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ilikelookingatthings · 2 years ago
Random thoughts on Frozen
So...its probably not a hot take at this point that Frozen has some issues the twist ending is shocking and emotional on the first viewing that you can forget about some issues...but on rewatches some aspects spring to mind.
Why the stone trolls? They cause the issue by traumatizing elsa further with their lightshow and advice that resulted in elsa isolating herself and the parents stuck between following the advice about control and sensing they are going wrong somewhere. Even more they erase Anna’s memory  of the incident but its never brought up if Anna remembers properly or not and she never confront them about it.
They also sing a dity shipping christoff and Anna which(while I ship it) I was confused by because Anna was literally dying and they were wasting time. They somehow shipped it despite Anna being a princess. They ignore that Anna said she already had a fiance. and Chistoff and Anna hadn’t really spent anytime together...I’m still confused when christoff is suppoused to have fallen for her?
He was annoyed but went along escorting her through the mountain because she helped buy him supplies and offered a big reward...but he roasted her about her apparently falling for and wanting to get married to a guy she met that day. His sleigh almost got caught on fire and fell off a cliff. He saw her fail at climbing a ledge which could be endearing and she stopped him from telling the olaf that he would melt...but she then kept him outside so he never got to see the ice castle. She also insulted the snowman and they almost got killed. ANY decent human being would be worried about someone almost dying..and she was still focused on that kiss with Han’s to save her life...so I am very confused when he fell for her?
Like...the trolls shipped them...but it felt like they would hsip him with anything with a pulse at this point and they roasted him and ignored what he was saying during the majority of it.
Like...I know it wasn’t true love or anything in the end anyway...but I’m confused when they are suppoused to fall for eachother? especially when they hyped him up as an alternative to save her life. Quest for Camelot had better action in showing why they could fall for eachother when the strongest shippers seemd to be ignoring the direness of the plot or that he thought she had a proper fiance from the begining.
Its even more confusing because they had a point that Christoff was a boy who ended up seeing Elsa and Anna taken to the trolls and seeing her memory wiped and Elsa’s powers and the advice given by the trolls....why wasn’t that brought up as a connection to both adress that aspect of why Anna was so in the dark on Elsa since Elsa was still refusing to properly talk..especially when he was being used as a bridge to help validate how Elsa was feeling(about Anna getting engaged to someone in a day is ridiculous) and he saw the beauty and wonder of Elsa’s powers in the castle immediately that he teared up. He also seemed to be chill with being isolated and alone and how there can be a sense of freedom in it which is similar to how Elsa felt which could have explored Anna’s aspect of reaching for connections more in contrast.
It also felt weird that he literally brought Anna in with her clearly out of it but no one invited him inside to stay? He was also skeptical on the strength of feelings after only a day so shouldn’t he have stayed incase it didn’t work?
Another thing....it kindof shows that Han’s wasn’t meant to be evil?
lots of people keep telling me the point is we didn’t suspect at all and that he showed his true colors of being power hungry...which I GET. the twist and the acting was done VERY well.
But it also feels odd because it doesn;t feel like he planned any of it?
He met Anna outside the castle with no way to know she was Anna the princess and he clearly showed a soft interest in her that the HORSE clearly noticed on him...even after Anna wasn’t watching him...so it was for us to see...which made his feelings feel sincere...so how was he suppoused to have planned from the begining any evil plots?
I mean yeah in the song we know he wanted his own place...but that not exactly evil? Anna was striving to connect with Han’s because she didn’t want to be alone anymore and she wanted a excuse to help keep the isolation from creeping back in since ELsa was deteremined they would close their doors again after the coorination. So him being drawn to Anna not just because she is cute but because if he marrys here he can leave home makes sense? Especially for a royal where political marriages can be a thing.
Any plans to kill Elsa or steal power doesn’t feel like they were there since just marrying Anna would give him a place anyway from his family. 
He also had no way to know Elsa had powers or that Elsa would freak out THAT much from the proposal. It was also Weaselton who hyped up the issues with Elsa and was trying to provoke going after her in a bad way. He also had no way to know Anna would leave him to take care fo things in the city while Anna went off to go after Elsa...he wasn’t even married or officially engaged at that point to her so if she got hurt or something happens to her wouldn’t that it worse for him?
