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dtpnews · 4 days ago
L'IA s'est formée sur des romans sur la façon dont les préjugés racistes et sexistes ont évolué
Les livres peuvent documenter les préjugés culturels de l'époque lorsqu'ils ont été publiés Ann Taylor / Alamy Les intelligences artificielles ramassant des préjugés sexistes et racistes sont un problème bien connu et persistant, mais les chercheurs tournent maintenant cela à leur avantage pour analyser les attitudes sociales à travers l'histoire. La formation des modèles d'IA sur les romans…
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applecidersstuff · 3 months ago
Ares cabin are the people new campers expect to say shit like "is it the time of the month?" when try see a girl mad
In reality they are the ones who will beat you up if they hear you say that, and there's a reason for that.
Many many years ago there was an incident that older campers still tell to the newcomers like a boogeyman story.
The counselor for ares at the time was 16 and incompetent. Clarrise was 10 and angry. She was the first girl in the ares cabin in 30 years and the guy had no experience with girls, so his first idea of interaction was to tell her to calm down and if she's on her period to go and wait it out, Clarrise’s reaction was.... Unexpected.
She kicked him in between the legs, hit his head against the wall a few times, grabbed him by his hair and proceeded to drag him through camp to the big house where she threw him at Mr.D’s feet and told him to explain to “that sexist excuse for a child of ares how women's bodies work” or she would “sacrifice him in the most brutal way possible in the middle of the dining pavilion.”
The guy apologized to her later and was the first person in the cabin she actually befriended.
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fatalism-and-villainy · 3 months ago
We watched Doctor Bashir I Presume the other night and jesus christ I forgot how much this episode makes me want to rip things apart with my teeth on Bashir's behalf
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unknown-cold · 2 months ago
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Omg that's true!!
I'm so tired of these people saying Vi and Caitlyn's relationship is toxic, I mean literally the same thing she said Jinx and her relationship with Ekko wasn't good either and Jayce and Viktor too.
It is natural for problems and disagreements to occur in relationships, but it is not natural to think that a relationship will be peaceful and good all the time. These things only exist in Disney movies.
But apart from all that. Seriously guys hating on Vi or Caitlyn or both is way over the top. Like let's just imagine JUST IMAGINE, if Vi were male, the narrative surrounding her actions and character would change dramatically. She would likely be hailed as a "brother hero," a model of loyalty and kindness despite impossible circumstances. Her trauma, in prison, losing Vander, failing to save Jinx, and so on, would be sympathized with as a testament to her strength and determination.
Her status as the “bad sister” is undoubtedly tied to gender expectations. Women, especially older sisters, are often burdened with the role of caregiver, and are expected to be endlessly compassionate and self-sacrificing. Vi’s moments of anger, guilt, and mistakes, however, conflict with societal stereotypes of women as the natural “fixers” of emotional and familial conflicts. The fact that Vi is pigeonholed as the “bad sister” while Jinx is often seen as the tragic victim reflects deeper gender biases. Vi’s traumas and emotional wounds are ignored or minimized because she is expected to be the “strong one,” while Jinx is given sympathy and a more nuanced lens because her messiness and vulnerability fit into certain stereotypes of women who are broken or in need of saving.
It’s a frustrating double standard, and it underscores just how progressive Arcane is by refusing to fully give into those tropes. Vi’s character still shines as someone strong, flawed, and deeply human, but the criticisms she faces highlight how society treats female characters with such biases.
The misogyny is REAL and don’t think for a second that other women aren’t fully participating in that also. The amount of shit Vi gets for temporarily joining the Enforcers with Caitlyn to stop Jinx is insane. A male Vi would have been seen as a TORTURED HERO for joining up with the EVIL FORCES that took his parents away all so he could do HERO THINGS. But Vi does it? “Wah wah she joined the COPS she’s A TRAITOR THE REAL VI WOULD NEVER”. Like. Watch the show, my friends, and you will see she did what she thought was best and it was a very complex and very emotional decision for her; she hated every second of that uniform. But no, people shit on Vi and then complain like any of them could write a better show. Ugh.
