#sfth the pilot's final flight
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iamonlypartlymajestic · 6 days ago
I'm very very slowly but surely writing a Cavendish Family (TPFF) fic
I want to write a 5+1 type fic where different people react to a (late 20s- early 30s-looking) Leyland with his family (early 40s Martha and early 20s Michael). I've only written one POV so far (under the art) and idk when I'll get back to it because I have exams again soon *cries* i just wanted to put it out there in case i don't get to finish it so i hope you enjoy reading it ╮( ̄▽ ̄"")╭ [thanks to the SFTH discord for helping me with ideas]
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Barbara, the department store employee:
“Hey Barb, check that hunk out.” In the middle of counting lipstick tubes, Barbara startles and looks up at her coworker.
“Huh?” Barbara narrows her eyes at Carol from her squat position. Carol had her back to her, resting her arms on the counter facing the rest of the store. Barbara immediately returns to her task, only to realize she had forgotten which row she was on. “Jeez Louise, Carol! You went and made me lose count. Now I have to start all over again.” 
Carol rolls her eyes and grabs Barbara’s upper arm, almost causing her to lose her balance, and directs her away from the back shelves to the front of the counter. Barbara scans the department floor not knowing what’s so special this time. 
Once more, elderly Mrs. Owens hobbles through the fragrance section, gathering an excessive number of blotters. Barbara scrunches her nose at the thought of the overpowering mix of scents that would assault any unsuspecting bystanders nearby. 
A few aisles from the old woman is a gaggle of girls perusing summer dresses. Barbara sighs at the sight, she misses how carefree she was at sixteen. In her scuffed high heels and with her aching back, she’s feeling her 28 years of age. 
Barbara reminds herself to call her mother again tonight (and dreading another talk about the lack of grandchildren) when Carol’s cherry red stiletto-tipped nails grabs her chin and points her face towards the other side of the shop floor. 
She inhales sharply at the sight of a handsome man around her age walking frantically through the aisles of clothes. Even from this distance, it’s easy to see that he had a cute boy-next-door face and thick dirty blonde hair in a longer cut that rather than make him look disheveled, seems to almost tempt you to reach out to push his hair back for him. 
Now he’d be someone you’d want to take home to meet your mother.
“Carol! I think he’s heading towards us!” Barbara shakes her face out of Carol’s grasp and brushes non-existing lint off her uniform. Beside her, Carol turns around and pulls out a compact to check her makeup. 
They just barely finish tidying themselves up when the blonde man reaches their counter with a strained smile. 
Up close, he’s even more dashing. Although he isn’t very tall—in the heels she’s wearing, Barbara estimates she reaches his height already—it’s apparent that he is quite fit under his long-sleeved dress shirt, the fabric contouring around the shape of his biceps. 
Ugh, he even smells good with his Aqua Velva aftershave. 
“Um, hello! Yes, very sorry to bother you.” The man taps nervously on the countertop and clears his throat, “I was just in the middle of looking for a gift for my wife—”
Of course, he’s married. Barbara isn’t ashamed to admit that her enthusiasm waned slightly at the news. 
“—but I seemed to have lost my son.”
Carol gasps loudly, “Oh no! Where was the last place you saw him?” Barbara barely keeps herself from rolling her eyes as Carol places her hand on the man’s forearm and leans even farther over the counter to get closer to him. 
Unfortunately for Carol, the father is too busy panicking about misplacing his son to notice her sad attempts at flirting. 
Barbara clears her throat loudly and not very gently shoulder-checks her coworker to the side, “What’s his name, sir? We can first call him over the intercom. Is he old enough to know what to do if he gets lost?”
“His name’s Michael! Michael Cavendish. Thank you so very much.” He brushes his bangs back from his forehead and chews his bottom lip, “My little boy is very independent, but I just worry so much for him. I’ve already lost him before…and for so long.” He dips his head causing his hair to drop back over his eyes. 
“We’ll call him overhead. And while one of us waits here, the other can help you look for him. Maybe the security personnel may have found him already.” Barbara gives him a sympathetic smile and motions her head to Carol to head to the intercom, “Mr. Cavendish, what’s Michael wearing? So we can ask around if anyone noticed him.”