He did go with Weasonton and those guards when no message from Anna  came and the snow kept going...but he also made it clear they weren’t to hurt Elsa were it was Weasonton to stirred up the attack on Elsa. Elsa was also op on powers......I’ve been told him knocking into the guard was deliberate to hit the chandeller to knock her out...but that was in a split second and how do you plan to knock someone out?  That could have killed her? if his plan was to kill her anyway then why save her?
I mean...maybe saving her could have been a plan to get on her good side so she’d let him and Anna get engaged or get married.
But its not like he knew or planned for Anna to get hit in the heart. People blame Han’s for Anna almost dying(which he did abandon her in that room) but it was Elsa’s powers that were going to kill her. its on him for telling Elsa about it when Anna wasn’t dead yet but it was still the city and weasonton who were planning to kill Elsa first. 
It was evil of him to lie to Elsa Anna was dead...but Elsa was still alarmed that she hit Anna in the heart anyways and that part wasn’t a lie. and Elsa still didn’t know how to turn off her powers.
I’m just.....I know evil Han’s was needed so that Elsa could fall into despair quicker and for Anna to save Elsa and do the act of true love. After all actually commnicating isn’t Elsa’s strong point.....
but.....I’m kindof curious about...was evil han’s REALLY nessacary? the twist was cool for a bit...but it feels weird because he both couldn’t plan a majority of what was happening (at best taking advantage of moments but planning feels like a stretch) and how it felt like he was genuinely interested in Anna at the begining and that it felt like he was trying to help Elsa when others were strait up trying to kill her...yes she got locked up...but Elsa on her own had run away and fought instead of discussing the issue of the ETERNAL WINTER. Where she was even willing to just drive Anna out even though that wasn’t going to fix the issue. 
and everyone else was trigger happy around Elsa...so putting her in chains to give the illusion she wasn’t a threat would calm everone else from trying to kill Elsa on sight and give a opportunity to talk.
As mucha s evil Han is a good lesson how people can take advantage and you can;t just trust someone who seems nice when you don’t really know them yet.....
Isn’t the implication that what Anna and Han’s have isn’t true love? even if they genuinely liked eachother(or seem like they do) they literally just met earlier. They also made a point that part of Anna’s motive was wanting someone and to not be alone and wanted a excuse not to cut off the outside like Elsa was plannning on doing again...now Anna definitly seemed to LIKE Han.
But its also clear they don’t know eachother that well yet.
SO even if Hans did genuinely like Anna back...isn;t the implication that the kiss wouldn’t have worked?
What would Anna have done if Han’s did kiss her...genuinely wanting to save her and seemed to like her...but it didn’t work?
Why did Han’s have to be evil as the reason for why Han’s kiss wouldn’t work so he wouldn’t even try?
Wouldn’t the plot issue still work if Han’s and Anna genuinely kiss but it didn’t work? like thy like eachother or they THINK they do but they literally just met so of COURSE the love isn’t true love strong?
If Han’s was genuinely distraunt by her dying and wanting to save her but somehow the kiss wasn’t enough? wouldn’t that still make her question her ‘true love’ reasoning that she used to dismiss elsa’s point earlier and reinforce the point christoff made about her not knowing Han’s well yet?
I mean yeah the kiss not working might point to it not being TRUE love or a ACT of TRUE LOVE but wouldn’t it give her more pause to reflect if its not like Han’s is a bad guy or anything or that there is no affection?
Like if it pointed that Elsa is right that getting married that quickly is ridiculous but Anna was also right that Han’s wasn’t a bad guy or anything like that.
like what would Anna do? think maybe Han’s doesn’t love her enough? or maybe the isse is her own feelings(since apparently Anna and Christoff are suppoused to have hit it off).
I mean Han’s could strill bring up maybe his more selfish reasons for wanting to get married so fast which is because he doesn’t want to go home again but if he doesn’t go evil about it then wouldn’t it still work? just like Anna convincing herself that she loved him despite the obvious they don’t know each other that well.
Wouldn’t that just point out that love is developed through time even if you click?
I mean....Anna could still do the quick marriage if she didn’t have a backup plan to live since she had been banking on this since Han’s at least seemed to have protected her sister...but couldn’t he have brought up that Elsa was there so maybe she could fix it? or while anna is being taken care of but now they don’t know what to do since the kiss didn’t work....the info could still get to Elsa?
