting with its beautiful off-white body that reflected the moonlight. The firefly was stunned by the moth’s sudden appearance, and was even more confused by the fact they were approaching her. Why her? She’d seen a group of fireflies not too far from here with much better lights, so why did she approach her?
The moth gently reached out and pulled the firefly close, embracing her into their fluffy body. She didn’t know how to respond but she slowly relaxed into the hug, relaxing enough for the moth to begin to carefully flutter away with the other in their arms. She’d never experience this before… a gentle embrace… a warm body next to hers. It was nice, she didn’t want it to end, so she didn’t give up much of a struggle as she was carried away.
Soon the two arrived at a cozy hollow in a tree, the moth slowly lowering to the floor, still gently cradling the firefly. They stared at the gentle light emanating from her new companion, letting out a gentle purr as they leaned closer to the little. She looked a little confused by the affection from the moth. Their fascination with her light made her feel odd.. Why was she so.. Gentle with her? It was just another disappointing part of her body, so why did she care?
Suddenly, the moth scooped her from her lower set of arms into her upper arms, bringing her closer to their maw. As their mouth slowly opened, the firefly felt… not fear? It was strange, she was seemingly about to be eaten and yet, she wasn’t scared. She felt safe… as if she was about to be safely tucked away… and that’s something she didn’t mind. First her head was gently slid in, passing down the moth’s gullet with the rest of her body following, her light slowly fading as it vanished from the outside world.
The moth let out a content sigh, staring at her abdomen as it slowly bloated with her little light filled it. She noticed their little friend’s light had stopped glowing had stopped, which worried her. She began to gently rub her belly in a circular motion. Gentle circle… those were nice… this is nice… this is safe… As the firefly settled, the beloved glowing returned. The moth smiled as she gently rested their mitts on their wooly stomach. The two fell into a comfortable silence as the firefly was cradled within the stomach of her new admirer. She was cared for. She was worried about…
She was loved.
The End
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pancakewithsprinkles · 2 months
A Tiny escaping from the awful boiling heat by going into their best friends tummy to get covered in slushie. 🩷
Can I get a hell yeah?
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suzyandthefox · 20 days
I will do all I can to be your home, to keep you safe.
Even if it meant keeping you within me forever, even if it meant starving myself to death.
I will be your home, all that you have lost,I promise you
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comfyhome · 1 year
oh my god. vore is such a warm cozy feeling. being gently lifted to your pred’s lips and excitedly tasted .. them carefully pushing you past their teeth so you don’t scrape yourself on them …. Oh my goddddd ………….. I’m convinced that there is nothing more intimate than bringing someone into yourself with care/being carried into another’s body, a welcome guest to the home that has served them forever …..
their body, their temple, but your home. You guys can’t see it but I’m exploding into confetti right now
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safe-from-sharp-teeth · 8 months
preds that safely guide prey through their anxieties about being eaten
the prey lies their head on the pred’s stomach and listens to the noises underneath. they hear gurgles and churning, the soft noises of an active stomach.
the pred shows off their teeth, letting the prey touch and play with their mouth. a tongue lightly brushes their hand, and they pull back with a laugh.
the pred might lightly lick and nibble on the prey’s arm, letting it slide into their throat. the pred holds the arm there, the prey feeling the esophagal muscles pulsing around them. it's tight and warm, but not crushing.
the pred’s body is warm and inviting, and they’re so gentle...
one belly trip couldn't hurt, right?
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