cheerioskid · 1 month
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the false brainrot is strong
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Yeah yeah it’s cool that men are allowed to wear make-up now, but can we finally allow women to stop wearing make-up? Or is that side of the coin not profitable enough
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999999999inadream · 1 year
toby fox needs to add like a bit of narration in deltarune abt kris like "they themmed they/themily down the stheirs" cus i cant go on seeing them constantly get he/himmed in yt comment sections
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coochiequeens · 3 months
A reddit update with a happy ending for women!
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uramitashi · 19 days
women really do need better class consciousness.
before you are religious, before you are a citizen of your nation, before you are anything else; you are a woman. your identity is complex but womahood is one of its first pillars. and womanhood is so important because so strictly tied, during her whole existence, to her implications: the ability to reproduce and the relative independence (ie: not having to desperately find another mate to pass on your genes + developing a physiological selectiveness) coming from it. female objectification, sex work, misogyny, female modesty, FGM, everything that hurts women stems from it. males want to control women sexuality because of it. it is therefore natural that womanhood is ontologically more important than any other label - because if you neglect it, others will surely not.
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roughentumble · 25 days
DC supervillain of the week who traps the justice league(in their league disguises) in a reality tv show like love island. it airs on tv and everything like they use supervillain powers to forcefully broadcast "love island: justice league edition" while the supers have to try and figure out how to escape. during a personal squabble wondy steps up and says "everyone calm down, we're all a team, we each have our strengths and weaknesses, we need to work together to solve this" and then it cuts to her talking head segment and she says "im not a fan of green lantern."
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sniperct · 2 months
Harris, like Biden, like any non-MAGA politician in this country is a mixture of a lot of good things and bad things. What we need to do is focus on the good things. She's backed all of the good policies that Biden has implemented. Some of the bad, too, but that's going to be anyone running for president.
A former prosecutor who was good at taking out sex offenders vs an adjudicated sex offender
We can work with this.
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trans-androgyne · 4 months
For men having a rough time right now, my friends and I have put together a couple reminders:
1) You are not a monster. Nothing in your nature predisposes you towards violence. Your presence does not harm others and there are people who love having you in their space. Yes including around women. Yes including around children. You are not inherently dangerous, you are a person just like everyone else. Your body is not a weapon.
2) You don’t have anything to prove. You don’t have to be strong. You don’t have to serve and protect others if you don’t want to. Even women. You don’t deserve to be treated as a punching bag for others’ anger or trauma at the hands of the patriarchy, and it’s not okay for them to take it out on you. You deserve to be protected too.
3) Your emotions matter. All of your emotions. Your anger isn’t dangerous. You can be sad and hurt and jealous and guilty and a million other things and express them in whatever way you need, all without being less of a man or more of a threat. Women’s needs and emotions are equal to yours, not more important. You’re allowed to talk about sexism and other issues you experience as a man—it doesn’t make you anti-feminist and it sure as hell doesn’t make you weak. Being mistreated can hurt, and you can let yourself feel and process it.
4) Manhood can be wonderful—make it your own. You don’t have to be masculine if you don’t want to. You can present and act however femininely you want without being any less of a man. You can also be the most masculine person alive. Masculinity is not toxic by itself. Being masculine does not make you toxic. Being a man does not make you toxic. Nothing about you is inherently toxic. Your attraction is not immoral and being attracted to you isn’t either. Manhood is not a contagion. Be whatever kind of man you want to be, it is completely up to you.
There are people who love and care about you. I care about you deeply and as an intersectional trans feminist I will advocate for you until my last breath. This goes for every single man alive. Cis men, trans men, intersex men, multigender men, straight men, queer men, White men, men of color, disabled men, and more; every single one of you. You deserve care. Let us care for you.
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cadmuslabs777 · 1 year
I love the parts where it shows how the Kens are treated kind of like women are treated in the Real World, like when Ken took over the house and started throwing Barbie's clothes out on the street while having a break down, like a woman throwing the husband out of the house, and then in the end where they are so happy to be able to have a tiny role in the Congress and the Narrator says with a tone of optimism that maybe one day they will get to have the same and as many places in power that women hold in the Real World (which made everyone in the theater laugh).
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casscainmainly · 11 days
I know people love saying 'Bruce is a girldad' and I totally get it, we want to show how much he loves Cass and that she's his daughter. But Bruce's initial love for Cass was largely predicated on how not girly she was. He openly dislikes her girlhood throughout Batgirl 2000 (including but not limited to: dismissing her civilian identity, berating her for any romantic attempts, weakening her friendship with Stephanie, undermining her relationship to Babs, etc. etc.). Cass' femininity interferes with his ability to project onto her, so a lot of the time he just dismisses it. Is it really a coincidence that Bruce's only adopted daughter is one who wasn't raised as a girl?
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waitineedaname · 1 year
the spectrum of fma characters' takes on fighting women, with the endpoints being Greed's "I won't fight women because it goes against the gentlemanly rules I learned in the 1700s" and Ed's "I will fight girls to PROVE I'm not sexist"
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0x28 · 1 month
i think people would stop finding it so shocking when a trans man is misogynistic if they just saw them as men instead of women lol. men are misogynistic sometimes they just do that
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cringecorp · 2 months
leftists: so, we’ve all agreed- using slurs against marginalized and historically oppressed groups is unacceptable in any circumstance, unless you’re a part of the group and reclaiming the term.
men: except for slurs against women, right? we can still call them bitches and hoes?
leftists: omg of course :)
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francy-sketches · 1 month
rhaenyra could say 'I wish I was a man with dick and balls' and hotd twitter would still be like 'umm she just means she wants freedom and respect but otherwise she is a FEMININE WOMAN stop making her into a man you weirdos'
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lesbinewren · 1 month
ik this is old news but it’s been on my mind lately. it was very incredibly alienating as a female star wars fan (and lesbian) when manny jacinto took his shirt off in the acolyte and a thousand people were like “FINALLY they’re making star wars for WOMEN not gross boy star wars!!!”
it was especially frustrating because i feel like so much time (like literal decades!!) was spent having to fight people to see “star wars has always been for girls too, it’s for everyone!” only for people to seemingly concede that actually, it WAS always for boys, but NOW we have star wars for girls because dark romance or whatever
i’m happy people who previously weren’t interested in star wars found something that appealed to them and drew them in. this is by no means a gatekeeping post saying it’s wrong to have gotten into the acolyte because of those things. it just really sucks to be someone who did always love star wars and had to spend a long time defending being a girl who likes star wars only for people who should be on the same side unwittingly play into the rhetoric that was used to try to exclude women
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profeminist · 2 months
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