Elsa’s go to at this point is to run away adn her worst fear happened...even without Han’s saying Anna is already dead wouldn’t it still alarm Elsa? I mean we wouldn’t have the dramatic save of Anna blocking a sword before it reaches Elsa in the same way probably....but wouldnt she still have a influx of emotions hearing Anna was dying? 
couldn’t weasonton or the other frightened people about the eternal winter be able to attack Elsa instead? even more if Elsa is frusterated even more because Else doesn’t know how to reverse the powers and can;t save her sister? couldn;t elsa bring up the rock trolls? like think to mind wipe Anna again? or think that Anna doesn;t deserve to be around her as a terrible sister since Elsa was self isolating due to her fear of hurting anna (or others again).
Elsa was pretty much despairing right? couldn’t it have her think maybe if she was killed maybe it could save anna or reverse the powers? so she could go out to be attacked by the mob? or lash out her emotions again sinceshe feels helpless? just for Anna to either come again to save her or talk her through it?
or Elsa could go to Anna? how would Elsa react if Han’s brought up how the kiss didn;t work? like would he bring up maybe Elsa was right to not want them to get married if it turned out he couldn’t save Anna when it mattered? would that hurt Elsa more because can Elsa judge when she loves Anna but ended uo hurting her the way she did as well?
I’m just saying....as much as the twist was fun.....it did feel like it gave Anna and Elsa a more easy way out from talking through the problems/communicating and it felt like Han’s didn’t have to be evil to make it work.
I mean...the red herrings o =f teh true loves I know have a point...
but malificent(the live action) did the twist already even before hand.
I also feel like it would make Weasolton have more impact(since what was the POINT).
I mean...it feels like they felt like they had to make Han’s evil so he couldn’t be a viable love interest for either of them which can be refreshing since you don’t need a man.
but on the other hand I think if they had made it so Han’s wasn’t actually a bad guy it would have a better impact on the guys?
like the movie stated that your options are an (handome) isolated dude who pees in the woods, eats reigndeer spit cover carrots, who likes money a bit too much, and who’s adopted family calls him a fixer upper which feels like it contradics his judgment about how you can’t fall for someone that quickly. or can;t even cut off a song him being shipped with you when he brought you there cuz your life is indanger that can disregard hpw you might have a previous relationship.
or a handsome guy who tuns out to be a crazy person who never liked you and planned to kill you and your sister to take over your kingdom(or just a manipulator who will take advantage of how your isolated to get you attached to them quickly).
which still feels a bit...icky I guess?
I mean the focus is of course on the sisters and their relationship so the guys don;t have to have that much spot light....but like....in most disney movies the guys don;t get that developed anyway?
like I know disney was trying to correct some of the disney views on love and true love and all that.....but theres nothing WRONG with love or wanting love. why not just show Chirstoff and Hans  as still good guys even if they not perfect?
Especially when there are sets ups in both of the dudes that could deepen the dynamics of Anna and Elsa as people by comparing and contrasting with what Han’s and Christoff bring to the table. I mean Christoff I think was great but the fixerupper song talked at me and just brought to light flaws instead of letting the character SHOW us aspects of the character and why that pairing works. 
Heck maybe explore at bit of the parent issues with Han and Elsa? I mean the whole reason the coorination was the parents dying! and Anna just found out her sister had secert powers and why her sister was so distant to some degree while Elsa finally had it out in the open and had her let it do aspect to contrast what her parents told her...but also seeing her worst fear that Anna was almost killed happen again.
Also the country strait up was resenting Elsa and thinking of her as some witch and the eternal cold? Why was that not adressed more? Weasolton definitly stoked the fire but it doesn’t change Elsa’s own people reacted like that. So wouldn’t it make more sense of Anna had some speech or even elsa had one to the city/country?
Also....Why didn’t Elsa have a worst reaction to Olaf...he’s nostalgic but he was also the snowman they made the day Anna almost died the first time?
I’m just saying I kind of wish ana and Elsa talked more and we got to see Anna actually fully understand Elsa’s fear.
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kbaclips · 2 years ago
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yaasita · 2 years ago
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aura-of-courage · 2 years ago
Little mock sketch Anime OP for one of the campaigns I’m in.