Mr. Cavendish perks up slightly, “Well he’s wearing a white T-shirt and denim trousers. Oh! And also my old leather jacket.”
Barbara gushes at the idea of a little kid wearing an oversized jacket. “I imagine he looks quite dapper in your jacket.” 
Mr. Cavendish nods rapidly, “Quite so! He’s the most handsome young man around!”
“How old is your son by the way? Is he still in primary school?”
Mr. Cavendish shakes his head, “Oh no, he’s—”
They’re interrupted by Carol, who bats her eyes toward him and says, “I can help you look for him around the store, Sir.” 
Barbara stares at her shameless coworker in disbelief, Carol has the gall to even brush her fingers along her sprayed updo, flirtatiously. 
Mr. Cavendish turns toward Barbara with pleading eyes.
Barbara smiles awkwardly in return, “Carol, I can help him. He’s already told me what Michael looks like.” Barbara waves towards the back, “And maybe if Michael comes here, he would recognize your voice from the overhead.”
Carol narrows her eyes, “But if you were waiting here, you can continue with inventory. Didn’t you say you were so busy with the counting?”
 Barbara’s jaw drops and she angrily whispers, “There’s a lost child, Carol!” She takes a step closer to the other woman, “We don’t have the—”
Both women simultaneously turns toward Mr. Cavendish who rushes away from the counter and to the figure walking casually toward them.
But rather than hugging a little boy, he’s hugging a fully grown man taller than him. The shorter man flutters around “Michael”: cupping his cheeks to check his face and straightening out the leather jacket lining his muscular shoulders. After a solid minute of inspection, Mr. Cavendish places his hands on his hips and looks to be scolding the other man. 
The man—who looks more in place cruising dive bars with his roughed-up leather jacket and scruffy facial hair than here in the women’s section of a high-end department store—takes the chiding with no argument, his hand gripping the back of his neck in embarrassment. 
Both women stare in bafflement as Mr. Cavendish latches himself onto the man’s arm and drags him to their counter. 
“I’m so, so sorry for all of the trouble!” Keeping one hand clutched to the fabric of Michael’s jacket, he gives both employees a handshake, “Thank you so much for your help. And sorry about him, he's been a troublemaker since the day he was born!” His smile widens boyishly. 
Barbara opens her mouth, but can’t find herself able to voice her myriad of questions. 
Michael then speaks up, “I told you I was going to leave the store for a moment to grab something for the bike. I didn’t know you were too busy looking at bags for Mum to not have heard me.”
Mr. Cavendish raises a finger at the other man’s face, “Now don’t take that tone at me, young man.” He quickly drops his hand, however, and sighs, “You had me worried sick!” 
Michael droops his shoulders, “I’m sorry, Dad. I won’t do it again.” Barbara thinks his hangdog look is comical with his large intimidating build, but Mr. Cavendish falls for it immediately and hugs him. 
“That’s all right, son. I was just frightened, I’m not angry with you.” Mr. Cavendish gives Michael a pat on the back and they walk off, holding hands. “Just help me choose from the few I picked and we’ll go and get some ice cream! Would you like that?”
Barbara, rooted at her spot, watches them until they once again disappear amongst the racks of clothes and accessories.
She hums. 
Carol opens her mouth, “What the hell—”
“Nope!” Barbara pivots her black pumps and heads back to her shelves of cosmetics, “I’m going back to counting lipsticks.”
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i-may-be-an-emu · 14 days ago
ok ok ok what if Michael the kid who can get through all the top secret facility doors becomes friends with Jimmy who can’t open any doors
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sfth-daily-quotes · 11 days ago
"Perhaps we become God Himself." "That's not in any of the research, but maybe."
