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koralynkora · 1 year ago
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xxrouguexx · 5 years ago
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New to my Skincare Shoppe - the Himalayan Rose Fragrance Collection. Indulge in the sensual romantic scent of red roses with any one of my all natural items. In this set is perfume, soap, body scrub, bath salts, bath oil, and facial toner. Buy one or buy the full set! https://etsy.me/2LiqL1o. #rose #himalayanrose #homemadebathoil #homemadebathingsoap #organicsoap #organicskincare #romanticrose #sensualrose #sexyrose #naturalrose https://www.instagram.com/p/B1_cz91JXaXp2fvL7r3boWX81VL7oGmK499Uq40/?igshid=v57sie3bwm9l
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honnfinejewelry · 3 years ago
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🥳Two tone Engagement diamond ring💍 🎉🎉🎉 Sexy 18k rose gold mixed white gold with pavé🎁🎁🎁 #twotonering #diamondring #handcraftedring #engagementring #förlovningsring #weddingrings #östermslm #giadiamond #sexyrose #aniversary #gettingmarried #giftideas #present #pavê (at HONN Fine Jewelry) https://www.instagram.com/p/CY6wEOsI4aa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rmf3333 · 5 years ago
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“Llovía y Yo Viéndo” 2020 Acrylic on canvas 16x 12 in . . #rosepainting🌹 #roses #money #values #love #respect #romanticroses #sexyrose #prettyroses #roselover #raining #angels #symbolism #symbolicart #artistsoninstagram #artist https://www.instagram.com/p/CBduIuupVzJ/?igshid=esgxw3u51lpg
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akinyan0826 · 6 years ago
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I bought a rose named “sexy rose”. This beautiful rose doesn’t have thorns!! バラ買いました。その名も「セクシーローズ」 実はこの品種、綺麗なバラには棘が…ないんですよ。飾りやすいです。 #rose #sexyrose #red #flower #flowers #redflowers #redflower #flowerstagram #rosestagram #バラ #薔薇 #ばら #赤いバラ #赤い薔薇 #花 #一輪 #一輪挿し #花のある暮らし #セクシーローズ https://www.instagram.com/p/BrXm6Fxgwrp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mdlje2rsw87n
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isarios6-blog · 8 years ago
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Happy birthday katia langenheim. @rubyrose #sexyrose #katialangenheim
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momopipiw · 5 years ago
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sexyrose #shori #kaito https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Ug-ZJFJ69Uou-e3wTKiMAOFfYDB5-BX94V8k0/?igshid=9r9og3g2wt6z
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letsfirebug · 8 years ago
Text From: Your Lucky Starz - Hey sexyrose, want a mercenary job instead of being in that lousy company?
Keith figured it was just his client again when he heard his phone buzz and so took his time rolling back over to pick his phone back up and unlock it. He blinked when he saw the name, and wondered who it was. Did they know who he was? Was it some creepy stalker? (Which he’d had happen before.) He cautiously texted them back.
[Text to Your Lucky Starz from SexyRose] What makes you think a delicate lady like me would want to work as a mercenary, hm?
He kept his phone in his hand now, trying not to get his hopes up. Every time he had, they’d come crashing down on him.
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yudarakks10154-blog · 8 years ago
こんにちは〜 あぢーーーーー デブだから余計暑い(知らん) でもちょっと、連日のクーラーで冷えたのかな? ベビ美のお腹の調子が悪い そのせいでおしりが少しあれちゃっててかわいそう〜 昨日はお腹が痛かったのか、夜中の2時に最近習得したばかりの「自分でお座り」したりしてむっくり起き上がっていた!   夜中に急に座ってると、なかなかビックリしますよ 笑 まぁ、食欲はあるので大丈夫でしょう あ、「夜泣き」はあの日1日だけでした! さて、昨日は「音楽の日」でした まずはゴージャス衣装でのSexyZone ふまたんの髪色が!! 似合う〜!やっぱ、このお色素敵〜 しょりたんは今割と長めですね!(短髪勝利担)←しつこいw そして、今回も美しい SexyRose しっかりと受け取りました(おまえにあげてない) いつもありがとうございます(だから違) そして、2曲目! RTT ってか、サブタイトル見て。…
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sleeptone · 8 years ago
とうとう家に着いちゃた😣 夢の時間終了 2日に上京しましたが、18時の公演なのに アホなんで10時に東京に着いてた WS全局全部タイマー録画したので整理しなきゃ😨 2日の朝、新幹線の中でツイッターで流れてたWSの動画見たから今さらだけど Zipのsexyroseこれ大事❕❕
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marioseamoose · 10 years ago
The tumblr user I ship you with is Steph #sexyrose
of course!  
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isarios6-blog · 8 years ago
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Green eyes. @rubyrose #sexyrose #rubyrose #ratpack #glamour #amazing #beautiful
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jordanisabottom-blog1-blog · 10 years ago
I'm dying at xxsweetlilaxx and marioseamoose skype names. Why does the Sexyrose have to be so adorable? You two are nerds :p
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letsfirebug · 8 years ago
Send me ♡ for a lustful text.
Keith hated his job. Hated that, to continue living and breathing in Steelport, he’d had to become something of a Call “girl”. He couldn’t just quit, though, as there was literally nothing else for him to do. No one needed a runaway turned mercenary who had no cred with anyone. So he made do.
[text from SexyRose to Client] You have no idea how much I want you right now…not to mention how I want you…and where I want you...
He hit send and rolled back onto his side, dropping his phone onto the night table. Fuck his job. Why couldn’t he work with the Saints or something? Or that other group?
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letsfirebug · 8 years ago
Text From: Your Lucky Starz: You and I both know ya ain't no prissy lady getting off to old men too lonely to go out to the local. I'm offering ya chance to git out and use yer skills, but hey if you rather sit at home and have old men fantasize about ya. Go for it~
Keith snorted quietly when he read the text. Okay, so whoever this was knew who he was. Which was sort of worrying. Unless they were scouting him or something. He wasn't entirely too sure just yet.
[text to Your Lucky Starz from SexyRose] Okay 1, fuck no. Just. No. Two, who are you and how do you know I'm not a lady?
He shuddered slightly, shaking his head as he hit send. He hated the thought of old men  fantasizing about him. He knew some of them would get off on his being a guy too.
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