10 years ago, the war with the Shadowfell reached its climax, and the sun was consumed by a giant black snake. Ten years later, the material plane is in shambles, and the world is consumed by darkness. In a twist of faith, it is through a seemingly innocent escort mission that multiple threads of fate would intervene, and a special group of people would be formed. In their journeys, they discover that their pasts intertwine more than they thought, and that among their enemies, they see the faces of familiar loved ones...
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indianyouthnuclearsociety · 5 years ago
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Hey! For those of you who missed the live session on medical physics, head over to our YouTube channel or use the link below: https://youtu.be/UdjyXShWJQg #nuclearmedicine #iyns #IYNC #naygn #dae #doe #sfenjg #sfen #sfenj https://www.instagram.com/p/CCAwtz8j_E6/?igshid=glfnw9ughxx8
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gemic-laboratory · 3 years ago
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Sphene 0.64 ct. Click the link buy now: https://bit.ly/3K9Ymae . . . . #sphene #sphen #سفين #斯芬 #척추 #esfena #sphène #სფერული #sfen #esfeno #сфен #spene #quacau #crystalgemstoneshop #gemstone #gemstonesstore #gemshop #gemsstore #rockandgemsstore #certifiedgemstonesforsale #certifiedgemstones #loosegemstonesforsale #naturalgemstonesforsale #loosegemstones #crystalgemshop #gemboutique #rarecrystalsforsale #gemstoneshops #gemstoneonlinestore #gemstonesandcrystals https://www.instagram.com/p/CYtCoTRvs0I/?utm_medium=tumblr
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churiren2 · 8 years ago
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April foolishness part 1 Sfen and Kade switcheroo.
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blissisbelle · 8 years ago
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elavoyy · 5 years ago
Yancy is Elsa, Raleigh is Anna, and Chuck is a grumpier version of Christoff, with Max being Sfen.
This makes sense.
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kallieburgers · 5 years ago
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Phoenix Forgotton (2017)
Better than expected. I’ll definitely make Sfen watch it.
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reseau-actu · 6 years ago
EDF a une nouvelle fois décidé de reporter le démarrage de la centrale de Flamanville. Le réacteur du futur accuse déjà sept ans de retard et son budget initial a été multiplié par trois.
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C’était il y a exactement cinq semaines. L’Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN) exigeait par courrier auprès d’EDF le remplacement de plusieurs soudures de haute technologie à Flamanville (Manche). Un énorme coup dur pour l’électricien dont le chantier du réacteur de nouvelle technologie EPR accuse déjà sept ans de retard. Vendredi, à l’occasion de la publication des résultats semestriels de l’électricien, son PDG Jean-Bernard Lévy a confirmé le nouveau calendrier informel qui circulait: Flamanville 3 ne sera pas opérationnel avant fin 2022. Ce nouveau délai porte à dix ans le dérapage chronologique d’un projet qui devait être opérationnel en 2012.
» LIRE AUSSI - Comment EDF pousse l’exploitation de ses centrales nucléaires jusqu’à 50 ans
Le dossier, en plus d’être une catastrophe industrielle, a pris une résonance politique: au début de l’été, le ministre de l’Économie, Bruno Le Maire, a mandaté l’ancien président de PSA Peugeot Citroën, Jean-Martin Folz, pour éclairer les raisons des déboires de Flamanville. Le locataire de Bercy juge la situation inacceptable «de la part d’une filière nucléaire qui est un fleuron français». La mission Folz doit rendre ses travaux pour le début de l’automne. «Sur la valeur ajoutée des conclusions, tout va dépendre de la façon dont Jean-Martin Folz parvient à s’entourer, souligne un spécialiste de l’atome. Le cas est complexe et il faut de solides compétences pour l’analyser sans concessions.»
L’EPR de Flamanville (EPR) est le prototype du réacteur nucléaire de troisième génération. Conçu conjointement par la France et l’Allemagne - à travers Areva et Siemens -, il est à la fois plus puissant (1 650 mégawatts), plus robuste et plus sûr que les générations précédentes.