And nobody would have hated a male Vi for having his love scene. Nobody. In fact, it would have been EXPECTED, but because Vi’s a woman, and a lesbian expressing her big gay love for her gorgeous gay lover, some people refuse to see her humanity and her growth as a person in that moment. I'm so tired
And the argument that we hate them because they did bad things is not true, I have seen people hate Caitlyn just because she is lesbian and one of them said if she was a straight woman I would have accepted her character on the show. Seriously this is someone who takes his criticism seriously, he forgot the story and everything in the show and focused on whether the characters are gay or straight or worse when I saw a comment from someone saying why are the main characters on the show female characters? Like is this an idiot or is he drug or what exactly? I think we should also ask, why do men always take the lead roles and when they are evil they are better, and if they are good they are also better, but if a woman comes along who is evil or wants to be evil or does just one mistake everyone hates her and she is the worst person in the world, but men are the only ones who deserve to play the role of evil and do bad things and we will sympathize with them and love them. THIS IS CRAZY!!
To understand what I'm saying more, compare Viktor's character and Caitlyn's character and you will see that Caitlyn was the character who was criticized the most even though she didn't kill anyone innocent and in the end she tried to fix things, while Viktor tried to kill all the people of Piltover and Zaun and didn't care about anyone, even his friend's pleas, he didn't care about them and Viktor thought that this was the solution but to end the conflicts between the two cities. But is there anyone who criticizes this, is there anyone who says that this is a bad act, of course not, yes you will see some people justifying it, as they did with Silco, the person who killed an entire family for control and drowned all of Zaun with shimmer and made the children work in dangerous factories, and there is not a single criticism, and people defend him even after Jinx's condition worsened, no they say that he is better than Caitlyn, my god like what the fuck!?
Then they tell you we don't hate women we don't hate gays or lesbians, just shut the fuck up, everything is clear, Arcane revealed to us that there are still people who are fanatic and traditional to the extreme who still want to see a man as the hero of the story and that all people and women should respect him even if he is evil and cruel he is always better than this bullshit, Arcane proved to us that it is possible for both sexes to appear in an excellent, strong and realistic way without insulting or belittling the other because these things are not useful and will not help in telling the story in any way.
Quick note I don't hate Jinx or Viktor and many of you who follow me know that I love Viktor very much but I will not deny the bad things he did and I am also really tired of the hypocrisy of some people and their constant criticism of other characters and characters. Just bc they say like these characters
Like I don't like Silco but have you ever seen me post every day criticizing Silco and Silco fans all the time or go to Silco fans and tell them if you like Silco then you support child labor and the drug trade and blah blah. Like they do with Caitlyn fans when one of them says he likes Caitlyn they accuse him of supporting collective punishment and corrupt governments and police brutality just because he likes a fictional character. I've never seen such stupidity and backwardness and bullshit in my life, just because I like a fictional character you think I will act like her in real life?? These people need to grow up seriously or find a job
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waitineedaname · 1 year ago
the spectrum of fma characters' takes on fighting women, with the endpoints being Greed's "I won't fight women because it goes against the gentlemanly rules I learned in the 1700s" and Ed's "I will fight girls to PROVE I'm not sexist"
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erinwantstowrite · 2 months ago
Would you mind elaborating on what you mean by having to edit Stephs relationship with the bats in the fic?
before i read more about her character i assumed she had a more sibling relationship to the Bats and her mentorship with Bruce was different/more parental. i even had one of them refer to her as a sister or vice versa? but i know better now and went back and changed it. though she does comment that dick is like a brother to her i see it more as being good friends with your friend's/ex's/new partner's sibling, if that makes sense. i made a post a while back to clear up the miscommunication with the change but it has been a while
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