- Luke Manning and Sam Russell, The Pilot's Final Flight
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not-an-idiot · 13 days ago
If I had a nickle for every time sfth played a woman missing her husband because he went into a flying object and didn't return so then she tries to find him I'd have two nickles, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice
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artisticdemon · 14 days ago
Tom saying in the new play "I've got to find my husband" with that look of determination in his face scared the fuck out of me but at the same time made me root for him! YEAH GIRL GO FIND YOUR HUSBAND!!!
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arium-db · 6 days ago
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Sonic ✨BOOM✨
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farraday-yes · 12 days ago
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Still thinking about my Burns AU for Pilot’s Final Flight ❤️
Imagine him in a constant loop of pain as he is in a constant state of healing and dying. Imagine if he spent every day of those 15 years in constant pain, unable to communicate with anyone.
Imagine him hugging his son after 15 years, the first human contact he’s had in ages, and erupting in pain as the Time Loop is no longer there to keep him alive. Imagine him not caring because that’s his son and he can take a little bit more pain for his sake.
Man I love angst <3
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eli-is-an-idiot · 2 days ago
i've started planning a new fic so you know what that means - more of my stupid planning notes
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littletonomanners · 9 days ago
TPFF: Cavendish Fluff :3c
“Do you think he realises he’s alive?”
Martha doesn’t look up from the laundry she’s darning, “Sorry?”
Leyland is holding their newborn son in his arms. Baby Mike is gurgling softly around the tiny fist he’s shoved in his mouth, and staring curiously up at him with big, wet blue eyes. Despite being three months old already, he’s still so small — as a matter of fact, he’s barely bigger than a head of lettuce. Leyland cant help the chuckles that bubbles out his chest as the notion. “It’s just,” he runs a gentle finger through the tufts of copper hair on his son’s head, “Look at him.”
“Well,” Martha starts, leaving the socks she was holding to stand behind him, “No, darling, probably not,” she wraps her arms around his middle and perches her chin on his shoulder, “I don’t imagine there’s much going on in that head of his — he’s only little.”
They both laugh softly at this, and a glob of saliva dribbles down Baby Mike’s chin. They spend a moment like this, simply taking each other in, when Leyland breaks the silence.
“You are amazing, Martha.”
“Oh, stop it!”
“I’m entirely serious! You’re wonderful,” he turns and presses a kiss to her temple, “and you’ve made us a wonderful boy.”
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fireat-will · 2 days ago
Sam only knows one type of person you talk about your problems with and that is bartenders (former bartenders count)
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svnnyd4ys · 14 days ago
milcf (man i love the cavendish family)
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i-may-be-an-emu · 10 days ago
Me running away from my problems like
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iboughtyomamaflowers · 14 days ago
thoughts on "The Pilot's Final Flight": (spoilers)
dear sam, you can't say that on the internet. (all the others reacting omg i love it - the audience too)
5 minutes in Sam flipped off the audience ok
"im actually a feminist"
oh i love Tom's character protect her
"I'll go and find him" oh baby
15 years later - is this the first time they do this on a longform?
AWWWWW AJ being soft for his mom
yes queen you go out dancing enjoy the swinging sixties
honestly everytime Tom plays a woman we get the most iconic, feminist, empowering characters
one thing I love about AJ is that when he's playing teenagers or young adults, he nervously rocks from side to side or nervously grabs a t-shirt, which I think is a really cool detail
im talking dance martha
[more luke noises]
were getting a lot of bartender content lately
new character! who the fuck is this :)
tom is breaking/laughing way more in this than he uses too, its lovely
also the whole stepping on dog shit is just...just - i dont even know
wait no michael you cant go into that plane, please dont die, please dont go
"I can't lose you too Michael" im going to cry
damm AJ is hot
i feel like Sam had Dr.Trifle prepared since the beginning of the play
i wish luke had played a bigger part in this
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dollar-store-mothman · 14 days ago
Tragic and devastating news-local has to wait to watch the new long form in favor of a family birthday party
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iamonlypartlymajestic · 8 days ago
Fanart of “TPFF: Morning After” by @littletonomanners
I fell in love with how they wrote Leyland and Michael and this post-reunion scene is so beautiful
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gaydoggirll · 29 days ago
im so excited for the piliots final flight its going to be so good
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