Le montant final de la facture inconnu
En toile de fond, il y a cette question centrale: EDF doit-il poursuivre coûte que coûte l’aventure EPR? Celle-ci implique à terme non seulement la construction d’une flotte de nouveaux réacteurs en France pour remplacer les centrales actuelles, mais aussi la diffusion de cette technologie à l’étranger - avec le démarrage par EDF d’un premier chantier en Grande-Bretagne. Depuis plusieurs mois, des associations environnementales réclament l’arrêt pur et simple de Flamanville, en plus de renoncer définitivement à la relance d’un programme. Interrogé, le géant français répond que de tels débats n’ont aucun fondement. Mais certains, au sein même de l’entreprise, n’oublient pas que l’ancien directeur financier, Thomas Piquemal, a démissionné en 2016 parce qu’il jugeait les investissements engagés sur l’EPR britannique d’Hinkley Point déraisonnables.
» LIRE AUSSI - La recette chinoise pour faire tourner l’EPR
Pour Lionel Taccoen, ancien directeur régional adjoint au sein de la direction de l’équipement d’EDF, la filière nucléaire française n’a pas le choix: «La Chine a démarré deux EPR, c’est la preuve que la technologie marche. Il faut donc aller au bout des chantiers en cours. EDF doit continuer de reconstituer ses compétences d’architecte-ensemblier sans quoi l’entreprise sera affaiblie dans son rôle structurant au service de l’industrie.»
«Si on ne termine pas Flamanville, cela signifie qu’on ne fermera pas les centrales à charbon»
Nicolas Goldberg chez Colombus Consulting
Ces choix sont d’autant plus stratégiques que les grandes orientations d’EDF sont indissociables de la politique énergétique française. «Si on ne termine pas Flamanville, cela signifie qu’on ne fermera pas les centrales à charbon, soit un renoncement à une décision forte en matière de transition écologique, analyse Nicolas Goldberg chez Colombus Consulting, cela veut dire aussi qu’on accepte une perte sèche de 10 milliards d’euros. Certes, ce prototype n’aura pas une rentabilité folle, mais EDF limite les pertes.» Au départ, le devis initial de l’EPR s’élevait à 3,5 milliards d’euros. Aujourd’hui, il a plus que triplé et personne ne sait le montant final de la facture. Ce qui n’empêche pas EDF de travailler sur un «EPR 2», un EPR optimisé dont le coût de construction intégrant à la fois un effet de série et les différents retours d’expérience pourrait chuter de 30 % par rapport à Flamanville.
» LIRE AUSSI - EPR de Flamanville: un énième épisode pour ce fiasco industriel
«On dit que le mégawattheure (MWh) de Flamanville ressort beaucoup plus cher qu’un MWh dans certains récents appels d’offres renouvelables (éolien, solaire, biomasse…), mais les deux domaines ne sont pas comparables, souligne Valérie Faudon, la déléguée générale de la Société française d’énergie nucléaire (Sfen). D’abord, l’EPR de Flamanville est une tête de série, ensuite, dans un cas, l’énergie est pilotable, dans un autre, elle ne l’est pas, victime de son intermittence.»
La construction de l’EPR est une longue série de déboires. Si l’Autorité de sûreté a finalement validé la résistance de la cuve - longuement examinée pour sa trop forte teneur en carbone -, il n’en est pas de même pour plusieurs soudures. EDF va devoir les refaire.
Compétitivité accrue des énergies vertes
La part du renouvelable dans la production d’électricité a dépassé la part du duo charbon-nucléaire
Cette confrontation directe entre nucléaire et énergies vertes revient aussi à se demander, si EDF mettait un terme à son aventure EPR, dans quelle mesure la France pourrait se passer à terme d’énergie nucléaire, qui couvre aujourd’hui plus des trois-quarts de sa production d’électricité. L’Allemagne a fait ce choix: juste après la catastrophe de Fukushima en 2011, la chancelière Angela Merkel a décidé d’un retrait progressif de l’atome, pour un arrêt définitif en 2022. Mais Berlin peut compter sur une quantité de centrales à charbon pour effectuer son energiewende («tournant énergétique») vers le vert. Selon les chiffres tout juste publiés par l’Institut Fraunhofer, pour la première fois cette année, la part du renouvelable dans la production d’électricité a dépassé la part du duo charbon-nucléaire: 47,3 % contre 43,4 % au cours du premier semestre 2019.
» LIRE AUSSI - Flamanville: Framatome a découvert des failles de l’EPR dès 2015
Ce recours au charbon, la France ne veut plus en entendre parler. La Programmation pluriannuelle de l’énergie (PPE), la feuille des routes des pouvoirs publics sur la période 2018-2028 actuellement discutée au Parlement, a fixé à 2022 l’arrêt des dernières tranches, cinq en tout. Le développement accru du gaz pourrait constituer une alternative mais lui aussi présente l’inconvénient d’être une énergie fossile, quoique moins polluante que le charbon. En outre, l’implantation de nouvelles centrales à cycle combiné gaz ressemble à un parcours du combattant. Il a fallu plus de dix ans à Direct Energie, désormais dans le giron de Total, pour obtenir le feu vert à Landivisiau en Bretagne.
Les énergies renouvelables partent de plus loin mais leur essor et la compétitivité sans cesse accrue incitent de nombreux organismes, à commencer par l’Agence de défense de l’environnement et de maîtrise de l’énergie (Ademe), à travailler sur des scénarios 100 % énergie verte. Reste que les projets avancent lentement en raison des freins juridiques et que les difficultés à piloter ces infrastructures sont réelles: à preuve, pendant l’été, le vent ne souffle pas beaucoup et la production éolienne est quasi inexistante.
Face à ces options, EDF ne manque pas une occasion de rappeler que le nucléaire, qui n’émet pas de CO2, est le meilleur allié pour atteindre les objectifs environnementaux. L’entreprise insiste également sur la dynamique de l’emploi, qui constitue un encouragement supplémentaire à poursuivre l’EPR: plus de 200.000 personnes vivent actuellement dans le pays du nucléaire. Freiner dans l’atome, c’est fragiliser un pan entier de l’industrie nationale avec une très forte dimension sociale à la clé. Les répercussions de l’EPR vont décidément très loin.
La facture s’est envolée, dépassant 11 milliards d’euros pour un devis initial de 3,5 milliards. Avec le nouveau décalage de trois ans, personne ne se risque à estimer la facture finale.
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cozymilwaukee · 3 years ago
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Oktoberfest reigns this weekend in Wisconsin! Follow the link in our bio to learn all about Oktoberfest & where to go. We’ve also got ideas and recipes on how to celebrate if you want to throw your own at home, complete with pretzels, sausages and our top picks for Oktoberfest bottled 🍻🥨🔥 Prost! #slowliving #folk #wisconsin #autumn #hygge #cozy #cottagecore #folkandstory #cozymilwaukee #cozycore #seasonalliving #414 #milwaukeehome #milwaukeebeer #oktoberfest2021 (at Milwaukee, Wisconsin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUKqT-sFEnS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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churiren2 · 8 years ago
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Ocs: Sfen, Kade, + Snibblu compilation for this week
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fkcollectionsworld · 4 years ago
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*ARTICLE NAME* gremd sfen uper *FABRIC* WINTER FLEECE *SIZE* MEDIUM, LARGE, *PRICE* 1250 https://www.instagram.com/p/CKPZrkkF4xg/?igshid=1abqvgguavox7
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rijogo · 5 years ago
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em Torres Vedras https://www.instagram.com/p/B2-SDmZA2pjb5I27SonAB-sfEN-G3cD58uKf_I0/?igshid=byvdj9kqwi3x
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fanfictionlive · 6 years ago
Friend made a story for Frozen by Disney and wanted the masses to see it
Frozen 3: Olaf’s Revenge.
It starts out on a summer morning. Anna and Elsa are having a tea party, or other crud like that. So Sfen and his reindeer were invited, but never came. “I wonder where my boyfriend is. He loves me right?” Anna asks. Elsa replies, “Maybe he’s seeing someone else Anna. You have been fighting recently. Over a cookie. That didn’t even belong to you. That you ate. In a way that’s kinda stealing.” “Screw you Elsa. I’m gonna go find him.” Anna hopped up onto her horse which abandoned her from being scared of nothing. She galloped down to the castle and asked Bob where Sfen went. Bob said he had no clue where they were. He saw them leave heading off the the forest they were having their tea party at. “I’d be happy to come along if you would like Princess Anna.” “Thank you Bob! Follow me!” And so they set off looking for Sfen and his reindeer. As they were traveling they found a small, abandoned hunting cabin. They walked in because they knew Sfen’s reindeer had the IQ of all of the carrots he ate; 293638. But science, and then he very stupid. He saw a carrot and thought, be vewy vewy quiet. I’m huntin’ cawwots. Science. Anyway, they walked in and saw blood everywhere. The door slammed closed. “HELLO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” MY NAME IS JEFF SR.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!27!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELCOME TO THE MICKEY MOUSE CLUBHOUSE!!!!!!! COME INSIDE, IT’S FUN INSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU’RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!!” Bob yelled “Anna, we need to get out of here!” “Not until we find Sfen!” “Fine! But we’re only going to find dead bodies you know!” They travelled down the stairs to the basement because why not? They saw a group of villains chained up. Of course they didn’t know the people chained up were villains. That’s stupid. “Please help us!” The villains cried. “Shut up, SHUT UP!!! We don’t want to get found by whoever chained you up!” “Oh thank you good sir! Thank you!” Bob threw a chair at the lock and they broke free. I don’t know. Physics. The prisoners were a buff dude and three scrawny guys. Then the buff dude said, “The name’s McCroo. You better come along now or else something bad might happen.” They other criminals circled around Anna and Bob. Then Anna yelled “Well McCroo, I have something for you... Bob, DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!” The scrawny dudes fled and hid, but the big dude stayed to fight Bob. Just then an icicle went through the buff dude’s head, spurting blood everywhere. Everyone screamed. They ran upstairs and hid in the bedroom, only to find a dead reindeer. Anna ran into the bathroom finding Sfen’s brains everywhere and his heart in the... chamber pot? That thing people pooped in and took out to dump outside. Anyways... someone pulled the curtain away and said, “It’s a shame. It wasn’t even hard for me to catch him. But his spleen was yummy. Mmmmmmm.... have it with a cup of mucus and it’s delicious.” “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” Anna yelled. Olaf shot spikes at her and Anna was dead. Olaf burst out of the bathroom and shot ice spikes everywhere. Two of the other guys were stabbed in their heads. “Bob?” The remain prisoner asked. “Yes?” Bob replied. “I grabbed a pistol from the room downstairs and I’ve been working on this technique where I stand still, yell something, and head shot someone. You cause the distraction and I’ll shoot him. Got it?” “Sure.” “Bob, do something?” “Beep Boop Boop Bop Bep Boo.” Bob said. “It’s low midnight!” The prisoner exclaimed. “Huh?” Both Bob and Olaf questioned. “Scribble!” BANG! The gun fired and the prisoner fired his gun. Olaf fell to the ground with a bullet in his head. “Nice work Bob!” “Thanks! You should probably change what you say though. Low midnight? Really? Scribble is just ridiculous.” “Yeah your ri- ACK!!!” An ice spike went through his neck. “AHH!!!” Bob exclaimed. “Sorry Bob, but business is business.” “No please, I’ll give you whatever you want, just let me live!” “Ok, fine. I want some ice cream.” “Ice cream?” “Yeah, ice cream. And pull this bullet out of my head.” “Sure man, no problem.” Bob pulled the bullet out, went into town, and got Olaf some ice cream. “Mmmm... strawberry! I wish they had spleen flavored ice cream. Now Bob I want you to know something.” Olaf whispered in his ear. “Ok Olaf... whatever you say...” They walked back into the forest. Elsa was waiting there. “Anna? Is that you?” Elsa asked. “Hi Elsa!!! How are you?” Olaf asked. “You did this? You planned this? You murdered your family? For what?!?” Bob asked. “She was so annoying. She kept on bragging about that she saved my life. It gets on your nerve after the 10,000 time. Trust me I counted. I took everything away from her. Then killed her. Well Olaf did all of that, but I planned it. And those ‘innocent people’? Actually the Duke of Weaselton and Hans... whoever he was, and associates. I did a good deed. Also the bodies were moved and thrown over a cliff so I can just say I’m innocent and heartbroken because I watched my sister fall to their death with her boyfriend and reindeer. Also if you say anything I’ll kill you. And it will be me this time. Got it Bob?” “Sure thing Elsa.” “Let’s head back now.” Evil Morty theme plays. Credits roll. The End.
submitted by /u/SHUTUPYOUMOOSE [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans http://bit.ly/2SdtFor
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